Medico-legal Aspects of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery Venkataram Mysore, Satish Bhat, Subodh Premanand Sirur
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table.
Abdominoplasty 423, 427
Ablative radiofrequency equipment 140
Academic Investigator Initiated Research 189
Accident in doing lawful Act 234
Accreditation program 455f
Accurate documentation 404
Acid attack 441, 494
burns 494
child victim of 444
compensation for 443
incidences of 443
law on 494
victims of 442, 443
Acne scar
consent form for 342
revision 333
surgeries 334
Acne surgery 246
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 114, 283, 553
Act 101, 289
Acts of Self-Advertisement and Unethical Conduct 106
Adolescent's preoperative assessment 440
Adrenaline 540
Adult cardiac life support 523
Advanced life support 335
Advanced Robotic Hair Transplantation Center 121
Adverse drug reaction 277, 282, 286
cutaneous 281t
high-risk situations for 283t
signs of serious 283b
Advertising in medical practice, ethical implications of 105
Aesthetic dermatology 307
Aesthetic medicine 247
Aesthetic plastic surgery 542
revision surgery in 423
Aesthetic practice, understanding 384
Aesthetic procedures 89, 435
classification of 385
performance of 136
Aesthetic surgery 84, 410, 411b, 426, 435, 439, 509, 535
latest legal role of 441
part of 434
Aesthetic transformation, job of 425
Ails Medical Laws in India 165
Aldrete's scoring system, modified 521
All India Association of Chemists and Druggists 305
All India Institute of Medical Sciences 547
Allegations 68
Allergic reaction 323
Allergy 523, 550
Allopathic medicine 115, 117
Allopurinol 283
Ambu bag 523
American Academy of Dermatology code 25
American Consent Requirements 456
American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Members, survey of 311
American Society of Anesthesiologists 523
American Society of Plastic Surgeons 309
Analgesia 522
Anaphylactic syndrome 324
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma 437
Ancillary care 187
Androgenetic alopecia 320
Anesthesia 320, 324, 522, 538
consent 528
equipment for 519
regional 466
supply cart 519
Anesthetic gas scavenging system 520
Anesthetic technique 528
Angioedema 282
Angiotensin converting enzyme 282
Annual service visit 371
Antemortem burn 479, 499
Antibiotics 283
Antiepileptics 283
Antihypertensives 283
Antimalarial drugs 283
Antiretroviral drugs 283
Antitubercular drugs 283
Anxiety 151, 283
Appeals 65
Approvals and Ethics Committees 184
Arrhythmia 461
Arthralgia 283
Arthritis 283
victim of 114
Artificial hair fiber 321, 330
implantation 330
rejection of 330
Association of Cutaneous Surgeons 34
Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists, and Leprologists 35
Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons 181, 320
Association of Medical Consultants 230
Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses 402
Association of Physicians 174
Atopic dermatitis 211
Atropine 540
Australian Medical Association 109
Autoclave 140
equipment 140
register 528
Autopsy in child victims 160
Ayurveda, practitioners of 116
AYUSH, authorities of 117
Azathioprine 268, 283, 354
hematological toxicity of 283
safely with 283
Bandaging, equipment for 523
Bariatric surgery for weight reduction 446
Baseline triglyceride 548
Basic dermatosurgery services 137
Basic life support 523
Beauty clinics 116
Becker's nevus 435, 438
Best interests test 436b
Biomedical waste
disposal agency 141
disposal system 141
handling rules 526
management 526
segregation 146
Biopsy, specimen register for 528
Birth and death register 99
Bleeding 342
diathesis 336
Blepharoplasty 420, 423, 427
Blood banking system, poor 82
Blood pressure 409, 539
apparatus 140, 523
Body contouring 446
procedures 402
Body cover 525
Body dysmorphic disorder 310, 311, 395, 405, 414, 417, 419, 419b, 440
diagnosis of 417, 418
Body temperature 409
Bolam test, position of 386
Bolam's test 20, 510
Bollywood influence 517
Botulinum toxin 357, 385, 439
A injection, consent form for 361
treatment 128
Bowel injury 541
Brachial plexus nerve repair 247
Brachioplasty 406
Brain surgery 55
augmentation 247, 423, 427, 437, 440, 446
revision in 433
implant, reconstruction with 247
reduction 427, 437, 440
surgery 437
surgery 403, 437
British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 439
British Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology guidelines 281
Broken hearts, trail of 112
Built-in social media services 194
Burn 486, 502
accidental 479
acute 479
after roadside trauma 491
blister 501, 505
care, acute 247
case victim 486
homicidal 479
infection 502
injury 480
misusing 500
severity 491
WHO assessment forms for 483f
shock 502
suicidal 479
victims 492
Café-au-lait macules 438
Callings and employment rules 303
Canadian Association of Plastic Surgery 439
Cancer, victim of 114
Capsular contracture 434, 437
treatment of 433
Cardiac arrest 538
urgent treatment of 335
Cardiac bypass surgery 446
Cardiac catastrophe 265
Cardiac disease requiring quadruple bypass surgery 548
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 514, 539
Care and competence, reasonable degree of 547
Cataract, development of 551
Cautery burn during circumcision surgery 504
Central Clinical Establishment Act 165, 166
Central Consumer Protection Authority 50
Central Consumer Protection Council 50
Central Council for Indian Medicine Act 184
Central Drug Standard Control Organization 89
Central Ethics Committee on Human Research 184
Central Information Commission 94
Central Public Information Officer 94
Central Sterile Supply Department 527
Centralized accident and trauma services 159
Centrofacial erythema 283
Cephalosporins 264
Cerebral artery, middle 58
Cerebral palsy 442
Cerebrovascular accident 58
Charaka samhita 23
Cheatle forceps 140
Chemical 139
antiseptics washing 520
peel 140, 211, 246, 248, 440
diseases 35
wall burn 501
Chief Judicial Magistrate 47
Chief Justice of India 177
Chief Medical Officer 452
Child abuse 499
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act 500
Cholesterol levels 548
Christian Marriage Act 294
Chronic suffering, prospect of 113
Civil and criminal offence 217
Civil court 17, 127
Civil law 509
Civil liability 545, 38
Civil negligence 38, 43, 236, 238
case of 47
Civil surgeon 71
Claims, remainder of 401
Clinic staff, mandatory holidays for 145
Clinical dermatology 254, 270
Clinical Establishment Act 139, 140, 159
Clinical Trials Registry of India 185
Closed circuit television 304
Cocaine drops, sale of 112
Code of ethics 35, 108
elaborately prohibits 107
Code of medical ethics, legal implications of 35
Codified Regulations and Conundrum 213
Collagen vascular diseases 283
Commission under Section 14 of Act 79
Communication 269, 350, 392
appropriate forms of 109
history of 193
tips on 393
Compensation 65, 190
concept of 78
Complaint 183
made in State Medical Council 71
Complete blood count 266, 523
Compound annual growth rate 355
Comptroller and Auditor General report 241
Conception, products of 155
Concomitant drug intake 336
Conduct of Medical Council of India 298
Conduct Under Medical Council Rules and Regulations 452
Congenital defects 441, 441b
Congenital disorders 441
Consciousness 521
Consensus of American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery 309
Consent form 362
Consent, audiovisual recording of 186
Constitute negligence 511
Consultation, purpose of 138
Consumer complaint 50
Consumer Complaints Council 328
Consumer Court's Data 411
Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies 38, 42
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum 325
Consumer Forum 4, 236
Consumer Forum and Consumer Commissions 166
Consumer forum, expert opinion in 236
Consumer Protection Act 32, 42, 49, 60, 61, 63, 64, 68, 74, 93, 94, 133, 135, 137, 318, 322, 517, 543, 544, 547
Consumer Protection Law 50
Consumer Protection Regulations 229
Contamination, minimizing risk of 524
Control and supervision of experiments on animals, purpose of 189
Corneal eye shields for lasers 369
Corticosteroids 540
Cosmetic 122
center 140
clinic 119, 398
dermatologist 34
esthetic surgery 421
gynecology 248
results 406
surgeon 34, 400
surgical procedures 246, 517
Cosmetic dermatology 247, 254, 355
treatments 248
Cosmetic surgery 35, 125, 410, 413, 414, 435, 446
affordable 412
elective nature of 400
focuses 416
number of 517
practice 401, 403
Cosmetologist 119
Cosmetology 247
Cosmetology Society of India 34
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 190
Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs 25
Court directs payment of compensation 132
Court of Chief Judicial Magistrate 47
Courts, hierarchy of 16
C-reactive protein 406
Cremation, case report of 501
Criminal Act 132
Criminal and professional liabilities 318
Criminal complaints 44
Criminal court 18, 127, 236
Criminal law Act 493, 495
Criminal law amendment Act 496
Criminal law amendment ordinance 158
Criminal liabilities 545
Criminal medical negligence and criminal liability 44
Criminal negligence 234, 236, 510
Criminal procedure, code of 18, 64, 117, 493, 497
Criminal prosecution 509
Crow's feet 356
Crucial medical decisions 82
Cryosurgery 246
Cryosurgical procedures 246
Cryotherapy 334
Custody, chain of 157
Cyclosporine 283
Cysts, removal of 333
Cytopenias 283
Cytotoxic drugs 281
Daily case register 142
Dapsone-induced liver failure 286
after hair transplantation 324
cause of 488f
certificate 490
notification to police 490f
register 528
report 485f
Defamation 217, 218
Defendant's Act 510
Defensive medicine 81, 274, 278
Defibrillator machine 228
Deoxyribonucleic acid 150, 451, 486
Depressions 431
Dermabrasion 246, 440
Dermal fillers 248
Dermatologic care, delivery of 338
Dermatologic surgery 246, 338
Dermatologic surgical procedures 337
Dermatological surgeries 446
Dermatologist 119, 133, 138, 333, 540
engaging in social media 207
Dermatology 115, 253, 254, 257, 263
clinic 140
integral part of 88
changing face of 253
of general 263
Dermatoscope 140
Dermatoscopy 268
Dermatosis papulosa nigra, removal of 310
Dermatosurgeon 34
Dermatosurgery 35, 88, 253
and aesthetic medicine, practice of 339
operation theater 337
Dermatosurgical interventions, use of 439
Dermatosurgical procedures 337, 339
advanced 334
Dermatotrichologist 248
Dermoscopy 206
Device quackery 113
Dexamethasone 540
Dextrose 540
Diabetes 336
Dietary supplements, category of 122
Direct health hazard 114
Director General of Health Services 102
Director General of Police 11
Disaster preparedness and management 527
Discharge after ambulatory surgery 522
Discharge cards 429
Discharge criteria 521
Discovery rule 74
Disinfection 524
Disposable device 525
Distress, emotional 401
District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum 316
District forum 63, 64
District magistrate 452
Doctor against Criminal Prosecution in Indian Penal Code, safeguards for 234
Doctor Protection Act 220
Documentation 315, 338, 397
Documents needed for clinic registration 141b
Domestic cruelty 496
Domestic violence 496, 497
protection Act 496
Donor agency, multilateral 187
Donor dissection 320
Down's syndrome 441
Dowry death 496498
Dowry prohibition Act 496
Dressing, equipment for 523
administration, consent for 271
and therapeutic agents 524
contamination 241
dispensing of 142
high-risk 283t
hypersensitivity syndrome 279
induced toxic epidermal necrolysis, development of 78
interactions relevant in dermatology 283t
monitoring dosage of 548
overdose 156b
quality testing 241
use of 136
Drug allergy
history of 552
management of 281
relevant information regarding 336
Drug Controller and Licensing Authority 302
Drug prescription 227
brand 227
generic 227
Drugs and Cosmetics Act 6, 116, 141, 184, 190, 302
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 141, 142, 306
Drugs and Magic Remedies Act 107, 215, 316
Drugs Controller General of India 184
Dry heat sterilization 525
Dying declaration format 492
Dystrophy, multiple 442
lobe surgeries 335
surgery 247
Economic hazards 115
palms 265
soles 265
Edema 283
bruising 535
Electric burn, amputation in 484
Electrical requirements 520
Electrocardiogram 506
Electrocardiography 523, 539
Electrocautery burn 504
case report of 504
Electroconvulsive therapy 498
Electrohomeopathy 115, 116
Electromyography 504
Electronic health record 75
Electronic insurance 370
Electronic medical records 146
Embryo, study of 451
Emergency contact mechanisms, misuse of 312
Emergency drugs 140
Emergency equipment required 523
Emergency medical care 153, 154
Empathy 459
Employees’ State Insurance 547
Employing precautions guarding against injury 510
Encephalopathy, hepatic 286
Endotracheal tube 486, 523
Energy based devices 365
Energy boosters 113
Enforcing consumer forum order 63
Entral line 486
Enzyme disorder 364
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 291
Eosinophilia 283
Equipment delivery system cart 519
Equipment maintenance register 528
Erbium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 433
Erythroderma 279
Essential dermatosurgical equipment 140
Essential Information about Protective Acts 220
Essential Services Maintenance Act 230
Essential Social Networks Worth Engaging 204
Establishing grievance cells 182
Ethical Advertising Board 110
Ethical misconduct, major 300
Ethics Committee 188, 235
Ethylene oxide 525
Even numbers Indian Penal Code 158b
Evidence-based medicine, principles of 552
Excess monetary cost 403
Expensive health care procedures 449
Explosion proof plugs, use of 520
glasses, safety 369
protection 525
Face lift 403, 427
related risks 402
Facial edema 404
Facial injuries 57
Facial nerve injury 402
Facial plastic surgery
major 441
perceptions of 441
procedures 420
Facial volumization 423
Facilitating medical tourism 445
Fake medical degrees, variety of 116
False allegation, case of 498
Fat grafting 248, 335
Federal Trade Commission 109
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry 306
Fever 283
Fibrous tissue, quantum of 432
Fight against quackery 118, 182
Financial consent 528
Fire and burglary insurance 370
Fire pipe 519
Fire safety guidelines 146
First information report 45, 72, 153, 501
Flap surgery 247
Foleys catheter 486
Follicular unit
extraction, advent of 318
transplantation 319, 320, 329
Folliculitis 323
Food and Drug Administration 119, 358, 385
Food and fluids, oral intake of 522
Foreign exchange transactions 451
Foreigner registration office 447
Fractional carbon dioxide 433
Fraternal ties 213
Fraudulent Criminal or Malicious Act 132
Fraudulent medical practices 112
Free medical treatment 443, 493
Frown lines 356
Full surgical scrub 520
Fumigation 524
machine 524
register 528
Fundamental rights 4
Fungal cultures 144
Future medical expenses 78
Gangrenous limb, amputation in 484
Garment advice 409
Gas sterilization 525
Gender affirmation surgery state 418
Gender modification surgery 446
General anesthesia 466, 532
General cosmetology 247
General Medical Council 439
Generic names of drugs, use of 27
Geriatrics 188
Gillies principle 430
Glassblower factory, working in 502
Glucometer 140
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 266, 282
Good clinical practice
guidelines for 186
principles of 404
Goods and Service Tax 142, 145, 534
registration certificate 303
Gossypiboma 402
place of 402
Governmental healthcare spending 80
Gynecomastia 436
Habit forming drugs 306
Hair 88
and Cosmetology Centers, unauthorized and unqualified 118
care 247
reduction 248
removal laser treatment 313
replacement therapy 440
Hair restoration 423, 427
surgery 320
Hair transplant 247, 248
consent 321
illegal activities of 119
surgeon 318, 331
surgery, perform 326
Hair transplantation 89, 90, 121, 123, 300, 318, 333, 352, 403
bad job of 325
case of 128
centers, multiple 120
guidelines for 320
multisession 328
quackery in 120
Hammurabi, code of 23
Harmless procedure 540
Harrison Narcotics Act 112
Hazardous waste receptacle 519
hucksters 112
literacy, role of 68
related issues 115
services 119
status 529
Health Guidelines Revision Committee, members of 518
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 209
Health Ministry Screening Committee 190
Health quackery 112
hazards 114
facilities, challenge for 218
organizations 57
services 225
system 80
Heart 55
Hemangiomas 435
Hematological toxicity 283
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 321
Hepatic impairment 283
risk of 551
virus 286
Hepatotoxicity 283
Herbal remedies 113
Hereditary genetic muscle disease, group of 442
Hernia 541
High Courts and Supreme Court of India 512
Hindu Marriage Act 292, 294
Hindu Succession Act 294
Histrionic personality disorder 310, 311
Hospital credibility, loss of 403
Hospital Protection Act 220
Hospitals and facilitating agencies 447
Human immunodeficiency virus 101, 121, 151, 289, 553
infection 291
patients, legal issues in 289
status, disclosure of 290
test 291
Human leukocyte antigen 283
Human organ transplant Act 239, 502f
Human resource 140
Human Rights Commission 127
Human waste, disposal of 521
Hyaluronic acid 364, 385
filler treatment, consent form for 363
injections of 363
Hydroxychloroquine 268
Hyperpigmentation 333
Hypersensitivities 550
Hypovolemia, plasma expanders for 540
Iatrogenic burns 501, 503, 505, 507
Iatrogenic organ injury 402
Ilizarov technique 413b
Import export code 370
Inadequate informed consent 402, 420
Income tax Act 145
India medicine Ayurveda, Yoga, practitioners of 122
Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists 118, 133, 139, 174, 181, 255, 269, 319, 320, 335, 371
Indian Contract Act 545
Indian Council of Medical Research 184, 447
guidelines of 32
Indian Evidence Act 491
Indian Medical Association 83, 118, 127, 174, 180, 215, 231, 248
Indian Medical Council 84, 142, 366
Act 25, 53, 93, 116, 160
relevant regulation of 99
regulations 25, 316
Indian Medical Degrees Act 117
Indian medicine, practitioners of 115
Indian National Science Academy 189
Indian Nursing Council 139
Act 139
Indian Orthopaedic Association 174
Indian Penal Code 19, 48, 58, 155, 217, 226, 234, 292, 323, 443, 477, 480, 502f, 544
sections, clauses of 219b
Indian Plastic Surgeon Survey 463
Indian Railway Act 294
Indian Society of Anaesthesia Guidelines 523
Individually identifiable health information 449
Infant mortality rate 113
Infection 342
control 541
measures 524
risks of postoperative 450
Infectious diseases 441
Information based Democratic Society 93
Information privacy laws regulate 93
Informed consent 315, 318, 333, 337, 395, 404, 421, 440, 471, 529
components of 272f
elements of 396
for mole removal and biopsy 344
process 421
types of 271
Infrastructure 139, 518, 540
Injected fat, total loss of 431
Injury, emotional 421
Instant messenger consultations 208
Institute of Health and Management Studies 224
Institutional Ethics Committees 184
Instrument maintenance register 528
Insurance 61, 370
policy 135
Insured's technical management 132
Integrated system of medicine, practitioners of 116
Intensive care unit 69, 286, 352, 406
Intentional burning 499
Internal carotid artery 58
International Code of Medical Ethics 23
International Conference on Harmonization 184
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 170
International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 309
International Society of Hair Restorations Surgeons 181
Internet and communication media 517
Intra-treatment negligence 421
Iontophoresis 433
Irritant contact dermatitis 247
Isoniazid 551
Itraconazole 283
Jacob mathew's case 545
Jaundice 283
claiming error of 74
error of 74
Judgment of Indian Courts 120
Judicial system 80
Karnataka Private Medical Establishment Act 181
Karnataka Violence Act 8
Keloid 333
treatment 246
Keloidal tendencies 336
Ketoconazole 283
Knee and hip replacement 446
Koh mount 144
Kushtha 294
Labiomental 406
Labor maintenance contract 370
Laboratory animals, use of 189
Language, use of 295
Laparoscopic abdominal liposuction 539
Laryngoscope 523
Laser 246, 248, 319, 365
adaptation 522
assisted hair-removal 506
consent for 366
pigment removal 246
procedures 246
scar revision 246
skin treatments 440
treatments, real sequel of 433
Laser burns 502, 505
allegations of 506
Laser hair
reduction 211, 246
removal 435, 438, 438f, 440
case of 128
doctor for 183
Law enforcement 118
Law in negligence, process of 126
Law under Indian Constitution 292
Lawyers, costs of 132
Legal education and legal awareness 3
Legal guardians 440
Legal liabilities 84, 274
Legal principles 298
in defense, use of 73
Legal restrictions, evasion of 27
Legal Services Act 295
Legal significance 551
Legislature judiciary 116
Leprologist 133
Leprosy 294, 441
bill, persons affected by 295
colonies 295
legal aspects of 294
Leprosy Mission Trust India 295
Leukocyte count, differential 264
Levocetirizine 264
Liabilities, types of 545
Licenses 140
to sell drugs 302
Licensing authority 187
Lichen planus 286, 354
Linen management 525
Linkedin 215
Lip surgery 247
Lipomas 334
Liposuction 89, 247, 333, 353, 423, 427, 440, 446, 531, 534, 536, 538
circumferential 541
death, common causes of 541
revision surgery in 431
safety 540
surgery 531, 536
tumescent solution for 461
Liquid waste 144
and payment of compensation, event of 132
fear of 457
prevention of 421
Liver 55
function test 264
Loading autoclave 525
Local anesthesia 227, 466
complication of 523
Local legal issues 551
Local municipal rules and regulations 140
Local sepsis 523
Long-Drawn Indian Criminal Justice Delivery System 550
Lovastatin 283
Lower motor neurone 429
Lung 55
Lupus erythematosus 268
Lymphadenopathy 283
Lymphatic drainage, manual 431
Madhya Pradesh Medical Council 215
Magical remedies 215
Magnifying lens 140
Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act 323
Malaise 283
Malpractice Insurance Premium in Los Angeles 80
Malpractice lawsuit insight 438b
Manpower requirement 541
Manufacturer's instructions 141
Marriage prospects 411
Mastopexy 423
Materially misleading 61
Maturation, process of 432
Mayo stand 519
Mechanical ventilation duct delivers 519
Media trials and violence against doctors 218
Media, role of 254, 258
Medical accident 237, 241, 243
corpus 240
no negligence 238
victim 82
Medical Act contrary 549
Medical advertising 212
Medical and Healthcare Services and Consumer Protection 49
Medical attendant visa 447
Medical Board opinion 407
Medical Code of Ethics 93
Medical Council 105, 107
Acts 107
Medical Council of India 53, 107, 117, 144, 177, 213, 227, 233, 246, 546, 235, 305, 319, 326, 366, 475
Act 174, 184
Code of Ethics Regulations 299
Ethics Code Regulation 7.20 120
Permission of 120
Regulations Guidelines 491
Medical data
confidentiality of 318
in diseases 93
Medical devices, studies with 189
Medical diagnostic laboratory 139
Medical education/training 225
Medical emergencies, life-threatening 335
Medical error 237
Medical Ethics 23
Code of 3, 22, 26
for dermatologists 25
Medical examination 151
Medical Health Authority 407
Medical Indemnity
Insurance 140, 142
Scheme 142
Medical Injury 237
categories of 238
Medical institutions 225
Medical insurance penetration 80
Medical intervention 88
Medical laboratory technician 144
Medical law 223
Medical Literature and Case Laws 75
Medical malpractice 237
insurance 339
litigation, pathogenesis of 412, 412b
occurring overseas 450
system 82
Medical mishap 237
Medical negligence 126, 318, 502f
concept of 4
defenses in 67
false allegation of 539
in plastic surgery 512
legal principles in 233
process of 544
tort of 57
Medical practice, legal regulations in 165
Medical Practitioner 511
Act 119
Professional Indemnity Insurance 70
Registered 138
Medical profession 180
professional conduct of 213
Medical quackery 113, 122
Medical records
disclosure of 296
in burn case 491
maintenance of 26, 142
Medical Science Constitutes Negligence, Principles of 549
Medical technology 448
Medical Termination of Pregnancy 502f
Act 156, 451, 499
Medical tourism
dark side of 451
ethical issues in advertising for 451
legal issues in 445
travelling long distances for 451
Medical tourist, mind of 445
Medical treatment occurs, result of 69
Medical visa 445, 446
extension of 447
Medical waste disposal 143
Medical/clinical cosmetology 247
Medicare Service Personnel 9
costs of 536
error 279, 284
components of 279
Medicine 528, 115
evidence-based 384
in India, systems of 116
integrated system of 116
original system of 116
practice of 194
recognized system of 138
supplies of 540
system of 117
Medicolegal aspects
of hair practice 318
of lasers 365
Medicolegal case 480
discussion 413, 413b
number of 544
rising incidence of 254
Medicolegal cell 128, 182, 230
Medicolegal issues 301, 495
in burns 479
in cutaneous adverse drug reactions 277
in dermatology, rising incidence of 258
in liposuction 531
Medicolegal law 223
knowledge of 225
Medicolegal problems, experience of 73
Medicolegal Report 94, 156, 158
of Child Survivor of Sexual Violence 156
Writing for Doctors 157
Medicolegal situation, warning signs of 125
Medicos legal action group 71, 230
Mental agony 168
and physical pain, compensation for 78
Mental disorders, statistical manual of 311
Mental fitness of minors 441b
Mental Health Act 98
Mental retardation 162
Mentally ill burn victim, case law on 498
Mesotherapy 385
Messiah complex 432
Methotrexate 89, 283, 554
with oral retinoids 283
with sulfa drugs 283
Meticulous documentation 333
Microdermabrasion 248
Microsclerotherapy 440
Midlife crises 310
Minimal court fees 544
Minimal invasive treatments 88
Minipunch grafting 334
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 89, 306, 323
Minocycline 264
Misusing law during false complaint 161
Modern medicine, drugs of 117
Modern minimally invasive surgical techniques 529
Moist heat sterilization 525
Mole 334
Monetary compensation, landmark case law for 494
Motor accidents claims 66
Motor Vehicle Act 66, 294
Mucosal exposure 527
Multiple sclerosis, victim of 114
Multisystem failure 324
Munchausen syndrome 499
Muscular dystrophy 442
Muslim Marriage Act 294
Nail 88
biopsies 334
procedures 335
surgeries 246
Narcissistic perfectionists 311
Narcissistic personality disorder 310, 311
Narcotic drug abuse 306
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 306
Nasogastric tube 486
Nasopharyngeal airways 523
National Commission 63, 64, 135, 285
National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission 59, 71, 101, 134, 284, 285, 512, 513
National Guidelines for Stem Cell Research 321
National Health Service 257
National Law School 224
National Medical Commission Bill 93
Needlestick injuries 527
Negligence 545
allegations of 38
by doctors 242
concept of 38, 233
essentials of proof of 40
ordinary 544
per se 39
proof of 39
received by
consumer forum, complaint of 236
police, complaint of 235
Negligent Act 133
Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 334
Neonatal intensive care unit 69
Nerve repair 247
Neurotoxins, injections of 248
Nevoid conditions, treatment of 438
Nevus of Ota 435, 438
Nipple sensation, possible loss of 437
No objection certificate 486
Nodulocystic acne 264
No-fault compensation 240
Nonallopathic doctors 120
Nonclinical cosmetology 247
Noncultured cellular grafting technique 439
Noncutaneous procedures 420
Nonexisting emergency response systems 82
Non-governmental organization 187, 230
Nonintact skin exposure 527
Non-Medical Council of India Recognized Institutions 120
Nonpecuniary damages 545
Non-resident Indian doctor 43
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 282, 283
Notifiable diseases 100
Nuremberg code 23
Nutrition 248
Nutritional quackery 113
Oath of Hippocrates 105
Obesity, childhood 437
Offence, cognizance of 10
Omalizumab 353
Online consultation 207, 216, 450
Online reputation management 207
Operating theaters, types of 519
Operation register 527
Operation theater 55, 517, 518, 526
environment, quality control of 526
in plastic surgery, set-up an 517
Operations, minor 138
Opioid register 528
Oral consent 272
Oral contraceptive pills 283
Ordinance 158
Organ transplants 446, 451
Otoplasty 435
Out of compassion 127
Out-of-court settlement 125128, 130, 134
Overenthusiastic manner 130
Own medical records 449
cylinders 523
saturation 521
Paid news, case of 108
Pain 342
management 536
relief, morphine for 493
severe 493
Painless surgery, simple 533
Panchanama 486
Panel of lawyers 182
Parameters laid down 545
Parliamentary Standing Committee 177
Patient confidentiality 213
Patient education and responsibility 240
Payment and insurance benefits 449
Pecuniary damages 545
Pecuniary jurisdiction 63
Pemphigus vulgaris, severe 266
Penal provisions of Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act 167
Periodic inspection, process of 522
Permanent injury 420, 421
Permanent restoration 321
Personal protective equipment, use of 525
Personal safety 44
Personality trait 312
Pharmaceutical company 187
role of 254, 258
Pharmaceutical manufacturer, liability of 285
Pharmacist 546
and chemist-based quackery 116
Pharmacy license 140, 141
Photographic documentation 300
Photography and law 298
Physical torture 502
Physical trauma to wrong surgery 50
Physician and non-physician operator qualification 366
Physician extenders 315, 338
Physicians Insurers Association of America 278
Physicians, duties of 27
Physiological dysfunction of vital organs 50
Pityriasis alba 266
Planned preventive maintenance and quality control 526
Plastic and cosmetic surgeons 54
Plastic and reconstructive surgeons 512
Plastic surgeons 247, 391, 392, 422, 432, 435
instructions 402
responsibility 412
Plastic surgery 247, 391, 397, 398, 401, 410, 411b, 413, 509, 531
and cosmetic dermatology 49
and day care surgery, set-up 517
changing face of 391
endoscopic 247
multiple sittings of 443
Plastic surgical practice 399
Plastic syringes and excised body parts 144
Platelet rich plasma 248, 319
for facelift 385
Poisoning 156b
Poland's syndrome 437
Police notification form at time of admission 484f
Pollution Control Board 137
Polyclinic 139
Polycystic ovarian disease 438
Polypharmacy 283
Portwine stain 439
Post-inflammatory pigmentation 333
burns 479
notification form 489f
report 158
copies of 94
discrepancy in 489
Postprocedure care 315
Potential medicolegal case 125
Potential witnesses 96
Potentially significant adverse effects of medications 552
Power-assisted devices 541
Practicing surgeons 451
Practitioners of Indian medicine, nonentitlement of 116
Preanesthesia checkup 526
Pre-conception and pre-natal diagnostic technique 499, 502f
Act 166, 167, 169, 451
Prevention of Begging Act 295
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 189
Prevention of Legal Implications of Code of Medical Ethics 35
Prima facie evidence 511
Primarily prescription-based practice 137
Private healthcare system 225
Private Medical Practitioners Association, qualified 304
Procedural hand hygiene 520
Professional commitments, discharge of 131
Professional incapacity 237
Professional incompetence 237
Professional indemnity
coverage 50
insurance 130132, 269, 397
policy 135, 136
Professional life insurance 269
Professional misconduct 237
Professional need-based clients 310
Professional negligence 237
Professional services, payment of 27
Professional tax 303
payment 145
Prohibition of discrimination 289
Prohibition of violence 10
Prohibitive costs of defense 127
Prophylaxis, post-exposure 292
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences 148, 151, 158
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act 148, 149, 153, 154, 156, 159161, 163, 167, 292, 477
in marital rape 161
male victim in 164
victim of rape under 161
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences
amendment to 159
case 164
Protection of Human Rights Act 170
Provisions Contained in Drugs Act 117
Provisions of Consumer Protection Act 314
Psoriasis 211, 266, 321, 352
Psychiatric history 312
Psychiatrist certificate 418, 419, 419b
Psychiatrist opinion 439
Psychological disorders 312
Psychological distress 401
Psychological evaluation 440
Psychological injury 421
Psychological recovery 521
Psychological support 434
Psychological trauma 438
Psychosocial analysis 405
Public Health Notification 99
Public information officers 94
Pulmonary embolism 451
Pulse oximeter 523
with electrocardiography monitor. 228
Pulse rate 409
Purchase contract 369
Purchase order 369
Quack medicines 112
Quackery 111, 115
gradual elimination of 113
prevention of 118, 122
survival of 113
training of 115
types of 112
Quacksalver 112
Qualified auditor, advice of 146
Quasi-judicial authorities 130
skin therapy 431
treatments 431
Reaction, severe 523
Reconstructive surgery 509
Rectus divarication 541
Recurrent dyshidrotic eczema 548
Recurrent expenditure involved in running pharmacy 304
Referral system, proper 338
Regional and Religious Hindrances 91
Registration of clinical trial 185
Registration of Doctors 33
Registration under Respective Clinical Establishments Act 140, 141
Regular preplanned schedule 404
Regulatory bodies 174
nonstatutory 174
statutory 174
Regulatory clinical trials 184
Renal function 283
Renal impairment 283
Renal toxicity 283
Repeal and Amendment of Certain Laws 295
Replantation surgeries 247
Reproductive tourism 451
Research 75, 90
institutions 188
Researchers 188
Respiration 521
Respiratory rate 409
Resuscitation 522
kit 140
medication 521
Retinoid 89, 281, 548, 554
Retributive justice 168
Retrograde cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic 68
Return of sensory 522
Revision rhinoplasty 432
Revision surgery 427, 434
timing of 430
Revisional Jurisdiction 63
Rheumatoid arthritis 283
Rhinoplasty 89, 247, 403, 423, 427, 436, 440, 446
of nagging celebrity. 425b
Rifampicin 283
Right of Mentally ill patients 98
Right to Confidentiality 93, 98
Right to Education 296
Right To Employment 295, 296
Right to Freedom of movement 295
Right to Health and treatment 296
Right to Information 93, 319
Act 94, 184, 226
Right to Life and survival 152
Right to Movement 296
Right to Ownership of property 296
Right to Privacy 100, 153
Right to Protest 229
Right to Safety 153
Rights of Persons with Disabilities 295
Act 441
Ringer's lactate 540
Road accidents, victims of 82
Road traffic accident 486
Safe liposuction 540
Safe surgery saves lives 337
Sanitary facility for staff 522
Sati (Prevention) Act 496
Scald burns 505
Scalp incisions 329
Scar 404
and deformities, correction of 446
examination 409
hypertrophic 333
management 248, 409
presence of 437
types of 404
Scar revision 90
consent form for 346
failure 429b
surgery 247, 424, 432
Scientific misconduct 300
Sclerotherapy 334
Scrub suits and dresses 525
Sebaceous cysts 334
Second consultation 403
Seeking Compensation, Legal Resort of 543
Seeks cosmetic surgery 412
Seizure of medical records 550
Self-inflicted burn 501
case report of 501
Self-inflicted Code of Conduct 105
Self-regulatory organization 174
Sensitive drugs, case of 550
Sensitive patient data 300
Septic shock 324
Service report and spares 370
Setting-up laser theater 366
Settlement of claims 133
Sex of examining health worker 151
Sexual assault
survivors of 160
victims of 443
Sexual behaviour, responsible 289
Sexual reassignment surgery 418
Sexual violence
intoxication in survivors of 156b
suspected poisoning with 157
Sexually transmitted
disease 148
infections 289
Shocking lack of qualified nurses 82
Short-term therapy 551
SIDDHA, practitioners of 116
Silicone sheets 405
Simvastatin 283
Single electrical source 520
Sjögren's syndrome 283
Skilled quackery 255
Skin and hair clinic 138
minimum standards for 139
Skin biopsy 333
Skin clinics, smooth running of 137, 146
Skin diseases, quackery in treatment of 115
Skin grafting 247, 333
procedures 246
Skin loss 541
Skin pigmentations 431
Skin punch grafting 246
Skin tenderness 283
Skin vascularity 541
Skin whitening injections 385
Slit skin smear 144
Small accumulation of tissue 363
Smile surgery for improving beauty 446
Snake oil 112
Social awareness 296
Social media 194, 194b, 197, 209, 211
advertising on 108
by doctors, utility of 198f
chain reaction 207
in clinical practice, role of 193
in healthcare and medicolegal aspects, regulatory status of 212
on healthcare 197f
platforms 196f, 204f
portals 210
skill enhancement on 202f
use in dermatology 208
Social network
mediablogs, uses of 197
penetration in India 196
sites 197
Soiled linen container 519
Sonophoresis 433
Sound-alike drugs 550
Special interest group 371
Special leave petition 230
Special task force, creation of 118
Speech-language pathologists, survey of 457
Spill cleanup 524
Spine surgery 446
Standard assessment forms 246
Standard operating procedure 11, 464, 524
Standard preoperative guidelines 522
Starting surgery 537
State AIDS Control Society 102, 290
State Commission 63, 64, 135
ordered 548
State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission 506, 512
State Drugs Control Department 304
State Government Order 120
State Legislation 173
State Medical Acts 116
State Medical Council 26, 32, 144, 325, 475
State Medical Practitioner's Act 326
State Medical Register 33
State Policy, Directive Principles of 100
State Pollution Control Board 143
State's Nurses and Midwives Council 139
Statutory regulations 248
Stem cell 319
for hair regrowth 385
for regeneration 446
Sterile forceps 140
Sterile gloves 140
Sterile scissors 140
Sterilization 524
Sterilizer 140
Steroid 554
abuse 255
Stethoscope 523
Steven-Johnson syndrome 80, 258, 280, 282
Still birth reports 487f
Storage cabinets for records 140
Straight jacket method 136
Student research 187
Suction apparatus 523
Suction equipment 523
Suicide tourism 451
Sulfa drugs, risk with 283
Sulfonamides 283
Summon of witness 157
Supporting documentation, submission of 449
Supportive services housekeeping 546
Surface irregularities 431
Surgeon liability 402
Surgeon signature 432
Surgery 88
benefits of 542
equipment for 519
gravity of 535
major 534
multiple consultations for 417
of international standards 445
risks of 542
Surgical blade 525
Surgical Consumables Register 528
Surgical devices 241
Surgical field suction 519
Surgical instruments 522
Surgical intervention 88
Surgical mask 525
Surgical procedures 439, 446, 450
multiple 417
video consent in 88
Surgical techniques 247
Surrogacy 451
Sushruta Samhita 23, 294
Suturing, equipment for 523
Swelling 342
Systemic lupus erythematosus 283
Tamil Nadu Medical Council 121, 215
Tandoor murder case 489
Task force against quackery 255, 280
Taxable commercial enterprise 137
Taxpayer identification number 141
Technical Principles of Code of Medical Ethics 23
Technology in dermatology 255
role of 254
Teledermatology 256
Telephonic consultation 450
Tenancy Act 295
Tendon transfer 247
Terbinafine 265
Termination from employment 290
Tertiary care medical intensive care unit 324
Theater complex 518, 522
Theater equipment 522
Therapeutic procedures 336
Thermometer 140, 523
Thiopurine methyltransferase 268
Third party administrator 394
Thoracoplasty, lateral 406
Tibb, practitioners of 116
Time-dictated surgery 536
behaviour, predictability of 427
distortion 425
start changing shape 430
Tongue depressor 140
Tonsillectomy 502
Topical steroids 433
Total leukocyte count 264
Tourist visa 445, 446
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 279, 282
case of 125
treatment of 264
Toxic shock syndrome, died of 324
Toxicity of lidocaine 541
Transcutaneous drug delivery 537
Transplantation of Human Organs Act 170
Transportation 370
Trauma 247, 441
Traveling across international borders, practice of 445
Trichiatrist 248
Trichologist 117, 248
Trichology 206, 248
Trichoscope 140
Tropical diabetic hand syndrome 503
Trouble-free surgery 541
Tuberculosis 35
Tumescent anesthesia 531
Tummy tucks 403, 446
Tumor 333
cancer surgery for removal of 446
necrosis factor 282
Ugliness, anatomy of 424
Unani, practitioners of 116
Unethical Acts 29
advertising 29
Code of Conduct for Doctors 30
Human Rights 30
Patent and Copyrights 29
Rebates and Commission 29
Unethical Conduct, exposure of 27
Unfair trade practices 61
Unidirectional airflow system 519
Uninterrupted power supply 365, 368
United States Food and Drug Administration 320
Unnatural offences 292
Urticaria 282
chronic 352
Vascular tumors 439
Vasculitis 284
Vein flow 486
Venereologists 133
Venous treatment 248
Verbal dying declaration 492
Vexatious complaints against doctors 59
Vicarious negligence 41
Victim 96
Video recording, procedure for 91
Violence 9
against doctors 182, 254, 257
against medical professionals and medical care establishments 12
Viral hepatitis 286
Visual diagnosis 207
Visual literacy 210
Vital reflexes, recovery of 521
Vital signs 529
Vitamin C 433
Vitiligo 266, 267, 321
surgery 90, 206, 333, 335, 423, 435, 438
consent form for 348
Weepy dressings 534
Weighing machine 140, 523
Welfare measures 296
West Bengal Clinical Establishment Act 165
West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences 224
Western closet 522
Wetchler's and Kortilla's Guidelines 522
White blood cell 406
White patches 266
Wider social acceptance 412
Women's commission 127
Wonder drugs 266
Wood's lamp 140
World alliance for patient safety, program of 451
World Health Organization 23, 277, 291, 337, 451
Wound dressings 246
Wrongful surgical procedure 55
Xylocaine 461
spray 523
Zero-tolerance Policy 257
Chapter Notes

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Medico-legal Aspects of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
This book is intended purely to create awareness of legal aspects as it applies to doctors particularly dermatologists and plastic surgeons. This book does not serve as a substitute to legal advice which must be taken in specific cases from your legal advisor. Laws are amended from time to time. The judgments of the courts may be reversed or modified by the higher courts in appeal or revision. Therefore, a referral to the latest laws and judgments is necessary. The book contains in many places individual opinions of authors, in given certain circumstances. They should not be construed as absolute OR infallible recommendations to be followed; rather the fast changing scenario of Medicolegal Guidelines makes it imperative for any reader to take professional opinion before proceeding on any specific matter. The authors and editors will not be liable in any way, for any legal claim arising out of applying the information in this book for any real life situations.
Medico-legal Aspects of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
Chief Editors Venkataram Mysore MD DNB DipRCPath(Lond) FRCP (Glasgow) FISHRS President, Dermatologists and Aesthetic Surgeons League (DASIL) President, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, 2015 President, Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons, India, 2013 President, Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India, 2010–2013 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery, 2007-2010 Consultant, Dermatologist, Dermatopathologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon Director, Venkat Charmalaya, Centre for Advanced Dermatology and Postgraduate Teaching Centre Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Satish Bhat MS DNB(Surg) MCh DNB(Plastic Surg) MRCS(Edin, UK) Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon Linea Cosmetic Clinic Mangalore, Karnataka, India Subodh Premanand Sirur MBBS DVD DNB LLM Consulting Dermatologist (Wockhardt Hospitals Mumbai Central) Medical Law Consultant Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Associate Editors Madhulika Mhatre MD FRGUHS Senior Consultant, Dermatologist Wockhardt Hospitals, Mulekar Vitiligo Clinic Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Vivekanshu Verma MBBS DFM Associate Consultant and Fellow Department of Emergency and Trauma Care Medanta—The Medicity Gurugram, Haryana, India Aniketh Venkataram MBBS MS MCH FDAFPRAS FASAPS Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon Venkat Charmalaya Center Bengaluru, Karnataka, India Foreword N Santosh Hegde
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Medico-legal Aspects of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
First Edition: 2019
Printed at
  • Amarnath Munoli MBBS MS (General Surge ry) MCh DNB (Plastic Surgery)
  • Associate Professor
  • Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Ameesha Mahajan MD (Derm atology)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • RM Aesthetics
  • Amritsar, Punjab, India
  • Anant Patil MBBS MD (Pharmacology)
  • Assistant Professor
  • Dr DY Patil Medical College
  • Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Aseem Sharma MD DNB MNAMS MBA
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Dermatology Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College and General Hospital
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Atul Shah LLM (Gold Medal) MCh (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery) MPhil (Cosmetology) MPhil (Health and Hospital Systems Management) PG Diploma in Medical Law and Ethics
  • Consultant
  • Cosmetic, Plastic, Reconstructive and Burns Surgery
  • Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  • Professor
  • Department of Dermatology
  • Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Chandrashekhar Sohoni MBBS DNB (Ra diology)
  • Consultant Radiologist
  • Department of Radiology
  • NM Medical
  • Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Charan JC MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Consultant Plastic Surgeon
  • DA Satish MBBS MD (AIIMS) FRCP (Glasg)
  • Senior Consultant Dermatologist
  • Sagar Hospitals and Skin
  • Cosmetic and ENT Care Center
  • Jayanagar, Bengaluru, India
  • Devendra Richhariya MBBS MD (Internal Medicine) FICM IDCM
  • Associate Director
  • Emergency and Trauma Care
  • Medanta—The Medicity
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Dharmendra Arora MBA PGDBM (Masscom)
  • Professor of Media
  • (Masscom, Event Management and Advertising)
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Dinesh Kumar Devaraj MBBS MD MRCPS (Glasgow)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Dr Dinesh's Skin and Hair Clinic
  • Che nnai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Feroze Kaliyadan MBBS MD DNB (European Board of Dermatology) SCE-RCP
  • Con sultant Dermatologist
  • College of Medicine
  • King Faisal University
  • Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia
  • Govind S Mittal MBBS MD DVL FRGUHS (Dermatosurgery)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Therapeia Skin Hair and ENT Centre
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Kajal Mehta MBBS DVD
  • Senior Resident
  • Department of Skin and Ven ereal Diseases
  • Baroda Medical College
  • Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  • Karalikkattil T Ashique MBBS DDVL PG Dip (Med Cosmetology)
  • Medical Director and Senior Consultant Dermatologist
  • Nahas Skin Clinic (Amanza Health Care)
  • Perinthalmanna, Kerala, India
  • Kiran Godse MD PhD FRCP(Glasg.)
  • Professor
  • Department of Dermatology
  • DY Patil University-School of Medicine
  • Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • K Ramachandran MS MCh MNAMS
  • Senior Consultant and Cosmetic Surgeon
  • Apollo Spectra Hospitals
  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Lakshyajit D Dhami MS MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Consultant Cosmetic, Laser and Plastic Surgeon
  • Vasudhan Cosmetic
  • Laser and Plastic Surgery Centre
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Lalit Kapoor
  • Senior General and Gastrointestinal Surgeon
  • Medical Director
  • Shakuntala Memorial Hospital
  • Andheri, Mumbai Senior Surgeon
  • Suchak Hospital and Research Centre
  • Malad East, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Lalit Kumar Gupta MD (Dermatology)
  • Senior Professor
  • Department of Dermatology
  • RNT Medical College
  • Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Madhulika Mhatre MD FRGUHS (Aesthetic Dermatology)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Wockhardt Hospitals
  • Mulekar Vitiligo Clinic
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • (Col) Manas Chatterjee MD DNB (Dermatology and Venereology)
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Dermatology
  • Institute of Naval Medicine
  • INHS Asvini
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Manish Khandare MBBS MD (Su rg It Cdr)
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Dermatology
  • INHS Sanjivani, Naval Base
  • Kochi, Kerala, India
  • Manjot Marwah MBBS MD
  • Consultant Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon
  • Dr Manjots Clinic
  • Jalandhar, Punjab, India
  • Manjunath R MD (Skin and VD) PGDMLE (NLSIU)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Spoorthi Skin and Hair Care Clinic
  • Kollegal, Karnataka, India
  • Maya Vedamurthy MD DD MAMS FRCP (Glas)
  • Consultant Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • Medical Director and Consultant Dermatologist
  • RSV Skin and Laser Center
  • Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Medha A Bhave (Khair) MS DNB (General Surgery) MCh DNB (Plastic Surgery)
  • Plastic Surgeon
  • Lasercosmesis
  • Thane West, Maharashtra, India
  • Milan Doshi MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon and Director
  • Allure MedSpa
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Milind S Wagh MS (General Surgery) MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Consultant Plastic Surgeon
  • Make-A-Change: A Centre for Cosmetic Surgery
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Mukund Jagannathan MB MS MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Professor
  • Department of Plastic Surgery
  • Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Namitha Chathra MBBS MD FRGUHS
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Department of Dermatology
  • St John's Medical College
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Nanda B Kishore MD
  • Professor
  • Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy
  • Father Muller Medical College
  • Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Narasimha Rao Kankanala MBBS MS (Orth) PGDMLE
  • Consultant
  • Sai Care Hospital
  • Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Nayeem Sadath Haneef MBBS MD
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology
  • Deccan College of Medical Sciences
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Neeraj Nagpal MBBS MD (Medicine) FIMSA Director
  • Hope Gastrointestinal Diagnostic Clinic
  • Convenor, Medicos Legal Action Group (MLAG)
  • Chandigarh, India
  • Priyadarshini P Gaddagimath MBBS DDVL F RGUHS
  • Consultant and Pediatric Dermatologist
  • The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Putta Srinivas MD
  • Director
  • Government Medical College
  • Mahabubnagar, Telangana, India
  • Rajesh M Buddhadev MD (Dermatology)
  • Chief Dermatologist
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Mahavir Hospital
  • BAPS Hospital
  • Surat Mahanagar Seva Sadan
  • Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Rajesh Verma MD (Forensic Medicine)
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Rakesh Bharti MD
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Bharti Derma Care and Research Centre
  • Amritsar, Punjab, India
  • Rakesh Kalra MBBS MS (General Surgery) MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Consultant Plastic Surgeon
  • Ashirwad Hospital
  • Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
  • Rakesh Kumar Khazanchi MS MCh PG Diploma (Medical Law)
  • Chairman
  • Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
  • Medanta—The Medicity
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Rani Umul Khair Mulla MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Visiting Fellow in Cosmetic Surgery
  • Allure MedSpa
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Rasya Dixit MBBS MD (Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy)
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Dr Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Reema Baxi MBBS
  • Postgraduate Student
  • Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases
  • Baroda Medical College
  • Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  • Sanjay Parashar DNB (Plast) MCH (Plast) FICS (Plast) Fellowship Plastic and Craniofacial Surgery Australia)
  • CEO and Director
  • Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Laser Specialist
  • Cocoona Centre of Aesthetic Transformation
  • New Delhi, India
  • Sanjeev J Aurangabadkar MD
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Skin and Laser Clinic
  • Hyderabad, Telangana, India
  • Santosh Kumar Verma BSc LLB
  • Advocate
  • Rajasthan High Court
  • Superintendent, Central Excise (Retd)
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Satish Bhat MS DNB (Surgery) MCh DNB (Plastic Surgery) MRCS (Edin, UK)
  • Consultant (Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon)
  • Linea Cosmetic Clinic
  • Mangaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Satyanarayana Rao KH MD PGDMLE P GDHHM Dip STD/AIDS (Bangkok)
  • Principal Consultant (Dermatology)
  • Central Health Service
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Savitha AS MD DNB FRGUHS
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Dermatology
  • Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Shilpa K MBBS MD FRGUHS (Derm atosurgery)
  • Associate Professor
  • Bangalore Medical College
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Shrirang Pandit MS (General Surgery) MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Project Director and Lead Surgeon
  • Smile Train Project at Poona Hospital and Research Center, Pune
  • Head (Plastic Surgery)
  • Pandit Clinic
  • Professor of Plastic Surgery
  • Bharati Vidyapeeth
  • Pune, Maharashtra, India
  • Sidharth Sonthalia MD DNB MNAMS FISD
  • Medical Director and Senior Consultant
  • Dermatologist
  • Skinnocence: The Skin Clinic and Research Center
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Sneha Gandhi MBBS MD Senior Resident
  • Gulbarga Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Kalaburagi, Karn ataka, India
  • Subodh Premanand Sirur MBBS DVD DNB LLM
  • Consulting Dermatologist and Medical Law Consultant
  • (Wockhardt Hospitals Mumbai Central)
  • Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Sunil Keswani MS (Surg) MCh (Plastic Surgery)
  • Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon
  • National Burns Centre
  • Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Vaishali Masatkar MBBS MD (DVL)
  • Assistant Professor
  • Ananta Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
  • Rajsamand, Rajasthan, India
  • Venkataram Mysore MD DNB DipRCPath (Lond) FRCP (Glasgow) FISHRS
  • Director
  • Consultant Dermatologist
  • Hair Transplant Surgeon
  • Dermatopathologist
  • The Venkat Center for Skin, Plastic Surgery and Postgraduate Training (RGUHS)
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Vipan Bhasin Senior Advocate
  • Amritsar, Punjab, India
  • Virender Pal Singh MD (Forensic Medicine), LLB
  • Dayanand Medical College
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Vivekanshu Verma MBBS DFM
  • Associate Consultant and Fellow
  • Department of Emergency and Trauma Care
  • Medanta—The Medicity
  • Gurugram, Haryana, India
  • Yogesh S Marfatia MBBS MD (Skin-VD)
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Skin Venereal Diseases
  • Baroda Medical College
  • Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Doctor is a Healer and has been held in high esteem for centuries. This high esteem for doctors has also meant a high standard of conduct and ethical behavior. However, in recent times, this edifice is slipping and these are somewhat trying, if not testing times for the Medical Profession. As new progress happens, but at increasing cost; as aspirations of people rise, more than what they can afford; as attitudes change, and old values disappear; as health expenses soar in the face of a dwindling governmental support; Medical Profession is facing new challenges—challenges of cost, challenges of adhering to old time ethics in a fast-changing world of advertisement and social media, challenges of demands of transparency and accountability in the face of increasing patient autonomy, challenges of meeting the expectations amidst the inevitable fallibility and inconsistency of Medical Science. Doctors need to respond to these challenges and find new, yet ethical ways of practicing their profession and to maintain the highest standards that are expected from them.
Meeting these challenges needs doctors to change and adapt; they need to define new standards in the way they conduct their profession, acquire knowledge of Ethics and Law, adopt and adhere to protocols and guidelines. Doctors need to get educated to do these effectively. It is no longer enough if they practice ethically, they should be seen to practice ethically; not just by peers and patients, but also by Society, Media and at Times law.
It is, therefore, heartening to see a book of this kind, of the first of it's kind meant to explain Legal aspects of Medicine. I am also happy that Senior Doctors from across the country have contributed chapters on different aspects. In particular, the book emphasizes Cosmetic Surgery; different and higher standards are needed in this field, as a Cosmetic Surgery “ patient” is not really a sick person, but more a client/consumer—a healthy person-seeking improvement. It is also a reflection of today's scenario, that many chapters in Dermatology are included, formerly regarded as a safe specialty. New issues such as advertisements, social media are also included. Issues of Quackery, socially relevant chapters such as POCSO Act, are included.
I complement the editors, Dr Venkataram Mysore, Dr Subodh Premanand Sirur, and Dr Satish Bhat and all the authors for this effort. I hope the book will succeed in educating doctors to practice safe, but ethical and effective Medicine to ensure safe outcomes both for doctors and patients, for a better society.
(N. Santosh Hegde)
Medicine is a noble profession. Vaidyo narayano harihi (translates to The doctor is equal to God, Lord Narayan).
This quote reflected the spirit of practice of medicine—at least, until recently. However, this scenario is changing and changing fast; gone are the days when physicians were regarded healers; now the profession is regarded as trade by the city administration which asks for a trade license by doctors; commercial activity (by the tax official); service (by the service tax official); and a business and enterprise by the banks. Patients, who once implicitly trusted their physicians as healers now view doctors with suspicion. They now question their integrity, their costs, and even their ability to deliver treatments. This changing scenario has resulted in greater medicolegal issues than ever before. Who would have imagined that the highest ever compensation in Indian medicolegal history would happen in a dermatological case? It is now an accepted presumption, a cliché to say that the most doctors will face abuse and legal challenge at some stage in their career. This is a change that physicians will have to adapt if the profession has to continue performing its prime task of healing the patients.
It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able to adapt to and to adjust best to the changing environment in which it finds itself.
—Charles Darwin
The medical profession has been slow to respond to these challenges and doctors have generally been ill-equipped to handle the problems. The subject still does not form part of the medical syllabus and it is no wonder that when a doctor faces a legal challenge, he is at a loss and panics. All through medical education aspiring medical practitioners are taught about the human body, drugs and diseases so that one day they can practice medicine; to restore health, to treat and prevent disease, and serve society—staying out of courts or facing courts is not taught at any stage !!!. It is only now that doctors are now slowly learning and adopting to enhanced requirements in documentation, adhering to protocols and guidelines, knowledge of the law, etc. This book is an effort to educate doctors in such medicolegal issues. Ethics and law are about knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do.
The book is different from a usual medical book; it is more of a compendium of facts, scenarios, court cases and possible strategies. There is a lot that is based on previous documented case studies, but not everything is written in this fast-changing field. Hence, the book includes much that is based on experience and practice. After all, the law reacts to and follows the practice; courts interpret and judge what is brought before them. The book seeks to inform not just how to face situations, but also how to prevent facing such situations.
Writing a book of this nature has, therefore, its challenges. Finding authors to write the chapters has been one. Fortunately, the editorial board had Dr Subodh Premanand Sirur who is uniquely qualified in dermatology, law, and insurance. Dr Satish Bhat has a keen interest in law and has been assisting doctors in a number of medicolegal situations. We were able to find very experienced physicians who had enough experience in law and practice to write different chapters. We express our sincere thanks to them.
The book has been divided into three principal sections—; which deals with general medicolegal issues which are relevant to all doctors, such as consent, practice management, malpractice and negligence, civil and criminal liability, social media, clinic regulations, pharmacies and dispensing, consumer courts, advertisement, ethics, quackery, compensation, legal aspects of medical research, photography and confidentiality, and dealing with legal cases. and deal with specific issues of prime relevance to dermatology, viz. cosmetic and aesthetic dermatology, plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery in important diseases, procedures, surgeries and situations.
Our effort has been to keep the book comprehensive, yet simple; to make the book all- inclusive, yet reader-friendly; detailed yet relevant. We hope that we have succeeded in achieving this objective.
The book would not have been possible without the long endeavors of our Associate editors: Dr Madhulika Mhatre, Vivekanshu Verma, and Dr Aniketh Venkataram. In particular, Dr Madhulika has been helpful in coordinating the entire effort amongst authors and with publishers. Dr Vivekanshu has spent hours in putting the right facts and making the book reader-friendly. Dr Aniketh was particularly helpful with the chapters in plastic surgery. Our thanks to them and also to the group of young doctors who helped in proofreading and copyediting.
It is our fond hope that the book will help doctors not just face legal situations, but more importantly, adopt best practices that will help prevent undesirable situations. That will be the apt reward for the effort that has gone into writing the book.
Lastly, any effort at writing a book needs support from the family, who put up with our pre- occupation and the resulting negligence of our family members. Our gratitude to them.
Venkataram Mysore
Satish Bhat
Subodh Premanand Sirur
Our sincere thanks to the following doctors who assisted us with proof correction:
Consultant Dermatologist
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Priyadarshini P Gaddagimath MBBS DDVL FRGUHS
Consultant and Pediatric Dermatologist
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Manasa Narayan Kayarkatte MBBS MD(Dermatology)
Senior Resident
Kasturba Medical College
Manipal, Karnataka, India
Hina Jajoria MBBS MD DNB
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
New Delhi, India
Oliver Clement Lobo MBBS DVD
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Suman Nepal MD(Dermatology)
Observership Trainee
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Helping Hands Hospital
Kathmandu, Nepal
Somodyuti Chandra MBBS MD DNB SCE (UK)
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Fellow (RGUHS)
The Venkat Center for Skin and Plastic Surgery
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, has done outstanding work in bringing this book out on time. In particular, my thanks to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director–Content Strategy), Ms Nikita Chauhan (Development Editor), and the production team—our gratitude to them.