Retina: Medical and Surgical Management Atul Kumar, Raghav Ravani, Divya Agarwal, Aman Kumar, Harpreet Kaur Narde, Ayushi Sinha, Nawazish Shaikh, Prabhav Puri
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abetalipoproteinemia 90
Abicipar pegol 147
Ablatio fugax 680
Ablative photodecomposition 480
Abusive head trauma 640
Abusive trauma 640
Acetylcholine 11
Achromatopsia 105, 107, 108
Acid-fast bacteria 587
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus 580
Acoustic reverberation 69f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 434
Acquired toxoplasmosis, primary 438f
Acuity test, brightness 239
Acute retinal
necrosis 435, 435f, 450, 488
pigment epitheliitis 419, 420
Adaptive optics 44, 358
system 46f
Adenosine triphosphate 143
Aflibercept 273, 314, 316
Age-related macular degeneration 22, 27, 28, 36, 39f, 56, 135, 137f, 150f, 164, 219, 234, 294, 312, 355, 480, 495, 579, 665
Age-related macular degeneration
conventional lasers in 495
treatment trial 145t
Aicardi syndrome 410
Air-fluid exchange complications 564
Air-gas 567
Airlie house classification, modified 299
Albinism, opaque lens for 240
Alcohol dehydrogenase 660
Aldose reductase inhibitors 290
Allied disorders 85
Amacrine cells 11
Amber filters 240
Amblyopia 389
Amikacin 591
Aminocytes 179
Aminoglycans 82
Aminoglycoside toxicity 569
Aminoimidazole carboxamide ribonucleotide 468
Amniotic fluid embolism 367
Amphotericin 591
Amplitude modulation scan 60
Amsler's grid 239, 653
chart 239f
testing 239
Amsler's polarizers 239
Ancillary tests 253, 257
Anderson's rule 681
Anemia 345, 363
complication of 346
Anesthesia 386, 512, 521
complications 562
Aneurysms 422
Angiogenesis 291
peak phase of 21
phase of 20
Angioid streaks 143f, 164, 168
Angioma 406f
Angiomatosis retinae 676
Angiopathia retinae traumatica 367, 368
Angiopoietin-2 292
Angiotensin converting enzyme blocker 337
Aniridia, opaque lens for 240
Anisometropia 389
Anomalous posterior vitreous detachment 4, 5, 179, 180, 181t, 183
classification of 181fc
manifestations of 184fc
Anterior chamber
hypopyon with hyphema 345f
intraocular lens 574
implantation 230
paracentesis 516f, 522
Anterior retinal
cryopexy 558
cryotherapy 341
Anterior segment signs 257
Antiangiogenic factors 292
Anticarbonic anhydrase II retinopathy 645
Antienolase retinopathy 645
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 424
Antioxidant supplementation 141
Antiphospholipid antibodies 262
Antiplatelet-derived growth factor 147
Antiretroviral therapy, highly active 434
Antithrombin deficiency 262
Antitubercular therapy 123, 125f, 440
Antivascular endothelial growth factor 136, 146f, 219, 222, 285, 311, 313, 314, 391, 402, 407, 421, 482, 558, 579, 615, 676, 680
agents 221, 316
common 313t
newer 341
antibody 144
drug usage 393
injections 25, 160, 175f
role of 391
therapy 312, 339
treatment 144, 267
Aortic root diameter 80, 81
Aphakes, lenticular lenses for 242f
Aphakia 466
Apnea 388
Apolipoprotein 288
Argentinian flag sign 572
Argon green lasers 507
Argus II implant 601f
Arterial arcade, inferotemporal 252f
Arterial occlusion 251
Arteritis, occlusive 435f
Artifact, white-line 42
Artificial vision 91
A-scan 60
Asepsis 521
Aspheric binocular lens 243
Asteroid hyalosis 64, 65f
Astigmatism 86
Astrocytic hamartoma 65
Ataxia 668
Ataxia-telangiectasia 668
Atresia choanae 409
Atrophic hole 460f, 461f
Atropine 82
l-concentration 82
Attenuated arterioles 653
Autofluorescence 22, 87, 139
disorders 123
retinopathy 645, 648f
Autosomal dominant 85
Autosomal recessive 85
Avascular retina 388f
peripheral 403f
Avloclor 652
A-wave 4952
Bacillus cereus 631, 638
Back flush 540, 540f
Backache during dye infusion 481
Bailey-Lovie word reading chart 236
Balanced salt solution 527
Band shaped keratopathy 529
Bar magnifier 246, 246f
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 88
Basal cell nevus syndrome 410
Basic fibroblast growth factors 291
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 90
B-cell 345
Beam hazards 507
Behcet's disease 257, 423, 424, 649
positive 425f
Behçet's syndrome 164, 262
Berger's space 3
Berlin's edema 614
Best corrected visual acuity 90, 123, 221, 224f, 225f, 265, 312, 397, 652
Best's disease 101
Beta fibroblast growth factor 164
Betaxolol 228
Bevacizumab 145, 145t, 273, 313, 314, 583, 584f
and laser treatment 392f
Bionic eye 91
Bioptic design 243, 244f
Bipolar cell 11
dysfunction 93
Birdshot chorioretinopathy 164, 228, 419, 421, 422
Birdshot retinochoroidopathy 171
Birmingham eye trauma terminology system 607, 607fc
Bisretinoids, accumulation of 100
Black sunburst 349
Bleaching 13
Blindness 384
Blocked choroidal fluorescence 302f
dyscrasias 168, 363
glucose, random 262
Blood pressure 262
control, effect of 292
Blood retinal barrier 406, 588
breakdown of 508
loss of 228
outer 7, 18
Blue cone
achromatism 105
monochromatism 110
Blunt forceps, peritomy with 513f
Blunt ocular trauma 609f
Blunt trauma 613
severe 623
Body mass index 480
free method 611
marrow transplantation 367
Borrelia burgdorferi 438
Bradycardia 388
Branch retinal artery occlusion 251, 349
pathophysiology of 251
Branch retinal vein occlusion 261, 262, 265267, 360, 485, 485f
classification of 262
Branching vascular network 152
Brilliant blue G 193
Brolucizumab 146, 316
Brow ptosis 670
Bruch's membrane 7, 38, 73, 136, 152, 155, 164, 168, 170, 615
B-scan 33, 60
echography 66
ultrasonography 186, 199, 239, 545
Buckle height
adequacy of 517
adjustment of 517
Buckle infection 568
Buerger's disease 423
Bull's eye maculopathy 105, 106f, 107, 107f, 652f, 653, 653f, 654f
Bullous rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 450f
Buoyancy 528
Burn characteristic 310
B-wave 4952
Calcinosis 360
Camera and ancillary equipment 19
Canal of Hannover 3
Canal of Petit 3
Candida albicans 587
Candle wax drippings 423
Cane stick 247
Canthal disinsertion, lateral 670
Canthaxanthin 652
maculopathy 655, 656f
Capillary nonperfusion 262, 264f, 271, 488f
Capsule rupture, posterior 230
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 90, 230
Cardiac pacemakers 18
Cardiovascular disease 136, 293
Carotid artery, internal 251
Carotid Doppler imaging 262
Carotid stenosis, high-grade 257
Cart-Wheel appearance 115f
Cassegrain telescope 148
Cat eye syndrome 410
Cataract 80, 90, 92, 389, 527, 530, 567
development of 389
extraction 623
formation 338
secondary 624
traumatic 613
Cataract surgery 90, 148, 228, 342, 453, 459
complicated 571
small incision 579
Cathode ray tube 52
Ceftazidime 591
Celiac disease 422
Celiac sprue 360
activation 464
body 9, 10
metaplasia 464
proliferation 464
Cellophane maculopathy 189
Cellular epiretinal membranes 512
Cellular metaplasia 464
Cellular proliferation 464
Central artery occlusion 255f
Central hypoautofluorescence 142f
Central macular thickness 267, 295, 314
Central nervous system 345, 355, 588, 668, 676
lymphoma, primary 430
tumors 669
Central neurosensory detachment 491f
Central retinal artery 251, 516
occlusion 51, 251, 252, 252f, 253f255f, 349, 518
pathophysiology of 251
Central retinal vein 230f, 269f
bilateral 255f
occlusion 41, 258, 261, 268, 269f, 270, 270f, 486, 487, 487f, 488f
nonperfused 271t
perfused 271t
Central scotoma 123, 662
Central serous chorioretinopathy 27, 28, 36, 39, 46f, 123, 127f, 128, 132f, 133f, 141, 149, 217f, 490
acute 130f
chronic 29f, 124f, 125, 125f, 128f, 130f, 480, 493, 493f, 494f
differential diagnosis of 125
treatment of 130
Central serous detachment 491f
Central subfield thickness 315
Central subretinal choroid neovascularization 172f
Central vein occlusion study 270
Central vision 85
Cerebrospinal fluid 366
Chalcosis, acute 634
Chandelier-assisted scleral buckling 519
Charles flute needle 540f
Chediak-Higashi syndrome 118
Chemosis 589
Chloroquine 105, 652
toxicity 141
Chlorpromazine 90, 652, 654
Cholecystokinin 11
Cholesterol 251
Chondroitin sulfate 188
Chondroitinase 188
leads 123
proliferation of 164
burn intensity 482t
disease 123
scarring 624
scars, peripheral 624
venous anastomosis 274
Chorioretinal atrophy 73, 74f, 75, 113f, 114f
diffuse 167f
Chorioretinitis 65, 105
sclopetaria 617
Chorioretinopathy, peripheral hemorrhagic 161f
Choroid 73, 589
atrophy 624
circulation 13
in axial elongation, role of 74
neovascularization 168f, 171173
postchoroidal rupture 168
secondary 169f
reflectivity from 39f
thickness of 35f, 127f
with subretinal fibrin 454f
Choroidal coloboma 411, 528
atypical 410f
classification of 411, 411t
eye 502f
Choroidal detachment 66, 67f, 518
large 63f
Choroidal fissure, partially closed 409f
Choroidal flush 20
Choroidal ganglioneuroma 670
Choroidal hamartoma 670
Choroidal hemangioma 65, 125, 164, 228, 480, 494, 503, 503f, 504f, 682
Choroidal hemorrhage 76, 389, 508
Choroidal imaging 34, 75, 128
Choroidal inflammatory disorders 228
Choroidal ischemia 280
Choroidal lesions 65
Choroidal melanoma 66, 480, 494, 623
radiation for 623
Choroidal metastatic deposits 68f
Choroidal neova 357
Choroidal neovascular
growth 168
membrane 29f, 74, 104, 125, 135, 138, 164, 219, 349, 356, 420, 480, 499f
classification of 495
Choroidal neovascularization 21, 28, 54, 73, 7678, 124, 135, 145, 149, 164t, 173, 228, 508, 615, 624
Choroidal neurilemmoma 670
Choroidal neurofibroma 670, 671
Choroidal nevus 164
Choroidal osteoma 65, 679f
Choroidal rupture 164, 168, 198f, 222f, 614, 615, 615f
Choroidal structure 35b
Choroidal thickness 308f
normal 424f
Choroidal tubercles 441
Choroideremia 50, 113, 113f
Choroiditis 624
Choroidopathy 278, 440f
hypertensive 280
Chromosome 399, 410
Chromovitrectomy 206
role of 192
Churg-Strauss syndrome 423
Ciliary artery, branch of short posterior 251
Cilioretinal artery
occlusion 255, 255f
sparing 252f
Circumpapillary choroidal lesions 624
Classic choroid neovascularization 139f, 166
Classic retinitis pigmentosa 85
Classic T-sign 67
Classical cone dystrophy 105
Classical theory 375
Clofazimine 105
Cloquet's canal 4
Clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration 97
Coatings 240
Coats’ disease 65, 405, 406, 453, 500, 678
Cobblestone degeneration 459
Cockayne syndrome 88
Coexistent macular edema 484
disorders 228
fibrils 12
vascular disorders 488
Coloboma 409, 412, 412f, 413, 413f
gene network 409
Color blindness, congenital red-green 111
Color deficits 240
Color fundus photograph 109f
Color vision 85, 653
alteration 662
diminished 508
testing 239
Combination therapy 146, 223
Combined fundus fluorescein angiography 150f
Combined retinal detachment 334f, 449, 452
Commotio retina 614, 614f
Complete blood count 262
Complete vitrectomy, argument for 590
Concomitant ocular trauma 619
Cone cell, structure of 9f
Cone dysfunction
cancer-associated 645
syndrome 105
Cone dystrophy 104, 105, 107, 107f, 654f
late-onset 108
peripheral 108
progressive 90
variants of 108
Cone photoreceptor 9, 45
Cone-rod dystrophy 105, 106f
Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope 18, 18t, 24
Conformal delamination 557
Conjunctiva 513, 589
chemosis 389
choristoma 670
gland infiltration 670
hemorrhage 389
neurofibroma 670
peritomy 513f
Conjunctivitis 438
Connective tissue disorders 367
Constellation vitrectomy system 574f
Contact electrode 51f, 52
Contact lens 240
telescopic system 240
Contrast sensitivity 237, 508
testing 237
Contrecoup injury 613
Contusion 607
Core vitreous 3
Cornea 607, 634
thermal injury to 389
Corneal complications 565
Corneal decompensation 527, 529
Corneal edema 517, 558, 574, 589
Corneal haze 389
Corneal nerves, prominent 670
Corneal opacification 389
Corneal ulcer, perforated 623
Corning photochromatic filters 240
Coronary artery disease 279, 360
Corrected distance visual acuity 548
Cortical matter, retained 230
Cortical vitreous 3
outer 551f
Corticosteroids 230, 231, 467, 491, 627
therapy 272
Cotton ball sign 185
Cotton-wool spots 268, 278, 346, 348, 368, 589
Countercoup injury 617
Coup injury 617
COVID testing, types of 602f
COVID-19 pandemic 542, 601
Cox's postulates 618
Cranial nerve palsies 670
C-reactive protein 254, 262
Crinkled cellophane maculopathy 189
Criswick-Schepens syndrome 399
Crohn's disease 422, 423
Cryoglobulinemia 367
Cryotherapy 228, 384, 407, 460, 547, 680
Crystalline maculopathy, drug-induced 652
Cushing syndrome 123, 262
C-wave 50
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 14
Cyclodialysis 623
cleft 69f
Cyclodiode photocoagulation, trans-scleral 529
Cyst, intraretinal 63, 463f
Cystic retinal tuft 458
Cystoid abnormalities 309
Cystoid degeneration theory 195
Cystoid macular edema 10f, 40, 54, 86, 86f, 89f, 90, 91f, 116, 185, 199f, 200, 228, 229f, 230, 230f, 262, 302, 389, 421, 422, 426, 483
causes of 228t
chronic 195
pathogenesis of 228t
Cytomegalovirus 347, 434, 488
retinitis 434f
Dalen-Fuchs nodules 624
Dark adaptation, loss of 508
Dark adaptometry 87, 239
Dark choroid sign 100
de Morsier syndrome 415
Dehydration 262
Dendritic patches 98f
Dense premacular hemorrhage 65f
Dense vitritis 440f
Dentate processes 7
Dermatomyositis 367
Descemet's membrane 633, 634
Desktop electronic magnifier 247
Deuteranopia 105
Dexamethasone implant 266
Diabetes 230, 332
control and complications trial 288, 337
duration of 288, 335f
macula in 315
mellitus 258, 261, 282, 287, 289
type 1 303
type 2 303
Diabetic eye 342
disease, advanced 300
Diabetic foot 335f
Diabetic macular edema 36f, 40, 57, 228, 287, 288, 297f, 301, 302f, 308, 310f, 312, 313t, 320f, 338, 478, 555
diffuse 483f
laser for 308
macula in 484f
medical therapies for 321
severe 311f
surgical management of 323
Diabetic retina 25f
Diabetic retinopathy 40, 45, 54, 57, 189, 228, 258, 259, 287, 290, 294, 308, 313f, 332, 338, 340f, 342, 360, 505, 550
biomarkers of 308
candesartan trials 337
classification of 287, 293
clinical research network 294, 310
clinical trials 287
disease 299t
epidemiology of 287, 292
eye 183f
grades of 301f
incidence of 287
laser management of 481
management of 293
mild nonproliferative 481
moderate nonproliferative 309f
nonproliferative 287, 300, 301
pathogenesis of 287, 289fc
pathophysiology of 289
pharmacotherapy of 298
prevalence of 287
progression of 287
risk factors for 288, 288t, 332
role of growth factors in 291
severe proliferative 318, 528
severity scale 316
study, early treatment of 155, 294, 308, 309b, 310b, 332, 337, 481, 505
telescreening for 303, 303f
treatment 310t
vision-threatening 287
vitrectomy study 294, 551
Diabetic tractional retinal detachment 556f, 600f
Diabetic vitreomacular traction 187f
Difluprednate 323
Digital fluorescence 18
Digital fundus camera 18t
Digitalis 652
Digoxin 652
Diode cyclophotocoagulation 623
Diplopia 519
Dipping bird maneuver 188
anomalies 414
diameter 219, 271
drag 389
drusen 92f
neovascularization 426, 481, 486
development of 488
Disciform macular scar 241f
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 369
Distance visual acuity testing procedure 235
Distorted foveal contour 181f
Distorted retinal architecture 190f
Docosahexaenoic acid 90, 141
Dome magnifier 246, 246f
Dopamine 11
Double layer sign 156f
Double ring sign 415
Double staining technique 193
Down syndrome 73
Dropped capsular tension 576f
Dropped lens 571f
nucleus, risk factors of 571b
Drug toxicity 90, 105, 141, 228
Drusen 495
Dural ectasia 81
Dutch ophthalmic research center 596
Dye injection 19
Dyeless angiography 339
Dysfibrinogenemia 262
Dyslipidemia 288
Dystrophic calcification 65
Eales disease 426, 488, 489f
Early feathery cataract 530f
Early postvitreomacular traction 201f
Echogenic membrane 463f, 464f
Eclipse retinopathy 663
Ectopia lentis 81, 571
Ectropion uveae, congenital 670
Edward syndrome 410
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 73, 168, 449
Elbow extension, reduced 81
Eldridge-Green lantern test 111
Electric injury 571
Electrical discharge 473
Electrode 51, 52
active 51, 52
Electrodiagnostic tests 239, 622
Electron microscopy 7
Electro-oculography 49, 54, 104, 114
Electrophysiological tests 92, 626
Electrophysiology 49, 86, 101
Electroretinogram 49, 50, 97, 101, 104, 109, 114, 116, 141, 419, 487, 634, 641
abnormal 51
measurement of 50
Ellipsoid 9
Elschnig's spots 280
Emblon 654
Embryonic fissure 409f
Embryotoxon, posterior 670
Emulsification 530
Emulsified silicone oil globules 530f
En bloc dissection 557
Encircling element, role of 547
Endarterectomy 258
Endogenous endophthalmitis 437, 587
organisms causing 588t
pathogenesis of 587, 588fc
Endogenous fungal endophthalmitis 438f
Endolaser marks visible 546f
Endolaser photocoagulation 479
Endophthalmitis 68, 528, 568, 578, 580, 580t, 585t, 587, 608, 630, 631f, 632
classification of 578, 578fc
organisms causing 584, 587t
percentage of 580
postinjection 581
postintravitreal injection 581f
postoperative 578, 588
postsurgical 588t
study, early vitrectomy for 590
vitrectomy 585, 588, 589, 590f
End-organ damage 280
Endotamponade 541
analysis 36f
optical coherence tomography imaging 36
Enhanced S cone syndrome 97
Enkephalin 11
Enophthalmos 670
Enterococcus faecalis 580
Enzymatic vitreolysis 187
Enzyme 188t
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 533
Epinephrine 228
Epiretinal membrane 86, 181f, 185, 189, 190f192f, 195, 199, 209, 210f, 228, 270, 295, 512, 518, 551, 598
classification of 189
etiological classification of 189b
formation 366
hyper-reflective 190f
pre-existing 230
Episcleritis 438
Eplerenone 130
response to 131
Equipment, physics of 60
Erson's syndrome 367
Erythema 589
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 254, 262, 426
Erythropoietin 164, 292
eSight 248
Esophageal dysmotility 360
ETDRS chart 235f
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 566
Evanescent lesions 420f
Exogenous endophthalmitis 587
risk factors for 587, 588t
Expansile gas 526
Explosive eye injuries 623
Extensive inflammation 572
Extensive macular edema 264f
External beam radiation 623
External limiting membrane 7, 10, 34
Extracapsular cataract extraction 579
Extracellular fluid 6
Extramacular toxoplasmosis 439f
Extraretinal fibrovascular proliferation 378
Extrusion 518
Exudative neovascular membrane 138f
Exudative retinal detachment 125, 370f, 389, 427f, 441f, 449, 453, 454f, 462, 624
acute 429f
disease 195
study, age-related 141
left 405f
photograph of 88f
injuries, penetrating 623
keratopathy in 566f
normal 35f, 43f
phthisis, left 429f
infiltration, lower 670
neurofib, severe forms of 669f
plexiform neurofibroma of 670
swelling 589
Eyewall 607
Facial features 81
Facial port-wine stain 681
Factor V Leiden mutation 262
Familial exudative vitreoretinopathy 399, 399t, 401f, 403f, 403f, 405
classifications of 402t
Familial retinal arterial macroaneuryms 284
Faricimab 316
Farnsworth-Munsell Hue test 105
Fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 405
Fasting plasma homocysteine level 262
Fat embolism syndrome 367
Feathery cataract 567f
Feinbloom chart 235
Fenofibrates 322
Fenton reaction 633
Fever of unknown origin 588
Fibrinoid syndrome 551
Fibrinolysis 221
Fibroblast growth factor 558
Fibrodysplasia hyperelastica 168
Fibromuscular dysplasia 257
Fibronectin 188
Fibrovascular pigment epithelial detachment 138, 166
Fibrovascular proliferation 334f, 481, 550, 559
active 333, 558f
progressive 554
treating 489
Fibrovascular tissue, contraction of 508
Filtration surgery 228
First-order kernel 54
Fish egg formation 522
Fish-Strike sign 539
Flat cornea 80
Fluence photodynamic therapy 156f
accumulation, pathogenesis of 214fc
movement 511
pressure 6
Fluocinolone acetonide intravitreal implants 320
Fluorescein 19
abnormal 21
arterial phase of 20f
dynamic interaction of 20
fundus angiography 301, 302f
leakage 155
photography 20
sodium 17
Fluorescein angiography 43, 76, 87, 113, 116, 137, 138f, 139f, 149f, 151f, 153f, 157, 186, 199, 220, 230f, 257, 262, 269, 351f, 356, 359f, 360, 402, 419, 477f, 490, 614, 653, 662, 679
appearance 356
indications of 166
retcam-assisted 32
Flupentixol maculopathy 657
Focal chorioretinal atrophy 77
Focal choroidal excavation 158
Focal cone dystrophy 54
Focal hypofluorescence 152f
Focal laser 131
lenses 474, 474t
photocoagulation 311
Focal vitreomacular traction 182f
Foldback technique 557
Foreign body
extraction of 636f
high-echo 66f
hyperdense 610f
projectile 623
retrieval forceps 636f
spectrum of 633
Forster-Fuchs spot 74, 75
Fovea 13, 663f
anatomic distortion of 36, 37f
centralis 6
microscopic structure of 7f
superotemporal to 364f
Foveal atrophy 106f
Foveal avascular zone 13, 486
Foveal contour, irregular 254f
Foveal cystic spaces, vertically-oriented 41f
Foveal hypoplasia 118f
Foveal reflex, loss of 614f
Foveal schisis 115f, 116f
Foveal thinning 108f
Foveola 6, 147
Foveomacular vitelliform dystrophy, adult-onset 104, 141, 142f
Framingham equation 262
Fresh central retinal vein occlusion 487f
Friedreich ataxia 90
Frosted branch angiitis 424f
Full macular grids 477
Functional nasolacrimal duct obstruction 670
Fundal coloboma 410t
Fundal dystrophy 113
Fundal fluorescein angiography 126
Fundus 263, 268
albipunctatus 94
camera, modified 18
coloboma 409, 410, 414f, 415
examination 405
flavimaculatus 105, 164
imaging 653
inferior 116f
photography 625
spectrophotometry 27
Fundus autofluorescence 18, 19, 19f, 25, 27f, 28f, 100, 101, 107f, 114, 126, 137f, 139f, 199, 356, 430, 440, 614, 647, 652, 663, 663f
clinical utility of 27
technique of 26
Fundus fluorescein angiography 10f, 17, 24, 45, 76, 88f, 100, 124f, 126, 216, 239, 253, 253f, 283, 346, 364, 368, 400, 406, 406f, 483f, 487, 487f489f, 493f, 497f, 503f, 614, 625, 647, 682
technique of 19
Fungal endophthalmitis 588
Funnel retinal detachment 463f
Galilean telescope 148, 242, 243, 243t
Gamma aminobutyric acid 11
Ganciclovir implant 434
Ganglion cell 11
layer 7, 11
bubble, adequacy of 522
effects of 526
entrapment 524
functions of 526
properties of 526
Gaseous substitutes 527
complications of 527
side effects of 527
Gaseous vitreous substitutes
indications of 527
types of 526t
Gas-fluid exchange 547
Gass and Blodi classification 173
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 123
Genetics 91, 101, 105, 109
Genital abnormalities 409
Geographic atrophy 28
Ghost cell 551
arteritis 257, 258
Giant retinal dialysis 544
Giant retinal tear 458, 528, 531, 532f, 544, 545, 547f, 548f, 568f, 611, 618
etiopathogenesis in 545t
preoperative 529f
Glare cutter 242f
Glare testing 239
Glaucoma 12, 80, 518, 529, 567, 574, 624, 682
congenital 670
drainage device 584
malignant 571
neovascular 481, 559, 568
open angle 568
phacomorphic 571
primary open angle 86
secondary 572
open angle 529
Glial cell proliferation 366
Globe injury, closed 607
Glucagon 11
Glued intraocular lens 69, 70f
Glutamate 114
Glutamate-mediated neuronal signals 14
Glutamine 114
Glutathione peroxidase 290
Glycation end products, advanced 289, 290, 290fc
Glycemic control 321
effect of 292
Glycine 11
Glycosaminoglycans 4
Goldmann slit lamp 17
disease 228
hereditary ocular diseases 98f
syndrome 51, 97, 98f
vitreoretinal degeneration 116
vitreotapetoretinal degeneration 97
Goltz syndrome 410
Goniotomy 682
Goodpasture syndrome 262
Grant cell arteritis 488
Granulomatous panuveitis, bilateral 623
Green argon light 496
Grieshaber-Pannarale basket forceps 637
Grönblad-Strandberg syndrome 168
Ground electrode 51, 52
Growth retardation 409
Guanosine 14
diphosphate 14
monophosphate 14
Guanosine-5-triphosphate 14
Guanylate cyclase 14
Gyrate atrophy 114
Haemophilus influenzae 580, 587
Half-fluence photodynamic therapy 493
Haller's layer 13, 128, 153, 155
Hamartoma 668
Hand magnifiers 245, 245f
Handheld monocular telescope 243f
defects 409
disease 18
Heimlich maneuver 363
Helium ion irradiation 623
HELLP syndrome 367, 369
Hematological disorders, retinopathy in 345
Hemeralopia 105, 646
Hemispherical vein occlusion, inferior 269f
Hemolytic glaucoma 551, 567
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 367
hour-glass 282
intracranial 366
intraocular 365
intraretinal 159f
large premacular 365f
multiple 368f
premacular 335f
preretinal 22f, 336, 550
retinal 346, 368, 485f, 641
spontaneous resolution of 365f
subarachnoid 365, 366
subhyaloid 64, 335f, 336, 364f, 366, 500, 613f
subretinal 30f, 155, 453, 624
suprachoroidal 563
treatment for 285
Hemorrhagic pigment epithelial detachments 223f
Hemorrhagic retinal detachment 219
Hemorrhagic spot 172f
Henle's inner fibers 229
Henle's layer 10
Hepatocyte growth factor 291
Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy 96
Hereditary retinal degenerations 294
Hereditary vitreoretinopathy 96, 449
Heredomacular dystrophy 141
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome 118
Herpes simplex virus 435
Herpes virus 422
Herpes zoster virus 435
Heterochromia 670
Hiding Heidi contrast test chart 238
High reflectivity spikes 68f
High-density lipoprotein 262, 288
Hindfoot deformity 81
Histo spots 170
Histoplasma capsulatum 170
Hodgkin lymphoma 367
Hollenhorst plaque 251, 251f
Homocysteinuria 571
Hooke's law 511
Horseshoe tear 460f
Hot spots 31
Human leukocyte antigen 421
Hyaloid traction 211f
Hyaloidal fibrovascular proliferation, anterior 551, 559
Hyaloideocapsular ligament 3
Hyaloidotomy 500f
Hyaluronan 188
Hyaluronic acid 4
Hyaluronidase 188
Hydrostatic pressure 6
Hydroxychloroquine 105, 652
toxicity 46
Hyperautofluorescent lesions 24f
Hypercholesterolemia 136
Hyperfluorescence 21
Hyperglycemia 288, 322
damage 321
pathways of 289
Hyperhomocysteinemia 262
Hyperlipidemia 261, 262
Hypermature cataract 571
Hyperoleon 567, 567f
Hyperopia 136
Hyperornithinemia 114
Hyperparathyroidism 65
Hypertension 136, 261, 262, 278, 288, 360
causes of secondary 262
malignant 278, 453
Hypertensive retinopathy
classifications of 278
severe 228
systemic relationship of 279
Hypertensive vascular damage, chronic 284
Hyperviscosity 347
states 345
Hyphema 349, 389
presence of 613
Hypofluorescence 21, 137
Hypogenitalism 88
Hypoperfusion, chronic 421
Hypoplastic ciliary muscle 80
Hypopyon 589
Hypothermia 388
Hypothyroidism 262
Hypotonic pars plana vitrectomy 255
Hypotony 228, 389, 527, 562
Iatrogenic break 564f, 565f
Iatrogenic phototoxicity 565
Iatrogenic retinal breaks 564
Idiopathic choroid neovascularization 140f, 173, 173f, 174f
Idiopathic giant retinal tear, pathogenesis of 545
Idiopathic juxtafoveal
retinal telangiectasis 355, 502
telangiectasia 355
Idiopathic juxtafoveolar retinal telangiectasia, classification of 355t
Idiopathic macular hole 196f
Idiopathic parafoveal telangiectasia 502
Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy 148
Idiopathic recurrent branch retinal vein occlusion 422
Idiopathic retinal vasculitis 422
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 363
Idiopathic vasculitis 426f
left eye with 489f
Imipenem 591
Immunosuppressive therapy 627
Impacted intraocular foreign body 611f
Implants 320
Inadvertant foveal 508
Inadvertent arterial injection 18
Indocyanine angiography 368
Indocyanine green 18, 19, 192, 351, 539, 615, 653, 679
angiography 25, 31, 124f, 126, 139, 149f, 151f, 153, 153f, 157, 166, 239, 283, 419, 625, 626f, 682
clinical features of 153b
chorioangiography 481
frame 30f
Infection 518
Infectious endophthalmitis 68
Infectious inflammation 434
Infectious uveitis 172
Infective endophthalmitis 590
Inferotemporal superotemporal horseshoe tears 455f
Inflammation, sensitive indicator of 262
Inflammatory bowel disease 648f
Inflammatory disease 262
Inflammatory vasculitis 422
Infracyanine green 192
Infrared reflectance imaging 29
Inherited hypercoagulable states 262
Initial treatment 156t
Injury, type of 608
Inner nuclear layer 7, 10, 116f, 228
Inner plexiform layer 7, 11
Inner retina
disease 54
layers 254f
tenting of 210f
Integrated optical coherence tomography 597
Intense photocoagulation 164
Interface vitrectomy 540
Interfacial tension 528
high 530
Internal limiting lamina 5
Internal limiting membrane 3, 7, 12, 33, 179, 183, 189, 192, 202, 205, 209, 232, 363, 454, 500, 539, 555, 598, 616, 633
autograft 204
Internal tamponade 557
Interphotoreceptor matrix 6, 10, 449
Interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein 10
calcification, ocular conditions with 65t
cysticercosis 65, 66f
infections 630
inflammation 189, 578
magnets 633
robotic interventional surgical system 600
tamponade 203
toxicity 532
tuberculosis 440, 441f
tumors 189
Intraocular foreign body 65, 531, 607, 610f, 630, 634, 636f
fixed 638
retained 65, 69, 630, 633
staged extraction of 634
types of 633t
Intraocular gas
bubble dynamics 526
injection 522
Intraocular lens 65, 66f, 506, 527, 556, 576, 635, 664
dislocation 574, 574t
displacement of 574
exchange 575, 576
explantation 575
malpositioned 69f
position, misplaced 69
posterior chamber 572
posteriorly dislocated 65, 532, 574, 575f
reposition 575
repositioning 576
scleral fixated 230, 574
Intraocular lymphoma 430
primary 430
Intraocular pressure 6, 258, 349, 449, 521, 522f, 536, 550, 562, 575, 621, 625
control of 522
increased 527
normal 517f
raised 261
treatment of 529
Intraretinal edema 406f
Intraretinal fluid 155
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities 301, 332, 481
Intraretinal pigment clumps 98f
Intrascleral buckling 519
Intravitreal aflibercept 133, 156f
injections of 223f
Intravitreal antibiotics 591
dosage of 591t
Intravitreal antivascular endothelia growth factor 168, 273
Intravitreal bevacizumab injection 558f
Intravitreal gas injection 517, 523f
Intravitreal injection 579, 582f
Intravitreal therapy 627
Intravitreal triamcinolone 319, 320
acetonide 266, 295, 407, 486, 580, 627
Ionizing effects 480
Iridescent spots 349
Iris 559, 634
bombe formation 70f
chafing 229
coloboma 410f
fixated intraocular lens 230
haptic adherent to 575f
hypoplastic 80
neovascularization of 268, 271, 426
new vessel on 336f
prolapse 230
thermal injury to 389
translucent 118f
Ischemia, anterior segment 389, 519
Ischemic central retinal vein occlusion 269f
Ischemic optic neuropathy, anterior 279
Ischemic retina 488f
Ishihara color plates 111
Isoexpansile concentration 526
Jameson's rule 515f
Joint hypermobility 97
Kearns-Sayre syndrome 88, 90
Keith-Wagener-Barker classification 279, 279t
Keplerian telescope 243, 243t
Keratectomy 623
Keratitis 438
Keratoconus 86, 92
Keratoglobus 92
Keratopathy 529
Keratoplasty, penetrating 228, 585
Kernels 54
Kidney disease, chronic 45
Klebsiella pneumoniae 587
Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome 683
Kniest dysplasia 96
Knobloch syndrome 73, 96
Koch's infection 592
Krypton laser photocoagulation 497
Lacquer cracks 75
Lacrimal gland infiltration 670
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 648
Lamellar hole 199
Lamellar laceration 607
Lamellar macular hole 207f
Laminar flow 20, 20f
Laminin 188
Laser 472, 661
application of 480
barraged coloboma 413f
burns 486, 504f
classification of 507t
coats 407f
delivery system 472, 475
diabetic retinopathy eye 23f
endoscope, intraoperative 475
equipment and settings 386
fluence, reduced 131
hazard 507, 666
idiopathic eales disease 426f
indirect ophthalmoscope 338, 386, 411, 475, 475f
interferometry 239
physics 472
pointers 666
proliferative diabetic retinopathy 482f, 484f
pulsed 473
retinopexy 523
scars 90
selections of 496
spot magnification factor 474
tissue interaction of 508f
treatment 131, 265
vitreolysis 501, 506
Laser lenses 474
cleaning of 474
disinfection of 474
sterilization of 474
Laser photocoagulation 116, 168, 171, 228, 232, 274, 284, 339, 361, 384, 388, 460, 481, 501, 551, 680
technique of 338, 338t
Laser therapy 311, 314, 337
anesthesia for 475
Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis 449
Laser-induced chorioretinal anastomosis 486
Laser-Tissue interaction 473t
Latanoprost 228
Late retinal detachments 396
Lattice degeneration 456, 457, 460f
Laurence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl syndrome 88
Lea contrast flip chart 238
Lea numbers low-vision 235
Leaking neovascular membrane 138f
Leber's congenital amaurosis 8, 9092, 92f, 105, 405
Left ventricular hypertrophy 262
Lens 31, 634
absorptive 240
aspiration 546
capsule, anterior 633
injury 516f
management 557
matter 571b
opaque 243f
photochromatic 240
pinhole 240
planoconcave 474
posteriorly dislocated 532, 571, 571f
rupture 630
sparing vitrectomy 394
spontaneous dislocation of 571, 571f
thermal injury to 389
tinted 243f
vesicle, formation of 5f
Lensectomy 546
Leopard skin retinopathy 90
Leptomeningeal angiomatosis 681
Lesions, tongue-shaped 435f
Leukemia 345, 345f, 346f
acute 347f
complication of 346, 347
therapy 348
treatment of 348
Leukemic infiltrates 346
Leukemic retinopathy 345, 348
Leukocyte activation 291
Light adaptation 52
Light emitting diode 53
Light exposure 665
Light-emitting diode 597
Linear Bruch's membrane rupture 614f
Lipofuscin, accumulation of 100
Lipoprotein 288
low-density 288
Lipshitz macular implant 148
Liquid crystal display 53
Liquid substitutes 527
Lisch nodules 670
Locus minoris resistentiae 409
Low surface tension 530
Low vision 234, 237
distance systems 240
enhancement systems 247
management 234
near systems 245
systems 239
Low-molecular-weight heparin 467
Low-vision patient 234
Lucentis 133
Luminance 17, 53
Lupus anticoagulant 262
Lyme disease 438
Lymphoma 345
Lymphoproliferative disorders 367
Lysergic acid diethylamide 410
M notation chart 236f
Macroaneurysm, collateral associated 282
Macroglobulinemia 261
Mactel eye 358f
Macula 13, 43f, 350, 167f
depicting 7f
detached 677f
dome-shaped 202f
lutea 6
neurosensory detachment at 544f
traction at 190f
Macular aneurysmal telangiectasia 28
Macular atrophy 86
Macular branch retinal vein occlusion 262
Macular buckling 211
Macular burn, inadvertent 389
Macular changes 75
Macular chorioretinal atrophy 75
Macular coloboma 92f, 411, 413f
Macular degeneration
dry age-related 136, 495
early age-related 28, 56f
exudative age-related 5, 136, 496
management of age-related 495
neovascular age-related 38, 125, 136, 137, 140f, 141, 146, 182f
non-neovascular 136
age-related 38, 141
occult age-related 140f
neovascular age-related 143
non-neovascular age-related 141
Macular depression sign 350
Macular detachment 556f
Macular disease and degeneration 121
Macular dystrophy 27, 100, 101, 102f104f
Macular edema 263f, 265, 268, 271f, 368, 483, 485, 508, 624
chronic 265
clinically significant 294, 300, 308, 309b
fluocinolone acetonide for 320
laser management of 483
severe 42f
treatment of 272
Macular exudates 485f
Macular grid
laser photocoagulation 310
mild 295
Macular heterotopia 389
Macular hole 5, 36, 125, 184, 195, 199f, 205, 205f, 598
closure 37
type 1 206f
type 2 207f
failed 204
formation 283
clinical staging of 196
index 202
indicators of 200f
large 202f
management of failed 204
nonclosure of 207f
staging of 198t
surgery 193f, 200, 204, 206, 207f
complications of 205
ocriplasmin in 203
Macular integrity assessment 240f
Macular ischemia 265, 350, 485f
Macular perifoveal telangiectasia 28
Macular photocoagulation study 143
Macular pucker 5, 189
Macular scar 613
left eye 169f
Macular schisis 214
Macular sensitivity, patchy loss of 56f
Macular telangiectasia 28, 173, 228, 355, 357, 357f, 359f, 360, 502f
classification of 355
diagnosis of 45f
staging system for 360t
Macular tractional retinal detachment 553f
Macular translocation surgery 221, 223
Maculopathy 214
end-stage 653
severe 653
Magnifying glasses 245, 245f
Malignant hypertensive retinopathy 280
Marfan's syndrome 73, 79, 81, 81f, 168, 449, 571
Marshall syndrome 96
Masquerade syndrome 284
Mass lesion 64f
Massive submacular hemorrhage 220f, 225f
Matrix metalloproteinases 164
Mechanical interdigitation 6
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 410
Medical therapy 141, 274, 348
blue-dual 193
contraction of 464, 465
removal 539, 556
Mendelian inheritance, types of 105
Mental retardation 88, 92
Meridional complex 7, 458f
Meridional fold 7, 458
Merlin desktop magnifier 247f
Metabolic factors 6
Metabolic hormones 289
Metalloproteinases, tissue inhibitors of 164
Metamorphopsia 662
META-PM classification 74
Metastatic breast cancer 68f
Metastatic calcification 65
Metastatic carcinoma 67
Metastatic choroidal tumors 164
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 437
Methotrexate 468
Methoxyflurane 652
Metro vision system 53
Microincision vitrectomy surgery 191, 555
Microperimetry 56, 199, 239
Micropulse laser 341
Microspherophakia 571
Miliary aneurysms 355
Mineralocorticoid receptor pathway 131
Minimally invasive vitrectomy surgery 542
Mitomycin C 584
Mitral valve prolapse 81
Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon 94, 94f
MNRead chart 236f
Monoclonal antibody 147t
treatment 146
Monofocal hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens 342
Morning glory
disc 216f, 450f
syndrome 414, 415, 415f
Müller cell 11, 49
degeneration 356, 360
foot plates 179
loss of 358f
plasma membrane of 12
Multicenter uveitis steroid treatment trial 231
Multifocal choroiditis 31, 421
bilateral 422f
Multifocal electroretinography 52, 54f, 90, 199, 368
recording, stimulus for 53f
Multifocal hemorrhagic retinal vasculitis, acute 422
Multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy, acute posterior 171, 419
Multiple choroidal ruptures 615f, 616
Multiple evanescent white dot syndrome 54, 171, 419, 420, 649
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 426, 441, 587
Mycophenolate mofetil 171
Myeloma 261
Myeloproliferative disorders 261, 345
Myoid 9
Myopia 73, 80, 81, 389, 453
degenerative 73
high 41, 73, 74f, 96, 96f
prevention of 81
progression 82
treatment of 82
Myopic choroid
neovascular membrane 167f
neovascularization 76, 167
Myopic conus 74
Myopic degeneration 164
Myopic eye 78f
Myopic foveoschisis 42f, 209, 209f, 210f, 212f
treatment of 211
Myopic macular
hole 79, 80f
formation 79
retinoschisis 78
Myopic maculopathy 75
Myopic patient, fundus photograph of 76f
Myopic traction maculopathy 78, 79f, 210f, 599
N notation chart 236f
Nagel's anomaloscope 112
Nanophthalmos 453
Nanopulse laser 341
Nasal retina 11
Nausea 18
Navigated laser treatment 341, 478
Navilas laser system 478
Near acuity 235
charts, types of 235
Near visual acuity testing procedure 236
Nearsightedness 80
Necrotic peripheral retina 435f
Neodymium yttrium-aluminum garnet 232, 274
Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet 254, 365, 365f, 386, 473, 529, 541
Neonatal intensive care unit 375, 386, 394, 666
Neovascular membrane, type 1 141f
Neovascularization 158, 265, 426, 475, 481
Nephropathy 288
Nerve fiber
arrangement of 11
layer 6, 7, 11, 657
Nerve palsy, peripheral 18
Neurocutaneous syndrome 668
Neurofibromas 670
Neurofibromatosis 668
ocular manifestations of 670t, 672t
Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses 90
Neuro-oculocutaneous syndrome 668
Neuropeptide 11
Neuroretinitis 422, 438
diffuse unilateral subacute 90
Neurosensory detachment 127f, 214
Neurosensory retina 5, 5f, 73, 76f
detachment 40f, 123
foveal defect of 207f
Neurotensin 11
Nevus flammeus 681
Newer vitreous substitutes 533
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide 13
phosphate 290
reduced 13
Nicotinic acid maculopathy 228
Night blindness 85
Nitric oxide 348
Nitrofurantoin 652
Nitrous oxide 562, 563
Nivaquine 652
Nocardia asteroides 587
Nodular drusen 136
NOIR filter glasses 242f
Noltam 654
Nolvadex 654
Nominal hazard zone 507
Nonaccidental head injury 641
Nonbeam hazards 507
Noncystic retinal tuft 458
Nonenzymatic protein glycation 290
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 422
Noninfectious inflammations 419
Nonoptical devices 246
Nonproliferative phase, treatment of 361
Nonskeletal score 81
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 231, 322, 342
Noonan syndrome 73
Normal fundus angiogram, interpretation of 20
Norrie's disease 402, 400, 405
protein gene 399
pseudoglioma 405
Novel drug delivery systems, developement of 145
Nuclear fragment, size of 572
Nuclear receptor, photoreceptor-specific 97
Nucleic acid amplification test, cartridge-based 602
Nummular hypopigmented scars 428f
Nutritional supplementation 141
Nystagmus 105, 389, 670
Obesity 136, 288
Obstructive sleep apnea 123
Occult choroid neovascularization 166
Occupational laser hazards 508
Ocriplasmin 180, 187, 188
role of 180
use of 571
albinism 105, 117
angina 257
complications 389
conditions, ultrasound in 62
effects 508
hazards 507
health assessment 234
imaging 610
ischemic syndrome 257, 259, 259t
larva migrans 440
protective mechanisms 661
sequelae 389
status 555
telehealth special interest group 303
Ocular histoplasmosis 170
syndrome 164
Ocular injury 607
mechanism of 608
Ocular neovascularization 144
treatment of 274
Ocular trauma 531, 605, 607
classification 607, 608, 608t
evaluation of 609
penetrating 630
score 608t, 609t
Oculocutaneous albinism 116, 118f
types of 117t
Ocutech low vision aid 245f
Oguchi disease 94
Opaque membranes 189
Open choroidal fissure 409f
Open globe injury 607, 633
Operation theater, modification of 543
Operculated hole 460f
Ophthalmic division, branch of 251
Ophthalmic instruments 661, 664
Ophthalmic manifestations 349
Ophthalmic treatments 351
Ophthalmic ultrasonography 60
Ophthalmoscopic appearance 105
Opportunistic infections 345, 347
Opsoclonus-myoclonus 648
Optic atrophy 624 624, 653
Optic disc 6, 23f, 43f, 74f, 270f, 336, 563f
coloboma 414
damage 508
drusen 86, 87f
granuloma 425f
neovascularization of 301
swelling 268, 278
Optic disc pit 214, 215, 216f
incidence of 214
inferotemporal 504f
maculopathy 228, 503
stages of 215t
Optic nerve 349, 415f
avulsion 621
coloboma 414
drusen 670
edema 624
fiber layer 205f
function 610
hypoplasia 415
left 622f
pathology 22
region of 66f
sheath, hemorrhage of 367
Optic nerve head 216f, 502, 621f
astrocytoma remove 670
drusen 65, 164
perfusion 517
pit 214
Optic neuritis 438
Optic neuropathy 648
Optic pathway glioma 669671
Optic pits 214
Optical coherence tomography 32, 40, 54, 75, 78, 87, 100, 108, 114, 126, 129f, 138, 157, 166, 185, 198, 210, 214, 221, 239, 253, 262, 283, 301, 309, 356, 368, 407, 457, 481, 498, 544, 597, 614, 625, 647, 663, 682
angiography 41, 44b, 76, 128, 139, 166, 283, 339, 357
Optical correction 52
Optical microangiography 42
Optos fundus 266f
Ora bays 7
Ora serrata 6, 7
Oral acetazolamide 91f
Oral contraceptive pills 261
Oral mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists 130
Oral pentoxifylline 274
Oral promethazine hydrochloride 18
Oral propranolol 683
Oral pyridoxal phosphate 115
Oral ruboxistaurin mesylate 290
Orbital disease 262
Orbital involvement 349
Orbital myositis 438
Organoid nevus syndrome 684
Ornithine 114
Ornithine-δ-aminotransferase 114
Oscillatory potential 49f, 50
Osmotic pressure 6
Osteitis deformans 168
Osteoarthritis, early onset 97
Osteoporosis pseudoglioma 401
Outer nuclear layer 7, 10
Outer retina 204f
disease 54
layer 459f
Outer retinopathy 419, 420, 649
Oxidative stress 164, 289, 290, 624
desaturation 388
partial pressure of 399
disease, peripapillary 158
neovasculopathy 159f
pigment epitheliopathy 155
spectrum 148, 155
Paget's disease 168
Pain 562
Pan retinal photocoagulation 560
Panophthalmitis 589
Panretinal laser
lenses 474, 474t
photocoagulation 337
Panretinal photocoagulation 25, 315, 474, 476, 482, 487, 568
Panuveitis 421, 422f
bilateral 421
multifocal choroiditis with 164, 419, 421
severe 423f
Papilledema 12, 438
Papillitis 589
Paracentesis 623
Paracentral acute middle maculopathy 256
Paracentral scotoma 662
Parafoveal zone 6, 13
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration 648
Paraneoplastic retinopathy 645
Paravenous retinitis pigmentosa 88
Pars plana cysts 458
Pars plana vitrectomy 187, 191, 211, 218, 232, 348, 521, 532f, 536, 544, 555f, 559, 563, 584, 633
complications of 542
Patau syndrome 410
Patent macroaneurysm 283f
Pathological myopia 42f, 73, 73f, 75f, 82, 413f
epidemiology of 73
eye 210f
study 74
Paton's conjunctival sign 349
Paving stone 459
degeneration 459f
retinal degeneration 459
Pectus carinatum deformity 81
Pegaptanib 144, 273, 312, 313
Pelli-Robson contrast sensitivity chart 238f
Penetrating injury 607
Penetrating trauma 452
Perfluorocarbon liquid 414, 525, 530, 531f, 531t, 532f, 541, 547, 548, 568, 572, 576
biochemical structure of 530
indications for 531
physical properties of 530
retained 533f, 568
role of 547
Perfluoropropane 526
Pericentral retinitis pigmentosa 88
Pericyte loss 290
Perifoveal vitreous 37f
detachment, macular hole with 181f
Perifoveal zone 6
Periodic acid-Schiff 12, 136, 369
Periorbital nodular neurofibroma 670
Peripapillary atrophy 170
Peripheral anterior synechiae 624
Peripheral branch retinal vein occlusion 262
Peripheral capillary dropout 482f
Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy 158, 160f
Peripheral fundus 94f
Peripheral nervous system 668
Peripheral retina 6
breaks 618
inspection 540
ischemia 406f
lesions 456
Peripheral tractional retinal detachment 389
Peripheral vascular leakage 339
Peripheral vitrectomy 565f
Periphlebitis, occlusive 262
Peritomy 512
Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors 322
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous 65
Personal protective equipment 601
Phacoemulsification cataract extraction 579
Phacofragmentation surgery
complications of 574
technique of 573f
Phakomatosis 668
pigmentovascularis 683
Pharmacologic vitreolysis, effects of 188t
Phenergan 18
Phenothiazine 90
maculopathy 654
toxicity 655f
Phenotypic variability 399
Phosphodiesterase 14
Photic retinopathy 661, 663f, 665f
Photochemical effects 480, 661
Photodisruptive lasers 473
Photodynamic therapy 54, 77, 126, 131, 144, 152, 156, 166168, 361, 474, 480, 494, 494t, 498, 498f, 508, 615, 680, 683
role of 493
safety of 481
Photophobia 240, 662
Photopic single-flash cone response 50
Photoreceptor theory 290
Photostress recovery test 239
Phototoxicity 564
Photovaporization 480
Phthisis 389
bulbi 65, 389, 624
Physiological adhesion 512
Pierre Robin sequence 96
Pigment epithelial detachment 26, 28, 127f, 138, 145f, 153, 155, 155f, 156f, 159f
Pigment epitheliopathy, diffuse 28, 125
Pigmentary retinopathy 92f
Pigmented lattice degeneration 455f
Pinhole glasses 247f
Pink eye appearance 118f
Pioglitazone 322
Piperacillin 591
Pisciform flecks 101f
Placenta growth factor 291
Plaque brachytherapy 683
Plaquenil 652
lysine 114
abnormal 261
electrophoresis 262
viscosity 262
aggregation 291
rich plasma 218
Platelet-derived growth factor 164, 291
layer, outer 7, 10, 228
neurofibroma 669f
Plus disease 378, 385, 387
Plus lenses, high-power 474
Pneumatic displacement 221
Pneumatic retinopexy 521, 523, 523f, 524, 527, 619
complications of 523
contraindication of 521
principle of 521
technique of 521
Pneumatic vitreolysis 188
Pneumothorax 81
Polaroid filters 240
Polyarteritis nodosa 423
Polycythemia 261
vera 360
Polydactyly-obesity-kidney-eye syndrome 88
Polymerase chain reaction 426, 436
Polymethyl methacrylate 572
Polymicrobial endophthalmitis 585
Polymyositis 423
Polyol pathway 289, 289fc
Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy 30f, 39, 148, 149, 151, 151f, 154, 155b, 157f, 160, 219, 225f, 480, 499f
classification of 154
clinical features of 153b
Population inversion 472
Port delivery system 145
Postcataract endophthalmitis 579, 579t
organisms causing 586t
Postcataract surgery endophthalmitis, organisms causing 585
Postcorneal procedure 585t
endophthalmitis 584
Posterior hyaloids
separation 333
traction 302
Posterior synechiae 389, 624
Posterior vitreous cortex 181f
splitting of 181
Posterior vitreous detachment 4, 36, 64, 179, 180f, 182f, 183, 189, 190, 195, 209, 308, 333, 449, 453, 455, 462, 483, 512, 538, 544, 550, 564, 598, 617
pathophysiology of 454
stages of 179f
Postinflammatory vein occlusion 488f
Postinjection positioning 522
Postintravitreal gas injection 222f
Postintravitreal injection endophthalmitis 579
Postoperative topical medication 230
Post-pars plana vitrectomy 585t
endophthalmitis, risk factors for 587
Postprocedural management 497
Postrecombinant tissue plasminogen activator 149f
Post-trabeculectomy endophthalmitis 584, 584t
organisms causing 586
risk factors for 587
Post-traumatic endophthalmitis 630, 631t
organisms causing 587
Post-traumatic retinal dialysis, large 617f
Postvitrectomy 556f
Potential acuity meter 239
Predisposing lesions, treatment of 460
Premacular membrane 193
Premaculopathy 652
Prephotodynamic therapy 132f, 493f
treatment 499f
Preplus disease 378
Presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome 170
Prismatic glasses 245
Prismatic spherical lenses 245f
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 287, 301, 316, 332, 333f, 452, 452f, 472, 550, 551, 551f, 553f, 558f, 559
complications of 559t
management of 337
surgery for 550
surgical management of 341
Proliferative disease 484
Proliferative perifoveal telangiectasia 360
Proliferative phase, treatment of 361
Proliferative retinopathy, laser management of 481
Proliferative sickle retinopathy 347, 350, 351f
Proliferative vitreoretinopathy 453, 464, 465, 466t, 521, 528, 531, 545, 637
anterior 69, 70f
classification of 465
description of 466
medical management of 467
pathogenesis of 465fc
pathophysiology of 464
stages of 466t
Proline 114
Prophylactic laser barrage, role of 411
Prophylactic topical antibiotics 583
Prophylactic treatment, indications for 457
Propionibacterium acnes 580, 584, 585, 588, 631
Proptosis 589
complication 670
Prostaglandin 230
Protanopia 105
Protein 399
C deficiency 262
activated 262
kinase C 289, 290, 321
activation 290
S deficiency 262
Prothrombin gene mutation 262
Proton beam radiotherapy 683
Protrusio acetabuli 81
Pseudocystoid macular edema 230
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome 571
Pseudofluorescence 17
Pseudohole 199
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 65
Pseudohypopyon 102
Pseudomelanoma 160
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 585, 587, 638
Pseudophakic cystoid macular edema 229
Pseudophakic macular edema 125
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 27, 168
Psychopharmacologic medication 123
Puberty 288
Pulmonic stenosis, supravalvular 284
Pulsatile exophthalmos 670
Punctate inner
choroiditis 164
choroidopathy 419, 421
Pupillary block glaucoma 529
Pupillary dilation 380
Pupillary membranes 389
Pupils 52
Purtscher flecken 368
Purtscher retinopathy 367, 368, 369
Purulent discharge 589
Pyridoxal phosphate 114
Pyrroline-5-carboxylate 114
Quadruple therapy 439
Quinine 90, 653
toxicity 654f
Racemose hemangioma 678
Radial iris vessels 349
Radial optic neurotomy 274
Radial retinal fold 440f
retinopathy 228
therapy 146
Ranibizumab 133, 144, 145t, 273, 313, 315
Rapid plasma regain 437
Raynaud phenomenon 360
Reactions, photosensitivity 481
Recalcitrant edema 320f
Recording electrodes 52
Recording electroretinography, machine for 51f
Recoverin cycle 14
Rectus muscle, inferior 513f
Recurrent choroidal neovascular membrane 497
Red blood cells 348, 554
Refraction 234, 236
Refractive error 518
Refractive index, different 530
disease 88
syndrome 90
Relapsing polychondritis 423
Relative afferent pupillary defect 268, 271, 608
Renal abnormalities 88
Renal failure, chronic 262
Renal tubular acidosis 65
RetCam 3 machine 31f
Retina 5, 6, 11, 73, 146, 589, 634
after surgery 529f
attached 546f
blood supply of 12
clinical anatomy of 3
combined hamartoma of 670
degeneration of 113
detached 64f, 334f
forces acting on 511
glial cells of 12
hamartoma of 192f
human 9f
inner layers of 12, 308f
layers of 8f, 12, 347f
architecture of 7
structure of 8f
nerve fibers in 12f
normal 27f
physiology of 3
pigment epithelium 512
postoperatively 397f
regeneration therapy 341
surgical 447
therapy 311
topography of 6
vascular and avascular 378f, 392f
wrinkling of 467f
xanthophyll pigment of 474
Retinal angiomatous proliferation 158, 159f
staging of 158, 159f
treatment for 158
Retinal arterial
macroaneurysm 282, 500
occlusion 251
Retinal arteriole 210f
Retinal artery 251f
Retinal artery macroaneurysm 219, 282, 498, 678
multiple 282f
treatment of 284
typical 282
Retinal atrophy 98f
Retinal break 389, 461, 501, 558, 617
absence of 454f
formation of 455
Retinal capillary
angioma 679f
arrangement of 12f
hemangioma 670, 677, 678f, 680f
macroaneurysm 282
telangiectasia, differential diagnosis of 360
Retinal cavernous hemangioma 502, 668, 678
Retinal corrugations 450f, 454f
Retinal detachment 54, 62, 67f, 68f, 79, 80, 202, 205, 370f, 377f, 378, 395f, 396, 396f, 397f, 400, 403f, 413, 414f, 421, 450f, 451f, 456, 459f, 467f, 521, 531f, 532f, 541, 547f, 554f, 562, 562f, 575f, 598, 608, 617619
complicated 531
contour of 462
diagnosis of 460
inferior exudative 454f
late-onset 389
old 63f
paravascular microhole-related 79
partial 378
pathogenesis of 449
pediatric 528
preoperative 403f
assessment of 460
prolonged 466
recurrent 81f, 518, 551
self-settled 90
subtotal 377f, 395f
surface of 462
surgery 228, 527
history of 511
types of 449, 462t
Retinal dialysis 461f, 617
superonasal 451f
Retinal disease 69, 234
pediatric 373
Retinal disorders 498
Retinal drawing chart 462f, 463f
Retinal edema 254f, 653
Retinal emboli 251f
Retinal endothelial basement membrane thickening 291
Retinal flow resistance 6
Retinal fold 562f
Retinal funnel, open 396f
Retinal ganglioneuroma 670
Retinal hamartoma 480
Retinal hemorrhages, white-centered 346, 346f
Retinal image 17
multiscale analysis 386
Retinal implants 601
Retinal incarceration 608f
Retinal inflammations 417
Retinal inner layers, disorganization of 308
Retinal ischemia 333, 486f
severe 487f
Retinal laser
photocoagulation 551
therapy 505
Retinal layer 358f
Retinal lesions 65
Retinal macroaneurysm 228
Retinal microangiopathy 670
Retinal necrosis 434f
progressive outer 347, 436
Retinal neovascularization 486
complete regression of 351
Retinal nerve fiber
layer 12
thinning 508
Retinal opacification 252f
Retinal periphery 434f, 489f, 540f
optic disc to 440f
Retinal photocoagulation 474
targeted 25, 341
Retinal phototoxicity 664
Retinal pigment epithelial
cell 143, 309
detachment 157f, 496
Retinal pigment epithelium 5, 8, 23f, 39, 65, 76, 85, 100, 101, 113, 123, 124, 128f, 159f, 168, 189, 192f, 209, 219, 228, 346, 366, 419, 449, 511, 545, 614, 615, 661, 663f, 670
cells 18
congenital hypertrophy of 670
degenerated 26f
function 164
hamartoma of 164
hyperplastic 356
metaplasia 65
pallor 652
Retinal sclopetaria 617f
Retinal signs 280
Retinal step sign 612
Retinal surface, visible wrinkling of 190f
Retinal tear 508
large 465
superotemporal 450f
multiple 465
Retinal telangiectasia 405, 500
Retinal thickening retinal thickness, diffuse 302
Retinal toxicity 652
Retinal tufts 458
Retinal vascular
diseases 189, 363
disorders 249
occlusion 228
Retinal vascularization 399
Retinal vasculature 349
Retinal vasculitis 422424, 441
photocoagulation in 488
Retinal vasoproliferative
disorder 375
tumors 670
Retinal vein 259
aneurysms 282
obstruction 282
occlusion 261, 265f
nonischemic central 230f
Retinal visibility, poor 396f
Retinal-choroidal anastomosis 158
Retinectomy 557
Retinitis 434, 488
necrotizing 435f
punctata albescens 88, 88f
sclopetaria 617
Retinitis pigmentosa 23f, 27, 50, 54, 56, 85, 86f, 87f, 89f, 91, 91f, 97, 228, 601, 649
atypical 114
eye with 23f
unilateral 87
variants of 87
Retinoblastoma 64, 65, 406, 494, 503, 504f
Retinocerebellar angiomatosis 676
Retinochoroidal anastomosis 164
Retinochoroidal coloboma 449
Retinochoroiditis lesion, active 438f
Retinopathy of prematurity 31, 31f, 63, 375, 382f, 384, 385f, 391, 394397, 402, 451, 501, 501f, 528
aggressive posterior 378, 392
classification 376f
clinical features of 375
diagnosis of 382
drugs in 391
etiopathogenesis of 375
fluorescein angiography 382
group, early treatment for 378
image system for 381f
laser treatment for 384, 389t
posterior 378f, 387f, 392f
prethreshold 378
regressed 453f
screening of 375, 379, 381f
digital 381
stage of 377, 377f
surgery, indications for 393
surgical management of 393
telescreening 382
threshold 378
type 1 378
type 2 378
zones 376
advanced 656f
burned out 336
cancer-associated 90, 645
grade of 280
hypertensive 278, 279, 363
lightning 664
melanoma associated 51, 645, 646
mixed 334f
oxygen-induced 130
preproliferative 336
progression, sign of 337f
signs 280
Retinopexy 514, 541
Retinoschisis 459, 459f, 670
degenerative 116
peripheral 115, 115f
tractional 551
Retinoscopy 237
Retinotomy, superonasal drainage 563f
Retrobulbar anesthesia 367
Retrobulbar involvement 349
Retrohyaloid bleed 65f
Retrolental membrane 396
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 73f, 125, 336, 415, 449, 450, 450f, 451f, 459, 462, 512, 539, 550, 551, 551f, 554f, 559, 576f
Rheological therapy 271
Rheumatoid arthritis 423
Rhodopsin 13
Rhombencephalitis 648
Ring scotoma 87f
Robotic eye surgery 600
Rod cell, structure of 9f
Rod photoreceptor 9
Rods and cones
dystrophy 105
photoreceptor layer of 7, 9
Rosette cataract 613f
Rosiglitazone 322
Roth spots 346, 346f, 347f
Rubella 164
retinopathy 90
Rubeosis iridis 624
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 410
Salmon-Patch hemorrhage 349, 350f
Salt and pepper
maculopathy 655f
retinopathy 30f
Salus sign 278
Sarcoidisis 171, 228, 262, 423, 425f, 488
Sattler's layer 13, 155
Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy 53
Scarpa's staphyloma 74
Scatter laser photocoagulation 490
Scattered panretinal hemorrhages 486
Schaffer's sign 462
Scheie classification 278, 279t
Schlieren effect 540
Schwannoma 670
Sclera 73, 515f, 589, 607, 634
visible, haptic track in 70f
Scleral buckle 352, 394, 460, 511, 512, 521, 557, 619
effect of 511, 512
intrusion of 519f
modifications in 519
principles of 511
role of 394
sutures 517f
technique of 512
Scleral depression 381, 538f
Scleral indentation 511
Scleral neurofibroma 670
Scleral passes 515
Scleral perforation, inadvertent 518
Scleral rupture 619, 619f
Scleral sutures 515
Scleritis, posterior 67, 438, 453
Scleroderma 367
Sclerosis, multiple 423
Sclerotomy 541
ports 537f
Scoliosis 81
Scotopic rod response 50
Sectoral retinitis pigmentosa 87
SEETV glasses 244f
Segmental vasculitis 425f
Selective laser treatment 131
Self-retaining infusion cannula 537f
Semiconductor lasers 473
Serosanguineous pigment epithelial detachments 151f
Serous choroidal detachments 466
Serous macular detachment 127f, 504f
Serous pigment epithelial detachment 123, 129f, 156f
Serpiginous choroiditis 164, 172f, 419, 421
active 24f, 35f, 441f
Serpiginous choroidopathy 31
lesions 424f
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme 262
Settled retina 211f
postvitrectomy 541f
Shaken baby syndrome 640
Sharp conjunctival scissor 513f
Shave vitrectomy 540f
Shifting fluid, presence of 462
Sickle cell disease 348, 363, 452
nonproliferative 350f
systemic disorder of 348
Sickle cell retinopathy 348
Sickle retinopathy, nonproliferative 349
Siegrist streaks 280
Sightscope flip 244f
Signature guide 246, 247f
Silicon oils, heavy 528
Silicone oil 525, 527, 529
chemical properties of 527
complications of 529
emulsification 568
immiscible with 531
migration of 529
overfill 529
physical properties of 528
pupillary block 567
removal 567
tamponade 530f
use, indications of 528
Silicone sleeve 515f
Single pigment epithelial detachment 124f
Skeletal dysplasias 670
Skeletal score 81
Skin 668
and teeth hazards 508
striae 81
Sleep apnea 123
Slinging recti 513
biomicroscopy 229, 475
delivery system 411
laser 475f
photocoagulators 666
Small aperture terminal 304
Small gauge
cutters 595f
surgery 596f
surgical accessories 596f
vitrectomy 595
Small port vitrectomy 635
Snail track degeneration 457, 457f
Sodium fluorescein 32
Solar retinopathy 662, 662f, 663f
Solitary choroidal granuloma 441f
Solitary hemangioma 682f
Somatostatin 11
Spectacle 240
mounted 244f
Sphenoid dysplasia 670
Spherophakia 571
Spindle cell theory 375
Spironolactone 130
Splinter hemorrhages 268
Split-spectrum amplitude decorrelation angiography 42, 154
technique 44, 139
Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, mild 97
Spots, yellow-white 662f
Squint 92
Standard amsler grid testing 238
Standard photodynamic therapy, modifications of 481
aureus 580, 585, 631, 638
epidermidis 584, 586, 630, 631
Staphyloma, posterior 74, 74f, 75f, 411, 413f
Stargardt's disease 54, 56, 100, 100f, 101, 101f, 102f
Stationary night blindness, congenital 50, 93, 93f
Status postvascular occlusion 230
Status postvitrectomy retina 556f
Steamroller maneuver 523
Steeper posterior staphyloma 77
Stem cell
replacement therapy 101
therapy 143
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 580, 631
Stereoscopic slit-lamp biomicroscopy 165
Stereotypic movements 92
Sterile instruments 582f
Sterilization 475
Steroid 321, 592
exogenous use of 123
injections 367
topical 323
treatment 266
Stickler syndrome 73, 96, 96f, 449
diagnosis of 96
Stimulated emission 472
Stimulation 52
Stimulus 51, 53
Strabismus 389, 519, 670
pneumoniae 586, 587, 638
viridans 580, 581, 583, 584, 587
Stroke 279
Sturge-Weber syndrome 668, 681, 682
Subcapsular cataract, posterior 86
Subclinical retinal detachment 456
Subhyaloid blood 500f
Submacular bleed
large 226f
prognostic factors in 221
Submacular hemorrhage 148, 151f, 156f, 219, 219f, 226
management of 148
Submacular surgery trials 147
Submacular tissue plasminogen activator 225f
Subpigment epithelial detachment 219f
Subretinal bleed 75, 224f, 563, 563f
inferotemporal 174f
Subretinal cannula 565, 566f
Subretinal detachment 302
Subretinal fibrin 41f
Subretinal fibrinous deposits 124
Subretinal fibrosis 171, 624
development of 423f
Subretinal fluid 124, 140f, 156f, 302, 309, 461f, 462f, 500f, 511, 515
internal drainage of 539
management of 516
resolution of 500f
transport 6
Subretinal gas 524
Subretinal neovascularization 355
Subretinal perfluorocarbon liquid 532
Subretinal pigment
epithelial hemorrhage 158
epithelium 136f, 158f, 224f
Subsensory fluid 140f
Subsequent complication 670
Substance P 11
Subtenon's fluid collection 68f
Subthreshold diode micropulse laser 504, 505
photocoagulation, dosing of 505
Subthreshold laser 504
therapy 322
Subthreshold micropulse diode laser 131
Sugiura's sign 428
Sulfur hexafluoride 526, 541, 637
Sunset glow fundus 428f, 624
Super traction 74
Superotemporal branch retinal vein occlusion 25f, 263f
Superotemporal superotemporal horseshoe tears 455f
Suprachoroidal cannula 565, 566f
Suprachoroidal detachment 563
Surgery, goals of 555
Surgical intervention, indications for 572, 575
Surgical techniques 555
Susac's syndrome 423
Sympathetic ophthalmia 164, 171, 428, 623, 624, 625t, 626f, 628t
etiology of 623, 623t
Symptomatic vitreous floaters 506
Synchysis 5, 183
Syndromic retinitis pigmentosa 88
Syneresis 5, 183
Syphilis 90
Syphilitic chorioretinitis 436
Syphilitic posterior placoid chorioretinopathy, acute 436
Systemic antibiotics, role of 592
Systemic arterial hypertension 258
Systemic corticosteroids, high-dose 429
Systemic hamartomatous lesions 668
Systemic lupus erythematosus 367, 488
Systemic sarcoidosis, eye with 425f
Systemic vascular disorders 230
T cell 345
Takayasu's disease 423
Talc maculopathy 655, 656f
Talc-corn starch emboli 652
Tamofen 654
Tamoxifen 652, 654
maculopathy 654
retinopathy 655f
Tamponade, duration of 526
Tangential glancing 621
Tano's diamond dusted membrane scraper 539, 540f
Tazobactam 591
Telangiectasia 355, 359
nonproliferative perifoveal 360
Telescope 240, 242
clip on 243f
types of 243
Temporal retina 11
detachment 456f
Temporal rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 455f
Temporal vascular arcades, narrowing of 389
Tenon's space 67, 68
Terson's syndrome 365, 366
Test duration 53
Therapeutic advances, recent 143
Thermal effects 479, 661
Thiazolidinediones 322
Thioridazine 90, 652, 654
Thoracolumbar kyphosis 81
Threatening macula 553f
Threshold Amsler's grid testing 239
Thrombocytopenia 345
complication of 346
Thrombophilia screen 262
Thrombophlebitis 18
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 369
Thumb-like ped 40f
Thyroid function tests 262
Ticarcillin 591
Tints 240
plasminogen activator 274, 616
spikes 60f
Topographic classification 495
Topoisomerase inhibitor 467
amblyopia 657
anterior segment syndrome 581
retinopathies 54, 652
cati 440
chorioretinitis 440
Toxocariasis 164, 440, 440f
gondii 172
retinochoroiditis 438
Toxoplasmosis 65, 164
lesion 439f
Trabeculectomy 584, 623
Trace array 53
Tractional retinal detachment 63, 63f, 268f, 302, 318, 333, 333f, 336, 350, 393, 449, 451, 462, 512, 528, 550, 553, 559
development 333
Transconjunctival sutureless vitrectomy 542
TransEquatorial lens 474f
Transient visual disturbances 481
Transmitted fluorescence 22, 23f
Transpupillary thermotherapy 361, 494, 494t, 495
Transscleral diode laser 386
cyclophotocoagulation 408
Trauma 69, 189, 466, 453, 571
Traumatic dislocation 571
Traumatic endophthalmitis 587
Traumatic macular hole 198f, 616, 616f
Traumatic optic neuropathy 613
Traumatic retinal
detachment 618
dialysis 452f
Traumatic theory 195
Treponema pallidum hemagglutination 437
Treponema serology 262
Triamcinolone acetonide 192, 538
Triphosphate 14
Tritanopia 105
Trocar 536f
Truncal obesity 88
Trypan blue 192
Tubercular serpiginous-like choroiditis 422
Tuberculin skin test 441
Tuberculoma, post regressed 450f
Tuberculosis 123, 262, 422, 440
Tuberculous choroiditis 125
Tuberous sclerosis 65, 668, 673, 674f
Tumor necrosis factor 164
Tunica vasculosa lentis
anterior 3
posterior 3
Typoscope 247
to reduce glare 242f
Ultrasound biomicroscope 60, 61, 68, 69, 554
instrument of 68
Ultraviolet radiation 480
angiography 406
fluorescein angiography 25, 263
imaging 24
Ultra-widefield fundus 26f
autofluorescence 29
fluorescein angiography 350f, 401f
Upper eyelid infiltration with ptosis 670
Usher syndrome 88, 89f
Uveal disease 69
Uveal melanocytic proliferation, bilateral diffuse 648
Uveal melanoma 670
Uveal prolapse 568f, 619f
Uveitis 189, 228, 230, 438, 466
chronic 571, 589
immune recovery 435
intermediate 228
noninfectious posterior 171
posterior 67
syndrome 171
Valaciclovir 436
Valproic acid 90
Valsalva maneuver 363, 367
phases of 363t
Valsalva retinopathy 363, 364f, 365f
treatment for 364
Valved microcannula, trocar with 536f
Vancomycin 591
Vascular disease 288
Vascular endothelial growth 74
factor 104, 145, 164, 266, 289, 291, 312, 332, 348, 376, 384, 393, 529, 568
Vascular occlusions 41, 189
Vascular theory 195
Vascular tortuosity 389
Vasculitis 228, 624
Vasoactive intestinal peptide 11
Vaso-occlusive diseases 360
Vasovagal attack 18
Vector scan 61f
Venereal disease research laboratory 437
Venous occlusion 228, 452
laser treatment in 484
Venous phase 21
Venous stasis retinopathy 257
Verhoeff's membrane 34
Verteporfin 144
dye injection, technique of 480
photodynamic therapy 154
Very low-density lipoprotein 288
Visceral larva migrans 440
Visco dissection 557
Viscosity 528
Viscous fluid injector 528f
Visible large choroidal vessels 118f
Vision loss 155, 662
common causes of 116
severe 293, 336, 336f, 481
Vision, physiology of 13
Visual acuity 165, 186f, 220, 263, 268, 297f, 395, 403f, 559, 609t, 613, 653
assessment 234
loss 653
measurement of 235
Visual electrophysiological tests 49
Visual evoked potential 55, 56f, 92, 258
motion-onset 55
Visual field 85, 87, 105, 114, 653
analysis 254
assessment 234
constriction 389, 647, 653
loss 508
status 237
testing 114, 237
Visual function, loss of 508
Visual loss 572
moderate 508
potential 49, 118
response 239, 622, 638, 657
A supplements 101
B6 114, 115
D 289
Vitelliform macular dystrophy 164
Vitreal mass 589
Vitrectomized eye 571
Vitrectomy 228, 274, 367, 536, 537, 546, 558, 576, 589, 623, 632
history of 536
modes 537
surgery 567f
system 479f
Vitreomacular adhesion 36, 37f, 183, 184, 184t
Vitreomacular interface 179
disorders of 36, 183
Vitreomacular traction 36, 37f, 183185, 186f, 90, 202, 209, 228, 229, 295, 324, 555, 598
broad-based 182f, 186f, 187f
syndrome 4, 184
Vitreoretinal abnormalities 309
Vitreoretinal adhesion 617
types of 550, 552f
Vitreoretinal interface 350
Vitreoretinal lymphoma, primary 430
Vitreoretinal surgery 116, 394, 542, 600, 601, 619
chromovitrectomy during 193t
complications of 562
digitally assisted 543, 600
field of 562
surgical steps in 536
techniques in 595
Vitreoschisis 180, 181, 181f, 189, 550, 551f
posterior 455
Vitreous 3, 389
biochemical properties of 4
biopsy 591
body, attachment of 179
cells 86
clinical anatomy of 3
cortex 179
development of 3, 4, 4t
embryology of 3
gross anatomy of 3f
infusion suction cutter 595
loss 230
membranes 389
opacities 346
physiology of 3
primary 3
prolapse 630
proteoglycans of 12
role of 333
secondary 4
support 6
tap 591
tertiary 4
theory 195
traction 511
veils 116
wick syndrome 230
Vitreous base 3
anatomy of 4f
avulsion 617
dialysis, inferior 451f
Vitreous cavity 364f, 455f, 519f, 528f, 529f, 556f, 571f
cannula in 566f
gas resorption in 526f
oil-filled 600f
Vitreous detachment
abnormal posterior 183
complete posterior 66f
management of posterior 455
Vitreous hemorrhage 64, 65f, 66f, 189, 333, 336, 342f, 389, 462, 466, 550, 556f, 559, 562, 613, 622
breakthrough 64
nonclearing 551, 553f
post-traumatic 611
recurrent 554, 559
Vitreous substitutes 525, 525b, 600
classification of 525
Vitritis 589, 624
severe 435f
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease 125, 171, 427, 428, 453, 623
acute 427f
chronic 428f
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome 164, 228, 668
Volk QuadrAspheric lens 474f
Vollagen 188
von Hippel angiomatosis 677f
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome 676
von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis 668
Voriconazole 591
Waardenburg syndrome 118
Wagner's syndrome 97, 449
Wald's visual cycle 13f
Warburg syndrome 410
Wegener's granulomatosis 262, 423, 424
ocular manifestations of 424
Weill-Marchesani syndrome 571
Weissenbacher-Zweymüller syndrome 96
Welding arc retinopathy 664
White Amsler's grid pad 239
White blood cell 347
White dot syndromes 171, 419
White lesions 589
Widefield fundus 320f
Wieger's ligament 3
Wong-Mitchell classification 279, 280t
Wooden foreign body 637f
complications 565
contamination of 630
size, large 630
Wrist and thumb sign 81
Wyburn-Mason syndrome 668
X-chrome lenses 240
X-linked retinoschisis 51, 115, 228
Yellow laser over green laser, advantages of 506
Young-Helmholtz trichromatic color vision theory 111
Yttrium-aluminium-garnet 453
vitreolysis 232
Zeaxanthin 141
Zivojnovic style backflush handle 538f
Chapter Notes

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1Basic Sciences and Diagnostics
  1. Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Vitreous and Retina
    Raghav Ravani, Divya Agarwal, Aman Kumar, Yogita Gupta, Rohan Chawla, Atul Kumar
  2. Retinal Imaging
    Atul Kumar, Devesh Kumawat, Divya Agarwal, Raghav Ravani, Kavitha Duraipandi, Anu Sharma
  3. Electrophysiology
    Raghav Ravani, Devesh Kumawat, Priyanka Ramesh, Divya Agarwal, Atul Kumar
  4. Diagnostic Ophthalmic Ultrasonography
    Raghav Ravani, Divya Agarwal, Yogita Gupta, Meghal Gagrani, Atul Kumar2

Clinical Anatomy and Physiology of Vitreous and RetinaCHAPTER 1

Raghav Ravani,
Divya Agarwal,
Aman Kumar,
Yogita Gupta,
Rohan Chawla,
Atul Kumar
The word vitreous literally means like a glass (in appearance or properties). The vitreous is a transparent, hydrophilic, optically clear media that constitutes about 80% of the eye volume. Anteriorly, it is limited by the ciliary body, the zonules, and the lens while posteriorly, it is limited by the retina and forms the vitreoretinal interface. Topographically, vitreous may be classified into: The central or core vitreous and the peripheral or cortical vitreous.
The anterior cortex, consists of condensation of collagenous fibers that attach to the posterior surface of capsule of lens forming the Wieger's ligament or hyaloideocapsular ligament (Fig. 1.1). The presence of crystalline lens leads to a concave, retrolental indentation of the anterior cortex called as the patellar fossa. The potential space between lens and anterior vitreous (anterior hyaloid) which is bordered by Wieger's ligament is called the Berger's space (Fig. 1.1). The pre-equatorial and postequatorial lens zonules enclose a space called the Canal of Hannover. The space between postequatorial zonules and hyaloid zonules is called Canal of Petit. Vitreous base is an area that extends about 2 mm anterior and 3 mm posterior to the ora serrata where the collagen fibers are especially dense and insert firmly (Fig. 1.2). The vitreous cortex is firmly adherent to the internal limiting membrane (ILM) in certain areas: at the region of the vitreous base,1 around the optic disc, at the retinal vessels and around foveola.2,3
Embryology and Development of Vitreous
Embryologically, the vitreous can be divided into primary (primitive), secondary (definitive) and tertiary vitreous, which represent different phases of development of vitreous from various layers of the developing embryo (Table 1.1).
Structural development: In the first month of gestation, at 5–13 mm fetus stage, a fibrillar vascular structure, the primary vitreous, forms from the mesenchymal layer and fills the space formed as the optic cup grows with its lens vesicle. Later the cells of the hyaloid arterial wall presumably secrete the fibrillar material forming the primary vitreous.48 It has a dense vascular plexus (anterior and posterior tunica vasculosa lentis) that mainly provides nourishment to the developing lens.
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Fig. 1.1: Gross anatomy of vitreous.
4In the second month of gestation at 14–70 mm fetus stage, primary vitreous with its vasculature is seen to regress and secondary vitreous forms which is an avascular and compact network of type II collagen fibrils secreted from the neuroectoderm of the optic cup by the 6th week. The primary vitreous is thus eventually replaced by secondary vitreous and the main hyaloid artery disappears and leaves a residual tube of primary vitreous, called Cloquet's canal (Fig. 1.1), surrounded by the secondary vitreous, which extends from the retrolental space to the optic nerve (area of Martegiani). If the regression of primary vitreous fails to occur, it leads to a condition known as persistent fetal vasculature (PFV) (formerly known as persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous or PHPV).
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Fig. 1.2: Anatomy of vitreous base.
TABLE 1.1   Embryological phases of vitreous development.
Developmental vitreous
Primary (primitive) vitreous
Mesenchymal (secreted by embryonic retinal cells and later from cells of penetrating hyaloid artery)48
Secondary (definitive) vitreous
Neuroectodermal (neuroectoderm of optic cup)
Tertiary vitreous
Neuroectodermal (neuroectoderm of the ciliary region)
The tertiary vitreous develops from neuroectoderm in the third month of gestation at stage of 71–110 mm fetal length, which develops as the suspensory fibrils, contains no vessels or nerves and has two main parts: collagen fibers and hyaluronic acid (HA) with high (~98%) water content.
Molecular and cellular development: The two main components of vitreous, i.e., the collagen and HA, are produced in the primary and secondary vitreous. The cells in the primary vitreous differentiate as hyalocytes and fibroblasts in secondary vitreous. The hyalocytes supposedly produces glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), especially HA.9 The collagen may be synthesized from fibroblast or from retina.10,11 The hyalocytes are mononuclear cells found in the posterior vitreous cortex, approximately 30 microns (20–50 microns) from the ILM, with highest density near the vitreous base and posterior pole, and lowest near the equator.12,13
Biochemical Properties of the Vitreous
Vitreous consists of three major structural components: water, collagen fibers, and GAGs. The vitreous contains more than 99% of water. The vitreous exists as a gel-like structure due to the arrangement of long, nonbranching, collagen fibrils which are suspended in a network of HA.1517 The most common type of collagen fibrils are collagen type II, which are composed of helices made of three α-chains, stabilized by hydrogen bonds between opposing residues in different chains.8 Collagen type IX functions as a link between type II collagen fibrils.16,18,19
Posterior Vitreous Detachment and Anomalous Posterior Vitreous Detachment
The vitreoretinal interface is a complex formed by the posterior vitreous cortex, the ILM and an intervening extracellular matrix, consisting of fibronectin, laminin, etc. The vitreous at this interface is believed to be adhered to ILM by an extracellular matrix, causing the adhesion to be fascial.20,21 Chondroitin sulfate exists at sites of strong vitreoretinal adhesions like vitreous base and optic disc, and hence the rationale for pharmacologic vitreolysis using chondroitinase derivatives for disorders of vitreoretinal interface. Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) means separation of posterior vitreous cortex from ILM. PVD begins in the perifoveal region. This is due to vitreous degeneration which may be age-related or due to other secondary causes. The mechanism of 5age-related vitreous degeneration and hence PVD is briefly discussed in following sections.
Synchysis (Liquefaction)22,23
There is age-related increase in central liquid volume of vitreous and decrease in the gel volume leading to formation of vitreous pockets (lacunae) which coalesce to form larger posterior lacuna or bursa or precortical pocket.24 A study observed 20% of the total volume as liquid vitreous as the human eye reaches adult size.22 Changes in collagen or conformational change in HA with subsequent cross-linking of fibrils is postulated mechanism for liquefaction of vitreous.19,25 Changes in minor GAGs and chondroitin sulfate may also play a role in vitreous liquefaction.26 Biochemically, vitreous HA concentration is steady after the age of 20 years22 and liquid vitreous increases with age. With age, an increase in HA content of the liquid vitreous and a concomitant decrease in HA content of the gel vitreous is seen. Thus, a reduction of vitreous HA concentration results in decreased viscosity of vitreous gel, which may be accelerated by cataract surgery or a breach in the posterior capsule of the lens.
Along with age-related liquefaction, there occurs thickening and tortuosity of vitreous fibers and resulting collapse of the vitreous. This collapse of vitreous body is called as syneresis. This is an age-related process, but may occur earlier in some cases like high myopia,27 post-trauma to ocular structures, ocular inflammation and congenital vitreoretinopathies (arthro-ophthalmopathies).28,29
A clean separation between the cortical vitreous and retinal internal limiting lamina (ILL) is called an innocuous PVD.30 In most cases, this may be asymptomatic leading to total separation of cortical vitreous from ILL, resulting in a ring of tissue composed of fibrous astrocytes and collagen at its attachment to the optic disc, called as Weiss ring. This may lead to symptom of a floater. Incidence of PVD is 66% between the ages of 66 and 86 years,31 and 53% after 50 years.32
Anomalous Posterior Vitreous Detachment
This results from liquefaction of vitreous without concurrent weakening of vitreoretinal adherence, leading to various manifestation depending on the level of separation, site of firm adherence and liquefaction. This may lead to either partial thickness detachment called as vitreoschisis,14,33 wherein there is splitting of the posterior vitreous cortex with anterior displacement of a part of cortex, with posterior layer still attached to the retina. Note, this is not to be confused with partial PVD, which means full thickness but incomplete separation of cortical vitreous.
The retina (Latin: rete = net) is the innermost layer and the most comprehensive sensory structure of the eye. It is derived from the optic vesicle and grossly is a thin, transparent membrane with two main components: (1) a pigmented layer (called as retinal pigment epithelium or RPE), and (2) a sensory layer (the neurosensory retina). Embryologically, both are derived from outer and inner layers of the optic vesicle, respectively (Fig. 1.3).
The two layers are attached loosely to each other by various mechanisms, failure of which leads to separation of neurosensory retina from the RPE with accumulation of subretinal fluid, a clinical entity called as retinal detachment.
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Fig. 1.3: Formation of lens vesicle and optic cup. The thin outer wall of optic cup forms the pigmented layer of retina. The thick inner wall forms the neurosensory retina.
6Forces that keep the retina attached can be divided into:
  • Mechanical forces
  • Subretinal fluid transport
  • Metabolic factors
Mechanical Forces
  • Fluid pressure and resistance to flow:
    • Hydrostatic pressure: Contributed by intraocular pressure (IOP)
    • Osmotic pressure: Contributed by extracellular fluid in the choroid
      • Both of the above mentioned forces enhance absorption of fluid out of subretinal space which in turn enhance the binding properties of interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM).
    • Retinal flow resistance because of retina and RPE34,35: Acts to push neurosensory retina against RPE.
  • Vitreous support: Does not directly contribute to attachment of retina, but intact gel form vitreous has a role in preventing pathologic fluid access to subretinal space.3641
  • Mechanical interdigitation: RPE microvilli wrap closely around the tips of outer segments, thus acting as mechanical interdigitation between the RPE and neurosensory retina. Exact mechanism is unknown, but close ensheathment might provide frictional resistance to separation of neurosensory retina and RPE. Electrostatic forces that oppose separation of the membranes may also play a role.42
  • Interphotoreceptor matrix properties: Various properties of IPM like the presence of the viscous material,43 largely due to proteins and glycoproteins and the presence of GAGs44 helps in attachment of the two layers. The presence of cone matrix sheath that remains attached to both RPE and photoreceptors cells may also play a role in attachment of retina.4547
Subretinal Fluid Transport
Retinal pigment epithelium actively transports water from the subretinal space to the choroid.37,48,49 Conditions that keep the subretinal space dehydrated and thereby keeping the matrix viscous, contribute to keep the retina closely apposed, e.g., raising systemic osmolality with mannitol passively increases subretinal fluid absorption50 and thus increases adhesiveness of retina.5153
Metabolic Factors
Metabolic factors like oxygenation, pH, calcium concentration which affect RPE activity and bonding of IPM influence attachment of RPE and neurosensory retina.
Topography of the Retina
The retina proper has a surface area of about 266 mm2. The major landmarks of the retina are: the optic disc, area centralis (macula lutea), and the peripheral retina.
The retina is thickest near the optic disc, where it measures approximately 0.56 mm. The retina becomes thinner in the periphery (approximately 0.18 mm at equator to 0.3 mm at the ora serrata).5457
The Optic Disc
It is a circular to oval well-defined pale pink structure of about 1.5 mm in diameter. All the retinal layers terminate at the optic disc, except the nerve fiber layer (NFL), which pass through the lamina cribrosa and form the optic nerve. The depression within the optic disc is called as the physiological cup. Increase in the size of the cup and/or difference in the size of cup of two eyes should arouse suspicion of glaucomatous damage to nerve fibers and should be evaluated.
Area Centralis55
This region of the retina, located in the posterior fundus temporal to the optic disc, is divided into the fovea and foveola with parafoveal and a perifoveal ring around the fovea. The area is a horizontally elliptical area demarcated approximately by the upper and lower arcuate and temporal retinal vessels with an average diameter of about 5.5 mm. This area corresponds to approximately 15° of the visual field. Histologically, it is the area that contains two or more ganglion cell layers.
Fovea Centralis (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5)
It is the central depressed part of the macula around 1.85 mm in diameter and 0.25 mm in thickness and is approximately 3–4 mm temporal (approximately 2 disc diameter) and 0.8 mm below the center of the optic disc. It corresponds to visual field of 5°.55
It measures 0.35 mm in diameter, 0.13 mm in thickness, and corresponds to the 1° of visual field. It represents area of the highest visual acuity in the retina, consists solely of cone photoreceptors and is avascular.
Parafoveal and Perifoveal Zone
These are areas around the fovea about 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm in diameter, respectively.
Peripheral Retina
It can be divided into following regions:54,55
  • Near periphery—is a circumscribed region of 1.5 mm around the area centralis.
  • Mid periphery—is a 3 mm wide zone around the near periphery.
  • Far periphery is a region that extends from the optic disc, 9–10 mm on the temporal side and 16 mm on the nasal side in the horizontal meridian.
7Ora Serrata
It is the anterior most region of the retina, where the retina ends and ciliary body starts.
  • Dentate processes: These are jetties of retinal tissue extending anteriorly into the pars plana. These are more prominent nasally.
  • Ora bays: These are posterior extension of the pars plana towards the retinal side.
  • Enclosed ora bay: Dentate processes may wrap around a portion of ora bay to form an enclosed ora bay.
  • Meridional fold: It is prominent thickening of retinal tissue extending into the pars plana.
  • Meridional complex: Meridional fold when aligned with a ciliary process is known as meridional complex.
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Fig. 1.4: Schematic diagram of microscopic structure of fovea centralis.
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Fig. 1.5: Optical coherence tomography picture of the macula depicting all the layers.
Microscopic Architecture of the Retina
As seen by light microscopy, the cross-section of the retina consists of different cell types and their synapses, arranged in 10 layers from without inwards as follows (Figs. 1.6 to 1.8):
  • Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
  • Photoreceptor layer of rods and cones
  • External limiting membrane (ELM)
  • Outer nuclear layer
  • Outer plexiform layer (OPL)
  • Inner nuclear layer
  • Inner plexiform layer
  • Ganglion cell layer
  • Nerve fiber layer
  • Internal limiting membrane
Retinal Pigment Epithelium
It is the outermost layer of retina consisting of a monolayer of hexagonal pigmented cells derived from the outer layer of the optic cup. The RPE cells in the macula are taller and denser than in the periphery. It maintains apex-to-apex arrangement with Müllerian glia. RPE layer is continuous with the pigment epithelium of the ciliary body and iris.
Electron microscopy shows that each RPE cell has an apical portion with microvilli which envelope the photoreceptor outer segments. Its basal portion shows plasma membrane infolding and is firmly adherent to the underlying basal lamina of the choroid (Bruch's membrane). These cells are connected with each other by tight junctions (zonula occludens and zonula adherens) near the apices, and thus forming the outer blood-retinal barrier.
Functions of RPE with clinical implications:
  • Fundus on examination has a granular appearance due to unequal pigmentation of the RPE cells giving mottled appearance.
  • The pigment granules of RPE has melanin pigment that absorbs photons of light and minimizes light scatter within the retina.58
  • As explained above, the potential space between RPE and sensory retina is called as subretinal space, and fluid collection in this layer is called as subretinal fluid which leads to retinal detachment. RPE pumps this fluid from the subretinal space at a rate of about 0.3 µL/h/mm2 of RPE (measured in microliters per hour per millimeter square area).5963 Resorption rate of detachment in human eyes has been measured as 0.11 µL/h/mm2 of RPE64 which is about 3.5 mL of fluid per day.
  • The tight junctions between the RPE cells forms the outer blood-retinal barrier. Thus, the selective transport properties of the RPE regulating transepithelial diffusion through paracellular spaces helps maintain environment of the photoreceptors.65
  • RPE is responsible for transport of metabolites through the blood-retinal barrier and for elaboration of the extracellular matrix.66
  • It phagocytoses outer segments of photoreceptors being shed according to their circadian rhythm.67,68 (Rods shed discs at dawn and cones shed at dusk).
  • It helps in polyunsaturated fatty acid metabolism.
  • 8Majority of the regeneration process of 11-cis retinaldehyde (the chromophore found in rhodopsin) occurs in the RPE. This helps in perpetuation of the Wald's visual cycle. Defect in RPE65 (retinal pigment epithelium-specific 65-kDa) gene on chromosome 17 leads to a condition called as Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA type 2) and retinitis pigmentosa.
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    Fig. 1.6: Optical coherence tomography image depicting various layers of the retina.
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    Fig. 1.7: Schematic diagram of microscopic structure of the retina.Source: Modified with permission from textbook on ‘Anatomy and Physiology of Eye, 2nd edition, CBS, 2011 by Dr AK Khurana
    9Recently, gene therapy for LCA with subretinal injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus gene vector carrying altered human RPE65 is being tried and trials are on.69
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Fig. 1.8: Photograph of histological specimen of human retina.Courtesy: Dr Seema Kashyap, Department of Ocular Pharmacology, Dr RP Centre for Ophthalmic Sciences, AIIMS, New Delhi.
Photoreceptor Layer of Rods and Cones
The photoreceptor layer of the retina consists of the rods and cones. These are the end organs of the visual pathway that transform light energy into visual impulse. On an average, there are about 120 million rods and 6.5 million cones in the human eye. As seen on electron microscopy, these photoreceptors are arranged as mosaic, composition of which varies in different regions of the retina depending on the density variation of both rods and cones in different regions of the retina (Figs. 1.9 and 1.10).
Rod photoreceptor: These are about 40–60 microns long. The highest density of rods are below the optic disc and their number gradually reduces towards the periphery. Rods are absent at the fovea in an area of 0.35 mm, which corresponds to 1.25° of the visual field. It consists of the following:
  • Outer segment: It is cylindrical, refractile, transversely serrated and contains a photosensitive substance—rhodopsin. The rod photoreceptor outer segment is composed of numerous lamellar lipoprotein discs (around 6,000–10,000/rod, each about 22.5–24.5 nm thick) stacked together and surrounded by a cell membrane.
  • Inner segment: It is thicker than the outer segment consisting of two regions, ellipsoid and myoid.
    • Ellipsoid (the outer portion) contains abundant mitochondria.
    • Myoid (the inner portion) contains glycogen and other organelles.
  • Cell body and nucleus: Lies in the outer nuclear layer. It arises from the inner end of the rod, passes through the ELM and swells into a densely staining nucleus called the rod granule. This terminates into a bulbous structure called the spherule.
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Fig. 1.9: Microscopic (schematic) structure of rod cell.
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Fig. 1.10: Microscopic (schematic) structure of cone cell.
Cone photoreceptor: It has following parts—
  • Outer segment: Cone outer segment is conical in shape, shorter than that of the rod. It contains pigment–iodopsin. The outer segment is composed of lamellar discs (around 1,000–1,200 discs/cone) which are in continuity with the surface plasma membrane.
  • 10Inner segment: It is similar in structure to rod inner segment, consisting of ellipsoid and myoid. Ellipsoid is larger than that of rod and has more numerous mitochondria.
  • Cell body and nucleus: Cone inner segment becomes directly continuous with its nucleus and lies in the outer nuclear layer. A stout cone inner fiber runs from the nucleus which ends in lateral processes called cone pedicle.
On OCT, interphase between inner and outer segment of photoreceptors is seen as a hyper-reflective band, previously known as IS-OS junction. The term is now disputed. The correct terminology is ellipsoid zone which is hyper-reflective due to increased density of mitochondria. Myoid zone is a hyporeflective region situated between ellipsoid zone and external limiting membrane. It contains inner segment of photoreceptors and is hyporeflective due to paucity of mitochondrias.
Interphotoreceptor matrix: The IPM occupies the space between the photoreceptor outer segments and the RPE. It is a viscous structure consisting of proteins, glycoproteins, GAGs and proteoglycans. Functionally, IPM plays a role in physiological attachment of retina, facilitation of phagocytosis and probably in alignment of photoreceptor outer segment. The interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (IRBP) accounts for 70% of the soluble proteins in the IPM. Its primary function is transport of retinoids between the photoreceptors and the RPE. Thus, minimizes the fluctuations in retinoid availability and protects the plasma membranes from the toxic effects of high retinoid concentration.
External Limiting Membrane
It is a fenestrated membrane through which the processes of the photoreceptors pass. It is not a true basement membrane and electron microscopy studies show that the ELM is formed by the zonula adherens between the Müller cells and the plasma membrane of photoreceptors.
Outer Nuclear Layer
This multilayered outer nuclear layer is formed by the nuclei of rods and cones. Rod nuclei forms the major bulk of this layer except in the foveal region which is dominated by cone nuclei.
Outer Plexiform Layer
This layer consists of synapses between photoreceptors with bipolar cells and processes of the horizontal cells. Thus, it represents junction of the end organs of visual pathway and its first-order neurons in the retina.55 This layer is thickest at the macula and consists predominantly of oblique fibers from the fovea known as Henle's layer.
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Fig. 1.11: Fundus fluorescein angiography showing typical petalloid leak in cystoid macular edema (CME).
  • Consists of intercellular junctions and synapses, which may act as a functional barrier to diffusion of fluids and metabolites. This functional barrier may retard or prevent the spread of exudates, hemorrhages, and cysts from spreading through the entire retinal thickness.
  • It is in a watershed zone of vascular supply of the retina and is sensitive to variations in the circulatory supply from either of the vascular sources, i.e., choroidal or retinal. Thus, it is vulnerable to metabolic insult due to senile choriocapillary atrophy or age-related thickening of Bruch's membrane.
  • The OPL is established site of formation of retinal cysts during aging, advanced stage of which is represented by senile retinoschisis.
  • OPL is the most frequent site of exudate and hemorrhage accumulation in patients with retinal vasculopathy.
Inner Nuclear Layer
The inner nuclear layer consists of 8–12 rows of closely packed nuclei of the bipolar cells, horizontal cells, amacrine cells, interplexiform cells and supportive Müller cells.55
Horizontal cells: The flat horizontal cells serve to modulate and transform visual information received from the photoreceptors. The concentration of horizontal cells is highest at the fovea and decreases towards the periphery. Horizontal cells are seen by light microscopy to have short processes and long processes that stem from the base of a short process or directly from the perikaryon. A characteristic feature of horizontal cells 11is the presence of an intracytoplasmic inclusion, the Kolmer crystalloid or body.
Bipolar cells: The bipolar cells are the second-order neurons in the visual pathway and are radially oriented in the retina. Nine main type of bipolar cells have been distinguished71 based on morphology and synaptic relationships.
  1. Rod or mop
  2. Invaginating midget
  3. Flat midget
  4. Flat diffuse or brush
  5. Invaginating diffuse
  6. On-center blue cone
  7. Off-center blue cone
  8. Giant bistratified
  9. Giant diffuse invaginating.
Rod bipolar cells constitute 20% of the total population and are present 1 mm from the fovea. The invaginating midget cells are the smallest of the bipolar cells. There is a one-to-one ratio (1:1) of midget bipolar cells and the cones at the fovea.71 All types of bipolar cells have a similar ultrastructure. Most of the midget and diffuse bipolar cells are glutamatergic. A subpopulation of bipolar exhibits strong immunolabeling for glycine. The bipolar cells transmit signals from the photoreceptors and pass it on to the ganglion cells either directly or indirectly via amacrine cells.
Müller cells: Müller cells are the largest of all cells in the retina, and extend from the external to the ILMs. The cell bodies of Müller cells occupy most of the inner intermediate layer of the inner nuclear layer. Embryonically, Müller cells are derived from the inner layer of the optic vesicle. During development of the retina, these cells have an important role in the orientation, displacement and positioning of the developing neurons. They are the principal glial cells of the retina and conserve the structural alignment of its neuronal elements.
Amacrine cells: The cell body of the amacrine cells lie internal to the nuclei of the Müller cells. Each amacrine cell has a single process with extensive branching. The amacrine processes thus extends over a wide area in the inner plexiform layer. The neurotransmitter substances associated with amacrine cell function include both neuroactive substances [acetylcholine, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine, dopamine, serotonin] and neuropeptides (cholecystokinin, enkephalin, glucagon, neurotensin, somatostatin, substance P, neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal peptide). Two or more of these neuromodulating chemicals may be present in one cell. Most amacrine cells contain γ-aminobutyric acid and glycine, which have an inhibitory action on the ganglion cells.72,73
Inner Plexiform Layer
It is the junction of the bipolar cells (the second-order neurons) with ganglion cells (the third-order neurons). The bipolar cells act as afferent and the ganglion cell acts as efferent to this layer. The amacrine cells mediate interactions within the layer which in turn provides input to the interplexiform cells. Thus, bipolar cells synapse with process of amacrine cells and the dendrites of ganglion cells. In addition to synapses between various cell types, this layer contains processes of the Müller cells and an abundant microvasculature. This layer is absent from the foveola. The dendrites of all bipolar cells have receptors for GABA-A suggesting that inhibition feedback from amacrine cells is mediated by GABA-A.
Ganglion Cell Layer
This layer is composed of the cell bodies of ganglion cells (the third-order neurons). Processes of Muller cells and branches of retinal vessels are also present. It forms two layers at the temporal side of the optic disc, about 6–8 layers at the edge of the foveola and is single layered in the peripheral retina. Ganglion cell layer is absent at foveola and at optic nerve head. Ganglion cells are packed closely together except at the periphery. There are about 1.2 million ganglion cells in the retina with overall cone: ganglion cell ratio of 2.9:1–7.5:1. The axons of these cells form the optic nerve. The ganglion cells can be divided into two major types—M cells and P cells. The M cells project to the magnocellular layer of the lateral geniculate body and exhibit nonopponent responses. The P cells project to the parvocellular layers of the lateral geniculate body. The P cells are further divided into P1 cells or midget and P2 or small bistratified.
Nerve Fiber Layer
The nerve fiber layer contains the axons of the ganglion cells (also called as the centripetal fibers), a rich capillary bed and centrifugal (efferent) fibers along with glial cells. The axons remain unmyelinated until they reach the lamina cribrosa of the optic nerve. The nerve fiber layer is thickest at the nasal edge of the disc (about 20–30 µm). The thickness decreases from the optic disc to the ora serrata. The papillomacular bundle represents the thinnest portion of the nerve fiber layer around the optic disc.
Arrangement of nerve fibers in the retina (Fig. 1.12):
  • The fibers within the nerve fiber layer course parallel to the surface of the retina, compared to the rest of the fibers of the sensory retina which are perpendicular to it.
  • Nasal retina: Fibers of the nasal half of the retina reach to the optic nerve as superior and inferior radiating fibers.
  • Temporal retina: Fibers from the macular region pass straight in the temporal part of the optic disc as papillomacular bundle.
  • Fibers from rest of the temporal retina arch above and below the macular and papillomacular bundle as superior and inferior arcuate fibers.
Nerve fiber layer thickness at the disc (From thinnest to thickest): In eyes with normal optic nerves, the RNFL at the 12optic disc border shows a double hump configuration with the mean highest mean thickness in the inferior quadrant (mean ± S.D: 266 ± 64 micron), followed by the superior quadrant (240 ± 57 micron), the nasal quadrant (220 ± 70 micron), and finally the temporal quadrant (170 ± 58 micron).
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Fig. 1.12: Arrangement of nerve fibers in the retina.
Internal limiting membrane: It forms the innermost layer of the retina. The ILM along with posterior vitreous cortex form the vitreoretinal interface. The fibrils of the vitreous merge with the internal lamellae of the ILM. This layer mainly consists of a periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) positive true basement membrane, unlike ELM. The ILM consists mainly of four elements:
  1. Collagen fibrils
  2. Proteoglycans of the vitreous (especially HA)
  3. The basement membrane
  4. The plasma membrane of the Müller cells and other glial cells of the retina.
In posterior retina, the ILM attains a thickness of 0.5–2.0 µm. It is thickest at the fovea, but is absent at the edge of the optic disc. The ILM generally thickens with aging and is interrupted at the ora serrata.
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Fig. 1.13: Schematic diagram showing arrangement of retinal capillaries.
Blood Supply of the Retina (Fig. 1.13)
  • Outer four layers of retina: Receive nutrition from the choriocapillaris.
  • Inner six layers of the retina: Receive blood supply from the central retinal artery.
  • Capillary network exists in most of the extramacular fundus, which can be divided into superficial and deep.
    • Superficial capillary network lies at the level of the nerve fiber layer.
    • 13Deep capillary network lies between inner nuclear layer and outer plexiform layer.
  • Fovea is an avascular zone and receives its nutrition from choriocapillaris.
  • Macula receives its blood supply by branches from superior and inferior temporal branches of the central retinal artery. In approximately 10% cases, cilioretinal artery (from the ciliary system) is seen to supply the macula.
  • Foveal avascular zone is a capillary-free zone in the fovea of about 500 µm in diameter.
  • Parafoveal zone has a three-layered capillary network, which becomes four-layered in the peripapillary region to support the extremely thick nerve fiber layer.
Choroidal circulation: The nutrition to retina is from two different circulatory systems—the retinal circulation and the choroidal or uveal circulation. Both the circulatory systems are derived from the ophthalmic artery, the first branch of the internal carotid artery.
The major branches of the ophthalmic artery are the central retinal artery, the posterior ciliary arteries, and the muscular branches. Typically, two posterior ciliary arteries exist—a medial and a lateral—but occasionally a third superior posterior ciliary artery is seen.
The posterior ciliary arteries further divide into two long posterior ciliary arteries and numerous short posterior ciliary arteries. The outer layer of choroidal vessels, known as the Haller's layer merges with smaller vessels in middle Sattler's layer. The posterior choriocapillaris is supplied by these short posterior ciliary arteries, which enter the choroid in the peripapillary and submacular region. The anterior choriocapillaris is supplied by recurrent branches from the long ciliary arteries and anterior ciliary arteries. The watershed zone of the anterior and posterior choroidal circulatory systems is at the equator.
The choroid is by far the most vascular portion of the eye with following functions:
  • It is responsible for the nourishment of the photoreceptor–RPE complex.
  • Acts as a heat sink and removes the large amount of heat that develops as a result of the metabolic processes initiated when photons strike the photopigments and the melanin of the RPE and choroid.
  • It probably also serves as a mechanical cushion for the internal structures of the eye.
The term visual cycle was given by George Wald (1906–1997; who received the Nobel Prize in 1967 for this cycle named after him). It is a chain of biochemical reactions following exposure to light so that a steady state equilibrium is maintained between the rate of photo decompensation and photo regeneration. The processing of visual information begins with the detection of light by photoreceptor cells. In the photoreceptors, there occurs a cycle of rhodopsin bleaching and regeneration.
Rhodopsin is a photosensitive visual pigment in the rod outer segments. It has protein opsin and a carotenoid called retinal. The first step in the visual cycle is the absorption of photon's energy by 11-cis retinal inducing it to convert into a more stable all-trans-retinal. This process is called bleaching. Then a series of conformational changes in rhodopsin leads to the formation of photoexcited metarhodopsin II (Fig. 1.14). Rhodopsin (500 nm)→Bathorhodopsin (543 nm) →Lumirhodopsin (497 nm)→Metarhodopsin-I (480 nm) →Metarhodopsin-II (380 nm).
After release from opsin, the fate of all-trans-retinal differs in rods and cones. In cones, re-isomerization can occur in neural retina regenerating 11-cis retinal that recombines with the bleached rhodopsin. In rods all-trans-retinal is converted to all-trans-retinol by retinol dehydrogenase and transported to interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein to the RPE. In the RPE, all-trans-retinol is esterified to all-trans-retinyl ester which is re-isomerized to 11-cis-retinol. It is then stored in RPE as 11-cis-retinyl palmitate or converted back to 11-cis-retinal and transported to rod outer segments.
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Fig. 1.14: Wald's visual cycle.(NAD: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide; NADH: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide reduced)
The process of translation of the information in light stimulus into electrical signals is known as visual transduction. Metarhodopsin-II activates the heterotrimeric G-protein—transducins. Transducin is a G protein that consists of alpha, beta and gamma subunits. It binds to opsin after a conformational change at metarhodopsin II. Guanosine diphosphate (GDP) is bound to the T alpha subunit and during transduction, it is displaced by guanosine-5’-triphosphate (GTP)-causing transducing molecule to separate into a T-alpha GTP and a beta-gamma complex. Activated phosphodiesterase (PDE) catalyzes conversion of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to 5’ guanosine monophosphate (GMP) (Fig. 1.15).
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Fig. 1.15: Schematic diagram depicting the process of transduction(GDP: guanosine diphosphate; GTP: guanosine-5’-triphosphate; GMP: guanosine monophosphate; cGMP: cyclic guanosine monophosphate; PDE: phosphodiesterase)
This leads to the hyperpolarization of these cells, which changes the transmission of glutamate-mediated neuronal signals. This initiates a downstream action potential by ganglion cells that convey signals to the brain. The cells return to its resting state (depolarized) by production of cyclic GMP by guanylate cyclase (GC) activated by Ca+2 entering the cells.
Recoverin Cycle
Inhibition of the photocascade can occur at several stages. Activated rhodopsin may be switched off by phosphorylation or by binding of arrestin to its phosphorylation sites. Activated PDE will continue to hydrolyze cyclic GMP until it recombines with the PDE gamma subunits. Tα-GTP is then inactivated by hydrolysis to Tα-GDP which recombines with Tβγ complex. During light stimulation calcium influx through cGMP controlled channels is inhibited. This stimulates the activity of recoverin which in turn activates GC. This enzyme increases cyclic GMP production leading to reopening of ion channels and membrane depolarization.
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