Abacavir 146
Abdominal mass, lower 39
classification of 173t
differential diagnosis of 175
management protocol of 183fc
patterns of 173
surgical treatment of 184
Absorption, mode of 609
Acetowhite epithelium 310f
Acetylcholine 376
Acetylcholinesterase 374
Achlorhydria 247
Acidic pH 305
Acidophils 68
Acrosome reaction 212
Actinomycosis 135
Add-back therapy 496
Adenectomy 445
Adenomyoma 275f
Adenyl cyclase 67
Adhesive vulvitis 512
Adnexal torsion 124
Adrenal disorders 445
Adrenal dysfunction 428
Adrenal steroidogenic pathways 74fc
Adrenal steroids, action of 74
Adriamycin 486
Agenesis 36
Air embolism 553
Airway disease, chronic 193
Albumin 72
Alcock's canal 23
Alcohol 223
Aldosterone 170
Alendronate 59
Alkaline hematin method 184
Allodynia 246
Alpha-cells 69
Alprazolam 441
Amastia 530
Ambiguous genitalia, diagnosis of 420
clinical types of 424fc
endocrine causes of 431
eugonadotropic 441
exercise induced 446
lactational 474
mechanism of 69
pathologic 423
pathophysiology of 545
postpill 442
types of 428t
American Cancer Society 362t
American Psychiatric Association 169
American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology 308
American Society of Reproductive Medicine Scoring System of Endometriosis 292t
Amino acid 65f
Aminobutyric acid 170
Aminophylline 459
Amitriptyline 412
Amniotic fluid cells 588
Ampicillin 459
Ampulla 8
Amsel's four diagnostic criteria 143
Amygdala 64
blood supply of 14
lower-third of 14
lymphatic of 14
nerve supply of 14
squeeze pressure 412
upper-third of 14
Anal fissure 405
Anal membrane 29
Anal sphincteroplasty 408
Anal surgery 412
Analgesics 551
Anaplastic tumor 341
action of 74
causes of 541
pathophysiology of 540
peripheral conversion of 55
principal sources of 540fc
producing tumors 175
production 435
markers of 540
receptors 544
secretions, daily amount of 541t
therapy 63
trace amount of 81
Android 517f
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 240
Anococcygeal raphe 15
Anogenital human papillomavirus infection, anatomic distribution of 147
Anorectal canal 412f
Anorectal manometry 412
Anovestibular fistula 45
Anovulatory cycle 89
Anterior cervical myoma 566
Antiemetic, use of 488
Antiepileptic drugs 459
Antiestrogenic function 503
Antifungal therapy 246
Antigonadotropins 499
Antimicrobial therapy 391
Antinuclear antibody 443
Antioncogene 491
Antipruritic cream, local 507
Antiretroviral drugs 146
Antiretroviral therapy 146
Aortic nodes 25
Apareunia 215
Apocrine gland, associated adenocarcinoma of 303
Apoptosis 491
Arcuate uterus 625
Arcus tendinous fascia 188
Arginine 70
Argon 118
Arrhenoblastoma 366
Arthritis, septic 137
Ascaris 407
Ascetic fluid 116
Asthma 61
Athelia 530
Atrophic tissues 206
Atrophic vaginitis 154
Atrophy 256
Atypia 313
Auscultation 96
Autologous cells 589
Autosomal recessive disorder 414
Axilla 530
Axillary hair growth 46
Azole group 153
Azygos arteries 23
Barbiturates 459
Basal lung atelectasis 582
Basal serum inhibin B 498
Behçet's disease 243
Behçet's syndrome 244
Benzalkonium chloride 473
Benzodiazepines 171
Beta-adrenergic receptors 376
Beta-cells 69
Bimanual pelvic examination 520
Binge eating 439
Biofeedback therapy 382
Biologic grafts 206
Biologic tissue nuclei 115
site of 240
Biphasic basal body temperature chart 219f
Biphasic pills 465
Bipolar radiofrequency 182
Bipolar system 586
Bisphosphonates 59
Bivalent vaccines 309
care 550
continuous drainage of 594
diary 380
drainage, continuous 399
drill 387
dysfunction 330
emptying 376
fistula, repair of 398t
flap procedure 402
injury 206
lymphatic of 26
mucous membrane of 29
muscles 374
pillar 18
reconstruction 589
stones 388
symptoms 326
Blastocyst 234f
acyclic 174
amount of 94
internal 233
intraperitoneal 108
menstrual 87
type of 89
uterine 173
Bloodstream 129f
Bloody nipple discharge, causes of 538
Blurred vision 387
age 48
densitometry 111
density testing, indications of 59
disease 56
mineral density 56
structure 58
types 58
Bonney's method 202
accessory 529
anatomy of 528
asymmetry of 529f
asynchronous development of 51
lifetime risk of 531
risk of 59
screening guidelines 532t
staging of 533
advanced 496
diagnostic methods for 531
risk factors for 531t
screening for 538
changes 47
clinical examination of 95f
development 418
diseases 528
benign 460
disorders, benign 530
enlarged 511
fat 56
imaging 532
lump, evaluation of 531
magnetic resonance imaging of 533f
ovarian cancer syndrome, hereditary 350
pain 530
cyclic 530
small 592
ectopic 244
isolated development of 49
Breathlessness 629
Bronchiectasis 216
Bulbocavernosus, contraction of 2
Bulbospongiosus reflex 193
Bulbourethral gland 2
Bulky residual disease 482
Bupivacaine 62
Cachexia 327
Calcitonin 59
Calendar rhythm 473
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 142
cervix 109
surgical staging of 326
colorectal 60
early detection of 491
management of 490t
metastatic 316
peritoneal 369
therapy 490
of origin of 492
process 116
type of 481
Candidiasis 152
Carbimazole 507
Carbohydrate 461
Carboplatin combination chemotherapy 360
advanced 326
fertility sparing surgery for 332
management of 327
prognosis of 334
staging of 325f
treatment field for 482
clitoris 317f
colorectal 461
embryonic antigen 328
endocervical 331
endometrium, treatment modalities of 340
surgery for 314
mixed 335
ovary, FIGO staging of 352
serous 335
Cardiopulmonary disorders 586
Cardiovascular system 56
Carunculae myrtiformes 2
Catamenial seizure 171
Cefoxitin 125
Ceftriaxone 125
abnormal 103
clusters of 33
constant fraction of 483
exfoliation of 353
intestinal 272
irregular cords of 33
kinetics 483
replication 493
types of 73
Centchroman 462
Cervical carcinoma, recurrent 331
Cervical cells 590
Cervical glandular intraepithelial neoplasia 309
Cervical lesions, cryodestruction of 556f
Cervical myoma, posterior 566
Cervical squamous cell carcinoma, exophytic type of 329f
Cervical tear 250
Cervicovaginal agenesis 39
benign lesions of 248
biopsy of 326
bulky 251
in situ of 309f
elongation of 251
epithelial lining of 7
inspection of 98
invasive carcinoma of 333
lining epithelium of 8f
lip of 552
normal 331
length of 251
removal of 327
tubercular 135f
unilateral tear of 155f
uteri, carcinoma of 324t
vaginal portion of 98
Chancre 249
Chemoprophylaxis 534
drugs 216
objectives of 487
palliative 483
principles of 483
regimen 348
selection of 614
types of 484
use of 483
Cherney incision 549
Chlamydial nucleic acid amplification 136
Chloasma 460
Cholestatic jaundice 461
Chorioadenoma destruens 344
Chromophils 68
Chromophobes 68
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 412
Chronic pain disorders 246
Cicatricial stenosis 388
Circumcision 146
Cisplatin-based concurrent chemoradiation 332
Clamp injury 402
Clinical stress test 380
Clitorodynia 246
Cloaca, dorsal wall of 45
Clotrimazole 153
Coagulation disorders 180
Coccygeus sacrospinous ligament 205
Coffee bean nuclei 365
Cogwheel hydrosalpinx 159
Cogwheel sign 158
Coital infection, prophylaxis of 390
Coital problems 223
Cold knife conization 554
Colonoscopy 289
Colpocleisis 205
Colpomicroscope 106
Colposcopic findings, abnormal 107
Colpotomy, posterior 161
Coma 629
adverse effects of 460
contraindications of 459
general effects of 460
health benefits of 460
indications of 459
metabolic effects of 460
Conjunctiva 137
Connective tissue disease, treatment of 373
Consolidation therapy 484
Constipation 387
duration of 93
first-line 464
hormonal 466
male 476
natural 476
postcoital 464
type of 475
Convulsion 629
Cooper's ligament 383
Copper-T 450
Core needle biopsy 533
Cornett sign 523
Corona radiata 81
albicans 10
cyst 270
functions of 83
insufficiency 238
lifespan of 88
section of 83f
spongiosum 2
Cortical cords 33
Cortisol, secretion of 74
Cortisone therapy 50
Cough 629
Craniotomy operation 394
Crohn's lesions, vulvar 242
Crushing injury 401
Cryosurgery 556
Cryptorchidism 495
Cryptosporidiosis 145
Cubical epithelium, single layer of 273
Culdoscopy 117
Culture and drug sensitivity test 100
Cu-T, insertion of 452f
Cyclic hormones stimulate growth 284
Cyst 357
complex 271t
endometrial 286
endometriotic 250
enucleation of 563f
epidermoid 245
inclusion 245
lutein 270
neoplastic 515
sebaceous 244
simple 271t
Cystic glandular hyperplasia 177
Cystic teratoma, benign 110
Cystoplasty, augmentation 387
Cystourethrocele 193
Cystourethrography, lateral 386
Cystourethropexy, retropubic 383
Cytobrush 590
Cytofixation 590
Cytological atypia 314f
Cytomegalovirus 472
Cytotrophoblast cells 345f
da Vinci system robot 582f
Das's dilator 594f
Debulking surgery, interstitial 360
Deep endopelvic connective tissue 18
Deep perineal pouch 16
Deep pudendal arteries 23
Defeminization 366
Degenerations, types of 259
Deoxyribonucleic acid 410
Dermatoses 243
Desogestrel 504
Dexon 610
Diathermy 228
Diazepam 459
Digital mammography 532
Dilatation and insufflation test 220
Dioxins 286
Diphenoxylate 412
Diphtheroids 121
Diplotene 78
Direct implantation theory 286
Direct traumatic fistula, type of 395
Directly observed treatment, short course 134
Dirty wounds 163
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 127
Distal fallopian tube origin, concept of 350
Distal fimbrial obstruction 159
Distal tube obstruction 132
Distal urethra 375
Distant cells 494
Diverticula 388
Dollutegravir 146
Domestic violence 535
Donovania granulomatis 142
Donovanosis 142
Dorsal mesentery 33
Double puncture laparoscopy 301
Drowsiness 387
Dry mouth 387
Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry 63
Ductography 534
Ductoscopy 534
Duplex ureter 401
Dye test 396
Dyskaryotic smear, types of 591
unilateral 168
Dysperistalsis 165
Ecchymosis 241
Ectoderm 363
Ectoparasites 138
Efferent duct system, obstruction of 235
Eflornithine 544
Ejaculation, retrograde 223
Elastography 113
Electrocoagulation 576
Electroencephalogram 49
Electromyography 412
Elephantiasis vulva 244
Eltroxin 226
Embolotherapy 263
Embryonic germ cells 363
Embryonic urogenital structures 30t
Endocervicitis 164
Endodermal cells 32
Endometrial destruction techniques 184
Endometrial disease 112
Endometrial inflammatory response 451
Endometrial lesion, premalignant 312
Endometrial myometrial interface 297
Endometrial stromal tumors 370
Endometrial tissues, ectopic 284
Endometriosis 168, 229, 235, 257, 284, 285t, 286, 288, 290t, 292, 294t, 296, 298, 300, 301, 460, 495, 504, 506, 524, 528, 578
autoimmune theory of 286
complications of 290
Enzian classification of 291f
extrapelvic 297
interna 284
management of 295t
minimal to mild 296
risk factors for 284
severity of 287
superficial 291
surgical management of 295
treatment of 292
Endometriotic cells, increased mitotic activity of 286
Endometriotic lesions, nonpigmented 287
Endometrium 7, 23f, 86, 87, 86f, 90t, 92, 111, 115, 122, 130–132, 157, 177f, 212, 275f, 286, 313fc, 425, 428, 429, 461, 491, 597, 611, 631
ablation of 185
adenocarcinoma of 335f
cyclic shedding of 156
dating of 88
functional zone of 92
histology of 156
irregular ripening of 177
irregular shedding of 176
periovulatory 112
polypoid growth of 411f
roller ball ablation of 182
simultaneous repair of 87
thickness of 87
Endometroid carcinoma 335
Endorphins 169
Endosalpingitis, severe 157
Endoscopic bladder neck suspension 385
Enfuvirtide 146
Enseal vessel fusion 576
Entamoeba histolytica 407
Enterobius vermicularis 513
Environment theory 286
Eosinophils 68
Epidermal growth factors 88
Epidermidization 249
Epididymis 467
Epimenorrhagia 174
Epipodophyllotoxin 487
Epithelial cell abnormalities, significance of 104
Epithelial stromal junction 318
Equine estrogen 61
Erectile dysfunction 213
Erythropoietic function 259
Escherichia coli 128
Escutcheon, male pattern of 539f
Estrogens 47, 48, 51, 55, 57, 58, 61, 68, 70, 78, 81, 85, 88, 90, 91, 169, 181, 294, 334, 366, 382, 441, 458, 500, 505, 509
antagonist 503
control of 87
dependent tumor 253
gel, percutaneous 61
increased levels of 434
metabolic effects of 501t
natural 500
neuroprotective actions of 63
prevents cardiovascular disease 56
producing ovarian tumor 52
progesterone challenge test 444
replacement therapy 335
role of 57
secretion leads, resumption of 87
stimulates breast growth 418
supplementation 462
sustained level of 54
continuous 61
indications of 63
transdermal 60
Ethambutol 134
Ethamsylate 179
Ethylene oxide 609
Eugonadism 50
European Organization for Research and Treatment for Cancer 558
Excessive hair growth, mechanism of 540
Exogenous estrogen therapy 50
Extraperitoneal insufflation 581
Extrinsic drainage 25
Facial hirsutism 542f
Fallopian tube 2, 8, 9f, 17, 18, 21, 25, 30, 31, 33, 56, 72, 79, 122, 129, 136, 158, 175, 284, 291, 353, 491, 522
abnormalities of 44
block 232
carcinoma 369
primary 369
secondary 370
infections of 157
medial end of 279
primary carcinoma of 373
removal of 559
sperm perfusion 232
Falope rings 228
Famciclovir 144
Fasciculata 74
Fatigue resistant striated muscle 14
Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India 308
Female reproductive organs development of 33
Femidom 472
Fenton's method 557
Fern test 106
Fern tree pattern 90
Ferric subsulfate 241
Fertile window 223
Fetal growth restriction 43
Fibrinogen 59
Fibroadenoma 531
Fibroblast growth factor 285
central cervical 264f
classification 268
recurrence of 256
sarcomatous change of 371
sudden enlargement of 256
types of 268
diagnosis of 630
management of 259
surgical management of 262
symptoms of 257
Fibromyomatous polyp 249f
Fibrothecoma 282f
Fibrous tissue 416
FIGO endometrial cancer stage 339t
Figure of eight distribution 241
Fimbrial epithelium 354f
Fimbrial phimosis 229f
Fimbriolysis 228
Flattened granulosa cells single layer of 79
Flexible telescopes 584
Flu like syndrome 145
Fludrocortisone 420
Fluid intake, plenty of 390
Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test 140
Folic acid, deficiency of 247
Folinic acid 348
Follicular cells synthesize iodine containing thyroxine 74
Follicular ectopy 248
Forceps delivery 412
Fornices 3
Fracture 58
Fragile X permutation 373
Fragility fracture 58
Frank invasive cancer 107
Frank invasive carcinoma 321
Frequency volume chart 380
Frozen embryo transfer 236
Fundal fibroid 207f
Fundus 453
Fusion anomalies, types of 40
Fusobacterium 121
Galactosemia 424
Gamma knife radiation 482
Gardasil vaccines 309
Gas embolism 582
Gastric nodes, superior 353
GeneXpert 132
Genital crisis 517
Genital duct system 30
Genital ligament 35
Genital ridge, cranial end of 35
Genital system 57
Genital tract
defense of 120
developmental defect of 425
infections of 145
injuries 405
lower 135
neoplasms of 145
Genitourinary system, development of 31f
Genitourinary tract, transitional epithelium of 140
Gestagens 503
Gestation sac 578f
Gestational carrier surrogacy 236
Gestational trophoblastic tumors, anatomic staging for 346
Gilliam's operation 210
Glandular epithelium 90
Glossitis 488
Glutamate 65
Glycine 584
Glycodelin 289
Gompertzian growth 483
Gonadal agenesis 417
Gonadal development, disorders of 422
Gonadal function 36
Gonadal germ cell tumor 419
Gonadal hormones 500
Gonadal steroids, levels of 46
Gonadarche 46
levels of 46
pituitary 423
pools of 67
regimens 227
clinical use of 496
dependent precocious puberty 50
dynamic test 445
gene 65
pulsatility, alterations of 69
release 77
secretion 544
stimulation 233
use of 233f
system 70
therapy 238
contraindications of 227
indications of 226
side effects of 227
indications of 497
results of 497
Gonane steroids 504
Goserelin 50
Gracillis muscle 399
Graft, use of 399
Granulomatous lesions, chronic 395
Gravida 93
Griseofulvin 459
Groove sign 141
Gross thyroid hypoplasia 428
endocervical 322
endometrial 88
exophytic 280
therapy 488
releasing hormone 69
producing hormone 69
Gynecological endoscopy 116t
Gynecological inversion 211
Haematuria 391
Haemophilus ducreyi 121
HAIR-AN syndrome 432
Hammock hypothesis 375
Hawkin-Ambler dilator 594f
Healing, incomplete 402
Hemangioma 585
Hematuria 401
Hemoperitoneum 522
Hemophylus ducreyi 144
Hemoptysis 629
Hemosiderin 287
Heparin, unfractionated 549
Hepatocellular disease 452
Hepatocyte growth factor 286
Herniorrhaphy 216
Heterosexual development 52
Hilton's line 13
Hilus cells 10
Homosexual contact 144
Honeycomb appearance 432
Hormonal deficiency 246
adrenal 528
adrenocortical 507
estimation 219
hypothalamic 494
interpretation of 52
oxytocin 69
pituitary 174
profile 544
releasing intrauterine contraceptive devices 456b
secretion 84
suppress 284
benefits of 60
indications of 60
place of 342
risk of 60
urinary excretion of 71t
Horseshoe kidneys 416
HPV DNA test, negative 103
Human epididymis 4 protein 358
Human menopausal gonadotropin 437
pathogenesis of 307
prevention of 310
multiple types of 305
triage strategy 307
vaccination 515
prophylactic 327
Hydradenoma 244
Hydrometra 250
Hydronephrosis 111f
Hydroureter 111f
Hydroxylase deficiency 420
Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency 414
Hydroxytryptamine 489
Hymenal perforation, partial 38
Hyperandrogenic state 446
Hypercarbia 582
Hyperesthesia 246
Hyperestrinism 366
Hyperestrogenic state 253
Hyperlipidemia 61
Hypersecretion 517
Hypersensitivity reaction 110
Hyperthermia 482
Hypertrichosis 539
Hypoactive sexual disorder 534
Hypospadias 213
Hypoventilation 582
Hysterectomy 39, 182, 195f, 205, 263, 267, 280, 282f, 296, 311, 312, 327, 329, 331, 359, 367f, 396, 411f, 525, 557, 558, 559t, 561f, 572
advantages of 264
complications of 561
extrafascial 340
indications of 348
judicious 340
laparoscopic 581
place of 348
remote complications of 562
selective 347
simple extrafascial 558
specimen, pathologic report of 340
subtotal 572
Ibandronate 59
Ibuprofen 167
Iceberg, tip of 274
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 52
Iliac artery, internal 22
Iliac veins, internal 8
Immature oocytes, aspiration of 499
Immune therapy 341
Immunoglobulins 223
Immunological tests 217
Immunosuppression 153
Incisions 549
Incomplete perineal tear, scar of 193
endocervical 155
gynecological 162
modes of spread of 121
polymicrobial 122
puerperal 126f
pyogenic 164
spread of 126
surgical 548
transfer of 143
urinary 398
vaginal 151
Inferior vena cava 10
Infertile couple 237
Infracolic omentectomy 618f
Inguinal gonads, bilateral 419f
Inguinal nodes 24
Inguinofemoral nodes 320
Insemination, subzonal 232
Insomnia 59
Insufflation test 220
Insufflator 574
Insulation failure 581
Intact reflexes 193
Interferon gamma release assay 131
International Continence Society 379
International Ovarian Tumor Analysis Group Rules 280
International Society for Study of Vulvovaginal Diseases 240
Intersex state 501
Intestines 130f
Intimate partner violence 535
Intraepithelial neoplasia 314
Intraurethral pressure 377
Intrauterine adhesion 625f
Intrauterine ball 475f
Intrauterine contraceptive devices 94, 110, 121, 137, 138, 410, 411, 428, 450, 451f, 454f, 456, 457, 526
advantages of 456b
complications of 457
insertion 451
postpartum 453
safety of 456b
third generation of 455
types of 450
Intravaginal device 472
Intravenous indigo carmine test 401
Intravesical therapy 387
Introital stenosis 241f
Ion channel blockers 525
Ionizing radiation, effects of 478
Irritable bowel syndrome 412
Irving method 468
Irving procedure 469f
Ischiorectal fossa 17
Isoflavones 60
Isofovin 62
Isolated gonadotropin deficiency 440
Isoniazid 134
Isosexual development 52
Isthmus 6
Itch-scratch 521
Kaposi's sarcoma 145
Kartagener syndrome 213
Karyopyknotic index 105
Kelly's cystourethroplasty 385
Kelly's plication 385
Ketodesogestrel 463
Khanna's sling operation 206
Kidneys 346
Kisspeptin neurokinin-dynorphin 65
Kisspeptin, role of 66fc
Knee chest position 396
Koilocyte 307f
Labium majus 317f
Lactate dehydrogenase 363
Lactation pill 462
Lactobacillus acidophilus 120
Lamivudine 146
Lamotrigine 525
Langhans giant cells 130f
Laparoscope, removal of 470
Laparoscopic harmonic scalpel 577f
Laparoscopic knot tying 577
Laparoscopy 43, 43f, 116, 117f, 128, 132, 135, 159, 168, 178, 220, 221, 259, 263, 269f, 277, 281, 370, 434, 523, 553, 581, 582, 587
absolute contraindications of 587
contraindications of 579t
indications of 221t
operative procedures for 578
timing of 116
use of 119
Laser 312
ablation therapy 303
advantages of 118
laparoscopy assisted hysteroscopy 118
limitations of 118
physics of 118
principal use of 119
systems, hazards of 118
tissue interaction 118
type 118
vaporization 228
advantages of 311
Latzko technique 398
Le Fort operation 204
Leg edema 326
asymptomatic 259
complications of 259t
growth of 253
life-threatening complications of 259t
symptomatic 260
uterus 626
Leiomyomotas, cellular 253
Lenvatinib 341
Leptotene 78
endometrial 315
endometriotic 300
intracranial 49
microscopic appearance of 131
pituitary 440
premalignant 302
primary 249
vulvar 242
Leukoplakia 556
Levator muscle hypertrophy 16
Levorotation 6
Leydig cell tumor 48
L-hook 576
Libido 460
Ligasure 576
Limbic system 64
Lipid cell tumor 272
Lipoma 244
Liposomal doxorubicin 485
Lipschutz ulcers 243
Liquor folliculi 84
Lithotomy position 97
Live birth rate 234
Lochiometra 594
Locomotor system 72
Log kill hypothesis 483
Loperamide 412
Low peak flow rate 393
Lugol solution 106
Lupus erythematosus 243
Luteinization inhibitor 81
Luteinized granulosa cells 70
functions of 68
hormone 91
morphological effects of 68
receptors, activation of 68
releasing hormone 65
secretion 83
stimulates granulosa cell proliferation 92
biopsy 132
incidence of 317
increased incidence of 319
diagnosis of 114
palpation 324
primary groups of 334
regional 318
sampling 340
status 339
Lymph vascular invasion, positive 324
Lymphadenitis 630
Lymphadenopathy, retroperitoneal 359
Lymphocyte 130f
Lymphovascular space invasion 329
Macular erythroderma 154
Malabsorption syndrome 62
Mala-D 458
Mala-N 458
Malnutrition 444
Mammary gland 529f
Mantoux test 131
Martius graft 399
Masculinization 366
Maximum cytoreductive surgery 359
Maylard incision 549
McCall culdoplasty 199
McCoy cell monolayers 140
McIndoe-Reed procedure 40
Meigs’ Wertheim hysterectomy 328
Meiosis, stimulates resumption of 68
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone 69
Menometrorrhagia 174
abnormal 62
age of 54
delayed 62
diagnosis of 59
early 62
endocrinology of 54
genitourinary syndrome of 154
health concerns of 56
natural 57
spontaneous 59
symptoms of 55
uterus atrophies 8
Menorrhagia 48, 51, 51fc, 52, 131, 136, 174, 174t, 176, 184, 254f, 257, 268, 298, 460, 593, 612, 612f
causes of 611
pubertal 507
Menstrual calendar 178
Menstrual discharge, first-day 132
Menstrual disorders 518
Menstrual flow 87
Menstrual hygiene 89
Menstrual loss 454
Menstrual period 94
Menstrual phase 87
artificial postponement of 91
infrequent 174
light 175
normal 173
permanent cessation of 54
postponement of 505
retrograde 285
Mental health 387
Mesenchymal tissues 616
Mesenchyme 33
Mesodermal tissues 275
Mesometrium 18
Mesonephric tubules 30
Mesonephroma 618
Mestranol 457
Metabolic disorders 425
Metallic cervical dilator 594
Metropathia hemorrhagica 177
Miconazole 153
Microbicide 476
Microhysteroscope 584
Micromanipulation 235
Micromuscle, contraction of 83
Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration 232
Microwave endometrial ablation 182
Midurethra 375
Midurethral slings, advantages of 384
Midurethral tape 385
Midvagina 38
Midvaginal obstetric fistula 395f
Migraine, menstrual 171
Minimally access surgery 573
Mismatch repair genes 491
Missed pills 459
Mitomycin C 486
Mitotic activity endometrial stromal tumors 370
Mobile retroverted uterus 208
Molecular defects 286
Molecular therapy 361
Monochromacity 118
Monofollicular development 73
Monophasic pills 465
Monsel's solution 241
Morcellator 575
Morphine 166
Motile spermatozoa 212
Moving strip technique 482
Mucocolpos 512
Müllerian adenosarcoma 370
Müllerian attachment 35
Müllerian malformation, pathology of 38
Müllerian system 420
Müllerian tubercle 30
Multiagent chemotherapy 369
Multiglandular autoimmune disorders 416
Multipotent stem cells 588
Mumps orchitis 216
Muscarinic receptors 376
Mutations 352
Mycobacterial nucleic acid amplification 132
Myoendometrial junction 23
Myofascitis 163f
Myohyperplasia 177f
arterial supply of 256
cell 253
cellular 253
central cervical 566
cervical 613
enucleation 566
hypercellularity of 253
intramural 254
multiple 254f
rapid growth of 263
regrowth of 262
traction of 576f
complications of 566
contraindications of 263t
hysteroscopic 586
indications of 262t
laparoscopic 576f
Myometrial contraction 92
Myopathy, signs of 193
Myxomatous degeneration 256
Naproxen 167
Narcotics 525
Narrow introitus 36
National Family Planning Programme 471
Necrobiosis 256
Necrozoospermia 216
Neoangiogenesis 286
Neodymium-doped: yttrium-aluminum garnet 118
Neoplastic epithelial disorders 521
Neosalpingostomy 228
Neosphincters 412
Neovagina 40
Nestorone 504
Neurofibroma 244
Neurohypophysis 68
Neurokinin-kisspeptin-dynorphin neurons 57
Neuromodulators 66
Neurosurgery 50
Nevirapine 459
Nexplanon 463
Nicotinic receptors 376
Nifedipine 167
Night sedation 548
Nirodh 472
Nitrofurantoin 391
Nocturnal enuresis 378
Nodular growth 326
Nomegestrol 504
Nonabsorbable sutures 611
Non-gonococcal urethritis 138
Nongynecological disorders 524
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium 5
Nonoxynol-9 473
Nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, hereditary 350
Nonpregnant endometrial cycle 87
Nonsteroid triphenylethylene 502
Nonsteroidal androgen receptor antagonist 506
Norethynodrel 457
Norgestimate 504
Normozoospermia 216
Nuck canal 244
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 146
Numerous cell divisions 588
Nutritious diet 59
Nuva ring 476
Nystatin 153
Obligatory intracellular organisms 140
Obstetric anal sphincter injury, classification of 405
Obturator nodes 323
Octoxynol 473
Office cystometries 382
Ofloxacin 141
OHVIRA syndrome 38
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia 216
Oligospermia, severe 235
Omental pedicle graft 399
Omentectomy 373
Oncology 112
Oncovin 487
Oophoritis 160
Operative delivery postpartum hemorrhage 258
Ophthalmoscope 513
Opioids, endogenous 66
Optic chiasma 75
Optimum cytoreductive surgery 359
Oral estrogen regime 61
Orchidopexy 224
Organic lesion 524
Osteoporotic fractures, postmenopausal 460
Otoscope 513
Ovarian ageing, early 438
Ovarian biopsy 564
Ovarian carcinogenesis 351t
Ovarian conservation 559t
Ovarian cystic mass 283
Ovarian epithelial cancer 360t
Ovarian epithelial tumors, cell types of 272
Ovarian fimbria 9
Ovarian hyperemia 174
Ovarian hypofunction 501
Ovarian incision, closure of 563f
advanced 355f
categories of 351
primary treatment of 358
recurrence of 116
risk of 358
surgical staging for 359
Ovarian mass 114f
Ovarian metastases, risk of 323
Ovarian nerves 9
Ovarian phase 90
Ovarian plexus 27
Ovarian primordial follicle number 73
Ovarian serous cyst adenocarcinoma 354f
Ovarian stimulation regimen 233t
Ovarian stroma 433f
Ovarian suppression 526
Ovarian tumorigenesis, concept of 368
Ovarian veins 24
Ovariolysis 578f
Ovary 9, 10, 21, 25, 35, 38, 47, 48, 70, 72, 111, 122, 130, 131, 221, 257, 292, 353, 430, 435f, 461, 491, 522, 578, 611, 618f
accessory 44
anomalies of 44
benign neoplasms of 269
bilateral malignant epithelial tumors of 354f
bilateral mucinous adenocarcinoma of 619f
borderline epithelial tumors of 281
carcinoid tumors of 616
chocolate cyst of 278
descent of 35
development of 33
enlarged 357
fibroma of 617f
following hyper-stimulation syndrome 627
functions of 70
healthy 182
histological structures of 11f
hyperstimulation of 174
malignant tumors of 350
metastatic tumors of 367
non-neoplastic cysts of 270
normal 269
polycystic changes of 433f
premenopausal 572
preservation of 559
suspensory ligament of 17
tumors of 618
Overweight 516
Ovotesticular disorders 419
causes of 82
correct timing of 112
effects of 83
endocrine control of 82
pregnancy rate 232
stimulation of 225
Oxygen enhancement ratio 481
Oxytocin 69
Pachytene 78
Pad test 380
Paget's cells 303
acute 537
burning 242
control 550
adequate 550
cyclic lower abdominal 39
degree of 287
flank 401
intermenstrual 524
leg 334
mapping 524
menstrual 169
musculofacial 523
neurophysiology of 522
noncyclic 530
ovular 169
ovulation 169
shoulder 220
site of 523
urethral 391
vaginal 206
Pampiniform plexus 10
Panhysterectomy 558
Papillae, extensive coalescence of 352f
Papillary serous carcinoma 362
Papillary serous cyst adenoma, lining epithelium of 273f
Paracentesis 356
Paracervical tissue 561
Paralysis 629
Paralytic ileus 562
Parametrial node 24
Paraovarian cyst 44f
Parasympathetic nervous system 392
Parathyroid disease 153
Paraurethral implants 382
Paravaginal repair 385
Paravesical space 568
Parenchyma, renal 110
Paris technique 331f
Parkinson's disease 388
Paroxetine 60
Passive immunotherapy 490
Pelvic blood vessels 22
Pelvic brim 12
Pelvic disease 296
Pelvic exploration 359
chronic 135
clinical diagnostic criteria of 136
complications of 125
late sequelae of 127
outpatient treatment of 125t
risk factors for 122
syndromic diagnosis of 162
Pelvic lesions 521
Pelvic lymphatics 24
Pelvic nerves 26
adequate exposure of 401
adjacent 405
infections of 149
innervation of 22
pathology of 129
clinical types of 189
etiology of 189t
newer classifications of 210
staging of 192
use of 589
Pelvic origin, backache of 528
Pelvic peritonitis 130
Pelvic radiation, external 341
Pelvic relaxation, degree of 380
Pelvic sonography 346
Pelvic surgery 394
Pelvic ureter 12
Pembrolizumab, use of 341
Pentoxifylline 295
Perihepatic adhesions 117f
Perimenopause 54
Perimetrium 6
Perineal anus 36
Perineal examination 193
Perineal hygiene 513
Perineal scarring 142
Perioophoritis 526
Perisalpingitis 130
Peritoneal carcinoma, primary 362
Peritoneal cul-de-sac 17
Peritoneal fluid 285t
Peritoneal inflammation 288
Peritoneal nodules 280
Peritoneal oocyte 232
Peritoneal spillage, bilateral 221f
Permethrin cream 148
Pethidine 166
Pfannenstiel incision 549
Phagocytic cells 287
Pharmacologic therapy 387
Pharmacotherapy 501
Phlebitis 562
Phosphorylation 67
Pinopods formation 84
Pipelle endometrial sampling 527
Piver and Rutledge classification 558
Plasma device 577
Pleomorphic nuclei 371f
Plexus, intrinsic 25
Ploidy status 362
Pluripotent stem cells 588
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 145
Polyamide 610
Polycystic ovarian disease 335
Polycythemia 521
Polydimethyl siloxane 382
Polyethylene glycol 590
Polyglycolic acid 610
Polyglyconate sutures 610
Polymastia 530
endocervical 251
management of 597
mucous 249f
multiple 265f
placental 267
recurrence of 265
removal of 265
Polypectomy 585
Polypropylene 610
Polyvinyl alcohol microspheres 182
Polyzoospermia 216
Pomeroy's method 469f
Popcorn appearance 628f
Port site metastasis 336
Portio vaginalis 7
Positive tissue resection margin 331
Post-ablation syndrome 182
Post-ligation syndrome 471
Postoperative estrogen replacement therapy 301
Postradiation fistula 399
Post-vasectomy syndrome 467
Post-void residual urine 380
Pregabalin 525
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers 376
continuation rate 38
corpus luteum of 84
events 93
failure rate 449
immunological test of 523
loss, recurrent 262
multiple 237
nonmolar 345
rate of 238
risk of 474
termination of 146
treatment in 141
Pregnanediol, daily excretion of 72
Presacral neurectomy 296
Presacral space 20
Pressure 262
Primary peritoneal adenocarcinoma, type of 362
Primary vaginal carcinoma 320
Progenitor cells 588
antagonists 295
challenge test 444
cyclic 180
daily production of 72
derivative 504
effect, evidences of 87
levels of 88
oral 181
production 68
beta isoform, down regulation of 286
modulators 476
resistance, development of 286
secretion 84
serum value of 72
therapy 341
management of 211
recurrence of 206
surgery, guidelines for 196
surgical management of 196
treatments of 601
Prolene 610
Propranolol 65
Propylthiouracil 507
Proteus 389
Proximal tubal block 228
Proximal tubal obstruction 238
Pseudocervical fibroid 255
Pseudo-Meigs’ syndrome 255
Pseudomenopause 294
Pseudopregnancy 294
Pseudosarcoma botryoides 373
Psoas hitch 402
Psoriasis 242
Psychodynamic therapy 535
Psychological tricyclic antidepressants 246
Psychosexual treatment 224
Psychosis 412
Psychotropic drugs 172
Pubertal development, Tanner stages of 48t
abnormal 46
central precocious 48
disorders of 47
latest sign of 51
management protocol of 51fc
normal 46
peripheral precocious 48
Puboanalis 15
Pubococcygeus, medial fibers of 188
Pubovaginalis 15
Pubovesical fascia 18
Pudendal artery, internal 23
Pudendal canal 23
Pudendum 1
Puerperium 93
Pulsatile gonadotropin-releasing hormones therapy 223
Pulsatility index 358
Pulsion enterocele 189
Punctate hemorrhagic spots 152f
Purandare's operation 205
Pyelitis 390
Pyelography, retrograde 397
Pyogenic salpingitis 158t
Pyogenic tubo-ovarian mass 133
Pyrazinamide 134
Pyrexia 561
Pyridoxine 170
Radial arteries 23
absorption dose 480
biology 478
dose 480
rate 478
effects of 493
intracavitary 341
measurement of 480
physics, principles of 478
resistance 478
stimulated emission of 118
new technology for 482
technique of 479
Radio-opaque dye, irregular filling of 624
Radiosensitivity 481
Raltegravir 146
Ranitidine 441
Rapamycin inhibitors, mammalian target of 485
Rapid eye movement sleep 57
Reconstructive surgery 129
Rectoabdominal examination 99
Rectoanal inhibitory reflex 412
Recto-genitourinary hiatus 188
Rectosigmoidoscopy 289
congenital 35
Reid colposcopic index 107
Reinfection, prevention of 391
Reiter's disease 243
Renal pelvis 111f
Renin-angiotensin–aldosterone system 169
Reproductive system, development of 34f
Reserpine 65
Retractors, abdominal 602
Retroperitoneal nodes 356f
Revised National TB Control Programme 134
Rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal 372
Rh-negative donor insemination 231
Rib cage 548
Riboflavin 247
Right ovarian vein syndrome 168
Ringer's solution 550
Risedronate 59
Ritonavir 459
Robotic laparoscopic surgery 332
Robotic radical hysterectomy 570
Robotic sacrocolpopexy 205
Rokitansky's protuberance 274
Romosozumab 59
Rosenmüller gland 24
Rosenmüller node 571
Round cells 216
Rubin's test 220
Sabouraud's media 102
Sacrohysteropexy 202
Sacroiliac articulation 22
Salmonella septicemia 145
Salpingography, selective 113
Salpingolysis 578f
Salpingostomy, bilateral 623f
Saucerization 398
Scabies 148
Schiller's test 309
Schiller-Duval body 364
Schroeder's disease 177
Scrotum 1
Secretion, site of 68
Self-retaining retractor 602
Seminiferous tubules, basal cells of 213
Seminoma 420
Serological test 140
Sertalin 441
Sertraline 60
chromatin study 105
chromosome 422
cord stromal
derivatives 272
education, lack of 137
glands 9
hormone 509
levels of 55
steroid hormones 67
Sexual abuse 183
Sexual activity, loss of 193
Sexual transmission 129
Shirodker's abdominal sling 205
Sickle cell anaemia 61
Silicon ring 382f
Sims-Huhner test 223
Sinography 397
Sinovaginal bulb 32
Sinus 142
Skene's ducts 11
Snow storm appearance 112
Soft chancre 144
Soft sore 141
Somatotropin 69
Sonohysterography 113f
Soreness 406
Sparse axillary hair 418
Sparse pubic hair 418
Spatula 590
abnormality 213
agglutination 216
antibodies 235
concentration 216
function tests 217
motility 216
loss of 213
retrieval techniques 232
transfer 232
Spermatogenesis, physiology of 213
Sphincter ani externus 17
Spinal cord injury 412
Sputum 132
Stellate ganglion block 62
Stereotactic body radiotherapy 482
Sterile pyuria 390
Steroid hormone 69f
facilitate synthesis of 68
mechanism of action of 71f
production, mechanism of 70
receptor complex 71f
Steroid sex hormones 500
Steroidal contraceptives, types of 457fc
Stimulate follicular growth 68
Stockholm technique 331f
Stomach, empty 551
Stratified squamous epithelium 7
Stratum basalis 84
Strawberry appearance 152f
Strumal carcinoids 275
Stuart's media 151
Sturmdorf suture 202
Subaortic nodes 25
Subclavian vein 25
Subdiaphragmatic air 110
Submucous polyp 265f
Subserous myoma, pedunculated 254
Subserous pedunculated fibroid 262
Sulfur granules 135
Superficial dermal papilla 318
Superficial dyspareunia, causes of 535
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes 317
Superficial pudendal arteries 23
Supraclavicular nodes, palpation of 95f
Suprapubic bladder puncture 101
Supravaginal fibroids 265
complications of 330
contraindication for 341
emergency 264
guidelines for 281
over radiotherapy, advantages of 329
Swabs, endocervical 102
Sweat glands 1
Swyer syndrome 419
Sympathomimetic drugs 382
Syncopal attack 454
Syncytiotrophoblast cells 345f
Synthesizes prostaglandins 68
Syringe barrel test 579
Tadpole cell 103
Tall columnar epithelial cells 273f
Taxol derivatives 360
Taxus brevifolia 484
Teletherapy 479
Telomerase 491
Telopheron directs 78
Tenosynovitis 137
Tenovofir 146
Tension-free vaginal tape 383
Terconazole 153
Tetracyclic antidepressants 171
Tetracycline 459
ablation destroys cervical tissue 311
cauterization 555
procedure of 556f
damage 587
energy, use of 400
resection 402
Thoracic duct 25
Thrombophlebitis 207
Thromboprophylaxis 548
Thyroid 153
activity 74
factors 431
enlargement of 77
normal serum values of 74t
releasing hormone 69
replacement therapy 50
tissue 275
Tibolone 61
Tinidazole 143
Tiny fistula 396
Tischler biopsy forceps 303
biopsy, indications of 533
culture 140
dissection, laparoscopic procedures of 580
endometriotic 300
hypoxia 481
impedance 577
loss 400
necrosis 288
penetration 118
tolerance 482t
Tocolytics 167
Tomosynthesis 533
Topography 268
Topoisomerase inhibitors 485
Topotecan 360
Trabecular bone loss 262
Transcervical sterilization 476
Transcervical tubal catheterization, procedure of 113
Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation 524
Transfixation suture 564f
Transforming growth factor-beta 285
Transrectal sonography 112
Transurethral resection syndrome 182
Transverse incision, advantages of 549
Trigonitis 388
Triiodothyronine 74
Trimegestone 504
Triphasic pills 465
Tubal cannulation 585
Tubal diameter hydrosalpinx 158f
Tubal disease, classification of 159
Tubal dysfunction 215
Tubal lumen 222
Tubal occlusions 586
Tubal peritoneal junction 354f
Tubal reconstructive surgery, types of 599
Tubal restorative 129
Tubal ring 112
Tubercles 130f
Tubocornual anastomosis 229
benign 280
bulky 331
calcification of 441
cells, microscopic 483
endometrial 631f
endometrioid 274
epithelial 272
feminizing 618
hepatic 452
intracranial 50
gynecological 492t
serous 277
uses of 492
metastatic 368
multilocularity of 272f
naked eye appearance of 256
pituitary 114
placental site trophoblastic 343
produces alpha fetoprotein 364
regional spread of 338
solid nature of 366f
specificity 481
interference of 307
surgical removal of 366
volume 481
Uchida technique 468
Unipotent cells 588
Ureteric implantation 402
Ureteric pain, frequent attacks of 327
Ureteric repair, principles of 402
Ureteroileoneocystostomy 402
Ureterouterine 394
closure of 37
lymphatic of 26
middle-third of 23
proximal 375
sphincter 12
striated muscle of 376
submucous layer of 375
wall of 12
closure 375
pressure, significant lowering of 381
discharge 101
diverticulum 391
mucosa, prolapse of 514
mucosal coaptation 375
opening 1
pressure profile 381
prolapse 391
dysfunction 381
incompetence 379
Urethritis 390
Urethroscopy 381
Uretopexy procedures 202
Urinary diversion 387
Urinary meatus, external 378
Urinary retention 391
Urination, frequency of 299
acute retention of 593
chronic retention of 593
culture 391
leakage 401
loss of 379
per vaginam, continuous escape of 396
postoperative retention of 384f
storage of 376
Urogenital membrane 29
Urogynecology 115
appendages, palpation of 99
contraindications of 263
lies 15
ovarian branches of 25
pulsatality index 346
cyclic physiologic 78
irregular 266
persistent 262
body 47
causes of 6
distortion of 262
cramp 522
didelphys 39f
displacement 528
distension 117
incision 566
injury 413
inversion, chronic 267
malformations, detection of 553
malignancy 263
mucosa 284
muscle, autonomic nervous control of 165
myometrial hyperactivity 165
neoplasia 373
nerve ablation, laparoscopic 525
papillary serous carcinoma 341
diagnosis of 454
polyps 265
benign 268
preservation procedures 202
degree of 190t
sarcoma 373
classification of 370
stroma 111
causes of 446
formation 131
thermal balloon 181
normal 99
Uterocervical length 452f
Uterosacral nerve ablation, laparoscopic 296
Uterovesical pouch 17
Uterus 3, 6, 24, 30, 31, 33, 38, 39, 56, 72, 177, 193, 194, 209f, 221, 257, 298f, 340, 355, 411, 411f, 420, 461, 503, 558, 578, 611, 615f, 618f, 626, 628f
abnormalities of 40
adenomyosis of 626
anterior surface of 7f
lesions of 253
tumor of 253
bicornis bicollis 40
bimanual examination of 99f
body of 522
cardinal support of 187
congenital malformations of 43f
conservation of 113
cornu of 28
displacements of 186
endometrial stromal sarcoma of 371f
internal blood supply of 23f
ligaments of 19f
lymphatic drainage of 24f
lymphatic of 25
middle of 23
noninfective 553
nonmalignant 553
palpation of 99
parts of 6f
position of 8
posterior surface of 7f
prolapse of 186f
puerperal 632
sonogram of 265f
structures of 210
symmetrical enlargement of 258t
ventrosuspension of 210
Vagina 3, 6, 24, 30, 32, 33, 35, 56, 58, 71, 72, 108, 130, 175, 188, 243, 291, 296, 297, 336, 410, 411, 420, 461, 561, 631f
benign lesions of 240
congenital agenesis of 35
cyst of 35
defense of 120t
development of 32
diagnose complete eversion of 194
endodermal sinus tumors of 513
inspection of 98
lateral relations of 4f
lymphatic of 26
middle-third of 23
primary carcinoma of 321
secondary carcinoma of 321
segment of 39
site of 16
supports of 187
upper-third of 105
Vaginal agenesis 45
Vaginal atrophy 196
Vaginal biopsy 589
Vaginal cells maturation index 105t
Vaginal cream 61
Vaginal cuff 332
Vaginal cycle 90t
Vaginal cyst 245
Vaginal devices 382
Vaginal erosions 242
Vaginal flaps, triangular 197
Vaginal fluid 519
Vaginal fornices 345f
Vaginal fornix, anterior 400
Vaginal ligation 469
Vaginal margins 568
Vaginal mass 391
Vaginal misoprostol 566
Vaginal myomectomy 263
Vaginal nodules 346
Vaginal pessaries 207
Vaginal polyp, benign 373
Vaginal probe 43
Vaginal procedure 565
Vaginal progesterone 499
Vaginal prolapse 189
Vaginal radical trachelectomy 332
Vaginal reconstruction 428
Vaginal ring 476
Vaginal route repair, advantages of 398
Vaginal rugae 188
Vaginal scrape cytology 303
Vaginal secretion 5
Vaginal smear, gram stained 143
Vaginal surgery 603
Vaginal tape procedures 384f
Vaginal trachelectomy, radical 333
Vaginal trichomoniasis 164
Vaginismus 534
Vague disorders 169
Valacyclovir 144
Vascular theory 286
Vasculitis 479
Vasculopathic pattern 240
Vault cellulitis 207
Vault granulation 562
Vena cava 10
Venlafaxine 60
Venous thromboembolic disease 60
Vertical fusion defects 38
Vesical arteries 23
Vesicocervical space 20
Vesicovaginal septum 19
Vesicovaginal space 20
Vessels, endometrial 87
Vestibulectomy 246
Vestibulodynia 246
Villi, structures of 344f
Vinca alkaloids 484
Vinorelbine 484
Virchow's gland 355f
Virginal vulva 2f
Virilism 539
Virus 144
Vitelline membrane 80
von Recklinghausen disease 244
von Willebrand factor 178
basal cell carcinoma of 320
lesions of 240
tumor of 244
blood supply of 2
colposcopic examination of 318
giant condyloma acuminata of 147f
lymphatic of 26
nerve supply of 2
non-neoplastic epithelial disorders of 521
posterior part of 26
premalignant lesions of 314
Vulvar dystrophy 242f
Vulvar elephantiasis 142
Vulvar endometriosis 245
Vulvar fibroma 245f
Vulvar lesions, premalignant 302
Vulvar lichen sclerosus 241f
Vulvar lipoma 245f
Vulvar malignancy 317f
Vulvar non-neoplastic epithelial disorders 240
Vulvar skin 241f
Vulvar squamous cell carcinoma 317f
Vulvoscopy 318
Vulvovaginal pruritus 242
Warren flap method 407
Warts, genital 147
Wedge biopsy 554
Wertheim's original operation 567
Wet smear 153
Wilms’ tumor gene 33
Wilms’ vulvovaginoplasty 40
Wolffian system 420