Step by Step® Ultrasound in Obstetrics Jaideep Malhotra, Nidhi Gupta, Narendra Malhotra, Neharika Malhotra, Kuldeep Singh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table
Abdomen 53, 58, 65, 68, 73, 91, 150, 179, 222f
pain in 128
Abdominal circumference 288, 305
Abdominal perimeter 82, 450
Abdominal wall
and umbilicus 68
defect, anterior 150, 150f, 248f
Abnormal pregnancy 51, 57
ectopic 57
multiple 57
complete 100, 104f
diagnosis of
inevitable 460t
threatened 55, 460t
incomplete 105
kinds of 462t
missed 92f, 106f, 107f
predict 464t
threatened 84
ultrasound diagnosis of 463t
Abruptio placenta, failure to diagnose 45
Accommodation facilities 76
Acoustic gel 2
Acoustic impedance, changes of 378
Acrania 123, 126f
anencephaly sequence 147
Adjunct to cervical cerclage 84
Adjunct to chorionic villus sampling 84
Adnexa 81
Adnexal mass 80, 99f, 100
left 98f
Adverse pregnancy 143
Aliasing 30, 35
American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 43
American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine 43
Amniocentesis 172f
Amniodecidual separation 90
Amniotic fluid 479t
amount of 306
and placenta, assessment of 68
assessment 50, 56, 286
cells 172f
evaluation 55
index assessment 283f, 449
volume 479t
volume assessment 306
Amniotic index 479t
Amniotic sac, irregular 96f
Anencephalic fetus 187f
Anencephaly with toad sign 186f
Anomaly scanning 55
Anophthalmia 116f
Anorectal malformation 244f
Antenatal Diagnostic Center 63
Antenatal fetal monitoring 63
Antepartum fetal surveillance 480t
Antepartum obstetric ultrasound examination 43
Anterior fontanelle, 16 weeks 422
Aorta, descending 82, 231f, 297f
Aortic arch 232f
Aortic isthmus 328, 329
Doppler 323, 327
Artefacts 67
Arterial flow 235f
Arterial spectral wave form 26f, 27f
Atrial septal defect 236f
Atrioventricular valves 234f
Audible signal 37
Audible sound waves 1
Audio volume 34
Back sprain 364
Basic physics 1
Battery injury 43
Bedside examinations 370
Binocular distance 450
Biomechanical factors 361
Biometery 55
normal 51, 57
Biophysical profile
evaluation by 290
interpretation of 291
scoring of 478t
Biophysical scoring systems 70
Biparietal diameter 304, 450
Bladder 250
outlet obstruction 257f
Blood cells 31
concentrations of 33
proportionality 307
stalk anomaly 145
Bowel herniation 121
Brain 52, 58, 68, 72
Brain sparing 314f
effect 300, 310
Brain tissue 185f, 188f
herniation of 189f
Brain vascularity
13 weeks 410
20 weeks 439
Brain-sparing process 304
cancer 46
diagnose 46
ultrasound 46
cyst 46
Breathing movements 53
Bulging membrane covering vertebral lesion 216f
Calvarium, calcification of 121
Cardiac abnormalities 200f
Cardiac activity 92, 94f
Cardiac configuration 121
Cardiac defects 133, 164
Cardiac pulsations 121, 160f
Cardiac rhabdomyoma 237f
Cardiac tumor 238f
Carpal tunnel syndrome 363
Cavum septum pellucidum 180, 180f, 193f
Central nervous system malformations 147
Cerebellar defects 147
Cerebellar hemispheres 112f, 182f
Cerebellar transverse diameter 81, 183f, 448, 449
Cerebellar vermis 182f, 183f, 195f
Cerebellum 201f, 305, 449
Cerebral artery, middle 82, 296f, 297f, 310, 320, 328, 329
Cerebral ventricles 68
Cerebro-placental ratio 320, 328, 329
Cervical 101f
insufficiency, ultrasonographic diagnosis of 464t
length 64, 100
vertebrae, 20 weeks 423
waist 101f
Cervix 81, 278f, 279
measurement 50, 56
Chest 64
Chirping sound 28
Chorioangioma 268f
Choriodecidual separation 90
multiple foci of 92f
Chorionic villous 170f
Chorionic villous sampling 169, 170f
Chorionicity 69
determination of 468t
Choroid plexus 121, 181f, 182f, 449
cyst 68, 197f
Chromosomal abnormality
amniocentesis for 48
chemical markers with 137
Chromosomal anomalies 131
ultrasound for 132, 132f
Chromosomal disorders 130
Chronic renal disease 289
Cisterna magna 68, 201f, 448, 449
depth 81
Cleft lip 150, 270f
bilateral 210f, 211f
unilateral 208f, 209f
Cleft palate 270f
bilateral 211f
Cleft upper lip 210f
Clinical polyhydramnios, evaluation of 471t
Club foot 263f
deformity 264f
diagnosis of 259f
Color Doppler 55
studies obstetric 51, 57
Color flash 33
Color flow
baseline 32
display 30
imaging 30
Color inversion 32
Color misregistration artifact 38
Common carotid artery, origin of 34
Comparative power output 41
Complete abortion, diagnosis of 461t
Compression elastography 19
Computer equipment 370
Computer processor technology, development of 152
Conception, retained products of 159
Congenital anomalies 164
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 227f
Congenital heart 145
defects 163
disease 145, 146
Continuous wave Doppler 24
Corpus luteum 80, 102f, 103f
cyst 159
flow 99
in left ovary 98f
site of 100
vascularity of 100, 103f
Cranial biometry 180f, 280f, 450
Cranium 91, 179, 180
Crown-rump lengths 474t
Cubital tunnel syndrome 363
Current equipment, ergonomic adaptations of 369
Cursor movement control 34
Cutaneous thickness 448
Cyanotic heart disease 289
Cyst 58, 71
hydrosalpinx 52
midline 194f
multiple 257f
Cystic adenomatoid malformation 225f, 226f, 287
Cystic area, detection of 416
Cystic hygroma 119f, 133, 200f, 202f, 203f
extensive 97f, 115f
Cystic sacrococcygeal teratoma 219f
Damping material 8
Dandy-Walker malformation 195f, 196f
De Quervain disease 364
Deformed cranium 184f
indications of 301
mode of 301
Dense hyperechoic foci 246f
Deoxyribonucleic acid 139
Department of Labor 361
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 63
Diabetes mellitus, maternal 289
Diagnose ovarian torsion 45
Diaphragm 65
Diaphragmatic hernia 150
right sided 228f
Diastolic flow increases 309
Distal femoral epiphysis 82, 280f
Distended stomach 241f
District Advisory Committee 335
Doppler and color flow 31
principles 22
Doppler effect 22, 23
Doppler equation, components of 23f
Doppler in obstetrics, indications for 478t
Doppler indices, explanation of 311
Doppler pencil probes 24
Doppler signal 33
Doppler ultrasound 308
Doppler waveform analysis 313
Double bubble sign 241f
Down syndrome 131
signs 46
Ductus venosus 82, 135, 160, 328
Doppler 322
flow reflects acidosis 298f
flow velocity 132
Duodenal atresia 242f, 287
Duodenal bulb 242f
Duodenum 243f
Duties of Registered Center 337
Dysplastic kidney 256f
Ear, external 208f
Early amniocentesis 171
Early diagnosis, advantages of 131, 165
Early fetal echocardiography 163
Early gestation sac, diagnosing 156
Early pregnancy 52, 58, 72
discriminatory levels for 463t
failed 463t
failure 72, 116t
impending 95
investigation of 68
loss, classification of 96
Echocardiography transducer 14f
Echogenic bowel 244f
Echogenic choroid plexii 112f
Echogenic kidneys
bilateral 256f
enlarged 258f
Ectopic and corpus luteum 158
Ectopic gestation 97
Ectopic pregnancy 55, 61, 72, 99f, 157
diagnostic pathway for 467t
failure to recognize 45
management of 172
signs of 465t
suspected 84
Edward's syndrome 131
Elastography 19
Electrical pulse strikes crystal 3f
Electronic cable 8
Electronically steered systems 9
Electrophysiology applications 15
Embryo 92, 94f, 97f
attenuated 94f
with cardiac activity 98f
Embryonic bradycardia 116
Embryonic cardiac activity 87
Embryonic pole 121
Emergency studies 45
Encephalocele 147, 149f
End diastolic velocity, absent 328
End-diastolic frequencies, loss of 300
Endocavity ultrasound systems 13
Endometrial thickness 52
Enterocolitis 298
lateral 364
medial 364
Equipment care and quality control 39
Ergonomic equipment 367
Ergonomic principles 367
Esophageal atresia 241f, 287
Evidence, collection of 343
Extra-fetal evaluation 100, 454
Extremities 65, 179
movements 53
vascularity, 19 weeks 435
Eyeball 434, 437
and lens, 19 weeks 435
Face 179
Facial anatomy 203f
False positive rate 146
Faulty work organization 361
Fetal abdomen 240f, 253f
Fetal abdominal viscera 300
Fetal abnormalities
gross 72
in trisomy 13 456
in trisomy 18 456
in trisomy 21 456
Fetal acrania 184f
Fetal adrenal glands 254f
Fetal age estimation 476t
Fetal anatomy
development of 68
normal 68
survey 179
Fetal anemia 133
ultrasonographic signs of 471t
Fetal aneuploidies, diagnosis of 139
Fetal anomalies
detection of 142
failure to diagnose 45
schematic analysis for 454
Fetal behavior 66
Fetal biometry 50, 53, 56, 59, 69, 73
Fetal biophysical profiling 51
Fetal blood flow 480t
evaluation of 70
Fetal brain sparing 321f
Fetal breathing 290
Fetal cerebral circulation 310
Fetal cytomegalovirus infection 473t
Fetal death 48
misdiagnosis of 45
unexplained 289
Fetal ductus venosus 160
Fetal echocardiography 61
Fetal evaluation 84, 454
Fetal face 187f
Fetal facial angle 134
Fetal feet 259f
Fetal growth
assessment of 69
restriction 470t
role of ultrasound in 469t
Fetal head, retroflexion deformity of 190f
Fetal heart 146f, 160
anterior thoracic wall with 222f
enveloping 239f
rate 132, 138, 140
Fetal hepatomegaly 250f-252f
Fetal hydrops, severe 251f, 252f
Fetal hypoxemia, stage of 310
Fetal hypoxia 321f
Fetal kidney 114f
Fetal lens 205f
Fetal lungs 220f, 226f
Fetal macrosomia 144
Fetal medicine unit 49, 54
Fetal movement 53, 121, 290
decreased 289
Fetal nasal bone 134
Fetal node 118f
Fetal nuchal translucency 140
Fetal orbits and face 181
Fetal reactivity 290
Fetal scan, detailed 476t
Fetal spine 113f, 114f, 150, 153f
Fetal stomach 226f, 227f, 242f
bubble 114f
Fetal surveillance 289
Fetal thorax 222f, 261f
narrow 222f
Fetal tone 290
Fetal urinary bladder 115f
Fetal venous Doppler 310
Fetal weight, estimated 308
Fetal wellbeing 289
Fetus 433
abnormal 123
first 444
normal 244f
Fibroids 5, 51, 52, 57, 58
First trimester 83, 141
abdomen 150
biochemical markers 136, 137
cervicometry 167
color Doppler in 155
decision-making in 130
detection 142
embryonic, normal 84
invasive procedures in 169
non-chromosomal abnormalities 144
normal parameter evaluation in 92
scan checklist 128
screening for preeclampsia in 175
transvaginal abnormal 61
indications for 474t
of chromosomal anomalies in 130
Flaccid gestational sac 118f
Floating brain 184f
Flow direction 25
Flow distortion 28
Flow velocity 25
Flow volume 29, 290
Fluid-filled organ 2
Follicular development, monitoring of 71
Fossa and cerebellum, posterior 68
Frequency compounding 19
Frontomaxillary facial angle 132, 134
Fundamental frequency 17
Gallbladder 4
Gastrointestinal tract 110
Gastroschisis 145, 150, 150f, 248f
with bowel
loops 247f
segments 247f
Genetic amniocentesis 171
Genetic counseling center 332
Genetic laboratory 332
Genitourinary 110
Gestational age, estimation of 69, 84
Gestational diabetes 144
Gestational sac 68, 85f, 86f, 90f, 92, 93, 93f, 117f, 121, 158, 474t
live ectopic with 98f
seven weeks 95f
thin-walled irregular 95f
transvaginal scan of 93f
two 86f
wall of 91f
Gestations, determine number of 50, 56
Growth restriction 51, 57
assessment of 50
Gynecological complications 70
Gynecological disorders 51, 57
Gynecology 49, 51, 57, 70
Doppler in 71
ultrasound 54
Hanafy lens technology 11
Hand-eye coordinations 55
Harmonic frequencies 18
Harmonic imaging 17
Harmonic signals 18
HDlive silhouette 378, 381, 399, 416, 427
Head perimeter 450
Heart 179, 250
beats, absence of 157
rate 89f, 90f
Hematological disorders 133
Hemorrhage 102f, 298
Hepatic calcification, multiple foci of 250f
Hepatofugal 25
Hepatopetal 25
Herniated sac 150
High-pitched systolic component 23
Holoprosencephaly 147
Homogeneous fetal lung 221f
Human chorionic gonadotropin 138
Hyaloid artery 433
Hydatidiform mole 72
suspected 84
Hydranencephaly 147
Hydrocephalus 46
Hydronephrosis, missing 44
Hydrops fetalis 472t
Hydrosalpinx 58
Hypochondrium 278
Hypogastric arteries 272f, 273f
Hypoplastic cerebellar vermis 189f, 194f
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 46
Hypotelorism, severe 127
Hypoxia 318
Iliac fossae, cranium in 278
Illegal advertisement 343
Immunological disorders 289
In vitro fertilization 333
Inadequate trophoblastic invasion 157
Incomplete abortion, diagnosis of 460t
Infertility 71
diagnostic unit 49
adnexal mass 98f
cavity echoes 105
echoes 105f
Injury management 361
Instrumentation 7
Internet revolution 374
Interocular distance 450
Interval sac growth poor 116
Interventional ultrasound 49
Intra-abdominal organ 305
Intra-amniotic blood 244f
Intracardiac transducers 14
Intraesophageal cardiac probe 15f
Intraluminal transducers 14
Intrauterine contraceptive device 52, 58
extraction of 71
Intrauterine death, diagnosis of 467t
Intrauterine gestation sac, normal 156
Intrauterine growth restriction 47, 302
color Doppler in 315
diagnosis of 304
Doppler in 308
sonographic diagnosis of 302
Intrauterine growth retardation 289
Intrauterine infection 133, 250f
Intrauterine peritrophoblastic flow 99, 105f
Intrauterine pregnancy 45, 107f, 157
abnormal 92, 100
confirm 50, 56
Intrauterine venous flow 104
Ipsilateral corpus luteum, visualization of 159
Kidney 4, 68, 121, 148
normal 253f, 254f
Knobology 20, 31
calipers 22
depth gain compensation 20
dynamic contrast 20
dynamic range 20
edge enhancement 20
frequency selection 20
gain 20
log compression 20
maps 21
persistence 21
postprocessing 21
preprocessing 20
speckle reduction imaging 21
transducer selection 21
write zoom 21
zoom 21
Kyphoscoliosis 150
Laminar flow 28
Large bowel loops 245f
Lateral occipital meningocele 188f
Laws of ultrasound, medicolegal aspects 50
Lead zirconate titanate 7
Left ventricular outflow tract 230, 232f
Legally hazardous situations 45
Lemon sign 218f
Lethal skeletal dysplasias 145
Limb 53, 69, 73
absent 46
buds 121
Linear sequenced arrays 10, 10f
Lips 206f
Liquor amnii 81, 279
Liver 4, 68
lntraoperative transducers 13f
Lobar holoprosencephaly 192f
Locate corpus luteum 102
Long bones 306
bowed 262f
Low vs high resistance flow 26
Lower limb 111f
Lower segment scar, thinned 286f
Low-pitched diastolic component 23
Lumbosacral meningomyelocele 217f, 218f
Lumbosacral region 64
Lung, right 225f
Malfunction 42
and ultrasound 42
causes of 42
insurance 48
Manning's biophysical profile 291
Matching layers 8
Maternal age 136
Maternal bloodstream 140f
Maternal infections, fetal abnormalities in 459
Matrix array transducers 11
Measurement methodology 449
Mechanical sector 13
Mechanical transducers 8
Meconium peritonitis 245f, 246f
Meconium pseudocyst 246f
Medical ultrasound, basic principles of 66
Medullary veins slice cine mode, 29 weeks 440
Megacystis 145
Metabolic disorders 133
Methodology 50
Methotrexate 45
Mid trimester amniocentesis trial 171
Middle cerebral artery, normal 314f
Miscarried last time 128
Missed abortion, diagnosis of 461t
Mobile genetic clinic 332
Mobile medical unit 331
Modem ultrasound systems 42
Modern technology 376
Modified biophysical profile
interpretation of 480t
rationale for 479t
Molar change 106
Molar pregnancy 61, 108f, 109f
Molecular genetical technology 442
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 243f, 257f
Multiembryonic reduction 173
Multifetal pregnancy reduction 173
Multiple gestation, suspected 84
Multiple pregnancy 53, 59, 69, 73
Multiple transducer elements 10
Muscle physiology 364
Musculoskeletal disorder 361, 365
causes of 361
risk factors of 361
symptoms of 363
types of 363
work-related 361
Musculoskeletal injury
diagnosis of 365
symptoms of 363
Musculoskeletal system 110
Myocardial function 295f, 299f
Myometrium 81, 100, 237f
masses in 101f
Nasal abnormalities 270f
Nasal bone 132
absence of 127
ossification 127, 127f
presence of 127
Neck 64, 179
sprain 364
Neighboring soft-tissue 2
Non-chromosomal abnormalities 143
Non-chromosomal anomalies, detection of 141
Noninvasive direct-viewing all-inclusive technology 443
Noninvasive prenatal diagnosis and testing 139
Non-stress test 290f
Nonviable gestational sac 108f
Nonviable pregnancies 51, 57
Normal heart
12 weeks 413
13 weeks 415
18 weeks 431
Nostril 206f
single 213f
Nuchal edema 133
Nuchal skin 181, 450
fold 69, 447
thickness 201f
thickness 81
Nuchal thickness, measurement of 475t
Nuchal translucency 120, 122f, 123f, 132, 132f, 133, 143, 145, 164, 200f, 447, 449
thickness 120, 125f, 127, 164
increased 124f
Obstetric care unit 49, 54
Obstetric complication, greatest 167
Obstetric imaging 374
Obstetrics gynecology ultrasonography 60
Obstruction, severe 29
Occipital bone 188f, 189f
Occipital encephalocele, large 189f
Ocular diameter 450
Offences and penalties 335
Oligoamniotic sac 95, 116, 119f
Oligohydramnios 289
causes of 287
evaluation of 471t
severe 258f, 269f
Omphalocele 150, 248f, 249f
Oocyte retrieval 71
Operative probes 16f
Orbit deformity, single 116f
Orbital measurements 450
Organization of Ultrasound Unit 57, 71
Oscillating transducer (volume) 9, 9f
Osseous deformity 214f
Ovarian cysts 51, 57
aspiration of 71
injection of 71
Ovarian masses 33, 159
Ovaries 70, 71
measurement of 52
Panchnamah 345
Patau's syndrome 131
abscess, drainage of 71
anatomy, normal 52, 70
hematocele 99f
mass 44
tumors 52, 72, 58
Pelviureteric junction obstruction 256f
Penile arterial flow 30
Pericardial effusion 239f
Pericardial fluid 448
Periendometrial venous flow 106
Perigestational hemorrhage 157, 158f
Perilesional fluid collection 98f
Perinatal complications, incidence of 309
Peristalsis, active 38
Peritoneal fluid 52
Peritrophoblastic arterial flow 106
Peritrophoblastic vascularity 100f
Persistent corpus luteum 275f
Physiological herniation 113f
Picture-archiving and communication system 370
Placenta 81, 91f, 139, 279, 282f
accreta 473t
rules out 286
Placenta previa 47
classification of 472t
ultrasonography in 472t
unrecognized 46
Placental assessment 50, 56
Placental evaluation 55
Placental growth 307
Placental impedance, increased 320
Placental mass 306
Planar mode 153
Planoconcave fashion 11
Plastic freezer bags 40
Pleural effusion 224f
bilateral 224f, 225f
large 223f
unilateral 223f
Polycystic kidney disease, infantile 258f
Polyethylene catheter 170
Polyhydramnios 289
causes of 287
classification of 470t
moderate 270f
Ponderal index 303
Posterior cranial fossa 194f
abnormalities 182f
Posterior wall subserous fibroid 101f
Postsacral mass 219f
Potential cerebral damage, risk of 327
Pouch of Douglas 99f
Power Doppler 33
Preconceptional Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 331
Preeclampsia 144, 175, 176, 289
prediction of 162
complications stillbirths 144
confirmation of 84
failure, incidence of 157
high risk 63
induced hypertension 316f
losses, risk of 172
progresses 309
stage of 317f
vaginal bleeding in 84
weeks of 476t
Pregnant women, blood of 139
Premature babies 433
Prenatal diagnosis, first modality of 443
Prenatal diagnostic techniques 347
Prenatal test 169
Preterm delivery 144, 167
high risk of 167
Preventive maintenance 39
Prune-Belly syndrome 149, 400
Pseudoascites 239f
Pseudohydronephrosis 44
Pulmonary artery 231f
and vein 409
20 weeks 432
Pulmonary malformations 133
Pulsatility index 27, 157, 328, 329
inversion 17
techniques 18
repetition frequency 325f
Pulsed Doppler 24
transducer 22f
Pulse-ECHO principle 2, 3f
Pulseless embryo 95f, 96f
Quality assurance 40
Quality control tests 41
Rail track appearance 271f
Region of interest 31
Registration, suspension of 336
Regulation and Prevention of Misuse Act 347
Regulation of Portable Machines 333
Regulation of Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques 331
Renal malformations 148
Renal parenchyma, normal 257f
Renal pelvis 255f, 256f, 447
Renewal of certificate of registration, application for 334
Renewal of registration 334
Reporting 80
Residual placental tissue 159f
Reverse end diastolic velocity 328
Rhabdomyoma 238f
Right atrium 233f
Right ventricular outflow tract 231f
location of 84
number of 84
size of 84
Sacral meningocele 216f
Sacrococcygeal mass 220f
Scatter 3
echogenic foci 245f
Sealing 342
Search and witnesses 340
Second trimester
3D and 4D scan 276
abnormal 276
color Doppler in 276
dilemmas 276
extra-fetal evaluation 265
fetal abdomen 228
fetal biometry 265
fetal evaluation 179
fetal heart 228
fetal skeleton 258
fetal spine 211
fetal thorax 219
fetus 178, 249f
indications 179
malformations 179
ultrasound, indications for 475t
Semilobar holoprosencephaly 192f
Semilunar valves 235f
Seminar presentations, check-list for evaluation of 74
Septum pellucidum 192f
chromosome disorders 131
communication of 343
Shear-wave elastography 19
Signature vessel 318
Skeletal dysplasia 133, 150, 426
Skeletal system diseases, investigation of 427
and soft tissue 121f
problem 40
Skull, shape of 52, 58
Small bowel 448
atresia 287
obstruction 243f
Soft plaque 31
Soft tissue 65
swelling 64
Software errors 42
Sole of foot 264f
Sonoembryology chart 109
Sonography, reducing injury risk in 361
Sound beam 6, 7f
Sound wave propagation 1
Special transducers 13
Speckle reduction imaging 19
Spectral broadening 28, 37
Specular reflectors 3
Spina bifida 147, 148
missed 46
Spinal cord
delineate 214f
dividing 217f
Spinal degeneration 364
Spine 53, 58, 64, 73, 91, 179
Spiral arteries 157
Stomach 68, 240f, 243f
bubble 121
Subchorionic hematoma 80
Subcutaneous thickness 65
Tardus et parvus 29
Tendonitis 363
Tenosynovitis 363
Termination of pregnancy 166
Thalamus 180, 180f
Thanatophoric dysplasia 262f
Theoretical course 55
Third trimester 277
abnormal 301
biophysical profile 289
color Doppler 292
dilemmas 302
extra-fetal evaluation 279
fetal evaluation 278
fetal growth 287
indication 278
for color Doppler 292
obstetric study in 46
placental checklist 285
serial evaluation 291
ultrasound examination, indications for 477t
Thoracic outlet syndrome 364
Thoracic region 64
Thoraco-omphalopagus conjoined twins 154
Thorax 179
Three dimensional sonoembryology 152
acoustic impedance 4
harmonic imaging 17
vibration 38
Tortuous ureter 243f
Total intrauterine volume 306
Trained ultrasonologist 52
Training 49
parameters 50
Transabdominal ultrasound 52, 57
Transcerebellar diameter 69
Transducer 7, 40
care 40
case 8
construction 8f
crystal 7
elements, types of 8
focal zone 6
formats 15
frequency 6
variety of 12f
Transesophageal echocardiography transducer 12f
Transesophageal transducers 14
Transluminal transducers 14
Transmitted frequency 17
Transmitted pulsation 38
Transvaginal color Doppler 156, 156f-158f
Transvaginal decision flowchart 129
Transvaginal scan 51, 57
Transvaginal sonography 53
Transvaginal transducer 12f
Transvaginal ultrasound 52, 57, 168f
Transverse cerebellar diameter 305
Traversing uterine cavity 270f
Tricuspid regurgitation 132, 135, 147
Trigger finger 364
Triphasic inferior vena cava, normal 299f
Triploidy 131
Trophoblastic reaction 89
Tubes 71
Turner's syndrome 131, 458
Twin 46
dizygotic 468t
monozygotic 468t
Twin pregnancy 379, 475t
role of ultrasonography in 468t
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome 59
diagnosis of 469t
Quintero staging systems for 469t
Ultrasonic scanning, suggested scheme for 64
Ultrasonography, basics in 1
combined, types of 45
machines, advances in 130
practice of 49, 54
Umbilical artery 82, 271f, 294f, 309, 313f, 327, 328
aneurysm, 21 weeks 430
Doppler 318
normal 313f
significance of single 473t
Umbilical cord 81, 113f, 279
insertion 427
Umbilical vein 82, 295f, 323
abnormal 296f
single 271f
Undue color gain 38
Unhealthy pregnancy, diagnosis of 117f
Upper limb 111f
left 255f
right 255f
Urethra, proximal 257f
Urinary bladder 68, 121, 240f, 255f, 258f, 273f
wall 257f
Urinary tract, obstruction of 255f
Urine test negative 128
Uterine 101f
circulation 309
fundus 85f, 86f, 95f
mass 80
size 52
vascularity 104f
Uterine arteries 162, 175f, 293f, 315, 328, 329
abnormal 312f
maternal 82
normal 312f
right 162f, 176f, 316f, 317f
Uterine cavity 86f, 105f, 108f
irregular 159f
Uteroplacental blood flow, evaluation of 70
Uteroplacental circulation, development of 315
Uterus 70, 283f
normal 60
Velamentous cord insertion, 12 weeks 412
Velocity range 32, 36
Velocity scale 32
Vena cava, inferior 82, 310
Ventricular atrium 447
Ventricular end-diastolic pressure 310
Ventricular septal defect, large 236f
18 weeks 425427
and ribs
18 weeks 425
20 weeks 422
Viable pregnancies 51, 57
Wall filter (Doppler) 33
Water-soluble coupling gel 40
Wedged-shaped field 11f
Worsening hypoxia 480t
Wound, open 40
Y chromosome 139
Yolk sac 68, 92, 94f, 95f, 98f, 117f, 118f, 121
shape of 116
size of 116
hyperechoic shrunken 119f
large 97f, 120f
shrunken 97f
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Third Edition
Editor-in-Chief Narendra Malhotra MD FICMCH FICOG FRCOG FICS FMAS FIAP President, INSARG, Past President, FOGSI/IFUMB/ISPAT/ISAR Vice President, WAPM/SAFOG Managing Director, Global Rainbow Health Care & MNMH(P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Professor, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Croatia Associate Editors Nidhi Gupta MS FICMCH FICOG Past President, Agra Obstetrical & Gynecological Society Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology SN Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Neharika Malhotra MD (Gold Medalist) DRM (Germany) FICMCH Fellow ICOG (Rep Med) ICOG (USG) Joint Secretary, FOGSI, Chair YTP Committee, FOGSI Director and Consultant, Global Rainbow IVF & MNMH(P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Jaideep Malhotra MD FICMCH FICOG FRCOG FRCPI FMAS President, SAFOM/ISPAT Past President, IMS/ISAR/FOGSI/ASPIRE Managing Director, ART—Global Rainbow IVF & MNMH(P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Kuldeep Singh MBBS FAUI FICMCH Consultant Ultrasonologist Dr Kuldeep's Ultrasound and Color Doppler Clinic New Delhi, India
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Step by Step® Ultrasound in Obstetrics
First Edition: 2004
Second Edition: 2008
Third Edition: 2021
Printed at
All the ultrasound lovers
Preface to the Third Edition
“Use sound to see better
Turn on the color to improve your image
Shift to the 3rd and 4th dimension
Heal with sound”
Ultrasonography has become a very important diagnostic tool in obstetrics and is now used extensively to determine anatomic parameters, such as location of the placenta, fetal presentation and lie and biometric measurements of the fetus to date the gestation.
It is also used to assess fetal growth and to diagnose congenital anomalies. In fact, the indications of ultrasound in obstetrics have become so numerous, information obtained so valuable that, ultrasonography equipment has moved from the radiology department to the labor room and obstetrician's office.
After a great enthusiasm shown to our earlier editions, by all the readers we have come out with a new edition adding chapters—basics in ultrasonography, training and syllabus for FOGSI-ICOG certificate courses in ultrasound medicine, a detail account of filling up form, PCPNDT Act, Ergonomics in reducing injury risk in sonography has been described in detail. The book is well illustrated with recent ultrasound images for the busy practitioners as ready reference.
Almost 50 tables and flowcharts have been incorporated in the book to act as a ready reckoner for the busy obstetrician.
We hope the readers will be benefited by this book.
Narendra Malhotra
Nidhi Gupta
Neharika Malhotra
Jaideep Malhotra
Kuldeep Singh
Preface to the First Edition
Today ultrasound is the mainstay investigation in all fields of medicine. The widespread use of ultrasound has brought this wonderful technology to the consulting rooms of the practising gynecologists. It is now impossible to even conceive a modern obstetric care unit without ultrasound and it is impossible to practise infertility and gynecology without a transvaginal probe which has added the dimension of imaging with palpation.
The law in India mandates that each machine and the sonologist be licensed to practise ultrasound under the PNDT Act for which training and updating is required.
There are numerous textbooks and reference books on ultrasound but our aim to bring out this handy series of Step by Step Ultrasound in Obstetrics is to simplify the indications, steps and the interpretations of this wonderful technology.
We hope the readers will be benefited by this book.
Kuldeep Singh
Narendra Malhotra
Our heartiest thanks to our parents, elders, teachers, spouses, siblings, our sons, daughters and our friends who have helped us step by step at every step of our ambitious project of step by step series.
We were introduced to interventional sonography by Ananda Kumar (Singapore), Rajat Goswamy (UK), Asim Kurjak and Sanja Kupesic (Croatia), Prof Alfred Kratrochwil (Austria), Ashok Khurana, Ambarish Dalal, Pratap Kumar, Bhupendra Ahuja, Dr PK Shah, Jatin P Shah and Pranay Shah and many others who taught us small tricks of the trade at each step of our life.
We are indebted to Prof Struat Campbell and Prof Asim Kurjak for teaching us imaging and grateful to Ian Donald School, India and INSUOG.
Special thanks to Dr Rahul Gupta and Nitin Agarwal of Rainbow 4D imaging center for all the images.
Narendra Malhotra