Orthopedic Exam Review: A Comprehensive Manual for Postgraduates Ashraf Shaikh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure.
Aberrant inflammatory response 334
Abrasion chondroplasty 23
Abrasive 86
Absorbable screws 22
Abuse, skin stigmata of 274
Acetabular cup, bearing surfaces for 85
Acetabular fracture 90, 248
Acetabular index 47, 178
Acetabular position 73
Acetabular tear drop 47
Acetabulum, normal 39
Acetazolamide 143
Achilles tendon lengthening 188
Achilles tendonitis 167
Achondroplasia 180
Acrocephaly 17
Acromegaly 191
Acumed fibular rod system 365
Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions 30
Acute lung injury, transfusion related 30
Adam's forward bending test 135
Adductor tenotomy 178
Adenocarcinoma 226
Adhesive 86
Adipose tissue 207
Advanced foot collapse 171
Airway obstruction 290, 291
Aitken 39
osteotomy 166
procedure 167
Albee's operation 109, 110
Albumin 29
Alcohol 174
Alderman's gait 28
Alendronate 9, 189
Allen and Ferguson classification 257
Allis sign 46
Allografts 23, 211, 351
Allopurinol 185
Alpha-blockers 335
Amikacin 240
Amoxycillin 240
Amputation 308
indications 308
level of 309
principles of 308
Anaphylactic reactions 30
Anderson D’Alonso classification 259
Anencephaly 17
Aneurysmal bone cyst 209
clinical features 210
etiopathology 210
evolution of 211
radiology 210
treatment 211
Angle calculation 135
Angular deformities 55
blood supply 55
etiology 56
general examination 56
local examination 56
plane 56
radiograph 57
symptoms 56
Anhidrosis 316
Ankle 159, 169, 177, 302
arthritis 171
arthropathy of 188
deformity of 169
equines 171
instability, lateral 171
management of 179
Ankle injuries 283
classification 283
clinical features 284
complications 285
management 284
mechanism of injury 283
pathoanatomy 283
radiology 284
risk factors 283
Ankle sprain 282
classification 282
clinical features 282
management 282
pathoanatomy 282
radiology 282
Ankylosing spondylitis 202
Annular ligament reconstruction 245
Annulus fibrosus 126
Anoxia 174
Anterior abdominal incision 145
Anterior apprehension test 152
Anterior cruciate ligament tear 95
clinical presentation 96
investigations 96
management 97
natural history 95
pathoanatomy 95
pathophysiology 95
risk factors 95
Anterolateral ligament reconstruction 94, 97
Antibiotic 306
therapy 229
local 230
Antifibrinolytic agent 370
Antituberculous drugs 240
Aortic injuries 290
Apixaban 34
Apley's compression test 96
Apley's grinding test 103
Apnea 181
Apparent equinus 176
Appendicular skeleton 17
Archaic indication 339
Arches of foot 159
function 159
parts 159
types 159
Arcuate sign 96
Arnold-Hilgartner grading 188
Arterial insufficiency 171, 335
Arthritis 186, 202
advanced 234
early 234, 235
end-stage 171
mutilans 202, 206
reactive 69, 202
Arthrodesis 188, 197, 221, 222, 347
triple 164, 171, 171f
Arthrodiastasis 45
Arthrogram 48, 49, 276
Arthropathy, inflammatory 167
Arthroplasty 73, 167
Arthroscopic capsule release 155
Arthroscopic debridement 266
Arthroscopic portals made 97
Arthroscopic repair 266
Arthrotomy 74, 117
Articular cartilage 20, 80, 110, 120
Articular surface 78
Aseptic loosening 87, 88
Athetoid 175
Atlantoaxial joint 120
Atlantoaxial subluxation 202
joint 120
membrane, posterior 120
Atraumatic corticotomy 330
Autogenous cells, transplantation of 23
Autografts 221
Autologous chondrocyte implantation 23, 357
advantages 24
contraindications 24
disadvantages 24
generations 24
indications 24
prerequisites 24
recent advances 24
technique 23
Autologous transfusion 30
advantages 31
indications 31
methods 30
preoperative 31
Avascular necrosis 43
Axial skeleton 16
clinical application 17
Azathioprine 204
Bacillus 236
Back pain, low 146, 251
Baclofen 177
Bado classification 243
Bakers cyst 106
Ball and socket osteotomy 54
Bankart repair, bumper effect of 153f
Barlow's test 46
Baumann angle, abnormal 277
Bead-pouch technique 231
Bed sores, prevention of 349
Bedaquiline 240
Below knee
amputation 310
cast 284
Bennet and Rolando fractures 266
classification 266
clinical features 267
complications 267
management 267
radiology 267
Beta-blockers 335
Biceps brachii rupture, long head of 149, 157
Bioabsorbable implants 369
advantages 370
clinical applications 370
complications 370
degradation 370
drawbacks 370
elimination 370
properties 369
types 369
Bioinert 352
Biopsy 210, 337
Biplane intertrochanteric osteotomy 54
Birth weight, low 174
Bisphosphonates 8, 9, 189, 225
adverse drug reactions 10
classification 9
contraindications 10
indications 9
mechanism of action 9
Bladder management 350
Bleeding disorder 226
Blocking agents 336
based preparations 353
clot 23
formation of 31
components 28
conservation 357
culture 233
pool image 304
transfusion, hazards of 29
vessels 309
Blue sclera 173
Blumensaat's line 108
Body, deep veins of 31
Bohler's stirrup 342
Bolts 331
Bone 111, 119, 160, 207, 230, 309
bank 307
catabolism 4
classification of 207
defects 150
deformities, correction of 190
development of 15
disease, metastatic 189, 223
forearm fractures 278
formation 7
fracture, local 173
fragility 173
infection 226, 227
lengthening 221, 222
loading, near normal 81
loss 303
mechanical axis of 57
morphogenic protein 353
pain 223
peg epiphysiodesis 53
resorption 7, 8
scan 189, 210, 224, 304, 324
scintigraphy 304, 337
stabilization 230
substitutes 351
turnover markers 7
Bone biopsy 209
indications 209
types 209
Bone cement 213, 305
implantation syndrome 306
mixing 305
phases 305
using 305
Bone graft 84, 146, 263, 353
indications 84
techniques 78
vascularized 263
Bone healing 18
factors affecting 20
types of 18
Bone marrow 78, 207
aspirate 77
infiltration 223
Bone plates 345
classification 345
mechanical functions 345
Bone tumors 207, 220
benign 207
malignant 207
Bony bankart 150
Bony procedures 64, 178
Bony resection 182
Botulinum toxin 177
Boutonniere deformity 202, 206
Bouvier's maneuver 333
Bowel management 350
Brachial plexus 314
classification 315
clinical features 316
etiology 315
injury 317
Leffert classification 315
management 316
pathoanatomy 314
Breech position 45
Bridge plate 345
Broad spectrum 39
Brooker's classification 336
Brown tumor 12
histology 12
radiography 12
treatment 12
Bruck's syndrome 173
Bruner's rules 35
Bryant's traction 343
blood supply effect 343
indications 343
Buckle fractures 273
Bucks traction 342
Budapest diagnostic criteria 335
Buford complex 151
Bulbocavernosus reflex 252
Bursitis 219, 358
Buttress plate 345
Café au lait 134
Calcaneofibular ligament 282
Calcaneoplasty 168
Calcaneovalgus foot 65
clinical features 65
differential diagnosis 65
etiology 65
treatment 65
Calcific tendinitis 155
Calcitonin 8, 190
Calcitriol 4
Calcium 8
absorption 1
channel blockers 335
excretion 1
functions of 2
malabsorption 11
metabolism 1
preparations 1
Calf muscles 183
Calf tenderness 32
Camper chiasm 270
Canadian C-spine rule 260
Cancellous bone 20
Capreomycin 240
Capsuloligamentous structures 149
Caput ulna syndrome 202, 206
Carotid sheath 123
Carpal biomechanics 267
Carpal bone fracture 262
Carpal instability 267
clinical features 268
complications 268
dissociative 267
management 268
pathophysiology 268
radiology 268
severe 197
Carpal tunnel syndrome 190, 281, 358
Carpus, subluxation of 206
Cartilage 20, 207
classification 20
destruction 186
Cartilage defects 21, 23, 359
classification 21
clinical features 21
pathophysiology 21
radiographs 21
treatment 22
Cartilage injuries 21
classification 21
clinical features 21
pathophysiology 21
radiographs 21
treatment 22
Caseous tissue 238
Cauda equina 132
syndrome 251
Cavus foot 171
based therapy 23
biology 111
genetic modification of 358
growth 353
salvage, postoperative 31
Cement, types of 306
Cementing techniques, evolution of 306
Ceramic 85
advantage 85
disadvantage 85
Cerebral palsy 171, 174
canal 129
disc arthroplasty 130
discectomy, anterior 257
flexion 129
hard collar 344
lordosis, loss of 129
neck pain 357
rib 200
traction 130, 342
vertebrae, typical 119
Cervical spine 129, 202
anatomy 119
lateral mass fixation for 137
Cervical spine injuries 256
etiology 257
symptoms 257
treatment 257
Cervical spondylosis 127
classification 129
clinical features 128
etiology 128
pathophysiology 128
radiology 129
treatment 130
Chance fracture 255
Chandler's disease 75
classification 75
clinical presentation 76
etiology 75
pathophysiology 76
radiological investigations 76
Charcot's arthropathy 171
Charnley's original tech 306
Chemical drain 143
Chemical sympathectomy 336
Chemotherapeutic agents 218
Chest 3
wall lesions 224
X-ray of 180
Chest injuries 290
classification 291
management 290
types 291
Chevron osteotomy 167
Chondromalacia patellae 301
Chondroplasty 22
Chondrosarcoma 302
Chromosomal abnormalities 69
Chromosome 179
Chronic Monteggia, management of 245
Chronic muscle disorders 312
Chronic regional pain syndrome 334
cardinal signs 335
differential diagnosis 335
epidemiology 334
management 335
pathophysiology 334
physical examination 335
radiology 335
risk factors 334
Clavicle osteotomy 182
Clavulanate 240
Claw toes 169, 170f, 202
Cleidocranial dysostosis 15, 179
Clenched fist syndrome 335
Clodronate 9
Clostridium perfringens 296
Coagulation pathway 186
Cocaine 174
Colchicine 185
Collagen 18
advantages 18
applications 18
disorders 18
formation 18
defect 173
function 18
structure 18
types 18
Colles’ fracture, complications of 281
Comminuted intra-articular fracture, severely 197
Compartment syndrome 187, 274, 333
Complex fractures 303
dynamic 346
fractures 255, 273
plate 346
role of 346
screw fixation 263
Congenital developmental disorder 179
Congenital high scapula 181
Congenital radio-ulnar synostosis 67
classification 67
clinical features 67
complications 68
etiopathophysiology 67
radiology 67
treatment 67
Congenital trigger thumb 69
clinical evaluation 69
complications 69
etiopathology 69
treatment 69
Congenital vertical talus 64
clinical features 64
differential diagnosis 65
etiopathology 64
radiology 65
treatment 65
Connective tissue, genetic disorder of 173
Conus medullaris syndrome 251
Cord 193
edema 129
involvement 238
Core biopsy 209
Core decompression 77, 78f
Coronary ligaments 102
Coronoid fracture fixation 265
Corrective valgus derotational osteotomy 55
Corrosion 85
Corrosive wear 87
Cortical involvement 224
Cortical thickness 6
Corticosteroids 184, 185, 204
Costoclavicular space 199f
Costotransversectomy 124, 240f
Coxa valga 281
Coxa vara 54, 173, 180, 281
classification 54
clinical presentation 54
complications 55
investigations 54
pathophysiology 54
treatment 55
Craniosynostosis 17
Craniotabes 3
Crankshaft phenomenon 136
Creeping substitution 18, 20
Crouch knee gait 176
Crowding effect 45
Crush injuries 245
Cryoprecipitate 29
Crystalline arthropathy 197
CT scan 163, 198, 303
indication 303
principle 303
Cushing's syndrome 76
Cycloserine 240
hemophilic 188
meniscal 106
Cystic tumors, benign 357
Dabigatran 34
Dangerous hypocalcemic tetany 12
Dangerous limb 308
Dantrolene sodium 177
Darrach's procedure 206
Day care surgery 371
advantages 371
contraindications 371
factors 371
indications 371
open procedure 371
Dead limb 308
Dead space management 230
Deafness 173, 182
Debris 85
Deep infection 87
classification 88
etiology 87
risk factors 87
Deep sulcus sign 96
Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism 31
clinical features 32
etiopathogenesis 32
investigations 32
treatment 32
Deformity 4, 110, 160, 163
correction of 239
degree of 234
moderate 167
progression of 133
Deformity correction 178
indications 59
principles of 59
Degenerative disc disease 359
Degenerative spine disease, spectrum of 127
Delaminid 240
Delayed extravascular hemolytic reactions 30
Delbet classification 280
Deltoid artery 172
Demineralized bone 308
matrix 351
Dennis classification 255
Denosumab 8, 10, 225
indications 10
mechanism of action 10
Dental crowding 180
Dentinogenesis imperfecta 173
Dequervain's tenosynovitis 195
Destot sign 246
Developmental dysplasia hip 45
clinical presentation 46
etiology 45
management 48
radiological investigations 46
Diabetes mellitus 372
Diabetic foot infections 304
Diaphragm, rupture of 290
Diaphyseal angle 61
Diaphyseal fracture 274
Dickson-Diveley procedure 171f
Digastric muscles 123
aging 127
function of 126
herniation 127
Discectomy 142
Discoid meniscus 105
classification 105
clinical features 105
etiopathogenesis 105
investigations 105
treatment 105
Dishwater pus discharge 296
Dislocated hip 178
painful 178
Dislocation 234
Distal femoral traction 342
Distal femur 275
physis 56
Distal humerus 222
Distal realignment procedures 109
Distal soft tissue reconstruction 166
Distal ulna, dorsal prominence of 206
Distraction 267
test 148
Divergent 286f
Donor selection 307
Dorsiflexion 197
Down's syndrome 62
Drawer test
anterior 152
posterior 152
Dressing 309
Drugs 174, 185
eluting heparinized titanium 365
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry 6
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 182
Dugdale method 113
Dupuytren's contracture 193
Dural ectasia 148
Dural tear 142
investigations 143
management 143
risk factors 142
symptoms 143
Durkans test 192
Dwyer osteotomy 64
Dysbarism-Caisson's disease 76
Dysfunctional urinary bladder 337
Dysphagia 130
Dystonia 175
Dystrophia myotonica 183
Dystrophin analysis 183
Dystrophy 183
Edema 32
inflammatory 238
Ege's test 103
extension 129
flexion 129
contractures of 181
pouch 344
structures of 264
terrible triad of 264
Electrode blade designs 362
Electrodiagnostic studies 312
Electrolyte disturbance 30
Electromyography 312
dynamic 26
Elementary fracture 249
Elephant foot 323
Embryology 162
Emergency splints 344
Empty-notch sign 96
Endochondral ossification 16
Endocrine myopathies 226
Endoprosthetic replacement 220, 221
Endoscopic procedures 371
Energy conservation 25
Enneking staging system 208
Epicondylitis, lateral 192
Epidural steroids 144
Epiphysiodesis 328
Epiphysis, sclerosis of 43
Epithelioid cells, formation of 236
Equinocavovarus 179
Equinovalgus 160
Equinus 179
Erb's palsy 317, 318
Erectile dysfunction 350
Esophageal injuries 290
Ethambutol 240
Ethionamide 240
Etidronate 9
Ewing's sarcoma 217, 238
clinical features 217
complications 219
pathology 218
radiological evaluation 217
treatment 218
Extensor retinaculum, isolated lateral release of 109
External fixator 347
advantages 347
classification 347
complications 348
disadvantages 347
indications 347
Extra-articular fractures 266
Facet arthrosis 129
Facet joints 120
Facial nerve, branches of 123
Failed back syndrome 147
classification 147
evaluation 147
hematological investigation 148
management 148
radiograph 148
Fassier-Duval rods 174
Fat embolism 34
classification 34
clinical features 34
etiology 34
management 35
pathophysiology 34
radiological investigations 35
Fat pad sign, posterior 277
Fatigue wear 86
Febrile nonhemolytic reactions 30
Febuxostat 185, 186
Femoral attachment 95
Femoral bone reservation 81
Femoral condyle 95
Femoral fracture 91
Femoral head 76, 76f
bearing surfaces for 85
Femoral neck fracture nonunion 82
classification 83
clinical presentation 83
management 83
pathogenesis 83
Femoral segment 39
Femoral stem position 73
Femoral tunnel placement 98
Femoroacetabular impingement 78
classification 79
clinical features 79
complications 81
investigations 79
management 80
Femur fracture
neck of 83
pediatric neck of 279
Femur head 39
Ferromagnetic foreign bodies 302
Fetal alcohol syndrome 62
Fibrin gel 356
advantages 357
mechanism of action 357
uses 357
Fibrocartilaginous structure 126
Fibromyalgia 202, 357
Fibrosarcoma 226, 302
Fibrous dysplasia 189, 216
clinical features 216
differential diagnosis 217
etiopathology 216
radiology 216
treatment 217
Fibrous tissue 120
excision of 334
grafting 78f
intact 341
Fine needle aspiration cytology 209
Finger 202
deformities 205
stiffness 282
Finkelstein test 196
stability of 329
technique 138
Fixed valgus deformity, used for 118
Flail chest 290, 292
Flat foot 164
adult acquired 164
deformities, end-stage 171
Flexible flat foot 164
Flexion distraction injuries 257
Flexor hallucis longus 161f
Flexor tendon
injuries 269
reconstruction 271
repair 271
Fluorescent treponemal antibody 307
Fluorodeoxyglucose 304
Fluoroquinolones 240
Fondaparinux 34
Foot 159, 168, 169, 177, 302
congenital anomaly of 62
deformity of 70, 169, 179
chronic progressive 164
flat 25
management of 179
Foramen magnum stenosis 181
Foraminal stenosis 129
Foraminotomy 130
Fovea sign, positive 266
Fracture 150, 187, 188, 219, 295
classification of 266
configuration 83
displacement classification 276
dynamization of 296
healing 359
location 278
management of 190
multiple 173
non-comminuted 264
originate 275
pathological 223, 224, 275
pattern dictates approach 250
reduction of 275, 341
surgical management of 8
Fragile opaque teeth 173
Fragmentation 43
Freeze dried allograft 308
Fresh frozen
allografts 307
plasma 29
Friction 86
components of 86
Friedreich's ataxia 171
Frozen shoulder 154
arthroscopic staging 154
classification 154
clinical stages 154
differential diagnosis 155
investigations 155
pathophysiology 154
treatment 155
Fujisawa point 113
Fulkerson's osteotomy 110
Fusion, posterolateral 146
Fusion-less surgery 130
Gabapentin 130
Gait 24, 169, 176
analysis 26
antalgic 28
circumduction 28
components of 25
high stepping 28
mechanism 162
pathological 26
stomping 28
training and assistive devices 350
waddling 181
Galeazzi sign 46
Gallow's traction 343
Game keeper's thumb 206, 272
clinical features 272
management 272
pathoanatomy 272
pathophysiology 272
radiology 272
Ganglioside 253
Garre's operation 334
Gartland classification 277
Gas gangrene 296
clinical features 296
complications 296
pathophysiology 296
prevention 296
prognosis 296
risk factors 296
treatment 296
Gastrointestinal disorders 4
Gatifloxacin 240
Gene therapy 95, 184, 358
GeneXpert 238
Genu valgum 109
Genu varum 181
Giant cell tumor 211
classification 212
differential diagnosis 212
pathology 211
radiological features 212
treatment 212
Gigli saw 124
Gillquist view, modified 94, 94f
Girdlestone-Taylor tendon transfer 170
Glenohumeral instability, types of 151
Glenohumeral joint 149
Glenoid arc 149
Glenoid cavity 149f
Glenoid version 149
Godfrey sign 96
Gout 184, 202
Gower's sign 183
Gradient echo 301
fixation 98
options 314
Graft-versus-host disease 30
Granulation tissue 231
formation 19
Grass, blade of 189
Grauer classification 259
Great toe sesamoids 298
Greenstick fracture 274, 278
Grey Turner sign 246
Gross motor function classification scale 175
Growth 55, 175
factors 353
Growth modulation 58
indication of 58
Gurd's criteria 34
Haglund deformity 167
Hallux valgus 165, 165f, 202
angle 166
Hamstring tendon graft harvesting 97
Hand 269
congenital malformation of 68
deformity of 205
Hangman's fracture 258
classification 258
clinical features 258
etiology 258
treatment 258
Hard callus 19
Hardcastle and Myerson classification 285
Harrison's sulcus 3
Hawkin's sign 161
Head 3
Hearing loss 181
Heart disease, congenital 182
Heel strike 25
Hemangioma 238
Hemarthrosis 94, 186
Hematoma formation 19
Hemiplateau elevation 61
Hemivertebra 17
Hemodilution, acute normovolemic 31
Hemophilia 186
Hemophilic pseudotumor 188
Hemorrhage, source of 247
Hemostasis 339
Hemothorax, massive 290
Henry and Thorburn etiology classification 194
Hepa filters 355
Hereditary coagulation disorder 186
Herndon hump 52
Heroin 174
Heterotopic ossification 89, 265, 336
clinical features 336
complications 337
etiological classification 336
management 337
pathophysiology 336
Heuter-Volkmann law 55
High medial nerve palsy 320
High tibial osteotomy 112
contraindications 112
indications 112
principle 112
rationale 112
site 112
types 112
Hip 71, 168, 177, 202, 301
arthrodesis 84
biomechanics 71
applications 71
deformity, management of 178
disorders 70
hemiarthroplasty 84
incongruous 51
irritable 69
joint 73
classification 73
pain arthritis of 339
replacement, short stem 366
tuberculosis of 234
unstable 41
Hip resurfacing arthroplasty 81
components 82
contraindications 82
disadvantages 82
indications 82
recent advances 82
Histamine test, positive 315
Holden's classification 333
Homan's sign 32
Horizontal growth plate 80
Hormone replacement therapy 8
Horner's syndrome 315, 316
Household injury 269
Howship's lacunae 12
Hueston's table top test 194
Humeral head 156f
Humerus fracture, lateral condyle of 275
Humphrey ligament 102
Huvo's system 215
Hyaline cartilage 20
Hybrid fixator 332
Hydrocephalus, congenital 17
Hydroxychloroquine 203
Hypercalcemia 9, 223, 224
resolution of 11
Hyperparathyroidism 76, 189, 224
Hyperthermia, malignant 226
Hypertrophy 199
Hypotensive episode 306
Hypothermia 30
Hypothesized viral infection 189
Hypothyroidism 191
Iatrogenic cartilage damage 94
Iliacus muscle 241
Iliopsoas compartment 241
Image intensifier 299
parts 299
radiation hazards 300
recent advances 300
use 299
Implant placement 58
Implant removal 348
complications 349
methods 348
In situ pins 53
Incisional biopsy 209
Industrial accidents 269
Infections 30, 131, 174
active 171
maternal 174
spread of 228f
Inflammation 19
Insall-Salvati index 108
Instability 89
classification 89
degree of 151
prevention 89
risk factors 89
Interferential therapy 360
Interlocking intramedullary nailing 297
Intermetatarsal angle 166
Internal bone transport 332
Interosseous nerve
anterior 319
posterior 322
Intervertebral disk 119
disease 301
Intervertebral foramen 120
Intra-articular fracture 110
Intra-articular pressure, negative 149
Intramedullary bone
stent 365
transport 365
Intramedullary rods 174
Intramembranous ossification 15
Intravertebral vacuum phenomenon 139
Intrinsic muscle type, normal 333
Iron overload 30
Isoniazid 240
high-dose 240
Jaipur foot 340
Joint 3, 120
arthroplasty 231, 372
contracture 272
deformity 186
development of 16
dysplasia 110
infection 226, 227
interphalangeal 69
involvement 202
line tenderness 96
location 110
movements, limitation of 219
pain 357
stabilization of 169
subaxial 120
Jones fracture 288
classification 288
clinical features 288
complications 289
management 288
pathoanatomy 288
radiology 288
Jump knee gait 176
Kager's triangle 289
Kalamchi modification 50
Kanamycin 240
Keller's procedure 167
Kidney disease, chronic 372
Kienbock's disease 197, 198
Kiloh-Nevin syndrome 319
Kite's angle 65
Klien's line, failure of 52
Klippel-Feil syndrome 17, 182
Klisic test 46
Klumpke palsy 317, 318
Knee 93, 168, 202, 301
ankle foot orthosis 27f
arthroscopy 93
complications 94
indications 93
portals 93
recent advances 94
deformity, management of 178
disorders 70
flexion 115
intra-articular pathologies of 93
motion 115
osteoarthritis of 110
posteromedial corner of 94f
rotational alignment of 116
Kocher's criteria 233
Kuwada classification 289
K-wire fixation, percutaneous 267
Kyphoplasty 138, 139
complications 140
contraindications 140
indications 139
technique 140
angle 129
congenital 70
rachitic cat back 3
Labrourer's nerve 318
Labrum 80
Lachman's test 96
Lacroix, ring of 273
Lambrinudi procedure 64
Lamellae 15
Laminar air flow 354
Laminectomy 146
Laminoplasty 130
Laminotomy 146
Langerhan's cell histiocytosis 139
Langerhan's giant cells 236
Lapides classification 338
Lapidus procedure, modified 167
Laprade anatomic reconstruction 102
Laryngeal nerve, superior 123
Lasers 357
Latarjet 154
Latency period 330
Lateral center edge angle of Wiberg 47, 80
Lateral extra-articular tenodesis 94
Lateral longitudinal arch 159, 159f
Leflunamide 204
Leg length discrepancy 89, 187
Legg-Calve-Perthes disease 69
Leighton 83
Lengthening index 330
Leukoerythroblastic anemia 223
Levofloxacin 240
Lewinnek safe zone 73
Lhermitte's sign 129
reverse 129
Lichtman classification 199
anterior 246
posterior 246
reconstruction 272
subaxial 120
transverse 264
yellow 122
Ligamentous laxity 45, 181
flavum 122
mucosum 106
Limb 3, 181
length discrepancy 347
lengthening 326, 328
mechanical axis of 57
salvage 220
shortening 328
Linezolid 240
Ling's classification 134f
Lisfranc injury 285
classification 285
complications 287
management 286
pathoanatomy 285
pathophysiology 285
radiology 286
Lisfranc joint 285
Liver disease, chronic 372
Long saphenous vein 172
Longitudinal arch support 165
Longus colli 123
Lordosis 181
Low median nerve palsy 319
Low ulnar nerve palsy 320
Lower limb 309, 340
alignment 57
axes of 115f
myotomes 129
Lubrication 87
puncture 233
spine 125
stenosis 181
Lumbrical plus finger 272
Lunate dislocation 268
classification 268
clinical features 269
complications 269
management 269
radiology 269
Luque trolley, modified 133
Lymphoma 189, 217, 224, 238, 302
Madelung deformity 194
Magnetic resonance imaging 163, 198, 202, 210, 300
contraindications 302
indications 301
special types 301
hypercalcemia of 9
management of 275
Malingering 335
Malunion 281
Mammillary processes 121
Mannerfelt syndrome 206
Matrix metalloproteases 111
Maudsley's test 193
Mayo procedure 167
McBride procedure 166, 166f
McCune Albright syndrome 216
McMurray test 96, 103
Meary's angle 65
Medial collateral ligament 264
Medial femoral circumflex artery 280
Medial longitudinal arch 159, 159f
parts of 159f
Medial parapatellar retinacular 117
Median nerve 318
compression sites for 319
injury 277
innervates 319
palsy 319
Mehta's angle 133
Membrane, tectorial 120
Membranous bones 179
Menelaus method 327
Meningocele 17, 70
Meniscal allografts 95
Meniscal cysts 106
clinical presentation 106
investigations 106
pathophysiology 106
treatment 106
types 106
Meniscal repair 104
augmentation 95
Meniscal scaffolds 95
Meniscal tears 96, 301
Meniscal transplantation 105
Meniscectomy 104
Meniscus 102
anatomy 102
classification of tears 103
clinical presentation 103
function 103
investigations 103
lateral 102
mechanism of tear 103
treatment 104
Merle D’Aubigne light bulb 78f
Mesoderm, lateral 15
Mesothelioma 226
Metacarpophalangeal fusion 272
Metacarpophalangeal joint flexion 321
Metaphyseal fracture 274
Metaphyseal vessels 280
Metaphysis, cupping of 3
Metastatic disease 238
Metatarsal base 288
Methotrexate 203
Methylcobalamin 130
Methylprednisone 144
Microfractures 22
Microscopy 183
Mid-carpal instability 267, 282
Middle path regimen 239
Midfoot, columns of 285
Mill's maneuver 193
Miller Warner classification 102
Minimally invasive spine surgery 141
advantages 141
disadvantages 142
indications 142
principles 141
types 141
Miosis 316
Mirel's score 224
Missed compartment syndrome 170
Mitchell procedure 167
M-L taper hip prosthesis 366
Mobius syndrome 62
Monoarticular arthritis 232
Monosodium urate crystals 185
Monteggia fracture dislocation 243
clinical presentation 243
complications 245
management 244
mechanism of injury 243
radiology 244
Morel Lavallee lesion 260
clinical features 261
complications 262
differential diagnosis 261
management 261
pathophysiology 261
Morning stiffness 193, 202
Morphological fixation 352
Moseley chart 328
Motor strength 251
Motor vehicle accidents 260
Movement, loss of 316
Moxifloxacin 240
Multiloc nailing system 365
Multiple tendon units 334
Munchmeyer's diseases 336
balance, restoring 169
biopsy 183, 226
contraindications 226
flap, local 230
slide 334
tight 62
tone 175
Musculoskeletal system develops 15
Mycobacteria growth indicator tube 238
Mycobacterium 232
tuberculosis 236
Myeloma, multiple 9, 189, 224, 238
Myelomalacia 129
Myelomeningocele 17, 70
Myelopathic signs 129
Myelopathy 128
Myocardial contusion 290
Myocutaneous flap 230
Myoelectric prosthesis 340
advantages 340
disadvantages 340
Myofascial plane 357
Myositis ossificans 336
Myotomes 129
Myotonia 183
congenita 183
Myxedema 191
junction 78
strengthening 130
Necrosis, ischemic 219
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 232
Nerve 309
blockade 336
studies 311
velocity 312
gap, reduction of 314
grafting 313
injury 313
repair 313
root blocks 144
complications 145
injection drugs 144
rationale 144
relevant anatomy 144
technique 144
use 144
stimulation 335
transfer 313, 314
Neural bone 207
Neural decompression 239
Neurectomy 339
Neuroblastoma, metastatic 217
Neurofibroma 207
Neurofibrosarcoma 207
Neurogenic bladder 337
management 338
pathoanatomy 338
pathophysiology 338
Neurogenic claudication 181
Neurogenic disorders 312
Neurological deficit 132, 239
Neurolysis 313
Neuromuscular disease 171
Neuropathic claw foot 170
Neuropathic pain 335, 350
Neuropraxia 276
Neurorrhaphy 313
Neurovascular examination 167
Neurovascular injury 88, 94
Neutral crest cells 15
absence of 9
presence of 9
Nodule 193
Nonabsorbable screws 22
Nonfixation healing 105
Nonoperative adjunctive methods 325
Nonunion 281, 322
classification 323
clinical features 324
complications 326
contraindications 326
devices 325
etiology 322
fracture 323
mechanisms 326
treatment 276, 323, 324
uses 326
Nortriptyline 130
Notochord 207
Notta nodule 69
Nuclear medicine scans 303
types 303
Nucleus pulposus 126
Numbness 181
Nurick classification system 129
Nutritional rickets 4
Oberlin 317
Ober-Yount procedure 70
Obstetric paralysis 317
clinical features 318
differential diagnosis 318
pathophysiology 317
reconstructive procedures 318
risk factors 317
treatment 318
Obturator neurectomy 339
Occipitoatlantoaxial ligament 120
Ocular inflammation 10
O-Donoghue, unhappy triad of 95
Odontoid fracture 259
classification 259
clinical features 259
pathophysiology 259
treatment 259
type 2 259
Ofloxacin 240
Oligosynaptic sacral reflex 252
One leg hyperextension test 131
Open Bankart repair 153
Open fontanelles 180
Open fracture 313, 347
Open reduction
capsulotomy 280
internal fixation 244, 264, 267
Opposite limb 340
Orthobiologics 353
types 353
diseases 173
emergency 233
radiology 299
traction in 342
Orthostatic hypotension 350
Ortolani test 46
Osgood-Schlatter disease 190
Osinski reflex 252
Ossification centers 275
deformans 188
fibrosa cystica 11, 12
Osteoarthritis 359
hip 91
classification 91
clinical features 92
diagnosis 92
etiology 91
management 92
pathophysiology 92
radiological features 92
risk factors 91
knee 110
clinical features 111
etiology 110
investigations 111
management 111
pathophysiology 110
physical examination 111
primary 82
Osteochondral autograft transplantation 23
Osteochondral fragment 22
Osteochondritis dissecans 301
Osteochondroma 219, 302
clinical features 219
differential diagnosis 219
etiology 219
malignant transformation 220
treatment 219
Osteochondroplasty 81
Osteochondrosis 190
Osteoclastic resorption 4, 189
Osteoconduction, degree of 351
Osteogenesis imperfecta 9, 139, 173
Osteoid osteoma 213, 304
classification 213
clinical features 213
etiology 213
pathology 214
radiology 213
Osteomalacia 4, 11
clinical features 4
differential diagnosis 5
etiology 4
laboratory findings 5
radiograph 4
treatment 5
Osteomyelitis 217, 224
acute 227
chronic 227
classification 227
clinical picture 228
diagnosis 229
etiology 227
pathogenesis 227
surgical treatment of 230
treatment 229
Osteonecrosis 75, 76, 287, 301
early stage of 9
Osteophyte formation 129
Osteoporosis 5, 9, 238, 283
classification 5
clinical presentation 6
differential diagnosis 6
etiopathogenesis 5
laboratory investigations 7
primary 5
radiological examination 6
risk factors 5
secondary 5
treatment 7
Osteosarcoma 214
classification 214
clinical features 214
etiology 214
histopathology 215
prognosis 215
radiology 215
treatment 215
Osteotomy 53, 78
oblique 330
Otitis media, recurrent 181
Ottawa ankle rules 282
Overreaction 148
Oxidized zirconium 86
Ozone therapy 362
applications 363
contraindications 363
mechanism of action 362
side effects 363
Packed red blood cells 29
Paget's disease 9, 139, 188, 224
Paget-Schroetter syndrome 199
chronic 335
generator theory 163
management 188
Paley's classification 59
Palmaris longus tendon graft 272
Palpation 324
Pamidronate 9, 174
P-aminosalicyclic acid 240
Pancoast tumor 199
Papineau technique 230
Paralysis 316
Paralytic intrinsic muscle type 333
Paralytic polio
features of 168
natural history of 168
Paralytic wrist, stabilization of 197
Paramyotonia 183
Parathyroid disorders 11
classification 11
clinical features 11
investigations 12
psychiatric moans 11
radiography 11
treatment 12
Parathyroid hormone 11
classification 11
clinical features 11
investigations 12
psychiatric moans 11
radiography 11
treatment 12
Parathyrotoxicosis 11
Paraxial mesoderm 15
Paresthesia 181
Parkinson's disease 372
Pars interarticularis 121
repair 132
recurrent dislocation 107
clinical features 108
etiopathogenesis 107
management 109
pathophysiology 108
radiological examination 108
tendon bearing cast 341
contraindications 341
mechanism of action 341
uses 341
Patellofemoral fit 117
Patellofemoral joint mechanics 116
Pavlik disease 48
Pavlik harness 48
PBH, X-ray of 180
Pectus carinatum 3
Pediatric diaphyseal forearm fractures 278
Pediatric fractures
complications 275
management 273
mechanism of injury 273
principles 273
radiographic evaluation 274
treatment 275
Pediatric orthopedics 39
Pedicle screw 136
complications 137
disadvantages 136
indications 136
insertion 137
Pedicles 120
Pelkan spur 13
Pellegrini-Stieda lesion 96
Pelvic binder 344
Pelvic obliquity 177
Pelvic traction 342
Pelvis fractures 245
classification 246
clinical presentation 246
management 247
mechanism of injury 245
radiological evaluation 246
Pelvis, AP view of 246
Pemberton's osteotomy 50
Penicillamine 204
Peptic ulcer disease 11
Periacetabular osteotomy 92
Pericardial tamponade 290, 293
Perilunate dissociation 268
Periosteal reaction 208
Peripheral nerve injuries 311
classification 311
diagnosis 312
etiology 311
pathophysiology 311
relevant anatomy 311
treatment 313
Periprosthetic fractures 90
classification 90
management 90
types 90
vancouver 90
Periprosthetic hip fractures 87
Perkins line 47
Peroneal tendons 172
Perthes disease 42, 43
classifications 44
clinical features 42
embryology 42
management 44
pathophysiology 42
Pes cavus 160
Pes planus 160
Phalen's test 192
Phalen-Dickson sign 131
Phemister's triad 202
Philadelphia collar 253, 344
alba dolens 32
cerulea dolens 32
Phosphate depletion 4
Phosphorous carbon phosphorous bond 9
Physical therapy exercises 350
Physiotherapy 188
armamentarium 146
rationale for 146
role of 146
diameter 348
entry sites 342
fixator, components of 347
number of 348
Pincer 79, 80
Pistol grip deformity 79f
Pivot shift test 96
Placental abnormalities 174
Plantar fasciitis 358
Plantar nerve, lateral 162f
Plasma tartrate resistant acid phosphatase 7
Plastic deformation 278
holes, undercut 347
self-compressing 346
Platelet 29
rich concentrate 354
rich plasma 29, 354
Plica types 106
Pluripotent 368
Polio 169, 171
Poliomyelitis 168, 170
Poly arteritis, self-limiting 202
Poly dioxanone 369
Poly glycolic acid 369
Poly lactic acid 369
Polydactyly 68
treatment 68
types 68
Polyethylene 85
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia 9
Polypeptide hormone 11
Polytrauma 294
death in 294
management 294
pathophysiology 294
Ponseti method 63
Posterior cruciate ligament injuries
clinical features 99
complications 100
function 99
management 100
pathoanatomy 99
pathophysiology 99
radiology 100
Posterolateral corner injury 100
classification 101
clinical features 101
complications 102
etiology 101
functions 101
pathoanatomy 101
radiology 101
Postganglionic injury 317
Post-polio residual paralysis 168
Postradiation sarcoma 224
arthritis 265, 282, 287
stiffness 265
wrist arthritis 197
Pott's spine, surgical management of 239
Pregabalin 130
Preganglionic injury 316
Pregnancy 191
Premature delivery 174
Pressure wound, negative 361
Progressive deformity, causes of 168
Progressive muscle dystrophy 182
Prosthesis 339
basic features of 310
characteristics 339
classification 340
functions 339
parts 340
Prosthetic joint infection 304
diagnostic criteria for 88
Prothionamide 240
Protrusio acetabuli 202
Provocative Cozen's test 193
Proxima 366
Proximal femoral focal deficiency 39
blood supply 42
classifications 39
clinical features 40
etiology 42
radiology 40
treatment 40
Proximal femoral nail A2 364
Proximal femur 231f, 298
blood supply of 83
fracture 342
normal trabeculae of 6f
Proximal realignment procedures 109
Proximal row carpectomy 269
Pseudoarthrosis 132
congenital 347
Pseudofractures 4
Pseudogout 202
Pseudohyperparathyroidism 11
Pseudomeningocele 315
Psoas abscess 241
clinical features 241
complications 241
differential diagnosis 241
management 242
Psoas major muscle 241
Psoriatic arthritis 202
Psychiatric disease 335
Ptosis 316
Pulmonary artery, occlusion of 31
Pulmonary contusion 290
Pulmonary embolism 31
Pure muscular dystrophy 182
Pure radiculopathy symptoms 130
Pus, collection of 241
Pyrazinamide 240
Q angle 116
atrophy 103
gait 26
snip 118
Rachischisis 70
Rachitic rosary 3
Radial head
arthroplasty 265
fracture, internal fixation of 264
subluxation of 181
Radial nerve 321
neurapraxia 277
supplies 322
Radicular pain 132
Radiculopathy 128
Radiocarpal arthritis 206
Radiocarpal joint destruction 202
Radio-frequency ablation 361
procedure 362
types 362
uses 362
Radiolunate fusion 206
Radionuclide therapy 225
Raloxifene 8
Rapid plasma reagin 307
Rationale 28
Ratliff classification 281
Raynaud disease 335
Reamer head 356
Reamer irrigator aspirator 355, 365
advantages 356
caution 356
contraindications 356
indications 355
parts 356
steps 356
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy 130
Reflexes 176, 251
Regimental badge sign 152
Regional sensory disturbance 148
Regional weakness 148
Reimer's migration index 47, 178
Relocation test 152
Remaining skeletal growth 134
Renal aplasia 182
Renal failure 174, 191
chronic 11
Renal losses 2
Replacement therapy 188
Residual paralysis 318
Respiratory infections 3
Retrocalcaneal bursitis 167
Retromandibular vein 123
Rhesus blood group incompatibility 174
Rheumatoid arthritis 171, 197, 201, 203, 205, 357, 359
Rheumatoid cervical spondylitis 202
Rheumatoid hand 205
Rheumatoid nodules 206
Rhythm of distraction 330
Rib 17
vertebral angle difference 133
Rickets 2
clinical features 3
histology 3
laboratory investigation 3
monitoring 4
pathophysiology 3
radiology 3
rosary 13
treatment 4
Rifampicin 240
Rigid pes planus 162
Riluzole 253
Risedronate 9, 189
Rivaroxaban 34
Robotics forced labor 373
Rocking horse gait 28
Rods 331
Rolando fractures 266
Romosozumab 8
Rose-Thorn appearance 48
Rotation, instant centers of 115
Rotational deformities
affecting gait 176
correction of 178
Rotationplasty 221, 222
Rotator cuff 149
arthropathy 155
tears 150, 155
Rotator cuff disease 155
anatomy 155
classification 156
etiology 155
Sag sign 272
Salmonella osteomyelitis 231
Salter's osteotomy 50
Salter-Harris classification 274
Salvage osteotomies 51
Scalene muscles 199
Scalenus minimus 199
Scaphocephaly 17
Scaphoid non-union 262
anatomy 262
blood supply 262
classification 263
clinical features 262
etiopathogenesis 262
treatment 263
Scapholunate advanced collapse 197
Scapholunate dissociation 268
Scapular rotators 149
Scarf osteotomy 167
Schmorl's nodes, painful 139
Schrock, green procedure 182
Scissoring gait 28
Scleroderma 202
Scoliosis 70, 133, 177, 181, 182
classifications 133
clinical presentation 135
congenital 182
curve corrections 300
management of 184
pathophysiology 135
Scorbutic rosary 13
Screw fixation 53
Screw properties 136
Scurvy 12
clinical features 13
differential diagnosis 13
epidemiology 12
management 13
pathophysiology 13
radiology 13
Seddon classification 333
Segmental bone loss 197
Selective dorsal rhizotomy 177
Selective estrogen receptor modulator 8
Selective nerve root steroid injections 130
Sensory 251, 322
gait 28
supply 320
test 192
Sentinel sign 246
Sepsis, neonatal 174
Septic arthritis 197, 202, 231
clinical features 232
differential diagnosis 232
imaging 233
laboratory findings 233
pathophysiology 232
risk factors 232
route of spread 231
treatment 233
Septic joint aspirate 233
Septic reactions 30
Septic shock 295
Sequestrum, types of 231
Serology 203
Serum alkaline phosphatase 337
Sexual development, normal 181
Sexual health 350
Shenton's line 47, 52
neurogenic 253, 295
spinal 252
types of 295
Shoe lift 328
Short limb gait 28
Short wave diathermy 359
applications 360
contraindications 360
effects 360
physiological effects 360
side effects 360
uses 360
Shoulder 149, 302
abduction test 129
arthroscopy 150
diagnostic arthroscopy of 151
dislocation, recurrent 149, 150
instability 149
Shuffling gait 28
Silver procedure 166
Silverskoid test 177
Singh's index 6
Sinus tarsi, artery of 172
Skeletal deformity 173
Skeletal fluorosis 14
clinical features 14
diagnosis 14
management 14
pathogenesis 14
radiology 14
Skeletal maturity 135
Skeletal metastatic disease 304
Skeletal muscle healing 359
Skeletal reconstruction 220
Skeletal stabilization 347
Skeletal traction 250, 342
Skeleton, development of 15
flaps 308
incision advantageous, posterior 265
pitting of 194
traction 342
Skip lesions 302
Skull traction 344
application 344
complications 345
contraindication 345
use 345
Skull, X-ray of 180
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis 51
classification 52
clinical presentation 52
etiology 51
investigations 52
pathology 51
treatment 53
Small cell osteosarcoma 217
Small round cell tumor 226
Smith-Peterson anterior approach 280
Soft callus 19
Soft tissue 199, 230
abnormality, treatment of 80
allografts 308
defect 230
dissection 73-75
infection 335
shadows 202
visualization of 129
Somatosensory-evoked potentials 143
Somerville-transverse bikini incision 73
Southwick slip angle 52
Spastic hemiplegia 197
Spasticity 350
Sphincter dysfunction 251
Spica cast 49
Spina bifida 69
aperta 70
etiology 69
occulta 17, 70
pathophysiology 70
types 70
Spinal approaches 123
Spinal balance 177
Spinal canal stenosis 181
Spinal cord
involvement 223, 224
protrudes 17
Spinal cord injuries 251, 368
classification 251
etiology 251
management 253
pathophysiology 251
radiological evaluation 253
Spinal deformities 181
Spinal fusion 359, 369
anterior 136
methods 145
indications 145
types 145
Spinal infections 304
Spinal lesion 210
Spinal orthoses 341
functions 341
Spinal pseudoarthrosis 139
Spinal shock, characteristics of 252
Spinal stability 255
Spinal stabilization 239
Spinal surgery 190
Spinal trauma 301
Spinal tuberculosis 239
pathogenesis of 236
Spinal tumor syndrome 238
Spine 3, 119, 169, 177, 181, 301
deformity 173
pathological dislocation of 238
Spinous process 119-121
Spiral cord 194
Split sternum 124
Spondylolisthesis 131
classification 131
clinical features 131
complications 132
management 132
radiology 131
Spondylolysis 131
classification 131
clinical features 131
complications 132
management 132
radiology 131
primary 273
secondary 273
Sprains 358
Sprengel's deformity 181, 182
Sprengel's shoulder 181
Spurling's sign 129
S-ROM stem 366
Stable hip 41
Staheli's shelf osteotomy 51
Stamping gait 28
Stanmore classification 151f
Stanmore instability classification 151
Staphylococcus aureus 232
Starlings resistor 76f
Static compression 346
Static encephalopathy 174
Steel blanch sign 52
Stem cell 368
therapy 353
transplantation 218
Stener lesion 272
Sterilization, secondary 308
Sternum 17
Steroids 253
Stiff knee gait 176
Stone procedure 167
Streeters dysplasia 62
Streptomycin 240
neuropraxia 283
shielding 306
views 247
Stress fracture 297
classification 298
etiology 297
fundamental principles 298
management 298
pathophysiology 297
radiology 298
Stride analysis 26
Stryker notch view 153
Subluxation 234
subaxial 202
Submandibular gland 123
Subtalar arthrodesis 164
Subtalar joint 172
Sucking chest wound 291
Sudden death 181
Suicidal injury 269
Sulfasalazine 203
Supracondylar fracture humerus 276, 333, 342
classification 277, 278
clinical features 277, 278
complications 278, 279
management 277, 279
pathophysiology 276, 278
radiology 277, 279
Supracondylar osteotomy 188
Supraspinatus tendon retraction 156
Sural nerve 172
basic aim of 317
complications of 192
indications of 255, 281
principles of 206, 220, 229, 239
timing of 169, 295
Surgical correction 182
Surgical decompression 180, 182
Surgical excision, margins of 208
Surgical laser 358
mechanisms 358
Surgical sympathectomy 336
Swan-Neck deformity 202, 206, 272
Swing phase 25
Swiss cheese trabeculae 3
Syme's amputation 310, 310f
disadvantages 310
technique 310
Symmetric polyarticular joint involvement 202
Symphysis pubis, delayed closure of 180
Symptomatic disease, phases of 168
Synovectomy 188, 206
Synovial cell sarcoma 225
Synovial fluid 120
analysis 185
Synovial plicae
clinical features 107
etiopathogenesis 107
investigations 107
pathoanatomy 106
syndrome 106
treatment 107
Synovioma 225
differential diagnosis 226
etiopathology 225
treatment 226
Synovitis 170, 186, 234
Synovium 111
Syphilis 307
Syrinx formation 129
Talipes cavus 170
Talocalcaneal angle 65
Talofibular ligament
anterior 282
posterior 282
Talus neck fractures 287
classification 287
complications 287
management 287
radiology 287
Talus, blood supply of 160, 160f
Tandem stenosis 129
Tardieu test 176
Tarsal canal 161f
artery of 172
Tarsal coalition 162, 163f, 171
Tarsal sinus 161, 161f
Tarsal tunnel syndrome 161
Tendoachilles tendon rupture 289
clinical features 289
complications 290
etiopathology 289
management 289
pathoanatomy 289
radiology 289
Tendon 206
adhesions 271
augmentation 168
healing, phases of 270
injury 282
rupture 358
transfer 64, 313, 314, 317
Tendonitis 358
Tennis elbow 192
Tension 291
pneumothorax 290
stress, law of 329
wiring 132
Teriparatide 8
Terizidone 240
Tetropectoralis minor space 199f
Thenar atrophy 192
Thessalys test 103
Thigh, reduction of 42
Thomas traction splint 343
complications 344
components 344
preparation 344
uses 344
wrapping 344
Thompson test 289
Thoracic aortic disruption 294
Thoracic modifier 134
Thoracic outlet syndrome 199, 335
Thoracic spine 124
Thoracic vertebrae 120
Thoracolumbar injuries 253
complications 256
treatment 255
Thoracolumbar kyphosis 181
Thoracolumbar region 253
Three strike rule 220
Thromboembolic disease 350
Thromboprophylaxis 33, 34
mechanical 33
pharmacological 33
Thrombus 31
Thumb 206
adduction 321
collateral ligament injuries 272
duplication 68
metacarpal fractures 266
pediatric disorder of 69
polydactyly 68
spice splint 272
Thurston-Holland fragment 276
Tibia 298
bone varus angle 113f
congenital pseudoarthrosis of 59
proximal 342
Tibia vara 60
clinical features 60
complications 61
etiopathogenesis 60
radiology 61
treatment 61
types 60
Tibial insertion 95
Tibial nerve, posterior 162f
Tibial plateau 113
Tibial tendon insufficiency, posterior 164
Tibial tubercle 190
traction apophysitis of 190
Tibial tunnel placement 97
Tibiofemoral angle 56
Tile's classification 246
Tiludronate 9
Tinel's sign 192
negative 315
allografts 231
debridement 230
survival 37
Titanium elastic nailing system 365
Tizanidine 177
Toes 202
Tonnis classification 92
Tonnis roof angle 80
Torticollis 182, 202
classification 66
clinical features 66
etiopathogenesis 66
investigations 66
treatment 66
Torus fractures 273
Total arthroplasty 197
Total hip arthroplasty 78, 84
bearing surfaces in 85
complications 84
indications 84
technique 84
Total hip replacement 72, 190
evolution of 84
recent advances in 366
robotic 366
Total incongruity 285f
Total joint arthroplasty 188, 206
Total knee replacement 115, 190
contraindications of 117
surgical approaches 117
Total wrist arthrodesis 269
Totipotent 368
Tourniquet 35
classification 36
clinical presentation 37
complications 38
contraindications 36
etiology 36
investigations 37
parts 35
pathophysiology 36
physiological effects 36
treatment 37
types 35
Toxic synovitis 69
Toxins 174
Toygar's angle 289
Tracheobronchial injuries 290
Traction cords 343
Traction injury 315
Tranexamic acid 34, 370
contraindications 371
mechanism 370
mode of administration 371
side effects 371
Transient synovitis 69
Transverse arch 159, 159f
Transverse incision, right-sided 123
Trapped osteoblasts 15
Trauma 110, 170, 243, 344
wounds 361
Traumatic anterior dislocation 153
Traumatic knee injuries 100
Trendelenburg gait 27, 27f, 173
Trethowan's sign 52
Triamcinolone 144
Triangular fibrocartilage complex injury 265
classification 266
clinical features 266
degenerative 266
etiology 265
function 265
management 266
pathoanatomy 265
traumatic 266
Trident hands 180
Trigeminal neuralgia 357
Trigger finger 272
Triphasic bone scan 304
Triple helix 18
Trochanteric osteotomy 54
Trochlear dysplasia 109
assessment 108
Dejour classification of 109
True equinus 176
Trueta's hypothesis 42
Tsuge modification 333
Tubercular debris 238
Tuberculosis, pathogenesis of 236
Tuberculous paraplegia, classification of 238
cells, spread of 223
extent 302
magnetic resonance imaging in 302
markers 224
tissue 31
Ulnar collateral ligament 272
Ulnar diaphyseal shortening 266
Ulnar drift 206
Ulnar nerve 320
Ulnar osteotomy 245
Ultrasonography 337
Unicompartmental knee replacement 114
advantages 114
contraindications 114
indications 114
modes of failure 114
principle 114
recent advances 115
types 114
Uniform velocity 354
Unique registration code 308
Upper limb 169, 309
dermatomes of 17f
myotomes 129
tension tests 129
Urinary retention 372
Valgus 96, 116
deformity 202
intertrochanteric osteotomy 84
osteotomy 45
Van Nes rotationplasty 41
Varus derotational femoral osteotomy 45
Varus extension osteotomy 45
Varus stress tests 96
Vascularized fibula graft 221, 363
advantages 363
complications 364
contraindications 364
indications 363
principles 363
Vastus lateralis 183
Vaughan-Jackson syndrome 206
Venous thromboembolism 31, 90
arteries 120
column, anatomy of 119
foramen 119, 120
osteoporosis 6
prominens 119
Vertebral body 119
compression fracture 138
Vertebral column 17
Vertebroplasty 138
assessment and workup 139
complications 139
contraindications 139
indications 139
rationale 138
technique 139
Video-assisted thoracic surgery 140
advantages 141
complications 141
contraindications 141
disadvantages 141
indications 141
technique 140
Vimentin 226
Virchow's triad 90
Viscosupplementation 366
disadvantages 367
indications 367
mechanism of action 367
source 367
technique 367
C 110, 335
D 8, 110
deficiency 4
disorders 2
metabolism 2
resistant rickets 3
E doping 85
Volar subluxation 206
Volkmann ischemic contracture 38, 332
causes 333
classification 333
differential diagnosis 334
functional evaluation 333
pathogenesis 333
treatment 334
Volkmann's sign 333
von Recklinghausen's disease 11
von Rosen view 47
Wafer procedure 266
Walton's classification 182
Warfarin 33
Wassel classification 68
Weber classification 284
White line of Frankel 13
Wilbourn's classification 200
Wimberger ring 13
Windswept pelvis 246
Winter's formula 133
Woodward procedure 182
care 271
complications 87, 131, 172
Wrist 202, 206, 302
arthrodesis 197, 206, 263
drop splint 318
extension 129
pain, ulnar sided 266
radial deviation of 206
stiffness 282
Xenon chloride excimer 358
Xiphoid process 124
X-ray 190, 202
Yount procedure 184
Zancolli classification 333
Zig-zag deformity 206
Zirconium metal 86
Zoledronic acid 9, 189, 225
Zygophyseal joints 121
Chapter Notes

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