Textbook of Emergency Medicine: Including Intensive Care & Trauma Devendra Richhariya, Bhawana Sharma
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abciximab 539, 541
Abdomen 1136, 1138, 1144, 1637, 1756
contrast-enhanced computed tomography of 1592f
pediatric surgical 1235t
X-ray of 636f, 637f
Abdominal aortic
aneurysm 371f, 415, 633, 721, 1637
rupture 1059
dissection 370
Abdominal disorders 453
Abdominal distension 696, 1143, 1236, 1591
Abdominal examination 675, 850, 954, 1108, 1542, 1649, 1699
Abdominal injury 49, 1609
identification of 1532
Abdominal pain 12, 25b, 633, 634f, 637b, 677, 696, 720, 722, 767, 768, 1000, 1056, 1073, 1112, 1169, 1170, 1171t, 1202, 1242, 1591, 1650, 1651
causes of 1169b
chronic 1173t, 1175
chronic 1169, 1170b, 1172f, 1175fc
crampy 649
evaluation of 637b
chronic 1172
lower 768
management of 638, 638fc
mid 701
pediatric 1169
severe 1075
Abdominal trauma 1238, 1547, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1591f, 1591t, 1593, 1595, 1650
common symptoms of 1590
etiology of 1589t
management of 1596
penetrating 1589, 1596
Abdominal vascular thromboses 718
Abdominal wall complications 759
Abdominal wounds, penetrating 1229
Abdominopelvic injuries 1590
Abnormal uterine bleeding 38t, 1066, 1071, 1071fc
evaluation of 1067
Abortion 1081
complete 1082, 1083
history of 1084
incomplete 1068, 1082
induction 311
inevitable 1081, 1083
missed 1082
threatened 1081
unsafe 1086
Abrasions 1216, 1653
Abrus precatorius 1500, 1500f, 1503
Abscess 922, 938t, 1350, 1351
brain 289, 324, 844, 848
clinical features 1352
deep 565
dental 940
diagnosis 1352
drainage 1230
epidemiology 1351
epidural 1356
formation 726
hallmark of 1352
intersphincteric 710
ischiorectal 710
large 391
retropharyngeal 933f
liver 323
location of 710
lung 289, 324, 564, 565, 615
perianal 710
perinephric 770
perirectal 1351
postanal 710
prevention 1352
renal 770
scrotal 787
spinal 1356
subphrenic 614
treatment 1352
tubo-ovarian 1058, 1060, 1063, 1365
vigorous debridement of 710
Absolute neutrophil count 958, 965
Abuse, risk factors for 1256t
Acalculous cholecystitis, acute 672t
Acaricides 1404
Accidental hypothermia 230, 1686
management of 1690t
Accidental injury, traumatic 1669
Acellular pertussis 1149
Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase 1449
Acetaminophen 360, 1006, 1162, 1259, 1269, 1398, 1466, 1467, 1470, 1512, 1514
metabolism of 1468f
poisoning, management of 1469t
clinical features of 1468t
pathway 1514f
Acetate 292, 1180
Acetazolamide 1006
Acetohexamide 1382
Acetylcholine 1315, 1421
inhibition 839
Acetylcholinesterase 1406
inhibitor 667, 1262
Acetylene 56
Acetylsalicylic acid 360, 1322
Achilles tendonitis 1041
Acid 1675
injuries 903, 1477
neutralizers 57
poisoning 1394
reflux 1174
derangement 749
disturbances 306
homeostasis 749
Acid-base balance 303
basic of 304
disturbance of 305
maintaining 304
Acid-base disorder 305, 305t, 307b, 309f
assessment of 306f
causes of 306t
mixed 305
simple 305
Acidemia 305, 750
Acid-fast bacillus 562, 577
stain 615
Acidosis 305, 436, 492, 845, 874, 1192, 12021204, 1446, 1528, 1534
management of 746, 875fc
severe 573
fulminant 1023
neonatal 1222, 1222f
Acotiamide 667
Acquired hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 959
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 814, 931, 1054, 1356, 1357
Acromioclavicular injuries 1604
Actin and myosin filaments 434
Actinomycosis 712
Activated charcoal 1470
multiple-dose 1403, 1470
Activated clotting time 502, 503
Activated partial thromboplastin time 48, 668, 824, 988, 1003, 1008, 1012, 1071, 1591, 1638, 1722, 1724, 1725
Activated prothrombin complex concentrate 543
Acute abdominal pain 22, 771, 1169, 1170f, 1172t
causes of 1170t
evaluation of 1169
Acute airway
obstruction 930f
trauma 275
Acute aortic dissection 19, 355, 442f, 453, 514, 530, 531, 532, 533b, 533t, 535
classification of 531, 532t
complications of 533t
risk factors for 531t
Acute aortic regurgitation 486, 488
Acute appendicitis 355, 634, 699, 700, 701f, 701t, 702f, 704, 704fc
causes of 699
differential diagnosis 700t
history 699
management of 702
treatment 702
Acute arterial
obstruction, treatment of 549
occlusion 547
Acute asthma 258, 575, 578
treatment 578
Acute care management 1049
Acute chest pain 403, 535
assessment of 438
Acute chest syndrome 998, 1000
pathogenesis of 998fc
Acute cholecystitis 438, 669, 672
complications of 673b
diagnosis of 672, 672t
treatment of 672
Acute coronary syndrome 19, 21, 231, 347, 364, 403, 407, 407t, 415, 434, 435, 437, 438, 449, 450, 453, 454f, 455, 455f, 455t, 505, 521, 545, 576, 577, 666, 1726, 1758
diagnosis of 436fc
etiopathogenesis 453
management of 453, 457
presentation, types of 454t
risk factors 453
Acute decompensated heart failure 507
management of 507
Acute diarrhea 649, 1180
causes of 649
etiology of 1177t
treatment of 650
Acute dyspnea 576, 576t
differential diagnosis of 576t
Acute flaccid paralysis 838, 842, 842t, 843fc
etiology of 838t
evaluation of 842
Acute glomerulonephritis 745
types of 746
Acute heart failure 20, 23t, 468, 468b, 470, 470f, 472
classification of 469b
syndrome, management of 20
Acute ischemic stroke 537, 820
epidemiology 820
management of 827
risk factors 820
treatment of 823
Acute kidney injury 293, 294, 506, 640, 649, 463, 506, 507, 679, 684, 685, 686, 743745, 747, 749, 921, 1086, 1470, 1479, 1637, 1673, 1725, 1726
causes of 744, 745t, 753
contrast-induced 747
drug-induced 746
management of 684, 686fc, 747
network 684, 685
pathophysiology of 685fc
treatment of 679
Acute liver failure 674, 691, 1003
classification of 674t
Acute lung injury, transfusion-associated 990
Acute mitral regurgitation 466, 487
etiology of 488t
pathophysiology of 487fc
Acute mountain sickness 1508, 1708, 1752
severity of 1709t
Acute pain 355
management 145fc
goals of 1268
Acute painful episode 997
management of 998, 998b
Acute pancreatitis 26, 27, 27t, 355, 438, 669
causes of 670t
complications of 672t
management of 28fc, 670
severity of 671
treatment of 671t
Acute pelvic pain 1056, 1058, 1060fc
anatomy 1056
characteristics of 1057t
differential diagnosis of 1059t
etiology 1056
pathophysiology 1056
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 189, 260, 267, 271, 345, 570, 571, 572t, 576, 600, 605, 624, 1008, 1166, 1189, 1326, 1372, 1403, 1419, 1582, 1672, 1706, 1726
Acute respiratory failure 570, 574
classification 570
management of 254
Acute respiratory syndrome 1705
Acute respiratory viral infections 575
Acute rheumatic fever 490, 1034
pathogenesis of 490fc
Acute scrotal pain 787
differential diagnosis of 785t
Acute scrotum
anatomy 784
etiology of 784
Acute stroke 821, 999
care 824
management of 823
time, treatment of 823
Acute transfusion reaction, management of 991b
Acute urinary retention 738, 739t, 740, 740t
causes of 739t, 740t
clinical presentation 740
epidemiology 738
etiopathogenesis 738
evaluation 740
management of 741
Acute weakness syndromes 841
Acyclovir 746, 848, 936, 1373
Adalimumab 1045
Addison crisis 637
Adenocarcinoma 659
Adenoma 922
bronchial 557
Adenomyosis 1064, 1071
Adenosine 478, 1199f, 1464
deaminase 678, 1338
diphosphate 536, 979
receptor inhibitors 545
triphosphate 623, 979, 1464, 1485, 1572, 1703
Adenovirus 587, 629, 649, 933, 1177, 1275
Adequate hand hygiene, maintain 1752
Adipokines 859
Adiponitrile 1387
Adjuvant therapy 999
Adnexal torsion 1061
Adrenal cortex 894
Adrenal crisis 852, 893, 896898
acute 893, 896, 897t
pathophysiology of 894
Adrenal gland
basic anatomy of 893
physiology of 893
Adrenal hormone, functions of 893t
Adrenal insufficiency 315, 893, 896t, 898t
causes of 895b
primary 896
causes of 895
secondary 896
Adrenal medulla 893
Adrenaline 221, 223, 336, 463
injection 668
Adrenergic agents 336
Adrenergic drugs 165
Adult learning theory 108
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 1464
Advance palliative care 1250
Advanced airway 221, 1130
management 208, 209, 352
techniques 1125
Advanced cardiovascular life support 1120, 1476, 1586, 1707, 1717, 1718
Advanced life support 1116, 1122, 1688, 1717
Advanced management techniques 1663
Advanced prehospital care 1704
Advanced trauma life support 148, 1519, 1533, 1561, 1565, 1586, 1587, 1598, 1602, 1619, 1621, 1651, 1678, 1680, 1717, 1718
Adverse transfusion reaction 990t
management of 990
Aedes aegypti 1301, 1317, 1326
Aerobic bacteria 930
Aerodigestive tract injuries 1567
Aeromonas hydrophila 1353, 1355
Aerophobia 1295
Aerosol 1342
generating procedures 65, 70, 78
Aflatoxin 674
Agitation 1050, 1445
causes of 1050
Agranulocytosis 1470
Air ambulance helicopters 170
bubbles 505
conditioning 6
embolism 758
entrainment system 244
filters, high-efficiency particulate 15, 70
filtration 15
medical transfer 168, 169, 169t
decision for 168
pollution 862
purifying respirators 61
respirators, supplied 61
transfer 169, 169t
distances, doughnut model of 168f
type of 169
Airborne 1276
infection isolation room 78
Airflow limitation, mild-to-moderate 587
Airflow obstruction 583, 591
Airway 234, 412, 930, 1125, 1392
adjuncts 202
anatomy of 208f
assessment of 45, 1069
assistant 1522
breathing circulation 48, 508, 925, 934, 961, 1146, 1470, 1476, 1561, 1578, 1619, 1642, 1694, 1704, 1707
burns 1188
compromised 208
control 1529
definitive 209
disease 557, 583
loss of 268
loss, risk of 398
maintenance 1524, 1550
management 208, 578t, 829, 880, 970, 1130, 1525
nondefinitive 201
obstructed 201
opening pressure 259
oral 202
pressures 265, 265f
protection 558
rapid assessment of 1592
trauma 277, 557
Airway assessment 196, 197, 210
procedures 351
Airway diameter 213, 1648
decreases 1646
Airway obstruction 201, 395, 1525
causes of 201, 201t
complete 209
Airway patency 45, 219
assessment 275
maintain 275
Airway positioning
maneuvers 201
optimal 1133f
aminotransferase 1012, 1382, 1645
transaminase 1452, 1722, 1725
Albumin 293
deficiency 1202
Albuterol 588, 1394
doses of 588
Alcohol 56, 853, 862, 1050, 1449, 1454, 1560
benzodiazepines 817
clinical presentation 1450
diagnosis 1450
epidemiology 1449
intake 1723
intoxication 1449
management 1450
pathophysiology 1449
toxicity 1436
Alcohol withdrawal syndrome 273, 1435, 1451, 1453t
diagnosis of 1451
signs of 1451t
symptoms of 1451t
Aldehydes 56
Aldosterone 893, 894
Aldosteronism, primary 510, 1086
Alfentanil 353
Algid malaria 650
Alkalemia 305
burns 903
flame detector 1387
injury 1477
Alkaline 57
phosphatase 1725
Alkalinization 1673
Alkalis 1675
Alkaloids 1501
Alkalosis 305, 1695
Alkyl phosphates, levels of 1410
Allen's test 286, 287f, 310f
Allergic processes 1185
Allergic reaction 38t
Allergy 45, 636, 1530
history of 508
Allis maneuver 1631, 1632f
Allodynia 355, 1314
dysfunction, chronic 794
function 795
pyelonephritis 792
rejection 793
Allopurinol 1006
Alopecia 1490
Alpha-adrenergic antagonists 1462
Alpha-blockers 416
Alpha-bungarotoxin 1725
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 862, 864
Alprazolam 642, 1192, 1261, 1435
Alprostadil 1192
Alteplase 537
Altered mental status 589, 814, 1427, 1644, 1758
Aluminium phosphide poisoning
emergency department management of 1418
intensive care management of 1420
Aluminum phosphide 1417, 1417f, 1417t, 1419, 1419fc
pesticide 129
poisoning 1394, 1400, 1417
emergency management of 1419fc
toxicity, mechanism of 1418fc
Alveolar pressure 259
Alveolar ventilation 304
Amanita phalloides 674
Amantadine 646, 1428
essential equipment for 165b
management 91, 92fc
patient care in 91
request for 91
services 174
type of 165
Ambulatory blood pressure 418
monitoring 512
Amenorrhea 1066, 1073
history of 641
Amines 56
Aminocaproic acid 544
Aminoglycoside 771, 1229
Aminophylline 409, 578, 579
Aminosalicylic acid 654
Amiodarone 221, 478, 502, 566, 1006, 1261, 1463, 1513
regimen for 502
Amitriptyline 361, 646, 799, 1261, 1422, 1425
Ammonia 56, 676, 851
levels lipase 817
anterograde 1437
symptoms of 1560
Amniotic fluid
complications of 1119
embolism 1119
Amniotic membrane, rupture of 1651
Amoxapine 1425
Amoxicillin 910, 1291
combination of 1726
Amphetamine 1428, 1445
Ampicillin 771, 1006, 1592
Amprenavir 1382
Amrinone 338
milrinone enoximone 1458
Amylase 1591
Amylin agonist 864
Amyloidosis 473, 646
Anaerobic bacillus 1314
Anaerobic bacteria 710
Anal dimple 1237f
Anal fissure 708
chronic 708
diagnosis 709
etiology of 708
management 709
Anal fistula 711, 712
classification of 711
clinical features 711
investigations 711
physical examination 711
treatment of 712
Analgesia 114, 215, 270, 326, 355, 764, 840, 1037, 1269, 1580, 1617
adequate 274
blocks 1621
emergency equipment for 352t
maintaining 1678
management of 271fc
Analytical toxicology 1381, 1390
Anaphylactic reaction 460, 990
Anaphylaxis 338, 576, 923, 1027, 1028, 1028t, 1187, 1188, 1742
treat 1738
Anaplasmosis 1309
Anasarca 923
Anatabine 1501
Ancillary tests 154, 845
Anderson and d'Alonzo classification 1573f
Andexanet alfa 545
Androgens 1513
Anemia 252, 468, 637, 755, 760, 952, 955t, 958, 959, 999, 1195, 1490
acute 952
classification of 953b, 954
evaluation of 953, 954
microangiopathic 514
hemolytic 1003, 1012
pernicious 739
treatment of 753
types of 952, 954f
Anesthesia 169, 343, 1665
complications of 1085
general 350, 949
local 355, 361, 938, 1632
regional 361
Anesthetic agents 361
local 362t
Anesthetic medication 1050
Aneurysm 720, 1593, 1614
left ventricular 429
Angina 482
abdominis 635
chest pain 518
pectoris 403
Angioedema 576, 921, 1022, 1027, 1028, 1028f, 1028fc, 1028t
Angioembolization techniques 1598
Angiographic techniques 1598
Angiography 720
conventional 659
rays 1603
Angioplasty 967
Angiotensin 336
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 505, 507, 513, 554, 555, 624, 745, 791, 792, 906, 1028, 1105, 1195, 1264
inhibitor 512, 830, 1105, 1199, 1263, 1461, 1513
Angiotensin-receptor blocker 507, 513, 792, 1105
Angiotensin-receptor neprilysin inhibitor 468, 470
Angle-closure glaucoma 904
Anhedonia 1051
Anhidrosis 1463
Aniline dyes 1493
Animal bite 1342, 1671
large 1671
management of 1341
Animal immunization 1294
Anion gap
acidosis 307
concept 307b
metabolic acidosis 749
causes of 750t
Anisocoria 1567
brachial index 548, 1603, 1664
dislocation 1625
fracture dislocation 1631
injuries 1609
splint, posterior 1630f
sprain 1625
Ankle-ankle index 1532
Ankle-brachial pressure index, abnormal 1613
Ankylosing spondylitis 1040, 1041, 1045, 1360
Annelid worms 1740
Annulus fibrosus, posterior 1575
Anorectal abscess 709, 709f
clinical presentation 710
diagnosis 710
etiopathogenesis 709
management 711
types of 710
Anorectal diseases 706
diagnosis of 716
Anorectal malformation 711, 1236, 1237f
Anorectal ultrasonography 711
Anorexia 23, 146, 313, 677, 701, 1310
nervosa 958
Antecubital fossa 1628
Antegrade pyelography 725, 726f
Anterior cord syndrome 1571
Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome 1173
Anthrax 190, 1280, 1295, 1305
Anthropometry 1765
Anti-acetylcholine 842
Antiandrogen therapy 774
Antiarrhythmic drugs 165, 221, 416, 502, 646
classification of 480t
Antibacterial therapy 1168
Antibiotic 114, 508, 579, 588, 590, 924, 1032, 1038, 1099, 1129, 1562, 1660, 1726
and immunization, preoperative 1657
first strategy 704
oral 600, 924
prophylaxis 1229, 1230, 1661t, 1670
indications of 1228
pediatric 1228
role of 1230
protocol 652
resistance 106
role of 1180
topical 1229
therapy 34, 651, 769, 924t, 932, 1315
long-term 1361
timing of 600
treatment, duration of 1361
Antibody, neutralizing 627
Anticholinergic 154, 578, 817, 853, 1050, 1421
agents 588, 1421
clinical features 1422
differential diagnosis 1422
evaluation 1422
history 1422
management 1423
pharmacology 1421
syndrome 1500
Anticholinergic poisoning
signs of 1422
symptoms of 1422
Anticholinergic toxicity 1421, 1423, 1423t, 1428
etiology of 1422
signs of 1422
symptoms of 1422
treatment 1424t
Anticoagulant 1045, 1516, 1700
oral 536, 825, 1636
reversing 1638
reversal of 830
use of 1166
warfarin 508
Anticoagulation therapy
oral 413
risk stratification for 22t
Anticonvulsants 646, 850, 1562
barbiturates 1431
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide 1044
Antidepressants 816, 1006
practical classification of 1425t
Antidote 165, 1396t, 1412, 1413, 1468, 1487, 1507, 1512, 1517
therapy 1441
Antiemetics 416
Antiepileptic drug 165, 236, 1106, 1212, 1213t, 1431, 1515
second-line 833
Antiepileptic medication 273, 417
Antifibrinolytic agents 540, 544, 544t, 831
Antifibrinolytic tranexamic acid 1592
B core 675
C virus 1035
Antihistamine 642, 810, 1514
properties 810
Antihistaminic agents 643
Anti-human globulin 989
Antihypertensive agents, oral 512
Antihypertensive drugs 165, 510, 515, 792t
Antihypertensive therapy 1264
Anti-inflammatory agents 322, 591
Antimalarials 1493
drugs 1334b
Antimicrobial agents 652t
Antimicrobial management, principle of 768
Antimuscarinic agents, long-acting 586
Anti-muscle-specific tyrosine kinase 842
Antineoplastic agents, oral 975
Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibodies 653, 1030
Antinuclear antibody 842, 906, 1028, 1035
Antioxidants, role of 586
Antiparkinsonian agents 1261
antibody 982
syndrome 1004, 1006, 1039
Antiplatelet 457, 1700
agent 538, 539t, 541, 545
drugs, classification of 539fc
medications 831
therapy 545, 918
reversal of 545
Antipsychotics 416, 1050, 1428
first-generation 1429
second-generation 1429
third-generation 1429
toxicity, atypical 1441
Antipyretics 1161
serum 1346
vaccine, modern 1345
Antiretroviral drugs 1370t
Antiretroviral therapy 1367
side effects of 1371t, 1373
Anti-rheumatic drugs 1152
disease modifying 1038, 1044, 1045
Anti-saccharomyces cerevisiae antibodies 653
Antiseptic preparation 394
Antisnake venom 1397, 1403, 1723, 1725
doses of 1725
indications of 1725
Antistreptolysin O 736
Antithrombotic agents 527t, 536, 540
basic classification of 536f
Antithrombotic factors 979t
Antithrombotic reversal agents 541
Antithrombotic therapy 536, 537b, 541
indications of 537b
Antithyroid drugs 890, 1513
Antitrypsin deficiency 690
aliquots of 1742
response 1725
Antiviral prophylaxis, duration of 1233
Anuria 751, 765, 1084, 1725
Anxiety 145, 240, 274, 277, 357, 908, 1394
disorder 1053, 1435
generalized 1053
treatment for 1054
evidence of 413
insomnia 146
Aorta 1543, 1594, 1595
abdominal 371f
arch of 531, 534f
ascending 531, 1193
coarctation of 510, 1087
descending 1193
injury of 1589
Aortic aneurysm 369, 637
Aortic arch 371f
interruption 1193f
Aortic dissection 369, 404, 405, 408, 438, 440, 450, 534f, 535, 637, 1446
anatomical classification of 532f
diagnosis of 440
management 535
pathophysiology of 531f
risk factors of 530
Aortic intima 530
Aortic occlusion 718
Aortic occlusive disease 718
Aortic regurgitation, paravalvular 501
Aortic root 442f
dilatation 534f
measurement of 371f
Aortic stenosis 416
severe 475
symptomatic severe 19
Aortic thrombosis 718
Aortic thrombotic disease 718
Aortic valve stenosis 481
Aortocaval compression 1113
Aperistalsis 694
Aphasia 47
Apheresis 989
devices 627
Apical pansystolic murmur 490
Apixaban 537, 538, 1638, 1639
Aplastic anemia 958, 959, 960, 1470
causes of 960t
clinical treatment for 960
nonsevere 960
severe 960
Aplastic crisis 99, 1000
Apnea 1125, 1129
documentation of 152, 153
test 153
steps of 153
Apparent injury suggests compartment syndrome 1616
Appendage thrombus, left atrial 447
Appendage torsion 786, 786t, 788
Appendectomy 703, 704
interval 703
Appendicitis 23, 25, 25fc, 702, 704, 719, 762, 784, 1063, 1073, 1169, 1178, 1239
acute obstructive 700
chronic 703
diagnosis of 700, 704
nonperforated 703
perforated 700, 703
stump 700
treatment of 25t
Appendix 1240f
anatomy of 699f
normal 703
Appetite, loss of 621
Aprepitant 643
Arboviral diseases 1317
Arboviruses 844
Arc burns 1717
Areflexia 841
Argatroban 541, 1011
Arginine vasopressin 668, 685, 972
Argon plasma coagulation 561, 659
Arm sling 1617, 1617f
Arm tensing 419f
Aromatic hydrocarbons 1473
Arrhythmia 299, 413, 421, 430, 482, 497, 502, 880, 588, 889, 1050, 1195, 1197, 1419fc, 1501, 1725
acute 49
analysis 476
complex 1585
prophylaxis for 502
risk of 471
supraventricular 414
taser-induced 1717
treatments 480
types of 1197
Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy 483
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 409, 420
Arsenic 1489
risk assessment 1490
sources of 1489
clinical features of 1490
treatment of 1490
trioxide 1381
Arsine gas 1490
Arteether 1333
Artemether 13321334
Arterial access 286
Arterial bleeding
external 1613
history of 1613
Arterial blood
gases in 305t
oxygen in 303
Arterial blood gas 33, 48, 169, 222, 264, 303, 305, 308b, 321, 524, 527, 562, 577, 676, 809, 853, 1080, 1382, 1393, 1403, 1436, 1470, 1474, 1476, 1491, 1494, 1582, 1684, 1707, 1717
analysis 45, 303, 587, 842, 1680
monitoring 577
sampling technique 309
Arterial blood pressure 287, 298
Arterial blood sampling 310f
contraindications of 309t
indications of 309t
Arterial catheter 298
monitor 299f
Arterial disease, peripheral 1638
Arterial embolism 548t
Arterial hypertension, severe 19
Arterial injury, signs of 1530
Arterial insufficiency, chronic 548
Arterial oxygen 322
saturation 577
Arterial pressure index 1664
Arterial puncture 300
procedure of 577
sites 309f
Arterial sheath removal 1594
Arterial thrombosis 719
Arterial wave 287
Arteriography 774, 1613, 1664
Arteriovenous fistula 285, 750, 757, 1593, 1612, 1613
post-traumatic 1599
Arteriovenous graft 750
Arteriovenous malformations 558
disease, peripheral 859
reperfusion, preferred infarct-related 457
selection of 309
Artesunate 1332, 1333, 1334
Arthralgia 1301, 1318
Arthritis 846, 1033, 1039, 1254, 1292
acute 1353
infectious 1360
suppurative 1360f
crystal-induced 1633
drug-induced 1034
monoarticular 1633
traumatic 1633
types of 1042
Arthrocentesis 1038, 1633
indications of 1633
infections 1747t
specific protection guidelines 1745
Artificial intelligence 105107
application of 107
Artificial mechanical breathing unit 219
Artificial oxygenation 345
Arythema multiforme 1739
Asboe–Hansen sign 1018
Ascites 677, 678, 682
development of 678
management of 687
mild 687
moderate 687
treatment of 678
Ascorbic acid 1495
Aseptic failures 1360
Aspartate aminotransferase 1012, 1382, 1645
Aspartate transaminase 1452, 1722, 1725
Aspergilloma 560f
Aspergillus 793, 1376
flavus 674
mild symptoms of 1484
traumatic 1584
Aspiration 1633
pneumonia 618, 1436, 1475f
signs of 1473
symptoms of 1473
Aspirin 360, 537, 539, 541, 799, 908, 1006, 1158, 1261, 1264, 1322
acquired 1149
congenital 1149
functional 1377
Assisted reproductive technologies 1072
Asthma 12, 32, 551, 575, 575t, 581, 1106, 1181
acute severe 575, 579
bronchial 266, 575
control 1106
exacerbations of 575
global initiative for 32
management 582
mild 578
moderate 578
preexisting 583
severe 578, 579
severity of 576, 577fc
Astrotia stokesii 1741
Astrovirus 1177
Asystole 1703, 1706
Ataxia 1426, 1435
Atelectasis 166
Atenolol 478
Atherosclerosis 547, 672, 719
Atherosclerotic disease, preexistence of 1612
Atlanto-occipital dislocation 1573
Atomic absorption spectrophotometer 1389, 1390f
Atosiban 1102
Atovaquone 1333
Atrial arrhythmias 1413, 1686
Atrial fibrillation 12, 20, 21, 22fc, 22t, 226, 413, 423, 424f, 489, 502, 537, 1261, 1264
high-rate 413
Atrial flutter 226, 409, 422
Atrial natriuretic peptide 507
Atrial pressure, left 487, 489
Atrial reversal wave 443
Atrial septal defect 1513
Atrial tachycardia, multifocal 411, 476
Atrioventricular blocks 1713
Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia 423f
Atrioventricular reciprocating tachycardia 423f
Atrioventricular reentry tachycardia 477
Atropa belladonna 1394
Atropine 179, 409, 1392, 1396, 1412, 1413, 1421, 1422, 1500, 1507
challenge test 1411
Atypical chest pain 662
evaluation of 662
management of 662
Aubergine sign 781
Audible bruit 1613
stages of 53
standards-based 53
Auditory symptoms 1698
Auramine 1337
Auricular hematoma 912
aspiration of 913f
Auricular nerve 908
Auriculotemporal nerve 908
Auspitz sign 1018
Australian box jellyfish 1740
Autoantibody 1044t
Autoimmune 715
disease 1004
disorder 482, 839, 958, 1021
hemolytic anemia 956
hepatitis 675
inner-ear disease 805
markers 675
Autoimmunity 993
Automated external defibrillator 103, 219, 221, 228, 1116, 1131, 1704, 1756
Autonomic dysfunction 1314, 1440
management 1315
Autopsy 149
features 1412
Autoregulation 1557
Autosomal dominant inheritance 841
Avascular necrosis 1603, 1700
Avian flu 1304, 1305
Avian influenza 1277, 1286
risk of 1300
virus, pathogenic 625
Avibactam 769
Awake intubation 215
Axial view 1603
Axillary artery 392
Axillary block 392f
distribution of 392f
indications 392
Axillary freckling 1225
Axillary nerve injury 1604
Axonopathy 1409
Azathioprine 692, 1045, 1379
Azithromycin 586, 598, 625, 910, 1230, 1232, 1749
Azotemia 1203
Babesiosis 13081310
Baby's heart rate 1133
Baby's soft airway 1133
Bacillus anthracis 1295, 1311
Bacillus Calmette–Guérin 1150, 1155, 1156, 1745, 1747
vaccine 1152
Bacillus cereus 640
Bacillus fusiformis 939
Back pain 29, 31t, 637, 721
low 740
Baclofen 154, 646, 840, 1315
Bacteremia 1158
life-threatening 1127
Bacterial endocarditis, subacute 686, 1021
Bacterial infection 928, 1210
detection of 596
serious 1158
Bacterial peritonitis, secondary 677
Bacteriuria 733
asymptomatic 769, 770, 792
Bacteroides 634
fragilis 251, 710, 911
Bag-valve-mask 165, 213, 400f, 1643
parts of 203, 204f
use of 204
unit 573
use of 204f
ventilation 203, 210, 1116, 1117
Balanced component therapy 1613
Balanced salt solutions 292
Balanitis 775, 783
Balanoposthitis 776
deflation 1594
inflation 1594
position of 1594f
pump placement 718
selection of 465
valvuloplasty 287
Bankart lesion 1605
Barbiturate 154, 1431, 1431fc, 1513
toxicity 1432fc, 1441
acute 1431
scanner 101
sign 370f
technology 101f
Bariatric surgery 958
Baricitinib 626, 1045
Barotrauma 252, 590, 603
risk of 265
Barrel compression test 1579
Basal ganglia 846
Basal insulin 865
Basal metabolic rate 1030
Baseline renal function 733
Basic airway management equipment 352
Basic life support 219, 1116, 1116fc, 1117, 1519
Basilar fracture, suspicion of 1559
Bat origin 621
zoonotic viruses of 1311
Bat rabies 1342
Bat-borne viruses 1312
Battle's sign 849, 1559
Battlefield pain relief 200t
Bayonet forceps 946f
B-cell activating factor 1045
Bechterew's nucleus 802
Beck's triad 970, 1196
Bedaquiline 1339
Bedside ankle-brachial index 1613
Bee sting 1401
Behavior, abnormal 814
Behavioral therapies 1447
Behçet's disease 522, 1041
Belimumab 1045
Bell clapper deformity 784, 785f
Benzamide 642
Benzene 1474
Benzocaine 1493
Benzodiazepines 237, 271, 642, 810, 816, 818, 834, 1050, 1054, 1213, 1260, 1261, 1422, 1428, 1429, 1431, 1435, 1447, 1515
antagonist 1436
hemodynamic effects of 1638
toxicity 1436, 1441
uses of 1435t
Benzoylmethylecgonine hydrochloride 1446
Benztropine 1261, 1422
Berger disease 732
Berlin edema 902
Bernoulli's principle effect air entrainment system 244f
Best motor response 851
Best verbal response 851
agonist 588
antagonists 1455, 1462
Beta-agonists, long-acting 585
Beta-blockers 416, 457, 473, 878, 1197, 1199, 1507, 1516, 1636, 1638
labetalol 1737
overdose 1401
Betadine 606
Beta-hemolytic streptococci pharyngitis, group A 929
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 1074, 1074t
Beta-hydroxybutyrate testing, use of 1203
Beta-lactam agents 1291
Betamethasone 778
Betrixaban 538, 544
Bicarbonate 879, 1206
Bidirectional nystagmus 806
Biguanides 862
Bilevel positive airway pressure 33, 146, 255, 256, 267, 598, 1166, 1582
Biliary disorders 762
Bilirubin 956
Bilsky grading system 969
Biochemical tests 955
Biodegradable polymer scaffolds 1578
Biological agents 188
Biomechanics 1765
Biomedical waste management 14, 64f
Bioreactance 301
Biostatistics, essentials of 80
Biphasic defibrillators 225
Biphasic fever 1158
Biphasic waveform defibrillators 226
Bipolar disorder 1052
Birmingham eye trauma terminology 899
Bisphosphonates 973
Bite wounds 1229, 1653, 1662fc
management of 1229
Bivalent oral polio vaccine 1150
Bivalirudin 541, 1011
Black eye 901
Black tarry foul-smelling 656
Bladder 1060
anastomosis 791
dysfunction 839
temperature 1686
Blast injury 1558
Bleeding 941, 1067
after dental surgery 940
after implants, managing 941
diathesis 541, 1603
disorder 1068, 1736
episodes, treatment of 543
high risk of 1009b
irregular 1067
life-threatening 544
management of 503fc
per vaginum, treatment of 1069, 1070
persistent 1180, 1566
predisposition 22
tendencies 954
ulcer 668
Blind subxiphoid 495
Blinding 83
studies, type of 83t
Blister agents 189
Blood 69, 303, 656, 676, 731, 1648
alcohol concentration 1450t
bank, responsibility of 987
borne pathogens 70
brain barrier 667, 1489, 1508
complete 470
count 634
coagulability 1725
components, transfusion of 986
count 851
cultures 963
compromise 1139
obstruction 460
gas analyzer 637
glucose 867, 1205, 1382
levels 859, 860, 1699
monitoring 577, 869
grouping 1591
investigations 916, 1069
lead level 1489
loss 952
acute 880
volume of 1067
placental barrier 1511
product resuscitation 273
pump, function of 346
smear, peripheral 955, 956, 1491
spillage, site of 820
spinal cord barrier 1572
stained pulmonary edema 1703
sugar 45
control 830
random 1591, 1684
tests 46, 418
transfusion of 1325
uncoagulable 1724
urea nitrogen 26, 27, 33, 562, 596, 671, 747, 750, 873, 874, 879, 896, 1206, 1335, 1725
vessel 1656
injury 1558
permeability 1699
volume, total 1648
Blood pressure 165, 213, 322, 341, 350, 511, 577, 846, 861, 922, 974, 990, 991, 1007, 1012, 1087, 1124, 1582, 1640, 1687, 1688
basis of 1638
control 830
diastolic 1143
direct 298
low systemic 487
maintain 1641
management 749
measurement of 511
measuring 484
noninvasive 6
systolic 24, 26, 222, 298, 455, 470, 484, 514, 527, 596, 1086, 1094, 1143, 1527, 1535, 1594, 1595, 1613
target 514t
temperature 42
Blood transfusion 956, 990
acute complications of 990
adverse effect of 990
protocol, massive 988fc
therapy 986
Bloodstream infections 66
Bloom's revised taxonomy 109f
Bloom's taxonomy 109
Blunt 1565
abdominopelvic trauma 1589
cardiac injury 1585, 1586fc, 1588
chest trauma 1582
injuries 170, 787, 901, 1558
neck trauma, management of 1568fc
renal injuries 1593
thoracic trauma 1585
trauma 718, 1530, 1559t, 1569, 1612, 1648, 1684
abdomen 1238
Blunt abdominal trauma 1591, 1647
high risk of 1589
secondary survey of 1645
Blurred vision 1416, 1469
Body fat distribution 859
Body fluids 68
Body ischemia 234
Body mass index 98, 671, 859861, 873
low 1079
Body movement 272
Body myositis, inclusion 840
Body packers 1447
Body protection 61
Body stuffers 1447
area 1026
Boerhaave's syndrome 405, 642, 665, 1581
disorder 1039
higher incidence of 1640
facial 1550, 1550f
fragile 1637
frontal 1548
hyoid 208, 208f
metastasis 967, 970
metatarsal 1616
specific agents 971
zygomatic 1548
Bone marrow 563, 953, 963
examination 959
failure 958
fibrosis 958
precursor cells 952
studies 955
transplantation 1003, 1005
Bone mineral density 1371
low 1271
Bony injuries, likelihood of 1641
Bony prominence 1654
Borderline lepromatous 1031
bronchiseptica 1231
parapertussis 1231
pertussis 1231, 1291
Borrelia burgdorferi 1304, 1308
Borrelia infections 1309
Borrelia vincentii 939
Borreliosis 1310
Botulinum toxin 709, 1316
role of 1315
treatment, advantages of 1316
use of 1316
Botulism 840, 842, 1280
Bowel dysfunction 839
Bowel injury 1546
Bowel ischemia 669
Bowel obstruction 635, 694, 697, 698
clinical presentation 695
investigations 696
management of 698, 698f
pathophysiology 695
treatment 697
Box jellyfish 1738, 1740
Brachial plexus 391
indications, interscalene block of 391
injuries 1603
Bradbury–Eggleston syndrome 416
Bradyarrhythmia 409, 421, 425, 473, 475, 498, 1198
causes of 1198
classification of 473
management of 475
treatment of 497
Bradycardia 156, 416, 498, 503, 847, 1074, 1413, 1460, 1560, 1561, 1703, 1736
episodes of 425
pediatric 1131fc
symptoms of 473
Bradycardic heart rate 636
Bradykinin 1736
Bradypnea 1125
Brady–Tachy syndrome 474
Brain 511, 774, 844, 1715, 1718
areas of 641f
CT scan of 822f
dead donor 691
failure, acute 814
function of 1686
herniation 1559
lesions 850
natriuretic peptide 23, 24, 470, 524, 615, 1715
Brain death 151153, 155, 155t, 156, 158160, 691
confounders of 152
declaration of 155
determination of 152
hormones after 157
mimic 154
pathophysiology of 151, 151f
Brain injury 234, 850, 1559t, 1561
pattern of 1559
penetrating 1562
severe 275
Brain parenchyma 846, 1558
infections of 848
Brain parenchymal
injury 1558
irritation, signs of 845
control 802
dead 155
dysfunction, stage of 1343
encephalitis 846
lesions 851
mediated motor responses 151
reflexes 151, 850, 851
absence of 152
stroke 275
Branch retinal vein occlusion 904, 906
Break-bone fever 1301
Breast 141
cancer 674, 1271
gas analysis 1756
mandatory 261
shortness of 441, 597, 621
sound 576
types of 261, 262
Breathing 55, 234, 412, 558, 590, 1125, 1187, 1392, 1436, 1526, 1643, 1648
apparatus 56
assessment of 46
difficulties 576, 1185
emergency department 7
gas 1699
irregular 1561
physiology of 259
techniques 223
work of 1124
Breathlessness 181, 953, 1194
severe 573
Bretylium 1463
Brincidofovir 1295
Broad-spectrum antibiotic
coverage 1592
initiation of 1603
Bromocriptine 864, 1428, 1430
Bronchial artery 556
embolization 561
Bronchial blood flow 1482
Bronchial tube 559f
Bronchial wall rupture 1581
Bronchiectasis 556, 557, 559f, 615
Bronchiolitis 1186, 1187
Bronchitis 556, 557
acute 551
Bronchodilators 591, 1706
role of 585
Bronchogenic carcinoma 557
Bronchopleural fistula 605
Bronchorrhea 1413
Bronchoscopy 559, 560f, 950f, 970, 1567
intervention 586
rigid and flexible 1567
Bronchospasm 316
Bronchovascular fistula 557
Brooke's formula, modified 1679
Brown adipose tissue 859
Brown–Sequard syndrome 1572
Brucella 190
canis 1308, 1310
Brucellosis 958, 1281, 1311
Brudzinski's signs 844
Brugada syndrome 20, 409
Bruit 1566
Brush-border enzymes 1180
B-type natriuretic peptide 434, 437, 577
Budd–Chiari syndrome 674, 690
Bulbocavernosus reflex 741
Bullet velocity 1589
Bullous emphysema 557
Bullous fixed drug eruption, generalized 1021
Bullous myringitis 911, 911f
Bullous pemphigoid 1022, 1022t
Bundle branch blocks 1713
Bungarus caeruleus 1725
Bupivacaine 362
Buprenorphine 1439
Bupropion toxicity, severe 1426
Burkholderia mallei 190
Burkitt's leukemia 971
Burkitt's lymphoma 971, 1334, 1409
Burn 1648, 1654, 1675
care 1677, 1678
classification of 1677t
contact 1675
deep 1677, 1717
partial-thickness 1654
determining severity of 1675
dribble 1478
friction 1675
initial management of 1677
large volume of 1716
nutrition in 1681
partial-thickness 1654
pathophysiology of 1675fc
second-degree 1682
severe 168, 1736
superficial 1677
third-degree 1682
wound 1679t
care in 1682t
three zones of 1679f
Bursitis 1034, 1353
Burst suppression 238
Butane 1473
Butyrophenone 642
Bypass graft 1613
Bystander plays 1703
Cabin air, low humidity of 1755
Cachexia 584
Cadmium poisoning 1490
Calcaneal pin traction 1623
Calcineurin inhibitor 692, 792, 1378
nephrotoxicity 794
Calcitonin 973
Calcium 311, 312, 314, 979, 1528, 1538
channel antagonist 1455, 1462
toxicity 1456
channel blocker 409, 416, 478, 505, 512, 533, 709, 764, 792, 878, 1105, 1128, 1197, 1262, 1403, 1507, 1508, 1517
chloride 314, 1396, 1457
gluconate 1393, 1396, 1457
hydroxide 1478
infusion 1457
sensitizers 336, 338
Calibrated balloon dilation 709
Calicivirus 1177
Caloric testing 808
Calotropis 1502, 1504
Cameron ulcer 659
Camphor 56
Campylobacter jejuni 838
Canadian C-spine rule 1575
Cancer 740
endometrium 1066
end-stage 144
supportive care in 1377t
treatment, immunotherapy for 106
Candida 769, 934, 1221
albicans 934, 1223
balanitis, risk for 776
diaper rash 1223f
Cannabinoid 643, 976
hyperemesis syndrome 1445
Cannabis 1444
indica 1444
sativa 1444, 1503, 1504
peripheral 46, 282t
tubing system 346
Capillary blood glucose 1394
Capillary hemangiomas, simple 1227
Capillary leak syndrome 1726
Capillary refill time 46, 291, 343
Capnocytophaga canimorsus 1377
Capnography 216
morphology of 217, 217f
routine 352
wave 216
morphology of normal 217f
Capsaicin 361
Capsule endoscopy 653
Captopril 514
Caput medusae 850
Carbamates 1415, 1415t
exposure, manifestation of 1416
poisoning 1411t
Carbamazepine 271, 361, 1006, 1212, 1395, 1398, 1428, 1513
Carbimazole 890
Carbon dioxide 56, 303, 346, 748, 774
elimination 303
partial pressure of 671, 1115, 1557, 1564, 1646
removal of 570
tension 303
Carbon monoxide 576, 797, 853, 1474, 1496, 1513, 1516
capacity of 584
intoxication 1683
poisoning 251, 413, 1484, 1496
toxicity 1441
mild-to-moderate 1496
severe 1496
Carboxyhemoglobin 303, 1497, 1484t, 1492
Carboxyhemoglobinemia 1496
Carboxylic acids 1385
Carboxylic ester hydrolases 1407
Carcinoids 659
Cardboard splints, foam-covered 1617
Cardiac arrest 49, 134, 219, 228, 228fc, 231, 232, 234, 268, 1112, 1127, 1455, 1642f, 1757
causes of 230t, 232, 234
etiology of 1131f
out-of-hospital 1130
pediatric 1132fc
recognition of 1129
reperfusion of 234
victims of 231
Cardiac arrhythmias 153, 412, 416, 421, 473, 839, 1475, 1682, 1713
diagnosis of 432
management of 480
Cardiac biomarkers 434, 437
Cardiac bradyarrhythmia, uncontrolled 19
Cardiac care unit 8
Cardiac catheterization 1612
laboratory 234
Cardiac concussion 1585
Cardiac contusion 1585
Cardiac disease 588, 622, 820
Cardiac dysfunction, primary 460
Cardiac dysrhythmia 1499, 1514, 1703, 1736
Cardiac emergencies 1190, 1199
Cardiac enzyme 817
serial 1580
Cardiac failure 616, 1003, 1091, 1197f, 1585, 1672
Cardiac index 484
Cardiac injury 436, 1050, 1580
Cardiac instability 251
Cardiac ischemia 414
Cardiac manifestation 622, 1736
Cardiac markers 436t, 456, 754
role of 456
Cardiac monitoring 469, 1683
Cardiac murmur 487fc
general concepts of 486
Cardiac muscle 434
necrosis 1680
Cardiac myocyte 1458
Cardiac origin, causes of 409
Cardiac output 296, 331, 342, 489
increases 1646
noninvasive 298
Cardiac rupture 1585
Cardiac scar 409
Cardiac specific biomarkers 436f
Cardiac surgery 498, 501, 505507, 509, 1003
Cardiac syncope 416
Cardiac tachyarrhythmia, uncontrolled 19
Cardiac tamponade 126, 231, 445, 448, 460, 492, 494, 495, 503, 504, 755, 1528f
causes of 492b
diagnosis of 495t
stable 494
unstable 494
signs of 1196
traumatic 494
cause of 495
Cardiac temporary pacing 497
Cardiac toxicity 1433
Cardiac transplantation 1379
Cardiac troponin 454
high-sensitivity 435
Cardiac tumors 447
Cardioactive steroid 1459, 1459fc, 1460b
toxicity 1459
risk factors for chronic 1460b
Cardioembolic stroke, causes of 446f
Cardiogenic edema 1093
Cardiogenic embolus 446
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema, acute 255, 573
Cardiogenic shock 46, 331, 333, 338, 347, 364, 460, 461, 463, 463f, 464fc, 465t, 476f, 674, 1128, 1517
causes of 461
diagnosis of 461t
etiology of 460, 461t
inotropes for 463t
management of 460, 462, 463, 466t
pathophysiology of 461fc
vasopressors for 463t
Cardiomyopathy 348, 364, 409, 481, 482, 485
causes of secondary 482t
clinical features of 482t
clinical presentation 482
diagnostic evaluation 482
dilated 482, 483
hypertrophic 481
pathophysiology 481
peripartum 1105
primary 481, 481t
restrictive 482
treatment of 483
Cardioplegic solutions 314
Cardiopulmonary arrest 1129
Cardiopulmonary bypass 507, 1689
Cardiopulmonary collapse, causes of 1119
Cardiopulmonary disease 524
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 135, 219, 223, 227, 228, 230, 232, 234, 347, 348, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1132, 1434, 1476, 1649, 1651, 1688, 1704, 1704fc, 1705, 1756
Cardiorespiratory arrest 219
Cardiorespiratory system 1686
Cardiothoracic injuries 1579t
Cardiothoracic trauma 1579
secondary survey of 1644
Cardiotocographic monitoring 1650
Cardiotoxin 1736, 1740
Cardiovascular collapse 521, 590, 1119, 1192, 1688
Cardiovascular complications 533, 754
Cardiovascular disease 421, 434, 753, 820, 1088, 1105
chronic 1149
preexisting 1585
risk factors for 512t
Cardiovascular drug 1455, 1516, 1689
overdose 1455
Cardiovascular emergencies 403
Cardiovascular reflexes 416
Cardiovascular system 156, 157, 884, 1068, 1248, 1264, 1509, 1713
Cardioversion 226
Carnett sign 1173
Carotid artery 383f, 1566
external 915
internal 827
Carotid dissection 796
Carotid sinus 477
hypersensitivity 416
massage 418
Carpal tunnel syndrome 1608
Carpet tag sign 1020
Carpopedal spasm 316
Cartilage disorder 1039
Carvedilol 1199
Casualty, management of 192
Cat bite 1351, 1661
Catamenial pneumothorax 603
Cataract surgery 1254
Catastrophic cardiac conditions 444
Catastrophic complications 1078
Catastrophic health events 181
Catatonia 1050, 1051
malignant 1051
Catecholamine 156, 878, 1458
Catheter 281t
ablation 477
complications of 478
aspiration 605
associated urinary
catheter infections 66
tract infection 770
directed thrombolytic therapy 719
midline 285
placement 377t
related thrombosis 291
removal of 286
trial without 742
Cauliflower ear 912
Caustic ingestion 1477
clinical features 1478
clinical presentation 1478t
complications 1479
etiology 1478
investigations 1479
management 1479
pathophysiology 1477
Caustic injury 662, 664, 1479t
Cavernosal artery 775
Cavitary lesion 618, 619
Cavitary lung lesions 614
causes of 618t
differential diagnosis of 619
Cavity, abdominal 721
Cefaclor 771
Cefepime 1229
Cefotaxime 677, 846
Cefpodoxime 771
Ceftazidime 769, 1229
Ceftriaxone 677, 684, 686, 771, 789, 846, 910, 1231, 1259
Cefuroxime 771, 910
Celiac disease 653, 1174
Celiac trunk 717f
culture 936
mediated immunity 1030, 1288
membrane toxicity 1487
morphology 955
Cellular anoxia, delaying 1703
Cellular metabolism abnormalities 319
Cellulitis 12, 324, 964, 1034, 1726
diagnosis of 1353
Celphos 129, 1417
Cementoenamel junction 1215
Central airway obstruction, malignant 967, 970
Central capillary refill time 1127
Central cord syndrome occurs 1571
Central cyanosis 567
Central nervous system 152, 189, 197, 252, 306, 321, 360, 470, 622, 774, 798, 817, 818, 884, 894, 935, 962, 1004, 1140, 1264, 1309, 1369, 1378, 1382, 1403, 1426, 1445, 1456, 1488, 1508, 1509, 1513, 1557, 1643, 1687, 1713, 1714, 1736
dysfunction 1692, 1717
infection 880
severe 312
symptoms 1300
toxicity 1453
Central retinal
artery occlusion 904, 906
vein occlusion 904, 906
Central venous
access 286t, 382
devices 281
oximetry 332
oxygen saturation 297, 343
pressure 296, 332, 461, 1419
Central venous catheter 283, 284f, 297, 301
indications of 283, 381t
insertion 286
peripherally inserted 281
placement 376
Central vestibular system 802, 803f
Centrifugation technique 994, 995f
Cephalexin 771, 1006
Cephalic tetanus 1314
Cephalosporins 1511
Cerebellar artery
anterior inferior 821
posterior inferior 821
Cerebellar ataxia 1490
Cerebellar dysfunction 30, 1452
Cerebellar function 1699
Cerebellar infarction 805, 852
Cerebellar testing 806
Cerebello-tonsillar herniation 1559
Cerebellum 1489
Cerebral abnormalities 1050
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy 828
Cerebral angiography, conventional 154
Cerebral artery
anterior 821
middle 821, 822f, 823, 827
posterior 821
Cerebral blood flow 1557
determinants of 1557f
Cerebral edema 851, 875, 1203, 1206, 1206b, 1207, 1558, 1563, 1740
high altitude 852, 1708, 1709, 1752
Cerebral hemorrhage 41, 1211
pinpoint 1717
Cerebral hypoperfusion 23
Cerebral hypoxia 1440
Cerebral infarction 852
score 826
Cerebral ischemia 234, 826f
Cerebral malaria 1299, 1334, 1334b, 1335t
neurologic sequelae of 1335t
Cerebral metabolic rate 236
Cerebral palsy, development of 1094
Cerebral performance categories 240
Cerebral perfusion 236
pressure 830, 1557
Cerebral vascular accident 1637
Cerebral vasoconstriction 1558
Cerebrospinal fluid 797, 829, 842, 845, 847, 849, 963, 1212, 1344, 1364, 1372, 1549, 1556, 1557, 1564, 1644, 1667
analysis 845
flow 968
Cerebrovascular accident 306, 342, 623, 921, 1726
Cerebrovascular disease 596, 622, 1105
cancer 1272
cerclage 1101
dilatation, stage of 1109
ectopic pregnancy 1076
esophageal perforation 664
fracture, conservative management of 1624
hematoma 1567
injury 1714
lesions 1068
plexus 391f
rescue 1101
traction 1624
trauma 1083
Cervical collar 1575
application of 1621, 1622
techniques for 1622f
Cervical spine 1569
immobilization of 1621
injury 1639
lower 1573
movement 1525
pediatric 1644
protection 1526f
secondary survey of 1644
Cervicitis 1366
Cervico-ocular reflexes 153
Cervicovaginal secretions 1100
Cervix, effacement of 1109f
Cesarean section 1112
Cetirizine 1422
Chancroid 140
Charcoal hemoperfusion 1458
Checkerboard escharotomy 1716
Cheek lacerations 1666
Chelation therapy 1488, 1489, 1490
Chemical 1675, 1764
abuse 1256
agents 188
classification of 189t
burns 1680, 1682
disaster 178
exposure staff 58
hygiene plan 58
injury 1185, 1683
peritonitis 791
pleurodesis 605
spill 58
warfare agents 188
waste 59
weapons convention 188
Chemoprophylaxis 1231b, 1232, 1333, 1748
Chemotherapeutic agents, classification of 975t
Chemotherapy 967, 1004, 1228
extravasation of 967, 976
waste 59
Chernobyl nuclear power plant 185
Chest 511, 1136
compression 223f, 1132f, 1688
technique 223f
compression, external 220f
drain 607
insertion 608f
injury 49, 1589
physiotherapy 589, 1578
plain X-ray of 636f
radiograph 1584, 1587
symptoms 556
trauma 435, 573
Chest pain 19, 19t, 404, 405, 411, 438, 522, 603, 642, 1000
atypical 662
causes of 403, 403t, 405
evaluation of 403, 405f, 406b, 407fc, 449, 451fc
management of 407fc
noncardiac 404
Chest tube 606, 607t, 1581
drainage 612
insertion 1230, 1581f
medium-bore 606
placement 688
techniques for 606
small-bore 606
types 606
Chest wall 265, 571, 572
ecchymosis 1586
injury 1579
Chickenpox 1021, 1154, 1293
Chikungunya 629, 1277
fever 1317
virus 1286, 1312
Chilblain 1689
Child abuse 1683, 1684
cutaneous sign of 1023
diarrhea 1177
vascular anomalies 1023
Child–Turcotte–Pugh scoring 682t
Chlamydia 1058, 1362, 1363
clinical presentation 1363
diagnosis 1363
pathophysiology 1363
physical examination 1363
pneumoniae 594, 998, 1300
psittaci 594, 911
trachomatis 770, 1062, 1083, 1362
treatment 1363
Chlamydophila 592
psittaci 1308, 1311
Chloramphenicol 1308, 1382
Chlorates 1493
Chlordiazepoxide 1435
Chlorfenvinphos 1406
Chlorhexidine 389
Chlorine 56
Chlorophos 1409
Chloroprocaine 362
Chloroquine 666, 1332, 1333
Chlorothiazide 1006
Chlorpheniramine 1006, 1261, 1422
Chlorpromazine 566, 645, 798, 799, 1382, 1422, 1428
Chlorpropamide 1382
Chlorpyriphos 1406, 1409
Choking agents 189
Cholangitis 638
Cholecystitis 638, 669, 719, 1240
Choledocholithiasis 669
Cholera 1303
vaccine 1151, 1154
emboli 1023
high 820
Cholinergic receptors, types of 1421, 1421t
Cholinesterase activity, depression of 1410
Cholinesterase inhibitor 1500
Chordae tendineae injury 1585
Chorioamnionitis 1098, 1099
clinical features of 1098t
Chromatography, thin layer 1411, 1384, 1390
Chromium poisoning 1490
Chronic constipation 647, 706, 1174
evaluation of 648fc
management of 648fc
Chronic cough 551
etiology of 552b
management of 555fc
Chronic diarrhea 651, 655
causes of 652t
Chronic kidney
disease 463, 468, 622, 643, 651, 685, 743, 753, 760, 814, 864, 921, 923, 1105, 1433, 1590, 1637
injury 1726
Chronic liver disease 651, 677, 681, 682, 686f, 687fc, 690, 958, 981
management of 686fc
pathophysiology of 685fc
Chronic obstructive
airway disease 259, 260, 266, 421
arterial disease 549
lung disease 33t, 602, 585f
pulmonary disease 12, 19, 32, 163, 257, 304, 366, 405, 521, 554, 571, 575, 581587, 591, 598, 626, 666, 1053, 1248, 1263, 1437, 1544, 1636
differential diagnosis of 588t
Chronic pain 355, 1614, 1640
assessment of 356
management of 356
Chronic renal failure 743
stage of 753, 753t
Cibenzoline 1382
Cidofovir 1295
Cierny–Mader classification 1357, 1357t
Cilostazol 539
Cimetidine 1006, 1515
Cimino–Brescia fistula 757
Ciprofloxacin 684, 686, 771, 909, 910, 1229, 1231, 1749
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder 1759
Circulation 1643
assessment of 46
methods 1621
Circulatory collapse 616
Circulatory dysfunction 296
Circulatory system 1706
Circumferential strain 440, 440f
Circumrescue collapse 1688
Cirrhosis 615, 651, 675, 718, 923, 1377
advanced 159
biliary 565
Clarithromycin 1232
Classic laryngeal mask airway 205
Classic malaria paroxysm 1329
Clavulanic acid 1726
Clean self-intermittent catheterization 1578
Clear nasal drainage 1714
Cleft lift procedure 713
Cleft palate 1515
Cleistanthus collinus 1392, 1398, 1504
poisoning 1394
Clenched-fist injury 1670
Clevidipine 515
Clindamycin 1085, 1229, 1230, 1355
Clinical Rockall score 26
Clobetasol propionate 778
Clomipramine 1425
Clonazepam 1261, 1435
Clonidine 514, 1462, 1507
toxicity 1441
Clopidogrel 537, 539, 541, 545, 1003, 1638
Clostridial toxins 191
Clostridioides 651, 652t
difficile infections, treatment of 652t
Clostridium 251, 710, 1350
botulinum 709
difficile 649, 963, 974, 976, 1234
colitis 677
diarrhea 976
infection 78
perfringens 252, 672, 1083, 1353
septicum 1376
sordellii 1353
tetani 1291, 1314
Clot formation 979
Clotrimazole 909
Clotting disorders 719
Clotting factors, transfusion of 989
Clozapine 1422
Clubbing 564fc
causes of 563, 563t
pathophysiology of 563
Clubfoot 1138, 1139
Cluster headache 799, 1431
treatment of 799
Coagulation abnormalities 984
Coagulation cascade 541, 542f
process of 980
Coagulation disorders 1638
Coagulation pathway, basic concepts of 980f
Coagulation profile 851, 1656
Coagulation system 981
Coagulation therapy 1538
Coagulopathic states 719
Coagulopathy 755, 1590
Coaptation splint 1626, 1626f
envenomation 1725
perilaryngeal airway 206, 207f
venom 1725
Cocaine 674, 1428, 1446, 1513, 1515
abuse 405
hydrochloride 1446
sulfate 1446
Coccidioidomycosis 191, 793
Cochlear implant 914f
complications of 914
Cockcroft–Gault formula 1260
Cockpit coordination 1760
Code of Criminal Procedure 1258
Code sepsis 326
Code trauma 1521
Code trauma team 1521f
Codeine 799
Coexistent metabolic derangements 1195
Coffee bean signs 697
Coffee ground vomitus 683
Cognitive assessment 1249
Cognitive behavioral therapy 1445
Cognitive function 1699
Cognitive status 1267
Cohort design 83
Coincidental neurologic disorders 1699
Colchicine 1502
agglutinin disease 956
chain 1154
exposure, history of 1686
extremities 46, 1602
induced diuresis 1686
ischemic injury 1663
shock 1129
Collagen vascular disease 473, 953
Collapsing inferior vena cava 1394
Colloids 291, 293
properties of 293t
Colonic carcinoma 700
Colonic pseudo-obstruction 694
Colonoscopy 659, 711
Colorado tick fever 593, 1308
Color-coding system 1602
Coma 304, 854fc
clinical examination 849
clinical finding 849
differential diagnosis 849
documentation of 152
grading of 851, 851t
irreversible 135
pathophysiology 849
treatment of 851
Comatose 153
Combined pill 141
Combitube 206f
Combustible hydrocarbon 1472
Comedones 1019
Comet tail 1587
Comminuted fracture 1603f
over distal metacarpal bone 1714f
Common bile duct 670
Commotio cordis 1585, 1645
Communicable diseases 163
Communicating pneumothorax 1582, 1583
Communication 144, 145, 1267, 1519, 1562
adequate 1683
administration 103
behaviors 145
computers for 105
physician-patient 135
skills 2
complications of 2f
strategies 148
Community-acquired pneumonia 12, 3335, 324, 592, 593, 597, 598
severe 33
Compartment syndrome 36, 251, 1609, 1625, 1673, 1680, 1714, 1716, 1726
pallor for 1603
Competing diagnostic tests 1587
Complete blood count 48, 562, 658, 736, 879, 906, 916, 954, 955, 962, 971, 988, 999, 1003, 1004, 1007, 1012, 1028, 1035, 1037, 1069, 1166, 1470, 1476, 1491, 1509, 1591, 1651, 1656, 1681, 1695, 1707, 1717, 1718
Complex febrile seizures 1210
Complex lip laceration 1667
Complex periorbital injury 1666f
Complex sleep behaviors 1437
Complex stellate lesions 1658
Comprehensive geriatric assessment 1247
framework 1247f
anteroposterior 1608f
ventilation ratio 223
Computed tomography
angiography 525, 528, 1569, 1664
scans 1573
Concomitant toxicity 1474
Condylar fracture 925
T-shaped 1607
Y-shaped 1607
Cone snails 1738
Cone-beam computed tomography 939
Confusion 33, 304, 313, 633, 675
assessment method 815, 1048, 1254
symptoms of 1560
Congenital anomalies 1112
Congenital bell clapper deformity 785
Congestive cardiac failure 863, 1093, 1179
history of 1460
Congestive heart failure 19, 22, 143, 506, 567, 581, 614, 615, 651, 657, 1194, 1508, 1636
treatment 1105
Conjugate vestibulo-ocular reflex 803
Conjugated equine estrogen 1069
Conjunctival tears 901
Conjunctivitis 903, 1292
Connective tissue disease 1034, 1043, 1045
mixed 841
altered level of 1321, 1575
loss of 1562, 1584, 1703, 1718
transient loss of 23, 415
Consent documentation, high-risk 1685
Constipation 145, 146, 640, 646, 696, 740, 1068, 1238
causes of 646
management of 647f
medications for 647t
Constrictive pericarditis 755
Constructivism 108
Consumer Protection Act 132
Contact lens
broken 903
related emergencies 903
Contaminated laceration 1659, 1655
bacterial 990
degree of 1602
Contiguous abdominal infection 618
Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, complications of 759
Continuous flow oxygen systems 1699
Continuous flow technique 994
Continuous infusion 1094
Continuous positive airway pressure 153, 254, 256, 263, 275, 572, 573, 580, 588, 598, 646, 1134, 1580
devices 1757
Continuous renal replacement therapy 751, 1395, 1403
Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion 857
Contraceptive pills, oral 1003, 1072
Contraction frequency 1650
Contrast extravasation 1598
Control vascular injuries 1569
Convalescent plasma
collection of 628
dosage 628
therapy 627
Conversion disorder 822
Convulsive status epilepticus 833
Cook's classification 205
Coombs test 956, 959
Core temperature measurement 1686
Cormack and Lehane's classification of laryngeal grade, modified 211f
Corneal abrasion 902, 902f
Corneal epithelium integrity 903
Corneal injuries
closed penetrating 901
penetrating 901
Corneal ulcers 903
bacterial 903
Coronary angiography 419
Coronary anomaly 1194
Coronary artery 505, 509, 662
aneurysm 405
graft 333, 462465, 467, 502, 1003, 1011
surgery 454, 458
disease 19, 403, 406, 407, 454, 468, 509, 1105
detection of 449
injury 1585
ostium 440
right 439
spasm 429
stenosis, left main 19
Coronary intervention, primary 463
Coronary reperfusion 236
Coronaviridae 1275
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) 14, 15, 34, 76, 185, 188, 216, 267, 326, 349, 622627, 627t, 1162, 1163, 1166, 1167, 1276, 1287, 1305, 1311, 1744, 1752, 1763
management for 630
pandemic 326, 1287
pathogenesis of 627
pneumonia 349
treatment of 630
vaccine 629, 1289
Corpectomy, anterior 1573
Corpora cavernosa, aspiration of 774
Corpus luteal cyst 1060, 1061
Corticosteroid 311, 642, 692, 1007, 1080, 1099, 1101, 1377, 1379, 1700
inhaled 578, 579, 586
mode of delivery of 579t
short course of 809
Cortisol 878
diphtheria 928, 930, 1291
infection 1014
ulcerans 1310
Costochondritis 438
Cough 146, 551, 553, 556, 621, 622, 928, 1478
acute 551, 553
onset 554fc
characteristics of 551, 553t
chest tightness 575
complications of 552
cycle of 554
development of 552fc
etiology of 551, 554
etiquettes 63
ineffective 551
management of subacute onset 554fc
mechanism of 551
reflexes 46, 153
signaling pathway, mechanism of 552fc
specific treatment to 554t
subacute 551, 553
Covaxin 629
vaccine 630t
Covishield vaccine 630t
Cowpox 1147, 1295
Coxiella burnetii 1308, 1310, 1311
Coxsackievirus 786, 844
C-peptide levels 868
Crack cocaine 1446
Crammer wire 1625, 1625f
Cramps 315
Cranial nerve 153, 850, 1031, 1699
examination 1576
Craniocaudal direction 1571
Crash airway 215
Crawling reflex 1139
C-reactive protein 85, 437, 596, 623, 626, 627, 634, 687, 842, 863, 1028, 1035, 1037, 1044, 1166, 1167, 1378
Creatine kinase 1715
muscle 1715, 1718
myocardial band 20, 1586
Creatine phosphate, metabolism of 744
Creatine phosphokinase 1714
Creatinine 314, 956, 1591
clearance 792
excretion 88t
Cremasteric artery 784
Crepitation 1539
Cricothyroid membrane 395, 396
Cricothyroidotomy 209, 394
complications of 397t
kit 395, 396f
steps of surgical 397f
Cricothyrotomy 394
Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever virus 1277, 1285, 1312, 1317
Criminal Law Amendment Act 139
Criminal negligence 131
Criminal Procedure Code 125, 139
Crisis, abdominal 998
Critical care pain observation tool 272
Critical hypoxemia 1534
Critical limb ischemia, chronic 550
Critical organs 717
systems 1566
Crohn's disease 636, 654fc, 659, 666, 715, 1045, 1173, 1174
management 654fc
Cromolyn sodium 1106
Crowe sign 1225f
Crown fracture, uncomplicated 1217
Cruciate ligament, anterior 1609
Crush injuries 1602, 1671, 1672
Crush syndrome 1672
Crush wounds 1658
phases of 1143f
sequelae of 1143t
Cryogenics 57
Cryoprecipitate 989, 1528
Cryptic sepsis shock 342
Cryptococcosis 1372
Cryptogenic stroke 826, 827
Cryptosporidium 649
Crystalloid 291, 292, 292t, 322, 331, 748
balanced 748
fluid 312, 494, 1355, 1648
therapy 671
C-spine midline tenderness 1644
Cullen's sign 1020, 1590
Current, type of 1715
Cushing's phenomenon 1561
Cushing's reflex 156, 1561
Cushing's syndrome 510, 877, 922, 1087
Cushing's triad 1561
Cutaneous fistula 401
Cutaneous larva migrans 1303
Cutaneous myiasis 1303
Cutis marmorata 1226, 1226f
Cyanide 56, 1485
antidote kit 1485
poisoning 1485
toxicity 1128
Cyanoacrylate 912, 1659
glue injection 678
Cyanogenic agents 189
Cyanosis 566569, 573, 589, 603, 1192fc, 1490
cardiac causes of 1191t
causes of 566, 566t
pathophysiology of 566
peripheral 567, 567f
respiratory causes of 1191t
treatment of 569
Cyanotic agent, type of 568
Cyanotic heart diseases, congenital 565
Cyanotic spell 1195
Cycasin 674
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 1456
Cyclic vomiting syndrome 640, 1687
Cyclobenzaprine 1422
Cyclooxygenase 200, 1262
enzyme 1466
peripheral inhibition of 1269
Cyclopentolate 1422
Cyclophosphamide 746, 794, 1045, 1513
Cycloserine 1338
Cyclospora 649
Cyclosporine 792, 1045, 1379
Cypermethrin poisoning 1402
Cyproheptadine 1261, 1428
Cyst 1016
abdominal 1241
formation, internal 618
pathologic 1061
unicameral 1606
Cysteine rich secretory proteins 1722
Cystic disease, acquired 794
Cysticercosis 1285
Cystitis 731, 732, 767
acute uncomplicated 324, 769
Cystoscopy, role of 734
Cytochrome enzyme system 1431
Cytokine 322, 1186, 1697
release syndrome 967, 977
storm, targeting 626
Cytomegalovirus 793, 847, 933, 960, 1006, 1062, 1378
infection 666, 791, 793
syndrome 793
Cytopathic hypoxia 343
Cytopenia 959
Cytoplasmic maturation defect 953
Cytotoxic hypoxia 241
Dabigatran 537, 538, 541, 1638, 1639
Daboia russelii 1721f, 17241726
Daily living, activities of 29
Dalteparin 527, 537, 545
Damage control
resuscitation 1528, 1537, 1613
surgery 200, 1538
Dantrolene 1315, 1396, 1430, 1446, 1695
Dapagliflozin 863
Dapsone 1493
toxicities 1394
Dashboard injury 1616
Datura metel 1500, 1500f, 1503
D-dimer 525
circumstances of 147
declaration 147
trimodal distribution of 1519f, 1524f
unexplained 123
Decarboxylation 1437
Decompression illness 1697
differential diagnosis of 1699
treating 1699
Decubitus ulcers 1659
Deep breathing
exercises 574
maneuvers 1578
Deep tissue injury, suspected 1253
Deep vein thrombosis 12, 20, 24, 373, 436, 523, 524, 527t, 537, 622, 974, 984, 1714
treatment for 537
Deferoxamine 1396, 1507
Defibrillation 220, 224, 473, 1131, 1688
indications of 225
procedure for 225
techniques 1649
Deficit fluids 1181
Dehydration 12, 651, 877, 928, 11771179
causes of 880
classification of 1178t
clinical signs of 1182t
degree of 1204
mild 1749
mild-to-moderate 1182
moderate-to-severe 1749
severe 880, 1179, 1179t
signs of 41, 1178
severe 1179
Dehydroepiandrosterone acetate 893
Deiter's nucleus 802
Delamanid 1339
Delirium 145, 146, 355, 621, 814, 815, 817, 818, 819f, 1050, 1253, 1254, 1262, 1463
assessment of 1254
clinical assessment of 814f
complications of 1248f
diagnosis of 1048
episode of 1253
etiology of 815, 816t
evaluation 816
management of 817, 1050
pathophysiology of 815, 816f
subtype of 815
Delivery system, performance of 244
Delivery, abnormal presentations of 1111f
Delusions 1050
Demand valve oxygen therapy 1699
Dementia 144, 814, 815t, 822
underlying 1638
Demeton 1406
Dengue 1277, 1298, 1301
cases, development of 1317
hemorrhagic fever 1021, 1318, 1320, 1320t
infection 1301
severe 1319, 1323
shock syndrome 1301, 1318
virus 1275
Dengue fever 674, 1317, 1320
clinical manifestations 1318
clinical picture 1318
diagnosis 1321
differential diagnosis of 1322t
epidemiology 1317
grading for 1320t
immunopathogenesis 1318
management 1322
modes of transmission 1317
pathogenesis of 1318fc
transmission 1318
Denis and Weber classification 1610
Dental caries 937t
Dental emergencies 928
pediatric 1215
Dental injuries 1215f, 1219fc
Dental origin, facial cellulitis of 924
Dental pathologies 931
Dental trauma 941
pediatric 1217
types of 941
Deoxygenated hemoglobin 566
Deoxyhemoglobin 568
Deoxyhemoglobinemia 566
Deoxyribonucleic acid 126, 189, 629, 675, 840, 997, 1044, 1058, 1075, 1364, 1572, 1747
recombinant 865
Depression 240, 908, 1052, 12491410
causes of 1425
mnemonic for 1052, 1052t
Depressive disorders 1051
Dermal adhesives 1670
Dermal melanosis 1225
Dermatitis 1025
Dermatologic emergencies
etiologic classification of 1025t
generalized 1025
Dermatome 1577
Dermatomyositis 1034
flap of 1653
upper layers of 1676
Dermographism 1020
Descending artery, left anterior 439
Desferrioxamine challenge test 1384
Desipramine 1425
Desmopressin 545, 546
Desquamative gingivitis 940
Devil's trumpet 1500
Dewey's experiential learning theory 109
Dexamethasone 146, 579, 642, 1488, 1709
Dexmedetomidine 272, 590
Dextrans 293
Dextromethorphan 1428
Dextrose 179, 1396
normal saline 1179
and hypertension, population of 753
complications and control trial 860, 861, 867
management of type of 858
prevalence of 88
Diabetes mellitus 22, 159, 453, 587, 600, 622, 820, 829, 855, 857, 859, 871, 877, 931, 1087, 1104, 1201, 1228, 1338, 1353, 1358, 1377, 1637
etiologic classification of 855t
incidence of 468
management of type 1 855
non-insulin-dependent 859
type 1 855, 867, 871, 877, 1201
type 2 855860, 865, 871, 873b, 877, 1104, 1201
management 859, 865b
types of 877
Diabetic coma, unusual 877
Diabetic foot 1351
ulcers 1654
Diabetic insipidus 880
Diabetic ketoacidosis 306, 576, 637, 641, 855, 857, 871, 872, 872b, 873f, 873t, 874, 874t, 875, 877, 879, 1121, 1202, 1203b
clinical features of 872b
complications 1206
complications of 875
diagnosis 1202
epidemiology 1201
management of 873
mild 1206
pathogenesis of 871, 872f
pathophysiology 1201
pediatric 1201
presenting features for 871
treatment goals for 873
Diabetic nephropathy 794
Diabetic neuropathy 739
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage 1592, 1593, 1609
disequilibrium 758
membrane reactions 754
Diaper dermatitis 1223
Diaphoresis 633, 1445
apprehension 531
Diaphragm 615
Diaphragmatic hernia, congenital 1138
Diaphragmatic injuries 1531, 1584
Diaphragmatic line, abnormal 1584
Diaphragmatic rupture 1589, 1592
Diarrhea 145, 649, 706, 719, 895, 1148, 1177, 1178, 1430
causes of 649, 649t
chemotherapy-induced 967, 976
diseases 649, 1180
nosocomial 1177
persistent 651
severe 1749
Diarrheal episodes 1180
Diarrheal illness, management of 655
Diastolic dysfunction 482, 482t, 483t, 502
Diastolic function 438
left ventricular 443f
Diastolic murmur 486
grading of 486t
Diastolic pressure, left ventricular end 297, 460, 461, 488, 489
Diazepam 179, 642, 1006, 1259, 1261, 1414, 1423, 1427, 1435, 1513, 1562
Diazinon 1406
Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 56
Dichloromethane 1496
Dichlorvos 1406, 1409
poisoning 1413f
Dichromate test 1383
Dicyclomine 1422
Diethylstilbestrol 1513
Diethyltoluamide 1749, 1754
Dieulafoy's lesion 656, 659
Difficult airway 215
attributes 212
Diffuse axonal injury 1558, 1559
Diffuse bilateral pneumonia 600
Diffuse lymphoid hyperplasia 929
Digestive problems 1640
Digital block 1633
Digital nerve blocks 1618
Digital pressure, direct 1663
Digital subtraction angiography 506, 822, 823f, 1613, 1664
Digital technology 91
Digitalis toxicity 430f
Digitization 53
Digoxin 416, 478, 1006, 1197, 1200, 1259, 1261
doses 1200t
specific antibody treatment 1460
toxicity 1394
Digoxin-specific antibody fragments
complications of 1461b
dosing of 1461t
indications of 1461b
Dihydrofolate reductase 1075
Dihydropyridine 1455
Diltiazem 478, 890
Dilutional hyponatremia, mild 1647
Dimenhydrinate 642, 1261
Dimercaprol 1396
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 729
Dimethoate 1406
Dimethoxy 1407
Diminished unilateral distal pulse 1613
Dipeptidyl peptidase 863
inhibitors 862, 864
Diphenhydramine 642, 799, 1261, 1514
Diphenylhydantoin 1006
Diphosphoglycerate 1492
Diphtheria 1148, 1156, 1291, 1305
tetanus-pertussis 1147, 1155
Diplopia 904
Dipterex 1409
Dipyridamole 539, 545
Direct acting oral anticoagulants 1516
Direct contact transmission 65f
Direct fluorescent antibody 1295
methods 936
Direct oral anticoagulants 918
reversal of 543
Dirham pin 1623
Disability 412
assessment of 46
Disaccharides 861
Disaster 172
classification of 172, 173t
features of 173
incident 186
manmade 173
preparedness 172
radiological 178
rapid treatment for 45
response 174
management 174
system role in 176
Disaster management 3, 163, 172, 173, 177, 186
basic concepts of 172
conducting exercise for 176
cycle 173, 173f, 186f
part of 176
Discoloration cutis marmorata 1697
Discontinue home isolation 625
Discontinue unnecessary therapy 1264
Disease, dangerous 802
Disinfection 68
anterior 925, 1604, 1630, 1631
inferior 1630, 1631, 1605
lateral 925
metacarpophalangeal 1631
posterior 925, 1630
reduction of 1632
superior 925
testicular 789
Displaced tracheostomy, emergency department management of 398
Disseminated candidiasis 1021
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 191, 557, 983, 988, 991, 1002, 1003, 10071010, 1012, 1672, 1695, 1726
causes of 984b
pathophysiology of 1008fc
Distal humerus traction 1623
Distal tibia
pin 1623
skeletal traction 1623
Distress 1178
Disulfoton 1406
Diuresis 355, 435
Diuretics 315, 416, 469, 746, 749, 764
agents 1517
Diverticulitis 719, 762
acute 633, 635
Diverticulosis 656, 659
Dix–Hallpike maneuver 28
Dix–Hallpike test 807809
Dizziness 28, 31t, 141, 251, 313, 522, 801, 804, 811, 1198, 1416, 1426, 1427, 1435, 1469, 1484, 1493, 1695, 1698, 1708
acute 801, 813fc
recurrent positional 809
types of 811
Dobutamine 19, 335, 337, 338, 463, 471, 507, 1200
Docusate 1174
Dofetilide 1463
Doff gloves 73
Doff isolation gown 74f
Doff mask 74, 74f
Doff respirator 74, 74f
Doffing gloves 73f
Dog bites 1351, 1661
Dog population, control of 1347
Dolasetron 642
Doll's eye 153, 1139
maneuver 153
Domestic violence 405, 1646, 1648
Domicilium 249
Domperidone 642, 643
Donning gloves 73f
Donning gown 72f
Donning mask 72f
Donor management, protocols for 157
Dopamine 335338, 340, 463, 471, 860, 1200
antagonists 643t
low-dose 748
receptor agonist 862, 864
Dopaminergic agents 1260
Dopaminergic antagonist 976
Doppler ultrasound 1598
Dorsal-ventral slit technique 779
Dothiepin 1425
Double bubble appearance 1236f
Double-lumen endobronchial tube 559f
Down's syndrome 962
Downbeat nystagmus 804
Doxepin 1422, 1425
Doxorubicin 794
Doxycycline 625, 1308, 1333, 1363
D-penicillamine 1045, 1396
Drill bit 1635
Driverless ambulance 103
Drool rash 1224f
Drowning 1702, 1702f, 1703, 1707
active 1703
pathophysiology of 1703fc
prehospital care of 1703
risk factors for 1703, 1703t
secondary 1703
stages of 1703fc
Drowsiness 41, 304, 1469
eruption 1023
history 805
intoxication 1560
metabolism of 1689
overdose 339
pharmacokinetics 1511
rash 1021
reaction 1016, 1021
therapy 357, 477, 817, 1003, 1259
toxicity 478, 791
Dry lime burns 1680
Dry powder inhaler 579
Dryness 1271
Dual chamber pacemaker 475
Ducket–Jones criteria 490t
Ductus arteriosus 1192
Duloxetine 361
Dumb rabies 1344
Duodenal obstruction 1236, 1236f
Duodenal ulcer 643, 666
Duplex scan 1613
Dynamic airway 209
Dynamic hyperinflation 265
Dysarthria 806, 950f
Dyselectrolytemia 473
correction of 683
management of 1461
Dyshemoglobinemias 1492
Dyshidrotic eczema 1739
Dyslipidemia 453
Dysmenorrhea 1063
Dyspareunia 1271
Dyspepsia 666, 668, 1174
Dyspeptic symptoms 662
Dysphagia 532, 611, 662, 950f, 953
acute 662, 663
Dysphonia 928, 1478, 1529
Dysphoria 1440
dissociation 355
Dysplasia 418, 1137
Dysplastic giant platelets 963f
Dyspnea 145, 146, 403, 411, 441, 442, 469, 482, 518, 522, 532, 556, 584, 600, 603, 611, 642, 678, 923, 928, 1105, 1248, 1462, 1493, 1756, 1759
acute onset 441
symptoms of 575
Dysrhythmias 339, 473, 829, 1427, 1580, 1586
Dystonia 924, 1315
Dystonic reaction 925
Dysuria 740
Ear 1136, 1137, 1549
anatomy of 907, 907f
barotrauma 911
bites 1670
emergencies 907
examination 1699
foreign body of 945
infections, outer 909
lacerations 1666
nose and throat 8, 915, 944, 1567
problems, symptoms of 908
Early warning
score 42
system 175, 176t
Earth pollution 862
Eastern Association for Surgery of Trauma 1650
Eating disorders 958
Ebola 627
virus 629, 1286
disease 1277
infection, treatment of 623
Ecchymosis 1084, 1145
Ecchymotic patches 1084
Echocardiography 438
Echophenomena 1051
Echovirus 786, 844
Eclampsia 232, 342, 1078, 1094, 1115
severe 1095
treatment 1094t
Ectopic pregnancy 1072, 1074t, 1076, 1076fc
causes for 1072, 1072t
clinical presentation 1073
differential diagnosis of 1073t
evaluation 1074
surgical management of 1070
treatment 1075
types of 1072, 1073f
Eczema 1353, 1726
Edema 151, 909f, 1087, 1614
acute pulmonary 312, 514
angioneurotic 675, 1187, 1188
anticipate 1678
peripheral 589
Edinger–Westphal nucleus 1439
Ediphenphos 1406
Edoxaban 538, 544, 1639
Edrophonium 1741
challenge test 1384
Educational theory 108
Efotaxime 846
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome 1035
Ehrlichiosis 1309
Ejection fraction 458
left ventricular 468, 484
Elastomeric respirator masks 75
Elbow 1607, 1633
arthrocentesis, site of 1634f
dislocation 1625, 1631, 1607
reduction of 1631f
Elder abuse 1256, 1639
health impact of 1640
prevention of 1257
types of 1257f, 1640
Electrical arcs 1713
Electrical burns 1675, 1682
Electrical cardioversion 413
Electrical current pathophysiology 1713fc
Electrical injury 1712, 1712f, 1718b
evaluation of 1715
management of 1718fc
Electrocardiogram 1580, 1586, 1591, 1687, 1695, 1715, 1717, 1718
Electrocution 1677
Electroencephalogram, analysis of 107
Electrographic seizures 835
Electrolyte 750, 817, 851, 1032, 1693
abnormalities 19, 37b, 794, 1183, 1528
balance 1453
components 757t
disorders 414
life-threatening 750
disturbance 758, 1050, 1672
imbalance 12, 230, 311, 875fc, 1030, 1195, 1323
correction of 874
maintenance 1183
therapy 671, 1181
treatment 312t
Electronic health record 106
Electronic medical record 91
Elevated compartment pressure 1614
Embolic strokes, risk factors for 821b
Embolism 166
acute pulmonary 19, 429, 450
Emergency antidotes 1505, 1507t
Emergency contraception 141
Emergency contraceptive
pills, types of 141
use 141
Emergency coronary revascularization 488
Emergency critical care assessment 684
Emergency delivery 1108
Emergency department 5, 9t, 11, 18, 20, 22, 26, 33, 37, 49, 50, 63, 91, 99, 114, 136, 143, 147, 270, 275, 278, 291, 510, 923, 1579, 1590, 1614, 1615, 1636, 1641, 1653, 1705, 1707
based observation unit 18, 22, 27
care 1108, 1561, 1704
design 10
evaluation 762, 1056
extubation pathway for 278f
function 5
management 1203
medicolegal issues in 131
observation unit 11
pericardiocentesis kit 495f
presentation in 138
role of 1362
services of 164
staffing model for 7
thoracotomy 1528
treatment 469, 834, 909, 964
Emergency medical
services 163, 173, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1641, 1695, 1706
teams 182
technician 9
training schedule for 166
treatment 174, 1121
Emergency medicine 4, 8, 9, 80, 108, 275
use of simulation in 111
Emergency operation center 177
Emergency power 6
Emergency protocol 987
Emergency room 9193, 96, 138, 234, 1604, 1613, 1680
admin dashboard 96, 97f
clinical dashboard 94f
Emergency services 11
Emergency shelter 1258
Emergency team, responsibility of 986
Emerging zoonotic diseases, prevention and control of 1312
Emesis index, pregnancy unique quantification of 1080t
Empathy 148
Emphysema 265, 551, 584, 585
causes of 583
Emphysematous cholecystitis 673, 1377
Emphysematous pyelonephritis 770
Empiric antibiotic therapy 771t, 846, 846t
Empyema 46, 324, 565, 605, 617, 617f, 618t, 673
causative agent of 618t
hospital-acquired 618
Enalaprilat 515
Encephalitis 644, 797, 846, 847, 847fc, 1209, 1290, 1292, 1293, 1305, 1310, 1334
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 846
Encephalopathy 682, 1726
acute 814
End-expiratory occlusion test 299
Endobronchial obstruction 603
Endobronchial valve 585
Endocarditis 19, 953, 1357, 1358, 1440
acute bacterial 1021
prophylaxis 1230
Endocervical swabs 1058
Endocrinal emergencies 855
Endocrine 1039, 1456
changes 157
system 156, 1263, 1687
Endometrial ablation 1070
Endometriosis 1063, 1064
Endophthalmitis 921
damage 1004, 1008
dysfunction 340
perfusion 1664
Endoscopic grading 1479t
Endoscopic injury 664
Endoscopic procedures 660
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 671, 1379, 1593
Endoscopic techniques 1598
Endoscopic ultrasound 654
Endoscopy 275, 663, 1547, 1567
therapy 659
Endosonography 671
Endothelial cell 518, 624, 1090, 1690
dysfunction 1089
injury 1090
Endothelial dysfunction 1090
Endothelial injury 622
Endothelin 518
Endotoxin adsorption therapy 322
Endotracheal intubation 210, 350, 394, 590, 1643, 1683
rapid-sequence 1561
Endotracheal tube 207, 215, 234, 299, 400, 1117, 1134, 1647, 1688
Endovascular device 1689
Endovascular intervention 826
Endovascular therapies 967, 1588
Endovascular thrombus formation 489
End-tidal carbon dioxide 213, 1689
Enhydrina schistosa 1741
Enoxaparin 527, 537, 545, 1167
Enteral nutrition 1681
Enteric fever 1298, 1302, 1305
Enteric nervous system 1172
Enterocolitis 1137
neonatal necrotizing 1235, 1236f
Enterovirus 847, 1275
Entrapment injury 773
Environmental disorder 1021, 1023
Environmental monitoring 1768
Environmental pollution 862
Environmental surfaces, categories of 64fc
Enzyme 768, 1075, 1410
abnormality 1585
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 889, 981, 1010, 1035, 1044, 1321
technique 1344
Enzyme-mediated immunoassay technique 1383, 1389
Enzymopenic congenital methemoglobinemia 1493
Eosinophilia 1016, 1021, 1299, 1300
Eoxyhemoglobin 566
Epicanthal folds 1515
Epidemic management system 1286
Epidemiological triad 1276
Epididymis 785
part of 784
Epididymitis 786788
traumatic 787
treatment 789
Epidural hematoma 796, 1558, 1559, 1560f
Epidural spinal cord stimulation 1578
Epigastric artery, inferior 784
Epigastric lump 642
Epigastrium 669
Epiglottis 209
aryepiglottic fold 1481
edema of 930f
U-shaped 1641
Epiglottitis 929, 1187
acute 1188
Epilepsy 1106
cardiac problems 1703
management of 1106
subsequent 1210
surgery 837
Epileptic vertigo 804
Epinephrine 335, 336, 463, 471, 588, 979
Episiotomy 1110
modalities 1111f
Episodic encephalopathy, assessment of acute 680b
Epistaxis 915, 1482
causes of 915t
management of 918, 920fc
massive 1567
Epithelial cells 768
Epitympanic temperature 1687
Epley maneuver 809, 811f
E-point septal separation 365
Epstein Barr virus 847
Epstein's anomaly 477
Epstein's pearls 1137
Epstein–Barr virus 663, 674, 751, 786, 793, 838, 844, 933, 982, 1005, 1186, 1334, 1378
infection 1299
Eptifibatide 539, 541
Equine rabies immunoglobulin 1345
Equipment and drugs, preparation of 213
Erb's palsies 1140
Erectile dysfunction 1590
Erosion 1017
Erysipelas 924, 1353
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae 1311
Erythema multiforme 1021
major 1021
Erythema pernio 1689
Erythema toxicum 1140, 1222, 1222f
Erythematous scrotum 787, 789
Erythematous skin rash 1034
Erythematous swelling 1351
Erythematous testicle 785
absence of 733
sedimentation rate 596, 842, 906, 1028, 1035, 1037, 1044, 1166, 1359, 1724
Erythroderma 1022, 1099, 1232
Erythrodermic psoriasis 1030
Erythropoietin 754, 952
replacement therapy 755
Escharotomy 1681t
Escherichia coli 251, 634, 649, 651, 672, 677, 710, 766, 786, 895, 999, 1005, 1083, 1303, 1358, 1376
Esmolol 515, 533, 1199, 1737
Esophageal candidiasis 663
Esophageal disease 665
Esophageal dysphagia 663
Esophageal emergencies 662
Esophageal foreign body 662, 663
Esophageal injury 664, 1477, 1584
pathophysiology of 1478t
Esophageal mucosa 665
Esophageal muscle layer 665
Esophageal perforation 405, 662
Esophageal rupture 405, 408, 618
Esophageal spasm 453
Esophageal strictures 1479
Esophageal temperature 1687
Esophageal tracheal tube 206
Esophagitis 405, 659, 663
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 1480
Esophagoscopy, rigid and flexible 1567
Esophagus 662, 664
Essential hypertension 511
Essex-Lopresti lesion 1608
Esters 56
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 626
Estradiol dehydrogenase 1070
progesterone therapy 1070, 1272
therapy 1070
Eszopiclone 1437
Etanercept 1045
Ethambutol 1338
Ethane 1473
Ethanol 850, 1382, 1395, 1449, 1452, 1454, 1513, 1515
metabolism, pathway of 1449
Ethers 56
Ethion 1406
Ethionamide 1338, 1382
alcohol 1564
parathion 1409
cysteine diethyl ester 154
glycol 1395
Etomidate 353, 1657
hemodynamic effects of 1638
Euglycemia 1458
Euphoria 1440
Euthanasia 135, 1431
active 133, 135
Evans syndrome 1006
Exacerbation 586
acute 587
history of 584
management of 588
severity of 587
Excessive bleeding 501
Excessive oral secretion 146
Exchange blood transfusion 1395
Excisional hemorrhoidectomy 708
Excoriation 1017
Excretion 1259
Excretory urethrography 1598
Exenatide 640, 864
Exercise 861
stress test 19, 1698
types of 177
Exertional heat stroke 1695
Exoerythrocytic schizogony 1328
Exogenous chemicals 1511
Exophthalmic goiter 888
Exoskeletons 1578
Expiratory positive airway pressure 257, 267, 623
Expiratory reserve volume 580
Explosives 56
Extensive coronary calcification 450
Extensive transmural ischemia 719
External auditory canal 907, 945, 947f
erythema 909f
External beam radiation therapy 969, 970
External ear 907
appearance 909f
canal 914f
External fixator 1634, 1634f
promotes 1634
rods-external fixator clamps 1635
types of 1634
External hemorrhoids 706708
anatomy of 707f
treatment of 707
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation 1432
Extracorporeal circulation 1689
Extracorporeal heating system 1689
Extracorporeal life support 1458
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 144, 168, 267, 345, 347, 348, 463, 465, 575, 1392, 1459, 1470, 1483, 1509, 1582, 1689, 1706
components 346
techniques 345
Extradural hematoma 506
Extraocular muscle involvement 902
Extrapleural injury 1581
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis 1337t, 1338, 1339
diagnosis of 1338
Extrasystoles 413
supraventricular 409
Extrathoracic injury 1583
Extrathyroidal physical signs 889
Extremity 1139, 1144
movements of 1140
trauma 1602, 1603
Extrusive luxation 1217
Eye 61, 181, 511, 899, 963, 1136, 1137, 1440, 1552
contact 55
emergencies 899
examination of 1664
gaze, horizontal 850
movements, assessment of 153
opening response 851
position 850
signs 1452
trauma 900b
Eyelid, laceration of 1554f
complicated laceration of 1655f
laceration 1669
medicolegal complaint 134
protection 61
Face mask 203, 242
pediatric 399
simple 243, 243f
Facet dislocation 1573
Facial asymmetry 1140
Facial cellulitis 923924
Facial emergencies 926
Facial expression 272, 358
Facial infection 924t
Facial injuries, evaluation of 1548fc
Facial motor response 153
Facial nerve
injury 1670f
palsy 1670f
Facial paralysis 1724
Facial sensation 153
Facial skin 1669
Facial swelling 921
causes of 921, 921t
generalized 922
Facial trauma 1548, 1554, 1556fc
Faget sign 593, 1302
Falciparum malaria 675
severe 1329, 1334
Fallopian tubes 1056, 1063
False-positive digoxin, causes of 1460t
Famciclovir 936
Fanconi anemia 960
iliaca 389
irregular 1355
Fascicular block, left anterior 430
Fasciotomy 1681t, 1716
Fatal arrhythmias 1473
Fatality, high risk of 1645
Fatigability 842
Fatigue 141, 145, 251, 518, 1105, 1427, 1493
Fatty acid
monounsaturated 861
perfluorinated 861
polyunsaturated 861
Fatty liver 677
disease, nonalcoholic 677, 690
Favipiravir 625, 626
Febrile convulsion 1210
Febrile illness
diagnosis of 1321
stages of 1330
Febrile neutropenia 325, 967, 973, 974, 1376b
cancer 1375
Febrile phase 1318
Febrile seizure 1210
benign 1209
etiopathogenesis of 1209f
simple 1210
treatment of 1213
Febrile viral exanthems 1025
Fecal impaction 708
Fecal water 1181
Felbamate 1212
Femoral artery 287, 389, 1594
access 287
Femoral block, distribution of 389f
Femoral nerve 389
ultrasound of 389f
Femoral notch 1634
Femoral vasculature 384f
Femoral vein 384, 384f
catheter insertion technique 283
Femur 1357, 1606
traction, distal 1623
Fenitrothion 1406
Fenoldopam 515
Fensulfothion 1406
Fentanyl 215, 270, 271, 353, 1428, 1439, 1657
Fenthion 1406, 1409
Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy 708
Ferric chloride test 1383
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders 1515
Fetal assessment 1649
Fetal carbon monoxide toxicity 1516fc
Fetal distress 1648
Fetal heart rate 1649, 1651
monitor 1682, 1717
Fetal injury, direct 1648
Fetal lung maturation 1089
Fetal movement 1649
Fetal toxicology 1511
Fetal trauma 1648
associated syndrome 1299t
causes of 1159f, 1301t
malaise 1378
of unknown origin 1030
pathophysiology of 1158
sustained 1158
Fiberoptic confirmation 214
Fiberoptic endoscopy 399
Fiberoptic equipment 1716
Fiberoptic laryngoscope 1567
Fibrin degradation product 1008, 1009
Fibrinogen 676, 1647
therapy 1538
Fibrinolysis, primary 1009
Fibrinolytic agents 458t, 464t, 538
Fibrinolytic therapy 464, 540t, 549
Fibrocartilaginous matrix 1616
Fibromatous gingivitis 939
Fibromyalgia 1040
Fibronectin 1361
Fibrosis, promote 712
Fibula fracture, distal 1625
Fibularia nolitangere 1738
Figure-of-eight bandage 1617
Filoviruses 1312
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 938
Finger-in-ear test 1550f
First aid 1723
Fishbone analysis 53
Fissure 1020
Fissurectomy 709
classification of 712
treatment of 712
Fistulography 711
Fistuloscopy 711
Fit test 79
Fitz–Hugh–Curtis syndrome 1063
Five-tier triage scales 41t
Flaccid paralysis, trauma induced acute 841
Flail chest 1580, 1586
Flame burns 1675, 1676f, 1677
Flame ionization detectors 1387
Flank ecchymoses 1590
Flash burns 1677, 1717
Flashover phenomena 1717
Flat capnography trace 217
Flaviviridae 1304
Flecainide 478
Flexible upper endoscopy 664
Flexion distraction injuries 1574
Flexion extension 1570
Flexion rotation 1571
Flexor carpi radialis
brevis 1632
tendon 1632
Floatation device 1703
Flocculus 803
Floppy 1641
Flow triggering 261
Flow-velocity waveform, abnormal 1613
Fluconazole 909, 1513
Fluctuation test 564
Fludrocortisone 419
Fluid 1032, 1203
accumulation, low-density 1598
administration 462, 1700
and electrolyte therapy, monitoring 1183
balance 1453
bolus 298
correction 873
imbalance 1030
maintenance 293, 1181
management 157, 1689, 1716
removal 758
total protein 686
wave test 1035
Fluid overload 990, 1326
clinical features 1326
investigations 1326
management 1326
Fluid resuscitation 332fc, 880, 1128, 1483, 1561, 1592, 1678
distribution of 1679fc
management consists of 1241
Fluid therapy 296, 1181, 1182, 1325fc
guidance 331t
Flumazenil 1436, 1507
Flunarizine 799
Flunitrazepam 1435
Fluorine 56
Fluorodeoxyglucose 1382
Fluoropyrimidine 976
Fluoroquinolone 1308
resistant strains 1302
Fluoxetine 1427
Flurazepam 1435
Flurbiprofen 799
Focal neurologic deficit 1050, 1561, 1575
Focal seizures, propagation of 1209f
Fogarty catheter 561f
thrombectomy 549
Folate 958
deficiency 956
Foley catheter 780, 1067, 1076, 1488, 1569, 1578, 1725
Follicular cyst 1061
Fomepizole 1454
Fondaparinux 527, 537, 538, 545, 1011
Fonophos 1406
Food and Drug Administration 191
Food bolus impaction 663
Foodborne infections 641
Foosh injuries 1608
artery 287, 1609
infections 35
protection 61
Forced alkaline diuresis 1395
Forced vital capacity 209, 581, 585
Forchheimer sign 1021
Forearm 1607
Foreign body 553, 557, 558, 576, 663, 714
aspiration 1185, 1187, 1188
ingestion 663, 1239, 1239f
management of 944
nonirritant 1656
obstruction 1125
presence of 1656
removal 912
Foreskin score, appearance of 777
Formaldehyde-inactivated tetanus toxin 1315
Formic acid 57
Formoterol 585
Formothion 1406
Formulating research question 80
Forrest test 1384
Fosfomycin trometamol 771
Fosphenytoin 835, 1562
Fossa ovalis, region of 447
Four-chamber underwater seal drain 609, 610f
Fournier's gangrene 787, 788, 790, 1025, 1027, 1354, 1377, 1655
Four-person technique 1622
Fracture 1550, 1615, 1717
alveolar 1218, 1218f
arch 1548
avulsion 1608
boxer's 1625
burst 1573, 1574, 1574f
carpal bone 1608, 1625
chance 1574
clavicle 1138, 1604
closed 1602, 1615
Colles 1616
compression 1573, 1574, 1574f
coronal shear 1607
crown root 1217
c-spine 1642
diaphyseal 1615
dislocations 1571, 1574, 1603
displacement, types of 1617f
distal humerus 1607
distal tibia 1610, 1625
epiphyseal 1615
extra-articular 1632
fibular head 1609
Frank 1609
Galeazzi 1608
healing 1615
hematoma blocks 1618
humeral head 1606f
humerus 1606, 1616
intra-articular 1632
Jefferson's 1573, 1573f
depressed 1555f
types of 1617f
lisfranc 1610
management 1622
of severe 1554
mandibular 925, 1551
maxillary 1548
metacarpal 1625
metaphyseal 1615
metatarsal 1625
mid-shaft humerus 1626
Monteggia 1608
nasal 915, 918, 918f, 1548
bone 918
naso-ethmoidal-orbital 1552
neck femur 1622
nondisplaced sternal 1580
odontoid 1573f
of mandible 926
open bone 1603t
open book 1531f, 1608
pelvic 1634
orbital 1554
pathologic 971, 1615
Pilon 1610
pubic ramus 1531f
radius and ulna 1625
root 1218
salter-type 1641
scaphoid 1625
scapula 1585, 1616
segments, alignment of 1616
Segond 1609
separated rib 1580
shoulder 1604
skull 1558, 1559, 1623, 1624
stable 1608
sternal 1580, 1586
stress 1615, 1616
teardrop 1573
testicular 788
tibial plateau 1617
transverse sacral 1608
tripod 1551f
underlying 1616
unstable 1608
upper limb 1617
zygoma 1554
Francisella tularensis 594, 1308
Frank–Starling curve 296
Free fatty acids 871
Freeze sensitive vaccines 1155
French–American–British classification 963
Frenulum laceration 1216, 1216f
Fresh frozen plasma 48, 503, 542, 543, 691, 830, 983, 987990, 1009, 1012, 1403, 1528, 1539, 1613, 1638
use of 1726
Frostbite 1663, 1690
Frostnip 1689
Fujiwara test 1384
Fulminant colitis 653
Fulminant disease 652
Fulminant hepatic failure 674, 1469
Fulminant liver failure 692
Functional disorders 1173
Functional electrical stimulation 1578
Functional residual capacity 580, 1115
Fundal height 1648f
Fundoscopy 963
Fundus 968
Fungal hyphae 618
Fungal infection 615, 786, 793
Fungicides 1404
Furosemide 1006, 1199, 1259
Furuncular myiasis 1303
Fusobacterium necrophorum 928
Gabapentin 271, 361, 840
Gait 140, 1699
assessment 1249
points, abnormal 802
while testing for 807
Gallbladder perforation 673
Gallop rhythm 1193
Gallstone 1240f
disease 669
pancreatitis 671
Galveston formula 1679
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 816, 1314, 1435
Gamma-glutamyl transferase activity 1382
Ganglia 1736
Gangrenous cholecystitis 673
Gangrenous ischemic bowel, surgical resection of 721f
Gardnerella vaginalis 1062
Gas 56, 490
chromatograph 1386, 1386f, 1388f
exchange, disorders of 304
expansion 1756
gangrene 252, 1354
liquid chromatography 1390
supply 1700
trapping 583
Gastric aspirate 1530
Gastric bypass surgery, history of 762
Gastric contents 127
Gastric decontamination 1467, 1468
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide 863, 869
Gastric injuries 1477
Gastric lavage 127, 1394
facilities 1392
Gastric outlet obstruction 668
Gastric pressure 1584
Gastric tube 235
Gastric ulcers, history of 1262
Gastric varices 659
Gastritis 667
Gastroduodenal ulcers 666
Gastroenteritis, bacterial 1158
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 405, 406, 554, 587, 640, 645, 662, 1145, 1264
Gastrointestinal bleeding 25, 656, 678, 850, 885, 982
causes of 656, 656t
epidemiology 656
laboratory investigations 658
loss 1172
lower 25, 26
management of 683
surgery for 659
treatment 658
Gastrointestinal continuity, re-establishment of 697
Gastrointestinal decontamination 1427, 1456
Gastrointestinal emergencies 22, 49, 505, 633, 1241
Gastrointestinal losses 1202
Gastrointestinal medications 1514
Gastrointestinal motility 810
Gastrointestinal mucosa 1487
Gastrointestinal reflux 551
Gastrointestinal symptoms 145, 1004, 1068
severe 1321
Gastrointestinal system 311, 1248, 1263, 1264
Gastrointestinal tract 863, 884, 954, 1026, 1473
toxicity 1453
Gastrosurgical emergencies 1242fc
Gatifloxacin 1382
Gelatins 293
Genetic predisposition 1273
Genetic syndrome 530
Genital ulcer disease 1366
Genital ulceration 1372
Genitals, examination of 140
Genitourinary disease, modalities in 723
Genitourinary emergency 723
Genitourinary injuries 1590
Genitourinary instrumentation 740
Genitourinary system 1143, 1248, 1598
Genitourinary tract 1138
injury, major 1598
symptoms 1172
Genitourinary trauma 1597
poses peculiar challenges, management of 1601
Gentamicin 771, 1006, 1085, 1592
Geographic information system 176
Geriatric drug use, principles of 1264
Geriatric emergency 1243
department 1243, 1244
Geriatric gynecology 1271
Geriatric population 1256, 1459
Geriatric syndrome 1251
Geriatric trauma 1248, 1636, 1640
risk factors for 1637t
Gerota's fascia 727, 1599
Gestational age 41t, 1649
Gestational diabetes mellitus 855, 859, 860
Gestational hypertension 1086, 1088, 1089t, 1091, 1105
risk factors for 1088t
Ghon complex 1336
Ghon foci 1336
Giant cell arteritis 797, 1045
Giardia lamblia 649
Giddiness 1068
Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smears 1310
Gingivitis 936
catarrhalis 937
ulcerative 939
Glandular fever 933
Glasgow Blatchford
criteria 26
score 26, 684
Glasgow coma scale 41, 151, 155, 259, 321, 847, 850, 851, 853, 1127t, 1369, 1403, 1441, 1509, 1527, 1561, 1562, 1564, 1567, 1576, 1590, 1637, 1643, 1644, 1718
basis of 1560
score, low 1706
Glasgow coma score 27, 879, 880, 1602, 1643
Glasgow–Blatchford score 657, 657t
Glaucoma 798
emergencies 904
Glibenclamide 863, 1382
Gliclazide 863, 1382
Glimepiride 863, 1382
Glipizide 863, 1382
Gliquidone 1382
Glisolamide 1382
Glisoxepide 1382
Global left ventricular contractility 365
Globe injury, closed 901
Glomerular filtration 1511
rate 458, 742, 753, 763, 792, 1011, 1259, 1647
Glomerular hematuria 732
Glomerulonephritis 615
active 1030
acute 745
poststreptococcal 736
Gloriosa superba 1502, 1504
Gloriosine 1502
Glove 68, 69
selection of 69
Glucagon 878, 1457
receptor 1456
Glucocorticoid 584, 590, 840, 878, 893, 1098, 1511
high-dose 1201
oral 586
therapy, long-term 895
Glucocorticosteroids 1045
Glucometer 1756
readings 100
Gluconate 292, 293, 1180
Gluconeogenesis 878, 1201
accelerated 1681
Glucose 1403, 1689
control 237
levels 876
metabolism 878t, 1681
monitoring, continuous 869
plasma clearance of 1681
tolerance, impaired 860
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 923, 953, 954, 1493, 1495
deficiency 954
Glutamate dehydrogenase 652
Glutamine supplementation 322
Glutathione 1477
Glycated hemoglobin 29, 30, 85, 860, 866, 873, 879
Glycemic control 326, 749
Glycine 313
Glycogen synthesis 878
Glycogenolysis 868, 878, 1201
Glycolysis 878
Glycoprotein 541
Glycopyrrolate 146, 1412, 1413, 1422
bromide 1413
Glycosides 1740
Glyphosate poisoning 1399
Goiter 922
Goldman classification 1600
Goldman septal elevator 1549f
Golimumab 1045
Gonococcal arthritis 1034
Gonococcal septicaemia, chronic 1021
Gonorrhea 140, 1058, 1362, 1363
Good emergency physician, qualities of 1
Gout 1034, 1036, 1040
Gown, selection of 69
Graft function, delayed 791
Graft patency 450
Graft protecting function 692
Graft thrombosis 450
Graft-versus-host disease 1025, 1045, 1378
Gram stain 559
Gram-negative bacilli 1377
Granisetron 642
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 624, 1578
Granulomatosis polyangiitis 1045
Graves’ disease 888, 889t, 891, 892, 922
signs of 889
symptoms of 889
Graves’ ophthalmopathy 888
Great vessel 1587
injury 1586
Grey Turner sign 1590
Grief counselling, purpose of 136
Ground medical transfer 163, 169
models of 164
Ground-level atmospheric pressure 1698
Guarded prognosis documentation 1685
Gufoni maneuver 809, 812f
apogeotropic type 809
geotropic type 809
Guillain–Barré syndrome 154, 572, 739, 838, 1189
Guitar pick sign 1554, 1555f
Gum-elastic bougies 399
Gunshot injuries 1589
Gunshot penetrating abdominal trauma 1589
Gustilo–Anderson classification 1602, 1603t, 1615, 1615t
Gut brain 1172
Gut peptides 862
Gynecological emergencies 1056, 1064
H1N1 influenza 76
Hemoglobin, normal 1191
Haemophilus influenzae 588, 592, 593, 910, 919, 999, 1062, 1147, 1151, 1162, 1185, 1290, 1377
type B 923, 929, 1149
vaccinations 1593
Hair 1489
cell 802
fall, recurrent 1034
follicle glands 706
removal 1657
shafts 712
Half hardened plaster 1624
Hallucinogens 1444
Halofantrine 1332
Haloperidol 642, 646, 817, 818t
Hamman's crunch 613
Hamman's sign 1581, 1699
Hampton hump 524
distal phalanx fracture of 1625
dominance 1616
foot, and mouth disease 1278
infections 35
protection 61
rub, alcohol based 75
Hand hygiene 63, 68, 71
moments for 68
perform 70, 74
proper 1749
steps of 75f
devices 100
echocardiography 100f
power drill 1635
ultrasound 100f
Hand-to-mouth reflex 1139
Handwashing facilities 6
Hangman's fracture 1573
Hanley procedure, modified 710
Hansen's disease 1021
Hantavirus 1278
pulmonary syndrome 1285
Haptoglobin 956
Hard signs 1613
Harlequin color change 1226, 1226f
Harmless acute pancreatitis score 27
Harris–Benedict equation 1681, 1682
Hartmann's alligator forceps 946f
Hartmann's procedure 697
Hartmann's solution 1322
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 882
Hawaiian box jellyfish 1740
Hazard 172, 176
Hazardous material safety booklet 59
Hazardous waste 57, 58
Head 1136, 1144
impulse test 806, 813
injury 49, 273, 1639
management of 1561
jolt test 844
tilt-chin lift 201, 1125f, 1525f
Head trauma 268, 1050, 1557, 1562t
management of 1561
minor 1636
penetrating 324
Headache 29, 31t, 251, 796, 1000, 1294, 1416, 1462, 1484, 1493, 1695
acute 798, 800fc
subarachnoid 355
categories of 796t
clinical presentation 797
disorders 797b
etiology 796
evaluation 797
mild 141
pathophysiology 796
primary 796, 797
secondary 796
cause of 798t
symptoms of 1560
treatment 798
Head-up tilt table test 418
education 1768
hazards 55
monitoring 107, 1768
delivery system process 114
facility 69, 144
organization 49
primary 1768
professionals 1293
providers 185
proxy 144
setups 117
simulation dictionary 108
system 103
technologies of 102
worker 66, 69
assessment of 1251
loss 252, 908, 908t, 909
causes of 908
conductive 909
Heart 511, 1136, 1543
beating 160, 409
chronic 591
Frank-Starling relationship of 297f
murmur, history of 519
physiology of 1138
problem 1640
risk score 20t
score 19
transplantation 466
Heart block 482
complete 503
congenital 418
Heart disease 1254, 1638
congenital 473
Heart failure 12, 23, 24, 343, 404, 437, 458, 468, 482, 484, 514, 755, 791, 1050, 1195, 1261, 1262, 1713
acute 20, 23t, 468, 468b, 470, 470f, 472, 1193
causes of 1105
chronic 587
decompensated 437
hypokinetic 1740
signs of 577
uncontrolled symptomatic 19
Heart rate 33, 42, 322, 341, 350, 511, 846, 1124, 1134, 1143, 1197t, 1637
normal 1127t
Heartburn 663, 666
Heat cramps 1692
Heat edema 1693
Heat exhaustion 1692, 1694
Heat flux thermometers 1687
Heat illness 1692
classification of 1692, 1693t
Heat loss 1687
Heat rash 1693
Heat stroke 1023, 1694, 1694b, 1694t, 1696f
classical 1695
drug-induced 1429
Heat syncope 1692, 1693
Heat tetany 1693
Heat-related illness, pathophysiology of 1692fc
Heatstroke 674
Heavy bleeding, causes of 1067
Heavy menstrual bleeding 1066
Heavy metal 1487, 1765t
accumulation of 1491
poisoning 1490, 1491t
Hectic fever 1158
Heel shin test 806
Helicobacter pylori 667, 1006, 1173
infection 666
Helium-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures 1698
HELLP syndrome, part of 1090
Helmet removal 1622
Hemangiomas 1227
Hemarthrosis 1034, 1037
traumatic 925
Hematemesis 1490
epistaxis 556t
Hematocele 789
Hematochezia 659, 1171, 1487
Hematocrit 27, 1320
Hematogenous septic arthritis 1360
Hematologic complications 755
Hematologic disease 1039
Hematologic manifestation 622
Hematoma 300, 830, 983, 1110, 1173, 1529, 1566, 1592
block 1632
expanding 1616
extra-axial 1558
local 672
rapidly expanding 1613
subcapsular 1542
subchorionic 1081
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 960, 965
Hematuria 718, 724, 731733, 740, 745, 767, 795, 1598, 1716
asymptomatic microscopic 735fc
classification of 731
confirmation of 733
etiology of 731, 732t
evaluation of 731
gross 731, 734
history 731
pain with 732
treatment 734
unexplained 734
urologic evaluation of 735fc
Hemidiaphragmatic paralysis 391
Hemithorax 602
Hemochromatosis 690
Hemoconcentration 1699, 1726
Hemodialysate peritoneal dialysate 757t
Hemodialysis 750, 753, 756, 757, 973, 1395, 1458, 1467, 1490, 1726
circuit 756f
vascular access for 756
Hemodialyzer filter 756
Hemodynamic changes, monitoring 1032
Hemodynamic information 448
Hemodynamic instability 408, 479, 1075
Hemodynamic management 236
Hemodynamic monitoring 296, 297, 301, 469
devices for 300
Hemodynamic optimization 748
Hemodynamic parameter 277b
Hemodynamic stability 1067, 1569
Hemofiltration 750
Hemoglobin 26, 657, 844, 952, 1355, 1492, 1497, 1725
concentration 959
levels 303
oxygen saturation 303
S 997
Hemoglobinopathy 1149
Hemoglobinuria 733, 1004, 1726
Hemogram, complete 817
Hemolysin 1736, 1740
Hemolysis 952, 954, 999, 1000, 1740
active 1725
elevated liver enzyme levels, and low platelet count syndrome 674, 922, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007, 1012, 1079, 1086, 1087, 1090, 1095
test for 955
Hemolytic anemia 953, 954, 956, 1310
suspicion of 956t
Hemolytic reaction, acute 1008
Hemolytic toxins 1740
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 736, 996, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1012
Hemopericardium 1726
Hemoperitoneum, trauma with 367
Hemophagocytic syndrome 958
Hemophagocytosis 959
Hemophilia 940, 941, 983
A 543, 983
B 543, 983
Hemopneumothorax 1585
Hemoptysis 518, 556, 557, 561, 1566
etiology of 557, 557t
management of 558
massive 556, 562fc
minor 556
moderate 560f
Hemorrhage 399, 416, 576, 658, 757, 987, 1078, 1083, 1085, 1527, 1537, 1541, 1543
active 1643
adrenal 895
bilateral massive adrenal 895
blister 1690
cerebrovascular 1093
circulation of 1526
control of 1526, 1592, 1603, 1613
endolaryngeal 394
fetomaternal 1648, 1651
intra-abdominal 1715
intracerebral 514, 828, 828t
intraventricular 829, 1133
life-threatening 401
massive 196, 1548
myocardial 1585
noncompressible torso 199
postpartum 1068, 1069, 1090, 1112, 1515
retinal 850
retrobulbar 1665
retroperitoneal 1590
severe ongoing 987
spontaneous 828
intracranial 545
subarachnoid 18, 415, 416, 796, 798, 828, 828t, 829, 830, 830fc, 851, 1444, 1558, 1560, 1708
subconjuctival 901, 901f
type of 828
vitreous 902, 905
warning 1097
Hemorrhagic cholecystitis 673
Hemorrhagic complications 1325
treatment of 1326
Hemorrhagic fever 1285
Hemorrhagic lesions, noninfectious causes of 1022
Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst 1063
Hemorrhagic shock 273, 339, 342, 1069, 1073
Hemorrhagic stroke 820, 830
Hemorrhoid 646, 706, 707
anatomy of internal 707f
internal 706, 707, 707t
prolapsed 708
risk factor for 706
Hemorrhoidal arteries 706
Hemorrhoidal disease 706
Hemorrhoidectomy 708
complications of 708
open 708
Hemosiderin 566
Hemostasis 489, 536
manual 917
mechanism 537fc
primary 541f, 542, 979
secondary 542, 541f
Hemostatic resuscitation 1537
Hemostats 1112
Hemothorax 1543, 1583, 1586, 1591, 1651
bilateral 1581f
rates of 1647
trauma with 367
Hemotympanum 849, 1550f, 1714
Hemovigilance 991
Hemoximeters 1496
Henderson–Hasselbalch equation 306b
Hendra virus 1311
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 1171
Heparin 527, 538, 541, 545, 1006
protamine for 545
reversal of 545
therapy 720
unfractionated 20, 536538, 626, 918, 981
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 489, 981, 1002, 1003, 1009, 1010t, 1012
treatment of 1011b
Hepatic artery 717, 719
aneurysm 722
complications 1379
thrombosis 691
Hepatic disorders 923
Hepatic dysfunction 1075
Hepatic encephalopathy 679, 680, 680b, 682, 852
clinical stages of 683t
management of 683, 684fc
minimal 679
stages of 680t
treatment of 681b
Hepatic failure, acute fulminant 159
Hepatic function matures 1410
Hepatic hematoma, large 1095
Hepatic hydrothorax 688
management of 688
Hepatic injuries 1593
Hepatic lacerations 1546
Hepatic lobules 717
Hepatic metabolic pathways 1466
Hepatic metabolism 544
Hepatic parenchymal disease 1410
Hepatic trauma, minor 1591
Hepatic veins 718
Hepatitis 675, 719, 959, 1178, 1305
infections 674
vaccine 1149
virus 1293
acute 674, 675
acute 675
immune globulin 866
infections 674
negative 675
surface antigen 1035, 1294, 1591
vaccine 1149, 1152
virus 675, 1371, 1373, 1764
infections 674
virus 1006, 1371, 1373, 1591
virus infection 677, 981
D 674
E 674
infections 674
vaccine for 676
Hepatobiliary iminodiacetic acid 672
Hepatocellular carcinoma 679, 692
transplant for 690
Hepatomegaly 1179
Hepatorenal syndrome 679, 685, 686
Hepatotoxicity 1740
Herbal remedies 1265, 1273
Herbicides 1404
Hernia 1173, 1439, 1515
obstructed 1238
palpated for 636
Herpes simplex
infection, pathophysiology of 936f
oral 935
virus 78, 674, 793, 844, 847, 935, 1362, 1364, 1369, 1377, 1378
active 1112
neonatal 1021
Herpes zoster 405, 637, 1021, 1025, 1292
infection 762
Herpetic meningoencephalitis 157
Hestia risk stratification score 25b
Hiccups 640, 643
physical therapy for 646t
reflux arc 644f
Hidradenitis suppurativa 712, 1352
High airway pressures 400
High mallampati score 1638
High peak pressure, causes of 266t
High pulmonary pressures 1138
High-altitude 1708, 1710
emergencies 1708
High-altitude illness 1710
prevention of 1710
High-flow nasal cannula 209, 254, 257, 258, 267, 588, 598, 599, 626
oxygen therapy 245, 246
indications of 246
set-up of 246f
High-flow oxygen 1497, 1592
cannula device, set-up of 245
therapy 243, 246b, 574
High-flow system 244
High-molecular-weight kininogen 980
High-nerve blocks 1580
High-pressure chronic retention 741
High-serum potassium 1689
High-velocity weapons 1612
High-voltage injuries 1712, 1713, 1716, 1717
Hill–Sachs lesion 1605
Hindu Personal Law 1258
Hip 1609
arthroplasty 774
dislocation 1631
dysplasia of 1138
osteoarthritis of 1041
replacement 1254
Hirschsprung's disease 1171, 1236, 1237f
His–Purkinje system 475
Histamine 979, 1736
Histidine-rich protein 2 1331
Histocompatibility complex 1039
Hoarseness 554
Hodgkin's disease 618
Hodgkin's lymphoma 971
Hoffa's fracture 1609
Holliday-Segar method 1181, 1181t
Homatropine 1422
Home blood pressure monitoring 512
Homicides 123
Homocysteine level 754
Honeymoon phase 857
adrenocorticotropic 894, 895, 1110
antidiuretic 313, 337, 545
bioidentical 1273
corticotropin-releasing 894, 1100
ectopic adrenocorticotropic 922
elevated thyroid-stimulating 885
follicle-stimulating 1066
growth 878
primary 1201
replacement therapy 1272
serum thyroid stimulating 1105
therapy, life-long 885
thyroid stimulating 667, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890
thyrotropin-releasing 882, 888
trophic 952
Horn cell
degeneration 1140
disease, anterior 838
Horner's syndrome 1567
Horseshoe extension 710
Hospital Disaster Management Committee 177
Hospital environment 69, 136
Hottentotta tumulus 1736
Human animal-environment ecosystem 1313f
Human bites 1230, 1351, 1661, 1670
wounds 1670
Human body 201
Human chorionic gonadotropin 1058, 1075, 1139, 1394
Human coronavirus 844, 1275
Human granulocytic anaplasmosis 1308
Human immunodeficiency virus 157, 522, 551, 625, 663, 672, 674, 751, 847, 922, 958, 1003, 1006, 1035, 1054, 1299, 1301, 1307, 1338, 1356, 1357, 1362, 1367, 1369, 1370, 1373, 1443, 1591, 1664, 1747, 1748, 1763
clinical presentation 1368
etiology 1367
infection 981, 1112, 1367, 1368
acute stage of 1368
chronic stage of 1368
stage of 1373
pathophysiology 1367
testing 1370fc
treatment 1370
Human insulin 1457
Human leukocyte antigen 877, 1037, 1039, 1371
antibodies 628
Human metapneumovirus 587
Human myiasis 401
Human Organ Act, transplantation of 155, 160
Human papillomavirus 779, 1292, 1745
vaccine 1151, 1154
Human prenatal development, critical periods of 1512f
Human rabies
immunoglobulin 1345
management of 1344
prevention of 1344
Human serum paraoxonase 1406
Humeral artery 287
lateral mid-shaft 1631
supracondylar fracture of 1625
Humidification 242
Hyaluronidase 1736
Hybrid unit 11
Hydralazine 515, 1007, 1092, 1094, 1463, 1515
Hydration 764
state of 1698
Hydrocarbon 1472
classification of 1472t
consumption of 1474
ingestion 1475
properties of 1473t
symptoms of 1473
toxicity of 1472, 1473
Hydrocarbon poisoning 1474
diagnosis of 1474
evaluation of 1476fc
management of 1476fc
Hydrocele 787, 788, 1139
Hydrocephalus 644, 851, 1560
Hydrochloric acid 1479
Hydrochlorothiazide 1517
Hydrocodone 1439
Hydrocortisone 897, 909
Hydrofluoric acid 1680
Hydrogels 1578
Hydrogen 56
cyanide 56
peroxide 712, 909
Hydromorphone 270, 271, 1439
Hydrophis cyanocinctus 1741
Hydrophis ornatus 1741
Hydrophobia 1295, 1341, 1344
Hydrostatic pressures 367
Hydrothorax, management of 688
Hydroxocobalamine 1396, 1496, 1497
plus sodium thiosulfate 179
Hydroxychloroquine 625, 630, 862, 864
Hydroxycoumarin derivative 536
Hydroxyethyl starch 157, 293
Hymen 141
Hyoscine 1500
Hyoscyamine 1261
Hyperammonemia 879
Hyperazotemia 751
Hyperbaric chambers 250
Hyperbaric medicine 249
Hyperbaric oxygen 1497, 1673
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 249, 252, 1495, 1699
indications of 251f, 1484b
monoplace chamber for 250f
multiplace chamber for 250f
rationale of use of 250f
use of 249
Hypercalcemia 315, 751, 852, 967, 972
etiology of 315
management of 973fc
treatment of 316, 317
Hypercapnia 571, 578, 586
respiratory failure 571, 572, 589
Hypercarbia 413, 575, 586, 836
Hyperchloremia 875
Hyperchloremic acidosis 292
Hyperechoic hematoma 1555f
Hyperemesis 747
gravidarum 1079, 1080
Hyperemia, zone of 1678, 1679
Hyperemic stage 1690
Hyperextension 1571
Hyperfibrinolysis 1590
Hyperglycemia 37t, 157, 340, 852, 855, 875, 880, 1204, 1205, 1382, 1457
correction of 880
management of 875
severe 878
toxic causes of 1382t
Hyperhomocysteinemia 820
Hyperhypoglycemia 637
Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic therapy 1393
Hyperkalemia 292, 314, 432f, 473, 547, 748, 749t, 751, 836, 897, 898, 1115, 1183, 1202, 1210, 1394, 1447, 1741
and complications, treatment of 314t
etiopathogenesis of 314
management of 746
treatment of 314, 315
Hyperkinetic circulatory state 409
Hyperlactatemia 342
Hyperleukocytosis 963, 964, 964f
Hyperlipidemia 753, 754, 760
Hypermagnesemia 231, 317
clinical signs 317
etiology of 317
treatment of 317
Hypermetabolic states 1181
Hypermotility syndrome 924
Hypernatremia 311, 879
acute 312
clinical findings 311
distinction of 312
etiology 311
pathophysiology 311
treatment of 312
Hyperosmolar agents 968
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state 872f, 875
Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic syndrome 877, 879
pathogenesis of 878fc
Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma 877
Hyperosmotic hypoalbuminemia 1716
Hyperoxia test 1191
Hyperparathyroidism 315, 754
Hyperpigmentation 1739
Hyperpigmented lesions 1221
Hyperpigmented macule cafe 1141
Hyperplasia 740
benign prostatic 738, 767
Hyperplastic arteriolosclerosis 828
Hyperplastic candidiasis 935f
Hyperplastic gingivitis 938
Hyperpotassemia 231
Hyperpyrexia 316, 683, 1430, 1440, 1446, 1500
treatment of 237
Hypersensitive carotid sinus syndrome 474
Hypersensitivity syndrome reaction 1371
Hypertension 20, 21, 22, 159, 453, 469, 477, 510, 622, 749, 755, 792, 820, 829, 1086, 1087t, 1105, 1378, 1447, 1489, 1561, 1637
chronic 1086, 1105
complications of 1086t
etiology of 511fc
evaluation of 512
grading of 510t
history of 1096
mild 512
moderate 512
pathophysiology of 511fc
pregnancy-induced 1104
severe 511t, 1088, 1092t, 1094
stop 861
Hypertensive disorders 1086
Hypertensive emergencies 514, 515t, 1105
Hypertensive encephalopathy 514
Hypertensive nephropathy 342
Hypertensive retinopathy 514
Hyperthermia 1031, 1422, 1440, 1447, 1463, 1466, 1502, 1505
malignant 850, 1423
mild-to-moderate 1446
Hyperthyroidism 888, 1105
clinical features of 889t
Hypertonic dehydration 1182
effect of 879
Hypertonic saline 1183
infusion 311
Hypertriglyceridemia 959
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 19, 418, 429, 483
Hypertrophic disease 468
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy 564
Hypertrophy, benign prostatic 742
Hyperuricemia 971, 1695
Hyperventilation 304, 417, 831
Hyperviscosity syndrome 967, 974
A 315
D 315
Hypervolemic hypernatremia 312
Hyphema 902
Hypoalbuminemia 615, 754, 1164, 1433, 1726
Hypocalcemia 231, 237, 316, 836, 1192, 1211
clinical findings 316
etiology of 316
severe acute symptomatic 316
symptoms 316
tetany 1315
treatment of 316, 317
Hypocapnia 1203, 1534
Hypocortisolemia 885
Hypoechogenicity 375
Hypofibrinogenemia 959
Hypoglobus 1552
Hypoglycemia 37t, 166, 417, 836, 845, 851, 852, 867, 870, 875, 879, 898, 1192, 1211, 1382, 1436, 1458, 1699, 1758
agents 853
clinical features of 868, 868t
higher risk for severe 749
mild 1104
rick factors for 867t
stroke 815
toxic causes of 1382t
Hypoglycemic drugs 1513
Hypoglycemic episodes 869
Hypokalemia 237, 315, 845, 875, 1115, 1394, 1452, 1458, 1467
clinical signs 315
etiology of 315
treatment of 315
Hypokinesia 438
Hypomagnesemia 231, 317, 237, 746, 836
etiology of 317
treatment of 317
Hypomania 1052
Hyponatremia 294, 312, 313, 470, 650, 835, 836, 851, 852, 879, 885, 898, 967, 972, 1211, 1252
acute 313
causes of 972t
chronic 313
clinical findings 313
diagnostic tests 313
differential diagnosis 313
etiology 313
mild 312
pathophysiology 313
severe 312, 1183
treatment of 313
Hypoperfusion 339, 340
signs of 328f
Hypopharyngeal injuries 1567
Hypopharynx 209
Hypophosphatemia 237, 1458
Hypopituitarism 1726
Hypopotassemia 231
Hypoproliferative disorder 953
Hypoproteinemia 1087, 1301
Hyporeflexia 683
Hypotension 215, 273, 304, 313, 469, 573, 633, 652, 674, 678, 720, 754, 831, 880, 1084, 1419fc, 1427, 1436, 1461, 1493, 1529, 1534, 1602
managing 484
moderate 342
unexplained 1591
Hypotensive 1693
shock 1320, 1323, 1325fc
hemodynamic status in 1320t
trauma 1547
Hypothalamus 355
Hypothermi, moderate 1527
Hypothermia 154, 196, 198, 230, 238, 343, 837, 885, 1030, 1084, 1115, 1137, 1462, 1531, 1538, 1687t, 1689
complications of 237
prevention of 1751
severe 152, 1462
signs of 1319, 1687t
symptoms of 1687t
Hypothermic patients, management on 230
Hypothesis, testing of 82
Hypothyroidism 473, 882, 884fc, 885, 886fc
classification of 882fc
clinical manifestations of 883f
etiopathogenesis of 882fc
severe 883
signs of 883
symptoms of 883
treatment of 885
Hypotonia 41, 1140
Hypotonic dehydration 1182, 1182t
Hypotonic fluids 294
Hypotonic hyponatremia 313
Hypovolemia 230, 231, 298, 691, 695, 720, 757, 952, 1115, 1394, 1545f, 1672
restlessness 1736
severe 749, 956
treat 1487, 1490
Hypovolemic cardiac chamber 1543f
Hypovolemic shock 331, 333, 364, 460, 896, 1128, 1203, 1545, 1567, 1583
rapid 717
Hypoxemia 207, 263, 304, 523, 575, 588, 603, 875, 1534
high risk of 267
slight 1755
status 577
Hypoxemic respiratory failure 571, 589
Hypoxia 166, 215, 230, 249, 304, 417, 502, 563, 597, 815, 823, 952, 997, 1115, 1394, 1473, 1528, 1758
anemic 241
regional 342
severe 1393, 1493
significant 1636
types of 241t
Hypoxic hypoxia 241
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy 1140
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, loss of 1482
Hypoxic respiratory failure 572, 1119
Hysterectomy 1070
Hysteria, prolonged 147
Ibuprofen 360, 361, 799, 1069, 1161, 1259, 1261, 1322, 1514
Ibutilide 478, 1463
Ice-lined refrigerator 1155f
Icterus 1084
Idarucizumab 544
doses of 544
Ideal medications, qualities of 270
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 565, 582
Idiopathic scrotal edema 787
Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss 252
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 1002, 1003, 1012
treatment of 1006
I-gel laryngeal mask airway 206f
Ileocolic artery 699
Ileus megacolon 652
Iliac artery aneurysm 721
Iliac spine, anterior superior 1618
Illicit drugs 746
Illness, signs of 1048
Imipramine 1422, 1425
Immersion foot 1690
Immersion pulmonary edema 1699
role of 1037
temporary method of 1622
complex disease 1037
disorders 755
reconstitution 1370
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 1370, 1372
diagnosis of 1371
system 1147, 1290
thrombocytopenia 981
drug-induced 981
purpura 982, 1005
Immunization 1147, 1147, 1155, 1290, 1745
Immunoglobulin 746
A 626, 732
Immunomodulator 840
Immunosuppression 692
Immunosuppressive drugs 840
Immunotherapy 106, 837
Impetigo 924, 1349
clinical features 1351
diagnosis of 1351
epidemiology 1349
treatment 1351
types of 1351
Implantable cardioverter defibrillator 227, 235, 236, 480
Implanted catheter, totally 285
Impulse conduction, disorders of 425
In vitro fertilization 1072
Inadequate oxygenation 1643
Inamrinone 338
Incident command system 174, 175
Incident response system 182, 182fc
Incision, type of 702
Incontinence, chronic 1252
Incontinentia pigmenti 1225, 1226f
Incretins 862
Indacaterol 585
Indian Association of Dermatologist, Venereologist, and Leprologist 1026
Indian Medical Council 133
Indian Penal Code 125
Indomethacin 360, 1470
ketorolac 1261
Induction medications, rapid-sequence 1638t
Indwelling catheter 739
Indwelling vascular catheters, complications of 289t
Infantile acropustulosis 1222, 1222f
Infantile botulism 1140
Infantile eczema 1224, 1225f
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 1235, 1237
Infantile scabies 1223, 1224f
Infection 33, 35, 398, 401, 468, 583, 682, 708, 709, 740, 765, 899, 953, 958, 999, 1021, 1030, 1050, 1083, 1102
colonization of 1351
common sites of 1375
control 106, 322
precautions for 76t
types of 75
device-associated 65, 66fc
healthcare associated 68
management of 35t
minimizing 1657
nosocomial 687
postoperative 710
prevention 500, 1300t
and control, principles of 68
primary 652
stage of 1367
re-emerging 1275
risk of 686, 1562
source of 795
superadded 1676
transmission of 74
vascular access 757
Infectious diseases 14, 687, 1021, 1275, 1286, 1373, 1759
emergencies 1275
Infectious Diseases Society of America 929, 974
Infectious gangrene 1021
Infectious mononucleosis 933
etiopathogenesis of 933f
Infectious patients, transport of 16
Infectious waste 59
Infective endocarditis 488
Inferior vena cava 297, 299f, 331f, 366, 366, 367f, 444t, 494f, 527, 651, 717, 1403, 1535, 1542f, 1545, 1545f, 1546f
distensibility index 299
filter 528
normal 1546f
Infertility treatment 1056
Infiltrative diseases 473, 958
Inflammatory arthritis 1034
Inflammatory bowel disease 565, 651, 653, 719, 1033, 1037, 1043, 1170, 1174
Inflammatory cutaneous disorders 1021, 1023
Inflammatory cytokines 622
Inflammatory diarrhea 649
Inflammatory joint diseases 1039
Inflammatory myopathy 838, 840, 841t
Inflammatory rheumatic diseases, drug treatment of 1045t
Inflatable splint 1626, 1626f
Influenza 587, 625, 928, 1162, 1233, 1233t, 1290, 1745
exposures 1233
complication 1233
diagnosis 1233
treatment 1233
illness 1233
infections 625
meningitis 844
vaccine 590, 1149
inactivated 1151
viruses 1233, 1275
Infodemic management system 1287
Infusion pumps 51
Ingestion 55
Inguinal hernia 784, 786
Inhalant hydrocarbons 1474
Inhalation injury 1481, 1482t, 1682, 1683
Inhalational anthrax 1311
Inhaled toxins 1481
clinical features 1482
diagnosis 1482
etiology 1481
investigation 1482
management 1482
mechanical ventilation 1483
pathogenesis 1481
risk factors 1481t
Inherent toxicity 1475
Inherited aplastic anemia 960
Inhibit hormone
release 890
synthesis 890
Inhibit iodide trapping 890
Injury 902, 1680, 1717
acceleration deceleration mechanism of 1560
anatomy of 1591
clear description of 1683
dangerous mechanisms of 1590
embolization of 1613
epidemiology 1523
grade of 1591
grading systems 1597
high-risk mechanism of 1650
history of 1664
level of 1571
mechanism 1663
nature of 126
prevention 1523
primary 1558, 1572
secondary 1558, 1572
severity score 1638
signs of 1567
symptoms of 1567
treatment of 1641
types of 126, 674t, 1640
zone of 1568
Inner ear 908
infections 911
Innominate artery 400
Inorganic mercuric salts 1489
acute ingestion of 1489
Inorganic peroxides 57
Inositol triphosphate 1456
Inotropes 157, 336t, 463t, 1200
Inotropic support 338
Inotropic vasopressors 1706
In-plane technique 378
Insect bite, management of 1737fc
Insecticides 1404
Insomnia 1435, 1708
Insonation, adequate 154
Inspiratory capacity 580
Inspiratory flow patterns, types of 261f
Inspiratory force, negative 209
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 257, 267
Inspiratory reserve volume 580
Inspiratory transpulmonary pressure 255
Inspired oxygen, fraction of 242, 256, 257, 263, 276, 527, 599, 623, 627
Inspissated fecal materia 700
Instruments, requirements of 394b
Insulin 855, 856, 857, 862, 865, 865t, 878, 880, 1205, 1382, 1403
concentration of 1458
deficiency 855
delivery devices 856
dose 857
euglycemic therapy, high-dose 1457
glargine 857
inhaled 857
like growth factor-1 889
pens 856
preparations 856
pump 856, 857
therapy 857
regimens 857
regular 857
resistance 859, 860
therapy 856, 858, 869, 1203
first-line 1104
types of 856
ultra-long-acting 856
ultra-rapid-acting 856
Integrase strand transfer inhibitors 1371
Integrated trauma system 1518, 1523
Integumentary examination 1248
Intense pleural inflammatory reaction 614
Intensity pain
mild-to-moderate 357
mild-to-severe 1067
Intensive care 1596
Intensive care unit 8, 27, 33, 106, 144, 281, 283, 296, 470, 503, 528, 562, 580, 597, 598, 670, 680, 880, 885, 982, 1117, 1470, 1535, 1596, 1609, 1685, 1736
management of 309
pediatric 111, 1645
treatment in 1705
Intensive insulin therapy 857
Intercostal chest drain 605, 606t
insertion 605, 611
complications of 611t
contraindications for 606t
indications of 606t
removal 610
Intercostal nerve block 1580
Intercurrent infections 1195
Interfacility transport, neonatal 1123fc
Interior vena cava 464f
Interleukin-1 623
Interleukin-18 745
Intermediate syndrome 1408
Intermenstrual bleeding 1066
Intermittent claudication 1614
Intermittent fever 1158
Intermittent technique 994
Internal jugular vein 382, 750
catheter insertion technique 283, 284f
anatomy of 383f
assessment 367f
Internal organs 1580
Internal spermatic vein 1139
Interosseous membrane 1608
Interphalangeal dislocation 1631
dorsal distal 1631
Interphalangeal joints
distal 1034
proximal 1670
Interscalene nerve block, distribution of 391f
Interspace anterior axillary line 1583
Interspinous ligament 1571, 1575
Interstitial infiltrates 793
Interstitial lung disease 581, 584
Interval prolongation 1713
Interventricular septum 442f, 461
Intestinal ischemia 634
Intestinal loops, presence of 1584
Intestinal malrotation 1236
Intestinal obstruction 633, 641, 669, 700, 1178, 1236
Intestinal occlusion, causes of 636b
Intestinal perforation 1238f
Intestine 1138
large 1170
chronic 1490
evidence of 413
severe 879
disorders 633
injury 1540, 1634
severe 1645
lymph nodes 794
pressure 232, 1273, 1584
trauma 1590
Intra-abdominopelvic infection 1059
Intra-aortic balloon 508
pulsation 505
pump 168, 236, 287, 333, 463, 465, 465f, 467, 471, 1403
complication of 465
papaverine 720
pro-urokinase infusion 825
therapy 825
thrombolytic 1691
Intra-articular blocks 1632
Intra-articular injection 1633
Intra-articular pathology 1633
Intra-atrial conduction 473
Intracompartmental pressures 1673
Intracranial bleed 1726
Intracranial contusion 1560
Intracranial emergencies 144
Intracranial hemorrhage 528t, 822, 829, 851, 852, 1559
greater risk of 1638
Intracranial hypertension 30, 151, 1558
Intracranial injuries 1559
Intracranial mass 1708
Intracranial neoplasm 644
Intracranial pressure 146, 798, 853, 967, 968, 1393, 1557, 1558f
control 831
Intractable hiccups 644
severe 643
Intractable hypotension 505
Intradermal anesthesia 361
Intrahospital transport 164
Intramuscular epinephrine 579
Intramuscular human tetanus immune globulin 1657
Intranuclear viral inclusions 793
Intraocular air 170
Intraoral periapical radiograph 938, 939
Intraoral skin 1669
Intraosseous device 288
Intraosseous infusion 223
Intraosseous vascular access 289f
Intraparenchymal bleed 1560
Intrapleural injury 1581
Intrapleural pressure 259
Intrapulmonary pressure 259
Intrarenal failure 745
Intrathoracic injuries 1579
Intrathoracic pressure 298, 494
lowest 298
Intrathoracic vascular injury 1585
Intrauterine abnormality 1069
Intrauterine contraceptive device 1072
Intrauterine device 1056
malposition 1064
Intrauterine fetal demise 1008
Intrauterine growth
restriction 1285
retardation 1513
Intrauterine hypertonic saline administration 311
Intrauterine pregnancy 368, 1073
Intravascular catheters 289
Intravascular hemolysis 1004
acute 990
Intravascular injection 392
Intravenous access 221, 880
Intravenous antineoplastic agents 975
Intravenous diazepam 834
Intravenous estrogen, high-dose 1069
Intravenous fluids 291, 291fc, 504
Intravenous heparin infusion 831
Intravenous immunoglobulin 1006, 1012
Intravenous inotropic agents 470
Intravenous iron 956
Intravenous lipid emulsion 1458
Intravenous magnesium sulfate 579, 922
Intravenous pyelogram 1592
Intravenous pyelography 734, 763
Intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator 824
Intravenous routes 1689
Intravenous thrombolysis 823, 824
complications of 825
Intravenous urography 723, 724, 724f, 1598
Intravenous vasodilators 470
Intravesical pressure 741
Intrinsic kidney
disease 749
injury 296
complications of 265
technique of 212
Intussusception 1237, 1238f
Invasive arterial waveforms 288f
Invasive hemodynamic monitors 300
Invasive hookworm disease 1300
Invasive infections 1700
Invasive mechanical ventilation 145, 597
Invasive method 1623
Invasive positive pressure ventilation 504
Invasive pressure monitoring 287f
Invasive procedures 1612
Invasive vascular procedures 70
Involuntary euthanasia 135
Iodine 56
Ion exchange resins 314
Ion gap, strong 306
Ionic inhibitors 890
Ionizing radiation 1513
Irinotecan 976
Iris injuries 902
Iron 952, 955, 1487, 1514
binding capacity, total 954
deficiency 952
anemia 956
oral 956
salts 1382
sources of 1487
toxicity 1514
clinical features of 1487, 1488
stages of 1487
treatment of 1487
Irreversible cell disruption 1612
Irrigation 946, 1603, 1657
Irritable bowel syndrome 646, 1169
Irritant diaper dermatitis 1223f
Irukandji envenomation 1740
Irukandji jellyfish 1738, 1740
Ischemia 471, 635, 666, 694, 1514
compression 1560
postoperative 505
Ischemic acute coronary syndrome 949
Ischemic bowel 719, 719fc
clinical findings 720
diagnostic imaging 720
laboratory evaluation 720
treatment 720
Ischemic colitis 635
Ischemic heart disease 159, 163, 477, 587, 657, 886, 1052
Ischemic hepatopathy 674
Ischemic limbs 1010
Ischemic papillary muscle rupture 488
Ischemic priapism 773
causes of 774b
Ischemic stroke 514, 536, 825, 827, 851, 1717
acute 537, 820
classification 820
Ischemic symptoms 1030
Ischemic tissues 1665, 1699
Ischemic wounds 1654
Ischial tuberosity 1608
Isocarboxazid 1425
Isofenphos 1409
Isolated musculoskeletal chest pain syndrome 405
Isolation 14
red bags for 58
Isolation room 16b
classification of 16, 16t
leaving 16
Isoniazid 1393
intoxication 835
Isonitrile test 1384
Isoprenaline 1397
Isopropoxyphenol 1416
Isopropyl glycol 1449
Isoproterenol 335, 338
Isotonic crystalloid 685, 1527
fluid 691
Isoxsuprine 1102
Itching 1697
Ivermectin 625
Ixekizumab 1045
Jackson's thermal wound theory 1678
Jacobsen's organ 1720
Janus kinase 1045
Japanese box jellyfish 1740
Japanese encephalitis 1148, 1150, 1151, 1156, 1278, 1294, 1317
vaccine 1149, 1153
virus 846, 1294
Jaundice 675, 676, 682, 850, 953, 1084, 1178
causes of 675
etiology of 676
dislocation 921, 924
emergencies 921
thrust 1125f
maneuver 220f, 1525f
Jeep disease 712
Jervell Lange–Nielsen syndrome 1198f
Jet lag 1750, 1759
aspiration 1230, 1360
carpometacarpal 1043
dislocation 1530
disorders, higher incidence of 1640
distribution of 1034
examination of 1034, 1699
fluid 1360
inflammation of 1039
involvement, topography of 1043fc
lower extremity 1360
metacarpophalangeal 1627
metatarsophalangeal 1629
motion, normal 1619
number of 1033, 1042
pain 1033, 1038
causes of 1036t
evaluation of 1033, 1033t
red hot 1033
septic 1353
stiffness 1625
swelling 1739
wrist 1627
Judicious fluid resuscitation 1594
Jugular vein 1586
procedure, right 283
Jugular venous pressure 522, 923, 1526
Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis 1041
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 1033, 1034, 1040, 1042, 1043
Kanpur rail accident tragedy 181
Kaposi sarcoma 1369
Kaposi varicelliform eruption 1021
Karydakis flap 713
Katayama fever 1298, 1300
Katz extractor 946, 947f
Kawasaki disease 1023, 1158
Kawasaki phenotype 1168
Kayexalate 748
Kegel exercises 1273
Kelly clamp 949
Keratic precipitates 904
Keratinization, disorders of 1025
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 1378
Keraunoparalysis 1717
Kernig's signs 844
Kerosene 1472, 1475f
Ketamine 272, 273, 353, 850, 1269, 1392, 1657
Ketoacidosis 857
Ketofol 1392
Ketofol-single syringe 353
Ketogenesis 878
regulation of 878t
Ketogenic diet 837
Ketone 56
clearance 1203
testing 1203
Ketonuria, small 879
Ketoprofen 361
Keyhole deformity 709
Kidney 511, 512, 726f, 761, 765, 1060, 1138, 1489
abnormal 22
biopsy 793
contralateral 764
normal adult 726
stones 761, 762, 764b, 765
transplantation 793, 793t
transplanted 792, 795
trauma classification 1597, 1597t
Kidney disease 744t, 1637
acute 743
end-stage 685
type of 749
Kidney function 314, 752, 794, 817
loss of 685
poor 877
test 623, 626, 846, 868, 1093, 1166
Kidney injury 292, 751
acute 293, 294, 506, 640, 649, 463, 506, 507, 679, 684, 685, 686, 743745, 747, 749, 921, 1086, 1470, 1479, 1637, 1673, 1725, 1726
molecule 745
nature of 506
Kiesselbach's plexus 915
King laryngeal tube 206, 206f
Kissing disease 933
Klebsiella pneumonia 592
Kleihauer–Betke test 1594, 1649
Knee 1634
arthrocentesis, site for 1634f
dislocation 1609, 1625, 1631
medial 1610f
immobilizer 1617, 1618f, 1629
osteoarthritis of 1041
Knobology 375
Kolb's experiential learning model 109, 109fc
Kreb's cycle 1449
Kussmaul breathing 522
Kyasanur forest disease 1317
Labetalol 514, 515, 533, 1088, 1089, 1092, 1105, 1447
Labyrinthine concussion 805
Labyrinthitis 803, 911
Laceration 1554f, 1655, 1659
management, advanced 1663
simple 1655
Lacrimal duct system 1665
Lactate 292, 342, 676, 1536
dehydrogenase 954, 956, 999, 1003, 1004, 1012, 1331, 1382, 1494
Lactated Ringer's solution 1679, 1683
Lactic acid 1695
Lactic acidosis 750, 836, 967, 973
Lactic dehydrogenase 623, 626
Lactulose 1174
Lamellar ichthyosis 1025
Lamotrigine 1212, 1431, 1515, 1516
Landmark technique 283
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 517, 522
Lanreotide 1382
Laparoscopic appendectomy 702, 703, 703f
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy 672
Laparoscopy 1547
Laparotomy 1547, 1592
indications of 1592, 1593t
Lapemis hardwickii 1741
Large bowel obstruction 695, 695t, 697, 698
causes of 694
Large muscles, spasms of 1316
Large-tissue defect 1655
Larva, free-floating 1739
Laryngeal edema 1648
preexisting 277
Laryngeal injury, risk of 398
Laryngeal mask airway 205, 205f, 207, 211, 399, 1548
advantages of 206
disadvantages of 206
method of 206
position of 207f
Laryngeal prominence 208f
Laryngeal tube airway 211
Laryngopharynx 948
Laryngoscope, video-assisted 1716
Laryngoscopy, direct 214fc
Laryngospasm 1703
Laryngotracheal tree 1239
Larynx, applied anatomy of 394f
Lassa virus 1286
Latent tuberculosis, diagnosis of 1338
Latissimus dorsi 606
Laxatives 315
Lazarus sign 155
Le Fort fracture, types of 1551fc
Lead encephalopathy, acute 1488
Lead toxicity
features of 1488t
treatment of 1488
Lee Jones test 1383
Leflunomide 1045
Left bundle branch block 421, 429, 430, 431f, 454, 455
Left circumflex artery 439
Left ventricular
failure 467, 514, 558
filling pressure 443
hypertrophy 429, 477, 1261
myocardial infarction 457, 462
myocardium 440f
outflow disease 20
outflow tract obstruction 463
Left ventricular assist device 484f, 488
complications of 485b
implantation of 484b
Leg crossing 419f
Legionella 592, 593, 594, 596, 1300
pneumophila 592, 596
Leiomyoma 659, 1063
Leishmania 1304
Leishmaniasis 958, 1304
Lempert roll maneuver 809, 812f
Leopold maneuver 1109f
Lepirudin 541, 1011
Lepra reaction 1025, 1030, 1031t
Lepromatous leprosy 1031
Leptophos 1409
Leptospirosis 1281, 1302
Lequesne-algofunctional index 359
hypopigmented 1221
primary 1221
space-occupying 30, 1562
type of 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018
Less mobile thoracic 1571
Less painful procedure 1658
Lethal triad 1528f, 1642, 1642f
Lethargy 313, 1493
Leukemia 953, 962, 965t, 1159
acute 958, 962
lymphoblastic 963, 971
myeloid 962, 963, 963f, 964f, 971, 982
promyelocytic 982
Leukocytosis 637, 963, 1061, 1411, 1474
Leukotriene 1736
receptor antagonists 578
Levalbuterol 588
Levetiracetam 236, 835
Levine and Edwards classification 1573
Levobupivacaine 362
Levodopa 1428
Levofloxacin 686, 771, 1749
oral 1338
Levomepromazine 1382
Levosimendan 336, 1200
Levosulpiride 642, 667
Levothyroxine 885
Lichenification 1018
Lichtenberg figures 1717
Lid lacerations 900
Lidocaine 154, 281, 361, 362, 1006, 1493
local 789
Life-threatening trauma, management of 1525
disruption of transverse 1573
injuries 1619
Ligamentous complex, posterior 1571
Ligamentous injuries 1617
Ligamentum flavum 1571, 1575
Lightheadedness 1708
Lightning injuries 1712, 1718b
Lightning strike 1023, 1682
Lignocaine 221, 502
Limb 1618
deformity 1087
injury 1671, 1672, 1672t
evaluation of 1671
ischemia 1433, 1459
acute 547
identification of 1532
nonlimb-threatening 549
strength 1699
weakness 839
Limberg flap 713
Limbic system 355
Limb-threatening acute ischemia 549
Linezolid 1428
Lip laceration 1667
Lipase 1591
electrocardiogram 644
emulsion 1396, 1428
metabolism 1681
Lipohyalinosis 828
high-density 860, 861, 1371
low-density 861, 1371
Liquefaction necrosis 1477
Liquid carbon monoxide 57
Liquid chromatograph
high-performance 1387, 1387f, 1390
mass spectrometer 1389f
Liquid hydrogen 57
Liquid metallic mercury, acute aspiration of 1489
Liquid natural gas 57
Liquid nicotine 1508
Liquid nitrogen 57
Liquid oxygen 57
Liraglutide 864
Lister's tubercle 1633
Listeria monocytogenes 1311
Listeriosis 1282
Lithium 311, 750, 850, 1049, 1395, 1428, 1513
Live donor liver transplant 159
Live vaccinations 1006
Live virus 1148
Liver 126, 1489, 1579, 1580
abnormal 22
biopsy 676
cirrhosis of 682, 690
damage, alcohol induced 1591
parenchyma 677
small 675
spleen 1138
toxins 674t
transaminases 1089
transplantation 676, 688, 690, 692, 1378, 1469
Liver disease 984, 1008, 1637
active 1591
alcoholic 690
decompensated 688
end-stage 161, 681, 682, 687, 690, 814
model for 682, 690
Liver failure 863, 1211
acute 674, 691, 1003
on chronic 682, 683
chronic 682t
Liver function 20, 965
abnormal 21
Liver injury 1592f
severity of 676
Liver transplant
complications of 691
contraindications for 691
indications of 690
procedure 691
Lobar pneumonia 700
Log-roll technique 1577f, 1623f
Long-arm gutter splint 1618f, 1627f
Long-back slab 1619f
Long-leg cast 1629
Loop diuretics 973
Loop of Henle 469
Loratadine 1422
Lorazepam 271, 642, 818t, 1261, 1423, 1427, 1429, 1435, 1562
Loud breathing 209
Lovibond's angle 564, 565
Low cardiac output syndrome 503
Low molecular weight heparin 527
Lower esophageal
lesion 663
sphincter 949
Lower extremity 376
edema 1105
immobilization 1629
Lower limb 1577
arteriogram, normal 1610f
Lower motor neurons 838, 1577
Lower respiratory
tract infection 438, 1369
tract, signs of 1482
zoonotic infection 1311
Lower ribs, fracture of 1598
Lower urinary tract 1252
symptoms 738
Low-molecular weight heparin 20, 626, 536, 538, 541, 545, 545t, 831, 981, 1009, 1010
protamine for 545
Lowry technique 1756
Low-voltage electrical injuries, suffering 1718
Low-voltage injuries 1712, 1717
Ludwig's angina 931, 1354
Lumbar puncture 32, 1160, 1212
Lump, abdominal 1337
Lund–Browder chart 1676, 1676f
Lung 511, 1136, 1489
acute infections of 553
auscultation 1699
cancer 565
capacity 580, 580f, 602
total 580, 581
carcinoma 565
cavitary lesions of 618, 620
chronic infections of 553
collapse, retrocardiac 1193f
disease 591, 602
chronic 622
dysfunction, types of 582t
examination of 1138
growth and development 583
illness, chronic 366
injury, acute 275, 1008, 1419
parenchyma 571, 583
injury 1584
preserving ventilation 349
pressure 259
rockets 368
sign, sliding 1544
sliding 368
sonography 578
tissues 593
Lung empyema 614, 617, 620
causes 617
clinical presentation 617
diagnosis 617
pathophysiology of 617
treatment 617
Lung transplant 520, 586, 1379
rejection 1379b
surgery 586
Lung volume 580, 584
reduction 586
Luxatio erecta humeri 1630
Lyell syndrome 1025
Lyme disease 1021, 1304, 1308, 1309
clinical features 1309
diagnosis 1309
Lymph nodes 953, 1368
enlargement of 922
Lymphadenitis 1372
Lymphadenopathy 922
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 517
Lymphangioma 970
Lymphatic drainage 699
Lymphatic filariasis 1300
Lymphocele 792
Lymphocytic leukemia, chronic 962, 963, 1006
Lymphoma 618, 659, 953
Lymphopenia 622
Lymphoproliferative disorder
low-grade 1006
post-transplant 794
Lysergamides 1444
treatment of 1444
Lysergic acid diethylamide 751, 1428, 1443, 1444
Lyssavirus 1341, 1342f
Macrocirculatory endpoint 341
Macrophage activation syndrome 958
Macroscopic hematuria, evaluation of 736fc
Maculopapular drug rash 1022, 1022t
Maculopapular viral exanthema 1022, 1022t
Magill forceps 949, 1239
Magnesium 311, 580, 1206
citrate 1174
infusion 837
sulfate 221, 1094, 1102, 1429
Maintenance therapy 1070
ulcerative colitis 654
Malabsorption syndromes 958
Malaise 1294, 1310
Malaoxon 1407
Malar rash 1034
Malaria 953, 1298, 1301, 1328, 1335, 1748
causative agent 1328
chemoprophylaxis for 1748t
chronic complications of 1334
clinical features of 1329, 1330t
diagnosis of 1331, 1331t
drug-resistant 1332
incidence 1328
investigation and diagnosis 1329
life cycle 1328
pathophysiology 1329
pigments, presence of 1334
prophylaxis for 1744
radical treatment 1333
treatment of 1332t
uncomplicated 1332
type of 1328, 1330
Malathion 1409
Malignancy 1003
Malignant spinal cord compression 967, 969
management of 969fc
Mallampati classification 211f
Mallampati score 210
Malleable aluminium, foam-covered 1617
Malleable splint 1625, 1625f
Malleable wire 1617
Mallory–Weiss syndrome 665
Mallory–Weiss tear 656, 659
Malnutrition 677, 1410
Mammillaria prolifera 1739
Mangled extremity care 1602
Mankowski pain scale 359
Mannitol 313, 1673
Mantoux test 1338
Manual defibrillator 221
Manual detorsion, trials of 788
Marijuana 1503
addicts 640
Marine envenomation 1738
management 1742b, 1743t
Markle's sign 634
Marquis test 1383
Mask 68, 70
seal 210
ventilation 1483
Mass action, law of 306
Mass analyzer 1388
Mass casualty 178
field triage of 196f
incident 42
management 178, 180
training 192
Mass spectrometry 1388
Mast cells, degranulate 1742
Mastery learning 109
Masticator space infection 924
Mastoiditis, acute 910, 910f
Material safety data sheet 59, 181
Maternal blood flow 1648
Maternal cardiac arrest 1115, 1116, 1118
causes 1115
Maternal collapse 1114
Maternal complication 1007, 1095
Maternal death 1086
rarely 1099
Maternal mortality 1107
Maternal respiratory function 1106
Maternal sepsis 1099
Maternal stabilization stage 1109
Maxilla examination 1552f
Maxillary hypoplasia 1515
Maxillofacial surgeon 925
Maxillofacial trauma, severe 1525
Maximum intensity projection 728f
McBurney's point 700
McCune–Albright syndrome 1141
Mean arterial pressure 222, 335, 342, 623, 671, 682, 1538, 1557
maintaining 1576
Mean blood pressure 298t, 342t
Mean corpuscular volume 953, 1452
Measles 1148, 1305, 1745
mumps, and rubella 629, 1292, 1746
vaccine 1153
virus 629
Mecarbam 1409
Mechanical breath 262
Mechanical causes 461
Mechanical circulatory support 483
Mechanical complications 611
Mechanical gut obstruction 640
Mechanical injuries 127
Mechanical techniques 589
Mechanical thrombectomy 823, 826
Mechanical ventilation 169, 259, 261, 265t, 266, 267b, 321, 358, 573, 580, 589, 968, 1120, 1683
and dialysis 143
indications of 260, 260b, 589
types of 260
Meckel's diverticulitis 700
Meckel's diverticulum 659, 1240, 1240f
Meclizine 642, 1422
Median nerve 392
block 1632
Mediastinal emphysema 611, 612f
Mediastinum, widening of 534f
Medical advice discharges, managing against 135
Medical and surgical treatment 1691
Medical assist devices 1757
Medical devices 1756
classification system for 66f
Medical drone 102, 102f
Medical emergency department 1678
Medical equipment 165
and drugs 165
Medical evacuation 199
Medical examination 149
Medical expulsion therapy 764
Medical gases 6
Medical indemnity insurance 134
Medical malpractice stress syndrome 134
Medical negligence 133, 134
Medical nutrition therapy 860
Medical oxygen cylinder 246, 247f
Medical renal disease 733
Medical services 132
Medical technology, emergence of 99
Medical treatment 141
Medical triage cold zone 192
Medical waste 59
Medical-led triage 7
interactions 1050
timing of 270
Medicine delivery, complete 102
case 123, 131
writing 123, 128, 129
evidence, preservation of 126
examination 139
guidelines 133
implications 136
insights 1683
issues, kind of 133
proceedings 138
record, completion of 126
report 123, 127
documentation of 124f, 125f
preparation of 123
Medroxyprogesterone 1070
Medullary infarction, lateral 805
Mefenamic acid 1069, 1161, 1261
Mefloquine 1332, 1333
Meglitinides 862, 863
Meixner test 1384
Melatonin 1437
Melena 659, 1171
history of 667
Melioidosis 1282
Melzer's reagent 1384
Melzer's test 1384
filtration technique 994, 995f
prelabor rupture of 1098
Memory deficit 1253
Meniere's disease 803, 805, 908
Meningeal artery, middle 1559
Meningitis 644, 796, 797, 844, 846t, 1137, 1158, 1178, 1209, 1305, 1337
acute bacterial 323
bacterial 845, 846fc, 1334
encephalitis 844
evaluation of 844
management of 845
types of 845t
conjugate vaccine 1151, 1292
disease 1231b, 1231t
exposure 1231
meningitis 1303
polysaccharide 1151
vaccines 1149
Meningococcemia 1021, 1025, 1292
Meningococcus 1292
Meningoencephalitis 1337
Meniscal injuries 1617
Menopausal symptoms 1272
Menopause 1272
Menstrual bleeding
irregular 1066
prolonged 1066
Menstrual cycle, normal 1066
Mental and behavioral health disorders 1047
Mental confusion 1695
Mental health
evaluation of 1047
triage scales 1047
Mental impairment 19
Mental sensorium 1321
Mental status 341, 1003
assessment 43fc
impaired 1698
Meperidine 1261, 1439
Mephosfolan 1409
Mepivacaine 362
Meprobamate 1437
Mercaptopurine 654
Mercury 1489
absorption 1489
compounds 1680
source of 1489
clinical features of 1489
treatment of 1489
Merocel 917f
Meropenem 771
Merphos 1409
Mesenteric artery 719
superior 1236
Mesenteric cyst 1241f
Mesenteric injury 1546
Mesenteric ischemia 505, 637, 719, 719fc, 720f, 1059
acute 635, 721f
chronic 634
Mesenteric lymphadenitis 1238
Mesenteric vein
superior 719, 1236
thrombotic occlusion of 719
Mesenteric venous system 719
Mesothelioma 970
Metabolic abnormalities 1031, 1086, 1211
Metabolic academia, severe 748
Metabolic acidosis 305307, 314, 413, 522, 547, 637, 749, 871, 876, 1334, 1470, 1672
deadly triad of 1602
high anion gap 1487
severe 1394
Metabolic alkalosis 292, 305307, 470, 695
Metabolic causes 641, 836, 838
Metabolic derangements 748, 1269
Metabolic diseases 690
Metabolic disorder 305, 307, 840, 877, 1140, 1178
Metabolic rate complicate hypothermia 157
Metabolic responses 156
Metabolic syndrome 859
causes of 860
Metabolism 1453
head of 1618
mitt splint 1629
Metadoxine 1450
Metal poisoning 1490
Metallic mercury
acute inhalation of 1489
chronic inhalation of 1489
Metalloproteinases 437
Metastatic cancer 557
Metformin 640, 862
Methadone 1439, 1442
Methamidophos 1409
Methane 1473
Methanol 1395, 1449
gravity of 1453
poisoning 1452, 1453
Methantheline bromide 1422
Methemoglobin 303, 566, 568, 1494, 1495
concentration of 1492
normal concentration of 1492
Methemoglobinemia 566, 853, 1398, 14921494
acquired 1493, 1493b, 1494, 1494t
congenital 1493, 1493f
diagnosis of 1494
management of 1495f
pathophysiology of 1492f
treatment of 1497fc
types of 1492
Methicillin 1006
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 34, 65, 78, 593, 598, 617, 793, 910, 922, 964, 1230, 1350, 1351, 1354, 1376, 1378
Methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus 1350
Methimazole 1513
Methotrexate 1045, 1075
medical management of 1075
alcohol poisoning 1394
prednisolone 1167
salicylate 361
salicylic acid 1383
Methylbenzene 1766
Methyldopa 1006, 1462
Methylene 775
blue 179, 1493, 1495, 1507
mixture 712
chloride 1474, 1496
doses of 568
Methyleserzide 799
Methylphenidate 646
Methylprednisolone 157, 578, 1378
Methylxanthines 578, 586, 1394, 1464
Metoclopramide 360, 642, 643, 646, 798, 799, 1080, 1261, 1262, 1428, 1493, 1495
Metoprolol 478, 799, 1199
Metronidazole 1085, 1592
Microangiopathic hemolysis 1095
Microcirculatory endpoint 342
Micrognathia 1515
Micronutrient therapy 861
Microscopic hematuria 731, 732, 734, 1601
evaluation of 736fc
Microsporidia 649
Midazolam 215, 271, 272, 353, 646, 835, 1392, 1435, 1657
Midborderline 1031
Midclavicular line 368, 1582
Middle ear 907, 1755
infection 910
Middle east respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 78
virus 1312
Midodrine 419
Migraine 796
abortive medication for 799
acute 1431
drug therapy for 799t
headache 417
preventive medications for 799
Migratory ascaris lumbricoides 1300
Miliaria crystallina 1222
Miliaria rubra 1221, 1221f
Military medicine 195, 200
Miller's classification 205, 205t
Milrinone 337, 463, 471, 507, 1200
Mimics spinal cord injury 1717
Mineral oil 1174
Mineralocorticoid 894
Minimally invasive therapy 780
Mini-mental state examination 1048, 1049
Minocycline 1578
Minoxidil 1006
Mipafox 1409
Mirizzi syndrome 673
Miscarriages 1102
Misconceptions 1267
Misoprostol 1513
Mitiglinide 1382
Mitral inflow propagation velocity 443
Mitral leaflet, systolic anterior motion of 488
Mitral regurgitation 465, 501
acute 466, 487
severe 468, 1194f
Mitral stenosis 558
Mitral valve
disease 404
injuries 1587
Mobility devices 97
Moclobemide 1425
Molar bicarbonate 281
Molluscicides 1404
Mometasone furoate 778
Mondor's disease 781
Money management program 1258
Mongolian spots 1221, 1225, 1225f
Monkeypox 1295
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 360, 1395, 1425
Monoarthritis 1043fc
Monoclonal antibody 1045, 1379
Monomicrobial infections 1353
Monomicrobial necrotizing fasciitis, causes of 1353
Mononeuritis multiplex 1030
Mononucleosis 934f
Monophasic defibrillators 225
Monosaccharides 861
Monro–Kellie doctrine 1558
Mood disorder 1051, 1055
assessment of 1249
differential diagnosis of 1052
etiology of 1051
treatment of 1052
Moraxella catarrhalis 588
Morbid obesity 1634
Morel Lavallee syndrome 1609
Morison's pouch 368f, 1541, 1541f
Morning stiffness 1042
Moro reflex 1139
Morphine 215, 270, 271, 1006, 1439
Morphologic injury, evidence of 1585
Mosquito control 1294
Motor function loss, complete 1572
Motor level, determination of 1577
Motor responses 850
Motor systems 1570
Motor vehicle
accidents 1565, 1602
collision 1444, 1637, 1641, 1646, 1651
crash 1579, 1637
Motor weakness 1698
Mouth 1136, 1137
Mucocutaneous bleeding 1006
Mucolytics, role of 586
Mucor species 1377
Mucosal congestion 1648
Mucosal lacerations 1667
Mucosal surfaces 1658
Mucositis 964
Mucous gland hyperplasia 575
Mucous membranes 68
dryness of 313
Mucus hypersecretion 584
Muffled heart tones 1644
Multidisciplinary teams 1258
Multidose charcoal 1395
Multi-drug resistant 687
damage syndrome 675
disease 1039
dysfunction 1422, 1692
syndrome 846, 1011
failure 1695
Multiorganism colonies 1739
Multiple daily injections 857
Multiple electrolyte abnormalities 1202
Multiple petechial rashes 1319
Multisystem disease 1030
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome 1163, 1164
management of 1167
Mumps 1292, 1305, 1745
measles, and rubella 1006
vaccine 1153
Murmur 486
abdominal 1316
biopsy 841
cramps 316
discomfort 1698
disorders 838
fibers, arrangement of 440f
infarction, peripheral 547
necrosis of 1714
relaxant 816
depolarizing 214
relaxation 1435
rigidity 1440
spasm 1435, 1740
tension 272
tone 1559
Muscular dystrophies 360
Muscular hyperactivity 1315
Muscular structures, complex network of 1565
Musculoskeletal infections 1356
Musculoskeletal injury 49, 1602, 1621, 1639
increased risk of 1637
Musculoskeletal strains 1699
Musculoskeletal system 1248, 1263, 1264, 1621, 1687
Muslim Personal Law 1258
Myalgia 1301, 1318, 1488
Myasthenia gravis 360, 839
crisis 842
neonatal 1140
Mycobacterium avium 1370
complex 1369, 1372
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1292, 1336, 1339, 1358, 1360, 1369, 1372
infection 619
Mycophenolate 1045
mofetil 692, 746, 1379
Mycoplasma 592594
genitalium 1062
hominis 1062
pneumoniae 593, 594, 838, 911, 928, 998, 999, 1300
Mydriasis 1411, 1445, 1463
Myelinopathy 1409
Myelitis, acute idiopathic transverse 840
Myelodysplastic syndrome 958, 981
Myeloid leukemia, chronic 962, 963
Myiasis 401
treatment of 401
Myocardial causes 461
Myocardial contractile dysfunction, detection of 439
Myocardial damage 144, 1736
Myocardial deformation 440f
Myocardial disorders 364
Myocardial dysfunction 156, 236, 467
causes of 467
postresuscitation 236
reversible 467
sepsis-induced 467
Myocardial infarction 42, 49, 168, 403, 434, 449, 451, 454, 460, 465, 467, 502, 514, 525, 623, 640, 669, 880, 1053, 1086, 1248, 1446, 1637
acute 19, 355, 403, 436, 453, 460, 498, 505, 637
anterior wall 429f
inferior-posterior 427f
massive 144
mechanical complications of 444, 445f
thrombolysis in 19, 458
Myocardial injury 434, 1455
types of 436
Myocardial irritability 1461
Myocardial ischemia 156, 339, 403, 404, 404f, 439, 458, 479, 514
Myocardial perfusion imaging 19
Myocarditis 348, 364, 405, 467, 482, 567, 1105
acute 19
Myocardium leading, tissue damage of 1713
Myoglobin 435, 733, 751, 1725
Myoglobinuria 547, 733, 1717, 1726
Myokymia 155
Myometrium 1084
Myonecrosis 1027, 1740
Myopathy 1378
Myotome 1577
Myristica fragrans 1501, 1503
Myxedema 615, 883
Myxedema coma 852, 882, 883, 884t
diagnosis of 883
diagnostic criteria for 886t
pathogenesis of 883, 885fc
treatment of 885, 886fc
N95 mask 267
N-acetyl cysteine 586, 1395, 1396, 1403, 1419, 1469, 1470, 1475, 1507
N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine 1467, 1468, 1514
Nadolol 678
Nafcillin 1358
Nails 1489
examination of 140
Naja naja venom 1725
Naloxone 179, 1396, 1397, 1439, 1441
doses of 1441
Naphthalene 56
Naproxen 360, 799, 1069, 1261
Nasal airway 203
Nasal anatomy 915f
Nasal cannula 213, 242, 243, 243f, 599
Nasal cavity examination 917f
Nasal emergencies 915, 919
Nasal examination instruments 916f
Nasal flaring 1506
Nasal injury, mechanism of 918f
Nasal mucosa 915
Nasal packing 917
Nasal packing, posterior 917
Nasal septal hematoma 919, 915, 919f
Nasal septum 1667
Nasal speculum 916f, 948f
holding technique 916f
Nasal trauma classification 1549t
Nasal trumpet 203
Nasogastric tube 1592
insertion of 1326
placement 658
role of 684
Nasolacrimal duct injury 1666, 1666f
Nasopharyngeal airway 203, 203f, 1125, 1525
placement of 203f
Nasopharyngeal stimulation 646
Nasopharyngeal swab 628
Nasopharyngitis 553
Nasopharynx 948
Nateglinide 1382
Natriuresis 435
Natriuretic peptide 435
Natural colloid albumin 293
Natural killer cell activity 959
Natural language processing 106
Natural response 183
chemotherapy-induced 967, 975, 976
treatment of 642t
Near drowning 1703
Nebulized albuterol 314
Nebulizers 579
Neck 928, 1136, 1144
anatomical zones of 1566f
angiogram of 1567
area, anatomy of 284f
CT angiogram of 1567
infection, deep 576
pathophysiology of 1566
traumatic 1565
mobility 211
stiffness 932
trauma 576, 1565, 1566t
evaluation of 1567
veins 1644
Necrotizing cellulitis 1027
Necrotizing fasciitis 324, 1021, 1022, 1025, 1027, 1027f
score 1355t
Necrotizing soft tissue infections 251, 1349, 1350t, 1353, 1354
types of 1354t
cricothyroidotomy 1643
cricothyrotomy 394, 395
Needlestick glucose 1436
Neglected tropical disease 1727
gonorrhea 770, 928, 1062, 1083, 1360, 1362, 1363
meningitidis 844, 1162, 1292, 1377
Nematicides 1404
Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 561
Neonatal resuscitation 1133, 1134fc
kit 1112
program 1134
Neonatal seizure 1211
treatment of 1213
Neonatal withdrawal syndromes 1515
Neoplasms 656, 1185
Neostigmine 1397, 1725
Nephrectomy 1590
Nephritic syndrome 745
Nephritis, acute interstitial 746
Nephrolithiasis 761, 763
Nephropathy 794
contrast-induced 1637
Nephrotic syndrome 522, 615, 746
Nephrotoxicity 746
Nephrotoxin 1736
Nerium odorum 1500, 1500f, 1503
compression 1614
musculocutaneous 392
Nerve blocks, ultrasound-guided 392
peripheral 386
Nervous system 1489
peripheral 622, 1488
Nesiritide 470
Neuralgia 936, 939t
Neurocardiogenic syncope 416
Neurocutaneous disorder 1211, 1226
Neurocutaneous syndrome 1210, 1225
Neurofibromatosis 517, 962, 1225, 1225f
Neurogenic shock 338, 339, 1085, 1128, 1576
Neurokinin 641
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 850, 853, 877, 1423, 1428, 1429, 1430b
Neuroleptic syndrome 1315
and systemic manifestations 1293
assessment 276
bladder, causes of 739t
complications 506, 533, 755, 1379
deficits 1613, 1644
diseases 994t
examination 850, 1699
function 1530
cessation of 152
impairment 739
injury exists 1573
sequelae 1335
stage 841
syncope 416
system 1248, 1706
Neurological deficit 803, 1574, 1577, 1642
severity of 1571
Neurological emergency 796
Neurological status, evaluation of 1576
Neurological symptoms 953
causes of 823
Neurological syndromes 1185
Neuroma, post-traumatic 1580
Neuromuscular blocking agent 212, 215
Neuromuscular dystrophies 482
Neuromuscular junction 572
disorders of 838
Neuromuscular manifestation 622
Neuromuscular paralysis 1408
Neuro-ophthalmology emergencies 904
Neuropathic pain, drug therapy for 361t
Neuropathy 838
peripheral 822, 1378
syndrome 1409
Neuropsychiatric symptoms 1460
Neuropsychiatric syndrome, delayed 1496
Neurorehabilitation 1578
Neurosurgical complications 506
Neurotoxic effects 1433
Neurotoxicity 1433
Neurotoxin 1410, 1736, 1740
Neurotransmitter acetylcholine 1421
Neurovascular injury 1609, 1656, 1670
Neurovascular structures, complex network of 1565
Neutron activation analysis 1390
Neutropenia 958, 959, 962, 1375
Neutrophil 603
Neutrophilia 622, 1164
Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio 524
Nevus flammeus 1221, 1226, 1226f
Nevus simplex 1140, 1226
Newborn examination, normal 1136t
Nexus mnemonic 1575
Nicardipine 515
infusion 825
Nicotiana tabacum 1501, 1503
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 1492, 1493, 1495
hydride, deficiency of 568
hydrogenase 189
phosphate 1492, 1493, 1495
hydrogen 189
Nicotine 1501
Nicotinic adrenal receptors, stimulation of 1407
Nicotinic effects 1407
Nifedipine 646, 1092, 1094, 1102, 1105, 1259, 1710
modified-release 1105
Night cries 1337
Night sweats 1368
Nikolsky sign 1021
Nipah virus 190, 1279, 1286, 1285, 1311
Nitrates 416
Nitrazepam 1435
Nitric oxide 678
inhaled 1119
pathway 518
Nitrobenzene 1394, 1493
Nitrofurantoin 769, 770
Nitrogen detector 1387
Nitroglycerin 457, 458, 470, 515, 662, 830, 1493
Nitroprusside 470, 534, 830, 1493
N-methyl carbamates 1415
N-methyl-d-aspartate 1269
receptors 1515
Nodulus 803
Noise pollution 862
Noisy breathing 209
Nonaccidental injury 1684
Nonarrhythmic cardiac causes 409
Nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis 447
Nonbenzodiazepine 1431, 1435, 1437
drugs 1437
sedatives 1437t
Nonbullous ichthyosiform erythroderma 1025
Noncardiac causes 409
Noncardiac disease 413
Noncardiac surgery 498
Noncommunicable diseases 163
lifestyle 859
Nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers 792
Nonerosive reflux disease 666
Nonfalciparum, primarily 1298
Nonglomerular hematuria 732
Nonhemophiliac trauma 543
Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas 971
Nonhormonal therapies 1273
Noninflammatory arthritis 1042t
Noninflammatory disorders 1633
Nonintact skin 68
Noninvasive bedside laboratory testing 100
Noninvasive hemodynamic monitors 301
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 255, 580, 599, 600, 1580, 1705
Noninvasive ventilation 23, 209, 254, 256, 277, 573, 580, 589, 623
contraindications for 255t
indications of 255t
nodes of 254
role of 586
Nonischemic cardiac causes 404
Nonischemic chest pain, diagnosis of 408
arrhythmia 473
causes 403
injuries 1587
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 1371
Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia 720
Nonopioid 357
analgesics 360, 1514
Nonpenetrating ballistic injury 1580
Nonpenetrating ocular injuries 901
Nonpetroleum 56
Nonpharmacologic treatments 639
Nonpharmacological antipyresis 1161
Nonpharmacological options 1743
Nonpharmacological therapy 586, 860, 1270
Nonpoisonous snake 1721f
differentiating features of 1721
Nonpregnant females 1060
Nonprotected coworkers 1763
Nonpulsatile hematoma, small 1613
Nonpurulent cellulitis 924, 1350t, 1352, 1354
etiology of 1349
Nonreassuring fetal heart 1650
Nonrebreathing mask 242, 243, 244f, 599
Nonrespiratory symptoms 629
Nonresponding pneumonia 600
Nonresponsive unstable patients, management of 1527
Nonshockable rhythm 228fc, 1131
Non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome 458
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 26, 200, 357, 360, 536, 554, 575, 640, 666, 686, 694, 708, 745, 764, 789, 798, 908, 921, 999, 1030, 1037, 1059, 1069, 1269, 1322, 1375, 1383, 1466, 1470, 1512, 1617, 1679, 1700, 1726
management of 1470
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications 30
Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction 453, 455
Nonsyncopal transient 418
Nontransplant organ retrieval centers 155
Nontraumatic abdominopelvic pain 1058
Nontraumatic ocular emergencies 900
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 1372
Nontunneled catheter indications 284
Nonverbal pain indicators 1268
Nonvitamin K antagonist 537
Nonvoluntary euthanasia 135
Noradrenaline 462
Noradrenergic agents 338
Norepinephrine 152, 335, 336, 463, 471, 494, 746
reuptake inhibitors 1427
Norfloxacin 686
Normal atmospheric pressure 254
Normoglycemia 749
Normovolemic cardiac chambers 1543f
Nornicotine 1501
Norovirus 649
Nortriptyline 1261, 1425
Norwalk virus 1177
Nose 1136, 1548
bimanual digital palpation of 1549f
bites 1670
foreign body of 947
lacerations 1667
Nosocomial infection, suspected 846
Novel human coronavirus 1279
Novel influenza 1305
Novel oral anticoagulants 537, 541
Noxious stimulus 355
agents 181
antigen 1044
maturation defect 953
medicine 729
Nucleic acid
test 1369, 1370
vaccines 629
Nucleic acid amplification test 652, 1058, 1293, 1321
cartridge based 1337, 1339
polymorphisms 860
reverse transcriptase inhibitor 1371
Null hypothesis 82t
type of errors in 82t
Numbness 1698
Nurse's chart 133
Nursing care 1032
Nursing station 51
Nutrients 952
Nutrition 326, 760, 1032
role of 1179
status 953
therapy 860
in burns, types of 1681
Nutritional deficiencies 958
Nystagmography 808
Nystagmus 806, 1049, 1450
absence of 806
right-beating 806
test for 28
Obesity 159, 860
Observation unit management 13
Obstetric emergency 1056, 1078, 1102
managing 1108
Obstetrics toxicology 1511
Obstipation 696
Obturator sign 700
Occlusion, aortic zone of 1594
Occlusive bites 1670
Occult bacteremia 1162
Occult shock 1535
Occupational disease 1764
early detection of 1765
Occupational health 1762, 1768
Occupational safety 1766
O-cresol test 1383
Octreotide 684
Ocular congestion 921
Ocular emergency
causes of 899
traumatic 900
Ocular injury 1678
penetrating 900
Ocular manifestations 622
Ocular toxicity 1453
Ocular trauma, classification for 900t
Ocular ultrasonography, normal 1555f
Odontogenic polymicrobial cellulitis 931
Odynophagia 662, 663
Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy 26
Ohm's law 1712
Olanzapine 646
quetiapine 1422
Oleander seed poisoning 1399
Oligoarthritis 1043fc
Oliguria 296, 744, 1087, 1378
Omicron 630
On-board medical oxygen 1757
Oncological emergency, classification of 967t
Oncotic pressure 614
Ondansetron 360, 642
One pill can kill 1507, 1508t
Oophoritis 1084
Open appendectomy 702
Open fracture 1229, 1230, 1609, 1615, 1616, 1619
wounds 1661
Open globe injury 901
Open-toe slippers 70
Operating room 1117, 1588, 1645
Operation theater 8, 9, 1108
staff for minor 9
trip, immediate 1569
Ophthalmic changes 1717
thyroid-associated 889
treatment of 891
Ophthalmoplegia 1490, 1724
Opiates 816, 817
withdrawal 817
Opioid 852, 1269, 1439, 1439t, 1513, 1515
agonist 1439t
analgesic 360
analgesic 215, 271t
therapy 360
antagonist analgesic 360
clinical evaluation 1440
long-acting 1442
pathophysiology 1439
phenothiazines 1394
types of 1439
Opioid toxicity 1440
differential diagnosis of 1441t
management of 1442
Opioid withdrawal 1441
treatment of 1442
Opisthotonos 1502
Opportunistic infections 1373
list of 1369t
Optic neuritis 904
Oral antidiabetic 862
Oral candidiasis 934, 1223, 1223f
etiopathogenesis of 935f
risk factors for 934b
Oral care 146
Oral cavity 928, 1215
Oral emergencies, pediatric 1215
Oral glucose tolerance test 860
Oral hypoglycemic
agents 860, 862, 866, 1104
medications 1637
Oral lesions, evaluation of 942fc
Oral rehydration 650
salts 650, 1749, 1754
Oral therapy, tolerate 1181
Oral ulcer, recurrent 1034
Orbit 1552
Orchiectomy, unilateral 789
Orchiopexy 789
Orchitis 786
Organ damage 749
Organ donation 144, 149, 155, 240
and transplantation 159
Organ dysfunction 1085
acute 319
Organ failure 143
chronic 159
end-stage 791
multisystem 1636
prevention of 1475
Organ impairment, signs of 1321
Organ injuries 1008, 1547
Organ parasympathetic manifestations 1407
Organ preservation 156
Organ system 998, 1672
dysfunction 640
Organ transplant 159, 161, 791
Organic disorders 1173
Organic mercury 1489
Organic peroxides 57
Organogenesis 1512
Organomercury exposure 1489
Organophosphate 154, 1406, 1413
compounds 1405t
pesticides, mode of action 1406f
poisoning 1409
acute 1407
chronic 1409
compound 1394, 1417t
pesticide 843
Ornithodoros ticks 1309
Oromaxillary injuries 49
Oronasopharynx 399
Oropharyngeal airway 202, 834, 1525
placement of 202f
sizes of 202f
Oropharynx 948
Orphenadrine 1261, 1422
Orthomyxoviridae 1275
Orthopantomogram 938, 939
Orthopedic evaluation 1607
Orthopedic injury 1613, 1615, 1619, 1619fc, 1625t, 1682, 1714
classification of 1615
etiology of 1615
management of 1615
Orthopedic procedures 1621
Orthopnea 923
Orthostasis 416
Orthostatic hypotension 416, 642, 709
history of 1251
Orthostatic syncope 416
Osborn wave 432
Oscillatory ventilation, high-frequency 1483
Oseltamivir 1233
dose 1233t
demyelination syndrome 972
diarrhea 311
diuresis 1202
Ossification centers 1644
Osteoarthritis 1034, 1036, 1040, 1043, 1360
Osteochondral fragments 1609
Osteodystrophy 760
Osteomyelitis 289, 712, 1137, 1253, 1356, 1356t, 1357f, 1357t
antibiotic therapy 1358
causes 1356
chronic refractory 252
clinical presentation 1357
diagnosis 1357
epidemiology 1356
etiology 1356
pathophysiology 1357
physical examination 1357
risk factors 1357
surgical therapy 1358
treatment 1358
Osteoporosis 1271, 1378
Otalgia 908
causes of 908
primary 908
tinnitus, causes of 908t
Otitis externa 909, 909f
acute diffuse 909
malignant 909
Otitis media 908, 910, 910f
acute 1145
chronic suppurative 922
Otorrhea 849
Ototoxic agents 908
Otovestibular cause 801
Ottawa ankle rules 1617
Ottawa knee rules 1617
Out-of-hospital management 1688
Out-of-plane technique 378
Ovale malaria 1299
Ovarian cancer 1272
syndrome 1272
Ovarian cyst 1060, 1061
types of 1061, 1061t
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 1062
Ovarian torsion 1061
Overcrowding, causes of 117
Overdose and toxicity 1425
Over-the-counter drugs 1422, 1514
Overzealous fluid resuscitation 1203
Oxazepam 1435
Oxcarbazepine 361, 1431
Oxidizing agents 56, 57
Oxycodone 1439
Oxygen 56, 1115
cerebral metabolic rate of 1557
consumption 484
delivery devices 243t
mask 599
partial pressure of 276, 572, 1557
pressure of 1708
rebreather systems 1699
run time sheet 248t
saturation 6, 214, 626, 1166
source 242
supplemental 213, 571, 573, 1506
supplementation 352, 469, 604, 1254
toxicity 245, 252, 1699, 1700
Oxygen cylinder 247t
types of 247
use 247
Oxygen delivery system 241, 599t
classification of 242, 242t
selection of 244, 245t
Oxygen therapy 241, 249, 578, 586, 588, 1193
initiation of 244
long-term 245
low-flow 243
management consists of 1582
assessment of 307
control of 234
Oxygenator 346
Oxygen-driven nebulizers 579
Oxygen-enriched mixture 1698
dissociation curve 303, 304f
saturation 303
Oxytocin receptor antagonist 1102
Pacemaker 473, 1458
lead 447
placement, require temporary 1586
role of 419
syndrome 474
Packed cell volume 26
Packed red blood cell 965, 988
transfusion 658
Paget's disease 315
Pagnini–McClure maneuver 808, 808f
Pain 1067, 1738
acute 355
articular 1042t
assessment of 41, 356, 1267, 1268
tools 1268, 1268t
behavioral 358t
bony 954
burn 709
cardiac 404t
character of 1057
control 1617
failure 355
dental 936
description of 356
epigastric 1088
erythema 1357
esophageal 662
evaluation of
mild 636
severe 636
flank 767
graft 1378
intensity of 356
interscapular 531
intractable 765
location of 1033
management 46, 145, 270, 360, 361, 533, 765, 999, 1592, 1716, 1726
topical agents for 361t
mechanisms of 763fc
migrant 637, 701
muscular 1173
musculoskeletal 408, 554, 1041
noncardiac 403, 404t
onset of 1057
parietal 1170
pathophysiology of 356f
periarticular 1042t
periodontal 939t
periumbilical 701
persistent 273
therapy for 357
treatment of 1267
psychotic 355
radiation of 1057
rebound 23
referred 938t
relief 1657, 1665
retro-orbital 1318
rib 405
scales 358t
scrotal 784
severe 41
site of 356, 1057
somatic 355
suprapubic 767
tearing 709
teething 937t
undertreatment of 1266
violent 633
visceral 1170
Painful scrotum 785, 788
Painless scrotal swelling 789
Painless swollen scrotum 787
Pain-scoring scales 272t
Palliative extubation 278
Palmar erythema 850
Palpable distal pulse 1613
Palpable purpura 1030
Palpable thrill 1613
Palpable uterus 1113
Palpate laryngeal membrane 395f
Palpation 1616
Palpitation 409, 412t, 414fc, 1756
causes of 409
etiology of 409t
Pampiniform plexus 1139
Pancreas transplantation 865
Pancreatic malignancy 666
Pancreatitis 614, 667, 673, 719, 1004, 1008, 1240
acute 26, 27, 27t, 355, 438, 669
chronic 666
pathophysiology of 669
severe acute 633, 671t, 673
Pancytopenia 958, 961c
causes of 958
Panic attack, evidence of 413
Panic disorders 1053, 1435
Papaver somniferum 1425
Papillary membranes 1137
Papillary muscle 444, 445f
rupture 466, 488
Papilledema 797, 847, 904
Papule 1014
Paracentesis 748
large-volume 679
Paracetamol 360, 674, 799, 1161, 1382, 1467, 1469
Paradoxical breathing 1187
Paradoxical chest 1644
Paradoxical embolism 447
Parainfluenza 593f, 928
virus 587, 1275
Paralysis 213, 718
stage of 1343
Paralytic 154
ileus 694
obstruction 698
rabies 1295
Paralyzed patient 273
Paramethadione 1513
Parametritis 1084
Paramyxoviridae 1275
Paramyxoviruses 1311
Paranoia 1440
Paranoid schizophrenia 1446
Paraphimosis 779, 780, 780f, 783
clinical presentation 780
etiology 779
pathophysiology of 779
pharmacological therapy 780
surgical treatment 780
treatment of 780
Parapneumonic effusion 614
Paraquat poisoning 1399
Parasites 649
Parasitic infections 615
Parathyroid hormone, secretion of 972
Paratyphoid 1302
Parenchymal defects 1599
Parenchymal inflammatory disease 553
Parenchymal injury 1482, 1558
Parenteral antibiotics 600, 924
Parenteral nutrition, total 1681
Parenteral pain control medications 798t
Parenteral sumatriptan 799
Parenteral terbutaline 579
Paresis 1416
Paresthesia 1698
Parkinson's disease 642, 646, 1262, 1316, 1410
Parkland formula 1679, 1680
Paronychia 1352
Parotitis 922
Paroxetine 1513
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 315
Paroxysmal nocturnal
dyspnea 558, 923
hemoglobinuria 956, 958
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 423f, 424f, 476
Paroxysms 1232
Pars flaccid 908
Pars tensa 908
Partial previa 1096
Partial rebreather mask 242, 243
Partial sphincterotomy 709
Partial thromboplastin time 1004, 1037, 1647
Partially obstructed airway 209
Particulate respirator 72
Passive drowning 1703
Passive euthanasia 135
legal status of 135
Passive immunization 1290, 1346
Passive leg raise 300
maneuver 300f
Pasteurellosis 1311
Patch 1014
Patellar dislocation 1625
Patellar tap test 1035
Patent femoral vein 384f
Patent foramen ovale 508
Pathogen's ability 1288
Pathological phimosis 776, 779
Patient's consciousness 1700
Patulous sphincter 841
Pazopanib 1382
Peak inspiratory pressure 265
Pedal edema 677
Pediatric assessment triangle 1124f
Pediatric cardiac emergency 1190, 1193
causes of 1191t
Pediatric emergency 1121
acute 1228
care 1644
Pediatric fluid 1181
Pediatric oral injuries, traumatic 1219fc
Pediatric poisoning 1509fc
Pediatric resuscitation 1124
Pedicle control 1599
Peisis sign 774
Pelamis platurus 1741
Pelvic binder 1634, 1635f
placement 1634
Pelvic causes 1072
Pelvic examinations 1076
Pelvic fixator, external 1634
Pelvic fracture 1531, 1531f, 1590, 1598, 1602, 1649
open 1609
unstable 1621
Pelvic hematoma 1601
Pelvic inflammatory disease 637, 639, 1058, 1060, 1062, 1063t, 1365, 1366
management of 1064t
Pelvic injury 1600
Pelvic mass, suspected 1061
Pelvic metastatic deposits 642
Pelvic organ prolapse 1273
Pelvic pain
acute 1056, 1058, 1060fc
causes of 1058, 1063
Pelvic region 1056
Pelvic soft-tissue injury 1634
Pelvic trauma 1593, 1608, 1609fc
Pelvic tumor 1112
Pelvis 1608
Pemphigus vulgaris 1021, 1022, 1022t, 1029f, 1045
Penciclovir 936
Penetrating neck trauma 1566
management of 1568fc
Penetrating vascular injury 1612, 1614
management of 1613
Penicillamine 1513
Penicillin 1006
allergic patients 759
Penile block 778
Penile calciphylaxis 776, 783
Penile emergency 773
Penile entrapment 775
Penile fracture 773, 781, 782f
causes 781
clinical presentation 781
diagnosis of 781
eggplant appearance of 782f
epidemiology 781
pathophysiology of 781
surgical correction of 783f
treatment 782
Penile hematoma 781
Penile urethra 725f
Penis, anatomy of 773f
Pentamidine 1382
Pentane 1473
Pentasaccharides 541
Pentavalent vaccine 1152
Pentazocine 1428, 1439
Penumbra, preservation of 823f
Peptic stricture 663
Peptic ulcer 666, 953
disease 666
active 1075
complications of 668
management of complications of 668
Peptostreptococcus 710
anaerobius 1083
species 1353
Peradeniya organophosphorus poisoning 1408
Perazine 1382
Percutaneous coronary intervention 333, 454, 458
Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy 394, 395, 396f
Percutaneous cricothyrotomy 394
Percutaneous nephrostomy 725, 1599, 1600
Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage 672
Percutaneous transluminal
angioplasty 791
coronary 464, 467
Percutaneous transvenous mitral commissurotomy 488
Percutaneous valves 287
clinical assessment of 343
peripheral 45
Pericardial cavity 504
Pericardial effusion 365, 499, 521, 1541, 1543f, 1585
malignant 967, 970
traumatic 492
Pericardial fluids, removal of 494
Pericardial injury 1585, 1713
Pericardial tamponade 365f, 504f, 505f, 1196
Pericardial window 970
Pericardiocentesis 392, 492, 494, 1581
subxiphoid approach for 495f
ultrasound-guided 384, 386f, 496f
Pericarditis 19, 404, 755, 1585
acute 429, 438
dialysis-related 755
Perichondritis 910
Perilymph fistula 805
Perimortem cesarean 1649
delivery 1118, 1651
section 1112f
Perineal hematoma 1530, 1598
Perinephric hematoma 1598
Periorbital edema 1554f
Periorbital swelling 904
Periorbital wound 1664
Peripheral arterial disease
chronic 549
particularly 1612
Peripheral arteriovascular disease 547, 549fc, 550
causes 547
clinical presentation 547
diagnosis of 550
etiology 547
management of 549, 550c
pathophysiology 547
Peripheral catheter 281
indications 281
Peripheral nerve 387f
blocks 1618
Peripheral vascular injury 1612
treatment of 1613
Peripheral venous
access technique 283f
catheter placement 375
Peripheral vestibular
disease 802
dysfunction 30
system 802, 802f
Peripherally inserted central catheter 285
contraindications 285
indications 285
technique of 285
Periprosthetic joint infection 1360
pathogenesis 1361
treatment 1361
Peristalsis functionality 694
Peritoneal dialysis 615, 743, 753, 758, 758f
Peritoneal stripe sign 1546
Peritonitis 759, 1084, 1239
Peritonsillar abscess 930, 1187
pathophysiology of 931f
Periumbilical ecchymoses 1590
Permanent dentition 1217
Permanent erectile dysfunction 773
Permanent neurological deficit 1570
Permanent pacemaker 497
implantation 498
Permissive hypotension 1538, 1613
Persistent fever 1368
Persistent hematuria 732, 734
Personal portable oxygen
bottles 1757
concentrator 1757
Personal protective equipment 14, 57, 62, 63, 68, 70, 73f, 76, 78, 187, 1110, 1392, 1695
decontamination of 75
doffing 70
donning 70
levels of 61t, 75, 187f
limitations of 76
role of 69t
safely use 70
types of 61, 68
usage, efficiency of 76
use of 68, 1750
Personality disorders 1050
Pertussis 1148, 1156, 1291, 1305
exposures 1231
classification 1231
complications 1232
diagnosis 1232
pathophysiology 1231
treatment 1232
classification of 1404t
miscellaneous 1404
poisoning 1404
Petechiae 850
Petechial lesion 1021
Peyronie's disease 776, 781, 783
Pharmacologic therapy 469, 862, 862b
Pharyngeal airway, oral 202f
Pharyngeal infection 576
Pharyngitis 928, 1482
management steps of 930fc
pathophysiology of 928fc
treatment of 929
Pharynx airway 205
Phenazopyridine 1493
Phenelzine 1425
Phenobarbital symptoms 1431
Phenobarbitone 1395
Phenothiazine 642, 1158
Phentolamine 515
Phenylbutazone 1006
Phenylephrine 335, 336, 462, 463
Phenytoin 236, 311, 878, 1212, 1259, 1263, 1431, 1433, 1434, 1513, 1562
overdose 1434fc
remove 1433
toxicity 1431, 1432, 1434
Pheochromocytoma 315, 510, 1087
Philadelphia cervical collar 1575f
Phimosis 773, 776, 776f 777f, 778t, 783
clinical presentation 777
etiology 776
grading of 777
physical examination 777
topical preparations 777
treatment 777
Phosphate 880, 1205
Phosphodiesterase 1736
inhibitors 338, 1458
Phosphor inositol diphosphate 1456
Phosphorus 971
Photophobia 1341
Phrenic nerve irritation 645
physalis 1739
utriculus 1739
Physical abuse 1256
Physical impairment 19
Physical restraints 274
Physical therapy 1138
Physiologic athlete's heart 481
Physiologic follicular cyst 1060
Physiological phimosis 776, 777
Physostigma venenosum 1415f
Physostigmine 1397, 1415, 1500
Phytomenadione 1397
Pica 953
Picaridin 1749
Picco system 300
Picornaviridae 1275
Pigmentation, disorders of 1225
Pigments, types of 566t
Pig-tail 606
catheters 611
Pill injury 663
Pilonidal disease 712
chronic 712, 713
clinical presentation 712
diagnosis 712
etiopathogenesis 712
recurrent 714
treatment 713
Pilonidal sinus, treatment of 713
Pimobendan 336
Pioglitazone 863
Piperacillin 771, 1355
Pipothiazine 1382
Piriform recess 208f
Pituitary apoplexy 852
Pituitary function, posterior 156
Pituitary gland tumors 922
Pit-vipers 1720, 1720f
Pityriasis rosea 1021
Pizotifen 799
abruption 1099, 1112, 16481650
sign of 1649
delivery 1110
low-lying 1096, 1097
previa 10951098, 1112
investigations for 1097t
risk factors for 1096t
trophoblasts 1089
Plague 190, 1283, 1305
Plant poison 1499b
Plantar puncture wound 1229, 1661
Plaque 1015
Plasma 614
chloride 291
cholinesterase 1411t
activity 1410
exchange 840, 1490
therapy 1004
freeze-dried 200
glucose level 879
increases, volume of 1647
infusion therapy 1004
leak 1686
osmolality 311
phenytoin concentrations 1433
protein 1259
fraction 993
regain, rapid 1364
sodium 291
therapy 626
volume 1646
Plasmapheresis 993, 994, 1395
therapy, target of 996t
Plasminogen activator 541
inhibitor 863
falciparum 1300, 1328
treatment of 1332
infection 1305
life cycle of 1329, 1329fc
sexual stage of 1329
type of 1328
vivax 1299
Plastic aprons 69
Plastic surgical techniques 1655
Plateau pressure 265
Platelet 546, 989, 990
adhesion 979
aggregation 979
widespread 1004
clumping 959f
count 955, 959, 1009
derived growth factor 563
dysfunction 1533
factor 1003
fall, timing of 1010
inhibitors, reversal agents for 546t
production 1002
secretion 979
single donor 989, 1009
Plateletpheresis 994
Platypnea 679
Platysma muscle 1566
Pleural cavity 530
Pleural effusion 46, 574, 587, 588, 614, 615, 620
causes of 615t
Pleural empyema 617f
Pleural fluid 609, 614
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 1150, 1335
Pneumococcal diseases 1148
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 1149, 1151, 1292
Pneumococcal vaccine 591, 601, 1152
Pneumococcus 1291
carinii 692, 1369
jiroveci pneumonia 793, 1372
Pneumomediastinum 611, 612, 1697
Pneumonia 66, 400, 405, 521, 551, 576, 588, 592, 593, 597, 598t, 614, 618, 1148, 1158, 1162, 1186, 1187
acute 592
atypical 592, 594, 594t, 595t
bacterial 596, 615, 617
causes of 592
classification of 592, 592t, 593
healthcare associated 593
hospital-acquired 593
post-traumatic 1579, 1580
severe 600
severity index 596
treatment of 597
ventilator-associated 66, 593
Pneumonitis 1473, 1714
management of 1475
Pneumoperitoneum 1171
Pneumorrhachis 612
Pneumothoraces, apical 1582
Pneumothorax 166, 170, 300, 405, 576, 588, 602607, 1133, 1543, 1544, 15801582, 1583fc, 1586, 1647, 1651, 1697, 1717, 1756
clinical features of 1582
etiological classification of 602t
evaluation for 370f
investigation of 1587
management of 604
primary spontaneous 603
quantification of 604f
radiological evaluation of 604
secondary spontaneous 603
signs of 1474
simple 1582
small 604
traumatic 602
treatment of 611, 613t
untreated 251
P-nitrophenol test 1410
Pocket masks 1699
Pointing sign 700
Point-of-care environment 101
Point-of-care test 1591
devices 100
Point-of-care ultrasound 100, 342, 364, 1587, 1591
machines 99
resuscitation protocol 373f
Poiseuille's law 606
Poison 41, 56, 1392, 1512
nature of 1394
general management of 1392
management of 1398t
removal of 1394
unintentional 1646
Poisonous snake 1721f
differentiating features of 1721
Polio 1148, 1293
oral dose of 1745
vaccine, oral 1152, 1155, 1156
Poliomyelitis 838, 842, 1305
Poliovirus vaccine, inactivated 1148, 1150, 1155, 1156
Polyarthritis 1043fc
acute 1042
monoarticular onset 1034
oligoarticular onset 1034
Polyarticular arthritis 1363
Polychromasia 963f
Polyclonal antibodies 1379
Polycystic kidney disease 731, 753
Polycystic liver disease 691
Polycythemia 566
Polydioxanone 1664
Polydipsia 855, 879
Polyethylene containers 57
Polyethylene glycol 647, 1174, 1395
Polymerase chain reaction 598, 847, 845, 936, 1232, 1308, 1331, 1370, 1376
Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia 424, 479, 497, 498
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes 1037
Polymyalgia rheumatica 1040, 1041
Polymyositis 1040
Polyneuropathy 1409
Polyphagia 1202
Polypharmacy 1261
Polysaccharides 861
Polytrauma 168, 1678, 1682
initial 1576
management of 1524
Polyuria 315, 879
Popliteal fossa 390
Popliteal sciatic nerve, ultrasound of 390f
Porphyria 637, 835
acute intermittent 841
Portable oxygen
bottle 1757
concentrator 1757
Portal hypertension 678, 923
complications of 690
Portal vein thrombosis 691, 719, 984
acute 719
Portopulmonary hypertension 679
Port-wine stains 1140, 1221, 1226
Positive Carnett sign 1173
Positive end expiratory pressure 222, 264266, 276, 502, 504, 572, 1133, 1526, 1704, 1705
Positive fast examination 1645
Positive pressure
methods 948
ventilation 463, 1134, 1546f
effects of 464f
Postanoxic myoclonus 237
Postarrest care 1131
Postauricular ecchymosis 1714
Postauricular erythema 910f
Postautoimmune thyroiditis 1105
Postblock care 388
Postburn contractures 1685
Postcardiac arrest
brain injury 234
care 222
syndrome 234, 235fc, 239fc
Postcardiac surgery 473
bleeding, control 502b
complications, prevention of 508
emergencies 501, 501b
Postcardiac transplant complications 1380t
Postcatheter ablation 473
Postcoronary artery bypass grafting 1751
Postdive air travel 1751, 1759
Postexposure prophylaxis 1232t, 1294t, 1295, 1295t, 1297, 1344, 1373, 1751
Postexposure vaccination 1344
Postextubation agitation 278
Postextubation cardiopulmonary dysfunction 277
Postextubation complications 277
Postextubation hypoxemia 277
Postextubation management 277
Postextubation stridor 277
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers 1407
Posthematopoietic cell transplantation 1006
Posthitis 775, 776, 783
Posthyperemic stage 1690
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis 746
Postintubation management 215
Postischemic stroke 537
Postliver transplant 692
complications 1379b
Postmalarial neurologic syndrome 1335
bleeding 1066
women 1069
Postnasal drip 551
Postparacentesis circulatory dysfunction 687
complications 1112
endometritis 1099
Postpleurodesis 1544
Postprocedure intercostal drain care 607
Postrenal transplant 792t
complications 1379t
Postsurgical bleeding, management of 941
stress 240
disorder 1053, 1054
tattooing 1655, 1655f
Post-tubercular fibrosis 565
Post-tussive vomiting 1232
Postural control system 808
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome 416
Posturography 808
Post-wound care 1661t
Potassium 311, 312, 971, 1403
channel blocker 1463, 1464
toxicity 1463t
hydroxide 562, 1478
Potential blunt abdominal trauma 1590
Potential cervical spine injury 1569
Potential health hazards 1764t
Potential uremic toxins 754
Potentially infected body fluids 69
Pouch of Douglas 1068, 1541f
Povidone-iodine cleansing solution 1635
Powered air-purifying respirators 61, 70, 78
Prader–Willi syndromes 1140
Pralidoxime 179, 1412, 1414, 1507
chloride 1412
hydrochloride 1414
Pramlintide 862, 864, 1382
Prandial insulin 865
doses of 857
Prasugrel 537, 539, 541, 545
Prazosin 514
Precardiac surgery evaluation 508
Precipitates hepatic encephalopathy 1437
Precordial derivations 314
Prednisolone 578
Prednisone 794
Preeclampsia 232, 511, 514, 922, 1078, 1089, 1089t, 1090, 1091t, 1093fc, 1094, 1105, 1115
pathogenesis of 1095
risk factors for 1090t
severe 1094, 1095
superimposed 1086
Preexcitation syndrome 20
Preexposure prophylaxis 1295, 1346
Pregabalin 271, 361, 840
Pregnancy 1003
anatomical changes of 1646
hypertension 1086
loss 1082b
physiological changes of 1646
trauma in 36, 1646
vaccination in 1148
Pregnant victim, treatment of 1412
Pregnant women 348, 1726
vaccination for 1149
Prehospital care 1561, 1672
and triage 1602
records 164
Prehospital trauma 1518
care 1518
Prehyperemic stage 1690
Preinjury functional level 1619
Prelabor rupture of membranes, risk factors of 1098t
Premature delivery 1648
Premature menopause 1273
Premature neonates 168
Premature ventricular
complex 478, 479
contractions 1686
Premenstrual syndrome 1435
Preoxygenate 153, 213
Preplacement medical examination 1768
Prepucial stretching 778
Prerenal azotemia 296
Prerenal failure 745
Prerequisites 152
Presacral fascia 713
Pressure control 262f
setting 264
Pressure regulated volume control 263
Pressure sores 1578, 1625
Pressure support
ventilation 263, 590
mode 263f
volume 590
Pressure targeted mode 261
Pressure ulcers 1252, 1654
assessment of 1253
management of 1253
risk factors for 1253
Pressurized and liquefied gases 56
Pressurized metered-dose inhalers 579
Presyncope 1758
Preterm babies 1102t
Preterm birth, high risk of 1101
Preterm labor 1099, 1650
etiology of 1100t
etiopathogenesis of 1100f
investigations for 1101t
management of 1101
prediction of 1101t
red flags of 1100t
threatened 1100
Pretravel immunization 1745
Priapism 773, 774fc, 783
Prilocaine 362, 1493
Primaquine 1332, 1333
Primary dentition 1217
Primidone 1212
Probiotics 862, 865
Procainamide 478, 1006
Procaine 362
Procedural sedation 355, 1435, 1618
and analgesia 350
Prochlorperazine 360, 642, 643, 1422
Proctalgia fugax 715
Proctitis 715
Proctoscopy 707
Profile sign 564
Progenitor cells transplant 865
Progesterone, role of 1272
only 141
therapy 1070
Progressive hypertension, symptoms of 1560
Progressive hypoxemic respiratory failure 277
Proguanil 1333
Proinflammatory cytokines 674
Prokinetic agents 667
Promethazine 360, 642, 799, 810, 1422
Propafenone 478
Propane 1473
Propantheline 1421
Prophylactic antibiotics 684, 1230, 1550, 1562
role of 1230
Prophylactic anticonvulsants 831
Prophylactic vaginal progesterone 1101
Prophylaxis 502, 503, 537, 603, 628, 793, 1228, 1578
Propofol 353, 835, 1657
infusion 215, 836
Propoxyphene 799, 1439
Propranolol 678, 799, 1199, 1397
Proptosis 904
Propylthiouracil 890, 1513
Proseal laryngeal mask airway 205f
Prostacyclin 518, 1119
Prostaglandin 1098
derivatives 1112
E2 563, 739, 1099
Prostate volume 739
Prostatic hypertrophy 766
Prostatitis 732
Prosthetic heart valve 488, 489
thrombosis 488
Prosthetic valve
dysfunction 488
thrombosis 489, 489t
Protamine 545, 856
sulfate 545
zinc insulin 856
Protease 1740
inhibitors 1371
Protective airway reflexes 46
Protective barrier 69
variety of 68
Protective eyewear 68, 70
selection of 70
Protective gowns 69
amount of 614
C deficiency 718
metabolism 1681
S deficiency 718
Proteinaceous exudative edema 1119
Proteinuria 718, 1088, 1089
Proteolysis 1201
Prothrombin complex concentrate 542, 544, 1638
Prothrombin time 623, 824, 988, 1003, 1004, 1009, 1012, 1035, 1037, 1470, 1591, 1647, 1724, 1725
Prothrombinase complex 544
Protocol verification 13
Proton pump inhibitors 645, 658, 660, 662, 667, 681, 746, 1261, 1263, 1748
role of 684
Protozoa 649
Proximal humerus fracture 1606, 1625
Proximal tibia 1623
bone marrow 1678
condyle 1609
pin 1624
traction 1623
Prthopedic conditions, traumatic 36
Pruritus 1271
Prussian blue 179
Pseudoaneurysm 720, 1613
formation 1614
Pseudogout 1034, 1036
Pseudohemoptysis 556
Pseudohypoglycemia 868
Pseudohyponatremia 313
Pseudomonas 401, 579, 589, 598, 1229
aeruginosa 594, 596, 769, 909, 910, 929, 1377
infection 1014
Pseudothrombocytopenia 960
Psittacosis 1311
Psoas sign 700, 1173
Psoriasis 1025, 1030, 1031f, 1045
Psoriatic arthritis 1034, 1040, 10431045, 1360
Psychedelics 1444
causes 409, 417
consultation 147
disease 1048
disorder 846
emergencies 12, 1759
illness 405, 815t, 1051
liaison team 1051
manifestation 622
medications 853
patient 358, 1047
syncope 417
Psychoactive drugs 1513
Psychogenic dizziness 804
Psychologic trauma 1672
Psychological assessment 1249
Psychological dizziness 801
Psychological stress 862, 1764
Psychological trauma 1726
Psychosis 747, 1050, 1051, 1054
causes of 1054t
evidence of 413
Psychotherapy 1055
Psychotic disorders 1050
Psychotropic drugs 1263
Ptosis 904, 1724
Public-private partnership 161
Pulmonary agents 189
Pulmonary angiography 526, 526t
Pulmonary artery 297, 441, 461, 463, 519, 556, 519
catheter 300, 463
hypertension 520
rupture 557
systolic pressure 443
wedge pressure 462
Pulmonary aspiration 1427
Pulmonary atresia 1194
Pulmonary barotrauma 1697
Pulmonary blood flow 301
Pulmonary capillary 611, 1697
permeability 1093
wedge pressure 484, 1419
Pulmonary causes 404
Pulmonary circulation 556
Pulmonary complications 678
Pulmonary contusion 1580, 1582
Pulmonary disease
chronic 468
preexisting 1579
Pulmonary edema 156, 368, 413, 469, 479, 574, 588, 755, 1086, 1089, 1411, 1416, 1736, 1740
development of 1490
high-altitude 1708, 1710, 1752
re-expansion 1583
signs of 1326
weaning-induced 276
Pulmonary effusion 1714
Pulmonary embolism 12, 18, 403405, 408, 438, 441, 442, 460, 468, 502, 521, 522f, 523, 524, 524b, 524t, 525, 526f, 527, 527b, 527t, 528, 528b, 537, 554, 567, 576, 588, 614, 615, 622, 880, 1195
massive 416, 442f
pathophysiology of 521fc
severity index 22, 24
treatment for 537
Pulmonary failure 1003
Pulmonary fibrosis 1636
Pulmonary function 1248
test 580, 581, 584
interpretation of 581
values of 581t
Pulmonary gas exchange 303, 303f
basic of 303
Pulmonary hypertension 296, 366, 405, 517, 518, 522, 557, 584, 587, 1710
classification of 517, 517t
clinical presentation 518
diagnosis of 519
pathophysiology of 518
signs of 518t
symptoms of 518t
treatments for 519
Pulmonary infarction 19
Pulmonary infections 565
Pulmonary interstitium 1697
Pulmonary laceration 1582
Pulmonary parenchyma 603, 1185
Pulmonary rehabilitation 586
Pulmonary shunt 602
Pulmonary symptoms 1698
Pulmonary therapy 1580
Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy 519
Pulmonary tuberculosis 1338f, 1339
diagnosis of 1337
Pulmonary vascular resistance 521
Pulmonary vasculature 509, 571, 621, 1457
Pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs 1710
Pulmonary vein flow 443
diastolic velocity 443
systolic velocity 443
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease 517
Pulmonary venous hypertension 1194f
Pulmonary wedge pressure 462
Pulmonic plague 1311
contour analysis 322
less electrical activity 1713
oximeter 51, 213, 469
pressure 298
variation 298
steroids 746
Pulseless electrical activity 220, 228, 522, 1131, 1703
Pulseless tachycardia 411
ventricular 1132
Pulsus paradoxus 492
Pump 346
Pumping efficiency 134
Punishment, indications of 1684
Pupillary reflexes 239
Pupillary response 152
dilated 1714
fixed 1714
Purple glove syndrome 1433
Purpura 850, 1019
Purpuric lesion 1021
Purulent cellulitis 924, 1350, 1352
antimicrobial therapy for 1350t
Purulent joint effusion 1360f
Purulent skin 1352t
Pus, drainage of 1085
Pustule 1016
Pyelogram 724
Pyelonephritis 12, 762, 767, 769, 771, 792, 1178
acute complicated 769
acute uncomplicated 324, 769
Pyloric stenosis 1237f
Pyoderma gangrenosum 1023, 1025, 1026, 1027f
Pyothorax 616
Pyrexia of unknown origin 1300
assessment of 448
Pyridine alkaloids 1501
Pyridine-2-aldoxime methiodide 1414
Pyridopyrimidine 541
Pyridoxine 1397, 1450, 1507
Pyrimethamine 1332
Pythons 1720
Pyuria 733
Q fever 1311
complex, part of 477
duration 476, 477
segment, measure 433
qSOFA score 321t
QT syndrome, long 420
Qualitative desferrioxamine color test 1384
Quality assurance 166
process and metrics 14
Quality control 51
Quality improvement, scope of 51
Quantitative buffy coat 1331
Quarantine 14
Quartan malaria nephropathy 1334
Quinidine 646, 1006, 1334
syncope 1463
Quinine 666, 1003, 1006, 13321334, 1382, 1513
Quinolones 746
Rabies 1279, 1295, 1305, 1341, 1344, 1657
carrier states 1342
causative agent of 1341, 1342f
clinical presentation 1343
control of 1347
diagnosis 1343
furious 1344
health education 1347
immunization 1671
immunoglobulin 1346
incubation period 1342
mode of transmission 1342
pathogenesis of 1342, 1343f
postexposure prophylaxis in 1345t
reservoirs of infection 1342
risk of 1341
signs of 1344
source of infection 1342
treatment 1345
vaccine 1150, 1151, 1154, 1295
wound care 1345
Raccoon eyes 849
Radial artery 286
catheterization 287f
sampling from 309
Radial nerve 392
block 1632
palsy 1606
burns 1675, 1680
cause 715
therapy 561
Radioactive iodine
therapy 882
treatment 891
Radioactive waste 59
yellow bags for 58
Radiotherapy 971
Radioulnar joint, distal 1608
Railway accidents 1615
Random donor platelet 989
concentrate 988
Randomized controlled trials 792
Range of motion 1604, 1626, 1644
Ranitidine 1006
Rank ligand inhibitors 973
Rankin scale, modified 827
Ranson criteria 27
Rapamycin, mammalian target of 792
Rape 129, 138
Rapid antigen detection test 929
Rapid fluid resuscitation 1075
Rapid sequence intubation 208, 212, 213f, 270
modification 216
Rapid-acting insulin 857
analogs 856
Rasagiline 1425
Rash 41, 740, 1220, 1221t, 1318
mild 1697
type of 1022
Rasmussen's aneurysm 557
Rate-limiting drugs 473
Raynaud's disease 923, 1002
Raynaud's phenomenon 518, 1034
Raynaud's syndrome 1022
Raynaud's disease 287f
Reactions, transfusion 1008
Reactive arthritis 1039, 1040
Reactive hazards 56
REBOA 1594
catheter, insertion of 1594
technique and indications 1594
Reboxetine 1425
Receptor activity 335t
Rectal biopsy 653
Rectal foreign body 715
Rectal injuries 1600
Rectal prolapse 714
Rectal tenderness 649
Rectal tenesmus 1085
Rectal trauma 714, 715
Recumbent technique 926f
Recurrent abdominal pain 1174fc
evaluation of 1172
Recurrent laryngeal nerve 532
injury 1568
Red blood cell 568, 653, 736, 952, 953, 960, 989, 997, 998, 1003, 1007, 1410, 1492, 1592, 1602, 1645, 1647, 1648, 1722
count 952, 954
indices 954
transfusion of 989
Red cell morphology disorder 952
Red flag 412, 916, 919, 933, 935, 940, 953, 1683
signs 1143t, 1170b, 1241, 1616
symptoms 1241
Red skin lesions 1221t
Re-emerging diseases 1277t
Re-emerging infectious disease 1275
Referral system 1287f
strong 1286
Reflex 1576
grading 1577
hypertension 156
neurogenic bladder 841
protective 1139
syncope 416, 419
Reflux esophagitis 643, 666
Refractory cardiogenic shock 460
Refractory dyspepsia, management of 668
Refractory hypotension 1471
Refractory hypoxemia 600
Regional lymph organs 1368
Regional musculoskeletal disorders 1039
Regional nerve blocks 1269
Rehabilitation 240, 1522
fluid 1182t
rate of 1204
therapy 650, 1182
Reinsch test 1383
Reintubation 1706
Reiter's syndrome 1034, 1360
Relapsing fever 1158, 1308
Relieving cord pressure 1577
Remdesivir 623, 624, 626, 630
Remifentanil 271, 353
Remittent fever 1158
Renal and ureteric calculus 723
Renal artery
aneurysm 722
occlusion, causes of 718
stenosis 510, 1086
transplant 791
thrombosis 718
Renal blood flow 1511
Renal bone disease 754, 756
Renal colic
back pain 12
mimics 762t
Renal cortex 726
Renal disease 437, 1228
advanced 541
end-stage 159, 753, 754, 759
primary 733
signs of 743
symptoms of 743
Renal dysfunction 682, 1075
Renal emergency 723
Renal failure 292, 666, 675, 754, 765, 1003, 1093, 1377, 1672, 1673, 1695
acute 315, 514, 743, 765, 1372, 1672
clinical features of 743
Renal function 743, 851, 965, 1183, 1468
abnormal 21
Renal impairment 1694
Renal infarction 718
Renal injury 1598, 1599, 1601
conventional ultrasound frequently underestimates 1598
scale 1597, 1597t
types of 747
Renal insufficiency 637
Renal manifestation 622
Renal osteodystrophy, treatment of 753
Renal parenchyma 510, 728
disease 1086
Renal pelvis transection 1598
Renal perfusion pressure 343
Renal replacement therapy 506, 507, 682, 750, 753, 1323
initiation of 750
mode of 750
Renal stone 761b
Renal syndrome 1285
Renal system 884, 1687, 1714
Renal toxicity 1453
Renal transplant 759, 791
contraindications for 759
Renal trauma grades 1594t
Renal vasodilation 748
Renal vein thrombosis 718, 719
Renin–aldosterone–angiotensin system 336, 684, 685, 688
Repaglinide 863, 1382
Replacement fluid 996, 1183
Repolarization syndrome 429
Res ipsa loquitor 132
Reservoir 242
bag 204
face mask 242, 599
Residual capacity 1648
Resistant cytomegalovirus infection 793
Resistant tuberculosis, classification of 1338
Respiration 851
Respirator 68, 70, 71t
donning particulate 72f
Respiratory acidosis 305, 572, 885
Respiratory alkalosis 305, 1646
Respiratory arrest 134, 1129
Respiratory assessment 196, 198
Respiratory complications 533
Respiratory cycle 1584
Respiratory depression 1269, 1436, 1446
risk of 353
severe 1436
Respiratory diseases, diagnosis of 1185
Respiratory disorder 305
metabolic compensation of 307
Respiratory distress 1185t, 1189fc, 1566
management 1315
signs of 1320
syndrome 1007, 1672
Respiratory drive 1440
Respiratory droplets 70
Respiratory effort 1638
Respiratory emergency 551, 1186
management of 1185
Respiratory failure 315, 413, 570, 597, 628, 834, 1189fc, 1643
causes of 571b, 572b
chronic 570
manage 598t
management of 572
perioperative 508
postsurgical 573
type of 508
Respiratory grunt 41
Respiratory hygiene 63
Respiratory impairment
type 1 304
type 2 304
Respiratory infection 593, 587, 1275
Respiratory injury 1678
Respiratory management 267
Respiratory maneuver 646
Respiratory mechanism 305
Respiratory muscle 572, 839
fatigue 575
Respiratory problems 1185
Respiratory protection 61
Respiratory range, normal 1185t
Respiratory rate 33, 42, 263, 350, 623, 1124, 1125, 1189, 1638, 1643
normal 1185
resting 1126t
Respiratory secretions 145
Respiratory symptoms, mild-to-severe 1239
Respiratory syncytial virus 78, 587, 593f, 928, 1275
Respiratory system 156, 884, 1068, 1248, 1263, 1264, 1687, 1705, 1713
pressure gradients of 259f
resistance of 260
Respiratory therapists 169
Respiratory toxicity 1453
Respiratory tract 70
and skin 294
viruses 594
Respiratory variation 297
Respiratory virus infection 587
Resting skin tension lines 1659
Restoration disease 1370
Restrictive cardiomyopa 482
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 483
Resuscitation 45, 135fc, 201, 227f, 322, 344
bag-mask-valve unit 599
coagulopathy, prevention of 1537
endpoints of 1129
equipment 477
room 50
steps of 219
Resuscitative hysterectomy 1118t
Resuscitative hysterotomy 1118, 1119, 1649
steps of 1118
Resuscitative thoracotomy 196, 1588, 1595
Reteplase 464, 537
Reticular activating system 355
Reticulocyte count 999
Retinal detachment 1555f
Retinal injuries 902
Retroauricular ecchymosis 849
hematoma 1555f
neuritis 1490
Retroperitoneal structures 1530
Retroperitoneal trauma signifies 1589
Retropharyngeal abscess 932, 1187, 1188
multifactorial cause of 932f
Reusable medical devices 65
disinfection of 65
Revascularization support 463
Revascularization therapy 462
Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction 623
Revised trauma score 1638
Rewarming 1690
methods 1689
reperfusion injury 1691
Rhabdomyolysis 315, 743, 750, 751f, 836, 1210, 1446, 1694, 1695, 1715, 1717, 1725, 1741
hyperkalemia dark brown urine oliguria, features of 1725
producing 1714
Rheumatic diseases 1039, 1040t, 1041t, 1044t, 1045t, 1358
spectrum of 1039t
Rheumatic disorders 1039, 1040t, 1046
Rheumatic fever 490
Rheumatic heart disease 477, 490, 1194, 1194f
Rheumatic syndromes 1039
Rheumatic valve disease 719
Rheumatoid arthritis 841, 1034, 1036, 1039, 1040, 1041, 1043, 1045, 1736
treatment of 958
Rheumatoid factor 1028, 1044
Rheumatological disorders 1039
Rhinitis 1482
Rhinolophus 1312
Rhinorrhea 849
Rhinovirus 587, 928
Rhipicephalus sanguineus 1307
Rhizopus 1377
Rhodamine 1337
Rhomboid excision 714f
Rhythm disorders 425
Rib fracture 1579, 1586
multiple 1581, 1581f
Ribonucleic acid 76, 626, 1058, 1286, 1341, 1367
Rice method 1617
Rice tablets 1417
Richmond agitation 273t
Ricinus communis 1500, 1502, 1502f, 1504
Rickettsia rickettsii 1308
Rickettsial infection 1021, 1299, 1302
Rifampicin 1339
Rifampin 1006, 1231
Rifaximin 681, 683
Rift valley fever 1280
Right angle hook 946f
Right atrial
enlargement 1710
pressure 462
Right atrium 301
Right bundle branch block 423, 430, 1710
Right heart
catheterization 519, 519f
failure 466t
strain 366
Right iliac fossa 23
migration to 23
Right upper quadrant 366
Right ventricular
dysfunction 297
failure 517
hypertrophy 1710
myocardial infarction 444, 457, 462, 463, 466
strain 366
Rigid cervical collar 1621
Rigid direct laryngoscopy 1567
Riluzole 1578
Ringer's lactate 157, 292, 293, 1179, 1322, 1561, 1678, 1680, 1716
solution 987, 1679
Rinne test 909
Risus sardonicus 1502
Ritonavir 1382
Rituximab 794, 1045
Rivaroxaban 537, 538, 544, 1638, 1639
Road ambulance, types of 165, 165t
Road traffic
accident 43, 906, 1518, 1558, 1650, 1656f, 1666f, 1668f, 1669f
injuries 1615
Robert Jones bulky dressing 1629
Rochester criteria 1160
Rockall score 657t
Rocky mountain spotted fever 1021, 1025, 13071309
clinical features 1307
diagnosis 1307
treatment 1307
Rodenticides 1404
Rolling sign 781
Rooting reflex 1139
Rotator cuff tears 1604
Rotavirus 649, 1177, 1745
infection 1177
vaccine 1153
Rousettus aegyptiacus 1312
Roving eye 1736
Rovsing's sign 700
Rubber band ligation 707
Rubella 1148, 1292, 1745
vaccine 1153
Rumack–Matthew nomogram 1469
Russell viper 1721f, 1724, 1726
Ryle's tube 1436, 1683, 1725
placement 1436
Salbutamol 1394
Salicylamide 1383
Salicylate 750, 853, 1382, 1395, 1466, 1471, 1507
acetaminophen 1470fc
poisoning 1394
Salicylic acid 1383, 1398, 1433
Saline 1174
normal 291
Saliva, drooling of 928
Salmeterol 585
Salmon patch 1226
Salmonella 649, 769, 1162, 1276, 1303
enterica 1308
paratyphi bacteremia 1302
typhi 999, 1294, 1302
Salmonellosis 1283
Salpingectomy 1075, 1076
Salpingitis 1084
bilateral 1085
unilateral 1085
Salpingostomy 1075
Salt triaging 43fc
Saquinavir 1382
Sarcoidosis 473, 1033, 1034, 1041
Sarcoptes scabiei 1736
Scabies 1021
Scalds 1675
laceration 1667
wound 1562
Scapulothoracic dissociation 1603, 1606
Scar 1018
ectopic 1074, 1076
visibility 1660t
Schamroth's sign 564
Schanz pins 1634
Schistosoma haematobium 731
Schizophrenia 1050, 1054, 1055
treatment of 1055
Schonlein purpura 700
Schwalbe's nucleus 802
Sciatic block 390
distribution of 390f
Sciatic nerve injuries 1609
Scleral injury, penetrating 901
Scleroderma 646, 10391041
neonatorum 1023
Sclerodermatous contractures 1378
Sclerosing cholangitis, primary 690
Sclerosis 1018
multiple 646, 1054, 1736
Sclerotherapy 707, 970
Scopolamine 1422
sting 1403, 1736
venom 1736
Scrotal conditions 788
Scrotal edema 788
Scrotal emergencies 790
acute 784
Scrotal trauma 789t
anatomy of 784f
bedside ultrasonography of 788b
traumatic 787, 789
Scrub typhus 1284
Sea anemones 1740
Sea saw respiration 1187
Sea snakes 1741
Seafood toxin ingestion 1699
Seal check test 79
Seasickness 1751
Seasonal influenza disease 1149
Seatbelt sign 1590
Seborrheic dermatitis 1222, 1223f
Secukinumab 1045
Secure airway, breathing, and circulation 834
Sedation 154, 271, 273, 326, 1427
deep 350
dissociative 350
emergency equipment for 352t
management of 271fc, 353
mild 350
moderate 350
scoring 272
Sedative 853
agents, selection of 352
benzodiazepine 1435
hypnotic toxicity 1441
Seizure 32, 32t, 107, 675, 747, 833, 847, 1208, 1211, 1427, 1558
causes of 1208, 1209t, 1212t
classification of 1208fc
clinical presentation 1210
control of 236
disorders 1435
evaluation of 1211b
history of 1251
management 831, 1007
pathophysiology of 1208
pediatric 1208
post-traumatic 1561
prophylaxis 1088
provoked 1209
type of 1213t
Seldinger technique 395
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 1262, 1395, 1427, 1445
Selegiline 1425
Selenium 322
Sengstaken–Blakemore tube 684
Sensation, peripheral 677
Sensorineural hearing loss 1440
altered 675
change of 1566
assessment 1251
function 1699
impairment 842
level, determination of 1577
loss 841
nerve bundle 715
symptoms 839
Sepsis 47, 47t, 107, 319, 321t, 327fc, 342, 436, 719, 746, 1021, 1137, 1178, 1192
campaign, surviving 321
categorization of 320
management of 322fc, 686, 687fc
pathogenesis of 319, 320fc
pathophysiology of 319, 686, 686f
suspicion of 320
syndrome 1003
uremia 683
Septal hematoma 1549, 1549f
Septic abortion 325, 10821084
causes 1083
clinical presentation 1084
investigations for 1085t
pathophysiology 1084
physical examination 1084
red flags 1084
treatment 1084
Septic arthritis 1034, 1036, 1359, 1360
clinical presentation 1360
diagnosis 1360
differential diagnosis 1360
etiology 1360
risk factors for chronic 1360
Septic fever 1158
Septic shock 296, 319, 320, 343, 460, 597, 628, 990
management of 333, 338
Septicemia 1086
Serologic testing 675
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies 1034, 1036, 1039
Serotonin 1427, 1428, 1736, 1740
antagonist 642, 799
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors 1262
syndrome 853, 1315, 1423, 1428, 1495
severity of 1428b
Serum 1211, 1467
albumin ascites gradient 678t
amylase 644
bicarbonate levels 570
bilirubin 1725
biochemical tests 675
calcium 644
ceruloplasmin 676
chemistry 1202, 1353
creatinine 506, 745
D dimer 1725
electrolytes 644
enzymes 81
fibrinogen 1650, 1725
glucose 313
lactate, abnormal values of 1638
liver enzymes 701
magnesium 317
potassium 314, 1183, 1458
progesterone 1075
prostate 739
salicylate 1466
sickness 675, 1742
sodium 313
Sessile polyp 1739
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 78, 267
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease-2 34, 71, 78, 185, 621, 623, 624, 624f, 625, 625t, 626, 626t, 629, 1162, 1166
clinical features of 1164t
clinical severity of 623t
infection 14, 623, 631fc
management of pediatric 1163
new variant of 630
pandemic 1759
severity classification of 622
structure of 629f
vaccines for 628, 629
Severe illness 335
Severe malaria 1334
treatment of 1333, 1333b
Severity of acute pancreatitis score, bedside index of 670t
Sex 862
hormones, imbalance of 859
partner's symptoms 1056
Sexual abuse 1365
victim 140fc
examination of 138
Sexual assault 129
forensic evidence kit 139
victims of 126, 1069, 1365
Sexual offence 123
Sexual partners, multiple 1272
Sexual relations 1052
Sexual violence, survivors of 141
Sexually transmitted disease 767, 1063t, 1072, 1149, 1365, 1366t, 1367
Sexually transmitted infection 140, 770, 1060, 1444
emergency department 1362
epidemiology 1362
management of 1362
risk factors 1362
risk for 1362
Shallow mandibular fossa 924
Sheep farmer's disease 1409
Shigella species 649, 1303
Shivering 1430
Shock 328, 329t, 330fc, 339, 341, 342, 344, 364, 466, 652, 1128, 1394, 1455
anaphylactic 339, 638, 1128
and hypotension 1542
categories of 372t
causes of 1537
classification of 1128
compensatory 1323, 1324fc
diagnosis of 329, 330
distributive 320, 331, 333, 364, 460, 1128
drug-induced 1128
energies 225
etiopathophysiology of 328
evaluation 330t
hemodynamic variables for 329t
index 1536
indicates 444
management of 330, 333, 333fc, 333t, 1128, 1165, 1539
mechanism of 444
obstructive 46, 331, 333, 364, 460, 1128
pathophysiologic mechanism of 329f
pediatric 1128
recognition of 1128, 1535
resuscitation of 332fc, 338, 339t, 341
severe 1112
signs of 1321
types of 329t, 330, 331t, 333, 339, 341f, 462, 1547
wave-induced injury 1582
Shockable rhythm 228fc, 1131
Short bowel syndrome 762
Short-acting insulin 856, 857
Short-acting muscarinic antagonist 586
Short-arm splint 1628f
cast 1629
splint 1630f
Short-term memory deficit 815
Shotgun 127
wound 128, 1589
Shoulder 1633
dislocation 1604, 1625, 1630
girdle and humerus 1603
immobilizer 1617, 1618f
joint 1603
arthrocentesis 1633f
Shunt 571
mechanism 571
Shwachman syndrome 960
Shwachman–Bodian–Diamond syndrome 960
Shwachman–Diamond syndrome 960
Shwachman–Diamond–Oski syndrome 960
Shy–Drager syndrome 416
cell disease 1357
child 1235
newborn care unit 15
sinus syndrome 409, 474, 477
Sickle cell anemia 997
Sickle cell disease 731, 753, 997, 998b, 998t, 999, 1000, 1001t, 1149
pathophysiology of 997fc
types of pain in 998
Sickle hemoglobin 997
certificates 1768
decompression 251, 1697, 1698t
Sigmoidoscopy 711
Signal-to-noise ratio 110
Sildenafil 1119
Simulation, history of 108
Simvastatin 1004
Single-chamber underwater seal drain 609f
Sinoatrial exit blocks 474f
Sinus 1020, 1548
arrest 474
bradycardia 315, 473, 498, 1198, 1408
injury 1548
node 476, 477
abnormalities of 473
dysfunction 425, 427f
pause 474, 1456
rhythm 427f, 428f, 502
tachycardia 408, 422, 428f
thrombosis 796
lateral 911
Sinusitis 553, 922
Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome 674
Sirolimus 1379
Sjögren's syndrome 840, 1034, 1041, 1044
Sjögren's disease 840
Skeletal muscle 434
wasting 584
Skeletal system 1714
Skeletal traction 1623
principles of 1623
site of 1624f
types of 1623
Skin 706, 1140, 1440, 1490
and hair 884
and soft tissue infections 35, 1349, 1355
breakdown 1248
classification of 1351t
color 1127
normal 566
disease 1013, 1023, 1220
disorders 1220
edema 1739
evaluation of 1227
examination 1699
failure, acute 1023, 1030
full-thickness 1654
grafting 1716
infections 1334
manifestations 622, 1300
necrosis 1726
partial-thickness 1654
pinch 1178
popping 1440
rash 1220, 1220t, 1299
structure 1654
sweat glands 1693
tear, smearing of 1147
temperature 1127
test 1292
traction 1622, 1623f
types of 1351t
Skin lesion 1220, 1220t, 1221t
benign neonatal 1221
classification of 1220t
primary 1013, 1014t
secondary 1013, 1017t
deformity 1087
traction 1624f
Sleep apnea, obstructive 254, 510, 1087
Sleep deprivation 554
Sleep disturbance 1052
Sleeping sickness 1304
Sleeve technique 779
Slurred speech 675, 1450
Small bowel obstruction 695, 695t, 697, 698
causes of 694t
etiology of 694
Small cell lung cancer 674
Small intestine 1170
fluids, loss of 311
Smallpox 1295
Smartphone cameras, quality of 107
Smear, peripheral 1004, 1007
Smoke 583
cigarettes 1291
inhalational injury 1675
cessation 590, 600
cocaine 1447
marijuana 1444
Smooth muscle 530
Snail sign 788
Snake 1720
bite 1403, 1720, 1724f
specific treatment for 1725
victims 1726
venom, complications of 1722t
Social and environmental assessment 1249
Sodium 311, 1205
bicarbonate 157, 314, 748, 1427
alkalizes 1716
therapy 311, 748, 752, 1458
channel blockers 1463
cyanide 56
hydroxide 1478
hypochlorite 1478
morrhuate 707
nitroprusside 515, 1462
polystyrene sulfonate 748
tetradecyl sulfate 707
thiosulfate 1397
tripolyphosphate 1478
valproate 236
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 867
inhibitor 862, 866
Soft callus 1616
undergoes calcification 1616
Soft signs 1613
Soft tissue 1602
infection 1350fc, 1351t, 1352t
injury 1215, 1602, 1615, 1617
high-energy penetrating 1613
Solanaceae 1421
family 1501
Solid parenchymal damage 1592
evaluation 1546
injury 1645
Somatostatin 1382
Somnolence 1490
Sorbitol 1174
Sore throat 928
evaluation of 942fc
Sotalol 478
Sound control 6
Space air absorption 605
Speaking valve 399
Specific blood components, role of 988
Specific injuries 1573
Specific syndromes 1571
Spermatocele 787
Sphincter tone 706
Sphincterotomy 671
internal 710
Spider angiomata 850
Spikes acronym 145
Spill-control pillows 57
Spinal accessory nerve 1566
Spinal canal 612
Spinal cord 355, 774, 844
diseases 838, 842
injury 770, 15701572, 1642, 1664, 1717
mechanism of 1572f
nonoperative management of 1577
trauma 739
Spinal elements, posterior 1571
Spinal epidural abscess 1359
diagnosis 1359
etiology 1359
treatment 1359
Spinal injury
classification of 1571
level of 1570f
Spinal instability 1578
Spinal movement, full range of 1570
Spinal needle 1678
Spinal shock 1576
Spinal tenderness, midline 1575
Spinal tract 1571f, 1572t
Spinal trauma 1570
radiology in 1575
Spinal vestibular nucleus 802
Spine 840
applied anatomy of 1570
board 1575
fracture 1531
Denis three-column concept of 1574, 1575f
types of 1574t
sign 368f
trauma 1576f
unstable 1577
Spirillum minus 1230
Spiritual abuse 1257
Spirometry 580, 584
indications of 581t
Spironolactone 1006, 1199
Spleen 1489
injury 1579, 1580
rupture 1684
Splenectomy 959, 1149
Splenic artery aneurysm 722
Splenic dysfunction 1149
Splenic infarction 453
Splenic injuries 1593
subcapsular 1592
Splenic laceration 126, 1546
Splenic sequestration 1000
Splinting technique 1618
Splints, types of 1625
Split-wall sign 697
Spondyloarthropathy 1043, 1042, 1045
Spondylodiscitis 1356, 1358
clinical presentation 1359
diagnosis 1359
etiology 1358
surgical treatment 1359
treatment 1359
Spontaneous abortion 1081
causes of 1082t
classification 1081
clinical features 1081
complications of 1083
management 1083
pathophysiology 1081
postabortion care 1083
risk factors 1081
treatment 1082
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis 291, 853, 677, 680
diagnosis of 677t
treatment of 677t
Spontaneous breathing 259, 259t, 261
trial 275, 276b
Spontaneous pneumothorax 602
Spontaneous systemic bleeding 1725
Spontaneously breathing 255, 263
injuries 1565, 1615
recreation 1751
Sprain 1615
second-degree 1619
third-degree 1619
Sputum gram stain 587, 594
Squamous cell carcinoma 1726
ST elevation myocardial infarction 407, 421
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 413, 435, 436
Stabilize systemic symptoms 1738
Stable febrile neutropenia tool 1377t
Staff nurse in emergency department, requirements of 9
Staff training 66
Stagnant hypoxia 241
Standard infection control precautions 63, 63f
endocarditis 1021
pneumonia 619f
scalded skin syndrome 1021, 1025, 1027
Staphylococcus 500, 634, 1350, 1359
enterotoxin B 191
epidermidis 909
saprophyticus 766
species 1353
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy 708
Start adult triage algorithm 193fc
Startle reflex 1139
Stasis, zone of 1678, 1679
Statin therapy 1264
Statistical analysis 86
pathway for 86fc
Statistical software 88
Status asthmaticus 579
Status epilepticus 238, 273, 833, 835, 836t, 1093, 1208, 1210, 1422
causes of 833
classification of 833
malignant 833
management of 834
mimics 834
nonconvulsive 834, 1211
stages of 833, 834
super-refractory 835, 837
systemic complications of 836
treatment of 1213, 1214t
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 860
Steinmann pin 1623
Stem cell therapy 1578
Stent 765
placement 792
Step-by-step determining maintenance fluids 1184t
Stereotactic body radiation therapy 969
gloves 69
gowns 69
tray with drapes 1634
Sternoclavicular dislocations 1604
Sternoclavicular subluxation 1616
Steroid 508, 574, 591, 715,746, 840, 968, 969, 973, 1038, 1129, 1228
antenatal 1650
chronic 1654
course of 1101
prolonged 1659
role of 600
use of 1166, 1576
Stethoscope sounds 100
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 1021, 1025, 1026, 1026f
Stiff lungs 265
Stiff person syndrome 1315
Stimulus 952
Stoma track 401
Stomach cancer 668
composition and causes 762t
disease 765
obstruction 764
Stonefish 1738
Stool 963
consistency 649
test 956
Stork bite 1226
Strain 1615
hemangioma 1227, 1227f
tongue 1164
Streamline workflow 101
Street virus 1342, 1343
Streptobacillus moniliformis 1230
infection 490
myositis 1353
Streptococci 251
Streptococcus 710, 1350, 1356
agalactiae 1062
aureus 999
bacteria 1359
infection 1101
pneumoniae 99, 588, 593, 596, 592, 844. 910, 929, 1005, 1162, 1185, 1291
pyogenes 929, 1185, 1349, 1356
species 1229, 1230, 1310, 1352
Streptokinase 458, 464, 537, 782
Streptomycin 1513
Stress 156
cardiomyopathy 404, 1726
cardiovascular system 1688
echocardiography 19
phase 1142
ulcer prophylaxis 326, 505
Stridor 316, 928, 1478
hoarseness 1566
String-of-pearls sign 1062
Stroke 2022, 42, 47, 47f, 47t, 473, 482, 506, 537b, 1254, 1436, 1758
acute 821, 999
assessment of 47, 446
causes of 446
determine nature of 824
diagnosis of 823f
endovascular treatment for 825
mimics 822t
minor 27
posterior circulation 803
prevention 537
syndrome 47t, 821t
treatment of perioperative 506
volume 296, 511
monitoring 300
variation 298
Structural arrhythmogenic cardiac disease 414
Structural cardiac disease 413
Structural heart disease 447, 476, 821
Structural lesion 644, 821, 822
Strychnos nux-vomica 1501, 1504
ST-segment elevation 455, 1587
myocardial infarction 19, 103, 455, 537
Sturge–Weber syndrome 1141, 1221, 1226
Subclavian vein 285f, 382, 383f
catheter insertion technique 284
Subcostal retractions 1506
Subcutaneous emphysema 399, 612, 665, 1544, 1566, 1580
palpate for 1548
Subcutaneous fat, loss of 1654
Subcutaneous heparin 538t
Subcutaneous ports 285
Subcutaneous technique 1633
Subcutaneous tetanus toxoid 1657
Subcutaneous tissue 706, 712
Subdermal anesthesia 361
Subdural empyema 324
Subdural hematoma 506, 796, 1559, 1560f
Subendocardial ischemia 440
Subendocardial myocardial fiber dysfunction 440
Subglottic edema 1683
Subglottic stenosis 1188
Submandibular glands, swelling of 932, 932f
Subpleural blebs 602
Subserous myoma 727
Substance abuse 405, 1443
epidemiology 1443
Substance misuse 1515
Substantial hypoxemia 602
Subtalar dislocation 1632
Subtle soft-tissue injuries 1615
Subxiphoid pericardiostomy 970
Suck-rest-suck cycle 1187
Sudden cardiac death 438, 1473
prevention of 483
Sudden death 143
Sudden discontinuation 895
Sudden sniffing death syndrome 1473
Sugar tong splints 1627
Suicidal intentions 147
Sulfadoxine 1332
Sulfamethoxazole 924, 1382
Sulfasalazine 1045
Sulfhemoglobin 566, 568, 1494, 1495
presence of 1496
Sulfhemoglobinemia 566, 1492, 1495
causes 1495
severe 1495
Sulfonylureas 862, 863, 1507, 1508
Sulfur dioxide 56
Sulfuric acid 1479
Sulphonamides 746, 1493
Sumatriptan 798
Sun protection factor 1751
Sunburns 1675
Superior vena cava 300, 343, 464f
obstruction 615
syndrome 967
management of 968fc
Supine roll test 808, 808f
Suppurative cholecystitis 673
Suppurative parotitis 924
Supraglottic advanced airway device 221
Supraglottic airway
devices 205, 205f, 205t
classification of 205
insertion 211
use of 207f
Supraglottic device 1688
Supralevator abscess 710
management of 710
Supraspinous ligament 1571, 1575
Supraventricular tachycardia 226, 409, 410f, 413, 421, 426f, 476, 479, 497, 1198, 1198f, 1199f
treatment of 477
types of 477
indications of 1577
principle of 1577
timing of 1577
Surgical airway 209, 1643
insertion 211
Surgical asplenia 1377
Surgical complication 791
Surgical cricothyroidotomy 394, 396, 397f
Surgical emphysema 1581f
Surgical gowns 69
Surgical mask 71t
Surgical myomectomy 483
Surgical shunt procedures 775
Surgical thrombectomy 528
Sustain blunt trauma 1621
Sweating 603
Swimmer's response 1139
Swine influenza viruses 1276
Swiss system classification 1686
Sympathetic discharge 212
Sympathetic nerve plexus injury 1568
Sympathetic nervous system 685, 688
Sympathetic tone, loss of peripheral 415
Sympatholytic drugs 1462
Sympathomimetic drugs 739
Symptomatic bradycardia 413, 497
Synaptobrevin 1314
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 262, 590, 263f
Syncopal attack 709
Syncope 12, 20, 24fc, 411, 415, 416, 419, 475, 518, 1262, 1758
arrhythmic 419
assessment of 447
cardiac risk factors for 415b
causes of 416, 417, 420
etiological classification of 416t
history of 1251
life-threatening causes of 415
management of 420
mimics 415
risk stratification for 420
suspected cause of 23
treatment 419
types of 1693
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 846
secretion 972
management of 972fc
Synovial fluid analysis 1035, 1037t
Synovitis, acute 1360f
Synthetic colloids 293
Synthetic prostaglandins, intravenous infusion of 1691
Syphilis 140, 712, 779, 1362, 1364, 1366
primary 1364
secondary 1364
Systemic acidosis 615
Systemic chemotherapy 679
Systemic connective tissue diseases 1039
Systemic corticosteroid 578, 579, 1739
Systemic disease 1039
Systemic disorder 840, 941
Systemic glucocorticoids 588
Systemic heparinization 549
Systemic hypertension 481, 510, 512, 513fc, 513t, 515
causes of 510t
clinical presentation 511
etiology 510
pathophysiology 510
Systemic hypothermia 1578, 1678
Systemic infections 640
Systemic inflammatory response 157
syndrome 27, 624, 671
Systemic lupus erythematosus 473, 488, 557, 841, 958, 1004, 1014, 1033, 1034, 10391045, 1054, 1087, 1322
Systemic radionucleotides 971
Systemic retinoids 1513
Systemic rheumatic diseases 1039
Systemic sclerosis 841, 1041, 1044
Systemic vascular resistance 335, 462
Systemic vasculitis 1030
Systemic viral infection 786
Systemic zoonotic infections 1308t
Systolic dysfunction 482t, 483t
symptoms of 1105
Systolic function 438
left ventricular 443f
Systolic murmur 486, 487
grading of 486t
T cell-mediated rejection, acute 793
T wave
abnormalities 429b
changes 429
Tabes dorsalis 739
Tabletop exercise 177
Tachyarrhythmia 421, 468, 475, 476, 476fc, 1197, 1726, 1737
classification of 422fc
narrow complex 477fc
supraventricular 497
treatment of 497
unstable 226
Tachybrady syndrome 425
compensatory 1248
intra-atrial reentry 477
narrow complex 1197
pediatric 1130fc
Tachyphylaxis 339, 709, 1457
Tachypnea 576, 587, 593, 928, 1093, 1105, 1125, 1185, 1310, 1326, 1445
mild 587
Tacrolimus 792, 1379
Tactical combat casualty care 195t
Tactile fremitus 1583
vocal 594
Takayasu arteritis 1041
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy 482, 488
Talipes equinovarus 1139
Tandem heart 287
Tap test 1736
Tar burns 1680
Taser injuries 1716
Tazobactam 771, 1355
T-cell lymphoma, cutaneous 1025
Tear gases 189
Tecovirimat 1295
Tedania ignis 1738
Telangiectasias 1019
Telecommunication system 164
Telemedicine 101
Tell-tale signs 1609, 1684
Temafloxacin 1382
Temporal arteritis 796, 797
Temporary cardiac pacing 500
indications of 498b
Temporary pacing 497
complications of 499
procedure 498
pulse generator 499f
types of 497
Temporary parking space 50
Temporary transvenous 499
pacing, complications of 499b
Temporomandibular joint 924, 939
dislocation 1551, 1553f
abdominal 1591, 1645
mild 141
Tendon injury 1656, 1670
Tendonitis 1034
Tenecteplase 464, 537
Teniasis 1285
Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate 1371
Tenoxicam 1700
Tensilon test 1384
Tension 796
headache 798
acute 1431
treatment of 799
hemothorax 1583
injuries 1653
pneumomediastinum 1581
Tension pneumothorax 126, 46, 231, 395, 408, 460, 503, 603, 1115, 1527f, 15811583
differential diagnosis of 503
triad of 1582
Teratogenesis 1512
Terbutaline 588, 1102
sulfate 1106
Terlipressin 659, 684
Terminal illness 143
Testicles 1717
Testicular appendage, position of 786f
Testicular contusion 789
Testicular malignancy 787
Testicular rupture 788, 789
Testicular torsion 784, 785, 785f, 786f, 788, 790
diagnosis of 784
traumatic 789
Testicular trauma 787, 790
minor 789
Tetanus 1148, 1156, 1291, 1314, 1316, 1726
and diphtheria 1149, 1291, 1296
acellular pertussis 1650
and toxoid 1657
pertussis 1296
generalized 1314
immune globulin 1657
immunization 1229
immunoglobulin 1315
neonatal 1314
prophylaxis 1651, 1657t
status 1690
symptoms of 1315, 1316
toxin 13141316
pathophysiology of 1314
toxoid 11551657
vaccine 1149
treatment of 1315, 1315t
type of 1314
Tetracaine 362
Tetracycline 1513
Tetrahydrocannabinol 643
Thalamic nuclei 355
Thalassemia 940, 941
Thalassophina viperina 1741
Thalidomide 1513
Thallium poisoning 1490
Theophylline 578, 579, 1259, 1263, 1395, 1398
Therapeutic environment 148
Therapeutic intervention 434
Therapeutic plasma exchange 996t
Therapeutic plasmapheresis 993
therapy, indications of 994t
Therapeutic serum level 1094
Thermal and electric burn 1680t
Thermal burns 1675
Thermal injury 1683
Thermal stress 1698, 1699
Thermoregulation, impaired 1687
Thermoregulatory dysfunction 1030
Thevetia peruviana 1499, 1499f, 1503
Thiabendazole, oral 1303
Thiamine 677, 1450
Thiazide diuretics 878
Thiazolidines 862, 863
Thienopyridines 541, 545
Thiodicarb 1415
Thiopental sodium 836
Thioridazine 1422
Thomas splint 1618, 1619f, 1625, 1625f
adapted, modified 1625
Thoracentesis 615, 688
Thoracic aorta, descending 441
Thoracic aortic injury 1531
Thoracic spine and clavicle, posterior 1621
Thoracic trauma 1639
direct 1579
management 1587
presence of 1580
Thoracolumbar spine 1574
Thoracoscopic surgery, video-assisted 1584
Thoracotomy 494, 605, 1531
recent 618
urgent 1529
Thorax 1144
CT scan of 1588
Thought disorders 1054
Three-chamber underwater seal drain 610f
Throat, foreign body of 948
Thrombin inhibitors, direct 537, 543
Thrombin time 824
Thrombocytopenia 959, 979, 981, 1002, 1003, 1006t, 1010, 1084, 1087, 1090, 1095, 1112, 1301, 1452, 1517
causes of 1002f
evaluation 1003fc
management of 982
Thromboelastography 503, 984
Thromboelastometry, rotational 984, 1649
Thromboembolic disease 967, 974
Thromboembolic disorders 540
treatment of 541
Thromboembolism 482, 1008, 1106
acute venous 20
Thrombolysis 527, 821, 967
candidate for 825
concept of 823, 823f
Thrombophilias, history of 1096
Thrombophlebitis, superficial 1353
Thromboprophylaxis 589, 1080
Thrombosis 231, 1010, 1197, 1751
chronic 718
delayed 1614
pathophysiology for 624f
Thrombotic microangiopathy 794, 1002, 1010, 1011t
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 953, 981, 996, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1012
management of 1004
left ventricular 447
lesion 821
print sign 929
spica 1618, 1619f
cast 1627
splint 1629f
Thymectomy 839
Thyrohyoid membrane 208f
disease 468, 1105
disorders 923, 1068, 1087
function test, interpretation of 890t
hormones 882, 888
inhibitors 890t
insufficiency 320
peroxidase 884, 886, 888
storm 888, 891
management of 891t
surgery 891
tissue 890
Thyrotoxic crisis 852
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis 841
Thyrotropin-stimulating immunoglobulins 888
Thyroxine 157, 886, 890, 1394
Tiagabine 1431
Tibia 1357
Tibial block indications, posterior 390
Tibial nerve 390
block, posterior 390f
posterior 391f
Tibioperoneal arteries 1654
Ticagrelor 537, 539, 541
Tick paralysis 1307
infection 1307, 1308t
treatment of 1309f, 1310
relapsing fever 1309
clinical features 1310
diagnosis 1310
zoonotic infection 1309
Ticlopidine 541, 1003
Tile classification 1608
Time since injury 1602
Tinnitus 908
causes of 908
Tintinalli's paradigm 1243
Tinzaparin 537
Tiotropium 586
Tirofiban 539, 541
adhesives 1658
use of 1658
avulsion of 1653
conduction 473
damage 151
deeper 1677
edema 1699
factor 624
granulation 399
hypoperfusion 462
severe 460
hypoxia 578
injury, degree of 1477
invasive disease 793
ischemia 1673
oxygen utilization 343
perfusion 462
plasminogen 1691
activator 998
Tobacco 861
amblyopia 1485
Tobramycin 910
Tocilizumab 626, 627, 977, 1045
indications of 627t
Tocolysis 1099
Tocolytic agents 1101, 1102t
Tocolytic therapy, contraindications of 1102t
Tofacitinib 1045
Tolazamide 1382
Tolbutamide 1382
Tolterodine 1252
blade test 1552f
depressor 202
laceration 1216f, 1554f, 1669
malposition 46
Tonic neck reflex 1139
Tonic-clonic seizure 1209
Tooth 1216f
anatomy 1215
classification of 1217, 1218f
management of 1217
Topical anesthesia 361
Topical anesthetic drops 1665
Topical bronchoscopic therapy 560
Topical epinephrine 560
Topical lidocaine gel 1665
Topical management 1032
Topical steroid 777
role of 778t
Topiramate 1212
Torsades de pointes 424, 1198f
Torsion, types of 785
Total body surface area 1648, 1675, 1679, 1680, 1682
Total leukocyte count 982
Tourniquet test 1319
Toxalbumin 1500
alcohols 750, 1507
plant 1499, 1503t, 1504
shock syndrome 1021, 1153, 1354
syndrome 1395t
waste, orange bags for 58
Toxic epidermal
necrolysis 1021, 1025, 1026, 1026f
score of 1021
necrosis, score of 1027
Toxicity 56, 540, 1115, 1433, 1437, 1494t, 1511
acute 1459, 1462
chronic 1460
correlates 1382
course of 1414
mechanism of 1453
severe 1436
Toxicokinetics 1406, 1440
Toxicologic screen 851
Toxicology 1382, 1383, 1390t
pediatric 1505
survey, secondary 1394
Toxidrome 1394, 1395t
Toxin 188, 191, 231, 482, 674
specific 1290
Toxoplasma gondii 933
Toxoplasmosis 1285, 1369
Toynbee maneuver 1756
Trachea 396
superior 399
Tracheal deviation 46
Tracheal stenosis 398, 401
Tracheal stoma 399
Tracheal tube 559f
Tracheitis, bacterial 1186, 1187, 1188
Tracheobronchial injury 1481, 1584
Tracheobronchial region 1482
Tracheobronchial tree 532
Tracheobronchitis 551
Tracheocutaneous fistula 401
formation 398
Tracheocutaneous tract, narrower 398
Tracheoesophageal fistula 398, 400
Tracheoinnominate artery fistula 400
Tracheostomy 209, 394, 398, 399
decannulation 398
management of 399fc
hemorrhage, management of 400fc
obstruction 399
occlusion, management of 399f
open 401
placement 399
related complications 398
related emergencies 398
tube 399, 400, 402
placement of 398
tip, level of 401
wound myiasis 401, 402
Traction-countertraction method 1630f
Traditional cardiopulmonary bypass 1689
Traffic accidents 1646
Tramadol 1269, 1439
Tranexamic acid 198, 544, 1069, 1528, 1535, 1649
administration of 1613
Tranquillizer, mild 457
Transbronchial lung biopsy 557
Transbronchial needle aspiration 557
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation 488
Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography 154
Transcutaneous pacing 498, 1393
Transesophageal echocardiography 22, 487, 533, 534f
Transesophageal pacing 497
delayed complications of 990
protocol, massive 986988, 1537
transmitted virus 674
Transient hematuria, causes of 732
Transient ischemic attack 12, 19, 22, 27, 29, 30, 47, 537, 802, 805, 1053, 1637
Transient pustular melanosis 1222, 1222f
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 660, 678, 688, 719
Transmetacarpal technique 1633
Transmission neuropathy 1409
Transplant medication effects 1379t
Transplanted bladder 792, 795
Transthoracic echocardiography 489, 509, 525
Transthoracic impedance 224
Transurethral catheterization 1601
Transvaginal scan 1074
Transvaginal sonography 727, 1060, 1075
Transvenous pacing 497, 498
Transvenous temporary pacing lead 497f
Transverse myelitis 839
clinical features 839
etiology 839
Trauma 47, 223, 436, 899, 929, 931, 1034, 1037, 1533, 1567, 1758
abdominal 1238, 1547, 1589, 1590, 1591, 1591f, 1591t, 1593, 1595, 1650
acute 1624
and wound management 1518
care 374, 1518
activation of 1523t
advantages of 1522
examination of 1540
high-velocity 1651
induced coagulopathy, prevention and correction of 1537
injuries, multiple 1677
lethal triad of 1642
management of 1518fc, 1651fc
mechanism, types of 1646t
mortality, trimodal distribution of 1524
multiple system 1644
pain due to 938t
pediatric 1641, 1643
penetrating 1529
protocol 1643
resuscitation 1533
score 1638
setting of multisystem 1582
severity scores 1638
sustained before 1699
advantages of 1518
development of 1523
team members 1522b
to ear 911
treatment in 48t
Traumatic brain injury 144, 342, 1189, 1532, 1533, 1557, 1558, 1558f, 1560, 1564, 1636, 1637, 1678, 1682, 1717
clinical features of 1561
consequences of 1558
management of 1563t
mild 36, 1560
moderate 1560
pathophysiology of 1558
severe 1431, 1560
Traumatic cardiogenic shock, differential diagnosis of 1527
Traumatic dental injuries
classification of 1217
management of 1215, 1217
Traumatic injury 664, 1540, 1645, 1717
manifestation of 1646
Traumatic testicle 785
Traumatic wound 1228
classification 1228
high-risk 1230t
management 1228
Travel medical kit 1753t
Traveler's diarrhea 651, 1303, 1305, 1744, 1748
prevention of 1303
Travelers’ disease 1749
Treadmill test 19
Treitz ligament 656
Tremor 815, 1416, 1445
Trench foot 1690
Trendelenburg position 1542
Treponema pallidum hemagglutination 1014
Triage 40, 93
and pregnancy 41
and rapid treatment system, simple 43, 193, 1602
area 50
assessment 41
scales, types of 40t
Triceps muscle 392
Trichinellosis 1285
Trichlorfon 1409
Trichloronate 1409
Trichomonas 1363, 1365
infection 768
vaginalis 1062
vaginitis 1363
Tricyclic antidepressant 409, 1263, 1395, 1422, 1426, 1445, 1507, 1508
toxicity, diagnosis of 1426
Triglycerides 861
Trihexyphenidyl 1422
Triiodothyronine 890
Trimethadione 1513
Trimethobenzamide 642
Trimethoprim 924, 1003, 1382
Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole 1350
oral 1352
Trimipramine 1425
Trinder's test 1383
Triphenyl 1407
Triple-lumen catheter 280
Trismus 925
Triumvirate 860
Trocar technique 606
Tropane alkaloids 1500
Trophoblast, abnormal 1090
Tropical infections 1298, 1300, 1303
evaluation of 1305fc
Tropicamide 1422
Troponin 458
complex 434
leak 1740
Trousseau sign 316
True vertigo 804
Trypanosoma parasites 1304
Trypsin 782
activated 669
Tryptophan 1428
Tscherne classification 1602
Tube thoracostomy 605, 1583b
Tuberculosis 71, 551, 562, 565, 598, 614, 666, 895, 618, 620, 712, 948, 1034, 1276, 1292, 1305, 1336, 1336b, 1338, 1339, 1372, 1377, 1745, 1764, 1768
causes 1336
chest X-ray 1337
clinical presentation 1336
etiology 1336
evaluation 1337
features of concern 1337
infection 1339fc
investigations 1337
pathophysiology 1336
previously treated 1338
treatment 1338
Tuberculous pleural effusions 615
Tuberculous spondylodiscitis 1359
Tubular acidosis 314
Tubular necrosis, acute 296, 1726
Tubular secretion 729
Tularemia 190, 1284, 13081310
Tumor 364, 553
infiltration 729
lysis syndrome 967, 971
necrosis factor 624, 654
alpha 860, 895
risk stratification of 971b
Tungsten-halogen lamp 707
Tunica albuginea 781
part of 781
thickness of 781
Tunica tear, closure of 783f
Tunneled central venous catheters 284, 757
Turner's syndrome 855
Two fracture segments lie 1617
Two-bag system 1204
Two-chamber underwater seal drain 609f
Two-person technique 1621, 1622
Two-step technique 1631
Tympanic membrane 907, 910f, 912f
otoscopic appearance of 911f
perforation 911
Tympanic nerve 908
Tympanic temperature 1756
Typhoid 1294, 1302
fever 1154, 1745
vaccine 1151, 1154
Typical pneumonia 594, 594t, 595t
Typical vertebra 1571f
Tyramine reaction 1426
Tzanck cells 936
Tzanck smear 936
Ubiquitous polyomavirus 793
Ulcer 1017
unstageable 1253
Ulcerative colitis 715, 1045
active 654
therapy for 654t
Ulinastatin 322
Ulnar gutter splint 1627, 1628f
Ulnar nerve 392
block 1633
Ultrasound transducers 375f
Ultrasound-guided procedures, techniques for 376t
Ultraviolet spectrophotometer 1385f
Umbilical cord 1113
prolapse 1110
Umbilical hernia 1239f
Umbilical vein catheterization 1134
Underwater seal
chest drain system 608
drainage system 608f
Unstable angina 403, 455
high-risk 19
Unstable materials 57
Unterberger's test 808
Upper abdominal discomfort, chronic 666
Upper airway 551
injury 1481
Upper cervical injuries 1573
Upper endoscopy 664
Upper extremity 376, 391
circumferential burns 1676f
immobilization 1626
injuries 1716
Upper gastrointestinal
bleeding 25, 26
endoscopy 659
tract 656
Upper limb 358, 1577
Upper lip, soft-tissue deficit of 1670f
Upper motor neuron 850, 1577
Upper respiratory
system 1683
tract infection 551, 554
zoonotic infection 1310
Upper rib 1545
Upward posterior fossa 1559
Urate-lowering therapy 1037
Urban rabies 1342
Urea 314, 851
and electrolytes 1695
Ureaplasma urealyticum 1062
Uremia 33, 641, 750, 754, 755
clinical features of 754, 754t
management of 746
syndrome of 754
Uremic encephalopathy 879
Uremic malnutrition, treatment of 753
Uremic toxins 754
Ureter 765, 791, 1060
Ureteral stone 731, 761, 764b, 765
Ureteral stricture 792
Ureteric calculus, proximal 727f
Ureterolithiasis 761
Urethra 138, 723, 1600
stricture posterior 725f
Urethral anomalies 1138
Urethral catheterization 1094
Urethral injury 1530, 1600
repair 782
Urethral orifice 1598
Urethral rupture 781
Urethral stricture 766
Urethritis 1366
reassessment 1601
retrograde 725, 725f, 1598
Uric acid 470, 971
Urinalysis 1725
Urinary alkalization 1467
Urinary antigen tests 596
Urinary bladder 723, 765, 1599, 1600
Urinary continence 1252
Urinary incontinence 1252, 1271
assessment of 1252
Urinary retention 708, 740, 742, 810, 839
acute 738, 739t, 740, 740t
categories of 740
chronic 740
management of 742
postoperative 740
pregnancy-associated 740
Urinary sodium 313
Urinary stone 762
disease 761
risk factors of 761t
Urinary symptoms 768
Urinary system, structural anatomy of 761
Urinary tract 724, 728, 766
calcification 723
injury 1601
malignancy in 731
Urinary tract infection 639, 701, 736, 765, 766, 767t, 768t, 770, 771t, 777, 792, 793, 1058, 1060, 1137, 1144, 1145, 1162, 1248, 1271, 1578
catheter-associated 766
classification 766
clinical features 767
diagnostic evaluation 767
differential diagnosis 767
history of 766
pathophysiology of 766, 767f
recurrent 741, 770
risk factors 766
treatment 768
Urine 294, 718, 731, 956, 963
analysis 687, 1598
culture 676, 1080
and sensitivity 768
cytology 733
dark-colored 1716
dipstick 768, 1080
gram stain 768
ketone 1203
large volume of 738
microscopy 768
osmolality 315
output 341, 344, 1181, 1470, 1602
pregnancy test 140, 141, 1012
retention of 1598
routine 1725
microscopy 1101
sodium 312
tests 1360
trypsinogen-2 dipstick test 669
Urinoma 791
Urodynamic parameters 739
Urography, retrograde 724, 724f
Urogynecologic issues 1271
Urolithiasis 761, 765
Urologic complication 791
Urological evaluation 733
Urology consultation 764
Urosepsis 764
Urothelial tumors 733
Urticaria 1027, 1028, 1028f, 1028t
lesions 1022
management of 1029t
mast cell
dependent 1028fc
independent 1028fc
pigmentosa 1225, 1225f
Ustekinumab 1045
activity 1682
embolization 1070
single 1138
atony 1112
bleeding, abnormal 38t, 1066, 1071, 1071fc
blood flow 1115
cavity 1084
contractions 1081, 1648, 1651
curettage 1069
fibroids 1063
inversion 1113
perforation 1083
rupture 1649, 1650
segment, lower 1095
synechiae 1083
tenderness 1650
two-hand 1112
Uteroplacental dysfunction 1091
Uteroplacental insufficiency 1105
Uterus 1072, 1097
evacuation of 1085
perforation of 1084
Utricle, otolithic organs of 802
Uveitis 904
immediate management of 904
Vaccination, history of 1147
Vaccine 1294
baits, oral 1347
development 1288
stages of 1288, 1288fc
types of 630, 1290
Vaccinia vaccine 1295
Vagal maneuvers 412, 477
Vagal stimulation 646, 1074
Vagina 138
examination of 141
Vaginal bleeding 1067b, 1273, 1649, 1650, 1651
benign causes of 1272
types of 1066t
Vaginal childbirth 1273
Vaginal delivery 1097, 1109, 1110
Vaginal examination 1101, 1108, 1649
Vaginal injuries 1600
Vaginal introitus 1110
Vaginal secretions, collection of 140
Vaginitis 1366
Vaginosis 1366
bacterial 1363
Vagus 645
Valacyclovir 936
Valley fever 191, 793
Valproate 799, 1049, 1395, 1431
Valproic acid 835, 1006, 1395, 1398, 1513
Valsalva maneuver 285, 1756
Valve 203
pressure 608
Valvular disease 296
Valvular dysfunction 364
Valvular emergencies 486
Valvular heart disease 418, 491, 508, 821, 1106, 1106t
chronic 487
Valvular injury 1585
Valvular pathology 297
Vancomycin 846, 1006, 1229, 1230, 1355
resistant enterococci 16, 793
Vancouver chest pain rule 19, 20fc
Varicella 786, 1154
vaccine 1151, 1154, 1293
zoster 844, 1021, 1745
zoster virus 793, 847
infection 1293
Varicocele 787, 788
Variola 1295
Vascular abdominal
anatomy 717
emergencies 717
Vascular access device 280
Vascular aneurysm 720
Vascular complications 691
Vascular device 281
Vascular disease 1008
chronic 1659
peripheral 1654, 1659
Vascular emergency 904
Vascular endothelial growth factor 563, 1616, 1722
Vascular injury 1566, 1593, 1598, 1612, 1614fc, 1714
classic findings of 1671
signs of 1530
traumatic 1612
Vascular insufficiency 757, 1671
Vascular malformations 1226
Vascular resistance 1646
Vascular system 1612
Vascular ulcers 1357
Vasculitis 749, 842, 1025, 1030, 1030f, 1040, 1447
Vasoactive drugs 332, 1129, 1557
Vasoconstriction 1447
Vasodilators 1462
Vasodilatory shock 343
Vaso-occlusive crisis 999, 1000
Vasopressin 157, 337, 338, 462, 463, 471, 746
analog 659
Vasopressor 335, 336t, 462, 1458
selection of 339
therapy 748
Vasospasm 1090
Vasovagal episode 473
Vasovagal syndrome 411
Vaughan–Williams classification 1463
Vehicle crashes, high-speed 1570
Veins, occlusion of 1663
Venereal disease
evidence of 140
research laboratory 1014
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 346, 347
Venom 1722
Venous and arterial access 281t
Venous arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 528
Venous blood gas 1642
analysis 1202
Venous compression 1614
Venous insufficiency 1353
ulcer 1654
Venous occlusion 904
Venous oxygen saturation 343t
Venous thromboembolism 20, 24t, 370, 521, 831, 974, 1636
prophylaxis 326
Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 345347
indications 347
Ventilation 326, 590, 1133, 1526
assist-control 262, 262f
complications of 265
control mode 262f
control of 234
controlled mandatory 262
dual modes of 263
initiation of 263
intermittent mandatory 262
minute 263
modes of 261
perfusion 304
pressure-limited 590
Ventilator, modes of 257
Ventilatory management 157
Ventral paraflocculus 803
Ventral uvula 803
Ventricular arrhythmia 227, 586, 1427
Ventricular assist device, design of 484
Ventricular contractility 1459
Ventricular diastolic pressure 492
Ventricular dysfunction 1194
Ventricular dysrhythmias 1455
Ventricular extrasystole bigeminies 410f
Ventricular extrasystoles 409
Ventricular fibrillation 228, 411, 458, 497, 502, 1686, 1717
Ventricular septal defect 1513
Ventricular septal rupture 444, 465, 466
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias 339, 497, 498
Ventricular tachycardia 227, 228, 409, 411f, 413, 425f, 426f, 458, 476, 478, 502, 1197
management of 479
monomorphic 423, 479
types of 479
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt 969
Venturi device 244f
Venturi mask 573, 599
Verapamil 478, 889
Verbal descriptor scale 1268
Verbal techniques 1050
Vermilion border 1667, 1669
Vertebral artery 1566
stenosis 851
Vertebral joints, immature 1644
Vertebral osteomyelitis 1358
Vertebrobasilar artery 821
Vertical disconjugate gaze 850
Vertigo 28, 30t, 31t, 801, 805t, 811, 813fc, 1435, 1698
acute 801
benign paroxysmal positional 802, 805, 813
causes of 802t, 805t
Very low-density lipoprotein 862
Vesicoureteral reflux 766, 767
Vesicoureteric junction 726f
Vesicoureteric reflux disease 729
Vesiculobullous disorder 1021
Vesiculobullous skin lesion 1220
Vestibular migraine 805
Vestibular neuritis 803, 805
Vestibular neuronitis 911
Vestibular syndrome, acute 806
Vestibular system 911
Vestibule-spinal tracts 802
Vestibulo-ocular reflexes 153, 802
Vestibulopathy, bilateral 804
Viable parenchyma, quantity of 1599
Vibrio cholerae 1303
Vibrio vulnificus 1353, 1355
Vigileo system 301
Vincristine 794
Violaceous skin discoloration 1021
Violence, local signs of 140
Viral arthritis 1037
Viral causes 844
Viral conjunctivitis 899, 903
Viral corneal ulcers 903
Viral encephalitis 847
causes of 847t
Viral etiology 715
Viral genotype 1370
Viral hemorrhagic fever 1299, 1301
risk of 1300
Viral hepatitis 690
acute 675, 1299
Viral illness 615, 733
Viral infections 551, 674, 929, 960, 1021, 1158, 1290, 1372
Viral markers 1656
Viral meningitis 845
Viral nucleic acid 845
Viral pharyngitis 929
Viral reactivation 846
Viral replication 793
Viral vectors 629
Virtual biopsies 105
Virus, fixed 1342
Visceral artery aneurysms 722
Visceral injury 1084
Viscous lidocaine, oral 646
Visible injury, external 1591
assessment of 1251
sudden loss of 904
Visual disturbances 1683
Visual field
analysis 904, 906
defects 1368
Visual symptoms 1091
Visuospatial ability 1253
Vital capacity 580
Vital information 1068
Vital signs 1137, 1203, 1247, 1536, 1699
Vitals measurement 41
B1 1450
B12 28, 952, 958
deficiency 952, 953, 956, 960
supplementation 677
fat-soluble 653
K antagonist 20, 24, 489, 536, 537, 538t, 918
management of 542t
Vocal cords 212f
Voiding cystourethrogram 725, 725f
Volatile organic compounds 1472
Volume control ventilation 260
Volume resuscitation 339
Volume status 747
mode 261
ventilation 261
Voluminous stools 649
Voluntary euthanasia 135
Voluntary tubal opening 1756
acute 1177t
chemotherapeutic induced 643
chemotherapy-induced 967, 975, 976
etiology of 640t
projectile 641
reflex 641
treatment of 642t
von Willebrand disease 940, 983
von Willebrand factor 624, 979 980, 1003, 1115, 1647
Vulvovaginitis 1271
Waldeyer's ring 929
Walking 1699
reflex 1139
Wallace's rule of nines 1675
Wallenberg's syndrome 806, 821
Warfarin 536, 537, 538t, 541, 1259, 1263, 1264, 1513, 1636
reversal 542
agents for 543t
Warm shock 1129
Wasp sting 1401
general 59
management plan 60
system, segregation of 58
types of 59
aspiration of 1699, 1703
bed 1578
bottle heart sign 492, 493f
pollution 862
reactive materials 56
rescue 1703
resuscitation 1703
sports 1751
Wax loop 946f
Weakness 313, 841, 1427
Weaning 257, 346
dangerous 126
preparedness 186
Weber test 909
Wegener's granulomatosis 618
Weight loss 719, 1368
Werdnig–Hoffman syndrome 1140
Wernicke's encephalopathy 1050, 1450
West haven criteria 680, 683t
West Nile virus 846, 1312, 1317
Westermark signs 525f
Westley croup score 1186t
Wheat pill 1417
Wheelchair, ramp for 50
Wheeze 41, 46, 576, 1478
symptoms of 575
Whipple's triad 868
Whirlpool sign 788, 1062, 1236
White blood cell 47, 597, 845, 1037, 1060, 1232
count 687
White-coat hypertension 511
Whitehead's deformity 708
Whitehead's hemorrhoidectomy 708
Whole blood
clotting test 1723, 1724f
transfusion of 989
Whole-bowel lavage 1395
Wide complex tachycardia 478, 1198
Wilderness medicine 1755
Wildlife rabies 1342
Wilson's disease 674, 690
Wisdom tooth eruption 938t
Withdrawal syndrome 1435
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome 413, 418, 419, 421, 424, 430, 431f, 477
recognition of 432
Wong–Baker faces pain scale 357f
alcohol 1452
naphtha 1452
Work environment 1763
Work ethics 2
Work physiology 1765
World Allergy Organization 152, 1028
Worm 953
Worsening hypotension 153
Worsening tachypnea 492
Worsens hypoxemia 593
Wound 1315, 1662fc
acute 1653
applied anatomy of 1603
assessment of 1655
care 1660, 1663, 1682
postclosure 1661t
characteristics 1670
chronic 1653, 1654
classification of 1653
clean lacerated 1655, 1655f, 1659, 1659f, 1665f
cleaning and antibiotic 1315
closure 1659, 1670
technique of 1660
types of 1659
contaminated 1230
dressings 68
extent of 1656
healing, phases of 1653
high-velocity 1589
infection 793
initial care of 1603
low-velocity 1589
management of 1228, 1673
basic of 1653
penetrating 1612
preparation 1657
primary closure of 1659f
puncture 1228, 1653, 1659, 1670
selected 1230
sucking 1566
superficial 1669
under tension 1658
upper limb 129
drop 1606
pivot method 926, 926f
Wrong-diagnosis mimics 154
Wrong-severity mimics 154
Xenobiotic absorption 1511
Xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes 1511
Xiphisternum 1648
Yankauer suction cannula 203, 204f
Yellow fever 1293, 1304, 1305, 1745
vaccine 1150, 1153
Yellow oleander 1499f
Yellow puncture-resistant containers 59
Yersinia pestis 190, 1310, 1311
Yttrium aluminum garnet laser peripheral iridotomy 904
Z drugs 1437
Zaleplon 1437
Zanamivir 1233
Zargar classification 1479
Z-drugs 1431
Ziehl–Neelsen staining 1337
Zika virus 629, 1286
Zinc 57, 677
sulphate 1180
supplementation 651, 1180
Zipper injury 775
Zipper removal 775f
Zoledronic acid 973
Zolpidem 1437
fasciculata 893, 894
glomerulosa 893, 894
reticularis 893
Zoonosis 1275
Zoonotic dermatologic infection 1311
Zoonotic disease 1295, 1313
Zoonotic encephalitis 1310
Zoonotic infections 1307, 1311
risk factors for 1307t
Zoonotic meningitis 1310
Zoonotic pneumonias 1311t
Zoonotic respiratory infection 1310
Zoonotic viruses 1312
Zopiclone 1437
Zygoma 1666
Chapter Notes

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Textbook of EMERGENCY MEDICINE Including Intensive Care and Trauma
Textbook of EMERGENCY MEDICINE Including Intensive Care and Trauma
Editor-in-Chief Devendra Richhariya MBBS MD FICM MBA Associate Director and Head Emergency and Trauma Services Sarvodaya Hospital and Research Centre Faridabad, Haryana, Delhi NCR, India Editor Bhawana Sharma MBBS DNB IDCCM Consultant Critical Care Medanta—The Medicity Gurugram, Haryana, India
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Textbook of Emergency Medicine: Including Intensive Care and Trauma / Devendra Richhariya
First Edition: 2018
Second Edition: 2022
Printed at:
Dedicated to
Our Parents
“utiṣṭhata | jāgrata | prāpya varānnibodhata |
Arise. Awake. And stop not till the goal is reached.”
— Swami Vivekananda
We have a passion for improving patient care. Emergency care is all about dealing emergencies in time-bound manner and the emergency department is a place where emergency physician manages most diverse acute conditions in the hospital. On the basis of the typical clinical clues’ emergency physician can use accurate diagnostic tools, treatment pathways, and prognostic prediction. The practice of “emergency medicine” continues to evolve, bringing greater expectations of the physicians who provide field care in interhospital shifting by ambulance and medical oversight. The advent of postgraduation program in “emergency medicine”, and the continuous broadening of the clinical practice of “emergency medicine” has made the formal study of the art and practice even more essential than ever before. Now we have to show our never-ending commitment to improve patient care across the entire scope of our practice as emergency physicians. The emergency physicians acquiring their knowledge and skills very rapidly to improve the patient care and show their worthiness. We have achieved many milestones along the road of development of the emergency medicine specialty. Our journey starts with Textbook of Emergency and Trauma Care, 1st edition with superb mentors who instilled in us a drive to become excellent clinicians and educators. Now, 2nd edition is updated with “250 Chapters in 22 Sections”, extremely useful for emergency physicians, intensivists, family physicians, general practitioners, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, where clinical clues significantly guide, improve, and expedite diagnosis as well as treatment. It is our most sincere hope that this text serves you well on your journey, wherever the practice of “emergency medicine” may take you.
We thank contributors and readers who have helped to make this 2nd edition possible.
No star is too distant to approach
No mountain too high to climb
No dream is too far to make reality
No quest too difficult to fulfil
No goal is too impossible to achieve
For those who have courage to try several times
So, meet the life challanges with determination
Each time each hour each day
To come out winning honest rewards!!
Devendra Richhariya
Bhawana Sharma
I would like to thank all the authors for providing manuscripts in spite of their busy schedules. Special thanks to publisher Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Dr Richa Saxena (Associate Director—Professional Publishing), Ms Upasana Kak (Development Editor), and all members of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India for invaluable contribution.
We would like to thank Ms Avighna Richhariya for providing invaluable technical support for the textbook.