Abdominal compartment syndrome 899
Aberrant phospholipase C zeta 1515
Aberrations 115
Abortion 969
Act, regulations of 924
incomplete 500f
missed 1188
second trimester 1188
threatened 1188
Abscess 121
Absolute uterine factor infertility 1055
Abulcasis 913
Acanthosis nigricans 531
Accessory sex gland 1249t
Acetamide 1139
Acetaminophen 575
Acetate 54
Acidic alpha-glucosidase, function of 1249
Acrylic dilators 1097f
Activated partial thromboplastin time 757
Activated volatile organic compounds 1320
Activins 21
Acupuncture 761
Adalimumab 203
Addison's disease 135
Adenohypophysis 18
Adenomyoma 495
Adhesiolysis, hysteroscopic 611
Adhesive molecules, altered expression of 831
Adoption 973
agency 975
domestic 974
kind of 974
open 974
procedure 976
regulations 975
regulations of 975
rules of 975
types of 974
Adrenal disorders 146
Adrenal steroidogenesis pathway 108fc
Adrenarche 119
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 1196
Advanced air handling system 1498
Agenesis, acrosomal 1559
Agglutination 186
conditioning system 1482f
exchange 1164
injectors 1345
pollution, episodes of 1498
purification unit 1498
Alanine 1444
Aldosterone synthase 108
Alfentanil 758
Allergic skin reactions 672
Allergies 184
Alpha-fetoprotein 916
Altered sympathetic nervous system 525
Alzheimer's disease 888
Amantadine 339
Aminoglycoside 1495
Amnionicity 1010
Amniotic membrane 1120
Amoxicillin 1208
Amphetamines 535
Amphiregulin 1426
Ampullary cells 1370
Amsel's diagnostic criteria 454
Anal sphincters, external 333
dehydroepiandrosterone 109
dihydrotestosterone, stronger 525
evaluation of 812
causes of 519
mesterolone, modified 361
receptor 308
blocker 153
deficiency 184
role of 30b
secreting tumor 532
supplementation 814
synthesis of 107
pathway 151
therapy 361
Androgenization, evidence of 325
Angelman syndrome 884
Angiotensin 107
Anisotropy 1363
Anorexia nervosa 124
Anovulatory disorders 518
Anteflexion 6
Anterior pituitary venous complex 168
Anteversion 6
Anticholesterol medication 324
Antidepressants 141
Antigen presenting cell 91
Antiglobulin reaction test, mixed 1246
Anti-Müllerian hormone 8, 24, 29, 44, 45, 49, 167, 195, 243, 250, 286, 329, 474, 475, 509, 521, 523, 524, 528, 534, 559, 560, 673, 674, 690, 700, 704, 715, 734, 735f, 736, 738, 752, 753, 793, 811, 830, 898, 905, 1039, 1075, 1093, 1129, 1143, 1324, 1394
role of 523
significance of 45
Antiphosphatidic acid 833
Antiphosphatidylglycerol 833
Antiphosphatidylinositol 833
Anti-Smith antibody 281
Antithyroid medications 146
Antral follicle
count 45, 193, 195, 243, 254, 474, 475, 559, 561, 659, 673, 674, 690, 707, 707f, 734, 738, 811, 830, 898, 905, 1035, 1129, 1223, 1231, 1324
high 473f
small 476f
Aorta 1056
Aplasia 131
Apoptosis 386
Apoptotic bodies, phagocytosis of 92f
Arachnoid cyst 121
Arrhenoblastoma 150
Arthralgia 677
Artificial neural network 1474
Asepsis 795
Asparagine 1355
Assisted ejaculation samples, preparation of 1275
Assisted reproductive techniques 11, 56, 70, 161, 202, 228b, 272, 273t, 291, 365, 386, 407, 474, 571, 619, 635, 647, 690, 733, 797, 813, 843, 883, 885b, 887, 933, 939, 954, 970, 993, 999, 1033, 1035, 1135, 1154, 1158, 1189, 1242, 1261, 1293, 1319, 1358, 1380, 1399, 1407–1409, 1429, 1440, 1466, 1468, 1488, 1502t, 1525t, 1645
advanced 402
amendment rules 1159
and surrogacy rules, timeline of 1157
complications of 891
failure 833
guidelines 962
essential equipment of 1645
quality management in 1161
medical management in 1038
practice 1154
sex selective 943
procedure 765
regulation bill 959
role of 1191
team 964
treatment 820
use of 950f
and Surrogacy (Regulation) Act 1488
Asthenospermia 374
Asthma 1213
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 679
Autism 888
Autocrine substances 1459
Autologous bone marrow derived stem cells, preparation of 1111
Automatic fluid flow 1455
Autonomic nervous system 394
Autosomal dominant disorders 1407
Back pain 655
Bacteria, detection of 838
Bardet-Biedl syndrome 310
Bariatric procedures, types of 232f
Bartoov criteria 1449f
Basal estradiol 715
Basal ovarian volume 195
Bayle's sign 11
Bayley-Pinneau tables 127
Beak sign 501f
Behçet's syndrome 251
Bent neck sperm 187
Benzyl-alkyldimethyl chloride 1174
Beta-blockers 324
Beta-coronavirus 1212
Betadine 1174
Beta-lactam 1495
Betamethasone 1217
Beta-thalassemia 880
Bettocchi hysteroscope 595f
Bi-directional communication 1443
Biliopancreatic diversion 232
Biomolecules retention 1461
Biotinylated deoxyuridine triphosphate 1037
Bipolar affective disorder 888
Bipolar resectoscopic technique 425
Bipolar system 596
Bipolar tubal disease 446
Bipolar versapoint 596
Bird's nest appearance 503f
Bisphenol A 528
Black-box models 1467
Blastocentesis 866
Blastocyst 70, 829, 830, 876, 999, 1113f, 1140, 1146, 1175, 1182, 1310f, 1331, 1370–1372, 1372f, 1373, 1373f, 1374, 1375, 1414, 1444, 1450, 1463, 1586t, 1589, 1596f, 1643f
applications 1473
cell numbers 1320
development of 1615f
hatching of 1569f
freezing 1374
functional 830
glycerol for 971
herniates 1401
media 1659
microscopic analysis of 1307f
mid-cavitating 1587f
morphological evaluation of 1371
normal 1371
potential of 1371
production 1284
static image analysis of 1472
transfer of 1370
nine 1371
warming 1640
Body fat, assessment of 222
Body mass index 61, 152, 168, 171, 184, 221, 222, 222f, 223, 279, 295, 325, 368, 535, 635, 673, 734, 738, 742, 758, 793, 810, 898, 927, 944, 997, 1020, 1039
high 944
Bologna convention 196
Bologna criteria, criticism of 674fc
Borate glass 1273
Borderline abnormal semen parameters 189
Bovine herpesvirus 1394
Bovine serum albumin 1282
Bovine viral diarrhea virus 1394
Bradycardia, first-trimester 1016
Braille pin actuation 1456
Breath, shortness of 1213
Breathing 1374
Breg cells 201
Bromocriptine 142
Brompheniramine maleate 365
Buccal mucosa 1099
Bulbocavernosus reflex latency 334
Bull's eye 1353f
Bupropion 231
Cadaver dissections 1073
Cadherins 79
Cadmium 386
Caffeine consumption 1513
Cairo consensus guidelines 1488
Calorie restriction 230
Cannula 580
Cannulation techniques 598
Capacitation 67
Carbamazepine 151
Cardiac septal defects 998
Cardiopulmonary disease 1213
Cardiotocography 1217
Cardiovascular system 325
Carmustine 253
Carnitine 366
Carotenoids 366
Catalase 366
Cavity depth, estimation of 783
Cefixime 452
Cefotetan 456
Cell 1382
chromosomes 207
medium 1411
platforms 1455
phases of 208t
cytoplasm 207
death 1401
premature 1416
stages of 1356
endometrial 1046
free nucleic acid, assay of 1414
growth factors 1121
manipulation, stereomicroscope for 1412
metabolism, number of 1278
number 1410
organelles 1320
pellet, seeding of 1029f
Cellular activities 1443
Cellular assessment 1358
Cellular associations 55
Cellular casts 281
Cellular hypoxia 311
Cellular metabolism, nanoparticles of 881
Cephalic portion 1008f
Cephalosporin 1208
Cerebral edema 596
Cerebral palsy 999
Cerebral radiotherapy 170
Cerebri grafts 1076
atresia 136
biopsy 1041
cultures 1041
dilatation 775
factor 197
female 621
infertility 626
fibroids 582
funneling 1188
glands 1235
lacerations 597
lesions 492
assessment 705
myomas 426
diagnosis of 917
Cesarean section, lower segment 1217
Cetrorelix 697
Charcot-Marie-tooth disease 48
Chemical depilation 153
Chemical pregnancy rates 1327
Chemical structure 667
Chemical zona 1401
Chemiluminescence 1243
Chemotaxis 1283
Chemotherapeutic agents 375
Chest surgery 988
Child abuse 977
Chiou classifications 387
Chi-square test 1223
Chlorine 1174
Chlorotrianisene 653
Chlortetracycline staining 1247
Choline 1444
Choriocarcinoma 121
Choriogonadotropin receptor 25
Chorionic cavity 1005
Chromium picolinate 548
Chromomycin 1264
Chromosomal disorders 998
Chromosomal inversion 880
Chromosomal mosaicism, effects of 1356
Chromosomal screening 1407
Chromosomal segment 1356
Chromosomal translocations 1093
abnormal separation of 861
abnormalities 1384
basic structure of 206f
complement of 1238
comprehensive 1327
deletion of 209f
duplication of 209f
homologous 1362
inversion of 209f
length of 878
maternal deletion of 886
normal 1426
painting probes, partial 210
set of 55
status, assessment of 1409
subunits of 206f
translocations of 209f
Citrate buffer 1292
Citric acid, levels of 1444
Clavulanic acid 1208
Clip applicator 580
Clomiphene citrate 160, 172, 194, 245, 538, 621, 623, 643, 644, 653, 654, 667, 670, 682, 736, 738, 742, 743, 747, 818, 1107, 1137
addition of 818
Clonazepam 151
Clonidine 324
Coculture system 1496
Coda mini tower 1482f
Coital disorders 307
Colloid 904
Colloidal microbeads 386
Comet assay 189
Comet test 1037
Comparable biochemical pregnancy 1518
Competent certification bodies, traits of 1184b
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome 1094
Complex lesions 504
Component cells, preparation of 1028
Compound pentoxifylline 1257
Computational fluid dynamics simulation 1460f
Conjugated equine estrogen 1137
Continuous visual analog scale 785
Contraception, methods of 924
Conventional sperm preparation techniques, limitations of 1275
Copy number variants 216
classification of severity of 1213
clinical features of 1213
home monitoring for 1216t
incidence of 1212
management of asymptomatic 1216
management of mild 1216
moderate 1393
moderate to severe 1216
advent of 1050
postnatal care of 1217
precautions for 1214f
symptoms of severity of 1213
testing 1034
indications for 1213
transmission of 1219
Corpora cavernosal bundles 987f
Corporal venous occlusive disease 342
Corpus cavernosum penis 9
Cortex, adrenal 108
Cortical granules, exocytosis of 68
Corticotropin-stimulation test 545
Cough 1213
Couples intending surrogacy, eligibility criteria for 969
Cowper's glands 12
Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease 655
Crown–Rump length 1005
Cryocans 1486f
intraoperative 1294
method 1174
postoperative 1294
preoperative 1294
principle of 1623
procedure 1487
process of 1381
system, troubleshooting 796
Cryopreserved tissue, management of 456
Cryoprotective agents
cytotoxicity of 1388
minimizing toxicity of 1388
non-permeating 1388
permeating 1388
safety of 1388
use of 1387
Cryostorage 1396
Cryosystems 1395
Cryptozoospermia 327
Crystalline pellet form 361
C-type natriuretic peptide 1426
Curvilinear path, linearity of 1250
Cycle pregnancy rate 645
Cyclin dependent kinase 27
Cyclosporine 151
Cyproheptadine 339
Cystadenoma 568
Cystic dilatation, bilateral 357f
gene 190
Cystitis, risk of 1097
Cytochromes P450 107
Cytomegalovirus 966
Cytoplasmic anomalies 1470
Cytoplasmic extensions 1373
Cytoplasmic extrusion 1605
Cytoplasmic granules, exocytosis of 1421
Cytoplasmic movement 1471
Cytoplasmic organelles 1421
Cytoplasmic vacuolation 1323
Cytosine adenine-guanine 240
Cytotoxic effects 1389
Cytotoxicity, risk of 1388
Dacarbazine 253
Dalteparin 280
Davydov's vaginoplasty, laparoscopic 136
D-chiro-inositol 526
de Leener's classification, modified 896t
De Quervain's disease 145
Death, intrauterine 1426
Decidual cast 1005
Dehydrogenases 112
Delta opioid receptor 22
Dendritic cells 88
Deoxyribonucleic acid 29, 35f, 56, 74, 189, 206f, 207, 239, 240, 250, 311, 314, 365, 367, 375, 386, 450, 466, 566, 655, 883, 884, 916, 920, 998, 1023, 1108, 1112, 1261, 1267, 1306, 1320, 1394, 1403, 1407, 1437, 1449, 1450, 1456, 1469, 1498, 1557, 1562
apoptosis 386
compaction 57
Dermatitis 922
Desipramine 365
Destructive tubal surgery 446
Dexmedetomidine 759
Dextran serum substitute 1388
Diabetes insipidus 634
Diagnostic test performance, analysis of 1229
Diarrhea 1213
Diazoxide 151
Diencephalon 306
Diethylstilbestrol 491
Diffusion weighted imaging 387
Digital optoelectronic sensor 1256
Diiodotyrosine 143f
Diluent solution 1382
Dimethylarginine, asymmetric 527
Dimethylxanthine theophylline 1245
Disasters, natural 1491
Discoid rash 281
Disease-modifying agents 203
Distal obstruction 355
Distal seminal ducts, functional obstruction of 314
Distinct nuclear precursor bodies 1565f
Distorted pelvic anatomy, reconstruction of 605
Distorted uterine cavity, reconstruction of 609
Dithiothreitol 366
Dizygotic births 927
Dizygotic twins 930
Doderlein's bacillus 7
Dominant blastocyst cavity 1594f
Domperidone 957
Donate oocyte 967
Donepezil 151
cycle, legal implications of 948t
factors 945
hysterectomy 1059
investigations for 942b
medical examination of 1156
program 944
selection 941
sperm 949b
surgery 1041
Doppler angiogenesis 1089f
Dostinex 362
Double decidual sac sign 916
Double stimulation protocols 1048
Double tail sperm 187
Down syndrome 49
Doxorubicin 253
Drawer incubators 1498
Drugs 1107
administration of 260
androgenic 691
antiepileptic 289
anti-inflammatory 49
antipsychotics 324
effects of 62
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 222
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 48
Ductus deferens 11
Duplex protocol 683
Duplication cyst, diagnosis of 1076
Dydrogesterone 1148
Dynamic infusion cavernosography 334
Dynamic voltage scaling 1508
Dysgenesis, management of 137
Dyspnea 655
Dysregulation 521
Eating disorders 158
Echocardiogram 905
Echogenic rim 1005
Ectopic endometrial growth, inhibition of 575
Ectopic sac 1203
Edema, peripheral 369
Eflornithine 154
Ejaculates, multiple 1293
failures 1515
neuroanatomy of 397f
neurophysiology of 397f
painful 356
parasympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
retarded 339
sympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
Ejaculatory disorders 335
Ejaculatory organ 9
Elective frozen embryo transfer 999
Elective oocyte cryopreservation 263t
Electrocardiography 759
Electrolysis 153
Electronic witnessing system 1486
Electrophoretic method 1255
Electrospray ionization 1443
Elevated liver enzymes 922
Ellipsoid formula 1015
Embolotherapy 389
Embryo 76, 83, 87f, 226, 227, 834, 840, 878–880, 886, 887, 913, 992, 1005, 1007f, 1012, 1140, 1154, 1165, 1172, 1257, 1283, 1320, 1327, 1328, 1351, 1355, 1358, 1367, 1371, 1374, 1383, 1389, 1395, 1401, 1443, 1455, 1461, 1468f, 1474, 1475, 1494, 1497, 1583–1585, 1623, 1649
abnormal 1473
accumulation of 737
aneuploidy rate 1323
anomalous 1615f
assessment 1440
methods 1468
biopsy of 1306f
conditions of 1496
cranial end of 1007f
delivery, subendometrial 775
euploidy 1473
exposure of 1497
figure-of-eight configuration of 1404f
formation, low-grade 565
fragmentation 1516
fundus distance 783
glue 841
growth, nature of 1564
high-grade 818
images 1367
injection, speed of 786
invasion 76
metabolism 1444
monitoring techniques, advanced 1466
morphological assessment of 1358
nature of 1329
good quality 1325
percentage of 1171
placement 1329
ploidy 1328
preimplantation genetic testing of 876
preloading of 782
pronuclear stage 1471
requirement of growing 1497
retained 785
scoring 1570
selling of 971
three-cell 1365f
time-lapse monitoring of 1050
of multiple 1370
transplantation 1300
turns 1366
utilization rate 830
Embryo transfer 202, 307, 429, 469, 470, 510, 513, 682, 717, 742, 759, 774, 775, 778, 784–786, 789, 794, 813, 816, 839, 841, 844, 914, 1010, 1031, 1032, 1037, 1106, 1146, 1158, 1174, 1300, 1319, 1328, 1329f, 1376, 1416
components of 779
depth of 783
difficult 784
factors affecting success of 775
interval 841
procedure 788fc
pump-regulated 784
selection process for 1355
stages of 1421
stimulated cycle frozen 1137
terms of 1368
ultrasound guided 841
Embryoblast 70
Embryonic morphology 1005
Embryonic proteome analyzation 1443
neuroanatomy of 397f
neurophysiology of 397f
parasympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
sympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
Empirical therapy 368
Empty sella syndrome 306
Encephalocele 121
Endocrinal disturbances 350
Endocrine 76
abnormality 1020
axis, male 328f
disrupting compounds 148
dysfunction 289
evaluation 375
factors 1020
profile 59
signals 84
strategy 844t
tissues, oxygen uptake of 1069t
Endocytotic origin 1362
Endometrial diseases 1117
Endometrial flow indices 714f
Endometrial gene expression, assessment of 1027
Endometrial gland isolation 1029f
Endometrial markers 159
Endometrial microbiome metagenomic analysis 100
Endometrial pinopods 1402
Endometrial protein, progesterone associated 82
Endometrial receptor array 1027
Endometrial synechiae 241
Endometrial transcriptomics 100
Endometrial vascular flow indices 713
appearance of large 592f
atypical ultrasonography features of 568t
management of 591
surgical therapy of 574
typical ultrasonography features of 568t
Endometriosis 99, 158, 217, 241, 438, 439, 565–567, 570t, 572, 576, 576t, 580, 584, 591, 607, 668, 677, 696, 701, 834, 846, 913, 997, 1187, 1299
adolescent 575
associated infertility 1327
treatment of 572
deep infiltrating 569
diagnosis of 567
mild 621
recurrent 251
severe 605f
Endometrium 76, 80, 82f, 85f, 87f, 97, 98, 225–227, 464, 480, 481f, 495, 512, 668, 712f, 841, 954, 1012, 1030, 1031f, 1046, 1047, 1111, 1117, 1121, 1367, 1403
assessment of 711
biological functions of 35f
feature of mature 512
fluffy outer margin of 482f
growth factors 83t
indications of 1027
inner layers of 482f
multilayered 712f
outer margin of 482f
pathophysiology of thin 1107
quality of 1106
receptive 73
role of 1106
surface of 1031f
volume histogram of 514f
End-organ disorders, management of 136
Endorphins 22
Endoscopic procedures 1512
Endothelial cells 1021
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase 345
Endothelin interaction 311
Endotracheal intubation, indications for 1217
Enkephalins 22
Enoxaparin 280
Envelop protein 1212
Eosin-hematoxylin staining technique 1559f
Eosin–nigrosin staining 1244
Ependymoma 121
Ephedrine 365
Epididymal abnormalities 351
Epididymal diameters 354
Epididymal duct 14
Epigenetic abnormalities 1093
Epigenetic defects 1294
Epigenetic influences 884
Epilation methods 153
Epirubicin 253
Epithelial estrogen receptor-alpha 98
Epithelial proliferation 1030
Epithelium 1111
Erasure 885
Erectile dysfunction 240, 306, 324, 325, 332–334, 339, 341, 345fc, 346, 346fc, 347fc, 359, 392, 396, 398, 1117
assessment 343
development of 340t
diagnosis of 342f
evaluation of 396
loss of 324
hardness score 347
neuroanatomy of 397f
neurophysiology of 397f
parasympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
problems 333
sympathetic outflow necessary for 398b
vascular process for 397f
Erythromycin 375
Estimated endometriosis fertility index 607
Estradiol 19, 26, 37, 84, 17, 122, 174, 194, 375, 521, 524, 669, 680, 681, 721, 743, 811, 814, 831, 844, 895, 898, 901, 905, 1129
levels 715
natural 284
stimulation of 1029
Estrogen 16, 22f, 23, 24, 25, 26, 76, 90, 98, 151, 161, 474, 479, 571, 692, 727, 802, 895, 957, 982, 1107, 1112
antagonists 653
deficiency 369
effects of 982
pretreatment 692
production 157
secretion, abnormalities of 523
supplementation, absence of 1137
support 803
synthesis of 108
Ethanesulfonic acid 1253
Etoposide 253
Exemestane 669
Exons, analysis of 1441
Extracellular domain 1038
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy 344
Extraembryonic celom 1005
Extraembryonic membrane 1007f
Extreme gonadotropin insufficiency 360
Fabricate microstructures 1281
ampulla part of 1267
blocked 607
composition of 1495
inflammation of 505
ultrasound evaluation of 440
Falloposcopy 441
Falope rings 588f
Fasciocutaneous flaps 1099
Fast growing embryo 880
Fatal complications 1326
Fatigue 567
Fatty acids, polyunsaturated 1273
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic 532
Female unexplained infertility, causes of 241b
clinics 1322
decline, causes of 176
drugs 982
use of 927
duration of previous 183
future 591
issues, types of 1117t
long-term 924
management 593
potential 1469
preservation of 923
rate, total 176
reduced 1261
regulation of 1040
replacement level 176
restoration 1068
sparing surgery 261
specialists, role of 178
tertiary center for 1190
abnormal 1516
age 1009
analysis of 1351
assessment of 1342
confirmation of 1597
determination of 1165
causes of 1515
in vitro 1273
in vivo 1264
issues 1515
levels of 1343
lower probability of 1341
media 1659
methods of 834
mode of 546
potential 1469
terms of 1435
scoring for 1528
total failed 1327
Fertilized egg 1010
Ferulic acid 366
Fetal anomalies 996
Fetal bone, hysteroscopic removal of 603f
Fetal complications 289
Fetal deaths 222
Fetal demise 996
Fetal development, subsequent 1495
Fetal immune cells 201
Fetal maternal contact 87
Fetal period 115
Fetal rejection 201
Fetal urine production 1005
Fetoplacental interface 1186
Fibers, collagen 1118
cystic degeneration of 494f
degenerated 583
multiple 954
small 846
peripheral vascularity of 494f
submucosal 842
Fibromas 503
Filtration techniques 1254
Fimbria 913
Fimbrial agglutination 590f
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 380
First generation tests 1355
Fistula, risk of 1097
Fixed dose antagonist protocol 680f
Flagellum 1277
Flexible dose antagonist protocol 680f
Flexible guidewire through catheter 598
Flexible protocol 679
Flow cytometry 1244
Fluoroscopic guided cannulation 598
Fluorouracil 253
Fluoxetine 151
Folinic acid 920
aspiration 757
equipment 1326f
dominance of 43
fertilization of 511
group of 1421
number per ovary 508
premature rupture of 793
recruitment of 45
selection of 43
stimulation 173
synchronization 1307
syndrome, early 856
theca cell of 156
ultrasound image of 1305f
Follicle-stimulating hormone 5, 14, 22–26, 33, 46f, 59, 107, 115, 125, 144, 158f, 171, 194, 211, 229, 263, 285, 294, 306, 341, 369, 376, 406, 474, 508, 521–523, 540–542, 571, 643, 658, 666f, 671–675, 697, 721, 729, 734–737, 743, 750, 793, 800, 810–812, 830, 896, 901, 938, 1128, 1299, 1308, 1323, 1402, 1420
agonist 1311
concept of 27f
dose of 817
function of 24b
gate 45
luteal initiation of 817
polymorphism 25
role of 24fc
three-dimensional model structure of 1308f
window 45
Follicle-to-oocyte index 817
Follicular assessment 511
Follicular defect 522
Follicular development 29f
Follicular early cessation agonist protocol 678f
Follicular flushing, role of 770
Follicular granulosa cells, luteinization of 724
Follicular maturity 479
Follicular recruitment, early 477f
Follicular rupture 722
Follicular stimulation 657
Follicular volume 711
Follitropin delta, use of 900
Foot pedal 1655
Formestane 669
Four-axis hanging joystick oil hydraulic micromanipulator 1504f
Frank dilator method 1097
Frank Lydston implants 1067f
Frank's vaginal dilators 136
Free androgen index 533
Freeze blastocysts, optimal time of 1375
Freeze dried human spermatozoa 1502
Freeze thaw transfer 1305
Fresh donor oocyte 945
Frozen embryo transfer 101, 162, 279, 284, 429, 782, 787, 800, 943, 945, 1135–1137, 1141, 1141t, 1304, 1510
cycles 162
endometrial preparation for 1136
indications for 1136
Frozen human eggs 1306
Frozen oocytes 1310
Frozen pelvis 464
Frozen semen sample 646
Frozen spermatozoa 1255
Fructo-oligosaccharides 231
Fumarate hydrates 217
Fundal endometrium 783
Fundal myoma, initial appearance of 583f
Fused pelvic kidney 1079f
Fusion 413
Galacto-oligosaccharides 231
Galactorrhea 141
Galactose 1139
artificial 1117
assessment of 1440
offspring of 942
donors, screening of 941
dysfunction, severe 1243
evaluation of quality of 1351
female 886
immature 1310
male 885
micromanipulation of 1503
morphological evaluation of 1351
parameters, abnormal 457
transfer of 1339
use of 1157
viability of 66
Ganirelix 697
Gartner's duct 4
Gastrectomy, vertical sleeve 232f
Gastric band, laparoscopic adjustable 232
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 324
Gastrulation 1004
Gay couples 982
Gelatin assay test 1247
Genetic anomalies 307
Genetic composition, nonreflection of 863
Genetic control 60
Genetic couple 956
Genetic diseases 1662
Genetic material 950
Genetic predisposition 927
Genetic screening 189
Genital chlamydial infections, treatment of uncomplicated 364b
Genital examination 325
Genital mycoplasmas 453
Genital system 3
Genitoplasty 1093
Genitourinary tract infections, male 314
Genomic aberrations 216
Genomic analysis 1441
Genomic imprinting 884
Genomic stability 883
Germ stem cells 43
Gestation, period of 1010
assessment of 1009
Glandular enlargement 1030
Glass heating stage 1506
Glass pasteur pipettes 1658f
Glass petri dishes 1503
Glial cell derived neurotrophic factor 54
Global imprinting disorders 887
Glucose 1139
6-phosphate dehydrogenase 365
fasting 534
metabolism 1355
tolerance test, intravenous 525
Glucuronide 112
Glutamine 1444
Glycation end products, advanced 524
Glycerophosphocholine 1249
Glycerophosphorylcholine 14
Glycogen 35
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol 67
Gonadal agenesis, management of 137
Gonadal dysgenesis 938
Gonadal function 359
Gonadal steroid feedback, regulation of 1039
Gonadal suppression 256
Gonadal tissue colonization 42
Gonadectomy 137
Gonadogenesis 53
Gonadostat theory 116
Gonadotoxic disease 1294
Gonadotoxic drugs 312
Gonadotoxins 184
Gonadotropin 20fc, 51, 59, 112, 116f, 171, 173, 246, 360, 369, 524, 622, 623, 653, 655, 660, 666, 671, 676, 690, 742, 743, 814, 815, 818, 900, 1127, 1137, 1324, 1424, 1513, 1514
dose, lower requirement of 814
embryonic chorionic 98
evolution of 656f
low-dose 644
mid-cycle surge of 31t
regimen 817
response, positive predictive factors of 360
therapy 360
tumors, treatment of 362
starting dose of 1129
protocols, high dose 1324
structure of 658
surge-attenuating factor 33
types of 1512
use, indications for 659
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 14, 16–18, 19f, 22f, 31, 47, 87, 123, 144, 158f, 168, 194, 225, 254, 280, 294, 328, 382, 568, 581, 627, 659, 666, 679, 690, 696, 723, 725f, 726fc, 727, 729, 734, 737, 743, 793, 813, 815, 819, 855, 901, 905, 943, 981, 1038, 1127, 1130, 1135–1137, 1142, 1148, 1195, 1324, 1420, 1513
agonist 154, 154f, 158, 161, 282, 422, 428, 559, 569, 571t, 660, 660t, 666, 676, 678, 678f, 680, 681f, 683, 696, 698, 699, 702, 702t, 721, 721f, 723–726, 729, 735, 802, 815, 816, 818, 839, 843, 844, 900
development of 696
flare 815
preparation 676t
protocols 698f
safety of 679
trigger failure 726
trigger, indications for 725
clinical uses of 698
protocol 815
use of 698
development of 697
regimens 816
dynamics 26
endogenous 696
low concentration of 170
molecule, structure of 19f
pulsatile secretion of 18
structure of 697t
therapy 360
failure of 361
trigger 725
use of 1299
Gonococcal infection 451
Goserelin 697
G-protein coupled receptor 20
Graduated embryo score 1352t
Gram staining 452
Granular cytoplasm 1541
Graspers 580
Greater vestibular glands, infections of 8
Ground glass appearance 503f
Growth problems 126
Growth spurt 119
Guanethidine 324
Guanosine triphosphate 395f
Guttate hypomelanosis, idiopathic abnormal 143
Gynecological procedures 1127
H2-receptor antagonists 324
Haemophilus influenzae 455
Hagen-Poiseuille's law 768
Hair 149
accessories 990
classification of 149f
facial 375
growth 150
permanent measures of 153t
temporary measures of 153t
HAIR-AN syndrome 152
Halo test 1037
Halosperm 1343
Hamartoma, hypothalamic 121
Hamster epididymis 1170
Hamster oocyte 1344
Hamster sperm motility assay 1170
Haploid cells 1363
Hard zona 1405
Harmonic scalpel 580
Hashimoto's thyroid disease 146
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 143
Hawthorne effects 1224
Healthy embryo 1366
Healthy oocyte 1362
Healthy pregnancy 1186
Heartbeat, absent 920
Hegar's dilators 1209
Helper T-cell subsets 201
Hematological disorder 281
Hematopoietic precursor cells 99
Hematospermia 356
Hemizona index 1248
Hemoconcentration 893
Hemodialysis, intensive 286
Hemoperitoneum 907
Hepatoblastoma 886
Hepatocyte growth factor 1111
Hernia 376
Herniorrhaphy 184
Heterodimers 1038
Heterotopic transplantation 1429
High-uterine artery resistance 475f
Hilus sign 568
Histamine 896
Histrelin 697
Hoffman modulation 1335
Holeaccumulation diode 1448
Home isolation, guidelines for 1216
Homeobox genes 82
Homocysteine metabolism 1189f
Homogeneous granular cytoplasm 1542f
Hormonal monitoring 704
Hormonal profile 704
Hormonal suppression 258
Hormonal tests 133
dependent tissue 1107
discovery of 1065
exposure, exogenous 121
hypothalamic 17
levels of 1150
male reproductive axis of 8
role of 50f
sensitive cancer 256
suppression 261
treatments 997
Host cell membranes 1393
Human albumin 1270
Human aneuploid 1442
Human body 1381
Human cervical mucus 1237
Human chorionic gonadotropin 23, 47, 73, 100, 121, 145, 161, 173f, 225, 257f, 307, 360, 431, 476, 540–542, 619, 656–658, 678–681, 683, 691, 698, 721, 721f, 724t, 725f, 726, 736, 742, 770, 792, 802, 813, 815, 817, 856, 893, 895, 897f, 898, 901, 915f, 916, 922, 1019, 1034, 1108, 1129, 1148, 1194, 1299, 1325, 1383, 1422
administration 727
dose, low 817
effects of 87f
injection 1046
disadvantages of 360
role of 100
trigger 857
Human clinical embryology laboratory 1489
Human embryo 90, 948, 1321, 1442, 1494, 1495, 1498, 1567f, 1568f, 1570f, 1572f, 1575f, 1576f, 1578f–1582f
coculture of 1370
culture 1455
early 1371
implantation 830
selection of 833
status of 1444
Human Embryo Research Amendment Act, regulation of 962
Human fertility, probabilistic nature of 1236
Human genome project 1207
Human immunodeficiency virus 191, 275, 393, 451, 456, 463, 635, 941, 942, 956, 965, 1141, 1156, 1254, 1334, 1394, 1515
diagnosis of 1230
Human intelligence 1466
Human menopausal gonadotropin 138, 171, 194, 194t, 307, 360, 625, 643, 656, 658, 666, 674, 675, 680, 683, 737, 738, 742, 743, 751, 753, 810, 1302, 1344, 1515
disadvantages of 753
dosage of 1361
Human myometrial tissue 1041
Human ovarian steroidogenesis 109
Human phenotypes 884
Human preimplantation embryos, biopsy of 1306
Humidity 1482
Humoral immune response 201
Hyaluronan microdroplets 1607f
Hyaluronate 1495
Hydatidiform moles, partial 1015
Hydralazine 324
Hydraulic unit 1504
Hydrocephalus 121
Hydrodynamic flow 1459
Hydropelviscopy 1036
Hydroxydaun 253
Hydroxydaunorubicin 253
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid 33
Hydroxyethyl starch 904
Hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A 548
Hydroxypropyl cellulose 1388
Hyperandrogenic insulin-resistant acanthosis nigricans syndrome 526
Hypercoagulable state 899
Hyperechoic inner endometrial margin 497f
Hyperechoic stroma 478f
Hyperglycemia 293
Hypergonadism, hypergonadotropic 188
adrenal 151
biochemical 141
drug-induced asymptomatic 142
effects of 23b
medical management of 142
presentations of 141
Hyperresponsiveness, adrenal 525
Hypersensitivity 669
Hypertensive disorders 946
Hypertonic solution 1381
Hypertrichosis 150
Hypoalbuminemia 893
Hypoechoic cystic area 1005
Hypoestrogenic environment 575
Hypoestrogenic state 677
Hypogonadism 325
high pitched in 375
hypogonadal 657
hypogonadotropic 12, 117, 124, 135, 167, 168, 170, 188, 306, 328, 359, 360, 375–377, 382, 664, 751, 754, 857, 895
idiopathic hypogonadotropic 135
secondary 306
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism 12, 117, 124, 135, 167, 168, 170, 188, 306, 328, 359, 360, 375–377, 382, 664, 751, 754, 857, 895
etiology of 382b
feature of 167
management of 138
Hypomenorrhea 144
Hypo-osmotic stress 1244f
Hypophysectomy 170
Hypospermatogenesis 57
Hypotaurine 366
Hypotension 899
Hypothalamic amenorrhea, primary 532
Hypothalamic dysfunction 668
Hypothalamic secretions 18
Hypothesis, adrenal 520
Hysterolaparoscopy 603
Hysterosalpingography 196, 242, 414, 432, 439, 442, 442t, 466, 467f, 580, 603, 608, 608f, 760, 966, 1020
analgesia for 760
Hysteroscopic cannulation methods 598
Hysteroscopic resection, technique of 596
Hysteroscopic tissue retrieval system 597
Idiopathic testicular failure, primary 322
Ileal pouch anal anastomosis 287
Iliac arteries, external 1059
Ilioinguinal nerve 10
Imipramine 365
Immature follicles, multiple 508
Immature human oocytes 1384
Immaturity, high level of 1449
cells 1030
dysfunction 528
modulators 91
protein 1187
regulation 1185
pathway 1185f
peripheral 88
tolerance 430
synopsis of 92f
Immunofluorescence technique 1186
Immunological disorder 281
Immunomodulators 284
Immunosuppressants 283
eccentric 75
failure of 1027
marker proteins 430
morphological steps of 77t
preparatory phase for 34
lower 1372
timeline for 74
types of 75f
causes of 836
In situ hybridization 1145
In vitro capillary test 1246
In vitro culture 1498
In vitro fertilization 48, 112, 170, 221, 232, 258, 282, 291, 364, 400, 446, 510, 619, 643, 668, 674t, 734f, 757, 792, 804, 813, 861, 876, 914, 959f, 995, 1009, 1028, 1096, 1106, 1130t, 1154, 1181, 1190t, 1202fc, 1253, 1293, 1319, 1330t, 1358, 1393, 1401, 1408, 1435, 1455, 1467, 1488, 1494, 1522, 1529, 1533, 1564, 1597, 1597f
failure 189
quality of 1161
lite 742
mild 681
modified 1448
natural cycle 681
natural cycle 681
procedure of 757
process of 68
program performance indicators 1182
screening hysteroscopy 1147
stimulation 295
protocols 1409
In vitro handling 1495
In vitro hatching blastocyst 1031f
advantages of 1421
culture 1423
indications for 1421
fertilization of 1424
recent advances in 1426
safety of 1425
In vitro sensitization 1031
In vitro simplified slide test 1246fc
In vitro spermatogenesis 62
In vitro treatment 968
In vivo culture 1498
In vivo fertilization 1042
In vivo procedure 1043f
In vivo test 1245
Incision 423
Infarction 352
Infectious chronic endometritis 100
Infertility 183, 184, 201, 221, 270, 276, 305, 325, 345, 374, 385, 426, 438, 450, 456, 463, 465, 466, 531, 567, 580, 607, 733, 757, 885, 962, 970, 995, 999, 1154, 1193
correction of 887
emergencies in 1193
endometriosis associated 1327
endoscopy in 580
etiological classification of 306
etiology of 1135
evaluation of 183
female factor 411
higher rates of 221
idiopathic 1452
immunological 306
indications for 831
pathogenesis of 465
practice 1291
problem of 973
secondary 995
tubal evaluation of 196
types of 316
varicocele-mediated 385
Inflammatory disorders 351
Influenza 1394
Infrared spectroscopy 1440
Infundibulopelvic ligament 1196
Infundibulum 5
Ingram method 1097
In-home insemination 401
Inner cell mass 69, 74, 75t, 87, 863, 877, 1367, 1372, 1411, 1472, 1495, 1568f, 1585, 1589f, 1592f, 1593f, 1644f
formation of 74f
morphometry 1371
small 1371
Inner zona layer 1436
Inpatient management 907
Insler scoring system, modified 706t
Insomnia 677
Insufflation system 580
receptor 526
Integrated platforms 1461
Intellectual disabilities 888
Intelligence quotient 216
Intensive care unit admission, indications of 1217
Interfere normal rhythmic uterine contractions 420
Interferon 89
Interferon-alfa 151
Internal quality control 1510
Interstitial tissue 14
Intervention fallopian sperm 628
Intra-arterial injection 1111
Intracavernosal injections 346
Intracellular calcium 80f
Intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate 123
Intracellular osmotic equilibrium 1389
Intracytoplasmic fertilization process 1450
Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection 1038, 1048, 1277f, 1278, 1447, 1447f, 1448, 1450, 1451, 1476, 1486, 1486f, 1608
potential indications of 1277
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 48, 70, 112, 161, 211, 244, 307, 338, 350, 376, 386, 457, 566, 621, 643, 680, 724, 797, 819, 846, 877, 886b, 949, 962, 995, 1033, 1049, 1112, 1155, 1190t, 1237, 1254, 1277f, 1292, 1322, 1330, 1334f, 1360, 1409, 1435f, 1464, 1497, 1502, 1516, 1533, 1597, 1598f, 1602f, 1605
automation of 1344
cycles 716
dish 1658
preparation of 1598
insemination 1326
microscope 1309f
process 1309f
results 1335
setup, location of 1335
workstations 1336f
Intrafollicular androgenic concentrations 814
Intramural submucosal myoma 420
Intramuscular ovarian grafts 1071
Intraovarian flow indices 708
Intra-testicular obstruction 328
collection, small 1013
contraceptive device 419
devices 1019
fetal demises 1189
gestations, assessment of multiple 635
lesions 1517
perfusion 1110
recurrence of 602
sac 1203
severe 1042
synechiae 131
Intrauterine insemination 244, 245, 275, 338, 364, 376, 400, 401, 439, 457, 480, 510, 512f, 591, 617, 619, 625, 627, 643, 648, 659, 704, 723, 733, 800, 962, 973, 981, 1193, 1242, 1249, 1253, 1261, 1292, 1474, 1481
efficacy of 635
factors for 643f
monitoring of 645
number of 645
role of 543
safety of 635
technique of 647
time interval 646
time of 645
treatment, indications for 619
Intravaginal ejaculation latency time 335
Inversion 216
Iodide 143f
Irrigation system 580
Isolation place 1216
Isoleucine 1444
Isotonic crystalloids 907
Isotretinoin 151
Jacobson and Weström laparoscopic criteria 442t
Jain's backyard theory 582
Janus kinase-signal transducers 83
Janus kinase-stat signaling 81
Joystick, movement of 1505
Jurkovic's diagnostic criteria 917
Kappa opioid receptor 22
Karyokinesis 207
Karyotypic aberrations 307
Karyotypic chromosomal abnormalities 189
Ketamine 759
Killer cell inhibitory receptor 90
agonists 20
antagonists 20
ligand 21f
pathway 118f
protein, structure of 20f
roles of 1039
system 117
Klebsiella pneumoniae 312
Krebs cycle 1444
Kremer test 1246
Kretztechnik's mechanical rotary vaginal scanner 1304f
K-system bench top incubator 1166f
Labetalol 292
Labia minora 4
Labial arteries, posterior 1099
Labial tissue transfers 1099
Laboratory quality management program 1510
Lacker's model 522
Lactic acid 1444
Laminin 79
Lamotrigine 151
Lanugo 149
Laparoscopic adenomyomectomy 429
Laparoscopic technique 924
Laparotomic uterus procurement 1057
Laparotomy 1059
L-arginine 814
Lasmar's classification 594
Last menstrual period 1004
Late follicular phase 754
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 124
Leucovorin 920
Leukopenia 281
Leukotriene 50
Levofloxacin 451
Leydig interstitial cells 63
Leydig producing testosterone 10
Light emitting diode 1509
Light microscopy 1433
Lightheadedness 914
Limulus amoebocyte lysate test 1171
Linear catheters 598
Linear eversion cannula 197
Lipophilic molecules 107
Liquid crystal 1433
Liraglutide 231
Lithotomy position 499
Live birth rate 228, 242, 610, 619, 787, 832, 843, 846, 864, 945t, 980, 1062, 1279, 1407, 1517, 1524
cumulative 263
low 1145
Live spermatozoa 188
Living cells 1610
L-methylfolate 547
Lomustine 253
Long antagonist protocol 1048
Long gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist protocol 751
Loop mediated isothermal amplification 463
Loose adventitial layer 1080f
Lorcaserin 231
Low body mass index 898
Löwenstein-Jensen medium 463
Lump, abdominal 466
Lungs 325
Luteal deficiency 619
Luteal serum progesterone levels 159
Luteal support 727
Luteinizing hormone 14, 24t, 35, 50, 74, 85f, 107, 130, 156, 170, 211, 225–229, 257f, 284, 294, 327, 353, 375, 427, 477, 484, 520f, 521–525, 550, 619, 645, 658t, 690, 692, 696, 704, 721, 724t, 734, 750, 793, 810, 812, 837, 838, 856, 896, 901, 938, 1024, 1128, 1137, 1148, 1302, 1344, 1358, 1424, 1434
activity, types of 753
beta 25
controls secretion of 17
detection kits 193
hypothesis 520
indications for 569
activating mutation of 121
secretion 23
supplementation 727
rationale of 750
absent 856
premature 647
Lyase 111
Lymphatic drainage 12
Lymphatic response 1067
Lymphopenia 281
Lysine 1444
Lysosomal enzymes 1337
Machine learning models 1466
Macroglossia 886
Macromolecules 1495
Macroprolactinemia 140
Magnetic sperm organelle morphological examination 1277f
Malar rash 281
chromosomal disorders in 211
diagnosis of 329
etiopathogenesis of 305
genetic of 329
investigations for 326
medical management of 359
oxidative system 189
ultrasound in 350
Male pelvis, innervation of 12
Male pronucleus, formation of 68
Male reproduction, hormonal circuit for 14f
Malformations, congenital 1095
Malleable catheter, stylet of 1329f
Malnutrition 124
Mammalian genes 884
Mammalian ovary 28f
Mammalian phenotype 884
Manipulators, types of 1503
Marburg virus 312
Marfan syndrome 880
Maryland bipolar forceps 1058
Master gland 140
Maternal cells contamination 881
Maternal diabetes 294
Maternal disomy 884
Maternal genes 998
Maternal hypertension 1023
Maternal killer immunoglobulin 832
Maternal spindle transfer 1045
Maternal weight and height 927
Matrix metallopeptidase 1108
Maturation arrest syndrome, histological section of 13f
types of 1091
McIndoe procedure 136
McKusick-Kaufman syndrome 1095
Mean sac diameter 1005
Mechanical trauma 1209
Media alkaline 1497
Mediastinal cyst 350
Medical disorders, chronic 278
Medical gonadectomy 698
Medical hypophysectomy 698
Meiotic cycle 1434
Meiotic maturation, timing of 1361
Melatonin 548
Membrane 1320
physiology of 1381
premature rupture of 1188
preterm premature rupture of 1210
region of 1364
Menarche 119
Mendelian inheritance 214
Menezo's group 1370
Meningioma 306
Meningitis 124
Menorrhagia 426
Menstrual abnormalities 225
Menstrual cycle 19f, 24b, 24t, 26f, 35f, 37f, 37t, 38, 85f, 116, 117, 160, 474, 477f, 712t, 713t, 815, 818, 1048, 1107
length 159
regulation of 16
Menstrual dysfunction, management of 537
Meperidine 758
Mesonephric ducts 8
Mesoovarian vasculature 1070f
Metabolic disorder 131
Metabolic dysfunction, risk of 530b
Metalloproteinase, tissue inhibitors of 83
Metaphase spindle organizes 1434
Methimazole 145
Methylation 883
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase 214
Methylprednisolone 1405
Metoidioplasty 988
Microdose Lupron flare protocol 1129t
Microdot technique 379f
Microdrops systems 1456
Microfilaments, localization of 1421
Microfluidic applications 1256
Microimmunofluorescence 440
dish preparation 1337
needle 1447
alignment of 1338
setting up of 1338
preparation 1337
procedure 1337
Micromanipulation systems 1503
Micromanipulation techniques 1481
Micronutrients factor 1188
Microribonucleic acids 311
Microsurgical techniques 444
Microtubule organization 1497
Microtubule orientation 1610
Microvascular surgery 1073
Microvilli, superficial 1374
Microvolume air cooling 1395
Midazolam 758
Mid-luteal phase 484f
Mid-tubal disease 438
Migration method 1253
Minimal ovarian stimulation 737
Minimal sperm production 1299
Minimally invasive epididymal sperm aspiration 759
Minipuberty 115
causes of 227fc
complete 1012
diagnosis of 1013
incomplete 1012
clinical 868
spontaneous 867
repeated 955
Miscarried embryos 1021
Mitotic chromosomal abnormalities 1327
Mitotic error 878
Mobile ovarian ligaments 1196
Mobile ovary 794
Mock embryo transfer 775
Modern rapid methods 463
Molar pregnancy 1015
Molecular binding 1278
Molecular failures 1376
Molecular injury 1383
Monitored anesthesia care 758
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 313
Monoamniotic twin 928f
Monocellular nature 1381
Monochorionic twin 928f
Monoculture media system 1496
Monofollicular ovulation 900
Monogenic defects 310
Monogenic diseases 1441
Monoiodotyrosine 143f
Mononuclear infiltrate 1081f
Mono-ovulatory cycles 540
Monopolar loop electrode 596
Monozygotic pregnancies 931
Mood swings 654
Morphokinetics embryo assessment 1456
Morphologic scoring system 504
Morphological assessment 1367
Motile human spermatozoa 1248
Motor function 393
Motor module unit 1508
Mouse oocytes, maturation of 1324
Mu opioid receptor 22
Mucin 430
Mucosal cells of fimbriae 66
Müllerian developmental anomalies 413
Müllerian inhibiting substance 59
Müllerian malformations 1076
Müllerian structures 1093
Müllerian system 413
Multicystic ovaries, enlarged 1193
Multifactorial effectors, treatment of 846
Multifollicular ovarian stimulation 50
Multigradient freezing technique 1312
Multiphoton microscopy 381
Multiple cleavage-stage embryos 1377
Multiple displacement amplification 864
Multiple egg bank programs 947
Multiple micromanipulation devices 1597
risk of 1370
Multiple punctures 1515
Multislice computed tomography 1035
Muscle movement, loss of 395
Muscular dystrophy 880
Mycobacterial smear 466
Myoinositol 1444
blanched look of 583f
classification of 594f
enucleation of 424f
extraction 423
management of 424
morcellation of 425
intramural 421
removal of 583
retrieval 424f
screw 580
Myometrial blood flow 713
Myometrial cysts 496f
Myometrial echogenicity 713
Myometrial lesions 492
Myometrial wall thickness 489f
Myopathies, idiopathic inflammatory 281
Myosalpingeal hypertrophy 438
N95 masks 1219
Nabothian cyst 1005
N-acetylcysteine 367
Nafarelin 697
Naltrexone 231
Nanoparticles, use of 260
Narishige micromanipulator 1504
Narishige system 1338
National Family Health Survey 176
National Health Service 983
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 197
National Tuberculosis Elimination Program 469
testing of 836
Near-infrared spectroscopy 1441
Neck 1277
Needle aspiration biopsy 380
Needle-guided transvaginal follicle aspiration 1305
Nefazodone 339
Negative predictive value 440
Neonatal care 933
Neonatal hypoglycemia 886
Neonatal intensive care unit 871
Neophallus, necrosis of 990f
functional evaluation of 1089f
nonsurgical creation of 1097
surgical creation of 1097
vaginoscopic pictures of 1080f
Neovaginal lining 1076
Nerve growth factor 29
Neuroblastoma 886
Neurofibromatosis 121
Neurohormone 18
Neurohypophysis 18
Neuroleptics 141
Neurological disorder 281
Neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein 386
Neuropeptide kisspeptin 1039
Neurophysiology 396
Neurosecretion 17
Neurotrophin signaling 1039
Neurovascular bundle 987f
Neurovascular pudendal thigh flap 1100f
Neutral alpha-glucosidase 1249
Neutropenia, severe 922
Neutrophils 1072
Newer sperm selection techniques 1048
advantages of 1327
Next-generation technology, use of 1445
Nick-end labeling assay 243
Nifedipine 292
Nitrates 346
Nitroblue tetrazolium test 1243
Nitrogen species, reactive 311
No scalpel vasectomy 12
Nocturnal penile tumescence 334
Nodules, endometriotic 567f
Nonadhering sperm 1255
Nonapoptotic spermatozoa 1279
Nonconsummation, signs of 333
Nonerosive arthritis 281
Nongonococcal urethritis 364
Nongonococcal-nonchlamydial infections 452
Non-in vitro maturation 769
Nonmaleficence, principle of 1208
Nonpolarized zygote 1364f
Nonpregnancy cycles 1422
Nonprogressive motility 327
Nonseptated clear cysts 501
Nonsteroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator 538
Nontoxic gloves, use of 1174
Nontubal ectopic pregnancy 917
Nontubal ectopic pregnancy, management of 923
Noonan syndrome 310
Noradrenaline 333
Normogonadotropic eugonadism 124
Normogonadotropic normogonadism 168
Normospermia 374
Novy's cannulation system 598f
Nuclear abnormalities 1277
Nuclear assessment 1358
Nuclear chromatin decondensation test 1248
Nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid 54
Nuclear proteins, removal of 1263
Nucleocapsid protein 1212
Nucleoside metabolism 1444
Nucleosome 884fc
Nuclepore membrane filter 1274
Nugent score 454
Nutrition, regulation of 1040
Nutritional status 325
central abdominal 531
classification of 222
diagnosis of 222
fetal origin of 223fc
leading 226fc
male 229
origin of 223
Observational studies 1224
Obstetric complications, risk of 995
Obstetric hemorrhages 997
Obstruction 306
Obstructive lesions 313
Obstructive sleep apnea 532
Octamer-binding transcription factor 1083f
Octuplets 926
Olanzapine 151
Oligoasthenozoospermia 1273
Oligoovulation 150
Oligozoospermic samples 1275
Omphalocele 886
Oncofertility 1048
Oncogenesis 883
Oncology 701
Onion-peel appearance 582
Oocyte 283, 628, 725f, 820, 834, 937, 946, 1140, 1116, 1331, 1338–1340, 1343, 1358, 1360f, 1361, 1361f, 1362f, 1383, 1393, 1410, 1429, 1433–1435, 1457–1459, 1506, 1516, 1542f, 1624f, 1626f, 1628f, 1649
abnormal 1322
atresia of 45
collection 1331
content of 1497
cell complex 877
cytoplasmic transcriptome 1416
cytoskeleton 1169
decumulation 1455
deformation 1457
degeneration rate 1343
developmental incompetence of 550
dysmorphia 1306
evaluation 1599
fertilizable 1135
holding side 1340
identification 1423
injection 1337
intravaginal culture of 1042
lower numbers of 1325
meiotic spindle structure 1323
microinjection of 1602
migration 1004
model 1448
morphological assessment of 1358
nuclear maturity 1537
low 1515
plasma membranes of 67
poor morphology 1385
positioning 1461
recovery 1165
retrieval of number of 1156
second meiotic division of 67
selection 1470
shape of 1358
size of 1358
source 945
sphere of 1381
spindle negative 1345
transfer of 1381
vitrified 1380
Oocyte retrieval 743, 757, 765, 766, 769, 769b, 770, 772, 819, 904, 946, 1127, 1138, 1156, 1173, 1302, 1325, 1395, 1513, 1528
complications of 771
improper timing of 856
instruments for 766
needle 1172f
number of 997
procedure of 1515
sets 1512
steps of 768
technique 1135
Oocyte-cumulus oophorus cell contact, disruption of 724
Oophorectomy 924
Oophoritis 124
Open fine needle aspiration 379
Open varicocele repair 388
Operative deliveries 999
Operative hysteroscopy 1147
Opiates 141
Optic astrocytoma 121
Optic glioma 121
Optical coherence tomography 381
Optimizing embryo transfer technique 794
Optimum estradiol window 715
Oral estradiol 987
Oral estrogen 692
Oral ovulation induction agents 538
Oral progesterone 426
Oral ulcers 281
Orchidopexy 184
Ordinary binocular microscope 1168
Organogenesis 413
Orgasmic disturbances 339
Original capillary tube test 1246
Original migration-sedimentation method 1270f
Orthotopic transplant 1069
Osmotic gradient 1388
Osmotic shock 1381
Osteopenia 369
Osteopontin 430
Ova, fertilization of 5
Oval mass 568
Oval sperm cells, large 1449
Ovarian abnormalities 487
Ovarian activity, re-establishment of 1429
Ovarian agenesis 1068
Ovarian biopsy 561
Ovarian cancer 668
Ovarian cryopreservation 1068
Ovarian Doppler assessment 561
Ovarian drilling, procedure of 593
Ovarian enlargement 1193
Ovarian feedback 25
Ovarian fibroma 504f
Ovarian fossa 568f
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 25, 118, 161, 173, 246, 263, 264, 278, 444, 478, 522, 621, 622, 644, 657, 669, 681, 690, 698, 704, 721, 726fc, 728, 729, 735f, 738, 742, 793, 802, 804, 893, 895, 898, 898fc, 900t, 901t, 903, 905fc, 906b, 907, 973, 1129, 1135, 1141, 1142, 1193–1195, 1195t, 1196f, 1323, 1409, 1420, 1512
clinical manifestations of 898
development of 897
hallmarks of 904
improvement of 907
lower risk of 900
mild 906
moderate-to-severe 999
symptoms of 898
treatment of 905fc
Ovarian insufficiency 1117
Ovarian lesions 501
Ovarian ligament 593f
Ovarian malignancy 539
Ovarian neoplasm 150
Ovarian perifollicular blood flow 1036
Ovarian regeneration, proposed mechanism of 1119
Ovarian rejuvenation 1116
Ovarian responsiveness 225
Ovarian size 1198
Ovarian steroid hormones 996
Ovarian stimulating drugs 264
Ovarian stimulation 51, 263, 280t, 444, 619, 627fc, 635, 651, 690, 713, 737t, 738, 745, 750, 886, 957, 1193, 1294, 1322–1324, 1514
contemporary 1324
contraindications of 283b
controlled 24, 118, 158, 257f, 647, 659, 659f, 665, 673, 674, 682, 690, 704, 733, 735f, 736, 737, 750, 754, 799, 810, 813, 817, 956, 896, 946, 1047, 1193, 1323, 1344, 1511
cycles 855
evolution of 742
hormonal monitoring of 714
Ovarian stroma
assessment of 531
index 709f
low resistance 510f
vessels, vascular parameters of 478t
process of 258f
Ovarian transplantation, site of 1069
Ovarian trauma 1423
Ovarian vascularization 531
artificial 259
control endocrine function of 17f
deep-seated 1513
enlarged 507
extraperitonealization of 895
hyperstimulated 906
innervation of 5
lies 1196
mobility of 584
normal 1196
simple cyst of 501
three-dimensional ultrasound of 510f
transposition of 258
volume calculation of 508f
Over radical surgery 1199
assessment of 534
confirmation of 711
evidence of 1512
failure 538
prediction of 710
process of 50f
studies 244
suppression of 575
Ovulatory phase 26
Ovulatory triggers, role of 723
Palm Coine classification 495f
Palomo technique 389
Panhypopituitarism 168
Papanicolaou stain 1558f
Papillae, absence of 568
Papillomavirus 1394
Paracrine factors 1122
Paraganglioma, familial nonchromaffin 884
Parasympathetic penile innervation 395f
Paratesticular abnormalities 351
Parental chromosomes 1363
Parental karyotyping 834
Parenteral testosterone 987
Parkinson's disease 1044
Pasteur pipette 1269
Paternal disomy 884
Pearson's correlation 1223
Pelvic diaphragm 7
Pelvic discomfort 668
Pelvic examination 915
Pelvic kidney, single 1079f
Pelvic surgery 376
Pelvic tuberculosis 450
Penicillin 1495
Penile erection, neurophysiology of normal 395f
Penile prosthesis 343
Penile skin 987f
Percbiopsy 380
Pericarditis 281
Periconceptional folic acid 295
Periconceptional period 1187
Perifollicular flow, spectral Doppler of 512f
Peri-implantation corticosteroids 202
Perimetrium 6
Perinuclear theca 1339
Peritoneal metaplasia 1079
Peritoneal pregnancy, primary 918
Peritoneal stem cells, identification of 1082f
Peritonitis 439
Peritubal adhesions 567
Peritubular myoid cells 53
Peroxisomes 1360
Persistent depressive symptoms 1208
Persistent hemoconcentration 907
Pesticides 375
Phagocytosis 567
Pharmacokinetics 667
Pharmacotherapy 340
Phenothiazine 324
Phentermine 231
Phenylalanine 1444
Phenylpropanolamine 365
Phosphatidyl myo-inositol 526
Phosphatidyl phosphate 526
Phospholipase 68
Phospholipid 1444
Phosphorylation 87f
Photons, energy of 1320
Photooxidation 1165
Photosensitivity 281
Physical microfluidic system 1459
Piezo-assisted drilling 1404
Pigment epithelium derived factor 726
Pinealomas 121
Pinopodes over glands 1031f
Pisum sativum agglutinin 1247
Pituitary dysfunction 668
Pituitary failure 170
Pituitary gland, anterior 1047
Pituitary microadenoma 121
Pituitary secretions, ovarian control of 26fc
Placental abruption 291
Placental dysfunction 1040
Placental examination 930
Placental tissue, development of 887
Placentation, dysfunctional 1185
Plastic petri dishes 1503
Plastic pipettes 1658f
Pleuritis 281
Pligoasthenoteratozoospermia, idiopathic 350
Pneumatic injector 1336
Pneumatic syringe 1341
Pneumonitis 922
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers 61
Polychlorinated biphenyls 61
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 47, 99, 124, 134, 140, 150, 158, 168–171, 192, 215, 217, 226, 289, 474, 478t, 508, 518, 519t, 520f, 520t, 522fc, 523f, 525, 528, 529fc, 529t, 530b, 533t, 535, 548, 551t, 552, 559, 592, 628, 653, 665, 673, 693, 723, 735, 793, 804, 831, 834, 898, 900, 999, 1020, 1137, 1311, 1328, 1420
anovulatory 47
diagnosis of 509t
differential diagnosis of 532b
evaluation of 545
pathophysiology of 549f
phenotypes, classification of 519t
screening strategy for 535b
society 519
Polydeoxyribonucleotide 386
Polydioxanone 609
Polyethylene glycol precipitation 140
Polygenic complex female infertility 217
Polyhydramnios 996
Polymers 1139
Polypectomy, hysteroscopic 842
Polyspermy 830
Polystyrene 1456
Polyvinyl alcohol 1495
Pomeroy's method 446
Poor blastocyst formation 1517
Poor embryo quality, treatment of 839
Poor quality oocytes 939
Poor responders, prediction of 810
Porcine capacitated sperm 1458
Port closure needle 580
Portal system 18f
Positive pregnancy outcome 1443
Positive pressure 1482
Postcoital test 198
Postejaculate urinalysis 378
Postembryo transfer 785
Posthuman chorionic gonadotropin 1383
Posthumous reproduction 261
Postinflammatory obstruction 311
Post-insemination 1402
Post-IVF pregnancies 1189
Postmasturbation urine 336
Postmortem sperm retrieval 262
Postnatal growth 884
Postpubertal status 360
Post-zygote development 1337
Potential cycle cancellation 745
Powder-free latex gloves 1132
Prazosin 324
Preconception care 295
Preconceptional weight loss 233
Prednisolone 1187
Prednisone 253
Predominant hyperechoic stroma 508
Prefreezing embryo selection 1517
Pregenetic screening 1407
abdominal 918
complication 222
effects of 88
extrauterine 1201
failure, early 1015
fear of 333
high-risk 1190
hormones 90
human 1305
acceptance of 87
paradox of 88
immunology of 201
intrahepatic cholestasis of 1062
latter half of 1214
maternal recognition of 97
presence of 1201
progresses 1185
spontaneous 946
complete 1210
first-trimester 158
rates 1210
recurrent 211, 228, 800, 804, 868, 955, 1019, 1020, 1020fc, 1020t, 1022, 1024, 1145, 1186, 1188, 1191, 1407
spectrum of 1019f
Pregranulosa cells 1420
Preimplantation genetic
diagnosis 725, 861, 876, 949, 960, 995, 1020, 1022, 1131, 1311, 1328, 1355, 1375, 1407, 1408, 1455, 1473, 1481, 1502, 1662
screening 430, 793, 819, 840, 861, 864t, 886, 995, 998, 1022, 1033, 1131, 1355, 1375, 1407, 1408, 1415, 1662
techniques 1415
testing 407, 861, 862b, 863f, 865, 867, 869, 871, 876, 879, 880, 945, 1022, 1145, 1156, 1191, 1319, 1407, 1471
limitations of 879
Preleptotene 54
Premature thelarche 120
Prenatal growth 884
Preovulatory period 479
Preovulatory scan 511
Pre-sperm interaction 1516
Preterm birth 1142
Prevasectomy 252
Prevent inheritable mitochondrial disease 950f
Prevotella 833
Procarbazine 253
Progesterone 16, 19, 24, 26, 32, 33, 37, 76, 84, 98, 107, 158, 160, 201, 474, 479, 534, 727, 800–802, 804, 837, 838, 858, 957, 1148, 1232, 1329, 1387, 1425
addition of 1112
administration of 1137
appearance of 1030
biosynthesis 157
correction of 484
induced blocking factor 89
intensive 803
intrauterine system 426
natural 284
premature elevation of 1328
production 156
secretion of 724
use of 1518
therapy 537
Program performance indicators 1182b
Programmed cell death 5
Progression, natural 393
Progressive precocious puberty 123b
Proinflammatory adipokine 244f
Proinflammatory cytokines 157f
Proline 1444
Pronuclear stage 1565
Pronuclear transfer 1045
Propane sulfonic acid 1607f
Propanediol 1381
Prophylactic antibiotics 1208