Abdominal disorders 325
Abdominal distension, severe 495
Abdominal lump, examination of 540
Abdominal lymphadenopathy 108
Abdominal viscus, presence of 466
Abrasion, sequel of 327
appendicular 553
extradural 516
pericolonic 536
perigastric 544
popliteal 271
pyogenic 46
sinus of chronic 82
subdiaphragmatic 495
submucous 570
umbilical 539
Accessory breasts 444
Accident, type of 274
Acetabular angle 258
Acetabular roof 258f
Achilles tendon, rupture of 153
Acid phosphatase 593
Acidophil adenoma 296
Acrocyanosis 100
Acromion, tip of 237
Actinomycotic necrosis 357
Adiadochokinesia 291
Adiposis dolorosa 49
Adrenal cortical steroid 366
Adrenal gland 597
Agranulocytosis 366
AIRD's test 326
Albright's disease 171
Alimentary canal 597
Alkaline phosphatase 593
Alkaptonuria 232
Allen's test 88
Allergy 4
Amazia 444
Amebic hepatitis 545
Amebic liver abscess 496
Amebic typhlitis 555
Ameloblastoma 355
Amino acid 172
Amnesia, post-traumatic 274
Amyloid goiter 406
Amyloidosis 16
Anal tags 561
Aneurysmal varix 103
Angioma 610
Angionephrotomograms 591
Angiosarcoma 167
Anhidrosis 141
adduction injury of 224f
extensors of 34
flexors of 34f
joint 160f
ankylosis of 272
arthritis of 271
swelling of 342
tuberculosis of 272
unilateral edema of 272
Ankyloglossia 371
Anorchism 440
Anorexia 459
Anosmia 289
Anterior compartment syndrome 99
Anticoagulant therapy 504
Anuria 579
Anvil test 309f
Aortic arch occlusive disease 99
Aortic dissecting aneurysm 503
Aortic embolism 101
Ape-thumb 132
Aphasia 297
Apley's distraction test 218
Apley's grinding test 217
Aponeurosis 332
Apoplexy 275
Appendix 554
Apprehension test 269
Arch, longitudinal 338
Areola 432
Argyll Robertson pupil 228f
Arterial calcification, presence of 93
Arterial injuries 100
Arterial occlusion, acute 100
Arterial puncture, direct 93
Arterial thrombosis, acute 100
Arterial trauma 100
Arterioarterial embolization 100
Arterioles 86
Arteritis 102
Arthrogram 258
Ascaris lumbricoides obstructs, aggregation of 501
Aschheim-Zondek test 641
Astereognosis 297
Asthenia 297
Ataxia 285
Ataxic gait 297
Atelectasis 419
Atheroma 591f
Atherosclerotic lesion, arteries for 271
Athetosis 291
Atrophy 185
Attacks, periodicity of 505
Auriculotemporal syndrome 377
Axillary embolism 101
Axillary tail 434
Axonotmesis 142
Babinski's sign 292
Bacillus fusiformis 367
Back, stiffness of 305
Balanitis 652
Baldwing's test 482
Ballance's sign 468
Barber's pilonidal sinus 337
Barium meal X-ray 518
Barium swallow 387
Basal cell papilloma 60
Baseballer's elbow 245
Basophil adenoma 296
Battle's sign 277
Bazin's disease 75
Beaten silver appearance 293f
Bed-shaking test 481
Belching 503
Beriberi 141
Berry aneurysm 102
brachii 33f
head of 153
jerk 292
head of 151
tendon of 35f
muscle 153
tendon, rupture of 242
Bicipitoradial bursitis 245
Bilateral congenital dislocation 5
Bilharziasis 610
Biliary calculus 325
Biliary tract 520
Bilocular hydrocele 643f
Black hairy tongue 369
Bladder 208
automatic 580
cancer, stage of 583f
center 300
contracted 604
diseases of 601
distended 300
diverticulum of 603
examination of 583
exstrophy of 601
intraperitoneal rupture of 464
rupture of 602
tumor of 604
Blindness 289
infection 644
metastasis 593
clot 280
diseases 366
disorders 610
gases, estimation of 416
in stools 19
lipids 94
nitrogen levels 586
passage of 573
retroperitoneal effusion of 466
routine examination of 68
transfusion 212
estimations of 487
level of 586
velocity, determination of 94
palpation of 89
Bloody discharge 448
Blumberg's sign 481
Boas's sign 480
abnormalities 5
and joint, X-ray of 69
crepitus 18
diseases, types of 156f
lengthening of 158
palpation of 271
pressure on 102
sarcoma 163
shadows, abnormal 229
shortening of 158
X-ray 443
Bony ankylosis 230
Bony metastasis 177
Borrelia vincentii 367
Bowen's disease 61
Brachial artery 91
Brachial neuralgia 242
Brachial vessels 200
Brachioradialis muscle 136f
Bradycardia 296
Brawny edema 433
accessory 444f
disease, benign 446
examination of 428
lesions 434
lump 435f
tissue 436
tuberculosis of 429
tumors of 447
Brodie-Trendelenburg test 110
Bronchitis, chronic 620
Bronchopneumonia, inhalation 371
Brown's vasomotor index 94
Bryant's test 191
Buerger's postural test 86
Burkitt's lymphoma 128
Burns, space of 383
Burr-hole 294
Butcher's wart 334
Cachexia 157
Caecum, volvulus of 500
Cafe au lait’ patch 50
Calcaneonavicular ligament, inferior 344
Calcaneus tuber-joint angle 222
Calcified pineal body, displacement of 294
Calculi, prostatic 587
Calculous jaundice 507
Callosities 341
Callous ulcer 69
Callus formation 131
Calve's disease 320
Calyx 470
Campbell de Morgan spot 44
Cancellous osteoma 174
Cancer, development of 658
Cancerous cachexia 371
Candle bones 166
Capener's sign 259
Capillary lymphangioma 51
Capital epiphysis, typical displacement of 259f
Capitulum 244
Caput medusae 16
Carcinoembryonic antigen 585
Carcinoid facies 350
Carcinoma 27, 28, 355, 361f, 370f, 408, 431f–433f, 434, 448, 450, 454, 531, 539, 540, 547, 558, 566, 604, 605, 610, 652
acute lactation 450
annular type of 558
atrophic scirrhous 448
bladder 576
branchiogenic 389
bronchogenic 419
cervix 82
cheek 363f
colloid 450
degeneration of 447
development of 450
diagnosis of 355
duct 450
inflammatory 450
laryngeal 387
metastasis, primary 167
mucoepidermoid 378
primary 160
prostatic 325
scirrhous 442
vascular metastatic 159
Cardiac tamponade 417
Cardinal sign 262
Cardioarterial embolization 100
Cardiovascular disease 95
Cardiovascular system 402f
Caries sicca 240
Carotid body syncope 390
Carotid occlusive disease 99
Carotid pulsation 399f
Carotid sheath 398
Carotid stenosis, effects of 295
Carpal bones 204
Carpopedal spasm 412
Cartilage cells 168
Casoni's test 37
Catarrhal appendicitis 491
Catarrhal stomatitis 367
Cat-scratch disease 127
Cauda equina injury 184
Cavity formation 598
Cementoma 353
Central nervous system, organic diseases of 658
Cephal hematoma 347
Cerebration, retarded 296
Cervical lymphadenopathy, pressure of 384
Cervical prolongation 362
Cervical sinus 371
Cervical vertebra, fracture dislocation of 38f
Cervix 565
Chancre, syphilitic 655
Cheilosis, angular 367
Chemosis 401
barrel shaped 420
contour of 420
examination of 419
flat 420
injuries, examination of 413
side of 236
type of 8
sinus of 424
tuberculosis 429
Chicken breast 420
Chiene's test 211
Chinese liver flukes 533
Cholangitis, suppurative 545
Choledocholithiasis, triad of 533
Cholelithiasis 499
Cholescintigraphy 489
Cholesteatoma 295
Chondroblastoma 166
Chordoma 295
Chorionepithelioma 440
Chromocystography 595
Chromophobe adenoma 296
Chutta cancer 23
Chvostek-Weiss sign 412
Chylocele 646
Chylous fluid 646
Cisternal puncture 294
Claudication distance 84
Claw foot 340
Clergyman's knee 269
Clonorchis sinensis 533
Clostridium welchii 98
Club foot 340
Coccyx 208
Coin test 321
Cold and warm water test 88
Collagen diseases 610
Collateral ligaments 219
Colles’ fascia 647
acute toxic dilatation of 568
Crohn's disease of 535
diverticular disease of 497
hepatic flexure of 547
polyposis of 18
Columnar epithelium 379
Coma, diabetic 275
Comedocarcinoma 450
Compensatory kyphosis 319
Compensatory scoliosis 319
Condylar canal, anterior 145
Condylar epiphysis, lateral 201
Congenital lymphangioma, type of 389
Congestive cardiac failure 393
Contrecoup injury 282
Cope's obturator test 482f
Corns 341
Coronal hypospadias 653f
Corpora cavernosa 658
Costal cartilage 586
Costoclavicular compressive test 88
Costoclavicular syndrome 97
Costovertebral joints, mobility of 311
Cranial cavity 31
Cranial fossa, posterior 277
C-reactive protein, estimation of 487
Cremasteric hypertrophy 650
Cremasteric reflex 292
Cretinism, facies of 350
Cricoid cartilage, level of 411
Crossed leg test 87
Cubitus valgus 200
Curly toes 341
Cutaneous naevi, presence of 292
Cutaneous tuberculosis 64f
broad ligament 558
cartilage 220
choledochus 533
follicular 502
leading, rupture of 53
lymph 447
mesentery 553
periapical 354
pseudomesenteric 536
radicular 354
retention 381
retroperitoneal 553
renal 595
suprasellar 294
twisted ovarian 502
urachal 557
Cystic degeneration 50
Cystic mastopathy 446
Cystine 172
Cystocele 621
Cystograms 590
Cystosarcoma phyllodes 448
Dactylitis 334
Dalrymple's sign 401
Dashboard dislocation 209
De Quervain's thyroiditis 410
Decubitus 5
Deep fascial space, infections of 343
Degenerative disc disease 325
Dehydration 498
Delirium tremens 184
Deltoid muscles, wasting of 236
Dequervain's disease 248
Dermoid, sequestration 42
Dextrose 517
Dietl's crisis 596
Diffuse hyperplasia 444
Diffuse peritonitis, stage of 496
Digital rectal examination 607
Discography 317
Discoid cartilage, congenital 220
Diverticulosis 536
Dorsal interossei, power of abduction of 149
Dorsal spine, movements of 311
Douglas pouch 565
Dragstedt test 516
Drawer sign 218
Drill biopsy 39
Drowsiness 288
Duct papilloma 448
Duodenum, pylorus of 547
Dyspepsia, qualitative 532
Dyspeptic ulcer 370
Ecchondroma 175
Ectrodactylism 334
Egg-shell crackling 158
Ehler-Danlos syndrome 102
posterior dislocation of 195f
region of 199
unhindered movements of 198
valgus deformity of 242
Electrical nerve conduction 248
Electrolytes, loss of 498
Elevated arms test 88
Elevated serum lactic dehydrogenase 427
Emboli formation 103
Embolic gangrene 97
Emissary vein 357
Encephalitis 286
Encephalocele 345
Enchondroma 175
Endocrinal disorder 166
Endolymphatic therapy 124
Endometrioma 539
Endometriosis 573
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 524
Endoscopy 489
Enema 489
Enophthalmos 141
Entamoeba histolytica 543
Enteroteratoma 539
Eosinophilia 123
Ependymoma 296
Epicritic sensation 139
Epidermis 60
Epidurography 316
Epilepsy, post-traumatic 286
Epiphrenic diverticulum 458
Epiphyseal cartilage 259
Epiphyseal separation 178
Epiploon 621
Epithelial debris 354
Epithelioid cells 143
Epitheliomatous ulcer 62f
Epithelium 62
Epitrochlear lymph nodes 243
Equinus deformity 113
Erythrocyanoid ulcer 75
Erythrocytosis 585
Esophageal atresia 452
Esophageal cancer 387
Esophageal motor disturbances 457
Esophageal varix 457f
benign stricture of 456f
Crohn's disease of 453
lower end of 457f
malignant growth of 459f
rupture 418
Exogenous hormone, amount of 405
Exomphalos 627
Exophthalmic goiter 407
External rotation injury, stages of 223f
Extradural hematoma 280
Extragenital chancre 348
Extrahepatic biliary tree 489
Extraperitoneal fat, protrusion of 627
Extraperitoneal injury 470
Eyelids, edema of 276f
Facies, abdominal 478
Faciocervical actinomycosis 357
Fallopian tube 557
Familial polyposis coli 538
Fascial spaces, infections of 332
Fat-free diet 477
Fecal urobilinogen 550
Fegan's method 112
Felon 330
Felty's syndrome 551
Femoral canal, boundaries of 624f
Femoral condyle 269
Femoral head, destruction of 259f
Femoral ring 624f
Fiberoptic endoscopy 523
Fiberoptic gastroscopy, modern technique of 523
Fibrinous loose bodies 221
Fibroid 108
Fibrolipoma 49
Fibromyoma 48
Fibrosis, retroperitoneal 108
Fibrositic nodule 153
Fibrous odontome 353
Fibrous tissue activity, excessive 154
Filaria epididymo-orchitis 644f
Filarial elephantiasis 51
Filarial infection 629
abduction of 137
clubbing of 17
drop 232
extensor 328
tendon of 155f
infections of 329
movements of 247
nails 8
overgrowth of 334
palmar surface of 434
webbing of 334
Finkelstein's test 248
First metatarsal bone, head of 341
appendicular 82
arteriovenous 103
biliary 82
broncho-esophageal 459
caroticocavernous 286
chronic discharging 445
classification of 82
congenital arteriovenous 75
fecal 82
gastrocolic 15
gastrojejunocolic 530
high 571
inner opening of 567
internal 79
low 571
malignant 82
mammary 445
duct 445
pancreatic 82
parotid 372
perineal 574
persistence of 79
rectovesical 82
salivary 82
traumatic 82
urethral 574
urinary 82
uterovesical 82
vesicovaginal 82
Flat foot 340
Flatulent dyspepsia 506
Focal inflammatory diseases 295
Follicular adenoma 406
Follicular odontoma, compound 353
Foot 221
claudication 96
disorders of 344
equinus position of 340
examination of 338
fibroma of 48f
infections of 343
inversion of 339
joints of 271
malignant melanoma of 130f
movements of 88f
pain in 344
paralytic deformities of 318
sensory supply of 140f
Footballer's ulcer 75
ankle 223
backward supracondylar 200
closed 179
compound depressed 282
displaced fragment of 180
fever 184
foot 223
greenstick 178
incomplete 303
linear 282
malunited 166
mandible 352
metacarpal 203
nonunion 185
patella 219
pelvis 208
seat-belt 303
Shoveller's 303
signs of 277f
split 223
stable 302
stress 344
subtrochanteric 212
torn in 185
type of 281
unstable 302
vertebra 320
Fragility test 550
Free peritoneal cavity 469
Free thyroxin index 404
Frey's syndrome 377
Frontal air sinus, infected 287
Frozen section biopsy 166
Fuchsig's test 87
Funicular hydrocele 642
Funnel chest 420
Galactocele 447
Galea aponeurotica 276
Galvanic response 142
Gamma-emitting radioisotope 182
Gamma-globulin 160
Ganglioneuroma 423
Gangrene 84
causes of 95
dry 95
established 87
examination of 84
idiopathic 636
moist 95
physical 96
signs of 95
syphilitic 99
traumatic 95
Gangrenous foot 90f
Gastrectomy, partial 530
Gastric acid secretion 517
Gastric function tests 516
Gastric outlet obstruction 14
Gastroduodenal tube 520
Gastroduodenoscopy 467
Gastrografin test 467
Gastrointestinal syndromes 580
Gastrointestinal tract 325
Gastrojejunal anastomosis 530
Gastrojejunal ulcer 530
Generalized fibrocystic disease 181
Genitalia 9
Gerota's fascia 599
Giant follicle lymphoma 125
Gigantism 288
Gimbernat's ligament 623
Gingival margin, ulceration of 362
Gland of Blandin 381
Gland, biopsy of 243
Glandular fever 127
Glandular swellings, multiple 25
Glenoid, empty 193f
Glomangioma 45
Glomus cells 45
Gluteus maximus 34f
Gluteus medius 34f
Gonococcal funiculitis 629
Gonococcal infection 228
Gordon's biological test 123
Gornall's test 619
Granulation tissue 79f
Granulomatous inguinale 652
Granulomatous lymphadenitis 125
Granulomatous thyroiditis 410
Grating sensation, types of 18
Gravitational ulcer 74
Groin swellings, causes of 631
Guinea pig inoculation test 123
Gumma 646
Gunshot 464
Habitual constipation 560
Hairy mole 54
Hamartoma 538
Hammer toe 341
circumduction of 328
excessive sweating of 97
joints of 245
lesions of 334
rheumatoid arthritis of 336
swellings of 337
tremor of 402
Harboring germinal centers 379
Hard chancre 71
Harrison's sulci 420
Harvey's sign 87
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 379
Head 275
and neck 8
dislocation of 197
examination of 345
assessment of 295
classification of 281
complications of 286
examination of 274
local examination of 288
pain in 275
swelling in 275
Heberden's nodes 337
Heel, pain in 344
Hematemesis 507
Hemianopia 297
Hemivertebra 324
Hemolytic anemia 549
Hemolytic streptococci 650
Hemopericardium 417
Hemopneumothorax 415f
barring internal 478
delayed 469
extramedullary 303
fatal 120
infratentorial 285
internal 413
intraventricular 284
middle meningeal 284f
minute petechial 303
petechial 413
pontine 278
reactionary 469
retroperitoneal 466
secondary 469
signs of 277
site of 280
subconjunctival 277f
subcortical 284
traumatic intraspinal 303
unilateral subdural 286
Hemorrhagic fluid 493f
Hemothorax, traumatic 417
Henoch-Schoenlein purpura 551
Hepatic abscess 544
Hepatic cirrhosis, facies of 350
Hepatic ducts 524f
Hepatitis virus 507
Hereditary spherocytosis 550
abdominal 612
congenital 621
diaphragm 418
examination of 612
incarcerated 622
indirect 621
inflamed 622
interparietal 628
interstitial 628
irreducible 622
oblique 621
inguinal 612
obstructed 622
obturator 628
paraesophageal hiatus 459
paraumbilical 627
postoperative 552
prevascular femoral 625
palpation of 483
sliding 622
uncomplicated 616
varieties of 622
Herpes zoster 516
Hesselbach's triangle 612
Hexamine 610
Hiccup 15
abduction of 254f
arthritis of 5
central dislocation of 213f
chancre of 360
developmental dysplasia of 260
disorders 248
fixed flexion deformity of 255f
injury around 257
irritable 262
arthritis of 249
fixity of 249
movements of 212
palpation of 253
rotation movement of 255f
tuberculosis of 259
Perthes’ disease of 233
rotations of 255f
Hippocratic facies 349
Hirschsprung's disease 536
His tongue, ulcer of 359
Histiocytic lymphoma 128
Holdswath test 300
Hollander's insulin test 517
Hollow viscera 79
Hollow viscus 466
Homocystineuria 173
Huge colloid goiter 402f
Hugh Owen Thomas’ test 250
Humerus 190
anterior surface of 199f
of upper end of 192f
shaft of 184
lower epiphysis of 199f
medial epicondyle of 151
subcoracoid dislocation of 188f
Hunter's disease 166
Hutchinson's freckle 54
Hutchinson's wart 369
Hydatid of Morgagni 645f
Hydroxyproline excretion 182
Hyoid bone, greater cornu of 145
Hyparesthesia 328
Hyperabduction maneuver 88
Hyperesthesia 480
Hyperextension 336
Hypergammaglobulinemia 381
Hypernephroma 598
Hyperpituitarism 288
Hyperplastic callus formation 169
Hyperplastic goiter 406
Hyperplastic nontoxic goiter 404
Hyperplastic tuberculosis 535
Hyperpnea 413
Hypertrophic tuberculosis 547
Hypertrophied fibrous tissue 657
Hypertrophy 605
Hypoesthesia 328
Hypogammaglobulinemia 366
Hypogastrium 540f
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis, test of 404
Hypothenar eminence, wasting of 328
Hypothyroid 394
Hysterical gout 233
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 550
Ileum 498
Iliac abscess 556
Iliac apophyses 319
Iliac bones 208
Iliac cold abscess 310f
Iliac fossa 502
Iliopsoas cold abscess 556
Iliopsoas sheath 556
Ilium 556
Imminent hypoglycemic coma 517
Immunization 4
Impalpable nodules 406
Impotence 85
In vitro tests 403
In vivo tests 404
Inadequate excretory urograms 589
Incisional biopsy 40
Incongruent joint surfaces 232
Index finger lateral humeral epicondyle 197f
Infantile hernia, types of 621f
Infarction 610
Inflammatory fistula, classification of 82
Infrapatellar bursa 264
Injury around elbow, examination of 194
Injury around hand, examination of 203
Injury around wrist, examination of 203
Insomnia 286
Insulin 4
Intercostal muscles, fibrosis of 516
Intercostal nerves, diseases of 490
Intercostal neuralgia, typical of 419
Interdigital pilonidal sinus 337
Intermittent claudication 84
Intermuscular septum, medial 243
Internal piles, long-standing 562
Interosseous muscles 138f
Interosseous nerve, anterior 147
Interstitial cystitis 604
Interstitial fibrosis 646
Intervertebral ligaments, calcification of 320
Intestinal colic 503
diagnosis of 497
Intestinal tuberculosis 535
Intracranial infection 297
Intracranial tension 293
Intracutaneous abscess 329
Intradural hemorrhage leads 303
Intrahepatic bile duct, dilatation of 523
Intrahepatic biliary tree 526
Intramammary abscess, formation of 445
Intrathecal whitlow 331
Intravenous cholangiography 489
Intravenous infusion urography 589
Intravesical pressure 579f
Irradiation aneurysm 102
Ischemic colitis 538
Ischemic colon 573
Ischemic lesion 327
Ischemic limb, features of 86
Ischemic necrosis 269
Ischial tuberosity 211f
Ischiorectal fossa 566
Itching 15
Ivory exostosis 174
Joffroy's sign 401
Johansson-Larsen's disease 234
abnormalities 5
acromioclavicular 240
acute inflamed 226
bone of dislocated 180
complications 187
crepitus 18
deformity of 226
diseases of 229
distal interphalangeal 330
finger 187
flex knee 217
flexion of 264
examination of 188
malalignment of 232
medial aspect of 269
midtarsal 272
neighburing 158
neuropathic 229
palpation of 266
proximal interphalangeal 336
radiocarpal 328
radiohumeral 243
sarcoiliac 320
sense 291
skin over 226
space 229
stiffness of 181
subtaloid 272
swelling of 180
synovial membrane of 336
tuberculous arthritis of 240
Jugular lymph sac 52f
Jugulo-omohyoid groups 365
Junctional nevus 54
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 126
Juxta-pyloric ulcer 530
Kahn test 545
Kanavel's point 332
Kaposi's sarcoma 342
Kay's augmented histamine test 517
Kenawy's sign 515
Keratan sulfate 169
Keratoacanthoma 60
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca 381
bimanual palpation of 581f
diseases of 594
enlargement of 594
examination of 581
hydatid cyst of 595
nephroblastoma of 610
renal cell carcinoma of 599f
tumors of 598
unascended 556
Klein's sign 495
Klinefelter's syndrome 451
Knuckle 307
Kocher's test 399
Kohler's disease 344
Kveim's test 128
Lahey's method 398f
Langer's lines 59
Laparoscopy 594
Laparotomy 124
Laryngocele 390
Larynx 398
Lassegue's sign 312
Latex serum tests 232
Latissimus dorsi 33f
Lecithinase A 487
Leg lifting test 542f
Leiomyoma 454
Lentigo 54
Lepromatous leprosy 143
fail, long-standing 165
incomplete 144
inflammatory 347
secondary 656
sign of 324
traumatic 347
tuberculous 597
Lesser trochanter, avulsion fracture of 213
Leucine aminopeptidase 487
Leukopenia 366
Levator palpebrae superioris 141
Lid retraction 400
Linea alba 628
benign neoplasms of 368
cancer, major sufferers of 359
cracked 360
hemangioma of 348f
hypertrophy of 346
lesion of 363
pigmentation of 360
squamous cell carcinoma of 349f
Lithotomy position 561
carcinoma of 546
enlargement 356
gumma of 545
isotope scintigraphy of 443
melanotic carcinoma of 546
palpation of 440f
Lobar atelectasis 426
Lobe, palpation of 396
Localized tenderness 243
London sign 470
Loud snoring noise 278
Lower cranial nerve palsies 285
Lower lip, congenital fistulae of 347
Lower lumbar region pain 305
Lumbago 326
Lumbar abscess 551
Lumbar cold abscess 310f
Lumbar discography, indications of 317
Lumbar spondylosis 324
Lumbar vertebra 597
Lumbrical canals 331f
Lutein cyst, ruptured 502
Lymph node 117, 121, 123, 126, 257, 267, 353, 374, 386, 528f, 541f, 548, 549, 555, 566, 586, 597, 640, 640f
axillary group of 437
biopsy of 229
carcinomatous 388
causes of 126
fatal hemorrhage 119f
group of 120
metastasis, sites of 124
palpation of 257
pectoral group of 437f
popliteal 271
surface of 123
Lymph plexus, subperitoneal 438f
Lymph vessels 130f
Lymphatic drainage 438f
Lymphocytic leukemia, chronic 128
Lymphocytic lymphoma 128
Lymphography 317
Lymphorrhea 53
Macules 6
Madura foot 342
Magnuson's test 326
Malaria 549
Malformation syndromes 166
Malingerer's low back pain 326
Mammaplasia, type of 451
Mammary duct ectasia 445
Mammary dysplasia 428
Mandible, osteomyelitis of 384
Mandibular joint, ankylosis of 353
Mandibular prognathism 358
Manicurist's unsterile instrument 329
Marrow biopsy 166
Martorell's ulcer 75
Massive atelectasis 426
Massive tongue 360
Mastectomy 448f
Maxillary antrum 355
Medial collateral ligament tenderness 215
Medial rotation deformity 251
Mediastinal lymph nodes 124
Megacolon 537
Melanocytes 55
Membranous urethra, rupture of 464
Meningeal veins, engorged 293
Meningitis 286
Meningoencephalitis, diffuse 295
Meningoencephalocele 345
Meningomyelocele 318
Mental disturbances 411
Mental sinus, median 357
Mental symptoms 287
Mercury 366
Mesenteric arteries supply, inferior 538
Mesenteric lymph nodes, tuberculosis of 535
Mesenteric lymphadenitis, acute nonspecific 495
Mesenteric venous occlusion 501
Mesentery 469
Metatarsal bone, fracture of 224
Metatarsalgia 344
Methaemalbumin, serum 487
Micrognathism 358
Middle meningeal vessel 274
Midepigastric region 529
Midesophageal diverticulum 458
Midfoot, pain in 344
Mid-gut, volvulus of 501
Midinguinal point 252
Milk-alkali syndrome 412
Miner's elbow 242
Miscarriages 4
Mobile scoliosis 318
Moebius’ sign 401
Moist skin 403
Moles 53
Molluscum sebaceum 60
Monckeberg's degeneration 93
Monilial stomatitis 367
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors 4
Moon face 5
Morgagni's follicles, infections of 655
Morris’ bitrochanteric test 211
Morrissey's cough impulse test 111
Morvan's disease 84
Motor aphasia 289
Motor car collision 209
Motor neurone disease 250
Motor paralysis 303
Mucosa, inflammation of 454
Mucosal hemorrhoids 569
Mucosal ulceration 604
Mule spinners, trousers of 651
Muller's muscle 141
Multifocal lymphoma, type of 356
Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome, features of 412
Murmur, presence of 159
Murphy's syndrome 479
abnormal swelling of 151
complications 185
contractility of 108
dystrophies 5
absence of 503
presence of 483
gradation of 134
rigidity 465
strain 324
tone, estimate 291
wasting of 133
Muscular adhesion 181
Muscular fibrosis 604
Musculotendinous cuff lesions 242
Mycotic aneurysm 102
Myelocele 318
Myelography 316
Myelomatous epulis 354
Myocardial infarct 610
Myosis 141
Myxomatous degeneration 49
Naevolipoma 49
Nail-patella syndrome 166
Naked eye inspection 19
Narath vascular sign 253
fasciae of 386f
hydrocele of 53
midline swellings of 387
movements of 387
sinus in 2
swelling in 2
Neck-arm junction 242
Necrosis, syphilitic 357
Necrotic tissue 79
Needles sensation 12
Negative Rovsing's sign 536
Neighboring muscles 180
Neighboring structures 159
Neohydriol 374
Nephritis, acute 610
Nephrogram 590
Nephroscopy 591
Nephrostomy, percutaneous 591
auditory 290
auriculotemporal 359
conduction study 142
dorsal digital 146
glossopharyngeal 290
injury 184
lesion, examination of 67
lingual 359
mandibular 359
musculocutaneous 140f
of Bell 145
olfactory 289
optic 289
posterior interosseous 146
pressure on 102
sensory 45
sheath 48
supraorbital 276
suturing of 141
tibial 139
vagus 290
wrist ulnar 149
Nervous symptoms 322
Nervous system, examination of 288
Nesodermal elements 51
Neurofibrosarcoma 50
Neurogenic ulcer 71
Neurolipoma 49
Neurolipomatosis 49
Neurologic examination 92
Neurologic symptoms 97
Neurological disturbances 50
Neurological pressure symptoms 50
Neuronal damage 281
Neuropathic gangrene 99
Neuropraxia 142
Neurotmesis 142
Nevus, benign 24
Niche 519
Nicholson's maneuver 510
Nicoladonis sign 88
Night cry 261
Night fasting secretion 516
abnormal movement of 430
accessory 432
congenital retraction of 429
discharge 429
extreme retraction of 449f
palpation of 436
prominence of 432
Nodular leprosy, elephantiasis graecorum of 51
Nodular lymphomas 125
Nodules 431
Nonhodgkin's lymphoma 128
Non-toxic goiter 406
Nose 292
Numbness 97
Nutritional disorder 166
Obturator foramen 257f
Obturator test 482
Occipital bone 145
Ocular disorders 319
Ocular movements 289
Oculomotor paralysis 289
Oligodendroglioma 296
Oligomenorrhea 394
Omentocele 621
Ominous sign 359
Oncocytoma 378
Onychogryphosis 343
Onychomycosis 343
Ophthalmoplegia 401
Opium poisoning 275
Optimum position 263
Oral cholecystogram 522f
Orbicularis oris 366
Orchitis, bilateral 646
Original wound 59
Oscillometry 95
Osgood-Schlatter's disease 234
Osler's nodes 18
Osseofibrous tunnel 248
Ossification, wedge-shaped area of 163
Osteoblastoma 166
Osteocartilaginous loose bodies 221
Osteolytic changes, spine diminution of 316
Osteolytic lesion 162f
Osteolytic type 163
Otitis media 287
Otosclerosis 181
Pain 5, 11–12, 22, 63, 80, 84, 97, 108, 117, 139, 140, 151, 178, 225, 261, 273, 304, 357, 359, 372, 392, 393, 428, 494, 506, 573, 576, 594, 599, 606, 612, 629, 652, 654
basal pneumonia 485f
brachial embolism 101
burning 12
character of 476
chest 85
commences 502
cyclical 446
dull aching 102
duration of 13
epigastric 627
excruciating 372
griping 503
hunger 530
ischemic 325
migration of 13
movement 13
aggravates 305
original site of 11
periodicity of 14
persistent 75
progression of 13
prostatic 578
psychogenic 11
radicular 584
relationship with 477
relief of 507
sciatic 326
segmental 11
shooting 12
stabbing 12
superficial 11
suprapubic 598
twisting 13
typical 452
upper abdominal 525
ureteric 577
urethral 578
aching 12
dragging 629
vesical 578
Painful stiffness 326
Painless intermittent hematuria 598
Painless tumor, slow-growing 372
Pallor 5
Palmar interossei, power of adduction of 150
Palmaris brevis 149
Palpate liver 542
Palpating shoulder joint, method of 237
Pancoast's syndrome 242
Pancreatic calculus obstructing 514
Pancreatic scanning 528
Papillae, examination of 17
Papilliferous surface 60
Papules 6
Para-amino salicylates 406
Parabronchial diverticulum 458
Paradoxical respiration 413
Paralytic ileus 499
Parasites 575
Paravertebral region 322
Parenchymatous goiter, diffuse 406
Parietal peritoneum, irritation of 465
Parietal pleura 476
Paronychia 329
Parotid abscess, characteristic feature of 372
Parotid duct 374
carcinoma of 379
deep lobe of 373
enlargement 128
position of 372
recurrent swelling of 378
region of 372
skin over 373
swelling of 372
Patellar clonus 292
Patellar tap 264
Patellar tendinitis 152
Patellofemoral joint space 267
Pathological dislocation, causes of 252
Pathological tendon ruptures 151
Paul Bunnell test 127
Pectoral fascia 436f
Pectoral muscle 449
Peculiar aneurysm 102
Pedicle, torsion of 490
Pelviureteric junction 503
Pemberton's sign 399
Pentagastrin test 517
Peptic perforation 496
Percutaneous catheterization 529
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram 525f
Periarticular adhesions 181
Pericanalicular fibroadenoma 447
Pericarditis 516
Perineal membrane 647
Perineal tail 633
Periosteal osteoclastoma produces 354
Peripheral blood vessels 123
Peritoneal aspiration 469
Peritoneal cavity 502
Peritoneal fluid, diagnostic aspiration of 467
Peritoneal lavage 467
Peritoneocentesis 467
Peritonism 496
Peroneal tendon sheath, chronic stenosing tenosynovitis of 273
Pes cavus 340
Peutz-Jegher's syndrome 363
Peyronie's disease 657
Phalen's sign 248
Pharyngo-esophageal diverticulum 457
Phenobarbitone 366
Phenytoin 366
Pheochromocytoma 50
Phlebography 116
Phrygian cap 525
Pigeon chest 420
Pigmented nevus 53
Pinealoma 295
Pinhole meatus 652
Pin-point pupil 278
Pins sensation 12
Pipestem stool 20
Pituitary chromaffin adenomas-producing prolactin 412
Pituitary fossa, enlargement of 294
Pizzillo's technique 395f
Plantar flexion 338
Plantar wart 342
Plethysmography 94
Pleurodynia 516
Plexiform hemangioma 45
Pneumococcal arthritis 230
Pneumoencephalography 295
Policeman receiving tip 133
Policeman's heel 344
Polyarteritis 18
Polycythemia 599
Polymazia 444
Polymorphonuclear leukocytosis 167
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia 170
Polyp, congenital 552
Polypus 562
Pons asinorum 565
Pontine lesion 289
Popliteal nerve, lateral 138
Popliteal pulse, feeling of 91f
Porphyria 551
Porta-hepatis 523f
Postphlebitic limb 69
Pott's paraplegia 322
Pratt's test 111
Pregnancy 325
Pressure index 94
Proctalgia fugax 572
Proctosigmoidoscopy 489
Profuse salivation 371
Progesterone 108
Prominent lymphatic vessels 122
Proptosis 351
benign hypertrophy of 605
diseases of 605
enlarged 620
examination of 583
lobes of 605
pathological condition of 315
specific antigen 607
Proximal fragment, avascular necrosis of 207
Proximal phalanx 136f
Pseudocoxalgia 260
Pseudocyst, pancreatic 507
Pseudogout 233
Pseudolipoma 49
Psittacosis-lymphogranuloma inguinale group 127
PSP test 586
Psychiatric diseases 5
Pterygoid muscles 357
Pubic bones 602f
Pubic tail 633
Pulsatile mass 102
Pulsation diminishes 102
Purpura, secondary 551
Pustules 6
Pyelocele 643
Pyelography, excretory 597
Pyemic abscess 46
Pylephlebitis, suppurative 545
Pyloric obstruction 523
Pylorus 531
Pyorrhea alveolaris, sign of 362
Rachitic chest 421
Radial arteries 91
Radial club hand 246
Radial groove 146
Radial pulse 198
Radial styloid process 154
Radical mastectomy 122f
Radicular odontome 353
Radioactive chromium, use of 550
Radioactive iodinated human serum albumin 295
Radioactive isotopes 528
Radioactive technitium 183
Raised erythrocyte sedimentation rate 123
Ramus, medial side of 357
Rat-tail deformity 458f
Raynaud's phenomenon 85
Reaction, inflammatory 96
Reactive hyperemia test 92
Rectal examination 9, 212, 257, 293, 315, 440, 466, 468, 485, 498, 516, 531, 560, 569, 584, 605–607, 620, 640
end of 566
Rectal mucosa, mobility of 584
Rectal prolapse 571
ampulla of 560
anterior surface of 605
ballooning of 564
colloid carcinoma of 560
complete prolapse of 563f
polypus of 564
prolapse of 563
Rectus abdominis muscle, rupture of 504
Rectus sheath 552
Reflux epididymitis 640
Reflux esophagitis 454
Regurgitation 452
Renal colic 488
Renal dialysis 103
Renal failure, chronic 594
Renal infection 325
Renal injuries 470
Renal tubule ricket 171
Respiratory rhythm, normal 277
Reticulosarcoma 389
Retinoblastoma 295
Retrocalcaneum bursitis 344
Retrograde cystograms 590
Retrograde percutaneous catheterization 93
Retrograde traumatic amnesia 274
Retroperitoneal connective tissue 553
Retroperitoneal mass 356
Retroperitoneal ruptures 469
Retroperitoneal teratoma 549
Retropharyngeal abscess, acute 452
Retropharyngeal space 322
Reveal scybalous mass 537
Rheumatism 226
Rhomboid glossitis, median 369
Rickety rosary 421
Riedel's lobe, congenital 545
Riedel's thyroiditis 410
Right index finger 363
Risser's sign 319
Risus sardonicus 5
Rose-Waaler test 232
Rotator cuff 236
Round worms, impaction of 555
Rule out proximal disease 571
Ruptured disc 325
Ruptured liver, suspect of 468
Sacral region 304
Sacroiliac arthritis 326
Sacroiliac lesion 313f
Sacroiliac strain 326
Sacrum 208
Saegesser's splenic point 468
Salicylates 610
Salivary duct, submandibular 380f
Salmon patch 43
Sanguineous fluid 502
Saphenofemoral valve 110
Sarcomatous epulis 354
Scalene node biopsy 423
Scaphoid bone 186f
Schistosoma haematobium 551
Schmorl's nodes 319
Schoemaker's line 211
Sciatic foramen 322
Scintillation-encephalography 295
Sclera, blue 181
Scott-Harden tube 520
Scrotal skin 635
Scrotal tail 633
cutaneous lymphatics of 646
Fournier's gangrene of 650f
idiopathic gangrene of 650
sebaceous cysts of 651
skin of 647
slight swelling of 637
spermatic cord of 629
Sebaceous cysts, multiple 636
Seborrheic keratosis 60
Seborrheic wart 60
Segmental atelectasis 426
Seizures 275
Semen, culture of 645
Semiflexion position 243
Seminal vesiculitis 325
Seminiferous tubules, carcinoma of 649
Seminoma 649
Sensitivity test 585
Sentinel pile 561
Sepsis, generalized appearance of 469
Septicemia 167
Sequestra 235
acid 593
phosphatase, higher level of 160
alkaline phosphatase 160
amylase estimation 487
bilirubin level 487
calcium level 487
deoxyribonuclease 487
glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase 427
protein bound iodine 403
thyroid stimulating hormone 404
thyroxin 403
Sesamoid chondromalacia 341
Sexual organs 1
Shallow breathing 413
Short saphenous system 111
Short urethra 603
Shoulder 188
abduction of 298
anterior dislocation of 188
bony arch of 189
contour of 188
dislocation of 189
anterior 193f
girdle 236
recurrent dislocation of 193
roundness of 189f
affection of 236
arthritis of 240
diseases of 236
injury around 192
palpation of 237f
passive movements of 239f
Sialectasis, congenital 377
Sigmoidoscope, length of 567
Silent heart 417
Simple crack fracture diagnosis 216
Single nerve involvement, causes of 143
Single non-functioning thyroid nodule 405
classification of 82
opening of 80
persistence of 79
thrombosis, cavernous 357
types of 424
wall of 81
color of 5
invagination of 618f
lesion 128
lymphatic drainage of 120f
pressure on 102
redness of 80
swelling arising from 271
temperature 87
Slimy stools 19
Slow pulse rate 288
Small artery occlusion 95
Small peritoneal sac 627
Smooth bumps 27
Smooth moles 54
Snail track ulcer 368
Soft chancre 72
Soft corn 341
Soft palate, paralysis of 452
Soft tissue shadow, abnormal 229
Solar keratosis 61
Solid mass, pattern of 593
Sonography, renal 593
Spasm, state of 391
Speech functions 289
Spermatic veins 108
Spider nevus 44
Spinal abnormalities, examination of 304
Spinal cavity 31
Spinal injury, type of 298
Spinal ligaments 298
Spine 516
cervical region of 453
deformity of 318
dislocation of 303
examination of 339
extension of 311f
types of 302
injuries of 609
lateral flexion of 312f
method of extension of 311f
pathological lesions of 305
rigidity of 311
rotation of 312f
secondary carcinoma of 304
stiffness of 305
Spinoumbilical line 512
Spinsters 446
Splenectomy reduces red cell destruction 550
Splenic outline, obliteration of 468
Spondylosis 325
Spotted bones 166
Sprain 183
Sputum 414
Steatorrhea 20
Stellwag's sign 401
Stenosing tenovaginitis 154
Stenotic stage 555
Stensen's duct 374
Stereognostic sense, absence of 291
Sterile acid urine containing pus 611
Sterile gauze, pad of 413
Sternoclavicular dislocation 192
Sternum, palpation of 415
Steroids 4
Stewart's sign 488
Still's disease 126
Strabismus 297
Strain 344
Stridor 393
Strontium 183
Struma thyroiditis 410
Subacromial bursitis 242
Subaponeurotic space, infections of 333
Subarachnoid space 316
Subareolar mastitis 445
Subclavian aneurysm 388
Subclavian steal syndrome 99
Subcutaneous emphysema, crepitus of 19
Subcutaneous infusion urography 589
Subcutaneous veins 157f
Subdeltoid bursitis 241
Subdiaphragmatic organs 418
Subglenoid dislocation 193
Sublingual salivary gland 381
Submandibular ducts, orifices of 376
Submandibular space infections 357
Subperiosteal bone resorption 411
Subperitoneal plexus 438f
Subphrenic space 548
Subungual malignant melanoma 343
Sulphonamides 610
Sunray spicules 175
Superficial fascial space, infections of 343
Superficial palmar space 333f
Superficial temporal artery 91
Superficial terminal branch supplies 149
Superficial vein thrombosis 115
Supine urogram 589
Supraclavicular fossa 433
Suprahyoid position 411f
Suprarenal gland 597
Supratrochlear lymph node, examination of 243
Surgery, indication for 405
Swelling 21, 35, 35f, 57, 109, 118, 152, 158, 178, 180, 188, 195, 209, 215, 226, 237, 242, 253, 264, 271, 308, 309, 353, 357, 359, 362f, 372, 382, 384f, 385, 392, 414, 421, 510, 543f, 578, 582f, 614, 617, 629, 630
abdominal 594
acute 388
inflammatory 40
angioma-like 361
ballottable 542
beneath artery 103
boggy 276
bony 159
chronic 388
inflammatory 41
color of 24
containing fecal mass 28
deeper dimension of 27
diagnosis of 40
edematous 271
edge of 25
expansile pulsating 271
extra-articular 263
fast-growing 393
feel margin of 27f
kidney 547
lies 614f
localized 327
malignant 36
middle of 638f
neoplastic 41
nodular 376
over arteries 103
pits 28
pressure of 36
progress of 23
recurrence of 23
relation of 616
reniform 547
shape of 24
size of 29
temperature of 27
uterine 554
Swollen abnormal epithelial cells 60
Swollen ankle 272
Synovial fluid 235
Synovial membrane 235
Synovial secretion 225
Syringomyelocele 318
T3 suppression test 405
Tachypnoea 464
Tactile sensitivity 139
Tailor's bursa 273
Takayasu's arteritis 99
Tarda 169
Taste, nerves of 371
Tear, types of 220
Telepaque 522
Tender spot 511
complications 185
deformity, rupture of 151
diseases of 151
distal 152
late rupture of 185
positions of 248f
reflexes, absence of 297
Tenesmus 492
Tension pneumothorax 417
Tentorium cerebelli 279
Teratomatous dermoid 43
Terminal phalanges, extension of 149
Terry's nail 17
Testicular appendage 648
Testicular growth 541f
Testicular tumors, varieties of 649
Testicular vessels, enlargement of 650
appendage of 650
gumma of 644f
inversion of 648
extension of 632
mimics torsion of 648
orchitis of 644f
palpation of 639
Thenar eminence, muscle of 148
Thermography 442
Thickened synovial membrane 265
Thigh, circumference of 217
Thomas’ test 251f
Thoracic conditions 490
Thoracic duct, rupture of 418
Thoracic injury 301
Thoracic kyphoscoliosis 421
Thoracic vertebra, articular processes of 324
Thoracic wall 423
Thoracotomy, exploratory 423
Thyroid 412
aberrant 388
auscultation of 400f
binding protein 403
bruit 403
cartilage 411
conditions 405
diseases, malignant 400
disorders 392
follicular carcinoma of 393
function tests 403
isthmus, goiter of 387
malignant 399f
medullary carcinoma of 50
nodules, autonomous 405
pulse 399f
scan 405
solitary nodule of 396f
Thyroxin binding globulin 403
breadth of upper end of 217
external rotation of 340
lateral condyle of 162f
lower end of 162f
palpation of upper ends of 216
Tibial collateral ligament 215
Tibial pulse, posterior 90f
Tibiofibular mortice 272
cancer of 359
color of 16
congenital fissuring of 369
dental ulcer of 62
examination of 359
gumma of 369
lymph drainage of 365f
mobility of 361
muscle of 135
palpation of 364f
posterior third of 371
side of 361
syphilitic furrowing of 370
tie 368
tremor of 16
ulcers of 370
volume of 360
Tonsillar node 386
Toothpaste stool 20
Torn tendon 185
Total serum tri-iodothyronine 403
Totipotent cells 21f
Toxic nodule 406
Toxicity 408
Trachea 398
Traction osteochondritis 234
Traction test 631
Transmitted movements, absence of 180
Transverse colon 548
Transverse myelitis 63
Transverse tear 220
Trapezoid ligaments 193
Traumatic swellings develop 40
Traumatic ulcer 70
Traveling acetabulum 259
Trendelenburg's test 110f
Trethowan's sign 259
Triple displacement 263
Trivial injury calls 635
T-tube cholangiography 524f
Tubal gestation, ruptured 557
Tuberculin test 37
Tuberculoid leprosy 143
Tuberculoma 296
abdominal 535
cavernous 588f
evidence of 645
first stage of 252f
globus minor 639
renal 598
second stage of 252f
spinal 304
ulcerative 535
victims of 305
Tuberculous affection 240
Tuber-joint angle 224f
Tubo-ovarian mass 557
abdominal 108
affecting foot 342
anaplastic 165
angiomatous 294
bone 156
Burkitt's 356
cell invasion 182
cerebellar 297
cerebral 294
connective tissue 378
dumbbell 50
epithelial 378
extracerebral 295
extramedullary 305
fibro-fatty 308
Grawitz 598
histopathological examination of 166
indolent 183
intracerebral 296
intrapelvic 325
Leydig cell 649
mandibular 356
mediastinal 50
nerve 271
types of 423
osseous 353
papillary 600
parietal lobe 297
primary 325
proliferates, malignant 21
pulsating 103
rib 423
root 242
temporal lobe 297
transitional cell 601
turban 349
universal 48
vertebral body 242
Tyrosine 404
acutely inflamed 67
aphthous 370
base of 66f
bleeds 66
classification of 69
crater 519
depth of 66
diabetic 71
diagnosis of 564
discharge of 68
edge of 65f
types of 64
examination of 62
hypertensive 75
infective 75
ischemic 70
non-specific 69
parts of 66f
post-pertussis 370
post-thrombotic 74
rests 66
specific 70
types of 70
Ulnar arteries 91
Ulnar deviation 328
Ulnar styloid process 204f
Ultrasonic B-mode scanning 525
Umbilical concretion 539
Uncinate fit 297
Upper epiphyseal separation 252
Upper eyelid, drooping of 141
Ureteric calculus 325
Ureteric colic 503
Ureteric stone 587
Ureterorenoscopy 591
Urethral discharge 229
Urethral neoplasm 608
Urethral valves, posterior 603
Urethrography 590
Urgency incontinence 580
Urinary calculi, majority of 586
Urinary diastase, estimation of 487
Urinary obstruction 595
Urinary organs 544
Urinary pH 585
Urinary sediment, cytological examination of 585
Urinary tract, lesion of 610
Urinary vesical swelling 554
bacteriological examination of 597
bloody 578
cloudy 603
cytology of 604
examination of 68
gleety 606
incontinence of 300
specific gravity of 585
Urogenital diaphragm 647
Urogenital tract, tuberculosis of 231
Urothelium, carcinoma of 610
Uterine appendages 315
Vaginal discharge 575
Vaginal hernia, congenital 621f
Valsalva maneuver 572
Vascular disorders 325
Vascular injury 184
Vascular insufficiency, examination of 67
Vasomotor 97
Vasospasm 94
Vater ampulla 534f
Venacavography, inferior 317
Venereal warts 657
Ventricular cannula 294
Vermooten's sign 471
Verruca necrogenica 334
Vertebra, pathology of 309f
Vertebral angiography 294
Vertebral body, secondary carcinoma of 305
Vesical angiography 592
Vessels, thrombosis of 91
Victor Horsley's sign 278
Vin Rose patch 44
Viral origin 356
Virchow's nodes 387
Visceral complications, examination of 208
Visceral paralysis 303
Voiding cystourethrograms 590
Volvulus neonatorum 501
von Graefe's sign 401
Wash-leather slough 65
Watery discharge 372
Weakness 85
Weapon, type of 274
Web space infection 331
Wet gangrene 95
Wide first thoracic rib 97
dorsal aspect of 155f
dorsiflexion of 244
extensors of 33f
flexion test 248
flexors of 33f
injury around 205
level of 232
Wuchereria bancrofti 125