Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology (With Color Atlas and Practical Guide) Neelam Vasudeva, Sabita Mishra
Chapter Notes

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Light Microscopy and Tissue PreparationChapter 1

—Sabita Mishra
A light microscope is an optical device that uses visible light for illumination and lenses to magnify a specimen or tissue section for detailed visualization. Simple microscopes utilize a single lens while compound microscopes have a number of lenses in combination. In light microscopy the tissue is visualized against a bright background so it is also referred to as bright field microscopy and is best suited to view stained tissue sections. In contrast, in dark field microscopy unstained specimens, e.g. living cells, are observed. The light enters from the periphery and scattered light enters the objective lens showing a bright specimen against a dark background. All routine histological techniques involve the bright field microscopy.
Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek in 1673 invented the concept of using combination of convex lenses to magnify small structures and visualize them. His invention of this primitive microscope detected small structures like bacteria, yeast and blood cells. The invention of microscope led to the discovery and description of cell by Robert Hooke, an English scientist in 1655. Modern microscopy started with the invention of achromatic lens by Lister in 1829.
A light microscope has optical parts and non-optical parts.
Optical Parts
The functioning of the microscope is based on the optics of the lenses.
Illuminating Device
Most of the advanced microscopes come with a built-in illuminator using low voltage bulbs for transmitted light. The brightness of light canbe adjusted. Older monocular microscopes used mirrors to reflect light from an external source.
  • Condenser: Collects and focuses light from the light source onto the specimen being viewed. The condenser is close to the stage and has an aperture (iris diaphragm) that controls the amount of the light coming up through the condenser.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.1: Binocular light microscope
    Aperture closed
    Aperture open
    Light comes in center
    Image is brighter
    Contrast high
    Contrast low
  • Objective lenses: These lenses are attached to the nosepiece of the microscope. The objective lens is responsible for magnifying the specimen/section to be visualized. The type and quality of an objective lens influences the performance of a microscope. A standard microscope has three, four, or five objective lenses that range in power from 4× to 100×. The objective lens collects maximum amount of light from the object to form a high quality magnified real image.
  • Eye piece: The viewer looks through the eyepiece to observe the magnified image. Eye pieces may be monocular, binocular or combined photo binocular (trinocular). It is the final stage of the optical path of the microscope and produces a magnified virtual image which is seen by the eye. The eye piece has a power of 10×. In a binocular microscope diopter adjustments are present to adjust the focusing of the eye piece.2
Non-Optical Components of Microscope
Body Tube (Head)
A cylindrical tube that connects the eyepiece to the objective lenses. Standard length 160 mm.
  • Arm: The arm connects the body tube to the base of the microscope.
  • Coarse adjustment: Mechanical knobs that bring the specimen into general focus.
  • Fine adjustment: Fine tunes the focus and increases the detail of the specimen. Individual user has to adjust according to his/her own vision to observe the tissue section.
  • Nosepiece: A rotating turret that houses the objective lenses. The viewer rotates the nosepiece to select different objective lenses.
  • Stage: The flat platform where the slide is placed and lies perpendicular to the optical pathway. It has Stage clips that hold the slide in place. Stage Control Knobs move the stage left and right or up and down. The stage also has a vernier caliper attached to it so that the viewer can come back to any reference point by the help of the caliper. An aperture in the middle of the stage allows light from the illuminator to reach the specimen.
  • Base: The base supports the microscope. The illuminator with its power switch is located on the base.
Specimen or slide: The specimen is the object being examined. Most specimens are mounted on slides, flat rectangles of thin glass. Stained tissue sections are mounted on a glass slide with a coverslip placed over it. This allows the slide to be easily inserted or removed from the microscope. It also allows the specimen to be labelled, transported, and stored without any damage. The slide is placed on the stage for viewing.
The word compound refers to the fact that two lenses, the objective lens and the eyepiece (or ocular), work together to produce the final magnified image that is projected onto the eye of the observer.
Magnification (M final) is calculated by the formula M final = M (objective) × M (eyepiece).
Given sufficient light an unaided eye can distinguish 2 points lying 0.2 mm apart. This distance is called resolution of a normal eye. By assembling a combination of lenses the distance can be increased and the eye can visualize objects closer than 0.2 mm.
Resolution of a microscope is dependent on
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Numerical aperture
Working of a Light Microscope (Flowchart 1.1 and Fig. 1.3)
To view a section/specimen under a light microscope:
Light from the light source enters the condenser, passes through specimen and is magnified by the objective lens. The real magnified image formed by the objective lens is further magnified by the eyepiece. Thus the viewer observes a magnified virtual image.
Axial Aberrations
When light passes through the lens it suffers a number of aberrations which result in image degradation. The optical parts are the condenser, objective, and eyepiece. The best (and most expensive) lenses have the least aberrations.
Commonly seen aberrations are:
  • Chromatic aberration: Production of a colored spectrum of white light. Different lenses corrected for chromatic aberrations are listed in Table 1.1.
  • Spherical aberration: A defect of single lenses due to their curved surface. Light passing through the periphery of the lens is refracted to a greater extent than through the central part. This is corrected by using a compound lens.3
zoom view
Flowchart 1.1: Working of a light microscope
Table 1.1   Different lenses corrected for chromatic aberrations
Corrected for red and blue focused at same length
Spread of secondary spectrum reduced
Fully corrected for three colors
Green shorter focus Violet longer focus
Type of correction though similar to achromatic
In combination with fluorite causes elimination of all colors
Critical Illumination
This is used with simple equipment and a separate light source. Light source is focused in the same plane as the object, when the object is in focus.
Kohler Illumination
High intensity microscopes have a small light source that is insufficient to fill the whole field with light and are usually supplied by an auxiliary lens and iris which increases the apparent light source. With Kohler illumination auxiliary lens of the lamp focuses the enlarged image on to the iris diaphragm of the sub-stage condenser. The resolving power of critical and Kohler are similar, but Kohler illumination provides an evenly illuminated view and displaces critical illumination.
  • Mount the specimen with the coverslip facing up on the stage
  • Optimize the lighting
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.3: Working of a light microscope (Schematic representation)
  • Adjust the condenser
  • Focus, locate, and center the specimen
  • Adjust eyepiece separation and focus
  • Select an objective lens for viewing
  • Move up the magnification in steps
  • Dark-field microscopy: The specimen is illuminated from the side and only scattered light enters the objective lens which results in bright objects against dark background. Images produced by dark-field microscopy are low resolution and details cannot be seen. Dark-field microscopy is especially useful for visualization of small particles, such as bacteria.
  • Phase contrast microscopy and differential-interference-contrast allow objects that differ slightly in refractive index or thickness to be distinguished within unstained or living cells.
  • Fluorescence microscopy: A fluorochrome is excited with ultraviolet light and the resulting visible fluorescence is viewed. This produces a bright image in a dark background. There are some natural fluorescence substances which fluoresce when ultraviolet light falls on them, called primary fluorescent substances. Certain fluorescent dyes when added to the tissue lead to a secondary fluorescence which are visualized by a fluorescent microscope.
  • Confocal microscopy: The confocal scanning optical microscope is designed to illuminate an object in a serial fashion, point by point, where a small beam of light (from a LASER) is scanned across the object rapidly in an X-Y raster pattern. The images are digitized and stored.4
  • Electron microscopy: The property of accelerated electrons in vacuum to behave like light and travel in a straight line has been exploited in the invention of the electron microscope. Instead of glass lenses here one uses electromagnetic lenses. The wave length of the electrons in vacuum is 10,0000 times less than light. The resolving power of an electron microscope is 0.2 nm. In transmission electron microscopy the beam of electron passes through the tissue which is a thin section less than 100 nm. To prepare such thin section one uses an ultramicrotome and instead of steel blades, the sections are cut with laboratory prepared fresh glass knives. The sections are picked up in grids and are stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate before viewing. Transmission electron microscope is used for ultrastructural studies. In scanning electron microscope the beam of electrons are reflected back from the surface, thus giving us the surface view.
To visualize the microstructure of any tissue under a light microscope, the specimen has to go through a thorough protocol of tissue fixation, tissue processing, sectioning and staining.
  • Tissue collection: Commonly tissue is obtained from, autopsy, surgical procedures, experimental animals (rabbit, rats, mice, etc.) either perfused or decapitated (Guideline of ethics are always observed in any experimental study).
  • Fixation: The primary objective of fixation is that stained section of any tissue must maintain clear and consistent morphological features to almost that what was existing during life.
  • Effects of fixation: It coagulates the tissue proteins and constituents, thus minimizing their, loss during tissue processing, hardens the tissue and makes it insensitive to hypotonic or hypertonic solution.
    Commonly used fixative is formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde.
    Formaldehyde is a cross-linking fixative which acts by creating a covalent bond between proteins in the tissue. Formaldehyde is a gas and is soluble in water to an extent of 40% by weight. Ten percent methanol is added to it as a stabilizer. Paraformaldehyde is a polymer of formaldehyde available as a white crystalline powder.
  • Tissue processing: Principle of tissue processing involves replacement of all extracellular water from the tissue and replacing it with a medium that provides sufficient rigidity to enable sectioning without any damage or distortion to the tissue.
  • Dehydration: Removal of water by a dehydrating agent. Commonly used dehydrating agent is alcohol in descending grades (e.g. 100%, 90%, 70%, 50%, 30%).
  • Clearing: Making the tissue clear by removing the dehydrating agent, e.g. xyline, chloroform.
  • Infiltration: Permeating the tissue with a support media.
  • Embedding: Paraffin wax is routinely used as an embedding media. It has a melting point of 45–55 degree. Other embedding media used are celloidin and resins.
    The tissue is embedded and orientated in the media and forms a solid block at room temperature. The tissue blocks are ready for sectioning.
  • Sectioning: A rotary microtome is used to cut sections of 5–7 μ thick for routine histology. The sections are cut and picked up on clean glass slides under a water bath. They are dried before staining.
  • Staining: Hematoxylin and eosin is routinely used for all teaching slides. Morphological identification becomes easier. Hematoxylin is a basic dye and stains the nucleus blue while eosin is an acidic dye and stains the cytoplasm pink. Once the sections are stained they are mounted and are ready for viewing under a light microscope.