Evidence Based Core Topics in Critical Care Medicine 2019 Atul Prabhakar Kulkarni, Ross Callum Freebairn
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
computed tomography 152
angiography of 153
plain X-ray of 152
ultrasound 267
Ablett classification 246t
Abrus precatorius 224
Accidental falls 57
Acephate 191
Acetaminophen 130, 132, 220, 259
suspension 140
toxicity 206
Acetate 181
Acetazolamide 180, 181
Acetic acid 167
Acetylcholine 192
Acetylcholinesterase 192, 195f, 196f
anionic site of 196f
inhibitor 190, 209
Acetylcysteine 206
Acetylsalicylic acid 258
Acid 207
abnormalities 83
imbalances 260
endogenous 181
exogenous 181
fast bacillus 279, 282
Acidosis 178, 273
Aconitum napellus 219
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 281
Activated clotting time 342
Activated partial thromboplastin time 341
Acute Renal Failure Trial Network Study 352
Acute respiratory syndrome, severe 240
deaminase 267
triphosphate 295
Adequate oxygen delivery 298
Adrenaline 97, 280
Adult respiratory failure, severe 337
Aedes aegypti mosquito 125, 256
Aeromonas hydrophilia 173
Age-adjusted oxygenation index score 340
Agglutination test, microscopic 253
Agitation 51, 192, 215
moderate-to-severe 209
Air oxygen blender and heated humidifier 328f
Airway 168, 194
disruption 109
driving pressure 311
hydration 325
management 169
obstruction 108, 327
pressure 314, 341
Akinetic hypertonic syndrome 220
Albumin 181
dialysis, single-pass 135
Alcohol 157, 207
abuse, chronic 30
dehydrogenase 206
misuse 55
use, hazardous 286
Alkaline phosphatase 267
Alkalosis, contraction 321
Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists 248
Alpha-methyldopa 213
Aluminum hydroxide gel 140
function 109
gas equation 296
pressure 298
Amanita phalloides 130
poisoning 134
Amantadine hydrochloride 226
American College of Cardiology Guidelines 9
American Heart Association 9, 86
American Thoracic Society 29
Amikacin 279
Amino acids 23
Aminoglycosides 43, 46, 253
Aminophylline 97
Aminotransferases 131
Amiodarone 86, 87
Amodiaquine 273
Amoxicillin 253, 279, 289
Amphetamines 211
Amplification refractory mutation system 279
Amrinone 213
Analgesia 320
patient-controlled 51
Anaphylaxis 185
encompass, treatment of 219
Anemia 83, 274
severe malarial 273
Aneroid sphygmomanometers 3
Aneurysms 7
Angel's trumpet 223
Angioedema 185
Angiography, intravenous contrast for 152
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 12
Anion gap 180f
normal 180, 181
raised 180, 181t
method 179
Anopheline mosquito 271
Antiarrhythmic agents 86
Antibiotic 45f, 97, 215, 248, 253, 273
allergy 44
broad-spectrum 268
prophylaxis 45
protocol 170
therapy 290
duration of 289t
treatment 253, 287
use of 160
Antibodies, pathogenic 125
Anticholinergic 96
antidote 210
syndrome 209
toxicity, diagnosis of 208
toxidrome 208, 208f
Anticoagulation 11, 104, 154, 341
strategy 88
Anticonvulsant 273
Antidepressants, tricyclic 206208
Antiepileptic 247
agents 247
Antihistamines 187, 208
Antimalarial treatment 273
Antimicrobial therapy, delayed 30
Antimigraine agents 215
Antineuronal nuclear antibody-1 127
agents 10
drugs 212
Antipsychotics 208
Antipyretics 273
Antiretroviral therapy 281
Antisnake venom 201
administration 202
scarcity of 199
Antithrombotic therapy 92
drug 276, 277, 279
treatment 276, 281
agents, classes of 235
prophylaxis 236
resistance 236
Anxiety 192
Aortic dissection 112
acute 19
unrepaired 341
Aortic injury 109, 112, 112b, 114
diagnosis of 112
Aortic intervention 152
Aortic knuckle, obliteration of 112
Aortic valve regurgitation, severe 341
Aortopulmonary window, loss of 112
Apixaban 14
Apnea 65
Arboviral infection 127
Arboviral viruses 125
cardiac 72
intractable 327
Artemether 273
Arterial applanation tonometry 4
Arterial disease, peripheral 11
Arterial infection 289
Arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation 299
Arterial pressure
trace 7f
mean 4, 6, 7, 7f, 362
Arteriovenous extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal 348, 349t
Artesunate 273
Arthralgia 257
Arthropod vectors 125
Ascites 281
Aspartate transaminase 157
Aspartic acid 181
embolectomy 154
pneumonia 60
signs of 121
Aspirin 911, 92, 258
Asthma 12, 88, 96, 98, 211
exacerbation 211
prevalence of 96
Atelectasis 72, 109
Atherosclerotic disease 152
Atlanta classification 156
Atmospheric pressure 296
Atrial fibrillation 83, 84, 84f, 85, 86, 88, 89
classification of 84, 85t
diagnosis of 84
etiopathology 83
evidence 85
impact of 84
long-standing persistent 85
management of 85, 89fc
new-onset 84, 89
permanent 85
persistent 85
pre-existing 84
risk factors for 83b
Atrioventricular canal 19f
Atropa belladonna 222
Atropine 195, 208, 211
sulfate 213, 214
therapy 213
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society 65
Autoimmune encephalitis, treatment of 128
Autonomic dysfunction 246, 247
control of 247, 249
manifestation of 246
Auto-positive end-expiratory pressure 325
Autumn crocus 224
Azathioprine 157
Azithromycin 43, 140
Baby lung 311, 312
Backflow cannula 338
Baclofen 211
intrathecal 248
Bacteremia 28, 30, 173, 285, 289
Bacteria 23
Gram-negative 43, 160
Gram-positive 43, 160
multidrug-resistant 42
Balthazar-Ranson CT scoring system 158t
Barbiturate 211
coma 123
Barkholderia pseudomallei 285
Basic life support 216
Basilar fractures 117
Bee sting 204
classification of manifestations of 205t
envenomation, Mueller grading of 205t
Behavioral pain scale 48
Benzodiazepines 49, 52, 55, 194, 206, 212, 226, 247, 248
doses of 213
infusions of 247
Beta-adrenergic blocking agents 11
Beta-agonists 96, 97
Beta-blocker 86, 247
withdrawal of 83
Beta-coronavirus 240
Beta-lactam 45
antibiotics 45
Bicarbonate 179, 181
Bicuculline 211
Bifidobacteria 141
Bile acid 140
absorption 138
Biliary sludge 157
Black widow spider envenomation 219
Blackwater fever 274
Bleeding 26
gastrointestinal 265
intracranial 218
severe 261
significant 273
signs of 254
biochemistry 211
brain barrier 248
flow rate 340
gas, arterial 92, 102
group 167
level 208
pressure 3, 4, 70, 185, 188, 254
high 3
intermittent noninvasive 3
invasive 4, 134
low 3, 185
pressure measurement
automated 4
manual noninvasive 3
noninvasive continuous 4
pressure monitoring
invasive 4, 7
methods of 3
noninvasive 3
pump 339
purification, principles of 359
sugar 134
levels 123
random 167
transfusion 260, 273
urea nitrogen 28, 351, 353
vessels, dilation of 186
Bloodstream 299
Blunt thoracic
injury 108
trauma 83
Body mass index 24, 31
Bone, long 114
Botulinum 213
Botulism 213, 214
hypoperfusion of 147
ischemia 91
sounds 146
Bradycardia 186, 192, 209, 210
Brain 209
damage 77
death 6365, 70, 73, 206, 210
biological plausibility of 64
development of 69
donation after 69, 71
higher 65
primary 117, 121
secondary 118, 121, 123
severe 51
parenchyma 122
primarily affecting 252
Brainstem 246
encephalitis 285
ischemia 72
reflexes 119, 210
Breast adenocarcinoma 128
Breathing 194
coordination 60, 321
evaluation 168
shortness of 87
trials, spontaneous 318, 319
Breathlessness 9
Bretylium tosylate 213
Bristol stool chart 137
British Thoracic Society 349
Bromocriptine 226
Bronchodilator therapies
inhaled 96
intravenous 97
Bronchopleural fistula 111
Bronchorrhea 192
Bronchoscopy 111
Bronchospasm 185, 192, 211
Bronchospastic airways disease, severe 12
B-type natriuretic peptide 103
Budd-Chiari syndrome, acute 134
Bundle branch block 84
Bungarus caeruleus 199
Burkholderia pseudomallei 285288
Burn 23, 165, 170, 245
chemical 167
classification of 165
contact 167
depth of 166
electrical 167
flame 167
friction 167
injury 167
management, acute 169
pathophysiology of 165
physical appearance of 166t
radiation 166
silencer 167
surface area, assessment of 168
type, assessment of 166t
wound assessment 166
Butyrylcholinesterase 192, 193
Cabin pressure 296
Cadaveric organ donation 70
Calcium 182
channel blockers 14, 86
Cancer 28
critical stages of 332
Candida albicans 140, 160
Capreomycin 279
Carbamate 196, 197, 207
poisoning 196
Carbamazepine 207
Carbapenems 253
Carbohydrate 219
malabsorption 138
Carbon dioxide 305, 346
removal 337
retention 340
transport physiology of 346
Carbon monoxide 216
Carboxyhemoglobin concentrations 216
Cardiac arrest 75, 216, 247, 340, 341
high risk of 76
response 78
Cardiac disease 152
Cardiac failure 340, 341
Cardiac function
impaired 186
poor 72
Cardiac injury 109, 112
direct 109
repair of 113
Cardiac load 320
Cardiac massage, open 113
Cardiac tamponade 108, 121
relief of 113
Cardiac tissue 87
Cardiac troponin 92
Cardiogenic shock 21, 91, 94
diagnosis 91
etiology 91
management 92
pathophysiology 92
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 7577
therapy 75
Cardiorespiratory support, withdrawal of 70
accident 320
disease 235
management 133
system 72, 135, 225
Cascabela thevetia 220
Cascade hemofiltration 359
Castor bean 224
Catabolic state, chronic 99
Catecholamine 97, 247
embolectomy 105
occlusion 26
Ceftazidime 288, 289
intravenous 288
Ceftriaxone 43, 253
Cellular dysfunction 206
Cellulitis 172
Central nervous system 58, 71, 135, 192t, 208
infection 58, 289
monitoring 134
receptor stimulation 192
risk factors for 280
tuberculosis 280
Cephalic tetanus 246
Cephalosporins 253
blood flow 63
contusions, focal 118
edema 121, 133
management of 133
herniation, signs of 121
malaria 274
perfusion pressure 7, 117
vasospasm 118
Cerebrospinal fluid 117, 125, 127, 178, 267, 278
drainage 122
Charcoal aspiration 207
Cherry red skin 216
computed tomography 31
decompression, manual 99
infections 276
injury 114
mechanisms and 110fc
pain 87
sympathomimetic-induced 212
skiagram 267
trauma 108
managing 109
penetrating 114
severe 109
wall 109
impedance 87
injury 109
trauma 112
X-ray 112b, 127, 254, 288f
Chlamydia pneumoniae 29
Chloramphenicol 247, 253, 267
Chloride 181
channel disturbances 181
effect 181
ion 183
Chlormephos 191
Chlorpheniramine 202
Chlorpyrifos 190, 191
methyl 191
Cholangitis 159
Cholecystitis 159
Cholecystokinin 145
Cholinergic crisis 210
Cholinergic system 209
Cholinergic toxidrome 192, 209
Chondroitin sulfate A 272
Chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease 25, 31, 32, 96, 276, 325, 347
exacerbation 28
disorder 331
Circulatory death, donation after 69, 71
Circulatory failure 340
Citrus 225
Claustrophobia 327
Clavulanate 279, 289
Clindamycin 247
Clinical leptospirosis guidelines 253b
Clofazimine 279
Clonidine 195
Clopidogrel 9, 10
Clostridium botulinum 213
Clostridium difficile 42
infection 138
Clostridium perfringens 42, 140
Clostridium tetani 245
germinates 246
spores 245
Coagulopathy 130, 133, 219
disease-related 88
Cobra 199
Cocaine 130, 211
Codeine 214
Colchicum autumnale 224
Colonization 44
Coma 77, 192
medication-induced 55
Combination therapy 86
Compartment syndrome, abdominal 158
Complete blood count 92, 167
Computed tomography 120, 267, 304
angiography 139, 154
contrast enhanced 159
guided percutaneous aspiration 159
imaging 308
pulmonary angiogram 103, 104f
abdomen 267
chest 267
head 267
severity index 158t
Confusion 52, 192, 215
Conium maculatum 223
level of 127
long-term 57
Continuous positive airway pressure 318, 324, 331
Contusions 118
Conventional oxygen therapy 324
Cor pulmonale 313
Coronary artery
bypass graft surgery 92
occlusion 18f
Coronary syndrome
acute 7, 9
non-ST elevation acute 10
Coronaviruses 240
Cough 102, 252
medicines 215
Coupled plasma filtration absorption 362, 359
Cranial nerve 66, 209
Craniectomy, decompressive 123
C-reactive protein 182
Creatine phosphokinase 211
Creatinine 167
Critical care
pain observation tool 48
unit 16
Critically ill score, nutrition risk in 25, 149
Crystalloids, isotonic 123
Curb-65 score 29
Cutaneous infection, localized 287
Cute malaria 274
Cyanide 206
antidotes 216
intoxication 216
poisoning 215, 217
diagnosis of 216
signs of 216
treatment of 216
toxidrome 215
transforming 216
Cyanophos 191
Cycloserine 273, 279
Cytochrome 278
oxidase 216
Cytokines 234
Cytomegalovirus 127, 130
Dabigatran 14
Daboia russelii 199
Dantrolene 226
Dapsone 207
Darunavir 281
Datura aureua 223
Datura stramonium 208, 222
D-dimer 103, 153
De novo dementia, development of 61
camas 221
circulatory 70
Deep venous thrombosis 101, 103
Dehydration 59
Delamanid 279
Delirium 52, 54, 55, 57fc, 208
clinical features of 55t
development of 52t
diagnosis of 55
duration of 56
hallmark of 55
management of 59
moderate-to-severe 209
monitoring 321
tools 55
postoperative 55, 56, 60
risk factors for 55t
subtypes of 54
syndrome 50
system interview 55
three subtypes of 54
tools, assessment of 56t
treatment of 58
Delivery hypothesis, mediator 360
Dementia 28
worsening of preexisting 61
Dengue 125, 252, 256, 257, 261, 265
classification of 257f
antiviral treatment for 259
phase of 259
illness, clinical course of 257f
infection, serological markers of 259f
risk of developing 256, 286
serology 261
severe 256, 258
shock 258f
syndrome 257f
vaccine 261
initiative 256
virus 256
warning signs 257
Dengvaxia 261
Deoxyribonucleic acid 45, 225
Depression, cardiac 340
Dexmedetomidine 49, 50
role of 59
Dextrose 207
insipidus 65, 72, 73
mellitus 28, 173, 286
Diagnostic coronary angiography 9
Diaphoresis 209, 211, 215, 226
Diaphragmatic injury, plain radiography of 114f
Diarrhea 127, 137, 138, 142, 181, 185, 192, 210, 252
antibiotic associated 140
causes of 137
classification of 137
Clostridium difficile 44, 139
enteral feeding associated 140
exudative 138
life-threatening 139
management of 141, 142fc
mechanism of 138
non-life-threatening 138, 140
secretary 138
Diastolic arterial pressure 4
Diazepam 211, 213, 248
Diazinon 191
Dichlofenthion 191
Dichlorvos 191
Dicrotophos 191
Digestive system, physiology of 137
Digitalis alkaloid toxicity 206
Digitalis lanata 220
Digoxin 88
binding antibodies 206
solution 140
Dihydroartemisinin 273
Dihydroergotamine 213
Diltiazem 86
Dimethoate 191
Dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protien-6 127
Diphenhydramine 213
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 258
Distinct toxic actions 218
Distress, gastrointestinal 210
Dizziness 192
Dobutamine 93
Docosahexaenoic acid 123
Donation, system for 73
Donor management 72
Dopamine 93
agonist 226
antagonists 147
reduces 226
Doppler echocardiography 17
Doppler techniques 16, 17
Doxycycline 253, 289
efficacy of 267
Drainage cannula 338
Dronedarone 86
Droperidol 212
Drug 140
overdose 340
miscellaneous 220
reactions 44
resistant tuberculosis, starting treatment for 277
Dry heat 167
Duke's criteria, modified 21
Dynamic response testing 5
Dysarthria 226
Dyselectrolytemia 137
Dyskinesia 226
Dysoxia 298, 299
Dyspnea 102
Dysrhythmia 209
cardiac 219
Dysuria 287
Echis carinatus 199
Echocardiography 16, 21
cardiac 16
Eclampsia 261
Eicosapentaenoic acid 123
Ejection fraction, preserved 84
Electrical cardioversion 87
Electrocardiogram 267
Electrocardiography 84f, 85
criteria 84b
Electroencephalogram 67
Electrolyte 260
abnormalities 83
correction of 85
Elevated end-expiratory volume 305
Embolectomy, surgical 105, 106
Embolic stroke, risk of 88
Emerging therapies 134
Emesis 192, 207, 210
Emphysema, presence of 31
Encephalitis 58, 125, 126
autoimmune 125128
clinical definition of 126
evidence 126
infectious 125
mortality of 126
pathophysiology 125
prevalence of 126
Encephalopathy 130, 210
hepatic 135
hypertensive 58
End-diastolic pressure 91
End-expiratory lung volume 303
Endocarditis, management of 20
Endocrine disorders 58
Endogenous rhodanese 217
Endoscopic repair techniques 114
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 162
Endothelium 272
Endotracheal tubes 58
Endovascular thrombolysis 153, 154
Enoxaparin 13
Enteral nutrition 144, 148, 148fc, 161
early 123
timing of 161
Enterobacteriaceae 160
Enterovirus infection 127
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 241, 253, 259, 265
Ephedra alkaloids 211
Ephedrine 211
Epicardial artery, major 18
Epilepsy, post-traumatic 123
Epinephrine 187, 215
administration 186b
bolus intravenous administration of 187
topical application of 280
Epithelial cells 233
Epstein-Barr virus 127, 130
Erythema 185
Erythromycin 140, 147, 149, 247
Escharotomy 169
Escherichia coli 29, 138, 160
Esophageal manometry 307
Esophagus 146
deviation of 112
Estrogen 157
Ethambutol 278, 279
Ethionamide 279
Ethylene glycol 181
toxicity 206
Etravirine 281
Euphorbia 225
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine 137
Exacerbations, acute 31
Excite peripheral neuromuscular junctions 218
Expiratory positive airway pressure 332
Expiratory volume curves 306f
Extended spectrum beta-lactamase 43
External ventricular drain 122
Extracorporeal blood purification 359, 360f
technique 360
therapy 359
Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal 345, 348t
circuit 345f
devices 345, 346t
facilitates 349
potential of 345
principles of 345
Extracorporeal life support
organization 340
system 94
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 25, 31, 299, 314, 337, 338, 346
circuit 339f, 340
modes of 338
Extravascular lung water index 30
Eye response 119
closed 119
open 119
Face mask 296
Facial burn 166
Falciparum malaria, severe 272, 274
False acacia 224
False hellebore 221
Fasciitis 172
Fasciotomy 169
Fast flush test 5, 5f, 6f
Fatigue 192
Fatty acids, short-chain 141
Fatty diarrhea 141
Febrile 158
acute respiratory illness 241
illness 263, 265
Fecal oral viral transmission 130
Fentanyl 49
Fenthion 191
Fever 287
hemorrhagic 252
treatment of 274
Firecracker burn 167
Flaccid paralysis 287
Flail chest 108
Flavivirus 125, 256
Flecainide 87
Fluconazole suspension 140
and electrolyte abnormalities 60
collections 158
effect of 182
extravasation of 185, 186
intravenous 187, 273
overload 26, 83
replacement 259
resuscitation 104, 169
therapy 159, 187, 259
Flu-like illnesses, moderate 238
Flumazenil 211
Fluoroquinolones 45, 279
Fomepizole 206
Fondaparinux 13
Food allergy and anaphylaxis network consensus clinical definition of anaphylaxis 185b
Formaldehyde 181
Fosamine 191
Fournier's gangrene 172
Foxgloves 219, 220
Fractures 77
first rib 112
ribs 114
second rib 112
Fresh frozen plasma 194, 201, 260
Full blood count 176
infection 26
organism 160
Furosemide stress test 354
Gamblegram 178, 179f
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 49, 127
Gamma-glutamyl transferase 252
Gangrene 172, 245
peripheral 265
embolism 9
exchange 30, 304, 305
device 340
antrum 146f
ultrasonography of 146
aspiration, intermittent 145
decompression 139
dysmotility 147
emptying 207
delayed 144
physiology of 144
feeding 161
lavage 194, 207, 213
assessment of 145
disorder 144
reservoir function 144
residual volume 144, 145, 148
scintigraphy 145
stasis 144
pathophysiology of 145
Gastrinoma 138
Gastroenteritis 219
complication 275
decontamination 207
motility 144
disturbances 144
perforation 159
systems 185
Gastroparesis 144
Gatifloxacin 279
Gelatin 181
General supportive therapy 194
Genetic mutations 138
Giant hogweed 225
Glasgow coma scale 70, 119t, 120
Glucagon like peptide-1 145
control 260
intravenous 273
Glufosinate 190
Glutamate dehydrogenase 140
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 127
Glutamine supplementation, use of 162
Glycemic control 93
Glycolate 181
Glycopeptide 43, 46
Glycoprotein antigens hemagglutinin 233
Glycopyrrolate 208, 210
Glycopyrronium bromide 214
Glycosides 87
Glyphosate 190
Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor 290
Griffith's point 151
Ground-glass opacities 268f
Guanethidine 213
Guillain-Barre syndrome 209, 252, 265, 274
Gunshot wounds 108
Gut hormones 140
H1N1 influenza A
complications of 235
virus 234, 235
H5N1 avian influenza 236
Haemophilus influenzae 41, 234, 240
Hallucinogenic plants 219
Haloperidol 59, 60, 213
Hampton's hump 102f
Harris-Benedict and Ireton-Jones equations 24
Head injuries 113, 114
Headache 192, 252
Health care 240
cost 57, 61
facilities 233
systems 116
workers 233, 282
block 86
coronary 32
ischemic 83
structural 87
failure 17, 83, 84, 86, 87
absence of 206
acute decompensated 91
congestive 12, 360f
severe 86
primarily affecting 252
rate 6, 7, 157
reduce 86
sound, fourth 102
subcostal of 18f
Heat stroke 130
HELLP syndrome 134, 261
Hematocrit, onterpretation of 260b
epidural 117, 117f, 119
expansion 123
Hemoadsorption 359, 362
Hemoconcentration 153
Hemodialysis 354
instability, severe 103fc
management 93, 123
monitoring system 4
support 104, 202
Hemofiltration 195
high volume 359361, 361t
C 272
concentration 340
E 272
transformation of 217
Hemoglobinuria 274
Hemogram 267
Hemolysis 134
elevated liver enzymes 261
Hemoperfusion 195, 359
Hemoperitoneum 121
Hemoptysis 102
Hemorrhage 91, 109, 252
abdominal 113
adrenal 277
catastrophic 109
control of 113
internal 77
intracerebral 117, 119
intraventricular 118, 120
severe 258
subarachnoid 117, 118f, 119
Hemorrhoids 200
Hemothorax 112, 121
Hemotoxic syndrome 200
Heparin 9, 12, 92
low-dose 226
unfractionated 104
Hepatic encephalopathy, grading of 131b
Hepatic failure 153
fulminant 71, 130
ischemic 132
Hepatic injury
recognition of 132
severe 130
A 130
autoimmune 131, 134
B 130, 134
C 71
D 130
E 130
ischemic 130
malarial 275
Hepatocyte transplantation 134
Hepatosteatosis 26
Heracleum mantegazzianum 225
external 152
internal 152
Heroin 214
Herpes simplex 132, 134
virus 126, 127, 130
High flow nasal
oxygen therapy 98
respiratory support 324
therapy, delivery of 328f
High illness severity score 31
Homovanillic acid 181
Horse flies 186
Hospital elder life program 60
Host cell necrosis 233
coronaviruses 238
disease 233
hepatocytes 135
immunodeficiency virus 70, 71, 157, 276, 281, 287
infection 71
tetanus immunoglobulin 248
to-human transmission 238
vaccine development 242
Humidification 298
Hybrid sphygmomanometers 4
Hydrocarbons 207
Hydrocodone 214
Hydrofluoric acid 167
Hydrogen ion 179
concentration 183, 183t
Hydroxocobalamin 206, 216, 217
Hydroxyphenyllactic acid 181
Hymenoptera stings 186
Hyperbaric oxygen 176, 299
Hypercalcemia 157
Hypercapnia 31
chronic 31
prevention of 109
respiratory failure 98, 332
Hypercarbia, severe 30
Hyperemia 133
zone of 165
Hyperglycemia 26, 28, 118
causes of 260
control 260
Hyperkalemia 201, 260
Hypernatremia 72
development of 73
Hyperosmolar agents 140
Hyperparasitemia 273
Hyperreflexia 215
Hypertension 32, 192, 211, 212
intracranial 122
Hyperthermia 211, 212, 215, 226
sympathomimetic-induced 211
Hyperthyroidism 91
Hypertriglyceridemia 157
Hyperventilation, short-term 133
Hypoadrenalism 321
Hypoalbuminemia 141
Hypocortisolisms 277
Hypoglycemia 58, 273, 274
Hypokalemia 260
Hypomania 215
Hyponatremia 118, 260
Hypotension 12, 55, 72, 83, 120, 121, 158, 185, 192, 210
after snakebite 219
persistent 91
profound 213
severe 213
Hypothermia 72
Hypothesis, cytokinetic 360
Hypothyroidism 91, 321
Hypovolemia 73, 122, 152
Hypoxemia 9, 83, 102, 111
Hypoxemic respiratory failure 332
Hypoxia 55, 85, 120, 121
Hypoxic respiratory failure 340t
management of 98
Hysteresis, point of maximum 307, 307f
Ibuprofen 140, 258
Ibutilide 87
Ileostomy, high output 181
Illegal street drugs 211
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 281
Immunization 247, 261
Immunoglobulin 127
intravenous 127, 128, 176
M 267
Immunoperoxidase assay, indirect 265, 266
Immunosuppression 277
Immunotherapy 128fc
Inadequate antidiuretic hormone secretion, syndrome of 281
Indian cobra 199
Indian krait 199
Indirect fluorescent antibody 267
Indwelling catheters 55
inadvertent removal of 60
Infarcts 121
Infection 71, 91
bacterial 157, 275
control measures 282
granulomatous 280
hospital-acquired 61
lower risk of 122
multidrug-resistant 30
mumps 157
prevention of 242
primary 264
removal of source of 246
risk factors for 251
site of 289
treatment of 242
viruses 157
Infectious disease 45, 128, 277
Infectious Disease Society of America 29
Inferior vena cava 20, 339
Inflection point, lower 303, 306
Influenza 233
A 233
viruses 233, 235
B 233
D 233
mild cases of 234
viral infections 233, 234
virus 233, 235, 236
craniofacial 327
diaphragmatic 114
diffuse axonal 117, 118, 118f
gastrointestinal 137
hepatocellular 26
inhalation 169
intra-abdominal 114
ischemic 151
Inotropic therapy 260
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 331
Inspiratory volume curves 306f
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 25, 157
Intensive care 128
delirium screening checklist 52, 55, 56
intervention 83
unit 3, 23, 28, 42, 44, 48, 50t, 52, 5456, 58, 69, 83, 88, 89, 137, 144, 156, 233, 254, 282, 299, 311, 317, 319, 352354
management 122, 123, 133
polyneuromyopathy 99
populations 83
risk of 97
Intercellular adhesion molecule 272
Interferon 234
gamma release assays 279
International normalized ratio 131, 135
ischemia, pathophysiology of 151
obstruction 159
infection of 152
inflammation of 152
Intra-aortic balloon
counter 93
pump 9193, 188
Intracellular pathogens 42
Intracranial pressure 7, 64, 274
management 122
monitoring 122, 134
raised 118
Intrathoracic pressures, elevated 98
Intravenous therapies, doses of 97t
Intubation, complications of 31
Iron 207
Ischemia 118, 151
acute mesenteric 154
coronary 212
end-organ 72
intestinal 151
starts, warm 70
treatment of 85
Ischemic syndromes, acute 13
Isolation 55
Isoniazid 130, 278, 279
high dose 279
solution 140
Japanese encephalitis 125
Jaundice 252, 254, 265, 273
Jejunal feeding 161
Jellyfish stings 186
Jimson weed 222
Kanamycin 279
Ketamine 49, 97
Ketoacidosis 181
diabetic 153
disease 354
chronic 354
end-stage 353
acute 7, 133, 200, 211, 265, 351, 354, 357, 357fc
network, acute 353
treatment of acute 360
primarily affecting 252
recipients 69
King cobra 218
Klebsiella pneumonia 160
Klebsiella sepsis 253
Knockdown toxidrome 214
Knowlesi malaria, severe 272
Korotkoff technique 3
Krait 199
bite 199, 205
Krebs cycle intermediates 181
Kussmaul's breathing 258
Labetalol overdose 213
Lachmann's open lung approach 303
Lacrimation 210
Lactate 181, 183
dehydrogenase 157
Lactic acidosis 181, 216, 274
Lactobacilli 141
Lactulose solution 140
Laparotomy 154
Larval mites 263
Laryngeal spasm 213
Latex agglutination 265
Left main stem bronchus, depression of 112
Left ventricular
assist devices 94
diastolic dysfunction, abnormal 19
ejection fraction 18
end diastolic pressure 20
hypertrophy 84
outflow tract 18f
Legionella 42
Leptospirosis 251, 252, 253, 253b, 255, 265
epidemiology 251
infection 251
intensive care management of 251
risk factors 251
treatment for 252
Leptotrombidium deliense 263
Lethal cardiac complications 211
Lethal multisystem disease 251
Leucine-rich glioma inactivated-1 127
Leukocyte count 131
Leukocytosis 152
Leukopenia 261
Levofloxacin 279
Levosimendan 93
Life-threatening multisystem disease, severe 252
Light sedation 51
Limbic encephallitis 127
Line sepsis 26
Linezolid 279
Lipid emulsions 194
Lipopolysaccharide 362
Listeria 125
Lithium 182, 207
Liver 130, 209
abscess, large 288f
chronic 131, 286
pre-existing 130
enzymes, elevated 132, 134
failure 134
acute 130, 130b, 132, 132t, 133t, 134t, 135, 135t
management of acute 132
function 131, 240
tests 92, 267
graft function 73
injury 132
acute 132
drug induced 277, 278
primarily affecting 252
transplantation 135
emergency 135b
surgery 135
team 71
timing of 134
Local tissue necrosis 219
Lomotil 209
Lorazepam 49, 60, 213, 248
Low tidal volume, assessment of 305
Low-molecular-weight heparin 13
LRINEC score 175t
Lumefantrine 273
Lund and Browder chart 168f
Lung 186
alveoli stimulate, viral particles in 240
and liver transplantation 71
biopsy 30
cancer, small cell 128
function 30
infection 206
inflation 312f
injury 211, 305
hypoxic 240
ventilator-induced 311
primarily affecting 252
recruitment maneuver 306
volume 307, 324
Lymphoma 128
Macrolides 253
Magnesium 97, 138, 140, 182
sulfate 247, 248
Magnetic resonance
angiography 152
cholangiopancreatography 159
imaging 159, 176, 267
brain 267
Malaria 252, 265, 271
in intensive care unit 271
severe 272, 273t, 275
Malathion 191
Malnutrition 60, 137
Massive hemothorax 108
Massive pulmonary embolism 340
McConnell's signs 102
Mechanical respiratory failure 109
Mechanical ventilation 55, 98, 121, 317
duration of 56
Mediastinal infections 288
Mediastinum, widened 112
Medical oxygen 296
Mefloquine 208, 273
Melioidosis 285, 287, 288f
epidemiology 285
geographical distribution 285
global geographical distribution of 286f
risk factors for development of 286t
suspected 290
therapy for 289t
treatment of 288
Membrane lung 345
gas flow 340
Meningitis 280
Meningococcal infection 265
Meningoencephalitis 125, 265
Mephedrone 211
Meropenem 288, 289
Mesenteric arterial
embolism 152
thrombosis 152
Mesenteric artery
inferior 151
superior 151
Mesenteric ischemia 44, 139, 151, 152, 159
etiology of 152
Mesenteric venous thrombosis 152
acidemia 178
acidosis 72, 178, 179, 182, 247
management of 182
presence of 152
alkalosis 321
bone disease 26
complications 274
disorders 58
Metaraminol 188
Metastatic cancer 70
Methamphetamine 211
Methanol 181
Methemoglobin 217
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 43, 176
Methyldopa, severe 213
Methylxanthines 97
Metoclopramide 147, 149
Microlithiasis 157
Microprocessor 4, 6
Midazolam 49, 213, 248
Middle east respiratory syndrome 240, 241
coronavirus 239, 239f
Migrating motor complex 144
Miliary 281
Mimic multiorgan failure 206
Minoxidil causes 213
Minute ventilation 324
Miosed pupils, small 210
Miosis 192, 210
Mitochondria 23
Mitral regurgitation 20f
Mitral valve 20f
Molecular adsorbent recirculating system 135
Molecular weight heparin, low 104
Monkey malaria 271
Monocrotophos 191
Mononucleosis, infectious 265
Monro-Kellie doctrine 118, 119f
Morbid obesity 235
Morphine 9, 48, 49
Morris's study 347
Mosquito-borne viral disease 256
Motilin agonists 147
Motor diarrhea 138
Motor dysfunction, primary 145
Motor limb weakness, upper 287
Motor vehicle accidents 108
Movement disorder 127
Moxifloxacin 279
Mucosal inflammation 219
Multiorgan dysfunction 276
syndrome 265
Multiorgan failure 31, 130, 206, 218, 219, 259, 276
Multisystem injury, severe 113
Murray score 340
receptor stimulation 192
symptoms, list of 192t
atrophy 321
cramps 192
relaxants 247
rigidity consists 226
weakness, nicotinic effects of 210
Mushroom poisoning 130
Myalgia 257
Myasthenia gravis 214
Mycobacteria 276
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 276, 279
Mycoplasma 42
pneumoniae 29, 157
Mycotic aneurysm 288, 289
Mydriasis 192, 215
Myelin oligodentrocyte glycoprotein 127
Myocardial contractility 93
Myocardial infarction 10, 44, 83, 212
acute 9, 10, 14, 91, 340
long-term evaluation, survival of 12
non-ST segment elevation 10
ST-segment elevation 9
Myocardial ischemia 84, 212
Myocarditis 265, 340
Myoclonus 215
Myositis 172
Myotonia 127
N-acetylcysteine, role of 134
Naja naja 199
Naloxone 207, 214
Narcolepsy medications 211
Narcotics 55
Nasal cannulae 296
Nasal high-flow
delivery 327
mechanisms of action 324
strategies 327
therapy 324
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 349
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious diseases 185b
Natriuretic peptides 92, 219
Neck 264f
trauma 207
Necrotic collection, acute 156, 158
Necrotizing fasciitis 172, 175
risk indicator for 175
Neostigmine 214
Neuroendocrine stress response 260
Neurofilament light polypeptide 123
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 220, 226
Neuromuscular blocking
agent 122, 320
drugs 214
Neuromuscular junction 192
Neuronal apoptosis 118
Neurons, autonomic 245
Neuroparalytic syndrome 199
Neuropsychiatric disorders 209
Neurotoxicity 219
Neurotransmitter acetylcholine 208
Neurovascular tissues 117
Neutropenia 139
Neutropenic enterocolitis 139
function 286
gelatinase-associated lipocalcin 355, 357
Nicotinic receptor stimulation 192, 209
Nitazoxanide 236
Nitrates 10
Nitric oxide, inhaled 299
Nitrofurantoin 130
N-methyl-D-aspartate 49
receptor 126, 127
Nonacetaminophen 130
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs 214
Nondihydropyridine calcium-channel antagonists 86
Noninvasive ventilation
evidence-based review of 331
scientific rationale of 331
support of 332
Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia 152
Nonpharmacological therapy 58
Nonprotein toxins 219
Nonrespiratory disease 30
Nonthermal burn 166, 167
Nontoxic stable derivatives 216
Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation 85
Noradrenaline 72
Norepinephrine 93, 215
Normocapnia 122
Nosocomial pneumonia 60, 276
Novel avian influenza A H7N9 234
Noxious newts 218
Nucleic acid amplification techniques 277
NUTRIC score 25t
Nutrients, types of 162
Nutrition 123, 170
Obesity 30, 83
hypoventilation syndrome 332
Obidoxime 196
Occlusive mesenteric ischemia 139
Ofloxacin 279
Ohm's law 6
Olanzapine 59, 60, 212
Omethoate 191
Opioid 48, 49, 49t, 207
analgesics 214
antagonist 214
toxidrome 214
Opportunistic organisms 242
Oral amoxicillin-clavulanate 289
Oral anticoagulants 13
Oral chloramphenicol 269
Oral doxycycline 289
Oral eradication therapy 289
Oral nutrition, timing of 161
Oral thrombin inhibitor 14
Organ donation 69 70, 70f, 71, 71t
and community 73
conversations 71
Organ donors 69
Organ dysfunction 58, 81, 157t, 235, 267
syndrome, multiple 359, 360f
Organ failure 77
assessment, sequential 25, 354
end-stage 69
single 206
Organ function, failed 206
Organ hypoperfusion 73
Organ transplantation 69
Organ warm ischemia 69
Organophosphate 207, 211
encephalopathy, delayed 193
poisoning 190
Organophosphorus compounds 191
basic chemical structure of 191f
binding of 195f
classification of 191t
hydrolases 195
induced delayed polyneuropathy 193
pesticides, classification of 191t
poisoning 192, 192t
Orientia tsutsugamushi 263, 264, 266, 269
Osmotic diarrhea 138
Osmotic therapy 122
Osteomyelitis 287, 289
Otorrhea 117
Ovarian teratoma 128
Oxalate 181
plants 225
Oxalic acid 181
Oxime 195
phosphate compound 196
Oxycodone 214
Oxygen 9, 216, 295, 300
arterial partial pressure of 340
carrying capacity of blood 340
cascade 296
concentrations, inspired 299
fraction, inspiratory 295
inspiratory fraction of 327
partial pressure of 157, 295, 297t, 299
positive end-expiratory pressure tables 304
role of 295
supplementation 121
therapy 9, 98
Oxygenation 337
failure of 30
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve 296f
Pain 48, 50, 50t, 55
abdominal 152, 185, 252, 281
management 59, 170
severe 77
P-aminosalicylate sodium 279
P-aminosalicylic acid 279
Pancreas 209
pseudocysts of 156
divisum 157
fistula 181
necrosis 158
polypeptide 145
pseudocyst 158
acute 156, 157, 160, 160t
chronic 157
complications of 158, 158t
interstitial edematous 158
management of 159
necrotizing 156, 158
types of 158
Paracetamol 130, 259
overdose 130
poisoning 135
Paradoxical septal motion 17f
Paraldehyde 181
Paralysis 51, 192
types of 209
Paraneoplastic disorders 128
Paraoxonase 191
Parasites 272
life cycle of 271
Parasympathetic nervous system 208
Parathion 191
Paratracheal stripe, widened 112
Parenchymal necrosis 158
Parenteral nutrition 149, 161
total 26, 139, 148, 161
Parkland formula 169
modified 169
Parotitis, acute suppurative 287
Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation 85
Parvovirus 130
Pasteur's point 295
asynchrony 51
dyssynchrony 122
Peak concentration hypothesis 360
Peak expiratory function 185
Pediatric diseases 212
Pelvis 114
Penetrating injuries 117
Penicillin 246, 253
allergy 44
intravenous 253
Pentoxifylline 273
Percutaneous coronary intervention 9, 92
Pericardial effusion 20
Perimesencephalic cisterns 120
Peripancreatic fluid collection, acute 156, 158
Pesticidal plants 217
Petroleum products 207
Pharmacological cardioversion 87
Phenobarbital 207
Phentolamine 213
Phenylephrine 215
Phenytoin 130
Pheochromocytoma 138
Phorate 191
Phosphate 138, 181
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 213
Phosphorothioate 191
PICCO monitor 6f
Piloerection 211
Piperaquine 273
poisoning victims 219
toxidromes 219, 220t
Plasma 178
exchange 128
lactate concentration 216
leak, severe 258
Plasmapheresis 359
high volume 135
Plasmodium 271273, 275
asexual parasitemia 272
erythrocyte membrane protein 272
infected 272
knowlesi 271, 272
life cycle of 271f
malariae 271
ovale 271
vivax 271, 275
count syndrome, low 132, 134
transfusion of 260
Pleocytosis 125
Pleural injury 109
Pleuritic chest pain 102
Pneumomediastinum 111
Pneumonia 28, 109, 146, 241, 285, 287, 289
community-acquired 28, 42
hospital-acquired 28, 29
melioidosis, right upper lobe 288f
severity index 29
ventilator-associated 29, 44
Pneumopericardium 111
Pneumoperitoneum 111
Pneumothoraces 109, 111
Pneumothorax 26, 108, 111, 211
Poison 207
hemlock 223
Poisonous products 217
Polyethersulfone 362
Polyethylenimine 362
Polymerase chain reaction 126, 235, 252, 253, 266, 267, 279
Polymyxin 362
hemoperfusion 362, 364, 364t
Polyneuropathy 265
Poor perfusion, signs of 185
Porcine hepatocytes 135
Positive end-expiratory pressure 93, 98, 98f, 111, 298, 303305, 311, 319, 320, 331
noninvasive 331
oxygenation 304
titration 304
Postmalaria neurological syndrome 274
Postmonsoon spike 263
Postpyloric feeding 149
chloride 140
supplements 260
Potential donor 70
identification 69
Potential organ donor 73
Potential recipient requirements 70
Potential serotonin syndrome 215
Pralidoxime 195, 211
binding of 196f
structure of 195f
Prasugrel 11
Prazosin 204
Pregnancy 261
acute fatty liver of 132, 134
test 209
Premature neonates 71
intra-abdominal 157
volume curve 306
Procoagulant enzymes 219
Prokinetic agents 140, 147, 149
Propafenone 87
Prophylactic antibiotics 45
Prophylaxis 123
Propionic acid 213
Propofol 49, 50, 249
infusion syndrome, development of 50
Propoxyphene 214
Propylthiouracil 130
Prostacyclin 273
Prostatic abscess 289, 288f, 290
Protein 181, 123
acute-phase 181
intake 26
intestinal 138
Proteus mirabilis 265
Prothionamide 279
Protozoal infection 271
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 29, 160, 166
Psychoactive drugs, use of 55
Psychological dysfunction 321
Psychosis 127
Pulmonary artery
catheter 83, 93
right main 104f
Pulmonary complications 133, 275
postoperative 313
Pulmonary congestion 84
Pulmonary contusions 109, 110f
Pulmonary edema 12, 72, 247, 273
cardiogenic 332
Pulmonary embolism 44, 92, 261
acute 101, 103fc
catheter directed therapy for 106
classification of 101, 101t
clinical features 102
investigations 102
low probability of 103
signs of 102t
symptoms of 102t
treatment 104
Pulmonary hemorrhage 276, 280
syndrome, severe 254
Pulmonary hilar injuries 113
Pulmonary infection, evidence of 97
Pulmonary parenchymal
disease 241
injury 109
Pulmonary tuberculosis 280
Pulmonary vascular
dysfunction 30
permeability indices 30
Pupil constriction predominate 209
Pupillary dilatation 211
Pyrazinamide 278, 279
Pyrimethamine 273
Pyroglutamic acid 181
QRS complex, wide 85f
QT interval prolongation 211
Quality improvement techniques 60
Quetiapine 59, 60
Quinine 207
Quinolphos 191
Radical injury 118
Raltegravir trio therapy 281
Randomized controlled trial 161, 311, 321, 352, 361, 364
Ranson signs of severity 157b
Rapid diagnostic tests 266
Rapid sequence intubation 121
Rash 252
Red blood cells 271273
Refeeding syndrome 26
cardiogenic shock 340
intracranial hypertension 123
seizures 274
shock state 87
ventricular arrhythmia 340
Reintubation 60
Remifentanil 49
Renal disease 286
end-stage 359
Renal failure 153, 181, 226, 252, 254, 255
Renal function tests 267
Renal impairment 273
Renal insufficiency 217
Renal replacement therapy 133, 351, 352f, 353f, 353t, 354, 357, 357fc, 357t, 359
continuous 351, 354, 359, 360, 364
delayed initiation of 354
early initiation of 354
personalized 357
Renal tubular acidosis 181
Renin-angiotensin aldosterone system 93, 151
Repetitive nerve, normal 209
Reserpine 213
Respiration 119
acidosis 111
alkalosis, compensatory 217
arrest 76
depression 209
distress syndrome
acute 28, 30, 159, 234, 240, 252, 265, 267f, 275, 276, 303, 304, 311, 318, 320, 331, 337, 345, 348t
clinical network, acute 304, 305
drive 320
embarrassment and hypoxia 109
failure 99,109, 192, 216, 254, 326
acute 255, 276, 334f
early 209
muscles 209
paralysis 209
pathogen antimicrobials 73
rate 28
support 104, 324
system 72, 313
tract infections 96
cardiopulmonary 77
hemodynamic 275
post-cardiopulmonary 327
Resuscitative thoracotomy 113, 113b
Rhinorrhea 117
Rhodanase 217
Rhododendron 221
Rhythm-control 87
strategy 87
Rib fracture management 109
Ribonucleic acid 233
single-stranded 238
Richmond agitation-sedation scale 48
Ricinus communis 224
Rickettsial disease 266, 266t, 267
Rickettsial infection 252, 265
Rifampicin 277279
Rifampin 279
Right bundle branch block 102
Right ventricular 103
dysfunction 92
Ringer's lactate 160
plus 160
hydroxyethyl starch 160
Risperidone 213
Rivaroxaban 14
Road traffic accident 116
Robinia pseudoacacia 224
Rosary pea 224
Rotterdam score 120t
Rumack-Matthew nomogram 220
Russell's viper 199, 201
Ryle's tube 60
Saccharomyces boulardii 141
Salbutamol 97
Salicylate 181, 207
toxicity, management of 217
toxidrome 217
Saline administration 181
Salivation 192, 210
Salmonella bacteremia 275
Sanguinary snakes 217
Sarafotoxins 219
Sarin 209
Saw-scaled viper 199
Scald burn 167
Scopolamine 208
antivenom 204
sting 218
clinical grading of 203t
envenomation 202
fatalities of 202f
management of 204fc
Scrotal abscesses 288
Scrotum 264f
Scrub infection 264
Scrub typhus 263, 265, 266, 268, 269
affects 263
burdens of 263
diagnosis of 265, 266b, 267t
diagnostic panel 267b
early distinction of 265
endemicity 263
infection 264, 265
natural course of 265f
pathogenesis of 264f
management of 268
manifestations during pregnancy 265
risk factors for developing 264b
Sea snakes 199
Second heart sound, accentuated pulmonic component of 102
Sedation 48, 341
agitation scale 48
daily interruption of 51
Sedatives, use of 52
Seizures 58, 216
control of 212
treatment of 274
Sepsis 23, 55, 83, 359, 360
campaign, surviving 261
treatment of 85
abortions 245
arthritis 287, 289, 290
shock 265, 276, 361t
manage 261
Serological tests 266b
Serotonergic drugs 215
multiple 215
Serotonin syndrome 215
Serotoninergic toxidrome 215
Serum 208
amylase 153
creatinine 92
kinase level 209
electrolyte 92, 167
oxaloacetic transaminase 159
pyruvic transaminase 159
lactate level 152
Severe acute pancreatitis study, audit of 161
Severe disease 252
signs of 251
Severe malaria, pathogenesis of 272fc
Shock 83, 153, 158, 253, 273
cardiogenic 91b
causes of 87
compensated 258
decompensated 258
distributive 185
hypotensive 258
hypovolemic 21, 185
infection 275
management of 21
obstructive 21
Sialic acid 233
Sickle cell trait 272
bradycardia 213
rhythm 87
tachycardia 211
Six organ systems, dysfunction of 265
Skin 165
decontamination 194
grafting 169
infection 285
lesion 281
swabs 288
Skull fractures 117
apnea, obstructive 331
deprivation 55
hygiene 58
Small bowel, proximal 145
Smooth muscle 209
contraction 186
envenomation 199
venom 199, 218
Snakebite 205, 245
envenomation, management of 201
management of 200fc
related acute kidney injury 219
victims 219
bicarbonate 183, 195, 206
role of 183
ion 183
loss 181
nitrite 217
thiosulfate 216, 217
Soft tissue infection 285
necrotizing 172, 173, 175, 176fc
Sorbents, types of 362
Sotalol 86
Spasms 127
Spherocytosis, hereditary 272
Splenic abscesses, multiple 288f
Spurge 225
Sputum 288
Standard medical therapy 359, 363
Staphylococcal infections 125
aureus 29, 139, 160, 166, 172, 234, 240
epidermidis 160
Stasis, zone of 165
Status epilepticus 51, 127
Steam burn 167
Steatorrhea 141
Steroid 97, 286
glucocorticoid 187
role of 277
treatment 281
use of 276
Stewart's strong ion difference 181
Stiffness 127
Stinging scorpions 217
Stomach 146
ultrasonography of 146f
Streamlining antimicrobial therapy 43
Streptococcus 240
pneumoniae 29, 42, 234, 240
Streptokinase 105
Streptomycin 279
index 307
induced cardiac syndromes 18
ulcer prophylaxis 93
Stridor 185
Stroke 7, 32, 87, 281
volume 7, 20
Strychnine-sensitive glycine receptor 127
Subcutaneous emphysema 111
Subdural hematoma 117, 118f, 119
Substance abuse 58
Succinic acid 181
Sucking chest wound 111
Sulfadoxine 273
Sulfate 138, 181
Superior mesenteric artery, thrombosis of 153f
Superior vena cava 339
Suprapubic pain 287
Surrogate 72
decision maker 76
role of 76
Sweating 210
Sweep gas 345
flow 340
Swelling syndrome, progressive 199
Sympathetic nervous system 151
Sympathomimetic toxidrome 211, 212f
Sympathoplegia toxidrome 213
Symptomatology 208, 209
Syphilis 125
System vascular resistance 7
Systemic capillary leak syndrome 200
Systemic inflammatory response 118
syndrome 156, 362
features of 157b
Systolic blood pressure 4, 28, 91, 121
Systolic pressure, normal 258
Tabernanthe iboga 222
induced cardiomyopathy 88
tolerate 84
Tachycardia 102, 131, 158, 192, 208, 211, 215, 226, 247
Tachypnea 102, 131, 158
Takotsubo syndrome 18, 19f
Tamponade 20fc
Taxus baccata 222
Temephos 191
Tension pneumothorax 108, 121
Terizidone 279
Tetanus 245
biological plausibility 245
clinical features of 245
diagnosis of 246
evidence base 248
generalized 246
immunoglobulins 248
localized 246
natural history of 245
neonatal 246
pathogenesis of 245
severity of 246t
toxin 247
toxoid 248
treatment of 246, 247
Tetracycline 247, 269
toxicity 132
Tetraethyl pyrophosphate 190
Thalassemia 272, 286
Theophylline 207
Therapeutic hypothermia 51, 123
Thermal burn 166, 167
Thermal inhalation injury 169
Thiamine 207
deficiency 26
Thoracic aorta 20f, 113
Thoracic injury 108, 114
multiple 110f
Thoracic surgery 83
Thoracic trauma 108, 111
pathophysiology of 109t
formal 111
tube 111
Thoracotomy, resuscitative 113b
Thrombocytopenia 10, 219, 252
Thromboembolism 93
Thrombolysis, half dose 106
Thrombotic disorders 152
Thymoma 128
Thyroid 288
Ticagrelor 11
Tick-borne spotted fever 266
hypoxia 91
oxygen delivery levels, raised 300
Toxic alcohols 206
Toxicity 214
Toxidrome 206, 207, 209, 215
management of 207
Toxin 207, 217, 219
Tracheobronchial injuries 111
Tracheostomy 109, 169, 247
Tramadol overdose 215
Transalveolar driving pressure 304
Transesophageal echocardiography 17, 20f
Transient bacteremia, hematogenous spread of 174f
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 134
Transoesophageal echocardiography 88
Transplantation system 73
Transpulmonary pressure 324
Transthoracic echocardiography 16, 20f
Transverse myelitis 265
Trauma 23, 83, 157
penetrating 111, 157
abdominal 113
with intercostal catheter 111f
Traumatic aortic injury 112
Traumatic brain injury 58, 116, 118f, 119, 123, 320
and mortality 119t
causes of 116f, 117f
classification of 120t
pathophysiology of 117
severity of 119
Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 120
Tremor 215
Triethylphosphate 190
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 289
Trizophos 191
Trombiculidae family 263
Troponin 103
Tsutsugamushi triangle 263, 263f
Tuberculoma, intracranial 280
Tuberculosis 276, 278, 279, 282
abdominal 281
cutis miliaris disseminata 281
diagnosis of 281
disseminated 281
extrapulmonary 281
gastrointestinal 281
in intensive care unit 276
management of 276
organ-specific 280
patients coinfected, treatment of 281
treatment of 277
meningitis 277, 280
pericarditis 281
spinal arachnoiditis 280
Tumor 58
necrosis factor 234
Typhoid 252
fever 265
endemic 266
epidemic 266
Ulcers 245, 288
chronic 173
pressure 60
Ultrasound, abdominal 159
Ultraviolet germicidal irradiation 282
Unbound toxin 246
neutralization of 247
Upper abdominal pain 159
Upper respiratory tract 235
Urates 181
catheters 60
retention 208
tract infections, catheter related 44
Urination 192, 210
Urine output, normal 254
Vaccination 29
Vaccine 242
Vaginal bleeding, causes of 261
Valproate 130, 132
Valproic acid 157
solution 140
Valvular disease, severe 19
Valvular regurgitation 7
Vancomycin 46
resistant Enterococcus 43
Varicella zoster virus 127, 130
disease, peripheral 173
ileus 145
injury 109
intrathoracic structures 108
stenting 154
Vasculotoxic syndrome 200
Vasoconstrictor catecholamine 72
Vasoplegic shock 21
Vasopressor therapy 260
Vecuronium bromide 214
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 337, 340, 341
Venom neurotoxins block 218
Venomous scorpion stings, endemic distribution of 203f
Venous thromboembolism 101
prophylaxis 123
Venovenous extracorporeal
carbon dioxide removal 348, 349
membrane oxygenation 338, 341
Venovenous hemodiafiltration, continuous 354, 355
Venovenous hemofiltration, continuous 134
esophageal pressure-guided 307
improvement of 242
invasive 98
noninvasive 30, 98, 109, 255, 261, 280, 326, 327b, 331, 332, 334f, 335f
perfusion scan 103
positive-pressure 99
pressure support 318
Ventilator support 169, 341
Ventricular enlargement trial, survival and 12
Verapamil 86
Veratrum 221
Vessels, abdominal 152
Vibrio vulnificus 173
Viper venoms 218, 219
Viperidae 199
Viral hepatitis 131, 252
Viral pneumonia 234
Viremia 125
Virus 23, 240, 256
Viscera, abdominal 114
Visceral abscesses 285
Vivax malaria, severe 272
Volatile anesthetic agents 50
Volume clamp method 4
Volvulus 159
Vomiting 185, 192, 252
Vorapaxar 11
Voriconazole suspension 140
Water accidents 9
Water hemlock 223
Weil-Felix test 266t
Wells' score 103t, 104
Wernicke's encephalopathy 58
West Nile encephalitis 125
Westermark's sign 102f
White blood cell 157
Whole blood clotting test, twenty-minute 201
Wild carrot and parsley 223
Wilson's disease 130, 134
assessment 166
care 248
Yellow oleander 220
Zigadenus 221
Ziprasidone 59, 60, 213
Zoonotic disease 263
Zoonotic infection 251
Chapter Notes

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