Dasgupta’s Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Pratik Tambe, Rohan Palshetkar, Nandita Palshetkar
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
complete 127, 128, 129f
incomplete 127, 128, 129f
induced 159
inevitable 127, 128, 128f, 159
missed 127, 129, 130f
spontaneous 127
threatened 127, 127f, 159
Abruptio placenta 146
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 65
Acupuncture 113
Adenomyosis 14
Adnexal masses 178, 179
Adnexectomy, laparoscopic 42
Adventitia, denudation of 43
Airway malformations, congenital pulmonary 177
Amenorrhea 131
American Academy of Pediatrics 74
American Association for Surgical Trauma Ureteric Injury Grading Scale 44
American College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists 74
classification 91
guidelines 107
American Fertility Society 191
American Medical Systems 28
Amniocentesis 159
iatrogenic 156
Amniotic band syndrome 177
Amniotic fluid, spectrophotometric analysis of 165
Amniotomy 113, 115
high 114
low 114
Analgesia, labor 115
Androgen 32
replacement therapy 35
Anemia 157
fetal 166
Anesthesia 25, 149
Aneurysm clips 180
Antibody test, indirect 161
Anti-D immunoglobulin 158
Antiglobulin test, indirect 160
Anti-human globulin 161
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 126
Antiprogesterones 113
APGAR scores 116
low 118
Apogee repair 28
Appendicitis 179
Apt test 147
Apt-Downey test 147
Arginine vasopressin, structure of 83f
Arterial catheterization, preoperative 107
Artificial insemination, posthumous 65
Ascites 166
Asherman's syndrome 105, 197
Ashok Anand stitch 150, 151, 152f
Aspirin 130
Assisted reproductive technology 61, 65, 145
regulation Bill, 2014 69
Atosiban 73, 83, 84f, 86
administration of 83
pharmacokinetics of 82
structure of 82, 83f
Atrophy, vulvovaginal 35, 39
Autoimmunity 67
Balloon dilators 113
Battledore placenta 145
Bazedoxifene 36
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 120, 178
Beta-sympathomimetics 80
Bishop score 113, 117
injuries 41, 43
reconstruction 138
Blastomeres, embryonic 137
Blighted ovum 129
clots 38
count, complete 148
production 155
sampling, fetal 159, 167
transfusion, preparation of 168
Blunt trauma abdomen 159
Boari flap 48, 48f
complications 48
Body mass index 105
Bone loss, prevention of 39
and nipple stimulation 113
cancer 38
family history of 31
tenderness 35
Bronchodysplasia 73
Buccal oxytocin 113
Burch colposuspension 42, 55f
Calcium 30
channel blockers 80
Cancer, colorectal 38
cervix 99
endometrium 99
ovary 99
Cardiac prosthetic valve, mechanical 180
Cefotetan 187
Cefoxitin 187
Ceftriaxone 187
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 184
Central Drug Research Institute 188
Central nervous system anomalies 176
Cerebellar anomalies 176
Cerebrovascular liver 36
arteries 150f
canal 122
carcinoma 146
fibroid 6, 146
length 78
polyp 146
pregnancy 124
tissue, loss of 78
Cesarean section 5, 145, 149
emergency 42
lower segment 146
previous 105, 114
classical 112
rate 116, 117
scar pregnancy 179f
Chemotherapy 67
Chhaya 188
Chorionic sac 123
Chorionic villus sampling 156
Circle of Willis 165f
Classical classification 142, 143t
Clindamycin 187
Coagulopathy 14
Combined therapy 34
Computed tomography 179
Conjugated equine estrogen 32, 33
emergency 188
recent advances in 183
long-acting reversible 186
patch, transdermal 186
pill, oral 183, 185
Cook double balloon dilators 113
Coombs test, indirect 160, 162, 163
Corpus callosum 176
Cortical development, malformations of 176
Corticosteroid-binding globulin 32
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 76
Cough test 51
Crown-rump length 124
Cryoablation 17
Cryobank 61
Cryopreservation 61, 64fc
techniques of 63
Cryoprotectants 64
Cyclical hormone therapy, prompt initiation of 140
Cystic hygroma 177, 178f
Cysts, bronchogenic 177
Cytosolic phospholipase A2 81
da Vinci systems 95
Danazol 8
Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study 37
Deep breathing exercises 30
Dehydroepiandrosterone 35, 76
sulfate 183
use of 35
route of 169
timing of 107, 169
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 186
Diabetes 65, 67, 112
Diacylglycerol 81
Diathermy 43
Diethylstilbestrol 191
Diffusion-weighted imaging 173
Dilators, mechanical 116
Dimethyl sulfoxide 64
Dinoprostone 113
gel 117t
group 117
payment 62
program 67
types of 68
Down syndrome 126
Dropping down theory 144
Drosperinone 34
inhibit 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 183
Dysmorphic uteri technique 197
Early pregnancy, bleeding in 126
Ectopic pregnancy 119, 120, 127, 131, 134f, 159, 178
scar-related 122
Edema, pedal 158
Electrocautery 43
Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring 111, 115
Endometrial ablation 16
Endometrial damage 105
Endometrial resection 16, 17
Endometriosis 31, 42, 43
Endometrium, transcervical resection of 17
Epidermal growth factor receptor 105
Epithelial ovarian malignancy 184
Erythroblastosis fetalis 154
Estradiol 33
spray 32
valerate 33
Estrogen 31, 32, 130
plus-progestin 37, 38
summary of 33t
transdermal 32
Ethinyl estradiol 32, 33
Ethylene glycol 64
European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy 191
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 191
External cephalic version 159
Fallopian tube 131, 132
Fecal incontinence 22
Female urinary incontinence diagnosis 51t
Femilift CO2 laser 58
Fertility 5
preservation 67
Fertilization, repetitive 68
anemia, noninvasive diagnosis of 164
factors 77
fibronectin 77, 78
head 91
heart 166
hemolytic disease 158fc
indications 112, 175
magnetic resonance imaging, technique of 174
monitoring 115
skull 91
delivery of 92, 149
hemolytic disease of 158
Fibroid 4, 19f
ablation 10
intramural 4
mapping of 6
metastatic 4
submucous 4, 105
subserous 4
uterus 3
clinical features 5
diagnosis 5
etiology 3
management of 6, 7fc
Flow cytometry 161
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 173
Focal lacunar flow 106
Foley's catheter 113, 197
Follicle-stimulating hormone 183
Freezing techniques, conventional 63t
French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians 51
Frozen donor egg banking, method of 68
Gallbladder disease 31
Genetic disorders 140
herpes infection, active 112
malignancy, protection against 184
prolapse 22, 23
fertility preserving surgical management of 23
surgical management of 27
tract, lower 93
Genitourinary infections 76
Genitourinary tract anomalies 176
Gentamicin 187
Gestation, multiple 145
Gestational sac 122, 128f, 178
Gestational trophoblastic disease 179
Glycerol 64
Gonadal dysgenesis 67
Gonadotropin 130
releasing hormone 6, 7
analogs 195
Headaches 31
Healthy myometrium, absence of 122
Heart disease 37, 112
Heavy menstrual bleeding 16
Hematoma 44, 48
Hematuria 44, 48
Hemolytic disease, neonatal 158fc
Hemorrhage 93
antepartum 112, 142, 159
decidual 77
massive intraoperative 43
perigestational 127f
postpartum 5
severe 197
subchorionic 127
Hemorrhagic fluid 178
Hemostatic suturing techniques 123
Heparin 130
Hepatitis 65, 67
infections 65
Hernia, congenital diaphragmatic 176, 177
High-intensity focused ultrasound 9, 19
Hip fracture 38
Holoprosencephaly 176
Hormonal assay 68
Hormone therapy
combined 35t
contraindications of 31
Human chorionic gonadotropin 130
Human gametes
handling of 70
storage of 70
Human immunodeficiency virus 65
Human sperms, cryopreservation of 61
Hydatidiform mole, gross appearance of 134f
Hydramnios 112
Hyperechoic serosa, disruption of 106
Hyperplasia 14
Hyperstimulation 118
Hypertension 65, 67, 112
Hypertensive disorders 105
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder 35
Hypothalamus-pituitary axis 13
Hysterectomy 11
abdominal 11, 42
cesarean 42
laparoscopic 42
obstetric 151
subtotal 42
Hysterosalpingography 191, 192, 193f
Hysteroscopic scissors 196
Hysteroscopy 193, 195f
ambulatory 14
second-look 198
Icterus gravis neonatorum 157
Immunoprophylaxis 158
Implanon 186
Implantation bleeding 127, 131
In vitro fertilization 68, 105, 112, 126
Incision 149
Indian Council of Medical Research 69
Infections 76, 78
congenital 176
extent of 46
grade of 44t
isolation of 46
laparoscopic 43
mechanisms of 43
sites of 43t
types of 41, 45
Inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate 81
Insulin pump 180
International Continence Society 50
International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics 13
classification 4, 4f
Intraperitoneal transfusion 167
adhesions 145
device 197
disease 131
device 6, 7, 187
recent modification of 187
death 112, 114, 177
therapy 140
growth restriction 112, 146
insemination 65
transfusion 167
Intravascular transfusion 167, 168f
Intrinsic sphincter deficiency 50
Ischemia 43
Isoimmunization 154
pathophysiology of 158fc
Jadelle 186
Joshi sling 25
Khanna's sling 24, 25
Kidney disease 36
Kleihauer-Betke test 161
Kronos early estrogen prevention study 37
induction of 111, 112, 112b, 113, 114, 116
method of induction of 113
planning induction of 113
third stage of 150
Laceration 44
Lamicel 113
Laminaria tents 113
Laparoscopy 11
Laparotomy 11, 134f
Laser 43
ablation, transcervical resection of 17
Leiomyoma 3, 14
Lethal fetal malformation 112
Letrozole 8
Levofloxacin 187
Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine device 8
system 7, 15, 16f, 34
Ligatures 43
Liley's chart 166
Limb abnormalities 184
Live pregnancy, ultrasonography suggestive of 127f
Loop electrosurgical excision procedure 78
Lower uterine segment, vascular supply of 144f
Luteal phase defect 126, 127, 130
Magnesium sulphate 80
Magnetic resonance imaging 6, 106, 107, 122, 172, 173, 175, 193
basics of 172
Malaria 77
Malignancy 14
gynaecological 99t
Malignant gynaecological surgeries 98
Maternal hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis 76
Matrix metalloproteinases 80
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome 139
McIndoe vaginoplasty 139
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 33
premature rupture of 79, 112
stripping of 113, 114
Menopause 30
genitourinary syndrome of 39
hormone therapy 30
indications of 31
premature 67, 140
Methotrexate 121, 122, 133
Metroplasty, hysteroscopic
lateral 196f, 197f
outpatient 197, 199
Micronized estradiol 32
Microscopic Du test 161
Microwave endometrial ablation 17
Middle cerebral artery 163, 164, 165f
peak systolic velocity 165f
Midurethral tape 54
Mifepristone 9, 113, 117
Migraine 31
Minimally invasive surgery 95
Misoprostol 113, 115, 117, 117t
oral 118
Missed pill 185
management of 185
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 81
Molar pregnancy 127, 133, 134
Monoclonal antibodies 160t
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 176, 177f
Myomectomy 10, 11, 145
hysteroscopic 11
previous 105
Myosin light-chain 81
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 121
Natural killer cells 80
Necrotic tissue, debridement of 45
Nestorone 183
Nitric oxide donors 80, 113
Nomegestrol acetate 183
Nonpeptide antagonist 82
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 6, 7
Norethisterone 34
acetate 33
North American Menopause Society 39
Nurses’ Health Study 184
Office hysteroscope 195
Ofloxacin 187
Oligohydramnios 112
Omentum 46
Onapristone 113
banking 61, 66
congenital absence of 67
cryopreservation 67
benefits of 68
methods of 68
donor 67
evaluation of 68
sourcing of 67
Oophorectomy 67
Oral contraceptive pill, combined 184
Oral Contraceptives-Safety of Estrogens in Lupus Erythematosus National Assessment Study 185
Oral misoprostol, use of 118t
Organ system, immature 73
Ormeloxifene 188
Ospemifene 36
cyst, functional 188
insufficiency, premature 140
pregnancy 124
Ovulation induction 130
Oxford Family Planning Association 184
Oxytocin 80, 81, 170
antagonists 80
induction 117
infusion 113, 115, 117t
receptor 80, 81
antagonist 82
linked signaling pathways 81f
structure of 83f
Pain 131
abdominal 122, 131
flashing 119
shoulder tip 119
PALM-COEIN classification 13, 14f, 15f
Parturition, mechanism of 79
Peak systolic velocity 163, 164
adhesions 43
anatomy, distorted 43
artery embolization 108f
contraction, gross degree of 112
floor disorders 22, 23
prevalence of 22
floor muscles 23
assessment of 52
training 53
floor relaxation 93
infection 187
inflammatory disease 42, 43, 121
mass 132
organ prolapse 22, 98, 138
pathogenesis of 23
pain 131
tumor 112
antagonist 82
oxytocin receptor antagonists 82
Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration 63
Perigee repair 28
Peritoneum 46
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 81
Phospholipase 81
Phytoestrogens 30
food-containing 30
accreta 104, 105f, 178, 197
incidence of 104
ultrasonography features of 106f
increta 105
large 145
low lying 143
percreta 105
previa 105, 142, 144f, 146, 146t, 148, 179f
central 143
major 143
marginal 143
minor 143
partial 143
posterior 112
previous 145
abnormalities 145
abruption 146, 146t
barrier 156
factors 77
growth factor 105
insufficiency, severe degrees of 112
lacunae, abnormal 106
migration 144
tissue penetrating uterine wall 109f
vasculature, color flow Doppler of 146
Placentomegaly leads 158
Plasmapheresis 168
Plus doxycycline 187
Polyclonal antibodies 160t
Polyethylene glycol 161
Polyp 14
Polyvinyl alcohol 10
polymer 115
Postvoid residual urine volume 52
Pouch of Douglas 25
Prednisolone 130
Pregnancy 5, 131
abdominal 124
anembryonic 129
failure 68
interstitial 123
Preterm birth 74
Preterm labor 73, 79fc, 83
management of 80
prediction of 77
Preterm premature rupture of membrane 17, 77
Processing sperm 63
Profuse uteroplacental neovascularization 105
Progesterone 8, 3133, 36, 130
natural 34
newer 34
only pill 184
oral 8
serum 130
side effects of 34
Progestins 183
Progestogens, summary of 34t
Prolapse, assessment of 52
Prolift repair 28
Prophylactic forceps 90
delivery 92
Prostaglandin E2 gel
efficacy of 117
endocervical 114
Prostaglandin synthase inhibitors 80
Prosthetic mesh 28
Protein kinases type C 81
Proton density 173
Psoas hitch 47f, 48
Puberty 13
Purandare's cervicopexy 23, 25
Purse-string technique 123
Queenan's chart 166
Radiation therapy 67
Radical hysterectomy, open 99
Radiofrequency ablation 17
Raloxifene 36
Randomized controlled trials 57, 121, 184
Rectovaginal fistula 93
Red blood cell 154
Renal autotransplantation 48
Respiratory distress syndrome 73
Reticulum, sarcoplasmic 81f
Retroplacental sonolucent zone, loss of 106
Retropubic suspension procedures 54
antibody titer tests 161
blood group system 155
factor 154
isoimmunization 154
first sensitized pregnancy, management of 163
immunized pregnancy 164fc
isoimmunized pregnancy, management of 163
unimmunized pregnancy 162, 162fc
Rhoa associated protein kinase 81
Robot, learning curve of 100
application 96
approach, role of 97t
assisted approach, role of 99t
endoscope holder 100
radical hysterectomy 99
surgery 20
technology, overview 96
training 101
tubal anastomosis 98
Rose trial 140
Rosetting test 161
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 80
Guidelines 91, 107
Rudimentary horn ectopic pregnancy 123
Sacral promontory 26f
Sacrocolpopexy, abdominal 28, 98
Sacrospinous fixation 28
Saheli 188
Saline, extra-amniotic instillation of 113
Salpingostomy 133
Salpingotomy 133
Scalp 91
Scar ectopic pregnancy 122
Selective estrogen receptor modulators 68, 30, 36
Selective progesterone receptor modulator 8, 188
analysis 66
bank 61, 65
set up 61
collection 62
cryopreservation 63
samples 66
Sepsis 93
Sexually transmitted diseases 65, 67
Shirodkar's sling 25
operation 23
Shock 119
Skin edema 166
Sling operations 24, 27
conservative 22, 28
Snow storm appearance 134
Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery 101
Soft tissue trauma 93
Sonawalla's sling 24, 25
bank 61
establishment of 61
cryopreservation 63, 64
donor 61, 62
recipient's selection of 62
recruitment of 61
integrity 64fc
Standard operating procedures 65
Steady state free precession 173
Stem cell
embryonic 136
engraftment 137
hematopoietic 137
therapy 136
types of 137
Stent, placement of 48
Stress urinary incontinence 23, 50, 54, 59f, 138
classification of 53
CO2 laser for 59f
evaluation of 50, 54fc
laser treatment of 58
urodynamic studies tracing of 53f
Stroke 38
conventional approach of 54
gynaecological 96
procedure of 194
timing of 195
Surgical repair, complications after 48t
Syncope 119
Systemic lupus erythematosus 77, 112, 185
Tension-free transvaginal tape 55
placement 56f
Tension-free vaginal tape 28
obturator 28
Testicular sperm extraction 63
Testosterone 35
Thalassemia 65
techniques 64
types of 64fc
balloon ablation 17
injuries 43
Thin myometrial layer around sac 123
Thoracic anomalies 176
Thrombophlebitis, superficial 31
Thrombosis 77
Thyroxine-binding globulin 32
Tibolone 32, 36
Tissue layers, embryonic 137
Tracheoesophageal fistula 184
Traditional laparoscopic radical hysterectomy 99
tape 28, 55
placement 56f
vaginal tape 56, 57f
Transureteroureterostomy 46f, 48
Transvaginal sonography 6, 122, 129f, 198
classification of 142, 143t
Transvaginal ultrasound 68, 146
three-dimensional 146, 192
Trauma 26
iatrogenic 48
Trisomy 21 126
Truly elective forceps delivery 92
T-shaped uterus 191
classification 192f
hysterosalpingography appearance of 193f
three-dimensional ultrasound measurements of 194f
Tubal ectopic pregnancies 121
Tumors, gynaecological 139
Turbo inversion recovery magnitude 173
Turner's syndrome 67
Twin pregnancies 177
Twin reversed arterial perfusion sequence syndrome 177
Ulipristal acetate 7, 8, 188
four-dimensional 146
three-dimensional 192
two-dimensional 192
anatomical course of 42
mobilizing 46
ends, spatulation of 45
injury 41, 45t
incidence of 42t
prevention of 44, 44b
risk of 42t
surgical repair of 45
obstruction 48
reflux 48
resection 48
Ureterocalycostomy 47f, 48
Ureterocystostomy 48
Ureteroneocystostomy 47f, 48
Ureteroureterostomy 46f
technique of 46
mobility 51
valves, posterior 176
Urinary bladder, invading 106
Urinary incontinence 22
diagnosis score, questionnaire for 50
mixed 58
Urinary stress 58
Urinary tract infection 48, 52, 97
Urine analysis 52
Urological injuries 41
abnormality, congenital 145
anomalies, congenital 191
angiography of 144f
occlusion 10
contralateral 18fc
embolization 7, 9, 17, 19f, 123
bilateral 150f
bleeding, abnormal 13, 20
bulging 107
cavity 122, 123
changes 132
contractility 83, 84f
degenerated 146
electrical myography 83
fibroid 3, 12, 31
management 6, 7f
incision 149, 152f
isthmus, anterior part of 122
overdistension 77
polyp 146
scar, previous 145
segment, lower 144, 152f
Uterosacral ligament 43
arcuate 199
enlarged 43
subinvolution of 5
Vaginal bleeding 122, 131
Vaginal delivery 117
success of 118
Vaginal hysterectomy 42
laparoscopic assisted 42, 43
Vaginal misoprostol 118
use of 118t
Vaginal paravaginal repair 28
Vaginal preparation 32
Vaginal reconstruction 139
Vaginal ring 185
Vaginal sonography 132
Vaginosis, bacterial 76
Vasa previa 146
Vascular endothelial growth factor 105
Venereal disease research laboratory test 68
Vesicovaginal fistula 93
Virkud's classification sling operations 24, 25t
Virkud's composite sling 24, 25
operation 24f, 25
A 30
B 30
C 30
D 30
E 30
Vitrification 68
Walnut Creek Cohort Studies 184
Wertheim hysterectomy 42
Wound infections 48
X-linked diseases 68
Zygotes 126
Chapter Notes

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