Essentials of Critical Care Medicine for the Physician Jamshed Sunavala
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen, acute 374, 375t
Abdominal compartment syndrome 440
Abdominal pain 375, 392
severe 374
Abdominal wall pain 375
Abscess 432
drainage of 155
ruptured 217f
Acetaminophen 393
cases 131
abnormalities 322
evaluation 415
imbalance 322, 325, 337
Acid-base disorder 325, 326t, 327
assessing mixed 329
mixed 326
primary 325, 325t, 326t, 328, 329
triple 331
type of 328
organisms 181
stain 181
Acidosis 334, 379, 381, 383
development of 385
Acinetobacter baumannii 172, 215, 223
Acinetobacter spp 172, 173, 177
drug-resistant 177
Acremonium 204
Activated immune cells 127
Activated partial thromboplastin time 438
Acute confusional state 104106
Acute coronary syndrome 72, 117, 345
Acute exacerbation, treatment for 404b
Acute kidney injury
etiology of 85, 86b
pathophysiology of 87
staging systems for 84
systemic effects of 87
treatment of 93
Acute liver failure 126, 128, 129, 129b, 130, 132, 135
causes of 127b
clinical features 128
epidemiology 126
etiology 126
extracorporeal treatments in 135
management 132
pathogenesis 127
Acute lung injury, transfusion-related 58
Acute respiratory
distress syndrome 35, 36, 39, 56, 58, 62, 64, 100, 208, 232, 235, 246, 253, 409, 440
distress, physical signs of 231b
failure 35, 37, 37f, 56, 232
Acute stroke
clinical approach to 113
complications of 117
Adenoma 397
Adequate organ perfusion 83
Adjuvant treatment 204
Administer oxygen 74
Adrenal insufficiency
acute 398
diagnosis of acute 398
primary 416
acute 398
treatment of 421
Adrenaline 467
Adrenal-related emergencies 398
Advanced renal failure 333
Advanced resuscitation 439
Advanced trauma life support 438, 441
Aerophagia 407
Agar dilution susceptibility testing 183
fluid levels 217f
trapping, risk of 407
Airflow resistance, increased 252
anatomy of 19
assessing adequacy of 19
breathing, and circulation 431
difficult 21
function of 19
management 20, 24t
manoeuvre, triple 20
obstruction 237
pressure 236
release ventilation 247, 248, 248f
waveform 240
resistance 237, 238
Akinetic mutism 106
Albumin 101, 204, 394
Alcoholic ketoacidosis 332
Aldosterone 398
Aldosteronism, primary 324
Alimentary tract, nonfunctioning 286
Alkalosis 101, 334
Alternaria 204
Alveolar pressure 314f
Alveolar ventilation 46, 48
Alveolar-arterial gradient 44
Ambler classification 175
Amikacin 173, 216
Amino acid 286
losses 101
Aminoglycoside 162, 223, 459
Amiodarone 365, 368370
Amphotericin B 162, 203
Amrinone 303
Analgesia 374
Aneurysm, ruptured 122
Angiographic vasospasm 122
Angiotensin receptor blockers 86
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 86
inhibitors 400
Anion gap 331
Annual seasonal influenza 410
Antacids 324
Antiarrhythmic drugs 364, 365, 367
Antibiotic 150, 151, 215, 226, 460
broad-spectrum 440
de-escalation of 152
incorrect spectrum of 190
inhaled 209
resistance 8
collection of 167
stewardship 186
susceptibility test 173
tissue penetration 191
Antibodies 9
Anti-Candida therapy 196, 197fc
Anticoagulant 119
agents 445
effects of 445t
Anticoagulation strategies 370
Antidiuretic hormone 411, 413, 416, 417
Antiepileptic drug 435t, 450
Antifibrinolytic agents 446
Antifungal therapy 205
Antihypertensive 226
therapy 117, 400
Antimicrobial agents 190
Antimicrobial combinations 161
Antimicrobial resistance 171
mechanisms 171
types of 171
Antimicrobial sensitivity testing, caveats of 190
Antimicrobial synergism 161
Antimicrobial therapy 155, 170t, 211
characteristics of 162t
targeted 164
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 89, 227
Antioxidants supplements 295
agents 444, 445t
role of 116
Antipseudomonal activity 177
Antiretroviral agents 304
Antiretroviral therapy 200
highly active 201
Antiseizure medication 431, 434t
Antithyroid drugs 226
Aorta 343, 344
arch of 348f
Aortic dissection 117, 347, 376, 378
acute 345
Aortic pressure waveform 266f
Aortic regurgitation 344f, 346
Aortic stenosis 346
severe 348
Aortic valve leaflets 343f
Apixaban 372
Apneusis 108
Appendicular pain 375
Arachidonic acid 294
Arginine 284, 292, 295
Arousal 104
Arrhythmia 81, 123, 231, 312, 364, 404, 432
Arterial blood
gas 26, 72, 74, 287, 322, 327, 337, 403, 438
volume 411
Arterial carbon dioxide, partial pressure of 256
Arterial oxygen
partial pressure of 36, 39, 56, 256, 304
saturation 304
peripheral 466
Arterial pressure monitoring 307
Arterial pulse pressure 319
variation 319
Arteriovenous 346
Arthropod envenomation 86
Aspergillosis 202
Aspergillus 196, 202, 226
species 198
Aspiration pneumonia 234
Aspirin 371, 444
Asthmatic patients 253
Asymptomatic candiduria 188
Asymptomatic hypoglycemia 387
Ataxia 413
Ataxic breathing 108
Atelectrauma 62
Atenolol 393, 401
Atrial fibrillation 392
classification of 363t
postoperative 363, 367
prevention of postoperative 365b
prophylaxis for postoperative 364
Atrial mechanical function 371
Atrial pressure
left 300
right 300
Attacks, unsuspected 437
Autoimmunity 398
Automated instrument methods 184
Autonomic dysfunction 289
Autophagia 290
Auto-positive end-expiratory pressure 239f, 408f
Avibactam 172, 218, 456, 457
Azathioprine 9
Azoles, dinteractions with 205t
Azotemia 398
Aztreonam 162, 172, 177, 218
Baclofen 449
Bacterial infections 128
Bacterial latex agglutination 189
Bacterial pneumonias 128
Balloon assistance 267
Balloon inflation 309
Balloon rupture 312
Barotrauma 61, 251
Basal ganglia 118
Bedside echocardiography
advantages of 341
limitations of 341
Bedside intervention, guiding 358
Bernoulli equation, modified 351f
Beta-agonists, long-acting 405
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 130
Beta-hydroxybutyrate 332
Beta-lactama 162, 175
ambler classification of 176t
extended-spectrum 168, 175, 218
Bicarbonate 89, 382
therapy 383
Bilateral pulmonary infiltrates 52
Bilevel ventilation 248
Bioenergetic failure 426
Biomarkers 204
Biotrauma 62, 251
Bisoprolol 368
Bisphosphonates 398
Biventricular failure 263
Biventricular systolic 404
Bleeding 30
rapid assessment of 440
glucose 380
loss 348
markers 428
products, transfusion of 134
transfusion 374
urea nitrogen 89
Blood culture 181, 208
sensitivity of 173t
Blood flow 318
velocity 318
Blood pressure 27, 116, 305
management of 116
systolic 70, 449
Blood sugar 153
low 339
Bloodstream infection, catheter-related 181, 288
Body fluids, cultures of 155
Body mass index 277, 293
Body surface area 281
Bone resorption 396
Bradyarrhythmias 396
Bradycardia 30
severe 369
Brain 124, 202
death, diagnosis of 449
hemorrhages 432
herniation, risk of 423
injury, secondary 28
natriuretic peptide 404
Brainstem 124
depression 107
function 108
reflexes 108
Breath pattern 243
Breathing 4
index 255
Bronchoalveolar lavage 58, 187, 208
galactomannan 197
Bronchodilators 405
Bronchospasm 405
severe 234, 405
Broth dilution susceptibility testing 183
Brucella 181
Budd-Chiari syndrome 127
Bugs, battle of 8
Bullae formation 214
Burkholderia 173
cepacia 221
pseudomallei 172
Burn injury 439
albumin buffer 394
chloride 395
concentrations, lower 394
gluconate 395
infusion of 395
Calcofluor stain 198f
Caloric requirements 280
Calorimetry, indirect 277
Candida 129, 194, 218
auris 171
chorioretinitis 194f
isolation of 195
species 289
Capillary perfusion 44
Capnocytophaga spp 190, 226
Capnometry 51
Carbamazepine 413
Carbapenem 110
resistance 178
Carbapenemase 175, 177
Carbon dioxide 241, 322
arterial partial pressure of 327
partial pressure of 27, 36
role of 27
Carbon monoxide, transfer factor for 369
Carbonic acid 323
Carcinoma 397
Cardiac arrest 27, 28b
out-of-hospital 28
Cardiac chambers 343
Cardiac complication 397
Cardiac consequences 241
Cardiac failure 13, 411
Cardiac function 251
estimation of 341
Cardiac output 39, 145, 268, 303, 4
measurement 315
pulse-induced contour 317
Cardiac performance 299
determinants of 299, 300fc
Cardiac power output 269
Cardiac precipitants 72
Cardiac remodeling, chronicity of 349
Cardiac surgery 363
after 365b
Cardiogenic edema 57
Cardiogenic shock 50, 69, 145, 268, 269
severe 262
Cardiomyopathy 348, 364
Cardiopulmonary complications 123
Cardiopulmonary failure, severe 263
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 27, 28
Cardiorespiratory compromise 72
Cardiovascular abnormalities 389
Cardiovascular emergency 379
Cardiovascular tachycardia 392
Carvedilol 368
Caspofungin 204
Catecholamine 400
release 401
Catheter 289
and cannula placement 270
design 309
large-bore 266
shaft 270
types of 309
with tubes 291
Causative organism diagnosis 207
Cefazolin 455
Cefepime 110, 173, 456
Cefmetazole 175
Cefoperazone 134, 173, 456, 457
Cefotetan 175
Cefoxitin 175
Ceftaroline 456
Ceftazidime 172, 173, 218, 455457
Cefuroxime axetil 455
Cellulitis 214
Central herniation, signs of 107
Central nervous system 9, 104, 191, 431
disturbance 392
infections 189
Central pontine myelinolysis 419
Central venous
catheter 288
pressure 145, 300, 438
monitoring 307
Cephalosporins 110, 172, 455
Cerebellar artery, posterior inferior 107
Cerebellar hematomas 120
Cerebellar hemorrhage 120
Cerebellar strokes, large 117
Cerebral arteries 202
right middle 203f
right posterior inferior 203f
Cerebral blood flow 440
Cerebral edema 384, 414
Cerebral hemispheres 107
Cerebral infarction 122
Cerebral ischemia 122
delayed 122
Cerebral performance category scale 31
Cerebrospinal fluid 121, 189, 199, 200f
Cerebrovascular accident 36
Chemotherapy 194f
cuirass 235
pain, acute 345
Cheyne-Stokes respiration 108
Chikungunya 180
Chlamydia 185
Chloramphenicol 177
Chloride 379
resistant 324, 336
metabolic alkalosis, causes of 336
responsive 324
Cholestyramine 393
Chronic care, inadequate 72
Chvostek's signs 394
Ciliospinal reflex, preserved 107
Circulatory failure 136
Citrobacter 217
Clindamycin 162, 222
Clopidogrel 116, 371, 444
Clostridium difficile 185, 189
antigen 189
Coagulation abnormalities 119, 143
Coagulation pathways, activation of 59
Coagulopathy 134
Cognitive and motor function 105f
Cognitive impairments 386
Cold-dry profiles 78
Cold-wet profiles 78
Colistin 216, 223
Colloid, type of 148
Colonization 164, 166fc, 191
Coma 104, 106, 110t, 413
clinical classification of 109
deep 449
etiologies of 106
nontraumatic 111
of unknown origin, cause of 449
outcome of 110
with focal signs 109
without focal signs 109
Commercial feeding formulae 283
Community-acquired pneumonia, treatment of 164
Complete blood count 89, 169, 291, 377, 380, 438
Concentration dependent drugs 162
Concomitant fungal infection 146
Conduction defects 396
Confusion 430
Congestive cardiac failure 371, 372, 412
Congestive heart failure 392, 417
deteriorates, level of 104
pathophysiology of 104
Constipation, long-standing 376
Continuous cardiac output monitoring 316
Continuous electroencephalogram monitoring 432
Continuous positive airway pressure 74, 248f, 249, 365, 406
Continuous renal replacement therapy 95, 159
Continuous venovenous
hemodiafiltration 98
hemodialysis 98
hemofiltration 95
Contraction alkalosis 324, 337
Convulsive seizures 431
Copenhagen 5
Copper 295
Corneal reflex 108, 111
Coronary artery bypass graft 364
Coronary perfusion 269
pressure 305
Coronary syndromes 81
Coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic 11
Correct wedging procedure 311
Corrective stress factors 281
Corticosteroid 153, 405
systemic 405
Co-trimoxazole 173
Cough 403
reflex 207
C-reactive protein 145, 169, 187, 214, 379
Creatinine 214
kinase 428
Cricothyrotomy, surgical 23
Critical care
echocardiography in 341
medicine 3
neuropathy 253
patients 464
Critical illness 158
myopathy 425
Critically ill
obese 293t
patients 277b, 292, 294, 322, 430
malnutrition in 274
Cryoprecipitate 446
Cryptococcal antigen 190
Cryptococcal meningitis 199f
Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis 200
Cryptococcus 173, 199, 204
infection 199
Crystalloid, type of 148
Cuff leak test 259
Cushing's disease 399
Cushing's syndrome 324, 399
severe 399
Cyclical pupillary dilation 450
Cyclophosphamide 413
Cyclosporine 9, 204
Cytokines 143, 379
Cytomegalovirus 130
Dabigatran 372, 445
Damage control surgery 444
Daptomycin 162, 167, 222
Dead space ventilation 47
Deep vein thrombosis 263, 404, 409
Dehydration, severe 379
Delirium 106
Dengue 88, 180
Deoxyribonucleic acid 130, 180
Device components 269
Dexamethasone 393
Dexmedetomidine 65
Diabetes 108, 109
mellitus 199, 213
related emergencies 379
type 1 386
Diabetic ketoacidosis 332, 375, 379381, 383
resolution of 384
Dialysis machine 98
Dialytic therapy 93
Diaphragm crura 250
Diaphragmatic irritation 376
Diaphragmatic muscle weakness 427
Diarrhea 331, 392
checklist 283t
infectious 189
Diastolic functions 404
Digoxin 80, 368
Dilated right ventricle 349f
Diltiazem 368, 370
Dilution methods 183
Dilutional hyponatremia 413
Diminished cardiac contractility 123
Disease etiology 37
Disk diffusion susceptibility tests 182
Dissection flap 348f
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 13, 144
Diuretic 405
therapy 324
D-lactic acidosis 332
Dobutamine 79, 303, 467
Docosahexaenoic acid 294
Dofetilide 369, 370
Dopamine 79, 149, 303, 467
Dopaminergic effect 150
Doppler shift 342
Doripenem 175, 458
Doxazosin 401
Doxycycline 222, 462
Dronedarone 370
Drowsiness 413, 430
interactions 204
poisoning 449
Drug-resistant pathogens, risk factors for 157
Dysfunctional right ventricle 347f
Dyslipidemias 109
Dysphagia, severe 281
Dyspnea 42
acute 350
Early intubation 74
Echinocandins 196
Echocardiogram 72
Echocardiography 76
Doppler modalities 346t
information 345
modalities of 342
window 341
Eclampsia 117
Edema 88
Eicosapentaenoic acid 294
Ejection fraction 76
Electric defibrillator 367
Electrocardiogram 26, 72, 404
postrecovery 30
Electrolyte 89, 382
balance 134
imbalance 133
replacement of 386
Elemental feeds 284
Elevated natriuretic peptides
cardiac causes of 75t
noncardiac causes of 75t
medical services 40
room 113
Emergent therapy 111
principles of 111
Empiric antituberculosis treatment 204
Empiric treatment 209
Empirical antimicrobial
selection 155
therapy 155
Empirical therapy 155
Encephalitis 158
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 435
Encephalopathy 133, 134
syndrome 432
pressure 300
volume 299
End-inspiration pressure 238
Endocarditis, infective 181, 318
conditions, nondiabetic 379
emergencies 379
topic of 379
Endoneural edema 426
Endophthalmitis 194
dysfunction 73
perfusion 269
Endotracheal aspirate 188
Endotracheal intubation 21, 63, 118
Endotracheal secretions 208
Endotracheal tube 130, 207, 210, 252
Endovascular coiling 122
Endovascular infections 194
End-tidal carbon dioxide 27
Enteral feeds, mechanical obstruction to 273, 274
Enteral nutrition 281, 286b, 287, 291, 293
related complications 285t
Enterobacter 217
Enterobacteriaceae 172, 175
faecalis 174
faecium 172, 174
spp 173
Entirely noninvasive methods 319
Enzyme 200
immunoassay 180
modification 172
Eosinophilia 398
Epilepsy 433
Epinephrine 149, 150
Episodes, acute 70
Epstein-Barr virus 130
Equipment and procedure 266
Ertapenem 172, 175, 177, 458
Escherichia coli 217
Eskape pathogens 172
Esmolol 368
Essential interventions 28b
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 85
E-test 182
Ethyl alcohol 333
Ethylene glycol 333
Euvolemic hyponatremia 413, 421
Evidence-based medicine 10
Exacerbation 403
episodes, management of 409
Extensor plantar responses 426
Extracellular fluid 412
Extracorporeal albumin dialysis 135
Extracorporeal blood purification 100
Extracorporeal life support organization 67
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 67, 97, 261, 264
Extracorporeal therapies 159
Extubation 258
prerequisites before 259b
living 105
movements 108
Facial injury 439
Facial myokymia 450
Fasciotomy 216f
Fatigue 231
Fecal samples 189
Fentanyl 65
Fever 432
acute undifferentiated 179
Fibrin-platelet clot 144
Fibrotic phase 59
Filling pressure, function of 306
Flecainide 369, 370
Fluconazole 196
overload, avoid 148
responsiveness 299, 306t
determinants of 305
restriction 420
resuscitation 92, 148
therapy 382
phases of 92b
type of 148
Fluoroscopic equipment 310
Focal motor convulsions 431
Focal sensory symptoms 431
Fondaparinux 444
Forced vital capacity 259
Fosfomycin 216, 223, 462
Fosphenytoin 434
Fraction of inspired oxygen 27, 38, 56, 58, 64, 232, 256
curve 305f
relationship 299
Fresh frozen plasma 446
Functional disorder 113
Functional residual capacity 6
Fungal infection 128
Fungal pathogens 193t
clinical manifestations 193t
risk factors 193t
treatment 193t
Fusarium 204, 226
Gabapentin 436
Gag reflex 108
Galactomannan 187, 204
Gallbladder colic 376
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 333
Ganz thermodilution catheter 267
Gas exchange 37f
alterations 240
Gastric aspirates 189
Gastric distension 407
Gastric secretions, regurgitated 117
Gastric stasis 273
Gastrointestinal blood loss, massive 376
Gastrointestinal cause 334
Gastrointestinal infections 189
Gastrointestinal-hepatic dysfunction 392
Gastrostomy 282
Genitourinary tract malignancies 413
Gentamicin 173, 216, 459
Glasgow coma scale 108, 465
Glomerular filtration rate 84
Glucocorticoid deficiency 413
concentration, normal 388
control 153
Glutamine 292, 294
Gradient diffusion method 183
Graft-versus-host disease 187
Gram stain 181
Gram-negative resistance 175
Gram-positive infections 204
Granulomatous disease, chronic 197
Granulomatous disorders 397
Grave's disease 391
Guiding therapy 146f
Guillain-Barré syndrome 231, 428
Gut inflammation 204
Haemophilus influenzae 190
Half life procalcitonin 187
Hand hygiene 210
Hantavirus 88
Harris-Benedict equation 281
Headache 107, 432
evaluation, chronic 464
points, chronic 465
Healthy granulation tissue 216f
Heart 299
filling pressures, left 355
rate 303
Heart failure 117, 233, 348
acute 69, 70t, 71, 71f, 72, 72t, 75
chronic 69
signs of 69
symptoms of 69
Helicobacter pylori 189
Hematology tests 403
Hematoma 118, 374
large superficial 119
Hemato-oncology 156
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant 193
Hematuria 188
Hemispheric stroke, large 117
Hemodialysis therapies 93
Hemodialyzer 98
compromise 69
deterioration 347
devices 307
instability 71
monitoring 299
physiological basis of 299
parameters 303
stability, assessment of 403
support 6
values, normal 302t
Hemofiltration 93
Hemoglobin 46, 214, 256, 304
Hemolytic anemia 295
Hemoperfusion therapy 100
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 127
Hemorrhage 398, 437
acute 114
intracerebral 118, 119
management of
intraventricular 120
post-traumatic 438b
medical management of post-traumatic 437
putaminal 120
severe 444
simultaneous 144
subarachnoid 75, 121, 122
traumatic 443
Hemorrhagic changes 114
Hemorrhagic fevers 158
Hemorrhagic shock 145
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 323, 327
Heparin anticoagulation 119
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia 144
Hepatic cirrhosis 412
Hepatic dysfunction, serious 290
Hepatic encephalopathy 128
Hepatic gluconeogenesis 379
Hepatic vein 346
tributary 353f
Hepatitis 180
A 227
virus 130
autoimmune 127, 129
B 227
core antigen 130
surface antigen 130
C virus 130
E virus 130
ischemic 127
Hepatocellular failure 339
Hepatocytes 129
Hepatorenal syndrome 128
Herpes simplex virus 130
Herpes zoster 374
Hip joint effusion, right 219f
Hippocrates 3
after 4
Histoplasma 204
capsulatum 173, 188
Hormone, adrenocorticotropic 416
Human chorionic gonadotropin 391
Human immunodeficiency virus 180, 193, 197, 227
Hydatidiform mole 391
Hydration 374
Hydrocephalus 123
Hydrocortisone 393, 399
dose of 399
Hydrogen ion 322
Hydrophilic drugs 161
Hyperammonemia 133
Hypercalcemia 396
causes of 396, 397, 397t
dependent 397
episode, severe 398
malignancy-associated 397
severe 396, 397
Hypercapnia 47, 49
chronic 410
physiological basis of 47
Hypercapnic failure
acute 406
chronic 406
Hypercapnic respiratory failure 35, 36, 231, 406
Hypercarbia, degree of 406
Hypercatabolic phase 273
Hypercatabolic state, level of 279
Hyperchloremic acidosis 437
Hyperfibrinolysis 446
Hyperglycemia 287, 289, 379, 381, 384, 385, 426, 427
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state 380, 381, 383, 385
Hyperinflation 407
Hyperinsulinemia 388
Hyperkalemia 30, 133, 398
membrane actions of 446
Hyperlactatemia, causes of 304
Hyperlipidemia 381
Hypermagnesemia 133, 450
Hyperoxia 54, 440
moderate 440
Hyperplasia 397
Hyperreflexia 426
Hypersomnia 104, 105
Hypertension 81, 109, 118, 219, 231, 337
control of 118
evidence of 108
history of 364
renovascular 324
Hypertensive crisis, treatment of 401
Hypertensive effect, acute 116
Hypertensive encephalopathy 117
Hypertriglyceridemia 287
moderate 382
Hyperventilation 49, 323, 329, 450
Hypervolemia 133
mild 123
Hypervolemic hypernatremia, causes of 412
Hypervolemic hyponatremia 412, 420, 422
Hypervolemic therapy, mild 123
Hypoalbuminemia 159
Hypoalbuminemic malnutrition 275
Hypocalcemia 101, 395, 396, 432
acute 393, 394
acute symptomatic 395, 418
causes of 394t
D-related 395
Hypocapnia 440
Hypoglycemia 114, 129, 134, 289, 384, 386, 387, 389, 398
clinical 386
diagnosis of 387t
elative 289
mild-to-moderate symptomatic 387
signs of 387
Hypokalemia 30, 336, 337, 384, 399
Hypomagnesemia, severe 324
Hyponatremia 124, 133, 389, 390, 398, 411415, 417fc, 422, 423, 432
autocorrection of 419
causes of 421, 423
chronic 413, 414, 419, 420, 422
correction of 421
development of 413
diagnosis of 411
etiology of true 412
management of 411
mild 413
overcorrection of 419
pathophysiology of 411, 423
redistributive 412
severe 390
translocational 412, 415
treatment of 416, 417, 420
chronic 423
types of 411
Hyponatremic plasma 421
Hypoperfusion 437
cold 70
symptomatic 80
warm 70
Hypotension 30, 86, 144, 149, 348, 432
symptomatic 80
Hypothermia 101, 436, 437
Hypothyroidism, severe untreated 388
Hypotonic hyponatremia 412
Hypoventilation 323, 390, 410
Hypovolemia 92, 101, 324, 411, 422
severe 308
Hypovolemic hyponatremia 412, 421
Hypoxemia 38, 44, 57
approach to 38
causes of 39f
correcting 51
correction of 374
nonrespiratory causes of 38t
respiratory causes of 38t
Hypoxemic respiratory failure 35, 231
Hypoxia, refractory 64
Hypoxic brain injury 27
Hypoxic respiratory failure 233
Iatrogenic causes 334
Iatrogenic complications 54
Iatrogenic hypoglycemia 386
Idarucizumab 444
Ideal body weight 293
Ifosfamide 413
IIntra-abdominal infection, treatment of serious 191
Iliopsoas bursitis 219f
Imipenem 175, 458
Immobilization 426
function 190
nutrition 296
Immunochromatographic test 188
Immunoglobulin M 130
Immunonutrients 292
Impaired renal perfusion 87
Impella controller 271
system 270
Impella device 267, 270f
physiological effect of 269fc
Improved respiratory function 83
Infarction 398
Infection 101, 134, 139, 156, 164, 165t, 166fc, 191, 312, 379, 398, 404
c-induced 313
healthcare-associated 206
hospital-associated 206
secondary 13
serious 86
severe 391
site of 153
specific organ-related 187
wide spectrum of 213
Infectious disease evaluation 380
Infiltration 398
Inflammation 426
local 366
signs of 400
Inflammatory modulators 366
Infratentorial lesion 107
In-hospital cardiac arrest 29
Initial ventilatory settings 63
Inotropes 73
Insertion technique 310
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 406
Insulin 386
administration of 383
deficiency 379, 381, 382
infusion 382
therapy 383
inadequate 379
Intact oculocephalic maneuver 107
Intensive care management 69
Intensive care unit 21, 44, 102, 132b, 155, 193, 254, 273, 293, 341, 346, 425, 428, 437
acquired weakness 425
seizures in 430
Interatrial septum 346
Interferon γ 346
Intermittent hemodialysis 93
Intermittent mandatory ventilation 241, 242, 256, 257
Interstitial lung disease 36, 38, 39
Intestinal absorption 396
Intestinal obstruction 375
Intoxication 107, 109
infection 191, 217, 219
injuries 441
Intra-aortic balloon pump 73, 265, 271, 359
Intracellular fluid 412
Intracranial pressure 117
Intraoperative tissue 215
Intrapulmonary pressures 407
drugs 201
glucocorticoids 390
insulin infusion 384
thrombolysis 114, 115
Invasive arterial pressures 73
Invasive aspergillosis 187
Invasive candidiasis, risk factors for developing 194
Invasive fungal infections 193
Invasive mechanical ventilation 232
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis 197
Invasive samples 208
Invasive ventilation 74, 407
Ireton-Jones equation 281
Iron lung 235
Isavuconazole 198, 203
Ischemia 86
pulmonary hypertension 404
Ischemic stroke 116, 118
role of thrombectomy in 115
Isoniazid 333
Isoprenaline 467
Isotonic saline 420
Jejunostomy 282
Joint aspiration 220f
Jugular venous pressure 88
Ketamine 435
Ketoacid, primary 332
Ketoacidosis 332
Ketogenic diet 436
accumulation of 381
bodies, accumulation of 332
Ketonemia 381
Ketonuria 381
test for 332
Ketosis 379
development of 385
biopsy 89
disease 85, 97
chronic 88, 110, 187, 193, 197
failure 84
function 101
hypoperfusion 101
acute 13, 8488, 90, 91, 97, 101, 102, 128, 149
management of acute 91, 102fc
Klebsiella 163, 217, 221, 226, 227
penumoniae 163, 172, 223, 227
carbapenemase 218
spp 171
Kussmaul breathing 380
Labored breathing 313
Lacosamide 135, 434
Lactate clearance 304
Lactic acid acidosis 332
Lactic acidosis 331
Laryngeal edema 259, 260
Laryngeal mask airway 21f
Laryngeal reflexes 21
Laryngospasm 259
Lazarus sign 451
Left atrium 342344
calculation of 356f
Left bundle branch block 357
Left ventricular
cavity opacification 357f
diastolic and systolic volumes 357f
dysfunction 368
ejection fraction 348
end-diastolic pressure 267, 355
failure 253
hypertrophy 75, 76
outflow tract 346, 352
stroke volume 317
dysfunction 350
function 357
Legionella 181
pneumophila 188
Leptomeningeal enhancement 199f
Leptospira 180
Leptospirosis 88
Lethargy 430
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 227f
Leukocytosis 382
Levetiracetam 135, 434
Levofloxacin 173
Levosimendan 79, 467
Levothyroxine 390
Lidocaine toxicity 449
hypotension 440
organ failure 143
Limb, stimulus-induced 450
Limbic encephalitis 435
Linezolid 110, 162, 222
Liothyronine 390
Lithium carbonate 393
disease, chronic 197
dysfunction 450
failure 293, 333
function test 438
acute 13, 128, 313
drug-induced 127
malignant infiltration of 127
transplantation 131b, 135
contraindications for 136b
Lmipenem 173
Lobar, surgery for 120
Locked-in syndrome 450
Long chain triglycerides 284
Loop diuretics 324
Lorazepam 65, 433, 434
Low initial hemoglobin 442
Low molecular weight heparin 445
Low serum
osmolality 124
sodium 124
Lower limb 225f
right 213f
Lower respiratory
pathogens 189
tract infection 223
Lugol's iodine solution 393
compliance 237
damage 62
disease, structural 209
hyperinflation of 409
injury 439
acute 56
severity of 60
ventilator-induced 59, 60
parenchyma 224
pathology, unresolved 254
protection ventilation 62
protective strategy 61, 251
small cell cancer of 413
ultrasonography 77f
ultrasound 76
units 44
Lymphocytic pleocytosis 199
Macrolides 162
Maculopapular skin lesions 194f
Magnesium 379
Malaria 88
Malicious drug 386
Malnutrition 273
acute disease-related 273, 274
assessment of 276
chronic disease-related 274
classification of 273
nonvented 406
vented 406
Mean airway pressure 240
Mean arterial pressure 466
Mechanical circulatory supports 265
Mechanical thrombectomy 114, 115
Mechanical ventilation 19, 62, 64b, 64t, 132, 152, 240, 245, 315, 427
advanced modes of 245, 245b, 247
basics of 235
effects of 315
indications of 231, 232t
strategies in 245
weaning from 252
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 89
Meningeal signs 109
Meningoencephalitis, chronic 157
Mental obtundation 214
Mental status 384
decreased 389
normal 386
Meropenem 173, 175, 458
Mesenteric ischemia 378
Metabolic abnormalities 145
Metabolic acidosis 252, 325, 322, 330, 332, 335b, 336, 450
causes of 331, 331t
development of 134
severe 133
Metabolic alkalosis 323325, 330, 331, 336, 399
analysis of 336
causes of 324t, 336, 337
secondary 340
type of 336
Metabolic complication 289
Metabolic derangements 291, 432
Metabolic disorder 322, 328, 333
Metabolic encephalopathies 110
Metabolic evaluation 380
Metanephrines 401
Metastases 432
Metastatic infections 196
Metformin 304
Methanol 333
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 168, 174
Methimazole 393
Methylprednisolone 435
Metoprolol 393, 401
tartrate 368
XL 368
Metronidazole 110, 162
Midazolam 65, 435
Midbrain involvement 108
Milrinone 79, 123, 467
Minimal bactericidal concentration 160
Minimally conscious state 104, 105, 111
Minocycline 462
Minute ventilation 46, 409
Mitochondrial damage, severe 304
Mitral annular tissue 355f
Mitral flow pulse wave 355f
Mitral leaflet 343f
flail anterior 350f
Mitral regurgitation 345f, 346, 350f
Mitral stenosis 346
severe 348
Mixed venous oxygen 303, 309, 317t
Mnemonics 468
Molecular adsorbent recirculating system 135
Monitoring 297
devices 299
Monobactam aztreonam 175
Monoclonal antibodies 199
Morganella 173
Morphine 80
Motion, equation of 237
Motor weakness 426
Mucor 201, 202
bacteria 208
enterococcus spp 172
Multifocal myoclonus 108
Multiorgan failure 128, 432
Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 88
Multislice computed tomography 441
Muscle biopsy 428
Musculoskeletal system 427
Myasthenia gravis 428
Mycobacteria 185
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 181
Mycophenolate 9
Mycoplasma 185, 226
Myeloid leukemia, acute 194f
Myocardial depression 369
Myocardial infarction 76, 372, 391
acute 265
inferior 375
Myocardial perfusion 269
gradient 269
Myxedema coma 388, 389, 389b
Nasal cannula ventilation, high-flow 405
Nasal delivery 405
Nasal mucosa 19
Nasal oxygen
device, humidified high-flow 53
high-flow 12, 233
Nasogastric aspiration 324
Nasogastric tube 282, 436
Nasojejunal tube 282
Natriuretic peptide 72
B-type 72
Nausea 392
Nebulization 410
Nebulized prostaglandins 66
Neck cancers 413
Necrotizing fasciitis 201, 213f, 214
Necrotizing infective pancreatitis, severe 293
Needle cricothyrotomy 23
Neoplasms 109
Nephrocalcinosis 396
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 396
Nephrolithiasis 396
Nephrotic syndrome 412
Nephrotoxic drugs 86, 101
Nephrotoxic injury 87
Nervous system, peripheral 202
Nesiritide 79
Neuroglycopenic symptoms 386, 387
Neurohormonal system 421
Neuroimaging 114
Neurologic complication 432
severe 397
Neurologic damage 431
Neurologic deficit 114, 115, 123
Neurologic examination 426
rapid 113
Neurologic syndrome 425
Neurological examination 108
Neurological injury 27, 28
Neurological phenomenon, positive 430
Neuromuscular blockade 431
Neuromuscular junction 427
Neuromuscular problems, preexisting 428
Neuromuscular respiratory failure 427
Neurosurgical intervention 119
Neutropenia 194
Neutropenic patients 157
Nicardipine 123
Nicotine 413
Nimodipine 123
Nitrofurantoin 223
Nitrogen balance 275, 280, 291
calculation 279b
Nitroglycerin 79, 303
Nitroprusside 79, 303, 401
Nocardia spp 181
Nonabsorbable 324
Nonacetaminophen cases 131
Nonanesthetic antiepileptic drugs 434
Nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage 124
Nonanion gap acidosis, causes of 333
Nonconvulsive status 434
Nonculture-based tests 195
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 226
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation, contraindications of 52f
Noninvasive ventilation 12, 21, 52, 57, 63, 71, 72, 231, 232, 253
Nonrebreathing masks 52
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 72, 86
Noradrenaline 79, 80, 149, 467
Norepinephrine 123, 133, 150, 303
Normocapnia 132
North-south syndrome 264
Nuchal rigidity 432
Nutrition 134
inadequate 339
Nutritional planning 275
Nutritional support 274, 276t, 291, 293
approach to 273
disease modified 292
indications of 275, 277b
monitoring of 290
Nutritional syndrome 274fc
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 36, 72, 75, 197, 233, 232, 237, 249, 253, 313, 403, 404
Obstructive sleep apnea 406
Ocular movements, external 107
Oculocephalic maneuver 449
Oculovestibular reflex 107, 450
Ofloxacin 173
Oliguria 89
Omega-3 fatty acids 294
Omega-6 fatty acids 292
Opioids 226
Opportunistic bacterial illnesses 156
Oral antiarrhythmic drugs 370t
Oral anticoagulants, direct 119, 443
Oral nimodipine 123
Orbital cellulitis with palate 201f
Organ dysfunction 33, 72, 141, 142
sepsis-induced 145
Organ failure 136
Organ perfusion 304
Organ support system 100
Organ transplant 8
Organophosphorus compounds 449
Oropharyngeal seal 20
Orthostatic hypotension 422
Osmolality 416t
Osmotic demyelination syndrome 419
Osmotic diuresis 381
Osteomyelitis 194
Oxacillins 172
Oxins 127
consumption index 302
delivery 303
devices 51
index 302
dissociation curve 41
high flow 57
partial pressure of 27
saturation 27, 206, 312
peripheral 132
supplementation 405
Oxygenation 304b
support of 74
Oxyhemoglobin 303
Pacemaker, temporary 359
Packed red blood cell 446
acute 375
origin of 374
Pancreatic origin, pain of 376
Pancreatitis 146, 293
Papillary muscle rupture 347
Paraganglioma 400
Paraneoplastic disorders 435
Parasite lactate dehydrogenas 179
glands 394
hormone 394, 397
related emergencies 393
Parenteral nutrition 286, 287, 291, 293, 427
complications of 288, 288t
peripheral 290
total 287
Paresthesias 394
Paroxysmal hypertension 400
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea 70
Parsimony, rule of 157
Partial parenteral nutrition 287
Particularly imipenem 178
Parturition 391
Passive leg raising 319
Patent foramen ovale 346
Pathogen activated molecular pattern 143
Pelvic stabilization 445
Penicillin plus, combination of 161
Penicillium 204
Percutaneous coronary intervention 267
triage for 30
Percutaneous tracheostomy 23
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 265
Pericardial effusion 318, 347f
Pericardial tamponade 350
Pericarditis 345
Peripheral arterial disease 372
Peritoneal dialysis 93
Peritonitis, localized 375
Permissible hypercapnia 62, 251
Persistent respiratory acidosis 406
Persistent vegetative state 105, 111
Pharmacodynamics 158
Pharyngeal reflexes 21
Phentolamine 401
Phenylephrine 123, 467
Phenytoin 434
Pheochromocytoma 400, 401
crisis 400, 401b
diagnosis of 401
Phosphate 379
replacement 383
Phosphodiesterase 73
Physical examination 279
Physiological abnormality 35
Physiology health evaluation, acute 464
Piperacillin 110, 134, 173, 457
Pitting pedal edema 398
Pituitary adenoma 399
Pituitary tumor 391
concentrations 97
exchange, high volume 135
natriuretic peptide levels 75
separation 100
triglyceride 287
Plasmalyte 133
falciparum 180
species 180
Plateau pressures 238
count 446
dysfunction, early detection of 443
inhibitors 371
Pneumomediastinum 13
Pneumonectomy 363
Pneumonia 117, 206, 375
bundle, ventilator-associated 210b
causes of ventilator-associated 207
community-acquired 157
hospital-acquired 206
prevention of ventilator-associated 210, 211b
ventilator-associated 206, 207, 208, 224
Pneumothorax 235
Point of care echocardiography 341
Poisoning 109
Polio epidemic 5
Polyclonal antibody 9
Polydipsia, primary 413, 421
Polyethersulfone 99
Polymerase chain reaction 179, 197, 208, 404
Polymicrobial culture 215
Polymicrobial infections 161
Polymyxin 172, 177, 218
B 173, 223, 461
E 461
Polytrauma 275, 445
Polyurethane balloon 266
Polyvinyl chloride 309
Population, increasing 8
Porphyria 374, 375
Posaconazole 198, 203
Positive end-expiratory pressure 5, 53, 56, 64, 238, 239, 245, 301, 315, 439
Postcardiac arrest care 26
Postcardiac surgery 365
Potassium 379
depletion, severe 324
iodide, saturated solution of 393
replacement 383
Potential adverse events 271
Potential cardiac arrhythmias 395
Prasugrel 444
Prazosin 401
Precipitating causes 70
Precipitating factor, treatment of 384
Predisposing conditions 57
Preeclampsia 117
Pregnancy 127
Prerenal causes 86
Pressure control ventilation 236, 236f
Pressure sores 407
Pressure waveform configuration 311f
Pressure-regulated volume control 247
Preweaning tests 255
Primary disorders, severe 326
Procalcitonin 145, 146
concentration, interpretation of 146f
test 169
Propafenone 369, 370
Prophylactic agents, perioperative 365
Propofol 435
infusions 433
Propranolol 393
Prostate 191
C 128
S 128
Prothrombin complex concentrate 119, 444, 445
Providencia 173
Pseudohyponatremia 381, 412, 414, 415
Pseudomonas 173, 178, 215, 221, 226, 227
aeruginosa 172, 177, 209
drug-resistant 177
infection 170
Public health systems, deficient 86
Pulmonary arterial systolic ressure 353
Pulmonary artery 312, 354
catheter 312
complications of 312
diastolic pressure 311, 312, 353, 354
main 346
pressure 313, 314f, 344
pressure monitoring 308
indications for 310b
systolic pressures 353
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 56, 145, 300, 303, 312
Pulmonary catheter, triple-lumen 311f
Pulmonary circulation 38
Pulmonary complications, postoperative 234
Pulmonary diseases, chronic 364
Pulmonary edema 233, 350
high-altitude 40
noncardiogenic 56
Pulmonary emboli 81
Pulmonary embolism 39, 40, 241, 263, 345, 348, 350
subacute 347f
Pulmonary hypertension 240, 308
degree of 404
Pulmonary infarction 313
Pulmonary regurgitation 346, 354
Pulmonary vascular resistance 346, 350
estimation of 354
Pulmonary vasoconstriction 251
Pulmonary venous pressure 314, 314f
Pulmonary wedge position 310
oximetry 50
wave 346, 352
Pupillary reflex 111
Purpuric rash 225f
Pyelonephritis 377
acute 378
Quinidine 370
Quinolones 110
Radial artery 307
Randomized controlled trials 10
Rankin scale, modified 31
Rapid diagnostic tests 179
Rapid shallow breathing index 256, 259
Rash 158
Rasmussen's encephalitis 435
Reactive oxygen species 379
Rebreathing, partial 52
Recognizing seizures 430
Red blood cell 121, 351f, 437
Red impella plug 270
Refractory hypoxemic failure, severe 36
Remifentanil 65
Renal causes 334, 335
intrinsic 86
Renal clearance, augmented 159
Renal complication 397
Renal dysfunction 133, 293, 450
Renal failure 134
development of 432
early 334
Renal replacement therapy 84, 86, 94, 95, 102, 133, 278, 293
acute 93
complications of 101
discontinuation of 100
dose of 99
modality of 95
prolonged intermittent 98
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system 415, 416
Residual insulin secretion 385
Respiration 108
types of 108
Respiratory abnormalities 389
Respiratory acid-base disorders, chronic 323
Respiratory acidosis 322, 330, 336, 389
acute 36, 325
chronic 325, 340
mild-to-moderate 405
severe 326
Respiratory alkalosis 330
acute 325
chronic 325
Respiratory arrest 231
Respiratory compensation 323
Respiratory disorder 322, 328
Respiratory distress
severe 69
severity of 403, 406
signs of 231
syndrome, severe acute 261
Respiratory drive, decreased 253
Respiratory failure 38, 231
chronic 35
classification of 35, 36t
combined 35
gas exchange in 37
of acute 42
type of 403, 406
Respiratory illness 425
Respiratory infection 82, 403
Respiratory irritants 403
Respiratory muscle
disuse 253
fatigue 253
Respiratory quotient, higher 252
Respiratory support 5
Respiratory tract infections 188
Resting energy expenditure 277
Resuscitation 17
early 147
initial 438
Reye syndrome 127
Rickettsiae 180
Right atrium 312
vegetation in 220f
Right heart filling pressures 352
Ringer's acetate 148
Ringer's lactate 133, 148
Rivaroxaban 372
Road traffic accidents 437
Rotadynamic centrifugal pump 261
Salicylate overdose 333
Saline infusion, normal 421
Saliva 117
Salmonella spp 173, 189
Sarcoma 413
Sedation 63
Seizure 413
drug-induced 110t
duration 432
management 119
nonconvulsive 431
recognition 430
treatment 432
Self-calibrated devices 317
Sensorium 259
Separate arterial pressure 267
Sepsis 86, 100, 141, 144, 159fc, 180, 404, 428
biomarkers for 186
catheter-induced 320
failure, development of 432
features of 142
pathogenesis of 143
syndrome 194
Septic arthritis 221
Septic shock 141, 146, 148, 153, 157
Sequential compression devices 124
Sequential organ failure assessment 142, 197
score 466
Serotonin reuptake inhibitor 413
Serratia 173
calcium concentration 394
electrolyte balance 366
oxaloacetic transaminase 130
pyruvic transaminase 130
lactate 304
measurement of 442
osmolality 415
sodium 411
Session length 99
Shigella 189
Shock 231, 241, 348, 375, 442
hemodynamic profile in 145t
Shoulder adduction 451
Shunt 342
fraction, degree of 45
physiological 44
quantifying 44
Sickle cell disease 375
Sinus of Valsalva 347
ruptured 345
Sinus rhythm 367, 371
Sirolimus 9
Skin 374
biopsy 227f
hyperpigmentation of 398
turgor 88
Slow continuous ultrafiltration 98
Smooth muscle contraction 374
Sodium 214
depletion of 379
Solid organ
lacerations 378
transplant 193, 197
Solid tumors 226
Sotalol 365, 370
Spectral Doppler measurement 351
Spectrum of disease 194, 197, 199, 201
Spinal cord 124
Spontaneous breathing 235, 253, 306
trial 65, 256
procedure 257b
Spontaneous circulation, return of 26, 29
ST elevation myocardial infarction 347
ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 30
Standard polymeric formula 284
Staphylococcus 227, 289
aureus 129, 161, 165, 172, 183, 209, 221, 289
Starvation ketoacidosis 332
Static drugs 196
Statins, role of 116
Status epilepticus 431, 434t, 436
refractory 433
super refractory 435, 435t
Stenotrophomonas 221
Steroid 13, 66, 199, 324, 393, 435
treatment 66
Straightforward syndromes 158
agalactiae 224
pneumoniae 181, 188
Stress 276t
cardiomyopathy 123
levels 281t
starvation 275
Stroke 113
acute 117
onset 114, 115
volume variation 306, 318
Stupor 106
Subcutaneous insulin therapy 384
Subcutaneous tissue 374
Sublingual nifedipine 117
Sulbactam 134, 173, 456, 457
Sulfamethoxazole 216, 222
Sulfonylureas 386
Superior vena cava 308, 346
Support 229
Supratentorial compartment 106
Surviving sepsis campaign 147
Synacthen stimulation test 398
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 242f
Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone 414b, 416, 417
Systemic complications 436
treatment of 391
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 141, 187, 294, 427
Systemic vascular resistance 145, 302, 304
Systems requiring calibration 317
Systolic function, right ventricular 357
Systolic pressure variations 307
Tachycardia, severe 357
Tachypnea 231
Tacrolimus 204
Tazobactum 110, 134, 173, 457
Technical complications 289
Teicoplanin 167, 222, 460
Temporal lobe, part of 107
Terminally ill, end-of-life care for 10
Tetracycline 162, 173
Therapeutic drug monitoring 205
Therapeutic hypothermia 28, 29b
management 29b
Thermodilution technique 315, 316
Thiazide 324
diuretics 412, 417
induced hyponatremia 421
Thionamide therapy 391
Thrombocytopenia 144
Thromboelastography 30
Thromboembolic events 371
Thromboembolism 371, 372
Thrombolytic treatment 117
Thrombotic microangiopathy 89
Thymoma 413
Thyroid hormone
release, inhibition of 393
replacement 389
synthesis 393
Thyroid related emergencies 388
Thyroid storm 390
diagnosis of 392t
management of 391, 393t
treatment of 391
Thyrotoxic crisis 390
Ticagrelor 444
Tigecycline 177, 216, 218, 223, 463
hypoperfusion 141
hypoxia, causes of 46b
oxygenation 299, 303
determinants of 304b
organ-specific 304
Today's intensive care units, genesis of 7
Todd's paralysis 430
Torso movements 450
Total body water 412
Toxic alcohols 333
Toxic encephalopathies 110
Toxicity, severe 333
Toxins 333
Tracheostomy 23
complications of 24t
tube 257
Tranexamic acid 446
Transducer monitoring technique 307
Transesophageal Doppler monitoring devices 318
Transesophageal echocardiography 318, 341, 370
Transfalcine herniation 106
Transfusion management 445
Transient ischemic attack 371, 372
Transplant medicine 156
Transpulmonary thermodilution 317
Transthoracic echocardiography 220
Trauma 146, 379, 391, 428
sonography for 438
systemized 438
Traumatic brain 450
injury 440, 450
Trichosporon 173
beigelii 190
Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion 358f
Tricuspid regurgitation 346, 353
Triglycerides, medium chain 284
Trimethoprim 216, 222
Trophic feeds 290
Tropical fever 179
Trousseau's signs 394
Truma ovary 391
Tube feeding 286b, 287fc
Tubular necrosis
acute 90
ischemic 128
Ularitide 79
Ulcer, nonhealing 226f
Uncal herniation 107
Unit-acquired weakness 425
Upper gastrointestinal dysfunction 281
Upper lobe, left 203f
Upper respiratory
pathogens 188
tract infections 188
Uremia 133, 331
Uric acid, excretion of 90
Urinalysis 89
Urinary anion gap 335
Urinary chloride 324, 337
Urinary tract 191
infection 128, 157, 223
Urine 89
analysis 89
osmolality 415, 416
output 382, 466
sodium 415, 416, 416t
high 124
Urosepsis 187
Valproic acid 434
Valvar regurgitation 342
Valvular heart diseases 364
Vancomycin 167, 221, 222, 460
detection of 183
Varicella zoster virus 130
Vascular access 99
Vascular territory implies 113
Vascular trauma, types of major 442
causes for 226
types for 226
Vasodilator 79
inhaled 66
therapy 303
Vasopressin 133, 149, 150, 467
receptor antagonists 421
classification of 422
doses of 150b
effects of 150, 150b
support 148
Vena cava
inferior 133, 262f, 346, 353f
junction of superior 220f
Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenator 264
Venous admixture, treating 45
Ventilation 44, 46, 132, 303, 444
adaptive support 241, 250
advanced modes of 245
assist control 64, 241, 248
basic modes of 244b
controlled 247
discontinuation of 74
inverse ratio 247
modes of 243
classification of 243b
positive pressure 236, 240
pressure support 249, 249f, 258
pressure-controlled 236
prone position 246
proportional assist 250
volume-controlled 236
interventions 210
support 51
Ventilator-associated conditions 206b
Ventilatory assist, neurally adjusted 250
Ventricular arrhythmias, refractory 263
Ventricular compliance 300
Ventricular contraction 301
Ventricular fibrillation 28
Ventricular septal rupture, acute 265
Ventricular tachycardia 28
Verapamil 123, 368
Very low density lipoproteins 382
Vibrio cholerae 189
Viral hepatitis 127
Viral illnesses 156
Viruses 185
Visceral protein levels 280
Viscoelastic methods 443
Vital interventions 5
Vitamin 295
C 284
D 395
toxicity 397
E 284
K 444
antagonist 443, 445
Vocal cords 259
Volutrauma 61, 251
Vomiting 324, 392
Voriconazole 198, 204
Warfarin 363
Warm-dry profiles 77
Warm-wet profiles 77
Weaning 65
difficult 260
causes of 252
indicators of 254
procedure 254
stages of 255b
trials 260
Wheezing 403, 405
Whipple's triad 386
White blood cell 187, 214
Wilson's disease 127
Witzel technique 282
Worsening hypotension 134
Xenotransplantation 9
Zinc 295
Zolendronate 398
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

  • Critical Care Medicine Over the Years
    Jamshed Sunavala2

Critical Care Medicine Over the YearsCHAPTER 1

Jamshed Sunavala
Medical history is vague about the exact time when critical care medicine as we understand today, began. However, the practice of caring for critically ill patients is not a new concept and does not differ greatly from the past. From the time of Hippocrates to Galen to Florence Nightingale and to the present times, the watch words have remained the same—vigil, speed, support, and compassion. These four pillars that constitute the spirit of critical care were also practiced by good old physicians and family friends—Luke Fildes painting of the country doctor says it all (Fig. 1).
In the further discourse, I have no intention to elaborate on the history of medicine—there are better books available on the subject. My main objective is to firstly acknowledge the men and women whose contributions over the years have made it possible for the standards of critical care accessible today and secondly, to understand the many limitations and inadequacies in our present approach to critical care medicine.
zoom view
Fig. 1: The Doctor, exhibited in 1891, Sir Luke Fildes. Presented by Sir Henry Tate, 1894.Photo: Courtesy Tate
The physician from the island of Kos revealed for posterity the face of impending death—“The Hippocratic Facies”. He also observed the respiration 4of a patient with high fever, akin to that of a “man recollecting himself whilst breathing large and deep”—here possibly he was describing a case of severe sepsis in respiratory failure. Much before John Cheyne and William Stokes (both Scotsmen) were historically linked together to describe “Cheyne–Stokes breathing”, the notable gasp from a failing respiratory center was already described by Hippocrates as vividly as we see today—“gasping irregular breathing which would cease quarter of a minute and restart, first slow then heavy and fast and cease again”. He also commended all physicians caring for the critically ill, who conducted the treatment better than others. The present day intensivists seem to have taken him too seriously and are appalled by the mention of “open intensive care units (ICUs)”.
Indeed there is a long line of pioneers in the medical field following Hippocrates without whom we may have required another century or probably more, to be able to achieve today's modern science of critical care medicine. Celsus provided us with the signs of inflammation—“calor, rubor, tumor, dolor”. Anatomy was relatively nonexistent till the 16th century and the coming of Andreas Vesalius and his artistic anatomic atlas. June of 1543 saw two cherished works of the European Renaissance, one—“On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres” a monumental work by Nicolaus Copernicus, and the other—“De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem” by Andreas Vesalius on the fabric of the human body. This masterpiece by Vesalius was illustrated by no other than Titian and his school of artist in the city of Padua. Till this time and for the previous 14 years, the gospel of Galen was considered the Bible of Medicine. Vesalius adored Galen, but he soon found discrepancies with Galen's manuscripts showing the anatomy of the human body which were at odds with his findings. He initially refused to believe this and he even entertained the theory that the anatomy of the human body had changed over the years, but when Galen's shortcoming became glaringly obvious, he realized that the great God of medicine had erred. It was Vesalius again in 1555 who first described the possibility of inserting a tube or a reed in an opening made in the trachea and blowing into it and thereby inflating the lungs. However, it was Paracelsus (1493–1541) who first demonstrated a type of assisted ventilation through a tube inserted in the patient's mouth. Interestingly, Vesalius who was wrongly accused by his enemies, was sent on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land as punishment for dissecting a Spanish Nobleman who they claimed, stirred on application of the scalpel and some went as far as to blame him for dissecting the body on a beating heart. During this voyage he was shipwrecked and died of hunger on the Greek Island of Zante (Zakynthos).
Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur dispelled Pettenkofer's belief of “miasma” or vapors being responsible for disease and were the first to identify the microbial agents as cause of infectious diseases. Florence Nightingale introduced a triage 5system for the critically ill wounded soldiers of the Crimean war. Drinker's Iron Lung and Fleming, Florey, and Chain's discovery of penicillin, the double helix of Watson and Crick and many others with their discoveries were the first to sow the seeds of what we reap today. However, the unbelievable advances in technology in the field of critical care medicine and progress in the last 60 years cannot be denied. The first attempt at using a positive pressure ventilator was during the polio epidemic in Europe in the early fifties. This period is probably the beginning of the modern concept of an ICU as we understand today.
The polio epidemic struck Copenhagen in 1952. Bjorn Ibsen, an anesthetist, was consulted because the negative pressure iron lung was not helping the victims, though theoretically the bellows function of the iron lung, pushing air in and out, should have sufficed for the polio-afflicted patients who suffered from type II respiratory failure. Ibsen, to his surprise, observed increased blood levels of CO2 reflecting persistent uncorrected respiratory acidosis despite being ventilated on the iron lung and obliviously concluded that the patients were inadequately ventilated and oxygenated. He improved the system by introducing positive pressure intermittently (through a tracheostomy), and in synchrony with the negative pressure phase provided by the iron lung. His crude, but effective method of providing the positive pressure intermittently [intermittent positive pressure (IPP)] was by introducing a Bennett's positive pressure valve in line with the continuous positive pressure applied from the other end. This supplemented positive pressure worked and substantially improved survival. Later the improved version of this contraption/device was also helpful in patients with primary type I respiratory failure with intractable hypoxemia by keeping the collapsed alveoli open, and this was the earliest mode of recruitment attempted and the rest is history. I believe that this period of the early 50s was the beginning and the first step to the multidisciplinary ICU of today.
Respiratory Support
Respiratory, hemodynamic, nutritional management, and nursing are the four supports on which all critically ill patients depend on during the life-threatening phase of their illness. However, the first two have made a stronger impact as major supports in improving outcomes. After Ibsen's innovation of the IPP ventilator, more refined volume-cycled ventilators were developed by the mid-50s—these included the Bang and Engstrom ventilators, soon followed by Bennett MA-IB. With time, more sophisticated ventilators entered the market with various modes mainly used for lung recruitment and weaning. The most vital and universally used mode is the concept of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) which followed the observation of Furman that when the exhalation limb of the circuit from the tracheostomy was inserted under 61–4 cm of water, it provided expiratory resistance and improved oxygenation by opening the collapsed alveoli and increasing the functional residual capacity (FRC). PEEP is today a standard mode used in most patients and has proved enormously successful in ventilating patients with ARDS. Barach's study describing the use of positive pressure respiration for treatment of pulmonary edema preceded Ibsen and was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 1938, however the emphasis was on providing positive pressure without intubation, as ventilation was not the prime concern. Two other historical landmark papers, which completely revolutionized the future of mechanical ventilation, were Ashbaugh, Bigelow, and Petty's publication on acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in Lancet 1967 and later the ARDS Network Study in New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) 2000, stressing on the use of low tidal volumes in ARDS. It is remarkable that this (lung protection strategy), is the only mode that has shown significant survival benefit.
Hemodynamic Support
William Harvey's “De Motu Cordis” published in 1628, detailed the circulation of blood and he can rightly be called the father of hemodynamics. However, the complete pathway for circulation was identified half a century later by Marcello Malpighi, also famous for his discovery of capillaries connecting veins to arteries. The English clergyman Stephen Hales crude 4 feet glass tube inserted into the artery of a horse in 1733 was of course too cumbersome for our modern ICUs, but thankfully the Austrian physician Karl Samuel Ritter von Basch designed the first portable sphygmomanometer in 1881. He claimed haughtily that cutting open a patient's artery would no longer be required, but had he lived a century longer, he would have been quite disappointed to note that we puncture open radial arteries a bit too enthusiastically in our ICUs today. Till the turn of the 19th century, one could measure only systolic blood pressure and it was only in 1905 that Nikolai Korotkoff was able to measure diastolic pressure by identification of certain sounds, now known as Korotkoff sounds.
The modern concept of hemodynamics as we understand today can be credited to John Womsley (1907–1958) and Donald McDonald (1917–1973). McDonald's thesis on “Blood Flow in Arteries” has since been a standard work in the field of hemodynamics. The Nobel prize in medicine for performing the first right heart catheterization in a human went to Werner Theodor Otto Forssmann who inserted a urethral catheter in his own basilic vein and advanced it into the right heart, when he was only a 25-year old surgical resident. He was dismissed from the hospital for his reckless act in attempting such a suicidal experiment and disrespecting the reputation of his department. We are not certain as to which department took umbrage, whether it was cardiology or urology. Later Drs Andre Cournard and Dickinson Richards innovated new catheters which could be advanced into the pulmonary arteries and they joined Forssmann in receiving the Nobel Prize in 1964. However, it 7was not until Jeremy Swan and William Ganz invented the balloon floating pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) for measurement of right-sided pressures that opened the possibility of bedside hemodynamic monitoring. Unfortunately, this catheter gained instant notoriety after the moratorium decreed by no other than Dr Roger Bone at the end of the last century. Today intensivists who rail against the use of Swan-Ganz catheters should remember that “any tool can be a weapon in the wrong hands”. Fluid resuscitation now followed the adage that “cardiac filling pressure is not fluid responsiveness”; dynamic values of stroke volume variation (SVV) and pulse volume variation (PVV) are now considered appropriate, and just measuring pulmonary wedge pressure as an index of left ventricular filling pressure may not always reflect the improvement in the cardiac output to volume challenge. To understand this subject, it would be well to refer to a landmark paper in Clinics in Chest Medicine, 2003 on hemodynamic monitoring by Michael Pinsky.
Methods of supporting patients with severe cardiogenic shock or refractory cardiac failure have made considerable strides in the last two or three decades with newer inotropes, but more significantly due to better understanding and application of both inotropes and vasopressors already in use. Introduction of intra-aortic balloon pumps (IABPs) and newer ventricular assist devices such as the Impella device have contributed immensely for bridging patients to interventions, surgery, or even to conceivable recovery. Adding extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to the Impella (ECPELLA) can help patients with cardiac and respiratory failure with refractory hypoxia.
The concept of close monitoring of the critically ill was first conceived by Florence Nightingale during the Crimean War in the 1850s. She was also possibly the first to arrange and separate the sick according to the severity of their illness, keeping the ones who required close monitoring nearest to the nursing station, a concept that we call “Triage” today. In 1923, Walter Dandy opened a separate three-bedded unit for critical postneurosurgical patients at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, USA. By the 1930s, many such postoperative recovery rooms for close monitoring and observation, mushroomed during the Second World War and special shock units to provide the best resuscitation facilities, were setup on the fronts. 1958 saw the first modern prototype of a multidisciplinary ICU at Baltimore City Hospital, USA, under Dr Peter Safar and soon hospitals all over USA and Europe adopted the same plan for their ICUs.
In India, most of the hospitals till the early 70s were designed to look after critical cardiac patients and called them intensive cardiac units. They exclusively looked after the patients with coronary artery disease and their main purpose was to closely monitor arrhythmias requiring immediate cardioversion or pacing, and in the event of an arrest, to resuscitate. But there was little facility available to support over time, patients with organ failure. 8Quoting Dr FE Udwadia's introductory lines from the preface of his Textbook of Critical Care Medicine, “……. these units, though centralized were designed and equipped chiefly to offer intensive care to patients with acute myocardial infarction. Mechanical ventilation was primitive; its use being mostly restricted to token gesture of graces offered to a patient about to depart from the world”.
The concept of advanced respiratory and hemodynamic support developed post availability of good positive pressure ventilators together with facilities to monitor hemodynamics at the bedside along with the availability of Swan-Ganz catheters.
However, our main challenges in India today are the lack of ICU beds, poor patient-to-nurse ratios, lack of excellent training facilities, and affordable treatment.
Battle of the Bugs
Bacteria have lived and owned the world billions of years before us and perhaps we live here only because they allow us to, but definitely we could not survive without them. The ones in our gut help to fight foreign microbes, which could otherwise make us sick. They divide and breed but once every million divisions they may mutate and the mutant bacteria may have an added advantage of being resistant to antibiotics. Antibiotic resistance can of course occur in many ways, mainly because of overuse and abuse and consequently we are faced with the dreadful dilemma of multidrug resistance (MDR) and pandrug resistance (PDR). Drug resistance, with no new and effective antibiotics in sight, has become the greatest predicament we face in our ICUs today.
Increasing population of elderly patients in our ICUs with diseases and drugs, which suppress their immune system, are at the biggest risk of developing serious infections. In most cases our immune system fights back, but not before unleashing a cytokine storm from a dysregulated host response to infection, which leads to life-threatening organ failure. Sepsis was defined in 1992 by Roger Bone and colleagues as a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) but now the latest definition of 2016, Sepsis-3, is all about organ dysfunction.
The earliest attempts in human transplant were done in India almost a thousand years ago; of course, what described were not organ transplants but autotransplant of flaps. The first attempt at human-to-human kidney transplant was done by Dr Yu Yu Yuronoy in 1936 which failed in the early postoperative period due to rejection. However, the credit to the first successful kidney transplant goes to Dr Murray and his team from Boston in 1954 and it was performed between identical twins. On the other hand, it was not till late 60s that several successful liver transplants were done where all patients received immunosuppression with azathioprine and cortisone though none survived beyond 23 days.9
It was not until the discovery of cyclosporine, refinement of surgical techniques and donor supports that both kidney and liver transplant were no more considered experimental but seriously offered as therapy. By the early 1990s the introduction of tacrolimus, which has a greater potency than cyclosporine, paved a way for longer survival. Further, advance in organ procurement and preservation and newer immunosuppressants following the calcineurin era has made organ transplant (especially kidney and liver) a routine surgical procedure today with a high success rate.
The increasing organ transplant program and the large gamut of immunosuppressants in use have created an enormous burden on the ICU. The intensivist today has to deal with early and in-hospital post-transplant complications and they need to be conversant with the drugs and their various side effects ranging from hematological complications following the use of azathioprine, mycophenolate, sirolimus, and antibodies (monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies). Cyclosporine has side effects on the kidney and heart whereas tacrolimus in addition to the side effect on the kidney also has central nervous system (CNS) toxicity. The newer class of immunosuppressants such as belatacept is relatively safe but a few cases of post-transplant CNS problems such as an increased risk of multifocal leukoencephalopathy and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder have been described with its use. To further compound the work of the already stressed ICU staff is the use of steroids causing new-onset diabetes mellitus with uncontrolled high sugar levels. Patients on immunosuppressants also present in the ICU with perplexing problems, especially fever of unknown etiology and most of these medications have unique interactions with the commonly prescribed adjunct agents such as antibiotics, antifungals, antihypertensives, and antidepressants. Despite progress, the future of transplant holds a lingering fear of alarming zoonotic transmitted infections such as the Ebola virus, etc., with the ongoing experimental trials of xenotransplantation.
It was not until 1980 that a lung transplant with an acceptable outcome was achieved by Joel Cooper and Colleagues. However, the overall survival rate even today is approximately 50% at 5 years. Despite major advances, complications of post lung transplant are not uncommon. Bronchial stenosis at the anatomic site and unexplained noncardiogenic pulmonary edema within 72 hours following transplant and wide spectrum of infections are the main complications that the intensivist may have to deal with in the first or second week post-transplant. The first cardiac transplant was successfully performed by Christiaan Barnard in 1967. Now heart transplant has become a standard surgery for treating patients with advanced and refractory heart failure. In the majority of patients, the immediate postoperative course would be similar to post bypass surgery requiring ventilatory support and management of possible arrhythmias. Rejection and problems of immunosuppression are usually experienced later. However, the intensivist should be on guard to deal with immediate surgery-10related infections and well versed with management of advanced support such as IABP and temporary left ventricular assist device (LVAD).
As doctors, most of us must have read AJ Cronin's “The Citadel” written in 1937, which became the moving spirit behind the foundation of the National Health Service (NHS) in Great Britain. The man behind the main theme of the novel was Dr Mason, whose management of patients was based not only on his skill as a doctor with independent thinking but also on uncompromised and sound ethical principles. I am not sure how well he would have fared in today's time where he would have to abandon his lateral thinking and diagnostic skills developed through experience, and now compelled to restrain his personal views and act in accordance with the evidence of others, strictly adhering to protocols and bound by technology.
Very often evidence was based on a single trial and discarded by another to become invalidated. This has been revealed by retrospectively reviewing, a vast body of literature published in the last 30–40 years from which we have learnt that single-centered randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have failed often by not being replicated in larger multicentered RCTs. A typical example is the strongly advocated early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) of River's published in NEJM in 2000, a single-centered RCT confirming a survival benefit that was not substantiated in later studies. This shows that guidelines will change with newer and better controlled trials hence a single study from one center should not cloud one's judgment.
Evidence, besides providing useful guidelines, has also given us insight into certain aspects of bedside care that were considered perfunctory. For instance, early intubation is beneficial for critically ill patients; also, head elevation to 30° and improved oral hygiene decreased incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). It was helpful, among many others, in formulating guidelines such as the surviving sepsis campaign and septic bundles and glycemic control protocol. Probably the greatest benefit evidence-based medicine (EBM) revealed was the importance of teamwork for more efficient ICU functioning.
In general, the patient population admitted to ICUs today is older than they were 40 years ago. This means greater morbidity for obvious reasons and many elderly patients with comorbidities succumb to a critical illness. A few, pull on, with the help of cardiopulmonary support till they are labeled terminally ill with little hope of complete recovery and many have no meaningful existence even after a protracted recovery period. The other group of patients, young or old, are those who have survived a successful resuscitation but with a very dismal outcome. Less than a quarter survive to discharge and of these only a handful have a meaningful recovery. Hence, it behoves that the treating doctor to deal with 11both the patient and the family with responsibility and utmost sensitivity, but sooner or later the sensitive issue of do not resuscitate (DNR) will be brought up.
Before considering DNR, repeated counseling of the family members is essential and discussions should include an honest picture of the patient's functional status and prognosis of future outcome. Relatives’ preferences should be carefully understood and sympathetically considered, before pronouncing views regarding futile resuscitation. The counseling doctor has to be well aware that often our ability to prognosticate the outcome may not be perfect. Hence, using phrases such as “meaningful existence, morality issues, and dignity in death”, may often carry a certain degree of arbitrariness and should be used carefully, sensing the poignancy of the moment, even though the family has accepted the inevitable. Further, avoid using a self-fulfilling prophecy to coerce the patient into accepting DNR.
With organ transplants on the rise, the modern ICUs have to contend with the ethics of certifying brain death for organ donation. Mollaret and Goulon in 1959 were the first to describe death based on the loss of function of the brain. Guidelines for determination of brain death have been framed by multiple scientific committees, to instruct clinicians to accurately examine patients, to avoid risk of diagnostic error and legal implications. It is important to remember not to callously disregard the last hope of living, which every family desires, so be thoughtful before pronouncing “futile resuscitation”.
Four centuries ago, Francis Beacon defended the art of reasoning by general and liberal education of all humanities and advised not to lose our perspective only in the worship of science. This promoted a wise judgment of ends to accompany the scientific improvement of means. His words seem more applicable to our times, with an increasing population of the terminally ill, taxing our reasoning and judgment.
The ongoing pandemic of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) infection has created a serious impact on the future of our understanding of viral infections. It has opened a new perspective on the physiological and immunological aberrations, responsible for the varied clinical manifestations and complications that has thrown light on the therapeutic implications of the drugs and interventions used. The intensivists particularly have struggled to improve outcomes of the critically ill and many new challenges and predicaments have been an eye opener.
The COVID-19 pandemic spread worldwide in 2020 and continued to rage even through 2021. The pandemic was caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) and was first reported in December 2019 from the Wuhan provenience of China from where it originated, but the first case reported in India was on 30th January 2020. At the time of writing 12this book (May 2021) India was in the midst of a second wave of COVID-19 pandemic and by now has had the second largest number of confirmed cases (after the United States), with 26 million reported cases and over 3 lacs deaths. This second wave advanced with enormous casualties which was far more devastating than the first wave in September 2020 and the experts predicted a catastrophic rise of COVID-19 infection with a mounting death rate by the end of this surge. The magnitude of the second wave left India totally unprepared with shortage of hospital beds, oxygen, ventilator, vaccines, and drugs, more- so in the rural areas. Multiple factors were proposed for this unprecedented surge, including a rampant disregard to personal protection by the public. People let lose their guard, soon following the first wave with the incidence of COVID showing a dramatic decline in comparison to other countries. This self-assured hubris among the public and the government, led to complacency resulting in relaxation of preventive control measures.
In consistency with current chapter, it is relevant to discuss those serious cases requiring ICU care. Critically ill patients of COVID presented with a myriad complications, which are otherwise seen rarely in one disease. Patients during the onset of the pandemic throughout the first wave presented in the ICU with a clinical picture suggestive of ARDS and likewise the management guidelines were prototyped to correction of refractory hypoxia and prevention of alveolar capillary leak. However, with time many features of respiratory affliction following COVID were at odds with that of ARDS as known to us. Firstly, many patients tolerated oxygen desaturation (even below 90%) without displaying any signs of respiratory distress. Secondly, during the very acute phase there was no evidence of refractory hypoxia as most cases of severe oxygen desaturation (well below 90%) were corrected with nasal oxygen delivery of 2–4 L/min and this was out of line with the very definition of ARDS. With time, majority (over 95%) of these patients recovered but of which only few required ventilator support and here too most responded to noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO). Though ground glass appearance on the chest CT was common with ARDS, the distinctive appearance of peripheral pneumonia hinted in favor of COVID. The confidence of managing hypoxia without ventilatory support conveniently favored home management in mild-to-moderate cases, especially during the second wave, when there was an acute shortage of hospital beds.
The few with refractory hypoxia went from NIV to intubation and mechanical ventilation and had high mortality rates and even with the best of ICU care, almost over 60% did not make it to recovery. ECMO was the last resort for refractory hypoxia and though the outcome was very poor, it was offered to the younger population mainly on compassionate grounds. The only therapies that showed benefit in serious cases of COVID were:
  • Oxygen with or without mechanical ventilation
  • Prone positioning13
  • Steroids—dexamethasone 6–8 mg per day or methylprednisolone 40 mg twice a day to be used judiciously
  • Anticoagulants—low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or oral anticoagulants (apixaban 2.5 mg twice a day)
  • Interleukin-β (IL-β) inhibitor tocilizumab available in the market as “Actemra”.
Timing of giving the above medications was of paramount importance—too early may be ineffective or even harmful at times and too late was like offering the last ministrations to the dying. Steroids for instance was a case in point. Tocilizumab used in patients without ruling out underlying bacterial or fungal infection can lead to life-threatening septic shock. At the same time, it should be cautiously used and timed before patient becomes terminally ill with a full-fledged cytokine storm and on ventilator/inotropic support.
Thromboembolic complications emerged as an important issue in patients with COVID-19 infection. They were due to a procoagulant pattern and very likely related to an endothelial thromboinflammatory syndrome and the common complications emerging from this syndrome were pulmonary embolism and cerebrovascular accidents. Hence, appropriate use of anticoagulants was advocated with worsening of symptoms even at times prior to hospitalization.
Since the first wave much has happended and by the time second phase reached its peak many unusual complications were recorded. Though acute respiratory failure with refractory hypoxia was the leading cause of death other unexpected fatal complications were recorded. These included:
  • Cardiac failure: Here uncertainty remains whether the virus was directly causing myocarditis or the cardiac damage was secondary to the severity of the illness.
  • Secondary infections: Bacterial and bloodstream infections were commonly seen. However, fungal infection of the lung such as aspergillosis and mucormycosis were not that uncommon in the sickest of the patients.
  • Acute liver injury and liver failure occurred rarely but was very sudden with a high mortality. It was not certain whether this was a result of direct harm from the virus or other antecedent causes.
  • Acute kidney injury (AKI) seemed to be a common complication secondary to the hemodynamic and respiratory compromise in the severely ill cases. Most of them recovered from AKI with improvement in their respiratory and cardiac function but some of the cases did require hemodialysis.
  • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) leading to undue clotting or bleeding occurred mainly in the critically ill patients or during a cytokine storm or associated with severe sepsis.
  • Pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax as complications were seen in the critically ill patients with COVID infection and not necessarily in ventilated patients. The worse sequelae to this were bronchopleural 14fistula, which could lead to a protracted stay in the ICU and very often a poor outcome.
The second wave of COVID-19 showed progressive worsening in most parts of India taking a high toll on life and economy. Lockdown periods had been extended in most parts of India, though in certain regions such as Mumbai, some evidence of plateauing was emergerging by July 2021. Lately the use of monoclonal antibody cocktail (casirivimab + imdevimab) which mirrors human antibodies was found to be useful in thwarting the infection in the early phase of the disease. Its use is mainly restricted to mild-to-moderate high-risk symptomatic patients (before the requirement of supplemental oxygen) where it was found to be most effective.
Perspective and Conclusion
I would like to end this chapter by stressing on the human aspects of critical care which seems to be lost in the midst of advanced technology, invasive therapies, slow erosion of clinical medicine and the influence of the corporate health care structure today. In the near future, I fear that ICUs may become a brutal place for patients, relatives and the care givers. For the patient it might mean dehumanization of the individual, relatives will be considered mere customers in the waiting room and the patients families will be constantly under stress of escalating cost with unpredictability of prognostication. Doctors and nurses may lose their clinical acumen and remain vulnerable despite the availability of high-tech imaging, integrated monitoring systems and the limitations of the many lifesaving machines.
Modern technology may be considered as a triumph for medicine but at a staggering cost, if it prolongs lives only to confront us to a new form of misery. Thus medicine may turn into a meaningless exercise, once it is realized that therapy meant to heal has only bought more time to be ill. The future raises the daunting possibility of an industrial or a corporate model evoking image of an ‘assembly line’ management of health care . For this not to happen we need to answer the all important question – “Whether a world without disease is possible”. If not, then the medical profession has to hone their skills and change current prospectives that will allow the doctors to preserve and augment their clinical acumen, judgment and humanity.
How do we put all these problems in place so that it can be managed in a more civilized manner? At the outset, we need to recognize that we are slowly dehumanizing the intensive care unit. Better communication skills should be the essence of critical care training in order to assuage a stressful encounter for patients and relatives in and out of the ICU. Technology should be used as an aid and not a replacement for clinical skills and judgment. It is imperative to understand that doctors and nurses are mere humans and they too have personal fear of death, conflicting religious and personal convictions, untoward experiences with patients, constantly battle with feeling of remorse, guilt and peer pressure. All these can result in a “Burn-out” syndrome.15
Thus critical care is a blend of vigil, speed, skill, compassion and care balanced and supported by the use of five senses - without which all technology is virtually useless.
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