IAP Textbook of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Digant D Shastri, Ritabrata Kundu, Jaydeep Choudhury, Vijay Yewale
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Abacavir 541, 544, 809
acute 477, 607
computed tomography of 288f
sonography of 617
Abiotrophia 258, 261
Abscess 77, 99, 124, 183, 194, 207, 246, 288, 359, 367, 769
cerebral 617, 774
drainage 266
hematogenous 246
hepatic 333
injection site 716, 717
intracranial 198
intraperitoneal 287
lesser sac 287
major 38
multiple 246
parapharyngeal 199
perirectal 84
perisplenic 287
peritoneal 287
peritonsillar 199
retropharyngeal 191, 199, 200
splenic 333, 617
subcutaneous 761, 763, 764
subdiaphragmatic 124, 288f
subphrenic 288
tubo-ovarian 283
Absolute neutrophil count 69, 84, 186, 824
Acanthamoeba 47
cysts 49
keratitis 44
Acetic acid 469
Aches 504
Acholeplasma 358
Acid-base imbalances 483, 838
methylmalonic 751
propionic 751
Acid-fast 48
bacilli 23, 126, 216, 376, 389
smear for 206
coccidian parasites 48
stain 48
Acidic pH 373
Acidosis 182, 285, 551, 557
metabolic 183, 284
Acinetobacter 97, 98, 283
baumannii 62, 68, 88
Acne 772, 778, 781
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 13, 13t, 334, 358, 372, 399, 537, 539b, 563, 596, 646, 696, 725, 791, 809
Acro-ischemia 510
Actinomycosis 772
Activated partial thromboplastin time 520, 736
Acute diarrhea
diagnosis of 280
management of 276, 280
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 237, 239241, 243, 248
Acute encephalitis syndrome 42, 236239, 241, 243
causes of 241t
etiologies of 238t
Acute hepatitis 422
Acute otitis media 42, 117, 152, 197, 206, 754, 759, 777
management protocol of 198fc
risk group for 198
treatment of 198
Acute pharyngitis 193
management protocol of 195fc
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 209, 359, 435, 482, 502, 510, 526, 605, 614, 835
Acute respiratory infection 11, 191, 198, 450
treatment of 22
Acute rheumatic fever 112, 249, 250t, 253
clinical features of 250
diagnosis of 251
differential diagnosis 251
epidemiology 249
etiopathogenesis 249
features of 251
incidence of 249
late complications 253
pathology 249
treatment 251
Acyclovir 177, 432, 817
oral 817
Adalimumab 85
Adenitis 151, 156
syndrome 156
Adeno-associated viruses 435
Adenoidectomy 197, 198
Adenoids 202
Adenosine diphosphate 182
Adenoviral diseases, treatment of 498
Adenoviral infection 497
Adenoviral respiratory diseases 494
Adenovirus 136, 191, 193, 203, 208, 401, 490, 494, 498, 500, 699
genome, structure of 494f
infection 495t
Adenylate cyclase 182
toxin 345
Adolescent Friendly Health Services 727, 729
Adrenal gland 574
Adrenaline, nebulized racemic 201
Advanced glycation end-products, receptor for 56
Adverse drug reactions 607
Adverse event following immunization 648, 648t, 650t, 714, 718fc
classification of 648
reporting of 651
Adverse vaccine reactions, severity of 715t
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 417, 467, 661, 742
aegypti 472, 527
albopictus 527
mosquitoes 178
Aerobic blood cultures 42
Aflatoxin 366
Agammaglobulinemia 825
Ageusia 511
Agglutination tests 617
Agranulocytosis 772, 792
fluid level 196
leak syndrome 209
ventilation 36
infections 615
precautions 38, 515
transmission 397, 506
anomalies 210
management 239
obstruction 212, 492
Alanine aminotransferase 422, 582, 585, 744
Albendazole 579, 580, 582, 585, 588, 597, 751
Albert's methylene 339
Albert's stain 49
Albuminuria 612
Alcoholism 265
Aldolase 76
Alemtuzumab 738
Algid malaria 551, 559
Alkalosis, respiratory 183
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 364366, 366t, 380, 568
for 365
Allergic reaction 167, 343, 764, 768
severe 651
Allergic rhinitis 192, 196
Allergic thrombocytopenia 801
Allergy, skin tests for 743
Allogenic vaccines 703
Allopurinol 111, 112, 146
Alpha coronavirus 501
Alphavirus 486, 699
Altered mental status 143
Alveolar lavage, nonbronchoscopic 96
Amantadine 818
Ambroxol 195
Amebiasis 593, 751, 772, 804
control of 595
invasive 595
Amebic carrier 804
Amebic liver abscess 594, 595
diagnosis of 595
primary 375
secondary 375
American Academy of Pediatrics 411
American College of Radiology 514
Amikacin 270, 308, 383, 753
Aminoglycoside 24, 29, 31, 32, 62, 67, 69, 79, 93, 149, 188, 753
Aminopenicillin 29
Ammonium citrate 195
Amniotic membranes 176
Amodiaquine 796
Amorolfine 830
Amoxicillin 29, 31, 65, 105, 195, 197, 198, 219, 220, 252, 270, 294, 323, 329, 754, 769
Amphotericin 789, 791
B 79, 111, 112, 149, 367, 564, 571, 573
deoxycholate injection 566
lipid formulations of 564
Ampicillin 29, 206, 219, 220, 261281, 285, 323, 329, 754, 770
Amplification protocol 369
Amprenavir 542
Amyloid A 151
Amyloidosis, development of 153
Anaerobic blood cultures 42
Anaerobic infections 45, 620
treatment of 622
Anaeroplasma 358
Anal cancer 467
Anal intraepithelial neoplasia 672
Anaphylactoid reaction 716, 794
Anaphylaxis 714, 716
emergency management of 651b, 716
kit 716
Anaplasmosis 601
Ancylostoma duodenale 579
life cycle of 581f
Anemia 161, 165, 438, 544, 789, 790
aplastic 772
chronic 436
congenital 436
extreme degree of 563
hemolytic 142, 173, 361
iron therapy for 580
mild normochromic 251
mild normocytic 251
persistent 436
severe 551, 557, 558
Angioedema 199
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 506f
inhibitors 252
Animal inoculation 564
Anitschkow cells 249
Ankylostomiasis 795
Annular petechial rash 474f
culicifacies 549
fluviatilis 549
stephensi 549
Anorectal discharge 732
Anorexia 229, 326, 780, 811
Anosmia 196, 511
Anthelmintic agents 588
Anthrax 607, 695, 757, 772
Antibiotic 25, 29, 31, 33, 59, 118, 149, 187, 212, 220t, 221, 225, 252, 319t, 329, 341, 753, 758764, 766775, 777786, 805, 827
abuse, risk for 106
administration of 24
coated catheters 91, 99
concentration 31
cycling 40
disks 66
duration of 188t
solutions 94
use of 92
mechanism of action of 29
misuse of 26, 132
naïve community-acquired neonatal sepsis 78
oral 308
parenteral 285
prophylactic 102, 103, 103t, 188
prophylaxis 103, 104, 266, 267, 272, 286, 341
radiolabeled 306
regimens 265
resistance 316
etiology of 39
evolution of 316
infections, community-acquired 24
multiple 32
prevention of 39
selection 29, 219
principles of 30
stewardship 88
strategy 188
therapy 24, 97t, 149, 175t, 195t, 197, 234, 288, 320, 347
combination of 32, 40
duration of 80
indications of 32
long-term 268
treatment, duration of 329
use of 39, 129
Antibody 449
bacterial 44
dependent enhancement 472, 521
detection of 564
parasitic 44
response 477
titers 339
Anticoagulation therapy 523
Antiepileptics 585
drugs 244
Anti-Epstein-Barr nuclear antigens 490
Antifungal 789, 791794
prophylaxis 149, 150
role of 149
systemic 301
topical 303, 830
based tests 113
capture-enzyme immunoassay 361
detection 564
assay 498
methods 53
tests 328
multiple 696
presenting cells 637
tumor-associated 702
Antihelminthics 146
Antihistamines 112
agents 252
drugs 252
Antimalarial 146, 796, 797, 799, 800
chemotherapy 557
combination therapy 555
treatment, basis of 556
Antimicrobial 40
agents 50, 65, 129
drugs, dosing of 79
management 78
prophylactic 102, 106
preoperative 106t
resistance 34, 51, 88, 317, 324f
development of 40, 106
dynamics of 39
sensitivity testing 51, 52
therapy 42, 66, 200, 332
treatment 195
use of 40
Antimony compounds 564
Anti-nuclear antibody 126
Antiparasitic 802, 803, 804
Antiprotozoal 804, 805, 806, 808
Antipseudomonal penicillins 29
Antipyretic 127, 192
agents 114
Antirabies vaccines 533
Antiretroviral 541
drugs 146, 544, 545, 809, 811
adverse effects of 545t
classes of 542
therapy 537, 540543, 544, 811
adverse effects of 544
duration of 542
response of 544
Antismooth muscle antibody 425
Antistreptococcal antibody titers 251
Anti-streptolysin O titer 138
Antithymocyte globulin 738
Antitoxin action 200
Anti-toxoplasma therapy 163
drugs 383t, 814816
treatment, principles of 382b
Antitussives 192
Antiviral 212, 517821, 823
capsid antigens 490
drug 175
role of 150, 517
therapy 156, 175t, 177, 655
Antrostomy 197
Aorta, coarctation of 267
Aphasia 327
Apnea 345
Appendicitis 283, 307, 495, 496, 754, 766
acute 477
complications of 287
Appendicular lump 287
Appetite, reduced 112, 326
Apslenia 680
Apyrexia 838
Arboviruses 237, 241
Arrhythmias 209
beta-agonist-induced 213
ventricular 821
Artemether 558
Artemisinin 796
based combination therapy 555
Arterial catheters 90
Arterial lines, considerations for 93
Arterial thrombosis 363
Arterial wall, infections of 255
Arteries, pulmonary 267
Artesunate 555, 558, 797
Arthralgia 141, 154, 251, 438, 486, 616, 770, 775, 803, 823
Arthritis 84, 152, 154, 233, 250, 251, 438, 616
absence of 251
acute viral 495
dermatitis syndrome 310
differential diagnosis of 252t
juvenile 84, 135
idiopathic 123, 125, 136, 151, 152, 252, 492, 825
rheumatoid 75, 77, 310
pyogenic 151, 309
reactive 310, 495
Arthrogryposis 179
Arthropathy 437
Arthropod-borne viruses 237
Ascariasis 795
prevention of 579
Ascaris lumbricoides 579
life cycle of 580f
Ascites 286
Ascitic fluid 45
Asepsis 81
Asian flu 452
Aspartate aminotransferase 821
Aspergilloma 364
Aspergillosis 363, 789, 793
chronic invasive pulmonary 364
clinical features 364
cutaneous 364
diagnosis 368
etiopathogenesis 363
invasive 369, 369t
pulmonary 364, 368
management 370
primary cutaneous 368f
treatment 369
Aspergillus 52, 53, 84, 246, 257, 363, 364, 368, 380
antigens 365
flavus 364, 366, 367
fumigatus 363, 366368
conidial heads of 363f
niger 363
parasiticus 366
Asphyxia, mechanical 338
Aspiration 248, 311, 587
cytology 378
suprapubic 270
syndrome 210
Aspirin 252
Asplenia 31, 105, 680
functional 74
Asteroloplasma 358
Asthma 208, 210, 801
vaccine prevention of 703
Ataxia telangiectasia 677, 680
Atazanavir 542
Atelectasis 380
Athlete's foot 792, 831
Atopic dermatitis 291
Atopic syndromes 213
Atrial septal defect 267, 408
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder 727
Attenuated influenza vaccine 15
Auditory defects 408
Autodisable syringes 745f
cytopenia 84
diseases 85, 125, 437, 836
disorders 75, 703
encephalitis 237, 243
hepatitis 421, 425
pathologies 243t
Autoinflammatory disorders 154
Autologous vaccines 703
Automated blood culture systems 76
Automatic voltage stabilizer 706
Autonomic dysfunction 350
Autonomic nervous system 350
Autoreactive cells 82
Autosomal recessive defect 152, 154
Auxiliary nurse midwife 714
Avian influenza 15
Axillary hair 292, 292f
Azathioprine 85
Azidothymidine 813
Azithromycin 30, 104, 195, 197, 219, 252, 281, 323, 329, 347, 356, 361, 755, 774
Aztreonam 6466, 285, 329, 756
Babesia 55
Bacillary dysentery 117, 760, 770, 771, 805
Bacillary index 389
Bacilli, proliferation of 325
Bacillus anthracis 35, 55, 703
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 83, 104, 534, 633, 649, 650, 661, 679, 706, 815
reaction 663
vaccination 743
vaccine 391, 662, 695
Back pain 229
Baclofen 624
Bacteremia 59, 63, 73, 129, 131, 149, 182, 228, 256, 318, 333, 622, 777
management of 318
spontaneous 256
uncomplicated 319
Bacteria 39, 50, 145, 276, 725
colonize 256
group of 261
number of 50
population of 317
profiles for 42
Bacterial antigen tests 231
Bacterial infection
invasive 131
secondary 177
Bacterial meningitis score 232
Bacterial pharyngitis 195t
specific treatment of 195
Bacteriocins 635
Bacteriostatic drugs 29
Bacterium 184
asymptomatic 268, 273
catheter-associated asymptomatic 98
significant 270t
Bacteroides 196
fragilis 246, 284, 620
melaninogenicus 620
oralis 620
Balanoposthitis 269
Balantidiasis 751
Balantidium coli infection 751
Band cells 76
Barbiturates 112
Barky cough 199
Barotrauma, ventilator-induced 213
Bartonella 44, 203, 259
henselae 257
Basal meningoencephalitis 237
Basic blood tests 422
Basilar skull fracture 228
Bat rabies 533
Bat wing edema, signs of 551
B-cell 636
deficiency 83
immunodeficiency 677, 680
mature 82
receptor 643
Bedaquiline 383
Beef tapeworm 585
Behçet disease 123, 151
Bell's palsy 430
Benzathine penicillin 341, 757
G 102, 195, 252, 253
Benzodiazepine 352, 449, 624
overdosage 792
Benzyl benzoate 801
Benzylpenicillin 757, 781
Best injection techniques 741
Beta coronavirus 501
Beta-D-glucan 368
streptococcal pharyngitis 773
streptococci, group A 252, 620
Beta-herpesvirinae 140
Beta-lactam 31, 62, 80
antibiotics 29, 146, 263
classification of 63t
concentration 65
hydrolyze penicillins 62
inhibitor combinations 67
Bilevel positive airway pressure 516
Binax streptococcal antigen card test 231
Biofire film array 55
Biomedical waste 745
management rules 741
Biopsy 127, 389
pleural 378
transbronchial 378
Bioterrorism, vaccine against 703
Biphasic blood culture bottles 44f
defects 170
weight, very low 185
bowel dysfunction 270, 271
management of 272
catheterization 270
neurogenic 273
Blanchable erythema 473f
Blastomyces 568
dermatitidis 569
Blastomycosis 569, 789
Blau syndrome 151
Bleeding 477
abnormal 551
severe 475
Blepharitis 801
Blood 162, 184, 635
amount of 42
brain barrier 24, 229
culture 44, 76, 90, 113, 118, 148, 183, 258, 319, 617
number of 42
types of 42, 43
gas testing 446
glucose control 483
markers, use of 186t
pressure 36, 71, 72, 350
stable 838
systolic 73b, 475
products 189
smear, peripheral 44, 185
tests 205, 230, 351
transfusion 837
urea nitrogen 175
vessels, erosion of 326
volumes 43t
Bloodstream 163
infection 42, 58, 73, 95
catheter-related 89, 90
Bockhart's impetigo 293
Body fluid 635
cytology 378
Body louse infestation 292
Body temperature 111
abnormal elevation of 111
Body temperature, measurement of 111, 112
deformity 155
infection 46, 59, 304, 308t, 309t, 311, 573
marrow 82
aspirate 44, 327
transplantation 442, 825
pain, differential diagnosis of 305
scan 306
tuberculosis 374
Borderline lepromatous leprosy 388, 388f, 389
Bordetella 345
pertussis 345, 633, 773
infection 699
Borrelia 49, 55
burgdorferi 310
Botulism 625, 626
Bradycardia 73b, 112, 209
Brain 184, 350
abscess 194, 246, 248
clinical features 247
diagnosis 247
differential diagnosis 248
epidemiology 246
etiology 246
multiple 247, 247f
pathogenesis 246
pathology 247
prognosis 248
treatment 248
computed tomography scan of 551
heart infusion agar 43
magnetic resonance imaging of 247f
natriuretic peptide 523
dysfunction 237
encephalitis 626
Breast lesions, herpetic 178
Breastfeeding 752756, 758, 759, 761, 763, 764, 766, 768772, 774, 775, 777780, 785, 786, 789792, 794, 796, 798805, 807, 808, 812824, 826829, 831, 832
Brincidofovir 499
antibiotics 62
antimicrobial therapy 568
Brodie abscess 305, 307
Bronchiectasis 221, 366f, 374
acute exacerbation of 782
bilateral 366f
Bronchiolitis 208210, 212, 213
acute 208, 213, 495
obliterans 209, 359, 495, 496
severe 212
treatment of 212
Bronchitis 199
acute 783
chronic 361
Bronchoalveolar lavage 44, 9496, 368, 369, 375
Bronchocentric granuloma 365
Bronchodilators 212, 447
inhaled 447
Bronchopleural fistula 225
Bronchopneumonia 210
Bronchospasm 770, 775, 782, 787
Broth microdilution assay 66
Brucella 615
infection 615
melitensis 615
spread of 616f
Brucellosis 424, 616, 772, 781
treatment of 618t
Brudzinski sign 229
Brugia malayi 590
B-type natriuretic peptide 56
Buccal mucosa 138
Bulbar polio 415
Bulbospinal polio 415
Bulla 134
Bull-neck appearance 338
Bullous impetigo 145, 145f, 293, 294f, 773
Bullous pemphigoid 291
Bunyaviruses 237
Burkholderia cepacia 84
infection 777
Burns 349, 432, 753, 779, 801
Bush-Medeiros-Jacoby system 62
Butcher's wart 298
Calcium-channel blockers 146
Caloric method 833
Campylobacter 48, 281, 310, 333
jejuni 281
anogenital 7
cervical 464
vaccines 702
Candida 53, 73, 74, 84, 93, 94, 149, 246, 257
albicans 83, 273, 284, 569, 570, 725
balanitis 572
glabrata 570
infections 150
parapsilosis 570
pneumoniae 571
tropicalis 74, 570
Candidal esophagitis 85
Candidemia 149
Candidiasis 368, 728, 732, 789, 793
cutaneous 793
oral 570, 571, 775, 831
systemic 791
Candiduria 793
Capsular polysaccharide vaccine 670
Carbamazepine 813
Carbapenem 29, 52, 6769, 79, 93, 285, 308, 757
resistant gram-negative infections, management of 79
Carbaryl 829
Carbohydrates 636
Carboxy pseudomonal penicillins 29
Cardiac dysfunction 520
Cardiac failure, drugs for 252
Cardiac valve replacement 777
Cardiobacterium hominis 263, 266
Cardiomyopathy 825
Cardiotoxicity 801
Cardiovascular defects 408
Cardiovascular dysfunction 72
Cardiovascular system 408
infections 42
Carditis 251, 253
absence of 251
differential diagnosis of 252t
Cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test 377
Case fatality rate 395
Case reporting format 718
Caspofungin 149, 150
Castleman disease 204, 207
Cat scratches disease 204
Cataract 161, 170, 407, 409
Catch-up vaccination 670
Catecholamines 74
Caterpillar cells 249
Catheter 116
cart 90
long-term 90
types of 91
Catheter-associated urinary tract infection 98
diagnosis 98
epidemiology 98
etiology 98
pathophysiology 98
prevention 99
treatment 99
Causative organisms 197, 200, 228
Cefaclor 219, 220
Cefadroxil 758
Cefazolin 286, 318, 320
Cefdinir 197, 220, 759
Cefepime 52, 66, 79, 264, 759
dose dependent of 52t
therapy 67
Cefixime 270, 323, 329, 760
Cefoperazone 78, 79, 285, 760
Cefotaxime 30, 6466, 78, 197, 233, 264, 270, 308, 761
Cefoxitin 66
Cefpodoxime 64, 65, 197, 220, 270, 329, 761
Cefprozil 270
Ceftaroline fosamil 59
Ceftazidime 30, 6466, 263, 762, 765
plus clavulanic acid 66
Ceftriaxone 30, 6466, 79, 167, 197, 206, 233, 261, 264, 270, 281, 329, 762
parenteral 31
sodium 264
Cefuroxime 197, 219, 220, 270, 763
axetil 197
abnormal 202
count 230
culture 607
derived vaccines 455
malignant 82
Cellular morphology 47
Cellulitis 38, 117, 207, 294, 295f, 753, 767
legs 295f
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 96, 411, 455, 460, 511, 552, 661, 677, 810
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization 675
Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection 90
Central nervous system 75, 129, 160, 163b, 177, 183, 229, 239, 242, 243, 351, 367, 383, 402, 408, 414, 428, 433, 441, 497, 511, 529, 570, 585, 620, 752, 757, 777, 801, 818, 835
disease 177, 178
disorders 767, 803
infection 44, 333, 430, 433, 432, 620, 835
involvement 497
manifestations 176, 350
Central venous catheters
management of 91
replacement of 93
Central venous pressure 798
Cephalexin 104, 197, 219, 220, 252, 309, 764
Cephalic tetanus 351, 623
Cephalosporin 29, 32, 62, 65, 67, 197, 219, 764
first-generation 24, 195, 764
fourth-generation 764
oral 220
resistance, prevalence of 79
second-generation 764
third-generation 24, 200, 233, 764
Cerebellar ataxia, acute 327
Cerebral malaria 243, 550, 557, 558, 835
neurological sequel of 551
Cerebral palsy 446
Cerebral perfusion pressure 835
Cerebral thrombosis 327
Cerebritis 229
Cerebrospinal fluid 18, 30, 72, 77, 118, 119, 129, 138, 149, 150, 161, 163, 168, 177, 185187, 230, 230t, 231, 242, 243, 247, 318, 351, 412, 415, 429, 498, 511, 526, 551, 572, 585, 604, 611, 624, 736, 753, 754, 757, 759, 760, 776, 807, 820, 833
abnormal 161, 374
analysis 77
culture 185
examination 230, 415
adenopathy 138
cancer 464
precursors 466
prevention guidelines 469
screening 469
carcinoma in situ 464
intraepithelial neoplasia 464
lymph nodes 202, 205f
enlarged 202
ultrasonogram of 205f
lymphadenopathy 140, 202, 203
causes of 203
reactive 206
viral causes of 206
Cervicitis 728
carcinoma of 645f
uteri, cancer of 7
Cesarean section, elective 545
Cestodes 583
Chancre 164
Chancroid 771
Chandipura virus 238, 242
Charcot-Leyden crystals 594
Chediak-Higashi syndrome 318, 680
Chemical barriers 635
Chemoprophylaxis 8, 234, 357, 382, 391, 559
long-term 559
short-term 559
Chemotherapy 588
discomfort 453
pain 132, 152, 153, 216, 360
physiotherapy 211
X-ray 72, 95, 446, 514
Chickenpox 38, 80, 105, 134, 143, 144f, 440, 441, 817, 827
Chik sign 487, 488f
Chikungunya 73, 78, 147f, 477, 487, 488f, 607
fever 14, 486
diagnosis of 487
management of 488
prevention of 488
infection 147f
neonatal 487f
virus 238, 486
Child abuse 185
Childhood leprosy 389, 390, 390t
early signs of 387
Chills 326, 823
Chimeric vaccines 633, 694
Chimpanzee adenovirus 699
Chlamydia 30, 218, 219, 361, 732, 772
infection 217, 781
pneumoniae 216, 359, 576, 767
psittaci 359
trachomatis 102, 284, 725, 728, 755, 772, 773
pneumonia 576
Chlamydiasis 728, 732
Chlamydophila pneumoniae 767
infection 359
Chloramphenicol 29, 219, 323, 329, 608, 766
Chlorhexidine 60
alcoholic 90
Chloroquine 517, 535, 595, 797
Chlorpromazine 624
Cholecystitis 77, 327, 754
acute 80, 477
Cholera 11, 354, 755, 772
clinical features 354
complications 356
confirmation of 355
diagnosis 355
epidemiology 354
etiopathogenesis 354
intravenous therapy 356
pandemics of 354
prevention 357
prognosis 356
spreads 357
toxin 354
treatment 355, 356t
vaccine 656, 674, 700
parenteral 11
types of 674
Cholestasis 816
intrahepatic 183
Chopra's antimony test 563
Chorea 250, 251, 327
differential diagnosis of 252t
Chorioretinitis 123, 160, 161, 163, 172, 173
Chromomycosis 793
Chromosome, bacterial 336
Chronic infantile neurologic cutaneous articular syndrome 152
Cidofovir 499
Ciliary dyskinesia 221
Ciprofloxacin 62, 149, 264, 281, 285, 327, 329, 356, 766
Circumsporozoite protein 696
Cirrhosis 265, 286
Citrobacter freundii 670
Clarithromycin 104, 219, 252, 347, 361, 391, 767
Clavulanate 65, 66, 198, 270
Clavulanic acid 31, 62, 65, 105, 220, 294, 769, 786
Clean wounds 105
Clindamycin 59, 206, 252, 308, 309, 320, 341, 768
Clinical pulmonary infection score 95
Clofazimine 383, 391
Clonorchis sinensis 589
Clostridial myonecrosis 621
botulinum 620, 625
difficile 35, 88, 149, 281, 694, 751, 760, 787
infection 624, 625, 785
perfringens 47, 284, 757, 620
tetani 349
thermocellum 700
Clotrimazole 301, 303, 571, 830
Cloudy urine 273
Cloxacillin 29, 31, 93, 308, 309, 318, 320, 769
Co-amoxiclav 769
Cobicistat 542
Coccidioides 568
immitis 572
Coccidioidomycosis 572, 789
Co-fluampicil 770
Colchicine 153, 154
Cold 400
agglutinins 360
boxes 707
chain 705
breaches 705
components 705fc
equipment 707t
temperature monitoring 710
sores 178
Coliform organisms 287
Colistin 68, 79, 285
sulfomethate sodium 770
Colitis 283
Collagen vascular disease 412
Colloids 838, 839
Colony-forming units 90
Colony-stimulating factor 369
Coma 531, 770, 775
hepatic 829
Combination therapy 565
basis of 380
Common carotid artery 205
Common cold 191, 192, 453t, 495
differential diagnosis of 192
Complement deficiency 228, 680
Complement fixation test 54
Complete blood count 72, 75, 126, 131, 168, 523, 563, 823
Comprehensive sexuality education program, components of 726, 733b
Computed tomography 225, 366, 584
Condyloma acuminata 467
Condylomata lata 165
Congenital malaria 552
features of 552
risk factors for 552
treatment of 552
Congenital rubella 169, 179
infection 169, 170
syndrome 4, 5, 159, 170, 170t, 171b, 404, 407, 408, 408t, 409, 660, 669
Congenital syphilis 163, 168, 179
diagnosis of 166
manifestations of 166
nonspecific manifestations of 166b
treatment of 168t
Congenital toxoplasmosis 159, 160, 161b, 179
risk of 159
treatment of 163t
Conjugate typhoid vaccines 330t, 670
Conjunctiva 204
Conjunctival suffusion 612
Conjunctival swab 44
Conjunctivitis 38, 143, 155, 192, 400, 766, 801
acute follicular 495, 497
bacterial 829
bilateral nonpurulent 520
palpebral 123
purulent 320
Contact dermatitis 291
Continuation therapy 737
Continuous positive airway pressure 175, 189, 516
Continuous venovenous hemodialysis 483
Contraceptive pill, oral 252
Convalescent plasma 518
Convulsions 757
Coombs reaction 764
Corbevax 661, 675
Core needle biopsy 206
Corneal aberration 801
Corneal scrapings 44
Coronary artery aneurysm 142, 521
Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) 16, 42, 51, 71, 74, 76, 120, 142, 193, 194, 395, 396, 419, 501, 503, 504, 505f, 507, 508, 510516, 518, 520, 635, 646, 702
classification of 501, 501fc
evidence of 143
genome structure 505
hosts of 501
infection 395, 506, 514, 515, 517, 523, 686
management of 515, 517
mild 516
moderate 516
pandemic 119, 523, 675, 702
pathophysiology of 508
pediatric 510
severe 77, 516
symptoms 16
therapy 518
transmission of 502
treatment of 516t, 517t
vaccination 660, 675
vaccine 660, 661, 675, 686, 743
technology platforms 675
virus 506
pandemic 660
Corticosteroids 74, 85, 146, 154, 244
Corynebacterium diphtheria 49, 49f, 194, 336, 336f
Coryneform bacteria 336
Coryza 400
Cotrimoxazole 23, 59, 104, 105, 198, 219, 220, 286, 323, 329, 347, 356, 771
Cough 195, 196, 216, 359, 400, 453, 504, 803
development of 208
Covaxin 661, 675
Covishield 675
Covovax 675
Coxiella burnetii 44, 257, 359
Coxsackie 401, 419
virus 141, 144, 191
Cranial dysmorphism 179
C-reactive protein 55, 72, 75, 113, 118, 126, 135, 151, 185, 186, 218, 226, 231, 250, 259, 284, 306, 425, 453, 509, 523, 607, 613
high-sensitivity 56
Creatinine phosphokinase 425
Crohn's disease 151, 286
Crotamiton 831
Croup 191, 199
mild 200
severity 200, 200t
syndrome 198
Crusted scabies 290
Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome 151, 154
Cryptococcoma 573
Cryptococcosis 573, 789
Cryptococcus neoformans 47, 573
Cryptosporidiosis 755
Cryptosporidium 48, 48f, 85, 282
parvum 806
Cutaneous aspergillus fumigatus infection 367
Cutaneous disease 574
Cyanosis 209
Cyclic neutropenia 112, 151
Cyclophosphamide 85
Cycloserine 383
Cyclospora 48
Cyclosporine plasma concentration 785
Cyst 596
demonstration of 597
Cystic echinococcosis 587
Cystic fibrosis 196, 210, 221, 366t, 446
Cysticercosis 583
Cysticidal drugs 585
Cystitis 758, 764, 771
hemorrhagic 495, 497
uncomplicated 783
Cystoisospora 48
Cystourethrography, micturating 271
Cytokines 115
inflammatory 74
Cytomegalovirus 49, 83, 126, 136, 159, 172, 175, 193, 203, 240, 243, 282, 419, 424, 427, 490, 538, 693, 725, 770, 820
encephalitis 243
infection 54, 141, 166, 175
congenital 172, 173
vaccines 701
Cytopenias 736
Dandruff 793
Dantrolene 624
Dapsone 146, 752
Daptomycin 263
Darier's disease 432
Darunavir 542
Deafness 327, 409, 412, 495
Deamidization 182
Deaths, pneumococcal 10f
Decolonization therapy 60
Decongestants 192
Deep vein thrombosis 80, 509
Dehydration 279, 285, 354, 355, 626, 834
clinical assessment of 276
fever 116
physical signs of 834
severe 146, 279, 835
signs of 276, 354
status, assessment of 355t
symptoms of 276
Delamanid 383
Delta coronavirus 501
Dementia 239
Dendritic cells 634, 635, 637, 638f, 643
Dengue 14, 73, 112, 117, 129, 132, 134, 240, 421, 471, 687, 694, 695
chimeric vaccine 694f
classification of 476, 476f
differential diagnosis of 477t
fever 139, 140f, 607, 836
epidemiology of 471
hemorrhagic fever 476
illness 13, 471
course of 473f
management of 484
incidence of 14
infection 139, 473, 478f
management of 478t, 484
neonatal 484
prevalence 471
recovery phases in 475t
serological markers 478f
serology 119
interpretation of 478t
severe 475
shock syndrome 475
tetravalent 701
vaccines 484, 687, 700
viral encephalitis 242
virus 238, 242, 419, 424, 471, 484
transmission of 472
Dengvaxia 687
abnormalities 173
caries 205
disease 175, 176
infection 246, 621, 764, 768
procedures 266b, 349
prophylactic antibiotics for 103t
Deoxycholate 149
Deoxyribonucleic acid 149, 317, 494, 633, 691, 692f, 743
detection of 613
microarrays 54
multivalent vaccines 700
structure of 692f
vaccines 634
vaccination 692
vaccines 692, 699
Dermal sinus 320
Dermatitis herpetiformis 752
Dermatomyositis 124, 825
juvenile 134
Dermatophyte infection 301, 568
diagnosis of 300
Dermatophytosis, types of 301
Desquamative rash 135
Dexamethasone 234, 311
use of 234
Dextrose normal saline 243
insipidus 821
mellitus 74, 170, 266, 332, 836
Diabetic ketoacidosis 477
Dial thermometer 711
Diaper dermatitis 570, 571
Diaphoresis 350
Diaphragm 283
Diarrhea 11, 22, 143, 152, 154, 182, 221, 275, 282, 326, 354, 403, 504, 695, 756, 758, 764, 768, 774, 779781, 790, 791, 824, 834
acute 10, 280, 355t
bacterial 281t
infectious 275, 276t
infective 276t
antibiotic-associated 624
assessment of 280t
bacterial 829
chronic 83, 275
infectious 281
diseases control program 11
duration of 356
infectious 55
infective 275
management of 835
mild 786
mortality rate 10f
noncholera 281
persistent 275, 282
severe 329
Diaskin test 379
Diazepam 352
Didanosine 819
Dienes stain 50
Dientamoeba fragilis 806
Diethylcarbamazepine 591
DiGeorge syndrome 677
partial 680
Digital light emitting device 706
Digital thermometer 711
Digits, gangrene of 604f
Dihydrorhodamine test 84
Diloxanide furoate 595, 804
Diltiazem 146
Diphenoxylate 356
Diphtheria 3, 4, 38, 49, 104, 336, 337, 338, 353, 756, 757
cutaneous 338
management, triage of 340fc
pharyngeal 337
respiratory 337
severity of 340
tracheal 338
Diphtheria antitoxin 339, 340
dosage of 340t
Diphtheria toxoid 341, 342, 353, 639
administration of 343
Diphtheria, measles
mumps, rubella 204
pertussis 686
Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 4, 650, 683, 706, 707, 710
incidence of 16
vaccines 345, 664
Diphtheria, tetanus 706, 707, 710
and acellular pertussis 353, 665
toxoid, pertussis 337
Diphtheritic myocarditis 3
Diphtheroids 336
Diphyllobothrium latum 583, 588, 806
life cycle of 589f
Dipstick test 328
Dipylidium caninum 806
Direct fluorescent antibody testing 167, 431
Direct wet mount examination 47
Dirty wounds 105
Disability-adjusted life years 471
Discomfort, abdominal 756
Disease-specific prophylaxis 102
Disk diffusion method 65, 65f
Disseminated disease 177, 178, 572
Disseminated infection 430, 574
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 75, 177, 183, 189, 424, 430, 551, 735, 839
Dizziness 197, 792, 794
Dog tapeworm 585
Donovanosis 728
Dopamine 188
Double disk synergy 65
Doughnut sign 376
Down syndrome 446
Doxycycline 59, 264, 356, 361, 772
Dressing regimen 91
Droplet precautions 38
Drowsiness 794
Druesenfieber 490
allergy 136
factors 24
fever 401
interactions 752756, 759, 772, 777, 800, 815, 822, 824, 831
prophylactic 104
reaction 146, 607
development of 25
status of 555
sensitivity test 379, 382
Dual antigen vaccines 342
Duke criteria 258, 259b
modified 259b
Duodenal aspirate 325
Duodenal ulcer 751
Dwarf tapeworm 589
infections 806
Dysautonomia, familial 123
Dysentery 829
Dysfunctional voiding scoring system 271
Dyskinesia, primary ciliary 210
Dyspepsia 764
Dysphagia 141, 199, 350, 351
bronchopulmonary 448
Dysplastic lesions 672
Dyspnea 504, 770, 775, 612, 623
development of 208
Dysuria 132
Ear 202
discharge 183, 197
infections 403
pain 359
intermittent 198
Earache, history of 197
Earlobe, gangrene of 604f
Early congenital syphilis 165t
treatment of 169
Eastern equine encephalitis 241
Eaton's agent 358
Ebola 675
virus 702
Ecchymosis 296
Echinacea purpurea 192
Echinocandins 79
Echinococcosis 585
Echinococcus granulosus 583, 585, 587
life cycle of 586f
Echinococcus multilocularis 586
Echinococcus vogeli 586
Echocardiography 260
transesophageal 259
Echovirus 401
Econazole 831
Ecthyma 294, 295f
Ectodermal dysplasia 111, 123
Ectoparasites 725
Eczema 209
herpeticum 429, 432
Edema 603, 803
perifocal 247f
pulmonary 356, 551
Edematous erythema 146
Edible vaccines 694, 695t
Edmonston-Zagreb strain 403
Efavirenz 541, 544, 809
Effector cells 636
Ehrlichia 55
Ehrlichiosis 601
Eikenella corrodens 105, 257, 263, 266
Ejection fraction 522
Electrocardiogram 402, 808
Electroencephalogram 177, 241, 430, 551
Electrolyte 275
imbalance 146, 285, 483, 770, 775, 838
Electron microscope 46f
Electrospray ionization 56
Elek immunoprecipitation test 339
Elevated hepatic transaminases 607
Emapalumab 738
Embolism, pulmonary 509
Emphysema, subcutaneous 346
Empirical antibiotic therapy 80, 130
duration of 149
Empirical antimicrobial therapy 78
Empirical monotherapy 79
Empirical parenteral antibiotic therapy 308t
Empyema 224, 769, 775
necessitans 374
Emtricitabine 541, 544
Encephalitis 8, 236, 237, 408, 495, 835
causes of 237
immune mediated 237
mosquito-borne 12
Encephalomyelitis 236
Encephalopathy 189, 236, 346, 426, 714, 716
hypoglycemic 239
Endocardial damage 256
Endocarditis 59, 228, 256t, 266b, 333, 617, 618
bacterial 135, 267
culture-negative 258, 264, 264t, 265t
infective 103, 255, 258, 318, 607, 757
mural 338
neonatal infective 255
nonbacterial thrombotic 256
pediatric infective 261t
prophylaxis 768
right-sided 258, 266
staphylococcal 263
subacute bacterial 304
Endoluminal brush 51
Endoplasmic reticulum 506f
End-organ failure 320
Endothelium 74
Endotoxin 111, 234
Endotracheal tube 95, 196
aspirate 96, 504
care 97
Endovascular infections 333
Entamoeba histolytica 47, 593
Enteric fever 117, 323, 760
carrier stage 325
causative agent 324
clinical features 326
complications 327
differential diagnosis 326
drug resistance 323
epidemiology 323
host 325
management of 30
mode of transmission 325
pathogenesis 325
Enteric infection 477, 571
Enteritis, tuberculous 286
Enterobacterales 67
Enterobacteriaceae 62, 67, 73, 246
Enterobius vermicularis 580
life cycle of 582f
Enterotoxigenic escherichia coli 695, 699
Enterotoxin 354
staphylococcal 315
Enteroviral diseases 607
Enterovirus 38, 136, 191, 193, 237, 242
Environmental hygiene 88
immunoassay 138, 143, 597
immunoassay test 328
inhibitor 23
Enzyme linked immunoelectrotransfer blot
assay 585
technique 585
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 78, 241, 242, 270, 378, 390, 431, 498, 515, 526, 527, 540, 570, 583, 585, 594, 608, 609, 612, 613, 617
Eosinopenia 76, 126
Eosinophilia 146, 240, 758, 770, 775, 786
tropical pulmonary 590
Epidemic typhus 601, 606
Epidermal necrosis, spectrum of 145
Epidermolytic toxins 315
Epidermophyton 793
floccosum 300, 569
Epidural abscess 617
Epiglottitis 191, 199, 199t, 338, 761
Epilepsy 803, 825
characteristic of 152
clustering of 152
Epistaxis 192, 346
Epithelial barrier defect 366
Epithelial cells 47, 635
Epitope 638
Epsilometer test 52
Epstein-Barr virus 53, 78, 83, 126, 134, 136, 152, 193, 203, 240, 419, 423, 427, 490, 735, 737
antibodies 492
infection 141
nuclear antigen 492f
serology 492f
Erectile dysfunction 794
Ertapenem 66
Eruptive skin rash 134
Erysipelas 294, 295f, 757, 782
Erythema 92
diffuse 146
infectiosum 134, 137, 140, 401, 436, 438
diagnosis of 140
rash of 438
marginatum 134, 135, 137, 143, 251, 429
multiforme 143f
nodosum 134, 770, 775
leprosum reactions 388
Erythematous blanching maculopapular eruption 139f
Erythematous macules 154
Erythematous patches 566
Erythematous rash 140f, 141f
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 75, 126, 138, 151, 152, 185, 186, 250, 259, 523, 563, 607, 825
Erythroderma, diffuse 321
Erythromycin 30, 102, 104, 105, 198, 219, 281, 287, 341, 347, 356, 361, 773
ethylsuccinate 195
oral 341
Escherichia coli 29, 6264, 66, 73, 87, 98, 119, 129, 166, 263, 281, 283, 305, 617, 691, 765, 827, 834
Estrogen 813
Ethambutol 381, 383, 814
Ethionamide 383, 814
Etoposide 738
Etravirine 541
Euglycemia 243
European Confederation of Medical Mycology 369
European Conference on Infection in Leukemia 369
European Medicinal Agency 697
European Respiratory Society 369
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 369
Euvichol 357
Exanthem subitum 129, 401
Exanthema 134
typical 138
Exanthematous pustulosis, acute generalized 146
Exanthem subitum 137
Exfoliative dermatitis 753, 782
Exotoxin 321
Experimental antiviral strategies 447t
Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase 56, 62, 64, 65f, 68, 69, 93, 98
detection methods 64
infections 62, 64t
management of 68
types of 63t
External otitis 766, 773, 801
Extracellular disease 24
Extracellular fluid 833
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 211, 504
Exudative tonsillitis 338
Eye 44, 202, 635, 801
disease 176, 495, 496
symptoms of 177
drops 829
examination of 123
infection 772
treatment of 827
manifestation, inflammatory 155
problems 409
protection 35
superficial infections of 767
Eyebrows 292
Eyelashes 292
Face mask 222
nerve paralysis 198
pain 196
palsy 229
Faecalis 88
Faine's criteria, modified 612, 612t
Falciform ligament 283
Falciparum malaria 768, 800
recurrence of 556
Falciparum ring 553f
Fallot tetralogy 255
Famciclovir 432
Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome 151, 152, 155
Fasciitis, necrotizing 58, 296, 297f, 621
Fasciola hepatica 589
Fasciolopsis buski 589
Fatigue 453, 792, 811, 823
respiratory 208
Fatty acids, long-chain 54
Favipravir 517
Febrile illnesses 151
Febrile neutropenia 67, 148, 369
etiology of 77
Febrile seizures 477, 716
Feco-oral route 506
Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India 467
Feed intolerance 189
difficulties, development of 208
support 447
Femoral catheters 90
Fernandez reaction 389
Fetal hydrops 438
Fetal infection 437
Fever 109, 111, 112t, 114117, 121, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 136fc, 136t, 146, 161, 196, 212, 226, 247, 310, 453, 556, 594, 612, 616, 714, 717, 736, 757, 775, 782, 803, 823, 824, 834
acute rheumatic 112, 249, 250t, 253
bacterial 117
biphasic 112
continuous 112
documentation of 115
duration 121
enteric 117, 323, 760
erratic 123
factitious 113
familial mediterranean 112, 151, 152, 153t
glandular 490
hemorrhagic 38
high-grade 15, 388
immune mediated 116
intermittent 155
long-duration 126b
low-grade 373
management 119b
mediterranean 615
spotted 605, 609
moderate degree of 23
noninfectious causes of 111
noninfective 125
pathogenesis 111
pathophysiology of 111fc
patterns of 112, 122
pharyngoconjunctival 193, 495, 496
prolonged 125t
recurrent 151
relapsing 112, 135, 772
remittent 112
rheumatic 102, 782
scarlet 134, 138, 401, 492, 607
streptococcal scarlet 138
treatment of 111, 114
viral hemorrhagic 38, 471
yellow 112
Fibrin platelet matrix 260
Fibrinogen 89
Fibrinolysis 74
Fibrocavitary disease 380
Fibronectin 89, 635
Fibrosis 365
Filamentous hemagglutinin 345, 665, 699
Filarial worms 590
Filariasis 589, 590, 803
Fine-needle aspiration 375, 376
biopsy 205, 206
cytology 205, 206
Fish tapeworm 588, 806
Fish-mouth stenosis 249
Flaccid paralysis, acute 415, 418, 495, 716
Flavivirus 178, 242
infection 487
Flow assay, lateral 617
Flucloxacillin 770, 774
Fluconazole 52, 150, 572, 573, 791
dose dependent of 52t
Flucytosine 572, 791
Fluid 834
amount of 839
bolus 189
choice of 839
loss of 275
lymphatic 202
management 839
overload, management of 482
therapy 243, 485, 833835, 839
intravenous 838
Flu-like syndromes 477
Flumazenil 792
Ab tests 54
in situ hybridization 55, 56
leprosy antibody absorption 389
polarization immunoassay 617
Fluorochrome stains 49
Fluoroquinolones 31, 64, 67, 149, 329, 361, 379
antibiotics 308
prophylaxis, oral 149
Fluoxetine 146
Folinic acid 163
Follicular dendritic cells 641
Folliculitis 290, 293, 293f, 767
botulism 625
infections 615
Forced vital capacity 627
Forchheimer sign 401
Forchheimer spots 141, 408
Formol gel test 563
Foscarnet sodium 820
Fosfomycin 67, 79
Fournier gangrene 621
Framycetin sulfate 359, 801
Francisella tularensis 55
Fresh frozen plasma 839
Frostbites 349
Full blood count 823
Fulminant hepatic necrosis 772
Fumigatus allergens 365
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery 197
antigens 149
brain abscess 246
endocarditis 264, 265
infections 135, 216, 547, 568, 568t, 576, 791793, 830
diagnosis of 576
invasive 368, 577
opportunistic 575
systemic 568
mycetoma 367
nail infection 830
septicemia 42
sinusitis, invasive 367
skin infection 568, 830
spores 302
urinary tract infection 273
Fungi 50, 145, 230, 725
Fungus 568
Furazolidone 329, 597, 775, 805
Furuncle 773
over eyelid 293f
Furunculosis 293, 293f, 294, 801
Fusidic acid 296
Fusion inhibitors 448
necrophorum 193, 620
nucleatum 620
Gag reflexes 626
Galactomannan antigen testing 368
Galactosemia 182
Gallbladder 323, 325
infection 325
Gamma benzene hexachloride 291, 292, 802
Gamma coronavirus 501
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 350, 622, 803
Gamma-glutamyl transferase 821
Ganciclovir 175, 821
Gangrene 283
Gardnerella vaginalis 729
gangrene 621, 757
infection 251
liquid chromatography 54
pharyngitis 252t
acid 216
aspirate 44, 185, 375, 378
juice 635
Gastroenteritis 333, 766
acute 477, 495, 496
Gastrointestinal diseases 495
Gastrointestinal disorder 770
Gastrointestinal disturbances 752, 767
Gastrointestinal infection 23, 45, 275, 624
Gastrointestinal lesions 266
Gastrointestinal system 351, 496
Gastrointestinal tract 275, 374, 563, 635
infections 63
GAVI's health system strengthening grants 19
encodes pyrin protein 152
therapy 500
defect 84
platforms 675
polymorphisms 249
herpes 429, 432, 728
infections 46, 432, 783
lesions 47
tract, female 286
ulcer syndrome 154, 732
warts 464, 467, 729
Genitalia 290
Genitourinary diseases 495, 497
Genitourinary disorders 265
Genitourinary manifestations 616
Genitourinary tract 374, 635
infection 124
Genome sequencing 339
Genotype tests 541
Gentamicin 62, 220, 261, 263, 270, 281, 775, 779
sulfate 264
Gentian violet 831
German measles 407
Gianotti-Crosti syndrome 141, 422, 491
Giant cells, multinucleated 49f
duodenalis 595
intestinalis 595
lamblia 48, 595, 751, 806
trophozoites 47, 49f
Giardiasis 593, 595, 751, 805
tests for 45
Giddiness 757
Giemsa stain 185, 564
Gingivitis 84
Gingivostomatitis 429, 432, 434, 817
herpetic 178, 205, 429f
Glaucoma, congenital 170, 409
Global hepatitis B prevalence, geographic pattern of 6f
Global malaria vaccine pipeline 696f
Global polio eradication initiative 663
Glomerular filtration rate 770
Glomerulonephritis 195, 256
poststreptococcal 249
Glossitis 768
Glottis 199
Gloves and socks syndrome 437
Glucocorticoids 84, 228, 248, 365
Glucose 189, 230
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 104, 551, 604, 752, 767, 771, 775
Glucosylation 182
Glycogen storage disease 425
Glycopeptides 29
Glycoprotein, salivary 635
Golgi intermediate compartment 506f
Gonorrhea 725, 728, 732, 754, 763, 772, 773
Graft-versus-host disease 363, 497, 677
Gram stain 47, 51, 77, 230, 285, 360, 730
bacilli 47f, 62
bacteria 55
infections 753, 777, 779
sepsis 327
bacilli 620
cocci 47f
infections 777
Granulocyte 635
macrophage colony-stimulating factor 183
Granuloma 367
inguinale 728
Granulomatous disease 125, 203
chronic 84, 363, 369, 823, 680
Gravid proglottids 584
Gravis strain 337
Griseofulvin 792
oral 302
Grocott Gomori's methenamine silver stain 49
failure 538
hormone-releasing hormone 693
Guaifenesin 195
Guillain-Barré syndrome 416, 421, 456, 493, 511, 527, 531, 626, 714, 825
Guinea pigs 51
H1N1 450, 452f, 453, 646, 672
flu 15
influenza 675
pandemic 452
virus 241
H2N2 452
H3N2 450, 452, 672
H5N1 450
Haemaphysalis 605
Haemophilus 246, 257
ducreyi 725, 728
influenzae 8, 29, 38, 53, 73, 83, 84, 97, 105, 193, 216, 219, 228, 294, 305, 342, 347, 402, 621, 640, 660, 666, 678680, 683, 690, 708, 756, 765, 766, 816
disease, invasive 8
nontypable 104
Hair 271, 292
Hairy leukoplakia, oral 85
Hallucination 770, 775
Halo sign 368
Hand hygiene 35, 88, 99, 516, 740
Hand washing 740
steps of 741f
Hand, foot and mouth disease 129, 136, 144
Haptoglobin 56
Harboring influenza hemagglutinin 694
Hartley's blood agar 327
Hashimoto encephalopathy 243
Head louse 291
infestation 291, 829
Headache 112, 152, 196, 229, 252, 453, 504, 612, 714, 752, 768, 791, 792, 794, 803, 811, 823, 824
Health management information system 652
Healthcare worker 345
safety devices 746
Healthcare-associated infection 34, 73, 87, 88f, 100
types of 88
assessment 173
evaluation 234
impairment 170
loss 170, 173, 175, 176, 179, 180, 234, 409
sensorineural 172
Heart 184
block, complete 260
disease 407, 495, 497
congenital 103, 170, 185, 210, 221, 246, 255, 409
rheumatic 253, 255
failure 360, 836
congestive 209, 210, 221
rate 73, 95
Heat stroke 237
Helicobacter pylori 326, 695, 754
infection 751, 767
Helminth 276, 579
esterase protein 505
neuraminidase protein 411
Hematocrit, critical interpretation of 481
Hematological disorder 151
Hematological tests 478
Hematopoietic growth factors, role of 150
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 364, 369, 497, 677, 738
Hemiparesis 229, 367
Hemoglobin 56
Hemoglobinuria 551
Hemolysis, low-grade 259
Hemolytic diseases, chronic 836
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 497, 607
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 124, 125, 423, 509, 735, 736, 736t
types of 735
Hemophagocytic syndrome 483, 604, 735
Hemophagocytosis 736
Hemoptysis 612
Hemorrhage 786
alveolar 368
petechial conjunctival 123
subconjunctival 346
Hemorrhagic bullae 296
Hemorrhagic complications, treatment of 482
Henoch-Schonlein purpura 134136, 147f, 437, 607
Hepatic cell carcinoma 422
Hepatic dysfunction 72
Hepatic impairment 782
Hepatic insufficiency 148
Hepatitis 327, 495, 496, 607, 736
A 419, 421, 426, 639, 678, 679, 684, 685, 686
vaccine 6, 671, 687, 688
virus 6, 419, 420f, 423, 688, 725
acute 422
acute viral 419
B 141, 419, 420, 422, 426, 649, 679, 683, 685, 686, 695, 706, 707, 710, 725, 744
antigen 744
complications 6
coverage of 8
immunization 6
immunoglobulin 662, 744, 824
infection, chronic active 821
postexposure prophylaxis for 744fc
surface antigen 6, 421f, 639
vaccine 6, 660, 662, 666, 687, 688
virus 5, 54, 419, 420, 420f, 422, 423, 695, 725, 739, 809
C 419, 422, 426, 691
chronic 422
infection, chronic active 821
vaccines 701
virus 54, 419, 420, 420f, 422, 423, 725, 739, 744
chronic 422
D 420, 422, 426
virus 421f, 422, 423
E 419, 421, 426
vaccine 701
virus 419
neonatal 166
nonviral 424
prevalence, geographic distribution of 7f
severe acute 426
vaccines, future 701
viral 326, 477
virus 53, 420, 490
Hepatomegaly 538
Hepatopancreatic biliary ultrasonography 579
Hepatosplenomegaly 135, 161
Hepatotoxicity 794
Hepatotropic viruses 419, 421
Herd effect 647
Hereditary periodic fever syndrome 151, 152t
Herpangina 193
Herpavirus 419
Herpes 732
cutaneous 429
encephalitis 817
genitalis 817
gladiatorum 429, 432
keratitis 433
labialis 432, 817
virus 159
infections 318
zoster 144, 440, 443, 817
vesicular lesions 144f
Herpes infection
congenital 176
neonatal 176
Herpes simplex 193, 338, 424
blisters 37
encephalitis 431f
infection 144f, 428
prophylaxis 817
viral focal infection 144
virus 38, 49, 49f, 144, 150, 177, 179, 193, 236, 237, 239241, 243, 397, 421, 427, 428f, 429, 431, 433, 434, 725
encephalitis 239, 241, 242, 243
infection 166, 176, 178, 427, 427fc, 430, 432t, 433, 434
treatment for 150
Herpetic whitlow 178, 429, 432
Heterophile antibody test 491
Hexavalent vaccine 342
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 426, 542
High-resolution computed tomography 504
Hila gene 328
Hip pain 310, 320
Histidine-rich protein 554
Histiocytosis 735
Histoplasma 568
capsulatum 574
polysaccharide 53
Histoplasmosis 574, 789
Hodgkin's disease 490
Hodgkin's lymphoma 207, 735
Homologous human hyperimmune globulins 632
Hong Kong flu 453
Hookworms 579
Hormones 635
adrenocorticotropic 563
Hospital waste, management of 37
Hospital-acquired native valve endocarditis 257
Host 395
cells 336
invasion of 602
factors 562
function 31
response 42, 472
Human albumin 839
Human bocavirus 208, 435
Human bovine 667
pentavalent live vaccine 461, 667
rotavirus vaccine 667
Human brucellosis 615
Human corona viruses 191
Human feces 349
Human herpes virus 138, 140, 240, 242, 299, 401, 421, 424, 427, 440
Human hookworm vaccine 702
Human immunodeficiency virus 12, 53, 54, 82, 85, 136, 162, 169, 203, 239, 240, 246, 291, 332, 357, 372, 375, 387, 395, 399, 419, 421, 424, 464, 477, 490, 537, 539, 539b, 540, 540t, 544, 545, 552, 563, 583, 650, 677, 678t, 691, 695, 697, 725, 730, 731, 733, 735, 739, 744, 752, 803
clinical manifestations of 538
culture 538
diagnosis of 538, 540
disease 540
end-stage 538
infection 13, 13t, 167, 228, 428, 442, 463, 538t, 552, 568, 633
global view of 14f
perinatal transmission of 537
syndrome, acute 492
transmission 537
treatment of 544
vaccines 697
Human leukocyte antigen 638, 249
Human metapneumovirus 73, 191
Human monovalent live vaccine 461, 667
Human papillomavirus 464, 465, 465f, 633, 649, 671, 679, 685, 687, 702, 725, 731
burden 464
infection 7, 686
life cycle of 465f
vaccination 464, 468
vaccine 467, 671, 685, 687
Human parainfluenza viruses 698
Human rabies immunoglobulin 531
Hydatid cyst 587t
Hydatid disease 585, 795
diagnosis of 587
care of 321
maintenance of 211
Hydrocarbons 216
Hydrocephalus 160, 161, 573
Hydrolyzing enzyme 31
Hydrophobia 350, 530
Hydrops fetalis 166, 436
Hydroxychloroquine 146, 517, 535
Hydroxyethyl starch 839
Hymenolepis nana 583, 589
infections 806
Hyperactivity, autonomic 350
Hypercapnia 208
Hypergammaglobulinemia 563
Hyperglycemia 183, 189, 483
Hyperimmunoglobulin E 318
Hyperimmunoglobulinemia D 151, 152
periodic fever syndrome 151
Hyperinflammation 737
Hyperinflation 218
Hyperkalemia 838
Hyperlucent lung, unilateral 495, 496
Hypermagnesemia 626
Hypernatremia 356, 834
Hyperparasitemia 552, 558, 559
Hyperpigmentation 487f, 779
diffuse postinflammatory 147f
Hyperpnea 252
Hyperpyrexia 559
sweating 350
Hyper-reactive airway disease 568
Hypersensitivity 760, 764, 778, 779, 782, 786, 788, 794
pneumonitis 380
reaction 216, 290, 716, 763, 779
Hypertension 824, 836
pulmonary 346
Hyperthermia 326, 350, 356
Hypertonia 349
Hypertonic saline 212, 243
Hypertriglyceridemia 736
Hypoalbuminemia 522, 607
Hypocalcemia 624
Hypofibrinogenemia 736
Hypogammaglobulinemia 83, 825, 825
Hypoglycemia 183, 189, 239, 354, 356, 483, 551, 557, 558, 800
Hypokalemia 356, 786, 789, 790, 838
Hypomagnesemia 790
Hyponatremia 356, 483, 522, 607, 736, 838
Hypoproteinemia 582
Hyposplenia 680
Hypotension 72, 73b, 135, 146, 229, 247, 284, 285, 520
postural 803
Hypotensive shock, fluid management of 481fc
Hypothalamic dysfunction 123
Hypothalamus thermoregulatory center 111
Hypothermia 116, 125, 182
Hypothyroidism 626
Hypotonia 173, 209
Hypotonic hyporesponsive episode 347, 664, 714, 716, 717
Hypovolemia 835
Hypoxemia 183, 219
Hypoxia 182, 218, 221, 224, 285
Ibuprofen 26, 127
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 538, 607, 825
chronic 752
IDL TUBEX test 328
Imipenem 68
Immature neutrophils 76
primary 82, 85, 677
secondary 82, 84, 677
dysregulation 521
mediated diseases 112
modulators 518
potentiators 694
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 545
response 503, 640t, 642
system 82, 643b
thrombocytopenia 136
Immunity 346, 562, 602, 631
active 631
adaptive 635, 637f, 637t, 643
against rubella 5
cell-mediated 326, 389, 636
cellular 82, 636
duration of 535
herd 468, 508, 647, 683
humoral 31, 636
inborn errors of 185
innate 82, 318, 635, 637f, 637t, 644f
natural 236
passive 631
population 5
types of 635
vaccine induced 639t
Immunization 341, 629, 632, 683, 714
active 352, 353
anxiety-related reaction 650, 714, 715, 720
principles of 631
programs 659, 660t, 705
rationale of 686
Immunochromatographic card tests 53, 553
Immunodeficiency 196, 210, 825
disease, severe 677
disorders 151
Immunodiffusion tests 54
Immunofluorescence 446
assay 564, 607609
Immunogenicity, vaccine 647
Immunoglobulin 365, 366, 404, 824, 825, 827
A 594
elevated serum 154
intravenous 435, 447, 522, 625, 825
M 78, 161, 241, 242, 328, 436, 478, 478f, 488, 608
use of 404
Immunohistochemistry 608
Immunological assays 585
Immunological failure 545
Immunoperoxidase assay 138, 607609
Immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes 694
Immunotherapy 499
Impetigo 117, 206, 290, 294, 338, 755, 759, 771, 801, 829
contagiosa 294f
Impulse control disorder 727
In situ hybridization 390
Inactivated influenza
trivalent 455
vaccine 450, 672t
Inactivated mouse brain derived vaccine 674
Inactivated oral vaccines 357
Inactivated polio vaccine 20, 663
Inactivated poliovirus 684, 685, 743
Inactivated vaccines 519, 633, 671, 675
Incubation period 414, 490, 530, 615
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 409, 413, 417, 467, 535, 661, 677, 686, 719, 744, 835
Advisory Committee on Vaccines and Immunization Practices 404, 442, 659
Indian Leptospirosis Society's 612
Indian Medical Association 467
Indian Neonatal Rotavirus Live Vaccine 667
Indian tick typhus 601, 605, 606
Indinavir 542
Indirect contact transmission 38
Indirect hemagglutination
assay 594
test 595, 608
cardiovascular medical devices 265
catheter 99, 149
Infarcts, hemorrhagic 367
Infections 34, 63, 71, 102, 125, 159, 182, 320, 735
acute bacterial 25
anaerobic 45, 620
asymptomatic 140, 170, 574, 595
bacterial 23, 25, 29, 32, 68, 77, 112, 116t, 118, 118t, 123, 129, 193t, 204
categories of 510t
chronic 438, 703
low-grade 283
community-acquired 24, 32
congenital 159, 174t, 497
nonbacterial 185
control 34, 51, 69
principles of 34
cutaneous 432
fungal 112
head and neck 620
healthcare-associated 34, 73, 87, 88f, 100
hospital-acquired 87
laboratory diagnosis of 42
management of 68
middle ear 349
neonatal 497, 620
parasitic 547
pediatric 751
perinatal 430
perivalvular extension of 265
phagocytic 84
placental 178
pleuropulmonary 621
postnatal 407
postoperative 753, 762
potential sources of 89f
primary 427, 477
protozoal 112
pulmonary 571
reservoir of 615
respiratory 14
risk of 35, 55, 160, 535
secondary 89, 291, 477
severity of 340t
sinopulmonary 83
source of 24, 89, 345, 387
subclinical 161
surrogate biomarkers of 55
systemic 29, 100, 157, 572
timing of 184
transmission for 395
types of 52, 184
viral 112
Infectious agents 87, 141
transmission of 34
treatment against 187
Infectious diarrhea 55
clinical types of 275
Infectious disease 631, 833
diagnosis of 42
natural epidemiology of 647
transmission, dynamics of 396f
Infectious Diseases Society of America 369, 677
Infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus 693
Infectious mononucleosis 401, 490, 491f, 607
diagnosis of 78
Infective endocarditis 103, 255, 258, 318, 607, 757
diagnosis 258
epidemiology 255
pathogenesis 255
treatment of 260, 260t, 320
Infective period 345, 400
Infestations, parasitic 325
Inflammation 635
cycle of 74
evidence for 185
Inflammatory bowel disease 125, 151, 283, 333
Inflammatory disorders 75
Inflammatory nodule 293
Infliximab 85
Influenza 38, 105, 192, 193, 203, 208, 450, 452, 453, 453t, 477, 633, 678, 679
viral infection 818
viruses 450, 453t
diagnosis of 78, 453
encephalitis 243
immunization against 105
intranasal 639
seasonality 452
vaccine 656, 687, 454, 455t, 672, 698
next generation of 699
types of 455
virus 53, 191, 193, 194, 450, 695, 818
nomenclature of 451f
structure of 451f
Information communication technology 380
Infusion reactions, acute 790
Inguinal bubo 732
Inguinal lymph nodes, enlargement of 732
Inguinal swelling syndrome 732
Injectable inactivated influenza vaccines 672
Injection waste, disposal of 745
Injury, acute inflammatory 208
Innate immune
memory 643
response 82
system 643
Innate immunity 82, 318, 635, 637f, 637t, 644f
types of 635
Insomnia 752, 824
Integrase strand transfer inhibitors 542
Integrated disease surveillance program 719
Intellectual disability 155, 170, 175
Intense pruritus 292
Intensive care unit 34, 64, 502
admission 219b
indications of 219
Intercell intradermal vaccine patch 695f
Interferon 111, 536, 643
alpha 821
gamma 74, 562, 594
release assay 378
Interleukin 56, 111, 115, 183, 523, 643
Internal jugular vein 205
Intestinal epithelial cells 354
Intestinal fluke 589
Intestinal infections 772
Intestinal lymphoid tissue 323
Intestinal perforation 286
Intestine 25
small 276
Intra-abdominal infection 45, 117, 283
Intracardiac devices 267
Intracellular disease 24
Intracellular fluid 833
Intracranial calcifications 161
Intracranial pressure 229, 237, 247, 433
Intracranial tension 239, 243, 327, 585
Intradermal injection 663, 743, 743f
Intradermal rabies vaccination 534
Intraerythrocytic malarial parasites 48
Intralipids 79
Intramuscular injection 663, 742, 742f
Intramuscular needle insertion 654f
fetal death 435
growth restriction 186
herpes simplex virus 176
infection 176, 430
rubella infection 170t
Intravascular catheters 89
Intravascular hemolysis, acute 551
Intravenous antibiotic therapy, indications of 220
Intussusception 495, 496, 716
Invasive aspergillosis 369, 369t
first-line treatment of 369
pathogenesis of 364f
Iodine, timing of 90
Iodoquinol 595
Ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry 55
Iridocyclitis 388
Irritability 229
consequent 273
end-organ 169
Isolation 234, 401, 403, 607, 618
culture 50
Isoniazid 379, 381, 383, 815
Itraconazole 149, 150, 302, 369, 572, 793
Ivermectin 579, 583, 803
Ixodes 605
J and J vaccine 675
Jaccoud arthropathy 253
Japanese encephalitis 12, 241, 244, 395, 694
vaccine 656, 660, 674, 700
virus 236, 238, 239241, 700
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction 770, 757, 775
Jaundice 161, 165, 189, 409, 551, 612
fever 326
obstructive 425
infection 46, 59, 304, 308t, 309t, 311
pain 310, 486
space infection 304
tuberculosis 374
Jones criteria, modified 250t, 251
Kala azar 561, 562, 565, 807
transmission of 562f
Kaolin 356
Katex test 564
Kawasaki's disease 75, 123, 124, 134, 135, 137, 142, 204, 207, 401, 520, 524, 607, 735, 825
Kawasaki's syndrome 77, 477
Kayser-Fleischer ring 425
Keratin protein 292
Keratitis 366
interstitial 169
Keratoconjunctivitis, epidemic 495, 496
Kernig sign 229
Ketoconazole 301, 303, 793, 794
Kidney 184, 268
congenital anomalies of 271
Kikuchi disease 207
Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease 204
Kingella kingae 32, 305, 307
Kissing disease 490
Klebsiella 65, 73, 84, 87, 100, 296
granulomatis 725, 728
oxytoca 88, 100
pneumoniae 29, 62, 63, 66, 73, 88, 97
Koplik's spots 138, 139f, 399, 400
Kussmaul's breathing 477
La Crosse virus 237
Labyrinthitis 198
Lactate dehydrogenase 76, 126, 424, 502, 523
Lactic acidosis 477, 558
Lactobacillus 620, 625
Lambert-Eaton syndrome 626
Lamivudine 541, 544, 811
Lamotrigine 146
Langerhans cell histiocytosis 204, 207, 291
Laryngeal spasm 350
Laryngitis 198
Laryngotracheitis 198, 495
Laryngotracheobronchitis 198, 495
Latex agglutination test 77, 594, 608
Lavage 378
Lazy leukocyte syndrome 318
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease 310
Legionella 30, 48, 55, 380
infection 767
pneumophila 53, 259
Leishman stains 564
Leishmania 561
aethiopica 805
amazonensis 805
braziliensis 805
donovani 48, 49, 561
infantum 561
life cycle of 561
Leishmaniasis 561, 701, 808
cutaneous 561
mucocutaneous 561
Leishmanin skin test 564
Lemierre's syndrome 193
Lentil lectin purified glycoprotein 585
Lentivirus 693
Lepromatous leprosy 388, 389, 389t
Leprosy 386, 752
childhood 389, 390, 390t
classification 387
clinical manifestations 387
description of 386
direct transmission 387
epidemiology 386
etiology 387
indeterminate 387
indirect transmission 387
management 390
mid borderline 388
multidrug therapy 390
population, pediatric infective 386
reactions 388
vaccine 391
varieties of 388
Leptomeningitis, acute syphilitic 166
Leptospira 29, 49, 50f, 78, 240, 321
Leptospirosis 123, 135, 137, 425, 477, 607, 611613, 702, 757
primary 374
vesiculobullous 145f
Lethargy 173, 757
Leucovorin 163
Leukemia 126, 203, 492, 803
acute 149, 477, 490
lymphoblastic 679, 770
lymphocytic 735
chronic myeloid 770
Leukocyte 98
defects 680
deficiency 318
counts, normalization of 320
esterase 76
polymorphonuclear 247
Leukocytosis 59, 165, 251, 346, 491
Leukoencephalitis, hemorrhagic 240
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 85
Leukopenia 59, 165, 477, 563, 789792
Leukotriene 74, 183
receptor antagonist 212
Levamisole 579, 580, 795
Levetiracetam 244
Levofloxacin 149, 361, 383
Light crystal device 706
Lincosamides 30
Line probe assay 377, 379
Linezolid 29, 30, 59, 79, 309, 383, 777, 778
Lipid 636
formulation 149, 564
nanoparticle 693
substances 216
Lipoarabinomannan assay 379
Lipoma 271
Lipopolysaccharides 74, 111, 601
antigen 328
Lipoprotein, low density 790
Liposomal amphotericin B 369, 370, 565, 566
Lipoteichoic acid 74
Liquid culture techniques 377
Listeria monocytogenes 73, 228
influenza vaccine 450, 673
vaccine 520, 671, 632, 699
virus 675
Liver 184, 378
abscess 45, 47
cell failure, acute 614
computed tomography scan of 571
damage 114
disease 176
acute-on-chronic 422
failure 792
acute 421, 422
flukes 589
function 186
test 523, 736, 821
injury, drug-induced 422, 425
stage antigens 696
Loa loa infection 44, 802
Löffler's syndrome 579
Loperamide 356
Lopinavir 517, 542, 544
Lorazepam 352
Louse infestation 291
Low birth weight, extremely 186, 188
Low total leukocyte count 492
Lower respiratory infection
acute 217t
wheezing-associated 116
Lower respiratory tract 25, 46, 87, 359
infection 32, 44, 116, 191, 445, 515, 754, 758
Lower urinary tract infection 763
Low-molecular-weight heparin 524
Lumbar puncture 73, 77, 119, 131, 186, 187t, 230, 231, 237, 240, 247
Lumefantrine 555, 797
Lumens, number of 91
Lung 184
abscess 226, 775
clinical features 226
management 226
primary 226
secondary 226
chronic 148, 213
genetic syndrome 94
infection 774
parenchyma 373
tissue, hemorrhagic infarction of 363
erythematosus 792
vulgaris 297, 297f
Lyell's syndrome 772
Lyme disease 112, 310, 757, 763, 781
diagnosis of 54
Lymph node 82, 202, 203t, 205, 206, 373375, 376fc, 378
cervical 202, 205f
enlargement of 202
lateral pharyngeal 199
reactive 206
retropharyngeal 199
tuberculosis 374, 376
Lymphadenitis 117, 203, 388
acute 203
bacterial 206
cervical 156, 203
tuberculous 374
chronic 203
histiocytic necrotizing 207
mesenteric 495, 496
subacute 203
suppurative 754
viral 202
Lymphadenopathy 135, 161, 203, 376, 407, 538, 803
bacterial 206
causes of 202
cervical 140, 202, 203
generalized 203
occipital 140
parasitic 206
Lymphangitis 295, 296f
acute 294
nodular 575
over leg 296f
system 202, 204
vessels 202
Lymphocryptovirus 141
Lymphocyte 247
atypical 491
count, absolute 523
innate 635
transformation 636
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 173
Lymphocytosis, absolute 491
Lymphogranuloma venereum 728, 732
Lymphohistiocytosis, hemophagocytic 124, 125, 423, 509, 735, 736, 736t
Lymphoid cells, innate 635
Lymphoma 84, 193, 203, 204, 207
Lymphopenia 76, 502, 522
Lysis-centrifugation technique 44
Lysosomal granules 256
Lysozyme 635
MacCallum plaques 249
MacConkey agar 50, 327
Macrolides 24, 30, 79, 197, 220, 347
Macrophages 635
Macroscopic antigen detection 53
Maculae ceruleae 292
Maculopapular rash 135, 165, 473f, 781
Magnesium sulphate 624
Major histocompatibility complex 637, 692
Malaise 73, 247, 326, 551, 714
Malar erythema 123
Malaria 12, 25, 76, 104, 117, 221, 326, 332, 425, 477, 549, 550, 557, 607, 696, 797799
complicated 558t
complications of 557
congenital 552
diagnosis of 553, 554
parasite 553f, 555
life cycle of 549, 550f
pigment 554f
prophylaxis 799
recrudescence of 552
relapse of 552
severe 557b, 558t
life-threatening 557
tests for 119
transmission of 549
uncomplicated 555
vaccine 559
against 691, 696
Malarial parasite 132
smear for 76
Malassezia furfur 367, 569, 575
Malassezia yeasts 302
Malathion 832
Malnutrition 221, 400
severe 552
acute 282
Malta fever 615
Mandatory ventilation, intermittent 211
annulifera 590
uniformis 590
Mantoux test 378
Marantic endocarditis 259
Marshall's syndrome 156
Mask 35
drug administration 590
spectrometry 56
Mast cells 635
Mastoiditis 198, 246, 320
Mature rotavirus particle, structure of 459f
Mean airway pressure 189
central venous pressure 73
Measles 5, 38, 134, 137, 138, 321, 399401, 421, 477, 607, 639, 695
elimination 686
encephalitis 242, 243
face 400f
mumps, and rubella 5, 244, 456, 684, 685, 824
vaccine 331, 695
prevention of 403
and tetanus 631
vaccine 403, 404, 660
vaccine 403, 668, 669
virus 83, 193, 237, 238, 424, 695
isolation of 401
Mebendazole 579, 580, 582, 588, 795
Mechanical ventilation 211
Meconium aspiration syndrome 188
Mefenamic acid 26, 127
Mefloquine 798
Meglumine antimoniate 805
Melbourne scoring system 131
Memory B cells 641
Meningeal irritation, signs of 229, 240
Meningeal signs 229, 573
Meninges 374
Meningism 612
Meningismus 132
Meningitis 8, 29, 31, 32, 58, 59, 67, 115, 117, 129, 130, 189, 194, 209, 228, 236, 266, 320, 367, 573, 618, 753, 754, 761763, 766, 775, 803, 835
acute bacterial 228, 230
aseptic 412, 415, 495, 607, 714
bacterial 228, 232, 233, 248
causes of 228
chronic aseptic 155
cryptococcal 85, 573, 791
infection 29
pneumococcal 234
treatment of 320
tuberculous 8, 230, 372, 374, 376, 382
viral 230
Meningococcal conjugate vaccines 673
Meningococcal disease 8, 135
Meningococcal infection 104
prophylaxis 816
Meningococcal meningitis 8
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine 673
Meningococcal septicemia 135, 145
Meningococcal vaccine 656, 637, 680, 687
Meningococcemia 135, 145, 401, 607
Meningoencephalitis 230, 236, 409, 412, 477, 614
viral 248
Menstrual dysfunction 375
Mental retardation 409
Mental status 75, 367
Meropenem 67, 68, 149, 285, 383, 758, 778
monotherapy 67
Metabolism, inborn errors of 185, 237
Metastasis 123, 203
Methadone 813
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 29, 30, 56, 58, 59, 106, 263, 294, 315, 316f, 758, 760, 764, 768, 778
Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus 316f
Methylprednisolone 576
Meticulous hand hygiene 213
Metronidazole 29, 146, 149, 281, 352, 597, 751
Mevalonate kinase 154
deficiency 154
Mevalonic aciduria 154
Mexiletine 146
Micafungin 369
Miconazole 301, 303, 571, 831
Microbes, phagocytosis of 82
Microbial virulence factors 42
Microcephaly 161, 175, 409
Microfilaria 47
Microphthalmia 161
Microscopic agglutination test 78, 612
Microscopic antigen detection 53
Microsporum canis 300, 568
Microwave treatment 37
Midazolam 352, 624
infusion 244
Middle east respiratory syndrome 16, 501, 503, 693
Migratory myalgia 153
Miliary tuberculosis 373
Milk, pasteurization of 618
Milkmaid's grip 251
Miltefosine 565
Minimum bactericidal concentration 263
Minimum inhibitory concentration 64, 65, 753, 759, 828
Minocycline 391
drug 146
plus clofazimine 391
Miscarriage 170
antigen 389
reaction 389
Mobile genetic elements 316
Moderna vaccine 675
Molecular amplification methods, applications of 55
Molecular diagnostic techniques 208
Molecular methods 231
Molecular mimicry 249, 521
Molecular patterns
damage-associated 635
pathogen-associated 639, 693
Molecular tests 78, 119, 511
implications of 512
sensitivity of 512
specificity of 512
Mollaret's meningitis 430
Molluscum contagiosum 141, 299f
virus 298
treatment 299
Molluscum dermatitis 298
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 775, 805
Monoarthritis, aseptic 250
Monobactams 29
Monoclonal antibody 531, 632
Monocytes 635
Monomorphic erythematous papules 140
Mononucleosis, infectious 401, 490, 491f, 607
Monotherapy 555
Monpolio enteroviruses 191
Moraxella catarrhalis 104, 196, 197, 765
Morbilliform eruption 134, 146
Morbilliform rash 495
Morbillivirus 138, 399
Mortality, risk factors of 209
Mouth 202
Moxifloxacin 383
Muckle-Wells syndrome 151, 155
Mucocutaneous inflammation signs 520
Mucoid bronchial impaction 365
Mucolytics 192
Mucosal erythema 337
Mucous membrane 635
Multibacillary leprosy 391
Multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum and malaria prophylaxis 772
Multiorgan dysfunction, evidence for 186
Multiorgan failure 135
Multiple organ dysfunction 71
syndrome 71, 183, 497
Multiple organ systems 164
Multiplying bacilli 380
Multiresistant infections 68
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome 142, 501
Mumps 38, 411
burden of 411
diagnosis of 412
encephalitis 244
infection 5
measles, and rubella 411, 679
vaccines 668, 669, 687
prognosis of 413
vaccine 670, 687, 688
virus 141
encephalitis 242
Mupirocin 296
Murine typhus 601, 606
enzyme, serum 351
pain 612
pelvic 272
rigidity 350
skeletal 350
Musculoskeletal diseases 495
Musculoskeletal infections 79
Myalgia 135, 152, 770, 775, 803, 823
Mycobacteria 51, 149, 230
atypical 204, 206
Mycobacterial detection 379
Mycobacterial disease 83
Mycobacterial growth indicator tubes 376, 377, 379
Mycobacterial infection 204
Mycobacterial isolation 379
avium 206
complex 83
intracellulare 305
bovis 12, 204, 372
fortuitum 305
gordonae 305
indicus pranii 391
leprae 387, 387f
marinum 305
pneumoniae 359
scrofulaceum 206
tuberculosis 48f, 49, 74, 204, 206, 216, 309, 339, 372, 385, 617, 640
Mycophenolate mofetil 85
Mycoplasma 30, 50, 83, 124, 143, 146, 218, 219, 221, 259, 358, 360, 361, 380, 755,
encephalitis 242
extrapulmonary manifestations of 360b
genitalium 358, 729
hominis 358
infection 135, 358, 359, 781
clinical features 359
diagnosis 361
dosages for 361t
drugs for 361t
pathogenesis 358
prognosis 362
pulmonary complications of 359b
treatment 361
membrane 358
pneumoniae 38, 216, 358, 576, 695, 767, 773
infection 358
Mycotic aneurysm 367
Myelitis, transverse 327, 416, 495
Myeloperoxidase deficiency 680
Myocarditis 209, 210, 360, 436, 495, 614, 825
viral 112
Myocardium 351
Myopathies, inflammatory 84
N acetyl-beta-D-glucosamine 249
Nafcillin 263
Nagayama spots 140
candidiasis of 831
clippings 45
fungal infections of 792, 830
Nalidixic acid 327, 329
Napier's aldehyde 563
cannula, high-flow 446
colonization 318
diphtheria, anterior 338
epithelium 192
mucosa 192, 196
vaccines 695
Nasogastric tube 196, 285
Nasopharyngeal aspirate 218, 375, 378
Nasopharyngeal cannula 222
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma 490
Nasopharyngeal disease 340
Nasopharynx 46
National AIDS Control Organization 725
National Antimalaria Program 557
National Drug Policy of Malaria 555
National Family Health Survey 726
National Immunization Days 417
National Immunization Program 409, 659, 660
National Immunization Schedule 656t, 660t
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 633
National Protocols of Common Infections 40
National Rotavirus Vaccine 667
National Rural Health Mission 652, 659
National Switch Day 660
National Tuberculosis Elimination Program 12, 375
Native valve 260, 263, 264
Natural disease 346
Natural killer cells 635, 736
Nausea 152, 154, 229, 326, 504, 752, 756, 758, 768, 774, 775, 779, 780, 781, 785, 791, 792, 794, 805, 811, 823, 824
Nebulized hypertonic saline 212, 447
abscesses 492
glands, scrofula of 298f
stiffness 200
Necrosis 296
Necrotizing pneumonia 225
clinical features 226
investigations 226
management 226
prognosis 226
Needle-free vaccine delivery 695
Needlestick injuries 743
determinants of 744
Neglected tropical infectious diseases 561
gonorrheae 47, 47f, 50, 102, 194, 284, 310, 725, 728, 773
meningitides 8, 53, 228, 640, 673, 680, 691, 756
meningitis 38
Nelfinavir 542
Nematodes 579
Neomycin sulfate 829
Neonatal conjunctivitis syndrome 732
Neonatal dengue 484
management of 484
Neonatal intensive care unit 64, 79, 87
Neonatal onset multisystem inflammatory disease 151, 152, 155
Neonatal sepsis 166, 182
differential diagnosis of 185t
focused history of 184
Neonatal tetanus 4, 349, 351, 353
risk factors for 349
Neoplasm, metastatic 126
Neoplastic cells 203
Nephritis 495, 497
Nephropathy 775
Nephrotic syndrome 166, 286
Nephrotoxicity 776, 788
Nervous system diseases 495
Netilmicin 30, 779
Neuritic leprosy 388
brachial 716
traumatic 416
Neuroblastoma 123, 204, 735
Neurocysticercosis 585, 751
transmission of 583
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 818
Neurologic dysfunction 72
Neuromotor abnormalities 179
Neuromuscular blockers 351
Neuropathy, peripheral 752, 824
Neurosyphilis 167
Neurotoxicity 775
Neutralizing toxin 339
Neutropenia 84, 126, 148, 185, 370
congenital 84
mild 148
moderate 148
profound 148
severe 148
severe congenital 84
Neutrophil 96
count 185
defects 568
extracellular traps 521
granulocytes, deficiency of 363
Neutrophilia 153, 522
Nevirapine 146, 541, 544, 545, 811, 812
Newborn intensive care unit 175
Niclosamide 803
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 84
Nikolsky's sign 146
Nipah virus 236, 238, 241, 242, 526
infection 526
Nitazoxanide 579, 597, 806
Nitric oxide 56, 183, 212
synthase enzyme 56
Nitrite 98
Nitroblue tetrazoleum test 84
Nitrofurantoin 68, 104, 272, 779, 780
Nitrogen retention 612
No touch technique 92, 92t
Nocardia 48, 84
Nodular lesion 566
Nodules, subcutaneous 251
Nonbacterial infections 25
Nonfusion inhibitors 448
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 203, 207, 735
Noninfectious diseases 116
Noninfectious inflammation disorders 151
Noninfective inflammatory disorder 25
Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis 207
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 541, 545
Nonpenicillin agent 167
Nonpolio enteroviruses 191
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
agents 479
drugs 146, 152, 154, 425, 438
therapy 156
Nonthrombocytopenic purpura 770, 775
Nontreponemal test 166, 167
Nontyphoid illnesses 333t
Nontyphoidal Salmonella infections 332
Nonzoonotic pathogens 359
Normal immune defense 82
Normal indigenous microbiota 635
Normothermia 188
Norovirus 275
Norwalk virus 695
Norwegian scabies 290, 291
Nose 202
Nosocomial infection 25, 34, 73, 79, 87, 100, 213, 244, 483
drug-resistant 80
Nosocomial pneumonia 67, 777
Nuchal rigidity 229
Nuclear scintigraphic scanning 273
Nucleic acid amplification
technology 42, 54
limitations of 55
test 58, 206, 375377, 379, 438, 511, 728
chip-based 377
Nucleic acid vaccines 634
Nucleoside analogs 449
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 541, 545, 810
Nutrition 189
parenteral 91
promotion of 81
Nutritional status 219, 815
Nystagmus 161
Nystatin 571
O and K antigens 336
Obesity 836
vaccine for 703
Obstruction, supraglottic 199
Obstructive lesion 199
Occupational therapy 177
Ocular infections 44, 432
Oculogenital syndromes 495, 497
Ofloxacin 285, 329, 391, 780, 781
sensitivity 327
Oleic acid 635
Oligoarthritis 152
Oligohypomenorrhea 375
Oligonucleotide primers 66
Oliguria 189
Omphalitis 183
severe 84
Onchocerciasis 803
Oncologic disorders 125
Onychomycosis 569, 570, 793
Oophoritis 412
Ophthalmia neonatorum 102
Ophthalmologic topical antibiotic 827
Ophthalmoplegia 367
Optic neuritis 327
Optimal immunization schedules, determinants of 656
Oral antibiotic 308
dose of 308, 309t, 311
Oral rehydration
solution 11, 26, 280, 355, 479, 834
therapy 280, 834
Oral therapy 211, 285, 308
Oral thrush 830
Orbital infection 123
Orchitis 388, 412, 495, 497
abnormal functioning 22
dysfunction 72b, 183, 189, 189t
signs of 75
symptoms of 75
failure 149
impairment, severe 476
Organophosphate toxicity 626
Orientia tsutsugamushi 425, 605
Orolabial infection 429, 431
Oropharyngeal candidiasis 793
Oropharyngeal moniliasis 338
Oropharyngeal swab 45
Oropharynx 46
Orthopneumovirus 445
Oseltamivir 454, 823
dose of 105t
Osteitis 716
Osteoarticular infections 129, 320
treatment of 320
Osteomyelitis 24, 58, 124, 166, 304306, 309, 309t, 310, 333, 618, 716, 753, 763, 764, 768, 775
acute hematogenous 304
chronic 307
recurrent multifocal 305, 307
classification 304
diagnosis of 306
differential diagnosis of 307
epidemiology 304
hematogenous 304, 306
pathogenesis 304
pathology 304
pyogenic 305
signs of 183, 305
temporal bone 198
therapy for 308
treatment of 307
Osteopenia, focal 306
Otitis externa 774
Otitis media 83, 192, 194, 197, 276, 754, 755, 758, 761763, 767, 771, 782
acute 42, 117, 152, 197, 206, 754, 759, 777
draining 570
suppurative 197
prophylaxis 755
recurrent 104, 197
Otomycosis 366, 830
Ototoxicity 776, 788
Outer membrane protein 699
Outpatient parenteral therapy 308
Oxacillin 263, 316
Oxygen 189, 201
inhalation 222
saturation 209, 218
supplemental 211, 239
Oxytetracycline 781
Packed cell volume 189
Packed red blood cells 839
Paecilomyces lilacinus 368
Pain 453, 504, 714
abdominal 143, 154, 216, 326, 764, 768, 774, 780, 811, 824
calf muscle 603
chest 132, 152, 153, 216, 360
lower abdominal 732
muscular 146
relief of 194
scrotal 152
severe abdominal 152
shoulder 216
Palatal petechiae 138
Palivizumab 447
Palmoplantar pustulosis 305, 307
Palpable purpura 603f
Panarteritis nodosa 437
Pancreatitis 77, 327, 412
evidence of 284
Pancytopenia 574
features of 563
progressive 170
subacute sclerosing 241, 400, 402, 714
Panton-valentine leukocidin 315
Papilledema 155, 229
Papillomatosis, recurrent respiratory 466
Papular acrodermatitis 141, 491
Papulovesicular lesions
diffuse 193
over hand 145f
Para-aminosalicylic acid 383, 815
Paracetamol 24, 114, 127
Paragonimus westermani 589
Parainfluenza 191, 203
virus 141, 191, 193, 199, 208
vaccines 698
Paralysis, diaphragmatic 338
Paralytic ileus 356
Paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine associated 417, 664
Paranasal sinus 195, 196, 246
causes of 196
Parapneumonic effusion 224
Parasitemia 73, 556
rapid clearance of 555
Parasites 50
lactate dehydrogenase 554
Parasitic infestations 579
Paratope 638
Paratyphi 73
Paratyphoid vaccine 700
Parechovirus 241
Parenchyma, renal 256
Parental antibiotic therapy 205
Paresthesias 824
Paromomycin 595
injectable 565
sulfate 806
Paronychia 570
Parotitis 621
suppurative 754
Partial thromboplastin time 186, 523
Parvoviral infection 607
Parvovirus 137, 435
B19 140, 141, 401, 421, 424, 435437
infection 436t, 438t
infections 435
Passive immunization 339, 531
Pasteurella multocida 105
Patent ductus arteriosus 255, 408
Paucibacillary leprosy 389
Paul-Bunnel antibody 490, 491
Paul-Bunnell-Davidson test 491
Pea soup diarrhea 333
antiretroviral therapy, goals of 542
infectious diseases 3, 22
inflammatory multisystem syndrome 520, 524
intensive care unit 97, 446, 499, 524
oncology 68
sepsis 72, 81
management of 71
Pediculosis 291, 803
capitis 291, 291f
management of 292
corporis 291, 292, 292f
pubis 292, 293f, 725, 729
Pediculus humanus
capitis 291
var corporis 291
infection 307, 761, 762
inflammatory disease 728, 732
Pemphigus 432
Penicillin 24, 29, 31, 102, 105, 167, 188, 220, 261, 316, 341, 781
allergy 167, 195
binding protein 31, 316, 316f
G 757, 781
parenteral 167
hypersensitivity 769, 782
therapy 167
V 102, 105, 195, 782
potassium 252, 253
Penicillinase resistant 316
Pentamidine 565
Pentavalent antigen vaccines 342
Peptide nucleic acid 55, 56
Peptidoglycan 74
abnormal 31
Percutaneous cyst aspiration 587
Pericarditis 152, 232, 333, 360, 382, 495, 520
Pericardium 374
Periodic acid-Schiff 425
Periodic fever
differential diagnosis of 151b
etiology of 152t
syndrome 112, 151, 152, 156, 156b
causes of 153
Periodontitis 772
Peripheral septic embolization 258
Peritoneal cavity 284
Peritoneal fluid 45
Peritoneal inflammation, chronic 152
Peritonitis 152, 283, 284, 286288, 327, 753, 761, 768
acute secondary 283
localized 287
primary 283, 284, 286
bacterial 80
secondary 284, 286
tuberculous 283
Permanent scar 293
Permethrin 291, 804
Persistent diarrhea 275, 282
therapy for 282t
Personal protection equipment 35, 398
use of 35
Person-to-person infection 615
Pertussis 4, 38, 104, 192, 210, 216, 342, 345, 346, 495, 631, 639
incidence of 345
infection, complications of 346
pneumonia 346
prophylaxis of 347t
severity of 347
toxin 345
subunit 699
toxoids 353
vaccines 699
Petechiae 132, 134
Petechial rash 229, 473f, 603f
Peyer's patches 202, 325, 326, 373
Pfeiffer's disease 490
Phagocyte function defects 680
Phagocytic defect 84
Phagocytosis 82, 635
Pharyngeal swab 138
Pharyngitis 141, 151, 156, 156b, 192, 193, 202, 206, 359, 495, 759, 761, 767, 783
acute 193
febrile 495
infectious 193
bacterial 195t
complications of 249
incidence of 195
recurrent 195
bacterial 192, 193
chronic 620
recurrent 620
ulcerative 193
Phenobarbitone 352, 813
Phenotype tests 541
Phenotypic confirmatory methods 65
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 782
Phenytoin 112, 813
Phlebotomus argentipes 561
Phosphatidylserine 593
Phospholipase 74
Photophobia 794
Photosensitivity 756, 779, 792
Physical abuse 166
Physical therapy 177
Pigmentary retinopathy 170, 409
Pinworm 580, 581
Piperacillin 29, 67, 78, 149, 263, 285, 782
tazobactam 79
Pityriasis rosea 299, 300f
natural history 299
treatment 299
Pityriasis versicolor 302, 302f, 793
Pityrosporum orbiculare 135, 569
Pivmecillinam hydrochloride 783
Plague 772
pulmonary 38
Plaques, hyperkeratotic 292
cells 247
leakage 472
severe 475
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 74
falciparum 12, 425, 549, 554f, 557, 797
gametocytes of 48f
malaria 112, 556b, 558b
trophozoites of 554f
ovale infection 552
vivax 112, 549, 553f, 554f
infection 425
malaria 556b
Platelet 523
activating factor 74, 183
count 75, 186
disorders 477
dysfunction 775
Pleural disease 374
Pleural fluid
analysis 225
aspirate 44
Pleuritis 152
unilateral 152
Plus polymorphonuclear cells 185
Pneumatocele 227
clinical features 227
complicated 227t
simple 227t
Pneumococcal conjugate 639, 649, 684
vaccine 21, 456, 660, 668, 684, 699
Pneumococcal disease 9
Pneumococcal infection prophylaxis 782
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 656, 667
Pneumocystis carinii 74, 79
infection 768
pneumonia 538, 771
Pneumocystis jirovecii 49, 49f, 83, 216, 538, 752
infection 575
treatment 149
Pneumocystis pneumonia 576
Pneumolysin 699
Pneumomediastinum 346
Pneumonectomy 226
Pneumonia 9, 10, 31, 38, 40, 59, 117, 149, 166, 173, 182, 209, 216218, 220t, 226, 266, 318, 319, 327, 333, 403, 495, 574, 695, 753, 754, 755, 761764, 766, 769, 775, 783
atypical 217, 359, 773
bacterial 25, 209, 216, 361
childhood 8
community-acquired 79, 216, 220, 221, 359, 761, 771, 777
complications of 224
diagnosis of 217
eosinophilic 365
episode of 216
etiology of 220
healthcare-associated 97, 98
hospital-acquired 68, 97, 98
incidence of 216
infection 68
lobar 210
management of 225fc
necrotizing 225
nonsevere 220, 221
occult 77
prevention of 222
recurrent 83
secondary bacterial 453
several cases of 504
severe 216, 218, 220, 221, 516
episodes of 219
treatment of 220, 221, 226, 319
ventilator-associated 94, 98
Pneumonitis 161, 166
necrotizing 359
Pneumothorax 346
Poisoning 752, 754756, 758, 762, 763, 768770, 772, 774, 777, 780, 785, 786, 794, 798805, 807, 813818, 820, 821, 824, 826829,
Polio 112, 631
encephalitis 415
eradication 417
sabin 639
salk 639
vaccine 663, 664
oral 461, 633, 653, 663
Poliomyelitis 5, 414, 416, 626
abortive 414
differential diagnosis of 416t
nonparalytic 415
paralytic 415, 415b
vaccine 5
oral 677, 705707
Poliovirus 414, 660, 664
vaccine derived 417
Polyarteritis 124
nodosa 123, 134
Polyarthralgia, migrating 388
Polyarthritis 135
Polyarthropathy syndrome 436
Polymerase chain reaction 54, 56, 58, 78, 95, 126, 138, 168, 177, 184, 185, 192, 242, 243, 270, 328, 339, 346, 355, 361, 369, 377, 390, 423, 431, 442, 487, 538, 539, 577, 591, 609, 613, 728
assays 431
methods 594
positive 563
technique 167
Polymerase inhibitors 448
Polymicrobial infections 33
Polymorphonuclear cell 285, 364f
Polymyxin 68, 79
Polypectomy 197
Polysaccharide 330, 330t, 631
conjugation of 330
vaccine 330, 634
Pork tapeworm 583
Porphyria 792
Posaconazole 150, 369
Positive end-expiratory pressure 94, 189, 211
Positive tourniquet test 474f
Postantibiotic effect 753, 776, 828
Postantibiotic leukocyte enhancement 753, 776, 828
Post-chemotherapy 679
Postexposure prophylaxis 104, 404, 443, 530, 532, 533, 534t, 671, 740, 743, 744
Postexposure tuberculosis vaccines 697
Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 564, 566
diagnosis of 566
treatment of 566
Postmortem brain biopsy 44
Post-polio syndrome 418
Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease 490
antimony tartrate 391
hydroxide 569, 730
permanganate 829
supplements, oral 356
Povidone-iodine 829
Praziquantel 585, 588, 589
dose of 156
oral 201
Pre-erythrocytic vaccines 696
Pre-exposure prophylaxis 535
Pre-exposure tuberculosis vaccines 697
Prefilled vaccine devices 746
Pregnancy 342, 400, 752755, 756, 758, 759, 761, 763, 764, 766772, 775777, 780, 785, 786, 789792, 794796, 798807, 808, 812824, 826832
medical termination of 733
Pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized system 45f
Presepsin 57
Prevotella 196
Primaquine 799
Primary peritonitis 283, 284, 286
prevention of 286
Pristinamycin 146
Procalcitonin 56, 72, 77, 113, 186, 218
Progressive primary disease 372, 373
Proguanil 799
Pronator sign 250
Prophylactic antibiotics 102, 103, 103t, 188
role of 150
Prophylactic therapy 32, 265
Prophylaxis 80, 102, 103t, 150, 369, 391
drugs for 253t, 369t
duration of 253t
long-term 104
regimens for 267t
surgical 105, 763
Prosector's wart 298
Prostaglandins 74, 111, 114, 183
Prosthetic valve 264
Protease inhibitors 541, 545
Protection of Children from Sexual Offences 727, 733
Protein 230, 636
bacterial adhesin 256
complement 82
energy malnutrition 579, 839
platforms 675
subunit vaccines 520, 675
vaccine 633
Proteinuria 183, 284
Proteus mirabilis 29
Proteus vulgaris antigen 608
Prothionamide 383
Prothrombin time 186, 523
Protozoa 230, 276, 725
Protozoal diseases 607
Protozoal infection 547
Provoked bite 533
Pruritus 758, 803, 816
Pseudo-chilblains 511
Pseudomembranous colitis 624, 625, 787
Pseudomonal lung infection 776
Pseudomonas 29, 30, 32, 42, 62, 97, 197, 219, 248, 305
aeruginosa 62, 67, 88, 257, 263, 287, 296, 670, 700, 702, 753, 756, 760, 776, 787
exotoxin A 330
infection 828
infection 762, 770, 777, 827
Psittacosis 359
Psoriasis 292, 305, 307
Psychomotor development 173
Psychosis 327
Pthirus pubis 729
Pubic hair 293f
Public health
center 718
implications 219
perspectives 669
Pulmonary disease 573, 574
Pulmonary function tests 514
oximeter 210, 221
oximetry monitoring, use of 210
Pupils 240
Pure red cell aplasia 436
Purified cell culture vaccines 533
Purified chick embryo cell vaccine 533
Purified vero cell rabies vaccine 533
Purpose built vaccine refrigerator 710, 710f
Purpura 134, 409
Purulent exudates 45
cells 47
cultures 78
Pustules, multiple 183
Pustulosis 117
Pyelonephritis 77, 99, 268, 758, 761, 762, 764, 766, 771, 775, 779
Pyoderma 291, 753755, 758, 761, 764, 766, 769, 773, 775, 829
gangrenosum 151
Pyogenic arthritis 151, 309
causes of 309
complications of 311
Pyopneumothorax 769, 775
Pyrantel pamoate 579, 582
Pyrazinamide 383, 816
Pyrethroid, synthetic 291
Pyrexia 194
of unknown origin 42, 258
indications of 382
supplementation 382
Pyrimethamine 163, 784, 800, 807
Pyuria 98
Q fever 359, 601, 604
Quadriparesis 229
Quadrivalent vaccines 455
Quinacrine 597
Quinine 800
salt 558
Quinolone 24, 29, 32, 62, 67, 146
Rabies 244, 529, 536, 639, 680
encephalitis 241, 242
immunoglobulin 529, 534, 654, 826
signs of 530
symptoms of 530
vaccine 656, 743
virus 695
infectious 529
pathophysiology of 529
wild-type 529
Radioallergosorbent test 135
Radiolucent bone lesions 409
bone 306
scans 306
Raised intracranial pressure, management of 243
Rapid antigen detection test 194, 195, 513
Rapid diagnostic test 231, 446, 553, 554, 563, 613
Rapid dipstick tests 269
Rapid malarial antigen tests 76
Rapid plasma reagin 728
Rapid point-of-care assays 617
Rapid streptococcal antigen test 194
Rash 134, 135, 136, 136fc, 161, 520, 603, 603f, 714, 758, 764, 782, 785, 792, 823
hemorrhagic 135, 145
mild 786
morphology of 134, 135t
necrotic 604f
polymorphous 142
purpuric 473f
severe exfoliative 779
subconjunctival 474f
types of 135
vesicular 143, 147f, 165
vesiculobullous 135
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 409
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram 725
Rational antibiotic therapy 23
Rational drug
selection 22
therapy 22, 26
Rational injection therapy 741
Real-time polymerase chain reaction 446, 460, 526
Rectal prolapse 346
Recurrent infection 265, 428, 430
Recurrent urinary tract infection 268
prevention of 272
Red blood cell 47, 435, 549, 594, 696
Red eye 192
Red man syndrome 789
Re-emerging diseases 12
Regional lymph nodes 295
Rehabilitation 244
Rehydration 355t
solution 275
therapy 834
Remdesivir 517
Renal abnormalities 258
Renal amyloidosis 155
Renal dysfunction 72
Renal failure 79, 477, 551, 614, 836
acute 183
chronic 155
Renal infection 571, 572
Resistant bacterial pathogens, surveillance for 40
Resistant strains, prevention of 32
Respiratory diseases 495
Respiratory distress 166, 189, 194, 296, 345, 477, 551, 557
syndrome, community-acquired 358, 359f
signs of 209
Respiratory dysfunction 72
Respiratory failure 189, 209, 285, 359, 790
Respiratory infection, atypical 784
Respiratory movements 287
Respiratory rate 73
Respiratory secretions 140
Respiratory syncytial virus 38, 53, 72, 130, 150, 191, 193, 203, 208, 445, 446, 448, 495, 519, 697
bronchiolitis 446
infection 445, 446, 632
specific therapies 447
vaccines 448, 697
Respiratory system 103, 202, 217, 495, 635
infection 34, 63, 191, 835
severe lower 451
Restriction fragment length polymorphism 431
Reticuloendothelial system 56, 323, 332
Retinal vessels 551
Retinitis, focal necrotizing 161
Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction 401, 412, 454, 487, 503, 523
Reye's syndrome 252, 442
Rhabdomyolysis 350
Rhabdomyosarcoma 204, 735
Rheumatic diseases 84
Rheumatic fever 102, 782
prevention of 102t, 253
secondary prophylaxis 757
Rheumatologic disorders 332
Rhinitis 216, 820
causes of 192
medicamentosa 192
syphilitic 165
vasomotor 192
Rhinolophus affinis 502, 504
Rhinorrhea 192, 194
mild 359
persistent 197
Rhinosinusitis 195, 754, 755
acute 195
Rhinovirus 38, 193, 203, 208
Rhipicephalus 605
sanguineus 605f
Rhombencephalitis 236, 237
Rib fractures 346
Ribavirin 447, 499
Ribonucleic acid 390, 501, 517, 744
gene 328
single stranded 529
vaccines 693
Ribosylation 182
Richophyton mentagrophytes 569
Rickets 166
Rickettsia 55, 78, 79, 116, 240, 321, 601
isolation of 607
movement of 602f
prowazekii 602
typhi 602
Rickettsial diseases 603
Rickettsial infections 80, 492, 601, 607b, 609fc, 610, 772
classification of 601t
common 606t
pathophysiology of 603fc
Rickettsial pox 601, 606
Rifampicin 29, 104, 264, 381, 383, 391t, 816
resistant leprosy 390
Rifampin 341
Rilpivirine 541
Ringer's lactate solution 836
Risus sardonicus 351
Ritonavir 517, 542, 544
low-dose 542
Rituximab 85
Road traffic accidents 349
Robertson's cooked meat broth 45, 45f
Rochester criteria 130, 130t
Rocky mountain spotted fever 136, 137, 143, 601, 605
Romanowsky stains 48
Rosai-Dorfman disease 204, 207
Rose Bengal test 617
Rose spots 328
Roseola 134, 137
diagnosis of 140
infantum 134, 140, 401
Roseolovirus genus 140
Rotavirus 38, 80, 141, 275, 458, 460, 477, 633, 639, 678, 680, 683
infection 459
structure 459f
vaccine 667
development, future of 462
interchangeability of 462, 667
trials of 460
virus 83
Roth's spots 551
Round worm 579
Routine vaccine storage 712
Routine wound management 353t
Roxithromycin 219, 783
Rubella 38, 137, 141, 401, 407, 490, 639
congenital 169, 179
infection 5, 141, 407
diagnosis of 408
subclinical maternal 171
vaccination 409
vaccine 169, 171, 669
virus 159, 171, 407
infection 166
maternal-fetal transmission of 169
boulardii 625
cerevisiae 672
Safe injection practices 739
specifics of 740
Salicylates 252
Salmonella 30, 38, 53, 74, 79, 80, 84, 281, 310, 323, 327, 328, 332, 424
bacilli 324
bacteremia 334
choleraesuis 334
enterica 54
gastroenteritis 333
diagnosis of 333
Heidelberg 334
infection 323, 332, 333
source of 325
organisms 332, 334
paratyphi 700
serotypes 328
Shigella agar 333
typhi 23, 73, 323, 324f, 325, 424, 634, 670, 680, 700
infection 765
Salmonellosis, invasive 754
Saquinavir 542
Sarcoidosis 123, 151, 380
Sarcoptes scabiei 725, 729
var hominis 290
Scabies 290, 729, 801, 803, 804
burrows penis 290f
lesions 290b
lesions over soles 290f
nodular 290
pathognomonic lesion of 290
secondary infections of 291
Scabietic nodules 290
Scalds 801
Scalp seborrhea 830
Scalpel blades 35
Scedosporium prolificans 368
Schick skin test 339
haematobium 589
japonicum 589
mansoni 589
Schistosomiasis 589, 701
Scleroderma, systemic 123
Sclerosis, multiple 714
Scrofuloderma 297, 298f
scars 298f
Scrotal swelling syndrome 732
Scrub typhus 425, 601, 605, 606
Seasonal influenza 452, 452f
Seborrheic dermatitis 292, 793
Seizures 155, 161, 173, 179, 189, 229, 346, 347, 585, 714, 716, 717, 767, 786, 791
control 239, 244
epileptic 350
focal 237
recurrent 234
subtle 258
tetanic 350
Seller stain 50
Semilunar valves 256
Semisynthetic penicillin 219
Sendai virus 693
Sepsis 71, 71t, 72, 75, 182, 187fc, 188, 209, 351, 453, 716
bacterial 424, 477
community-acquired severe 80
culture-positive 182
diagnosis of 56t, 78
early-onset 182, 184, 186
late-onset 182, 186, 187
neonatal 166, 182
pathogenesis of 74, 75fc
pathophysiology of 74, 183fc
pediatric 72, 81
probable 182
resuscitation bundle 188b
screen 186b, 186t
severe 71, 72b, 7981
neonatal 760
pediatric 80, 81
supportive care for 189t
terminology 182b
Septic arthritis 183, 232, 309, 309t, 311, 753, 764, 767, 768, 775
Septic shock 56, 71, 72b, 74, 80, 189, 477, 517, 839
management of 839
Septicemia 115, 207, 333, 754, 760, 762, 766, 777
hospital-acquired 782
neonatal 775
Sequelae, neurologic 233
Serologic tests 53, 78, 328, 423, 487, 613
limitations of 328
Serology 161, 361, 587, 594
disadvantage of 54
Serratia 84
fonticola 62
marcescens 97, 263
Sertaconazole 303
Serum 43
alpha fetoprotein 438
oxaloacetic transaminase 148, 186, 327, 808
pyruvic transaminase 186, 326, 808
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 16, 421, 501, 502
coronavirus 16, 71, 93, 142, 419, 421, 424, 501, 504, 517, 634
diagnosis of 511
household transmission of 508
life cycle 506f
modes of transmission of 505
structure of 504
transmission of 16
viral dynamics of 507
Severe combined immunodeficiency 82, 83, 448, 462, 500, 680
Severe dengue 475
fever 140f
Severe neonatal illness
signs of 182
symptoms of 182
Sexually transmitted diseases 397, 464, 695, 755
Sexually transmitted infection 47, 464, 725, 725t, 726, 728733, 734
management 731, 732
essentials of 731
prevention of 733
prophylaxis 733
syndromic management of 732t
Sharp waste minimization 745
Shigella 38, 53, 281, 310
sonnei 700
vaccines 700
Shingles 443
Shock 135, 189, 284, 463, 520, 551, 714, 717
compensated 480fc
correction of 239
management of 480
meningococcal septic 74
monitoring of 480
septic 56, 71, 72b, 74, 80, 189, 477, 517, 839
syndrome 520
treatment of 837
Sickle cell disease 332, 436, 836
Sickness, serum 782
Silver impregnation methods 49
Silvery scales 292
Simple drug reaction 140
Single gamma benzene hexachloride 292
Single nucleotide polymorphisms 445
Sinovac 675
Sinus 192, 195, 196
infections, bacterial 196
Sinusitis 63, 116, 117, 192, 194, 367, 767, 783
acute 196
bacterial 192
bacterial 196
chronic 196, 621
invasive chronic 364
organisms of 195
recurrent 83
secondary bacterial 195
Skin 43, 184, 635, 758, 779, 781
candidiasis of 831
care 150, 189
colonization 89
disease 572
chronic 442
disorders, chronic 265
eye, and mouth disease 177, 178, 430
fungal infections of 568
hospital-acquired complicated 782
infection 45, 59, 63, 73, 84, 89, 290, 303, 315, 319, 571, 621, 801
management of 319
lesions 146
classical 388
congenital 570
manifestations 495, 616
preparation 91
prick testing 135
rash 603, 790, 791
scraping 45
smears 389
snip cultures 328
ulcers, chronic 349
vesicles 144, 176
Slide agglutination test 612
Slit-skin smears 390
Small for gestational age 180, 186
Smallpox 134
virus 55
Sneezing 191, 192, 453
Socks syndrome 437
Sodium stibogluconate 566, 805, 808
Soft tissue infection, severe 149
Soft-tissue 782
infection 29, 45, 59, 63, 73, 290, 315, 319, 621
management of 319
swelling 306
Solid organ transplant 266, 369
Sore throat 350, 453, 803
history of 206
Spanish flu 453
Spasmodic croup 198
Spatula test 351
Spectrum cephalosporin 263
Speech therapy 177
Spherocytosis, hereditary 436
Spinal cord 350
Spinal polio 415
Spiramycin 784
Spirochete denticola 193
Spleen 82, 202
computed tomography scan of 571
Splenectomy 332
Splenomegaly 154, 409, 538, 736
Split-Virion vaccine 455
Sporadic diseases 396
Sporothrix schenckii 574
Sporotrichoid infection 575
Sporotrichosis 574
Sputnik V 675
Sputum 44, 378
St. Louis encephalitis virus 237
Standard disk diffusion method 64
Staphylococcal infection 79, 220, 768, 769, 774, 787, 816
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 135, 136, 138, 146, 146f, 315, 321
Staphylococcal scarlet fever 138
Staphylococcus aureus 52, 53, 68, 72, 87, 88, 100, 105, 129, 135, 146, 149, 199, 206, 207, 225, 226, 228, 246, 262, 268, 284, 285, 293, 304, 305, 309, 315, 320, 412, 440, 620, 702, 765, 774
coagulase-negative 321
Staphylococcus capitis 257
Staphylococcus epidermidis 246, 257, 284, 315
Staphylococcus lugdunensis 257
Staphylococcus resistance
development of 316f
progression of 316f
Starch 839
Starry sky appearance 584
Stem cell transplantation 370
post-hematopoietic 447
Stem thermometer 711
Stereotactic brain biopsy 242
normal saline 44
pustules 146
technique 661
thrombotic mass 256
Steroids 84, 188, 201, 212, 252, 373, 585, 680
indications of 382
oral 156
treatment 212
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 135, 138, 145, 145f, 495, 768, 772, 782, 785, 823
Still's disease 735
Stillbirth 170
Stomach 25
Stomatitis 768
aphthous 151, 156, 156b
Stool 378
binding agents 22
culture 327
examination 280
microscopy 585, 594
testing 119
Strabismus 161, 175
Strawberry tongue 139f
Streptococcal antibody testing 194
Streptococcal bacteremia 194
Streptococcal infection 54, 102, 192
mild-to-moderate 757
group B 102
Streptococcal pharyngitis 194, 195, 492
Streptococcal vaccine
A 702
B 702
Streptococcal viridans endocarditis 30
Streptococcus agalactiae 305
Streptococcus anginosus 257
Streptococcus bovis 257
Streptococcus gallolyticus 257
Streptococcus milleri 246
Streptococcus mitis 257
Streptococcus mutans 257
Streptococcus pharyngotonsillitis, group A 195
Streptococcus pneumoniae 10, 29, 53, 73, 80, 83, 84, 97, 104, 105, 196, 197, 199, 216, 219, 226, 228, 233235, 257, 283, 285, 319, 620, 640, 667, 668, 680, 695, 760, 765, 767
Streptococcus pyogenes 73, 193, 199, 204, 249, 305, 401, 491
Streptococcus salivarius 257
Streptococcus sanguinis 257
Streptococcus viridans 32, 284
Streptococcus pharyngitis 193
Streptomycin 383, 784
hormones 74
ulcer prophylaxis 97
Stridor 199
Stroke 511
Strongyloides stercoralis 583, 751
Strongyloidiasis 583, 803
Stuffy nose 453
Subcutaneous injection 663, 743, 743f
Subdural empyema 248, 346
Subendocardial lesions 249
Sublingual vaccines 695
Subunit vaccine 455, 633
Sulbactam 31, 78, 79, 206, 285
Sulfadiazine 253, 784, 785
Sulfadoxine 800
pyrimethamine 555
Sulfamethoxazole 62, 64, 164, 308, 323, 347, 576
trimethoprim 819
Sulfonamides 29, 146
Superficial staphylococcal folliculitis 293
Supportive therapy 211, 425
Surgery 585, 588
Surgical site infection 100
prevention 100
treatment 100
Swelling 92
Swine flu 14, 15, 450
prevention of 15
vaccine 15
Sycosis barbae 296, 297f
diagnosis of 296
Sydenham's chorea 250, 252
Sympathetic nervous system 350
Syncope 146
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 227, 835
secretion 211
Synovial fluid 46
Syphilis 159, 167, 691, 725, 728, 732, 757
chronic meningovascular 166
congenital 163, 168, 179
early congenital 165t
infection 169
late congenital 166t
secondary 607
Systematic diseases 151
Systemic autoimmune disorders 237
Systemic hypersensitivity syndrome 135, 146
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 71, 182
causes of 183
treatment against 188
Systemic inflammatory syndrome 56, 57
Systemic lupus erythematosus 84, 125, 134, 135, 136, 142, 252, 412, 437, 477, 735, 779
Systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis 134, 151, 735
Tachycardia 23, 59, 73b, 209, 229, 475
Tachypnea 59, 208, 229, 604, 835
severe 221
Tachyzoites 159
Taenia saginata 583, 585
life cycle of 584f
Taenia solium 583, 585
life cycle of 584f
Tapeworm 583
infestation 803
Targetoid lesions 134
Tazobactam 29, 31, 67, 78, 79, 149, 263, 285, 782
T-cell 636, 735
defects, partial 680
deficiency 83
dependent immune responses 639
immunodeficiency 677, 680
independent immune responses 639
infections 83
Teicoplanin 29, 79, 149, 785
Temocillin 68
Temoniera 63
Tenckhoff catheter 287
Tenofovir 541, 544
Terbinafine 146, 301, 302, 303
Tetanolysin 350, 351
Tetanospasmin 350, 351
Tetanus 4, 182, 342, 349, 352, 353, 622, 757
antitoxin 624
elimination 660
epidemiology of 623
generalized 351, 622, 623
immunoglobulin 353, 624, 665, 665t, 826
localized 351, 622, 623
neonatal 4, 349, 351, 353
neonatorum 623
pathogenesis of 622
prophylaxis 353t, 680
severe 350
toxin 352, 341, 707, 710
Tetanus toxoid 353, 639, 652, 665, 670, 706
indications of 665t
pertussis 353
replacement of 4
vaccination, primary 352
Tetanus, diphtheria 685
acellular pertussis 348, 353, 685, 688
vaccine 687, 688
Tetracycline 29, 62, 341, 361, 608, 786
Tetravalent yellow fever, construction of 694f
Thalassemia 436
Theophylline 768
Therapeutic vaccines 697, 702
Thermometer, types of 112
Thoracic duct 325
Threadworm 580
Throat 202
pain, severe 193
swab 44
culture 194
Thrombocytopenia 161, 165, 183, 185, 472, 477, 551, 552, 716
pulmonary 256
venous 518
Thrombophlebitis 295, 786
jugular venous 193
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 607
Thrush 85
Thymus 82
C cells 56
dysfunction 170
Thyroiditis 495
suppurative 621
Tigecycline 68, 79, 285
capitis 301, 302f, 568, 793, 831
corporis 300, 300f, 568, 793, 831
cruris 300, 300f, 569, 793, 831
faciei 300, 301f
infection 301
manuum 301, 301f, 793
pedis 301, 301f, 569, 793, 831
rubrum 569
unguium 569, 793
versicolor 569
Tinidazole 597, 808
Tinnitus 252
Tipranavir 542
Tissue 78
necrosis factor 115
Tobramycin 62, 786, 787, 827
Tolnaftate 831
Tongue, dryness of 354
Tonsil pharyngeal cellulitis 194
Tonsillectomy 195
Tonsillitis 206, 495, 759, 761, 764, 782, 783
Tonsillopharyngitis 116, 194
Tonsils 202
TORCH infections 180
Torticollis 200
Total body water 833
Total leukocyte count 186
Total parenteral nutrition 87
Toxemia 73, 329
Toxic downstream mediators 74
Toxic encephalopathy 237, 327
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 135, 145, 772
Toxic epithelial dermal necrolysis 146
Toxic shock syndrome 135, 136, 138, 143, 146, 315, 321, 520, 607, 716
Toxicity 131
Toxigenic strains 336
Toxin 87, 336, 358
first effect of 338
production, elimination of 352
Toxoid dose 342
Toxoplasma 159, 161, 162
chorioretinitis 163
complications of 161
encephalitis 768
gondii 49, 159, 206, 490, 493
life cycle 160f
infection 807
congenital 162
subclinical congenital 784
oocysts 159
Toxoplasmosis 162, 164t, 205, 771, 784
congenital 159, 160, 160f, 161b, 179
encephalitis 85
infection 166
symptomatic congenital 163
Trachea 199
Tracheal aspirate 44, 185
Tracheitis 199
bacterial 198, 200
Tracheostomy 835
Trachoma 772
Transcatheter valve prosthetics 267
Transfusion transmitted infections 435
Transient aplastic crisis 435, 436, 438
Transillumination test 732
Transplacental infection 176, 615
Transthoracic echocardiography 259
Trauma 310
Traumatic lumbar puncture 231
Trematode infections 589
Tremor 824
Trench fever 601
Treponema 49
pallidum 29, 163, 725, 728
Treponemal test 166, 167
Triazoles 571
Tricarboxylic acid 601
Tricarcillin 29
Trichinosis 124, 795
Trichomonas vaginalis 49, 725, 728, 751
Trichomoniasis 732, 751
rubrum 569
tonsurans infections 568
Trichuriasis 582
Trichuris trichiura 582, 806
Trimethoprim 29, 62, 64, 164, 272, 308, 323, 347, 576, 784
oral 308
Triple antigen vaccines 342
Tropheryma whipplei 44, 55
Trophozoite 554f, 595
demonstration of 597
Trypanosomatidae 561
Trypanosomes 47
Trypanosomiasis 803
Tuberculin sensitivity test 374
Tuberculin skin test 378, 743, 815
Tuberculoid 389
leprosy 387
Tuberculosis 11, 12, 25, 104, 206, 372, 376, 397, 424, 544, 639, 691, 695, 784, 814
burden, global estimates of 646f
diagnosis 374, 375
drug-resistant 379, 383, 384t
epidemiology 372
etiopathogenesis 372
extrapulmonary 372, 374, 376, 383
fibrocavitary 374
forms of 373, 373t
hepatitis 424
high-risk factors 373
immunodiagnosis of 378
infection 372
latent 372
multidrug-resistant 104, 814
mycobacterium 48f, 49, 74, 204, 206, 216, 309, 339, 372, 385, 617, 640
extrapulmonary 376f
pulmonary 375fc
presumptive 375
prevention 382
primary 372, 375
pulmonary 38, 372, 375, 379, 383
vaccine 697, 698f
verrucosa cutis 298, 299f
treatment 298
Tubular necrosis, acute 183
Tularemia 359, 607, 772
Tumor necrosis factor 85, 111, 153, 183, 635, 643, 736
alpha 74
receptor 151153
Tympanic membrane 367
Typhlitis 326
Typhoid 8, 134, 323, 325, 330, 333t, 477, 678, 679, 681, 762, 766
clinical features of 326
conjugate 639
vaccine 330, 331t, 456, 679
drug-resistant 755
fever 23, 25, 283, 323, 329t, 607, 805
incidence of 323
prognosis of 329
infection 328
mortality, control of 323
multidrug-resistant 323
prevalence of 8
treatment of 329
vaccine 332t, 670, 687, 688, 700
new-generation 670
oral 633
Typhus 134, 477
Tzanck method 442
Tzank smear 49, 49f
aphthous 154, 786
corneal 767
decubitus 351
herpetic 49f
neuropathic 388
oral 84, 205
Ultrasonography 149
Umbilical arterial catheter 93
Umbilical stump 351
Umbilical venous catheters 93
Umifenovir 517
United Nations Children's Fund 19
Universal Immunization Program 3, 159, 399, 649, 659, 660, 686, 718
Universal vaccines 699
Upper airway obstruction 198, 199
acute inflammatory 198
Upper respiratory illness 218
Upper respiratory infection 32, 44, 138, 415, 515, 757
symptoms of 229
Upper respiratory symptoms 132
Upper respiratory tract 359
infection 37, 116, 134, 151, 191, 310, 340, 445, 510, 758
symptoms, treatment of 361
Urea 635
Ureaplasma 72, 83, 358
urealyticum 358, 729
Ureidopenicillin 32
Urethral catheterization 270
discomfort of 271
Urethral discharge syndrome 47, 732
Urethral swabs 50
Urethritis 728, 758
nongonococcal 728, 755
Urinary catheter 99
Urinary incontinence 346
Urinary tract 268, 271
defense mechanisms of 268
infection 23, 40, 46, 63, 64, 73, 103, 115, 129, 151, 152, 268, 270, 271, 271fc, 273, 307, 754, 760, 778
catheter-associated 98
clinical features of 269t
diagnosis of 269, 270
episode of 103
pathogenesis of 269f
recurrent 268
severe 760
treatment of 270, 270t
Urine 47, 140
analysis 76, 118
constituents 268
culture 76, 113, 118, 184, 328
specimen for 76
Uropathogens 268
Urticaria 134, 291, 764, 768
Uveitis, anterior 155
Vaccination 330, 342, 632, 678t, 680
Vaccine 19, 235, 403, 488, 500, 519, 629, 639, 649, 662, 683, 684, 690, 714
against neglected tropical diseases 701
associated enhanced respiratory disease 519
carriers 707
cost of 661
coverage 337
development 690
effectiveness 647
efficacy 647, 661
handling 343, 705
immunology of 631, 635
indications 455
live 640t
non-live 640t
pneumococcal 20, 21, 286, 667, 681, 687, 699
pressure 686
preventable diseases 3, 4t, 20f
control of 19
protein based 519
pulmonary 695
quality defect-related reaction 714, 720
reactions, severe 716t
refrigerator 708t
maintenance of 709
regurgitation of 462
responses 640
safety 404
seasonality of 672
sensitivities 706t
simultaneous administration of 652
storage 343, 705
pattern 709f
types of 331
vial monitor 660, 705, 711, 711f
Vaccinia virus 695
Vagabonds 292
Vaginal candidiasis 830
Vaginal discharge 728, 730t, 731
syndrome 732
Vaginal infection 570, 571
Vaginitis 85
Vaginosis, bacterial 729, 732
Valacyclovir 432, 823
Valganciclovir 175
Valproate 244
Valvulitis 520
rheumatic 250t
Vancomycin 29, 31, 32, 39, 59, 79, 111, 112, 149, 188, 206, 233, 264, 281, 308, 317, 320, 787789
resistance 317
therapy, indications of 149
Varicella 34, 105, 129, 134, 401, 440, 639, 678, 679, 684, 685
congenital 179
encephalitis 241
history of 105
infection 7
prevalence 7
vaccine 671, 687, 688
zoster 421, 424, 440, 443
immunoglobulin 827
infection 143
virus 83, 144, 150, 237, 240, 242, 243, 427, 440, 688
Vascular infection 333
Vasculitis 123, 607, 770, 775, 782
Vecuronium 352
Venereal disease research laboratory 168
Venipuncture 42
Ventilation, duration of 97
Ventilator-associated pneumonia 94, 98
clinical diagnosis 95
diagnosis of 94, 95fc
prevention of 97
risk factors 94
treatment 97
Ventricular septal defect 255, 408
Ventricular shunt
infections 787
placement 228
Ventriculitis 753
Vertical transmission 435, 484, 506
Vesicles 134, 487f
Vesicoureteral reflux 270, 271
management of 272
Vesicular lesions 144
over foot 145f
Vibrio antisera 47
Vibrio cholerae 47, 53, 354, 617, 695, 700
Video-assisted thoracic surgery 225
Viral agents 193
Viral antibody 44
Viral capsid antigen 78, 423, 492f
Viral croup 199, 199t
severity, classification of 200
Viral culture 431, 498
Viral diseases 607
Viral encephalitis 240, 243t, 244
causes of 236
Viral infection 23, 77, 85, 116t, 123, 129, 134, 146, 193t, 216, 310, 393
diagnosis of 132
Viral respiratory infections 46
Viral transport medium 45f
Viral vectors 675
vaccines 519, 693
Viremia 73, 436
Virologic failure 545
Virosomal vaccines 455
Virosome 694
Virulence capsular polysaccharide vaccine 332
Virus 46, 141, 145, 230, 276, 407, 725
classification of 504
isolation 415
nonhepatotropic 421, 423, 426
origin of 504
properties of 494
stability 507t
Visceral leishmaniasis 561, 563, 566
Visceral pleural fibrosis 224
Vision impairment 173
Visual field defects 229
deficiency 400
role of 402
supplements 402
C 192
Voice alteration 199
Volatile toxic wastes 37
Vomiting 143, 229, 326, 504, 752, 756, 758, 764, 768, 774, 775, 779, 781, 785, 792, 794, 805, 823, 824
persistent 329
Voriconazole 79, 149, 150, 369, 369b, 572
dosage of 370t
Vulgaris 305, 307
Vulvovaginal candidiasis 571, 793
Vulvovaginitis 269, 570
color coding of 37t
final disposal of 37t
handling of 37
Water 833
Watery eye 192
Weakness 453
Wegener's granulomatosis 123, 134, 135, 380
Weight loss 594
Weil's syndrome 611
Weil-Felix test 602, 607
West Nile virus 237, 238, 241, 700
Western immunoblot assay 608
Wheezing, development of 208
Whipworm 582
White blood cell 96, 118, 156, 183, 186, 187, 226, 306, 327, 346, 436, 552, 554f, 563, 730
count 185
number of 48
peripheral 360
scans 306
Whole cell pertussis vaccines 347
Whole influenza virus 695
Whooping cough 345
Widal test 328
Wilson disease 423, 425
Winged blood collection set 43f
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 680
Wollen joints 132
World Health Organization 12
Worsening infection, signs of 149
infections, surgical 321
management 353, 531, 665
minor 680
severe 353
small 680
suturing of 532
Wright's stains 564
Wuchereria bancrofti 589, 803
life cycle of 590f
X-linked agammaglobulinemia 83, 677
X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome 736
X-ray, chest 72, 95, 446, 514
Yaws 757
Yeast 47, 55
Yellow fever 14, 633, 639
vaccine 656, 674
Yersinia enterocolitica 281, 310, 333, 617
Yersinia pestis 55, 695
Zanamivir 454
Zidovudine 541, 544, 545f, 790, 809, 813, 821
Ziehl-Neelsen staining 387f
Zika syndrome, congenital 178, 179, 179t
Zika virus 178, 179, 526, 527, 702
congenital 178
infection 173, 180, 526, 527
treatment for 180
positive 180
Zinc supplementation, oral 356
Zoonotic diphtheroids 336
Zoonotic infections 123
Zycov-D 675
Chapter Notes

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