Pediatric Nursing Subrata Sarkar
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table, respectively.
Abatacept 685
Abdomen 190, 195
acute 286, 287
flat plate of 255
lower 324
pain 253f
Abdominal distension 253
Abdominal examination 270
Abortive poliomyelitis 511
Abuse 22
Accident prevention 165
Accredited social health activist 231
ACE inhibitors 705
Acetabular dysplasia 671
Acetaminophen 704
Acetazolamide 390, 701
indigestion 261
reflux 252
regurgitation 252
disturbances 245t
equilibrium 236
management 321
status, disturbances in 242
Acidosis 236, 237
correction of 244
pathogenesis of 552f
vulgaris 551
Acrocyanosis 471
in newborn 87f
Actinomycin D 439, 440
Acts to Children Welfare and Rights 667
Acyanotic heart diseases 470, 475
Acyclovir 383, 701, 704
Adam's forward bend test 676f
Adenoiditis 296
Adenovirus 567
Adequate nutrition 204
Adjuvant therapy 381
Admission assessment 184
Adolescence 155
developmental issues in 159
early 157, 158
late 157, 159
theories of 163
Adolescent 183, 184, 220, 221
health 208
identity crises 58f
reactions of 222
reproductive and sexual health 209
Adoptive families 18
Adrenal gland 444, 452
disorder of 445
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 447, 450, 452
Adrenaline 701
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 448
Adriamycin 440
Aggressive behavior 172
Air contrast barium enema 256
care of 383
management, basic 655
obstruction, treatment of 312
Albendazole 540, 701
Albuminuria 340
Albuterol 701
Aldosterone, production of 452
Alkalosis 236, 237
Allergic disorders 315
Allis’ test 672
Allogeneic stem cell transplant 430
Allogenic type of transplant 417
Allopurinol 423
All-transretinoic acid 552
Alopecia 415
Amantadine 707
Amaurotic Cat's eye reflex 441
Amblyopia 565, 566
American Academy of Pediatrics 97, 337
American Nurses Association Code for Nurses 8
Amikacin 701
Amino acids, essential 657
Aminophylline 701
Amniocentesis 75f, 378
Amoebicidal drugs 275
Amoxicillin clavulanate 701
Ampicillin 701
Amputation 436
Anal stage 55
Anaphylactic shock 501
Ancylostoma duodenale 538
Ancylostomiasis 538
Androgens 453
cause 552
Andvanillymandelic acid 432
Anemia 174, 328, 351, 354, 366, 534, 599, 644
acute 352
mild microcytic 352
severe 352, 534
Anganwadi workers 207
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 339, 343, 498
Anomalies, congenital 649
Anorectal malformations 586
types of 587f
Anorectoplasty, posterior sagittal 587
Anorexia 488, 623
Antacids 262, 704
Antenatal care 199
Antenatal health 199
Antenatal preventive pediatric 198
Antibiotic 272, 273, 307, 549, 644
drugs 275
medicines 567
therapy 337, 506
Anti-child labor laws 667
Anticholinergic 568
agents 705
Anticonvulsant 265, 427, 705
medications 491
Antidiarrheals 264
Antidiuretic hormone 447
Antiemetics 272
Antiglobulin 351
Antihistamine 549, 705
Antihypertensive agents 343
Anti-inflammatory treatment 491
Antilipemics 707
Antimotility agents 273
Antineoplastic agents 414, 707
Antinuclear antibody 684
Antipseudomonal treatment 683
Antirheumatic drugs, disease-modifying 685
Antiseizure 383
Antispasmodics 264
Antithyroid drugs 459
Antitoxin therapy 506
Antituberculars 705
Antiviral medications 383
Anxiety 391, 431, 508, 599, 607, 623
disorders 605, 608
etiology 605
types 605
severe 607
signs of 224
balloon valvoplasty 591
coarctation 482
insufficiency 492
stenosis 481, 591
valve 591
replacement 591, 592
Apgar scoring system 87
Apheresis machine 417
Aplastic anemia 352, 353
Apnea 644
central 645
management 645
mixed 645
pathophysiology 645
Appendicitis 286
Appetite, loss of 599
Arm circumference 188
Arm strength 191
Arnold-Chiari malformation 389, 395
Arousal, changing states of 105
Arrhythmia 494
symptoms of 494
Arterial blood gas 243, 245
Arterial duct 80
Arterial oxygen tension 290
Arterial pressure 80
Arterial switch 473
Artery 290
Arthritis 492, 682
Ascaris-lumbricoides 538
Ascites 285
Ascorbic acid 701
moderate 641
neonatorum 641
severe 641
Asphyxiated baby 642f
Aspirin 293, 359, 369, 499, 701, 707
Asthma 319f
action plan 320
bronchial 315
cycle 316f
acute 318
long-term 320
severe acute 318
Astigmatism 565
Astrocytes 425
Astrocytoma 427
Atenolol 701, 706
Atonic seizure 400
Atopic dermatitis 550
Atraumatic care 5, 6f
Atresia 480, 582
congenital 571
Atrial arrhythmia 496
Atrial fibrillation 495
Atrial flutter 495
Atrial septal defect 473, 476, 477, 477f
Atrioventricular septal defect 479
treatments 479
Atropine sulfate 701
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 153, 175, 573, 604
Audiometry 572
Augmentin 701
Augmenting myocardial contractility 487
Authoritarian child-rearing emphasizes 19
Autism spectrum disorders 603
Autistic child 603f
Autoantibody testing 464
Autoimmune hepatitis 283
Autosomal dominant inheritance 72, 73, 73f, 74f
Avascular necrosis 674
Avian influenza 294
Axial skeleton 373
Azathioprine 705
Azithromycin 701
Babinski reflex 92
Bacillary dysentery 274
Bacille calmette-guerin 528
Bacteria 35
Bacterial gastroenteritis 263
Bacterial illnesses 572
Bacterial infection 337, 379, 523, 543
secondary 304
Bacterial meningitis 378, 379, 533
Bacterium Bordetella pertussis 506
Bacteroides 322
Balanced diet for children 32, 32f
Balloon valvuloplasty 482
Barium 255
enema 256
Barlow's test 672
Basal fracture 403
Becker's muscular 610
Bedtime routine 141
Behavior disorder 604
Behavioral pediatric 167
principles, basic 169
Behavioral problem 170
causes of 171
management of 170
Behavioral tests 401
Bekesy audiometry 572
Bell's palsy 497
Benzodiazepines 525, 706
Benzoyl peroxide 552
Benzyl benzoate lotion 549
Berger's disease 337
Beta-hemolytic streptococci 296
Bicuspid aortic valve 482
Bile ducts obstruction 283
Bili blanket 661, 661f
Bili lights 660
Bilirubin 366
encephalopathy 369
Binocular vision 562
Biological stress 223
Biomedical equipment maintenance 709
Biopsy 411, 435, 438
excisional 431
incisional 431
of tumor 435
excisional 412
incisional 412
Birth asphyxia 79, 460, 641
Birth defects 71
Birth injuries 100, 641, 647
Birth of child, registration of 102
Birth registration of newborn 687
Biting fingernails 175
Bladder 324, 331
dysfunction 384
exstrophy repair 576
infection, symptoms of 336
Blalock-Taussig shunt 474, 590, 592
Blastoma 431
Bleeding 406
Blended families 18
Blindness 568, 569
types of 569
Blood 255, 290, 656
capillaries 284
cells 430f
coagulation 82
count 351
culture 493
electrolyte 438
eosinophils 550
examination, routine 533
flow 81
gas analysis 290
hormone testing 451
in urine 336
occult 255
oxygen level 300
pressure 185
decrease 488
low 494
smear 358
studies 354
supply 325
test 278, 290, 300, 314, 345, 401, 413, 435, 446, 453, 486, 528
transfusion 522, 647
volume 80
Blurred vision 497
composition 625
fluid 97, 235
balance 349
hair 157
image 159, 160
proportions, changes in 104
surface area 628
temperature, maintenance of 639
water, regulation of 236
cancer 409, 434
density 278
growth, abnormal 415
long 669f
aspiration 435, 438
biopsy 351, 353
depression 414
suppression 416
transplant 417
of hip 671f
of pelvis 671f
scans 413
Boosts cognitive development 36
Bordetella pertussis 35, 506
Boston children's hospital 2
Botryoid type 438
Bowel biopsy, small 279
Bowel disorder 245
Bowel movement 254
Brachytherapy 416, 442
Bracing 678
Brain 374, 424
development 104, 136
function 404
plasticity 105
scans 378, 401
tumor 398, 424, 425
symptoms of 426
types of tumor in 424f
Brain-gut signal problems 263
gliomas 425, 427
upper 373
Breast milk 93, 97, 594
composition of 93, 96
production mechanism 95
Breastfed infants 367
Breastfeeding 28, 93, 94f, 95, 99, 704706
benefits of 97
jaundice 369
promotion of 198
to twin babies 94f
Breastmilk jaundice 367
Breath-holding spell 599
Breathing 289
trouble 289
Brock operation 590
Bronchial tree 305f
Bronchiectasis 312, 321
diagnosis 322
etiology of 321
signs 321
symptoms 321
treatment 322
Bronchiolitis 301
airways in 301f
severe 303
Bronchitis 304
acute 304
chronic 305
Bronchodilators 704
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 646
Bronchoscopy 291, 311
Brudziński sign 381
Brushfield spots 612
Bruxism 599, 600
Bulbospinal poliomyelitis 512
Bull neck 505
Bullous impetigo 543, 544
Bupropion 705
Burn 134, 553
classification of 555
complication of 558
etiology 553
incidence 553
injury 556f
depth of 555
extent of 555
first aid of 556
minor 556
severity of 556
wound management 558
Calcium 152, 346
loss of 278
Calories 27, 152
Campylobacter 255, 286
Canadian Nurses Association Code for Nurses 8
Cancer 409, 414, 415
cells 350, 410f
in children, signs of 411
pathophysiology of 410
related fatigue 427
Candida 545
Candida albicans 545
Candidiasis 544
Capsule endoscopy 278
Caput succedaneum 649
Carbohydrate 93
low 401
Carbon dioxide 289
in arterial blood, partial pressure of 245
tension 290
Carcinogens 410
Cardiac catheterization 472, 473, 480
Cardiac conditions 495t
Cardiac demands, decrease 489
Cardiac diseases, congenital 483
Cardiac examination 480, 482, 483
Cardiac function 489
Cardiac monitoring 387
Cardiac output 80, 503
Cardiac problems 484t
Cardiac work, reducing 487
Cardio pulmonary resuscitation 642f
dilated 500
in children 500
etiology 500
symptoms of 501
types of 500
Cardiorespiratory monitoring 5
assessment 484
problems, signs of 484
system 106, 195, 468, 589, 625
disorders of 470
Caries spine 527f
Cartilage 670
Cataract 567
in children 567f
Catecholamine-induced tachycardia 502
ablation 496
based procedure 479
procedure 476, 593
Causative organisms 322
Ceftriaxone 369, 701
Cefuroxim 702
Celiac disease 277, 277f
growth, abnormal 409f, 410
normal 410f
Cellular respiration 289
Central nervous system 253, 372, 637, 656
disorders of 378
infection of 378
tumors 409, 424
Central pontine myelinolysis 238
Central social welfare board 214
Central venous line 594
Cephalohematoma 648, 649
Cephalopelvic disproportion 100
Cephalosporins 337, 704
Cerebellar function 192
Cerebellum 374
Cerebral blood flow 375, 406
Cerebral cortex 105
Cerebral hemispheres 137
Cerebral malaria 533
Cerebral palsy 611, 675
causes 611f
management 611
Cerebral perfusion pressure 405, 406
Cerebrospinal fluid 375, 513
aspiration of 413f
Cerumen 571
Cesarean delivery 648
Cheilorrhaphy 579
Chemotherapy 414, 435
effects of 415
Chest 189, 195
circumference 119, 188
cold 304
drainage 315, 315f
pain 313
radiograph 480
tube 594
tumors 432
Chiar osteotomy 674
Chickenpox 113, 516, 517f
abuse 22
and family health services 24
development, principles of 50
guidance clinic 176, 211
head 583
health 13, 41, 202, 208
care 9
initiatives in 204
nurse 25f
nurse, qualities of 25
nursing 1, 3, 7, 10, 37
nursing, trends in 4
promotion 26, 41, 198
promotion and prevention of diseases, role of family in 24
illness, reactions to 222
immune system 297
in burns 554f
Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 667
marriage 668
terms of 668
movement 333
neurons 137
physical limitations 611
short stature 455
survival and safe motherhood 201
Welfare Programs 215
cancers, causes of 411
development 53f
glaucoma 566
illness, management of 206, 228, 229
lymphoma, treatment of 429
schizophrenia 608
management 609
development 50, 51
diseases 3
health 4
homes 666
Chlamydia pneumoniae 297
Chlorampenicol 707
Chloroquine 702
sensitive malaria, treatment in 534t
Cholecystokinin 252
Cholesterol 454
Chondroblastoma 431
Chorion villi 70
Chorionic villi 68
sampling 378
Choroid plexus 390
cauterization 393, 589
Chromosomal disorder 72, 74, 612, 614
Chromosome 75f
abnormal 597
Chvostek's sign 242
Ciprofloxacin 702
Cirrhosis 283
of liver 283
Clarithromycin 702
Cleft lip 259, 579
types of 259f
Cleft palate 259, 579
surgery 579f
Clindamycin 552, 705
Clofazimine 531
Closed-heart surgery 593, 596
Clostridium tetani 35, 523, 524
Clotrimazole 704
Cloxacillin 702
Clozapine 707
Club foot, congenital 670
Coagulopathy 280, 285, 351
Coarctation of aorta 483f
Coats’ disease 441
Cobb method 676
Cognitive development 45, 59, 61, 65, 106, 117, 151, 157
milestones 118
theory 58
Cognitive impairment 601, 602
Cognitive jean piaget 163
Cognitive-behavioral therapy 606
Cold 288, 292
treatment for common 293
Colonoscopy 258
Colostomy 585f, 587
Colostrum 96
feeding 96
Coma 521
Common cold 293f
Common pediatric disorders 71
Communicable diseases 504, 504f
in children 504
Communicate with kindness 164
Communicating hydrocephalus 389
Communication 623
development 36
method 163
with adolescents 163
Comorbidities, severe 582
Complementary feeding 30, 30f, 31f
Complete blood count 317, 352, 357, 435, 438, 493
Complex focal seizures 399
Compylobacter 269
Concrete operation 60
Conduct disorder 172, 601
development of 601
Congenital abnormalities 328, 331, 486
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cause of 452
Congenital cardiac anomalies, classification of 470
Congenital disorders 562
Congestion 623
Congestive cardiac failure 485, 486
etiology 485
Congestive heart failure 478
Conjunctivitis 567
treatment of 567
Consciousness, loss of 471
Constipation 253, 262, 286, 623
Contact lenses 568
Contagious bacterial disease 35
Continuous positive airway pressure 645, 662
Contrecoup head injury 403f
Contrecoup injury 403
Contusion 403
Cool extremities 488
Cooley anemia 356
Coombs’ test 351, 366
Core biopsy 431, 435
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 35
Coronary heart disease, surgical management of 593
Corticosteroids 318, 427, 685, 704
Cost containment 6
Cough 486, 507
up blood 312
Cow's milk 29
Cranial nerve 375, 384, 572
functioning 192t
functions of 375t
types of 375t
Craniopharyngioma 426, 454
C-reactive protein 684
Creatinine clearance test 328
Cryotherapy 442
Cryptorchidism 336
Cushing's syndrome 445, 453
Cyanosis 187, 470472, 480, 484, 595
central 470
Cyanotic breath-holding spells 599
Cyanotic heart diseases 470, 471
Cyberknife therapy 435
Cycloplegics 568
Cystic fibrosis 311
Cysts 274
Cytokines 274
Cytomegalovirus 71
Cytotoxin 269
Dactinomycin 439
Dalteparin 704
Dandy-Walker syndrome 389
Dapsone 531
Dash eating plan 498
Death during childhood 621
Decidua 68
Decongestant nasal sprays 704
Deep tendon reflexes 384
Defibrillators 496
Deficit fluid needs 247
Degenerative scoliosis 676
Dehydration 244, 246, 247, 253, 270, 463
causes of 245
classification for 232t
in children 246
mild 270
moderate 270
pathophysiology of 245
severe 247, 270
signs of 253, 270, 270f, 508
symptoms of 270f
types of 246t
Delivery, type of 460
Denatonium benzoate 175
Dendrites synapses 105
Dengue 518
fever 518
symptoms of 518f
hemorrhagic fever 518
infection, diagnosis of 518
shock syndrome 518
Dental care 145
Dental health 128, 165
Dental problems 260, 415
Depression 608, 623
in children 607
Depressive disorders 608
Dermatitis 550
Detruser muscles 325
Developmental disturbances 597
Developmental-behavioral pediatrics 167
Diabetes 461, 462
insipidus 447
mellitus 326, 459, 461
symptoms of 463
Diabetic ketoacidosis 463
Dialysis 348
Diamox 701
Diaper rash 103, 546, 546f
Diarrhea 245, 253, 268, 272, 458, 509
nonspecific 263
Diarrheal diseases 208, 308f
Diascopy 351
Diazepam 525
Dietary allowance 193
Dietary guideline 126
Dietary interventions 272
Diethylstilbestrol 71
Digestive enzymes 251
Digestive system 638
Digestive tract 255
Digoxin 704
Diphenhydramine 517
Diphtheria 35, 113, 505, 505f, 525
diagnosis of 505
disease, causes of 505
symptoms of 505
Diplopia 565
Discharge teaching 578
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 364
Diuretic 343, 427
therapy 346
Dizziness 494
Dobutamine 702, 703
Dopamine 702, 703
Double contrast barium enema 256
Down syndrome 72, 75f, 612, 613f
etiology 612
management 612
Doxepin 706
Doxorubicin 440
Doxycycline 552
Drug 283
administration of 628, 631
antirheumatic 686
application of 628
calculation 634
of volume of 629
percentage of 630
corticosteroid 408
disease interaction 633
illicit 522
in children 627
in pediatrics 624
calculation of 629
potentially hazardous 706
reaction, adverse 633
safety during breastfeeding 99
service initiative, free 709
therapy 646
toxicity 638
treatment 624
withdrawal 398
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 610
Ducts, collecting 325
Ductus arteriosus 80, 81, 473, 478
Duodenal ulcer 265
Duodenum 265
Dying child 621
Dyscalculia 602f
learning disability in reading 602
Dyselectrolytemias 237
Dysentery 274
treatment of 275
types 274
Dysfunctional swallowing 254
Dysgraphia, learning disability in writing 602
Dyslalia 600
Dyslexia, learning disability in reading 602
Dysphagia 254
Dysplasia of hip, developmental 670
Dyspnea 472, 623
Dysrhythmia 494
Dysuria 327, 337
Ear 90, 189, 194, 569
disorders of 569
function of 569
infection 260, 570
structure of 569, 570f
Eating disorder 174
Eating problems 259
Ecchymoses 518
Echinococcosis 539
Echinococcus granulosus 539
Echinococcus multilocularis 539
Echinococcus oligarthrus 539
Echinococcus vogeli 539
Echocardiography 503
Echovirus 381
Ectodermal tissue 541
Ectopia vesicae 331
Eczema 550
Edema 326, 341
triad of 338
Education 179
and development 713
Educational guidance 177, 178
Egotamine 706
Electroconvulsive therapy 609
Electroencephalogram 376
Electrolyte 235, 236
balance 237, 237t, 248
in children 235
Electromyography 376
Electrosurgical tonsillectomy 298
Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma 438
Emotional development 45, 64, 138, 158
in school child 147
Emotional disorders 172
Encephalitic poliomyelitis 512
Encephalitis 381
Encephalopathy 381
Endemic cretinism 457
Endocarditis 595
diseases 444
disorder 443, 459
in children 444
symptoms of 444
glands 444, 444f
system 443, 626
disorders in 445
Endoscopic third ventriculostomy 392, 589
Endoscopy 257, 278
Endotracheal intubation 525
Endotracheal tube 662
Energy metabolism 82
Energy, amount of 27
Engraftment 418
Enourein 175
Enoxaparin 704
Entamoeba histolytica 274
Enterobacteriaceae 683
Enterobacter sakazakii 100
Enteroinvasive 269
with cytotoxin 269
Enuresis 141, 175, 328
Environment, safe 124
Environmental diseases 457
Environmental stress 223
Enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase 446
Ependymomas 425, 427
Epidural hematomas 404, 404f
Epiglottis, examination of 300
Epiglottitis 300
signs of 300
symptoms of 300
etiology 300
Epilepsy 396, 398
neurotransmitters in 398f
seizures 401
Epinephrine 703
Epiphyseal plate 679
Epispadias 332, 575f, 576
treatment of 576
Epistaxis 497, 518
Epstein-Barr virus infection 385
Eptoin 703
Ergonovine 705
Ergosterol 542
Erickson's psychosocial stages 106
Erikson's theory 56, 57
Erythema 416
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 351, 684
Erythromycin 262, 552, 702, 704
Escherichia coli 255, 286
infections 270
Escitalopram 706
Esophageal atresia 582, 583
Esophageal electrophysiologic study 496
Esophageal sphincter, lower 261
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 339
Estrogen therapy 614
Ethical dilemmas 8
Ethosuximide 706
Euvolemic hyponatremia 237
Ewing's sarcoma 409, 436, 437f
Ewing's tumors 437
Exstrophy bladder 331, 332f, 576
treatment of 332
Extended families 16
Extracellular fluid 235, 235f, 245
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation therapy 644
Extremities 190
Eye 90, 128f, 189, 194, 562
crossed 565
disorders of 562
enucleation of 442
function of 562
hyperopia 565
movement, rapid 39
structure of 562, 563f
Face 189
Facial nerve 192
Family 53, 147
and child health nurse 12
coping with stress 23
disorder, counseling of 484
planning 200, 205
roles, altered 223
rules 40
types of 16
Family-centered care 4, 5f, 12
Fasting blood glucose level 463
Fat 94, 152
cells 542
Fatigue 416, 488, 497
mild 294
Faulty parental attitude 171
Feeding 91, 113, 303, 640
formula 28, 29, 99
of child 647
problems 31
technique 31
Female genitalia 191
Fertilization 67, 68f
alcohol syndrome 71
circulation 469, 469f
development 67
growth and development 70
heart tone 70
maturity 75f
membranes 69, 69f
period of development 70f
presentation, abnormal 648
Fetus inside womb 69f
Fever 246, 327
control 303
Fexofenadine 704
Fiber 152
supplements 264
Fiber-optic laryngoscopy 292
Fibrotic liver 279
Filariasis 536
Fine motor skills 121, 136
Fine-needle aspiration biopsy 431
Fingers and toes, clubbing of 472
Finger-to-nose test 192
Fissure 255
Flaccid paralysis, acute 383, 384t
Flaccidity 384
Flank pain 327, 337
Fluconazole 704, 705
Fluid 237, 247
administration of 631, 632
and electrolyte therapy 247
balance 82
electrolyte balance 383
imbalance 244
maintenance requirements 248t
therapy 407
volume deficit 309
Fluorometric 446
Fluoxetine 706
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 340
Focal seizures, simple 399
Foley's catheter 587
Folic acid 76, 199, 255, 358, 370
Follicle-stimulating hormone 448, 451
Follicular glands 552
Fontan procedure 591
groups 28f
hygiene 31
preparation 31
Foramen ovale 80, 81
Forebrain 374f
Foreign body
aspiration 309
in eye 569
Foremilk 96
Foreskin, inflammation of 333
Formal operations 60
Foscavir 383
Fracture 678
compound 403, 678
depressed 403
linear 403
open 678
types of 679f
Frusemide 702
Fungal meningitis 380
Fusobacterium 322
Gadolinium 705
Galeazzi's test 672
Gallbladder 250
citrate 413
scan 413
Gastric inhibitory peptide 252
Gastric regurgitation 261f
Gastric ulcer 265
Gastrin 252
Gastroenteritis 273, 275, 286
Gastroesophageal reflux 260
disease 254, 261, 295
Gastrointestinal bleeding 254
Gastrointestinal disorder 250
signs of 252
symptom of 252, 253f
Gastrointestinal system 83, 106, 250, 250f, 251, 626, 656
Gastrointestinal tests, lower 256
Gastrointestinal tract 245
Gastrointestinal ulcers, acute 558
Gemcitabine 337
mono 72
single 72
blood tests 453
counseling 76
disorder 75f, 283, 612
prevention of 76
information 68
inheritance 72, 360f
studies 438
test 77, 312, 377, 446
trait of thalassemia 356f
Genital stage 55
Genital touching 162
Genitalia 191, 637
Genitourinary disorders 324, 326
Genitourinary system 326
disorders of 336
Genotropin 454
Gentamicin 702
German measles 113
Gestational age 89, 635, 691
large for 640
small for 79, 636
Giardia lamblia 269
Gland 443
Glans penis, infection of 333
Glasgow coma scale 405, 405t
Glaucoma 566
secondary 566
Glial cell tumors 425
Gliomas 425
low-grade 425
Glomerular filtration rate 83, 328, 345
Glomerulonephritis 338, 345
acute 337
causes, acute 337
postinfectious 337
primary 338
secondary 338
types, acute 338
Glomerulus 325
Glossopharyngeal nerve 193
Glucagon 651
Glucocorticoids 452
Gluten free diet 278
Glycosylated hemoglobin test 464
Goat's milk 276
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 451, 452
Gonads, disorder of 445
Graft disease
acute 418
chronic 418
aerobic 583
anaerobic organisms 583
bacteria 682
Grand mal seizure 400
Grasp reflex 92
Graves’ disease 458, 458f, 459
Great arteries 472
Greenstick 678
Gross motor
skills 136
development of 121
warning signs 610
Growth and development 43, 46, 52, 116, 135
concepts of 43
stages of 46
Growth chart 49, 637f
of toddler 120f
Growth hormone 448
deficiency 453
dysfunction 453
disorders 455t
therapy 614
Growth monitoring 36, 49
and growth chart 48
and nutrition
education 49
surveillance 49
and nutritional status 48
chart 49f
Growth of intelligence 124
Growth retardation 327
Guillain-Barré syndrome 384, 385, 388
Guthrie test 446
Habit disorders 599
mild 361
moderate 361
severe 361
symptoms of 361
Haemophilus influenzae 113, 295, 297, 300, 305, 322, 379, 380, 567
vaccine 359
Hair 194
cells 570
Hand strength 191
Handicapped child care 208
Handicapped conditions 171
Head 194
and neck 188
injury 402
internal 403
severity of 405
trauma 404f
Headache 497
care 217f
check-up 153, 206
education 210, 248, 268, 594, 684
of preschool child 144
of school child 151
problems during school-age 154
promotion 4, 26, 26f, 112, 163, 568
status 53
supervision 146
Health-promoting initiatives 41
cognitive development 158
environment 23
nutrition 145f
Hearing 86
aids 573
loss 260, 415, 571
types of 571f, 573
Heart 189, 468f
and circulation 468
changes in 81
acquired 489
congenital 470, 589
failure 352, 480
digoxin in 487t
signs of 477
symptoms of 477
function 481
monitor 594
murmur 472, 475, 494
damage to 493
function 469
problems 415
rate 91, 185
sounds 190, 477
transplantation 501
valve disease 480
Heart-lung bypass machine 593, 596
Helicobacter pylori 265, 362
infection 266f
Helium-oxygen mixture 318
Helminthiasis 361, 538, 538t
Helminths, lifecycle of 539
Hemarthrosis 361f
Hematemesis 518
Hematocrit 352
Hematogenous osteomyelitis, acute 682
Hematologic alteration 349
Hematologic disorders 370
Hematologic system 349, 349f
Hematological malignancies 351
Hematology, classification of 351
Hematopoietic stem cells 349
Hematuria 326, 338
Hemodialysis 348f
Hemodynamics, altered 472, 473, 475, 476, 482
Hemoglobin 656
Hemoglobinopathy 351
Hemolytic anemia, chronic 354
Hemolytic disease 365
cause of 365
of newborn 365, 647
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 274, 345
Hemophilia 360, 360f, 361, 361f, 362
A 360
B 360
Hemophilus inflenzae type B 525
Hemopoietic system 350f, 420f
Henoch-Schonlein purpura 342
Heparin 704
Hepatic disorders 279
Hepatic system 638
Hepatitis 280
A 281, 282
virus 281
B 113, 281, 282, 362
surface antigen 342
C 281, 282
virus infection 283
causes of 283
acute 281
D 282
E 282
prognosis for 283
symptoms of 281
treatment for 283
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 280
Hepatorenal syndrome 280
Hepatosplenomegaly 279, 366
Herpes simplex
encephalitis 381
virus infection 547
High-calorie formula 594
High-risk infants, classification of 635
Hindbrain 374f
Hindmilk 96
Hip 673f
dysplasia of 672f
congenital 670
joint, normal 671
Hirschsprung's disease 586, 586f
treatment of 586
Histamine H2 blockers 705
Hodgkin's disease 434
Hodgkin's lymphoma 428, 430, 430f
Holistic nursing care 179
Holter monitor 470, 496
Homovanillic acid 432
Hookworm 538
Hormonal change 543
Hormone 251, 443
secretion of 445f, 448t
Horse shoe kidney 329, 330f
Hospice care 623
Hospital care 303
Hospital Management Society 708
Hospital stressors 219, 220
Hospitalized child 217, 617
care of 220
Host disease 418
chronic 418
Household safety, lack of 553f
Human chorionic gonadotropin 68
Human fertilization, dynamics of 67
Human immunodeficiency virus 362, 521
infected mothers 200
infection 521
etiology 521
Human lymphocyte antigens 417
Humatrope 454
Hyaline cartilage 669
articulates 671
Hybrid procedure 476, 593
Hydatid disease 539
Hydrocephalus 388, 390f, 587
causes 388
symptoms of 389
types 389
Hydrochloric acid 267
Hydrochlorothiazide 705
Hydrogen breath test 258
Hydrophobia 519
Hydrops fetalis 366
Hydroxychloroquine 686
Hydroxyzine 517
Hyperactive bowel sounds 254
Hyperbilirubinemia 367, 647
unconjugated 647f
Hypercalcemia 242
causes of 242
management 242
signs of 242
symptoms of 242
Hypercapnia 243
Hypercarbia 288
Hyperemia, zone of 554
Hyperglycemia 464t, 466
Hyperinsulinism 649
congenital 649
Hyperkalemia 240, 240f, 241, 346
management 241
treatment of 241
Hyperkinetic disorders 172
Hyperlipidemia 340, 341
Hypernatremia 238, 239f, 245
diagnosis 238
management 239
Hypernatremic dehydration 271
Hyperopia 564
Hyperosmolar dehydration 271
Hyperparasitemia 533
Hyperparathyroidism 326
Hyperpyrexia 533
Hypersensitivity 263
Hypertension 326, 327, 497
causes of secondary 498
portal 280
secondary 498
Hyperthyroidism 458
Hypertonia 610
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 500
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, congenital 581f
Hypervolemic hyponatremia 237
Hypnotherapy 265
Hypoalbuminemia 338, 340, 341
Hypocalcemia 241, 367, 651
causes of 242
management 242
symptoms of 651
Hypoglossal nerve 193
Hypoglycemia 367, 463, 464t, 466, 533, 636, 641
causes, severe 650
in neonate 650
neonatal 649
refractory 651
symptoms of 463
Hypokalemia 239, 240f
causes of 239
management 240
Hyponatremia 237, 346
acute severe 238
etiology 237
hypovolemic 237
management 238
signs of 238, 238f
symptoms 238
Hypoosmolar dehydration 271
Hypopituitarism 454
acquired 454, 457
congenital 454, 456
Hypoplasia 329
Hypospadias 332, 333, 575, 575f
classification of 332
signs of 333
symptoms of 333
Hypotension 502
Hypothalamic hamartoma 450
Hypothalamus 374, 443
Hypothermia 407, 559, 639
Hypotonia 610
Hypovolemia 352, 625
Hypoxemia 280, 288, 307
Hypoxia 352, 484
Ibuprofen 702, 704
Icterus neonatorum 647
Idiopathic disease 676
Idiopathic respiratory distress syndrome 643
Idiopathic scoliosis 676
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 363f
Immature eccrine glands 543
disorders 337
system 84, 106, 418, 638
problems 321
thrombocytopenic purpura 362
Immunity 526
Immunization 34, 35, 113, 198, 205
active 520
coverage 34
of children 34f
passive 520
Immunocompromise 274
Immunological superiority 95
Immunosuppressive therapy 344, 353
Immunotherapy 418
active 419
passive 419
Impetigo 544f
Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone 449
Indane lotion 549
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 207
Indian Council for Child Welfare 214
Indian Red Cross Society 214
Infant 182, 183, 219, 221
mortality rate 7, 700
normal 103
postmature 640
preterm 637
reactions of 221
Infantile colic 286
Infantile eczema 446
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 581
Infection 418, 422
chronic 312
meningeal 378
neonatal 652
parasitic 297, 532
prevention of 347, 595, 639
Infectious croup 298
Infectious disease 504
Infectious disorders 265
Infectious gastroenteritis 268, 269t
Infectious hepatitis 281
Infectious mononucleosis 385
Infective endocarditis 493
Infective polyneuritis 384
Inflammation 305f
signs of 571
Influenza 113, 294
prevention 295
Inguinal hernia 336
Inhaled steroids 317
Inhalers 704
Inherited disorder 283
techniques of 629f
types of 629f
Injury 402
causes of 132
prevention of 40, 41, 131, 466, 639
prevention strategies 132
Insect bite 561
symptoms of 561
Insulin 464, 704
like growth hormone 454
rapid-acting 465
resistance 461
short-acting 465
types of 465
Integumentary system 638
Intellectual disability 603
Intensive care unit 481
neonatal 654
International and National Welfare Organizations 211
International Council of Population Development 201
Interstitial fluid 235
Interventional cardiac catheterization 590
Interventional health services 197
Intestinal bacterial overgrowth, small 263
Intestinal obstruction 286, 583, 584f
causes of 286
intussusception, types of 584f
Intestinal villus atrophy 277f
part of 586f
small 250
Intracellular fluid 235f
Intracranial hemorrhage 404
Intracranial pressure 403
Intradermal injection 629
Intramuscular injection 628
Intramuscular regimens 520
Intraocular lenses 568
Intrathecal injection 629
Intrauterine growth retardation 454, 636f
Intravenous catheters 594
Intravenous fluid 239
administration of 346
Intravenous immunoglobulin 499
Intravenous injections 628
Intrinsic renal failure 345
Intubation, rapid 654
Iodide products 707
Ipratropium 318
Iron 199, 370
deficiency anemia 351
classification 352
etiology 351
Irritable bowel syndrome 263, 273
Isonatremic dehydration 271
Jackson's burns zones 554f
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 708
Janani Suraksha Yojana 708
Japanese encephalitis 382
Jaundice 102, 254, 279, 281, 366, 367
from hemolysis 367
neonatal 368
physiologic 368
physiologic 83, 367, 368
severe 368
symptoms of 647
Joint 191
destruction 361, 361f
mobility 89
Jugular venous pressure 503
Juvenile delinquency, problems of 176
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis 684
diagnosis 684
etiology 684
management 685
signs 684
symptoms 684
types 684
Juxtamedullary cortex 325
Kala-azar 535
elimination plan 709
epidemiology 535
Kangaroo care 646
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya 215
Kaushika sutra 3
Kawasaki disease 499, 500
Kawasaki syndrome 499f
Keloid like scarring 559
Keratin 541
Keratometry 565
Kernicterus 369
Kernig's sign 381
Ketoacidosis 464t
Kidney 236, 245, 324, 328
causes, absence of 329
damage, severe 336
dialysis 339
chronic 327, 347
end stage 347
dysfunction 339
function 345
inflammation, type of 337
normal 330f
problem 415
structure of 324f, 325
test 412
transplant 339
Kishori Balika Scheme 209
Klebsiella pneumoniae 322
Klinefelter syndrome 72, 72f, 614
Knees, deformed 514f
Kohlberg's stages 62
Labetalol 705
Lactase deficiency 276
Lactose intolerance 273, 275, 276
Lagophthalmos 530
Langerhans cells 542
Language development 45, 50, 121
Language problem 609
Laryngoscopy 291f
Latent tuberculosis infection 528
Laxatives 264
Learning development 46
Learning disability 415, 602
in language 602
Learning growth 46
Leg strength 191
Leishmania bodies 535
Leishmania donovani 535
Leishmania parasites 535
Leishmaniasis 535, 536
infection 535f
Lepromatous leprosy, borderline 530
Leprosy 529, 530f
classification of 529
treatment 531, 531t
Leukemia 419, 420, 422t
etiology 419
Leukocoria 441
infected transmission of 548f
infestation 547
killing of 548
Lichenification 550
Lidocaine 704
Ligaments 669
of hip joint 671f
arteriosum 80
venosum 80
Limb defects 670
Limbic system 157f
Lipodystrophy 522
Live attenuated vaccine 294
Live-born 78
Liver 250, 415
disease 279
function 367, 438
test 412, 438
Loratadine 704
Lorazepam 705
Low-birth-weight 78, 637
Lugol's solution 459
Lumbar puncture 377, 412
Lung 189, 236, 415
abscess 322, 323
complications 323
diagnose 323
diagnostic evaluation 323
management 323
prognosis 323
types 322
baby's 662
collapsed 312
function 481
test 312
problems 641
Luteinizing hormone 448, 451
Lymph node 188, 428f
biopsy 431
Lymphadenopathy 536
Lymphatic filariasis 535f, 536
diagnosis of 537
infection 537
Lymphatic system 428f
Lymphocytes 429
Lymphocytic leukemia, acute 421
Lymphoma 409, 431, 432t
malignant 428
Macrosomia 648
Macula 562
Magnesium sulfate 318, 704
Malabsorption disorders 275
Malaise 337
Malaria 532, 534
malignant 533
Male genitalia 191
Male sex hormones 453
Malnutrition 274, 278, 508f
disorders of 230f
Mannitol 702
Mantoux test 342
Mass drug administration 537
Mass media, influence of 171
Masturbation 162
Maternal age 76
Maternal and child health indicators 700
Maternal health 199
Maternal mortality ratio 700
Maternal varicella 517
Maturation 44
McCune-Albright syndrome 450, 451
Mean corpuscular volume 352
Measles 113, 508
complications 509
cycle of 508f
rash 509f
vaccination, routine 510
virus 509, 567
Mebendazole 540
Meconium 84
aspiration syndrome 84, 642
Medical dryness 244
Medical termination of pregnancy 201
Medroxyprogesterone 452
Medulloblastomas 425, 427
Megacolon, congenital 586
Melanocytes, lack of 543
Membrane, inner 69
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis 338, 340
Membranous glomerulonephritis 338
Mendelian disorders 72
Meninges 373
Meningitis 378
Meningocele 394f, 395, 395f, 397t, 589
Meningococcal disease 113
Meningococcal meningitis 379
Meningomyelocele 395f, 589
Menstrual periods 156
development 59, 138, 149
disorders 603
health 467, 623
problems 263, 265
retardation 603
Mesenteric lymphadenitis 286
Metabolic acidosis 243, 243, 346, 472
diagnosis 243
management 243
mild 243
Metabolic alkalosis 244
management 244
signs of 585
Metabolic disorder 443
Metabolic rate, reducing 347
Metabolic screening 76
Metabolism, inborn errors of 447
Metacognition 151
Metanephric blastema 439
Methimazole 705
Methyldopa 704
Methylergonovine 704
Methylxanthines 318
Metoclopramide 703, 705
Metoprolol 704
Miconazole 704
Micronutrient 273
Microtubercles 380
Microvascular perfusion 502
Micturition, abnormalities of 326
Midazolam 705
Mid-borderline leprosy 530
Midbrain 374f
Mid-day Meal Scheme 215
Migration 22
Milk, preterm 96
Millennium development goals 127
Milrinone 703
Mineral 94
supplementation 278
Minimal change nephropathy 338
Minimal incision valve surgery 592
Minocycline 552
Miscarriage 71
Missile injury 403
Mite infestation 549
Mitomycin 337
Moisture retention 542
Molecular weight heparins, low 704
Moniliasis 544
Monocytes 350
Mood disorders 599
Moodiness 159
Moral development 61, 65
theory of 61
Moraxella catarrhalis 295
Moro reflex 92
Mortality rate, neonatal 7, 700
Mosaic down syndrome 612
Mosquitoes 519
Mother and child health 199
Mother and Child Health Programs 202
Mother cells 541
Motilin 252
Motility disorders 260
Motor ability 47, 48
Motor coordination disorder 611
Motor development 106, 136
causes 610
impairment in 610
Motor dyspraxia 611
Motor reflexes 696
Motor skills 119
disorder 611
Motor vehicle accidents 134
Mouth 189, 195
Mucous membranes, dry 449
Mucus sucker after delivery 87f
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 330
Multicystic kidney 330
Multifactorial disorders 72, 75
Multigenerational families 17, 17f
Mumps 113, 515
Muscle 191
relaxation 407
tone 89, 384
Muscular dystrophy 610
Musculoskeletal alteration 669
Musculoskeletal impairment 674
Musculoskeletal system 195, 669, 670f
disorders of 670
Mycelex 543
Mycobacterium leprae 529
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 35, 526
Mycoplasma 297
Myelin sheath 373
Myelination of nerve fibers 656
Myelogenous leukemia, diagnosis of acute 421
Myelomeningocele 394f, 395, 397t
Myoclonic seizure 400
Myopia 564
Nail biting 175
severe 175
Naproxen 705
cannula 303, 662
cavity 288
polyps 312
prongs 662
Nasogastric tube 594
National Ambulance Services 709
National Health Mission 708, 710
National Immunization Schedule 35, 36t
National Institute for Play 38
National Mobile Medical Units 708
National Neonatology Forum 229
National Nutrition Policy 33
National Policy for Children, 2013 711
National Rural Health Mission 215
National Society of Genetic Counselors 76
Nausea 252, 389, 599
Necator americanus 538
Neck 194
stiffness 380
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 297, 567
Neisseria meningitidis 379
Neonatal and childhood illness, management of 203, 206, 207, 228
Neonatal jaundice, causes of 647
Neonatal period, early 398
Neonatal reflexes 92
Neonatal resuscitation 79, 642
Neonatal seizures 649
Neonatal sepsis 652
Neonate's ductus arteriosus 478
preterm 637
reactions of 221
Neoplasia 409
Neoplasms, benign 409
Nephritis, chronic 326
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 447
Nephrogenic rests 439
Nephron 325
structure of 325f
Nephrotic syndrome 340, 341f
cause of 341
Nephrotoxic substances 345
Nerve 670
abducent 192
accessory 193
conduction velocity test 376
enlarged 531
oculomotor 192
pairs of 375
trigeminal 192
trochlear 192
Nervous habits 175
Neural system 373f
Neural tube
defects 75f, 388, 589
development, disorder of 394
Neuroblastoma 409, 431
cause of 431
Neurofibromatosis 425
Neurogenic shock 502
Neurologic alterations 372
Neurologic system 85, 196, 624
Neurological assessment 192
Neurological diagnostic tests 376
Neurological problem 376, 398
Neurological tests 401
Neuromuscular scoliosis 676
Neuron, structure of 373f
Neurosurgical management 406
Neurotransmitters 398
Neutralizing unbound toxin 525
assessment 90f
baby at birth 91
care 708
high-risk 635
of high-risk 635
high-risk 635
identification 101
respirations 87
resuscitation 689
steps of 688
skin 85
characteristics of 85
thermal regulation of 92
with jaundice 83f
Nicotine 706
Nifedipine 704
Night blindness 285
Nitrofurantoin 706
Nitroprusside 703
Nonalcohol-based lotion 343
Nonbullous impetigo 543
Noncompaction cardiomyopathy 500
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 429
Noninfectious meningitis 380
Nonnutritive sucking 640
Nonparalytic poliomyelitis 511
Nonsteroid medications 551
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 685
Nontraditional families 17
Norepinephrine 703
Normocytic anemia 328, 352
severe 533
Nose 189, 194, 303
Nuclear families 16
Nuclear medicine scans 413
Numerical disorder 74
advocacy role of 25f
in nutritional counselling, role of 33
perspective 181
render care, neonatal 655f
role in preventive pediatrics 214
role of 37
to child health 115
Nursing action 488
Nursing care of child 223
with refractive errors 565
with shunt 392
Nursing diagnosis 225
Nursing ethics 8
Nursing management 264
Nutrient 152
Nutrition 26, 34f, 53, 53f, 113, 125, 144, 165, 165f, 224, 264, 580, 623, 640
altered 488
counseling for 33
parenteral 651
therapy 558
Nutritional assessment 193
Nutritional guidance 178
Nutritional management 657
Nutritional policy 33
Nutritional Programs 210
Nutritional services 210
Nutritional status 33, 193
of hospitalized child, effects on 221
Nutritional supplementation 199
safe 387
Nutritional support 285
Nutritional surveillance 198
Obsessive compulsive disorder 606
treatment of 607
Obstructive apnea 645
Obstructive disorders 275
Obstructive heart diseases 479
Olfactory nerve 192
Oliguria 327
Omalizumab 318
Omeprazole 706
Oncogenes 410
Oncovin 421
Ongoing Child Welfare Programs 214
Onychophagia 175
Ophthalmia neonatorum 567
Optic chiasm 562
Optic nerve 192
damage 566
gliomas 425
hypoplasia 454
Optimum dental health 145f
antibiotics 307
candidiasis 102, 545, 545f
decongestants 705
glucose tolerance test 464
rehydration 198
therapy 203, 247, 271
route 628
stage 54
trimethoprim 337
function tests 312
toxicity 418
Oropharyngeal dysphagia 254
Orthodontic treatment 140
Orthotic treatment 513
Ortolani's test 672
Osteogenic sarcoma 434
cancer cells 434
Osteomyelitis 682
causes 682
diagnosis of 682
neonatal 683
pathophysiology 682
signs 682
symptoms 682
treatment 682
Osteosarcoma 434
cause of 434
Osteotomy 674
Ostium primum 477
Ostium secundum 477
Otitis media 296, 570
acute 570
Otoacoustic emissions 573
Outpatient treatment 232
Ovum 67f
Oxazepam 706
Oxygen 289, 662
in arterial blood, partial pressure of 245
saturation 185
supplemental 626
therapy 485, 583
treatment of 508
Oxygenated blood 80, 375
Oxygenation, signs of poor 354
Oxyuriasis 538
vermicularis 539
Pacchioni's granulations 389
Pacemaker, artificial 497
abdominal 253, 268, 273, 328
acute 391
fear of 622
management 622
severe 354
Palatoplasty, two flap 580f
Palliative care, end-of-life 623
Pallid breath-holding spells 599
Palmar erythema 280
Pancreas 250, 444
disorder of 444
ascending 385
progression of 384
Paralytic polio myelitis 512
Paramyxovirus 515
Parasites 255
Parathyroid gland 444
Parent unit, care by 218
Parent-child relationship 168
Parenteral corticosteroid therapy 299
Paroxetine 706
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 495
Paroxysms 507
Pasteurella multocida 322
Patent ductus arteriosus 478, 478f
Pauciarticular disease 684
Paucibacillary 529
care, integral part of 2f
difference 326, 543
hospitalization 217
intensive care 658
intensive care unit 5, 658
life, stages of 66, 67f
medicines and doses 701
nurse 8f, 178
advanced preparation of 10, 10f
in genetic testing, role of 78
independent 11
practitioners 10
researcher 10
specialist 10
nursing 3, 4, 167
care 5
pain management 632
patient 180, 184, 653
population, vaccination in 294
postnatal preventive 198
shock, types of 503t
surgery 575
surgical problems, management of 575
vital signs 625t, 693
Pediculosis 547
capitis 547f
Peer group, attributes of 160
Pelvic ultrasound 451
Penicillin 704
V 703
Pentavalent vaccines 35
Peptic ulcer
disease 265, 266
etiology of 265
Peptostreptococcus 322
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty 482
Percutaneous needle biopsy 412
Percutaneous pinning 680
Perinatal mortality rate 6
Periosteum 669
Peripheral nervous system 372
Peripheral pulses 488
Peritoneal dialysis 348f
Permethrin cream 549
Persistent neonatal hypoglycemia 650
Persistent truncus arteriosus 475
Pertussis 113, 506, 507f, 525
diagnosis of 507
pH in digestion 252
Pharyngeal tonsils 296
Pharyngitis 296
acute 297
signs of 297
symptoms of 297
Pharyngotonsillitis 297
Phenobarbitone 703
Phenylalanine 447
Phenylketonuria 445
Phenytoin 383, 407
sodium 703
Phimosis 333, 334f
diagnosis of 334
physiologic 333, 334
treatments for 334
Phobia 607
management 607
Phobic anxiety 607
signs 566
symptoms 566
Physical care 144, 152
Physical development 44, 119, 123, 136
Physical examination 164
of newborn 91
Physical growth 119
Physical maturity 89, 692
Piaget's theory 59, 64, 106
complications of 174
treatment for 174
Pineal gland 444
Piroxicam 707
Pituitary deficiencies 454
Pituitary gland 374, 443
anterior 448t
disorder of 445, 447
release hormones 450
Pituitary tumors 455
Placenta acts 69
Placental development 69
Plantar creases 90
Plasma exchange 339
Plasmapheresis 387
Plasmodium 532
Plasmodium falciparum 532, 533
Plasmodium ovale 532
Plasmodium species 534
Plasmodium vivax 532
infection 533
Platelet 351
count 351
Playtime 623
Pleomorphic type 438
Pleural effusion 313, 313f
sign of 280
Pleural fluid, analysis of 314
Pneumococcal disease 113
Pneumococcal meningitis 379
Pneumocystis jiroveci 305, 522
Pneumocytes 643
Pneumonia 208, 305, 306f, 681
management of 308f
Pneumothorax 312
Poisoning 133
Polio 35, 113
vaccine 514f
Poliomyelitis 384, 510, 514f
types of 511
Poliovirus 511
isolation 513
vaccine 514
Polycystic kidney 330, 330f
disease 330, 347
Polycythemia 640
Polysomnogram 377
Ponderal index 636
Portacaval anastomosis 284
Postnatal respiratory changes 288
Postneonatal mortality rate 7
Postpartum family planning 201
Postpolio syndrome 515
Postrenal failure 345
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis 339
acute 338
Post-term baby 79
Post-traumatic amnesia 405
Post-traumatic stress disorder 605
etiology 605
Potassium 241
supplementation 498
Prader-Willi syndrome 72, 73f
Pramoxine lotion 549
Precipitate cardiac arrhythmia 346
Precocious puberty 450
in boys, signs of 451
Prednisolone 343
Premature atrial contractions 495
Premature infant 636
Premature supraventricular contractions 495
Premature ventricular contractions 495
Prenatal development, disorders of 259
Prenatal pediatrics 67
focuses 67
Prenatal respiratory development 288
Prenursery education 206
Preputial hygiene 334
Prerenal failure 344, 345
Preschool child 135, 141f, 183
development of 138f
play of 138
problems of 140
reactions of 222
Preschoolers 183, 221
Pre-schoolers, diet of 144f
Preventive pediatrics 197, 198
Primary health care 49
comprehensive 709
Probiotics 265
Progesterone therapy 614
Prokinetics 262
Prolactin 448
Propofol 706
Propranolol 704
Prostaglandin 80, 473
Protect child health 204f
Protein 94, 152
substitute 447
Proteinuria 341
compensate 343
Proteus mirabilis 322
Prothrombin time 351
Proximodistal growth 50f
Pruritus 279
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 322, 682
Pseudomonas infection 381
Psoriasis 684
Psoriatic arthritis disease 684
Psychoanalytic theory 54, 64
Psychological stress 223
Psychosocial development 56, 64
Psychosocial problem 260
Pubertal hormones, production of 452
Pubic bones, widening of 331
Pulmonary artery banding 474, 590
Pulmonary atresia 474, 480, 592
Pulmonary blood
flow 475
vessels, narrowed 590
Pulmonary function 347
test 291, 291f, 312, 412
Pulmonary homograft 475, 592
Pulmonary stenosis 480, 481
Pulse oximeter 291, 470, 473, 662
Pure tone audiometry 572
Pyelonephritis 336, 345
Pyloric stenosis 581, 581f
Quinidine 706
Quinine 337
Quinolone antibacterials 706
Rabies 519
pathogenesis 519
Radioactive iodine 459
Radiology tests 377
Ramstedt's procedure 581
Random blood sugar 463
Rapid strep tests 297
Rational drug therapy 627
Reactive airway diseases 315
Rectus femoris 629
Red cell indices 358
Reed-Sternberg cell 430
Refraction test 565
Refractive errors 564, 564f
Regular physical activity 129f
Regurgitation 252, 480
Rehydrating sick child 631
Rehydration therapy 271, 275
Remission induction therapy 342
Renal agenesis 329
Renal bed 656
Renal colic 327
Renal disease 328
end stage 347
Renal dysplasia 330
Renal ectopia 329
Renal failure 347
acute 344
chronic 344, 347
symptoms of acute 345
Renal function 438
test 412, 438
Renal parenchyma 336
Renal system 106, 324, 626, 638
Reproductive and Child Health Program 201, 203
Reproductive health 200
Reproductive tract infection 201
Residual paralysis, treatment of 514
external 289
internal 289
maintenance of 639
Respiratory acidosis 243
management 243
Respiratory alkalosis 244
Respiratory alveoli 306f
Respiratory conditions 641, 654
Respiratory difficulties 384
Respiratory disorders 288
Respiratory distress syndrome 563, 643, 644
Respiratory function 529
Respiratory infections, acute 292
Respiratory noises 290
Respiratory rate 91, 185
Respiratory symptoms 289
Respiratory syncytial virus 316
Respiratory system 79, 105, 288, 289f, 626, 637
of child 288f
Respiratory therapy 386
Respiratory tract 245
disorders, lower 298
Responsible parenthood 14
Restlessness 488, 623
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 500
Resulting circulatory changes 81
Retinoblastoma 425, 441
Retinopathy of prematurity 563, 564
Retractile testes 576
Retrolental fibroplasia 563
Reye syndrome 517
Rhabdomyosarcoma 409, 437
tumors 438
Rheumatic fever 485, 489, 490, 491t, 534
Rheumatic heart disease 485, 492
treatment 492
Rheumatoid factor 685
Ridley-Jopling system 529
Rifampicin 531
Rights of children 208, 665, 687
Ringer's lactate 407
Ringworm 546
Rogi Kalyan Samiti 708
Romberg test 193
Root reflex 92
Rotavirus 113, 269
Roundworm 538
Rubella 71, 113, 563
Salicylates 706
Salicylic acid 552
Salivary glands 250
Salk vaccine 514
Salmonella 255, 286
Salter's osteotomy 674
Salter-Harris fracture classification 679, 679f
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 215
Scabies 549
signs of 549
symptoms of 549
Scalds 134
School child 147
and family 148f
School environment, healthful 210
School health 198, 209
School Health Committee 210
School health nurse, role of 211
School Health Program 203, 210, 210f, 211f
School nurse 211f
School-age child 183, 184, 618
reactions of 222
Scoliosis 675, 676
causes of 676
congenital 676
severe 676
signs of 676
treatment 677
types of 676
Seeking medical help 595
Segmental glomerulosclerosis 338
Seizure 623
absence 400
classification 399
control 407
disorder 396
management of 381
Sensation 542
Sense of
autonomy 116
identity 159
developing 159
Sensorineural hearing loss 572
alteration 562
capacities 47
development 86, 107, 121
hearing/speech 121
sight 121
tactile 121
integration 121
sign 384
stimulation 111, 645
symptoms 384
Separation anxiety 617
Sertraline 706
albumin 341, 368
cholesterol 341
tumor marker test 426
Sex characteristics, secondary 156
Sex determination 68
Sexual behaviors 162
Sexual development, delayed 415
Sexual identity 161
Sexual maturation, sign of secondary 450
Sexual orientation 162
Sexual transmission 522
Sexuality in school-age child, development of 151
Sexually transmitted infection 201
Shelter homes 666
Shigella 255, 269, 286
Shingles 516
Shock 352, 501
cardiogenic 501, 503
classification of 502
compensated 502
early signs of 503
hypovolemic 502
irreversible 502
management of 557, 654
signs of 503, 503t
treatment of 703
types of 501, 503
uncompensated 502
Shunt 391, 392f, 588, 588f
insertion 390, 391, 392f, 588, 588f
parts of 392f, 589f
steps of insertion of 588
Siblings reactions 222
Sickle cell anemia 354
diagnosis 354
etiology 354
management 354
Sickle cell crisis 354
Sickness 21
Sinus 288
arrhythmia 494, 495
cultures from 296
tachycardia 495
venosus 477
X-rays 296
Sinusitis 295
acute 296
chronic 296
etiology 295
Six killer diseases 205
Skeletal muscles 670
Skin 85, 90, 186, 188, 194, 245, 518, 531
care 113, 285 347, 640
conditions 541, 561
examination of 187t
cross-section of 541f
dry 103
function of 541, 542
immune system 551
infection of 543, 546
patches 531
rashes 446
smear test 531
structure of 541
test 528
turgor, diminished 449
Skin-to-skin holding 646
Skull fractures 403
Sleep 38, 91
and activity 127
routine 623
tests 377
tips for toddlers 127
Smallpox 517f
Social and emotional development 37
Social change, influence of 171
Social cognitive albert bandura 163
Social development 63, 122, 138, 150, 158
theory 63, 65
Social interaction, role of 65
Social reintegration 666
Social worker 226
Sodium 346, 487, 489
concentrations 346
nitroprusside 346
Solid food, consumption of 272
Sore throat 294, 296
Sotalol 707
Sounds 47
Spasmodic croup 299
disorders 599
problem 260, 600, 609
Sperm 67f
to ovum, travel of 67f
Spermatozoon 67
Spina bifida 394, 589
cystica 394f
malformations 394
meningocele 395
occulta 394f, 395, 395f
types of 394f
Spinal cord 375, 407
injury 407, 408
Spinal curvature 677, 677f
Spinal fusion 678
Spinal type 512
Spine 190
Spironolactone 706
Spleen 428f
nonpalpable 363
Splenectomy 359
Spondyloarthropathy 684
Sputum culture 312
Staphylococcal meningitis 379
Staphylococcus aureus 305, 322, 544, 682
bacteremia 494
infections 683
Steady growth stage 48
Stem cell transplant 417, 422
Stenosis 480
Steroid 383
cream 550
treatment by 342
Stillborn 79
Stomach 268
flu 268
ulcer 266f
Stool investigations 270
Strabismus 441, 565, 566
congenital 565
Streptococcus agalactiae 300
Streptococcus pneumoniae 295, 300, 305, 322
Streptococcus pyogenes 322, 544
of hospitalization 221
physiological 223
signs of 598
Stressors of family affect child care 21
Stridor 299
Subconjunctival hemorrhages 507
Subcutaneous route 629
Subdural hematomas 404, 404f
Subtotal thyroidectomy 459
Suck reflex 92
Sucking pleasure 111
Sudden vision changes 463
Sulfamethoxazole 337
Sulfisoxazole 369
Sulfur ointment 549
Sumatriptan 706
Supplemental tube feedings 594
Supplementary nutrition 206
Suppress immune system 339
Supraventricular tachycardia 494, 495
Sushruta samhita 3
Sweat glands 542
Sweat test 312
Swollen glands 420
Synaptic pruning 105
Syphilis 563
Systemic chemotherapy 442
Systemic diseases 341
Systemic lupus erythematosus 342, 686
Systemic steroids 317
Systemic vascular resistance 502
Systemic venous resistance 503
Tachycardia 449, 486, 488
Tachyphemia 600
Tachyphrasia 600
Tachypnea 486
Tactile stimulation 288
Talipes equinovarus, congenital 670, 670f
Talk therapy 265
Tantrum 131, 173
Tape-worm 538
Target cells 445f
Teeth 105, 250
baby 105f
clean child's 145
eruption of child 695
first 105f
grinding 599
Temper tantrums 173
causes 173
management 173
severe 174
types 173
Temporary palliative surgery 590
types of 590
Tendons 669
Teniasis 538
Teratogens 71
Terminally-ill child, care of 622
Testes, undescended 576
Testosterone 453
Tetanus 113, 523, 525, 526
toxoid 199
Tetracycline 552, 706
Tetralogy of Fallot 471, 589, 590
Thalamus 374
Thalassemia 356, 358f
alpha 356
beta 356
etiology 356
major 356
management of beta- 359
minor 356
splenomegaly in 359f
type of 358
Thalidomide 71
Theophylline 704
Therapeutic management 247, 264, 267, 284, 299, 339, 342, 457, 472, 670, 673
Thermoneutral range 646
Thermoregulation 82, 639
Thermotherapy 442
Thoracotomy 593
Threadworm 538
Throat 189
culture 300
infection 490
Thrombocytopenia 363
Thumb sucking 140, 140f, 219, 598, 600
Thymus 444
Thyroglobulin proteins 458
dysgenesis 456
gland 443, 456f
disorder of 445, 455
hormone deficiency 457
peroxidase 458
problems 415
scan 459
hormone 448
immunoglobulins 458
Thyroxine 455
Tick-borne encephalitis 382
Tilt table test 496
Tinea 546
corporis 547
cruris 547
infection 546
management of 547t
pedis 547
unguium 547
Tinea-infection, types of 547t
Tinzaparin 704
Tobacco smoke, prevention from 498
accidents in 132
reactions of 221
Toilet training 125, 126f
difficulties 176
process of 142
Tolerable upper intake level 193
Tongue 250
Tonic neck reflex 92
Tonic-clonic seizures 399
Tonsillectomy 298
Tonsillitis 296
Total body weight 235
Tourette's disorder 599
Tourette's syndrome 599
Toxin 283
production, elimination of 525
removal of 542
Toxoplasmosis 563
Tracheoesophageal fistula 582, 583
types of 582f
Tracheolaryngobronchitis 299f
acute 298
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 592
Transcatheter device closure 479
Transcutaneous monitoring 292
Transient hypoglycemia 650
Trauma 460
abdominal 286
Trazodone 706
Trendelenburg position 87
Tretinoin 704
Trichotillomania 599
Trichuris trichiura 538
Tricuspid atresia 473, 474, 590
symptoms 474
Trihydroxymethyl aminomethadone 244
Triiodothyronine 455
Tripod sign 512, 512f
Trismus 524
Trousseau's sign 242
Tuberculoid leprosy 529
borderline 529
Tuberculosis 526
disease 528
signs of 527
symptoms of 527
infection 526
Tuberculous meningitis 380
Tubular hypoplasia 482
Tubular necrosis, acute 345
Tubule 325
Tumor lysis syndrome, management of 419
Tumor necrosis factor 685
Turner syndrome 72, 483, 613, 613f
Tympanogram 572
Ulcer 530f
pressure 559
Ultrasound, abdominal 451
Umbilical arteries 69, 81
Umbilical cord 91, 102
Umbilical venous catheter 663
Under five clinic 203, 204
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 212
Universal Immunization Program 34, 35, 203
Unstable hip dysplasia 671
Upper respiratory
infections 103
tract, disorders of 292
Upper urinary tract 328
Ureter 324
duplication of 331, 331f
Urethra 324
anterior 333
Urethral defects 575f
Urethral valve
posterior 335
types of 335
Urinalysis 438
Urinary bladder 324
Urinary catheter 594
Urinary elimination 639
Urinary tract 328, 336
infection 328, 336
etiology 336
incidence 336
lower 331
Urine 255
catecholamines levels 432
examination 328
for protein 343
output, decrease 488
test 345, 453, 486
fibroids 409
tube, ampulla of 67
wall 68
Vaccine prevented diseases 34, 35, 113
Vaginal delivery, operative 648
Vagus nerve 193, 402
stimulation 402
ablation 335
artificial 493
acquired 479
congenital 479
regurgitation 492
stenosis 492
Valvoplasty 493
Valvotomy 475, 592
Valvular heart disease 480
Vancomycin 703, 705
Varicella 113, 516
Varicella-Zoster virus 516
Vasculitis 337
Vasopressin 703
Ventilation 643
care of child with 657
Ventilator 304, 594, 663
Ventricular fibrillation 495
Ventricular septal defect 473, 475, 475f, 476, 589, 593
Ventricular tachycardia 495
Verapamil 705, 706
Vesicostomy 335
Vesicoureteral reflux 331, 336
Vestibulocochlear nerve 192
Vestibulo-cochlear nerve 569
Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committee 708
Vincristine 421, 439, 440
conjunctivitis 567
croup 299
hepatitis 281, 282t
pathophysiology of 281
infection 35, 340, 505
meningitis 379
disorders 563
low 568
normal 564f
partial 568
problems 415
distortion 565
impairment 573
Vital signs 185, 344
Vitamin 94, 278
A 285, 510, 525
deficiency 569
supplements 509
B12 255, 370
C deficiency 649
D 542
production 542
deficiency 562
K 279
deficiency 285
support 285
Vomiting 102, 245, 246, 252, 268, 389, 534, 599, 623
of hydatid membranes 540
projectile 253
Vygotsky 63f, 64f
Warfarin 705
Warning signs 171
Warts 561
Waste products 349
and electrolytes 94
bag of 70
Watery eyes 103
Weakness 488
Weaning foods 31
Weight loss 458
West Nile encephalitis 382
West Nile virus 381
Wheezing 289, 486
Whirlpool emotion 161
White blood cells 298, 350
Whooping cough 35, 506, 506f
Wilms tumor 409, 438
symptoms of 439
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome 495
Wong-Baker faces pain 633f
rating scale 633
World Health Organization 211, 531
care 332, 585
treatment 520
Wuchereria bancrofti 537
Xanthomas 280
Yersinia 255
Zanamivir 294
Zinc supplementation 272
Zovirax 383
Zygote 67
Zyloprim 423
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Child Health and Child Health NursingCHAPTER 1

Chapter Outline
  • • Child Health: Concept and Importance
  • • Historical Background: Child Health
  • • Indian Perspective: Child Health
  • • Child Health Nursing
  • • Family-centered Care
  • • Cost Containment
  • • Advanced Preparation of Pediatric Nurse
Pediatrics is commonly known as the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. A medical practitioner who specializes in this area is known as a pediatrician. The word pediatrics and its cognates mean healer of children; they derive from two Greek words, pais = child and iatros = doctor or healer. Pediatrics is the study and care of children in sickness and health, i.e. preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative care of children (Fig. 1.1). In developing countries in the world, this care is extending to children up to 10–12 years of age. In developed countries, children up to adolescence are covered under pediatric care and child health care support.
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Fig. 1.1: Healthy child healthy world
But the term pediatrics is no more seems to be appropriate to use, as it appears to be doctoring children. Child health concepts and practice have changed. The child health care is most appropriate than pediatric care as it covers multipronged activities in child health care. Child health care is a complex field, requiring an interdisciplinary involvement to meet its needs. This team includes geneticists, pediatrician, biochemists, psychologists, pediatric-surgeons, educationist, pediatric nurse, dietician, dentists. The contribution from these professionals is important for safe journey of our future generation.
Child health refers to a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity in matters relating to growth and development of fetus during antenatal period and from birth of the baby till five-year of age. It implies health care of the fetus during antenatal period which refers to antenatal pediatrics, health care of neonates from birth to 28 days, care of infants up to one year, care of toddler from one year up to two years, care of preschool child from two years to five years of age, and care of the school going children.
The health of the children is also very important not only because they are the asset and future of their families and nation but also because health status, health behavior and lifestyle, thus form during childhood determines quality of life during the following years of2 life. The health of the children differs from place to place and in the same place. It is assessed in terms of child morbidity and mortality. The factor which affect the health of children include poverty, ignorance, illiteracy, age, sex, environment, size of the family, malnutrition, lack of access to maternal and child health services, etc.
Pediatric is a relatively new medical specialty. Greek physicians and philosophers; Hippocrates, Aristotle, Celsus, Soraneus, and Galen, understood the differences in growing and maturing organisms that necessitated different treatment. In the first century ad, Celsus was reported to be the first one to state that children require different treatment from adults. A 2nd century ad manuscript by the Greek physician and gynecologist Soraneus of Ephesus dealt with neonatal pediatrics. Soraneus wrote the first known manuscript devoted to pediatrics. Byzantine physicians; Oribasius, Aëtius of Amida, Alexander Trallianus, and Paulus Aegineta stand out for their contributions to child care. The Byzantines also built brephotrophia, ‘baby shelters,’ or ‘children's hospitals.’ Islamic writers served as a bridge for Greco-Roman and Byzantine medicine and added ideas of their own especially Haly Abbas, Serapion, Rhazes, Avicenna, and Averroes, The Persian scholar and doctor al-Razi (865–925) published a short treatise on diseases among children. The first printed book on pediatrics was in Italian (1472), Bagallarder's Little Book on Disease in Children. Paulus Bagellardus a Flumine (d.1492) De Infantium Aegritudinibus et Remediis 1472, Bartolomaeus Metlinger (d.1491) Ein Regiment der Jungerkinder 1473, Cornelius Roelans (1450–1525) no title Buchlein, or Latin compendium, 1483, and Heinrich von Louffenburg (1391–1460) Versehung des Leibs written 1429 published 1491; together form the Pediatric Incunabula, four great medical treatises on children's physiology and pathology.
Industrial revolution brought remarkable changes in the lives of people. New intellectual climate of the Renaissance made people to observe, to ask questions of different aspects of child health in conducting experiments and made to leave findings for others. The recognition of childhood diseases differ from adult diseases led to the establishment of hospital devoted solely for children. In the Western world, the first generally accepted pediatric hospital is the Hôspital des Enfants Malades (French: Hospital for Sick Children), which opened in Paris in June 1802 on the site of a previous orphanage. From its beginning, this famous hospital accepted patients up to the age of fifteen years, and it continues to this day as the pediatric division of the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, created in 1920 by merging with the physically contiguous Necker Hospital, founded in 1778.
This example was only gradually followed in other European countries. The [Charité] (a hospital founded in 1710) in Berlin established a separate Pediatric Pavilion in 1830, followed by similar institutions at [Saint Petersburg] in 1834, and at Vienna and Breslau now [Wrocław], both in 1837. The English-speaking world waited until 1852 for its first pediatric hospital, the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, some fifty years after the founding of its namesake in Paris. In the USA, the first similar institutions were the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, which opened in 1855, and then Boston Children's Hospital (1869).
Pediatrics as a specialized field of medicine developed in the mid-19th century; under the influence of the Persian born Abraham Jacobi (1830–1919). He is known as the father of pediatrics because of his many contributions to the field. He was born in Germany, where he received his medical training, but later practiced in New York City. He was awarded the first professorship in pediatrics in America in 1870. Pediatric department in several hospitals in Newyork were started by Prof. Jacobi and he was one of the founders of American Pediatric Society, 1888.
Throughout the world, about a century and half ago, children were not considered as somebody who should be treated differently when illness occurs. It was in United States of America, for the first time, recognition was given to Pediatrics as a separate subject. Even Great Britain was more than fifty years behind in adopting Pediatrics as a specialty (Fig. 1.2).
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Fig. 1.2: Assessment of baby is an integral part of pediatric care
In India, Kashyapa Tantra written in bc had a chapter on Koumara Mritya, i.e. service to children. Perhaps this is the first record of pediatrics anywhere in the world. Our rich heritage of Ayurveda has detailed description of maternal and child health care. Sushruta, the Indian Hippocrates in his Sushruta Samhita, had devoted a chapter to Kaumarabrita (service to children). This was perhaps the first record of pediatrics in ancient India. Pediatrics was called Kaumarbhritya tantra. The Atharva Veda (1500 bc) describes children's diseases and Kaushika Sutra included pediatrics. Kashyapa and Jeevaka (400 bc) were well known pediatricians of ancient India. Kashyapa Samhita deals exclusively with pediatrics. Charaka wrote in details about the care and management of newborn in Sarira–Sthana and Ashtanga–Hridaya. The Charaka Samhita in fact mentions an international conference of scholars. Kaumarbhritya and Prasuti tantra talk of prenatal care, and also lay emphasis on neonatal care, care of the baby including feeding and management of illnesses of children. This includes—maternal care (with respect to food, drink, leisure, restricted work, sleep, etc.), neonatal care (cleaning, dressing, bath, procedure akin to cardiac compression), care of the umbilical cord, breastfeeding (including concept of a wet nurse), annaprasana (initial eating of solid food), daily care of eyes and skin, and common symptomatology in childhood illnesses.
Till independence in our country, medical care of children was under professors of adult medicine. The idea that the children are not miniature adults, took some time to dawn on medical profession. Many of the problems seen in young children and neonates are different in nature and approach and treatment were quite different from that of adults. The focus and scope of pediatrics, the health problems of children vary widely among the nations and problems are complex in children of the developing countries. In the developing countries which represent three quarter of humanity, many children suffer due to diseases that are attributable to poverty and poor hygiene.
Our state Tamil Nadu has the honor and pride of having created the first post of Professor of Pediatrics in India at the Madras Medical College even though there were fairly well-developed Pediatric Departments in centers like Mumbai, Patna and Kolkata. The creation of the first Pediatric Department at the Government General Hospital, Madras in the year 1948 with late Prof. ST Achar, a Professor of Medicine turned Pediatrician as the first Professor of Pediatrics, Madras Medical College, paved the way for the birth of the speciality of Pediatrics in Tamil Nadu. Later due to the untiring combined efforts of Dr ST Achar, Dr V Balagopal Raju and Dr MS Ramakrishnan, a separate Hospital for Pediatrics at Egmore was created. Now in all states in India, there are many children's hospital under public sectors and private sectors too. Almost all medical colleges in India offer specialist and super-specialist training for doctors and nurses in the field of pediatrics.
Pediatric nursing is ‘the practice of nursing with children, youth, and their families across the health continuum, including health promotion, illness management, and health restoration’. Although the pediatric nurse must be knowledgeable about a wide range of medical conditions and treatment options, pediatric nursing is ‘not ‘med-surg nursing’ on little people’. It requires knowledge of both child development and of the physiological differences between children and adults. It also is family-centered, recognizing both the vital role that families play in children's lives, growth, and development and that this must be reflected in children's care when they are ill. Family-centered care involves collaborative partnerships between families and health care professionals, built on respect for diversity and grounded in the family's strengths, choices, and values. In addition to family-centered care, pediatric nurses attempt to provide atraumatic care, that is, therapeutic care that utilizes ‘interventions that eliminate or minimize the psychological and physical distress experienced by children and health care system’ (Fig. 1.3).
So, pediatric nursing is a medical specialty that promotes the care, both urgent and preventative, of children and youth. Nurses in this field must have a wide range of knowledge, including the physiological differences between children and adults.
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Fig. 1.3: Your child is in caring hands
This specialized care propels nurses into different roles, including caregiver, health promoter and prevention of infection, advocate and educator, counselor, consultant, advocate, care coordinator, or health systems manager. They may work as researchers or at the advanced practice level as pediatric clinical nurse specialists. Pediatric nurses may practice in many locations, including the home, hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and schools.
Goals of Pediatric Nursing
  • Enhance the care of children and adolescents worldwide
  • Recognize the rights of the child to promote and advocate for the health, well-being/welfare and development of children
  • Encourage communication between pediatric nurses to help further the care of all children.
  • Promote a therapeutic relationship between parent and child
  • Accomplish family-centered care
  • Promote continued growth and development.
Trends in Child Health Nursing
Remarkable changes have occurred in the field of pediatric nursing in recent years. Modern approach of child health care emphasizes on preventive care rather than curative care. Illness is the situations when individual faces physical, physiological, and mental difficulties. So concept of care of ‘Whole child’ is possible only in normal situation, not in illness. Moreover, most childhood diseases are preventable, and nurses play pivotal role to prevent those diseases and render services at the door step of the families.
Health promotion and holistic care of children is an emerging trend. According to UNICEF, assistance for fulfilling the needs of children should no longer be confined to only one aspect like nutrition or immunization but it should be wide-based and geared to their long-term growth and development ensuing holistic health care of children. Nursing care of children of modern time, highlights health promotion and disease prevention as national attention. Hospital stay of even acutely ill child is made brief, and parents are encouraged to render care with technological support. For example, parents are better able to assess the respiratory status of their asthma child with the support of pick flow meter and can control some exacerbations by nebulization of medications.
Acceptance of family-centered care of children impart more responsibility on pediatric nursing and pediatric nurse. The philosophy of family-centered care is to recognize and respect the pivotal role of family in the lives of both well and ill children. The pediatric nurse maintains liaison between family and health team to set treatment/care plan and thus to prevent psychological trauma or mental stress of both child and family. Family-centered philosophy in health care setting respects choices of family members, provide input, and are given information that are understandable by them. The family's inputs are honored, and its strengths are recognized. Some hospitals have started child life programs to help children and their families cope up with the stress of illness, anxiety due to hospitalization, etc. In family-centered care, not only the needs of the child but the needs of the family members are also considered.
Children's health care needs cannot be identified in the absence of the family. Family-centered care recognizes that the family is the major participant in the prevention of diseases and promotion of health of a child or adolescent. As such, the families have the right and responsibilities to participate individually and collectively in determining and satisfying the health care needs of their children and adolescent. The health care provider realized that the family, community and society surrounding the child have a particular way of life and culture. Being family-centered means that policies regarding access, availability and flexibility take into consideration the various structures, functions, cultural background of family in the community being served. Family-centered care reflects an understanding of the nature, role and understanding of children's health, illness, disability, or injury in the family and the impact of family structure, function and dynamics on both risks to ill health and promotion of health.
Without family, children's health care needs cannot be identified. Children face environmental health hazards as a result of their family's social and economic circumstances and lifestyle. They are vulnerable to particular disease because of their genetic predisposition; and they may suffer physical health consequences of family stress such as unemployment, divorce, parental disability. Furthermore, because children generally are not in a position to seek health care on their own, even when illness symptoms are present, the decision to seek health care is family matter.5
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Fig. 1.4: Family-centered care
A community health care provider (primary level) must therefore understand not only physical health risks of a child but also family stress as well as various social, economic, psychological, emotional and cultural factors that influence a family's decision to seek health care for a child. Finally, because compliance with a prescribed treatment for children is likely to be influenced by their family, family impact must also be considered when deciding on a child's plan of care (Fig. 1.4). The issues of guardianship, privacy, legal responsibility and informed consent must always be considered in every pediatric procedure. In a sense, pediatricians and pediatric nurses often have to treat the parents and sometimes, the family, rather than just the child.
High Technology Care
High technology care benefits pediatric nursing care. Advancement in the domain of medical field has created the care of sick children too technologically versatile. ‘Telemedicine and tele-monitoring are commonplace now,’ as care coordination is made electronically. Electronic medical records allow nurses to immediately access important information of child like prior health history, medications, lab reports and co-existing medical conditions—whether care was provided at the current facility or another location. This provides a more complete and accurate clinical picture, ensuring that the patient receives the appropriate care for his or her condition.
Currently, every hospital tries to offer a specialized intensive care unit exclusively for newborns, children, called Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (NICU, PICU). Children requiring highest level of care during their treatment and recovery receive special care in NICU, PICU. A team of pediatric intensivists works closely with specially trained pediatric nurses, respiratory therapists and other health care professionals to provide round-the-clock, high-tech care in a compassionate environment that supports parents and encourages them to take an active role during their child's hospital stay.
Technological advancement in the working place challenges nurse for continuing nursing education. They need to be oriented on specialized equipment like ventilators, specialized beds and cribs to accommodate patients with special needs, cardio-respiratory monitoring, computer charting and documentation, peritoneal dialysis monitoring and specialized syringe pumps. Day by day this stream of nursing is becoming popular, and student nurses aspire to be a high tech pediatric nurse. They want to be skillful in rendering care in trauma populations, as well as children with a variety of medical/surgical diagnoses.
Evidence-based Practice (EBP)
Trend in evidence-based practice is enriching the domain of pediatric nursing. Scientific enquiry about care and support is an integral part of nursing practice. Research and EBP initiated by nurses, and particularly bedside nurses, are important components to develop a body of knowledge. EBP can be applied to any problem that seeks solution, and nurses need to make decisions on the best available evidences.
Few steps are involved in the process of EBP. The problem seeking solution needs to be framed as question/questions, need to search for evidences in literature, search for evidences assess for evidences make decisions evaluate performance.
Atraumatic Care
There are lot of advances, changes in pediatric care and treatment which is traumatic, painful upsetting and frightening. Children experience both physical and psychological stresses in the pediatric care setting. They experience psychological distress like anxiety, fear, anger, disappointment, sadness, shame, or guilt. They also experience the physical distresses like sensory stimuli such as pain, temperature extremes, loud noises, bright lights or darkness. Health professionals must be aware of the stresses and strive to provide intervention which is safe, effective and helpful.
Atraumatic care is the provision of therapeutic care in environments, by personnel and through the use of interventions that eliminate or minimize the physical and psychological distresses experienced by the children and their families in the health care system (Fig. 1.5).6
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Fig. 1.5: Atraumatic care: First ‘DO NO’ harm to the child and her family in the health care system
It promote sense of comfort minimize child's separation from family. It prevents injury minimize pain, provide privacy respect religious differences. It helps to cope up stress and prepare the child before procedure. Basic principles involved in atraumatic care are: (i) prevent or minimize the child's separation from the family, (ii) promote sense of comfort and secured, (iii) prevent or minimize bodily injury and pain, and (iv) promote a sense of control.
It is an integral part of pediatric nursing care and needs to include following interventions:
  • Maintaining positive, supportive and loving relationship with child
  • Foster parent-child relationship during hospitalization
  • Physical and mental preparation of child before any procedure
  • Prevent injury and minimize pain
  • Protect child's sensitivity by providing privacy
  • Provide play for free expression of fear and aggression
  • Involve parent (if possible) in nursing intervention to obtain child's better cooperation
  • Respect cultural and religious differences child and his family.
It is a management technique used to control rising cost of medical treatment. In this arrangement, clients need not to pay whatever charges determined by the hospital for their service. Instead, client will agree to pay on in advance a fixed amount of money for necessary services for specially diagnosed conditions. It is achieved in various ways in health care setting by cutting nursing positions, or improving the process of care and minimizing nonlabor resources. Last few years the government, insurance companies, hospitals and health care providers have made concerted effort to reform health care delivery system of our country and control rising cost.
The current practice of child health nursing requires nurses to aware about cost containment of adopting procedures to the specific needs of children and families. By reducing mortality rates, length of stay, cost and complications and by increasing family satisfaction and readiness and ability to function upon discharge, nurses make significant contribution to both the quality of hospital services and the containment of hospital cost.
Statistics Related to Child Health
Children represent the future, and ensuring their healthy growth and development ought to be a prime concern of all societies. Child health status is assessed through measurement of morbidity and mortality. Some recent facts are:
  • 17,000 children die every day, mostly from preventable or treatable causes.
  • The births of nearly 230 million children under age 5 worldwide (about one in three) have never been officially recorded, depriving them of their right to a name and nationality.
  • 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation, including 1 billion who are forced to resort to open defecation for lack of other options.
  • Out of an estimated 35 million people living with HIV, over 2 million are 10 to 19 years old, and 56 per cent of them are girls.
  • Globally, about one third of women aged 20 to 24 were child brides.
  • Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence.
  • Nearly half of all deaths in children under age 5 are attributable to undernutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year.
The frequently used mortality indicators related to child health are perinatal, neonatal, post neonatal, infant mortality and under five mortality rates.
Perinatal Mortality Rate (PMR): Perinatal mortality includes both late fetal deaths (stillbirths) and early neonatal deaths. According to International Classification of Diseases, the perinatal period lasts from the 28th week of gestation to the seventh day after birth. It is calculated as:7
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PMR has greater significance as it is a yardstick of obstetric and pediatric care before and around the time of birth. The main causes of perinatal death are intrauterine and birth asphyxia, low birth weight, birth trauma, and intrauterine or neonatal infections.
Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR): Neonatal deaths are deaths occurring during the neonatal period, commencing at birth and ending 28 completed days after birth. NMR is the number of neonatal deaths in a given year per 1000 live births in that year. It is calculated as :
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Neonatal mortality is a measure of intensity with which ‘endogenous factors’ (i.e low birth weight, birth injuries) infect infant life. Each year, about 4 million newborns die before they are 4 weeks old and half of them die in their first 24 hours. It accounts for 40 percent of under-five mortality. Ninety eight percent of these deaths occur in developing countries. Neonatal mortality is generally related to short gestation and low birth weight, congenital malformations, and conditions originating in the perinatal period, such as maternal complications related to pregnancy or complications experienced by the newborn resulting from birth.
Postneonatal mortality rate: The annual number of deaths of infants ages 28 days to 1 year per 1,000 live births in a given year. Postneonatal mortality rate is the ratio of the number of deaths in a given year of children between the 28th day of life and the first birthday relative to the difference between the number of the live births and neonatal deaths in that year, the denominations sometimes simplified, less correctly, number of live births. The ratio is sometimes approximated as the difference between the infant mortality rate and the neonatal mortality rate.
Whereas neonatal mortality is dominated by endogenous factors, postneonatal mortality is dominated by exogenous (i.e. environmental and social) factors. The main causes of death during postneonatal periods are diarrhea and respiratory infections. Malnutrition is an additional factor, reinforcing the adverse effects of the infections. In developed countries, the main cause of postneonatal mortality is congenital anomalies. Studies show that postneonatal mortality increases steadily with birth order.
Infant mortality rate: The death of a baby before his or her first birthday is called infant mortality. The infant mortality rate is an estimate of the number of infant deaths for every 1,000 live births. This rate is often used as an indicator to measure the health and well-being of a nation, because factors affecting the health of entire populations can also impact the mortality rate of infants.
Under 5 mortality rate: Probability of a child born in a specific year or period dying before reaching the age of five years, expressed as a rate per 1000 live births. UNICEF considers this is as the best single indicator of social development and well-being rather than GNP per capita, as the former reflects income, nutrition, health care and basic education. The risk of a child dying before completing five years of age is still highest in the WHO African Region (90 per 1000 live births), about 7 times higher than that in the WHO European Region (12 per 1000 live births).
Reducing child mortality to achieve millennium development goal (MDG) 4: Overall, substantial progress has been made towards achieving MDG 4. The number of under-five deaths worldwide has declined from 12.7 (12.5, 12.9) million in 1990 to 6.3 (6.1, 6.7) million in 2013. This translates into 17 000 fewer children dying every day in 2013 than in 1990. About half of the world's under-five deaths in 2013 still occurred in only five countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and China. India (21%) and Nigeria (13%) together account for more than a third of under-five deaths worldwide.
Ethical Perspectives in Child Health Nursing
Pediatric nurses are trained in child development, health care and diseases of children. They deal with infants all the way up to adolescent children. These nurses are specialized in examining both the physical and psychosocial well-being of a child and often struggle with ethical and socio-cultural dilemmas. The ethical issues pediatric nurses face can be quite challenging at times, as they must often professionally solve conflicts involving a family's personal values.
Ethics: Ethics refers to well-founded (Fig. 1.6) standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty.8
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Fig. 1.6: The ethical challenges confronted by pediatric nurses
And, ethical standards include standards relating to rights, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. Such standards are adequate standards of ethics because they are supported by consistent and well-founded reasons.
Nursing ethics: A valuable resource for helping to define nursing ethics is a nursing Code of Ethics. Ethical behavior for nurses is described in various codes, such as American Nurses Association Code for Nurses, Canadian Nurses Association Code for Nurses, etc. A nursing Code of Ethics is usually developed by a nursing organization that has some responsibility for defining nursing standards, explicitly stating the requirements for ethical nursing practice. Despite their various differences, most nursing Codes of Ethics agree highly on various fundamental ethical considerations, such as informed consent, respect for confidentiality, professional competence, and patient safety. The important principal values highlighted in different nursing code of ethics are providing safe, compassionate, competent and ethical care; promoting health and well-being; preserving dignity; promoting and respecting informed decision-making; maintaining privacy and confidentiality; promoting justice; and being accountable.
Bioethics: Bioethics is the application of ethics to health care. Bioethics has been very important toward the development of nursing ethics. Bioethics emerged as a new discipline in the late 1900s and helps to address growing ethical questions in the health sciences.
Ethical principles: The most widely recognized bioethical framework in the health sciences is referred to as principlism. Principlism is based on the view that clinical care has to attend to fundamental ethical principles. The most popular principlist framework in the health sciences, has been published by Beauchamp and Childress.
According to Beauchamp and Childress, four major principles that should define ethical care are autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. These principles are also important in solving ethical dilemmas.
The principle of autonomy is based on the right to self-determination, which is operationalized through the doctrine of informed consent. This requires that patients should be free to choose or refuse health care interventions, without pressure or coercion, and should be given all of the information needed about their condition and possible treatments/interventions, so they can make an informed choice.
The principle of justice requires fairness in determining which resources or services an individual or group will receive.
Beneficence relates to the requirement for clinicians to help others, to actively seek to do good.
Nonmaleficence refers to the Hippocratic Oath: primum non nocere. Clinicians cannot intentionally inflict harm.
Although harm may be a secondary effect of beneficial care, it cannot be desired and it should be minimized. So in some instances the caregivers and parent need to weigh the principle of beneficience against the principle of nonmaleficence.
Some ethicists have developed ‘contextualist’ frameworks, where ‘good and bad’ is understood through an analysis of the particular situation in question.
Ethical dilemmas: Ethical dilemmas, also known as a moral dilemmas, are situations in which there are two choices to be made, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion. In such cases, societal and personal ethical guidelines can provide no satisfactory outcome for the chooser. It is a situation in which no solution seems completely satisfactory. Ethical dilemmas are among the most difficult situations in nursing practice.
Common Ethical Dilemmas
Nurses need to involve in common issues on ethical decision-making in ethical dilemmas. Such issues are refusal of treatment, euthanasia, prolongation9 of life, prenatal genetic screening, abortion, in-vitro fertilization, allocation of scarce medical resources and rights of children in health care research, etc.
Moral dilemmas for pediatric nurses arise from power conflicts about treatment in which the nurse may need to decide whether to continue to cooperate with the health team and follow the physicians’ directions or not to follow them. Legal issues related to consumer protection act, malpractice and negligence are great challenges in all areas of nursing practice and also in child care.
Ethical Concerns in Child Health Care
It can be envisioned that these problems can be particularly challenging in the context of pediatrics, where patients are commonly incapable of adequately expressing their needs. Parents must be involved in decision-making process and informed about available options. Very little literature has examined the ethical challenges confronted by pediatric nurses. However, to review ethical considerations related to the nursing care of children and their families is necessary.
Focusing on pediatric nursing, nurses practicing as moral agents should be particularly sensitized to the vulnerabilities confronted by children and their families, and actively advocate for improving their well-being.
Two of the most common ethical questions that arise in pediatric health care are: How should health care decisions for children be made? Who should make these decisions? For example, any treatment considered contrary to the child's best interests can be withheld or withdrawn, even if this may result in death (e.g. withdrawal of mechanical ventilation). Developed countries encourage society to engage in a thorough debate about the economic, cultural, social, religious and moral consequences of imposing limits on which patients should receive intensive care.
Accepted standards in palliative sedation can also be practiced with children, as long as this is based on the child's best interests and that the ‘principle of double effect’ is respected. In other words, sedation and analgesia can be administered in the context of end-stage terminal illness even if this happens to compromise ventilation and results in death, as long as the doses that are used are intended solely for the requirements for sedation and analgesia and not for death. If death resulted as an adverse effect of providing necessary sedation and analgesia to a dying patient, and there was no other way to manage the discomfort and pain, then the unintended death can be legally and ethically excusable.
Although young children may not have a legally recognized right to independently consent to health care, nurses, physicians, and other health care professionals should consider seeking children's assent whenever possible. Assent implies that health care information should be provided to children, adapted to their ability to understand, and their voluntary cooperation should be solicited as much as is reasonably possible. Solicitation of the child's assent would help promote attention and regard for the child's own moral outlook toward proposed health care.
A clinical ethics committee has been developed to assist patients, families, and health care teams. An ethics consultation involves a process of clarification of the principal ethical concerns, an examination of legal and ethical norms relevant for the case, and a reconciliation of these toward a plan of action that is maximally attentive to all of the morally meaningful considerations. It should be highlighted that an ethics consultant or ethics committee should not function as a ‘moral police or arbiter’. These should serve as consultation resources for those who are involved with a case where there is an ethical concern. An ethics consultation can be conducted with part or all of the clinical team. This can be helpful for strengthening inter-professional collaboration. An ethics consultation can also include the patient and family, to help reconcile disagreements or conflicts to develop a cohesive plan of care.
Various ethics consultation models have been described in the literature. The rapprochement framework can be helpful in pediatrics. Rapprochement, adapted from the work of Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, seeks to bridge the various ethical views, values, and preferences involved with the case, through a gradual cultivation of common understandings. These common understandings provide the groundwork for developing treatment agreements while strengthening the quality of the relationship between the patient, family, and health care team.
Given the complex responsibilities that pediatric nurses are required to fulfill, nurses have important insights into considerations of a child's best interests, recognition of parental perspectives and the voice of the child, as well as the particular challenges of providing nursing care in selected clinical cases. Mechanisms should be in place to assist nurses in addressing nursing-specific ethical concerns to ensure they can provide care according to respected pediatric standards. These can include the active inclusion of nurses in inter-professional team meetings to review cases or problems,10 where the meeting chairperson ensures that nurses have an opportunity to speak and have their concerns treated seriously. Nurses should have access to ethics consultants for discussing their ethical concerns, both privately and within a group discussion, depending on the nature of the concern. Ethics consultants should be sensitized to the moral complexities of nursing responsibility and practice. In some situations, access to a nursing ethics consultant or nursing ethics committee may be particularly important, to ensure nursing-specific concerns are adequately addressed. These ethics review and consultation processes should then seek to reconcile nursing concerns with those of others, such as physicians, patients, and families.
Pediatric Nurse Specialist
Pediatric nurse specialist is another emerging concept. This advanced practice nurses provide direct care to acute and chronically ill children, and participate in the support of systems, education, and consultation in a variety of settings including intensive care units (Fig. 1.7), emergency departments, other inpatient units, as well as ambulatory, rehabilitative and specialty-based clinics. Pediatric clinical nurse specialists are the ones, responsible for any kind of emergency care. Their role involves recognizing the pediatric patients needs, both physical and emotional, and to treat them accordingly. They usually work within hospital settings. They are mostly focused on patient's education. They teach both the patients and their families how to go about the necessary care. So, growth of specialization within the field of pediatric medicine has had an impact on nursing care. Pediatric Clinical Nurse Specialists (PCNS), collaborate with members of the health care team to enhance patient care and provide clinical expertise to patients in the pediatric setting.
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Fig. 1.7: Advanced preparation of pediatric nurse
Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Pediatric nurse practitioners are recognized and well- accepted in developed countries. They take care of babies, young children and teenagers. This is a rising trend because everywhere nurses shoulder the major responsibilities of pediatric care, e.g. immunization, nutrition, hygienic care, demonstration, health education, etc. To provide therapies and treatments to children, nurses educate them and their families. So yes, they need broad exposure of orienting multitask skill ability training. The curriculum should combine both broad foundational knowledge essential for the care of children as a vulnerable population, as well as specialty knowledge in pediatrics. Attention is given to health promotion, prevention of disease and disability, disease process, treatment, clinical management, and family-centered care provided in a variety of community settings. The pediatric nurses can act as independent practitioner and fulfill an autonomous position as a member of an interdisciplinary health.
Pediatric Nurse Researcher
Child health nursing (CHN) is a complex field, requiring an interdisciplinary involvement and research to meet its needs. Pediatric nursing is ‘the practice of nursing with children, youth, and their families across the health continuum, including health promotion, illness management, and health restoration’. Although the pediatric nurse must be knowledgeable about a wide range of medical conditions and treatment options, CHN is ‘not ‘med-surgical nursing’ on little people’. Research in the field of CHN is needed to develop body of knowledge of both child development and safe and evidence-based child care. When PNS practice on the basis of science and research and document their practice outcomes, they validate their contributions not only to the health systems but also for the profession too.
Goal of CHN is to involve nurses in research, quality, and evidence-based practice in order to improve patient and family care outcomes. Research in CHN is important as this discipline needs more and more accuracy and scientific basis for intervention in child's body or mind. So emphasis is given towards documentation on measurable outcomes to determine the efficacy of interventions. It is necessary as pediatric nurses attempt to provide atraumatic care, that is, therapeutic care that utilizes ‘interventions that eliminate or minimize11 the psychological and physical distress experienced by children and their families in the health care system’.
We define excellence in nursing practice as a mindset of continually evaluating care challenges and improvements that result in enhanced outcomes for the patient, the family, and the organization. This includes disseminating findings in ways that benefit the children and families of the world. For example involvement of families in the care of children was studied by different researchers and reflected in the child health nursing curriculum.
In the late nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century, many nurses in acute care setting ‘viewed mothers as unnecessary, bothersome, and at times, even harmful in the care of hospitalized children’. The effects of maternal deprivation were little understood. As a result, hospital visitation policies greatly restricted the frequency and amount of parental visits. However, it took the cumulative effect of research in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s on the effects of maternal deprivation to bring about real change in attitudes and policies.
Different studies in CHN established both the vital role that families play in children's lives, growth, and development and in children's care when they are ill. Family-centered care involves collaborative partnerships between families and health care professionals, built on respect for diversity and grounded in the family's strengths, choices, and values.
The child health nursing curriculum has also reflected changing attitudes and research on many issues, including the involvement of families in the care of children. While those involved in community health nursing, thought that mothers were essential for the survival of their children. In addition, the hospitalization period was viewed as a chance to educate poor children about good health habits and inculcate the values of the middle class into them without the interference of their parents.
In India, lot of studies have undertaken in the field of pediatric nursing. The goals of those researches are quality care, and evidence-based practice in order to improve patient and family care outcomes. But there is lacking in utilization of research results in evidence-based practice. The concept of evidence- based practice involves analyzing and translating published clinical research into everyday nursing practice. Moreover in our country, there is scarcity in inter-professional scholarly research in the field of pediatric and disseminating findings in ways that benefit the children and families of the world.
Remarkable changes have occurred in the field of pediatric nursing in recent years. Modern approach of child health care emphasizes on preventive care rather than curative care. Growth of specialization within the field of pediatric medicine has had an impact on nursing care of children.
Independent pediatric nurse practitioner can fulfill an autonomous position, she can also act as a member of an interdisciplinary health team. Acceptance of family-centered care of child, impart more responsibilities on pediatric nursing and pediatric nurses. Involving in research and findings newer techniques, pediatric nurses are contributing a lot in nursing sciences. Pediatric care needs specialized education and training of pediatric. Increasing number of HIV infected innocent children create problems in nurse. Problems among children due to unhealthy competition, comparison, single parent and family disruption are rising and it calls for increasing number of psychological pediatric care and nursing practices. With multi-tasking skills and knowledge, pediatric nurses provide therapies and treatments to children and they also educate them and their families.