Textbook of Human Histology With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide Inderbir Singh
Acinus portal, 264
Actinin, 130
Adenine, 31
Adenohypophysis, 318.
control of secretion, 322
Pars anterior of, 318
Also See Cell, adenophysis
Adenoma, 53, 55
Adipocyte, 67
Aldosterone, 329
Anaemia, 76
haemolytic, 76
hypochromic, 76
microcytic, 76
Anastomosis, arteriovenous, 185
Aneurysm, 180
Angiotensin, 286
iridocorneal, 336
iridocorneal, spaces of, 336
Ankyrin, 75
Ansa nephroni, 283
Antibodies, 82
Anticodon, 34
Antigen, 82
Antigen ABO, 75
Antrum folliculi, 307
biliary, extrahepatic, 268
juxtaglomerular, 286
spine, 147, 151
Appendix, vermiform, 259
Areolae, in bone
primary, 112
secondary, 113
Arteriole, 180
muscular, 180
terminal, 180
elastic, 179
muscular, 179
tunica adventitia of, 178
tunica intima of, 178
tunica media of, 178
of kidney, 279
Artery (continued)
arcuate, 279
glomerular, 279
interlobar, 279
interlobular, 279
lobar, 279
Asthma, 223
Astrocyte, 174
Atheroma, 180
Atrium, in lung, 223
Autosome, 29
Axis cylinder, 154
Axolemma, 154
Axon, 142
collaterals of, 145
myelinated, 143
Axon hillock, 146
Axoneme, 23
Axoplasmic flow, 146
Bag, synaptic, 147
blood nerve, 160
blood-retina, 350
blood-thymus, 198
glomerular filtration, 281
Belt, adhesive, 10, 12
Bile, 263
Bladder, urinary, 288
Blood, 74
cellular elements of, 74
corpuscles, red, 74
corpuscles, white, 74
formation of, 86
platelets, 74, 85
platelets, parts of, 86
amyloid, 301
Barr, 44
basal, 23
carotid, 331
ciliary, 338
Malpighian, 196
multivesicular, 20
of Birbeck, 207
of Langherhans, 207
Body (continued)
para-aortic, 331
polar first, 305
polar socond, 305
residual, 20
satellite of chromosome, 37
Bone, 98
blood supply of, 121
canaliculi of, 99
cancellous, 98, 101
cartilage, 100
compact, 98, 101
diaphysis of, 117
epiphysis of, 118
formation of, 109
growth of, 115
growth, factors influencing, 120
hydroxyapatite, 105
lacunae of, 99
lamellae, 101
circumferential, 101
interstitial, 101
lamellar, 99
long, development of, 116
marrow cavity in, 98, 118
inorganic ions, 105
organic, 105
mechanical properties, 108
membrane, 100
spongy, 98
structure, 98
woven, 100
Bone marrow
red, 98
yellow, 98
brush, 25
striated, 25
presynaptic, 148
terminal, 145
terminaux, 145
Bronchi, 221
lobar, 223
segmental, 223
lobular, 223
Bronchiole (continued)
respiratory, 223
terminal, 223
periosteal, 113
taste, 234
Bulb, paranodal, 159
Bursa of Fabricus, 81
Burst forming units, 90
CAM, 9
lamina propria, 244
layers of, 243
lining epithelium, 243
mucous membrane of, 243
muscularis externa, 245
muscularis mucosae, 244
nerve plexuses, 245
submucosa, 244
anal, 260
Haversian, 101
of Schlemm, 335
of Volkmann, 102
portal, 264
pulp, 229
semicircular, 356
Canaliculi, bile, 263
methylguanine, 35
Poly(A) tail, 35
Capillary, 183
bed, blood flow through, 184
continuous, 183
fenestrated, 183
lymph, 189
muscular, 183
Carcinoma, 53, 55
Cartilage, 93
articular, 94
calcification of, 97
cells of, 93
costal, 94
elastic, 93, 96
epiphyseal, 95, 118
-fibro, 93, 95
ground substance, 93
hyaline, 93, 94
in developing bone, 95
ossification of, 97
Cartridge, synaptic, 148
follicular, 307
nasal, 217
oral, 227
pulp, 229
tympanic, 355
adhesion molecules, 9
argentaffin, 250, 262
bone lining, 104
chromaffin, 330
dendritic, 207
division, 39
endocrine in intestine, 255
endocrine, of gut, 262
enterochromaffin, 262
epithelioid, 91
fat, 67
germ, primordial, 304
giant, 68
giant, foreign body, 91
goblet, 47, 55, 254
granulosa, 307
gustatory, 235
haemopoietic stem, 89
hair, of organ of Corti, 362, 363
in gastric glands
chief, 248
oxyntic, 249
parietal, 249
peptic, 248
zymogen, 248
juxtaglomerular, 286
Kupffer, 266
luteal, 308
lymphopoietic stem, 89
mast, 68
memory, 192
mesenchymal, 66
mucous neck, 250
myoepithelial, 138, 241
of adenohypophysis, 319
acidophil, 319
basophil, 319
chromophobe, 320
corticotroph, 319
follicle stimulating, 319
gonadotroph, 319
luteinising, 319
Cell (continued)
mammotroph, 319
somatotroph, 319
thyrotroph, 319
of cerebellum
basket, 370
brush, 370
Golgi, 370, 372
granule, 370, 371
Purkinje, 370
stellate, 370
of Claudius, 362
of connective tissue, 58
of Henson, 362
of Langherhans, 207
of Merkel, 208
of mononuclear phagocyte system, 91
of Muller, in retina, 342
of organ of Corti, 362
of pancreatic islets, 272
of parathyroid
chief, 327
eosinophil, 327
oxyphil, 327
principal, 327
of testis
germ, 291
interstitial, 298
of Sertoli, 291, 293
sustentacular, 291, 293
of thyroid
follicular, 325
parafollicular, 325, 327
olfactory, 219
osteoprogenitor, 99, 103
Paneth, 253, 255
phalangeal, of organ of Corti, 362, 364
pigment, 67
pigment, in retina, 343
plasma, 69
rod, of organ of Corti, 362
Schwann, 143
lymphocytic, 90
pleuripotent haemal, 90
totipotent, 90
zymogen, 255
Cell membrane, 6
carbohydrates in, 5
lipids in, 4
proteins in, 5
transport through, 7
Cell organelles, 14
Cell structure, 1, 3
Cell, contacts between
adhesive belt, 10
adhesive junction, 10
adhesive spot, 10
adhesive strip, 10
anchoring junction, 10
desmosome, 10
fascia adherens, 10
focal spot, 10
hemidesmosome, 10
macula adherens, 10
unspecialised, 9
zona adherens, 10
Cement, of tooth, 230
Cementocyte, 231
microtubule organising, 22
nuclear organising, 37
Centriole, 23
Centromere, 37
cortex, 368, 370
cortex, layers of, 370
hemispheres of, 368
lobes of, 369
vallecula of, 368
vermis of, 368
white matter of, 370
gyri of, 372
sulci of, 372
Cervix, of uterus, 313
Channel, thoroughfare, 186
Cholecystitis, 268
Cholecystectomy, 268
Cholelithiasis, 268
Chondroblast, 93
Chondrocyte, 93
Chromatid, 37
Chromatin, 26, 27
-eu, 26
-hetero, 26
Chromatolysis, 160
Chromosome, 28, 29
constrictions of, 37
Chromosome (continued)
diploid, 293
duplication of, 36
haploid, 293
heterogametic, 29
homogametic, 29
homologous, 29
long and short arms, 37
metacentric, 37
sex, 29
structure, fully formed, 37
submetacentric, 37
telocentric, 37
Cilia, 23
abnormalities of, 25
-kino, 24
olfactory, 24
Cistron, 34
Clathrin, 8
Cleft, synaptic, 148
Clitoris, 315
Cochlea, 356
bony, 357
duct of, 357
modiolus of, 357
Code, triplet, 33
Colic, biliary, 269
Colon, 258
Colony forming units, 90
anal, 260
grey, anterior, 367
grey, dorsal, 367
grey, posterior, 367
grey, ventral, 367
Colustrum, 316
Coma, hepatic, 267
Complex junctional, 13
Conduction, saltatory, 158
Cones, in retina, 343
Conjunctiva, 352
Conus medullaris, 367
Cord, spinal, 366, 367
Cornea, 335
anterior limiting lamina of, 336
posterior limiting lamina of, 336
substantia propria of, 336
Corpora amylacea, 301
Corpus albicans, 309
Corpus luteum, 308
of menstruation, 309
of pregnancy, 309
bulbous, 165
lamellated, 164
of Hassall, 199
of Krause, 165
of Meissner, 164
of Pacini, 164
renal, 276, 281
tactile, 164
Cortex, cerebral, 372
laminae of, 374
neurons in, 373
granular, 374
pyramidal, 373
stellate, 374
types of, 375
Cortisol, 330
Cortisone, 330
ampullary, 358, 359
ampullary, hair cells of, 359
Cumulus oophoricus, 307
Cumulus oophorus, 307
Cumulus ovaricus, 307
Cuniculum externum, 362
Cuniculum medium, 362
menstrual, 310, 312
uterine, 310
Cytokine, 83
Cytosine, 31
Cytoskeleton, 21
Cytosol, 15
Dehydroepiandrosterone, 330
Dendrite, 142
Dentine, 228
circumpulpal, 230
mantle, 230
peritubular, 230
primary, 230
secondary, 230
sheath of, 230
Deoxycorticosterone, 329
Deoxyribonucleic acid, 27, 30, 31
Dermis, 203, 205
cleavage lines in, 208
papillary layer of, 205
reticular layer of, 205
Desmin, 22, 130
Desmosome, 10, 11
Diaphragm, glomerular slit, 282
Dihydrocortisone, 330
intercalated, 134
optic, 340
Discus proligerous, 307
lysosomal glycogen storage, 21
Tay Sach's, 21
DNA, 27, 30, 31
Drumstick, 44
alveolar, 223
bile, 263
hepatic, 269
hepatopancreatic, 269
lymphatic, right, 188
of Bellini, 275
of cochlea, 357, 361
papillary in kidney, 275
semicircular, 356
thoracic, 188
Ductule efferent, 291, 298
Ductus deferens, 291, 299
Duodenum, 251
Dyad, 134
Ear, 354
auricle, of, 355
external, 354, 355
internal, 354
internal, cochlear part, 354
internal, vestibular part, 354
middle, 354
Echinocyte, 75
alpha, 127
gamma, 127
Elastin, 64
Enamel, 228
lamellae, 230
spindle, 230
tuft, 230
Endocardium, 187
Endocytosis, 7
Endolymph, 356
Endolysosome, 20
Endometrium, 312
Endomysium, 125
Endoneurium, 154
Endosteum, 98
Endothelium, 46, 177
Entactin, 64
Envelope, nuclear, 27
Epicardium, 187
Epidermis, 203
basal layer of, 203
cornified zone, 204
germinal layer of, 203
germinative zone of, 204
layers of, 203
Malpighian layer of, 203
prickle cells of, 204
proliferation unit, 206
stratum basale of, 203
stratum corneum of, 204
stratum germinativum of, 203
stratum granulosum of, 204
stratum lucidum of, 204
stratum spinosum of, 203
zone of keratinisation, 204
Epididymis, 291, 299
Epiglottis, 221
Epimysium, 125
Episclera, 335
Epithelium, 45
basement membrane of, 51
brush, border, 47
classification of, 45
columnar, 46
ciliated, 47
pseudostratified, 49
striated border, 47
cuboidal, 48
germinal, 48
keratinised, 49
non-keratinised, 49
olfactory, 218
squamous, 46
squamous, stratified, 49
transitional, 50
Erythroblast, 89
Erythrocyte, 74
crenation of, 75
formation of, 89
haemolysis of, 75
rouleaux formation of, 75
Eumelanin, 207
Exocytosis, 8, 19
Eye, 334
anterior chamber, endothelium of, 336
choroid of, 337
lens of, 350
Eye (continued)
uvea of, 337
vascular coat of, 337
Eyelids, 351
F-actin, 21
extrinsic, 250
intrinsic, 250
Fascia adherens, 10, 12
Fasciculus, 153
Fat, perinephric, 70
collagen, 61
elastic, 63
extrafusal, 166
intrafusal, 127, 166
nuclear bag, 167
nuclear chain, 167
of connective tissue, 58
of Sharpey, 107
of Tomes, 230
perforating, 107
Purkinje, 187
reticular, 63
Fibrillin, 64
Fibroblast, 65
Fibrocyte, 65
Fibronectin, 64
Field, dendritic, 146
Field, of Conheim, 124
actin, 21, 129
cytokeratin, 206
intermediate, 22
keratin, 206
-micro, 22
myosin, 129
-neuro, 22
Filamin, 21
Filum terminale, 367
Flagella, 25
Folia linguae, 234
Graafian, 305
lymphatic, 190
lymphatic, aggregated, 201
lymphatic, solitary, 201
ovarian, 305
fate of, 310
primary, 306
primordial, 306
secondary, 307
Fovea centralis in retina, 340
Funiculus, 153
anterior, 367
anterolateral, 368
lateral, 368
Gallbladder, 268
Ganglia, 152, 171
autonomic, 173
basal of cerebrum, 372
sensory, 172
Gastrin, 250, 272
Gene, 29
Gene, structural, 34
Genitalia, external female, 314
Germinative matrix, 213
Gland, 54
acini of, 54
alveolar, 54
anal, 262
buccal, 236
ciliary, 352
compound, 54
ductless, 54
ducts of, 55
duodenal, 256
endocrine, 54, 317
exocrine, 54
externally secreting, 54
cardiac, 250
main, 248
pyloric, 250
internally secreting, 54
intestinal, 253
labial, 236
lacrimal, 352
lingual, 237
mammary, 315
Meibomian, 351
mucous, 54
multicellular, 54
of Brunner, 251, 256
of Krause, 352
of Moll, 352
of Wolfring, 352
of Zeis, 352
palatine, 237
papilla lingual, 234
parathyroid, 327
parathyroid, cells of, 327
parenchyma of, 55
pineal, 323
pituitary, 318
Gland (continued)
saccular, 54
salivary, 236
acini of, 238
crescents in, 239
demilunes in, 239
ducts of, 239
innervation, 242
sebaceous, 212
serous, 54
simple, 54
stroma of, 55
suprarenal, 328
cortex of, 328
hormones of, 329
medulla of, 330
zona fasciculata of, 328
zona glomerulosa of, 328
zona reticularis of, 329
sweat, atypical, 215
sweat, typical, 214
tarsal, 351
thecal, 307
thyroid, 325
cells of, 325
follicles of, 325
hormones of, 326
tubular, 54
unicellular, 54
Globulin, 75
in kidney, 274
synaptic, 147
Glomus, 185
Glucagon, 272
Gluconeogenesis, 267
Glycocalyx, 5, 254
Glycosaminoglycan, 93
Golgi complex, 17
cis, 17
medial, 17
trans, 17
basal, 23
secretory, 19
Granulocyte, formation of, 89
Grey matter, 366
Guanine, 31
Haem, 75
Haemocytoblast, 89
Haemoglobin, 74
Haemopoiesis, 86
extramedullary, 86
monophyletic theory, 86
polyphyletic theory, 86
bulb of, 210
cuticle of, 210
follicle of, 210
follicle, layers of, 211
papilla of, 210
parts of, 210
shaft of, 210
Heart, 187
conducting system of, 187
valves of, 187
Heart atttack, 180
Hemidesmosome, 10, 12
Henle, loop of, 277
Hepatitis, 267
Hepatocyte, 263
Hilus, neurovascular, 126
Histaminocyte, 68
Hormone. See individual endocrine glands
Hyaloplasm, 15
Hypertension, portal, 267
Hyponychium, 214
Hypophysis cerebri, 318
adenohypophysis, cells of, 319
blood supply, 321
neurohypophysis, 320
pars intermedia, 320
pars posterior, 320
pars tuberalis, 320
Hypothalamus, 372
Ileum, 251
Immunoglobulin, 82
Incisure, Schmidt Lanterman, 157
Infarction, myocardial, 180
Insulin, 272
Internode, 154
Intestine, 243
large, 258
small, 251
Intron, 35
Iris, 338
of Langerhans, 272
pancreatic, 272
Jaundice, 269
Jejunum, 251
adhesive, 10
anchoring, 10, 11
communicating, 11, 14
corneoscleral, 335
gap, 11, 14
myoneural, 169
neuromuscular, 169
occluding, 11, 12
sclerocorneal, 335
tight, 11, 13
tight, leaky, 13
Karyotyping, 38
Keratin, 50
Keratinocyte, 205
Keratohyalin, 204
Keratohyalin granules, 206
Kidney, 274
calyses of, 274
cortex of, 274
floating, 71
hilum of, 274
medulla of, 274
nephron in, 275
pelvis of, 274
pyramids of, 274
tubules of, 275
Kinetochore, 37
Kinetosome, 23
Kinocilia, 24
majora, 315
minora, 314
Labyrinth, 356
bony, 356
membranous, 356
Lacteal, 252
Lamin, 22
basal, in eye, 337
cribrosa, 335
nuclear, 27
propria, 53
spiral, 357
suprachoroid, 337
suprachoroidal, 335
Laminin, 64
Larynx, 220
cartilages of, 220
Layer, granular of Tomes, 230
Lemniscus, 153
Leucocyte, 76
basophil, 76, 79
eosinophil, 76, 79
granulocyte, 76
neutrophil, 76, 78
polymorphonuclear, 77
of Cooper, 315
pectinate, in eye, 336
periodontal, 229
spiral, 361
suspensory, 315
Limbus lamina spiralis, 361
Limbus, spiral, 361
cement, 106
incremental, 230
incremental, of Von Ebner, 230
neonatal, 230
of Retzius, 230
pectinate, 260
white, of Hilton, 261
Linea gravidarum, 208
Lip, 227
Lipoblast, 71
Liquor folliculi, 307
Liver, 263, 266
hepatic, 263
portal, 264
Lukaemia, 85
Lung, 222
alveolus, wall of, 224
vessels and nerves, 226
Lutein, 308
Lymph, 188
Lymphangiitis, 189
Lymphatics, 188
Lymphocyte, 68, 80, 191
and immune system, 82
B, 81
circulation of, 80
formation of, 80
of thymus, 198
T, 80
T, types of, 83
Lymphokine, 83
Lysosome, 20
primary, 20
secondary, 20
adherens, 10, 11
communicantes, 14
densa, 286
in internal ear, 358
lutea, 339
of internal ear, 360
MALT, 200
MAPs, 22
Mastocyte, 68
grey, 152
white, 152
Meatus, acoustic, external, 355
Megakaryoblast, 89
Megakaryocyte, 89
bivalent in, 41
conjugation in, 41
crossing over in, 42
diplotene, 43
first meiotic division, 41
leptotene, 41
second meiotic division, 43
synapsis in, 41
tetrad in, 41
zygotene, 41
Melanin, 206
Melanocyte, 67, 206
Melanosome, 207
Melatonin, 324
granulosa, 307
tectoria, 365
basement, glomerular, 282
basilar, 357
Bowman's, 336
Descemet's, 336
mucous, 53
nuclear, 27
of Reissner, 358
otolith, 360
periodontal, 231
statoconiorum, 360
structure, 3
tympanic, 355
tympanic, secondary, 358
vestibular, 358
Menisci, tactile, 165
Mesangium, 282
Mesenchyme, 66
Mesothelium, 46
Metaphysis, 119
Microfilaments, 21
Microglia, 174, 175
Microtubule, 22
Mitochondria, 16
Mitosis, 39
amphiaster, 40
cytokinesis in, 41
diaster, 40
equatorial plate, 41
formation of
achromatic spindle, 40
G1 stage, 39
G2 stage, 39
metaphase, 39
prometaphase, 39
prophase, 39
S stage, 39
spindle, 40
stages of, 39
telophase, 39
Monoblast, 89
Monocyte, 76
formation of, 89
Monocytes, 69
Motor end plate, 127, 169
Motor unit, 127
mRNA, 33
interphase, 39
of nose, olfactory, 217
of nose, respiratory, 217
Muscle, 122
arrector pili, 212
bands of, 127
cardiac, 133
ciliaris, 338
clinical correlations, 139
dilator pupillae, 338
fast twitch, 132
involuntary, 122
red, 132
skeletal, 123
bands of, 124
innervation, 126
slow twitch, 132
smooth, 122, 135
innervation, 136
multiunit, 138
ultrastructure, 137
unitary, 138
Muscle (continued)
sphincter pupillae, 338
spindle, 127, 166
striated, 122
triad, 131
T-system, 131
ultrastructure of, 128
white, 132
Muscularis mucosae, 53
Myasthenia gravis, 200
Myelin, 159
Myelin sheath, 157
Myelination, 159
Myeloblast, 89
Myelocyte, 89
Myocardium, 187
Myofibril, 124, 129
Myofibroblast, 66
Myomesin, 130
Nail, 213
Nephron, 275, 276
function of, 284
parts of, 276
adrenergic, 150
afferent, 153
cholinergic, 150
classification of, 155
conduction velocity, 155
diameter, 155
efferent, 153
annulospiral, 168
flower spray, 168
free, 164
Ruffini, 165
motor, 153
peripheral, 153
sensory, 153
structure of, 153
Nervus conarii, 324
Neurilemma, 143, 154
Neurite, 142
Neuroepiphysin, 324
Neurofibril, 142
Neuroglia, 140, 173
Neurohormone, 150
Neuromediation, 150
Neuromodulator, 150
Neuron, 140
amacrine, in retina, 348
bipolar, 145
Neuron (continued)
bipolar, in retina, 346
cell body of, 141
degeneration of, 160
anterograde, 160
retrograde, 160
transneuronal, 161
Wallerian, 160
horizontal, in retina, 347
multipolar, 145
perikaryon of, 141
pseudounipolar, 145
pyramidal, 145
regeneration of, 160
stellate, 145
structure of, 141
unipolar, 145
Neurotransmitter, 149
Nissl substance, 142
lymph, 188, 190
circulation of, 193
functions of, 193
of Ranvier, 144, 154, 158
Normoblast, 89
Nucleoli, 26
Nucleolus, 28
Nucleoplasm, 27
basal of cerebrum, 372
closed face, 26
of cell, 26
open face, 26
Odontoblast, 230, 231
Oedema, 177
Oesophagus, 243, 246
Oligodendrocyte, 143, 174, 175
primary, 305
secondary, 305
Oogenesis, 304
Oogonia, 304
enamel, 231
Golgi tendon, 166
reproductive, female, 304
reproductive, male, 290
spiral of Corti, 358
spiral of Corti, cells of, 362
centre of, 115
endochondral, 109, 112
intramembranous, 110
Osteoblast, 99, 103
Osteoclast, 99, 104
Osteocyte, 98, 104
Osteogenesis imperfecta, 73, 120
Osteoid, 110
Osteoma, 104
Osteon, 101
primary, 114
secondary, 114
Osteosarcoma, 104
Otolith, 360
Otolith membrane, 360
cortex of, 304
follicle of, 305
primary, 306
primordial, 306
secondary, 307
germinal epithelium of, 304
medulla of, 304
tunica albuginea of, 304
Ovula Nabothi, 313
Ovulation, 308
Ovum, 305
Pancreas, 270
endocrine, 272
exocrine, 270
Panniculus adiposus, 70
dermal, 203
epidermal, 203
Paraganglia, 331
Pecten, 261
Peduncle, 153
Pelvis, renal, 274
Penis, 302
corpora cavernosa of, 302
corpus spongiosum of, 302
erectile tissue in, 302
Perichondrium, 97
Pericyte, 182
Perilymph, 356
Perimysium, 125
Perineurium, 154
Periosteum, 98, 107
Peroxisome, 21
Peyer's patch, 188, 201
Phagocytosis, 8, 19
Phagolysosome, 20
Phagosome, 19
Pharynx, 219
Pinealocyte, 323
Pinocytosis, 8, 19
Pit, coated, 8
Plasmatocyte, 69
Planum semilunatum, 361
epiphyseal, 95, 118
motor end-, 169
Platelets, 89
Pleura, 226
Podocyte, 282
Polyribosomes, 16
Polysomes, 16
Pore, gustatory, 235
ciliary, 338
postsynaptic, 148
Progesterone, 308
Promegakaryocyte, 89
Promonocyte, 89
Promyelocyte, 89
Prostate, 300
zones of, 301
fusogenic, 8
gene regulatory, 35
intermediate, 9
link, 9
microtubule associated, 22
synthesis of, 33
Proteoglycans, 60
Pupil, 338
chemo-, 163
cutaneous, 162
exteroceptive, 162, 164
in joints, 168
interoceptive, 163
mechano-, 163
Merkel cell, 165
neuroepithelial, 163
neuronal, 163
osmo-, 163
photo-, 163
polymodal, 163
proprioceptive, 162, 166
sensory, 162
special sense, 163
Rectum, 260
Renin, 286
Rete testis, 298
Reticulocyte, 89
endoplasmic, 15
sarcoplasmic, 131
Retina, 339
amacrine neurons in, 348
bipolar neurons in, 346, 349
central region of, 339
cones in, 343
cones in, ultrastructure, 345
ganglion cells of, 347
gliocytes in, 342
horizontal neurons of, 347
layer of
ganglion cells, 342
optic nerve fibres, 339, 342
pigment cells, 339, 341
rods and cones, 341
external nuclear, 341
external plexiform, 341
internal nuclear, 341
internal plexiform, 341
macula lutea in, 339
neuron in
amacrine, 341
bipolar, 341
horizontal, 341
part of
ciliary, 339
iridial, 339
rods in, 343
rods in, ultrastructure, 345
Ribbon, synaptic, 151
Ribonucleic acid, 33
Ribosome, 15, 16, 36
Ridge, epidermal, 203
Ring, ciliary, 338
RNA, 33
messenger, 33
ribosomal, 33
transfer, 33
Rods, in retina, 343
Sac, alveolar, 223
Saccule, 357
Sarcolemma, 128
Sarcoplasm, 128
Satellite, nucleolar, 44
tympani, 356
vestibuli, 356, 358
Sclera, 334
chromatin, 43
chromosomal, 43
Sheath, myelin, 143
anal, 262
renal, 274
venosus sclerae, 335
Sinusoid, 184
discontinuous, 184
fenestrated, 184
Skin, 203
appendages of, 209
blood supply, 208
functions of, 209
nerve supply, 208
pigmentation of, 206
Somatostatin, 272
of Disse, 266
of Mall, 266
of Nuel, 362
perichoroidal, 335
perinuclear, 27
Spectrin, 75
Spermatid, 293
primary, 292
secondary, 293
Spermatogenesis, 292
Spermatogonia, 292
Spermatozoon, 294
acrosomic cap of, 294
annulus of, 294
anterior nuclear cap of, 294
axial filament of, 294
capacitation of, 297
centriole in, 294
connecting piece of, 294
galea capitis of, 294
head of, 294
maturation of, 297
middle piece of, 294
neck of, 294
sheath, spiral of, 294
Spermiogenesis, 293, 295
Spherocytosis, 76
ampullae, 269
anal, 262
choledochus, 269
of Oddi, 269
Sphincter (continued)
pancreaticus, 269
precapillary, 181
Spindle, muscle, 127
Spleen, 194
circulation through, 194
ellipsoid in, 195
functions of, 196
red pulp of, 195
white pulp of, 196
Splenomegaly, 197
adhesive, 11
focal, 10, 12
Statoconia, 360
Stereocilia, 24, 26
Stomach, 243, 247
Strip, adhesive, 10, 12
Stroke, 180
Sulcus, spiral, outer, 361
Synapse, 145, 147
asymmetric, 150
axoaxonal, 147
axodendritic, 147
axosomatic, 147
chemical, 151
classification of, 151
dendroaxonic, 147
dendrodendritic, 147
electrical, 151
serial, 147
somatosomatic, 147
symmetric, 150
type I, 150
type II, 150
Ehlers-Danlos, 73
Marfans, 73
APUD, 333
cardiovascular (c), 177
chromaffin, 333
endocrine (c), 317
entero-pancreatic endocrine, 262
Haversian, 101, 106
atypical, 114
typical, 114
macrophage, 91
monocyte phagocyte, 91
mononuclear phagocyte, 91
cells of, 91
functions of, 92
System (continued)
neuroendocrine, diffuse, 333
respiratory (c), 217
reticuloendothelial, 91
Tarsus, 351
Taste bud, 234
Telodendria, 145
Tenascin, 64
Tendon, 125
Testis, 290
mediastinum of, 290
Thalamus, 372
externa, 307
folliculi, 307
interna, 307
cerebral, 180
coronary, 180
Thymine, 31
Thymocyte, 198
Thymopoietin, 200
Thymosin, 200
Thymulin, 200
Thymus, 197
epithelial cells of, 197
functions of, 199
lymphocytes of, 198
Thyrocalcitonin, 327
adipose, 69
brown, 72
multilocular, 72
unilocular, 72
areolar, 58
cells of, 65
fibres in, 57
fibres of, 61
functions of, 72
general, 57
ground substance of, 57, 60
loose, 58
elastic, 59
fibrous, 58
lymphoid, 188
gut associated, 200
mucosa associated, 200
mucoid, 72
nervous (c), 140
reticular, 59
Titin, 130
Tongue, 232
circumvallate papillae of, 233
filiform papillae of, 233
foramen caecum of, 232
fungiform papillae of, 233
papilla simplex of, 234
papillae of, 233
sulcus terminalis of, 232
Tonofibril, 206
Tonsil, 188, 201
lingual, 201
palatine, 201, 202
papilla lingual, 234
pharyngeal, 201, 202
tubal, 201
Tooth, 228
cement of, 230
dentine of, 229, 230
enamel of, 229
pulp canal of, 229
pulp cavity of, 229
pulp of, 229, 231
Trachea, 221
Transcription, 34
Transcytosis, 9
Translation, 34
Triad, portal, 264
Triiodothyronine, 326
tRNA, 33
Tropomyosin, 129
Troponin, 129
auditory, 355
uterine, 310
uterine ampulla of, 310
Tube (continued)
uterine fimbria of, 310
uterine infundibulum of, 310
uterine isthmus of, 310
Tubercle of Montgomery, 316
collecting of kidney, 275
dentinal, 230
renal, 277
convoluted, distal, 277
convoluted, proximal, 277
junctional, 278
zigzag, 278
seminiferous, 290, 291
seminiferous, cells of, 295
straight, 291
uriniferous, 275
Tubuli recti of testis, 291
Tubulin, 22
Tunica albuginea, 290
Tunica vaginalis, 291
Tympanum, 354
Ureter, 287
Urethra, 289
Urothelium, 50
Uterus, 311
cervix of, 313
changes in menstrual cycle, 312
endometrium of, 312
myometrium of, 311
Utricle, 357
Vacuoplasm, 15
Vagina, 314
anal, 260
of heart, 187
of Kekring, 252
of vein, 182
Vasopressin, 321
Vein, 181
of kidney
arcuate, 280
interlobar, 280
interlobular, 280
vasa recta, 280
valve of, 182
Venule, 182
muscular, 182
postcapillary, 182
acid system, 20
endocytic, 8
exocytic, 19
Golgi hydrolase, 20
membrane bound, 18
pinocytic, 19
seminal, 300
storage, 20
Vestibule of ear, 356
Villi, 252
Vimentin, 22
Web, synaptic, 148
White matter, 366
Zona adherens, 10
Zona pellucida, 306
Zonula adherens, 11
Zonula occludens, 12
Chapter Notes

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