Key to Success Staff Nurses Recruitment Exam Abha Narwal, Honey Gangadharan
Chapter Notes

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Model Test Paper1

1. β-cells of pancreas secrete which hormone:
  1. FSH
  2. Insulin
  3. LH
  4. TRH
2. The movable bone in the cranium is:
  1. Maxilla
  2. Mandible
  3. Sinuses
  4. None of the above
3. A client is scheduled for blood to be drawn from the radial artery for an arterial blood gas determination. Before the blood is drawn, an Allen's test is performed to determine the adequacy of the:
  1. Popliteal circulation
  2. Femoral circulation
  3. Ulnar circulation
  4. Carotid circulation
4. A nurse plans care for a client with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, knowing that the client is most likely to experience what type of acid base imbalance?
  1. Respiratory acidosis
  2. Respiratory alkalosis
  3. Metabolic acidosis
  4. Metabolic alkalosis
5. Prescription is Inj. Dopamine 200 mg in 250 cc D5W to infuse at 5 mcg/Kg/min. The patient's weight is 50 Kg. How many cc/hour would this be on an infusion pump?
  1. 19
  2. 22
  3. 28
  4. 30
6. Which of the following blood tests is most indicative of cardiac damage?
  1. Lactate dehydrogenase
  2. Complete blood count (CBC)
  3. Troponin
  4. Creatine Kinase (CK)
7. What is the most common complication of myocardial infarction?
  1. Cardiogenic shock
  2. Heart failure
  3. Arrhythmias
  4. Pericarditis
8. Which of the following disorders results from a deficiency of factor VIII?
  1. Sickle cell disease
  2. Christmas disease
  3. Hemophili A
  4. Hemophilia B
9. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) often results in complications initially associated with which of the following organs? (ESIC)
  1. Brain
  2. Kidney
  3. Lung
  4. Stomach
10. Which of the following symptoms would the nurse except to find when assessing a client with Meniere's disease?
  1. Epistasis
  2. Facial pain
  3. Ptosis
  4. Tinnitus
11. A 85 years old male client admitted with Parkinson's disease is frequently incontinent of urine. Which of the following interventions are appropriate?
  1. Diaper the client
  2. Apply a condom catheter
  3. Insert an indwelling urinary catheter
  4. Provide skin care every 4 hourly
12. A client has not had a bowel movement for 3 days. Which of the following medications may contribute to the constipation?
  1. Potassium
  2. Folic acid546
  3. Iron
  4. Vitamin E
13. Which of the following symptoms are considered signs of fracture?
  1. Tingling, coolness and loss of pulses
  2. Loss of sensation, coolness and redness
  3. Coolness, redness and new site of pain
  4. Redness, warmth, pain at the site of injury
14. Retention of abnormal amount of fluid in the body is due to retention of:
  1. Sodium
  2. Chloride
  3. Potassium
  4. Calcium
15. If a child develops cyanosis early during a tonic clonic seizure it is most appropriate for the nurse to:
  1. Insert an airway
  2. Administer oxygen
  3. Use a padded tongue blade
  4. Observe without intervening
16. The artificial kidney operates on the principle of:
  1. Diffusion
  2. Osmosis
  3. Dialysis
  4. Active transport
17. During a blood transfusion a client develops chills and headache. The nurse best action is to:
  1. Lightly covers the client
  2. Notify the physician
  3. Stop the transfusion immediately
  4. Slow the blood flow to keep vein open
18. A nurse is preparing to insert nasogastric tube into the client. The nurse places the client in which position for insertion?
  1. High fowler's
  2. Supine with the head flat
  3. Right side
  4. Low fowler's
19. A nurse has just reassessed the condition of a postoperative client who has admitted 1 hour ago to the surgical unit. The nurse plans to monitor which of the following parameters most carefully during the next hour?
  1. Serous drainage on the surgical dressing
  2. Blood pressure of 100/70 mm Hg
  3. Urinary output of 20 mL/hour
  4. Temperature of 37.6°C (99.6°F)
20. Monitoring drug therapy by measuring plasma concentrating of Drug is known as:
  1. Therapeutic window
  2. Therapeutic drug monitoring
  3. Drug development
  4. Quality care
21. The hormone released by posterior pituitary gland and causing ejection of milk when baby sucks the breast is:
  1. Relaxin
  2. Progesterone
  3. Prolactin
  4. Oxytocin
22. The newborn infant should be kept comfortably warm because of: (RPSC)
  1. His temperature is low at birth
  2. His temperature tends to fall soon after birth
  3. Warmth increase the feeling of security
  4. He is prone to develop infection
23. When you will advice the mother to initiate breastfeeding after normal labor:
  1. Half to one hour
  2. 4–6 hours
  3. 3–4 hours
  4. 2–3 hours
24. Absorption of Vitamin K is due to the presence of:
  1. Bile
  2. Insulin
  3. Gastric secretion
  4. None of the above
25. For a client with pulmonary edema the nurse would except oxygen via nasal cannula to be set at:
  1. 2L
  2. 6L
  3. 8L
  4. 10L
26. What is the emergency nursing inter-vention done when a patient with chest tube accidently pulls it out:
  1. The physician should be called and inform the status
  2. Check the vital sign
  3. Apply an occlusive dressing over the area where the chest tube was pulled out
  4. Reinsert the pulled out chest tube immediately after wiping the end with betadine/alcohol solution547
27. How long packed RBC can be stored in blood bank?
  1. 10 days
  2. 20 days
  3. 42 days
  4. 50 days
28. External sphincter to the urinary bladder is supplied by:
  1. Pudendal nerve
  2. Hypogastric nerve
  3. Sympathetic nerve
  4. Parasympathetic nerve
29. A client with painless vaginal bleeding has just been diagnosed as having a placenta previa. Which of the following procedures is usually performed to diagnose placenta previa?
  1. Amniocentesis
  2. Digital or speculum examination
  3. External fetal monitoring
  4. Ultrasound
30. What is the most common major complication of retained fragments?
  1. Puerperal infection
  2. Postpartum depression
  3. Postpartum hemorrhage
  4. Postpartum subinvolution
31. A pulse oximeter gives what type of information about the client?
  1. Amount of carbon dioxide
  2. Amount of oxygen in the blood
  3. Percentage of hemoglobin carrying oxygen
  4. Respiratory rate
32. Which of the following term is used to describe a thrombus lodged in the lungs?
  1. Hemothorax
  2. Pneumothorax
  3. Pulmonary embolism
  4. Pulmonary hypertension
33. Maternal ketoacidosis is due to deficient intake of:
  1. Protein
  2. Fat
  3. Carbohydrate
  4. Vitamin
34. Why a pregnant mother should lie on her left side when resting or sleeping in later stages of pregnancy?
  1. To facilitate digestion
  2. To facilitate bladder emptying
  3. To prevent compression of vena cava
  4. To avoid development of fetal anomalies
35. On which postnatal day, the regeneration of the epithelium of uterus and the entire endothelium will restore:
  1. 10th day
  2. 14th day
  3. 16th day
  4. 12th day
36. The important antibody which is secreted through the colostrums is:
  1. Ig A
  2. Ig G
  3. Ig M
  4. Ig E
37. The ‘Snow-strom’ appearance of uterus in ultrasonography indicates the presence of:
  1. Ectopic pregnancy
  2. Fibroid in pregnancy
  3. Conjoined twins
  4. Vesicular mole
38. The average blood loss during cesarean section is:
  1. 300–400 ml
  2. 400–600 ml
  3. 600–800 ml
  4. 800–1000 ml
39. Normal infant length at birth is:
  1. 50 cm
  2. 60 cm
  3. 30 cm
  4. 40 cm
40. For the 10 months old intramuscular injection can be given in:
  1. Anteriolateral thigh
  2. Deltoid
  3. Buttocks
  4. Abdomen
41. When to administer Rh Anti-D gamma globulin in case of Rh negative mother (Rh incompatibility): (AIIMS)
  1. Immediately after birth
  2. Within 72 hours
  3. In the first stage of labor
  4. In the first week after delivery548
42. Which is the method of administration of Heparin?
  1. IM
  2. Oral
  3. IV
  4. Intradermal
43. The burn assessment by rule of:
  1. 6
  2. 5
  3. 9
  4. 11
44. Instruments used in muscles of skeletal system:
  1. Arthroscopy
  2. Prelevator
  3. Electromyography
  4. None of the above
45. Edema is seen in following except:
  1. Kwashiorkor
  2. Congestive heart disease
  3. Marasmus
  4. Nephrotic syndrome
46. The meconium starts to appear in the fetus in uterus by:
  1. 16th week
  2. 4th month
  3. 5th month
  4. 20th week
47. The slight overlapping of the bones of the cranium vault of fetus during labor is:
  1. Moulding
  2. Descent
  3. Restitution
  4. Engagement
48. Which is not a sign of tetanus?
  1. Risus Sardinicus
  2. Opisthotonus
  3. Tetany
  4. Lock jaw
49. Vaccination is not contraindicated in:
  1. High fever
  2. Infection
  3. Immunosuppressive disease
  4. Diabetes
50. Substances that precipitate proteins, but do not penetrate cells, thus affecting the superficial layer:
  1. Antacids
  2. Antiseptics
  3. Astringents
  4. Biters
51. The strength of Dettol solution for keeping and disinfecting the thermometer is: (RPSC)
  1. 1:40
  2. 1:20
  3. 1:60
  4. None of the above
52. Which stage you will administer ergometrine in case of the normal labor:
  1. After the delivery of the head
  2. Following the birth of anterior shoulder
  3. After the delivery of fetus
  4. After cord clamping
53. Mental health education is discussed in which level of prevention:
  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. All of the above
54. Which phase of therapeutic nurse client relationship is painful to the client:
  1. Preinteraction
  2. Working phase
  3. Introducing
  4. Terminating phase
55. The ‘Hot Flushes’ can be seen in the:
  1. Pregnant mother
  2. Man
  3. Menopausal women
  4. None
56. The difference between neurosis and psychosis is:
  1. Severity
  2. Insight
  3. Clinical features
  4. Duration of onset
57. Hallucination is a disorder of:
  1. Perception
  2. Thinking
  3. Intelligence
  4. Memory
58. Which of the following is the congenital narrowing of pylorus?
  1. Pyloric stenosis
  2. Peritoneal stenosis
  3. Pyloric sphincter
  4. None549
59. Brain is stored in which preservative for autopsy study?
  1. Normal saline
  2. EDTA
  3. NaF
  4. 10% formalin
60. Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis is?
  1. Ciprofloxacin
  2. Gentamycin
  3. Rifampicin
  4. Penicillin
61. The nurse practitioner's role may be categorized in all of the following except:
  1. Traditional (RPSC 2009)
  2. Extended
  3. Expanded
  4. Evaluative
62. The first indicator of Protein Energy malnutrition in children is: (RPSC 2009)
  1. Overweight for age
  2. Weak and lethargic child
  3. Underweight for age
  4. Child having less intake of food
63. Lens is thinnest at:
  1. Limbus
  2. Insertion of rectus muscle
  3. Equator
  4. Posterior pole
64. First sign of puberty in female is:
  1. Pubarche
  2. Thelarche
  3. Menarche
  4. Increase in height
65. All are the components of Glass coma scale except?
  1. Eye opening
  2. Respiration
  3. Conversation
  4. Motor response
66. Population covered by Anganwadi worker in rural areas is:
  1. 1000
  2. 700
  3. 400
  4. 500
67. In biomedical waste management human anatomical waste collected by which color coding bag:
  1. Red
  2. Yellow
  3. Green
  4. None
68. Which is the largest gland in the body?
  1. Thyroid
  2. Liver
  3. Pancreas
  4. Adrenals
69. Bucks extension is a method of which traction?
  1. Skeletal
  2. Skin
  3. Russels
  4. None of the above
70. Stages of critical thinking were proposed by:
  1. William James
  2. Graham Wallas
  3. Wood worth
  4. Travis
71. A patient who is on Sengstaken- Blakemore tube, suddenly experiences difficulty in breathing. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?
  1. Administer oxygen with a nasal cannula
  2. Elevate the head of the bed
  3. Cut and remove the tube
  4. Listen to the client's lungs
72. A nurse is assessing a newborn infant following circumcision and notes that the circumcised area is red with small amount of bloody drainage, which of the following nursing actions would be most appropriate?
  1. Document the findings
  2. Contact the physician
  3. Circle the amount of blood drainage on the dressing and reassess in 30 minutes
  4. Reinforce the dressing
73. Common carotid artery divides at the level of: (AIIMS PG 2007)
  1. Hyoid bone
  2. Cricoid cartilage
  3. Superior border of thyroid cartilages
  4. Inferior border of thyroid cartilages
74. Renin is secreted by: (AIIMS PG 2007)
  1. PCT
  2. DCT
  3. Collecting duct
  4. Juxtaglomerular apparatus550
75. Which of the following is the example of disability limitation?
  1. Reducing occurrence of Polio by immunization
  2. Arranging for schooling of child suffering from PRPP
  3. Resting affected limbs in neutral position
  4. Providing calipers for walking
76. Which IUD acts for 10 years?
  1. Cu-T 200 B
  2. Nova T
  3. Cu T-380 A
  4. Multi load-250
77. Only Hepatitis A that can be cultures:
  1. HAV
  2. HBV
  3. HDV
  4. HCV
78. Persistence of Moro's reflex is abnormal beyond the age of:
  1. 3rd month
  2. 4th month
  3. 5th month
  4. 6th month
79. Birth weight of a baby can be increased by:
  1. Cessation of smoking
  2. Aspirin
  3. Calcium and vitamin D supplement
  4. Bedrest
80. The most common site of ligation in female sterilization is:
  1. Isthmus
  2. Ampullary
  3. Cornual
  4. Fimbrial
81. Naltrexone is used in opioid addiction because:
  1. To treat withdrawal symptoms
  2. To treat overdose of opioids
  3. Prevent relapse
  4. Has addiction potential
82. Most common substance abuse in India is:
  1. Tobacco
  2. Cannabis
  3. Alcohol
  4. Heroin
83. After receiving radiation treatment for Lung cancer, a client complains that he has lost his appetite. The nurse should provide which instructions?
  1. Drink plenty of fluids
  2. Eat hot meals with spices to improve the taste
  3. Limit activities immediately before and after meals
  4. Consume food high in calories
84. Which of the following instrument is used to record intraocular pressure?
  1. Gomiometer
  2. Ophthalmoscope
  3. Split lamp
  4. Tonometer
85. Which of the following is the example of inhalant anesthesia:
  1. Morphine
  2. Fentanyl
  3. Nitrous Oxide
  4. Midazolam
86. A 2-year-child is being monitored after cardiac surgery. Which of the following sign represents decrease cardiac output?
  1. Hypertension
  2. Increased urine output
  3. Weak peripheral pulse
  4. Capillary refill less than 2 seconds
87. The ovum is surrounded by a cell membrane called:
  1. Vitelline membrane
  2. Doderline membrane
  3. Pseudomembrane
  4. All of the above
88. Bandle's ring is:
  1. Pathological retraction ring
  2. Incoordinate uterine ring
  3. Spastic lower segment
  4. All of the above
89. Before cataract surgery, the nurse is to instill several types of eye drops into the client's right eye. The accepted abbreviation for the right eye is:
  1. OD
  2. OS
  3. OU
  4. RE
90. In how many hours the position of unconscious client should be changes?
  1. Every 4th hourly
  2. Every 2nd hourly551
  3. Every 8th hourly
  4. None of the above
91. Which of the following structures is the pacemaker of the heart?
  1. SA node
  2. Septum
  3. AV node
  4. Bundle of His
92. Which of the following is the intravascular fluid?
  1. Lymph
  2. Pleural fluid
  3. Plasma
  4. Synovial fluid
93. A man whose wife died 6 months prior says that his wife appears to him and asked him to join her.
The diagnosis is:
  1. Normal grief
  2. Grief Psychosis
  3. Bereavement reaction
  4. Supernatural phenomenon
94. Buck's extension traction is:
  1. Applied as cervical head halter
  2. Skin traction to the leg
  3. Skeletal traction to the lower leg
  4. Tongs applied to the head
95. A diet plan given by the nurse to a patient with irritable bowel syndrome is:
  1. Low fiber, low fat
  2. High fiber, low fat
  3. Low fiber, high fat
  4. High fiber, high fat
96. A 16 years old male is found to have a mental age of 9 years on I.Q testing. He has: (AIIMS 2005)
  1. Mild mental retardation
  2. Moderate mental retardation
  3. Severe mental retardation
  4. Profound mental retardation
97. Platelets can be best stored at:
  1. 20–24 degree C for 5 days
  2. 20–24 degree C for 8 days
  3. 4–8 degree C for 5 days
  4. 4–8 degree C for 8 days
98. Which is the excretory end product of heme degradation?
  1. Biliverdin
  2. Bilirubin
  3. Urobilirubin
  4. None of the above
99. Marble bone disease is better known as?
  1. Osteoporosis
  2. Osteochondritis
  3. Osteopetrosis
  4. Osteogenesis imperfect
100. During hemodialysis, which of the following is increased?
  1. Aspirin
  2. Warfarin
  3. Heparin
  4. Protamine
General Knowledge
101. The bonding between the nitrogenous bases of one strand with another strand of DNA is done by:
  1. Covalent bond
  2. Vander Waal's interaction
  3. Hydrogen bond
  4. Ionic bond
102. Vinegar is used as a condiment, and in the pickling of vegetables and other foods.
What is the constituent of vinegar?
  1. Butanoic acid
  2. Methanoic acid
  3. Ethanoic acid
  4. Hexanoic acid
103. Which one of the pollutants contains in water due to modern agricultural practices lead to ‘methemoglobinemia’ when combines without blood hemoglobin?
  1. Bicarbonates
  2. Sulfates
  3. Phosphates
  4. Nitrates
104. Deforestation has an alarming effect on:
  1. Increase in grading area
  2. Sunlight
  3. Wild control
  4. Soil erosion
105. Industrial revolution first started in:
  1. England
  2. Germany
  3. France
  4. Russia
106. Zero was invented by:
  1. Aryabhatta
  2. Bhaskara552
  3. Varahamiveera
  4. Sridhar
107. Cattles are capable of digesting cellulose present in the grass and/or fodder that they eat. This ability is attribute to the:
  1. Presence of cellulose digesting bacteria in the rectum
  2. Production of cellulose by the cattle rumen
  3. Acids present in the rumen
  4. Prolonged retention of cellulose in the rumen.
108. Sir Frederick Grant Banting is related to the following hormone of animals:
  1. Insulin
  2. Corticol
  3. Eosinophil
  4. Monocyte
109. Which among the following is the dead line fixed for Millennium development goals?
  1. 2013
  2. 2015
  3. 2017
  4. 2020
110. The growth rate of Indian Economy during 2011–12:
  1. 6.2%
  2. 6.8%
  3. 6.9%
  4. 7.2%
111. Which among the following states is the highest producer of soybean?
  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Andhra Pradesh
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Madhya Pradesh
112. The 13th Five year plan will be operative for the period:
  1. 2011–15
  2. 2011–16
  3. 2012–17
  4. 2013–18
113. Metal used in the process of Galvanizing of Iron is:
  1. Lead
  2. Zinc
  3. Copper
  4. Tin
114. It is not advisable to sleep under the tree at night because of:
  1. Release of less oxygen
  2. Release of more oxygen
  3. Release of carbon dioxide
  4. None of these
115. The main reason for the growth of communalism in India is:
  1. Educational and economic backwardness of minority groups
  2. Political consciousness
  3. Social inequalities
  4. Imposing ban on communal organization
General English
Directions—(Q.116–125): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He …. (116)… all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted.
One evening during a terrible storm; there was thunder and lightning and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was … (117)… at the palace door and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there.
But, good gracious! What a sight the rain and the wind had made her look.
The water ran down her hair and clothes; into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she insisted that she was a real princess. Well, we'll soon … (118)… out, thought the old Queen.
But she said nothing, went into the bedroom, took all the bedding off the bedstead and …(119)… a pea on the bottom, then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty Quilts on …(120)… of the mattresses.
On this the princess had to lie all night. In the … (121)… she was asked how she had slept.
‘Oh, very badly!’ said she.
‘I scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying553 on something hard, as a … (122)… I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!’ Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had … (123)… the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty Quilts.
Nobody but a real princess could be as … (124)… as that.
So, the prince took her for his wife, for now he … (125)… that he had a real princess.
  1. Called
  2. Tour
  3. Sent
  4. Saw
  5. Travelled
  1. Made
  2. Felt
  3. Heard
  4. Seen
  5. Sounded
  1. Assure
  2. Find
  3. Judge
  4. Mark
  5. Try
  1. Drew
  2. Flung
  3. Placed
  4. Cooked
  5. Stitch
  1. Top
  2. Head
  3. Bottom
  4. Between
  5. Middle
  1. Morning
  2. Dinner
  3. Room
  4. Fields
  5. Dark
  1. Vengeance
  2. Price
  3. Cause
  4. Result
  5. Time
  1. Slept
  2. Felt
  3. Located
  4. Carried
  5. Found
  1. Worried
  2. Rough
  3. Irritable
  4. Sensitive
  5. Pretty
  1. Trust
  2. Assured
  3. Wanted
  4. Think
  5. Knew
Directions—(Q. 126–130): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error or idiomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (e). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).
126. The majority of the population believes (a)/that the stock market is recovered (b)/and that it is the (c)/right time to buy shares. (d) No error (e)
127. Seema's new office is close (a)/to her residence so (b)/she will not longer (c)/have to travel by train. (d) No error (e)
128. In the present guidelines, (a)/the bank is required to obtain (b)/a photograph from any person (c)/who wishes to open an account.
129. Chetan puts in a lot (a)/of effort to ensure (b)/that the scheme was (c)/launched in March. (d) No error (e)
130. As our economy is (a)/experiencing a recession, banks (b)/have became very cautious (c)/about giving loans. (d) No error (e)
General Arithmetic and Reasoning
131. If the radius of circle is 7 cm then the area of the circle is:
  1. 153.86 cm square
  2. 145.22 cm square
  3. 150 cm square
  4. 152.67 cm square
132. What will be the compound interest accrued on a sum of ₹ 35,000/- at the rate of 8% per annum in 2 years?
  1. ₹ 5884
  2. ₹ 5284
  3. ₹ 5524
  4. ₹ 5824554
133. 53% of a sum of money is 5194. What is the sum of money?
  1. ₹ 9800
  2. ₹ 8800
  3. ₹ 7800
  4. ₹ 10000
134. What is the value of three fourth of 60% of 480?
  1. 216
  2. 218
  3. 212
  4. 214
135. A shopkeeper expects a gain of 22.5% on his cost price. If in a week, his sale was of ₹ 392, what was his profit?
  1. ₹ 18.20
  2. ₹ 70
  3. ₹ 72
  4. ₹ 88.25
136. Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case:
  1. 4
  2. 7
  3. 9
  4. 13
137. A alone can do a piece of work in 6 days and B alone in 8 days. A and B undertook to do it for ₹ 3200. With the help of C, they completed the work in 3 days. How much is to be paid to C?
  1. ₹ 375
  2. ₹ 400
  3. ₹ 600
  4. ₹ 800
138. The average of 20 numbers is zero. Of them, at the most, how many may be greater than zero?
  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. 10
  4. 19
139. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?
  1. 120 meters
  2. 180 meters
  3. 324 meters
  4. 150 meters
140. An accurate clock shows 8 o'clock in the morning. Through how may degrees will the hour hand rotate when the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon?
  1. 144°
  2. 150°
  3. 168°
  4. 180°
141. In the following series how many consonants come before 3: 3A3F4T7U3S3TT3JJ3453DX3XZ3T3H
  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. None of the above
142. ‘Fire’ is related to ‘Ashes’ in the same way as ‘Explosion’ is related to:
  1. Sound
  2. Debris
  3. Explosive
  4. Flame
143. Choose the missing word in place of sign (?) in the following Doctor: Nurse:: ?: Follower
  1. Worker
  2. Employer
  3. Union
  4. Leader
144. in the certain word, INSTITUTION is written as NOITUTITSNI. How is PERCEPTION written in that code?
145. The sum of the ages of a son and father is 56 years. After 4 years, the age of the father will be three times that of son. Their ages respectively are:
  1. 12 years, 44 years
  2. 16 years, 42 years
  3. 16 years, 48 years
  4. 18 years, 36 years
146. Pointing to a woman in a photograph, Vijay said, ‘She is the daughter of the father of the sister of my brother’. How is that lady in photograph related to Vijay?
  1. Daughter
  2. Wife555
  3. Mother
  4. Sister
Directions for Q. 147–149: These Questions are based on the information given below:
Four ladies A, B, C and D and four Gentlemen E, F, G and H are sitting in a circle round the table facing each other.
  1. No two ladies or gentlemen are sitting side by side
  2. C, who is sitting between G and E, is facing D
  3. F is between D and A and is facing G
  4. H is to the right of B
147. Who is sitting to the left of A?
  1. E
  2. F
  3. G
  4. H
148. E is facing whom?
  1. F
  2. B
  3. G
  4. H
149. Who are the immediate neighbors of B?
  1. G and H
  2. E and F
  3. E and H
  4. F and H
150. Anoop starts walking towards South. After walking 15 m he turns towards North. After walking 20 m, he turns towards East and walks 10 m, he then turns towards South and walks 5 m. How far is he from his original position and in which direction?
  1. 10 m South
  2. 10 m North
  3. 10 m East
  4. 10 m West
General Knowledge
General English
General Arithmetic and Reasoning