Textbook of Orthopedic Rheumatology Manish Khanna, Madhan Jeyaraman, Sathish Muthu
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abatacept 44, 47, 51
Abdominal pain 105, 111
Abductor halluces 326f
Abductor pollicis longus 39f, 264, 292
Abscess, cold 180
Achilles guard 208f
Achilles insertion 302
Achilles tendinitis 207, 210
noninsertional 208
Achilles tendinopathy, types of 207
Achilles tendon
exercises 208
lengthening 195
Achilles tendonitis, rehabilitation for 209f
Acid fast bacilli 69, 171
Acquired flatfoot deformity 303
Acquired syphilis 70
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans 69
Acromegaly 191, 191f
Active inflammatory disease 76
Acupuncture 254, 257
Adalimumab 32, 48, 51
Addison's disease 21
Adductor halluces 326, 326f
deaminase 98
triphosphate 239
Adhesive capsulitis 215
lipid-rich 341
zones of 342f
Adipose stem cells 343
Adipose tissue 341, 341f, 361, 367
applications of 343
architecture 344
biology 341
complex, derivatives of 344f
literature on 342
types of 341
Adrenal insufficiency, operative 303
Adrenal medullary cells 376
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 240, 255
Adult human cells 346
Adult stem cell 336, 352
types 336
Advanced disease 187
Aerobic exercise 252
Aerobic training 252
Affective spectrum disorder 237
Agitation 251
Airway management 89
Akin osteotomy 331
Alcoholic liver disease 65
Alendronate 154
Alkaptonuria 111
preparation 365
transplantation 342
Allopurinol 106, 107
Aluminum toxicity 114
Alzheimer's disease 372, 375
Amikacin C 178
Amino acids, excitatory 238f
Amitriptyline 257
Amniotic fluid 362, 372
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 378
Anakinra 49, 51, 165
Andersson lesion 84
clinical features 84
etiology 85
management 85
pathology 85
radiology 85
Anemia 75, 91, 142, 173
Anesthesia, manipulation under 222
Anesthetic implications 88
Animal studies 355
ANKH gene 109
Ankle 54, 198, 303, 307
and knee joints 68
anterior 303
arthritis 304, 317
arthrodesis 55, 304, 319, 320
arthroplasty 321
articular cartilage 316
biomechanics, normal 317f
central 303
fusion 322f
hemophilic arthropathy of 194f
right 318f
Ankle joint 302, 316, 319f
alignment, restoration of 321f
left 196f
Ankle osteoarthritis 316, 318t
anterior 320f
classification of 317, 318t
diagnosis 317
end-stage 316f, 322f
examination 317
pathomechanics 316
treatment 317
Ankle pain 301, 302
diffuse 317
Ankylosed spine, part of 86
Ankylosing spondylitis 17, 21, 47, 48, 73, 7578, 81, 86, 91, 92
index 48
juvenile 75, 91
surgical management in 81, 82
treatment in 77b, 91
Ankylosing spondylosis 21
Ankylosis 77
Annulus fibrosis 41, 74
Anorexia 111, 173
Antacids 43
Antagonist 60
Antalgic gait pattern 302
Anti-CD20 agent 50
Anticitrullinated protein antibody 45
Anti-citrulline peptidase antibody 13
Anticyclic citrullinated peptide 30
Anticytokine agents 47
Antidepressants 232
bacterial and viral 15
presenting cells 13
Antigenicity 49
Anti-inflammatory effects 345
Antinuclear antibody 30, 160
testing 161
Anti-rheumatic drugs, 44, 45, 75, 91
disease-modifying 31, 43, 44, 54, 168
Anti-rheumatic therapy 47
Anti-sclerostin antibodies 139
Anti-TNF therapy 54
Anxiety 250
Aortic dissection 88
Aortic pseudoaneurysm 88
Aortic regurgitation 78
Apatite 97
Aplastic anemia 106
Aponeuroses 41
Arnold-Hilgartner staging 193, 193f
modified 194
Arterial disease, peripheral 311
Artery forceps 282f
Arthralgia 65, 70
Arthritic hand, treating 270
Arthritic joint disorders 192
Arthritis 21, 58, 69, 70, 93, 97f, 159, 160, 187, 267, 320
active 164, 165
acute 101, 113
animal models of 49
causes of 159
chronic 97, 113
destructive 112
crystal-induced 97, 97t
degenerative 354
enteropathic 73, 93
history of 162, 163t, 164
idiopathic 49
mutilans 268
post-traumatic 316, 317
progression of 32
reactive 17, 21, 73, 92, 161
seronegative 36
severe 77
tubercular 173
undifferentiated 27, 161
Arthrodesis 54, 56, 58, 167, 195, 198, 275, 276, 304
posterior 180
Arthrofibrosis shoulder 215
Arthrography 270
Arthrokinematic movement 9
Arthropathy 68
chronic 108f
Arthroplasty 5456, 57f, 124, 277, 304
biomechanics of 10
primary 131
Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis 320
Arthroscopic capsular release 224, 226f
Arthroscopic management 203
Arthroscopy 114, 124
Arthrotomy 114
Articular cartilage 3, 4, 7, 8t, 40, 58, 100, 109, 117, 120
biomechanics of 118
collapse of 196f
degeneration of 118
normal 117
Articular disease, assessment of 34
Articular neurology 7
Artifacts, crystal-like 114b
Aspirin 102, 107, 167
Asthma 141
Athletes 369
Atrial fibrillation 136
Attack, acute 102, 110
Augmentation techniques 131
Auspitz's sign 68
Autoantibodies production 168
cells 356
disorders 49, 51
hypothyroidism 21
origin, disorder of 13
Autoimmune disease 17, 18, 20, 21, 128
management of 51
pathogenesis of 13
Autoimmune rheumatic
disease 13, 21
disorders 65
blood injection 202
chondrocyte implantation 10, 338
tenocyte injection 212, 212f
Autonomic disturbances 229
Autonomic dysfunctions 242
Autonomic nervous system 240
abnormal 196
Autophosphorylation 375
Autosomal inheritance
dominant 19f
recessive 19f
Avascular necrosis
regenerative therapy for 368
risk factors for 368t
Axial spondylitis 91
Azathioprine 44, 66, 93, 106
B cells 14, 43
B lymphocyte system 337
Bacteriology 174
Baker's cyst 35, 41, 64
Balneotherapy 254, 255
Bamboo spine 74, 75, 86
Basic genetics 17f
Bazedoxifene 135
Bedaquiline 182
Behçet's disease 17, 20, 67, 68, 161
Benzbromarone 107
Biceps tendon 219f
Bimalleolar ankle fracture 316f
Bioactive molecules 369
Biochemical parameters, evaluation of 149
Biological therapy 47
use of 368
Bipolar shell allograft 319
Bisphosphonates 77, 135, 154
adverse effects of 136
mechanism of action of 135fc
Blackberry thumb 204
Bladder dysfunction 243
glucose level 312
peripheral 362
sugar control 312
tests 92
vessels, growth of 14
Blood-brain barrier 376
Blosozumab 139
B-lymphocytes 50
Body mass index 132
Body mechanics 9
Body organ, largest 63
Body planes 6
Body's movement 5
Bone 81, 152, 301, 339, 367
and joints 263
cells 143f
defects 60, 61
deformities 60
density measurements 129
edema 77
effects on 135
formation 143
markers of 129
fractures, long 130
graft 131
substitute 131
lining cells 367
mineral density 125
morphogenetic factors 374
osteopenia 189
porosis 60
production 188
remodeling, mechanism of 127, 128f
resorption marker 129, 142
scan 130
scintigraphy 130
sclerosis 153
trabeculae, resorption of 153
tuberculosis of 171
tumors, benign 161
Bone marrow 87, 341, 350, 360, 369
aspirate concentrate 365, 367, 369
lesions 121
Bony abnormalities 148
Bony destruction 31f
Bony elements 7
Bony osteophytes 188
Bony prominences 305
Borrelia 241
Botulinum toxin 63, 232, 232f
Boutonniere's deformity 27, 58, 66, 268, 293
Bowler's thumb 296, 297
clinical features 297
differential diagnosis 297
etiology 297
investigations 297
pathophysiology 297
treatment of 297, 298fc
Brachioradial pruritus 63
Bradykinesia 376
Breast diseases 35
Brodalimumab 47, 50
Brodalumab 51
Buerger's disease 386, 386f
Bulimia nervosa 237
Bunion deformity 325
Burning micturition 92
Bursa 41, 302
Bursitis 97
Cadaveric dissection 282f
Calcaneal stress fracture 210
Calcified zone 118
Calcinosis 66
Calcitonin 134, 154
Calcium 133, 149
channel blockers 66
hydroxyapatite 97
inadequate 129
oxalate 97
role of 129
sulfate 131
Calcium phosphate 97, 131
crystal deposition disease, basic 112
Calcium pyrophosphate
crystals 103
deposition 108, 188
dihydrate 40, 97, 187
calcifications 40
deposition disease 108
Callus formation 149
Campylobacter species 68
Canakinumab 49, 51
Capreomycin C 178
Capsaicin 123, 255
Capsular fibrosis 74
Capsule-phalangeal portion 326
Carbamazepine 63
Carbidopa 116
Cardiac dysfunction 88
Cardiac irregularities 243
Cardiovascular disease 15, 78
Cardiovascular involvement 78
Cardiovascular risk 312
Carpal bone surface, irregular 40
Carpal tunnel
release, incision for 265f
syndrome 54, 64, 279
Carpet tack sign 65
Cartilage 4, 13, 117, 338, 367
and bone, disorders of 95
changes 39
degradation of 15
destruction 104
injuries 212
loss 108
metabolism, biomechanical regulation of 118
Cartilage matrix
degradation, causes of 119
protein content 119
regulation of 120
Cartilage-cartilage interface 4
Cartilaginous tissue 362
Caseous tissue, calcification of 172
Catechol-o-methyltransferase gene 241
Cathepsin 15
K inhibitors 139
Cauda equina syndrome 78, 84
Celecoxib 105
based delivery 338
death 120
free formulation 361
in vivo, survival of 381
induction of 337
lining synovium 4
targeted biologics 47
types of 3
Cellular biomechanics 5
Cellular component 127
Cellular immunity 14, 172, 310
Cellular therapy 354, 370, 372
Cellulitis 49, 50, 104
Central nervous system 237
disorders 128
Central sacral line 11
Cerebral palsy 27, 377
Cerebrospinal fluid 239f
Certolizumab 51
pegol 48
kyphosis, chronic 89
lordosis 82, 82f
osteotomy 83
radiculopathy 281
spinal disease 63
spinal involvement 180
spine 77, 181f
fracture 87
junction 87
region 11
Charcot's arthropathy 69
Charcot's joints 113
Charcot's neuropathy 306t, 307f
arthropathy 305
cause of 305
classification of 306t
indications of 306t
treatment of 306
Charcot's restrained orthotic walker 305
Charcot's triad 197
Charcot-Leyden crystals 114
Cheilectomy 319
Chemical injuries 118
Chemotherapeutic cytotoxics 102
Chemotherapy 172, 178
before onset of 172
Chest deformity, chin on 90
Chevron osteotomy, modified 331f
Chin-brow vertical angle 82, 82f
Chlamydia 68, 92
trachomatis 92
Chlorambucil 44
Cholesterol 114
crystals 114
Chondrocalcinosis 108
asymptomatic 110
Chondrocyte phenotype, changes in 120
Chondroitin sulfate 117, 118
Chondroplasty 319
Chondrosarcoma 64
Chromosome, structure of 18f
Chronic disease 93
Chronic inflammatory
arthritis 73
disease 301
rheumatic diseases 73
Chronic periarticular syndromes 113
Churg-Strauss syndrome 67
Ciprofloxacin 178
Circinate balanitis 69f
Citalopram 251
Clarithromycin 178
Clodronate 135
Clofazimine C 178
Clofibrate 107
Clostridium histolyticum 296
Clutton's joints 70
Coamoxiclav 178
Coarse pits 68, 68f
Coeliac disease 93
Cognitive behavioral therapy 253
Colchicine 105, 106
toxicity 105
Collateral ligament
lateral 119
medial 119
Colony stimulating factor 15
Combination therapy 32, 140
Common hand disorders 292
Common inflammatory arthritis 40
Comorbid disorders 248
Compartment syndrome 193
Complete blood count 161
Compressive dressings 194
Compromising cellular immunity 312
COMT gene 241
Concavity-compression principle 11
Condyle defects, femoral posterior 62f
Conflict of interest 349, 352
Conjunctivitis 92
Conservative treatment 292
Constipation 251
Contact dermatitis, implant-induced 63
Contracted anterior capsule 226f
Conventional arthrography 217
Core decompression 368
Coronal plane 319
Corticosteroid 43, 60, 106, 107, 168, 270
injection 113
intra-articular 111
Costimulation modulator 50
Costochondral junctions 74
Cranial bone 153
C-reactive protein 61, 163165, 242, 269
Critical limb ischemia 311
Crohn's disease 73, 267
Crouch gait 11
Cruciate ligament
anterior 119, 370
posterior 119
Cryoglobulin crystals 114
Cryoglobulinemia 114
Crystal arthropathies 69
Crystal deposit
disease 40
disorders 97, 113
Crystalline foreign bodies 114
Cushing's disease 292
Cutaneous infections, arthritis in 69
Cutaneous rash 63
Cutaneous systemic sclerosis 66
Cyclobenzaprine 250, 257
Cyclooxygenase 43, 167
Cyclophosphamide 44
Cycloserine S 178
Cyclosporine 44, 102
Cyst 108
ganglion 63
subcutaneous 64
Cysteine proteinases 15
Cytokine 14, 26, 43, 44, 120
Cytotherapy 372
CZ Hong's technique 233f
Dactylitis, signs of 92
Dark skin pigmentation 147
Darrach's procedure 56, 58
de Quervain's tenosynovitis 39f, 204, 205f, 292
Debridement, types of 313
Deformity 112, 153, 268
correction 11, 82, 84
principle of 11
mild 294
moderate 294
pathogenesis of 81
progression of 180
severe 294
Degenerative knee, classification of 122
disorders 50
syndromes 49
Dendritic cell 13, 338f
Denosumab 137
Dental caries 29
Dental tissues 372
Depression 111
Dermatofibromas 65
Dermatomyositis 17, 67, 67f, 190
juvenile 161
Destructive arthropathies 113
D-glucuronic acid 4
Diabetes 283, 381
mellitus 65, 382
insulin-dependent 21
Diabetic foot 310
management of 312
newer therapies for 313
risk assessment in 311
Diabetic foot ulcer 305, 310, 310t, 314f, 314f
advance dressings for 313
classification of 311
examination of 311
risk factors for 311b
risk of 310
Diabetic patients, foot wears for 313
Diabetic ulcer 310
Diarrhea 105, 106, 251
Diet and activity 167
Dietary factors 13
Dimensional coordinate system 6
activity, monitoring of 154
natural history of 171
Dissection, superficial 282f
Distal metatarsal articular angle 328, 328f
Distal scapula 74
Distal ulna 74
Distal ulnar osteotomy 56
Distraction arthroplasty 319, 321f
Diuretics 102
Diverticulitis 50
Dizygotic twins 20
Dizziness 106, 123, 242, 250, 251
Dopamine 374
agonists 251
Dorsal extrinsic muscles 264
Double contour sign 40, 41
Drowsiness 251
analgesic 231
anti-inflammatory 44, 75
antimalarial 44
antitubercular 177, 177t
classification of 105fc
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 43, 44, 60, 63, 77, 91, 105, 114, 167, 270, 289, 292, 303, 354
therapy 134
toxicity 181
Dry mouth 251
Dual-photon absorptiometry 129
Duloxetine 123, 249, 257
Dupuytren's contracture 65f, 295
management of severe 296fc
stages of 296f
Dupuytren's disease 215, 295, 295f
Durkan's test 279
Dynamic compression plate 10
Dystrophic calcification 175
Earlier volar plate arthroplasty method 272
Early inflammatory arthritis, ultrasound in 34
Eccentric calf stretching 210
neurogenic 243
trophic 243
Effusion 121
Eichenholtz classification 306t
modified 197f
Eichhoff maneuver 293
Elbow 54
Electrical nerve stimulation 63
Elimination diet 253
Embryonic stem cells 336, 343, 359, 363, 376
Encephalitis 27
Enchondroma 64
Endocrine disorder 118, 128, 248
Endogenous crystals 97
Endogenous danger signal 99f
Endometrium 361
Endosteal surface 15
Endothelial cells 356
progenitor 368
Endothelial stem cell 336
Enthesitis 41, 73, 97, 160
signs of 92
Entrapment syndromes 212
Environmental protection, principle of 348
angiotensin-converting 161
hypoxanthine-guanine 115
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 174
Eosinophils, actions of 43
Epicondyle, lateral 74
lateral 201f
medial 203, 204f
Epigenetic regulators 375
Episcleritis 29
Epithelial barriers 107
Epstein-Barr virus 13, 357
Erosions 40, 103, 188
Erythema marginatum 70
Erythematous border 92
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 163165
Esophageal dysmotility 66
Estrogen 129
Etanercept 32, 48, 51
Ethambutol 102, 177
Ethanol 102
Ethical concerns 346, 362
Etidronate 135, 154
Exercise 133, 150, 166, 252
therapy 122
Exogenous crystals 97
Exosome 213
therapy 213f
Exostectomy 305
Expansile osteolysis 152
Expansile skeletal hyperphosphatasia 152
Extensor carpi radialis
brevis 264f
longus 264f
Extensor digiti minimi 58, 264
Extensor digitorum, left 39f
Extensor hallucis brevis 326f
Extensor indicis proprius 58
Extensor pollicis
brevis 39f, 264, 292
longus 264
Extensor tendons 265f
Extracellular component 127
Extracellular matrix, components of 14
Facial erythema 67
Familial Mediterranean fever 19
Fasciectomy 296
subcutaneous 296
Faster healing rate 314
Fatigue 111, 242
Febuxostat 106
mechanism of action of 106f
Felty's syndrome 17, 22
Femoral fracture
atypical 136
condyle split 61f
management of atypical 137fc
Femoral head 368t
Femur 148, 195
bone 126f
Fever 75, 91
high grade 69
low-grade 173
Fiberglass 114
Fibro fog 242
Fibroblasts 15, 65
Fibrocartilage 7
Fibrocytes 65
Fibromatosis, digital 64
Fibromyalgia 228, 231t, 236, 237, 237f, 239f, 240, 241, 244t, 245f, 252, 253
assessment of 245f
criteria 247b
diagnosing 246f
pain processing in 238
pathogenesis 236
syndrome 248t
treatment 256
goals of 249
Fibromyalgianess 245
Fibronectin 315
Fibrous tissue 101
Fibular deviation 28
Fibular osteotomy 124
Filtered urate 97
deformities 272, 293
swelling 39f
Finkelstein maneuver 293
Finkelstein's test 205f
Fissure fractures 153
Fixed flexion deformity 61, 61f
Flat bone fractures 131
Flexor carpi ulnaris 38
Flexor digitorum
profundus 265f
superficialis 39f, 265f
Flexor hallucis brevis 326
lateral 326f
medial 326f
Flexor hallucis longus 326
tendon 58
Flexor tendons 265f
distribution of 265f
Fluid collection 37
Foot 197, 305, 306t
care, tips for 312
deformity 310
structure of 327
wear modification 328
Foot and ankle 28, 299
pain, etiology of 301t
tuberculosis 173
Foot pain 301
differential diagnosis of 303
Foot ulcer 310, 382, 382f
etiology of 310
Foraminal compression test 281
Forearm and wrist, tunnels in 265f
Forefoot 302, 303
abduction 306
deformities of 28
offloader 314f
Fracture 153, 193
first 132
fixation, biomechanics of 10
high risk of 144
transdiscal 86
transvertebral 86
Frozen shoulder 215, 216
Fusion, partial 276
Gabapentin 63, 250
Gait analyses 9, 302
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 374
Ganglion 64
Gastric irritation 106
Gastroenteritis 50
Gastrointestinal bleeding 43
Gastrointestinal disorders 128
Gastrointestinal perforation 50
Gelling phenomenon 159
Gene expression 119
Genetic 115
factors 26, 128, 152, 241
studies 20
Genu valgum left knee 61f
Giant cells 101
Glenohumeral ligament
inferior 220f
middle 226f
Glomus tumor 64
Glucocorticoids, effects of 143f
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency 99
Glycated hemoglobin 312
Glycogen storage disease 99
Golfer's elbow 203
rehabilitation for 204, 205f
Golgi tendon reflex 230
Golimumab 48, 51, 76
Gonococcal arthritis 70
Gosset fascia 295
Gottron's papules 67, 67f
Gottron's sign 67
Gout 20, 69, 91, 97, 98f, 105fc, 111t, 161, 268, 270, 326
acute 101fc, 102, 105, 110
arthropathy 189f
chronic 103, 105, 106
polyarticular 103f
classification for 99b, 103
diagnosis of 100t
differential diagnosis of 104
drugs in 105
idiopathic 99
intercritical 103
management of 105
microscopic features of 101
pathogenesis of 100, 100f, 101f
polyarticular 102
precipitate 102
primary 99
secondary 99, 100, 100f
Gouty arthritis 98
acute 102
painful 97
pathogenesis of 101f
site of 104f
surgical treatment for 107
Gouty lesions, surgery of 108
Gouty tophi 102f, 107, 114
typical 104f
Gradual sublaxation 31f
Graft complications 180
Granulocytopenia 106
Granuloma pyogenicum 64
Grattage sign 68
Graves disease 21
Great toe's valgus 326
Gross deformity 188
Growth factors 374
Growth hormone 240, 248, 251, 255
Guanine 99
Guyon's canal 265, 283
anatomy of 284f
dissection of 282f
Hallux interphalangeal angle 328
Hallux valgus 28, 29f, 302f, 325, 325f, 329f
angle 327, 327f
classification of severity of 329t
deformity 28f, 328
differential diagnosis 326
etiology 325
interphalangeus deformity 331
management 327
pathoanatomy of 326, 326f
physical examination 327
risk factors 325
signs 326
symptoms 326
treatment 328
Hammer toe deformity 325f
Hand 267
and wrist, assessment of 288
classical deformities in 27
intrinsic mechanism 294
pain in 279
small joints of 275
surgery, categories of 271fc
Hansen's disease 381, 386f, 387
Headache 106, 250, 251
chronic 247
Heartbeats, fast 250
cup 211f
offloader 314f
pad 210f
pain 29
spurs 92
Heliotrope rash 67f
Hemarthrosis, post-traumatic 111
Hematoidin crystals 114
Hematologic disorders 128
Hematomas, acute 195
Hematopoietic lineage cells 368
Hematopoietic stem cell 336, 357
transplantation, effects of 356
Hemochromatic arthritis 189
Hemochromatic arthropathy 189f
Hemochromatosis 111
Hemoglobin 114
lymphohistiocytosis 161
syndrome, secondary 161
Hemophilia 161, 192
Hemophiliac cyst 193
Hemophilic arthropathy 193f
pathogenesis of 192fc
Hemorrhagic gastropathy 105
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 67
B 49
C 49, 237, 248
Hepatocyte growth factor 338f
Hereditary 109
Hindfoot 302, 303, 306, 318f
deformities of 29
instability 303
motion, reduced 321
Hip 198, 316
arthroplasty 77
fracture 128
pathology 11
Hitchhiker's thumb 268
Hoffmann-Tinel sign 279
Homeobox gene 375
Homozygote 20
Hooked osteophytes 189f
Hormone replacement therapy 133
Horn glia, dorsal 238
Hospital admission 166
Human anti-chimeric antibodies 47
Human immune response 172
Human leukocyte antigen 13, 17, 18, 21
Human motion analysis 9
Human origin, medical products of 372
Human skeletal system 3
Humoral immunity 14
Huntingtin gene 377
Huntington's disease 372, 376
Hutchinson's teeth 70
Hyaline cartilage 40, 117f
Hyaluronic acid 7, 117, 121, 315
Hydrodilatation procedure 222
Hydrotherapy 254
Hydroxyapatite 97
crystal deposition disease 111
deposition of 147
Hydroxychloroquine 31, 43, 44, 60, 66, 92, 93
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy 313
Hypercalcemia 111
Hypercapnia 142
Hyperemia 175, 281
Hyperesthesia 63
Hyperglycemia 310, 312
uncontrolled 310
Hyperparathyroidism 111, 189, 190f
Hyperpigmented patch 63f
Hyperuricemia 97, 98, 98f
asymptomatic 102
classification of 98t
sustained 98
Hypnotherapy 254
Hypocalcemia 136, 147
chronic 148
Hypochromic normocytic anemia 30
Hypoechoic soft tissue 40
Hypogonadal states 128
Hypogonadism 142
Hypophosphatasia 147
Hypophosphatemia 147
Hypopigmented anesthetic patches 69f
Hypotension, neurally-mediated 242
adrenal axis 43, 240
growth hormone 240
thyroid 240
Hypoxanthine 99
guanine phosphoribosyltransferase 98
disorder of 20
Hypoxia 142
effect of 142f
Iatrogenic injuries 90
Ibandronate 154
Idiopathic hypercalciuria 128
Idiopathic hyperphosphatasia 152
Idiopathic osteonecrosis 368
Ilizarov frame 321f
ablation, high dose 356
cells 356
system 43
dysregulation of 47
Immunodeficiency virus infection 368
Immunoglobulin 47
Immunomodulators 168
Immunomodulatory adhesion molecule integrin 18
Immunomodulatory therapy 93
Indolent tophus ulcers 107
Indomethacin 105, 107
Infection 48, 55, 104, 168
opportunistic 51
tubercular 157
Infectious agents 13
Infectious mononucleosis 161
Inflamed granulation tissue 55
Inflamed synovial membrane 100
Inflammasome 109
chronic 14
crystal-induced 95
Inflammatory arthritis 267, 269, 272
etiology of 267
surgical considerations in 54
Inflammatory bowel disease 21, 93
Inflammatory disorders, acute 110
Infliximab 32, 47, 48, 51
plus 47
Informed consent 349
Infraspinatus 11
strengthening 221f
Inherited autosomal disorders 147
mechanism of 86
site of 86
Innate immune system, activation of 13
Inner cell mass 335
Inorganic phosphate 149
Inosine 98
Insomnia 251
Institutional arrangements, principle of 348
Intellectual property rights 350
gamma release assay 49, 174
signaling 18
Intermetatarsal angle 327, 328f
Interosseous muscle atrophy 293
Interphalangeal joints 54, 57, 58, 264, 307f
early synovitis of proximal 27f
Interscapular region 63f
Interthenar incision 283
Intervertebral disc 8
Intestinal irregularities 243
Intestinal malabsorption 150
Intestinal stem cells 336
fluid 35
hyaluronic acid 124, 319
injection 107, 124, 162, 361, 369
space 175
Intracellular chloride 374
Intracellular signaling pathways 118
Intralesional steroid injection 64
Intramedullary nailing 10, 131
Intrinsic plus deformity 294
Intubating laryngeal mask 90
Ipsilateral foot 317
IRF5 gene 18
Ischemia 310, 381
critical 311
Ischemic foot 313
Ischial tuberosity 74
Isoniazid 177
Itch, localized 63
Ixekizumab 47, 50
Jaccoud arthritis 66
Janus kinase 44, 45
inhibitors 44
bone 153
osteonecrosis of 136
Joints 5, 109, 301
affected 196
large 110
alignment 319
and tendon movements, assessment of 34
apophyseal 81
arthrodesis 304
aspiration 107, 111
biomaterial attributes, abnormalities in 118
biomechanics of 5
calcaneocuboid 303, 307f
calcification 111
capsules 74
classification of 8fc
compression of 36
congruent 328
crepitus in 193
crystals 113
deformity 320
destruction, severe 107, 196f
disease 97
interphalangeal 35, 39f, 58, 91, 66
radioulnar 55, 271
dysfunction, permanent 69
effusion 38
facet 81
fewer 162
fluid, examination of 197
forces in 118
function 9
fusion 304
gradual deformities of 26
hip 83
inflamed 40
inflammation 114
signs of 27
involvement 27, 30, 60, 268
kinematics 321
knee 193
large 36, 112
lisfranc 306
lubrication models 7, 8t
metatarsocuneiform 327
metatarsophalangeal 104f, 307f, 325, 326, 330
motion and types 7
movement 7t
friction-free 359
multiple 58
number of 36
on palmar aspect 36f
pain 92
peripheral small 37
preserving surgery 319
proximal interphalangeal 27, 35, 57, 277, 293
radioulnar 189f
replacement 77
sacrificing surgery 319
sacroiliac 27, 7375, 78, 81
space 187, 305
loss of 31f
reduced 189f
spine and sacroiliac 81, 91
sternoclavicular 74
subluxation 188
subluxed 328
surface, irregularity of 100
synovitis in larger 27
talocalcaneal 303
tarsometatarsal 303
tibiotalar 317f
trapeziometacarpal 289
ultrasonography of 31
wrist 55
Jumper's knee 206
Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis, diagnosis of 91
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis 51, 159, 160, 163, 267
diagnostic considerations 161
etiopathogenesis 159
history 159
investigations 161
management 162
medication 167
physical examination 159
prognosis 167
treatment 162
K wires 58, 276
Kanamycin C 178
Kawasaki disease 159, 161
Keller resection arthroplasty 332
Kellgren-Lawrence grading 122t
system 121
Keratan sulfate 117, 118
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 67
Keratoderma blennorhagicum 68, 69f
Ketoprofen 107
Kidney 102
Kienböck's disease 279, 284, 285, 287
classification 285
clinical features 285
etiological findings 284
radiological features 285
systems of 285
treatment 286
Kissing' lesions 317
Klebsiella 73
Knee 54, 61f, 198, 316
challenges in 60
flexion, severe 11
injuries 212
osteoarthritis, management for 123fc
replacement surgery 60
Kyphoplasty 132
Kyphosis, severe 78
Kyphotic deformities 81, 82, 181
Lactate dehydrogenase 269
Laminectomy, role of 87
Lapidus procedure 332
Laryngeal mask airway 90
Laser therapy 234
Lead toxicity 102
Leflunomide 31, 32, 43, 44, 60, 164
Leiomyomas 65
Leprosy 69, 69f
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 99, 101, 115, 115f, 116
treatment of 115
inflammatory 176
malignant 176
Leukemia 100
Leukocyte migration test 64
Leukocytosis 75, 91
Leukopenia 106
Lever 5
classes of 6t
Levodopa 102, 116
Levofloxacin 182
Lifestyle factors 13
Ligament 61, 74, 108, 118, 301, 339, 367
injuries 212
intermetatarsal 326
stability 321
Limb length discrepancy 193
Lipid liquid crystals 114
Lipomas 65
Lipoprotein species, dense low-density 15
enzymes 50, 51
function test 31
Local anesthetic nerve block 63
Local twitch response 229
Locking compression plate 10
Looser's lines 148, 149
Lordotic correction, acute 84
Lubricating substances 4
Lubricin 4
Lumbar lordosis 81
loss of 81
Lumbar spinal motion 75
Lumbosacral spine 74
Lunate-Capitate joint 188
Luno-Capitate articulation 277
Lupus arthritis 268, 270
Lyme arthritis 69
Lyme disease 69, 161, 228
Lymphoblastic leukemia, acute 161
autoreactive 18
differentiation 19
infiltration, diffuse 194f
Lymphoid tyrosine phosphatase 19
Lymphoma 100, 161
Lymphopenia 356
Lysch-Nyhan syndrome 115f
Lytic lesion 189
Löwenstein-Jensen medium 175
Macrophage 344
Malar rash 65f
Mallampati grading 89
Malleolus fracture, posterior 316
Mammary stem cell 336
Mannerfelt syndrome 58
Marfan's syndrome 128, 191, 191f
Massage 234, 254
Mast cells 14
granules of 14
McBride procedure, modified 330
McCarty criteria 40
Measles 152
Mechanical stress 118
Medial epicondyle, biomechanics of 203
Median nerve compression test 279
Medical management 132
Medication 128
preoperative advice for 60t
MEFV gene 19
Melanotic whitlow 64
Mendelian disease 20
Meningioma 27
injury 118
tears 121
tissues 367
Menkes' steely hair syndrome 128
Menopause, management of 133
Mercaptopurine 106
Mesenchymal stem cells 32, 336, 339, 359, 360f, 361, 363t, 365, 367, 370, 372, 376
adipose-derived 342
role of 363t
Mesenchymal stromal cells 338f, 376
Mesenchymal tissue response 14
Metabolic bone disease 130
Metabolic disorders 111
Metabolite allantoin 107f
Metacarpophalangeal joint 27, 35, 55, 56f, 57, 57f, 189, 189f, 263, 271, 275, 293, 294
digital 57f
gout affecting first 102f
Metalloproteinase 119
Metatarsal osteotomy 330
Metatarsalgia 304
Methacrylate 114
Methotrexate 31, 4345, 60, 66, 165
dose of 47
Methyl methacrylate 97
Microfat 343
Micrognathia 160
Microtrauma 64
Microvascular fragments 345
Midcarpal arthritis 286f
Midfoot 302, 303
Milkman's pseudo fractures 148, 149
Milnacipran 249, 257
Milwaukee shoulder 112
Minocyclines S 178
Misoprostol 43
Modern gait analysis 9
Molecular biomechanics 5
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 248, 251
Monoarthritis 114
Monoclonal antibody 44
Monocompartmental arthritis 54
Monocyte 344
Mononuclear cell 367
cocktail 367
placing 368
Mononuclear phagocyte system 14
Monosodium urate 97, 100
crystals 99f, 103f
Monozygotic twins 20
Morbidity 78
Mortality 78
increases, risk of 78
treatment-related 356
Motion, limited range of 230
Motor disturbances 229
Mouse-human monoclonal antibody 50
Movement, axes of 6
Moxifloxacin 182
Mucin clot test 269
Mucocutaneous lesions 68
Multicomponent therapy 255
Multidrug resistant
development of 171
tuberculosis, treatment of 182
Multifocal tuberculosis 173
Multimodal therapy 259
Multiple violaceous papules 67
Multisystem disorder 67
Muscle 15, 81, 264, 301
activity 9
atrophy 81
contraction 5, 65
flexor 264
groups, twenty-eight 263
herniation, tibialis anterior 65
injuries 212
intrinsic 264
microtrauma 240
palmar 264
relaxants 232
stiffness 252
changes 243
system 25
ultrasonography 270
ultrasound 35
Mushrooming 74
Mycobacteria 26
Mycobacterial infection 171
diagnosis of 173
Mycobacterium 171
abscessus 181
avium complex 181
chelonae 181
fortuitum 181
kansasii 181
leprae 69
marinum 181
metabolism of 171
tuberculosis 171, 172, 181
Mycophenolate mofetil 66
Mycoplasma 26
Myeloma proteins 114
Myers' cocktail consists 253
Myocardial infarction 102
Myofascial pain 231t
syndrome 228, 231, 231b
Myofascial trigger point 228, 229b
Myofibroblasts 65
Myopathy 248
N-acetyl-d-glucosamine 4
Nanofat 344
graft 345
Naproxen 107
Natural killer cell 338f
Nausea 105, 106, 111, 123, 251
Neck, movement of 89
Necrotic tissues 313
Negative pressure wound therapy 314
Nephrotoxicity 136
Nerve and blood supply 266
Nerve compression 193, 301
syndromes 34
Nerve grafting 298
Nerve growth factor 374
Nervousness 250, 251
Neural stem cell 336, 375
Neuroblast's survival 375
Neurocognitive dysfunction 242
Neurodegenerative disorder 376
dysfunctions 243
system 240
Neurogenesis, factors responsible for 373f
Neurogenic origin 236
Neuroimmunological interactions 13
Neurologic sequelae 78
Neurological deficit 85, 86
Neurological diseases 372
Neurological disorders 372, 376f
role in 375
Neurological injury 55
Neurological manifestations 242
Neurological symptoms 87
Neurolysis 298
Neuroma resection 298
Neuromuscular transmission 232
Neuron, apoptosis of 377
Neuronal cells 374
Neuronal disorders 379
Neuronal function 375
Neuropathic arthropathy 195, 197f
disorders with 196
Neuropathic diabetic foot ulcer, infected 312f
Neuropathic foot 301, 312f
ulcer 311
Neuropathic pain generators 249
Neuropathic ulcer 313t
Neuropathy 69, 248
Neurotransmitters 374
Neurotraumatic theory 305
Neurotrophic factors 374
Neurovascular theory 196
Neutropenia 50, 356
Neutrophil 105, 110f
activated 105
count 51
Newton's laws of motion 9
Nicotinic acid 102
Night splint bunion 329f
Night sweats 173
Nodules, subcutaneous 64
Nonarthritic symptoms 92
Nonbulbar dermal sheath cell 213
injection 212f
Nonexploitation, principle of 348
Noninfectious arthritis, types of 102
therapy 166, 232, 252
treatment 122
Nonprogressive motor disability 377
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 181
disease, diagnosis of 174
infections 171
Notalgia paresthetica 63, 63f
Notch pathway 373
Nucleic acid 100, 100f
amplification test 176
Numerous techniques 55
Nutrition 133, 253
Nutritional deficiencies 253
Obligatory asymmetric replication 335
Oblique retinacular ligament 58
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 141, 144fc
Ochronosis 111
Ocrelizumab 50
Ocular inflammations 136
Ocular stem cells 336
Ocular symptoms 92
Ofatumumab 50
Off shelf ankle brace 318f
Offloading shoes 314f
Offloading techniques 313
Oil drop spots 68
Olfactory ensheathing cells 378
Oligoarthritis, asymmetric 68, 91
Oligoarticular arthritis
juvenile idiopathic 160
peripheral 93
Onycholysis 92
Open ankle arthrodesis 320
Open surgical capsular release 224
Opioid 123, 251, 257
analgesics 123
Oral gabapentin 63
Oral medication 219
Oral steroid, dose of 66
Organ, internal 66
conditions 317
disorders 63, 361
rheumatology 23, 25, 71, 95, 157, 261, 299, 333
Orthorheumatology, skin manifestations in 63
Orthoscopic resection 64
Orthoses 11
Oscillation, frequencies of 4
Ostectomy 304
Osteoarthritic knee, cytotherapy in 359
Osteoarthritis 10, 61, 97, 110, 111, 117, 118, 120, 153, 187, 188, 268, 288, 301, 318f, 326, 359
calcification in 120
cartilage, proteinases of 119
causes of 118, 119t
etiology 117
inflammation in 120
management of 117, 121
pain in 121
pathogenesis 117
immunomodulation of 360f
peculiar type of 97
post-traumatic 119
risk factors for 118
secondary 54
wrist, primary 281
Osteoarthritis knee 359
management of 363t
therapy for 363t
Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic 190, 190f
Osteoarthrosis 279, 287
Osteoarticular tuberculosis, management of 177
Osteoblast 142f
Osteoblastic activity 152
Osteocalcin 154
Osteocartilaginous tumor, benign 64
Osteochondral allografts, transplantation of 10
Osteoclastic bone 135
Osteoclasts 77
Osteocytes 367
cells 143
Osteogenesis imperfecta 125
Osteoid seams 148
Osteokinematic movement 9
Osteolysis, signs of 92
Osteomalacia 147, 149
causes of 147, 147t
classic 149
clinical presentation 148
long-standing 149
pathogenesis 147
pseudofracture of 149
risk factors 147
Osteomalacic syndrome 148, 149
Osteonecrosis 367
Osteophyte 108
resection of 319
Osteoporosis 60, 61f, 77, 104, 125, 129, 141, 141fc
circumscripta 154
classification of 127t
developement 128
diagnosis of 125
management of 143
steroid-induced 144
mechanism of steroid-induced 142
primary 126
secondary 142
steroid-induced 142, 143fc
treating 130
Osteoporotic fracture 132f, 132t, 144
treatment of 130
Osteoporotic thoracolumbar fractures 132
Osteotomy 54, 124, 167, 179, 304
angle, determination of 83
location of 83
pedicle subtraction 84
realignment 319
types of 83, 84f, 331
Overlapping disorders, group of 91
Overuse syndromes 212
Ovum 350
Oxalate crystal deposition disease 113
primary 113
secondary 113
Oxcarbamazepine 63
Oxidazes uric acid 107f
Paget's disease 152
biochemical 152
Pagetic bones 153
Pain 192, 229, 242, 267
chronic 248
medications 251
perception, mechanism of 238
referred 229
relief 319
signaling, abnormal 239f
subfibular 317
transmission neuron 238f
visual analog scale for 132
Palmar aponeurosis 295f
Palmar fibromatosis 65f
Palmoplantar fibromatosis 65
Palpating taut band 229
Pamidronate 154
Papulosquamous lesions 69f
Paracetamol 122
Paramyxovirus infection 152
Parathyroid hormone 149
Parathyroidectomy 110
Parent cell 346
Parkinson's disease 215, 216, 372, 376
Parrot' syphilitic osteochondritis 70
Patella 61
Patellar tendinitis 206
Pedis classification system 311t
incidence 82, 83
tilt 83
Pencil in cup
appearance 188
deformity 92
Pendulum exercises 221f
Periarthritis 97, 215, 217, 218, 218f, 219, 220, 225
acute 112
diagnosis of 218
Periarthritis shoulder 215, 223
causes 216
diagnosis 217
etiology 215
management 219
pathophysiology 216
risk factors 216
signs 216
symptoms 217
Periostitis, signs of 92
Peripheral arthritis 75
symptoms 76
treating 93
Peripheral inflammation 13
Peripheral neuropathy, etiology of 301
Peroneal tendinopathy 208
Phagocytic cells 172
Phalen's sign 279
Pharmacological agents 154
Pharmacology 135
Pharmacotherapy, indications of 154
Phospholipids, surface-active 4
Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate 98, 115
Physical examination 229, 268
Physical stressors 241
Physiotherapy 77
Piano-Key ulnar head 28
deformity 28f
Piezogenic pedal papules 65
Placenta 372
Plantar fascia
arthroscopic release of 211f
tear 210
Plantar fasciitis 208, 209f
risk factors for 209
Plasma 98
cells 26, 101
proteins 4
Plate fixation 130
Platelet 354
concentrates, families of 211
derived growth factor 370
role of 354
Platelet-rich plasma 354, 367, 370
injection 202, 211
intra-articular 124
molecular basis of 354
preparation of 211f
Pluripotent stem cells 336, 352, 376
Pneumonia 49, 50
Polarizing light microscopy 97
Polio 379
Poliomyelitis 27
Polyangiitis, microscopic 67
asymmetric 268
inflammatory 111
nodosa 67, 161
Polyarticular arthritis 248
types of 111
Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis 160
Polycythemia 100
Polyethylene 97, 114
Polymerase chain reaction 174, 176
Polymethylmethacrylate 131
Polymorphonuclear cells 269
Polymyositis 17
Polysegmental wedge osteotomy 84
Porcine ventral mesencephalon 376
Porphyria 128
Postpolio syndrome 379
Posture training 234
Pott's spine 63
Prednisone 144
Predominant synovial fluid cell 100
Pregabalin 249, 257
Probenecid 107
Profundus tendons 39f
Progenitor cell 14
proliferation 374
Proinflammatory cytokines 14, 47, 168, 355
Pronator compression test 281
Pronator Teres syndrome 280
procedures 271
surgeries 55, 57
Prostatitis 92
Prosthesis 11
Prosthetic joint
flexible 277
hinged 277
third generation 277
core 117
crystals 113, 114
Proteoglycans 118, 315
structure of 117f
Proton pump inhibitors 43
Provocative tests 201
Proximal metatarsal osteotomy 330, 331
Pseudarthrosis 84, 88
Pseudogout 69, 104, 108, 110, 111t
acute 110
pathogenesis of 109f, 110f
pathology of 109
Pseudopodagra 110
cyst 193
excision 195
Psoriasis 68, 100
plaques of 68f
severe 68
Psoriatic arthritis 17, 21, 66, 68, 91, 92, 159, 160, 188, 189f, 268, 270
hallmark of 92
Psoriatic arthropathy 91, 268
Psoriatic nails 68f
Psoriatic spondylitis 92
Psychological techniques 234
Psychosocial stressors 241
Pubic ramus 148
Pulley exercise 221f
changes 29
diseases 215
fibrosis 78
involvement 78
Pure sensory 301
dysfunction 284
Purine metabolism, disorders of 98
Purine nucleotides 99
Purplish erythema 67
Putative renal urate 100
Pyoderma gangrenosum 67f
type of 67
Pyogenic infection 173
Pyrazinamide 102, 177
Pyrophosphate arthropathy 108
chronic 108f, 110
Quality of life 251
Quinolinic acid 377
Rabbit femur 119f
Radiation therapy 195
Radio-Lunate joint space 285f
Radionucleotide scans 54
Raloxifene 134
Rasburicase 106
mechanism of action of 107f
Raynaud's phenomenon 66, 281
Reactants, acute phase 30
hypertrophic 118
inflammatory 101
injection site 49
Regenerative medicine 372
Regenerative therapy, promising role of 367
Regional pain syndromes, differential diagnosis of 231
Rehabilitation, biomechanics of 11
Reiter's disease 68, 104, 111
Reiter's syndrome 17, 69f, 73, 92
Remodeling 127
Removable cast walker 313, 314f
Renal dysfunction 97
Renal failure patients 107
Renal function 310
Renal osteodystrophy 149
Residual deformity 172
Respiratory irregularities 243
Restlessness 251
Retrocalcaneal bursitis 210
Rhabdomyolysis 106
Rheumatic disease 17, 18, 22, 47, 243, 248
childhood 157
chronic 21
genetic basis of 17
management of 47
Rheumatic fever 70
Rheumatoid arthritis 13, 20, 26, 35, 37t, 39f, 43, 47, 54, 56f, 64, 67f, 91, 97, 104, 160, 175, 188, 188f, 189f, 248, 267, 275, 293, 301, 354, 357
arthroplasty in 60
clinical features of 26
contractures in 293
conventional management of 43
deformities in 293
etiopathogenesis 26
management of 26, 43, 44, 44t
prevention 48
treatment of 43f, 44
Rheumatoid disease 35
classification of 36
foot and ankle in 301
Rheumatoid factor 13, 26, 45
negative 160
positive 160
test 30
Rheumatoid foot 301
Rheumatoid hand 275
and wrist, surgery for 55
deformities in 294f
Rheumatoid knee 55f
Rheumatoid lesions 55
Rheumatoid lung 29
Rheumatoid nodules 29, 29f, 66, 302
Rheumatoid nodulosis, accelerated 66
Rheumatoid tenosynovitis 55
Rheumatoid vasculitis 29
Rheumatoid wrist, arthroplasty of 275, 276
Rheumatologic disease 128
Rheumatologic joint diseases 40
Rickets 161
Rifabutin 178
Rifampicin 174
Rifampin 177
Riley-Day syndrome 128
Rilonacept 49
Risedronate 154
Rituximab 32, 50, 164
Rofecoxib 105
Romberg test 242
Romosozumab 139
Ropes test 269
Rotational ankle injuries 316
Rotator cuff 11
Rotator interval, synovitis of 226f
Rubella 26
Sacral slope 83
Sacroiliac arthritis, active 164, 165t
Sacroiliitis 73, 75, 9193
Saddle nose 70
S-adenosyl methionine 255
Salicylates, coadministration of 107
Salivary glands 34
Salmonella 68, 92
Salpingitis 92
Sanders and Frykberg classification 306t
Sanders classification 307f
Sarcoidosis 191, 191f
pediatric 161
Sarcopenia 15
Sarilumab 47, 50, 51
Satellite myofascial point 228
Sausage digit appearance 38, 188
Sauvé-Kapandji procedure 56
Scaphoid, fixed deformity of 286f
Scaphotrapezial trapezoid 289
Scapula 149
Schober's test 74, 75
Schwannomas 65
Scleritis 29
Sclerodactyly 66, 66f
Scleroderma 34, 161, 190, 267
Sclerosis, multiple 378
Sclerostin and Dickkopf blocks 140
Sclerostin antibody 140f
Sclerotherapy 64
Scurvy 161
Sea urchin spines 114
Secukinumab 47, 50, 51
Selective estrogen receptor modulators 134
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 250
Sensitivity test 312f
disturbances 229
hyper-responsiveness 247
neuropathy 310
symptoms 281
Sepsis, chronic 113
arthritis 111, 161, 194, 326
bursitis 104
Seronegative spondyloarthropathies 91
Serotonin-noradrenalin reuptake inhibitor 251
Serum alkaline phosphatase 150
Sexually transmitted infection 70
Sharpey's fibers 74
Shigella 68
Shock absorber 263
Short wave diathermy 234
Shoulder 54, 198
biomechanics of 11
distension 222
dysfunction 215
hydrodilatation of 222, 223
injections, intra-articular 220
mobilization of 219
replacement 369
right 218f
Shoulder joint 11, 187, 216
distension of 224f
Sicca syndrome 29, 243
Sickle cell
disease 382, 384f
leg ulcer, bilateral 385f
Silica dust, exposure to 13
Silica exposure 15
Silicone 97
metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty 272, 277
Single gene disorders 19
Single nucleotide polymorphism 241
Single-photon emission computed tomography 129
Sinus 180
tubercular 173
Sirukumab 44, 47, 50, 51
Sjögren's syndrome 17, 21, 22, 29, 34, 67, 161
secondary 15
Skeletal effects 136
Skeletal surgery 195
Skeletal tuberculosis, treatment of 176
incision 282f
lesions 68, 92
nonspecific 65
Sleep disturbances 229, 240
Sleep dysfunction 242
Small intestine submucosa 315
Small joint affection 275
Smith-Peterson osteotomy 83, 84
Smoking 13, 15, 128, 141
Smooth muscle cells 382
Social responsibility, principle of 348
fluoride 139
hyaluronate injection 220
oxybate 251
Soft tissue 58
and bony procedures 332
assessment of 34
balancing 55f
changes 34
procedures 330
reconstruction 272
rheumatology 35
severe 278
Soluble human leukocyte antigen 338f
Somatic cells 351
Sore throat 247
Spa therapy 254
Spinal ankylosis 73, 78
Spinal column 78
Spinal cord 87
hematoma 89
injury, traumatic 378
Spinal disease 77
Spinal flexibility, maintain 75
Spinal fracture 86
risk of 86
Spinal osteopenia 75
Spinal structure, abnormal 87
Spine 54, 74, 198, 339
biomechanics of 11
deformity 54
enthesopathy in 81
natural history of 78
surgery 78
tubercular 176
Spinopelvic parameters, measurement of 83f
Spondylitis 74, 92, 93
Spondyloarthritis 21, 73
Spondyloarthropathy 73, 91
equipment, designation of 5
injuries 367, 370
Spurling's test 281
Staphylococcus 179
Static deformity 325
Stem cell 335, 345, 350, 369, 372, 381, 382
adipose-derived 342
application of 338
dynamics of 336, 336fc
factor 14
history of 335
intra-arterial injection of 369
mechanism of action of 337
neurogenic signaling of 372
properties 335
rescue 356
research 348350, 350fc, 351
categories of 351t
therapy 378, 379
transplantation 356
types of 336, 369
Stenosing tenosynovitis 205, 292
Stepper exercises 221f
Sternal-rib complex 85
Sternomental distance 89
Steroid 143
exposure, risk factor of 368
injection 202, 319f
intra-articular 226
intra-articular 124
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 106
Stiffness 243, 267
Still's disease 267
Strain 10t
Streptococci 26
Streptomycin 177
Stressor, preceding 237
Stress-strain curve 199f
Stretching 233
Stroke 27, 372, 377
Stromal cells 361
Stromal vascular fraction 343, 345
Strontium ranelate 138
Suave-Kapandji procedures 271
Subarachnoid block 89
Subchondral bone 74, 119, 120
Subchondral sclerosis 318f
Subscapular strengthening 221f
Substantial evidences 314
Subsynovium 3, 3f, 4
Subtalar arthrodesis 307
Subtalar joint, normal 318f
Subungual exostosis 64
Subungual hyperkeratosis 68
Subungual verruca 64
Sulfapyridine 44
Sulfasalazine 31, 32, 43, 44, 60, 164
doses of 48
Sulfinpyrazone 107
Sunlight, exposure to 150
Supracondylar osteotomy 195
Supramalleolar osteotomy 321f
Suprascapular nerve block 222
Supraspinatus 11
tendon 200
Surgeon's lens 271
Surgical carpal tunnel release 283
Surgical release, complications of 283
Swan neck deformities 27, 58, 66, 268, 272, 293
Swelling 192
Symmetric oligoarthritis 68
Symptoms severity scale 245b
Syndesmophytes 74, 75
Syndesmotic nonunion 55
Synovectomy 54, 166, 195, 304
biopsy 55, 176, 194
cell receptors 119
disease 38
effusion 36f, 37f, 39f
hypertrophy 37, 173
osteochondromatosis 97
proliferation 36
tissue 194f
Synovial fluid 4, 7, 36f, 40, 110, 113
analysis 31, 122, 269, 269t
composition of 4f
examination 103, 176
rheology 4
wet preparations 114b
Synovial joints 3, 3f, 4, 7, 113
neural innervation of 9t
Synovial membrane 3
functions 3
Synoviorthesis 195
Synovitis 3537, 37t, 60, 120, 121, 302
active 166
acute 110
inflammatory 13
Synovium 3, 3f, 4, 372
hyperplastic 194
Syphilis 70
type of 70
Syphilitic gumma 70
Syringomyelia 196
Systemic arthritis 164, 165, 187
Systemic biomechanics 5
Systemic consequences 15
Systemic diseases 187
Systemic inflammation 141
role of 141fc
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 311
Systemic lupus erythematosus 17, 18, 65, 65f, 97, 161, 267
Systemic sclerosis 17, 66, 66f
Systemic vasculitis 67
ulcer of 68f
T cell 14, 18f, 43
activated 50
depletion of 357
Tabes dorsalis 196
Tacrolimus 102
Tai chi and yoga 254
Takakura classification 318t
Talar osteonecrosis 320
Tamoxifen 134
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 210, 302
Technetium bone scan, leukocyte-labeled 305
Telangiectasia 66
Temporomandibular joint, disorders of 236
Tenderness 242
Tendinitis 97, 199
Tendinopathy 199
epidemiology 199
etiopathogenesis 200, 201
molecular mechanism in 200
pathogenesis of 200f
treatment for 199
modalities for 211
Tendinosis 199
Tendo-Achilles sonography 39
Tendon 41, 108, 109, 201, 263, 264, 301, 339, 367
biomechanical functions of 199f
disease 37, 213
disorders 199
types of 200f
functional biomechanics of 199
injury 212
stages of 201
metabolism, altered 201
pathology 34
rupture 58, 272
sites of 74
tears 37
transfer 58
xanthomas 37
Tennis elbow 200, 202f, 203f
rehabilitation for 203, 204f
splint 202f
Tenosynovial effusion 37, 39f
sausage finger to 39f
Tenosynovial proliferation 37
Tenosynovitis 36, 38, 39f, 199
Teres minor 11
Teriparatide 139
Tetracycline 113
Thenar atrophy 280
Theophylline 106
Therapeutic effectiveness 368
Thermal injury 201
Thiazides 102
Thiazolidinediones 129
Thomine fascia 295
Thoracic kyphosis 74, 82
Thoracic osteotomy correction 83
fractures 87
kyphotic deformity 81
region 11
Thrombocytopenia 50
Thrombopenia 106
Thumb 27, 58
deformities 272
carpometacarpal joint of 279, 287
acropachy 190, 190f
dysfunction disorders 215
hormones 129
Thyromental distance 89
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 240
Tibial defect 62f
Tibial tendinitis, posterior 210
Tibialis posterior
primary function of 208
tendinitis 208
Tibialis tendon dysfunction, classification of posterior 208
Tiludronate 135, 154
Tinel's sign 279
Tinel's test 288
biomechanics 5
harmonic imaging 35
Tobacco 65
Tocilizumab 47, 50, 51
nail dystrophy 92
off 10
spacer 329f
straightening belt 329f
Tophaceous deposits 97
Tophi 97, 103, 104
large 107
Topical capsaicin 63
Total alkaline phosphatase 154
Total ankle arthroplasty 321
Total contact cast 314f
Total hip
and knee replacements 167
replacement 77, 368
Total joint replacement 195, 275
arthroplasty 107
Total knee
arthroplasty 362
replacement 55f
Total wrist
arthrodesis 276
arthroplasty 271, 276, 277f
Trabecular bone 142
Tracheal rupture 88
Traditional Chinese medication 124
Tramadol 123, 251, 257
Transcricothyroid instillation 90
Transdiscal fracture 88f
Transverse carpal ligament 282f
Trapezium 58
Trauma 64, 161, 283
Triamcinolone 162
hexacetonide 168
Triangular fibrocartilaginous complex 263
Tricyclic antidepressants 250
Trigger factors 241
Trigger finger 205, 206f, 292
fate of 206
staging of 206
Trigger point
injection 232, 233f, 257
types of 228
Tropisetron 232, 251
Tubercular arthritis, X-ray of 175f
Tubercular lesions, types of 173
Tubercular spine, X-rays of 175f
Tubercular spondylitis 175, 181f
Tuberculin skin test 49, 174
diagnosis of 176
drug-resistant 183
arthritis 179
cavity 175
dactylitis 191
spondylitis 179
Tumor necrosis factor 45, 47, 49, 54, 60, 270
inhibitors 47, 77
Tumor, brown 148
Turner's and Klinefelter's syndromes 128
Twin study 20
Typical deformity 57
and regenerative medicine 381
healing, mechanism of 381
nonhealing 314
venous 385f
Ulcerative colitis 20
bowel inflammation 93
Ulnar deviation 66
Ulnar digital nerve 297f
transposition of 298
Ulnar drift 268
Ulnar head arthroplasty 277
Ulnar nerve
branch of 282f, 283f
entrapment 279, 283
Umbilical cord 362, 372
Urate crystals, deposition of 101f
Urethral discharge 92
Uric acid 98, 100f, 102f, 107, 115
crystals 102f
degradation of 97
overproduction of 98, 99
synthesis 106
under excretion of 98
urolithiasis 97
Urolithiasis 98
recurrent 78
treatment of 167
Valgus deformity 306
Valgus knee 61f
Vascular endothelial growth factor 345
Vasculitis 34
deformity 293
syndrome 58
Venlafaxine 250
Vertebral compression fractures 131
Vertebral fracture, types of 86
Vertebral osteotomy 77
Vertebroplasty bone cement 132
Vertigo 242
Viral diseases 237
Visceral organs, protection of 3
Visceral pain 247
Visual impairment 310
A 128
B12 deficiency 228
D 129, 133, 150, 241
level 150
metabolism, abnormal 147
D deficiency 141, 147, 150t, 228
treatment of 150
Volar tenosynovitis 55
Voluntariness, principle of 348
Vomiting 105, 123
von Willebrand's disease 192
Vulnerable population, selection of 349
Vulvovaginitis 92
Wagner ulcer classification system 311t
Walking aids 122, 275, 318
Warfarin 106
Warning signs 269
Weakness 230
type of 230
Wedge osteotomy 83
Wegener granulomatosis 67
Weight loss 75, 91, 173
Wheel exercises 221f
Widespread pain index 244, 245b
Wilson index 89
Wnt pathway 140f, 373
Wolff's law 5
complications 55
healing problems 321
Wright's stain 113
Wrist 54, 271, 279, 283
and hand, anatomy of 263
arthrodesis 56, 275, 276f
arthroplasty, first 276
dorsal approach to 56f
extensor tendons in 264f
fusion 275
skeletal articulations of 263f
volar aspect of 55
Yawning 250
Yersinia 68
antigen 73
Yoga 254
Z deformity 27, 288
Zig-zag incisions 57
Zoledronic acid 154
Zolendronate 154
Z-thumb deformity 66
Chapter Notes

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