Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education Alamelu Venketaraman
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure and t refer to table, respectively.
Academic role 44
Accident report 274
Accountability 168
Accreditation 254
advantages of 255
principles of 254
Acknowledging grievance 209
Adams' equity theory of motivation 151
Adaptive decision 165
elements of 39
functions of 39
principles of 39
role of 255
Administration and organization
block level 7
district level 7
regional level 7
subdivision level 7
village level 8
Administrative decision 165
Administrative principles 37
Administrative role 45
Alderfer's ERG theory of motivation 150
American Nurses Association 267
Analytical decision 165
Ancillary and support services 100
Ancillary services 99
Ancillary staff 102
Annual budget cycles 232
Annual confidential report 200
Annual plans 10, 11
Appraisal interview 200
Appraisal of performance, mid-term 230
Assault and battery 248
Assertiveness 148
Assignment, purposes of 94
Attendance at public events 164
Attendant room 290
Audit 233
Audit cycle 234f
Audit framework 191
Auditing process, steps in 233
Authority, types of 80
Autocratic leader, characteristics of 144
Auxiliary areas 290
AYUSH 29, 30
Bajaj Committee 23, 114, 116
Balwant Rai Mehta Committee 22
Bargaining process, steps in 179f
Barriers to effective supervision 135
Bed head fixtures 102
Bed planning and financing 99
Bhore Committee 17
Biomedical waste management 258, 259
Birth and death report 274
Blake-Mouton management grid theory 145
Blood bank 114
Budget 227, 228
annual budget cycle 232
budget at unit levels 237
budget cycle 232
budget cycle vs periods 232
budget estimate 230
budget expenditure 230
budget for BSc nursing college, format 310b
budgeting and business decision-making 44
budget plan 228
budget planning, factors influencing 228
capital budget 230
concept of budget 228
flexible budget 229
incremental budgeting 229
lapsed budget 232
master budget 230
meaning of budget 228
monthly budget cycle 232
negative aspects of lapsed budget 232
operating budget 230
particulars, sample budget 238b
personnel budget 230
philosophy of of nursing budget 228
positive aspects of lapsed budget 233
preparation of independent budget 231
purposes of 228
prerequisites for unit budget 237
purposes of budgeting 232
revenue budget 230
revised budget 233
rolling budget 229
sample format for nonplan expenditure 311b
steps in budgeting 231
terms used in budgeting 234
types of budget 229
zero-based budget 229
Building assertiveness, steps to 148
Bureaucratic leadership style 146
Bureaucratic organizations 37
Call bell system 102
Campus recruitment 122
Career opportunities 348
Case management 98
advantages of 98
responsibilities of case manager 98
Cautious decision 165
Census report 274
Central Council of Health 6
functions of 6
organization structure of 6, 6f
Central Government functions under union list 5
Central sterile supply service 221
Centralization vs decentralization 78
centralization-advantages of 78
disadvantages of 78
Chadha Committee reports 18
Charismatic leadership 146
Charismatic power 105
Chopra Committee 22
Clean utility room 289
Clinical nursing procedure 268
Clinical side room 290
Clinical teaching models 321
Coaching 203
advantages of 203
grow model coaching 203
Collective bargaining 177
advantages of 179
characteristics of 178
disadvantages of 179
Committee reports on health and nursing 16
Communication 154
badly expressed message 154
barriers to effective communication 154
cultural barriers 155
enhancing communication 156
faulty transmission 155
gender barriers 155
inattentive receiver 155
inclusive communication 155
open 155
organizational barriers 155
physical barriers 154
process 154, 154f
psychological barriers 155
Community disaster threats, diagnosis 328
Community health nursing services recommendations 24
Community settings 269
Conditional decision 165
Conducting continuing education program, steps in 347
Conflict Management 171
options for 173
steps 174
types 171
Constitution of India 3
functions of 4
preamble of 4
structure of 4, 4f
Consumer Protection Act 256
forums and commissions of 256
patient rights under CPA 256
Consumer Protection Councils 256
Contingency theory 38
Continuing nursing education, philosophy of 347
Continuing professional development, types of 347
Corporate liability 248
Cost accounting 234
types of 235
Cost effectiveness 234
Country club management 145
Criminal law 244
Critical incident method 200
Critical path method 65
Cumulative records 273
Curriculum implementation, planning for 302
Decentralization 79
advantages of 79
disadvantages of 79
Decision-making 165
approaches 165
delayed 165
process of 166
types of 165
Delegation 79, 167
advantages of 168
barriers to successful 80
concept of 167
delegation of authority 74
disadvantages of 168
elements of 167
errors of 170
five rights of 169
needs for 168
principles of delegation 79
process of delegation 79
role of delegatee 169
role of delegator 169
Demand management QI 194
characteristics of 194
Democratic leader, characteristics of 144
Departmentalization, types of 82
Directorate of health services 5
organization structure of 5f
Dirty utility room 290
Disaster management 278, 326, 328
classification of 327
epidemiology of 326
health consequences of 327
manmade of 327
natural 327
phases of 327
post disaster phase 330
Discipline 204
aspects of 204
concept of 204
meaning of 204
negative 204
principles of 205
positive 204
purposes of 204
strategies 206
Disease management QI 194
Disguised grievance 207
Dismissal 207
Disposal 219
District administration urban areas 8
Division of work 82
advantages 82
disadvantages 82
Documentation 45
Donabedian quality assurance model 189
Dr Shanti Lal J Mehta Committee 22
Educational administration issues and challenges in 320
Educational mobility 320
Educator's role 45
Eighth Five Year Plan 12
Electrical medical equipment 221
Electrocardiogram technicians 114
Electronic medical record 268, 279
advantages of 280
concept of 280
Eleventh Five Year Plan 13
Employee's evaluation methods individual 200
Empowerment and autonomy lack of 319
E-nursing 276
application 277
goal 277
methods 277
purposes 277
Environmental cleaning 260
Equipment 100
built-in 100
depreciable 100
essential 221
planning 100
ERG theory in nursing administration 150
application of 150
Essay appraisal method 200
Ethical committee 244
functioning of 245
requirements of 245
Ethical considerations 252
Ethical issues 252, 279
Ethics 244
Experimental decision 165
Expert power 105
Facial protection 260
Facilitate isolation of patient 258
Factual grievance 207
Faculty appointment of 302
placement of 305
promotion of 305
recruitment of 304
retention of 305
selection of 304
False imprisonment 248
Family floater mediclaim 236
Family records 273
Fast moving analysis 219
Fiedler's leadership contingency theory 145
Fifth Five Year Plan 10, 11
achievements of 10
Fifty bedded district hospital 221
Filling vacancies, advertisement for 121
Financial auditing 233
Financial feasibility 218
Financial resources 26
First Five Year Plan 9
achievement of 9
Fiscal resource management 276
Five Year Plan 8
Food and drugs, enforcement of quality standards for 27
Forced distribution method 201
Formal and informal organizational structure 82
difference between 82t
formal organization 78
Fourth Five Year Plan 10
achievement of 10
Fraud 248
Function of management, primary 52
Functional method of assignment 95
advantages of 95
Functional organization 81
Gantt chart 66
advantages 66
strengths 66
weakness 66
Generic drugs and vaccines 27
Geriatric care at home 279
Gloves 260
Goal-related tasks, establish 57
Good filing system 270
characteristics of 270
Good personnel practices 291
Government and people, role of constitution in 4f
Government licenses 253
Gown 260
Graphic rating scale 200
causes of 208, 209
procedure 207
redressal procedure 208
types of 207
Grievance handling
advantages of 208
principles of 208
procedure 208
Group dynamics 159
principles of 161
Group formation, purposes of 160
Group process 161
Groups, classification of 159
Grow model of coaching 203
H Bajaj Committee 22
Hand hygiene 259
Head nurse, availability of 289
Health administration 5
national level 5
state level 6
Health associated infection 257
cost of 319
current trends in 317
Health care reforms 235
Health care workers 294
Health economics 236
purposes of 237
Health education 257
Health information system 275
Health insurance 236
Health insurance policy, advantages of 236
Health promotion strategies, enhance 258
Health survey and development committee 16
Health survey and planning committee 17
Health team, members of 247
Health technology 318
Health tourism 28
High power committee on nursing 24
Hospital acquired infection 256, 257
control 256
prevention of 257
Hospital laboratory services 114
Human relation 159, 162
advantage of 162
approaches of 162
characteristics 162
problems in 163
purposes of 162
techniques of 163
theories of 163
Human resource approach to management 37
Human resource development 86
designing 101
planning committee 101
services, organization of 101
Imaginary grievance 207
Impoverished management 145
Incident reports 274
India's health care policies 16
Indian administrative system 4
Indian health care system 3
Indian Nursing Council 23, 114, 343
INC Act 251
functions of 343
organizational set up of 343
Indian Penal Code 252
advantages of 82
disadvantages of 83
Information communication technology 268
Informed consent 249
Infrastructure facilities, planning for 302
Institutional ethical committee
functions of 245
members of 245
responsibilities of 245
Inter disaster phase 327
Intergroup conflict 172
Inter-organizational conflict 172
Interpersonal conflict 171, 172
Interpersonal relationship 45
Inventory control 218
Jain Committee 22
Job and candidate specification 121
Joint liability 248
Judgmental decision 165
Judiciary body 4
Jungalwalla Committee 20
Kartar Singh Committee 20
Krishnan Committee 22
Labor laws enacted 181b
Lady health visitors 18
Laissez-Faire leader, characteristics of 145
Laissez-Faire leadership style 147
Laundry personnel 114
Law 244
administrative 244
common 244
law and ethics 243
private 244
sources of 244
types of 244, 247
Lawsuits involving nurses, allegations in 249
Leader, qualities of 147
Leadership 143
concept of 143
directive 146, 146f
dormal type of 144
informal type of 144
meaning of 143
newer approaches in 146
qualities, exhibit 148
style, situational 145
styles 144
supportive theories 146f
types of 146
Legal authority 80
Legal issues 279
Legal liabilities 251
Legal system 247
Legislative body 4
Legitimate political behavior 105
Levin's model of change 58
Liabilities 248
License, renewal of 254
Line organization, disadvantages of 81
Local self-government institutions, role of 26
Malpractice 249
Management and administration
difference between 35
functions of 40
modern approach to 38
principles of 40
theories 36
Management by objectives 66
advantages of 68
concept of 66
disadvantages of 68
Managerial decisions 165
Managerial planning 57
Manpower requirement 24
Marker's umbrella model 190
Maslow's hierarchy 149f
Maslow's theory in nursing administration, application of 149
of human's needs 37
of motivation 149
Material management 215, 216
benefits of 216
concepts of 215
principles of 215, 216
procedures of 215
Material, disposal of 219
Materials, ABC analysis of 219t
McGregor's theory 38
Mechanical decision 165
Medical education, group of 21
Medical records 270
significance of 271
Medicolegal case 250
Mental health 27
Mentor 44, 201
concept 201
Mentoring 201, 202
cycle 202
MIES 275
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 21
Misconduct, causes of 205
Motivation 149
content theory of 149
goal setting theory of 151
meaning of 149
two-factor theory of 149
Mudaliar committee recommendation 18
Multi-channeled communication 155
Municipal board, functions of 8
National accreditation board for hospitals 254
NABH accreditation, procedures 255
Narrow span of control 81
advantages of 81
disadvantages of 81
National assessment and accreditation council 254
National Commission 256
on macroeconomics and health, report of 23
National disease surveillance network 27
National Health Policy 25, 26, 29
draft on 28
National Population Policy 28
achievement of 28
National Public Health Programs, delivery of 26
Needle stick injuries, prevention of 260
Negotiation 175
characteristics of 175
elements of 175
errors, common 177
factors influencing 176
principles of 175
process 176
skills 176
techniques 176
terms used in 175
Ninth Five Year Plan 12
NMIS 276
Non-communicable diseases 318
Non-depreciable equipment 100
Nondisaster 327
Non-governmental organizations 73
Nonmoving analysis 219
Nurse-physician relations 88
Nursing 23, 148
administration 35, 276
career guidance in 348
case management model 98f
computerization in 321
conference 295, 296
critical path method in 65
faculty, developing job description for 306
informatics 267
issues and challenges in 317, 321
opportunities in 348
quality 246
Nursing rounds 295, 296
Nursing school school administration 301
controlling in 307
directing in 306
organization in 303
planning in 301
Nursing service administration 35, 55, 57, 64, 113, 269
administrator, role of 156
function of 113b
issues and challenges in 318
mission of 58, 59
philosophy of 58, 59
service budget, philosophy of 228
service department 76
staff and line relationship in 76f
staff requirement, estimation of 116
vision of 58, 59
Nursing standard 333335
characteristics of 334
framework of 335
levels of 334
sources of 334
steps in developing standard 335
types of 334, 335
Open systems theory 38
Open-door policy 208
Operational authority 80
Operational decision 165
Operational planning 54
Oral reports 274
Organization 73
concept of 73
goals and objectives of 75
informal 82
principles of 73
types of 73
Organizational chart 75, 76
advantages of 76
disadvantages of 76
purposes of 75
Organizational climate, factors influencing 88
Organizational communication strategies 154
Organizational conflict, causes of 172
Organizational culture 88
Organizational effectiveness 85
determinants of 86
Organizational management 145
Organizational objectives 152
Organizational planning 56
Organizational process 78
Organizational relationship 80
Organizational structure 73, 75, 86
types of 78
Organizational theories 85
concept of 85
Organizing nursing services 92
Parent liability 248
Path-goal theory 145
Patient assignment advance methods of 98
advantages 94
alternative methods of 98
disadvantages 94
functional method of 95
methods of 94
Patient care equipment 260
method 95f
Patient classification diagnosis-related group 93
concept of 92
patient method of assignment 95
system 92
Patient record management of 270
Patient rights 255
Patient safety and quality care 45
Patient/medical records 270
Patient' welfare and safety 43
Performance appraisal 198
advantages of 199
principles of 199
sample box format of 308b
tools 200
Performance budgeting 229
Performance, reduces cost of 54
Person to person conflict, causes of 172
Personal liability 248
Personnel assignment, principles of 94
Personnel management 276
Personnel policies 305
Philosophy of staffing 113b
Physical facilities, planning 287
Physical rehabilitation 329
Physiological motivation 149
Plan expenditure 311b
Planning 52
goals and objectives of 52
nature of 51
principles of 52
Planning day's program 293
Planning equipments 220
Planning for change 58
Planning hospital, basic principles of 99
Planning in administration, advantages of 53
Planning ICU in hospital 100
Planning procedures 217
Planning process 8
Planning school of nursing, steps in 301
Political behavior, factors contributing to 105
Politics 105
Poor interpersonal relationship 319
Power and politics in organization 104
Power tactics 105
Power, concept of 104
Practice and quality improvement, evidence-based 195
Predisaster condition, restoration of 328
Predisaster phase 327
Preparing operating budget, steps in 230
Private employment agencies 122
Private sector, role of 27
Proactive planning 56
Procurement cycle 217
procedures 217
Professional accountability 247
Professional advancement 247, 346
Professional associations and unions 179
Professional malpractice 252
Professional organization, membership in 349
Professional responsibility 247
Program evaluation and review technique 64
Psychological rehabilitation 329
Public health nursing, high power committee in 116
Public law 244
Public relations 164
elements of 164
functions of 164
in context of nursing 163
purposes of 163
techniques of 164
tools of 164
Quality assurance 187, 188
models 189
purposes of 189
Quality audit 190
Quality control 187, 188
functions 188
Quality health outcome model 189
Quality improvement 192
methods 193
models 193
organizational frameworks 193
Quality management model 190, 193
Quarterly budget cycles 232
Radio imaging department 114
Reassignment 206
Records maintained in hospital, 271
protection of 273
types of 271
Recruitment 120, 302, 304
advantages of 122
factors influencing 122
from external sources 122
advantages of 122
disadvantages of 122
from internal source 121
disadvantages of 122
purposes of 121, 304
sources of 121
Referent power 105
Regional health unit 17
Registered nurse organizes 95f
Registration, procedure of 253
Regulatory issues 279
Reinforcement 153
negative 153
positive 153
Reinforcement theory of motivation 152
in nursing administration 153
Renewing license, procedure for 254
Reports 273
purposes 273
transfer 274
types of 274
Research report, publication of 351
Respiratory hygiene 260
Respiratory infection pneumonia 258
Rig's ward 288
bilateral 288
unilateral 288
Rival firms 122
Role of nurse administrator in
budgeting 237
collective bargaining 180
conflict management 174
creating motivational climate 163
decision-making 166
disaster management 330
disciplinary procedure 205
effective communication 156
effective delegation 170
effective supervision 135
grievances procedure 207
group dynamics 161
maintaining discipline 207
mentoring and coaching 203
negotiation 177
operational planning 55
orientation program 130
retention of nurses 126
standard safety measures in hospital 260
Rural Health Scheme 21
Safe practice requirements 251
Scientific management concept of 36
disadvantages of 36
Second Five Year Plan 9
achievements of 9
Selection of candidate, developing criteria for 121
Seminar room 290
Senior citizen health plan 236
Servant leadership style 147
Seventh Five Year Plan 11
Shares information judiciously 246
Shetty Committee 23
Shrivastava Committee 21
Situational leader, characteristics of 145
Sixth Five Year Plan 11
Sokhey Committee 22
Sound organizational planning 57
Staff development program 306
Staff inspection unit 114
Staff relation in organization 81
Staff required per shift 102
Staff scheduling 276
Staffing and scheduling 111, 112
concept of 111
functions 43
philosophy of 111
Staffing in nursing school administration 303
Staffing norms by staff inspection unit 115
philosophy of 112
process 120
purposes of 112
Staffing-resource adequacy 88
Standard safety measures 258
State commission 256
State directorate for health 6
State health department, functions of 6
State Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 6, 6f
State Nursing Council 343
functions of 343
State nursing superintendent 23
State of public health infrastructure 26
Static budgeting 229
Statutory bodies 301
Statutory law 244
Step ladder type policy 208
Store room for sweepers 290
Strategic decision 165
Strategic plan 55
Strict liability 248
Student hostel, planning for 302
Student nurses association 350
Subordinates, barriers in relation to 80
Supervising employees 43
Supervisory role 44, 45
Supportive leadership 145
Surgery and critical illness policy 236
Suspension 206
Task-oriented leadership style 147
Technical authority 80
Technical staff 102
Tele education 278
Telehealth care, application of 278
Telemedicine 268, 276, 277
advantages of 278
barriers in application of 279
uses of 278
Telenursing 276, 279
applications of 279
Tenth Five Year Plan 12
Therapeutic environment maintaining 295
methods of 295
Therapy room 289
Third five year plan 9
Third parties, liability to 248
Time wasting in organization, causes of 291
Tort and liabilities 247
Total quality management 192
principles of 192
Trade union 180
Trained nurses association of India 349
functions of 349
role in collective bargaining 180
Transactional leadership style 147
Transactional theory 146
Transformational leadership style 147
Transformational theory 146
Treatment room 289
T-shaped wards 288
Twelfth Five Year Plan 13
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 5, 5f
Union, purposes of 180
Unit managers, role of 113
University role nursing education 344
Urban health 27
Urinary tract infection, prevention of 258
Vacancies, identification of 121
Venture planning, process of 60
Vicarious liability 248
Village level administration 8
Vision 59
Voluntary arbitration 209
Ward 289
components of 289
design of 288
location of 288
management 287, 293
open 288
pantry 289
planning 288
routine and ward policies 293
size of 288
store room 289
wash basins 290
Waste management 259
category, classification of 259
disposal 260
West Fort College of Nursing 308b
Wide span of control 81
advantages of 81
disadvantages of 81
Wilson's quality assurance model 189
Women's health 27
Work environment 86
Work, nature of 74
Writing report, purposes of 352
Written admonishment 206
X theory 38
Y manager 38
Z theory 38
Zero budgeting 228
Chapter Notes

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fm3Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education
Dr Alamelu Venketaraman PhD (N) Director, Nursing Education and Research Westfort College of Nursing Westfort Academy for Higher Education Thrissur, Kerala, India Foreword SA Samuel
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Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education
First Edition: 2017
My husband, Dr S Venketaraman who has supported me in everything I have ever done or gone through and to my loving son, Vasudevan, a writer who constantly amazes me with his own work and his love for writing. His inspiration and advice has been invaluable.
Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education authored by Dr Alamelu Venketaraman is a long felt need of nurses in India, both in the areas of nursing practice and education. This era, characterized by rapid change in medical and health system technology, knowledge explosion, consumerism and the complex health care demands, challenges the nurses’ knowledge, technical competence, interpersonal skills and commitment today, more than ever before. Nurses are working in varied levels of health care system, shouldering responsibilities of contributing to Health for All are constantly in contact with people in health and sickness. Coping with this soaring demand and ensuring unlimited career opportunities for nurses, comparable to those in other disciplines, graduate and postgraduate nurses require knowledge and skill in managing nursing care. This textbook will ultimately prepare them to be nurse managers, hospital administrators and nurse leaders. Further, nurses with leadership skills and a clear vision for the future can motivate associates to work towards common goals of survival of the organization, strengthening the workforce and to thrive during rapid change.
It is a known fact that the development and use of Information Technology has revolutionized the world today. Thus, it has also influenced nursing service and educational administration. Significant developments are the use of management by objectives, program evalution review technique (PERT), critical path method, management information system in nursing and electronic health records.
I commend Dr Mrs Venketaraman is rising to the occasion to provide this invaluable book, designed with fifteen units containing twenty-eight chapters. The setting of the chapters with learning objectives, conceptualization of the contents, supportive figures, tables and examples in boxes, research highlights, summary points, review questions, selected readings, index and glossary are most useful to the students of BSc, post basic BSc and MSc nursing courses. Special care taken by the author to deal with application of principles of administration in nursing services and education, issues and challenges faced by nurse leaders and newer trends in management are a ready reckoner for students of management courses prescribed by the Indian Nursing Council.
This textbook, anchored on Dr Mrs Venketaraman's vast experience in varied levels of nursing services and education, focusing especially on the Indian settings, is a blessing in disguise to the learners. I have no doubt that our nursing students and faculty will enjoy learning and applying these principles in their professional practice and reach greater heights in their chosen career.
My heartiest congratulations to Dr Venketaraman, whom I have known for many years, for completing this book on management, which is very very close to my heart. She has met one of the unmet needs of nursing in India through this textbook. I eagerly look forward to the improvement in the quality of nursing services and education in the country to make nurses equal partners in health care with their medical counterparts to make India a healthier Nation.
Ms SA Samuel
Former Principal
College of Nursing National Institute of Nursing Education (NINE)
PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Nursing is a dynamic, progressive and developing profession which ensures unlimited career opportunities for graduate and postgraduate nurses. Clinical nurses, teaching nurses, unit management, departmental or hospital nursing service administrator or clinical nurse researcher are the major roles where nurses focus to take up in future. This denotes that nurses are not only health care providers, but also health care managers who exercise both clinical and administrative role.
Today, health care delivery system is more complex, chaotic and challenging. Medical and health-related technological advancements, global shortage of nurses, quality and patient safety as benchmark of nursing practice, increased diversified work force in work setting, greater accountability for nursing care practice, ethical and legal aspects of care, consumerism, accreditation preparedness, nursing standards, best practices evidence informed in administration and many other factors warrants effective nurse managers, administrators and educational administrators who demonstrate core competencies of nursing leadership at all levels of nursing service administration and education. The framework of nursing management and administration requires a conceptualization of various functions, roles and responsibilities of nurse manager and administrator in hospital and academic setting.
Though many textbooks on management are available in the country, yet this book on Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education reflects on application of principles of administration in ward units, hospital and nursing school, administrative theories, leadership, innovations in nursing service administration, nursing standards, quality control in nursing and other features for undergraduates, post basic BSc nursing and postgraduate nursing program in nursing in management of nursing services and education course.
This textbook is very comprehensive and can be used by hospital nursing administrators, ward sisters and academic administrators.
Dr Alamelu Venketaraman
With a deep sense of fulfillment and gratitude, first and foremost I thank the Omnipotent, Omnipresent Almighty God for enabling me to complete the First Edition of this textbook Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education.
It was my long cherished desire to write a book on Nursing Administration and this was made possible when Mr Jayanandan, Senior Commissioning Editor, and Mr Senthil, Team Leader, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, Chennai, encouraged me to write this textbook. I whole heartedly thank them for their constant support and guidance.
My special gratitude to Ms Ruby Sharma, Project Manager, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, for her untiring support which kept me more engaged and updated. I also appreciate the production team for their cooperation in maintaining precision in completing this textbook. I appreciate the extraordinary patience of the team members that provided me a source of inspiration.
I wish to express my solemn sentiments and heartiest thanks to each of the authors of various textbooks, journal articles, and websites whose references are being cited in the textbook without which the scientific base for the facts would not be possible.
I wish to thank personally Mr K Mohan Das, our Managing Director of Westfort Hospital Group, a farsighted visionary leader and administrator to permit me to include in the mission, vision and philosophy of nursing service administration, performance appraisal format, and philosophy of staffing of Westfort College of Nursing as example in the related topics. I accord a special gratitude to Prof Shirley Prakash, Principal, Westfort College of Nursing for her sincere support.
I am grateful to Prof R Rekha, Principal, VNSS College of Nursing, Kollam (Kerala) for her constant encouragement and Library support.
I accord special gratitude to Dr Gayatri Vyas Mahindroo, Director, National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers (NABH) for granting permission to include the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), India.
I owe deepest gratitude and huge thanks to Dr Annie Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar, Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council and Dr Latha R, Principal, Goverment College of Nursing, Thrissur Medical College, Kerala and former Registrar of Kerala Nurses and Midwives Council for providing information regarding State Nursing Council and excellent support.
It is a pleasure to thank those who made contributions by sharing their research findings related to the topic and expanded knowledge to this textbook.
I owe my special thanks to all principals, nursing faculties, and nursing students of colleges of nursing for their request to write this textbook and their encouragement and confidence showed on me.
The responsibility of completing this edition would have been impossible without the sacrifice made by Dr S Venketaraman, my dear husband and Vasudevan, my beloved son, allowing me to spare the family time in writing this humble textbook. I appreciate my heartiest appreciation and sentiments to them.
Finally, I thank all those who helped me directly or indirectly to complete this textbook.
Dr Alamelu Venketaraman
This textbook on Newer Trends in Management of Nursing Services and Education comprising of fifteen units with twenty-eight chapters covering all the contents comprehensively, built on sequential order and presented systematically in a simple manner.
Unit I: Introduction to Health Administration
This unit consists of two chapters which are dealt with very important aspects of postgraduate nursing curriculum on management. Chapter 1 focuses on overview of Indian health care system constitutes Indian constitution, and Indian administrative system. Special emphasis is given on health care delivery system at national, state, district and local level. It also includes India's five year plans and has taken special attention to present the impact of five year plans in development of nursing services in the country.
Chapter 2 highlights India's health care policies. Author has presented all the health committee reports from its inception till date and a meticulous care has been taken to present the impact of various health committee reports on nursing profession. It also depicts national health policies, national population policies and national policies on AYUSH and plans.
Unit II: Introduction to Nursing Service Administration
This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 3 concentrates on the basic and advanced concept of nursing administration and management with their differences in significance, principles and functions in an elaborate manner. It also describes various management theories in detail and its application in nursing service administration.
Chapter 4 presents the role of a nurse administrator and manager in a hospital. The role of nurse administrator in a hospital and a nurse manager in a unit (ward) describes, administrative, supervisory, educative, and research role in detail. Few nursing research highlights are presented in the end of chapter.
Unit III: Functions of Administration
This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 5 mainly focuses on planning, its concept, definition, principles, goals and objectives. In-depth description is given in various types of planning like operational plan, strategic planning, proactive planning, organizational Planning and managerial planning and each of their application in nursing service administration and management. In this chapter the philosophy, vision and mission of administration is dealt in detail with an example planning for change and planning a new venture is a special feature which is very beneficial for nurse managers and administrators in the current scenario.
Chapter 6 describes the concept and purposes of program evaluation review technique (PERT), critical path method (CPM), use of Gantt chart and management by objectives (MBO) that are current trends in management. It describes the topics in an elaborate manner and has furnished examples from nursing. It ends with a related research highlight.
Unit IV: Organization
Organization is the second function of administration This unit consists of five chapters. Chapter 7 presents conceptualization of organization, organization structure of nursing service department and organization chart with diagram, advantages and disadvantages.fm24
Chapter 8 focuses on organization process. It is built on the major principles of organization such as centralization vs decentralization, delegation of authority, span of control (supervision), division of service, and departmentalization. Attempt has been made to apply each principle in nursing service administration with their advantages and disadvantages.
Chapter 9 reviews organizational theories. Organizational effectiveness, organizational climate and organizational culture are explained in detail with greater emphasis on application of these concepts and the role of nurse administrator in their work setting.
Chapter 10 focuses on organizing nursing services and patient care deals with patient classification system, advantages and their disadvantages. Methods of patient assignment is dealt in detail with diagrammatic representation for easy understanding. Planning and organizing of hospital unit is dealt elaborately with ancillary services. Planning and establishing an intensive care unit is presented as an example in this chapter.
Chapter 11 focuses on power and politics in an organization. It includes the concept, types and factors influencing political behavior in nursing. It also presents the role of nurse administrator in power and politics in administration.
Unit V: Staffing
Staffing is one of the important functions of administration. This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 12 emphasizes the concept staffing and scheduling and staffing norms prescribed by various regulatory and government bodies. It highlights estimation of nursing staff requirement based on an activity analysis study.
Chapter 13 deals in detail the staffing process on personnel administration/human resource management. It focuses on recruitment: credentialing, selection, placement, promotion, retention, personnel policies, termination, staff development programme. Supervision, duties and responsibilities of various category of nursing personnel and their applications to nursing service and education. It ends with research highlights.
Unit VI: Directing
This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 14 conceptualizes leadership in nursing, theories of motivation and emphasizes in depth the role of nurse administrator as a leader in creating a motivational climate in work setting for quality care outcome. It emphasizes on communication skills and communication strategies which are important for smooth administration of hospital/unit.
Chapter 15 presents organizational behavior and human relations that are backbone strength in nursing administration. Role of nurse administrator in group dynamics, human relations, public relation in context of nursing, decision-making, delegation, conflict management, negotiation and collective bargaining are explained in detail and the chapter ends with research highlights in leadership.
Unit VII: Controlling
This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 16 presents quality assurance in detail. It describes the concepts and the role of nurse administrator in quality control, quality assurance, total quality improvement and nursing audit. It also highlights quality improvement models.
Chapter 17 presents performance appraisal as a managerial tool to control administration with example format. It also elaborately discusses coaching and mentoring to improve performance of nurses/employees, discipline and disciplinary strategies for smooth running of the nursing administration and employee's grievance procedure to rectify their problems.
Unit VIII: Material Management
Utilization of resources is an important function of nurse administrator. Chapter 18 elaborately discusses concept, principles and procedures of material management. It also presents planning and procurement procedures and specifications, ABC analysis, and very important and essential daily use (VED) analysis. The essence of this chapter is the role of hospital nurse administrator and unit managers in planning equipments and supplies for nursing care: Unit and hospital, inventory control and condemnation.
Unit IX: Financial Administration
Like materials, finance is also essential to run a department. Chapter 19 presents budget for nursing service department in detail. Apart from conceptualizing budget, it emphasizes plan and non-plan, zero budgeting, mid-term appraisal, fm25capital and revenue. More focus is given on role of nurse administrator in budget estimate, revised estimate, performance budget and auditing. Cost effectiveness, cost accounting, critical pathways, health care reforms, health economics, and health insurance are other important features of this chapter. Example of nursing budget for nursing department is presented for easy understanding.
Unit X: Legal and Ethical Issues
Today, nurses are confronted with various legal issues and ethical dilemmas. Chapter 20 presents conceptualization of law and ethics, legal system, legal issues in nursing, medicolegal issues and patient care issues. The role of regulatory bodies in nursing ethics, patients’ rights, consumer protection act, professional responsibility and accountability, infection control, standard safety measures national accreditation boards for hospitals and ethical committee in an institution are special features in this chapter. It ends with research highlights.
Unit XI: Nursing Informatics
We are living in digital era today and the advances in information technology have created new roles for nurses, and stressed the need for all nursing personnel irrespective of their position to become more knowledgeable about health information concepts and the technology. Chapter 21 present concepts, use of computers by health care professional in hospital and community, patient record system, nursing records and reports including electronic medical records, management information and evaluation system (MIES), e-nursing, telemedicine, and telenursing.
Unit XII: Nursing Unit Management
Chapter 22 presents introduction to ward management. It emphasizes the role of ward manger or head nurse in planning physical facilities, floor space, time planning daily/weekly plan, and maintaining therapeutic environment for patients. It also elaborates the factors influencing ward management and the role of a head nurse in student education specifically nursing rounds, nursing care conference, etc. to enhance their clinical knowledge.
Unit XIII: Educational Administration
Chapter 23 on applications of principles of administration in nursing education focuses on the role of academic administrator in application of principles of, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and budgeting in nursing school administration.
Unit XIV: Issues and Challenges
This unit consists of three chapters. Chapter 24 presents issues and challenges in administration specific to nursing service and education.
Chapter 25 presents emergencies and disaster management specific to epidemiology of disasters, role of nurses in disaster management and rehabilitation.
Chapter 26 on nursing standards describe the concept, importance, characteristics and type of standards. The most important aspect of the chapter is, it describes the framework and steps in developing nursing standards.
Unit XV: Nursing as a Profession
This unit consists of two chapters. Chapter 27 focuses on introduction to nursing as a profession, philosophy of nursing practice, aims and objectives of nursing, characteristics of professional nurse and regulatory bodies—NINC, SNC acts and functions for nursing.
Chapter 28 stresses on professional advancement for nurses that include, continuing education, career opportunities, membership in professional organization participation in research activities and publication of research findings in journals and newspapers.
I am sure that the students may enjoy studying this textbook. However, there is always a room for improvement of this textbook. Your comments and suggestions for improvement of this humble book shall be highly appreciated.
Dr Alamelu Venketaraman