A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging Funsho Komolafe, M Haroun Dahniya
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure.
Abdominal discomfort 330, 346
Abdominal distension 297, 298
Abscess 368f, 370f, 371f
formation 120f
intra-abdominal 359
prostatic 226
retropharyngeal 360
Acetabular fossa 192f
Acetabulum 170f
cardia 387f, 388
diagnosis of 388
Achilles tendon 126
complete rupture of 126f
Actinomycetoma 167
Adenocarcinoma 324
Adhesive bands 382
Adrenal myelolipoma 270, 271
Adrenal teratoma 392
Air bronchogram 18f, 49f
extensive 7f
Airway malformation, congenital pulmonary 75
Alcohol abuse 339
Alkalosis, metabolic 393
Alveolar proteinosis, pulmonary 66f
American College of Radiology Liver Reporting 398
Amniotic fluid 295f
Anesthesia, general 311f, 385f
Aneurysmal bone cyst 117, 117f
Aneurysms, intracranial 467
Angel wing sign 2
Angina 24
Angiomyolipoma 242
diagnosis of 242
Ankle, anteroposterior radiograph of 133f
Ankylosing spondylitis 97
Anorectal malformation 298, 303
Anorexia 12
Anterior cerebral artery 466f
saccular aneurysm 465f
Aorta 39f, 352f
abdominal 196f
coarctation of 30, 30f
descending 30f, 71f
distal 179f
Aortic bifurcation 475f
Aortoiliac occlusive disease 178
Appendicitis, acute 365
Appendicoliths 366f, 368f
Appendix 324, 371f
Aqueductal stenosis 498
Arachnoid cyst 420f, 421
Arcuate sign 189
Arm, subcutaneous tissues of 105f
Arterial septal defect 25
types of 62
Arteriovenous fistula 292, 292f
Arteriovenous malformation 106f, 292f, 405, 412, 425, 425f
pulmonary 68, 68f
callosomarginal 465f
multiple 196f
pulmonary 27f, 68, 27f
Arthropathy, neuropathic 166
Aspergillosis 47
Ataxia 447, 499
Atelectasis 35f
Atlantoaxial subluxation 97
Atresia, esophageal 393
Atrial septal defect, diagnosis of 62
Atypical teratoid 447
tumor 450
Axial flair 503f
Back pain 482
severe 516
Backache 136
Baker's cyst 108, 176
angioplasty 228
dilatation 30
Bamboo spine 97f
enema 311f, 323f
meal 314f
swallow 36f, 80f, 82, 312, 312f
Bartholin's cyst 548, 548f
Bartholin's glands 548
Basal cell
carcinoma syndrome 94
nevus syndrome 450
Basal cisterns 463
Basal ganglia calcifications 402f, 405
Basilar artery, aneurysm of 464f
Basilar meningeal enhancement 470
Berry aneurysms 467
Bilateral loin pain 203, 207, 223, 231
Biliary calculi 339
Biliary ductal system, cystic dilatation of 308
Biopsy 514f
Bird-beak appearance 388
carcinoma 252
diverticula 212
exstrophy 104
neurogenic 265
Bleeding angiomyolipoma, diagnosis of 240f
Blood vessels 68f
Bloody diarrhea 374
Blunt injury 540
Bochdalek hernia 33
Bone 137f
common primary malignancy of 172
cyst, simple 114, 117
edema 149
fragment 173f
lesions, multiple 158
marrow edema 188f
matrix mineralization 139
tumors 135
Bony pelvis 159f, 207f
infarction, acute 353
loops 377f
Brachial artery 106f
Brain 399f, 409f, 410f
abscess 462
CT scan of 99f
Breast 516f, 517f, 529f
cancer 170
pregnancy-associated 518
carcinoma of 518f
cysts, bilateral 509
implants, bilateral 519
mammogram 519, 519f, 520f
mass 510, 512516
painful 508
parenchyma 514f, 515f
ultrasound 508f, 521f
progressive shortness of 63
severe shortness of 39
shortness of 62, 86
Brodie's abscess 134, 134f, 135
Bronchiectasis 44
development of 89f
multiple 43f
types of 44
Bronchogram 20
Bronchoscopy 50f
Calcific foci 402f
Calcific supraspinatus tendinosis 186
multiple foci of 450f
periventricular 404f
Calcium 137
calyceal diverticulum 283f
cyst, milk of 283
Calculi, hydronephrosis 286
Calculus 234f
Cancer chemotherapy 281
Caplan's syndrome 14
Carcinoma 449, 518f
bronchogenic 46f, 47, 53, 53f
urinary bladder 254
Cardiac cycle 411f
Cardiac tamponade 6
Cardioembolic disease 423
Carpal bones 129
Carpus, scapholunate dislocation of 128f
Catheter angiography 28
Cauda equine
proximal 479f
severe compression of 148f
Cavernous hemangiomas 334f
Cavitation, pulmonary 47
Cavity 46f
mid-pelvic 298f
Cecal lipoma 324f
Cellulitis, retropharyngeal 360
Central hilar arteries 25f
Central hypodense foci 266f
Central nervous system 3, 460
astrocytoma 447f
hemisphere 446f
hypoplasia 399f
infarcts 423
mass 446f
Cerebellopontine angle 438f
arachnoid cyst 415
mass 414f, 432f
meningioma 433
aneurysm 463, 467
angiogram 425f
artery 466f
anterior 466f
atrophy 409f
sulci 463
tissues 497f
Cerebrospinal fluid 406f, 419f, 449
canal obstruction 272
cord 431f
involvement 460f
lymphadenopathy 54
spine 476f, 477f
anterior 476f
trachea 84f
Charcot joint 166, 166f
Chemotherapy 55
Chest 1
axial CT of 22f, 46f, 58f, 84f, 89f
CT scan of 168f
injuries 350
pain 10, 52
radiograph 1f, 7f, 8f, 12f, 18f, 45f, 48f, 58f, 161f
syndrome, acute 11
trauma 33f
X-ray 10f, 15f, 30f, 42f, 54f, 158f
Cholangiocarcinoma 346, 346f
Cholangitis, primary sclerosing 347, 347f
Cholecystitis 328f
Choledochal cyst 308
Chondroblastomas 117
Chondromatosis, primary synovial 195
Chondrosarcoma 172, 450
Chordoma 450
Choriocarcinoma 542
Choroid plexus
carcinoma 450
tumors 449
Chromosomal abnormalities 290, 295
Cirrhosis 345
hepatic 68
Cirrhotic liver 344f
Claw sign 258f
lip, bilateral 71, 72
palate, bilateral 72
Cobra head deformity 257
Collar sign 33
Collateral veins, multiple 179f
Colles fracture 128f, 129
Colloid cysts 545f
Colocolic intussusception 324
Colon cancer 384
Colonic diverticulosis 208
Colonic polyposis 103
Colostogram, distal 298f
Colostography 298
Colostomy 298
Comet-tail artefacts 545f
Common bile duct 346, 346f, 389f
concurrent dilatation of 389
Computed tomography 376
images 16f
Confusion 463
Consciousness, loss of 463
Constipation 311, 371, 385
chronic 311
functional 311f
Contusion 35f
ependymoma of 486
medullaris 485f
Cooper's ligaments 522
Cord, focal enhancement of 518f
Corona radiate 458f
Coronal fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 422f, 444f
Coronary bypass surgery 31
Corpus callosum 458f
Cortex, internal scalloping of 151f
Cortical calcification, foci of 213f
Costophrenic angles 39f
Costovertebral anomalies 303
Cough 10, 24, 48, 52
productive 18
recurrent 1, 3
COVID-19 89
infection 89
diagnosis of 88
early 86
virus 89
Cowden syndrome 450
Cramps, abdominal 355
Cranial tumors 453
Cranial vault swellings 103f
Crohn's disease 354
Cruciate ligament, anterior 188f
Cryptorchidism 531, 536
Curvilinear bone fragment 187f
Cushing's disease 41
Cyst 306f, 417f, 418f
bronchogenic 37f, 38, 79
hepatic 206f, 207f
multiple 205f, 509f
numerous 203f
parameniscal 146f
retroperitoneal 340f
Cystic adenomatoid malformation 71
Cystic duct 308f, 389f
Cystic nonvascular structures 306f
Cystourethroscopy, emergency 289
David Letterman sign 128f
Dawson's fingers 458f
Dermatomyositis, juvenile 142
Dextrogastria 83
Diabetic foot gangrene 166
Diabetic neuropathic arthropathy 166
Diaphragm 1, 81f
Diaphragmatic rupture 33
Diaphyses 161f
Diarrhea 355
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis 476f, 477
Digital subtraction angiogram 465f, 466f
Dilated posterior urethra 210f
Distal abdominal aorta, atheromatous occlusion of 178f
Distal esophageal
myenteric plexus 388
obstruction, benign 387f
Distal femur, expansion of 171f
Distal fibular metaphysis 133f
Distal interphalangeal joints 140f
Distal radius, comminuted fracture of 128f
Distal ureteric obstruction 250f
Diverticulum 312f
Dizziness 446, 474
Dorsal arachnoid diverticula 97
Double contrast barium enema 375f
Double duct sign 389, 389f
Double posterior cruciate ligament sign 131
Ductus arteriosus 30
Dull pain 133
Duodenal ulcer 377f
Duodenojejunal junction 355f, 356
Duodenum 82
Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor 445
Dysmorphic facies 399
Dyspareunia 288
Dysphagia 312, 314, 387
bronchopulmonary 8, 8f
Dyspnea 48
exertional 24
severe 50
Dysuria 218, 223, 225
Ectopia cordis 5f, 6
Edema 126f, 461f
mild perilesional 450f
peripancreatic 338f
peripheral 24
pulmonary 62f
interstitial 31
Edematous mucosa 318f
Eisenmenger syndrome 25
Emboli, extension of 27f
Embolism, pulmonary 27, 89
Embryonal cell carcinoma 542
Emphysema 69f, 280, 281
pulmonary 8f
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 460
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 339
Endotracheal tube 7f
Epidermoid inclusion cyst 99f, 100
Epididymal cysts 531
Epididymectomy 531
Epididymitis, chronic 531
Epilepsy 443
Epiphysiolysis 96
Epiphysis, proximal 110f
Esophageal disorder 388
Esophagus 85f
proximal 312f
Eumycetoma 167
Eustachian tube 469
dermoid 468f
Ewing's sarcoma 171f, 172, 447, 450
Excision biopsy 530
Extensive intracerebral air bubbles 452f
External iliac vein 179f
Extracorporeal shortwave lithotripsy 236
Extrahepatic bile ducts 347f
saturation sequence 273f
subcutaneous 58f
suppression 176f, 204f
Fatigue 24, 62
Fecal soiling 311
Fecaluria 298
Femoral epiphysis 173f
abdomen 294f
bowel loops 294f, 295f
gastroschisis 295
Fever 225, 365, 366, 470, 508
intermittent 12
low-grade 10, 422
Fibroglandular tissue 522
Fibromuscular dysplasia 178, 228, 228f, 423
Fibrosarcoma 172
Fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary 64f
Fibrous dysplasia 150f, 152, 170
Fissural nodules 66f
Fissures 66f
Fistula 298
bronchopleural 35
tracheoesophageal 393
Flank pain 209, 218, 221, 232, 234, 291
Flowers appearance, bouquet of 286
Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery 457f
Fluoroscopy 314f
Football injury 119
Fournier's gangrene 280, 281
diagnosis of 279
Fundal uterine fibroid 546, 548f
Fungal osteomyelitis 167
Gadolinium 116f
injection 182f
intravenous 485f
Galen vein 408f411f, 412
Gallbladder 308f, 389f
calculus 329, 346
Gamma knife 440
Ganglioglioma 445
Ganglion cells, progressive degeneration of 388
Ganglioneuroblastomas 57
Ganglioneuromas 57
Gardner's syndrome 103
bubbles 508f
collections of 221f
loculi of 358f
air bubble 82f
fundus 314f, 391f
herniation 33f, 83f
partial 81f
varices 344f
Gastroesophageal junction 314f, 387f
Gastrointestinal system imaging 297, 297f
Gastroschisis 295
Gastroscopy 377
Genitourinary anomalies 284, 303
Genitourinary fistula 298
Giant cell tumor 145, 117, 174f, 175
Giant intracerebral lipoma 442
Glomus tumor 447
Glycerine 311
Gorlin-Goltz syndrome 94, 450
Gout 140
Granular calcifications 285f
eosinophilic 100
parenchymal 471
Granulomatous infection, chronic 167
Gray matter heterotopia 407
Groin, X-ray of groin 279f
Ground-glass opacity 64f, 88f, 151f
Growth plates 95f
Hamartoma, gluteal 493
Harrison's sulcus 139
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 543f
Headache 419, 424, 446, 447, 450, 461, 465, 470
recurrent 414, 432, 441
severe 435, 463, 474
Hearing loss 438
Heart 93f
failure 412
Hemangioblastoma 447
Hemangioma 309f, 334, 460f
hepatic 332f
Hemangiopericytomas 139
Hemangiosarcoma 310
Hemarthrosis 124
subacute 124f
Hematocele 531, 540
subacute 540f
Hematocolpometra 272
Hematocolpos 288
Hematoma 238
chronic 120f
extradural 454f, 456
intramuscular 119f
large 348f
perirenal 240f
subacute 120f, 455f
subcapsular 236
subdural 456
Hematometrocolpos 288
Hematuria 234, 243, 250, 253, 255, 260
microscopic 200, 202, 205, 229
source of 261
Hemidiaphragm 83f
Hemithorax 18f, 69f
Hemoglobinopathy 358f
Hemoperitoneum, perihepatic 350f
Hemoptysis 42, 52
Hemorrhage 71, 76f, 126f, 452f, 463, 463f
acute 424f
foci of 114
intracerebral 504
subarachnoid 467
Hepatic ducts, dilatation of 346f, 389f
Hepatic failure 208
Hepatitis infection, chronic 345
Hepatocellular carcinoma 344, 344f, 398
Hernia 303
congenital diaphragmatic 3
diaphragmatic 81, 83
external abdominal 303
gluteal 303
hiatus 314f, 315
internal 363, 364
lumbar 303
Herniated disc fragments 484
Herniorrhaphy 354f
Hiccups 3
High signal intensity mass 182f
joint 157
transient osteoporosis of 156
metastasis 248
pain 155, 192
Hirschsprung's disease 311, 311f
HIV 544
Homogeneous tubular cyst 485f
Horseshoe kidney 196f, 197f, 199f201
fusion of 197f
cyst 108f
disease 14, 47, 108
Hydrocalycosis 290f
Hydrocele 541f
Hydrocephalus 404, 408f, 412, 435f, 449f
obstructive 497f
progressive 408
Hydronephrosis 232f
bilateral 210f
Hydrostatic reduction, progression of 323f
Hydroureter 232f, 290f
Hypercalcemia 286
Hypercalciuria 286
Hyperoxaluria 286
Hyperparathyroidism 137f
primary 137
Hypersignal intensities 463f
Hypertelorism 72
Hypertension 208, 213, 236, 284, 502
chronic 291
severe pulmonary arterial 25
Hypochondrium 266, 328
foci 218f, 248f
mass 330f
nodule 390f
central 319f
parenchymal 344f
Hypoechoic lesions, multiple 544f
Hypoglycemia 405
Hypotension 27
Hypotonia 399
Hypoxia 405
Ileal intussusception 319f
Ileocecal junction 355f
Iliac arteries, common 178f
Iliac bones, bilateral uniform sclerosis of 161f
Iliac fossa collection 238f
Iliac spine, anterior inferior 153f
Indwelling catheters 28
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 393
Infection, recurrent 71
Infertility 537
Inflammatory bowel disease 355
Inguinal canal 533f
abdominal 350, 351, 354
cartilage 124
splenic 348f
Intention tremor 499
Intermuscular hematoma 119f
Internal auditory canal 433f
Internal cerebral vein 412
Internal mass, peripheral enhancement of 274f
Internal vascular flow 309f
Interspinous ligaments 97f
Interstitial diseases, pulmonary 25
Intervertebral disc destruction 13
Intestinal obstruction, partial 300
Intra-abdominal viscera 33
Intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma 439, 439f
Intracranial abnormality 76
Intrafalcine vein 411f
Intraglandular lymph nodes 544f
Intrahepatic bile ducts 347f
Intrahepatic biliary radicles 346f
Intramedullary lesion 485f
Intraspinal lipoma 494f
Intrathoracic lipomas 59
Intrathoracic stomach 32
Intrauterine contraceptive device 354f
Intravenous urogram 202f, 209, 263f, 300f
control film of 229f
Invasive ductal carcinoma 522
Ischemia, mesenteric 353, 354
Ischiopubic rami 170f
Ivory osteoma 101f
Jaundice 346, 347, 389
Jejunal loops 82
Jejunojejunal intussusception 316f
Jejunum, proximal 380f
ankyloses 97
cavity 108f
effusion 156f
fluid 130f, 143f
Joubert syndrome 400, 401
Kaposi sarcoma 14
Kidney 374f
end stage 237
supernumerary 201
ureter, and bladder 197f, 231f, 304, 304f
Klatskin tumor 346
Klebsiella pneumoniae 14
Knee 124f
Laceration, pulmonary 35
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 172
Laparotomy 240f, 317f, 366f
Leg, anteroposterior radiograph of 150f
Leriche syndrome 132
Lesions, parasagittal distribution of 430f
Lethargy 450
Leukemia, acute lymphoblastic 55
Leukocytosis 365, 366
Ligamentous ossification 97
Linear amorphous calcification 141f
Lipomas 177
intracranial 442
superior mediastinal 59
Lipomatosis, mediastinal 40, 41
Liposarcoma 177
Lithotripsy 234, 234f, 235
Littoral cell angioma 310
Liver 266f, 306f, 374f, 377f
axial CT of 353f
cirrhosis, chronic 344
disease, chronic 139
enzymes, elevated 328, 338
extrinsic compression of 269f
function tests, abnormal 347
laceration 350f
parenchyma, normal 335f
Lobar overinflation, congenital 75
Lobectomy 47
Lumbar swelling, congenital right 302
Lumbosacral spine 97f, 169f, 479, 482, 485, 494f
abscess 35, 46f
parenchyma 78f
cystic distortion of 71
Lymph node
axillary 525f
enlargement 55
intramammary 513f
Lymphadenopathy 66
axillary 522
mediastinal 45f
Lymphatic organ 1
Lymphoceles 238
Lymphoma 17, 55, 389, 543f, 450, 544
Lytic destruction, partial 245f
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography 308f, 328f
Mammogram 512f, 513f, 523f, 524f, 525, 525f, 527f529f
bilateral 514f, 515f
Mandibular osteomas 103
Mass 266f, 414f, 548f
enhancement of 546f
inhomogeneous enhancement of 173f
intrarenal nature of 258f
profuse enhancement of 433f
subdiaphragmatic 334f
subhepatic 321f
superior mediastinal 59f
tubular 105f
vesical 250f, 254f
Massive pericardial effusion 22f
Maximum intensity projection 199f
McCune-Albright syndrome 152
Mechanical ventilation 88
Meckel's diverticulum 324
Medial meniscus, posterior horn of 130f
Median nerve, digital branch of 491f
Mediastinum 53f
testis 531f
Medulla oblongata 431f
Medullary sponge kidney 286
Medulloblastoma 447, 447f, 450, 500
Melanoma, metabolic 324
Meningioma 428, 437, 507
malignant 436, 437
multiple 430f
Meningitis 471
tuberculous 471
Meniscal cyst 146f, 147
Meniscus 146f
Mesenteric vessels 362f
Mesial temporal sclerosis 457, 457f
multiple pulmonary 244f
osteoblastic 160
pulmonary 252, 260f
Metastatic disease 170
absence of 169
presence of 169
Metatarsophalangeal joint 140, 182f, 183
Microcalcifications 515f
Micturating cystourethrogram 210f, 211f, 214f, 215
Middle cerebral artery saccular aneurysms 466f
Midureteric calculus obstruction 263f
Milkman's fractures 138f
Mitral stenosis 68
Molar tooth sign 400f, 401
Motor car accident 32
Mount Fuji sign 453
Multi-cystic structure 287f
Multidetector computed tomography 354
Multiple small bowel strictures 354f
Muscle contusion 124
Musculoskeletal system imaging 91, 91f
Musculoskeletal trauma 124
Mycetoma 167
Mycobacterium avium complex 14
Myeloma, multiple 137
Myelopathic damage 13
Myometrium, normal 287f
Myositis ossificans 154
Nasopharynx 77f, 468f
posterior wall of 76f
Nausea 355, 440
Neck stiffness 461
Necrosis 436f
Necrotizing enterocolitis 304f, 305
Necrotizing pneumonia 14
Nephrectomy 240f
Nephrocalcinosis, medullary 285f, 286
Nephrogram 218f
Neural foramina 483f
Neurofibroma 57, 491f
Neurofibromatosis 178, 430, 437
Neurological system imaging 399, 399f
Neuroma 489
acoustic 440
Neurovascular bundles 66f
Nipple, retracted 514f, 523
Nodular opacities, extensive 66f
Nodule 66f, 396f, 444f
pulmonary 53
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 14
Nontender suprapubic mass 275
Nuck canal 550
Nystagmus 499
Obstructive gastrointestinal symptoms 298
Orbital emphysema 452f
Orbits 452f
Orchidectomy 541f
Orthopnea 24
Osmotic myelinolysis 473
Osteoarthritis 166
Osteochondroma 111
solitary 110f
Osteolytic destruction 56f, 170f
extensive 13f, 169f
Osteomalacia 138f
Osteomas 103
Osteopenia, severe 137f
Osteopoikilosis 159, 160
Osteoporosis, idiopathic transient 157
Osteosarcoma 117, 172
classical for 171f
differential diagnoses of 172
Otitis media 461
Oval cystic expansion 112f
Oval mass 176f, 479f, 487f
Ovarian follicular cyst 548f
concentration 8
therapy, complications of 8
Pain 185, 366
abdominal 136, 306, 309, 318, 352, 354, 362, 369, 371, 374
acute abdominal 316, 321
colicky abdominal 378
epigastric 338, 380
hypochondrial 326
lower abdominal 277, 385
recurrent epigastric 340
Painless nodule 527
Palpitations 474
Pampiniform plexus 537f
Pancake kidney 201
Pancreas 337f, 374f
swollen head of 339f
Pancreatic duct 346f, 389f
Pancreatitis, acute 337f, 338f, 339
Papilloma 449
Paragangliomas 268
Paranasal sinuses 101f
Paraparesis 516
Parathyroid hormone 137
Parenchymal brain invasion 449f
Parotitis 544
Patchy hypodensities 223f
Pathological fracture 99f, 115f, 152, 170f
appendix 369f
ectopic kidney 211f
injuries 354
pain 136
ultrasound 239f, 287, 371f
X-ray 265f
Pelvicalyceal dilatation 230f
Pelvis 193f, 255f, 287f
anteroposterior radiograph of 95f
coronal short tau inversion recovery image of 194f
MRI of 253f
radiographs of 138f
X-ray of groin 159f, 247f
Pelviureteric junction 209
calculus 289, 289f
obstruction 209f
Penumbra sign 134f, 135
Perianal swelling, congenital 493
Pericardial calcification 24
Perihilar mass 78f
Perinatal ischemic anoxic injury 423
Periosteal reaction 134f
Peripancreatic fat 337f
Peripheral calcification 391f
Peripheral capsular enhancement 397f
Peripheral pulmonary arteries 62f
Peripheral vascular malformations 106
Periportal fibrosis 335
Peristaltic bowel loops 33
Peritoneal cavity 377f
Peritoneal fluid 304, 366, 362f
Peritonitis 371f
Periventricular white matter 422f
Persistent alveolar opacities 89f
Phalanges, proximal 167f
Pharyngotympanic tube 469
Pheochromocytoma 268, 475
Pilocystic astrocytoma 447
Placenta 294f
Pleural fluid collection, bilateral 23f
Pneumatoceles, basal 19f
Pneumocephalus 453
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia 17, 64
Pneumomediastinum 8
Pneumonectomy 47
Pneumonia 89f
interstitial 64
recurrent 3
Pneumoperitoneum 304f
massive 304f
Pneumothorax 8
Polycystic kidney 207f
Polycystic renal disease, types of 208
Polyhydramnios 294f
Polyposis 103f
Polyps 324
meningiomas 430f
myelinolysis, central 473
Popliteal fossa 108f
subcutaneous layer of 176f
swelling 176
Positron emission tomography 376
Posterior cruciate ligament 130f, 131
Posterior longitudinal ligament 476f
ossification of 476f, 477
severe ossification of 477f
Posterior mediastinal mass 56f
Postgadolinium injection 488f
Postrenal transplant lymphocele 238
Pott's disease 13f
Presinusoidal periportal fibrosis 336
Productive cough, chronic 42
Prognathia 164
Progressive abdominal swelling 340
Prostate 225f
hypertrophy 265
Proteinuria 284
large pancreatic 342f
pancreatic 308, 343
Pseudofractures 138f
Pubis 161f
Pulmonary venous hypertension 25
Pulsed Doppler scan 537f
Punctuate sclerotic lesions 159
Pyelonephritis 286
acute 217, 221, 224
bilateral acute 223
emphysematous 221
Pyloric muscle 393, 393f
Quadriceps tendon, complete detachment of 122f
Radial deficiency, congenital longitudinal 191
Radiation treatment 55
Radiocarpal joint 190f
Rat-tail appearance 388
Rectal bleeding 383, 385
Rectourethral fistula 298f
Rectum, persistent gross distension of 311f
Red blood cells 374
Reflux, gastroesophageal 314f
Reiter's syndrome 97
Renal artery 267f
Renal cancer, risk of 201
Renal cell carcinoma 242, 248, 249
metabolic 245
Renal cysts 204f
Renal disease, chronic 139
Renal ectopia 201, 202
Renal function, assessment of 201
Renal hila 200f
Renal malignancy 260f
Renal pelvis
distended 200f
fullness of 289f
Renal sinus, anechoic cystic appearance of 291f
Renal tissue 241f
Renal transplant 237
Renal tubular dysfunction 236
Renal ultrasound 290f
Respiratory failure 91
Respiratory tract imaging 1
Rete testis 531, 531f
tubular ectasia of 531f
Reticulogranular opacities, diffuse 7f
Retroareolar mass 512f
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction test 89
Rhabdoid tumor 447
Rhabdomyosarcoma 169
Rheumatoid arthritis 14
Ribs, patchy sclerosis of 161f
Riedel's struma 347
Right iliac fossa 366
pain 202, 365
Road traffic accident 187, 348, 350
Rosenthal basal vein 412
Rotator cuff calcific tendinopathy 186
Saccular aneurysm 466f, 467
Sacral dysgenesis 303
Sacroiliac joint 170f
complete fusion of 97f
Sacrum 161f
caudal segment of 297f
Sail sign 1f, 2, 74f
Sapho syndrome 97
Sarcoidosis 14, 66, 66f, 137
bone 127
waist fracture of 127f
fracture 127
signet ring sign of 128f
Schistosomiasis 68
hepatic 335
Schwannomas 57
Sclerosis 171f
multiple 460, 460f
Scrotal soft tissues 280f
Scrotal varicocele 538, 538f
Sebaceous cysts 108
Segond fracture 188, 189
Seizures 424, 435
partial complex 457
recurrent 416
tonic-clonic 427
Seminoma 541f, 542
Sensorineural hearing loss 440
Sepsis 423
Short tau inversion recovery 126f, 146f, 156f
joint 166f
X-ray of groin 185f
Sickle cell disease 11
acute chest syndrome of 10f
carcinoma 383f
colon, gaseous distension of 297f
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 96
Small bowel
gaseous distension of 378f
obstructions 382
Small conical thorax 91
Smooth inferior margin 59f
density 12f, 390f, 391f
edema 133f, 174f
emphysema 84, 84f, 279f
extensive 350f
enhancement 173f
extension 99f
mass 54f, 168f, 266f
sarcomas 169
swelling 134f, 146, 452f
asymmetric 140
Sonography, abdominal 474
Spaghetti sign 261f
Spermatoceles 531
Sphenoid sinus 452f
Sphincter dysfunction 485
Spinal canal 56f, 148f
Spinal cord 517f
compression 149
lipoma 480f, 481
Spine 355f
Spinnaker sign 2
Spinning-top appearance 210f
Spleen 374f
Splenic hemangiomas 310
spontaneous rupture of 310
Sputum 22f
Squamous cell carcinoma 256
Staghorn calculi 233
Staphylococcus aureus 134
Steroid therapy 281
Stomach 82, 377f, 380f, 391f
gaseous distension of 348f
pyloric region of 393f
Strongyloidiasis 47
Sturge–Weber syndrome 405
Subacromial corticosteroid infiltration 186
Subarachnoid spaces 402f
Subfalcine herniation 454f
Subhepatic appendix 366f, 367f
Subperiosteal phalangeal resorption, classical 137f
Superficial inflammatory disease 376
Superficial veins, multiple 106f
Superior mesenteric
artery 356, 356f
vein 352f, 356, 356f
Supraspinatus tendon calcification 185f
Surfactant deficiency syndrome 7, 8
Swallowing 360
Swelling 121
gluteal 493
scrotal 279f
Sylvian fissure 457f
Sylvius aqueduct 497f, 498
Sympathetic nervous system 268
Symphysis pubis, typical diastasis of 104f
Synovial cysts, popliteal 108
Synovial sarcoma 108
Tachypnea, severe 7
Takayasu arteritis 178
Telephone handle deformities 91f
Temporal fossa arachnoid cyst 418
Temporal lobe 457f
lesion 443f
Tenderness, epigastric 337
Tendon sheath 145
pneumocephalus 453
pneumoperitoneum 377, 377f
pneumothorax 35f
Teratoma 276, 392, 541f, 542
germ cell tumors 542
hilum 531f
lesion 541f
microlithiasis 542
swelling 541
tumors 531
vascular perfusion 540f
Testis 533f536f, 541f
undescended 533, 535, 536
Thalassemia 358
Thanatophoric dysplasia 91
Thenar muscles 490f
Thoracic ectopia cordis, diagnosis of 6
Thoracic esophagus, dilatation of 387f
Thoracolumbar spine 148f, 164f, 517f
injuries 149
Thornwaldt's cyst 77, 77f
Thrombocytopenia absent radius syndrome 191
Thromboembolic disease 25
Thumb hypoplasia 191
Thymic wave sign 2
Thymus 74f
morphology of 1
examination of 543
gland 84f
swelling 543, 545
transverse ultrasound of 543f
Tibial cortical margin, loss of 188f
Tibial nerve 487f
Tinnitus 438, 440
Tornwaldt's cyst 77f
Tortuous swelling 105
Toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes infections 405
Trachea 39f
Transabdominal ultrasound 272f
Transependymal interstitial edema 449f
Transitional cell carcinoma 201
Trauma 130, 155
Trisomy 393
Tuberculoma, parenchymal 471f
Tuberculomas 471
Tuberculosis 13, 22, 22f, 471
abdominal 142
pulmonary 20, 21f
spinal 13f
Tuberous sclerosis 160
enhancement 445f
intracranial 405
neurogenic 56f
nonseminomatous 542
primitive neuroectodermal 450
spinal 486
thrombus, large 344f
Turcot syndrome 450
Turner's syndrome 393
Ulcerative colitis 374, 376
Ulna, distal metaphysis of 115f
Ultrasound 118f, 511f
abdominal 210f, 287, 290, 306, 309, 318, 321, 321f, 330, 337, 362, 365, 367, 383, 393
scrotal 531, 531f, 540f
splenic 309
Unicameral bone cyst 113f, 114, 117
Unilateral renal agenesis 201, 284, 288290
Upper abdominal pain, episodes of 342
Upper limb 15
Upper lobe 64
consolidation 18f
calyceal diverticulum 283
Ureteric calculus 229f, 230f
Ureterocele 257, 257f
Urethra, posterior 210f
Urethral stricture 265
Urethral valve, posterior 212
Urinary bladder 239f, 257, 257f, 272, 298f, 370f, 372f
distension of 280f
gross dilatation of 210f
multiple sacculations of 211f
Urinary calculi 233
Urinary stream 211
Urinary tract infection 196, 199, 200, 209, 213, 285
Urinoma 235f, 236, 238
subcapsular 235
Urogenital anomalies 3
Urogenital system imaging 196
bodies 278
cavities 287f
didelphys 288
fibroids 546
wall, superior 277f
Uterus 272
bicornuate 278
septate 278
Vacterl syndrome 191
Vague abdominal pain 257, 284, 356
Valsalva maneuver 537f, 538f, 539
Varicoceles, idiopathic 539
Vascular anomalies, classification of 292
Vascular injury 84f
Vascular mass 241f
Vasculopathies 423
Vasectomy 531
Vastus intermedius muscle 119f
Vastus lateralis
fibers of 119f
muscle 118f
Vastus medialis muscle 120f
Vater ampulla 389
Vein, pulmonary 68
Vena cava, inferior 179f, 292f, 344f, 345, 345f
Venography 539
Venous web, congenital right 180f
Vertebrae, extensive osteolytic destruction of 13f
Vertebral arteries, fibromuscular dysplasia of 423
Vertigo 438, 440
Vesical mass 250f, 254f
enhancement of 252f
Vesicoureteral reflux 211f, 214f, 215
Vesicoureteric junction obstruction 253f
Vessel ischemia, small 463f
Vestibular schwannoma 440
Vomiting 316, 352, 354, 355, 362, 365, 371, 378, 380, 393, 440, 446448, 450
sudden onset of 422
von Hippel–Lindau disease 447, 475
Wegener's granulomatosis 14
Weight loss 18, 52, 250, 383
Whirl sign 356
Wilms tumor 201, 258
Winslow foramen 364
Wormian bones 164
deformity 190
radiograph of 115f
Xiphisternum 5f
Yin-yang appearance 291f
Yolk sac tumors 542
Zenker's diverticulum 312f, 313
Zuckerkandl organ 475
Chapter Notes

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A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging
A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging
SECOND EDITION Editors Funsho Komolafe MBBS FMCR FWACS FICA FRCR Former Adjunct Professor of Radiology Rasal-Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University United Arab Emirates Former Head of Radiology, Fujairah Hospital United Arab Emirates Former Professor and Head of Radiology University of Ilorin, Nigeria Former Professor and Chairman of Radiology King Faisal University Dammam, Saudi Arabia (Late) M Haroun Dahniya MBBS (Durham) DMRD FRCR FWACS Former Senior Consultant Radiologist Fujairah Hospital, United Arab Emirates Former Professor and Head of Radiology University of Maiduguri, Nigeria Former Director, FRCR and FFR (RCSI) Training Program Ministry of Health, Kuwait Foreword SB Lagundoye
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A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging / Funsho Komolafe, (Late) M Haroun Dahniya
First Edition: 2016
Second Edition: 2023
Printed at:
Our wives and our residents,
past and present
Former Professor and Head
Department of Radiology
University of Ibadan, Nigeria
In the course of being an examiner in several radiology fellowship examinations for over three decades, I have found that in the last decade, there has been a decline in the performance of candidates due to inadequate exposure to appropriate written text.
It gives me the greatest joy to see the editors of this book, who are themselves experienced trainers and examiners, add to the available learning resources by providing in a unique format a text which highlights a large number of images of unusual cases, each with significant teaching value.
I have gone meticulously through the contents of “A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging”, and I am convinced that it will go a long way in stimulating interest and improving the understanding of the subject among trainee radiologists everywhere. The reader is exposed to a wide range of images that span the whole gamut of diagnostic imaging, using conventional radiography, ultrasonography, CT, and MRI studies. Furthermore, the book should be of immense benefit to teachers and examiners in radiology, as well as to clinicians in other related disciplines.
I highly commend the effort that has gone into the production of this work, and I expect that the book will be a compact volume that will grace the libraries of many medical colleges and their radiology departments.
The primary motivation for the production of this work, as expressed in the first edition, is to share with trainee radiologists our many years of experience in the practice of clinical radiology, and as teachers and examiners in the specialty. This motivation remains unchanged. Since the publication of the first edition, we have collected additional Cases that we believe will further enlarge the scope and enhance the quality of the Atlas.
A couple of chapter titles have been altered to accommodate the inclusion of new Cases that do not fit strictly into the former title. For example, the title of Chapter 1 has changed from Chest Imaging to Chest and Respiratory Tract Imaging. The miscellaneous cases in Chapter 6 have been distributed to the appropriate subject areas, while Chapter 6 is renamed as Small-parts Imaging, comprising mainly breast, thyroid, and testicular images. The cases in every chapter, with their figure legends, DISCUSSION, and FURTHER READING sections, have been reassessed and corrected for errors. More recent literature updates have been included in the citations listed for further reading, when considered necessary.
As a reflection of the acceptability of the book, the List of Contributors to the second edition has doubled, compared with the first. On a sad note, however, one of our major contributors, who also served as our second Editor, Professor M Haroun Dahniya, passed on in 2018. It is sad also to report that Professor SB Lagundoye, who kindly wrote the foreword, passed on in 2020. Both of these men have made indelible contributions to the training of radiologists in various parts of the world. May their souls rest in perfect peace.
Apart from radiology residents and practicing radiologists, who are the primary targets of this work, we expect that clinicians in other specialties, such as Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Surgery, and Obstetrics and Gynecology will find areas of this book to be of relevance to their practice.
In accordance with the publisher's guidelines, every effort has been made to ensure that the pages of the new edition do not exceed 10% increase over that of the previous edition.
Funsho Komolafe
A Teaching Atlas of Case Studies in Diagnostic Imaging was motivated by the desire to share with trainee radiologists our experience as teachers and examiners in the specialty. The images are selected largely from our personal collections acquired over many years and across several countries.
The cases are selected either because they are rare or uncommon, or because they represent unusual images of common pathologies. Each case is backed with a short clinical presentation, a description of the main radiological features of the images, a short discussion, and a few relevant references and suggestions for further reading. These suggestions have been selected and are designed to guide the reader to the most relevant and current literature on the subject. The cases collected are organized into chapters and span the major divisions of diagnostic imaging—chest, musculoskeletal, urogenital, gastrointestinal, and neuroradiological, with a chapter on miscellaneous items containing small parts ultrasound images and a mix-bag of images from various organ systems.
The book is intended in particular for radiology residents preparing for the various qualifying fellowship and board examinations. The images shown to candidates in the various examinations keep changing. It is obvious that the more images a candidate is familiar with, the better the chances of success.
In addition, it is our hope that this atlas will be found useful in meeting some of the diagnostic challenges that practicing radiologists encounter in their daily practice. We also believe that clinicians in other disciplines, especially surgery, pediatrics, medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology, will find relevant sections in the atlas that will be beneficial to their practice.
The publisher has kindly designed the layout of the cases with provision of space for the reader to make notes as required.
Funsho Komolafe
M Haroun Dahniya
We would like to acknowledge the supportive role played in the acquisition of these images by our technicians in various institutions where we have worked, such as Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. We like to specifically mention Mrs Lalitha Chodon Veetil, former sonographer at Fujairah Hospital, United Arab Emirates, for her invaluable assistance.
We highly appreciate the meticulous and painstaking editorial and computer assistance which we received from Dr Opeyemi and Ibukun Komolafe, and Dr Rotimi Komolafe.
We would also like to express our deep appreciation for the copious encouragement and support which we received from our wives, Dr (Mrs) Yemi Komolafe and Haja (Mrs) Humu Dahniya, at the conception of this project and in the process of bringing it to reality.
Finally, we would like to appreciate M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India for their understanding, especially considering the limitations and delays imposed by the COVID pandemic.
: Aneurysmal bone cyst
: Anterior cruciate ligament
: Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
: Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
: Anorectal malformation
: Atrial septal defect
: Arteriovenous malformation
: Breast imaging reporting and data system
: Cystic adenomatoid malformation
: Common bile duct
: Deep venous thrombosis
: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
: Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
: Fibromuscular dysplasia
: Hepatocellular carcinoma
: Hiatus hernia
: Human leukocyte antigen
: High-resolution computed tomography
: Hounsfield unit
: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
: Intrauterine contraceptive device
: Inferior vena cava
: Kidneys, ureters and bladder
: Micturating cystourethrogram
: Multidetector computed tomography
: Multiple endocrine neoplasia
: Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography
: Multiple sclerosis
: Mesial temporal sclerosis
: Necrotizing enterocolitis
: Posterior cruciate ligament
: Proton density-weighted MRI
: Positron emission tomography
: Primary sclerosing cholangitis
: Pelvi-ureteric junction
: Retropharyngeal abscess
: Road traffic accident
: Short T1 inversion recovery
: T1-weighted image
: T2-weighted image
: Unicameral bone cyst
: Usual interstitial pneumonia
: Ventilation-perfusion scan
: World Health Organization