Atlas and Synopsis of Neonatology
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure.
Abdomen 14
transilluminant 193f
ultrasonography of 196
ultrasound 189
examination of 42
Abdominal cavities 182
Abdominal distension, generalized 164f
Abdominal X-ray 181
Abscess 180
Abuse 17
Accessory nipple 241, 241f
Acetabulum 200
Achondroplasia 196, 197, 197f
Acne, neonatal 97
Acrocyanosis 3, 3f, 28
Acrofacial dysostosis 298
Acrorenalocular syndrome 287
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 221, 223, 245
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 222, 231
Aedes mosquito 129
Air leak syndrome 28, 32, 215, 216f
Airway malformation, upper 28
Albinism 301
Alcohol 39
Alexander's disease 38
Alkaptonuria 247
Allergic contact dermatitis 99
Amniotic band syndrome 242, 243, 259
manifestations of 242f
Amyoplasia 199
Anabolic hormone 32
Anal agenesis 161
Anal atresia 184
Anal opening, absent 161f
Anencephaly 32, 204
Angiosarcoma 74
Angularis oris, absent depressor 21, 21f
Anguli oris muscle, depressor 21
Anisomelia 201
Ankle threads 327f
Ankyloglossia 16, 16f
Anomalies, congenital 32
Anorectal malformation 162, 163f
Antenatal polyhydramnios 224
Antenatal ultrasonography 264
broad-spectrum 237
early 23
Antimicrobial therapy 117
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 139
Antiviral therapy, specific 124
Apert syndrome 296
Aplasia cutis 57
congenita 104
Arachnodactyly 292
Arching 168
Arnold-Chiari malformation 207
Arterioles 3
Arteriovenous malformation 58
Arthrogryposis 31, 309
distal 26, 199
multiplex congenita 198, 198f
Ascites 163
Aspergillus 71
Asphyxia 32
Asymptomatic tongue-tie 16
Atopic dermatitis 63, 99
Atopic eczema, potential for 310
Atresia 28, 265
Atrial septal defect 252, 258, 259, 261
Atrioventricular block 24
complete 23
Atrioventricular septal defects 258
Atropine 24, 25
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 295
Audiometry 301
Aural atresia 276
Auricle, growth of 246f
Autonomic dysfunction 146
Axilla 33
suffering from extreme pallor 232f
suffering from oral thrush 136f
swing 328f
with dysmorphism 281f
Bacille calmette-guérin
reaction 59
vaccine 59
Bacteremia, systemic 127
Bacteroides 192
Bamboo hair disease 279f
Bangles 328f
Barker's hypothesis 34
Bartter syndrome 224
Battered baby syndrome 6, 14
Beaked nose 253
Beare-Stevenson syndrome 254
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 3638, 182, 183, 220, 243
Bickers-Adams syndrome 207
Bifid scrotum 245, 245f
Bifid tongue 16
Biliary atresia 196
Bilious aspirate 194
Bilirubin 35
Bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction 169
Bilobed pinna 246
Birth injury 32, 33
Birth trauma 6, 154
Black cloth 328f
Bladder, exstrophy of 167, 167f
Blebitis 127
Bleeding disorder 6, 233
Bleeding from intestinal mucosa 41
Bleeding per vagina 16
Blinding disorder, potentially 127
Blister 60
Blistering, chronic 89
clots 207
culture 140, 143, 193, 236
dyscrasia 275
gas 189
glucose, low 223
group 228
mother-infant 35
pressure 23
low 223
sugar, screening for 33
Blount's disease 4
Blueberry muffin rash 115, 123f
Bocytopenia-absent radius 266
Body mass accretion to cause macrosomia 32
Boggy scalp swelling 321f
Bohn's nodules 41
Bondla 329f
dysplasia 4
marrow 70
overgrowth 38
Bowel transit time 301
Bracelets 325
Brachial neuropathy 309
Brachial plexus injury 308, 311
Brachmann de Lange syndrome 251
Brain, grossly malformed 205f
Brainstem evoked response audiometry 21
Branchial arch 44
second 44
Branchial cleft cyst 180
abscess 4, 116
enlargement 4, 5f
hypertrophy, physiologic 116
maternal 137
Breastfeeding, continuation of exclusive 13
Breathing difficulty, sign of 22
Brilliantly transilluminant 179
Buccal fat, loss of 33
Bullous impetigo 70, 91, 145
Bullous pemphigoid 128
Butterfly rash 61
macules 72, 82
spots 11
Camptodactyly 292
Canavan's disease 38
Candida albicans 63
Candida diaper dermatitis 63
Candida infection 136
Candidiasis 17, 71
congenital 118
Capillary hemangioma 64, 76
Capillary malformation 58
Capillary refill
delayed 23f, 143
time 22
Caput succedaneum 309, 321
Cardiac anomalies, structural 244
Cardiac arrest 146
Cardiac defect 21, 184, 264, 265
Cardiac disease 3, 22
Cardiac failure, congestive 22
Cardiac malformation 37, 41, 76
Cardiac surgery 25
Cardinal signs 298
Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome 302
Cardiogenic shock 143
Cardiomyopathy 25, 32, 244
Cardiovascular system 253
Carnitine deficiency 30
Carpenter syndrome 254
Cataract 281
congenital 31
Caudal regression syndrome 32
Cavernous hemangioma 65
Celiac disease, monitoring of 258
Cellular toxins, direct 314
Cellulitis 116, 117
case of 118f
Central cyanosis 3
Central nervous system 21, 128, 199, 209, 212, 267, 292
Central peripheral pulse volume 23
Cephalhematoma 6, 7f, 35, 321
Cephalocaudal manner 18
Cerebral anoxia 30
Cerebral aqueduct, atresia of 207
Cerebral aqueductoplasty 208
Cerebral arteriovenous malformation 205
Cerebral palsy 34
Cerebriform nevus sebaceous 67
Cerebro-facio-articular syndrome 264
Cerebro-oculo-facio-skeletal syndrome 104
Cerebrospinal fluid 124126, 128, 140, 211, 236
Cervical sinus, congenital 69
Cesarean section 29
Charge syndrome 245
Cheek, abrasion of 310, 310f
Cheiloschisis 247
indrawing 22, 22f
with ipsilateral webbing 285f
Chickenpox, neonatal 131, 131f
congenital 128
fever 43
virus 129
Child abuse and scabies, physical 63
Chlamydia 17, 135
Choledochal cyst 196
Cholestasis 164
Chorionic villus sampling 244
Chorioretinitis 119
plexectomy 208
coagulation 208
cyst 261
Chromosomal disorders 225
Chronic systemic disorders 225
Cleft lip 41, 44, 247f, 248, 261
Cleft palate 41, 44, 248, 261
Cloxacillin, systemic 145
Clubfoot 217
variants of 218f
Coexisting anomalies exist 21
extremities 143
injury, localized 43
Collodion baby 68, 84
Colon biopsy 301
Colostomy 178, 179f
Compensatory dilatation 3
Complete blood count 125, 193, 221, 225228
Complete heart block, prognosis for congenital 24
Confluent erythematous rash 63f
Congenital band 192
Congenital blue nevus 82
Congenital furrowing 16
Conjunctiva 89
Conjunctivitis 14, 145
Connective tissue disorders 233
Constipation 194, 301
Coombs test, direct 228, 233
Core peripheral temperature mismatch 23
Cornea 89
asymmetry of 271
disorders of 156
Corneal clouding 154, 154f
Corneal transparency, loss of 154
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 251
Cortical thumb 25
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 231
Costello syndrome 33, 75, 244
Count and complete blood count 233
Coxsackievirus 132
Cranial hyperostosis 38
Craniofacial anomalies 199
Craniofacial deafness hand syndrome 301
Craniosynostosis 40, 199
Cri du chat syndrome 274
Crouzon's syndrome 253, 253f, 254
diagnosis of 253
Crying and facial symmetry 21
Cryptophthalmos 152
Cryptorchidism 190, 199
Cultural practices 325
Cushing's disease 320
Cushing's syndrome, neonatal 231
Cutaneous arteries, small 3
Cutaneous mastocytosis, congenital 70
Cutis aplasia 281
Cutis laxa 75
Cutis marmorata 26, 27f
telangiectatica congenita 76
Cyanosis 22, 27, 27f, 293
Cyanotic heart defect 28
Cystic hygroma 179, 180f, 214, 319
Cystic swelling
inferior, bluish 155
of tongue, soft 85f
soft 121f
Cystinosis 122, 154
Cytomegalovirus 39, 115, 124, 125, 164, 227
congenital 119
infection 119
Dacryocele 155f
Dacryocystitis 155, 158
congenital 120
Dacryocystocele 155, 155f
Dacryocystorhinostomy 121
Dandy-Walker syndrome 207
Deep vein thrombosis 272
Dehydration 312
Dental infection 146
Dental lamina, cysts of 41
Deoxyribonucleic acid 68, 228
analysis of 224
Deprivation amblyopia 154
Dermal melanocytosis 72
Dermatitis herpetiformis 132
Dermatofibroma 241
cyst 160, 319
tumors 122, 154
Dextrocardia 281
Diabetes 28, 34
insipidus 225
maternal 312
mellitus 225
Diabetic mother, infant of 31, 36
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome 247
Diarrhea 223
Diazepam 146, 314
Digeorge syndrome 137, 274, 282
Digitalis toxicity 25
Dihydrotestosterone 230
Discoid eczema 99
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 17, 130, 234
Dobutamine 314
Dolichocephaly 292
Dopamine 314
Down's syndrome 31, 195, 256, 257, 257f, 261, 263, 274, 290
Downslanting eyes 297
Drug eruptions 128
Drug reaction 145
Duane-radial ray syndrome 287
Duodenal atresia 189
Duplication cyst 181
Dyselectrolytemia 231
Dysplastic melanocytic nevi 82
Dysrhythmias 146
Dystopia canthorum 301
discharge 125, 126f
low set 274, 275, 281, 281f
piercing 325f
Ecchymoses 233
Ecchymotic patch over buttock 235f
Echovirus 132
Ectodermal dysplasia clefting 261
Ectopia cordis 258, 259f
Ectopia vesicae 167
Ectopic pelvic kidney 167
Ectopic testis 166, 166f, 195
Ectopic thyroid tissue 319
Eczema 13
Edward syndrome 261
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 247
Elastic recoil, reduced 75
Elastolysis 75
Elbow 199
Electrophoresis 227
Ellis Van Creveld syndrome 41, 228
Embolic therapy 206
Encephalitis 46
Endogenous endophthalmitis 127f
Endophthalmitis 157
Endothelial progenitor cells 96
Enteric cyst 41
Enteric fistula 41
necrotizing 169
totalis, necrotizing 169
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 129
Ependymoblastoma 175
Epidermal cell injury 60
Epidermal nevi
pigmented 82
syndrome 67
Epidermal nevus, linear 91
Epidermis 60
Epidermolysis bullosa 77, 78, 128
Epididymitis 193
Epinephrine 24, 314
Epithelial cells 8
Epstein pearls 8, 9f
Erythema 313f
multiforme 60
toxicum 79
neonatorum 109
Erythematous papules 98f, 128
Erythroderma 279
Erythrokeratodermia variabilis 279
Escherichia coli 116, 134, 142, 147, 192
sepsis 165
Esophageal atresia 184
Exacerbate neonatal jaundice 6
Exfoliative dermatitis 279
Exfoliative toxin A and B 144
Exophthalmos 253
Extracellular adhesion molecules 60
Extrahepatic biliary atresia 165
Extrascleral spread of retinoblastoma 160
Extraspinal ependymoma 175
asymmetry of 151, 151f, 271
defects, structural 281
disorders of 151
inner canthi of 301
kajal 328f
lashes, sparse 297
ultrasound of 127
yellowish staining of 165f
flare, medial 301
liners 325f
coloboma 297
congenital 151, 152f
diagnose 152
lower 152
upper 152
edema 157, 158f
folds, narrow 261
left 152
swollen 220
and shoulder, bluish discoloration over 5f
bluish discoloration over 5f
Facial asymmetry 21
Facial edema 145
Facial nerve
injury 311
palsy 311
Fasciitis 116
Feeding difficulties 293
Feeding spoon 329f
Femoral focal deficiency, proximal 201
Femoral hernia 190
Femur, proximal 200
Fetal and neonatal disorders, manifestation of 198
Fetal blood sampling 228
Fetal body fat 32
Fetal death 29
Fetal finger pads 264
Fetal hyperinsulinemia 32
stimulates protein 32
Fetal hypoxia 30
Fetal sebaceous glands 18
Fetal skull 6
Fetal thorax, compression of 14
Fetiform mass 263f
Fetus in fetu 263
Fever 145
Fibroblast growth factor
basic 74
receptor 253
Fibrous bands 199
Firm red nodules over skin 229f
Fluorescence in-situ hybridization 298
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption 125
Forebrain, holoprosencephaly of 209f
Forehead and foot, blister on 60f
Foreign body 17
trauma 136
clavicle 307
malunion of 201
of long bones 311
Franceschetti-Zwahlen-Klein syndrome 297f
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome 26
Fresh stillbirth 28, 29f
baby 28
Friction blister 61
Fryns syndrome 250
Fundus 127
coloboma 157
Fungal and seborrheic dermatitis 62
Galactosemia 139, 164
Gangrene 118, 314
affected part of foot 226f
of limb 226
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 316
Gastrointestinal disorders 161
Gastrointestinal malformations 37
Gastrointestinal tract 70
Gastroschisis 182, 183, 185, 185f
Genetic abnormalities 227
Genetic defects 46
Genetic disorder 38, 225, 239
underlying 264
Genetic syndrome, part of 31
Genetic testing 31, 199
Genital deformities 199
Genitourinary 21
Genomic abnormality 244
Genu recurvatum 292
Genu varum 3, 4f
Gestational age
causes of large 32
infants, large for 37
large for 32f
Giant seborrheic keratosis 67
Giant umbilical cord 29
Glaucoma 76, 103
congenital 121, 136, 154, 158
in infant, congenital 122f
Glenohumeral joint, sepsis of 309
Glucocorticoid replacement 224
Glycosylated hemoglobin 37
Goiter 319
Goldenhar syndrome 44, 246, 266, 267f, 298
manifestations of 152
Gonadoblastoma 299
Gonorrhea 17
Gram stain 147
Great vessels, transposition of 37
Guanosine 5’-diphosphate 220
hypopigmentation 301
light microscopy of 279
Hairy nevus 81
Hairy pinna 32f
Hallermann-Streiff syndrome 41
Hand bracelet 327f
Harlequin ichthyosis 83
Harlequin skin change 82
Hay-Wells syndrome 273
loss, sensorineural 301
prior 12
block, complete 23
defect 44
complex congenital 23
congenital 23, 25, 236
structural 261
disease, congenital 225, 312
failure, congestive 206, 227
rate 23
Hemangioma 155, 160, 180, 319
of tongue 85
Hematological disorders 225, 227
Hemiplegic cerebral palsy 201
Hemoglobin 233
abnormal 28
electrophoresis 228
Hemolytic anemia 233
Hemophilus 117
influenza 125
Hemorrhage, intracranial 6, 46, 146
Hemorrhagic umbilical mass 41
Hepatic dysfunction, severe 139
Hepatitis 119
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid 165
Hepatoblastoma 244
Hereditary disorders 153
Hereditary endothelial dystrophy, congenital 122
Hereditary neuropathy 30
Hernia 199
of umbilical cord 186, 186f
Herniated ovary 177
Herpes infections 164
Herpes simplex 109
infection 63
type 2 154
viral infection 127, 128f
virus 127
Herpes zoster infection 61
Hip, developmental dysplasia of 200, 201
Hirschsprung's disease 171, 172
Histiocytosis 63
Holt-Oram syndrome 287
Horner's syndrome 153, 301
Human immunodeficiency virus 125
Human tail 269, 269f
Humerus 307
Hydrocele 190
congenital 177
Hydrocephalus 32
causes of 39
congenital 207, 207
counseling for 12
local 318
Hygienic reasons 18
Hyperbilirubinemia 35, 37
Hypercholesterolemia 34
Hyperglycemia 34
Hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome 279
Hyperkalemia 24
Hyperkeratosis-contracture syndrome 103
Hypermobile joints 264
Hyperoxia 156
Hyperpyrexia 146
Hypertelorism 253, 267, 268f
Hypertension 34
Hypertonia 35, 46, 168
Hypocalcemia 3234, 37, 231
Hypochondroplasia 197
Hypoglycaemia 32, 34, 37, 143, 165, 230
neonatal 244
severe 33
Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis 189
Hypomagnesemia 33
Hypopigmented skin patches 86f
Hypoplastic facies 104
Hypoplastic maxilla producing pseudoprognathism 253
Hypospadias 76, 143, 187, 190
Hypotension, profound 322
Hypothalamic-pituitary hypothyroidism 220
Hypothermia 3, 23, 32, 34, 236
cases of congenital 219f
congenital 37, 219
transient 220
Hypotonia 30, 47
aetiology of 31
generalized 264
Hypoventilation 28
Hypoxia 22
chronic 28
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 146, 184
Iatrogenic disorders 305
Ichthyosiform erythroderma 89
congenital 68
Ichthyosis 13, 88
syndromes, congenital 89
Idiopathic intestinal perforation 194
Ileal atresia 172
Immature kidneys 43
G 62, 119
M 123
Imperforate anus 174, 196
Imperforate hymen 191
Incontinentia pigmenti 71, 90, 90f, 128
Increased cerebrospinal fluid 38, 207
Infant's botulism 30
Infant's gestational age 35
Infant's tongue 41
Infantile botulism 47
Infantile eczema 91
Infantile hemangiomas 93
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 188
Infection 23, 153, 154
acquired 225
congenital 38, 39, 225
maternal 33
Infectious keratitis 158
Infective diarrhea 13
Infiltrative marrow disorder 232
Inflammatory bowel disease 178
Infraorbital creases 244
Inguinal hernia 167, 177, 189, 195
Inguinal lymph node 190
Inguinoscrotal swelling 190f
Intensive care unit, neonatal 84, 207
Intestinal atresia 41, 196
Intestinal obstruction 236
Intracranial pressure, raised 15, 38
Intrathoracic malformations 227
Intrauterine growth
restriction 29, 33, 34f, 45, 115
retardation 49, 104
Intravenous extravasation injury 314
Intravenous immunoglobulin 143, 237
Investigation of umbilical stump 30
Iris 281
Irritability 46
Irritant contact dermatitis 99
Ischemia 25
Ischemic heart disease 34
Ischemic limb change 312
Isolated macroglossia 38
congenital 38
Isoniazid 176
Isoproterenol 24
Jackson-Weiss syndrome 254
Jaundice 32, 35, 119
Jaw, abnormal positioning of 288f
Joints, fixed position of multiple 198
Kabuki syndrome 264
Kajal spots 327f
Kangaroo care 329f
mother 329
Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma 93, 94
Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon 93
Keratitis 127
anomalies 196
malformations 261
Klebsiella pneumonia 134, 142, 147
Klinefelter syndrome 195
Klippel-Feil syndrome 228, 302
Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome 271, 271f
Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome 76, 271
Labrum 200
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 71, 105
Lanugo 9, 10f
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 283
Learning deficits 34
Leather bracelets 326f
bowing of 3
length discrepancy 201, 201f
pouches 326f
Leopard syndrome 264
Lethal restrictive dermopathy 103
Leukemia cutis 228
Leukemic infiltrates 228
Leukocoria 156, 156f
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency 220
Leukodystrophy 26
abnormalities 184, 265
defects 300f
Limbal dermoid 152
Lingual lymphatic anomaly 38
Lingual thyroid 16
Lipemia retinalis 158, 158f
Lipoma 270
Liposarcoma 72
Liver 70, 128
biopsy 196
function test 196
Lobster claw hand deformity 272
Loeys-Dietz syndrome 293
Lorazepam 146
Low birth weight, extremely 5
Lower limbs, bilateral bowing of 3
Lumbosacral area, commonly in 10
Lung 128
disease 22
acquired 28
Lupus erythematosus
neonatal 62, 76
systemic 28
Luteinizing hormone 229
Lymph nodes 70
Lymphangioma 160, 241
Lymphatic malformation 58
Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute 228
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 120
Macrocephaly 38, 38f
causes of 38
Macroglossia 37, 37f, 243
Macrosomia 31
Maculopapular lesions, brownish discoloration 72f
Maffucci syndrome 272
Magnesium sulphate 31
Magnetic resonance lymphangiography 272
Malabsorption syndrome 225
Malaria 33
Male pseudohermaphroditism 245
Malformations, congenital 196
Mandibular hypoplasia 44
Mandibulofacial dysostosis 297f
Marfan's syndrome 75, 247, 293
Marfanoid habitus 292
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome 244
Mastitis 4, 166
Mastocytosis 124
congenital 71f
Maxillary hypoplasia 275
Maxillofacial dysostosis 298
Maximize mobility 203
McCune-Albright syndrome 231
Meckel's diverticulum 41
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 214
Meconium aspiration 34
syndrome 28
Meconium ileus 172
Meconium plug 171, 171f
Megalencephaly 38
causes of 39
Melanocytic nevi, congenital 67, 72
Melanoma 72
Meningitis 46, 125, 146, 169
Meningocele 207, 209
Meningococcus 235
Meningomyelocele 211
Mental retardation 301
Metabolic alkalosis 224
Metabolic disorder 12, 30
Metal ankle rings 325f
Metal bracelet 327f
Methemoglobinemia, congenital 28
Methotrexate embryopathy 275, 275f
Metronidazole 146
Micrognathia 199
Micropenis 229, 230f, 238
Microphthalmia 152, 281
Microtia 276
Micturating cystourethrogram 168
Midazolam 146
Mid-dermal elastolysis 75
Midface hypoplasia 244
Midgut volvulus 191, 191f
Miliaria 95, 95f
Milroy's disease 43
Mineralocorticoid replacement 224
Moebius syndrome 277, 278f
Molecular genetic testing 265
Mongolian spot 10, 11f, 82
Morquio syndrome 290
frothing at 184, 184f
paint 329f
Mucopolysaccharides, deposition of 37
Mucopolysaccharidoses 37, 122, 154, 247
Mucosa, sparing of 145
Müller's muscle conjunctival resection 153
Multicystic renal disease 76
Multifocal vascular lesions 124
Multiorgan dysfunction 143
Multiple capillary nevus 96
Multiple pterygium syndrome 26, 302
Multiple pustules 138f
Multisite bleeding 143
Multisystem disorder, part of 37
Murmur 22
disease 199
disorder, primary 30
hamartoma, smooth 72
mass, decreased 199
texture, soft 199
Musculoskeletal disorders 196
Myasthenia gravis 30, 153
congenital 47
Mycosis fungoides 99
Myeloid leukemia, acute 228
Myelomeningocele 207
Myeloproliferative disease, transient 229
Myocarditis 25
Myopathy 30
congenital 47
Myotonic dystrophy, congenital 30, 47
Nails and missing, malformed 260
Nasal bridge
broad 275
depressed 203
Nasal glioma 155
Nasal injury 317
Nasal root, broad 301
Nasolabial fold
depth 21
loss of 21, 312f
Nasolacrimal duct 155
block 136
obstruction 158
congenital 120
Natal teeth 40, 40f
chains 326f
pouches 326f
retraction 35
webbing of 290f, 302
Necklace 326f
Necrotizing enterocolitis, neonatal 194
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 122, 154
Neonatal diabetes, transient 38
Neonatal hemangiomatosis, diffuse 74
Neonatal pustular melanosis, transient 109
Netherton syndrome 278, 279f
Neural tube defects 205
Neuroblastoma 160, 175, 244
Neurofibroma 160, 241
Neurofibromatosis 38, 100, 207
Neurologic abnormalities 153
Neurologic malformations 37
Neuromuscular disorder 30, 200
Neurotoxin, potential 35
Nevomelanocytic nevus, acquired 82
Nevus anemicus 76
Nevus flammeus 244
Nevus sebaceous cyst 98
Newborn baby, body of 9
Newborn skin 13
Nipped-B-like protein 252
Nipple, artificial 329f
Noma neonatorum 133
Nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma 279
Nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma 68
Nongenital warts 241
Nonreducible 177
Nonstress test 29
Nonsyndromic form 272
Noonan syndrome 274, 290, 302
Normoglycemia 143
Normothermia 143
Nose and eyes, missing 255f
Noxious substances, application of 147
Nummular dermatitis 99
Nummular eczema 99
Obesity, prevention of 258
Occipital encephalocele 212
Occult spinal disorders 168
Ocular albinism 301
Ocular coloboma 44
Ocular toxocariasis 157
Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum 44, 267
Odor, abnormal 31
Oligodactyly 280
Oliguria 143
Omenn's syndrome 279
Omphalitis 134, 134f, 147
Omphalocele 243, 281
Omphalomesenteric duct
complete obliteration of 30
cysts 30, 51
Ophthalmia neonatorum 135, 135f
Opisthotonos 35, 145, 168
jaundiced newborn 168f
Optic nerve glioma 159, 159f, 160
Oral ranula 16
Oral thrush 136
Orbital cellulitis 127, 158
Orchidopexy 166
Orchitis 193
Ornaments 327f
Orofaciodigital syndrome 250
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 206
Osteogenesis imperfecta 202, 202f, 247
majority of 202
Osteomyelitis 116, 201
Osteoporosis pseudoglioma syndrome 203
Oxygen 146
saturation, low 27
implantation, permanent 24
therapy 25
Pachyonychia congenita 41
Palatoschisis 248
Pale stools 195, 196f
Palpable fissures, narrow 220
Palpable testis 166
Palpebral fissures 261
Panendophthalmitis 126
Panhypopituitarism 220
Panostotic fibrous dysplasia 203
Papillomatous epidermal hyperplasia 67
Papular urticarial 132
Paralyzing agents 146
Parathyroid hormone receptor 197
Parental antibiotics 147
Parental assurance 12
Parenteral nutrition, total 165
Parietal region, swelling over 206f
Parkes-Weber syndrome 272
Parvovirus 227
Patau syndrome 261, 274, 281
Patent ductus arteriosus 261
Patent vitellointestinal duct 41, 42f
Pectus carinatum 292
Pectus excavatum 292
Pedal edema 43, 43f
Peeling varies, amount of 13
Pelvis, maternal 6
Pena-Shokeir syndrome 104
Penicillin 146
Perinatal asphyxia 34
Peripheral vascular disorder, functional 3
Peritoneal cavity, extending to 177
Perlman syndrome 33, 244
Petechiae 119, 233
and ecchymoses, extensive 234f
Peters’ anomaly 154, 281
Pfeiffer syndrome 254
Phaces syndrome 74
Phenomenon, benign 10
Phenytoin 39, 314
Piebaldism 100, 301
Pierre Robin sequence 282, 283f
Pierre Robin syndrome 41
Pigmentary mosaicism 91
Pilonidal sinus 101
Pinkish blue 76f
Pinna, absent 276, 276f
Pitt-Hopkins syndrome 264
Pixie ears 274, 274f
Pneumonia 28, 236
Pneumonitis 119
Poland syndrome 285
Poliomyelitis 201
Polycythemia 28, 3234, 37, 312
Polydactyly 283
Polyhydramnios 199
Polymerase chain reaction 119, 228
Polymorphous light eruption 99
Polysporin 147
Polyuria 224
Popliteal pterygium syndrome 250
Port-Wine stain 102, 103
Positive airway pressure, continuous 317
Postasphyxia encephalopathy 46
Postmaturity syndrome 44, 45f
Postprandial glucose 37
Prader Willi syndrome 31
Preauricular swelling 70
Preauricular tag 44
Pregnancy-induced hypertension 28
Prenatal diagnosis 203
Prenatal ultrasonography 30
Preterm delivery 49
Preterm infants 43
Prophylactic eye antibiotics 155
Protein C deficiency 234
Proteus mirabilis 134, 147
Proteus syndrome 272
Prune belly syndrome 286, 286f
Pseudocysts 51
Pseudomonas 142
aeruginosa 133
infection 135
Pseudoptosis 153
Psoriasis 99
Psychomotor retardation 128
Pterygium colli 302
Ptosis 301
congenital 151, 152, 153f
Pulmonary hypertension, persistent 34
Pulmonary hypoplasia 28, 182, 199
Pulmonary interstitial emphysema 215
bounding 232
polio mark 330
rate, abnormality of 3
volume 23
Pulsed dye laser 59
Purpura fulminans 61, 138, 139f
QT syndrome, long 24
Radial longitudinal deficiency 287f
Rapp-Hodgkin syndrome 273
Rectourethral fistula 172, 173f
Rectovaginal fistula 173, 174f
Red blood cell 227
destruction of 232
Renal agenesis 167
Renal and cardiac anomalies 8
Renal anomalies 31, 184, 265
Renal failure 322
Renal tubular acidosis 225
Residual lymphedema 43
Respiratory distress 33, 34
syndrome 28
Respiratory rate 23
Restrictive dermopathy 104f
Retina 89
Retinal astrocytoma 160, 160f
Retinal detachment, end-stage 157
Retractile testis 195
Retrognathia 288
Rhabdomyosarcoma 72, 160, 175, 244
Rhizomelic micromelia 285
Rickets, congenital 4
Rifampicin 176
Risus sardonicus 145
Ritter's disease 144f
Rocker bottom feet 289, 289f
Rubella 39, 120, 125, 154, 227
syndrome, congenital 123, 207
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 264, 283
Sacral meningocele 175
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 174, 175f
Saethre-Chotzen syndrome 254
Salmonella 116
Sandal gap deformity 270f
Scalp, swelling of 6, 310f
blue 247
bluish discoloration of 247f
Sclerema 43
neonatorum 140, 236
Sclerosing cholangitis 196
Scoliosis 199
Scrotal swelling, bilateral 177, 178f
Scrotoschisis 245, 245f
Sebaceous gland secretions 18
Seborrheic dermatitis 104, 105f
Seizure 301
disorder 146
Sensorium 46
Sepsis 155, 169, 312
screen 143, 236
severe 6
systemic manifestations of 147
Septate vagina 191
Septic arthritis 141, 141f
Septic shock 142, 143f
Septicaemia 236
Septo-optic dysplasia 209
bilirubin 33, 196
calcium 320
cortisol assay 320
electrolytes 189, 320
gonadotropins, measurement of 230
immunoglobulin E, high 279
Sexual development, disorder of 221, 222f
Sexual differentiation, disorder of 188, 223f
Shock 23
lead to severe 322
Short limb dwarfism 203
Short neck 220
Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome 282, 292, 293f
Shrill cry 35
Silver-Russell syndrome 293, 294f
Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome 33, 244
Sjögren-Larsson syndrome 68
Skeletal and muscular defects 301
blanching 315f
condition score, neonatal 310
contracture syndrome, tight 103
disorders 55
hygiene 145
over genitalia 117f
peeling 13
temperature 23
tenderness of 145
yellowish discoloration of 35f
bone, congenital depressed 250
fracture 6
in turricephaly, pointed 214f
Soft cyst, large 213f
Soft swelling over spine, bulging and 210f
Sotos syndrome 33, 41, 244, 295, 295f
Spastic paraplegia 213
and language development 316
therapy 258
Spina bifida 8, 32, 195
occulta 237, 270
Spinal disorder 30
Spinomuscular atrophy 30, 47
Spleen 70
Split-foot malformation 272
Split-hand malformation 272
Squint 48
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 13, 61, 70, 144, 144f
Staphylococcus 130
aureus 116, 125, 134, 137, 141, 142, 147
epidermidis 95
Stenosis, congenital 207
Sternomastoid tumor 319
Steroid toxicity 320
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 145
Stiff skin syndrome 140, 236
Stillbirth, autopsy of 264
normal 12, 12f
transitional 13
Stork bites 106
Strabismus 301
Strawberry nevus, congenital 73
Streptococcus 235
agalactiae 116
bacteria 130
pneumonia 125
Stridor 293
Stroke 46
causes of 206
Sturge-Weber syndrome 102, 206
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 14, 14f
Subcutaneous fat
loss of 225f
necrosis 43, 140
of newborn 107
Subgaleal bleed 35
Subgaleal hemorrhage 307, 311, 320
Sucking blisters 61
Suprastomal collapse 316
Supraventricular tachycardia 227
Surgical disorders 177
Symblepharon 152
Syndactyly 76
Syndromic arthrogryposis 199
Syndromic form 272
Syndromic ichthyosiform disorders 68
Syphilis 120, 227
congenital 124, 145
primary and secondary 124
Systemic disease, maternal 29
Systemic disorders 149
Systemic lupus erythematosus, mortality of 62
Systolic murmur, soft 232
Tachycardia 143, 232
Tachypnea 143, 217
signs of 232
transient 32
Talipes equinovarus 217, 292
congenital 212
Tar syndrome 287
Tay-Sachs disease 30
Teeth, supernumerary 41
Teratoma 44, 74, 270, 319
Testicular gangrene 192, 192f
Testicular hematoma 193
placement of 194
undescended 194, 194f
Testosterone 230
Tetanus 145, 146f, 169
immunoglobulin 146
Tetralogy of Fallot 259
Thalidomide 287
Thanatophoric dysplasia 197, 203, 204f
Thoracic cavities 182
Thrombocytopenia 287
Thumb, floating 265
dysgenesis 220
dyshormonogenesis 220
functions 258
stimulating hormone 220, 298
Thyrotoxicosis 225
Tinea capitis 108
Tinea corporis 99
Tissue tumors, soft 180
Toe on right foot, absent 280f
hemangioma 38
tie 15, 16f
Tooth, neonatal 41
Topical antibiotic 318
application 147
infections 115, 116, 124, 164, 233
titers 227
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 60, 61, 145
Toxoplasmosis 38, 39, 120, 157
Tracheocutaneous fistula, persistent 316
Tracheoesophageal fistula 163, 184, 265
Tracheomalacia 316
Tracheostomy, neonatal 316
Traumatic cause 152
Traumatic injury 60
Treacher Collins syndrome 152, 246, 267, 297, 297f
Triploidy 245
Tuberous sclerosis 38
Tuft of hair 50
Tumors 153
Turmeric to forehead, application of 328f
Turner's syndrome 43, 180, 274, 290, 298, 299, 299f, 302
Turricephaly 214
Twins 49
pair, conjoined 256f
Tyrosinemia 122, 154, 164
Umbilical artery, single 8, 281
Umbilical cord
at birth, cross section of 8f
cyst 51
delayed fall in 220
in infant, intact 221f
knot in 49f
long 49
normal 7f
Umbilical discharge 134, 146, 147f
Umbilical granuloma 41, 52, 52f
Umbilical hernia 30, 41, 243
Umbilical nodule 41
Umbilical sinus 41
Unilateral swelling 116f
Uniparentaldisomy, maternal 293
Upturned nose 261
Urethral valve, posterior 286
Urethrocele 191
Urine output 23
Uterine 14
Vaginal bleed 16, 17f
Vaginal breech delivery 307
Vaginal delivery 29
assisted 29
Vaginal discharge 17, 17f
Vaginal infection 137
Valproic acid 287
Van der Woude syndrome 250
Varicella 39, 71
Vascular anomaly 65
Vascular disorders 51
Vascular endothelial growth factor 74
Vascular lymphatic malformation 37
Vaso-occlusive disease 3
Venereal disease research laboratory 125
edema 43
malformation 58, 74, 180
thrombosis, acute 228
Ventricular septal defect 252, 258, 259, 261, 281
Vernix caseosa 18, 18f
Vertebral defects 184, 265
Vesiculopustular rash 110f
Viral exanthematous fever 128
Viral exanthems 132
Visceral organ hypertrophy 32
Visible gastric peristalsis 188
Visible peristalsis 189f
wave 53, 53f
Vision abnormalities 252
Vitamin K
administration of 12
deficiency bleeding disorder 176
Vitelline cord 41
Vitellointestinal duct 41
Vitiligo 301
Vitreous aspirate culture 127
Volvulus 192
Vomiting 223
Waardenburg syndrome 26, 301, 302f
Waist thread 327f
Walker-Warburg syndrome 214
Weaver syndrome 33
Webbed penis 238, 238f
Wharton's jelly 182
degeneration of 30
White pupil 156, 156f
Whorled nevoid hypermelanosis 91
Wildervanck syndrome 44
Wilms’ tumor 244
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 279
Wrinkly skin syndrome 75
Zika virus 39
Chapter Notes

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