Textbook of Anaesthesia for Postgraduates TK Agasti
Abducent nerve 1032
Abnormalities of pulmonary mechanics 64
Absorbents and anaesthetic agents 440
Absorption 329, 505, 507
rate and excretion 306
through various tissues and GI tract 329
idioventricular rhythm 156
malignant hypertension 494
Acceleromyography 621
Accessories for intubation 579
Accidental total spinal block 756
Accumulation of acid 217
ACE inhibitors in left ventricular systolic dysfunction 503
Acetazolamide 519
Acetylcholine 301
aspiration 970
base homeostasis 196
Action on
autonomic nervous system 328
cardiac cell 509
CNS 328, 420
CVS 328, 419
respiratory system 419
smooth muscles 328
tissue 508
Actions of
drugs on neuromuscular transmission 179
intrinsic muscles of larynx 560
and chronic hepatic diseases 920
renal failure 502
versus chronic failure 525
attacks 822
syndrome 822
Adenoidectomy 997
Adenosine 488
Adenyl cyclase 268
Adhesive arachnoiditis 758
Adrenal cortex 237
Adrenaline 280, 287, 332, 490
agonists 293
nervous system 535
neurotransmitters 280
receptor antagonists 299301
Adrenoreceptor antagonist 484
Advantages of
ACMV mode 601
Bier's block 686
circle system 437
CSA 739
dual control mode 606
IMV mode 602
Mapleson system 435
pressure controlled ventilation 92
PSV 604
SIMV mode 602
VCV 594
Aetiology of bronchiectasis 900
Affective disorder drugs 942
AIPPV using sophisticated instrument 591
Air embolism 408, 863
assessment 994
closure and closing capacity 55
fire protocol 990
frictional resistance 642
management 569, 800
obstruction and active exhalation 609
pressure release ventilation 606
Aladin cassette vaporiser 447
Albumin 917
Albuterol 295
hepatitis 921
liver disease 921
Alfentanil 381, 383, 387
Alkaline phosphatase 916
Allergic reaction 379, 455, 462
dead space 49
oxygen tension 43
pressure 36
ventilation 40, 49
Amethocaine 733
Amiloride 517
Aminotransferase 915
Amiodarone 485
Amrinone 542
Anaemia 65, 627
Anaemic hypoxia 65
Anaesthesia 950, 1098, 1099, 1102
Anaesthesia for
caesarean section 967
ear surgeries 1002
minor surgery 998
nasal surgeries 1001
radiotherapy 1129
Anaesthesia in hypertensive patient 519
agents 995, 1160
circuits 995
consideration 249, 253, 256, 258, 973
delivery system 425
factors decreasing IOP 1058
factors increasing IOP 1058
implications 944, 949
management 856, 871, 936, 1133, 1137, 1166
of cold 896
of obese patient 1018
plan 310
problem 853
procedure 983, 1080
technique 382
Analgesia 373
for vaginal delivery 954, 964
Anatomical dead space 48
Anatomy of
neuron 319
sacrum, sacral canal and hiatus 752
upper airway 549
Angiography 1126
converting enzyme 497
peptides 497
receptor 498
Angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors 500
Angiotensinogen 497
Antagonism of neuromuscular block 187
spinal artery syndrome 712
wall infarction 163
Antianxiety drugs 942, 944
Antiarrhythmic agents 488
Antibiotics 461
Anticholinergic 885, 994
agents 303
Anticholinesterases 189
Anticonvulsant properties 355
Antidromic tachycardia 139
Antiemetic 994
Antiepileptic agents 461
Antihypoxic devices 10
Antimanic agents 949
Antipsychotic drugs 942
Anxiety 941
arch 121
body 121
nerve 31
regurgitation 859
stenosis 857
Apnoea back-up ventilation 606
Apnoeic anaesthesia technique with intermittent ventilation 989
Apparatus dead space 49
Approach for epidural space 742
Apraclonidine 298
Arachnoid mater 710
Arrhythmias 513, 863
Arrhythmogenic potentiality of antiarrhythmic drugs 480
blood pressure 125
monitoring 656
oxygen tension 43
supply of
lateral wall 552
medial wall 551
nose 551
Arteries 1036
supplying heart 92
Arteriography 845
Arthroplasty 1094
Artificial intermittent positive pressure ventilation 590
ASA classification 309, 310
Ascites 737, 924
Assessment of
renal functions 1075
diastolic function 533
function 533
systolic and diastolic function 533
systolic function 533
Assist control mechanical ventilation 600
Assisted mechanical ventilation 600
Asynchrony 608
Atenolol 512
Atmospheric pollution 986
Atracurium 466, 792
complex 168
contraction 529
extrasystole 136
fibrillation 140, 141, 828
flutter 140, 829
musculature 818
septal defect 863
block 143
conduction defects 820
groove 87
junctional rhythm 145
Atropine 304, 490
substitutes 306
Auditory evoked response 651
Automatic positive pressure ventilation 592
Autonomic ganglia 286
Autoregulation 906
bundle 91
dissociation 822
junctional tachycardia 145, 826
nodal re-entry tachycardia 138
node 91
re-entry tachycardia 139, 824
Azapirones 945
Back pain 757
Bag-valve-mask ventilation 591
Bain's circuit 431
Bainbridge reflex 749, 122
Barbiturate receptor complex 352
Barbiturates 341, 961, 1151
Baroreceptor reflex 122
Basic mechanism of action of electrocardiograph 131
Becker's muscular dystrophy 1136
Benzodiazepines 351, 945, 960, 1152
Benzylisoquinolinium compound 456
Bethanechol 303
Bezold-Jarisch reflex 122
Bicarbonate 204
buffer system 198
Bilateral bundle branch block 151
Bi-level positive airway pressure 604
Bilirubin 913
Biotransformation of thiopentone 346
Bispectral EEG monitors 648
Bladder perforation 1101
Bleeding tonsil after tonsillectomy 998
Blind nasal intubation 580
ammonia 917
brain barrier 720
CSF 720
flow 627
loss 768, 770, 996, 1091
pressure 287
supply 712, 905
of kidney 1061
vessels of eye and orbit 1036
Boiling point 441
Bone cement 1086
gauge flowmeter 638
pressure gauge 6
Bowman's capsule 1063
Brachial plexus 672
block 669, 672, 674676, 1117
Bradycardia 818
tachycardia syndrome 140
Brady-Tachy syndrome 140, 820
protection 350
stem responses 651
Brief anatomy of heart 85
Brimonidine 298
arteries 23
asthma 880, 892
smooth muscle 289
veins 23
Bronchiectasis 899
Bronchodilators 883
Bronchus 18
Bullard laryngoscope 573
Bundle of His 91
Bupivacaine 337, 732, 746
Buprenorphine 390
Burns and muscle relaxants 463
Buspirone 945
Butorphanol 391
balance 253
channel blockers 486
Calculation of water requirement 239
Captopril 500
Carbamino compound 84, 205
Carbohydrate metabolism 908
dioxide absorption 438
monoxide poisoning 65
Carbonated local anaesthetics 316
Carboxyhaemoglobin 627
Carboxyhaemoglobinaemia 65
action potential 101
arrest 833
axis 164
catheterisation 1128
cellular anatomy 95
cycle 107
electrophysiology 99
glycosides 488, 543
output 113, 529
measurement 667
reflexes 120, 122
Cardioinhibitory reflex 749
Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation 833
Cardiorespiratory effect 767
complications 981
effects 726
of dopamine 539
function 1005
and structure 499
instability 1164
system 377, 511, 1075
toxicity 331
body 121
endarterectomy 1173
sinus 121
Carriage of
carbon dioxide 84
oxygen 84
Carvedilol 512
Cass and James risk stratification 566
Catecholamines 287, 883
Cauda equina syndrome 740, 758
Caudal epidural anaesthesia 752, 964
Causes of
errors in pulse oximetry 627
high anion gap 225
hypercapnia 81, 82, 635
low anion gap 225
acidosis 217
alkalosis 223
bradycardia 19
tachycardia 823
postoperative hypoxia 71
respiratory alkalosis 216
Cavity of larynx 558
Cell membrane defect 492
nervous system 74, 785, 954
neuraxial block 724, 962
venous pressure monitoring 661
angiography 1127
blood flow 288, 374, 1148
metabolism 1148
physiology 1148
state monitor 650
vascular resistance 1159
Cerebrospinal fluid 711, 1154
Cervical epidural 751
Changes in
blood 71
cardiovascular system 953
respiratory system 976
urine 71
blockade 184
regulation protein 269
Characteristic of
antianxiety drugs 944
cholinergic transmission 286
Chemistry of muscle relaxant 449
Chemoreceptor reflex 122
Chloroprocaine 746
Choice of
local anaesthetic agent for spinal anaesthesia 731
needle for spinal anaesthesia 733
non-depolarising agents for intubation 458
autonomic nerve endings 286
neurotransmitters 284
receptor agonist and antagonist 301
Cholinesterase inhibitors 189
hypoxia 71
lung disease 892
organic brain syndrome 941
pulmonary disease 892
Ciliary activity of airway 555
Circle system with low gas flow 437
Cirrhosis 921, 926
Cisatracurium 470
Classification of
anaesthetic delivery system 427
antianxiety drugs 944
anticholinergic agents 304
antidepressant agents 946
hypertension 491
LA agents 318
liver diseases 912
nerve fibres 325, 326
postdural puncture headache 755
psychiatric diseases 940
lip 812
palate 812
Clonidine 296, 766
Close channel blockade 185
Closed treatment of fracture 1097
Cobra peri-laryngeal airway 587
Cognitive disorder 941
Collecting tubule 1067
Colloides 234
Combined spinal epidural
anaesthesia 761
analgesia to relief labour pain 966
Combitube 580
Common peroneal nerve block 695
Compensatory mechanism in heart failure 527
Complete heart block 144
Compliance of lungs 28
Complication during injection of thiopentone 347
Complications of
ACMV mode 601
laparoscopic surgeries 980
orbital regional anaesthesia 1051
spinal and epidural block 754
Computer tomography 1122
Concentration of
gases 441
inhaled anaesthetics 472
Conducting system of heart 90
Conduction block 480
atrial septal defect 88
diaphragmatic hernia 809
Congestive heart failure 513
Consequences of pain in labour 958
brachial plexus block 680
caudal epidural anaesthesia using catheters 753
epidural anaesthesia 744
infusions of thiopentone 349
opioid infusion 383
positive airway pressure 604
spinal anaesthesia 739
Contraindications of
dopamine 540
laparoscopic surgery 980
use of thiopentone 350
Control of
calcium metabolism 255
renin secretion 496
Controlled mechanical ventilation 599
Conventional methods of monitoring 646
Copper Kettle vaporiser 443
Coronal plane leads 127
angiography 845, 1127
blood flow 107, 506
circulation 289
insufficiency 158
Corpuscles 83
Cortex 1061
Corticosteroids 883, 1158
Cough 502
nerve 265
paralysis 756
outflow 265
CT scanning 1122
Curvature of vertebral column 708
reflex 122
syndrome 495
Cutting tip spinal needle 734
Cyanosis 863
Cystoscopy 1098
Dead space 48, 49
Deep venous thrombosis 1089
Depolarising muscle relaxants and receptors 181
Depression 941
Depth of surgical anaesthesia 770
Dermatomes 714
Desflurane 422, 788
Determinants of
cardiac axis 166
cardiac output 114
ventricular function 529
Diabetic nephropathy 503
Diacetylcholine 449
Diazepam 356
Diazoxide 514
Diethyl ether 409
Diffuse connective tissue system 1025
coefficient of gases 45
hypoxia 64
non-equilibrium 622
Dihydralazine 513
Dilantin 484
Direct instillation of water 554
Disadvantages of
Bier's block 686
circle system 438
CSA 739
IMV mode 602
Mapleson system 435
PCV 592
PEEP 596
VCV 594
Disconnection alarm 624
Disopyramide 482
tubules 1066
upper extremity conduction block of individual nerve 680
Distraction of mind 728
Distribution of
blood volume 529
pulmonary blood flow 35
Disturbances of
acid-base balance 211
conduction 475
formation 475
Dobutamine 294, 540
Documentation 313
Dofetilide 489
Dopamine 280, 293, 539
receptor 271, 539
and echocardiography combined technique 117
effect 658
Dorphin family 373
Dosage and duration of action of thiopentone 346
Doses of bicarbonate 220
Double-burst stimulation 620
Dragger volumeter 639
Drainage of CSF 1159
apparatus 444
vaporisers 444
Droperidol 364, 365
Drug interactions 944
and doses for epidural block 746
for affective disorder 945
for AV block 490
used in treatment of cardiac arrhythmias 480
Dual mode ventilation 606
and Becker's muscular dystrophy 1137
muscular dystrophy 1135
Dura mater 710
Dynamics of pulmonary capillary circulation 37
Dynorphins 373
Dyskalaemic familial periodic paralysis 1138
Dystrophia myotonica 1136
Early after depolarisation 478
Eaton-Lambert syndrome 463
ECG 844
and chest X-ray 1081
findings in pacemaker 840
manifestation of myocardial
injury 161
ischaemia 161
necrosis 161
paper 127
pattern 156, 160
Edinger-Westphal nucleus 374
Edrophonium 473
Effects of
acid-base disturbances 225
anaesthesia on liver blood flow 907
anaesthetic agents on
cerebral physiology 1151
uterine activity 957
uteroplacental blood flow 956
hypercapnia 82
hypertension 493
hypocapnia 82
hypoxia 67
liver dysfunction on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of anaesthetic drugs 918
metabolic acidosis 218
Effects on
autonomic ganglia 462
cerebral blood flow and intracranial tension 417
CNS 347, 354, 359, 362, 459
CVS 225, 348, 355, 360, 365, 415
enzymic activity 229
GI tract 356, 417
kidney 493
liver 418
muscle 424
nervous system 228
QRS complex 159
respiratory system 227, 348, 355, 363, 403, 416
skeletal muscle 417
ST segment 159
T wave 159
uterus 289, 418, 420
Eisenmenger syndrome 867
Ejection fraction 532
Elastic resistance of lungs 642
Electrocardiographic leads 127
Electroconvulsive therapy 950
Electrolyte imbalance 462
Electrolytes 234
and acid-base status 1081
Electromyography 621
Electrophysiological effects of glycosides 544
Electrophysiology of normal heart and production of normal ECG 168
Elicitation of paresthesia 679
Elimination of non-depolarising muscle relaxants 458
IV digitalisation 546
surgery 892
EMO vaporizer 414
diastolic ventricular pressure 532
plate potential 178
Endocarditis 863
catecholamines 287
opioids 372
Endorphin family 373
Endorphins 373
Endoscopy and microsurgery of larynx 998
Endotracheal tube 570, 803
Enkephalin family 373
Enkephalins 373
Ephidrine 298
abscess 759
anaesthesia 741
block 769
catheter 744
opioids 763
space 709
test dose 745
Epinephrine 280, 767
for intubation 570
required for regional anaesthesia 724
Esmolol 512
Estimation of
BUN 1076
plasma creatinine 1076
Etidocaine HCl 338
Eutectic mixture of prilocaine and lignocaine 339
Exchange of gases in alveoli 61
Excretion 507
Excretory function 910
ECG 844
on pulmonary blood flow 36
Exertional angina 510
Expiratory reserve volume 54
defibrillation 837
nose 549
pacing 838
Extracardiac effect 546
Extradural space 709
Extraocular muscles 1028
Extrarenal actions of acetazolamide 519
Extremely negative pleural pressure 39
mechanism of regulation 907
muscles of eyeball 1028
Facial nerve 265, 1034
block 1046
Facioscapulohumeral dystrophy 1137
affecting IOP 1058
affecting opioid induced respiratory depression 377
controlling spread of epidural block 748
influencing ciliary activity 555
epidural anaesthesia 760
intubations 968
Failure of
compensatory mechanism 528
CSA 740
Familial periodic paralysis 1139
Fascicular block 150
cells and obesity 1015
embolism 1088
metabolism 909
Fate of local anaesthetic agent in CSF 737
Felypressin 332
nerve block 689
vein 662
Fentanyl 380, 383, 387, 791
combination 365
instruments 581
scope 582
Fick principle 117
Filum terminale 711
First degree AV 143
block 821
Flecainide 484
time waveform 607
triggering 597
volume loop 613, 878
Fluid balance 880
Flumazenil 365
circulation 772
damage 502
of cardiac contraction 115
velocity curve 530
Formation of
ammonia 206
urinary titrable acidity 200
Forward heart failure 527
Frumin valve 428
Function of renin-angiotensin system 498
Functional residual capacity 54
Functions of
liver 907
nose 552
Furosemide 515
Gain in alkali 223
Gallamine triethiodide 464
Galvanic or fuel cell 628
embolism 987
liquid chromatography 637
supply unit 1
Gasless laparoscopy 982
Gastroschisis 811
General anaesthesia 767, 968, 1018, 1111
for vaginal delivery 966
Genesis of
P wave 132
QRS complex 146
ST segment and T wave 158
Genitofemoral nerve block 697, 698
Gestational toxicity 405
GI system 785
Glands 302, 305
Globulin 917
capillary plexus 1063
filtration 1073
Glossopharyngeal nerve 265
Glucocorticoids 885
Grey matter 715
Guanabenz 298
Guanfacine 298
Guedel's classification of ether anaesthesia 412
Haematoma 758
changes during laparoscopy 977
stability 770
in CSA 739
Haemoglobin and blood volume 776
Haemopoietic function 1008
Haemorrhage 1101
Halothane 414, 415, 786
Halothane and
baroreceptors 416
hepatic toxicity 929
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstrictive response 416
mucociliary function of respiratory tract 417
other volatile anaesthetic agents in ENT surgeries 995
pulmonary vascular resistance 416
ventilatory response to
CO2 417
hypoxaemia 417
Hanging drop method 743
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 939
block 143
rate 100, 117, 528, 816
monitoring 654
variability 646
Hematological toxicity 404
arterial buffer response 907
blood flow 924
changes 955
encephalopathy 926
failure 382
function 784, 1007
Hepatitis 921
High renin essential hypertension 492
Hip fracture 1095
Hippocampal cells 374
Histotoxic hypoxia 67
Horizontal plane leads 128
regulation 1071
response 378
Hormone metabolism 912
Hot-wire anemometers 638
Humburger phenomenon 84
Humidification 437
Humoral factors 907
Humphrey ADE system 432
Hyaluronidase 332
Hydralazine 513
Hydrostatic pressure 35
Hyperacute phase 160
oxygen 76
solution 735
Hypercalcaemia 255
Hypercapnia 81
Hypercarbia 978
Hyperdynamic circulation 923
Hyperkalaemia 250, 453, 502, 1139
Hypernatraemia 241, 243, 244
Hypersensitivity 329
Hypertension 502, 509
crisis 494
emergency 494
encephalopathy 494
retinopathy 493
urgency 494
Hyperthyroidism 932
Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy 870
Hypertrophy 528
Hyperventilation 1158
Hypobaric solution 735
Hypocalcaemia 257, 785
Hypocapnia 81
Hypokalaemia 247, 1139
Hyponatraemia 243, 244
Hypopharynx 556
Hypotension 502, 754
Hypothermia 769, 1101, 1159
Hypothyroidism 937
Hypoventilation 72, 81
Hypoxaemia 923
Hypoxic hyopoxia 63
Ibutilide 489
dilated cardiomyopathy 869
hypertension 491
Idioventricular tachycardia 832
Ilioinguinal nerve block 698
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators 837
Inactivation of acetylcholine 286
LBBB 149
RBBB 148
Incorrect inspiratory time setting 608
Increase in
dead space ventilation 81
left atrial pressure 38
blood flow 38
capillary hydrostatic pressure 38
capillary permeability 39
ventricular activation time 160
Indications for
anaesthesia in radiology department 1118
continuous brachial plexus block with catheter 680
permanent pacing 838
temporary pacing 838
use of
ACMV mode 601
desflurane 424
isoflurane 421
Indicator dilution technique 118
Indirect method to measure volume 639
epidural block 748
nerve block of lower extremity 689
neuromuscular antagonist 472
non-depolarising muscle relaxant 463
orthopaedic surgery 1094
pulmonary disease and anaesthetic management 880
supraglottic device 585
Induced hypotension 995
Induction and
dose of BDZs 356
of anaesthesia 936
nitrogen elimination 440
Induction of anaesthesia 520, 848, 1019, 1082
oblique muscle 1029
rectus muscle 1028
wall infarction 163
Inferolateral periconal block 1047
Infrared absorption technique 636
Inguinal hernia 813
Inhalational anaesthetic agents 1152
Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system 500
Initial ventricular complex in horizontal plane leads 169
Innervation of lungs 24
capacity 54
flow 598
reserve volume 54
Intercompartmental shifts of potassium 247
Intercostal nerve block 699
Intermediate acting relaxants 457
flow 406
mandatory ventilation 601
Internal jugular veins 663
Interspinous ligaments 708
Interventional transvascular coronary arterial procedure 1127
Intervertebral disc 708
Intra-abdominal tumours 748
Intra-arterial injection 347
Intracranial pressure 455, 1155
Intragastric pressure 454
Intraocular pressure 454, 1056
bronchospasm 891
management 889, 898
Intrarenal baroreceptor pathway 497
Intrathecal midazolam 765
Intrathoracic and intrapulmonary pressure 26
anaesthetic agents 1078
inducing agents 789
regional anaesthesia of extremity 685
Intraventricular conduction defects 147
autoregulation of RBF 1071
mechanism of regulation 906
Intubation failure 578
Invasive methods 667
Inverse ratio ventilation 605
Ischaemic cord damage 758
Isobaric solution 735
Isoflurane 418, 787
Isolated forearm technique 646
Isoprenaline 490
Isoproterenol 293
Jaundice 627, 922
Joint manipulation and reduction of dislocation 1097
Juxtaglomerular apparatus or complex 1068
Ketamine 766, 790, 961, 1152
Ketocyclazocine receptor 370
Kidney 224
Knee arthroscopy 1097
Labetalol 512
Lactic acidosis 220, 221
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 1134
Laparoscopy 978
Laryngeal mask airway 567, 996
Laryngeal tube suction device 585
Laryngoscope 572
Larynx 557
flex endotracheal tube 989
safety protocol 991
surgery of larynx and fire of ET tube 987
cutaneous nerve block 691
rectus muscle 1029
wall of nose 552
anterior hemiblock 152
atrium 89
branch of AV bundle 91
bronchus 20
bundle branch block 148, 152
coronary artery 93
ventricle 89
Lemon law 565
Levator palpebrae superioris 1029
Ligamentum flavum 708
Lignocaine 337, 483, 731, 746
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 1136
Limitations of PSV mode 604
Lipid and water solubility of drug 735
Lithium 949
Lithotripsy 1101
disease 460, 922
function tests 912
anaesthetic effect 512
toxicity 759
pulmonary blood flow 35
tissue toxicity 331
Long acting relaxants 457
diuretics 1158
of Henle 1065
Lorazepam 357
Loss of bicarbonate 218
molecular weight heparin 723
output failure 526
renin essential hypertension 492
extremity blocks 687
limb block 1117
motor neurone disease 463
oesophageal contractility 646
epidural anaesthesia 962
plexus block 688
puncture route 730
capacities 54
cyst 902
volumes 54
and skin 238
Macintosh laryngoscope 572
Macroscopic structure 1060
Macula densa pathway 496
Magnetic resonance imaging 1123
Main stream capnometer 633
Maintenance of anaesthesia 521, 848, 1020, 1082, 1168
surgery of larynx 1000
ventricular complex in horizontal plane leads 170
hyperpyrexia 455
hypertension 494
Mallampati scale 565
Management of
asystole in cardiac arrest 836
AV conduction defects 823
nodal re-entry 825
EMD in cardiac arrest 836
hypertensive emergency 503
susceptible patients 1147
VF and VT in cardiac arrest 835
Mandatory minute ventilation 603
Mandibular nerve 1034
Mania 941
Manual method 657
Marey's reflex 749
and bag ventilation 567
ventilation 566
Mass spectrometry 635
Masseter spasm 455
Mast cell stabilisers 883
Maxillary nerve 1034
Measurement of
acid-base balance 206
airway pressure 623
cardiac output 117
central respiratory drive for monitoring of respiratory function 637
CO2 tension in blood 630
compliance 640
diffusing capacity 877
end tidal CO2 tension 631
GFR 1074
heart rate 816
inspired O2 concentration 630
minute volume 16
mixed venous O2 saturation 629, 668
content 629
tension in blood 628
oxygen saturation in blood 624
RBF 1072
respiratory rate 623
SVR 668
tidal volume 623
tissue oxygenation 629
Mechanical ventilation 599
Mechanism of
action of halothane on cardiac contraction 416
analgesia 372
arrhythmia 475
depression of ST segment 159
diminution of expiratory flow rate 894
hypertensive encephalopathy 494
myocardial contraction 97
PSVT 138
respiration 24
Mechanomyography 621
periconal block 1047
rectus muscle 1028
Median nerve 684
Medulla 1060
Medullated nerve fibre and myelinogenesis 321
Membrane stabilising drugs 481
Mendelson's syndrome 970
Meninges 710
Meningitis 758
Meningomyelocele 812
Meperidine 380, 386
Mephentermine 295
Mepivacaine HCl 337
alkalosis 222, 224, 923
and endocrine alterations 768
functions of lung 33
Metabolism of
catecholamines 284
nitroprusside 505
Metallic cannula 989
Metaraminol 296
Methaemoglobin 65, 627
Methaemoglobinaemia 334
Methods of
administration of ether 413
brachial plexus sheath 678
epidural space 742
injection of anaesthetic agent 746
reduction of ICP 1157
setting IRV 605
vaporisation 418
Methoxamine 295
Methyldopa 297
Methylxanthines 884
Metoclopramide 311
Metoprolol 512
Metoproterenol 295
Mexiletine 484
Microanatomy of liver 903
Microscopic structure of spinal cord 715
Midazolam 357
Miller laryngoscope 573
Milrinone 542
Minoxidil 514
Miscellaneous adrenergic agonists 298
regurgitation 854
stenosis 851
Mivacurium 469, 792
Mixed venous
blood 47
oxygen tension 43
Mixture of local anaesthetics 334
Moisture exchanger 554
Monitoring during
anaesthesia 849
neuro-anaesthesia 1164
Monitoring of
anaesthetic gases 635
cardiac performance 667
cardiovascular system 652
depth of anaesthesia 643
left atrial pressure 666
pulmonary mechanics 637
function 622
system 621, 624, 630
Morphine 380, 385, 790
receptor 370
Motor nerves to extraocular muscles 1030
Mouth ventilation 590, 591
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation 590
Movements of vocal cords 560
Mucous membrane 551
of larynx 559
Multiaxial classification of psychiatric disorders 941
actions 302
cholinergic receptors 275
pain and fasciculation 455
of lids 1029
relaxant 919, 1079, 1153
rigidity 375
diseases 1135
dystrophy 1135
Musculocutaneous nerve 680
Myasthenia gravis 463, 1130
Myasthenic syndrome 463
and ECG changes 160
contractility 530
dysfunction 863
infarction 503, 513
ischaemia 863
metabolism 112
size 531
Myogenic regulation 1149
Myotonia 1138
Myotonic dystrophy 1136, 1137
Myxoedema coma 939
Nail-polish 627
Nalmefene 393
Naloxone 391
Naltrexone 392
Narcotics 790, 994, 1152
Narcotrend monitor 650
catheters 75
cavity 550
intubation 577
septum 551, 552
Nasopharynx 556
Nausea 768
Neck mobility 566
Needle of epidural anaesthesia 742
Negative pressure sign 743
Neonatal anaesthesia 808
Neostigmine 472, 767
Nephrons 1062
block around knee 694
injury 981
damage 758
size 748
stimulator technique 679
supply of
heart 104
kidney 1062
larynx 559
nose 552
Nerves block around ankle 696
Nervous regulation 30
Neural control 907
Neuro protection effect 374
Neuroexcitatory phenomenon 374
Neurogenic pulmonary oedema 39
diseases 721
toxicity 404
diseases 1130
effects 420
monitoring 616
transmission 178
Neuronal regulation 1072
Neurophysiological actions of opioids 373
Neurotransmitters 280
actions 303
cholinergic receptors 275
receptor agonists and antagonists 307
Nitrous oxide 400, 788, 995, 1153
NM nicotinic receptor 307
Non-drug therapy of arrhythmia 837
Non-return pressure relief valve 14
Non-cutting pencil tip spinal needles 734
drugs 462
muscle relaxants 456
and neostigmine 455
and receptor 179
Non-elastic structural resistance 642
continuous technique 658
intermittent techniques 657
methods 657
Non-modulating essential hypertension 492
Non-rebreathing system 427
Non-specific cholinergic antagonist 303
Non-striated muscles of orbit 1029
Noradrenaline 280, 332
Norepinephrine 280, 292
axis of heart 165
ECG 164
Q waves 162
weight gain 771
Norton tube 988
Nuclear stress imaging 845
Nutrition of liver 905
O2 delivery system 75
Obesity 460, 737
Obstetric haemorrhage and anaesthesia 974
Obturator nerve block 692
Oculo cardiac reflex 122, 1055
Oculomicrotremor monitoring 652
Oculomotor nerve 1031
Odom's indicator 743
atresia 810
stethoscope 622
Omphalocele 811
Ondansetron 312
channel blockade 185
dropmask 427
mask 442
nerve 1032
surgeries 1059
Opioids 367, 919, 960, 994
Optic nerve 1030
Oral intubation 575
Orbicularis oculi muscle 1027
connective tissue 1025
periosteum 1025
Organic nitrites and nitrates 505
Oropharynx 556
Orthodromic tachycardia 139
Osmolal gap 239
Osmosis 236
Osmotic diuretics 1157
Oxford vaporiser 443
Oximetry 624
content 62
electrode 628
flux 62
haemoglobin dissociation curve 78
hood 76
therapy 879
transport in body 60
P wave in atrial hypertrophy 134
anaesthetic risk factors 793
caudal block 753
Pain pathways in labour 958
Pancuronium 464
Paranoid states 941
Paraplegia 758
Parasympathetic nervous system 264
Paravertebral ganglia 263
Paroxymal supraventricular tachycardia 137, 824
Parts of vertebra 705
Patent ductus arteriosus 865
Pathological Q waves 162
Pathology of restrictive lung diseases 901
state analyser 650
triggered ventilation 597
Patterns of electrical stimulus 617
Peak flow 877
meter 638
Penile block 698
Pentazocine 389
Perforation of great vessels 986
acute myocardial infarction 850
fluid therapy 240
risk of geriatric patients 1010
nerve block 962
nervous structures 349
noradrenergic neurotransmission 498
orbital space 1027
parts of ANS 261
Peritonsillar abscess 997
Persistent paraesthesia 759
Pharmacodynamics of
BDZ 354
thiopentone 347
Pharmacokinetic of
BDZ 353
thiopentone 345
action of
cardiac glycosides 544
TCA 946
properties of atropine 305
treatment of heart failure 535
Pharyngeal airway xpress 587
Pharynx 556
Phencyclidine–ketamine 358
Phenothiazine derivatives and hydroxyzine 961
Phenoxybenzamine 300
Phentolamine 301
Phenylephrine 295
Phenytoin 484
Pheochromocytoma 495
Phobic states 941
Phosphate buffer system 199
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 542
Phospholipase 269
changes during pregnancy 952
effects of central neuroaxial block 725
Physiology of airway protection 561
Physostigmine 474
Pia mater 711
Pilocarpine 303
Pipeline 1
Pipercuronium 465
Plasma osmolality 238
Pneumoencephalus 1164
Pneumoperitoneum 408, 982
Pneumotachograph 638
Pneumothorax 408
Polarographic method 628
Popliteal block 695
Porphyrias 350
Positive and negative water balance 237
Postdural punctural headache in CSA 740
pituitary and hypothalamus 237
tibial nerve block 696
triangle of neck 672
wall infarction 163
Post-junctional activity 280
analgesia 1117
care in pulmonary disease 879
jaundice 927
pain relief 768
in children 814
Post-tetanic count stimulation 620
Potassium balance 246
Potential indications for use of sevoflurane 422
PR interval 101
Prazosin 301
Predicting perioperative pulmonary complications 879
Pregnancy 334, 737
Premature atrial depolarisation 136
laboratory investigation 927
medication and preparation 936
therapy for bronchiectasis 900
Present status of CSA 740
controlled ventilation 592
in pulmonary circulatory system 35
limiting properties of rubber reservoir bag 434
regulator 7
support ventilation 603
time waveform 609
triggering 597
volume loop 612
Prevention of aspiration 993
Prilocaine 338
Probable theories of heart failure 534
Procainamide 336, 482
Procaine 336
Programmable pacemaker 839
Prone position 730
Propafenone 484
Propagation velocity of AP 100
Prophylaxis of perioperative bronchospasm 892
Propofol 361, 789, 1152
Protection of brain 1159
Protein metabolism 909
Proximal convoluted tubule 1064
Pruritus 375
Pseudo cholinesterase 451
Pseudoemergency 494
Psoas compartment technique 688
Psychological and non-pharmacological technique 959
Psycho-pharmacology and anaesthetic drugs interaction 942
Psychosis 940
arterial pressure monitoring 664
arteries 23
blood flow 35, 36
capillary blood volume 46
end capillary oxygen tension 43
function test 877
lymphatic obstruction 39
oedema 38
reserve and safety factors 39
vascular resistance 39
veins 23
venous pressure 36
vessels 23
oximetre in practice 626
rate monitoring 655
Pulseless VT 834
Purkinje fibres 92
P-wave in frontal plane leads 168
Pyloric stenosis 811
Pyridostigmine 474
Q waves and bundle branch block 162
QT interval 101
Quarternary anticholinergic agents 306
Quinidine 481
Radial nerve 682
Radiofrequency catheter ablation 837
Raman scattering analyser 636
Rapacuronium 471, 793
Rapid digitalisation 546
Rate of clearance of muscle relaxants 472
Reabsorption of filtered bicarbonate 206
guidelines for anaesthetist in ophthalmic surgery 1050
regional anaesthetic techniques for ophthalmic surgeries 1048
Recording of evoked response 621
Red rubber and PVC endotracheal tube 988
Reduced alveolar ventilation 64
Reducing valve 7
Reduction of
atmospheric pollution 437
cerebral venous pressure 1159
haemoglobin 84
heat loss 437
ICP 1157
inflammability of ET tube 987
secretion of CSF 1159
Regional anaesthesia 889, 967, 1018, 1114
Regulation of
CBF 1149
coronary blood flow 110
liver blood flow 906
renal blood flow 1071
water balance 237
Release of
catecholamines 282
transmitter 279
Remifentanil 381, 384, 387, 389, 791
circulation 1069
compensation 202
corpuscles 1063
function 499, 1077
tubules 1064
Renin 492, 496
system 496
aldosterone system 534
Residual volume 54
Resorcinols 883
acidosis 212
acids 193
alkalosis 215
centre 29
complications 981
gas monitoring and Mapleson systems 435
muscles 24
part 551
system 68, 376, 512, 622, 953, 1016
Resting membrane potential 99
Restricted consent 313
cardiomyopathy 872
lung diseases 901
Retinopathy of prematurity 1058
Retrobulbar block 1043
Retrolental fibroplasias 74
atrium 87
border 85
branch of AV bundle 91
bundle branch block 147
coronary artery 92
sided heart failure 526
to left shunt 622
ventricle 88
Rocuronium 467, 793
Ropivacaine 339, 746
Ruben valve 428
SA node 91
Sagittal plane leads 128
Salbutamol 295
Saligenin 883
Saphenous nerve block 696, 697
Schizophrenia 941
Sciatic nerve block 693
Second stage of labour 959
Selective serotonine reuptake inhibitors 947
Semiclosed system 429
Sensitivity to salt 491
Septicaemia 1101
enzyme assays 915
proteins 917
Sevoflurane 421, 788
Short acting relaxants 457
Sick sinus syndrome 819
Side stream capnometer 632
Siggaard-Andersen nomogram 211
Significance of
Q waves 162
ventricular extrasystole 155
Single shot epidural anaesthesia 744
Sino-atrial block 819
arrest 820
arrhythmia 817
bradycardia 819
rhythm 139, 817
Skeletal muscle 286, 290
of periorbit and orbit 1027
Sleep apnoea 1016
Slope elevation of ST segment 160
digitalisation 545
elimination 206
Smooth muscles 305
balance 241
bicarbonate 219, 333
nitroprusside 504
Spaces in orbit 1026
Special uses of pulse oximeter 627
gravity 734
heat 442
muscarinic receptor
agonists 303
antagonists 303
anaesthesia 730
block 769
cord 711
injury 770
nerves 713
opioids 765
stenosis 737
Spinous process 707
Spirometry 878
Spironolactone 517
ST segment
depression 159
elevation 160
Stage of
delirium 413
medullary paralysis 413
pulmonary oedema 40
Stagnant hypoxia 67
bicarbonate 208
technique of general anaesthesia 1059
State of
ventricle 530
transmission 279
Sternocostal surface 86
Steroidal compound 456
Stimulating electrodes 621
and release of acetylcholine 285
of catecholamines 282
Streamlined linear pharyngeal airway 587
Stress testing 844
Structural haemoglobinopathies 627
Structure of
bronchus 20
kidney 1060
Study of coronary blood flow 111
anaesthesia-analgesia for vaginal delivery 965
block 769
space 711
Subclavian vein 662
Subconjunctival block 1049
Sublingual buprenorphine 384
Subperiosteal space 1027
block 1049
space 1027
Succinylcholine 449, 455, 791
Sufentanil 381, 383, 387, 389
Sulphaemoglobin 65
Summary of
coronary circulation 93
foetal circulation 774
mechanism of muscular contraction 178
oblique muscle 1029
rectus muscle 1028
Supernormal excitability 155
Supero-temporal periconal block 1048
Supine position 1161
Supraglottic airway devices 584
Supraspinous ligament 708
airway technique 584
anaesthesia 413
cricothyroidotomy 582
Suxamethonium 449
ganglia 263
nervous system 262
Sympathomimetic amines 538
Synchronised intermittend mandatory ventilation 602
Synthesis of acetylcholine 284
effects of respiratory acidosis 213
vascular resistance 498
Tachycardia 818, 823
Technique for arterial blood-gas sampling 210
Technique of
anaesthesia 999, 1111
epidural anaesthesia 744
intrathecal anaesthesia 730
intubation 574
nasal intubation 577
orbital regional anaesthesia 1040
Tenon's capsule 1025
Terazosin 301
Terbutaline 295
Terminal ganglia 264
Termination of action of neurotransmitter 280
Tertiary anticholinergic agents 307
Tetanic stimulation 619
Tetracaine 733
Tetralogy of Fallot 866
Therapeutic uses
and doses of dopamine 540
of ACE inhibitors 502
Thermal conductivity 442
Thiazide diuretics 517
Thickness of respiratory membrane 44
Thiopentone 789
Third degree AV block 821
Thoracic epidural 748
Thromboembolism 768
Tibial nerve block 695
Tidal volume 54, 598
Tizanidine 298
Tocainide 484
Tolazoline 301
Tonsillectomy 996
anaesthesia 1049
anaesthetics in ophthalmology 339
Torsades de pointes 156, 831
blood volume in pulmonary circulation 34
circulating blood volume 529
hip replacement 1094
knee arthroplasty 1096
lung capacity 55
peripheral resistance 116
surface area of respiratory membrane 45
Totally closed system 437
Toxicity of local anaesthetics 330
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula 810
Tramadol 387
Transamines 915
Transarterial technique 678
Transcutaneous electrodes 629
Transmission of impulses 278, 323
fentanyl 384
morphine 384
opioid delivery 384
Trans-tracheal jet ventilation 581
Treatment of
hypercalcaemia 256
hypernatraemia 243
hyponatraemia 245
IHD 846
metabolic alkalosis 224
TURP syndrome 1100
Triamterene 517
Trigeminal nerve 1032
Trochlear nerve 1031
Tubocurarine 463
Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism 1071
procedure 1099
syndrome 1099
Twisting points 831
Types of
cardiac rhythm 818
heart failure 524
hypoxia 63
needles 1045
surgeries 1043
vaporizers 442
Ulnar nerve 683
flowmeter 638
nebuliser 554
Uncalibrated vaporisers 442
chest leads 130
extremity or limb leads 129
intracardiac leads 130
leads 129
oesophageal leads 130
airway obstruction 561
extremity block 669
bladder 289
excretion of potassium 246
retention 760
Urine analysis 1075
Use of
general anaesthesia 728
sedation 728
sympathomimetic agents in hypotension and shock 298
light wands 580
LMA 580
circulation 956
effects 229
Uterus 512
Vaginal delivery 962
Vagus nerve 30, 265
Valsalva manoeuvre 122
Valvular dysfunction 532
Vapour pressure 441
Variable bypass vaporisers 444
Variant angina 510
Vascular resistance 118
Vascularity of tissue 329
Vasoactive drug 1151
Vasoconstrictor fibres 121
Vasodilator fibres 121
Vasomotor centre 120
Vecuronium 465, 792
air embolism 1163
drainage of
heart 94
spinal cord 713
return 114, 529
arrhythmias 152
bigeminy 155
complex 169, 170
extrasystoles 152
fibrillation 157, 833
flutter 832
function curve 533
musculature 818
rhythms 818
septal defect 864
tachycardia 156, 829
jet ventilation 989
mask 76
Verapamil 487
Vertebral arch 705
Vital capacity 55
Vitamin 910
Volatile anaesthetic agents 786, 1078
controlled ventilation 593
of anaesthetic solutions 735
time waveform 611
Vomiting 768
Wall motion abnormalities 531
Wandering atrial pacemaker 137
bath 554
metabolism 236
requirement and loss 236
Waveform in mechanical ventilation 607
White matter 718
Wind Kessel concept 125
Wright spirometer 639
Wrist block 687
Wu-laryngoscope 573
Xenon 424
Xomed laser shield endotracheal tube 989
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Anaesthetic Machine1

The Boyle's anaesthetic machine is a continuous flow type of equipment which is used for administration of inhalational anaesthesia and artificial ventilation. It receives gas supply from gas supply unit consisting of cylinders or pipelines, controls this flow of gas to the flow metre, reduces their pressure to the desired safe level, vapourises the volatile anaesthetic agents and finally delivers the gas mixture to a breathing circuit. It was introduced first by HEG Boyle in 1917. After that it was modified at different times which is discussed in ‘Inhalational anaesthesia’ chapter. Now, it has become more modernised and sophisticated by attaching ventilators, O2 failure alarm, hypoxic guard, gas analysing component, different monitors measuring vital parameters of body, electronic sophisticated vapouriser, etc. Now the Boyel's anaesthetic machine have become made extremely sophisticated by incorporating many built in safety features and devices and one or more microprocessors that can integrate, enhance and monitor all the components of the machine. These microprocessors now also provide option for sophisticated ventilator modes, automated record keeping and net working with local or remote computer monitors and as well as with hospital information system. So, it is now called as the anaesthetic work station. Due to this extreme sophistication lots of adverse outcome are now coming infront related to the malfunction of machine. This mainly because of the nonfamiliarity of an anaesthetic machine or work station with the anaesthetist. So this preventable adverse outcome resulting many mishaps can easily be avoided by increasing the familiarity of machine with the anaesthetist through proper education and proper checking the function of machine previously (Fact file-I).
A modern anaestheic machine consists of the following basic components. There are: (i) gas supplying unit such as pipeline or cylinders, (ii) pressure gauges, (iii) reducing valves or pressure regulators, (iv) flow meters, (v) vapouriser, (vi) ventilators, (vii) circle breathing system, (viii) common gas outlet, (ix) monitors, and (x) miscellaneous such as emergency O2 flush, nonreturn pressure relief valve, O2 supply failure alarm, hypoxic guard, suction apparatus, etc. (Fact file-II).
Now, in a big hospital or nursing home the supply of gases such as O2, N2O, compressed air, etc, through pipelines to the anaesthetic machine situated at different OT, or ventilators in ICU, ward, etc, from a central source is a common feautre. The advantages of sypplying gases through these pipelines from a central source are that it is easy, convenience, economic and avoid frequent changing of cylinders.
There is also less chance of explosion and increased patient's safety. But the high initial cost is the only disadvantages of it. The pipeline system for delivery of gases consist of (i) a central supplying unit using tank, or concentrator or cylinders for O2, only cylinders for N2O and cylinders or compressor for compressed air, and (ii) distributing pipelines with their outlet located at the point of use. The supplying pipeline is made up of high quality copper alloy which prevents the decomposition of gases and has bacteriostatic property. The usual pressure of gases kept in pipeline is about 400KPa. The size of the pipeline differs according to the demand. The pipes of 42 mm of diameter are usually used for leaving the central supply unit and the smaller diameter tubes of 15 mm are used after repeated branching. They also have specific colour code according to the gas they carry (Fig. 1.1).
The network of central pipelines ultimately terminate in the OT, ICV and/or ward at their outlet which is mounted on the wall or suspended from the ceiling. These outlets of pipeline at the point of use is easily identified by their specific colour code, shape and the name of gas stamped on them. They accept the matched and quick connect / disconnect ‘Schrader’ probe of a flexible colour coded hoses which ultimately connect the outlet of central pipeline to the anaesthetic machine. The anaesthetic machine end of these hoses may be connected with the machine permanently by screw and thread system where the thread is gas specific and not interchangeable, known as noninterchangeable screw threat (NIST) system, or through the ususal yoke assembly with pin index system located on the metal yoke bar of anaesthetic machine where the cylinders are usually attached. The previously described non interchangeable screw and thread system of connection which attaches the hosepipe with the pipeline outlet and the anaesthetic machine is also known as the diameter index safety system (DISS) where a hose of a particular diameter can only be connected to the machine. But the disadvantage in this system is that there is delay in connection with this system. So, the quick connect / disconnect ‘Schrader’ couplers are preferred. Where its other end is connected to the machine through pin index system (Fig. 1.2).
zoom view
Fig. 1.1: Wall mounted outlet of the central oxygen pipeline
At the central gas suppling room from where the pipelines are distributed there should have a low pressure alarm which will detect the failure of supply of gas through pipeline. A reserve bank of cylinders should be available if primary supply through pipeline fails. An anaesthetist is only responsible for the supply of gas from the terminal outlet of pipeline to the anaesthetic machine, while only engineering department will be responsible for gas pipelines behind the wall. There is also risk of rupture or fire in pipeline carrying O2 gas under high pressure from central source to machine due to worm out or damage of it. So for maintenance and to avoid any mishap the pipelines should be tested from time to time according to the guidelines laid by the international or national committee such as tug test to detect wrong connection, single hose test to detect cross connection, etc. (Fig. 1.3).
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Flexible colour coded Schrader probe
The central sources of gases which are distributed by the pipeline may be a storaged tank or cylinder manifold or O2 concentrator for O2, only cylinder manifold for N2O and cylinder manifold or compressor machine for compressed air. In the oxygen storage tank the O2 is stored as liquid between −160° and −170°C temperature at pressure of 5 to 10 atmosphere. Actually, the O2 storage tank acts as huge thermo flask which is made up of double layer steel with vacuum between them. The innersides of these two steel layers is lined by a chemical, named perlite. The vacuum between these two steel layers acts as an insulator and maintain the temperature of inside of the tank. During the use of tank the evaporation of liquid O2 requires heat which is known as the latent heat of evaporation and it is taken from the remaining liquid O2. Thus it helps to maintain such low temperature of the remaining liquid portion of O2 inside the tank. By a coiled copper tubing the cold O2 gas which comes out from tank is warmed for use.
zoom view
Fig. 1.3: The schematic diagram of O2 tank
Then a pressure regulator allows the gas to enter the pipelines with pressure at 400 KPa. There is a safety valve on the tank which allows the gas to escape in emergency when excessive pressure builds up inside the tank during no use or under demand use of O2. During excessive use of O2 the control valve which is usually kept closed is opened and it allows the liquid O2 to pass through an uninsulated coils of copper tube. During passage of liquid O2 through this uninsulated copper tube, it evaporates within the tube and can supply more gas. The storaged O2 tank usually rests on a weighing balance. It measures the mass of liquid O2 in tank and thus gives an idea of the total contents of it. A differential pressure gauge is also used which measures the difference of pressure between the liquid O2 at the bottom and the gaseous O2 at the top of the tank and gives an idea of the total contents of a tank. This is because as the liquid O2 evaporates, its mass and pressure at bottom decreases, so by measuring this difference in pressure between the bottom and the top the actual contents of the tank is calculated. At one atmospheric pressure and 15°C temperature 1 litre liquid O2 gives 842 litres of gaseous O2. When the supplying tanks of hospital become empty then liquid O2 is pumped in the tank from an outside O2 tanker by a cryogenic hose assembly. During this process of filling the spillage of cryogenic liquid O2 on the handling person can cause frost bite, cold burns, and hypothermia. Reserve bank of cylinders should always be kept ready when O2 is used from a storage tank particularly in case of sudden accidental failure. The O2 tank should always be housed away from the main hospital building due to fire hazard (Fig. 1.4).
Other than storaged tank, manifold system is also used in a small hospital or nursing home as a central source of supply of O2, N2O, and compressed air. In this system large bulk cylinders (Type E) are used and divided into two groups which alternately supply gases in the pipe line. The number and size of cylinders in each group depends on the expected demand of gas used by the hospital. All the cylinders of each group are connected to a common pipe line through a nonreturn valve and a pressure gauge. This common pipeline from each group then in turn is connected with the distributing pipeline system through a check valve and a pressure regulator. In each group all the cylinders are opend at the same time and allows them to empty simultaneously. When all the cylinders of one group become empty, then the manifold system allows the supply to change over automatically to another group of cylinders. This change over is achieved through a pressure sensitive automatic device that also activates an electric audio signal to alert staff. At the same time the exhausted group of cylinders are turned off automatically. All the exhausted cylinders of previous group are then replaced by fresh full cylinders immediately. The manifold system for the supply of N2O gas may cool to very low temperature due to the latent heat of vapourisation. So, the water vapour of atmosphere may condense or even freeze on the outer surface of the pipeline. This can block also the pipeline and the flow of N2O if it contains some water vapour which is freezed inside the pipe line at this very low temperature. So, a thermostatically controlled heater may be needed at the outlet of N2O manifold system to warm the gas at 47°C which prevents the condensation of water vapour within the gas of pipeline and allow uninterrupted flow of it. Like the O2 tank this manifold system for central supply of O2, N2O and compressed air should also be housed in a well spaced and ventilated room which is constructed by fire proof tiles. This room should be located away from the main hospital building and on the ground floor for the easy access of transport trucks. This room which is used to store tank or manifold system of cylinders should not be used as the general store room for the other empty and full cylinders which are not in use. So, all the empty cylinders should be removed immediately after exhausted. The motor driven compressor for the central supply of air and the O2 concentrator for the central supply of O2 and the central vacuum plant should also be located there. The central vacuum pipeline should be provided with colour code, separate pressure gauge and high and low pressure signal device.
zoom view
Fig. 1.4: Cylinder manifold
The compressed, oil free medical air which is cleaned by filters is also supplied in hospital through pipelines to run many power driven tools in ICU and OT and for other clinical use at pressure of 400 KPa. They may be supplied from manifold system consisting of large cylinders containing compressed air or more economically by a motor dirven compressor. The anaesthetic machines and the blender of most intensive care ventilators accept the connection from the 400 KPa outlet of compressed air pipeline.
The O2 concentrator is a device which extract O2 from air by differential absorption method and supply it. They become a small one which is designed to supply O2 only for a single anaesthetic machine or a single ventilator. Otherwise it can be large enough to supply adequate O2 through pipeline system. The small O2 concentrators are of light weight, portable and can be used at remote location or for domestic purpose. In this O2 concentrator machine there is a compressor which first filter air from atmosphere and then compressed it. After that this compressed air is exposed to multiple columns of zeolite (hydrated 4aluminium silicate of alkaline earth metal) molecular sieve at a certain pressure which retain N2 and other unwanted components of air except the O2 and argon. Hence the argon cannot be separated from the concentrated O2 produced by this type of machine. Thus maximum concentration of O2 by 95% in volume is achieved. The columns of zeolite molecular sieve in O2 concentrator which absorb N2 and other gases releases them again in atmosphere when it is heated and vacuum is applied. This O2 concentrator can be used in vast majority of cases, but not in circle system. This is because in this system its use leads to gradual accumulation of argon. However this can be avoided only by high gas flow. The main disadvantage of O2 concentrator is its high initial cost which can be recovered easily later by free O2 supply. The other disadvantages of it are risk of fire, contamination of zeolite sieve and sometimes malfunction.
Boyle's anaesthetic machine is equipped with O2 and N2O gas cylinder which are used when there is no provision for pipeline supply of gases or during emergency when the pipeline supply of gases have failed. These gas cylinders are made up of light weight seamless molybdenum steel designed to withstand intense internal pressure when gases are stored in gaseous (O2) or liquid form (N2O) under high pressure. The cylinders which are used in MRI suit are made up of aluminium, However the very large bulk cylinders are made of manganese steel. Very light weight cylinders of O2 also can be made from aluminium alloy with fibre glass covering by epoxy resin matrix. These are used for domestic or transport purposes in ambulance or mountaineering purposes (Fig. 1.5).
The cylinders supplying gases are identified by their specific colour code, labelling stamped on their shoulder and plastic or paper collar. In the past different countries use different colour for their cylinders containing different gases and there was no pin index system. So, with time when this colour is lost and the level is indistinguishable, then any interchange of N2O and O2 cylinder during attachment to the anaesthetic machine can lead to mortality. So an international standard which is given in table was laid out regarding the colour code and pin index (discussed later) by which the cylinders can easily be identified and cannot be interchanged when they are attached to the anaesthetic machine (i.e. it is practically impossible to attach any cylinder to wrong yokes). There are two international standard of colour code according to the school of UK and USA. However, in India UK standard is followed (Table 1.1).
zoom view
Fig. 1.5: Shoulder of cylinder with engraved marking
The cylinders are also manufactured in different sizes which are usually named by alphabet from A to L. Among these the size A is the smallest and size L is the largest. The smallest sized A cylinder can hold 1.2 L of water and the largest sized L cylinder can hold 50L of water. Among these the A and H size cylinders are not used for medical purposes. The cylinders which are attached with the anaesthetic machine are usually of D and E size and the cylinders of size J are commonly used for cylinder manifold system for central supply. The O2 and N2O cylinder of size D contains 400 L of O2 and 940 L of N2O respectively. Whereas the O2 and N2O cylinder of size E contain 680 L and 1800 L of O2 and N2O respectively. A full O2 cylinder of any size at atmospheric pressure can deliver O2 which is 130 times of its original capacity.
Table 1.1   Colour coding of medical gas cylinders
Name of gas
Colour of body
Colour of shoulder
Physical state in cylinder
Liquid / gas
Black (UK) Green (USA)
White (UK) Green (USA)
Liquid / gas
Gray (UK), Yellow (USA)
White (UK) Black quarter (UK) Yellow (USA)
The O2 is stored in a cylinder as a gas at a pressure of 1900 psi and N2O is stored in a cylinder as a liquid at a pressure of 750 psi. So, the cylinder which contain a gas in the form of liquid such as in N2O and CO2 is partially filled. Hence, this amount of partial filling of cylinder is described as the filling ratio and is defined as the weight of fluid in a cylinder divided by the weight of water required to fill the cylinder. The cylinders containing gases in liquid form are not filled up fully. This is because the partial filling of cylinders with liquid such as in the case of N2O and CO2 reduces the risk of explosion due to the sudden dangerous increase in pressure within the cylinder sudden increase in evaporation of liquid gas during sudden increase in temperature of atmosphere. So, in cold country such as in UK the filling ratio in N2O and CO2 cylinder is kept at 0.75, whereas in hot countries the filling ratio of these two types of cylinders is kept at 0.67.
Only a gas containing cylinder during its emptying at constant temperature shows a linear and proportional decrease in cylinder pressure. But this does not happen in case of cylinder which are filled with gas as liquid such as N2O and CO2. Here, initially the pressure in side the cylinder remains constant, because more gas is produced by 5evaporation from liquid to replace the gas that is used. After that once when all the liquid has been evaporated to gaseous state, then the pressure in the cylinder starts to decrease with the process of emptying. So, the O2 pressure gauge shows continuously the contents of a cylinder which is proportional to the gauge pressure and the N2O pressure gauge does not show the actual content of the cylinder. The N2O pressure gauge shows a constant pressure of N2O gas which is present above the liquid and till the later is completely depleted. Then the pressure in the gauge starts to drop. So, the N2O pressure gauge does not show the actual contents of its cylinder till the whole liquid is completely evaporated to gas. During the emptying of such cylinder containing gas as liquid, the temperature of it also decreases. This is because of the withdrawn of latent heat for vapourisation of liquid within the cylinder from the outside atmosphere, leading to the formation of ice on the outside of the cylinder. As the pressure gauge of N2O cylinder can not tell the total content of it, so a full N2O cylinder can only be identified by comparing the weight of it with that of an empty one, or in other way a full cylinder will give a ringing sound when tap by a metal while a empty will give a dull thud sound.
The cylinders are tested following manufacture at regular intervals, usually 5 years, by:
  1. visual inspection from outside or inside (endoscopic),
  2. tensile test where strips of a cylinder are cut longitudinally and stretched till they elongate with yield point not being less than 15 tons/sq inch,
  3. flattening test where one cylinder is kept in between two compression blocks and pressure is applied to flatten it till the distance of these two blocks becomes 6 times of the thickness of the cylinder wall without crack,
  4. bend test where a strip of 25 mm width is cut from the cylinder wall and equally divided into 4 strips which are then bend inwards till the inner edge is apart proving cylinder wall will not develop any crack,
  5. impact test where three longitudinal and three transverse strips are cut from a cylinder wall and struck by mechanical hammer with mean energy needed to produce a crack it should not be less than 5 ft lb for transverse strip and 10 ft lb for longitudinal strip,
  6. pressure or hydraulic or water jacket test where the cylinder is subjected to high pressure which is more than 50% of their normal working pressure without damage. All these test are usually done for at least one out of every 100 cylinders. The gases and vapours should be free of water vapour when stored in cylinders. Becasue water vapour may freeze and block the exit port of cylinder when the temperature of cylinder valve decreases tremendously on opening. All the cylinder after filled with gas should be stored in a dry, well ventilated, fire proof room and not subjected to extremes of heat. They should not be stored near flammable materials like grease or oil, etc., or near any source of direct heat or fire (Fig. 1.6).
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Fig. 1.6: The different parts of a cylinder and different combination of pin index. Gas exit port accommodates the yoke nipple and the hole accommodate the pine of pin index system
A cylinder has four parts such as body, shoulder, neck and valve. The size of the body of a cylinder varies according to the designations which are named as A to L and is painted according to the colour code. The upper part of the cylinder which is called as the shoulder suddenly becomes narrow. This is called as the neck. The shoulder and the neck of a cylinder is also painted according to the colour code which may be the same with the body or not. The neck ends in a tapered screw thread into which the valve of a cylinder is fitted. This thread between the neck and the valve of a cylinder is sealed by a special material which melts if the cylinder is exposed to excessive heat suddenly, and allows the contents of a cylinder to escape avoiding the risk of explosion. There is a plastic disc around the neck whose colour and shape indicates the year when the cylinder was last examined. The marks engraved on the shoulder of a cylinder are: date of last test performed, test pressure, chemical formula of the contents of this cylinder and tare weight (weight of empty cylinder). Every cylinder should also have a paper lebel which is sticked on the body or will hang from the neck. This will show: cylinder size code, specification of contents (which include name, chemical symbol, pharmaceutical form, proportion of gases in a gas mixture), batch number, maximum cylinder pressure in bars, nominal cylinder contents in litre, filling and expiry date, direction of use, hazard and safety instruction, storage and handling precaution, etc. (Fig. 1.7).
At the top every cylinder is fitted with a valve which is known as the cylinder valve. Several types of cylinder valves like flush type, bull nosed, straight type, angle type, etc., are available. But the noninterchangeable flush type of valve with pin index system which is commonly used to attach a cylinder at the yoke bar of anaesthetic machine will be discussed here. It is screwed into the neck of a cylinder via a threaded connection which is sealed by a special material with low melting point.
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Fig. 1.7: Bull nose type of cylinder valve
This cylinder valve is made of brass and plated with chromium or nickel which allow the rapid dissipation of heat, if generated due to compression during filling (Fig. 1.8A).
The chemical formula of gas by which the cylinder is filled up is engraved on its valve. The valve seals the contents of a cylinder and is used to start, regulate and stop the flow of gas from the cylinder by a spindle which is described below. On the top of the cylinder valve there is an on/off stem or spindle with packing nut. When this stem is turned with a spanner, then it allows the gas to flow through its outlet situated on the valve. In modern modification the top of the valve is so designed that the on and off of the cylinder can be done by manual turning of the stem or spindle with the packing nut without the need of a spanner. There is an outlet hole and another two holes below the previous one at one side of the cylinder valve which fits with the yoke assembly of Boyle's machine through a specific noninterchangeable pin index system consisting of a nipple and two pins. A compressible yoke sealing washer named Bodok seal should be placed between the anaesthetic machine and the cylinder valve to make a gas tight joint when the cylinder is connected to the machine at the yoke assembly. Corresponding to the two pins of the pin index system, there is also two holes on the same side of cylinder value below the outlet port. If the yoke nipple is damaged or the pins of yoke assembly and the holes of cylinder valve are not aligned properly (i.e. pin index of a particular cylinder valve does not match with the yoke assembly), then the gas exit port of the cylinder valve will not seal tightly against the Bodok washer and the gas will leak. The Bodok washer is made of carbon impregnated rubber with a metal ring around it. It is 2.4 mm thick and only one seal is allowed inbetween the cylinder valve and the yoke assembly to fit the cylinder without leak. The excessive tightening of the screw of yoke assembly to press the cylinder valve against this seal may also damage it (Fig. 1.8B).
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Fig. 1.8A: CO2 cylinder with flush type cylinder valve
The cylinder valves are usually wrapped by a plastic covering after filling to protect it from anything which can enter the exit port and block it. The valve should be slightly opened and then closed before connecting the cylinder with the anaesthetic machine. This procedure usually cleans dust, oil, and grease from the exit port which would otherwise enter the anaesthetic machine and may damage it. The cylinder valve should be turned on slowly during use when attached to the anaesthetic machine. Because it prevents the sudden rise in pressure and temperature of gas while flowing through in the machine's pipe line. During closure of cylinder, overtightening of valve should also be avoided. Because it may damage the seal between the valve and the neck of a cylinder (Fact file-III).
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Fig. 1.8B: Pin index system (Yoke assemble)
Bourdon Pressure Gauge (Fig. 1.9)
It is attached with the anaesthetic machine to measure the pressure of gas with in the cylinder such as O2, N2O, and compressed air, or pipe lines after connecting with the anaesthetic machine. However, one which is designed to measure the pressure of cylinder should not be used for pipeline and vice versa. Because it may lead to inaccurate result and can cause damage to the pressure gauge. Inside this type of pressure gauge there is a robust, but flexible coiled tube made of copper alloy. It is closed at its inner end and is connected through a lever to a needle pointer which moves over a dial indicating pressure. The other end of this coiled tube is opened to a gas supply line coming from cylinder or pipeline (Fig. 1.10A).7
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Fig. 1.9: Bourdon pressure gauge
After turning on the valve and opening the cylinder the gas under high pressure first starts to flow into this colied copper tube of pressure gauge and causes it to uncoil or straight out. Then this movement of the tube during uncoiling causes the needle pointer to move on dial and indicates pressure of gas inside the cylinder or pipeline. Each pressure gauge is calibrated for a particular gas, colour coded and bears the name and symbol of gas for which types of gas cylinder or pipeline it is used. At the front, every pressure gauge is protected by a cover of heavy fibre glass. So, in case of any breakage of coiled copper tube, the gas escape from behind, rather than the front. The measured pressure in the pressure gauge is depicted in unit such as KPa or lbs/sq.inch or Kg/sq.cm. When the central pipeline for O2 supply is connected to the anaesthetic machine, then the pressure gauge at the connection shows 4 bars or 60 psi pressure (Fig. 1.10B).
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Fig. 1.10A: Bourdon pressure gauge
Reducing Valve or Pressure Regulator
The gases are usually presented to anaesthetic machine under different high pressure from different types of cylinders or pipelines. So, they are passed through a single or multiple reducing valves which are placed between the cylinder or pipelines and the rest of the components of anaesthetic machine to decrease their high variable pressure to a safe constant operating pressure before reaching the gas to flow metre. Otherwise in the absence of these valves when the pressure of a cylinder decreases with use, then in order to maintain the supply of gas to patient at a constant flow and pressure, continuous adjustment of flow metre is required. These reducing valves also allow a delicate control of gas flow through flowmetre and protect the different sophisticated component of anaesthetic machine against the sudden surges of high pressure of gases (Fig. 1.11).
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Fig. 1.10B: The mechanism of action of Bourdon pressure gauge
In this type of pressure regulator or reducing valve there are two chambers such as a high pressure chamber and a low pressure chamber, connected through a gap which is guarded by a valve. The high pressure chamber gets its gas flow through its inlet directly from cylinder. The small valve intervening between the high and low pressure chamber is attached to a diaphragm which is again attached to a spring through which the pressure regulator can be adjusted to get the supply of gas flow at a constant low pressure.
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Fig. 1.11: The mechanism of action of reducing valve
After entering the gas into the high pressure chamber directly from cylinder the force exerted by the gas under high pressure tries to close the gap by the small valve and decrease the gas flow to low pressure chamber from high pressure chamber. On the other hand, the opposite opening force exerted by the spring and diaphragm tries to open the valve. Then a balance is reached between these to forces leading to a constant fixed opening or gap which leads to a constant flow of gas under fixed desired pressure to low pressure chamber from high pressure chamber and ultimately passes out (Fig. 1.12).
If the gas in cylinder contains water vapour, then when the gas with water vapour enter the low pressure chamber from high pressure chamber, then due to loss of heat due to expansion of gas in low pressure chamber, there is chance of ice formation inside the regulator causing malfunctioning of it. There is also the chance of rupture of diaphragm leading to mulfunctioning of it. So, these regulators should be serviced at regular intervals and the rubber diaphragm is checked and renewed. The control of high pressure in pipeline is also achieved by a flow restrictor (a separate type of device which control the flow of gas) and a second stage pressure regulator. If there is only flow restrictor and no pressure regulator for pipeline, then when there is some change in pipeline pressure, the flow metre should be adjusted accordingly. A one way valve is also placed within the cylinder supply line within the anaesthetic machine next to the inlet of yoke. Their function is to prevent the back flow and loss or leakage of gas through an empty yoke (if a cylinder is not connected there) from working cylinder. They also prevent the transfilling of gas when one cylinder is full and working and the other cylinder is empty. Recently this one way valve is incorporated with in the design of a pressure regulating or reducing valve.
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Fig. 1.12: Reducing valve
This type of reducing valve is also called the preset pressure regulator, because by adjusting the screw before hand during manufacturing we can adjust the diaphragm and subsequently the valve which is situated between the high and low pressure chamber. Thus we will be able to keep a fixed low pressure in low pressure chamber from which the gas will be delivered continuously at low pressure to the flow meter. In India BOC uses the preset regulator or reducing valve which are set to deliver gases at constant low pressure of 60 lbs/sq.inch by adjusting the screw and thus subsequently adjusting the inside diaphragm and valve of regulator. There is another type of preset pressure regulator which is called the Adam's valve. These are used in many anaesthetic machines (Fact file - IV).
Pressure regulators are so adjusted that the anaesthetic machine uses both the gas from pipelines when the pipeline pressure is 50 psi or greater and cylinder valve is also simultaneously open. So, when the gases from pipeline are being used, the cylinder valve should be closed. This is because the machine will always use gas from the source that has higher pressure. But, sometimes if the pipeline pressure drops below that supplied by cylinder and its valve is open, then some gas will be withdrawn from the cylinder. Thus gradually the cylinder will be exhausted without the knowledge of anaesthetist and then it will not help during emergency.
Flow Metre (Fig. 1.13)
It is incorporated into the Boyle's anaesthetic apparatus to measure the flow rate of gases such as O2, N2O and air passing through them.
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Fig. 1.13: Flow metre (Rotameter)
The flow metre used in anaesthetic machine is also known as the rotameter. The other type of flow metre used in industry are: Waterside, Heidbrink, Connell, Foreggar, etc. The flowmetre consists of a series of specially designed glass tube (Thrope tube) with rotating bobbin inside it to measure the flow of individual gases in the flow metre. The tubes are placed within a chromium plated metal casing and in front there is a transparent plastic window which helps in clear reading and protection of flow metre tube from damage and dust. A detachable radiolucent plate is also provided at the back of the metal casing of flowmeter to facilitate the observation of a working and rotating bobbin within the tube during use in a darkened operation theatre. A flow metre basically has two components such as flow control valve and flow metre tubes with rotating bobbin inside it (Fig. 1.14).
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Fig. 1.14: The flow control valve and the tubes of flow metre
The flow control valves control the flow of gas through the tubes of flow metre by manual adjustment of its knobs. It is situated at the base of the flow metre and its body is made of brass. The stem of the adjusting knob screws into the body of flow control valves and ends as a needle which is placed at the site of inflow of gas to the tube of flow metre. The flow control knobs which are attached to the stems of flow control valve are labelled and colour coded for their respective gases. In some design the O2 control knob is larger and has a longer stem than the other stems and knobs used for other gases. So, this makes it easily recognisable and acts as a safety measure. In some designs a flow control knob guard is attached to protect against the accidental adjustment of flow metres (Fig. 1.15).
The tubes of flow metre are especially made of tapered glass tube with a rotating bobbin inside it. They are set strictly in vertical position on the body of flow control valve. Because inclined position of tube gives incorrect reading by causing friction of bobbin on the wall of the tube and thus producing resistance during the flow of gas. Each tube is individually calibrated at room temperature and one atmospheric pressure for that gas which flows through it giving accuracy of about ±2% in measuring the rate of flow of gases. For flows below 2 L/min the measuring units are 100 ml/min and for flows above it the measuring units are L/min. The rotating bobbin or ball in the flow metre tubes which shows us the rate of gas flow through it are made of light aluminium. They are held floating within the tube by the gas flowing around it through the gap between the tube's wall and bobbin. During floating the effect of gravity on the bobbin is counteracted by the flow of gas. When the bobbin is lifted by the flow of gas, then the upward pressure caused by the gas and the weight of the bobbin is in equilibrium at that height of bobbin showing the rate of flow of gas. The flow metre tubes are tapered in such a fashion that the clearance or gap between the bobbin and the tube wall gradually widens from the bottom to the top. So, at low flow rate the clearance between the bobbin and the wall of the tube is longer and narrower acting as a tube and at these circumstances the flow is laminar, governed by the viscosity of gas. On the other hand, at high flow rate the clearance between the bobbin and the wall of the tube is wider and shorter acting as a orifice. Thus, under these circumstances the flow is turbulent and governed by the density of gas. So, each flow metre is calibrated for its specific gas, according to its density and viscosity (Fig. 1.16).
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Fig. 1.15A: The route of flow of gases through the tubes of flow metre. B shows that the gap between the bobbin and tube wall increases as bobbin goes up
The flow metre can give inaccurate result if the bobbin sticks to the wall of the tube due to dirt from contaminated gas supply and / or due to static electricity caused by the continuous friction arising from rotating bobbin during floating.
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Fig. 1.16: Different types of bobbin used in rotameter
The problem of dirt can be eliminated by using filter at the gas inlet site of anaesthetic machine and the problem of static electricity can be solved by making the bobbin of antistatic material or applying some antistatic spray over it or coating the tube's interior with a conductive substance which grounds the system and reduces the effect of static electricity. At the upper margin of the bobbin there are many cuts or slits (flutes) at the sides. So, when the gas flows by the side of it, the flutes cause the bobbin to rotate. There is radiolucent dot on the bobbin and it indicates that the bobbin is rotating and is not stuck to the wall of the tube. There are two bobbin stops which are made of spring and is situated at the extreme either end (top and bottom) of the tube. It always ensures the visibility of bobbin during operation at the extremes of flow. According to the shape and size different types of bobbins are also used in the flow metre such as ball, nonrotating H float, skirted and nonskirted. But usually the ball and the skirted varities are commonly used in anaesthetic machine. The reading of the flow metre is taken from the top of the bobbin. But when a ball is used then the reading is generally taken from the midpoint of the ball. When very low flow is required such as in circle breathing system, then an arrangement of two flow metre tube for each gas which are attached in series in rotameter are used for the fine adjustment of flow. But these two tubes are controlled by single flow control valve and knob (Fig. 1.17).
The O2 tube of a flow metre is kept at extreme right of all the gas tubes. Because when it is placed at extreme left of all the tubes, then if any crack develops in a flow metre distal to it, O2 may leak through this distal crack and may deliver hypoxic mixture to the patient. So, to avoid this problem O2 is the last to be added to the gas mixture and is finally delivered to the back bar of anaesthetic machine. During mechanical ventilation pressure rises at the common gas outlet when the bag is compressed by ventilator or manually. This is transmitted back to the gas in the tube of flow metre above the bobbin which results in the drop of it during inspiration and inaccurate reading. This can be prevented by attaching a flow restrictor at the down stream of flow metre (Fact file - V).
Antihypoxic Devices
There are many devices which are incorporated in the modern anaesthetic machine to stop the flow of N2O in the absence of flow of O2 or there should be a minimum 25% concentration of O2 in the gas mixture or the machine will give audible alarm when O2 pressure drops in the pipeline of machine. These antihypoxic devices are consists of hypoxic guard and O2 failure alarm. This hypoxic guard device maintain minimum 25% flow of O2 in the gas mixture or when O2 flow is reduced below 25% of total flow then the N2O flow will be automatically reduced.
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Fig. 1.17: How the O2 will leak from cracks at different sites if its tube is placed at extreme left
It works by mechanical, pneumatic or electronic principle. In mechanical method the N2O and O2 flow control valves are linked together by a chain. This chain relays the movement of O2 knob to the N2O knob. So, when the O2 flow control knob is turned to reduce the flow of this gas, then the chain link will also move and reduce the flow of N2O as if always a minimum 25% of O2 mixture can reach to the patients or without the flow of O2, the N2O will not flow alone. The O2 flow control knob can be independently opened further. But it cannot be closed below a setting that will produce less than 25% O2 in the gas mixture if N2O is used. In pneumatic method there is special type of valve known as the ratio mixer valve where O2 is exerting pressure on one side of the diaphragm and 11N2O on the other side. Thus when there is increased flow of N2O, then it will also cause increased flow of O2 maintaining a minimum 25% concentration of it. But when O2 flow is only increased, the flow of N2O will not increase. In electronic device a paramagnetic O2 analyser is used to analyze the mixture of gases which are sampled continuously. Then if due to any reason the O2 concentration falls below 25% in the inspired gas mixture, then the flow of N2O will also be stopped and give an alarm (Fig. 1.18).
In O2 supply failure alarm when the pressure in the pipeline of machine carring only O2 drops below a certain fixed lavel then the O2 is directed through a whistle to produce a sound causing alarm. This alarm is activated only when the pressure of O2 in the machine gas pipeline falls below 200 KPa. This alarm cannot be switched off unless the O2 supply is restored.
A vapourisers is a device by which a controlled amount of volatile anaesthetic agent is added to the fresh gas flow mixture after vapourising it from liquid. Initially all the types of vapourisers are divided under two broad headings: variable bypass vapourisers and measured flow vapourisers (Fig. 1.19).
In variable bypass vapourisers the fresh gas flow is first splitted into two so that only a small portion of it passes through the vapourisers and when it passes over the liquid volatile anaesthetic agent in the vapourising chamber it becomes saturated with the vapour of this anaesthetic agent. Then, it leaves the vapouriser to mix with the remaining fresh gas flow that has gone through the bypass. The final desired concentration is achieved by varying the splitting ratio between the bypass gas and the gas that enters the vapourising chamber of a vapouriser using an adjustable valve (regulating dial). On the otherhand, vapouriser can be designed so that it heats the anaesthetic liquid to a temperature above its boiling point and make it a gaseous state which is then allowed to leave the vapouriser in calculated amount (measured) controlled by regulating dial to mix with the fresh gas flow in achieving desired concentration of it. These are known as the measured flow vapourisers. The example of this measured flow vapouriser are TEC-6, TEC-6 plus, D-TEC, where desflurane is only used.
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Fig. 1.18: Oxygen failure alarm
The variable bypass vapourisers are again divided into two types such as draw over vapourisers and plenum vapourisers. In draw over vapourisers a portion of fresh gas flow regulated by controlled knob is allowed to simply flow over the liquid volatile anaesthetic agent and to pick up the vapour of this agent. They are of low resistance and the anaesthetic vapour leaving the vapouriser is not saturated with the vapour of liquid anaesthetic agent. The splitting valve which divides the gas flow to the vapourisers and to the by pass channel is of wide bore and works over a wide range of flow rates. This type of vapouriser is also known as the ‘inside the circuit’ vapouriser, because being of low resistance and having no unidirectional valve, it acts as a continuous component of the circuit of the anaesthetic machine. On the otherhand, in plenum (which means high resistance, and unidirectional) vapouriser the carrier gas which enters the vapourising chamber of vapouriser is made to be saturated by the vapour of volatile anaesthetic agent present in the vapouriser and pressurised (cause is described later) so that it is rather forced to mix with the bypass fresh gas flow than it simply blows over the surface of the volatile liquid anaesthetic agent in vapourising chamber taking the unsaturated vapour of it like draw over vapouriser. The vapourising chambers of plenum vapourisers act as pressurised chamber containing saturated vapour of volatile anaesthetic agent at all times from where continuous flow of gas saturated with anaesthetic agent comes out. This is made possible by increasing the capacity of vapourisation of liquid volatile anaesthetic agensts to very high level by adding wicks and baffles inside the vapourising chamber, and restricting the exit of gas from the chamber by control valve than the vapourising capacity.
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Fig. 1.19: This is a schematic diagram of TEC-5 plenum vapouriser
These plenum vapourisers are also called the ‘outside the circuit’ vapourisers, because they do not acts as the part of anaesthetic circuit due to high resistance and spilitting valve is of narrow bore. They do not act over the wide range of flow rate like draw over vapourisers and so it allow the vapouriser to calibrated very accurately. The examples of the draw over vapourisers are: Boyel's ether bottle vapouriser, Goldman vapouriser, Oxford miniature vapouriser (OMV), EMO vapouriser and TEC-3 vapouriser. The TEC-3 vapouriser is a draw over vapouriser but temperature compensated. 12The examples of plenum vapourisers are: all the temperature compensated (TEC) vapourisers of Datex ohmeda series such as TEC-4, TEC-5, TEC-7 and Drager vapouriser 19 and 2000 series. These different models or types of plenum vapourisers differ among them only in their interior design regarding the arrangement of baffles and wicks to increase the capacity of vaporization made by different companies to remove some technical disadvantages of previous one, but their basic mechanism of action is same. The old model plenum TEC-3 vapouriser is out of market now. At present the commonly used model of plenum vapourisers are TEC-5 and TEC-7 of Datex ohmeda series and Drager vapouriser of 19 and 2000 series. The Aladdin vapouriser which is discussed in more details in chapter is another example of plenum vapouriser with electronic control for vapourisation. The TEC-6 vapouriser which is developed to use only desflurane is the example of measured flow vapouriser (Fig. 1.20).
All the plenum vapourisers are temperature compensated. It means with cooling of volatile anaesthetic agent during vapourisation, the delivered vapour concentration of it after vaporization of anaesthetic agent does not reduce. This is achieved by controlling the splitting ratio of fresh gas flow which enter the vapouriser by a temperature sensitive bimetallic strip which is made of two strips of metal with different coefficients of thermal expansion bonded together. It allows more flow into the vapourising chamber by bending as the temperature decreases and vice versa. This bimetallic strip or temperature sensitive valve is located in the vapourisation chamber in TEC-2 model. Whereas in the TEC-3, 4 and 5 model it is situated outside the vapourisation chamber (Fact file - VI).
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Fig. 1.20: The mechanism of action of bimetallic strip causing thermocompensation of vapouriser
All the variable bypass plenum vapourisers are flow compensated and its explanation is described below. On entering the vapouriser the fresh gas flow is splitted into two streams. The main larger stream of gas flows through the bypass channel and the smaller narrow stream of gas flows through the vapourising chamber of vapouriser. After vapourisation these two gas streams again reunite when they leave the vapouriser together. This is controlled by a regulating dial which dictate how much gas will enter the vapourising chamber, then after being completely saturated with anaesthetic agent, will be reunited with the fresh gas flow coming through bypass channel. The vapourising chamber of a plenum vapouriser is such designed that the gas leaving it is always fully saturated with vapour of volatile liquid anaesthetic agent before it joins with the gas of bypass stream whatever may be the amount of fresh gas flow into the vaporising chamber. This is achieved by increasing the surface area of contact between the gas entering the vapourising chamber and the volatile liquid anaesthetic agent by adding wicks soaked by the agent and a series of baffles. Thus whatever may be the rate of fresh gas flow through vaporising chamber the delivered concentration of anaesthetic agent can be controlled by both controlling the flow of gas entering the vapourising chamber and thus controlling the rejoining of gas saturated with anaesthetic agent with the main gas flow by controlling the dial. Thus it will not be influenced by the rate of fresh gas flow through vaporizer like the draw over vapriser such as goldman, ether vaporiser, etc. In modern designs the anaesthetic concentration of volatile anaesthetic agent supplied by vapouriser is independent of gas flow through vaporising chamber between 0.5 to 15 L/min. Hence, they are flow compensated.
But the changing of composition of gas from 70% N2O to 100% O2 may increase the concentration of anaesthetic agent due to the greater solubility of N2O in volatile liquid anaesthetic agents. In comparison to the flow compensated vaporisers the draw over vapourisers are not flow compensated, because under certain dial setting the portion of gas entering the vapourising chamber varies with the rate of fresh gas flow, and the gas coming out from the vapourising chamber is not fully saturated. Thus the rejoining of gas mixed with variable concentration of anaesthetic agent to the main gas flow is not controlled. During vapourisation due to the loss of latent heat of vapourisation the cooling of anaesthetic agent occurs and makes it less volatile, reducing vapourisation. So, in order to compensate this heat loss two measures are taken. One, the vapouriser is made up of such material which has high density, high specific heat and high thermal conductivity such as copper. So it acts as heat reservoir and readily gives heat to the cooled anaesthetic agent, maintaining its temperature and vapourisation nearly constant. Two, a temperature sensitive valve made of bimetallic strip allows more flow into the vapourising chamber by bending as the temperature decreases and vice versa.
All the modern vapourisers are agent specific. So, filling of them with wrong agents should be avoided. For example filling of an halothane specific vapouriser by sevoflurane would lead to anaesthetic concentration in under doses and vice versa. This is because the vapour pressure of halothane at one atmospheric pressure and 20°C is 243 mm of Hg, whereas the same of sevoflurane is 160 mm of Hg. So, if sevoflurane is used in halothane TEC-7 or TEC-5 vapouriser, it will cause near about 40% lesser amount of anaesthetic concentration to be released and vice versa. So, the modern TEC-5 and TEC-7 vapourisers (TEC-4 is also obsolete now)are equipped with agent specific filling ports and colour coded agent specific filling devices to prevent the use of wrong agent in wrong vapouriser. In older vapourisers during IPPV there may be transient reversal of flow of fresh gas and pressure into the vapouriser through the by pass channel and it will lead to the delivery of unpredictable concentration of anaesthetic agent. This is known as the pumping effect which is more pronounced with low gas flow. Hence in modern vapourisers some change in design and placement of a one way check valve limit the occurance of this problem. During transport or due to any reason if vapourisers are tilted excessively then the anaesthetic agent may spill over and flood the by pass channel of vapouriser which may lead to sudden delivery of dangerously high concentration of anaesthetic agent when first used. So, during handling of it when not attached to machine, excessive tilting of vapouriser should be avoided.
All the modern anaesthetic machines are equipped with ventilator for IPPV during anaesthesia which are of bag in bottle type in most of the cases. They have mainly the CMV mode for ventilation, but some have the facilities to provide other few more mode for ventilation modes such as SIMV, CPAP and PEEP. These bag in bottle type of anaesthetic ventilators have mainly two basic components: a driving unit and a control unit. The driving unit consists of a chamber with tidal volume ranging from 0 to 1500 ml and an ascending or descending type of bellow receiving fresh gas flow within it. In paediatric version the tidal volume in chamber ranges from 0 to 400 ml, whereas in adult version the tidal volume in chamber ranges from 100 to 1500 ml. The controll unit of the ventilator contains variety of controlling knobs, display system and alarms. The controlling knobs include the respiratory rate, tidal volume, airway pressure, I/E ratio, power supply, etc., to regulate the IPPV of patient during anaesthesia (Fig. 1.21).
In these types of bag in bottle ventilator compressed air or O2 is used as the driving pressure. On entering the driving chamber of ventilator this driving gas forces the bellows down in case of ascending type of bag in bottle ventilator and delivers the fresh anaesthetic gas mixture to the patient which was accommodated in side the bellow during the previous expiratory phase of respiratory cycle. The volume of driving gas entering the chamber is always equal to the tidal volume and remains completely separated from the fresh gas flow which remarks in side the bellow. Then during expiration the bellow again ascends due to the flow of fresh gas mixed with expired gas within it and the driving gas comes out (Fig. 1.22).
There are another type of bellow known as the descending bellow. Here, during expiration the gas sucked from patient into the bellow by a weight placed at the base of it. So, the probable advantage of this type of descending bellow is the absence of expiratory resistance. This advantage is not available in ascending bellow as it is claimed that the pressure required to fill the bellow both by fresh gas from machine and expired gas from patient adds some expiratory resistance to patient and may prevent complete exhalation.
zoom view
Fig. 1.21: The mechanism of action of a bag in bottle type of ventilator
zoom view
Fig. 1.22: Ascending (A) and descending (B) type of bag in bottle ventilator
Therefore, it is claimed that ascending bellow provides a degree of PEEP (2 to 4 cm of H2O) which may otherwise be beneficial.
The another advantage of ascending bellow is that it collapses to an empty position and remains stationary at that empty position if there is any leak in bag or disconnection of circuit. Whereas in descending design of bellow it automatically hangs down to fully expanded position, even if there is any leak or disconnection of circuit and may continue to move almost normally. In such condition the driving gas would also be able to enter the bellow through the leak and dilute the anaesthetic gas mixture within it which is not possible in ascending variety.
The arrangement in descending bellow also allows the driving control unit to be placed above the bellow in the free standing version. So the bellow of it could be placed on the lower shelf of an anaesthetic machine with the controls panel easily at hand. However the descending bellow is now no longer popular (Fact file- VII to IX).
Non return pressure relief valve
It is situated on the back bar of anaesthestic machine after the vapouriser or at the common gas outlet. Here it acts as nonreturn valve and helps to prevent the effect of back pressure on the vapourisers or flow metre during positive pressure ventilation by ventilator or manual. It also opens when the back bar pressure exceeds 30 KPa and acts as pressure relief safety valve.
Emergency O2 flush
It is presented in the machine as nonlocking button and when is activated by manual 15pressure then pure O2 at the flow rate of 30 to 70 L/min is supplied to the patient from the common outlet of anaesthetic machine bypassing the flow metre and vapourisers. It also is used to flush the breathing circuit or to rapidly refill the breathing bag. It should not be activated when the minute volume divider ventilator is in use. Injudicious use of this emergency O2 flush may dilute the anesthetic gases and will cause the inadequate depth of anaesthesia and awareness. It may cause barotrauma also when the patient is connected to a completely closed breathing circuit.
Common gas outlet and O2 analyzer
All the anaesthetic machine has only one common outlet supplying fresh anaesthetic gases mixed with O2 to breathing circuit in contrast to multiple inlets which supply different gases to the machine. Modern machines are equipped with devices which measure the flow of gases through this common outlet and gives signal during detachment of this outlet from the breathing circuit.
It is fundamental to monitor the inspired O2 concentration (FiO2) or partial pressure of it in the gas mixture delivered to the patient. Without an O2 analyser which measures the inspired O2 concentration an anaesthetic machine is always incomplete and general anaesthesia should never be administered. It is placed in the inspiratory or expiratory limb if close circuit is used. Otherwise, if the circuit has one limb, then it should be placed at the patient's end of it. But it should not be placed at the fresh gas line. Due to O2 consumption by patient the partial pressure of O2 in expiratory limb is slightly lower than that of the inspiratory limb. An audible alarm can be set for high and low concentration of O2 such as 40% and 28% respectively.
Three types of O2 analyzers which measures FiO2 are used in modern anaesthetic machine. These are: paramagnetic, fuel cell (or galvanic), or Clark electrode (polarographic). The paramagnetic sensor works on the principle that only O2 is attracted by the magnetic field whereas the other gases are repelled. This attraction and repulsion of individual gas depends on their concentration and partial pressure in the sample gas. It is costly than the others and has no consumable parts without requiring frequent replacement. Its response time is very fast than the galvanic and Clark electrode O2 analyzers and can differentiate the partial pressure of O2 between the inspired and expired air as it measures the inspired and expired O2 concentration simultaneously on breath by breath basis. However, this analyzer is affected by water vapour in sample gas. Therefore a water tap is incorporated in the design. The another advantage of this paramagnetic sensor is, it is self calibrating. The galvanic and polarographic sensor is also called the electrochemical sensor, because both of them contain the anode and cathode electrodes embedded in an electrolyte gel which is separated from the gas sample by an O2 permeable membrane. After diffusing through the membrane, O2 reacts with the electrode in the gel and produces a current which is proportional to the concentration and partial pressure of it in the sample gas. Thus they measure the partial pressure of O2 as a percentage. These galvanic and polarographic O2 analyzer have slow response time (20 to 30 seconds), because they are dependent on membrane diffusion of O2. These sensors have limited life span to about 1 year, because of the exhaustion of material of it due to continuous exposure to O2. It needs regular service and calibration is achieved by using 100% O2 and room air (21% O2). It reads only inspiratory or expiratory O2 concentration and water vapour does not affect its performance.
N2O and other inhalation anaesthetic agent concentration analyzer
The measurement of inspired and end tidal concentration of N2O and other inhalational anaesthetic agents are very important, mainly when the circle system is used. This is because the expired inhalational anaesthetic agents are recirculated and are added to the fresh gas flows which is also carrying the volatile anaesthetic agents. So, the ultimate inspired concentration of inhalational anaesthetic agents is different from the setting of vapouriser, especially during low flow. Hence, the modern analyzers can assure the inspired concentration of all the inhalational anaesthetic agents such as N2O, halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, desflurane, etc. The principles by which the concentration of inhalational anaesthetic agents are measured are: infrared technique, ultraviolet ray absorption technique, mass spectrometry, Raman spectroscopy, Piezoelectric quartz crystal oscillation technique, etc.
In infrared technique a light of wavelength of 4.6 nm is used for N2O. On the otherhand an infrared light of wavelength of 8 to 9 nm is used for other volatile anaesthetic agents. This is to avoid interference from the methane and alcohol that happens at the lower 3.5 nm wavelength. Some infrared analyzers are not agent specific. These must be programmed by the user for specific agent being administered. Incorrect programming result in incorrect result. In Piezoelectric oscillation technique a lipophilic coated Piezoelectric quartz crystal is used which undergoes continuous changes in its frequency of oscillation when lipid soluble inhalational anaesthetic agent is exposed to it. This changes in oscillation is directly proportional to the concentration of agent. Mass spectrometer is used to analyze the inhalational anaesthetic agents on breath to breath basis. In this technique the principle of action is to change the particles of sample gas by bombardment of them with electron beam and then to separate the components arising from this bombardment by a magnet into different spectrum according to their specific mass: charge ratio.
Table 1.2   Various methods used to analyse gases
Volatile agents
Raman spectroscopy
Mass spectrometry
Piezoelectric oscillation
The relative concentration of ion in a spectrum of a specific mass: charge ratio is determined by the concentration of a particular agent in gas mixture (Table 1.2).
Measurement of tidal and minute volume
During GA the measurement of tidal volume and from it the measurement of minute volume is very critical which the anaesthetic machine performs by Wright spirometer (respirometer), hot-wire anemometer, ultrasonic flow sensor and pneumotochograph etc. These are used in all the modern sophisticated anaesthetic machine to measure the exhaled tidal volume by attaching them in breathing circuit near the exhalation valve. Some machines measure the inspiratory tidal volume by attaching these just distal to the inspiratory valve. However, in the latest model of Datex-Ohmeda machine these are attached near the Y-connection of patient to measure the actual delivered and exhaled tidal volume.
In Wright respirometer there is a rotating vane which is surrounded by multiple slits and this vane is attached to a pointer on a dial. When the gas passes through it then the slits which surround the vane create a circular flow and rotate the vane with pointer on front dial. The vane does 150 revolutions for each litre of gas passing through it. In clinical use the respirometer reads accurately the tidal volume within the range of 4 to 24 L/min. A minimum flow of 2 L/min is required for the respirometer to function accurately. A paediatric version of spirometer is also now available which can measure the tidal volume in the range of 15 to 200 ml per breath. A sophisticated version of this Wright spirometer uses the reflection of light technique to measure the tidal volume more accurately. Other modification of this Wright spirometer is the use of semiconductive device where the tidal volume is measured from the changes in magnetic field and converting it electronically.
The hot-wire anemometer is used in Drager-Fabius anaesthetic machine to measure the tidal volume. Here, electrically heated fine platinum wires are used. The cooling effect of these wires by increasing gas flow through it causes a change in electrical resistance which is proportion to the gas flow and is determined by the current needed to maintain a constant wire temperature. In ultrasonic flow sensors an upstream and downstream ultrasonic beams are passed at an angle from where the shift of doppler frequency is measure which is proportional to the flow of gas or tidal volume. In pneumotachograph the parallel bundles of tubes of small diameter in a chamber or a mesh screen is used which provide resistance to air flow and drop of pressure. This drop of pressure across the resistance is sensed by a differential pressure transducer and is proportional to the flow rate. Thus calculation of flow rate over time measures the tidal volume. Moreover analysis of this volume, pressure and time relationship will give us the potential valuable information about lungs and airway mechanics.