Donald School Embryo as a Person and as a Patient Asim Kurjak, Frank A Chervenak
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdominal wall 59f
defects 52, 57, 58f
Abortion 41
risk of premature 121
Academia 30
Achondrogenesis 52
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 79
Acrania 52
Acrosome reaction 75
Adenomyosis 100, 100f
Adherence junction 3
Agnathia 54
Allele dropout 116, 117
Alobar holoprosencephaly 54f
Alpha-fetoprotein 124
Alzheimer's disease 136
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 86
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 86
Amniocentesis 89
Amniochorionic membrane 16
Amniotic band syndrome, severe 52
Amniotic fluid 89
Anencephaly 52
Anovulation 101
Anthropology, developmental 30
Artificial intelligence, development of 138
Assisted reproductive
techniques 93, 97, 121
technology 19, 75
Astroglia 2
Atria 107
compare, large 107
Atrial septum primum 108
complete 108
Atrial spine 107
Atrioventricular canal 107
Atrioventricular endocardial cushions 108
Atrioventricular foramen 105
Atrioventricular junction 109
Auricle, malformations of 55
Autism 35
Autosomal trisomy 24
Bichorionic biamniotic triplets 123f
Big bang theory 30
Bioethical aspects 35
Biomedical technologies, current advancements of 12
Bio-optimists 131
Biopsy techniques 116
enlargement of 60
exstrophy 57
Blastocyst 44f, 75
inner cell mass of 15
removal 93f
stage 77
embryos 77
Blastomere 33
biopsy 77
Body mass index 101
Body plan, formation of 16
Body stalk anomaly 52, 57, 59
Bowel 58
changing appearance of 24f
develops 65
factories of 9
structure 51
vascularity, premature 22f
ventricle, single 54f
vesicles, primary 65
Butterfly sign 39f
Caenorhabditis elegans 16
Cajal-retzius cells 1, 6, 7
Cardiac activity, absent 124f
Cardiac defects, severe 52
Cardiac tube 106
Cardiac wall, three layered 108
Cardiogenic region 106
Carnegie stage 20t, 106110, 113
Catholic Church's teachings 41
number 77
theory 32
zygote, single 12
Central nervous system, fetal 65
Cerebellar plate 5f, 6f
Cerebellum 51
cortex 3
hemispheres 22
Cerebro-ocular-muscular syndrome 53
Chimera 40
Chorioepithelioma 41
Chorionic fluid, less 124f
Chorionic villus sampling 89, 90, 126
indications of 90
laboratory analysis of 92
risks of 91
training and audit of 92
Choroid plexus 9, 39f
Chromosomal defect 55
Chromosomal molecular analysis 92
Chromosomal risks 90
Chromosome 13, 125
screening platforms, comprehensive 116
Cleavage-stage scoring systems 77
Cleft lip 54
Cleft palate 54
Cognitive psychology, developmental 30
Color Doppler 56, 97
Communication skills 134
Cordocentesis 89
Coronary arteries 115
Coronary circulation 115
Corpus luteum 44, 44f
Corpus mamillare 5f
Cortical plate 2
formation of 8
Cortical reaction 75
Cranial bones, ossification of 52
Crown-rump length 53, 124
measurements 1
Cyclopia 54
Cystic fibrosis 93, 136
Cystic hygroma 56
Cysts, true 52
Dandy-Walker malformation 54
Darwinism, reception of 29
Decidualization phase 97
Democratic transhumanism 138
Deoxyribonucleic acid 92
analysis 90
Dialogue model 29
Diencephalon 9, 22, 51
Dimeric inhibin 124
Down syndrome 15, 124
Early pregnancy 52f
loss 96
Ears, low set 52, 55
Ear-shoulder distance, reduced 55f
Ectopia cordis 57
Egg activation 75
Electron microscopy 5
Embryo 12, 22f, 23f, 35, 66f, 67f, 84, 84, 109f, 112f
and yolk sac 21f
behavior of 65
cleavage-stage 77
coexistence of 40
crown-rump length of 108
culture medium, composition of 76
escapes 14
ethical concept of 82, 85
implantation 96
legal status of 38
length of 106, 110
moral status of 82
neurological development of 65
normal sonographic development of 51
single cell biopsy from 93f
to initiate pregnancy, transferring 85
to placenta-fetoplacental circulation 45
transfer 98, 121
visualization, normal 19
Embryology, modern 19
Embryonal pleural effusion 24
Embryonal stage
abnormalities 22
system 19
Embryonal vascularity 22f
Embryonic brain 22
Embryonic cardiac development 105
Embryonic development, staging of 1
Embryonic disk 40
Embryonic invasive diagnostic procedures 89
Embryonic lower limb 68f
Embryonic malformations 52
Embryonic movements 45
Embryonic period 9, 51, 53, 89
to adolescence 2f
Embryonic stage 114f
Embryonic stem cells 14
Embryonic upper limb 68f
Encephalocele 52, 53, 54f
Endocardial cushion fusion 110
Endocardial tube, paired 106
Endometrial cavity, central portion of 101f
Endometrial polyp 99f
Endometrial receptivity array 102
Endometrial volume, quantification of 97
Endometritis, chronic 96
Endometrium 96
chronic inflammation of 100
functional layers of 96f
myometrium border, loss of 100f
Enzymes 131
Epiblast 16
Epigenetics, influence of 34
Epiphysis 5f
Episcopic fluorescence imaging 105
Epithalamus 22
Ethics concept of person 84
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 76
Euploid embryos 78
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 86
Eventration 57, 58
Exencephaly 52
Extraembryonic membranes 15
Extropianism 138
Facial clefts 52
Facial malformations 54
Fertilization 12, 33, 40, 75
events of 75
steps 75
Fertilized oocyte to zygote 44f
Fetal abnormalities, early 51
Fetal activity 47f
Fetal anatomy 51
Fetal heads 55f
Fetal heart 57f, 58f
Fetal hydrops 56
Fetal malformations 52
Fetal period 52
Fetus 37f, 45f47f
first trimester 55f, 58f
side view of 56f
surface demonstration of 59f
with gastroschisis 58f
with hygroma colli 56f
with omphalocele 58f
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 116, 117
Follicle maturation 101
Foramen ovale 113, 115
Forebrain 3, 23f, 65
Four chambered heart 114f
Franceschetti syndrome 55
Ganglionic eminence 7f, 9
Gastroschisis 57
defects, sampling for single 92
disorders, single 78
Genetic hybridization, array comparative 92, 116
Genetic uniqueness 41
Genetic-obstetric counseling 89
Genetics, influence of 34
Genome 34
Genomic editing 131
designing baby with 135
Genomic hybridization 116
array comparative 117
Genotype 34
Germline gene 80
Gestational age 19, 105
Gestational sac, development of 20, 21f
Gestational twin sac, empty 127f, 128f
HDlive mode 51
HDlive technology 20
HDlive ultrasound 20
Heart defects 56
Heartbeat interruption 123f
Hematopoiesis 16
Hematopoietic stem cells 132
Hindbrain 23f, 65
Hippocampus 9
Holoprosencephaly 52, 53
Homologous recombination 131
Hormonal changes and implantation 101
Human being 31
Human blastocysts 15
Human chorionic gonadotropin 34, 90, 97
beta 55, 124
Human development
begins 33
visualization of early 43
Human embryo 1, 3f, 4f, 14, 136
powers of 12
Human embryogenesis, facts of 32
Human embryology 19
Human embryonic cortex 8
Human enhancement 131, 134
technologies 134
Human genome 34
editing 79
project 30, 34
Human life 31
beginning of 28, 32f, 39
Human person at fertilization 39, 40
Human superficial fetal cortex 5f
Human telencephalon 9f
Hybrid cell, single 33
Hydatidiform mole 41
Hydrops 52, 56
Hygromas 56
Hyperechogenic bowel 59
in fetus 59f
Hypoblast 16
Hypothalamus 22
Hysterosonography 98
Immortalism 138
Implantation 97, 100
assessment of abnormal 96
assessment of normal 96
In vitro embryo 85, 86
research with 86
In vitro fertilization 75, 84, 89, 98, 135
pregnancies 121
In vivo embryo 86
Inflammatory disease and implantation 98
Inner cell mass 75
Interventricular foramen 107109
closed 110
Interventricular septum, complete 110, 113
Intracavitary fibroid 98f
Intracavitary pathology 97
Intracranial translucency 56
Intracytoplasmatic injection 89
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 121
Intradecidual gestational sac, small 44f
Intraembryonic circulation 45
development 1
embryonal death 26f
fetal death, early 24f, 26f
interventions 131
vascularity 21f
Invasive diagnostic sampling procedures 89
Invasive prenatal diagnosis 126
Ions, molecules of 13
Isthmus rombencephali 5f
Joubert syndrome 53
Kartagener syndrome 52
Karyotype analysis 90
Kidney 17
Kousseff syndrome 55
Kurjak Antenatal Neurodevelopmental Test 47f
Lamina affixa 9
Lamina terminalis 3f
Libertarian transhumanism 138
Life Protection Act 35
culture of 137
phenomenon of 30
anomalies 60
surface demonstration of 60f
defects 52
Liver 58
Living indefinitely long 139
Looping cardiac tube 106
Lower limb 71f, 73f
movements 70f, 71f
Luschka and magendie, foramina of 54
Luteal phase, late 97
Luteinizing hormone 15
Lymphatic malformation 56
Magnetic resonance microscopy 19
Mandible anomalies 55
Maternal blood sampling 90
Maternal serum markers 124
Mean sac diameter 51
Meckel's diverticulum 52
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 53
Medulla oblongata 51
Megacystis 52
Meganucleases 132
Memory enhancement 134
Mendelian diseases 92
Menstrual phase 96
endometrium 96f
Mesencephalon 3f, 51, 65
Mesenchyme 5f
Metabolism, errors of 90
Metencephalon 51
Microarray platforms 118
Microglia 2
Micrognathia 55
Midbrain 22f, 23f, 65
Mid-secretory phase 97
Mitochondria 80
Mitochondria manipulation 80
Mitochondrial genetic disorders 80
Mitochondrial genome 34
Molecular scissors 131
Monogenic disorders 78
Monogenic syndrome 54
Monozygotic twin phenomenon 40
Moral status, ethical concept of 84
Morphologic changes 106110, 113
Morula 75
aggregation 13
Multidimensional thinking 134
Multiple pregnancy 122
Muscular interventricular septum, complete 110
Mutism 35
Mycoplasma 100
Myelencephalon 5f, 51
Myometrial cysts 100f
Myometrium 100f
Nager syndrome 55
Nasal bone, absent 52
Natural philosophers 28
Neocortical cerebral wall, lamination in 4f
Neocortical development 2f
Neural crest cells 106
Neural tube defect, diagnosis of 56
Neuroepithelial stem cells 3, 4
Neuroepithelium 5f
Neurogenetic events, timing and sequence of 2f
Neuronal communication 6
Next generation sequencing 116118
Noninvasive prenatal screening 90, 125
Nonoverlapping magisteria principle 29
Nuchal translucency 124
enlarged 55, 55f
measurement 55
Nuclear genome 34
Nucleotide polymorphism, single 116, 117, 125
Obstetric ethics, professional 82
Obstetric management, counseling about 87
Obstetrics and gynecology, professional ethics in 82
Oligodendroglia 2
Omphalocele 57, 58
Omphalomesenteric duct cysts 52
One cell embryo 33
Oocyte 33
Optic vesicle 3f
Organogenesis 16
Ostium primum 107
closed 109, 110
Otocephaly 54
Ovum activation 33
Pallium 4
Parvovirus infection 56
Pelvic inflammatory disease 98
Perifollicular vascularization 43
Philosophy, developmental 30
Pierre-Robin syndrome, typical sign in 55
Placenta 44, 59f
Placental tissues 89
Plasma protein, pregnancy associated 55, 90, 124
Pleural effusion, bilateral 26f
Polycystic ovary syndrome 101
Polydactyly 52, 53
Polymerase chain reaction 77, 116, 117, 131
amplification analysis 92
quantitative 117
fluorescent 92
use of 116
Postconceptional weeks 1
Postconceptual week 3
embryo, sixth 5f
Postgenderism 138
Postovulation weeks 1
Pre-embryo 75
assessment 77
cryopreservation 76
culture conditions 75
development in vitro 75
genetic testing of 77
medical aspect 75
aspects 75
status of 79
Preimplantation genetic
diagnosis 77, 89, 92, 116, 117t
screening 77, 93, 116
testing 77, 78
Preimplantation testing 77
Preimplanted pre-embryo, legal status of 78
Prenatal diagnosis 131
Prenatal invasive techniques 89
Prezygote 40
Primitive atria 106
Primitive cardiac tube, single 106
Primitive endocardial cushion 107
Primitive ventricles 106
Primordial plexiform layer 1
Pronuclear scoring systems 77
Pronuclear transfer 80
Prosencephalon 22, 51, 65
Prune belly syndrome 60, 60f
Pseudocysts 52
Pseudodecidualization phase 97
Pseudostratified epithelium 3
Psychology, developmental 30
Radial artery blood flow 97f
Religious teachings, different 41
Renal abnormalities 53
Reproductive medicine 84
Retrognathia 52
Rhombencephalon 6f, 22, 51, 53, 65
Rigid biopsy forceps 91
Saline infusion sonography 98, 99f
three-dimensional 98f
Secretory phase, early 96
Semilunar valves 110
Senses 134
Septum primum 107
Sickle cell anemia 136
Singularitarianism 138
Sinus venosus 109f
Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome 55
Sonoembryology 19
three-dimensional 19
Sonographic study, two-dimensional 65
capacitation 75
oocyte binding 75
zona pellucida binding 75
Spermatozoa 31f, 32
Spina bifida 52, 56
small 57f
Spinal amiotrophy 93
Spinal canal, lower 57f
Spinal cord 3f
Spindle transfer 80
Spontaneous abortion 98
Spontaneous vermicular movements 65
Stoicism 35
Stomach 58
Strand breaks, double 131
Subpallium 4
thick basal portion of 7f
Subthalamus 22
Subventricular zone 1, 4
Sugars, molecules of 13
Sulcus monroi 9
Sulcus telodiencephalic 5f
Surviving twin 123
Syngamy 33
Tay-Sachs disease 93, 136
Technogaianism 138
Telencephalic vesicle 3f, 4f, 5, 5f, 6f, 9f
Telencephalon 3f, 7f
Temperature index 105
Termination of pregnancy 89, 93
counseling about 87
Thalamus 22
Thalassemia 93
Third ultrasound in first trimester 52
Thoracopagus 60f
Three-parent babies 80
Tortuous configuration 3
Traditional karyotype 92
Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling 90f, 91f
technique 90
Transcervical chorionic villus sampling technique 91
Transhumans, rights of 137t
Transvaginal imaging, two-dimensional 39f
Transvaginal sonography, two-dimensional 38f
Transvaginal ultrasound kidneys 59
Treacher-Collins syndrome 55
Trichorionic triamniotic triplets 122f
Tricuspid regurgitation 55
Trophectoderm tissue biopsy 116
Trophoblastic cells 93f
Truncal cushion 107
Truncus arteriosus 109
separation of 109
single undivided 107
Tubular heart 105f
Turner syndrome 56
conjoined 52, 60, 60f
pregnancy 121f, 126f
monoamniotic 60
monochorionic 60
in first trimester, three-dimensional 51
of septate uterus, three-dimensional 98f
scans, early 126f
three-dimensional 19, 51, 96
transvaginal three-dimensional 65
two-dimensional 61, 96
Umbilical artery
single 52, 59, 60, 61f
two 45
Umbilical cord 22f, 39f, 61f
cyst 52
prevalence of 52
middle of 53f
Umbilical cysts 52
Umbilical hernia 58
Umbilical vessels 59
Unconjugated estriol 124
Unfertilized oocyte 44f
Uniformly echogenic endometrium 97f
Upper limb 71f, 73f
left 69f
movements 70f, 71f
Upper lip, clefts of 54
Upper palate, clefts of 54
Ureaplasma urealyticum 100
Urinary tract anomalies 59
Uterine cavity 97
defects 97
upper half of 98f
Uterine circulation 97f
Uterine fundus, convex shape of 98f
Uterine receptivity, assessment of 101
Valve movements 110
Vanishing twin 25f
syndrome 121, 124, 126, 127
effects of 123
influence of 124126
Vasculogenesis 16
Vena cava valve 108
Ventricular cells 4
Vertebra, primary ossification of 56
Villous chromosomal examination 25f
Vitelline circulation 45
Vitrification method 76
Walker-Warburg syndrome 53
Warnock committee 78
Water, molecules of 13
Window of implantation 96
Wrist 71f
Xeroderma pigmentosum 132
Yolk sac 20, 22, 24, 37f, 66f, 67f, 69f73f
abnormality 52
echogenic shrunk 26f
large 24f, 25f
to embryo 45
Zagreb neuroembryological collection 3f
finger nucleases 132
sparks 75
Zona pellucida 33
penetration of 75
Zona reaction 75
Zygote 33
Chapter Notes

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