Atlas of Neurology—A Case-based Approach Satish V Khadilkar, Kalyan B Bhattacharyya
Adenoma sebaceum 3
Adrenomyeloneuropathy 106
Agonist muscle 242
Aicardi's syndrome 120
Alexander's disease 14
Alien limb phenomenon 49
Allochiria 16
Alopecia 95
Alzheimer's disease 6, 39, 45, 47, 49, 50, 266
Ammon's horn 114
AMN gene 13
Amyloidosis 18, 31
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 18, 107
Anemia 13
Angioma 13, 91, 183
joint, left 65
lifts right 65
Ankylosing spondylosis 109
Anorexia 24
Anosmia 65
Antagonist muscle 242
Anticonvulsants 39
Antiretroviral therapy, active 98
drugs 66
therapy 213
Aphasia, primary 148
Apraxia, early 57
Aqueductal stenosis 51, 110
Arachnoid cyst 112
Aripiprazole 83
Arnold-Chiari malformation 43, 46, 55, 104, 145 173, 188
fistula, dural 97
malformation 93, 169
calcified 116
large 113
Artery 94, 200
Arthrogryposis congenita 86
Asperger syndrome 120
Asterixis 39, 81
Ataxia 68, 69
telangiectasia 4
Athetosis 5
Atlantoaxial dislocation 92, 189
Atrophy, multiple system 137
Autoimmune disorders 9
Babinski sign 62
Back pain 125
severe 151
Balint syndrome 45
Balo's concentric sclerosis 181
Bamboo spine 109
Bancaud's phenomenon 251, 265
Barbar-Chair sign 209
Bare orbit sign 32
Basal ganglia 165
calcification 102
Bat's wing tremor 80, 85
Becker's variety 26
Beevor's sign 39
Bell's palsy, right sided 50
Bell's phenomenon 50, 55
Belly Dancer's syndrome 54
Bence-Jones protein 184
Bethlem myopathy 29
Biceps femoris 242
Bidirectional nystagmus 131
Binswanger's disease 39, 95
Bitemporal hemianopia 218
Bithalamic glioma 94
Blepharophimosis ptosis 34
Blindness 11
Bobble-head doll syndrome 51
Bone 37, 217
Bony erosion 124
Botulinum toxin 85
Boxer's gloves sign 139
Brachioradialis muscle 136
Bracket sign 183
Bradyphrenia 70
posterior part of 211
stem glioma 192
Branchial arch syndrome 20
Breast, carcinoma of 124
Brisk jaw jerk 81
Brownell-Oppenheim variety 121
Brun's ataxia 39
Brun's nystagmus 40
glioma 45, 216
wing rash 12
Butt-first sign 41
Calf muscles 93
enlarged 19
Camptocormia gait 18, 51
Canavan's disease 14, 212
Candle gutter 3, 175
appearance 3, 175
Carcinomatosis, dural 100
diseases 243
dysrhythmias 7
valvular diseases 35
Carotid angiography 108
Carotid artery
internal 108
left internal 186
occlusion, right 147
stenosis, internal 196
Carpal tunnel syndrome 35, 249
Cavernous sinus
right 134
thrombosis 197
Cavernous venous angioma 183
Cavum velum interpositum 118
Central hyperintense lesion 213
Central nervous system
primary 180
tuberculosis 212
Central pontine myelinolysis 122
Centronuclear myopathy 19
Centroparietal spikes, left 259
Centrotemporal spikes 259, 267
ataxia 11, 195
blood flow 60
dentate nuclei 102
disease 47
infarction 210
Cerebellum 112
posterior part of 211
sign, white 179
Cerebral abscess 174
Cerebral artery
infarction, posterior 17
sign, middle 193
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy 95
Cerebral glucose 243
Cerebral mucormycosis 197
Cerebral venous
sinus thrombosis 200
thrombosis 178
Cerebrovascular accident 243
cord 173
ribs 90, 207
spinal cord 170
spondylosis 206
spondylotic radiculopathy 59
vertebra 209
fused upper 145
Chamberlain's line 104
Charles-Scott sherrington 82
Cheek tremor 52
Chest pain 15
Chewing dystonia 52
Chiasmal syndrome, anterior 14
Chicken wing
scapulae 21
sign 40
Chin tremor 53
Chorea acanthocytosis 67, 139
Choreiform movements, mild 68
Choreoathetosis 57
Choroid plexus papilloma 51
calcified 119
Choroidal lesions 13
Ciliary muscle 33
Ciliospinal reflex 15
Clonazepam 65, 263
Clozapine 83
Cockayne syndrome 102
Collier's sign 80
Coma, alpha 265
Consciousness, loss of 183
Copper 214
Corpus callosotomy 49
Corpus callosum 160
agenesis of 65, 120, 180
Cortical atrophy 148
Cortical ribbon sign 121, 165
Corticobasal ganglionic syndrome 5
Corticobasal syndrome 49
Corticosteroid therapy, complication of chronic 34
Cotton wool 217
Cough, chronic 15
Cranial nerve palsy 11
Cranial neuropathy, multiple 192
Cranio-vertebral anomaly 11, 145
Creutzfeldt Jakob disease 49, 121, 165, 180, 221, 222, 245, 262, 266
sign in 121
Crouzon's syndrome 20
Cryptococcus neoformans 199
CUBN gene 13
Culex mosquito 144
Cushingoid face 34
Cystic encephalomalacia 128
Cysticercosis 19
Dacrystic epilepsy 142
Dandy-Walker syndrome 123
Dawson's fingers 160
De Bursy syndrome 5
Déjèrine syndrome 155
Delta brush 223
Dementia 11
progressive 95, 121, 165
Dense cerebellum sign 179
Dentate-rubro-olivary pathway 45
Diabetes mellitus 77, 222
Diaphragmatic myoclonus 54
Diphtheria 222
Disseminated encephalomyelitis, acute 205
Dizziness 119, 188
mild 200
Dolichoectasia of basilar artery 182
Doll's eye phenomenon 55
Dopa-induced tongue dyskinesia 54
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome 36
Dopa-responsive dystonia 41
Down's syndrome 6, 158
nystagmus 55
palsy 55
Dropped head phenomenon 36
Drug causing 27
Duane's syndrome 55
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 41
Dysarthria 138
Dyskinesia, severe 36
Dysphasia 11
Dysphonia, abductor 48
Dystonia 5, 73
acute 64
Dystonic myoclonus 56
Dystonic parkinsonism 56
Dystonic tremors 57
Dystrophia myotonica 10, 61
Ear tremor 57
Egg shell crackling 250
Eiffel tower sign 156
in median nerve 222
ulnar nerve 222
Electrocerebral inactivity 221
Electromyogram artifacts 264
Electrophysiology 219
Empty delta sign 191
En plaque meningiomas 100
Encephalopathy syndrome 12
posterior reversible 211
End plate spike 244
Endocrine diseases 9
Enhancing pineal tumor 162
Enzyme arylsulphatase A 150
Epicanthus inversus syndrome 34
Epilepsy 3, 4
childhood 267
rolandic 267
Epileptic syndrome 267
Episodic ataxia 225
Epsilon sarcoglycan gene 56
Exanthematous fever 106
Extensor hallucis longus muscle 153
Extrapyramidal disorders 44
Extreme cachexia 24
Eye 72, 163
alpha block, open 251
blink artifact 230
movement 58
artifact 228
classical 58
lateral 228
non-rapid 226
signs 15
weakness, left 201
Eyebrow 10
raising sign 67
Eyelid 84
bilateral drooping of 9
closing, apraxia of 57
drooping of both 25
right 100
Fabry's disease 222
Facial dysmorphism 5
Faciocervical dystonia 59
Faciohumeroscapular dystrophy 18
muscular 7, 21, 27, 28, 40
Fahr disease 102
Fahr syndrome 94
Falx meningioma, calcified 117
Familial myoclonic dystonia 80
Familial orthostatic tremor 60
Fasciculation potential 245
Fat in frying pan 244
Fatigue syndrome, chronic 265
Fatty acids, long chain 106
Festinating gait 83
Fibrofatty tissue 19
Fibromuscular dysplasia 158
Focal cerebral lesion 47
Focal seizure
right 85
simple 61
Foot drop, right 74
Frataxin 131
Friedreich's ataxia 11, 44, 48, 131
Frontotemporal lobar degeneration 132
Gait ataxia, mild 43
Gangliocapsular region, left 201
Gelastic epilepsy 142
Gene, mutation of 32
Genetic disease 125
Genetically sporadic disease 123
Germinoma 94
Geste antagonistique 59
aneurysm 132
cisterna magna 133
panda sign 133
face of 133
Glaucoma 13
Glioma 192
Globus pallidus 102
Glycogen storage disease 15
Gower's sign 41
Granulomatous lesion 134
Graphospasm 81
Graves disease 33
Great auricular nerve, thickened 31
Grip myotonia 10, 61
Guillain-Mollaret triangle 45
Gum hypertrophy 27
Guyon's canal 79
Gynecomastia 22
Hallervorden-Spatz disease 72, 163
Hallucis longus, weakness of external 153
Hammer toe 22
Hashimoto encephalopathy 65
Head impulse test 42
Head tremor 62
Headache 100, 106, 108, 118, 119, 129, 140, 162, 174, 185, 188, 198
chronic 196
convulsions, acute 89
long standing 37
severe 113, 178, 179, 183
Hearing loss 7
Heart diseases, congenital 158
Heidelheim variety 121
Helicopter sign 239
Hemangioma vertebral body 134
Hemiballismus 62
Hemifacial spasm 62
Hemiparesis 11
left sided 147, 155, 181
mild right 17
right 89
Hemiparetic limbs 44
Hemiplegia, left sided 152
Hemispheric dysfunction 11
Hemisyrinx 135
Hemolytic anemia 48
Hemorrhage 39
Hemorrhagic infarct 89
Hepatic encephalopathy 81, 222
Hereditary motor sensory neuropathy 31
Hereditary spastic paraplegia 41
Herpes zoster 50
Hippocampal paragangliomas 98
Hippocampus, right 98
Hirayama's disease 63, 136, 199
Hirsutism 27
Hockey stick sign 99, 121, 165
Hoffman's syndrome 19
Holmes-Adie's syndrome 76
Holoprosencephaly 115
Horn cell disease
anterior 224, 246
chronic anterior 46
Horner’ syndrome 9, 15, 70, 146
Hot cross bun sign 137
Human immunodeficiency virus
encephalopathy 98
infection 222
Human T cell lymphotropic virus myelopathy 99
Humming bird 138
Hung up myoclonus 78
Hunter's syndrome 35
Huntington's chorea 47
Huntington's disease 57, 63, 67, 139
cyst 140
sand 140
Hydrocephalus 57, 162, 182
Hypercapnia 39, 81
Hyperostosis frontalis interna 142
Hyper-reflexia 5
Hypertension 77
Hypertensive subject 126
Hypertonia 121, 165
Hypertrophic brachial plexopathy 101
left side 187
Hypertrophic pachymeningitis 100, 156
Hyperventilation 243
Hypocalcemia 27
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism 65
globus pallidus 163
lesion, inner small 213
Hypomimia 70
Hyponatremia 44, 65, 81, 122
Hypoparathyroidism 102
secondary 42
Hypothalamic hamartoma 142
Hypothyroidism 44, 222
Hypoxic damage 180
Ice cream sign 40
Ice pack test 25
brachial neuritis 101
dystonia 57
skeletal hyperostosis, diffuse 125
Imerslund syndrome 13
Imitation synkinesis 44
Incrementing response 227
Infarction, acute 165, 201
bowel disease 178
demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy, acute 252
myopathy 18, 204
Insular ribbon sign 103, 121, 165
Intellectual deficit 120
Intelligence, low 3
Intermittent tetanic contractions 102
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia 43
Iron in methemoglobin 214
Isaac's syndrome 225
Ischemic stroke 166
Janz syndrome 263
Japanese encephalitis 144
Jaw tremor 63
Joubert's syndrome 195
Junctional scotoma 14
Kallmann's syndrome 44, 65
Kennedy's syndrome 22
Kinsbourne syndrome 69
Klippel-Feil anomaly 65, 145
Kocher-Debre-Semelaigne syndrome 19
Krabbe's globoid leukodystrophy 145, 222
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome 227
Lance Adams syndrome 65
Leg moving toes, painful 69
Leigh's disease 180
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome 248
Lenticular nucleus 214
Leprosy 222
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 77
Leukodystrophy with subcortical cysts 177
Leukodystrophy 14, 149
Levetiracetam therapy 65
Levodopa 39
dose of 41
therapy 7
choreiform movement 82
dyskinesia 49, 54, 64
Lewy body disease 50
Leydig cells 106
Lhermitte's sign 209
dystonia 68
left upper 5
lower 168
weakness of 119
right upper 101
Limbic encephalitis 194
dyskinesia 64
protrusion of 28
tremor 64
Lipoma 180
Little's disease 86
Livedo reticularis 9
caused 49
Looser's zone 161
Louis-Bar syndrome 4
Lumbar region 109
Lumbar ribs 90
Lumbosacral spine 90
Lyme disease 50
Lymphoma 94, 180
Macroglossia 15
Magnesium 214
Magnetic gait 39
Malnutrition 44
Marchiafava-Bignami disease 45
Marcus gunn jaw winking phenomenon, congenital 54
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome 35
Marsden's cocktail 56
Mastoid air cells, right 154
McLeod's syndrome 139
Mechanical calibration 272
Medial medullary syndrome 155
Medullary infarction 155
Medusa head appearance 91
Megaencephalic leukodystrophy 177
Megaloblastic anemia 27
Melted wax sign 125
disturbances 94
impairment 200
Meningeal tumor, primary 100
Meningioma, calcified 118
obtundation 119
retardation 195
Mesial temporal sclerosis, bilateral 114
Metabolic disease 141
Metatarsophalangeal joint 22
Methotrexate 96
encephalopathy, chronic 96
Midbrain, right side of 157
Middle cerebral artery 103
Miege's syndrome 64
Migraine 95
Miller Fisher test 111
Mirror movement 65
Mitochondrial disease 212
Mitochondrial myopathies 18
Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy 24
Mngie syndrome 222
Molar tooth sign 195
Mongolism 6
Mononeuriitis multiplex 12
Mood disturbance 95
Morvan's syndrome 225
Motor facial palsy, upper 50
Motor impersistence 63
Motor neuron disease 57, 238, 245
Movement disorder 73, 78
disease 158, 196
in japanese 196
syndrome 196
Mucopolysaccharides 15
Mucopolysaccharoidosis 35
Müller's muscle 15
encephalopathy, progressive 200
tics 79
cramps worse 24
of right hand, small 136
weakness, proximal 24
Muscular atrophy, progressive 18
Myasthenia gravis 9, 25, 241
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 199
Myeloblastic leukemia, acute 89
Myeloma, multiple 184
Myelomalacia 209
dystonia 56
epilepsy 256
jerk 65, 165
evidence of 84
Myoclonus 66, 84
negative 67, 84
Myoedema 44
Myokimia 225
Myopathic gait 86
Myopathy 9, 29, 224, 250
congenital 28
Myotonia 250
congenita 26, 66
Myotonic dystrophy 18, 28
proximal 61
Napkin ring sign 10
Napkin sign 10
pain 145
rigidity 179
conduction 252
study 238
malignant infiltration in 31
palsy, third 70
stimulation test, repetitive 241
Nervous system, diseases of 41
Neuro-Behcet's disease 180
Neurocutaneous syndrome 172
Neurocysticercosis, calcified 114
Neurofibromatosis 15, 32, 158
Neurofibromin 32
Neurological immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 199
Neuromyotonia 224
Neuropathic tremor 63
peripheral 24
proximal 224
Neurovascular syndrome 182
Niemann-Pick disease 68, 74, 222
Non-enhancing thrombus 191
Non-epileptic attack disorder 67
hyperglycemia 53
hyperglycemic coma, severe 141
Nonparalytic strabismus 47
Nystagmus 68
congenital 70
Occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity 261, 266
ataxia 45
blink artifact 230
flutter artifact 230
Oculocephalic reflex 55, 80
Oculogyric crisis 69
apraxia 4
nerves palsy 156
Olanzapine 83
Onion bulb appearance 181
Ophthalmoparesis 198
external 24
painful left 215
Opsoclonus 69
Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome 69
Optic ataxia 45
Optic nerve, abnormality of 167
Orbital fissuritis, superior 215
Organophosphorous poisoning 59
Orthostatic tremor 239
Oscillopsia 55
Osteomalacia 18, 27, 41
Owl eye 199
Paget's disease 37, 217
Pain, chronic abdominal 24
Palatal myoclonus 45
Panayiotopoulos syndrome 267
Pancoast's tumor 15
Panda sign, double 133
Pantothenate kinase neurodegeneration 72, 163
Paraesthesia 188
Paraneoplastic syndrome 227
Paraventricular calcification 114
Paraventricular region, right 126
Parcheron infarction 94, 200
Parietal infarct, left posterior 143
Parietotemporal region, left 268
Parinaud's syndrome 80
Parkinson's disease 7, 8, 18, 36, 39, 47, 51, 54, 56, 65, 74, 83, 240
complications of 54
moderate 65
sign in 52, 64
Parry Romberg syndrome 23
Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease 48
Pelvic pain 184
Pendular nystagmus 70
Penguin sign 138
Percussion dystonia 71
Percussion myotonia 10, 61
cistern 161
hemorrhage 161
Periodic alternating nystagmus 46
Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges 231
Pernicious anemia 43
Pes calcaneovarus 11
Pes cavovarus 11
Pes cavus 11
Phakomatosis 172
Phenylketonuria 44
Phenytoin flap 81
Photoconvulsive response 263, 274
Pillow sign 71
Piracetam 65
Pisa syndrome 8
adenoma 22
dysfunction 167
tumor 108
Pivot sign 71, 83
Pleurothotonus 8
Poems syndrome 222
Poliomyelitis, stage of 59
Polyarteritis nodosa 100
Polyhill sign 7
Polyminimyoclonus 46, 72
Polymyositis 224
Polyspikes 256
Polysymptomatic somatization 118
Pontine infarct, right 164
Pontocerebellar fibers 137
Popcorn sign 183
Popeye arm 40
sign 21
Port wine stain 13
choreiform movement 72
movement disorder 72
Pout reflex 73
Prader-Willi syndrome 120
Pradhan's sign 7
Prion diseases 262
Procerus sign 10
Prolapsed intervertebral disc 153
Proximal muscles, weakness of 28
Pseudoarteriosclerotic parkinsonism 77
Psychiatric manifestations 12
Psychogenic tremor 73
Psychological setback 53
Ptosis 9
bilateral 9
Pulvinar sign 121, 165
constriction 15
muscle 33
Quetiapine 83
Rabbit ear sign 143
Rabbit syndrome 83
Rabies 44
Radermecker complex 233
Radial nerve palsy, left 8
Rail-road calcification 172
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 50
Rectus femoris 242
Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy 12
Recurrent subcortical cerebral infarctions 95
Refractory seizures 180
Refsum's disease 31
Respiratory diseases 243
Retinal artery, branch 17
Retinal coloboma 17
Rheumatoid arthritis 11, 92, 100, 189
Rheumatoid hand 11, 34
Rhythmic waves 254
Rickets 41
Ring enhancing lesions, multiple 185, 213
Risperidone 83
Road traffic accident 127
Robertsonian translocation 6
Rocket sign 46
Ross syndrome 76
Round house sign 55, 74
Rubral tremor 85
Saccades, slow 47
Salmon patches 3
Salt bridge 232
Sarcoidosis 100
Saturday night palsy 8
Scalp tremor 75
Scapular winging 27
Schizencephaly 167
Schmörl's nodule 208
Schwannomin 32
Scissor gait 86
Sclerosing panencephalitis, subacute 67, 78, 233
Sclerosis 154
multiple 86
Segawa's disease 41
Seizure 11, 13
absence 260
left partial 268
Sensorium 198
altered 174
ataxia 24
neuropathy 253
trick 59
Septo-optic dysplasia, part of 167
Serpeginous margins 116
Shagreen patches 3
Shiny corner sign 109
Sickle cell disease 158, 196
Silver beaten appearance 129
Sleep spindle 254
Sloppy tie sign 55, 58
Smoke, puff of 158
Snake eye sign 199
Social disinhibition 94
Sodium valproate 263
Solitary orthostatic tremor 60
Spasmus nutans 75
Spastic paraplegia 35
Spastic quadriparesis 170
Spastic tongue 75
Speech induced dystonia 84
Sphenoid wing meningioma 190
Sphenoidal mucocele 218
Sphingolipid metabolism, disorder of 150
Spina bifida 12, 168
Spinal artery thrombosis, anterior 199
Spinal canal stenosis 35
Spinal cord 13, 99, 143
trauma 86
Spine syndrome 18
Spinocerebellar ataxia 58
Split hand sign 76
Spondylolisthesis 151
Spondylotic myelopathy 199
Square wave jerks 47
Staphylococcus aureus 197, 201
Startle myoclonus 78
Status epilepticus, attack of 3
Sternocleidomastoids muscle 61
Steroid myopathy 18
Stimulus-sensitive myoclonus 5
Striatal toe 47
Structural brain lesions 39
Sturge-Weber syndrome 13, 172
cyst 142
hemorrhage 161, 179
Subclavian artery, proximal left 202
Subcortical cysts 14
Subdural hematoma, small acute 127
Subungual fibromas 3
Supranuclear palsy 50
progressive 47, 55
sign of progressive 138
Sweat artifact 234
Sydenham's chorea 44
Sylvian fissure 103
prominent left 148
Syphilis 100
Syringomyelia 59, 145, 188, 245
Systemic lupus erythematosus 12
Tail sign, dural 190
Tapir mouth 28
Tardive lingual dyskinesia 84
Tardive tremor 79
Task specific dystonia 58
Taupathies 5
Temporal dispersion 222
Temporal spike, left 247
Tendo achilis 93
Teratoma 94
Thalamic infarction, bilateral 200
Thalamic lesions 39, 44
Thalamotomy 39
Theta waves 257
Thomsen's disease 26
Thyroid ophthalmopathy 33
Tiger sign 72, 163
Titubation 48
Tolosa hunt syndrome 215
Tonic-clonic seizure 263
Torticollis 36
Tourette syndrome 79
Toxoplasmosis 94
Tram-track calcification 172
Transient aphasia 85
Transverse myelitis 12
Transverse sinus 97
Treacher-Collins syndrome 6
Tremor, re-emergent 74
Tremorogram 239
Trichinosis 19
Triphasic waves 262
Trunk muscles 7
Tuberculoma 66, 100, 170
Tuberous sclerosis 3, 4, 175
Tumefactive demyelination 203
Tumefactive lesions 106
Ullrich congenital myopathy 29
Ulnar hand 79
Ulnar nerve palsy 79
Umbilical hernia 35
Upgaze palsy 80
Upper limb, distal 21
Uremia 39, 81
Urinary incontinence 111, 169
Urine 184
Usher's syndrome 271
Valsalva maneuver 151
Van der Knaap disease 14, 177
Vascular parkinsonism 77
Vasogenic edema 53
Vein occlusion 17
Venous thrombosis 97
Vertebral artery, proximal left 202
Vertebral column 124
Vertigo 118, 119
Viral infection 99
Vision, blurred 162
Visual disturbance 108, 118, 129
Vitamin B12, deficiency of 13, 143
Vomiting 100, 106, 113, 118, 119, 123, 129, 140, 162, 174, 179, 185
Von Willebrand's knee 14
Waddling gait 86
Wallenberg's syndrome 146
Wave discharge 269
Weakness, right sided 201
Weber's syndrome 157
Wegener's granulomatosis 100
Wernicke's encephalopathy 43, 180
West syndrome 48
Wicket rhythm 235
Wilson's disease 48, 80, 84, 85, 94, 133, 180, 214
Working memory 260
Worsening sensorium 200
Writer's cramp 80, 81
X chromosome 22
Chapter Notes

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