Practical Guide to Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Chaitanya Nagori, Sonal Panchal
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen 88, 96, 99, 267, 376
axial section of 98f
transverse section of 99f
Abdominal circumference
measurement of 98
stomach for 88, 96
Aberrant right subclavian artery 58, 63, 77
Abnormal ductus venosus flow 54f
Abortion 30f
higher risk of 114
process of 618
rate 564
spontaneous 166
Abruption 125
Achieropodia 281
Achondrogenesis 281, 282, 285f, 286, 292, 298
Achondroplasia 49f, 279, 287, 288f, 298
Acrania 36f, 41, 42, 43f
Acrocephaly 276
Acromesomelia 298
Adenocarcinomas 619
Adenomyoma 466f, 467f
Adenomyosis 413f, 415f, 461f, 462, 463f, 464f, 466, 466f, 467f
heterogeneous myometrial echogenicity of 463f
salt and pepper appearance of 463f
ultrasound features of 467b
Adenosine triphosphate 130
Adherent placenta, morbidly 378
Adnexa 535
Adnexal region, B-mode transvaginal ultrasound image of 528f
Agenesis, pulmonary 200
Airways, location in 178
Alcohol 150
Alloimmunization 198, 353
Alobar holoprosencephaly 325f
Alpha-fetoprotein 70, 83, 84
American Fertility Society Classification 438f
Amniocentesis 300, 352
indications of 352
procedure 352f
Amniotic bleeding 80
Amniotic fluid 117, 352
amount 117
index 101, 128
assessment of 102f
measurement of 129f
Amniotic membrane 35
Anal atresia 264, 271
feature of 264f
Analgesic agent 524
Androgen 417
excess 542
Androstenedione 558
levels 565
secretion 560
Anechoic adnexal cystic lesion, B-mode ultrasound image of 607f
Anechoic gestational sac 617
Anechoic irregular cystic spaces 463
Anechoic ovarian cyst, thin-walled 606f
Anemia 52, 80, 107
Anencephaly 37, 4143, 82, 90f, 329
Anesthesia 596
Aneuploidy 60, 70f, 108, 310
fetus 76f
history of 70
markers of 70
screening for 69, 83
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 208
Ankle, pathological contracture of 281
Anomalous pulmonary venous connection 237
Anovulatory cycles 420
Anteflexion, acute 411
Anterior abdominal wall defect 48
Anteroposterior renal pelvic diameter 250, 251, 251f
Anteverted anteflexed uterus, midsagittal plane of 409f
Anti-D immunoglobulin 349
Anti-D prophylaxis 306
Antiepileptic drug
effects of 163
syndrome 153, 163
Anti-Mullerian hormone 554, 563, 574
Antinuclear antibody 167
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 125, 159, 167, 168
Antiretroviral therapy 165
Antiseptics 352
Antispasmodic agent 524
Antral follicles
count 545, 553, 562, 575, 576f, 578, 579
number of 543, 572
total number of 577
Aorta 214, 238
coarctation 234, 235f
descending 172, 217, 238, 239
hypoplastic 226
Aortic arch 88, 216f, 218f
abnormalities 220
anomalies 234
interrupted 236, 236f
left 238
retrograde flow in 226
right 237, 238
uses for 216
Aortic atresia 226
Aortic coarctation 164
Aortic isthmus 138f
flow 137
Aortic override 230
Aortic roots 207
Aortic stenosis 164
Aplasia, pulmonary 200
Apodia 281
Arcus tendineus fascia 629
Arms 277
Arrhythmias 198
Arterial duct
retrograde flow in 230
reverse flow in 226
Arterial poles 207
Arterial trunk 220, 230
Artery 400f
pulmonary 214, 215f, 221f, 226, 230, 238
Arthritis 167
Arthrogryposis 298, 378
Artifact, mirror image 22
Artificial intelligence 387
Ascites 42, 312
Ascitic fluid, aspiration of 596, 607
Asepsis 610
Aseptic precaution 524
Asphyxiating thoracic
dysplasia 278, 298
dystrophy 286, 298
Aspiration needles, designs of 597
Assisted reproductive technology 306, 394, 581
Asthma 145, 155
anorectal 269, 272
congenital bronchial 194
pulmonary 46, 225, 229, 239
Atretic follicles 581f
Atrial chambers 213
Atrial isomerism, left 210
Atrial septal defect 164
Atrial septum 207
Atrioventricular connections 229f
Atrioventricular junction 213, 220
Atrioventricular septal defect 46, 46f, 220, 220f, 309
Atrioventricular valves 213, 223f
Atrioventriculobulbar loop, formation of 207f
Atrium 207, 318f
Atypia 487
Autoimmune 145
Azathioprine 168
Balloon catheter 527, 527f
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 108, 187
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 27, 40, 70, 84
Beta-thalassemia disease 151, 166
Binocular diameter 94
Biochemical screening 62
Biophysical profile, role of 141
attachment 606
forceps 350
Biparietal diameter 52, 89, 91
assessment of 91f
Bird's nest appearance 503f
Bladder 88
abnormalities 251
distended 377
exstrophy 261
neck funneling 632, 635
neck mobility 632, 633, 635
postoperative 639
tumors 633, 634
volume 633
measurement 633
wall thickness 632, 633
Blake's pouch cyst 93
Blastocyst transfer 602
Blastoma, pleuropulmonary 185
Bleeding, irregular 499
flows 432
pressure 148
diastolic 153
systolic 153, 162
vessels 446
B-mode 17, 114, 582, 587
Bochdalek hernia, posterolateral 186
Body mass index 70, 87, 577579
Bone 23
defects, nomenclature of 276
densities 515
short long 58, 61
Bowel atresia 60
Brachycephaly 90f, 276
Brachydactyly 281
Brain damage, nonspecific 340
Brainstem 57
Breath sound 191
Brenner tumor 505
Broad ligament fibroid 510
Bronchial atresia 194
Bronchogenic cyst 182, 192, 194
Bronchopulmonary sequestration 172, 174, 174f, 182, 193, 198
Bulbus cordis 207
Bullet sign 604
Caliper placement 72
Calvarial bones 318f
Calyceal dilation 251
Campomelic dysplasia 277, 284, 285f, 288, 298, 299
Camptodactyly 281
Cannula 603
Carbamazepine 150, 163
Carcinoma, endometrial 489
Cardiac abnormality 37, 46, 51
specific 220
Cardiac anomaly 61
Cardiac axis 210, 211f
abnormal 208
Cardiac defects 264
Cardiac disease 125, 145, 153, 164
Cardiac focus, echogenic 58, 59
Cardiac lesion 154, 155, 164
Cardiac malformations 271
Cardiac situs 209f
Cardiac size 211
Cardiomyopathy 198
Cardiovascular abnormalities 42, 309
Cardiovascular system 186, 206
abnormalities of 206
Casamassima-Morton-Nance syndrome 291
Catastrophic mosaics 584
Catheter 350
types 605
Caudal regression syndrome 296, 297f
Cavum septum pellucidum 89, 89f, 91f, 92f, 250f, 318f, 319, 321
Central endometrial line, deviation of 412f
Central nervous system 153, 186, 249, 271, 365, 371
malformations 317
Cephalocele 298, 329
Cerebellar diameter, measurement of 127f
Cerebellar hypoplasia 93
Cerebellar vermis 368
Cerebellum 53, 92f, 93
measurements of 93f
posterior concavity of 93f
cortex 337
matastases 53
maturation 335
palsy, risk of 608
vasculature 371, 371f
Cerebro-occulofacial skeletal syndrome 298
Cerebrovascular accidents 79
anomaly 437
assessment 613, 620, 624, 625
canal 30f, 471, 603, 614, 621
anomalies, classification of 449
cannula 603
die 504
dilatation 621
ectopic pregnancy 613, 617
enlargement 620
fibroid 472f, 614, 616, 616f
funneling 625
glands, inflammation of 616
incompetence 623
insufficiency 620
length 453
ultrasonographic 626
lesion 619
malignancy 618, 621, 634
mucus 614f
preovulatory 419f
polyps 416f, 485f, 614
pregnancy 29
stenosis 421
strip, tumor-free 619
ultrasonography 625
wall 30f
Cervix 410, 415, 442, 475, 486, 527, 613, 620, 622, 626
anatomy of 613f
transvaginal scan of 623f
ultrasound image of 620f, 622f, 624f
distal part of 613
distortion of 624
long axis of 622f
normal 449
transvaginal assessment of 613
Chagas disease 310
Chaotic arrangement 467
Chaotic vascular
architecture 513
branching pattern 489
Chest 375
computed tomography of 184
wall, anterior 191f
X-ray 184
Chiari malformation 326f, 327, 330f
Chlamydia 527
Chocolate cyst 501
Choledochal cyst 272
Chondroectodermal dysplasia 286, 288, 291, 298
Chorioamnionitis 626
Chorioangiomas 37, 38, 38f, 116, 116f
Choriocarcinoma 115
Chorionic plate 108
Chorionic tissue 350
Chorionic villus
biopsy 349, 350f
sampling 69, 349b, 351
Choroid plexus 89f, 318f
cyst 58, 59, 59f, 59t, 78, 81, 81f, 90f
glomus of 319f
Chromolaparoscopy 533
Chromosomal abnormality 41, 84, 107, 125, 187, 249
diagnosis of 360
Chromosomal anomaly 51, 62, 609
risk of 195
Chromosomal microarray 188
Circumvallate placenta 109, 110, 110f
Cisterna magna 92f, 93, 93f, 319f, 326f
disappearance of 326f
obliteration of 330f
Clavicle length 127
lip 44, 82, 298, 358, 360f, 361f
palate 41, 44, 82, 298, 361f
Cleidocranial dysplasia 278
Clenched hand 82
Clinodactyly 58, 60, 82, 280, 281
Clomiphene citrate 582
Cloverleaf skull 276
Clubfeet 49f, 82, 298, 299
Collagen vascular disease 125
Color flow mapping 76
Condom 597
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia 174, 175, 182, 184, 186, 186f, 188t, 191, 198
classical triad of 187f
etiopathogenesis of 186fc
genetics of 186f
Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome 172, 174, 195
causes of 196f
progression of 196fc
Congenital pulmonary airway malformation 172, 174, 175, 177180, 182, 183fc, 185fc, 198
genetics of 181
postnatal 178t
prenatal classification of 178t
Conjoined twins 384
Connective tissue 474
Contingent sequential test 65
coiling pattern of 118, 121
length of 118
around neck 72
attachment 106
cyst 122
insertion 48f
marginal 120
mucoid degeneration of 118
parameters 119, 119t
round neck 122, 123f
thickness, abnormal 118
tumor 118
vessels, normal 379
Corona radiata 426
Coronal plane 88, 99
Corpora lutea 423
Corpus callosum 368
agenesis of 82, 322, 368
Corpus luteum 25, 25f, 433, 496498, 498f, 499f, 591, 592
B-mode image of 433f
spectral Doppler image of 433f
Cranial sutures 367f
Cri-du-Chat syndrome 195
Crown-rump length 28, 32f, 33, 35, 43, 50, 50f, 71, 72f, 126, 242f, 328f
measurement of 50f, 126f
Cuboidal granulosa cells 424
Cumulus oophorus 426
Cusco's speculum 602, 603
Cyclic motility 340
Cyclophosphamide 168
Cyclopia 45
Cystadenocarcinoma, serous 510, 512f
benign serous 510
serous 496, 510f, 516
Cystic adenomatoid malformation, congenital 209, 309
Cystic adnexal lesions 403
Cystic components 507
Cystic dysplasia 260
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia 482f
Cystic fibrosis 60, 80
Cystic glandular hyperplasia 482f
Cystic hygroma 50, 53, 82, 309f
Cystic lesion 497f, 498f, 501
contents of 519
mixed 519
Cystic polycystic ovary 556
Cystic renal disease 256
Cystic walls, characteristics of 513
Cystocele 633, 636
Cystourethrocele 629, 633
Cysts 495f, 496
abdominal 270, 272
aspiration 184, 596, 605, 607
technique 606b
differential diagnosis of 194t
duplication 193
enteric 182
fimbrial 510
follicular 492, 493, 494f
hemorrhagic 492, 496, 499, 500f
hepatic 272
mesenteric 272
myometrial 457f, 459, 464f
neuroenteric 182, 193, 194
nonseptated clear 493
omental 272
paratubal 510
septal 108
simple 492, 494, 495
typical thin-walled 493f
Cytokine 564
Cytomegalovirus 60, 78, 79, 156, 352
infection 145
Dacryocystocele, congenital 364
malformation 93, 327, 328
anomalies of 328
incidence of 328
syndrome 93, 370f
variant 327, 328
Dawson-Mueller catheter 607
Defecatory dysfunction 639
Denys-Drash syndrome 187
Deoxyribonucleic acid 62, 272, 271, 352
Dermoids 492, 507, 508
Detrusor overactivity 633
marker of 633
Detrusor wall thickness 633
Dextrocardia 37
Diabetes mellitus 145, 159, 208, 560
gestational 161, 162, 337
maternal 340
preconceptional 107
severe 125
Diaphragmatic hernia, congenital 174, 175, 182, 184, 186, 186f, 188t, 191, 198
Diastematomyelia 373
Diastrophic dysplasia 278, 288, 298
sulfate 288
Dichorionic diamniotic twins 32f, 306
pregnancy 262f
Diencephalon 50
Diethylstilbestrol 438
Discoid rash 167
Discordant umbilical arteries 118, 120, 120f
Disseminated peritoneal leiomyomatosis 472
Dominant follicle grows 581
Donnai-Barrow syndrome 187
Donor sperm 306
assessment, technique of 130
frequency 11
sonosalpingography 531
Dorsal lithotomy 630
Double outlet right ventricle 220, 231, 233f
Down's fetuses 52
Down's syndrome 40, 52, 55, 61, 65t, 69, 187
diagnosis of 55
incidence of 84
Drugs 150
Ductal arch 88
view of 216, 217
Ductus venosus 65, 73, 84, 97, 133f, 139, 217
Doppler 73, 182
flow 50, 53, 55
spectral Doppler of 135f, 137f
Dumbbell-shaped cerebellum 319f
Duodenal atresia 42, 47, 61, 82, 195, 268, 269, 356
Duplication cyst, enteric 194
Dysgerminoma 506f
Dysmenorrhea 499
Dysostoses 275
Dyspareunia 499, 639
Dysplasia, ectodermal 298
Dyspnea 164
Dysuria 639
abnormalities 358, 360
low-placed 41, 46f
short low-placed 45
Ebstein's anomaly 38f, 46, 46f, 224f, 239
Ebstein's malformation 224
Echocardiography 47, 188
Echogenic bowel 58, 63, 78, 80
Echogenic nonhomogeneous endometrium 483f
Echogenicity 431
hemorrhagic 497
level of 458, 510
Echovist 532, 533
Eclampsia 148
Ectopic pelvic kidney 247f, 249f
Ectopic pregnancy
abdominal 31, 31f
previous 524
Ectrodactyly 294, 295f, 298
ectodermal dysplasia 296
Edema 478
Edwards syndrome 187
Elastography 466, 468f
Electrical interference 22, 23f
Electronic scalpel 536
Ellis forceps 602
Ellis van Creveld syndrome 288, 298
Embryo 26, 584
development of 334
passage of 604
transfer 596, 601, 605b
cannula 614
catheter 603f
technique 604
ultrasound-guided 604f
Embryologic development, normal 267
Encephalocele 43f
Endometrial cavity 414f, 417f, 419f, 439, 444f, 453, 480f, 481f, 486, 523f, 530f, 536f, 537f
division of 415f
Endometrial columnar epithelium 588
Endometrial lesions 474
differential diagnosis of 486
Endometrial metaplasia 482
endometrial cyst of 483f
Endometrial polyp 413f, 483f
B-mode ultrasound image of 483f
Endometrial synechiae 413f, 488
Endometrial thickness 26, 417, 454, 475
assessment of 587f
measurement 417f
Endometrial tissue 463
Endometrial vascularity 589, 589f
spectral Doppler image of 590f
Endometrial-myometrial junction 412, 412f, 451, 455f, 475, 482, 588
calcifications 480f
Endometrioma 492, 499502, 502f, 504f, 574
characterization of 502
risk of 596
therapy for 502
Endometriosis 492, 500, 502, 524, 537
Endometriotic patch 503
acute 478, 478f
chronic 478, 479, 480, 480f
inflammatory 480
postpartum 478
tuberculous 479, 479b
Endometrium 411, 412f, 414, 418, 431, 469, 474, 475f, 483f, 488f, 587, 588, 591t, 592, 593f
B-mode ultrasound image of 588f
heterogeneous 421
homogeneous 481
hyperechoic 482f
hyperplastic 482, 485
hypervascular 486f
interrupted 459
morphology of 587
multilayered 420f
nonuniform 475f
normal 412f
polyp 484f
thickened 489f
thin linear 414f
Endomyometrial junction 462
Endopelvic fascia 629, 632, 636
Enterocele 633, 638
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 165
Epilepsy 162
Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor 114, 115
Erythema infectiosum 165
Esophageal atresia 267, 269, 271
Esophagus 375
Estrogen 417, 474, 479, 481, 592
Ethanol 208
Eustachian valve 217
Exencephaly 42, 43f, 90f
Exophytic ovarian tumor 506f
Extracellular matrix 171
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 184
Extrafetal abnormality 58
Extrafetal markers 61
Extralobar sequestration 175t
abnormalities of 281, 298
absence of 280
medial angle of 364f
movements 335
Eyelid 336f
abnormalities 357
angle 56
anomalies 44
cleft 364f
expressions 336
movements 336t
Failing fertility 488
Fallopian tube 523, 523f, 524, 526f, 528, 534, 534f, 535, 536f
masses of 401
Fallot's tetralogy 46
Fasting glucose, impaired 161
Fatigue 164
abnormal 277
absence of 281
evaluation of 280
Female genital tract 394
anomalies 440t
classification of 439f
Female pelvic
anatomy 631f
B-mode ultrasound image of 9f
Female reproductive organs 407f, 408f
Femoral hypoplasia
abnormal facies syndrome 298
unusual facies syndrome 294
Femur 277
length 81
short 63, 81, 292
simple hypoplasia of 292
Fertility, preservation of 524
Fetal 361f
abdomen 261f
axial section of 80f
activity, normal 334
akinesia 198
deformation sequence 296, 297f, 298, 299
anemia 314
aneuploidies 84t
anomaly, soft markers for 76
arrhythmias 314
assessment 198
behavior 334, 337
pressure 128
sampling 300
brain 367, 368f
status 335
transventricular scan of 322f
cardiac output 128
central nervous system abnormalities 317
chromosomal aneuploidies, diagnosis of 69
congenital cardiac defects, risk of 154t, 164t
decompensation 136
development 334
echocardiography, early 237, 240
endoscopic tracheal occlusion 191
evaluation, postdiagnosis 188
face 360f, 366f
maximum mode of 365f
profile 358f
facial abnormality 373f
genitourinary anomalies 200
growth restriction 80, 91, 114, 125, 139, 140t, 153, 278, 279, 279t
hand 378f, 365f
surface rendered image of 378f
head 367f
anteflexion of 341f
B-mode image of axial section of 81f
evaluation of 280
midsagittal plane of 371f
outline 389f
rotation 343f
tomographic ultrasound imaging of 369f
transcerebellar section of 92f, 93f
transventricular section of 89f
ultrasound image of 367f
heart 202, 206
acquired volume of 382f, 383f
apical four-chamber of 219f
rate 74, 75, 75f, 75t, 136
hemoglobin 304f
hydrops 107, 300
intervention 182
kidney 48, 252f
B-mode ultrasound image of 360f
mouthing movement of 366f
loss 353, 387
risk of 351
lower pelvis 243f
development 171, 172f
lesions 171
medicine foundation 40f, 50, 51, 71, 71t
metabolic diseases, diagnosis of 352
middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity 303t
mouth, opening of 342f
movements 334
examination of 280
score chart of 338t
spontaneous 340
nervous system, maturation of 334
neural axis 331
neurosonogram 331
nuchal translucency 69
organs 87
pelviureteric junction obstruction 252
pole 35
pyelectasis 80
reduction 608
situs, assessment of 213b
skull, lowest convexity of 391
spine 319
antenatal sonographic 191f
position 190
structural anomalies 309
surgery 191
therapy 313
thoracic abnormalities 171
thorax 171, 173f, 610f
coronal section of 179f,
evaluation of 280
multiplanar images of 375f
trauma 353
tricuspid flow 75
trunk vasculature 376f
tumors 311
urinary tract, ultrasound imaging of 242, 243b
Fetoplacental hemodynamics 117
Fetus 357, 608
B-mode image of 8f, 80f
chromosomal constitution of 351
closing of eyes of 366f
delivery of 387
longitudinal scan of 375f
neurological function in 339
opening of 366f
second-trimester 356
third-trimester 356
transabdominal scan of 133f
unstimulated 335
Fibrin strands 497
Fibroblast growth factor receptor 287
Fibroid 466, 469, 471, 518
cystic degeneration of 470f
degeneration in 468
endometrial 487
multiple 472f
polyp 487
subendometrial 487f
submucous 468, 469f, 471f
subserosal 468
types of 469f, 470t
Fibroma 492, 505, 505f
Fibrothecoma 505
Fibrotic retraction 503
Fimbriae 536
absence of 281
movements 339
short 281
First alloimmunized pregnancy, management of 301
Fistula, arteriovenous 620
Flow index 577, 578
Flow velocities, calculation of 14f
Fluid, abnormal collection of 173
Fluorescent in situ hybridization 351
Focal femoral hypoplasia 294f, 298, 299
Follicle 404f, 423, 493, 556, 582
arrangement of 555
aspiration equipment 599f
atresia of 425
B-mode ultrasound image of 582f
color coding of 547f
development of 424, 431
lower 554
mature 582
multiple 496, 554f, 557, 567, 585
number 545, 578
rupture of 529f
separate 545
stimulating hormone 153, 424, 556, 581
supports oocyte growth 424
unruptured 432
borders 431
circumference 583
diameter 582, 585
maturation 535
tracking 581
Folliculogenesis 425
abnormal hyperextension of 281
surface rendered image of 378f
Fossa ovalis 217
Four-chamber heart view 56, 88, 96
Fraser syndrome 195
Frontal horns 318f
Frontal nasomental angle 96
Frontomaxillary facial angle 56, 56f, 88, 96f, 364f
Frozen embryo transfer 579
Fryns syndrome 186, 187
endometrium 412f
fibroid 444
length 453
pressure 622
Fused fingers 281
Fusion, normal 442
Gallbladder 37, 145, 271, 272
agenesis of 272, 272
duplication 272
Gastrointestinal tract 175, 267
abnormalities of 267, 269t
development of 268t
Gastroschisis 48, 48f, 98f
Genetic 175, 186
evaluation 166, 289
sonogram 65, 85
syndrome 198, 556
Genital anomalies 249
Genitourinary anomalies 48
Genitourinary prolapse 628
Genitourinary tract, lower 629
Germ cells 424
Germinal vesicle 424
Gestational age 35, 70, 105f, 117, 117f, 305, 317
fetuses 125
small for 78, 83, 160, 278
Gestational infections, acute 107
Gestational sac 8f, 2732, 32f, 61, 618, 624
abnormal 32
B-mode image of 104f
large 28f
location of 27
true 27f
volume 33f
Gestational trophoblastic
disease 115
neoplasia 115
Gestations, multiple 31, 32f, 125
endocervical 613
endometrial 484
Glandular hyperplasia 481
Glomerulocystic kidney disease 260
Glucocorticoids 168
antenatal 192
challenge test 161
intolerance 107
tolerance, impaired 161
Glycogen storage 198
Goldenhar syndrome 187
Gonadotropins 560, 564, 581
doses of 574
Gonads, selection of 423
Graafian follicle 426f
Granulosa cell 423, 560
layers 423
tumor 510
Gravid uterus 623f, 624f
Great arteries 226
transposition of 46, 220, 226, 227f, 228f, 232
Great vessels 215, 216
deficiency 163
restriction intervention 139
Haemophilus influenzae type B 166
abnormal 277
absence of 281
evaluation of 280
pathological contracture of 281
Harmonics 7
and neck, midsagittal plane of 73f
axial section of 313f
circumference 53, 89, 91
midsagittal section of 96f
progression 391
measurement of 391f
three basic axial sections of 88f
transventricular section of 91f
crux of 213f
disease, congenital 206, 298
four-chamber view of 97f
inversion mode rendering of 383f, 385f
septation of 207
HELLP syndrome 149, 162
Hematological disorders 145, 167, 311
Hematoma 114, 633, 640
location of 34
retroplacental 108, 109f, 114
subamniotic 114, 114f
subchorionic 34, 108, 114
Hematometra 619
Hemiuterus 446, 447
Hemodynamic profile, normal 140
Hemoglobinopathy 152
Hemorrhage 500
adrenal 176
intracranial 79, 609
placental 108
risk of postpartum 110
secondary 478
Hepatic vein 75f, 217
Hepatitis 155
congenital diaphragmatic 188f
diaphragmatic 42, 47, 47f, 82, 354, 356, 375, 385
Heterogeneous echogenicity 510, 513
Heterotaxy 210
Hiatal hernia 271, 273
High output cardiac failure 307
High pulse repetition frequency 16f, 20f
High resistance uterine artery flow waveform 591f
High velocity movements 13f
High-frequency ventilation 192
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 165
Hirschsprung disease 270, 272
Holoprosencephaly 36, 37f, 41, 42, 42f, 82, 323, 323t, 324
Hormonal changes 572, 593
Hormonal correlation 564
Hormonal implications 562
Hormone, abnormal 481
kidney 247f, 248, 249f
placenta 110
Human chorionic gonadotropin 33, 69, 83, 104, 145, 572, 583, 586
Human heart, embryology of 206
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 158, 164
Human lung development, stages of 171, 171f
Human menopausal gonadotropin 579
Human papillomavirus 618
Humerus, short 63, 81
modifications of 535
technique 538
Hydantoin 208
Hydrocephalus 44, 44f, 90f, 323t, 356
secondary 321
simple 321
Hydronephrosis 63, 356, 376, 377f
Hydrops 177, 181
fetalis 300
management of 184f
Hydrosalpinx 526f
aspiration of 596, 607
typical of 607f
Hydrothorax 42
Hydroureter 376
Hydroxychloroquine 168
Hydroxydehydroepiandrosterone sulfate 83
Hypercoiled cord 122f
Hyperechoic bowel 58, 60, 60f, 80f
Hyperechoic endometrial margin 480f
Hyperechoic islands 459
Hyperemia 478
Hyperglycemia 337
Hyperinsulinemia 542, 556, 560, 566
Hypermobility 639
Hyperplasia 484f
endometrial 481, 481b, 482f
Hypertelorism 358, 360f
Hypertension 145, 162, 167
chronic 125, 162
gestational 148, 162
maternal risk of 608
persistent pulmonary 190
pregnancy-induced 103, 105, 125, 336
pulmonary arterial 375
severe 148
Hyperthyroidism 147
Hypoechoic endometrio-myometrial junction 412f
Hypoechoic stroma 507f
Hypoglycemia, reactive 337
Hypomineralization 298
Hypophosphatasia 282, 283, 286, 291, 292, 298
congenital 278
Hypoplasia 260, 361
pulmonary 200
Hypoplastic left
heart syndrome 222f, 226
ventricle 226
Hypoplastic nasal bone 63, 77, 78
Hypoplastic right heart syndrome 221f, 239
Hypoplastic scapula 298
Hypoproteinemia 52
Hypothyroidism 146
Hypoxemia, stage of 132
Hypoxia 130
phase of 133
prenatal 337
Hypoxic follicles, severely 584
Hyrtl anastomosis 120, 120f, 121f
Hysterosalpingography 525f, 526f
Ibuprofen 527
Iliac vessels, external 430f
Iliococcygeus muscles 629
Immune hydrops 300
Immunologic disorders 167
Imperforate anus 385
In vitro fertilization 208, 306, 579
cycles 584
development of 596
Incomplete septae 607f
Incontinence surgeries 633
Indomethacin 208
Infection 125, 145, 208, 310
congenital 52, 60
Inferior facial angle 96
Infertility assessment 400
acute 479
neoangiogenesis of 479
Inflammatory lesions 475
Inhaled nitric oxide 192
Iniencephaly 43f
Injecting saline 530
Insulin 558
augments 560
resistance 542
Intact ventricular septum 225
Interatrial septum 217
Internal carotid artery 304f
Internal echogenicity 496
Internal iliac vessels 399
International Endometrial Tumor analysis 5, 475f477f
Intervillous thrombosis 108
Intestinal duplication cysts 272
Intra-abdominal pressure 629
Intracardiac echogenic focus 63, 78, 81
Intracavitary lesions 532
Intracranial translucency 56, 57f, 94f
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 208
Intraendometrial fibroids 487
Intralobar sequestration 175t
Intramural fibroids 468, 471
Intraovarian cystic lesions 497f
Intraovarian resistance index 573
Intrauterine fetal death 136, 160, 168
Intrauterine growth
restriction 48, 51, 82, 93, 105, 119t, 125, 160, 166, 208, 268, 277, 278
retardation 336
infections 107
insemination 523, 579, 581, 607
microbial colonization, sign of 622
Intravenous immunoglobulin 168
Introital ultrasound 631
Invasive fetal intervention 184
Invasive mole 115
Inversion mode duodenal atresia 377f
Irregular endometrial
myometrial junction 455f, 479f
surface 489
Isoimmunization 300
Isolated hand movement 339
Isolated leg movement 339
Isomerism 46
Isotonic saline 527
Isotretinoin 208
Jarcho-Levin syndrome 187, 290, 291f
Jeune's syndrome 278, 286, 298, 291
abnormalities 296
differential diagnosis of 298
Kanet test 88, 344
enlarged echogenic 262f
multicystic dysplastic 258f
congenital anomalies of 242
dysplastic 48, 356
ectopic 248
left 248
longitudinal scan of 254f
unilateral absent 261f
Kissing ovaries 500
Kurjak's antenatal neurodevelopmental test 337
Labor 387
obstructed 387
process of second-stage 387
risk of premature 613
Laryngeal occlusion 182
Lead zirconate titanate 1
Left atrium 173, 217, 218
Left ventricle, anatomic characteristics of 219
Left ventricular outflow tract 88, 96, 97f, 215f
Legs 277
benign metastasizing 472
submucous 444
Lenses 88
Lesions 492
benign 427, 492, 515
endometrial 474
group of 497
malignant 427, 492, 513, 515
peripheral vascularity of 461
type of 519
Leukocyte 564
ani muscle 638f
ani trauma 640
contraction 632
hiatus 636, 636f
Levovist 532
Leydig cell tumor 505
Limb 100
abnormalities 37, 280, 377
syndrome 264
defects 187
reduction abnormalities 42
Lips 88, 95
movements 336f
Lithium 208
Lithotomy position 350, 524
Liver 37, 268
Lobar emphysema, congenital 175, 182
Lobar holoprosencephaly 326f
Long bones, assessment of 279
Low birth weight 153, 166
Low growth profile 279, 279t
Low molecular weight heparin 168
Low pulse repetition frequency 16, 544f
Low reserve ovary 574, 574f
Low resistance perifollicular flow 583f
Low velocity flow, spectral Doppler image of 20f
Lower limb
fusion of 49
single fused 265f
Lower urinary tract infections, recurrent 639
Lumbosacral spine 100f
hypoplasia 202f
left 172
lesion, classification of 174fc
malformation 198
mass, volume of 181
right 172
volume 356, 375
total functional 191
Luteal phase defect 592
Luteinized unruptured follicle, B-mode image of 433f
Luteinizing hormone 426, 523, 542, 556, 566, 579, 586, 592
abnormality 309
drainage, delayed development of 52
flow, obstruction of 309
Lysosomal storage 198
Macrocystic congenital pulmonary airway malformation 179f
Macrocystic lesions 181
Macroglossia 108
Macrosomia 108
Malar hypoplasia 298
Malar rash 167
Malignancy, endometrial 421f, 488, 489f, 490f
Malleable catheter 603
Mandibulomaxillary facial angle 364f
abdominal 376
adnexal 30
Mass-to-thorax ratio 181
age 70, 84
antinuclear antibodies 309
cells 352
comorbidities 70
mortality 164b
pregnancy hormones 430
serum markers 70
coordination 387
medicine 63
Matthew-Wood syndrome 187
Mature follicle, B-mode ultrasound image of 582f
Maxilla, plane of 94
Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome 448
McGoon index 190
Mechanical index 3, 23
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 262, 262f, 263f, 298
ileus 60
peritonitis 80, 273
Mediastinal shift 181
Mediastinal teratomas 182
Mega cisterna magna 93, 328
Mega cystitis 42
Megacystis 48f, 58, 60, 82, 256f
Meigs’ syndrome 505
Meiotic division 424
Membrane, prolonged rupture of 200
Meningocele 331f
Meningomyeloceles 373
Menopause 420, 434
Menorrhagia 462, 478
Menstrual cycle 421, 474, 474f, 495f
phases of 411, 414f
regular 560
third day of 572
Menstrual period, last 126
Menstruation phase 431
Mental deficiency 163
Mesh malposition 640
Metabolic disorders 145, 349
Metabolism, inborn errors of 311
Metaphase spindle 584
Metaplasia, endometrial 482
Methotrexate 168
Metrorrhagia 462, 478
Microaneurysms 515f, 620
Microcephaly 163
Microcystic congenital pulmonary airway malformation 179f
Micrognathia 41, 45, 45f, 298, 299, 358, 359, 360f
Micromelia, severe 298
Microphthalmia 298
Micropolyposis 481f
Middle cerebral artery 105, 107f, 132, 139, 304f
peak systolic velocity 302, 304f, 307
management 303
values of 105f
Miscarriage 556, 609
Mitral atresia 222, 222f
Molar pregnancy 108
Moles 115
partial 115
Monogenic disorders 349
Morgagni hernia, anterior 186
Morgagni hydatid cyst 510
Morphological uterus sonographic assessment 453
Mosaicism develops 351
Motor development, abnormal 371
Müllerian abnormality 439, 524
Müllerian duct 437, 510
abnormalities 437, 449
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 258f
Multicystic ovary 430, 558f
Multifetal pregnancy reduction 608
Multilocular tumors 506
Multiple anechoic cystic areas 482f
Multiple anomaly syndromes 125
Multiple aortopulmonary collateral arteries 230
Multiple cardiac cycles, trace of 22f
Multiple gestation
amniocentesis in 354
early detection of 26, 31
Multiple pregnancy 602, 608t
rates 580
Muscle levator ani thickness, maximum 632f
Mycobacterium avium 165
Myocardial failure, primary 307
Myocardial performance index 141
Myoma 32, 472f
pedunculated 517
Myometrial extension 489
Myometrial heterogenicities 459
Myometrial junctional 419
Myometrial lesions 453, 458f, 462
Myometrial structures 535
Myometrial thickness measurement 418f
Myometrial wall
anterior 411f, 454
posterior 411f, 454
thickness 442
measurement of 415f
Myometrium 109f, 113f, 115f, 414, 418, 421f, 451, 458, 464, 466, 470f, 487, 505, 518, 530f, 557f
adenomyotic 464f
anterior 417
assessment for 456fc
echogenicity of 544f
posterior 417, 456f
subendometrial 463
Nabothian cysts 616, 617f
Nager syndrome 296, 298
Nasal abnormality 358
Nasal bone 44, 50, 51, 55, 57f, 73, 77, 84, 88, 361, 365f
length 50, 95
Nasal cavity 362f
Nasogastric tube 192
Neck abnormality 372
Neoangiogenesis, malignant 489
death 166
intensive care unit 141, 184
sepsis, risk of 626
Neoplastic lesions 483
Nephronophthisis 260
Neu-Laxova syndrome 299
Neural tube
abnormalities 41
anomalies 42
defect 43, 153, 163, 299, 329, 385
Neuroblastoma 175
Neurogenic bladder 633
Neurological deficit 371
Neurological derangements, risk of 337
Neurological disease 628
Neurological disorders 167
Neurological function, assessment of 337
Neurological thumb 372f
Neutral position 72
Nonchromosomal syndrome 195
Nonimmune hydrops fetalis 307, 309, 314
Noninvasive prenatal
screening 84
test 62, 63, 64t, 65, 82
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 165
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents 168
Nontrophoblastic placental tumors 116
Noonan syndrome 198
Nose, echogenic tip of 50
Nostrils 95f
Nuchal fat 313f
Nuchal fold 53, 58, 63, 92f
thickness 52, 53f, 78, 79, 79f, 93f
Nuchal translucency 50, 50f, 51, 52, 55, 57f, 62, 71, 71f, 72f, 84, 208, 277, 608
measurement of 50, 71t
nomogram 72f
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 165
Obesity, maternal 208
Occipital meningocele, small 367f
Occipitofrontal diameter 53, 8991
Ocular abnormality 41, 45
Oligohydramnios 82, 375
Omphalocele 42, 47, 48f, 82, 98f
Omphalomesenteric cyst 118
Oocyte 426, 583
maturation of 426
primary 424
retrieval 596
secondary 426
Oogenesis 424
Open surgery 191
Operator's convenience 611
Opioids 150
Optimum pulse repetition frequency 16f
Oral analgesic 527
Oral ulcers 167
Orbital abnormalities 364
abdominal 376
dysfunctions 148
transplant 155
Orofacial cleft 385
Orthogonal planes 401
Orthopnea 164
Osteochondrodysplasias 275
Osteogenesis imperfecta 282284, 287f, 288, 292, 298
Ovarian artery 428
blood flow 400
perfusion 591
Ovarian blood flow 576
Ovarian cyst 272, 542
asymptomatic 516
simple 516f
Ovarian cystic tumors, unilocular 516
Ovarian diameters, assessment of 543
Ovarian dysfunction 542
Ovarian ectopic pregnancy 31, 31f
Ovarian fibroma 506f
Ovarian flow 583
Ovarian follicle tracking 430
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 556, 596, 607
risk of 577
Ovarian lesions 492, 518
classification of 493
Ovarian mass lesion, B-mode image of 513f
Ovarian morphology 428, 429, 492
normal 560
Ovarian stroma 518, 558f
normal 505
vessels 566f
spectral Doppler of 544f
Ovarian stromal blood 566
assessment of 544f
flow 573f, 577
Ovarian tissue 493f, 552
Ovarian torsion, typical of 507f
Ovarian vascular supply 430f
Ovarian vessel 400
Ovarian volume 552, 554, 556, 561, 575
acquired 545, 575
calculation 559t
larger 565
measurement of 557
Ovary 507f
anatomy of 427
assessment of 427
baseline scan of 572
B-mode image of 430f, 432f, 553f, 554f, 558f, 600
dermoids of 508f
development of 423
large 567
location of 428
longitudinal section of 555f
normal 423, 573
part of 556
poorly responding 574
power Doppler ultrasound image of 544f
solid-looking 506
structure of 423
transverse sections of 554f
volume of 545
Overactive bladder syndrome 633
Ovulation induction 578t, 579t
Ovulation stimulating agents 574
Ovum 585, 601f
development of 424, 523f
mature healthy 581
pickup 597b
needle 598f
Palate anteriorly 50
Pallister-Killian syndrome 187
Palpitations 164
Pancreas 145
Paracervical blocks 596
Paramesonephric ducts 437
Paraovarian cyst 510, 516, 517
Parvovirus 156, 198
Patau syndrome 69, 262
Patent mitral valve 226
Peak systolic velocity 132, 578, 579, 591
Pedal edema 164
floor 629f, 630, 634f, 636f, 637f
assessment of 628
B-mode ultrasound image of 635f
coronal plane anatomy of 631f
muscles 628
trauma 628
ultrasound 640
acute 478f
risk of 524
inflammatory disease 524, 600
mass, origin of 492
organs 394, 631
descent of 635
position of 527
pain 462
peritoneum 510
prolapse 633
wall, lateral 398, 428
Pelvicalyceal dilatation
bilateral 254f
unilateral 253f
Pelvis 526
anatomy of 630f
axial section of 99f
B-mode transvaginal ultrasound image of 530f
free fluid in 31
Pelviureteric junction obstruction
bilateral 253f
unilateral 253f
Pericardial fluid 312
Perifollicular resistance index 583
Perifollicular vessel 400, 583, 495f
Perimenopausal ovary 433
Perinatal infections 165
Peripheral calyceal dilatation 251
Perisac bleeding 33
Peritoneal ectopic pregnancy 31
Peritoneal inclusion cyst 510, 517
Periurethral tissues 632
Persistent dysuria 628
Persistent extension deformity 372f
Phalangeal abnormalities 60
Phenytoin 150, 163
Phocomelia 292, 298
Photosensitivity 167
Placenta 104, 106, 109f, 113f, 114, 120, 378
abnormalities of 104
accrete, diagnosis of 113
anomalies of 198
basal stippling of 108
bipartite 120
development of 104
homogenous 108
increta 113, 113f
large 107
low-lying 111f
membranacea 109, 110
normal 110f
percreta 113, 114
previa 111f
grades of 111f
marginal 111f
risk of 110
small 107
succenturiate 120
lobe of 112, 112f
texture abnormalities of 108
thin 107f
Placental abnormalities 82
Placental bleeding 125
Placental calcification 108
Placental growth factor 70, 83, 84, 141
Placental infarct 108, 125
Placental infections 125
Placental invasion 112
types of 113f
Placental lesions 312
Placental location 110
Placental mesenchymal dysplasia 107
Placental migration 112
Placental shape 109
abnormalities of 109
Placental site trophoblastic tumor 114, 115
Placental size, abnormalities of 106
Placental trophotropism 112
Placental vessels, widening of 128
Placental villi, continuous maturation of 128
Plagiocephaly 276
oncotic pressure 307
progesterone 591
protein, pregnancy-associated 40, 70, 83, 84, 141
Platyspondyly 277
Pleural effusion 197
management of 199fc
primary 197
secondary 197
Pneumonia 145
Poland syndrome 187
Polycystic kidney 298
autosomal dominant 259
autosomal recessive 257, 259f
Polycystic morphology 554f
Polycystic ovarian disease 559
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 542, 552, 554f, 556, 567
diagnosis of 542, 543, 552, 555, 555t, 558, 558t
management of 555
Polycystic ovary 542, 543, 553, 553f, 554f, 556, 557, 557f, 558f, 564, 564f, 565f, 575, 577
Polydactyly 58, 61, 82, 280, 281, 298, 378f
Polyhydramnios 82, 107, 181, 187, 192
Polyp 412f, 444, 483, 484
diagnosis of 485
endometrial 413f, 483f
large 487
wall 487
Poor nutrition 125
Postaxial polydactyly 262, 292
Posterior fossa
anomaly 325
cyst 330f
Postmenopausal uterus 420
Postnatal management 192
Postprandial insulin 560, 561f
Postsurgical voiding dysfunctions 640
Potassium chloride injection 609
Pouch of Douglas 399, 528, 534, 600
Povidone-iodine solution 610
Power Doppler techniques 400
Preeclampsia 148, 162
superimposed 162
Pregnancy 35f, 36, 36f, 155, 620
advances 335
biochemical 587
confirmation of 26
cornual 28
early abnormal 26
first trimester of 25
growth of 32
higher-order 611
high-risk 340
interstitial 28
location of 26
loss, procedure-related 353
management during 166, 168
medical disorders in 145, 146, 146t, 147
morbidity 168
multiple 602, 608t
ongoing 605
prognosis of 34
progress of 32
seizure disorder in 145, 149, 162
singleton 626
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 306
Prematurity, risk of 611
Prenatal sonographic classification system 179
Preovarian blocks 596
Preovulatory endometrium, pulsed wave Doppler of 420f
Preovulatory follicle 582, 591t
Preovulatory multilayered endometrium 419f
Preterm delivery 353, 621, 626
risk of 626
Preterm labor 625
Pretransfer ultrasound 602
Pretrigger follicles 403
Primitive heart tube 206
Primordial germ cells 423
Progesterone 417, 474, 481, 592
correlation of 593
stimulation 479
withdrawal 421
Protein synthesis, abnormal 337
Proteinuria 167
Proximal femoral focal deficiency 292
Pseudocysts 82
Pseudo-sac 27f
Psychiatric illness 145
Pterygium syndrome 299
bone 389f
symphysis 388f, 629
Pubococcygeus 629
Puborectalis 629
Pubourethral ligaments 636, 638
Pulmonary artery 214, 215f, 221f, 226, 230, 238
left 238
origin of 230
right 238
small 226
Pulmonary valve syndrome 232, 234f
Pulsatile umbilical venous flow 136f
Pulsatility index 131, 591
Pulse Doppler 529
image 583f, 591f
Pulse repetition frequency 14, 15, 19, 20f, 130, 239, 379, 583
Pyelectasis 78
Quadruple marker 41
test 65, 84, 85
Radial aplasia 82, 298, 378f
Radial ray
anomaly 289
defect 195, 290f
Radio-opaque solution 524
Recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone 579
Rectal intussusception 633, 638
Rectal prolapse 638
Rectocele 633
diagnosis of 638
Rectoenterocele 638
Rectosigmoid die 503
Rectovaginal septum 638
Red blood cells 11
Red-cell alloimmunization, management of 302fc
Renal agenesis 245, 260
bilateral 245
unilateral 246
Renal anomalies 262, 264
Renal artery 134
Renal cystic
diseases 257fc
dysplasia 262
Renal disease 125, 154
Renal disorders 145, 167
Renal fossa, unilateral empty 250f
Renal parenchymal
appearance 251
thickness 251
Renal pelvic
diameter, assessment of 99f
R dilatation 58
Renal pelvis 80f, 100f
plane 99
prominent 255f
Renal pyelectasis 58, 60, 60f
Renal transplant 155
Renal volume 356
Reproductive steroids 417
Reproductive tract, development of 438f
Residual endometrial cavity 27f
Residual follicle 581
Resistance index 578, 579, 591, 592
Respiratory disorders 145
Respiratory distress syndrome 609
Retroflexion, acute 411
Retrognathia 366f
Retroplacental space 112
Retropubic hematoma 635
Retrouterine fluid 527
Retroverted cervix 411
Retroverted retroflexed uterus 410f, 452f, 456f, 457f
Rh incompatibility 349
Rh isoimmunisation, prevention of 306
Rhizomelia 298
Rhombencephalosynapsis 326f
Rhythm abnormality 208
Right atrial
enlargement 225
isomerism 210
Right atrium 173, 217, 219
Right ventricle, anatomic characteristics of 219
Right ventricular
enlargement 225
outflow tract 88, 96, 97f, 215f
Roberts syndrome 278, 295, 298
Rotterdam's criteria 554f, 567
Routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis 306
Sacral dysgenesis 296
Sacrum, transverse section of 99
Saline 527
salpingography 526, 527, 529, 534
sonohysterography 483f, 527
Sclerocystic ovaries 542
Screening test 65
soft markers 76
tests 65
Segmental uterine artery perfusion 588
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors 208
Semilobar holoprosencephaly 325f
Semilunar valves stenosis, mild 220
Septate cervix 449
Septate uterus 442, 443, 443f
ultrasound image of 444f
Septo-optic dysplasia 323
measurement of 444f
partial 442
pellucidum 321, 323fc
septum 442f
size of 443
Serosa 414, 461
Serositis 167
Sertoli-Leydig tumor 505
Sessile polyps 485
Short-rib polydactyly syndrome 195, 278, 292, 293f, 298
Shunt, thoracoamniotic 184
Sickle cell disease 151, 165
Simpson-Golabi-Bechtel syndrome 187
Sims's speculum 602
Single umbilical artery 61f, 78, 82, 119f
Sinus venosus 207
Sirenomelia 49, 264
Situs 209
inversus 37
inversus totalis 210
Sjogren's syndrome 145, 158
Skeletal abnormalities 48
Skeletal dysplasia 49, 125, 275, 281t, 298
first trimester ultrasound findings in 277
Skeletal system, abnormalities of 275
Skin edema 306f, 312
abnormal shapes of 276
ossification 277
Sliding organ sign 399, 492
Small bowel obstruction 271, 273
catheters 603
tissues 23
Solid echogenic lesions 483, 614
Solid lesions 468, 505
Solid papillary projection 518
Sonoembryology 40
Sonographic appearance, normal 267
Sonography 33
Sonohysterography 476f
Sonohysterosalpingography 526, 531, 536f
Spatial temporal image correlation 356, 384f
Spectral Doppler, activation of 18f
Spherical ovaries, enlarged 553
Spina bifida 41, 44, 44f, 82, 331f
open 330f, 331f
Spinal abnormalities 372
Spinal canal defect 93f, 373
Spinal defects 37, 329
Spine 88, 202, 277
abnormal 277
coronal section of 100f
neural tube defects, lower 299
Splenic cyst 272
Split hand and foot malformation 294, 296
Spondylocostal dysplasia 290
Squamous cell carcinoma 618, 619
Stenosis 46, 239
pulmonary 164
Sterile water 532
Steroids 182
Stillbirth 166
Stomach 380
head 58, 82
skull 59, 59f
Streptococcus pneumoniae 166
Stress urinary incontinence 628, 633, 639
Striatum 337
Stroma 423, 556
abundance of 556
echogenic 557
Stromal abundance 556, 559
Stromal echogenicity 543, 544f, 557
Stromal hyperplasia 481
Stromal predominance 482f
Stromal vascularity 544, 563
Stromal volume 559, 561
Subchorionic fibrin deposits 108
Subendometrial fundal fibroid 487f
Subepithelial capillary plexus 419
Subfertility, cause of 523
Submucosa 503
Substance abuse 145, 150
Suburethral sling 638
Suction pump 606
Sulfur hexafluoride 533
Surrogate, gestational 306
Symphysis pubis 388f
Syndactyly 58, 61, 280
Systemic disorders complicating pregnancy 145
Systemic lupus erythematosus 145, 160, 166, 167, 208
T sign 389
Tamoxifen 482
effect 483f
Technical factors 208
Tension-free vaginal tape 639
Teratogenic drugs exposure 208
Teratogens 125
Teratomas, placental 116
Terminal defects 292
Testosterone 558
total 563
Tetralogy of Fallot 164, 179, 220, 227, 230f, 239
Thalamus 92f
Thanatophoric dysplasia 277, 281, 282f, 283, 283f, 292, 298
Theca cell 423, 560
Theca lutein cysts 115
Thecoma 505
Thermal effects 3, 23
Thick-large placenta, B-mode ultrasound image of 108f
Thoracic abnormality 309
Thoracic cage 373
anatomy of 171
Thoracic cavity 212f
Thoracic hypoplasia 298
Thoracolumbar spine 100f
Thorax 88, 96, 277
multiplanar image of 376f
transverse section of 195f
disease 145
disorder 145
Timor-Tritsch sign 399
Tissue harmonic imaging 8
Toes, absence of 281
Tomographic ultrasound imaging 193, 362f, 629
TORCH 78, 145, 198
Toxoplasma 79
Toxoplasmosis 156, 314, 352
Trachea 375
Tracheal atresia 195
Tracheal occlusion 182
Tracheoesophageal fistula 264, 271
Transabdominal scan 132f, 405
B-mode ultrasound image of 449f
disadvantages of 427
Transabdominal ultrasonographic guidance 601
Transcerebellar anomaly 325
Transcerebellar plane 88, 92, 318
Transcervical catheter 531f
Transcervical injection 527
Transorbital plane 88, 94
Transperineal ultrasound 630
Transrectal routes 427
Transrectal scan 404
Transrectal sonography 394
Transthalamic plane 88, 89, 319
Transvaginal color Doppler 449
Transvaginal route 451
advantages of 427
Transvaginal salpingosonography 529
Transvaginal scan 394, 395, 578
pelvis, B-mode image of 529f
systematic 399
Transvaginal sonography 25, 258, 437, 449, 587
Transvaginal ultrasound 490, 526, 622
method, technique of 623
Transvaginal volume ultrasound probe 398f
Transventricular plane 88, 318f
Transverse sacrum 88
Tricuspid atresia 221, 221f
Tricuspid flow 56
normal 56f
Tricuspid incompetence 225
Tricuspid regurgitation 56, 57f, 76, 217, 226
severe 224f
Tricuspid valve 213f
dysplasia 225, 225f
leaflets 225
typical apical displacement of 224f
Trigonocephaly 277
Triple marker test 84, 85
Triploidy 51, 108
Trisomy 40, 51, 69, 75, 187, 198, 262, 279, 288, 298
Truncal valve 230
Trypanosoma cruzi 310
Tubal ectopic pregnancy 30, 31f
Tubal lumen 523
Tubal patency 523. 538
Tubal status, assessment of 524
Tuberculosis 480, 480f
Tubo-ovarian relationship 523
Tumor 198
epithelial 507, 510
growth, plaque-like 634
malignant nature of 517f
nontrophoblastic 114, 115
placental 114
solid 506
trophoblastic 104
Turner's syndrome 47, 51, 53, 198
Turricephaly 276
Twin 306
gestation 312
monozygotic 85
pregnancy 84
monochorionic 208
rates 608
reversed arterial perfusion 312
to-twin transfusion 125, 312
Typical polycystic ovaries, B-mode ultrasound image of 554f
Ultrasound 1, 5, 25, 41, 115, 210, 468, 628
advantages of 391
and safety concerns, basics of 1
diagnosis 245, 246, 249, 258, 259, 542
evaluation 275
features 252, 257, 262
jelly 451
markers 70
modalities 427
transducer 208, 317
basic structure of 2b
Umbilical artery 106, 106f, 130f, 132f, 136f138f, 139, 261f
abnormal number of 118, 119
Doppler 131
flow 102, 134f, 135f
pattern, normal 106f
velocity waveform 128
pulsatility index 105f
spectral Doppler of 102f, 135f
Umbilical coil index 121
Umbilical cord 98f, 117
abnormalities of 58, 61, 82, 104, 118
anomalies of 198
coiling index 121
cyst 38, 39f, 82, 122f
diameter 117f
helical pattern of 121
insertion 88, 97, 98f
lesions 312
structure of 117
thin 118f
vessels, diameter of 117t
Unconjugated estriol 83
Unicornuate uterus 444, 448f
Urachal cysts 118
Ureteropelvic junction 78
Ureterovesical junction obstruction 252
Urethra 632
angulates 638
proximal 635
Urethral diverticula 633, 634, 634f
Urethral encroachment 638
Urethral hypermobility 636
Urethral mobility 635
Urethral obstruction 254
Urethral orifice, external 631
Urethral valves, posterior 255f, 256f
Urinary ascites 255f
Urinary bladder 452, 632
nonvisualized 261
Urinary incontinence 628
Urinary retention 635, 636
Urinary tract 243
anomalies 242
congenital anomalies of 242
dilatation 249, 250, 251f
infection 145, 628
injury 640
analysis 628
frequency of 639
urgency of 639
Urogynecology 628
Uterine 125
abnormality 437, 438, 438f
congenital 440
artery 132f, 399, 420, 464, 567
spectral Doppler of 103f, 399f, 564f
cavity 461, 524, 527, 531, 531f, 538, 601
contraction 32, 353, 603
fibroid 505
fundus 410
Müllerian abnormalities 437
vasculature 400f
layers of 474f
thickness 439
Uterocervical length 417, 417f
Uteroplacental dysfunction 125
Uteroplacental insufficiency, severe 80
Uteroplacental vascular anatomy 128
Uterosacral die 504
Uterus 6f, 28f, 402f, 407, 410, 421, 451, 453, 458, 471, 472, 474, 480f, 523f, 535, 536, 608, 616
adenomyotic 464
anteverted 411f
anteflexed 410f, 416f, 452f, 455f458f, 465f
retroflexed 410f
aplasia 448
aplastic 448
assessment of 451
bicornuate 444, 446f, 447f
bicorporeal 444, 445f
septate 445f
B-mode ultrasound image of 448f, 457f, 480f, 533f
color Doppler image of 531f
contrast-enhanced image of 534f
coronal plane of 412f, 415f, 451, 481f
coronal section of 401f, 471f, 609f
didelphys 444, 445f
dysmorphic 439
endometrial thickness of 453f
hypoplastic 442, 448
infantilis 442
junctional zone measurement of 454f
leiomyomatosis 472f
long axis of 622f
longitudinal section of 398f, 531f
margins of 451
measurements of 453f
plane of 412f, 415f, 417f
section of 452f, 454f, 455f, 475f
myometrial pathologies of 451
normal 407, 439
outer layer of 415
partial bicorporeal 445f
posterior wall of 457f
retroverted 411f
rudimentary horn of 447, 447f
sagittal section of 7f
septate 442, 443, 443f
transvaginal B-mode ultrasound of 463f, 464f
transverse section of 400f, 416f, 446f, 453f, 454f, 530f
T-shaped 439
unicornuate 444
volume ultrasound of 403f
VACTERL syndrome 264, 291
Vagina 475, 597, 602, 632
Vaginal anomaly 437
Vaginal aplasia 448
Vaginal bleeding 639
Vaginal delivery 390
spontaneous 392
Vaginal die 504
Vaginal introitus 631
Vaginal mesh 639
Vaginal penetrations 600
Vaginal wall 599f, 636
anterior 635
posterior 638
Valproate 150, 163
Valproic acid 163, 208
Valsalva 628
maneuver 635
pressure 632
Varicella infection 156
Vasa previa 112, 112f
Vascular endothelial growth factor 425, 566
Vascular thrombosis 168
Vascularity flow index 563, 577
Vault prolapse 636
Vein, pulmonary 172
Velamentous cord insertion 120, 121, 121f
Velocardiofacial syndrome 195
Vena cava
inferior 37, 172, 177, 210, 217, 217f
superior 172, 217, 217f, 218f, 238
Venoatrial junction 237
Venous Doppler reflects 136
Venous return, obstruction of 309
Ventricular arterial junction 225
Ventricular atrium 91
Ventricular calcifications 90f
Ventricular chambers 213
Ventricular disproportion 235
Ventricular septal defect 46, 164, 227f, 228f, 229, 230, 231f, 264, 384
small 220
Ventricular septum 207
Ventriculomegaly 58f, 79, 90f
Vermian hypoplasia 330f
Vertebral anomalies 271
Vertebral body 172
transverse processes of 100f
Vertebral defects 264
Vesicular mole 38, 38f
compliance 128
trachea 381
Virtual hysteroscopy 437
Virtual organ computer-aided analysis 356, 368, 545, 551f, 552, 553f, 559f, 562f, 567, 575, 577, 578, 584
Visceromegaly 108
Vocal-calculated volume 552
Voiding symptoms 633
Vulvovaginitis 628
Waldeyer's fossa 428
Wall motion filter 14, 16, 19
Western blot 165
Wharton's jelly 117, 118
Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome 187
Yawning fetus 366f
Yolk sac 32f, 34, 34f
Zellweger's syndrome 51
Zona pellucida 425, 426
Z-scores 212
Chapter Notes

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Basics of Ultrasound and Safety ConcernsCHAPTER 1

Sonal Panchal,
Chaitanya Nagori
Ultrasound is the sound with frequencies higher than 20 Hz. These frequencies have least interaction with the body tissues and so can be used for diagnostic procedures. Commonly, the equipment used for diagnostic purposes operate on 1–20 MHz frequencies. Energy applied in ultrasound diagnosis is mechanical energy of the sound wave. It propagates as particle oscillations. As a result of this propagation, sound wave can be presented as regular interchange of regions of compression and rarefaction. So, it requires medium to travel and cannot propagate in space. It propagates as a longitudinal wave. The velocity (acoustic velocity) of the sound wave is determined by elastic properties and density of the medium. Its propagation is slowest in air (344 m/s) and increases in homogeneous liquids and increases with increasing viscosity and in solid elastic medium. The propagation ability of particular tissue is called “acoustic impedance” of a tissue. It is calculated as acoustic velocity in medium multiplied by density of the medium (Z = p × v).
Intensity of the sound wave is the measure of energy that sound wave carries through space. It is the velocity of the energy carries through 1 m2 area perpendicular to propagation direction. Intensity determines possible consequences of diagnostic ultrasound on body tissues. It measures energy of interaction of sound wave and biological tissue. Intensity and amplitude have inverse relationship. Higher frequency sound has lower amplitude intensity.
In ultrasound scanner, transducer (probe) is the source of and receiver for the sound wave. The active component in the probe is piezoelectric crystal. When exposed to mechanical perturbation of sound wave, crystal this mechanical energy into electrical energy and this is called piezoelectric effect. It has ability to transform the energy of oscillating electric field into mechanical energy of sound waves by a process called “inverse piezoelectric effect”.1 The ability of energy transformation is dependent on the thickness of the crystal. Best energy transformation is achieved when crystal's own frequency is identical to the frequency of the sound wave.
The materials used in ultrasound probe are ferroelectric ceramic, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) or plastic, and polyvinylidene difluoride. The crystal thickness is few 10th of millimeters sandwiched by thin-film silver electrodes on opposite sides of crystals. To produce good quality images, the emitted sound wave bundle should be narrow and directed to a definite direction. This is achieved by a massive attenuator in the background of the crystal wrapped in acoustic insulator (Fig. 1).
Energy of the sound beam decreases as it traverses in the medium due to absorption of the energy by the solid particles that it hits to. This is known as attenuation of the sound wave. When the wave meets an interface between two media, part of the energy will be transmitted and part of it is reflected back.2
zoom view
Fig. 1: Basic structure of the ultrasound transducer.
zoom view
Fig. 2: Reflection and refraction of plane wave on flat boundary. The ratio of acoustic impedances determines the intensities of reflected and of transmitted waves. The angles of reflection and refraction are determined only by the velocity of sound propagation in the media.
As both the media have different acoustic impedance, the reflected wave retains its velocity but changes direction and transmitted one continues to move forward with minimal change in direction but changes velocity. For the reflected waves, the reflection angle is equal to the incident angle and for transmitted wave, the angle depends on the velocity of propagation in two media (Fig. 2).
Reflection and scattering of the ultrasound wave in heterogeneous biological tissues are the two diagnostic mechanisms. Reflection provides information about size and geometry and scatter about the texture and regular structure of the organ. Distance of the structure from the source is calculated by the time taken for the ultrasound pulse to reach the structure of interest and return back to the probe. Intensity of the returned pulses reflects the ratios of acoustic impedances and is also dependent on the absorption along the path of propagation.
Ultrasound image of the biological tissue is produced by sound waves reflected from the interfaces perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Added information is due to scattering on small inhomogeneities. Scattering and reflection are dependent on the elastic properties of tissues. Elasticity is due to connective tissue and, therefore, it is believed that those tissues with more connective tissue have higher acoustic impedance.
Dimensions and properties of ultrasound pulse are changing with penetration into the body and that primarily determines the quality of image. Quality of the ultrasound image is defined by the resolution, which can be achieved. Resolution is the smallest distance between two details in the tissue that can be separated on the image. It is measured in millimeters. Maximal resolution is limited by wavelength and pulse width. Resolution is in the direction of ultrasound propagation, is axial resolution, and perpendicular to the propagation direction is lateral resolution. Axial and longitudinal resolution is the minimal measurable distance between two reflecting interfaces on the propagating path. Lateral resolution is always less than longitudinal resolution. It is in the range of several wavelengths and depends on the geometry of ultrasound probe, frequency of the wave, and depth of the observed boundary in the body.2
To use ultrasound safely, it is essential to understand the bioeffects of ultrasound. Ultrasound absorption leads to rise in temperature of the tissues and this is one of the major concerns.3 Nonthermal effects are inertial cavitation and other mechanical effects.3
Safety Limits of Thermal Effects
No hazardous thermal effects are expected when the temperature rise is <1.5°C and local temperature is <38.5°C.4 If temperature rise is 2°C, the fetus can tolerate it till 50 hours,5 but temperature of 41°C can cause damage in 5 minutes.4 In general, B-mode ultrasound does not show any hazardous effect [World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (WFUMB) and International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG)].
Thermal effects are quantified by thermal index (TI) and mechanical effects are quantified by mechanical index (MI) and also by output ultrasound power. Thermal effect is a big concern in Doppler ultrasound. In color and power Doppler, the ultrasound intensity is lower than pulsed wave Doppler because of scanning motion of Doppler ultrasound beam in the region of interest. Intensity of Doppler is lower in fetal Doppler scanners as compared to that in adult Doppler devices and is usually in the limit of nonhazardous Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation—720 mW/cm2.
In the Doppler scanners, TI, MI, and transducer temperature are displayed on the monitor screen and to keep watch on maintaining the safety limits of the use of ultrasound and Doppler.6 Settings should be checked before starting obstetric scans for safety concern. Ideally, the presets should be made to match the safety measures. Considering what should be the TI for safe use of diagnostic ultrasound in obstetrics, basic understanding of calculation of TI is essential. TI is the index to estimate tissue temperature in ultrasound examination and to study ultrasonic thermal effect. One TI indicates 1°C rise in temperature. TIS is used for the rise in temperature in an embryo with no bones. TIB is used for assessment of temperature rise on a fetus with bones. But the ultimate effect depends not on how much is the temperature rise, but how much is the resultant temperature. Therefore, more care should be taken when ultrasound is used in febrile patients. It is safe to use ultrasound or Doppler when TI is <1.
Mechanical Effects of Diagnostic Ultrasound
Mechanical index is used to estimate mechanical bioeffect of ultrasound. It is rarefactional sound pressure expressed in megapascal (MPa) divided by square root of ultrasound frequency. This effect is more in presence of gas bubbles in tissue fluids. MI should also be set to <1.
  • Pulsed Doppler (spectral, power, and color Doppler) ultrasound should not be used routinely.
  • Pulsed Doppler ultrasound may be used for clinical indications such as to refine risks for trisomies.
  • When performing Doppler ultrasound, displayed TI should be ≤1.0 and exposure time should be kept as low as possible (usually not longer than 5–10 minutes) and should not exceed 60 minutes.
  • When using Doppler ultrasound for research, teaching, and training purposes, the displayed TI should be ≤1.0 and exposure time should be kept as short as possible (not longer than 5–10 minutes) and should not exceed 60 minutes. Informed consent should be obtained.
  • In educational settings, discussion of first trimester pulsed or color Doppler should be accompanied by information on safety and bioeffects (e.g., TI, exposure times, how to reduce output power?).
  • When scanning maternal uterine arteries in the first trimester, there are unlikely to be any safety implications as long as the 4embryo/fetus lies outside the Doppler ultrasound beam.
Safety is the primary concern. Ultrasound, though considered generally safe, must be used with recommended settings. Exposure time should be controlled to minimum possible and should never exceed safe limits.
  1. Dowsett DJ, Johnston RE. The Physics of Diagnostic Imaging. London: Chapman and Hall Medical;  1998. pp. 415–66.
  1. Krestel E. Bildgebende Systeme für die medizinische Diagnostik. Berlin: Seimens;  1988.
  1. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. (1992). Report No. 113—Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound: I. Criteria Based on Thermal Mechanisms. [online] Available from [Last accessed on August, 2021].
  1. WFUMB Symposium on Safety and Standardisation in Medical Ultrasound. Issues and Recommendations Regarding Thermal Mechanisms for Biological Effects of Ultrasound. Hornbaek, Denmark, 30 August-1 September 1991. Ultrasound Med Biol. 1992;18:731–810.
  1. AIUM Official Statement Changes: Revised Statements. Clin Saf. 1998;154:6–7.
  1. American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine/National Electrical Manufacturers Association. (1992). Standard for Real-Time Display of Thermal and Mechanical Acoustic Output Indices on Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment, Revision 2. [online] Available from [Last accessed on August, 2021].
  1. WFUMB/ISUOG. WFUMB/ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler ultrasound during 11-14 week scans (or earlier in pregnancy). Ultrasound Med Biol. 2013;39:373.
  1. Salvesen K, Lees C, Abramowicz J, Brezinka C, Haar GT, Maršál K, et al. ISUOG statement on the safe use of Doppler in the 11 to 13+6-week fetal ultrasound examination. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2011;37:628.