Endoscopic Ear Surgery: A New Horizon Saurav Sarkar
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure.
Acute otitis media 29f, 36f
Anesthesia 41, 54, 62, 68
Apertura tympanica canaliculi chordae 12
Arnold's nerve 11
Attic erosion with
cholesteatoma 31f, 34f
right ear 35f
exposed malleoincudal joint 28f
Attic perforation in left ear 65f
Attic retraction
anterior 28f
OME with stage I 31f
stage I 29f
stage II 31f
stage III 29f
Attico antrostomy 65, 65f
Atticotomy 64
Auditory canal, external 11, 12
Bony sulcus 68f
Brain stem implantation in cadaveric heads 4
Camera system and monitor 9
Canal of huguier 13
Canal skin pedicle grafts 53
Canal, posterior superior 32f
Carotid artery, internal 13
Cholesteatoma 59
attic perforation with 30f
classification of 61
Chorda tympani 56f
Chordae posterius 12
Cigarette paper 39
piece of 40f
Cochlear otosclerosis 67
Cochlear window 14
Deep auricular branch 12
Deep petrosal nerve 13
Dimeric tympanic membrane 36f
Drug preparation 47
Dry wax 30f
canal, external 11
endoscopic anatomy of 11
procedures 25
Endoscopic dissection 22f
Endomeatal incision 68
Endoscope 9, 71
advantages of 75
placement during surgical procedure, principles of 10
placement, principles of 10f
vs microscope 73
Endoscopic cartilage tympanoplasty 57f
Endoscopic disease classification 79
Endoscopic ear surgery 1, 3, 5, 9
Endoscopic intratympanic
aminoglycoside 47
steroid 45
dosage 45
Endoscopic myringotomy 41
Endoscopic stapes surgery 67
Endoscopic tympanoplasty 57
Epithelial layer 11
Epitympanic space, posterior 17
Eustachian tube microendoscope 4
Facial canal 13, 69f
Facial nerve canal 14
Fenestra cochleae 13
Fenestra ovalis 13
Fenestra rotunda 13
Fenestra vestibuli 13
Fiberoptic endoscopes 4
Fissura petrotympanica 12
Flaccida retraction of left ear 28f
Fossa incudis 13
Fungal hyphae in external auditory canal 36f
Gel foam 39
Glasserian fissure 12
Hartmann's aural dressing forceps 9
Hypotympanum 4
Incudomalleolar joint 64f
Incudostapedial joint being dislocated 70f
Injection methodology 47
Left ear, stage II attic retraction of 29f
Ligament of malleus 13
Local anesthesia, technique of 62
Malleoincudal joint 34f
Malleus 19
handle of 56f
Mastoid 61
air cells 12
pneumatization 61
surgery 9
endoscopic 59
Meatus acusticus externus cartilaginous 11
Membrana tympani 12
Meniere's disease 45
Middle ear 4, 12, 13, 31f, 61, 68f
effusion 28f
endoscopy in 13
fluid in 28f
glue 42f
physiology of 53
Mucosal COM
active 48, 49, 49f, 51
inactive 48, 48f, 49
Mucosal polyp 34f
Myringotomy 9
Notch of rivinus 12
Operation, steps of 41
Otitis media
acute 41
adhesive 29f
chronic 48
healed 49, 50f
serous 42f
with effusion 28f
Otoendoscopic surgery 79
Otologic surgery, tenets of 3
Otomycosis 32f
Otosclerosis 67
Paries labyrinthica 13
Paries mastoidea 13
Pars flaccida retraction, stage I 35f
Pediatric nasal endoscopes 9
Petrotympanic fissure 12
Pitfalls of operation 43
Pneumatization of mastoid, failure of 61
Ponticulus 15
Posterosuperior bony scutum 69f
Prominent malleal vessels 29f
Prominentia canalis facialis 13
Protympanum 4
Prussack's space 18, 59
Right ear 30f
stage I attic retraction of 29f
Road ahead 77
Rosen's incision 68
Sensorineural hearing loss 44
causes 44
investigations 44
Serous otitis media 41
Sinus tympani 14-16
deep 14
endoscopic anatomy of 14
inferiorly 13
Squamous COM
active 51f
inactive 50, 50f
Stapedius tendon 70f
Steroids, advantages to 44
Surgery, stapes of 9, 68
Surgical area, preparation of 55
Systemic steroids 44
Temporalis fascia 56f
Transtympanic middle ear endoscopy 4
Triangular knife 9
Trichloro acetic acid 38, 39f
Tympanic annulus elevated 68f
with tympanomeatal flap 56f
Tympanic cavity 12
Tympanic membrane 12, 27, 28f, 31f, 36f, 39f, 45f, 56f
anterior segment of 32f
perforation 27, 39
etiology of 54
on hearing 53
post-traumatic healing 30f
right 32f
treatment of 38
Tympanic plexus 13
Tympanic sinus, posterior 13
Tympanomeatal flap
elevated 65f
repositioned 57f, 71f
Tympanoplasty 53, 55
contraindications of 54
indications for 54
Tympanosclerotic plaque 32f
Ventilation tube 43
insertion 43
Chapter Notes

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