Basics of Biostatistics: A Manual for the Medical Practitioners Jatinder Bali, Anil Kant
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Abstract 455, 474
Age specific
death rate 362
fertility rate 360
Analytical research studies 71
Anecdotal information 463
Animal ethics 34
Antilogarithms 80
Arithmetic progression 79
Assessment, grading of 47
association of 228
theory 225
terminology of 225
Baranowicze head injury experiment 15
Basic ethical principles 31
Bayes principle 445
Bayes theorem 139
Bell curve 164
Bibliography 474
Binomial distribution 147, 148, 148f, 150f
constants of 151
properties of 149
Bioethics 13, 14
main branches of 14
Biographical sketches 474
Biomedical research, broad fields of 62
Biostatistics 52
Bivariate frequency table 94t
Bradford Hill causality criteria 332
Budget 475
Calculating index numbers, method of 414
C-control chart 435, 435f
Central tendency, measure of 95
Central value 321
concept 95
Chi-square test 296
Civil registration system 358
Clostridium perfringens 16
Clostridium tetani 16
Cluster sampling 181
Cochran Q test 318
Cohort group 367
Cohort life table 368
Colligation, coefficient of 229
Complete life table 371
Conclusion 459
report and reporting of 69
Contingency, coefficient of 230
Continuous frequency distribution 90, 90t, 91t
Continuous random variable, expectation of 145
Control charts 430, 431
Convenience sampling 182
Correlation 191, 232
measures 192
Cover letter 476
Crude birth rate 360, 361
fitting method 385
types of 125f
Cyclical component 383, 396
Dachau and Auschwitz concentration camp hypothermia experiments 15
Dachau potable sea water experiment 16
classification of 87
collection 67
consistency of 227
sources of 358
types of 321
criteria 442
making, principles of 444
methods 443
theory 440
tree analysis 449, 450f
under certainty 443
under uncertainty 444
Declaration, promotion of 30
Defects, proportion of 436
Determination, multiple coefficient of 219
Development, grading of 47
Discrete frequency distribution 90t
Discrete random variable, expectation of 144
coefficient of 120
measures of 114
Dynamic life table 368
Errors, propagation of 353
Estimates, theory of 238
Estimation 236, 238
methods of 239
Ethics, major divisions of 13
Etymology 14, 39, 49
Evidence-based practice, components of 39
Expectation method 228
Experimental approach 59
Exploratory research studies 71
Exponential distribution 176
curves 177f
Exponential trend 388
Exposure disease association 333
Face validity 343
False negative rate 348
F-distribution, constants and properties of 269
Fertility rates 360
Fisher's z-transformation 265
Fitting Poisson distribution 160
Fixed size sampling 185
Frequency distribution 87, 89, 105
Friedman test 314, 315
F-test 269271, 273
General fertility rate 360
Generation life table 368
Geometric distribution 147, 156
constants of 156
Geometric mean 107
demerits of 109
merits of 109
Geometric progression 79
Graphic method 400
Graphs 462
Greek alphabets 74
Gross reproduction rate 361
Helsinki, declaration of 22
Homoscedasticity 321
H-test 313
Human subjects and institutional review boards, protection of 473
Hypergeometric distribution 147, 157
Hypothesis 68, 241, 243
testing 71, 235, 236, 240
Index number 411, 414
construction 415
Infant mortality rate 362
Interpolation, methods of 400
Josef Mengele's experiments on twins 15
Judgment sampling 182
Justice 32
Kaplan-Meier curves 374, 378f
Karl Pearson's coefficient of correlation 193
Kelly's coefficient of distribution 124
Kendall's rank correlation 202
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test 307, 308
Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test 313
Kurtosis 125, 125f
measure of 126
Lagrange's method 404
Large sample tests 249
Least squares method 386, 386f, 388f
Lexis diagram 367
Life expectancy 365
Life table 357, 367, 370
calculations 370
construction 368
types of 368
uses of 374
Linear regression analysis 207
Literacy rates 364
Literature, types of 65
Logarithms 80
Logistic regression 212
Lognormal distribution 176
Log-rank test 378
Lorenz curve 119, 119f
graph of 119
Malaria experiments 16
Mann-Whitney U test 310
Marginal distribution 94
Maternal mortality rate 363
Maximax principle 445
Maximin principle 444
Mcnemar's test 317
Mean and range control chart 432, 434f
Mean deviation 116
Medical ethics 14
Minimax principle 445
Mode, demerits of 107
Modulus 76
Mortality rates 361, 367
Moving averages method 384
Multinomial distribution 147, 152
Multiple correlation 217
Multiple determination
adjusted coefficient of 220
coefficient of 219
Mustard gas experiments 16
National Sample Survey Organization 358
Natural increase rate 363
Negative binomial distribution 147, 153
constants of 154
Negative likelihood ratio 349
Negative predictive value 347
Neonatal death rate 362
Net migration rate 363
Net reproduction rate 361
Newton's backward difference interpolation 402
Newton's divided difference method 404
Newton's forward interpolation method 401
Nonclinical biomedical research 25
Nonparametric tests 301, 325
Nonprobability sampling methods 182
Nontherapeutic biomedical research 25
Normal curve 123, 164, 166, 166f, 168f
fitting of 172, 174f
properties of 165
Normal distribution 163
fitting of 164
properties of 164
Null hypothesis 240
Nuremberg code, ten points of 20
Odds ratio 334, 350
One and two-tailed tests 245
Paired T-test 261
Parabolic curve fitting method 401
Parabolic trends 387
Parametric tests 323
Partial and multiple correlation and regression 216, 218
P-control chart 436
Pearson's beta and gamma coefficients 126
Percentile deviation 116
Physicians, duties of 25, 26
Poisson distribution 147, 158
curves 159f
attributable risk 335
vital index of 364
Positive likelihood ratio 348
Positive predictive value 347
Post-neonatal mortality rate 362
Preliminary studies 471
Price index number 414
construction 414
types 414
Probability based random sampling methods 180
Probability distribution 142
Probability method 228
Probability theory 131
terminology in 132
Proofing 462
Proportion method 229
P-value 267
Qualitative approach 59
Quartile/decile/percentile, computation of 103, 104f
Quota sampling 182
Random component 383, 396
Ravensbrück sulfonamide experiments 15, 16
Raw data 88
R-chart 433
Recommendations, grading of 47
Rectangular distribution 174, 175f
References 459
analysis 205
components of 205
coefficient 209
types of 206
Reproductive rates 361
design 69, 471
preparation of 66
types of 66, 70
ethics 31
methodology 57, 60
objectives of 57
plan 72
uses of 72
process 61, 65
question, formulation of 65
report writing 453
report, organization of 453
types of 58
Robert Allen (Laud) Humphreys' tearoom sex study 17
Root mean square deviation 117
Run test 302
Sample control chart 431f
Sample design 67
Sample registration system 358
Sample size 236
calculations 331
Sampling 437
advantages and disadvantages of 182
distribution 236
errors 185
methods, types of 180
theory 178, 186
Scatter diagram 193, 193f, 194f, 196f
Scientific method, basic postulates of 61
Sensitivity 346
Sex ratio 364
Simple aggregative method 414
Simple arithmetic mean 97
Simple averages method 391
Simple random sampling 180
Skewed curve for distribution 123f
Skewness 122
coefficient of 124, 125
measures of 123
Small sample tests 256
Spearman's and Kendall rank correlation, significance of 317
Spearman's rank correlation 199
significance test of 201
Specific fertility rate 360
Standard deviation 117, 166, 255
control chart 435
Standard error 186, 210, 237
Standard normal curve 166, 166f, 168f
Static life table 368
Statistical analysis, types of 52
Statistical quality control 429, 430
Statistical significance 212
Statistical tests, summary of 322
Sterilization experiments 16
Student's T distribution 257
curve 257f
Student's T test 248, 256, 258
Summary 459
Survival analysis 374
notations 376
Systematic sampling 180
Tchebysheff's theorem 118
Testing hypothesis 246
Theoretical analysis 456
Theoretical continuous probability distributions 163
Theoretical discrete
distributions, types of 147
probability distributions 142
Theoretical distribution 146
Theoretical survival function curve 376f
Time series
analysis 381
components 382
Title 454, 474
page 454
Total fertility rate 361, 366
Tree diagram 449
True negative test 346
Tuskegee syphilis study 18
Union, axiom of 136
Unit 731 17
Universal declaration 26
Validity, assessment of 344
Venn diagram 76, 78, 78f, 139f
Vibrio cholerae 328
Vital statistics 357
basics of 357
measures of 359
Wilcoxon signed rank test 304
Wilcoxon-Wilcox test 311
Working hypothesis, development of 66
Writing materials and methods section 456
Yates' correction 299
Yules' coefficient of association 229
Z test 248, 254, 255
Chapter Notes

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