IAPSM’s Textbook of Community Medicine AM Kadri, Rashmi Kundapur, Amir Maroof Khan, Rakesh Kakkar, Ankit Sheth, Nidhi Mangrola
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abacavir 486, 489, 491
Abortion 685, 713
care, comprehensive 1092
induced 727
rate 231, 700
ratio 231, 700
services 717t
Abscesses 135
Acanthamoeba species 355
Acceptable noise level 114t
Accidental deaths, causes of 635f
Accidents 13, 238, 634, 777
protection against 145
Acclimatization 108, 780
Accredited Social Health Activist 628, 659, 680, 731, 745, 993, 1062, 1073, 1074, 1084, 1096, 1112, 1168
and teachers, training of 1092
responsibility of 1170
Acetic acid 392, 393
Achieve replacement level fertility 1078
Acid-fast bacilli 320, 323
Acidity imparting agents 392
Acquired immunity, types of 261, 261fc
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 318, 477, 478, 478t, 480, 481, 495, 498, 542, 824, 916, 1070
case surveillance 1110
clinical features of 480
counseling in 481
pathogenesis of 479f
surveillance of 1110
symptoms of 480f
Acronym 414
Actinolite 786
Actinomycosis 360
Active disease surveillance 558
Active immunization 413
agents 261, 261fc
Active surveillance 155
data collection 666t
Active trachoma 520
Active tuberculosis 321
Acute diarrheal disease 156, 373
epidemiology of 373
prevention and control 373
Acute flaccid paralysis, enhanced surveillance of 1132
Acute hepatitis B 461
applied aspect 467
clinical features 464
current approaches 465
diagnosis 464
epidemiology 462
health programs 466
prevention and control measures 465
problem statement 461
treatment 464
Acute hepatitis C 467
characteristic of 467
clinical features 470
control measures 471
epidemiology 468
global approach, goals, and targets 471
health programs and schemes 472
prevention 471
problem statement 468
screening 470
strategic information 472
treatment 471
Acute respiratory infections 14, 156, 267, 269, 276, 567, 695, 736, 818, 821, 824, 825, 1038, 1085, 1133, 1169
burden of 273
epidemiology of 273
prevention and control 273
Adaptation 857, 858
Adaptive capacity 857
Address concomitant illness 683
Adenovirus 390
Adequate housing, provisioning of 858
Adequate maternal immunity, development of 529
control 270, 330
head 1048
management 965
medical officer 1150
work 1057
Adolescence Education Program 485
Adolescent Friendly Health
Clinics 715, 762, 1092
Initiatives 678
Services 678, 762
health 702, 757, 1082, 1091
main health problems of 758
nutrition 49, 1091
reproductive and sexual health 761, 763, 1083, 1092
vaccination schedule for 762
Adrenaline 431, 1000, 1180t
stimulates 1180
Adult death rate 892f
Adult drug sensitive tuberculosis 325t
Adult immunization 263
Adult vaccination 263
Adulteration, tests for 402
Adverse event following immunization 1177
management 1179
prevention 1179
reporting system 1180
treatment kit 1179
Adverse sex ratio 228
Advocacy 926
communication and social mobilization 328
Aedes 129t
aegypti 127
density 436
index 436
mosquito bites 439
albopictus 127
mosquito 572, 573
control 130
vittatus 127
Aerobic exercise 56, 58
Aerophobia 536
Aerosol 537
space spray 879, 1096
Aerosolization 266
Aflatoxin 389, 396
Aga Khan Foundation 1005
Agar 393
Age and sex composition 226
Age specific fertility rate 230f, 699, 699t
Age-related macular degeneration 641
Agmark standards 399
Agricultural waste water treatment 851
Agriculture and health 776
Air 869
and health 77
Air pollution 85, 85f, 818, 918
acid rain 86
carcinogenic effects of 87, 87fc
control 846
devices 848
effects of 87, 87f
pregnancy 87
respiratory system 87
health effects of 86
in healthcare 89
indoor 818
measuring 88
air quality index 88
air quality monitoring 88
on pregnancy, effects of 87fc
on respiratory system, effects of 87fc
outdoor 818
prevention and control of 88, 89t
primary 85
problem statement 85
related illnesses 855
secondary 86
smog 86
sources of 85
indoor 86, 86f
outdoor 86, 86f
types of 86
Air pressure
and health 79
in health care 80
Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1042, 1156
Air quality 778
categories of 846t
enforcement of standards 88
index 88f, 847
applications of 88
calculator 847t
categories 847t
interpretation of 88
public information 88
ranking of locations 88
resource allocation 88
scientific research 88
trend analysis 88
Air temperature 104
Airborne diseases 266, 266b, 267b, 267f, 267t, 268t, 270, 271b
characteristics of 266
communicable period of 269t
epidemiology of 266, 267
notifiable 271t
regulations for prevention and control of 271
transmission in
community and households, prevent 270
healthcare settings, prevent 270
Airborne infection control 1104
Airborne transmission 256, 266, 535
Air-conditioning engineers 104
Aircraft-mounted equipment 457
management of 1098
obstruction, acute 527
Alanine aminotransferase 456
Albendazole 445
Albert's stain 336
Alcohol 259, 320, 593, 627, 813
and tobacco users, prevention and rehabilitation for 814
consumption of 178, 792
control of 622
harmful use of 650
rehabilitation 146
use of 163
Alginate 392
Alginic acid 393
peptone water 369
phosphatase 456
Alkyl gallates 393
All India Blind Relief Society 1165
All India Hospital Postpartum Program 1061
All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health 1041
All India Institute of Medical Sciences 1012
All India Women's Conference 1066, 1165
Allergic contact dermatitis 788
Allergy 393
contact 393
Allopathic, Homoeopathic, Ayurveda, and Unani Systems of Medicine 1155
Alma-ata, declaration of 244
fetoprotein 842
linoleic acid 33
thalassemia 839
tocopherol 34
Always better control analysis 1000
Alzheimer's diseases 809, 839
Amantadin 303
Ambulatory zone 1054
Amebiasis 495, 533, 855
American Diabetes Association 606, 615
American Heart Association 602
American Psychiatry Association 809
Amikacin 325
Amino acids
essential 30
requirement of 30t
score 31
Amnestic shellfish poisoning 389
Amoebiasis 137, 390
epidemiology of 379
life cycle of 380f
prevention and control 379
Amoebic dysentery 126
Amosite 786
Amoxicillin 325
Amoxyclav 1104
Amphibole group 786
Amphixenoses 533
Ampicillin 1000
Anaerobic training 56
Analytic epidemiology studies, types of 562
Analytical quality control 849
protocol for management of 1180fc
treatment of 1179
braziliense 388
caninum 388
duodenale 374, 386, 387
life cycle of 387f
epidemiology of 386
prevention and control 386
Anemia 24, 162, 163, 558
and vitamin A deficiency, prophylaxis against 1128
classification of 681t, 727t
effects of 760f
global prevalence of 679f, 680f
prevalence of 193, 196
vicious cycle of 760f
Anganwadi Center 169, 1127t
Scheme 1062
Anganwadi worker 675, 993, 1073, 1127, 1168
responsibility of 1171
Anicteric leptospirosis 547
bite 534, 537
wound, management of 1112
foods 43
health 531
inspection of 403
keeping practices 387
saliva 539
transmitted diseases 777
vaccination of 549
Annapurna Scheme 1129, 1130
Annual growth rate 909
Annual Mass Drug Administration 1096
Annual new case detection rate 510
Annual parasite incidence 430, 942f, 1093, 1094
Anopheles 129t
culicifacies 424, 425
epiroticus 424
fluviatilis 424, 425
minimus 424
mosquito control 130
stephensi 424, 425
Anorectal discharge 507, 1106
Anorexia 537
Antenatal care 728, 733, 745, 825, 981, 1078, 1082, 1083
package, delivery of 1082
Antenatal clinic 478
Antenatal coverage 732
Antepartum hemorrhage 725
Anterior nasal diphtheria 335
Anthocyanins 38
Anthophyllite asbestos 786
Anthracosis 787
Anthrax 360, 390, 532
bacillus 880
endospores 348
Anthrophilism, degree of 430
Anthropometric methods 688
Anthropozoonoses 532
Anti-adult measures 130, 132
genetic control 130
residual sprays 130
space sprays 130
Antibiotic 337, 566
prophylaxis 530
role of 530
Antibodies 409
protective 413f
Antifungal regimen 491
detection 428
protective 350
types of 479
Antigenic drift 568
process, sequence of 308f
Antigenic reassortment 301
Anti-larval measures 130
biological control 130
chemical control 130
environmental control 130
Anti-larval operations 450
Anti-leprosy drugs, second line of 517
Antimalarial drugs, doses of 429t
Antimicrobial 393
preservatives 393
resistance 568
resistance, development of 568
Antioxidants 38, 38t, 393
categories 38
cellular effects of 38
supplementing 34
Antirabies antibodies, readymade 541
Antirabies vaccine 540t, 1108, 1113
Antiretroviral 488t
drug 485, 482
regimens 487
therapy 483485, 489, 489t, 491, 937, 1069, 1108, 1109
benefits of 485
initiation of 487t
risks of 486
Anti-snake venom 1164
Anti-tetanus serum 530
Anti-toxins, types of 530
agents 325
drugs 320
Antiviral drugs 303
Antyodaya Anna Yojana 1129
Anxiety 1179
disorders 809
Aorta, disease of 590
Appetite, reduced 387
Applied Nutrition Program 1042, 1129, 1130
Arachidonic acid 33
Arenaviridae 575
Argasidae 133
Argemone 395
mexicana 397
poisoning 397
Arrhythmias 548
Artemisinin combination therapy 429, 566
Arteries, disease of 590
Artesunate 492
Arthralgia 433, 602
Arthritis 63, 602, 839
Arthropod 544, 572
biological control 125
borne diseases 125, 126t
characteristics of 125, 127
chemical control 125
diseases, prevention and control of 135
environmental control 125
genetic control 125
of medical importance 125, 125t
of public health importance 127
prevention and control of 125
Artificial cloud 879
Artificial humidification 1152
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation 772
Artificial reproduction 720
Asanas 60, 61, 61t
advantages of 61
Ascariasis 390, 855
epidemiology of 383
prevention and control 383
Ascaris lumbricoides 374, 383, 390
life cycle of 384f
Ascorbic acid 36, 393
Ashtanga yoga 60, 60t
Asian flu 300
Asian influenza 267
Asiatic cholera 248
Aspartate aminotransferase 456
flavus 396
parasiticus 396
Aspiration 274
Aspirin 435, 1000
Assisted reproductive
technology 719, 720
methods of 719
treatment 719
Association of Otolaryngologists of India 849
Asthma 14, 176, 646, 653, 746
management of 653
Astrovirus 390
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation 819
Atazanavir 486
Atmosphere 855
Atmospheric pressure, measurement of 80
Attack rate 165, 370, 908
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder 741
Audience 240
Audit 993, 994
internal 1004
types of 1004
Authority 965
centralization of 965
Autoclave 525, 877f
Automated liquid culture systems 323
Autosomal recessive conditions 841
Auxiliary nurse midwife 628, 659, 680, 731, 745, 993, 1073, 1083, 1120, 1168
responsibilities of 1171
Average nutrient requirement 27
Avian flu 267269
control measures for 303
Avian influenza 301, 302, 304t
high-risk groups for 301b
Avulsions 792
Awareness generation program 1166
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani and Siddha System of Medicines 1155
Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 1149
Ayushman Bharat 75, 1042, 1187
Program 1134
Azathioprine 791
Azidothymidine 477
Azithromycin 522
Baby-friendly hospital initiative 750
Bacillary dysentery 126, 156, 390
Bacillus anthracis 253, 349, 350, 390
Bacillus atrophaeus spores 877
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 145, 262, 317, 744, 747, 1170
Vaccination Program 1041
vaccine 327
Bacillus cereus 359, 390
Bacillus stearothermophilus 851
Backache 550
Bacteria 125, 358, 480, 495
Bacterial disease 544
Bacterial infection 378, 403
Bacterial spores 259
Bacterial vaginitis 676
Bacterial vaginosis 495, 678
associated organisms 495
Bacteriological index 515
Bacterium 355
chlamydia trachomatis 519
Bagassosis 788
Bajaj Committee 1043, 1044
Bakery workers 779
Baking powder 393
Balamuthia mandrillaris 355
Balanced diet 26, 46, 46f
Balanced mechanical ventilation system 78
Balanitis 495
Balwadi Nutrition Program 1129
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee 1063
Bancroftian filariasis 444
manifestation of 444
Bandicoot, larger 549
Bandicota bengalensis 136, 549
Bandicota indica 549
Barometers, types of 80
Barometric pressure 783
Basal body temperature 712
Basal metabolic rate 28
Baseline population survey 1169
Basic minimum services 1053
Bat rabies 536
Bayley infant neurodevelopment screen 752
Bed occupancy rate 911
Bedaquiline 325
Conditional Access Program 326b
Beef tapeworm 390
Behavior 178, 989
change communication 243, 1093, 1096, 1126
related diseases 178
unusual 809
Behavioral disorders 809, 1015
Behavioral surveillance 156, 1110
Belladonna poisoning 538
Below poverty line 72, 685, 910
Benefits in Pradhan Manthri Awas Yojana 123
Benefits of Health Systems Research, benefits of 1032
Benzene 791
hexachloride 545
Benzoic acid 393
Benzyl benzoate 134
Berman's pediatric decision making 277
Bertillon classification of causes of death 1013
Beta carotene 38
Beta thalassemia 839
Betadine 549
Beta-N-oxalylamino-L-alanine 389
Bharat Sevak Samaj 1066, 1165
Bhore Committee 949, 1041, 1043
Bictegravir 486
Bilateral Healthcare Agency 1005, 1010
funding of 1010
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 1005
Billings method 712
Biochemical parameters, assessment of 1162
Biolarvicides 450
Biological agents 20
and hazards 779
Biological and toxin weapons convention 881
Biological determinants 16
Biological disease, categories of 880
Biological integrated detection system 884
Biological substances, quality control of 1162
Biological transmission 534
Biological weapons 879
convention 885
Biologically derived bioactive substances 879
Biomedical waste 873
management 873
Act 1144
benefits of 874
Rules 2016 1156
segregation of 874
and Disposal Facility 1157
Facility 852, 877, 1157
Biopsy 515
Biostatistics 205, 205b
and Research Methodologies 927
in health research, application of 205
Bioterrorism 531, 879
role of clinical laboratories in 883
Biowarfare agent 881
Bipolar and affective disorders 810
Bird flu 301
and Death
Act, registration of 232, 1159
and Marriage Registration Act 1145
Entry Application System 1188
registration of 1182
attendants, training of 529
cohort 181
defects 740
prevention of 740
order of child 374
preparedness and complication readiness 745
rate 226, 700f
spacing and birth timing 1083
trauma, minor 748
weight 275
Bisphenol A 687
Biting density 431
Biting time 425
Bivalent vaccine 1132
Black death 247, 351
Black water fever 428
Bladder cancer 790, 790t
Bleeding 747, 748
disorders 427
Blindness 480, 640
absolute 640
avoidable 640
causes for 641, 641f
economic 640
epidemiological determinants of 641
epidemiology of 640
global causes of 641f
international agency for prevention of 643
preventable 640
prevention and control 640, 641
primary prevention 641
reduction of 643
secondary prevention 642
tertiary prevention 642
Block Medical Officer of Health 984
Block Public Health Unit 1075
bank 473
and first aid 1166
borne disease 461
infections 484
route, prevention of 483
component separation unit 473, 483
culture 409
disease of 1015
forming organs 1015
estimation 770
levels 608, 611
groups 20
hemoglobin level 150
Licensing Act 1144, 1145
pressure 20, 659, 661, 769
elevated 592
prevalence of high 193
tracking of 582
safety 1107
and voluntary blood donation 472
indicators for 473
key strategies of 472
program 1042
sample 549
separation of 404
smear, microscopic examination of 445
storage center 473, 483
sugar levels, random 597
testing 1108t
transfusion 832
services 473
transportation vans 473
Bloody diarrhea 358, 373, 374, 374t, 418
Bluetooth technology 1187
fluids 490, 830
language 990
mass index 739
Bonded Labor System (Abolition) Act 1144, 1155
Bones 782
Booster doses 528
Border malaria 424
borderline 515
lepromatous 515
tuberculoid 515
Bordetella parapertussis 339
Bordetella pertussis 339
Borehole latrine 101f
Botulism 389
Boulogne sore throat 333
Bowel disease, inflammatory 53
Bowel syndrome, irritable 52
Brainstem dysfunction, stage of 537
Brainstorming 241
Breaking channel of transmission 497
Breakthrough varicella 283f, 284b
Breast cancer 150, 179f, 579, 659
age factor 629
agent factors 628
alcohol 629
dietary factors 628
features 628
triad of 629f
epidemiology 628
female 616
genetic and familial factors 629
hormonal factors 629
host factors 629
oral contraceptive pills 629
other factors 629
prevention and control of 628, 629, 630f
primary prevention 629
problem statement of 628t
risk of 629
screening for 629
secondary prevention 629
socioeconomic status 629
tertiary prevention 630
Breast examination, clinical 661, 1118
Breast self-examination 629
Breastfeeding 48, 490, 745, 746, 1008
advantages of 746b
exclusive 162
initial 162
practices 670
Breath-holding spells 1179
Breathing 745, 746
management of 1098
Breathlessness 276, 644
Breeding 433
habits 424t, 437, 452
Breeze, fear of 536
Breteau index 436
Brevetoxin 389
Brick powder 395
Broadwick street neighborhood 249
acute 274
chronic 644
Bronchoalveolar lavage 787
Bronchopneumonia 275
Bronchoscopy 787
Brucella species 390
Brucellosis 360, 390, 400, 461
Brufen 435
Brugia malayi 441, 442, 443
Bubonic plague 247f, 544
advantages of 1002
and finance, division of 1007
Budgeting 966, 1002, 1028
Buffer stock 1001
Building public health capacity 568
Bull neck appearance 336f
Buprenorphine 484
naloxone combination 484
Bureau of Indian Standards 1022
Burns 792
Busulfan 791
Butylatedhydroxyanisole 393
Byssinosis 787
Caffeine 813
Calcium 30t, 37
deficiency 25
requirement 37
source 37
Calendar rhythm method 712
Calorie 1098
requirements 52
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 495
Campylobacter 374, 390, 415, 416
bacteremia 415
enteritis 415
infections 416
jejuni 355, 390, 415
species 355, 373
Campylobacteriosis 390
epidemiology of 415, 421
prevention and control 415, 421
Cancer 53, 63, 141, 238, 616, 617t, 624t, 650, 653, 777, 825, 839
agent factors 618, 620t
awareness 629
breast 617
causes of 617
cervix, natural history of 631f
chemotherapy for 909
colorectal 617
control 620
chemoprevention 623
cosmetics 621
drugs 621
foods 621
immunization 621
occupational exposures 621
of tobacco 621
personal hygiene 621
primary prevention 621
program 581
radiation 621
surgical prevention 623
tertiary prevention 624
tobacco and alcohol consumption 621
diagnosis 623
cause of 617
factors 617, 620
epidemiology of 616
esophageal 617
familial factors 620
genetic susceptibility 620
host factors 620
international agency for research on 789, 790, 791
liver 617
lung 617
mass screening 623
oropharyngeal 617
ovarian 617
patterns 617
prevention and control 616, 625f
primary prevention 627
problem statement 617, 617t, 627
registry program 625
screening, methods of 623
secondary prevention 628
selective screening 623
smoking for lung 617
stomach 617
tertiary prevention 628
unhealthy lifestyle 620
Candida albicans 480, 495
Candidiasis 400
Candle-type ceramic filter 94f
Cane sugar 402
Cannabinoids 813
Capacity building 1097, 1110
Capreomycin 325, 1104
Carbohydrate 20, 29, 51
requirement 29
sources 29
type of 30, 30t
dioxide 855, 856f
monoxide, blood levels of 87
Carcinogenesis 393
Cardiac rehabilitation 146
Cardiomyopathy 481
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 782, 1180, 1188
Cardiovascular disease 51, 141, 211, 250, 590,591f, 592f, 594f, 597, 598, 598f, 607, 650, 652, 658, 659, 659f, 661, 768, 779, 839
assessment of 492
classification of 590, 590f
early diagnosis 597
epidemiology of 590, 600
high-risk strategy 595
management of 492
modifiable risk factors 592
mortality globally 591b
nonmodifiable risk factors 592
population strategy 595
prevalence of 590f
prevention 593, 595, 596f
and control 590
primary prevention 595
risk factors for 592, 593, 593b, 593f
secondary prevention 597
tertiary prevention 597
treatment 597
trend of 591f
Cardiovascular risk 653
factors 593b
Cardiovascular system 87, 87fc
involvement 548
Carditis 602
continuum of 1089
functions of 1012
quality commission 950
age of 374
education level of 374
Carotenoids 618
Cary-Blair media 369
Case fatality rate 166, 255, 370, 440, 526, 908
Case-control study 179, 179t, 181
advantages of 181t
design of 179fc
disadvantages of 181t
Caste 234
and religion 230
system 71
Cataract 641, 642
unusual 179
Catastrophic healthcare expenditure 65
Cattle sheds 400
Causal pies 254
Causality assessment 1181
Cavities, abdominal 435
Ceftriaxone 506, 1000
Celiac disease 150
culture vaccines 539
killed vaccine, whole 371
mediated immunity 518
suppression of 857
wall antigens 416
constituents 20
extract vaccine 376
Cellulose 395
Census population, trend of 225f
Centchroman 712
Central Births and Deaths Registration Act 1042
Central Committee for Food Standards 1158
Central Council of Health and Family Welfare 1049
Central cyanosis 747, 748
Central Government Health Scheme 800, 1064, 1155
Central nervous system 295, 418, 481, 526, 535, 548, 571
Central Pollution Control Board 845, 1157
Central Quality Supervisory Committee 1020
Central Research Institute 1162, 1164
Central Social Welfare Board 1165, 1166
Central tendency 205
and dispersion, concept of 205
measures of 205
Central tuberculosis division 318
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 242, 294, 356, 883, 880, 905
Centres of Excellence in Transfusion Medicine 473
Cercarial dermatitis, cause of 355
Cereals 39, 395
and millets, nutritive value of 40t
malaria 427
palsy 741
fluid 295, 449, 479, 538, 549, 573, 882, 1098
meningitis 346
accidents 855
disease 590
cancer 492, 496, 630, 659
epidemiology 630
natural history of disease 630
prevention and control of 630, 632, 633f
primary prevention 632
problem statement of 630t
risk factors of 631
secondary prevention 632
cap 705f
dilatation 730
discharge 1106
lymph nodes enlargement 310
mucus secretions 712
Cervicitis 495, 507
Cervix, cancer of 617, 709
Chadha committee 1042, 1043
Chagas disease 126, 137
Chain management, supply 999
Chancroid 507
Chandipura virus 566
agents and hazards 779
compounds, evaluation of 1162
control 130
hazards 777
safety 852
waste 873
Chemoprevention 623
Chemoprophylactic, role of 516
Chemoprophylaxis 303, 313, 429, 516, 546, 549, 1111
long-term 430, 832
short-term 429
Chemosterilants 136
Chest 769
indrawing 275, 278
pain 575
X-ray 278, 323, 1103
Chhaya 712
Chickenpox 156, 267, 268, 269, 282, 282f, 283
epidemiology of 282
prevention and control 282
Chiggerosis 126
Chigoe fleas 132
Chikungunya 126, 147, 156, 176, 422, 437, 438, 461, 554, 566, 855, 1057, 1099
control of 437, 458
epidemiology of 437, 458
fever 1098
life cycle of 437f
management of 1099
prevention of 437, 458
Chilblains 782
abandonment 234
abuse 234
coughs 341f
death 1185
distribution of 373f
review 1092, 1184, 1186
Development Project Officer 1128
health 162, 736, 916, 1037, 118
and survival 1070
indicators 817t
problems, epidemiology of 736
healthcare services 702
labor 234
Prohibition and Regulation Act 1144, 1147
marriage 234
Act, prohibition of 1148
Restraint Act 1144, 1148
mortality 741, 937
factors associated with 743
indicators of 742t
rates 894f
neglect 234
protection 1008
reassessment of 276
sex ratio 228
Survival and Safe Motherhood 529, 695, 734, 744
Program 1042
Childbirth 758, 1015
cancers 741
developmental disorders 809
diarrhea 375f
disability 740, 741
prevention of 741
Illness, integrated management of 280, 744, 749, 750, 1042, 1046, 1085
immunization 752
infections 737, 739
morbidities and mortality, prevention and control of 744
mortality 743f
nutrition 49
stage 811
Child-woman ratio 231
Chinese Healthcare System 950
Chiranjeevi Yojna and Balsakha 948
Chirayu 1188
Chi-square distribution table 215
Chi-square test 213, 214
Chisso-Minamata disease 389
Chlamydia 507
trachomatis 494, 495, 520
Chlamydophila pneumonia 274
Chloramphenicol-resistant salmonella typhi 410
Chlorine 259
Chloroquine 429
resistant malaria 568
Cholera 126, 233, 250f, 264, 367, 369f, 372, 390, 400, 554, 561f, 566, 855
classification of 369t
control of 148
deaths 891t
epidemic, investigation of 370
epidemiology of 366
infecting, caricature of 355f
kit, contents of 371f
management of 369t
outbreak of 559f
prevention and control 366
toxin 368f
Cholesterol 33, 593, 667
Chorea 604
Chromosomal abnormalities 838, 838f
Chronic liver disease, development of 461
Chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, epidemiology of 644
Chrysotile asbestos 786
Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products (Prohibition Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1042, 1145
Cilastatin 325
Ciprofloxacin 325
Circulatory system, disease of 1015
Citric acid 393
City health mission 1073
Civil registration system 925, 1140
Clamydial infections 496
Clarithromycin 325, 517
Clavulanate 325
Clean cord stump 529
Clean delivery practices 528, 529
Climate change 110, 854
causes of 854, 854fc
mechanism of 855, 855fc
Climate in human health 112f
Climatic exposure 862
Clofazimine 325, 517, 1104
Cloning 720
Clonorchiasis 532, 533f
botulinum 392
tetani 524, 525, 526
sampling 197
testing 496
Cocaine 813
Coccidioides 480
Coccidioidomycosis 480, 481
Codex alimentarius 398
Coelomomyces 125
Cohort study
advantages of 183t
design of 181fc
disadvantages of 183t
steps in conducting 182
Cold 274, 276
and health 110
boxes 1174, 1175f
equipment summary 1175t
maintenance of 1179
management 1172
point 1179
reverse 1176
drinks, carbonation of 392
lavage 435
on health, effect of 77fc
stress 781
weather, management of 110
Coliform count 402
Collapse, stage of 369
Collective behaviour
crowds 70
fads and fashion 70
Colombo plan 1005, 1010
functions of 1010
Colon epithelium, invasion of 418
Colorectal cancer 616, 622
Coloring agents 392
saffron 392
turmeric 392
Coma 548, 748
stage of 538
Combat diarrhea, strategies to 375
Combat health impacts, strategies to 857
Combined oral contraceptives 709
Combivir 486
Combustion efficiency 876
Commercial sex workers 495
Committee Specified Three Levels of Healthcare 948
Common cold 268, 274, 275, 534
Common minor vaccine reactions 1179
Communicability, period of 284, 288, 294, 340, 346, 362, 368, 379, 382, 383, 386, 425, 440, 463, 525
Communicable diseases 21, 161, 255, 577f, 759, 824, 862, 1007, 1038, 1045, 1059, 1060
control of 370, 1057, 1076
division of 1007
flexible pool for 1076, 1078
programs for 1093
surveillance of 1162
Communication 240, 906, 927
activities 529
and transport 884
barriers to 238, 238b, 242
channels of 240
functions of 989
interpersonal 243, 703
levels of impact of 242
medium of 240
model 237
modes of 989
process 239, 239f
skills 237, 983, 989
strategy 703
styles 990
technique 243
two-way 240
Communities, high educational levels of 980
Community based
assessment checklist 660, 660f
health education 1092
promotion 1092
rehabilitation 146, 814, 927
Community diagnosis 163, 924
making 161
methods of 170
process 171fc
technique of 169
Community empowerment 485
Community genetics 843
Community health 86, 100, 247, 904, 1187
airborne diseases of 348
care 1187
center 169, 489, 494, 498, 748, 771, 949, 1054, 1074, 1075, 1120, 1137, 1170
staff pattern of 1055t
management 887
measurement of 915
measuring 163
monitoring 924
problem 161
and vulnerable groups 245
vulnerable groups 161
status 909
surveillance 360
Community hygiene 575
Community intervention 924
trial 184
Community involvement 924, 926, 1113
Community level communication 242
folk medias 242
health magazines 242
press materials 242
radio 242
role play 242
television 242
Community medicine 6, 6t, 7, 9, 233, 234, 889, 922, 927
intervention 923
triad source 922f
scope of 6
practice 6, 9, 9f, 154
practitioners 6, 7
functions of 8, 8f
Community mobilization 927, 1126
and empowerment 375
Community needs assessment approach 701, 701t
Community nutrition 169
Community nutritional status, assessment of 688
Community ophthalmology 642
Community organization 905
Community oriented health care 8, 924
Community participation 131, 650, 906, 930, 1061, 1073
Community water treatment method 94f
Community wellbeing indicators 911
Complementary feeding 49
Complete quarantine 258
Component bar diagram 204
Compressed natural gas 847
Computed tomography 1150
Computerized management information system 980, 1187
Computing air quality index 88
efficacy of 482
programming 484
promotion 1107
use 482, 704f
vending machines 482
Conduct disorders 809
Conduct hazard analysis 405
Conducting cross-sectional study, steps of 183
Confidence interval, concept of 207, 208
management, stages of 988f
types of 988
Congenital anomalies 685, 737, 741
Congenital birth defects, causes of 740
Conjunctival suffusion 547, 548
Conjunctivitis 288, 824
Connective tissue 1015
Conservancy system 100
Constipation 53, 387
Constituting Emergency Action Committee 439
Contact diseases
control of 477
epidemiology of 477
Contact survey 516
Contact tracing 496
Container index 436
Continuous flow method 401
Continuous quality improvement 1021
cycle 1021t
Contraception, benefits of 703
Contraceptive 1070
choices 715
failure 1159
home delivery of 1092
hormonal 709, 710f
methods 703
effectiveness of 713
Control vehicle pollution 847
Controlling source 284, 289
and reservoir 295, 343, 346, 370, 371, 410, 412
Conventional budget 1003
Convulsion 527
pressure, control of 1098
Copenhagen climate change conference 858
Copper T 380a and 375 706f
body temperature 777
disciplines 6
basic clinical science 7
epidemiology 6
healthcare delivery system 7
group population, selective screening for 496
Corneal ulceration 683
Corneal xerosis 683
Coronary artery disease 590, 770
Coronary heart disease 16, 19, 22, 23, 233, 648
risk of 184
Coronavirus 568
Corrosions 792
Corticosteroid 431
therapy 320
Corynebacterium 275
diphtheriae 333, 337
Coryza 269, 274, 288
benefit analysis 973, 1027
classification of 609t
effectiveness analysis 973, 1028
minimization analysis 1028
types of 1027
utility analysis 1028
Cotrimoxazole 483
preventive therapy 330
prophylaxis 491, 491t
therapy 483
Cough 269, 275, 276, 288, 575
etiquette 270
Council for International Organizations of Medical Services 1177
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 847
Couple protection rate 231, 698
Cramps, abdominal 358, 418
Crawler stage 396
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever 455, 549, 554, 566, 570
epidemiology of 549
prevention and control 549
Critical path method 973, 981
Critically allied disciplines 6, 7
biostatistics 7
environmental health 7
health management 7
public health nutrition 7
social and behavioral sciences 7
Cross-sectional study 183
advantages of 183
design of 183fc
Crude birth rate 230, 699, 909
trend of 226f
Crude death rate 166, 907, 909, 1039
Crude literacy rate 911
Cryopreservation of sperm 720
Cryosphere 855
Cryptococcal disease 491
Cryptococcosis, extrapulmonary 481
Cryptosporidiosis 480, 481
Cryptosporidium 93, 355, 374, 480, 568
canis 132
fells 132
Culex 129t
fatigans 442
mosquito control 130
pseudovishnui 127
tritaeniorhynchus 127
vishnui 127
Culture media, types of 369t
Curable blindness 640
Current immunization schedule 1086t
Cyanobacteriae 355
Cyanosis 276, 278
Cyclamate 392
Cyclophosphamide 791
Cyclopropagative 534
Cyclops 134
biological control 135
chemical control 135
diseases prevention and control 135
diseases transmitted 134
medical importance 134
transmission 134
transmitted diseases 126
Cycloserine 325, 326, 1104
Cyclospora cayetanensis 355
Cyclosporine 791
Cyclozoonoses 532
Cysteine stones 52
Cystic fibrosis 838
foundation 1021
Cystitis 495
Cytomegalovirus 256, 374, 480, 619
infection 481
Cytoplasmic transfer 720
Cytotoxic waste 873
Daclatasvir 467
Dagger and Asterisk system 1015
Daily life, activities of 772
Dairy farms, sanitation of 400
Dairy products 393
Dairy scheme 1166
Dancing cat fever 389
Danger signs 746
during pregnancy 1169
Danida, functions of 1011
Danish International Development Agency 1005, 1011
Dapsone 517
Darunavir 486, 489, 491
Data analysis
and interpretation 200
in qualitative research 220
Data and measurement scales, types of 195f
Data collection 198, 222
methods 198, 218
secondary 997
sources 198
system, types of 666
tool 198, 199
Data documentation sheet 199
Data entry tools 200
Data for maternal mortality, sources of 724
Data management 223
planning for 191
Data presentation 200
methods of 201, 201fc
Deaf mutism 685
Deafness, congenital 740
Dealing with outbreaks 871
Death 294, 665
case of 1154
cause of 435, 817t, 1182, 1182f
place of 1183
rate 226
specific 166
Debate 241
Decarbonization 857
Decent Work Country Programs 799
Deep freezer 1174, 1176f
Deep trench latrine 101f
Deep vein thrombosis 590
Defense medical services 1065
Degenerative neurological diseases 768
Dehydration 369, 374, 855
severe 374
stage 369
Delamanid 325
Delirium 809
clean surface for 529
place of 1183
Delphi technique 913, 914
Delusional disorders 809
Dementia 770, 809
Democratic leadership style 985
cycle 226
data 224
factors 744
information 405, 558
stages 226
declining 226
early expanding 226
high stationary 226
late expanding 226
low stationary 226
Demography 766
and extinction 822
in public health 224
Dengue 144, 147, 156, 176, 422, 438, 855, 1057, 1198
clinical features of 433
control of 432, 458
epidemiology of 432, 458
fever 126, 432, 434t, 548, 554, 1038, 1098
classical 433
treatment of 435
hemorrhagic fever 156, 432, 433, 440, 548, 554
clinical symptoms of 433
grading of 434
infection, grading of severity of 434t
interesting fact of 436
management of 1099
prevention of 432, 458
shock syndrome 156, 433, 554
grading of 434
virus infection, manifestations of 433, 433f
Deoxyribonucleic acid 679, 842
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 711
Depression 63, 537
assessment of 492
management of 492
Dermatitis 126
contact irritant 788
irritant contact 788
acute 443
prevention of acute 445
Designing implementation plan 978
Designing motivational jobs 987
Detect-treat-prevent-build strategy 1103f
Develop surveillance system 814
Dexamethasone 431
Dhyana 61
Diabetes 18, 20, 22, 24, 51, 141, 238, 320, 331, 577, 593, 653, 659, 741, 839
complications of 610
diagnosis of 609
history of 608
management of 610, 653
evidence-based 606
protocol, type 2 655fc
mellitus 580, 607, 652, 652f, 656, 770, 825
classification 607
epidemiology of 606
gestational 607
prevention and control 606
primary prevention 609
primordial prevention 609
secondary prevention 610
prevalence of 607f, 608, 608f
Diabetic crisis 16
Diabetic eye complications 642
Diabetic ketoacidosis 16
Diabetic nephropathy 770
Diabetic retinopathy 608
Diagnostic test 1160
Diarrhea 14, 18, 53, 92, 289, 358, 359, 374, 390, 400, 537, 575, 652f, 736, 737, 748, 824, 1133
and vomiting, outbreak of 557
inflammatory 358
morbidity, factors contributing to 374t
prevalence of 1039
proportional mortality 373f
types of 358t
Diarrheal diseases 374b, 1038
Diastolic blood pressure 193
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 545, 619, 849, 1097
Diclofenac 1000
Didactic method 240
Didanosine 486
Diet 26, 593
consumption of 593
Dietary advice 729
Dietary allowance, recommended 27, 682t
Dietary assessment 689
techniques 689
Dietary diversification 51
Dietary factor 28
Dietary fat intake 179f
Dietary fiber 38
in food groups 39t
source 38
types 38
Dietary goals 27
Dietary intake, recommended 27
Dietary practices 672, 680
Dietary reference intakes 26
Diethylcarbamazine, administration of 445
Diethyltoluamide 134
Digenetic parasite 452
Digestive system, disease of 1015
Digestive tract diseases 14
Diglycerides 392
Dimension index 912
Diphtheria 145, 156, 233, 265, 267269, 272, 277, 333338, 400, 528, 533535, 554, 566, 752
antitoxin 337
control of 337
cutaneous 336, 336f
epidemiology of 333
pertussis tetanus 263, 528, 744, 1170
booster 262
vaccine 992
prevention and control 333
Diphyllobothrium latum 403
Dipylidium caninum 126
Direct hand contact 358
Direct transmission 256
Direct zoonoses 532
Directly observed
rifampicin supervised 1111b
therapy 324, 331
treatment short course 1074, 1105, 1190
Directorate General Factory Advice Service and Labor Institutes 1151
Directorate General of Health Services 1049
and Family Planning 951
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 447
Directorate of National Vector Borne Disease Control Program 447
Disability 63, 146f, 257, 925
adjusted life years 167, 354, 907, 908, 1038, 1069
alleviation of 445
and deformity 737
free life expectancy 910
limitation 842, 927
and rehabilitation 646
prevention 517
and medical rehabilitation 516, 517, 1111
prevention of 1149
rate 167
types of 741
Disablement benefit 1151
temporary 1151
management 861
Act 1144, 1146
cycle 862, 863f
phase 864
risk management 857
site 864
types of 861
Disclose social pathology 235
Discomfort index 104
Discussion exercise 446
Discussion methods
brainstorming 241
colloquy 241
conference 241
debate 241
group discussion 241
panel discussion 241
role playing 241
seminar 241
symposium 241
tutorial 241
workshop 241
Disease 18, 18t, 63, 185, 193, 547, 570t
broad-spectrum of 16
Burden in India 333
causation of 253, 265
causative agent 547
characteristics of 282, 286, 293, 318, 333, 345, 379
conditions, vaccination for special 832
control 147
concept of 147
Programs, specific 702
specific 926
distribution of 546
elimination 147, 148
concept of 147
epidemiology of 173t
eradication 147, 901
concept of 147
extinction 147
concept of 147
from feces, transmission of 100f
in community, preventing 923
international classification of 724, 774, 809, 811, 1013, 1015, 1182
interrupt transmission of 258
natural history of 19, 23f, 142, 143f, 161
preventing 9
risk factors and determinants 547
severe 275
specific mortality rate 909
spectrum of 23, 24f
surveillance 357fc
test results of 152t
transmission 298
dynamics of 255, 265, 308
transmitted by
fleas 132
hard tick 133
mosquito 129
rodents 137t
soft tick 133
under surveillance 156
Disinfectants, levels of resistance to 259t
Disinfection 258, 545
procedures 871
Dispersion, measures of 205, 206
Disposable delivery kit 1074
supply of 529
Disposal methods, treatment and 876
Disseminated nontuberculous mycobacterial infection 481
Distension, abdominal 748
District Blood Banks 473
District Child Death Review Committee 1185
District Early Intervention Centers 741
District Education and Training Center 1073
District Health Action Plans 328
District Health Mission 1073
District Health Society 1073
District Hospital 1119, 1170, 1181
and Knowledge Center 1073
District Level 1101, 1120
Household and Facility Survey 698
Household Survey 170, 1077, 1080, 1092, 1141
Vigilance and Monitoring Committees 1080
District Magistrate/District Collector 1185
District Mental Health Program 811, 1123, 1124
District Nodal Officer 1185
District Program Management Unit 1073
District Project Officer 1185
District Public Health Resource Center 1073
District Quality Assurance
Committee 1020
Unit 1020
District Quality Team 1020
District Tuberculosis
Center 1102
Officer 1102
Program 1042
District-wise Human Immunodeficiency Virus Prevalence 478
Diverse health providers 1070
Dizziness 550, 781
and loss of balance 325
drowsiness 574
Docosahexaenoic acid 33
Doctor-patient communication 243
effective 239
Doctor-population ratio 911, 955
and cat fleas 132
bite 156
tapeworm 390
Dolutegravir 486, 487, 489, 491
Domestic general government health expenditure 961
Domestic private health expenditure 961
Domestic Violence 809, 1146
Act, 2005 1144, 1146
Domoic acid 389
Donabedian model for quality of care 1019f
Donate blood 474
Donovanosis 495
Double chamber incinerator 876f
Double fortified salt 681
Double pyramid model 46f
Double vision 390
Down syndrome 740
Dowry Prohibition Act 1144, 1146
Doxycycline 429
Dracontiasis 126
epidemiology of 377
prevention and control 377
Dracunculus medinensis 377
life cycle of 377f
Dragon worm 377
Drainage system 564
Drinking water 96t, 1152
collection of water samples 96
criteria 95
feedback and remedial measures 96
sanitary inspections 96
surveillance of 95
sources of 92f
supply 356
surveillance 95
target for 937
infection 513, 534
nuclei 535
spread 256
transmission 266
Dropsy epidemic 397, 398
Drowsy 746
Drug 146
abuse 13
addiction 16
administration, single day mass 1096
Advisory Program 1010
Controller General of India 1145
De-addiction Program 1121
dressings, free supply of 1149
kits, seven colored prepacked 507f
Logistics Information and Management System 1140
resistance 430
tuberculosis 1080, 1101, 1102
resistant tuberculosis
control of 329
extensive 326
programmatic management of 322, 329
resistant, totally 326
sensitive testing 1101
susceptibility testing 323
toxicity minimization 485
Dry bulb thermometer 104, 107, 107f
Dry mouth 369
Dumb rabies 538
Dust 524
Dwarfism 685
Dyscalculia 741
Dysentery 400, 418, 748, 824
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 709
Dysgraphia 741
Dyslexia 741
Dyslipidemia 56, 770
Dyspnea 276
Earache 276
Early detectable cancers 623
Eating disorders 809
E-Aushadhi 1188
Ebola 258
virus disease 554, 570
basic pathogenesis 570
diagnosis 571
microbiology 570
prevention and control 572
symptoms of 570
transmission of disease 570
treatment 571
vaccines 571
virus, ecology of 571f
Echinococcus granulosus 390, 532
Ecological studies, advantages of 179
Economic burden 531
Economic growth 942
requirement of sustainable 1070
Economic typology and poverty 824
Ecosystem management 858
Ecotourism 829
Ectoparasites 495
Ectopic pregnancy 496
Edema 427
Education 178, 229, 1008
and communication 1070
children and adolescent girls 1169
program, condensed courses of 1166
report, annual status of 823
Educational status and safety training 792
Efavirenz 482, 486, 489
Effective couple protection rate 699
Eggs 44
E-health 1187, 1188
E-hospital 1188
Eicosapentaenoic acid 33
Eight millennium development goals 937f
Eight-step process for quality control 1020b
heating appliances 792
hygrometer 82
vacuum evacuation 717
Electrocardiogram 770
Electroencephalography 150
Electrolyte 1098
Electronic health records 1187, 1189
Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network 1042, 1140, 1173
Initiative 1001
Elek immunoprecipitation test 337
Eleventh Five-Year Plan 1046
important Agenda of 1046
Elimination of lymphatic filariasis, strategies for 1096
Eltor strain 367t
Elvitegravir 486
E-mamta 1188
Embryo 720
transfer 720
action committee 439
contraception 711
newborn care 1082, 1084
newborn resuscitation 1084
obstetric care 732, 1082, 1083
Emerging diseases 566
epidemiology of 570
prevention and control 570
Emotional development 758
Empathy 758
Employees State Insurance 1149
Act, 1948 1144
Schemes 1061, 1064
Employment and income opportunity 906
Emtricitabine 486, 489, 491
Encephalitis 137, 294, 480, 538
syndrome, acute 156, 566, 1057, 1097
stage of acute 537
Encephalopathy 748
End game strategy 365, 365t
Endemic ascites 389, 398
Endemic typhus 126
Ending cholera 372
Endocrine disease 1015
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 384
Endothelial cells 427
Endothelial vascular system 56
End-stage renal failure 320
balance 59
during lactation, requirements of 29
expenditure 28
calculation of 28b
in pregnancy, requirements of 29
requirement, calculation of 27
source of 29
units of 29
joule 29
kilocalories 29
Enfuvirtide 486
Engage all care providers 332
Enrichment media 369
Entamoeba 379
dispar 379
histolytica 374, 379, 380, 390, 495
moshkovskii 379
Entecavir 464, 465
Enteric fever 156, 358, 400, 407, 1038
Enteritis 428
Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli 358, 374, 416418
Enterobacter aerogenes 390
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection 418
Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli 390, 416418
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli 374, 416418
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli 358, 416418
Entomological indices, calculation of 446
Entomology 125
Enveloped viruses 259
Environment 275, 310, 349, 391
and Human Health 98
factors 298
and Safety Laws 1156
profile, monitoring of 852
Pollution Authority 847
Act 845, 1144, 1156
Authorities 845
and Food Investigations 406
control 130, 271, 330
determinants 16
factors 268, 283, 287, 294, 302, 335, 340, 345, 363, 368, 379, 408, 412, 513, 641, 740, 767
climate 513
overcrowding 513
socioeconomic status 513
health 927
division of 1007
management 977
Officer 370
problem 162
Safety Laws 1144
Hygiene Committee 120
improvement 516, 522
protection 942, 1070
risk 830, 917, 943, 1039
sampling 406
sanitation 519, 1060
improvement of 370, 371
statement 848
statistics and mapping 848
surveillance squad 846
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 289, 292, 295, 299, 350, 380, 449, 455, 481, 538, 571, 575, 882
antigen capture 551
E-olakh 1188
Act 1041, 1144, 1145
source 881
intelligence service 1162
preparedness and rapid response 1095
prone diseases 554
shorter duration of 367
Epidemiological determinants 297, 407, 412, 415, 424, 432, 437, 440, 442, 448, 451, 455, 512
Epidemiological parameters 163
category of 164t
Epidemiological studies 171, 174
classification of 174t
errors in 186
Epidemiological surveillance, division of 1007
Epidemiological triad 19, 20f, 253, 253f, 301, 335, 520
agent 520
environmental factors 520
host factors 520
triangle of 21f, 254
uses of 161
Epididymo-orchitis 294, 444
Epigastric tenderness 387
Epiglottitis, acute 274
Epinephrine stimulates 1180
Epstein-Barr virus 480, 619, 791
Ergonomics 794
hazard 778, 779
Ergot 389, 397
Erythema nodosum leprosum 516f
Erythematous skin patch 514
Erythrocyte 427
sedimentation rate 505
Erythrocytic phase 426
Erythrocytic schizogony 426
Escherichia coli 95, 374, 379, 390, 416, 418, 1164
ferment lactose 416
infection 390
epidemiology of 416, 421
prevention and control 416, 421
Esophageal candidiasis 480
Espundia 126
Estimated date of delivery 729
Ethambutol 325, 1104
Ethanol 259
committee 221
in research 220
principles of 220
Ethinylestradiol 709
Ethionamide 325, 326, 517, 1104
Ethylene oxide 260
Ethynodiol diacetate 709
Etravirine 486
Eugenics 840
Euthenics 840
Evaluating nutrition programs 692
E-wastes 99
Excreta disposal 100
methods of 100
Executive board 1007
functions of 1007
Exercise program 58
Expanded Program of Immunization 260, 333, 343, 542, 1042
Experimental studies, types of 184
Extension codes 1015
Extensive information, education and communication 686
External audit 1004
External quality
assessment 321, 1101
control 1101
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, presumptive 324
Extreme weather 776
events 855
related illnesses 855
Extrinsic incubation 440
period 422, 425, 442
Eye 571
cosmetics 520
donation 643
protection 271
seeking flies 521
Eyelashes touching 520
cleanliness 522
swelling 575
Facility based integrated management 747, 748
Facility based newborn
care 744, 745, 747, 1085
screening 1091
Facility based service delivery 1073
Factories Act 271, 1144, 1151
Factors influencing community health 904f
Failed shake test 1174f
Falciparum malaria 548
treatment of 429t
Family and Child Welfare Services 1166
Family Counseling Center Program 1166
Family health, division of 1007
Family income 374
Family life education 762
Family paramyxoviridae 287
Family Planning 230, 701, 718, 1008, 1045, 1059
and Family Welfare 700
Association of India 1165, 1066
methods, currently used 698f
Program 1041, 1045
extended 1042
initial 1168
Family size 229
Family Welfare 701, 1166
Central Sector 1076
Component 1078
Program 697
Services 740, 1070
Under National Health Mission 1137
Farmer's lung disease 787
Fasciola hepatica 403
Fascioliasis 534f
Fasting blood sugar 20
Fats 20, 31, 393
hydrogenation of 392
requirement of 32
soluble vitamins 33
Fatty acid
essential 32
types of 33t
Febrile arboviral hemorrhagic disease 455
coliforms 390
laboratory studies 374
leukocytes 358, 418
occult blood test 622
Feco-oral transmission 358
and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 1042
habit 425
mode 374
supplementary 48
Female condom 482, 705f
Female sex worker 477, 478
Female staff member, presence of 499
Ferric chloride test 398
Fertility 229, 925, 1141
indicators 229, 229t, 230, 699
medication 720
general 230, 699
total 230, 695, 700, 700f, 1039, 1069
total marital 230, 700
reasons for high 229
Fever 276, 278, 310, 387, 418, 537, 547, 550, 574, 602
absence of 418
epidemic relapsing 126
epidemiology of 457
hemorrhagic 137
of unknown origin 156
prevention of 457
treat 276
with burning pain and swelling 378
Fiber foods, moderate 39
Field Epidemiology Training Program 568
Filaria 1038, 1057, 1097f
Filarial fever 443
Filariasis 126, 824, 1060, 1096
control of 441, 459
elimination of 447, 447f
epidemiology of 441, 459
prevention and control of 445
stages of acute 443
Filling death certificate 1182
Finance management 1002, 1078
information system 1140
Financial auditing 1004
Financial management
group 1078, 1118
techniques 973t
Financial protection coverage 934
Financial techniques 973
Fine motor and vision 752
First referral unit 702, 725, 949, 1025, 1055, 1083, 1120
Fish tape worm 126
Five-year plan 1045, 1046, 1071
Fixed session sites 1170
Fixed virus 536
Fixed-day immunization 755
Fixed-dose combinations drugs 325t
Flaccid paralysis, acute 156
Flavivirus 449, 572
fibricus 440
genus 572
Flavonoids 38
Flavoring agents 392
Flea 132, 544
classification 132
index, specific 133
life cycle 132, 132f
species 133
surveys 133
types of 132
Flexibility and balancing exercises 58
Flies 176, 521
Fluconazole 491
regimen 491
Fluctuations, short-term 174
Flucytosine 491
Fluid 1098
Fluorescence microscopy 428
Fluoroquinolone 325, 326
endemic area 1131
surveillance of 1131
Flushing toilet 269
Fly borne diseases 126
Fly population 520
Fly proofing 131
Focus group discussion 219, 236
guide 219
setting 236f
Folic acid 36, 695
requirement 36
supplementation 1091, 1130
Follicle stimulating hormone 709
Fomite 521
borne 257
transmission 535
Food 26
additives 392
adulterants 358
Act, prevention of 26, 395, 1041, 1144, 1147, 1158
diseases, prevention and control of 398
standards, prevention of 399
allergies 53
and agriculture organization 29, 30, 1005, 1009
and food handlers, hygiene of 360
and nutrition 862
surveys, large-scale 691
and water 818
safety 672
bacterial contamination of 358, 358t
cholesterol content of 51
classification of 26
contaminated from human sources 390
cross-contamination of 358
establishments, investigation of 406
fortification 50, 394
frequency questionnaire 690
groups 39, 45
balance of 45
handlers 406
hygiene 360, 399
improper storage of 358
kinds of 26
poisoning 18, 400, 554
cases 359fc
preservatives, health concerns on 394
processing technologies 392
pyramid and food plate, concept of 45
quality of 393
quantity, requirements of 45
Safety and Standards
Act 26, 1158
Authority of India 683, 1158
Regulation Act 1144
laws 1144, 1158
legislations for 359
sampling 406
security 1008
standards, establishment of 398
supplementation 51
toxicants 395
water, and shelter, availability of 906
chemical poisoning 389
disease 354, 358, 389, 419, 857
epidemiology of 389
factors in emergence of 391
outbreak, investigation of 359, 405
pathogens in 358
prevention of 359
infections 390, 390t
prevention and control of 399
intoxications 389
Foot care program 445
Foot ware 517
Forced expiratory ventilation 20
Forced vital capacity 646
Ford foundation 1005, 1012
functions of 1012
Formaldehyde 259, 551
Formulating contingency plan 797
Formulating plan 977, 978
Fourth generation mobile telecommunications 1187
Framingham heart study 250
Francisella tularensis 355
Free counseling services 497
concept of degrees of 212
fighters 1155
Freeze damage 1173
Frequency polygon 202
Fresh fish 403
characteristics of 403
Fresh meat 403
Fresh poultry 404
Frost nip 110
Frostbite 110, 782, 792, 855
Fumigation 136
Funeral expenses 1151
agents 495
infections 400, 532, 535
Fungi 125, 259, 480
Funiculitis 444
incarnatum 398
toxins 389
Galactosemia 53
Gallates 393
Gallbladder disease 53
Gambusia 125
affinis 130
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 720
Gametogony 427
Gamma-radiation 791
Gantt chart 972, 972f
uses of 972
Gastroenteritis 126, 390, 409, 418, 746
acute 156, 855
infections 161
problems 52
symptoms 575
Gathering community health information 924, 925
Gatifloxacin 325
Gaussian distribution 209
Gender 293
bias 234
development index 235
discrimination 234
inequality index 235
sensitiveness 702
Gene 836
inheritance, single 838
therapy 16, 840
General flea index 133
General health indicators 821t
General marital fertility rate 699
General packet radio service 1187
Generic antiretrovirals 486t
abnormalities, detection of 228
approach 396
control 130
counseling 16, 841
retrospective 841
diseases 1160
disorders 838
prevention of 841
effects 783
reproductive services 841
screening 16
susceptibility 320, 601
testing, predictive 842
Genial scabies 495
Genital molluscum contagiosum 495
Genital ulcer 498, 507
management of 503fc
Genital ulcerative disease 1106
Genital warts 495
lesions 444
system, disease of 1015
Genotoxic waste 873
hepacivirus 469
morbillivirus 287
Geographic information system 848
Gerber's test 402
Geriatric healthcare
centers 770
principles of 768b
services 770
Geriatric population 161
Germ theory 250, 253
limitations of 19
of disease 13, 18, 251, 253
Ghon focus 318
Giardia 355
intestinalis 381, 390
lamblia 374, 495
Giardiasis 382, 390, 495
epidemiology of 381
life cycle of 382f
prevention and control 381
Glaucoma 641, 642, 770
Global Adult Tobacco Survey 163, 813, 1142
Global and Indian scenario 423, 437, 440, 448, 455
Global Burden of Disease 282
Global cholera epidemic 247
Global health
goals 935
situation 916
workforce alliance 953
Global human resources 953
Global hunger index 1037
Global influenza surveillance
and response system 303, 305, 314
network 305
Global multidimensional poverty index 912
Global polio eradication initiative 361, 362
Global population trend 224
Global positioning system 1187
Global public health 239
Global stocktake 858
Global Vaccine Action Plan 343
Global warming 111
biological effects 112
control measures 113
effects of 111
geometeorological effects 111
health impacts 112
history of 111
prevention strategies 112
socioeconomic effects 112
Glucose ketones 20
Glucose tolerance, impaired 607, 610
Glutaraldehyde 259
Glycemic index 29
Gonococcal infection 495, 496
Gonorrhea 506, 507
Good poisoning, bacterial causes of 359, 359t
Governance and accountability framework 1080
Governance and health system indicators 936
Government healthcare system 971t
Gram husk 395
Gram panchayat 1063
Granuloma inguinale 495
Granulomatous amebic encephalitis 355
Grease, trapping of 404
Great pandemics, control of 899
Greenhouse effect 111, 854
Greenhouse gases 111, 854
carbon dioxide 111
fluorinated gases 111
methane 111
nitrous oxide 111
sources of 111
Gross domestic product 235, 958, 961, 967, 1026
percentage of 1069
Gross National Income 235, 912
Gross National Product 17, 936, 1026
Gross Reproduction Rate 231, 700
Groundwater 92
quality 850
Group communication 243
and development 751, 758
chart 751, 754f
standards 674t
indicators 751b
monitoring 676, 691, 1008
rate 821
Grunting 276, 747
Guinea worm 92
disease 134, 377
eradication program 1042
infestation 148f
Gums 393
H1N1 influenza 258, 566, 567
Haddon matrix 636
Haemaphysalis spinigera 455
Haemophilus ducreyi 495
Haemophilus influenzae 145, 274, 279, 339, 465
type B 261, 291, 337, 739, 752
Hallucinogens 813
Hand arm vibration 782, 783f
syndrome 782
Hand disinfection 270
Hand drying 270
Hand hygiene 271
major forms of 868t
Hand washing
and hygiene 270
promotion of 388
proper 303
regular 270
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome 268, 566
Hard technology 930
Hard tick 134f, 134t
equilibrium 837
law 837
Hay fever 176
Hazardous waste management 852
analysis 360
principles of 360
workplace 144
Headache 276, 433, 537, 547, 548, 550, 558, 574, 575
Health 13, 14, 26, 1005
Action Plan 109
adjusted life expectancy 907
and development 936
and disease
basics of 11
concept of 13
spectrum of 142f
and environmental factors 375f
and Family Planning Commissions 950
and Health-Related Policies 1068
and nutrition 1008
Education 755
and Social
Development 7
Services 818
and Sustainable Development Goals 943
and Wellness Centers 1060, 1135
assembly, functions of 1006
assistant, job responsibilities of 1058
authorities 155
belief model 75
benefits 56
care delivery
system, strengthening 677
under national program 1120f
care services, current approaches in 231, 347, 762, 371, 798
care system 977
centers, job responsibilities of staff of 1056
committee 27
communication 239, 242
application of 242
community 242
individual 242
methods in 240
organization 242
programs 242
social network 242
society 242
types of 240
concept of 13
conceptualization of 13
conditions, measurement of 924, 925
determinants of 16, 16f, 830
dimension of 14, 14f, 15
economics 1026, 1026f
education 131, 144, 244, 381, 385, 386, 388, 396, 484, 497, 542, 759, 906, 927, 1188
and counseling 760, 761
approach 244, 596
regarding 596t
educator, job responsibilities of 1057
effects 780
emotional dimension 15
equity 819
exhaustion 855
facilities and functioning 977
facility 751t
financing 958960
system 947
global strategy for 935
hazards in agriculture 776
in constitution 1041
in five-year plans 1045
information system 1017
well-functioning 947
infrastructure and human resource 1069
insurance 831, 934, 1064
intelligence quotient 15
issues of adolescence 758, 758t
laws, classification of 1144
legislations 1144
low priority of 980
man power development 772
management information 1069
manpower development, division of 1007
mental dimension 15
of workers 401
outcome indicators 936
performance indicators 936
physical dimension 14
planning 976, 977
steps in 977
and programs 1068
making of 193
positive 1416
problem 161, 163, 188, 768t
program 239, 763
and schemes 734, 763
evaluation of 161
for disease control, evaluation of impact of 1142
for family welfare, evaluation of 1140
on reproductive, maternal and child health, evaluation of impact of 1141
promotion 62, 143, 144, 260, 260f, 279, 580, 651, 769, 927
activities 652
and specific protection 646
community development for 144
related millennium development goal 938t, 940t
related states and events 160
relationship with 65
research 188
domains of 188t
uses of computer in 223
risk and disease outbreaks 943
risk factors to environment 830
sector reforms, four sets of 933f
sector system reforms 932, 935
services 17, 531, 947, 1162
availability of 170
coverage 934
director general of 1186
essential 1079
evaluation trial 184
for railway employees 1065
organizational structure of 969fc, 1050fc
related indicators 911
research, conduction of 161
strengthening of 1007
situation 1037
analysis of 977
determinants of 67
dimension 15
solution analysis 977
spectrum of 15, 15f
spiritual dimension 15
status 824
and program impact 1068
concept of 142f
of community 170
surveillance system 927
survey 1020
development committee 1041
system 883, 953, 1007, 1030
and management 927
at district level, organization of 1050
at national level, organization of 1048
at regional level, organization of 1050
at state level, organization of 1049
components of 1030
functions 946
organization of 1049fc
outcomes 1031
performance 1069
reform 928
research 1030, 1031, 1032f, 1032t
resilience 1034
strengthening 332, 1069, 1083, 1104
structure 946
through life-course, promoting 1007
vocational dimension 15
worker 1074
and carers control 330
job functions of 1059, 1060
protection of 545
workforce, well-performing 947
Healthcare 963, 1018
agency, types of 1005
in tribal population 826
services 8
system 946, 948fc, 1048fc
unique system of 1162
facilities, network of 597
financing 958, 1028
sources of 958, 1028
in United States 951
institutes, large network of 980
poor coverage of 163
primary level of 1052
quality control 1021
seeking behavior of community 170
services 465, 733
system 602, 949951, 951f, 1041
classification of 947
status of 1051
types of 947
Healthful housing, factors affecting 120
Healthphone poshan-nutrition 1188
Healthy adjusted life expectancy 910
Healthy behavior and lifestyles 144
Healthy child development 906
Healthy community 906
characteristics of 906f
Healthy cooking practices 50
Healthy dietary habits and lifestyle, promoting 741
Healthy environment 260
and housing 144
Healthy house and surrounding 120
Healthy lifestyle 260
Healthy newborn, care of 1088
Healthy policies 906
Healthy population 260
Healthy workplace concept 796
Hearing 752, 769
impairment 741
loss 325
prevention of 1122
Heart 819
defects, congenital 740
disease 193, 653
acquired 741
congenital 590
ischemic 56, 590
failure 63, 538
involvement 602
rate per minute 57
action plan 820
and cold on health, effects of 77
core elements of 109
cramp 780
damage 1173
disorders 780
exhaustion 780
hyperpyrexia 855
index 81
related illnesses 779
stress 105, 111, 777, 779
effects of 104
indices 106
stroke 106t, 780, 855
syncope 780
Heatstroke 176
Heavy metals 358, 389
Helicobacter pylori 186, 568, 617, 791
bacteria 619
infection 619
infections 374
infestations 1038
Hemagglutination inhibition 449
test 438
Hemagglutinin, filamentous 339
Hematuria 548
Hemochromatosis 838
Hemoglobin 727
concentration of 839
levels 678t
Hemoglobinopathies, gene-related 839
Hemolytic uremia syndrome 373, 418
Hemophilia 840
Hemorrhage 427, 547
postpartum 725, 731
Hemorrhagic colitis 418
Hemorrhagic fever 550f, 575, 576
Hemorrhagic manifestation 433
Hendra virus infection 555
Henipaviral diseases 570
Heparin 431
Hepatitis 359f, 390, 462f, 732, 752, 824, 918
virus 355, 412
acute 177t, 562f, 564f
agent of 462
birth dose 262
coinfection 491
control of 461
diagnosis of 464f
epidemiology of 461
prevention of 461
surface antigen 462f, 483, 729
virus 264, 461, 462f, 464, 495, 617
acute symptomatic 470
chronic 471f
coinfection 491
control of 467
epidemiology of 467
natural history of 468
prevention of 467
virus 461, 468f, 471, 617, 791
deaths 918
diagnosis 484
investigation of 562
virus 390, 414
treatment 484
vaccination 484
Hepatocellular carcinoma 619
Herd immunity 145, 265, 526
absence of 528
concept of 145f
levels 265t
Herpes genitalis 495
Herpes simplex virus 496
Herpes virus 256, 480
High blood glucose 608f
High density lipoprotein 667
High dose isoniazid 325
High humidity, effects of 81t
High pretreatment alanine aminotransferase 465
High transmission states 1093
Highly pathogenic avian influenza 300
Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh 518, 1165, 1066
Hip circumference 667
Histamine fish poisoning 389
Histoplasma 480
Histoplasmosis 480, 532, 533f
extrapulmonary 481
Hodgkin's disease 620
Holistic approach 814
Holistic concept 14
Holoendemic disease 556
Holoendemic situations 556
Home based
care for measles 289
neonatal care 1046
newborn care 745, 748, 1085
Homelessness 809
Homologue fail 838
Hong Kong flu 300
Hong Kong influenza 267
Hookworm infection 534
replacement therapy 593, 619
treatment 720
acquired infections 866
epidemiology of 866
based cancer registries 625
based stroke registry 589
infection control 303
reception and treatment 864
waste, types of 873
Host factor, epidemiology 495
House flies 131, 390
control of adult 131
diseases transmitted by 131
environmental control 131
life cycle of 131
medical importance 131
House index 436
House rat 549
Household surveys 724
Household wealth 743
Household with
amenities 821
toilets 911
Housing standards 120, 121
floor 121
garbage and refuse 121
kitchen 121
lighting 121
roof 121
rooms 121
rural 121
set back 121
site 120
walls 121
water supply 121
windows 121
Housing, sanitation and safe water supply 169
Human behavior 178
influences 7
Human blood index 430
Human body 105f
Human chorionic gonadotropin 842
Human development 857, 893f
index 17, 18, 235, 235fc, 892, 893f, 907, 912
Human disease, risk factors for 174, 179
Human enhanced greenhouse effect 111f
Human feces 521
Human genome project 840
Human health 13, 110, 531, 857f
Human herpesvirus 495, 617
Human host 16
Human immunodeficiency virus 145, 154, 188, 317, 319, 320, 330, 461, 462f, 477, 478, 478f, 478t, 481, 484, 487, 495, 500, 502506, 567, 568, 617, 654, 676, 703, 722, 729, 732, 738, 743, 750, 759, 791, 818, 824, 916, 937, 959, 1108
associated nephropathy 481
comorbidities 1109
control of 477, 482
counseling 481, 1107
deaths 918, 1039
exposed infants 483
health services 485
incidence 939f, 1039
infected population 487
infection 454
substantial risk of 490
transmission of 472
treatment of 487
mortality 939f
negative sex workers 490
pathogenesis of 479f
positive person 490
positive pregnant women 483
prevent parent-to-child transmission of 485
prevention of 477
acquisition of 489
related skin and oral conditions 492
sentinel surveillance 1110, 1142
suppression of 485
surveillance 1110, 1142
syndrome, acute 480
testing strategy for 484fc
transmission 483
treatment service, three-tier model of 487
Human infection 536
Human organism 13, 18
Human papillomavirus 263, 494, 495, 617, 656, 761
infection 494, 631
Human poverty index 17
Human rabies 536
management of 538
prevention of 538
Human resources
capacity building of 1118
development 1095, 1115, 1189
for health 953
challenges 954
scenario 955
situation 954
Human skills 983
Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 477
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 530
Human travel, modes of 531
Human whipworm 390
Human-to-human transmission 574
risk reduction of 551
Humidex 81
Humidifier 81
types of 81
Humidity 80, 104, 469
absolute 80
and health 81
dew point 81
effect of high 81
in health care, application of 82
measuring 81
relative 80, 268
Huntington's disease 838
Hyalomma 550
Hyalommaanatolicumanatolicum 455
Hybrid 78
Hydatidosis 390, 532f
Hydrocortisone dosage chart 1180t
Hydrogen peroxide 259
Hydrophobia 535, 536, 538
Hygiene 388
and sanitation practices 143
Hymenolepis diminuata 126, 137
Hymenolepis nana 126
Hyperendemic disease 556
Hyperglycemia, symptoms of 610
Hypertension 18, 22, 24, 51, 63, 150, 178, 585f, 592, 648, 656, 659, 770, 839
and stroke, prevention and control 582
asymptomatic 583
behavioral factors 583
classification of 582
clinical features of 583
complications of 583
dietary approach to stop 584
dizziness 583
epidemiology of 582
essential 582
family history 583
harmful use of alcohol 583
headache 583
international society of 659, 661
management 583
metabolic factors 583
nonmodifiable risk factors 583
pharmacotherapy for 585t
physical inactivity 583
prevention 583
primary prevention 584
primordial prevention 583
risk factors for 583
salt reduction strategies 583
screening for 580
secondary 582
prevention 584
stages of 582, 582t
stop 584t
stroke, obesity 611
surveillance in 584
tertiary prevention 584
unhealthy diet 583
Hypertensive disorders 726
classification of 726t
Hyperthermia 747, 780
Hypoendemic disease 556
Hypoglycemia 16, 428
Hypothermia 110, 747, 748, 781, 855
prevention of 749, 1081
Hypothesis testing 211
Hypothyroidism, congenital 842
Hypoxia 538
hypobaric 80
Hysteria 538
Ibalizumab 486
Ice caps, melting of 855
Ice lined refrigerator 1174, 1176f
Ice packs 1174, 1175f
Iceberg phenomenon 257f, 496
of disease 24, 24f
concept of 257
Icteric leptospirosis 548
and influenza-related mortality, severe 308
management of 771
treatment of 62
Imipenem 325
Immediate newborn care 1087, 1088
and resuscitation 1082
Immoral Traffic Prevention Act 497, 1144, 1147
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 491
Immune system, disease of 1015
Immunity 268, 293, 301, 345, 363, 368, 526
Immunization 144, 270, 343, 371, 410, 541, 676, 981, 1008, 1157
activities, supplementary 364, 529
against tetanus 729
anxiety-related reaction 1178
error related reaction 1177, 1178
history 260
in adolescents 761
of animals 450
routine 363, 1080
status 275
types of 261
Immunochromatographic card test 445
Immunofluorescent antibody titer 449
Immunoglobulin 48, 150, 298, 882
Inactivated polio vaccine 364, 365, 1170
advantages of 876
disadvantages of 876
principles of 876
Incinerator, types of 876
Incubation period 255, 284, 288, 294, 302, 321, 340, 346, 349, 368, 379, 382, 408, 425, 449, 463, 514
median 175f
Indalone 134
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 1144
India Newborn Action Plan 741
Indian Council for Child Welfare 1165, 1066
Indian Council of Medical Research 27, 189, 261, 682, 785, 1162, 1163
Institutes 1163t
Indian Factories Act 1041
Indian Healthcare Agencies 1162
Indian Healthcare System 948, 1041
Evolution of 1041
Indian Medical Association 849
Indian Newborn Action Plan 1087
Indian Penal Code 1145
Indian Public Health Standard 695, 956, 1022, 1069, 1073, 1074
Norms 1053t
Indian Red Cross Society 1066, 1165
Indian Research Fund Association 27
Indian Standards Institution Standards 399
Indinavir 486
Indira Awas Yojana 123, 1063
Indira Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana 75
Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme 772
Indoor air pollution 320
Indoor residual spray 1093
Industrial pollution abatement 848
Industrial waste water treatment 850
Infant and young child feeding 162, 744
practices, promotion of 680
Infant deaths 918, 1185
Infant milk substitute 1042
Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods Act, 1144, 1147
Infant mortality 741, 1069
Infant nutrition 49
Infant parasite rate 430
Infected beef, consumption of 390
Infected pork, consumption of 390
Infection 674fc, 1038
agent source of 512
annual rate of 317
Committee 870
nurse 370
practices 313
detection of 496
elimination of 148
emerging of 566, 567
mode of 443, 453
prevention of 145f, 745, 746, 749
rate 446
route of 544
secondary 135
source of 258, 269, 302, 335, 408, 536, 545
reservoir of 463, 470
superficial 748
Infectious diseases 20, 21, 253, 255, 256, 317f, 567, 568, 830, 832, 899f, 916, 943, 1038
acute 652t
control of 897
group of 531
Infectious particles, level of 268
Infectious waste 873
Infective dose 255, 408
Infective material 269, 283, 346, 362, 368
Infective organism, lifecycle of 532
Infectivity 463
Infertility, high rate of 494
Inflammation 782
Influenza 263, 267, 269, 301t, 554
cohorting of 303
eliminate 306
epidemics 267
like illness 156, 306
pandemic 300
phases of 306f
positive for 305f
surveillance 306f, 306t
lab network 303
testing for 311
transmission 567
vaccination, indications of 265
virus, structure of type A 308f
Information and Communication Technology 1115
Enabled Real Time Monitoring of Schemes 1126
Information system support, division of 1007
Information technology 969, 1187
advent of 1137
Information, Education and Communication 484, 485, 516, 715, 772, 1070, 1081, 1098, 1162
Services 1109
Informed consent form 221
Ingestion, acute effect of 792
Inguinal bubo 498, 507, 1106
management of 502fc
Injectable agents, second-line 326
Injury 634, 759, 1015
and violence 830, 917, 943, 1039
common exercise-induced 63
components of 635
epidemiology of 635
magnitude of 634
prevention and control 634
superficial 792
types of 634, 792
Inoculation rate 431
Insecticidal Nets, Long Lasting 1093
Institute Conducts Academic and Training Program 1164
Institutional delivery, percentage of 1039
Institutional Ethics Committee 194
Insurance Medical Officer 1150
Insurance Medical Practioner-Panel 1150
Integrate Indian Systems of Medicine 1070
Integrated Biological and Behavioral Surveillance 1142
Integrated Child Development Services 681, 941, 1012, 1042, 1070, 1127
Integrated Counseling and Testing Center 330, 481, 484, 500, 502, 503, 715, 1107, 1108
Integrated Disease Surveillance
Program 156, 1114, 1189
Project 314, 1042, 1115f, 1139
Integrated Family Welfare 1149
Integrated vector control 135
approach 127
Integrated vector management 135, 135f, 1093, 1095, 1097, 1099
Integrating with health system 924, 926
Intensive care unit 526, 866
Interagency diarrhea disease kit 371
Interferon-gamma 323
release assays 323
Intermediate reference laboratory 1101
International Death Certificate, parts of 1182
International Health Agencies 1005, 1005t
International Health Regulations 271, 432, 545, 568, 570, 833
complying 568
emergency committee 572
principles of 833
International Healthcare Sgencies 1005
International Institute of Population Sciences 772, 1076, 1141
International Labor Organization 773, 798, 1005, 1009
International Poverty Line 910
International Public Health Concern 432
International Red Cross 1005
Intersectoral coordination 650, 924, 926, 931
Interstitial lung diseases, group of 785
Intestinal diseases 358
epidemiology of 354
prevention and control 354
Intestinal mucosa 418
invade lining of 358
small 358
Intoxications 358t, 390
Intracranial pressure, control of 1098
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 720
Intradermal regimen 1113
Intramural research 1163
Intramuscular schedule 541
Intranasal and injectable vaccine 305t
Intranatal care 729
Intrauterine contraceptive device 505, 698, 706, 707t
Intrauterine growth
restriction 673, 738
retardation 722
Intravenous drug abuse 709
Inventory control techniques 1000
Iodine 36
compounds 259
deficiency disorder 394, 684
severity of 685t
spectrum of 685t
requirement 37, 684
sources 37
status, community assessment of 685
test 402
Iodophor 259
Iron 30t, 36, 695, 1091
absorption 679
and folic acid 170, 745, 752, 755, 764f
deficiency anemia 678
treatment of 760
folic acid 1074, 1083
supplementation 1130t
functions of 678
requirements 36, 37t
sources 36
supplementation 680
Isoniazid 325
preventive therapy 330
Isopropanol 259
Isosporiasis, chronic 481
Itch mite 134
Itching 325, 782
Jan Aushadhi Yojana 1042
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakarm 529, 678, 734, 744, 749, 941, 1084, 1183
Janani Suraksha Yojana 529, 734, 744, 941, 1042, 1080, 1084, 1169
Janpada Panchayat 1063
Japanese encephalitis 126, 156, 264, 422, 532, 555, 752, 831, 855, 1057, 1038, 1060, 1170, 1097
control of 447, 459
epidemiology of 447, 459
history of 447
prevention of 447, 459
Japanese Leprosy Mission 1101
Jaundice 19, 20, 325, 412, 548, 565t, 747, 748
cluster of 563
epidemic investigation of 563
severe 748
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 819
Jenner's vaccination 248
John Snow's investigation 176
Joint 769, 782
involvement 602
Monitoring Program 92, 100
pain 325, 602
review mission 1092
Jungalwalla Committee 1043, 1044
Junk food, consumption of 178
Juvenile Justice (Care And Protection of Children) Act 1148
K antigens 417
Kala-azar 126, 147, 451, 454, 1038, 1057, 1060, 1097, 1111
control of 451, 459
epidemiology of 451, 459
history of 1097
prevention and treatment of 1097
trend analysis of 451f
Kanamycin 325, 326, 1104
Kangaroo mother care 738, 745
Kaplan-Meier survival curves 908
Kaposi's sarcoma 477, 480, 481
herpes virus 791
Kartar Singh committee 1042, 1043, 1044
Kasturba Gandhi National Memorial Trust 1165
Kasturba Memorial Fund 1066
Kata thermometer 107, 107f
Keratomalacia 683
Ketosis 20
Kidney 575
disease, chronic 52, 1118
Killed vaccine 364
Kinins, release of 427
Kishori Shakti Yojana 764, 1128
Kitchen hygiene and sanitation 399
Knott's technique 444
Koch's postulates 19, 250
Koplik's spots 286, 288, 292
classification 71
method 72t
Kyasanur Forest disease 126, 455
virus 455
Kyoto protocol 858
Labor, third stage of 731
Laboratory technician, job responsibilities of 1058
Lacerations 792
Lactational amenorrhea method 712
Lactic acid 393
Lactoferrin 48
Lactoperoxidase 48
Lady health workers 947
Laissez-faire leadership style 985
Lamivudine 482, 486, 489, 491
Language 752
Laparoscopic tubal occlusion 712
Larva migrans, cutaneous 388, 533f
Larval source management 1093
Larval surveys 436
Larvivorous fish 450
use of 1093
Laryngeal diphtheria 335
Lassa fever 137, 570, 575
clinical course 575
diagnosis 575
prevention and control 575
prophylaxis 575
signs and symptoms 575
transmission 575f
treatment 575
Latent infection 255
Latent tuberculosis 323
infection 318
treatment 1104
Lathyrism 389, 395
prevention and control of 396
and septic tank, types of 101f
borehole 101
deep trench 101
dug well or pit 101
nonservice type 101
pour flush-type of 101
septic tank 101
service type 100
shallow trench 101
water seal 101
Laws and regulations 858
behavior theories 984
competency 9
managerial grid model of 985f
trait theory 984
Lean six sigma 1023
Least resistant 259
Lebister reticulates 130
Lecithin 392, 393
Legionella 355, 356, 480
pneumophila 274
and aspiration 274
species 355
Legionnaire disease 566
Legislative measures 399, 497, 1096
Leishmania donovani 451
Leishmaniasis 422, 855
cutaneous 137, 451
Leonine facies 514f
Lepra reaction 515
treatment of 517
type 1 516f
types of 515
Lepromatous 515
leprosy 513, 518
Lepromin test 515
interpretation of 515fc
Leprosy 19, 155, 238, 509, 510, 511, 513, 514, 518, 824, 1038, 1111
assessment of burden of 510
case detection campaign 1111, 1112
classification of 1111t
clinical classification of 515
control 509
principles for 516
strategies for 516
elimination of 510
epidemiology of 509
eradication program 1060
free world 518
immunological classification of 514fc
pathogenesis of 514fc
post-exposure prophylaxis for 1112f
prevention of 509
treatment of 510
Leptospira 355
species 355
vaccines 549
Leptospirosis 136, 137, 156, 360, 533, 534f, 546, 548, 554, 566
control of 1114
epidemiology of 546
in pregnancy 548
prevention and control 546
prevention of 1114
severe 548
Lesser bandicoot 549
Lethal factor toxin 350
Lethal infectious diseases 896f
Leukemia 616, 620, 709, 790, 791t
acute myeloid 790
Leukopenia 433
Levofloxacin 325, 1104
Levonorgestrel 709
Lewis discovered microfilaria 441
Lice 133
characteristics 133
diseases transmitted by 133
life cycle 133, 133f
cycle assessment 848
expectancy 229
at birth 889
insurance corporation 772
quality of 16, 17, 770, 911
Lifestyle modification 580
Lifestyle-related disease 178
Life-table methods 714
Light 117
and health 117
biological effects of 117
damage 1173
emitting diode microscope 321
harmful effects of 118
blinding glare 118
disability glare 118
discomfort glare 118
glare 118
headedness 781
types 117
artificial lighting 117
natural lighting 117
Light pollution 117
clutter 118
prevention of 118
trespass 118
types of 118
Linezolid 325, 1104
Linguistic barriers 238
Link worker scheme 1106
Linoleic acid 33
Lipid metabolism 593
Liquefied petroleum gas 821, 847
Liquid waste disposal 102
Listeria 400
monocytogenes 390
Literacy 823
of mother 274
rate 228, 821
effective 911
Live attenuated vaccine 364
Live vaccine 376, 413
Live virus multiplies 537
Liver 575
cancer 616
cirrhosis 542
function tests 456
Liver diseases 53
cirrhosis 53
hepatitis 53
Live-year survival rate, calculation of 167
Living, standard of 17, 911
Lobar pneumonia 275
Local health authorities 439
Local population surveillance 155
Local self government
for rural areas 1062
for urban areas 1064
Lock jaw 527, 538
impairment 741
system, effect on 782
Logistics 999
and finance management 999
management 999
components of 999
importance of 999
Lopinavir 486, 489, 491
Louse borne diseases 126
Low and middle income countries 810, 811
Low birth weight 676, 677b, 722, 737, 745, 747
management of 678
prevalence of 677f
prevention of 677
Low body temperature effects 110
Low endemicity areas 461
Low environmental temperature 80
Low fiber foods 39
Low humidity, effect of 81t
Lower abdominal pain 498, 507, 1106
management of 505fc
Lower extremities, surgeries in 366
Lower fertility 816
Lower level manager 970
Lower respiratory tract infections 273
Lower socioeconomic status group 180t
flux 117
intensity 117
Lung 787
affected 544
biopsy 787
cancer 16, 770, 790, 790t
smoking for 22
disease 644
function test 786
Lycopene 38
Lymph nodes, enlarged 550
Lymphadenopathy 298, 550
associated virus 477
Lymphangitis, acute filarial 444
Lymphatic filariasis 147, 422, 855
elimination of 1096
program, elimination of 1096
Lymphogranuloma venereum 495, 506, 507
Lymphoma 481, 616
Lyssavirus type 1 536
Macrolide 517
Macrolide-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae 568
Macronutrients 26, 30t
Magnesium 37
requirement 37
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 75, 715
Mahila Arogya Samitis 1077
Mahila Mandals 1166
Mahila Swasthya Sangh 1061, 1062
Malaise 537
Malaria 126, 144, 155, 156, 176, 422, 424, 462f, 491, 554, 566, 676, 678, 732, 736, 737, 824, 825, 832, 855, 916918, 942f, 1039, 1057, 1093, 1096f
average incidence of 561f
control of 423, 458
death 918, 1039
early epidemic detection system 1188
elimination 1093t
framework, strategies of 1093
epidemiological types of 424
epidemiology of 423, 458
incidence 939f
definition of 558
investigations of 428
milestones of 423
mortality rates 939f
parasite 483, 534
life cycle of 426, 426f
pathogenesis of severe 427
prevention of 423, 458, 832
prophylaxis of 832t
surveillance of 1095
targets 937
treatment of 429f
under revised drug policy, effective treatment of 428
vector 424
Malarial granuloma of brain 428
Male condom 482, 704f
Male sterilization 713
congenital 180t
major 748
Malignant croup 333
Malnutrition 13, 24, 162, 163, 278, 374, 452, 641, 669, 674fc, 737
acute 670t, 1089
and infection 25, 25f
chronic 1089
covariates of 676
levels of 1074
prevalence of 672f
proxy markers of 680
severe acute 25, 681, 1008, 1089
Man biting rate 431
Management information system 965, 1020, 1137
Management science 963
approach 965
Managerial skills 983f
Managing community health 920, 924, 927
Managing diabetes 614
Managing health of community 928
Managing plague outbreaks 545
Managing sanitation 102
Manifest blindness 640
malaria 424
radiation, sources of 83t
Mansonia mosquito 131
Mansonides 131
Mantoux tuberculin skin test 323
Manual dexterity, reduced 782
Manual vacuum aspiration 717
Marfan syndrome 838
Margarine 393
Marital fertility rate 230
Marital status 178, 495
Marriage cohort 181
Mask, triple layer 313
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
models 986f
theory 986
Mason's hygrometer 81, 81f
Mass drug administration 444, 447, 1096
Mass education approach 595
Mass grave, skeletons in 247f
Mass immunization 365
Mass media 243
campaigns 485
Masseter muscle, spasm of 527
Mastomys rats 575
Masure blood pressure 585b
Maternal and child health 652, 695, 821t, 825, 825t, 1059, 1081, 1084, 1149, 1183
indicators 696t
services 695
Maternal and child welfare services 1166
Maternal and gynecological care 702
Maternal and neonatal tetanus, elimination of 524
Maternal care services, delivery of 1083
Maternal child tracking system 1188
Maternal death 918
addressing indirect causes of 1184
review 733, 1092
surveillance 11184fc
surveillance and response 733, 1183
Maternal education 274
Maternal factors 670
Maternal health 162, 722, 1082
Maternal malnutrition 738
acts 588
Maternal morbidity, magnitude of 722
Maternal mortality 722, 724, 937
causes of 725, 728
indices of 724
magnitude of 722
medical causes of 725
prevalence of 728
prevention of 728
rate 724, 1037, 1069
ratio 723f, 724, 893f, 907, 909, 941f, 954, 1039, 1168
worldwide causes of 728f
Maternal nutrition 49
Maternal smoking 180t
Maternal tetanus 528
elimination of 1133
Maternity benefit 1151
Act, 1961 1144, 1154
amendment Act 1154
Mathematical techniques 972
Measles 156, 265, 267269, 298, 554, 736, 752, 824, 1133
case-fatality rate of 288
containing vaccine 290
diagnosis of 289b
disease transmission of 288t
epidemiological triad of 287t
epidemiology of 286
incidence 287f
management of 289b
mumps rubella 293
prevention and control of 286, 290b
rubella 1172
vaccine campaign 279
suspected case of 288
vaccine 279, 286, 290
Meat 43, 400
hygiene 360t, 402
products 393
Mechanical transmission 534
Mechanical ventilation 78
Medical benefit 1149
administration of 1150
Medical Board 1151
Medical certification 1150, 1182
Medical consultation 1155
Medical Council of India 1041
Medical Education Committee 1042
Medical education
reorientation of 1042
training and research 1045
Medical entomology 125, 927
Medical ethics 220
Medical examinations 798
preplacement 798
Medical genetics 16
Medical kit 831
Medical officer 1112
and primary health care workers 431
job responsibilities of 1056
Medical rehabilitation 517, 518, 772
Medical research, errors in 210
Medical science, basics of 927
Medical sociology 67
doctor-patient relationship 67
medical social worker 67
Medical surveillance 798
Medical termination of pregnancy 1059, 1081, 1145, 1166, 1169
Act 1042, 1159
methods of 717t
services 702
tourism 829
treatment 303
dispensing of 1155
indigenous systems of 1045
Medieval times 880
Medina worm 377
Meditation 61, 62
Mefloquine 430
Membranes, premature rupture of 678
Membranous angina 333
Meningitis 156, 294, 480, 1038
Meningococcal 831
disease 267
vaccination, indications of 265
Meningococcal meningitis 267, 268, 269, 345, 347, 555, 831
epidemiology of 345
prevention and control 345
risk factors for 345
Meningococcus 256, 347
Meningoencephalitis 355
Menstrual blood 463
Menstrual hygiene 761
management 102
scheme 715, 1092
Menstrual induction 713
Menstrual period, last 729
Menstrual regulation 713
Mental disorders 580, 810, 811, 1015
Mental health 15, 759, 809, 812f, 862, 917
Act 1144, 1156
Care Act 1124
division of 1007
during travel 833
evaluation of 15
Gap Intervention Program 814
interventions for promotion of 814
literacy 812, 1124
services, organization of 1123
Mental illness 13, 18, 24, 238, 741, 855, 917
and stigma 812
causes of 811b
classification of 809
epidemiology of 810
occurrence of 811f
prevention of 812
risk factors of 810
treatment of 811
Mental retardation 741
Mentally healthy person, characteristics of 809
Mentally ill person 1156
Meropenem clavulanate 325
Mesothelioma 790
Metabolic acidosis 427
Metabolic diseases 1015
Metabolic equivalent 57
of test 57
Metabolizable energy 30t
Metazoonoses 532
Methane 854, 855
Methemoglobinemia 393
Methodology 222
section, components of 222
Methylene blue test 402
Metro blood banks 473
M-health 1187, 1188
Microbial adaptation and transformation 568
Microbiological confirmation of tuberculosis, tests for 323b
Microbirth planning 1139
Microfilaremia, asymptomatic 443
baseline data for 446
in mosquitoes 534
survey, need for 446
Micronutrient 26, 35t
deficiencies 738
control of 1071
malnutrition 739
supplementation 752
Micropill 711
Microscopic agglutination test 548
Microscopy 428
Microsporidia 374
Microwave 877
Mid-day meal 681
Program 755, 1129
Scheme 1042
Middle east respiratory syndrome 268, 831
coronavirus 555, 570
Mid-level service providers 956
Mid-upper arm circumference 751
Migration 469, 496, 954
Milk 395
and eggs 400
and milk products 44
nutritive value of 44t
borne infections 400t
hygiene 360t, 400
pasteurization of 392
tests for 402
products 359
tests for 402
Millardia meltada 136
Millennium development goals 733, 922, 935936, 943, 951, 1081
and health 937
Millets 41
Mineral 20, 36
essential 1089
oils, argemone oil 395
Mines Act, 1952 1155
Minilap tubectomy 712
Minimental state examination 770
Minimize human transmission 572
Minimum Needs Program 1045, 1053
Minimum Wages Act 1144, 1154
Mini-pill 711
Ministry of Health 1041, 1137
and Family Welfare 762, 771, 951, 1073, 1141, 1048, 1190
Minocycline 517
Missed pills, management of 709t
Mission Indradhanush 291, 1042, 1086, 1172
Mission steering group 1072
consists of 1080
Mite borne diseases 126
Mitigation 857, 858
Mitochondrial inheritance 838, 839
Mobile academy 1073
Mobile media 485
Mobile medical units 1073
Mobile session sites 1170
Model blood banks 473
Model conventional budget 1002
Modern diseases 19
Molecular genetics 840
Monitoring growth 751
Monitoring health of community 926
Monitoring procedures, establish 405
Monitoring system 1137
Monitoring vector control method 431t
Monkey fever disease 455
Monogenic disorders 838
Monoglycerides 392
Monoresistance 324
Monounsaturated fatty acid 33
Monovalent tetanus toxoid 528
Mood disorders 809
causes of 918
external causes of 1015
statistics 1017
surveillance 665
Morbilli 286
Morbillivirus 286, 287
Morning-after pill 711
Morphological index 515
bills of 248
causes of 728f, 918
data, uses of 166
external causes of 1015
fraction 1183
standardized 168t
under five 736, 741, 909, 918, 941f, 1039
related parameters 166
statistics 1017
surveillance 665
trends in under-five 742
Mosquito 127, 534
Aedes 127
aegypti 129
and larva, types of 128f
anopheles 127, 128
borne diseases 126
classification and characteristics 127
culex 127, 129
density 431
general description 127
life cycle of 127, 127f
pathogenic to 125
Mosquito bites
prevent 741
protection against 129, 130
mosquito net 130
repellents 130
screening 130
Mosquito control
anti-adult measures 129
anti-larval measures 129
methods of 129
Mother and child
protection card 1042
tracking facilitation center 1080
tracking system 1080, 1083, 1139, 1187, 1190
Mother's education 743
Mother-to-child transmission, prevention of 477
Motion sickness 831
early theories of 986
integrated model of 987, 987f
Motor dysfunction 390
Mouse liver carcinogen 393
Mouth, very dry 369
Moxifloxacin 325, 1104
MSM condom 482
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 451
Mucosa 256
Mucous membranes 310
exposure of 463
Mudaliar Committee 1041, 1043
Mukherjee Committee 1042, 1043
Mukhyamantry Amrutam Yojna 948
Multibacillary 515f
Multicenter growth reference study 674
Multidimensional poverty index 907, 912, 912t
Multidrug resistance 319, 322, 324, 326, 331, 566
salmonella 568
tuberculosis 266
Multidrug therapy 112, 518
use of 510
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis 326t, 1080
Multifactorial causation, theory of 19
Multifactorial inheritance 838, 839
Multilateral agencies 1006
Multiorgan dysfunction syndrome 780
Multiphasic screening 150
Multiple bar diagram 203
Multiple pregnancy 738
Multipurpose health worker 1042, 1168
responsibilities of 1171
Multisectoral collaboration 906
Multivariate regression
analysis 216
types of 217
Mumps 265, 267, 268, 269, 293296, 298
epidemiology of 293
infection 294t
prevention and control 293
vaccine, characteristics of 296t
Municipal board 1064
Municipal committee 1064
Municipal corporation 1064
Municipal council 1064
Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1144, 1157
Municipal waste water
contaminants, classes of 850t
treatment 850
Murine typhus 126, 137
Musca sorbens 521
Muscle 782
aches 574
hyperextension of 527
Muscular rigidity 527
Musculoskeletal disorders, work-related 778
Musculoskeletal system, disease of 1015
Mustard seeds 395
Mutagens 837, 838
Mutation occurs 837
Myalgia 433, 537, 547, 550, 575
Mycobacteria 259, 512
atypical 480
growth indicator tube 323
Mycobacterium 317, 355
africanum 320
bovis 320
indicus pranii vaccine 1112
leprae 510
species 93, 355
tuberculosis 185, 259, 268, 317, 317t, 322, 323, 480, 512, 513
hominis 495
pneumonia 274
Mycoses 792
Mycotoxins 389
Myelomas 616
Myocardial infarction 150
Myxedematous cretinism 685
Naeglaria fowleri 355, 356
Nagar Nigam 1164
Nagar Palika 1064
Nagar panchayat 1064
Nairovirus 549
Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Act, 1985 1145
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1144, 1145
Nasal congestion 276
Nasal discharge 520
Nasal flaring 275
Nasopharyngeal specimen 342f
Nasopharyngitis 346
National Accreditation Board
for hospitals and healthcare 1022
providers 1022
for testing and calibration laboratories 1022
of health 1021
National Action Plan on Climate Change 859t
National Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Strategy 715
National AIDS Control Organization 149, 472, 497, 981, 1038, 1070, 1145
National AIDS Control Program 272, 329, 478, 981, 1024, 1042, 1073, 1105, 1187
Project 1105, 1106, 1108, 1108f
National Air Monitoring Program, monitoring of 88
National air quality index 88
National Air Quality Monitoring Program 88, 846
National airborne infection control guidelines 1099
National Anti-malaria Program 1042
National blindness survey 997
National blood transfusion council 483
National building organization 122
National Cancer Control Program 625
National Cancer Institute 621
National Cancer Registry Program 1119
National Center for Disease Control 314, 1114
National Center for Health Statistics 674
National centre for disease control 1162, 1163
National Commission on Population 1076
National Creche Scheme 1166
National Crime Record Bureau 812
National Diabetes Control Program 1042
National Disaster Management Act 1164
National Disaster Management Authority 865, 884, 1146
National Disaster Management Plan 1146
National disaster response force 1146
National Drug Policy on Malaria 428
National Environment Appellate Authority 846
National executive committee composed of secretary level 1146
National Extension Service 1063
National Family Health Survey 170, 477, 670, 698f, 738, 925, 926, 996, 1037, 1077, 1080, 1092, 1141
National Family Welfare Program 231
National Filaria Control Program 1041
National framework for malaria elimination 1093
National Goitre Control Program 1042
National Guinea Worm Eradication Program 1113
National health accounts 960
National Health and Family Planning Commission 950
National Health and Family Survey 273
National Health Committees 1043
National Health Goals for Communicable Diseases 1047
National Health Goals, achievement of 1081
National Health Helpline 1188
National Health Information Network 1069
National Health Mission 141, 328, 473, 745, 941, 1042, 1046, 1071, 1072, 1106, 1168
core components of 1072f
National Health Planning 1042
National Health Policy 65, 935, 956, 1042, 1068
National health portal 1188
National health profile 495
National Health Programs 1023, 1024t, 1057
National Health Protection Mission 1042
National Health Protection Scheme 75, 935, 1065, 1134
National Health Service 959
National Health Surveys 1092
National Health System Resource Centre 1022, 1072, 1076
National Immunization Schedule 262, 262t, 528
National Influenza Centres 303
National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis 1101, 1102
National Institute of Communicable Diseases 1042, 1162
National Institute of Disaster Management 1162, 1164
National Institute of Health Administration and Education 1012
National Institute of Health and Family Welfare 1072, 1076, 1118, 1162, 1163
National Institute of Nutrition 1071
National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease 1101
National Institution for Transforming India 1047
National Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control Program 147, 686, 1130
National Kala-Azar Elimination Program 1097
National Leprosy Control Program 1041, 1042
National Leprosy Eradication Program 517, 1042, 1110
National Level Interventions 814
National Malaria Control Program 10411043
National Maternity Benefit Scheme 1084
National Mental Health Program 811, 814, 1076, 1123
National Mental Health Survey 810, 997
National Nutrition Mission 1126
National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 681, 1071, 1142
National Nutrition Policy 1042, 1070
National Nutrition Programs 1129
National Nutritional Anemia Control Program 760
National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Program 760, 1130
National Oral Health Program 1076, 1124
National Pension Scheme 75
National Policy on Older Persons 771
National Polio Laboratory 1165
National Polio Surveillance Project 364
National Population Policy 231, 700, 718, 1042, 1069
National Population Surveillance 155
National Program for Control of Blindness 640
National Program for Health Care of Elderly 770, 771, 1076, 1119
National Program for Hypertension 585
National Program for Palliative Care 1076
National Program for Prevention and Control of Deafness 1076, 1121
National Program for Prevention and Control of Fluorosis 1076, 1131
National Program for Prevention and Management of Burn Injuries 1076, 1125
National Program for Prevention of Blindness 1042, 1076
National Program for Stroke 588
National Program of Minimum Needs 1042
National Project Officer 1115
National Quality Assurance Standards 1021, 1022
National Rabies Control Program 1112
National Reference Laboratory 1102
National Rural Drinking Water Program 357
National Rural Health Mission 529, 695, 954, 961, 967, 981, 1024, 1042, 1046, 1071, 1072, 1141
National Rural Livelihood Mission 715
National Safety and Quality Health Service 1021
National Sample Survey 1111
Office 774, 955, 1142
Organization 1077, 1080
National Smallpox Eradication Program 901, 1042
National Social Assistance Program 772
National Sociodemographic Goals 1070
National Strategic Plan 328, 1095, 1102
National Stroke Registry Program 589
National Surveillance Program 1106
communicable diseases 1114
National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization 343
National Technical Working Group 1101
National Telemedicine Network 1188
National Tobacco Control Program 1076, 1120
management structure of 1121f
National Trachoma Control Program 1042
National Tuberculosis Control Program 189
organization of revised 1101fc
revised 147, 272, 320, 331, 996f, 1024, 1042, 1099, 1104t, 1108, 1139, 1187
National Tuberculosis Institute 1101, 1102, 1041, 1162, 1164
National Urban Health Mission 1046, 1061, 1072, 1077
National Urban Livelihood Mission 819
National Validation Day 364
National Vector Borne Disease Control Program 1024, 1042, 1057, 1060, 1093, 1096, 1097, 1139
National Water Quality Monitoring Program 849
National Water Supply and Sanitation Program 1041
Nationwide information, launching 1071
Natural greenhouse effect 111f
Natural preservatives 393
Natural reservoirs 345
Natural resource accounting 852
Natural toxins 358
Natural ventilation 78
Naturally occurring toxins 389
Nature-based solutions 850
Nausea 358, 390, 418
and vomiting 378, 575
Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 744, 749, 1084, 1085
Necator americanus 386, 387
Neck pain stiffness 550
Needle and Syringe Program 484
gonorrhoeae 494, 495
meningitides 347
Nelfinavir 486
Nematodes 125
Neoclassical theory 965
Neonatal and childhood illness 747, 748
Neonatal conjunctivitis 498, 507
treatment of 506
Neonatal deaths 918, 1185
Neonatal illness, integrated management of 280, 744, 749, 750, 1042, 1046, 1085
Neonatal morbidity and mortality, risk of 738
Neonatal mortality 741, 1069
rate 1039
single digit 1087
trends in 742
Neonatal sepsis 737
Neonatal tetanus 524, 527
elimination of 1133
Neonatal toxicity 393
Neonates, transport of 749
Neoplasms 1015
Nephelometric turbidity unit 93
Nephrotic syndrome 52
Nervous system
disease of 1015
involvement 602
Nervousness 809
Neural tube defects 740
Neuraminiase 313
Neuraminidase inhibitors 303
Neurodevelopmental disorders 1015
Neurological disturbances 782
Neurological rehabilitation 146
Neurosis 809
Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning 389
Neurotropic nerves 536
Neutralization of spores 525
Nevirapine 483, 486, 489
tablet single dose 482
New Economic Policy 775
Newborn care 1188
continuum 745f
corner 745, 747, 1085
essential 745
services matrix 747t
unit 747
special 745, 748, 1085
Newborn stabilization unit 745, 747, 748, 1085
Newer assisted reproductive technologies 720
Niacin 34
requirement 34
sources 34
Night blindness 25
Nikshay 1190
Nipah 566, 570
Nipah virus 573, 574f
diagnosis 574
infection 574
pathology 574
signs and symptoms 574
transmission 574
treatment 574
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan 103
Niti Aayog 1047
functions of 1047
members of 1047
replaced Planning Commission 1042
Nitrates 393
Nitric acid test 398
Nitrites 393
Nitrogen oxides 876
Nitrosamines 393
Nitrous oxide 855
N-nitroso compounds 619
Nocardiasis 400
Nodular infiltration of ear 514f
Noise 777, 782
and health 114
causes 114
continuous 115
dosimeter 115f
exposure, types of 115
health effects of 115
impulse 115
intermittent 115
properties of 114
source of 115
Noise measurement
instruments for 114
methods for 115
Noise pollution 114, 116
construction activities 114
control 848
environmental causes 114
events related to politics 114
fireworks and other reasons 114
hospitals 114
household 114
human causes 114
in India 115
industrial 114
measures to control 116
preventive measures 116
remedial measures 116
vehicular 114
Noisy breathing 278
Nominal group process
approach 914
technique 913
Non-acceptance of health insurance 980
Nonbloody diarrhea 418
Non-cholerae vibrio species 355
Noncommunciable diseases 21, 55, 141, 161, 162, 577, 577f, 577t, 578, 596, 606, 648, 649, 652, 653, 656, 658, 661, 665, 669, 741, 743, 779, 825, 916, 917, 996, 1007, 1038, 1059, 1068, 1142
and mental health 943
burden 649f
cell, management structure of 1117f
control 580f, 665, 1076f
activities 651f
division of 1007
early diagnosis 580
epidemiology of 582
four types of 648t
high-risk approach 579
interventions 653, 656t
essential 653
life course approach 579
management of 652, 654
national efforts to tackle 581
population approach 579
prevention 651
and control of 578, 612f, 649, 650b, 651b
and management, level of 1118f
primary prevention 578
primordial prevention 578
Program 651, 1042, 1117
monitoring of 655
progression of 651f
quaternary prevention 579
risk factors for 578, 578f
screening 658
methods for 659t
secondary prevention 578
delivery 654
organizing 653
surveillance 665, 666t
surveillance system 665b
aspects of 666f
components of 666f
tertiary prevention 578
treatment 580
Non-fatal cardiovascular diseases 595t
Nonformal preschool education 1128
Nongonococcal urethritis 495
Non-Governmental Organization 517, 676, 796, 960, 1005, 1146, 1164, 1166
and donor agencies 1005, 1011
greater involvement of 703
role of 517
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 480, 619
Noninfectious diseases 176
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 56
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 486
Nonnutrient phytochemicals 25
Nonnutritious elements 392
Nonobligatory cyclozoonoses 532
Nonpermitted colors 395
Non-tetanus prone injuries, management of 530
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 320
Nontyphoidal salmonella 374
Nonverbal communication 240
Norethisterone 709
enanthate 711
Normal vision 640
Norovirus 355, 390
Norwalk-like virus 390
Norway rat 549
No-scalpel vasectomy 702, 713f
Nosocomial infection 867t
prevention of 866
risk 867t
surveillance of 870
Nosopsylla fasciatus 132
Nucleic acid amplification test, cartridge-based 320, 322, 1102
Nucleic acid test 571, 573
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 486, 489
Numbness 390
Numerical data 195
Numerous disciplines 239
Nurse-physicians ratio 955, 956f
Nurses and paramedical staff 1075
Nutrient 26
agents 20
distribution of 611
proportions of 28t
Nutrition 26, 230, 289, 375f, 822, 927, 1059, 1060, 1098
activities 702
adequate 759
and health 25
global targets for 692
importance of 1169
in health, role of 25
related disorders 669
related programs 1126
sociocultural aspects of 50
supplementary 1128
through lifecycle 48
Nutrition Program for Adolescent Girls 764, 1128
Nutrition Program, special 1129
Nutrition Rehabilitation Center 1089
Nutritional and food-related diseases
control of 669
epidemiology of 669
Nutritional anemia 759
prevention of 759
Nutritional assessment 688
methods of 688, 688fc
Nutritional blindness 641
Nutritional characteristics 393
Nutritional deficiency 162, 857, 1129
disorders 50
Nutritional diseases 1015
Nutritional disorders 824
Nutritional epidemiology 669
Nutritional interventions 755
Nutritional problems 759
Nutritional rehabilitation center 1089
Nutritional status 275, 824t
indicators 691
Nutritional surveillance 156, 691
steps of 692
Nutritive losses 40
preventing 40
Nuts and oilseeds 45
O antigens 416
Obesity 686, 839
classification of 687t
consequences of 687
epidemiology of 686
Obligatory cyclozoonoses 532
Observations, types of 194
Obsessive compulsive disorders 809
Obstetric care
essential 1081, 1082
interventions for 728
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 144, 265, 315, 577, 653, 656f, 776
Occupational burnout and stress 793
Occupational cancers 789
prevention of 791
Occupational dermatitis 788
Occupational diseases 784
Occupational health 773
and safety 918, 1039
safety 799
legislation 799
Occupational injuries and accidents 791
prevention of 793
Occupational medicine 773
founder of 251
Occupational noise-induced hearing loss 782
Occupational safety measures 878
Occupational stress and burnout, prevention of 793
Ocular diseases 768
Official agencies, supplementing work of 1066
Ofloxacin 325, 326
Old age medical care 1151
One-tailed hypothesis, concept of 212
One-way communication 240
Oocytes 720
Oophoritis 294
Open vial policy 1086, 1175
Operational planning
advantage of 981
steps in 981
Ophthalmia neonatorum 506
management of 506fc
Ophthalmic diseases 857
Opioid 813
substitution therapy 484, 1106
Opisthotonus 527, 527f
Opportunistic infections 480, 485, 491
prevention of 492
Optimum health 16
Oral and injectable polio vaccine 145
Oral cancers 659
epidemiological triad of 627f
epidemiology of 627
prevention and control of 627, 628f
statement of 627t
Oral cholera vaccine 371, 371f
Oral contraceptive pills 699, 1169
Oral discharge 507
Oral fluconazole 491
Oral glucose tolerance test 610, 667
Oral iron therapy 760
Oral polio vaccine 364, 747, 1170
Oral poliovirus vaccine 744
Oral rehydration 1008
salt, preparation of 240
solution 740, 1074, 1083
therapy 376, 734
implementation of 1042
Oral visual examination 661
Orchitis, bilateral 294
Organic dust toxic syndrome 777
Organizational plans, hierarchy of 967f
Organophosphorus 554
Orphan diseases 1021
Orthophthaldehyde 259
Oseltamivir 303
Osmotic diarrhea 375, 375t
Osteoporosis 63, 770
Otitis media, acute 274
Outbreak control team 370, 372
Out-patient department 771
Outreach services 1073, 1078
Outreach session sites 1170
Overcrowding, grading of 122t
Oxyuriasis 390
Oxyurus vermicularis 390
Ozone 776
Paddy field workers 549
Paid time-off programs 784
abdomen 359
abdominal 418, 575
Painful scrotal swelling 1106
Pale skin 387
Palliative care 146, 492
Palliative pain management 909
Pallor, severe 748
Panchayat 1073
Panchayat Raj 1063
Panchayat Samiti 1063, 1073
Panchayati Raj Institution 651, 1054, 1062, 1168
involvement of 651
organization of 1063fc
Pancreatitis 294
Pandemic flu 303
control measures for 303
Pandemic influenza 248, 300, 300t, 301, 302
virus 301f
Panel discussion 241
Panicum miliare 398
Pantothenic acid 35
Paper chromatographic method 398
Papilloma 263
Para-aminosalicylic acid 325, 326
Paracetamol 1000
Paraformaldehyde 260
Paragonimiasis 532, 533f
Parainfluenza viruses 308
Parallel testing 154t
Paralytic poliomyelitis 363
Paralytic shellfish poisoning 389
Parasite 358
demonstration of 428, 428t
density index 430
rate 430
Parasitic diseases 1015
Parasitic infections 400
Parasitic infestation 403, 824
Parasitic protozoa 355
Parasitized cells oval 428
Parasitological failure, late 430
Parasitological indices, calculation of 446
Parathormone 37
Paratyphoid 126, 390
Parboiling 396
Parent to child transmission 978
of syphilis 497
Parenteral fluid therapy 435
Parenteral iron therapy 760
Parent-to-child transmission
of syphilis 1107
prevention of 482, 485, 978, 1107, 1108, 1108f
Paris agreement, essential elements of 858
Parotitis 294
Partial permanent disablement, case of 1154
Participant information sheet 221
Participatory action research 236
Participatory learning action 236
Participatory rural appraisal 236
Particularly colorectal cancers 618
Partograph 730f
Passed shake test 1173f
Passive disease surveillance 558
Passive immunization 290, 413, 530, 541
agents 262
Passive smoking 813
Passive surveillance data collection 666t
Pasteur's experiment 250
Pasteurization 401
in bottles 402
methods of 401
process 401t
supervision of 402
Pathogenic microbes, aerosolization of 269
Pathological waste 873
Patient satisfaction survey 1020
Patient support systems 1104
Paucibacillary 515f
leprosy 515
Pectin 393
Pelvic inflammatory disease 495, 496, 501, 505, 507, 1106
Penetrating 358
Pentavalent vaccine 279, 467
People in villages upstream 5
People with diabetes 606t
Peptic ulcer 52, 178, 568
Peracetic acid 259
Perinatal and neonatal infections like-congenital syphilis 496
Perinatal asphyxia 748
Perinatal mortality 741
Perinatal period 1015
Periodic fluctuations 176
Periodic health check up 770
Periodic medical examinations 798
Peripheral arterial disease 590
Peripheral blood 441
Peripheral nerves 512
Permanent disablement benefit 1151
Permanent unilateral deafness 294
Permissible noise exposures 114t
Persistent diarrhea 373, 374
Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy 480
Persistent organic pollutants 852
Person with disabilities (equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation) Act 1144, 1148
Personal control 330
Personal habits 268, 767
Personal health
information 831
resources in workplace 797
Personal hygiene 270, 271, 864
Personal prophylactic measures 130
Personal protective
equipment 302, 312, 868, 878
use of 303
measures 270
Personal respiratory protection 271
Personality disorders 809
Personnel and general services, division of 1007
Persons Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 1144, 1148
Pertussis 145, 156, 265, 267269, 752
chain of infection of 340340f
complications in children 342
diagnostic test 342f
diseases, stages of 342f
laboratory diagnosis 342
pathogenesis of 341f
treatment of 342
virulence factors 340f
Pesticide contamination 358
Petechial hemorrhages 427
Petroleum derivatives 389
Pharmaceutical waste 873
Pharyngeal diphtheria 335
Pharyngitis, acute 274
Phenols 259
Phenotype 837
Phenylketonuria 53, 842
Phithis 317
Phobic disorders 809
Phosphatase test 402
Phosphorous 37
Photometric brilliance 117
Photophobia 536, 550
Physical activity 596
for health, levels of 58
levels of 28, 56, 57
measurement of 57
promotion of 755
ratio 29
Physical agents 20
and hazards 778
Physical barriers 238
Physical examination 278
Physical exercise 61, 61t, 62
types of 56
Physical fitness 779
Physical health
evaluation of 15
hazards 779
Physical inactivity 593
Physical quality of life index 17, 18, 235, 892, 907, 911
Physical rehabilitation 146, 1151
Physical work environment 796
Phytochemicals 39
in foods 39t
Pickles 393
Pie diagram 204
Pill burden reduction 485
Pink Zieman's stippling 427
Piped natural gas 821
Place distribution of disease 177f
Placenta, pathological changes in 428
Plague 126, 136, 137, 247, 532, 533f, 544, 546f, 554, 556, 566
control of 544
epidemics, recurrences of 567
epidemiology of 543
epizootics of 544
outbreak, management of 352t
prevention and control 543
spread of 133
white 317
Plan and non-plan budget 1002
Plan-do-study-act cycle 1023f
Planning and organizing healthcare services 924, 925
Planning Commission 1044
Planning cycle 977f
Plasma 573
fractionation center 473
leakage of 435
pyrolysis 877
Plasmodium falciparum 425, 427
infection 558
malaria 492, 1095
Plasmodium malariae 425
Plasmodium ovale 425
Plasmodium vivax 425, 427
malaria 1095
Plastic aprons 271
Plenum ventilation 78
Pleural edema 575
Pluralism 1068
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 279, 1170
Pneumococcal pneumonia 752
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 279, 280
Pneumococcal vaccination, indications for 265
Pneumococcal vaccine 279
Pneumoconiosis 785
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 477, 480
Pneumonia 156, 233, 267269, 274276, 737, 776
causes of 274t
classification of 275, 276, 276t
interstitial 275
severe 275
stages of 280
Pneumonic plague 351, 544, 545
epidemiology of 352f
primary 351
secondary 352
Pocket full of posies 351
Poisoning 238, 1015
Policy and programs 826
Policy decisions 568
Policy formation 1066
Polio 146f, 258, 264, 265, 363, 400, 556, 752
cases globally 362f
disease 361
endgame strategic plan 1132
free certification 365
leg braces 366
program 243
strain, withdrawal of 365
trends globally 362f
vaccine 364
with deformity 148f
Poliomyelitis 126, 390, 538
epidemiology of 361
eradication of 1132
prevention and control 361
Poliovirus 355, 390
Pollution and health 775, 845
Pollution Control Committees 845, 846
Pollution under control 847
Polyandry behavior 496
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 619, 776
Polydipsia 610
Polydrug resistance 324
Polygamy 496
Polygenic disorders 838
Polymerase chain reaction 323, 342, 350, 483, 571, 575, 1098
real time 302, 311
Polyneuritis, acute 538
Polyphagia 610
Polyphenols 38
Polyps 622
Polysaccharide portion 416
Polyuria 610
Poor biomedical waste management 873
Poor environmental sanitation 727
Poor hand hygiene 672
Poor housing, problems experienced in 121
Poor hygiene and sanitation 387
Poor personal hygiene 358, 519
Poor work environments 954
and vital statistics 226
based cancer registries 625
based screening 659, 1118
based stroke registry 589
densities, reduce 136
density 227, 227f
displacements 862
distribution 224
explosion, hazards of 696
growth 162, 224, 391
heterogeneity 265
inflation of 567
mobility 452
percentage of 1080
pyramid 226, 227, 227f
of developed country 227f
research centers 1076
science 224
program and policies related to 231
transition and demographic cycle 226
Pork tapeworm 390
Postcoital contraception 711
Postconception methods 713
Postdisaster phase 864
Postexposure prophylaxis 289, 529, 542, 832, 833, 490, 1107f, 1107t, 1108, 1109t, 1112
against AIDS 1109f
against hepatitis B 1107
against HIV 1107, 1109f
regimen 1109t
Postexposure vaccination 284
Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 1097
treatment of 1097
Postmortem examination 403
Postnatal care 731
Postnatal period 483
Postneonatal deaths 1185
Postneonatal mortality 741
Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device 1083
and sterilization 1082, 1084
insertion 1092
Post-traumatic stress disorder 862
Posture correction 57
Post-vaccination wait period 1179
chloride 376
hydroxide 504
Potato snacks 393
Pot-type ceramic filter 94f
Poultry 400
Pour flush latrine 101f
Poverty 269
line 910
Powdered milk 393
Prader-Willi syndrome 686
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana 75, 123, 819
gramin 123
Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana 1065
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana 1042
Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana 1084, 1129, 1129t
Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana 1042
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan 1042
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana 772
Pranayama 61, 62
advantages of 61
Prandhan Mantri Jan Arogaya Yojna 948
Pre-and postexposure prophylaxis 145
Precancerous stage 627
Pre-conception and antenatal care 1087
Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 905, 1145, 1159
implementation of 734
Preconceptional health of women 740
Precooking procedures 50
Predictive value, negative 153
Pregnancy 490, 709, 758, 1015
and lactation 542
period 48
anemia of 233
associated plasma protein 842
care 1138
rate 231, 700
teenage 916
termination of 713, 717
tracking of high risk 1082
Pregnant and lactating
mothers 161
women 328
Premature deaths, causes of 648f
Prenatal diagnosis 842
Prenatal diagnostic techniques 232, 717
(regulation and prevention of misuse) Act 717
Prenatal rubella 179
Prenatal screening 841
Press information bureau 1155
Pressure system
negative 78
positive 78
Presumptive surveillance 156
Preterm birth
causes of 676
complications 737
Prevalent cancers, prevention of 622t
Preventive and community geriatrics 768
Preventive and social measures 840
Preventive and social medicine 6
Preventive interventions in injuries 636
Preventive medicine 141, 233, 921, 927
development of 233
high-risk strategy 143
population 143
primary prevention 144
strategies of prevention 143
Prickly poppy seeds 395
Primaquine 429
single dose 429
Primary health care 648, 652, 653, 928, 929, 935, 1052
elements of 931
principles of 930
role of 651f
Primary health center 91, 201, 286, 516, 659, 695, 948, 949, 963, 996, 1053, 1054, 1075, 1112, 1120, 1137
level of 1073
Primary healthcare 330, 732, 951
approach 244, 922
center 169, 771
movement 931
reforms, four sets of 932
Primary school enrolment rate 937
Primordial prevention 157, 257
Principal Secretary Health and Family Welfare 1186
Print media 485
Prioritizing health 9
Private healthcare system 947
Private sector development 1010
Problem of housing 120
Proctocolitis 495
Procurement and storage 399
Prodromal stage 537
Production and processing of food 358
Professional blood donors 483
Progesterone inhibits luteinizing hormone 709
Progesterone-only pill 711
Program evaluation and review technique 973, 981
Program Implementation Plan 1073, 1110
Program management cycle 992f
Program specific management information system 1138
Project Implementation Plan 328
Promoting health 9
care services 1078
Proper drainage system 549
Prophylactic therapy 143
and regimen, type of 541t
pre-exposure 538, 541, 1113
type of 541
Propionic acid 393
Proportional mortality
rate 909
ratio 167
calculation of 167
Prospective genetic counseling 841
Prostaglandin 713
Prostate cancer 616, 622, 770
Prostate hyperplasia, benign 622
Prostitution 234
Prostrate specific agent 770
Protected dug well 92f
Protecting susceptible host 260
Protecting vulnerable groups 1146
Protein 20, 29
derivative, purified 323
energy ratio 31, 31t
in adults, requirement of 32t
quality, quantitative assessment of 31
requirements 52
utilization 31
Proteinuria, mild 547
Prothionamide 325
Protionamide 517
Protozoa 125, 355, 390, 480
Protozoal agents 495
Protozoal diseases 792
Provider-client relationship 243
Provider-initiated testing and counseling 329
Proximity 268
Pruritis 378
Pseudomembrane, effects of 336
aeruginosa 175
mallei 880
species 355
Psychological conditions 768
Psychological factors 792
Psychological health 830, 831
Psychological stress 593
Psychomotor defects 685
Psychosis 809
Psychosocial agents and hazards 779
Psychosocial concept 14
Psychosocial work environment 797
Psychosomatic disorders 178
Pteropus bat species 574
Pthirus pubis 495
Public distribution system 672
Public forum approach 913
Public health 6, 160, 239, 836, 921, 924, 927, 1005, 1011
Act 921
action 568
capacity of urban local bodies, strengthening 1077
challenge 843
communications 239
concern 531, 1166
director of 370
emergency 833
of international concern 258, 300, 303, 570, 572, 834
foundation 615, 954
goals 1068
hypertension of 582
disability 583
morbidity 582
mortality 582
infrastructure 568
interventions 248
issues, emergence of 247
legislation 596t
management competency 9
measures 314
breakdown of 568
problem 301, 646, 818
elimination 257
Programs 239
related activities 1064
services 1045
related laws 1145, 1158
significance 432
scenario 432
surveillance 155, 798
system, organization of 1047
Public healthcare 947
system 1068
Public information and education for health, division of 1007
Public infrastructure 1064
Public interventions 925
Public policy reforms 933
Public private partnership 948, 1065, 1084, 1085
development of 934
for maternal health 1084
Public safety and regulatory functions 1064
Puerperium 1015
Puffer fish poisoning 389
Pull system 1001
Pulmonary disease 63
Pulmonary embolism 590
Pulmonary manifestations 547
Pulmonary obstructive disease, Chronic 644
Pulmonary tuberculosis 322fc, 324, 480, 971
presumptive 323
Pulse 41
and legumes, nutritive value of 41t
nutritive value 41
polio immunization 363, 365, 1042
rate 667
Punishment 395
under Act 1145, 1146, 1159
Pupa index 436
Pupa surveys 436
Purchasing power parity 235, 1027
Push system 1001
Pyrazinamide 325, 1104
Pyridoxine 35
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids 389
Q fever 360, 400, 535
Qualitative data 194
Qualitative interview, sample transcript of 219
Qualitative research 190, 218
presenting data from 220
sampling in 218
Quality assurance 222, 1020
component 1024
Quality assured laboratory services 1101
Quality control 1020
of India 1021
process 1020
Quality health care 906
Quality improvement 1020
models and tools 1023
Quality management, total 1021, 1021f
Quality-adjusted life year 907, 908
Quality-of-care framework 1019
Quantitative approach 965
Quantitative data 195
Quantitative research 190, 191
Quarantine 258
modified 258
Quaternary ammonium 259
Quinolones 517
Quota sampling 218
Rabies 145, 264, 532, 534, 535, 556, 831
control of 542
epidemiology of 535
human monoclonal antibodies 541
immunoglobulin 538, 1112
administration of 514
in dogs 538
pathogenesis of 537f
postexposure prophylaxis for 538
prevention 1112t
and control 535
specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay technique 538
virus 536
particles 536f
and industrial accidents 144
annual limit of 83t
cosmic 83
deterministic effects of 84, 84t
effects of 84
emergency 84t
hazards 783
internal 83
ionizing 83
man-made 83, 84
natural background 83, 84
nonionizing 83
protection against external 84
stochastic effect 84
terrestrial 83
types of 83, 84
units of 83, 83t
Radiation exposure
protection against 84
sources of 83
Radiation on health
effects of 83
hereditary effect 84
somatic effect 84
Radioactive waste 873
Rainfall 855
Rainwater harvesting 97f
Raises community concern 1179
Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls 764
Rajiv Gandhi Shramik Kalyan Yojana 1151
Raltegravir 486, 487
Randomized controlled trials 183
Rapid action team 439
Rapid diagnostic test 428, 10951097
kits 428
Rapid plasma regain 503, 506, 729
test 497
Rapid response teams 557
Rapid tests 481
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 741, 1042, 1091, 1188
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram 680, 715, 764
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana 75, 948, 1064, 1134
Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana 772
Rastriya Bal Swasthya Karyakaram 941
Rat bite fever 136, 137
Rat flea 132
borne diseases 126
Rat stomach carcinogen 393
Rattus norvegicus 549
Rattus rattus 136, 544, 549
Reconstructive surgery 517, 518
Red blood cell 548, 727
Red cross, international committee of 1011
Red ribbon clubs 485
Reduviid bugs 126
Re-emerging diseases 566
Referral services, strengthening of 1095
Referral system, strengthening of 1081
Referral transport, identification of 1169
Refractive errors 642
Regional blood transfusion centre 473
Regional epidemiologist 370
Regional geriatric centers 772, 1119
Registered medical practitioner 169, 717, 1159
Rehabilitation 146, 366, 517, 770, 842, 1098
and palliative care 580
care 518
phase 1090
types of 517
Reimbursement 1150
Relapsing fever 126
Remuneration 965, 1074
Renal disease 52
prevention of 653
Renal failure, acute 52
Renal manifestations 547
Renal stones 52
Renewable energy, promotion of 858
Reproduction rate, net 698, 700
Reproductive age mortality studies 725, 1183
Reproductive and child health 170, 744, 695, 1070, 1081, 1166, 1168
problems 162, 701, 744, 1042, 1057, 1060, 1076, 1081, 1081b
Reproductive and maternal health 916, 1037
Reproductive and sexual health, consequences of 697f
Reproductive health 696, 715, 761, 1082, 1092
and family welfare 695
care 697
current status of 700
Reproductive life cycle 697f
Reproductive maternal neonatal child health 1168
plus adolescent 1168
Reproductive maternal neonatal childhood and adolescent health 1042
Reproductive rights 697
Reproductive tract infection 478, 498t, 500503, 506, 732, 1106t
control of 1081
management of 1070, 1106
risk of 702
treatment of 1081
Reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health 1072
Reproductive, maternal, newborn
and child health 943
child and adolescent health 695, 1024, 1083
Reservoir 283, 362
and carrier hosts 547
and modes of transmission 411
of infection 255, 269, 302, 379, 382, 3