ORTHOPEDIC EXAM REVIEW: A Comprehensive Manual for Postgraduates (For MS, DNB and Diploma Students)
Ashraf Shaikh
Assistant Professor Department of Orthopedics Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Mohan Desai

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Orthopedic Exam Review: A Comprehensive Manual for Postgraduates
First Edition: 2023
Printed at
My parents for their constant love and support,
Dr Fazal Shaikh (Consultant Pediatrician) and
Dr Parveen Shaikh (Consultant Dermatologist)
I am aware of Dr Ashraf's penchant for publishing right from his residency days. Being one of our star-students, he has compiled a narrative which fills the gap for what is required as a necessary support for MS and DNB examinations. Being an examiner for 30 years myself, I must admit Dr Ashraf's “Orthopedic Exam Review”, fits in well for examinees. If used together with major textbooks this makes the art of writing the postgraduate examinations extremely effective and impactful.
Shrinand V Vaidya MBBS MS FACS (USA)
Consultant and Head, Department of Joint Reconstruction Surgery
Global Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Former Professor and Head of Unit, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Fellow, Ranawat Orthopaedic Research Foundation, USA
Past President, Indian Society of Hip and Knee Surgeons
As Dr Shaikh's postgraduate guide, I have seen him evolve from a House Surgeon to an Assistant Professor at the Department of Orthopedics, KEM Hospital. His manual is an excellent resource that provides students with simple and easy-to-follow summaries of the most important concepts in Orthopedics.
Sudhir K Srivastava MBBS MS Fellowship in Spine Surgery (UK, Germany)
Consultant Spine Surgeon
Dr LH Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Professor, Department of Orthopedics
KJ Somaiya Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai
Former Professor and Head, Department of Orthopedics
King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
Having taught Orthopedics for many years, I have seen numerous students struggle with their theory examinations. That's why I highly recommend this manual to any student who wants to excel in their postgraduate examination. It offers comprehensive guidance, making it easier for students to understand complex concepts. I commend Dr Ashraf for his dedication in creating this valuable resource, and I wish him all the very best for his book.
Shubhranshu S Mohanty MBBS (Distn) MS (Orth) FASIF (Swiss) FRCS (Edin) FICS (USA) FACS (USA)
Consultant Orthopedics and Joint Replacement Surgeon
Jaslok, Shushrusha and Nanavati Hospitals
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Professor and Unit Head in Orthopedics, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai
President, Indian Arthroplasty Association (IAA) 2019–21
President, Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS) 2020–21
BOS Vice-President (2011–12); Secretary and Treasurer (2006–08);
IAA Joint Secretary (2013–15); ISHKS Fellowship Chair (2015–17); Education Chair (2018–21)
Having served as an examiner for two decades, I have seen countless students struggle with theory papers. One of the main reasons for this is their vague and imprecise writing, which often results in a significant reduction in their scores. As examiners, we require specific points and terminologies on a given topic, and once we have assessed them, we mark accordingly.
In Dr Shaikh's manual, the answers are crisp and to the point, almost knowing what the examiner wants to read. The use of numbered points, flowcharts, and diagrams makes an examiner's job easier and helps students present their ideas more cohesively.
I have known and mentored Dr Shaikh since his residency days and can vouch for his unwavering commitment to academia and his meticulous attention to detail. This book is a reflection of those traits.
I extend my best wishes to Dr Shaikh for his work in helping postgraduate trainees around the country with their theory examinations.
Mohan Desai
Professor and Head
Department of Orthopedics
Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital
Medical Superintendent, KEM Hospital
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
President, Bombay Orthopaedic Society
Orthopedics is a vast field with complex concepts that require comprehensive and deep understanding of subject matter. While textbooks and reference materials provide a wealth of knowledge, it is extremely challenging to condense all the information into concise and effective examination answers. This is exactly where the Orthopedic Exam Review comes in.
During my final year of residency, I began compiling notes from multiple resources to gain a thorough understanding of each topic. Whether it is a blessing or a curse, my OCD tendencies drove me to meticulously scour all available material on a given topic and ensure that there were no lacunae left by individual sources.
Please remember that this manual is not a replacement for textbooks. It is just to make your life easy. It is a culmination of the most important points on a topic from multiple sources to help you review topics rapidly months, days, hours and even minutes before the examinations.
Understanding core concepts in Orthopedics remains irreplaceable and you must read the recommended textbooks for that. This manual serves as a supplementary tool to aid your understanding and preparation. My recommendation is to read each topic in this manual after studying the corresponding topic in your textbook.
As someone who has recently been on both sides of a theory examination, I understand how examiners frame their questions and the responses they seek. Thus, I have organized the answers in a structured format with headings, subheadings, and numerical points to aid your memorization and retention. Additionally, I have drawn the figures by hand, which the publishers have digitally replicated, allowing students to recreate them with ease.
Your paper will be checked for a very brief amount of time and within that you have to convince the examiner that you know, and know well. For this reason, presentation in these examinations is of significant importance. Therefore, incorporating diagrams and flowcharts from this manual would be an asset to your answers.
Lastly, despite my rigorous efforts to minimize errors, I am only human and may have missed some. Please do not hesitate to contact me at ashrafshaikh123@gmail.com if you spot any.
Ashraf Shaikh
I express gratitude to my colleagues, Dr Amol Chavan, Dr Rishi Agarwal and Dr Amit Surushe, for their contributions to various topics covered in this manual.
I would also like to thank my friend and undergrad batchmate, Dr Aishwarya Sankhe, who undertook the monumental task of deciphering my illegible handwriting and transforming it into the digital format. Furthermore, I would like to acknowledge Dr Parvind Sriswal for digitizing the hand-drawn diagrams and Dr Rachit Sekhrajka for his assistance with proofreading.
I am grateful to Ms Chetna Malhotra (Senior Director–Professional Publishing, Marketing and Business Development), Ms Manpreet Kaur (Development Editor), Mr CS Gawde and Mr Sameer S Mulla from M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for their exceptional work and patience with my semi-unrealistic expectations and tight deadlines. The designers also deserve recognition for their work in converting the hand-drawn diagrams into digital figures.
I would like to acknowledge my professors and teachers from KEM Hospital, who have always encouraged me to strive for excellence.
Finally, I would like to express gratitude to my family for their unwavering support and invaluable inputs in conceptualizing this book—to my parents Dr Fazal Shaikh and Dr Parveen Shaikh along with my brothers and their partners—Dr Ahmed Shaikh and Dr Sanobar Jaka; and Dr Altaf Shaikh and Dr Adiba Shaikh.
Secrets of Writing a Successful Theory Exam
- Write your answers point-wise, not in paragraphs.
- Ensure that your handwriting is the best in the first two pages of your answer sheet. Remember, first impression is the last impression.
- Divide your answers into headings and subheadings, and underline them.
- When space permits, leave a line between two points to improve the presentation.
- Use flowcharts to represent sequences of events, such as pathophysiology.
- Include diagrams in every answer and label them neatly.
- Make sure your diagrams are large (half a page) and, if time and university rules permit, use colors. If using colors, avoid wasting time by drawing with a pencil/pen first; draw directly with colored pencils.
- Underline all the most important words and salient specific features of an answer (e.g., in AVN-Sectoral sign).
- If running short on time, it's better to write two shorter answers than to write more about one answer and completely skip the last one.
- When making tables during the exam, create borders with a scale.