IAP Specialty Series on Pediatric Nephrology Deepak Ugra, Anand S Vasudev, Kamini Mehta, Abhijeet Saha, Sushmita Banerjee
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table.
computed tomography 39f
ultrasound of 55
Abdominal distension 229
Abdominal pain 18, 168
Abdominal ultrasonography 48
distant 85
visceral 77
Acanthocytes 109
Acetazolamide therapy 72
balance 208
disturbances 193
Acidosis, metabolic 11f, 27, 70, 72, 148, 150, 205, 206, 208, 215, 234
ACTN4 gene 130
Acyclovir 93, 331
Adefovir dipivoxil 92
Adenosinetriphosphatase 195
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 197
Adrenergic stimulation 142
Air-filled microbubbles 179
Albumin 128, 146
Albuminuria 134
action of 197
inhibitors 103
Alkali therapy 198
metaprotein 21
phosphatase 209, 256
Alkalosis, metabolic 71f
Allergic reaction 125
nephropathy, chronic 265
rejection 264
Allopurinol 292, 336
Alport's disease 111
Alport's syndrome 19, 80, 96, 98, 100104, 106, 107, 110, 228
target organs 97t
types of 98t
variants 99t
Amantadine 331
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 220
Ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, continuous 254, 338
American Academy of Pediatrics 180, 223
Amikacin 177, 331
Amiloride 197
Amino acids 10
Aminoglycosides 64
Amlodipine 224, 335
Ammonium chloride
administration 72
loading test 13
Amniotic fluid index 50
Amoxicillin 177, 182, 331
Amphetamines 219
Amphotericin B 93, 331
Ampicillin 177, 332
Anemia 29, 125, 139, 148, 230, 233, 258
assessment of 231
microangiopathic hemolytic 155
severe 233
Angiotensin receptor blockers 50, 69, 102, 122, 224, 232, 317
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 93, 223, 317
inhibitor 50, 69, 122, 125, 135, 224, 317f
Anion gap 10, 27
Aniridia 308
Anorexia 148
Antegrade pyelography 279
Antenatal anteroposterior diameters 271t
Antenatal hydronephrosis, isolated 54, 56
Antenatal ultrasonography 35
Antenatal ultrasound 315
Antibiotic 292
prophylaxis 181, 190
drawbacks of 191
therapy 81
aggressive 161
monoclonal 263
polyclonal 263
Anticoagulant glycoprotein 156
Anticoagulation 241, 243, 248
Antidiuretic hormone 117
action of 193
syndrome of inappropriate
release of 64, 65, 65t
secretion of 324
Antiglomerular basement membrane disease 77
Anti-human leukocyte antigen 261
drugs 224t
medication 151
Anti-inflammatory drugs 93, 197
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 112, 114, 166
associated vasculitides 168
Antinuclear antibody 112, 114, 160, 170
antibody 160
syndrome 157
Antiretroviral agents 93
Antiretroviral therapy 92
highly active 93
Anti-Smith antibodies 170
Antistreptolysin O 79, 111, 112
Antithymocyte globulin 263
Anti-tuberculosis drugs 93
Anuria 316
Aortic arch obstruction 219
Apparent mineralocorticoid excess syndrome 68
Arteries, mesenteric 168
Arteriovenous fistula 31
Arteriovenous hemodialysis, continuous 338
Arthralgia 168, 229
Arthritis 79
Ascites 316
Asphyxia, severe perinatal 323f
Aspirin 336
Atenolol 224, 335
Atrial natriuretic peptide 117, 118
Autoimmune diseases 157, 158
Autonomous tertiary hyperparathyroidism 208
Autosomal recessive 195, 199
trait 98
Azithromycin 332
Azotemia, severe 29
Aztreonam 332
Bacteria 25
Bacterial endocarditis varicella 110
Bacterial infection 84, 85t, 156
related glomerulonephritis 84
Bacteriuria 176
asymptomatic 182
detection of 176
Bactrim 57
Bartter's syndrome 50, 193, 194, 199, 200
classic 199
genetic defects in 199t
neonatal 199
Basement membrane 97, 103
Basiliximab 263
Basket weave pattern 100
B-cell dysfunction 129
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 60, 308, 309
Behçet disease 165
Benedict's copper reduction test 22
Benedict's qualitative reagent 22
Benedict's test 22
Benzidine test 23
Beta-blockers 224
Bicarbonate 10, 11, 27, 71
fractional excretion of 13
loss of 72
retention 27, 71
Biliary drainage 72
Bilirubin 22
Biotransformation 329
Blachar's grading system 51
Black water fever 90
Bladder 36, 113, 233
calculi 36f
carcinoma 314
catheterization of 20
diverticulum 38
dysfunction 182, 294
symptoms of 182
exstrophy 320
neurogenic 304, 321
outlet obstruction 50
palpable 316
tumors 313
wall irregularity 300
Blastomyces dermatitidis, 93
Bleeding 148, 256
disorders 110
tendency 110
Blood 22, 23, 65, 159
clots, passing of 30
pH of 205
urea 79, 209
nitrogen 26, 119, 146, 147, 197, 200, 238, 262
Blood pressure 18, 118, 146, 217, 219, 256, 317
control 160
cuffs, dimensions for 219t
elevated 222, 223
high 120, 125, 223
hyperaldosteronism 71
low 120
normal 222
systolic 219
B-lymphocyte proliferation 137
and mineral metabolism, assessment of 232
deformities 195
disease 232
metabolic 230, 234
marrow 157
morphogenetic protein 103
Bowel bladder dysfunction 187
treatment of 188
Bowman's capsule 90, 97, 100
Brachial artery 219
Branchiootorenal syndrome 316
Breathlessness 18, 120
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 324, 325
Brucellosis 85
Bruch's membrane 97
Brush border membrane 214
Calcineurin inhibitors 129, 136, 197, 263
Calcium 9, 28, 73, 146, 198, 203, 289, 290, 292
bolus 150
carbonate 151
channel blocker 122, 151, 224, 223
creatinine ratio 114
phosphate 283f
Calcium-creatinine ratio 114
Calculi 110, 270, 300
Campylobacter jejuni 85
Candida albicans 324
Candidal renal infection 93
Captopril 224, 225, 292, 335
Carbamazepine 334
Carbohydrates 138
Cardiac failure 120
Cardiac gallop rhythm 158
Cardiotrophin-like cytokine 1 129
causes 218
disease 134
drugs 335
Carpopedal spasm 73
malfunction 256
migration 256
Cefaclor 57, 177, 332
Cefadroxil 177, 190
Cefazolin 332
Cefdinir 332
Cefepime 332
Cefixime 177, 332
Cefotaxime 177, 332
Cefpodoxime 332
Ceftazidime 332
Ceftriaxone 177, 332, 333
Cell 24
cycle 138
death, tubular 142
mediated immunity 129
Cellular casts 25
Cellulitis 120
Cenovenous hemodialysis, continuous 244, 246f, 338
Central nervous system 65, 67, 122, 157, 158
thromboembolism 120
Cephalexin 177, 190, 333
drops 57
Cephalosporin, third generation 177
Cerebral salt wasting 64, 65, 65t
Cerebrospinal fluid 159
Cetrizine 336
Charcoal hemoperfusion 250
Chemolysis 291
Chemotherapy 312
Chest, X-ray of 79
Chickenpox 126
Childhood vasculitis 165, 165b
Children with dysfunctional voiding 300t
Children's Oncology Group
classification system 308
staging system 310
Chlorambucil 125
Chloride 9, 10, 24, 27, 71
loss of 202
Chlorine 71
Chloroacetate stain reacts 175
Cholesterol 134
Christmas tree appearance 38f
Chronic kidney disease, childhood 230t
disease 113
syndrome 168
Ciprofloxacin 177
Cirrhosis 5
Cisplatin 64
Citrate 10, 289
Clara cell protein 213
Clavulanic acid 177, 331
Clean intermittent catheterization 303
Clean-catch midstream specimen 174
Cliastatin 333
Clonidine 151, 224, 225, 335
Clotting disorders 110
Clotting time, activated 241
Cobalamin metabolism defects 157
Cocaine 219
Cogan syndrome 165
Cold clammy skin 288
Cold extremities 120
Cold ischemia time 263
Collagen disorder 29
Colony-forming units 174
Coma 153
Community acquired infections 265
Complete blood count 119, 133
Computed tomography
scan 32, 39, 86, 278
urogram 278
Congestive heart failure 64, 135, 229
Coronary artery 168
incidence of 169
Coronary flow reserve 330
Coronavirus 91
Cortical scintigraphy 43
Corticosteroids 93, 136, 162, 263
Costovertebral angle tenderness 288
Cotrimoxazole 177, 190
Coxsackie B virus 91
C-reactive protein 176
Creatinine 26, 146, 158
clearance 4
Creatinuria 4t
Crescentic glomerulonephritis 80
Cryoglobulinemia, mixed 91
Cryptococcus neoformans 265
Cushing's syndrome 68, 71
Cyclophilin 136
Cyclophosphamide 125, 137, 162
Cyclosporine 64, 93, 103, 124, 125, 131, 136, 157, 263
Cyst 58
Cysteine 283f, 290
Cystic kidney 36
disease 29, 110
Cystic renal
diseases 47
dysplasia 316
Cystine 289
Cystinosis 196, 323
Cystinuria 288, 290, 292
Cystitis 185
Cystography 179
radionuclide 44, 179
Cytogenetic analysis 309
Cytomegalovirus 91, 93, 261
Daclizumab 263
Daytime voiding diary 297t
De novo purine 137
Deep vein thrombosis 122
Dehydration 120, 200
Delayed therapy 49
Dengue 91
Dent's disease 196, 213, 288
Dentin matrix protein 203
Denys-Drash syndrome 218, 307
Deoxyribonucleic acid 262
Descemet's membrane 97
Despite fluid restriction 151
Diabetes 125, 219, 227
insipidus, nephrogenic 50, 201
Diabetic ketoacidosis 72
Diacylglycerol kinase 155, 157
Dialysate solutions 243
Dialysis 81, 172, 247, 253, 256, 330
acute 238
chronic 253
indications of 153b
quality initiative, acute 143
solutions 240
Diarrhea 72, 120, 135, 229, 292
Diazepam 336
Diet 138, 223
Dietary modifications 290
Dietary therapy 138
Diethylene-triamine-penta-acetate 275
Diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid 41, 53, 54, 58
scan 41f45f
Digoxin 335
Dilutional hyponatremia 64
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 44, 58, 174, 176, 178, 180, 190, 276, 278
scan 43, 46f, 189f, 278
normal 45f
Distress, respiratory 118, 229
Diuretic 135, 149, 224
isotope renogram 275
renal scan 61
therapy 135
Dobutamine 149
Dopamine 149
receptor agonist 151
D-penicillamine 292
Drooping lily sign 278f
and stone formation 285t
dosing guidelines 331t
therapy 223, 327
toxicity 29
Duct cell, collecting 118
Dynamic renal scintigraphy 41
Dysfunctional elimination syndrome 187
Dysplasia 18, 35, 50, 143, 228
Dysplastic kidneys 318
Dysuria 110, 187, 274
Ears 19
Echinococcus granulosus 89, 91
Echo-enhanced cystosonography 179
Echogenic kidneys 317f
Ectopic kidney 35, 50, 52
Ectopic ureter 320
Eculizumab 162
Edema 17, 77, 110, 118, 139, 229, 330, 356
formation, pathophysiology of 117f
pathogenesis of 117
pulmonary 158, 161
Electrocardiogram 71
Electrolyte 24, 26
concentration of 146
disorder 63, 230, 325
assessment of 232
homeostasis 142, 160
management 149
Enalapril 125, 224, 335
Enalaprilat 225
Encodes phospholipase C epsilon 130
Endocarditis 85
subacute bacterial 77
Endocrine 218
abnormalities 139, 218
Endothelial swelling 161f
Enoxaparin 336
Entecavir 92
Enteritis 85
Enterobacter 173, 181
Enterobius vermicularis 25
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 287
Enuresis 296
defects 288
leukocyte esterase 175
linked immunosorbent assay 166
Epidermal basement membrane 99
Epithelial cells 25
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition 103
Epstein-Barr virus 91, 93, 261
Erythropoiesis stimulating agents 233
Erythropoietin, low levels of 232
Escherichia coli 85, 87, 155, 173
Esmolol 225
European League against Rheumatism classification 166t
Everolimus 263
Extensive pulmonary metastases 312
Extracellular fluid 26
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy 292
Extraglomerular hematuria 109, 109t
Extrarenal acid production 208
Extrinsic compression 218
Eyelids, severe puffiness of 119f
Eyes 19
Fanconi syndrome 194, 197, 209
causes of 196t
Fanconi-Bickel syndrome 196
Fenestrated endothelial cell 128
Fenoldopam 151, 225
Fentanyl 336
Fetal kidneys
echogenic 60
enlarged 60
Fetal urinary tract, normal 50
Fever 87, 88, 229, 288
high 18, 120
prolonged 79
Fibroblast growth factor, increased 211
Fibrogenetic mechanisms 235
Filariasis 89, 90
Flecked retina 288
Flow peritoneal dialysis, continuous 239, 249
Fluid 290, 325
balance 160
electrolyte 193
intake 152
management 148
overload 148
restriction 14
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis 91, 110, 115, 116, 128, 133, 265
Folate levels 232
Frasier syndrome 316
Frusemide 149
Functional bladder dysfunction, management of 302f
Fungal infections 93, 121
Fungal peritonitis 256
Furosemide 224
challenge test 14
fludrocortisone test 14
Galactosemia 196
Gastroenteritis 118
disturbance 125
losses 68, 231
problem 148
tract 166
ulcers 148
Gastrostomy 285
General medical treatment 290t
Genitourinary abnormalities 308
Gentamicin 177
Genu varus deformity 228
Gitelman syndrome 199, 200
Glomerular basement membrane 80, 96, 97, 99, 103, 116, 128
nephropathy 99t
Glomerular capillary 160
wall 128, 129
normal 116f
Glomerular disorders, chronic 92
Glomerular filtration agents 41
Glomerular filtration rate 1, 5, 19, 102, 142, 144, 194, 227, 228, 230, 231t, 253
depressed 82
estimating 3
factors controlling 2
prediction of 5
Glomerular hematuria 109, 113
gross 111
Glomerular proteinuria 28
Glomerulocystic diseases 318
Glomerulocystic kidney disease 316
Glomerulonephritis 77, 79, 80, 91, 110, 115, 143, 218, 221, 228, 229
acute 18, 29, 77, 78, 80f, 82, 110, 158, 229
poststreptococcal 18
chronic 110
infection-associated 85
membranoproliferative 77, 85, 87, 89, 92, 110, 112
mesangioproliferative 85, 89, 92, 116
postinfectious 77, 84, 85, 109, 111, 143
poststreptococcal 77, 84, 110112
rapidly progressive 78, 110
Glomerulopathy, membranous 85
Glomerulosclerosis, collapsing focal segmental 92
Glucose 9, 22, 23
6-phosphate dehydrogenase 190
deficiency 18
filtration testing 9
intolerance 235
Glucosuria 213, 300
Goodpasture's syndrome 110
Graft, rejection of 29
Gram-negative sepsis 120
Granulomatosis 77, 169
Granulomatous interstitial nephritis 85
and nutrition 230, 235
failure 124, 265
monitoring 256
retardation 139, 146
H1N1 influenza 156
Hair loss 125
Hantavirus 91, 93
Headache 120, 122
disease, congenital 219
rate 146
Hematoma, persistent 30
Hematuria 29, 30, 108, 112f, 114, 122, 125, 213, 229
cause of 110t
confirmation of 108
gross 77
isolated microscopic 113
microscopic 82, 113, 114f, 132, 134
Hemihypertrophy 308
Hemiplegia 168
Hemochromatosis, congenital 60
Hemodiafiltration, venovenous 244
Hemodialysis 238, 239, 253, 254, 257, 337
circuit 257f
complications of 241
Hemoglobin 79, 146, 256
Hemoglobinuria 23
Hemolytic anemia 195
Hemolytic syndrome 158f
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 18, 80, 84, 85, 110, 155, 156, 160f, 218
atypical 156
classification of 156b
infection-associated 156, 159, 161
Hemophilia 110
Hemoptysis 229
Hemorrhagic fever 93
Henoch-Schonlein purpura 77, 110, 143, 165, 166
Hepatic albumin synthesis 134
Hepatic disease 146
A 91
B 91, 126
surface antigen 112, 261
virus 91
C 91, 92
virus 92, 112, 114
Hepatobiliary disorder 205
Hepatorenal syndrome 91
Hereditary diseases 218, 228
Hereditary fructose intolerance 196
Hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets 203, 211, 212
Hereditary nephritis 96, 228
Hereditary nephropathies 96
Hereditary renal disease 143
Heterozygous mutation 156
Histoplasma capsulatum 93
Homogentisic acid 108
Horseshoe kidney 50, 312
Human immunodeficiency virus 92, 156, 160, 261
associated nephropathy 92
infection 130
Human organ transplantation Act 261
Hydatid disease 89, 91
Hydrallazine 151
Hydrochlorothiazide 224
Hydronephrosis 51, 54, 110, 320f, 322
antenatal 51, 52, 52t, 53t, 54f
bilateral 59
severe 59f
grading systems 51, 51t
isolated benign 52
low grade 55
mild 56
severity of 52
unilateral 53, 55
Hydrostatic pressure 2
Hydrotherapy 290
Hydroureteronephrosis 33f, 300
bilateral 52
Hydroxyvitamin D 206, 210
Hyperaldosteronism 68
Hyperbicarbonatemia 27
Hypercalcemia 28, 74, 288
Hypercalciuria 110, 113, 203, 211, 213, 288, 290, 292
treatment of 213
Hyperchloremia 27, 63, 72
Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis 72
Hypercholesterolemia 128
Hypercoagulable state 122
Hyperechogenic kidneys 229
Hyperfiltration injury 187
Hyperglycemia 292
Hyperkalemia 15, 27, 69, 125, 148, 150, 150t
chances of 152
prevention of 235
severe 161
Hyperlipidemia 122, 123, 134, 139, 259, 265
severity of 134
Hypermagnesemia 75
Hypernatremia 27, 63, 66, 67, 72, 202
Hyperoxaluria 290, 292
Hyperparathyroidism 74, 208, 234
secondary 74, 206, 208, 210, 211, 214
Hyperphosphatemia 148, 151, 158, 206208, 210, 234
prevention of 235
Hypertension 18, 77, 82, 103, 110, 122, 130, 139, 148, 151, 217, 217t, 220, 222, 226, 227, 236, 259, 288
acute 122
causes of 217
essential 221
evaluation of 221b
iatrogenic 221
incidence of 217
malignant 157
medications 151t
neonatal 316, 324
persistent 122, 132
primary 217, 220
risk of 138, 187
secondary 218
symptomatic 222
symptoms of 221
systemic 187
transient 219
treatment of 223
uncontrolled 29
Hypertensive crisis 225
Hypertensive emergencies, management of 225t
Hypertensive encephalopathy 120
Hyperthyroidism 68
Hypertrichosis 125
Hyperuricosuria 10
Hypervitaminosis D 74
Hypoalbuminemia 128, 132, 134, 135, 151, 256
Hypoaldosteronism 197
Hypobicarbonatemia 27
Hypocalcemia 28, 7274, 148, 151, 206, 214
autosomal dominant 199
Hypocalcemic symptoms 214
Hypochloremia 27, 63, 71, 71f, 193
Hypocomplementemia 82
Hypokalemia 15, 27, 63, 68, 69f, 87, 120, 139, 193, 197, 200
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis 68
Hypomagnesemia 68, 75
Hyponatremia 26, 27, 63, 64f, 65, 66, 71, 139, 150, 158, 200
severe 120
treatment of 66
Hypoparathyroidism, primary 74
Hypophosphatemia 206, 208, 209, 211, 213
Hypophosphatemic rickets 194, 203t
dominant 203, 211, 212
recessive 203, 211
Hypoplasia 35, 143, 228, 269
Hypoplastic kidneys 317
Hypotension 91, 125, 288, 292
Hypotonic intravenous fluids 67
Hypovolemia 118, 120, 153
Idiopathic crescentic glomerulonephritis 77
Idiopathic hypercalciuria 288, 291
Idiopathic nephrotic syndrome 115118, 119f, 128
treatment of 120
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 110
Immunoglobulin A 112, 165
nephropathy 77, 143, 228
Immunoglobulin dominant postinfectious glomerulonephritis 85
Immunologic injury 187
Immunosuppressive therapy 136
In utero intervention 281
Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology 180
Indian Society of Psychiatric Nurses 190t
Infection 125, 139, 264, 271, 288
Infectious glomerulonephritis 93
Inferior vena cava 308
Infertility 125
Inflammatory bowel disease 288
Influenza A 91
Insulin therapy 68
Interlobular arterioles 160
International Society of Nephrology Renal Pathology Society 171t
International Study of Kidney Disease in Children 121, 128
Interstitial fibrosis 103, 133, 136
Interstitial nephritis 218
acute 85
chronic 85
Intestinal disorder 205
Intoxications 250
Intracelluar buffer systems 208
Intraglomerular capillary pressure 135
Intravascular oncotic pressure 134
Intravascular thrombi 160
Intravenous albumin 123
Intravenous antihypertensive agent 152
Intravenous cyclophosphamide 172
pulse 138
Intravenous dexamethasone 138
Intravenous glucose insulin 150
Intravenous immunoglobulin 261
Intravenous pyelogram 88
Intravenous pyelography 37, 37f, 48
Intravenous soda bicarbonate 150
Intravenous therapy 177
Intravenous urogram 278, 278f
Inulin 3
Iron supplementation 232
Isoniazid 333
Isotope-dilution mass spectrometry 5
Jaundice 87
Joint pains 110
Juxtaglomerular region 133
Kala-azar 89
Kawasaki disease 165, 168, 169, 218
Kayser-Fleischer rings 19
Ketoconazole 333
Ketones 22, 23
Ketosis 22
Kidney 36, 112, 113, 166, 238
bilateral duplex 37f
biopsy 28, 31, 133, 170, 227
clear cell sarcoma of 308
anomalies of 18, 50, 268
disorders of 316
damage 148
disease 92, 145, 229, 231
chronic 1, 1t, 17, 87, 96, 133, 157, 206, 210, 227, 228, 228t, 233, 236, 253, 260, 268, 274
early 236
polycystic 29, 49, 50, 60, 110, 228, 229, 325
revised 123
duplex 36
failure of 143
test 112, 114
genetic cystic diseases of 318
hydronephrotic diseases of 29
injury 131, 148
acute 18, 84, 89, 136, 139, 142, 143, 145t, 146t, 153, 155, 238, 250, 271
classification for acute 145t
etiology of acute 143b
network, acute 145
migrational disorder of 320
multicystic dysplastic 33f, 35, 49, 52, 58, 58f, 316, 319, 319f
scarred 233
small 233
contracted 29
shrunken 300
solitary 312
stones 213, 283
tissue, electron microscopy of 117
transplantation 162, 227, 285
types of 260
ureter, and bladder 114
ultrasonography of 33f
Klebsiella 173, 181
pneumonia 86
Kwashiorkor 64
Labetalol 151, 224, 225, 335
Laceration 30
Lactate dehydrogenase 160
Lactic acidosis 27, 72
Ladmer system 327
Lamivudine 92, 333
Lamotrigine 334
Laryngospasm 73
braziliensis 90
donovani 89, 90
Leptospirosis 85, 87
Lesch–Nyhan disease 286, 288
Leukocyte 25
esterase 23, 175
Leukocytosis, polymorphonuclear 169
Leukocyturia 175
Leukopenia 125
Levamisole 125
Levetiracetam 334
Levofloxacin 333
Liberation 327
Liddle's syndrome 68, 218
Limb deformities 205
Lipidemia 292
A 134
high-density 134
low-density 134
very low-density 134
Lisinopril 224, 335
Liver 30
cirrhosis of 64
disease 91
function tests 160
transplantation 162
Losartan 69, 224
Lowe's syndrome 196, 323
Lower urinary tract
obstructions 269
symptoms 187, 295t
Lumbosacral spine 301
Lupus nephritis 80, 112, 143, 171, 172
classification of 171t
minimal mesangial 171
treatment of 172t
World Health Organization classification of 170b
Lymphangectesia 40f
Lymphoproliferative disease, post-transplant 265
Magnesium 10, 75, 289
hydroxide 292
Magnetic resonance
angiography 40f
imaging 32, 122
urogram 278, 279f
Malaise 168
Malaria 88
Malnutrition 139
Matrix metalloproteinases 103
Measles 91
Medical expulsive therapy 291
Megaureter 49
Melanin 108
Meningitis 85, 120
Meningococcemia 110
Menstrual bleeding 231
Mental retardation 308
Meperidine 329
Mercaptoacetyltriglycine 41, 53, 55
Meropenem 333
Mesangial hypercellularity, diffuse 128, 133
Metabolic acidosis
chronic 195, 208
hyperkalemic 209
Metabolic diseases 323
Metabolic disorder 205
Metabolism, inborn error of 250
Methemoglobin 108
Methylprednisolone 131
Metolazone 224
Metoprolol 224, 336
Metronidazole 334
Microangiopathy, thrombotic 91
Micturating cystourethrogram 53, 55, 276, 276f, 301
postnatal 59f
Micturating cystourethrography 182, 275, 301
Micturating cystourography 186, 188, 190
Mid-stream clean catch 19
Migrational disorders 316
Mineral bone disorder 259
Minoxidil 151, 224, 225, 335
Mitrofanoff stoma 303f
Mononeuritis multiplex 168
Morphine 336
Multicystic kidney, unilateral 58f
Multiorgan system failure 91, 153
Mumps 91
Muscles, twitching of 73
Myalgia 168
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 85, 87
Mycophenolate mofetil 124126, 137, 162, 172, 263
Myocardial injury 147
National Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease 1
Nausea 148, 274, 292
Nephritic syndrome 89
acute 89
causes of 77b
Nephritis 77
severity of 171
tubulointerstitial 89
Nephrocalcinosis 36, 213, 300, 325
bilateral 37f
medullary 34f
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, causes of 201t
malaria-associated 90
membranous 91, 102
Nephrotic syndrome 28, 64, 89, 115, 117, 117f, 122, 124, 128, 132, 229
causes of infection in 120t
congenital 60, 322, 322f
course of 115t
management of 126f
minimal change 133
Plasmodium malariae associated 90
steroid dependent 123, 125t
Nesiritide 149
Neutropenia, mild 125
Neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens 168
Next-generation gene sequencing 130
Nicardipine 151, 152, 225
Nifedipine 224, 225, 335
Nitrate reductase 175
Nitrite 23
Nitrofurantoin 57, 108, 177, 181, 190
Nitrogen 65
Nitroglycerin 225
Nitroprusside 225
Nocturnal enuresis, treatment of 297
Nonglomerular disease 80
Noninfective hemolytic uremic syndrome 161
Nonpneumococcal hemolytic uremic syndrome 159
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 50, 110
Normokalemia 197
Nutrition 258
Obesity 227
Obstruction, congenital causes of 268
Ochoa syndrome 294
Odor 20
Oligo-anuria 17
severe 82
Oligohydramnios 50, 52
Oliguria 77, 118, 157, 316
post-transplant 264
Omentum, clogging of 243
Omeprazole 336
Opportunistic infections 265
Oral contraceptives 157, 219
Oral cyclophosphamide 131, 138
Oral prednisone 138
Organic academia 72
Oseltamivir 334
Osteitis fibrosa 232
Osteomalacia 205
Overfill theory 118, 118f
Oxalate 10, 289, 290
crystals 283f
Oxalosis 286, 288
Pain 288
mild-to-severe abdominal 166
severe abdominal 120
Painful swelling, unilateral 122
Pallor 256
Pancreatitis 118, 120
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 93
Parasites 25
Parasitic diseases 89t
Parathyroid hormone 73, 208
Parvovirus B19 91
Patent ductus arteriosus 323, 324
Pediatric rifle criteria 144t
Pediatric stone disease classification 288
Pelvicalyceal dilatation, antenatal 271
Pelviureteric junction 36
obstruction 36, 42f, 49, 52, 54, 57
Penicillin G 334
Penicillium marneffei 93
Pericatheter leak 256
Peritoneal dialysis 239, 242, 253, 254, 338
chronic 254256
complications of 244
Peritoneal equilibrium test 256
Peritonitis 118, 120, 135, 256
persistent 256
Phenobarbitone 334
Phenolphthalein 108
Phenothiazines 108
Phenytoin 334
Pheochromocytoma 221
Phosphate 28, 208, 290
supplementation 204
tubular reabsorption of 7, 209
Phosphaturia 213
Phosphorus 146, 209, 256
Piperacillin 334
calcium, fraction of 28
creatinine 4t, 5
exchange 169
inulin clearance 3
phosphate 8f
products 159
therapy 162
falciparum 89, 90
malariae 89, 90
Platelet counts 146, 158
Pneumococcal disease 161
Pneumocystis carinii 264, 265
Pneumonia 85, 120
pneumococcal 110
Podocyte slit diaphragm 96
Polyangiitis 77, 169
microscopic 77
nodosa 91, 166, 167
Polycystic kidney disease
autosomal dominant 34f, 318
autosomal recessive 36, 318
Polycystic renal disease
autosomal recessive 316
bilateral autosomal recessive 39f, 319f
Polydipsia 14, 202
Polyhydramnios, antenatal 202
Polymerase chain reaction 262
Polyuria 17, 232
Porphyrins 108
Potassium 8, 10, 24, 27, 68, 198, 289, 290
citrate 292
Potter's syndrome 315, 317
Prazosin 224, 335
Prednisolone 131
Prednisone 131
Prehypertension 223
Proliferative glomerulonephritis, diffuse 85
Prophylaxis 177
Propranolol 224, 336
Prostaglandin inhibitors 201
Protein 21, 23, 28
determination, quantitative 22
restriction 235
Proteinuria 82, 89, 119, 128, 132, 187, 235, 292
isolated 29
measurement of 231
non-nephrotic range 158
role of 235
tubular 28
Proteus mirabilis 85, 86
Proton pump inhibitors 330
Prune Belly syndrome 322, 323
Pseudohermaphroditism 308
Pseudohyperkalemia 69, 70
Pseudohypoaldosteronism 197
Pseudohyponatremia 63
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 74
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 85
Psychosis, organic 168
Purine stones 290, 292
Purpuric lesions 166
Pyelonephritis 221
chronic 18
xanthogranulomatous 86
Pyridium 108
Pyridoxine 292
Pyuria 94
Quartan malaria 89
Quinine 157
Radiation therapy 313
Radionuclide cystography, direct 44, 46f, 47f
Randomized controlled trials 134
Ranitidine 336
Rapamycin inhibitors, mammalian target of 263
Rash 19, 79, 229, 292
Red blood cell 17, 24, 80, 109, 112
fragmented 158f, 161f
Red cell fragmentation 159
Red urine, causes of 108b
Reflux nephropathy 186, 187
Relapse, treatment of 123
Renal abnormalities, postnatal risk of 271t
Renal abscess 85
Renal agenesis 35, 49, 50, 317
Renal anomalies
antenatal 49, 50, 52
congenital 218
Renal artery
stenosis 34f, 40f
unilateral 317
Renal biopsy 99, 104, 113, 147, 159, 161f, 167, 168
indications for 82b
Renal calculi 48, 283
Renal cell carcinoma 313
Renal cortical agents 41
Renal defect 14
Renal disease 19, 32, 205
acquired 323
clinical features of 17
diagnostic evaluation of 17
end-stage 88, 115, 131, 172, 227, 236, 253, 258, 260, 337
intrinsic 143, 218
pediatric 32
primary 77
progressive 187
secondary 77
Renal disorders 19, 322
Renal dysfunction 143, 214, 327
exacerbation of 143
spectrum of 143
Renal dysplasia 60, 232, 318
syndrome 184
Renal failure 35, 74, 308, 330
acute 29, 31, 47, 87, 142, 143, 144f, 146
chronic 89
complications of 148, 148t
end-stage 227
intrinsic 147t
oliguric 142
recognition of 153
Renal function 15t, 230, 256
evaluation of 1
tests 19, 188, 220
Renal hypophosphatemic rickets 203
Renal hypoplasia 18, 317
Renal infarction 84, 288
Renal insufficiency 72, 213
Renal lump 110, 122
Renal malformation, congenital 46
Renal mass 47
Renal obstruction, biomarkers of 279
Renal osteodystrophy 210
Renal outer medullary potassium channel 199
Renal parenchymal
damage 209
diseases 218, 325
disorders 316
Renal pelvic diameter 271, 271t, 276
anteroposterior 51, 53, 54, 56
Renal pelvis 320
Renal replacement therapy 152, 238, 239t, 242, 249, 250, 253, 330
complications of continuous 248
continuous 239, 244, 337, 338
hybrid forms of 249
modalities 250
Renal rickets 205, 206, 210, 210t, 211, 214, 215, 232
biochemical classification of 206b
pathophysiology of 206
Renal scarring 178, 187
incidence of 186
Renal stones 283
Renal tear 30
Renal transplantation 260, 267
complications of 264
Renal tubular acidosis 11, 13, 13f, 24, 69, 72, 74, 194, 195, 197, 198, 210, 324
causes of
distal 195
proximal 196
distal 194, 195t, 208, 210
hyperkalemic 197
proximal 72, 195, 196, 196t, 210
types of 198t
Renal tubular defect, primary 212
Renal tubular disorder 193, 214, 288
clinical features of 194
Renal tubular dysgenesis 52, 60
Renal tumors, malignant 307
Renal vein thrombosis 110, 122, 288
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system 117, 135
Renovascular disease 221
Respiratory distress syndrome, severe acute 91, 93
Reticulocyte count 146
Retinol-binding protein 213
Rhabdomyolysis 91
Rickets 205, 207f, 211213
classification of 205
etiological classification of 206b
non-nutritional deficiency 205
nutritional 205
X-linked hypophosphatemic 211
Rifampicin 108, 334
Rifle risk criteria 145
Rifle strata 144
Rigors 18
Rituximab 125, 131, 138, 162
Routine biochemical tests 26
Salicylate poisoning 72
Salmonella 85
Salt wasting 193
Sarcoidosis 74
Schistomiasis 90
haematobium 89
mansoni 89
Sclerosis, tuberous 320
Seizures 18, 120, 122, 125
Semi quantitative tests 21
Sensorineural deafness 195, 199
Sepsis 85
Septicemia 120
Serum albumin 256
Serum calcium 119, 209, 256
Serum chloride 63
Serum creatinine 146
concentration 145
criteria 145
Serum electrolytes 63, 119, 256
abnormal range of 63t
Serum haptoglobin 159
Serum immunoglobulin G 117
Serum ionized calcium 151
Serum osmolality 65
Serum phosphate
excretion, excessive 208
retention, excessive 207
Serum phosphorus, high 150
Serum potassium 12, 63
Serum protein 119, 256
Serum sodium 63
Several newer tests 175
Shiga toxins 159
Shigella 85
dysenteriae 159
strains 155
Shock 120
irreversible 193
Short stature 18
Shunt nephritis 77, 110
Sickle cell disease 130
Single bolus injection method 3
Single functioning kidney 29
Sinus thrombosis 122
Sirolimus 263
Slit diaphragm 128
Slope intercept method 4
Society for Fetal Urology grading system 51
Society of Fetal Ultrasound Grading of Antenatal Hydronephrosis 272t
Sodium 10, 24, 26, 63, 71, 289
bicarbonate 234
loading test 12
channel, epithelial 118, 200
citrate 234
fractional excretion of 7, 147
loss of 202
nitroprusside 151, 152
phosphate transporter 211
retention, causes of 118
Solid organ transplantation 157
Spina bifida 270
Spironolactone 224
Sporothrix schenckii 93
Spot urinary sodium, role of 65
aureus 85, 86
epidermidis 85
saprophyticus 86, 175
Stenosis 269
resistant nephrotic syndrome 128, 130, 131t
sensitive nephrotic syndrome 122, 123, 125, 126
disease 283
etiopathogenesis of 284t
mechanism of 285
metabolic 288
fecalis 173
pneumoniae 80, 85, 86, 120, 121, 126
pyogenes 85
Sulfasalazine 108
Sulfates 208
Sulfosalicylic acid test 21
Synchronous bilateral tumors 312
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 84
Systemic lupus erythematosus 19, 77, 110, 112, 114, 157, 165, 170, 228, 229
Systemic vasculitis, classification of 165
Tachycardia 288
Tacrolimus 124, 125, 131, 137, 263
Takayasu arteritis 165, 166, 168, 169
Takayasu disease 218
Tazobactam 334
Technetium-99m-dimercaptosuccinic acid 41
Telbivudine 92
Telmisartan 69
alafenamide 92
disoproxil fumarate 92
Terbutaline 337
Thiazides 292
Thin basement membrane
disease 110
nephropathy 96, 103
Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen 156
Throat infection 85
Thrombocytopenia 155, 158f, 159
Thromboembolic episodes, treatment of 122
Thrombomodulin 156
Thrombosis, site of 122
Thymoglobulin 263
Thyroid disease 235
Titratable acid 208
T-lymphocyte proliferation 137
Toni-Debre-Fanconi syndrome 213
Toxoplasma gondii 89
Toxoplasmosis 91
Transmembrane pressure 241
contraindications for 260
indications for 260
Transtubular potassium gradient 8
role of 71
Trauma, severe 153
Trichinella spiralis 89
Triglycerides 134
True tubular injury 147
Trypanosoma 89
Tuberculosis 85, 87, 121
Tubular basement membrane, distal 90, 97
Tubular bicarbonate reabsorption, proximal 208
Tubular cells, proximal 103, 135
Tubular necrosis, acute 85, 89, 142, 158
Tubular reabsorption, mechanisms of 6
Tumor 288
renal 307
Turner's syndrome 320
Typhoid 110
Tyrosinemia 196
Tyrosinosis 108
U waves, appearance of 68
Ultrasonography 54, 114, 122
renal 113, 179, 289
Underfill theory 117, 117f
Urates 108, 208
Uremia 152
signs of 256
worsening 161
Ureter 36, 112, 113, 320
Ureteral obstruction, distal 53
Ureterocele 39f, 49, 269, 270, 320, 321
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction 268, 274f, 279f, 288, 316, 320f, 321
Ureterovesical junction obstruction 269, 276, 321
Urethra 233, 320
dilated posterior 38f, 276f
Urethral atresia 269
Urethral obstructions 270
Urethral valve, posterior 18, 38f, 49, 52, 53, 58, 269, 316, 320, 321
Urge incontinence 187
Uric acid 10, 146, 289, 290, 292
lithiasis 288
Urinalysis 19, 79, 133, 134, 175, 188, 231
conventional 175
Urinary acidification test 12, 290
Urinary anion gap 11, 24
Urinary bladder 294, 320
function, normal 294
Urinary calcium 9, 203
Urinary concentration 14
Urinary diversion 72
Urinary inulin clearance method 3
Urinary obstruction 288
Urinary osmolality 202
Urinary potassium 8
Urinary sodium 65
Urinary system 29
Urinary tract 49
anomalies 35
chemoprophylaxis 55
anomalies of 50, 268
disorders of 316
dilatation 35, 271
infection 17, 37, 84, 110, 112, 114, 118, 120, 173, 174, 177, 178, 178b, 179, 179f, 180, 181, 185, 190, 229, 265, 287
clinical features of 174b
complicated 177
diagnosis of 174b, 175
etiopathogenesis of 173b
management of 176, 177b, 190t
prophylaxis of 177t, 180t
recurrent 49, 181
severe 177
symptoms of 174
treatment of 177t, 180t
uncomplicated 178
obstruction, upper 268, 269
Urine 184
abnormal color of 17
analysis 209
calcium 290
collection 174
methods of 19
color 109
creatinine 8
culture 176
electrolytes 200
examination 19, 23t
intrarenal reflux of 187
magnesium 290
microscopy 119
osmolality 20, 65, 147
output, treatment of 202
overalkalanization 292
oxalate 290
pH 12
sodium 147
volumes, baseline 202
Urofacial syndrome 294
Urolithiasis 110, 283
pediatric 283
Uropathy, obstructive 60, 268, 316, 325
Uterine sensitization-associated gene 103
VACTERL syndrome 323
Valproic acid 335
Vancomycin 64, 334
Varicella-zoster 91
Vasculitis 110, 165, 229
large vessel 169
necrotizing 167
renal 165, 228
Vasopressin 149, 202
administration 14
deficiency 14
Ventricular arrhythmias 68
Verapamil 336
Vesicoureteral reflux 49, 5254, 56, 86, 184, 186, 187, 188f, 322
causes of 184
classification of 185f
diagnosis of 185
pathogenesis of 184
primary 184, 185, 190
resolution of 191
secondary 185
Vesicoureteric junction 184
Vesicoureteric reflux 36, 38f, 173, 182, 276, 287, 320
bilateral 276f, 298
Vessel vasculitis
medium sized 165, 167
large 165
small 165
small 165
Viral infections 91, 91t
Visual loss 168
B12 232
B6 292
D 198, 205, 207
binding protein 213
dependent rickets 74, 207, 210, 214
estimation of 209
levels 206, 210
toxicity 74
deficiency 234
levels 212
Voiding cystourethrography 37f39f, 178180, 188
Voiding disorders 35, 298, 303
classification of 294
Volume depletion, signs of 139
Vomiting 120, 135, 148, 274
von Hippel-Lindau syndrome 320
von Willebrand factor 157
WAGR syndrome 308
Warfarin 337
Wegener's disease 113
Wegener's granulomatosis 166, 168, 169
Weil's disease 85, 87
White blood cell 19, 24
Wilm's tumor 40, 110, 113, 307, 310, 310f, 310t, 312, 314
aniridia syndrome 307
bilateral 313
development of 310
study group 307
Wilm-Silverman needle 29
Wilson's disease 19, 196
Wolffian duct 184
Wuchereria bancrofti 89
Xanthine 289
Yeasts 25
Yersinia enterocolitica 85
Yoga and meditation 223
Zanamivir 334
Chapter Notes

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Indian Academy of Pediatrics IAP Specialty Series on PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
Indian Academy of Pediatrics IAP Specialty Series on PEDIATRIC NEPHROLOGY
Third Edition
Editor-in-Chief Anand S Vasudev DNB D Ped DCP MNAMS MICP (USA) FIAP FIMSA Senior Consultant, Pediatric Nephrologist Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Max Hospitals and Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi, India President, IAP Delhi (2011) Executive Director, IAP Central Office (2011-12) National Joint Secretary, IAP Central Office (2014-15) Editors Deepak Ugra MD Consultant Pediatrician Lilavati Hospital and Research Centre Hinduja Healthcare Surgicals Visiting Pediatrician, Apollo Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Kamini Mehta MD DCH FCPS DNB Consultant Pediatrics Nephrologist Global Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Abhijeet Saha MD IMS BHU Professor, Division of Pediatric Nephrology Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital New Delhi, India Sushmita Banerjee DCH MSc MRCPI FRCPCH Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Nephrologist Calcutta Medical Research Institute Kolkata, West Bengal, India Executive Editors Digant D Shastri President, IAP 2019 Santosh T Soans President, IAP 2018 Bakul Parekh President IAP 2020 Remesh Kumar Honorary Secretary, IAP 2018-19
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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IAP Specialty Series on Pediatric Nephrology / Anand S Vasudev
First Edition: 2011
Third Edition: 2019
Printed at:
We are happy to present the third edition of IAP Specialty Series on Pediatric Nephrology. The book has been updated with recent guidelines on the management of renal diseases in children. Some chapters of the book have been revised and a more uniform pattern of presentation of all chapters has been adopted. Appendices and an index have been included.
The book has a new publisher, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. The overall pattern of printing and the outlook of the book has been restructured, rendering it more pleasant and readable.
We are extremely thankful to Dr Santosh T Soans (President, IAP 2018), Dr Digant D Shastri (President, IAP 2019) the Office Bearers and Executive Board of IAP 2018–19 for their whole-hearted support for the reprint of this book. We are thankful to Dr Neeraj Choudhary, Senior Acquisition Editor-Corporate, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, who has provided critical inputs and unflinching support for this venture.
Anand S Vasudev
Deepak Ugra
Kamini Mehta
Sushmita Banerjee
Abhijeet Saha
Pediatric Nephrology has grown very rapidly and developed as a pediatric subspecialty in the last couple of decades. The advances in the management of patients with renal diseases have changed the outlook towards the care of these patients. Renal replacement therapy in form of dialysis and renal transplantation has been a boon for children with chronic kidney disease.
More and more medical centers in the country are now catering to the needs of children with renal problems; hence more specialists in the field are required. The Indian Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ISPN) has been very instrumental in conducting workshops and training programs in pediatric nephrology and is now also offering fellowships at select centers.
There was a long felt need for a complete book of pediatric nephrology. The Indian Academy of Pediatrics thought it fit, to shoulder this responsibility of bringing out such a need based textbook for the practicing pediatricians. Several luminaries in the field of pediatric nephrology, from home and abroad have contributed their might in bringing out this book. It was their enthusiasm, which made it possible to bring out the book in a record time.
The book has been designed with a practical approach to the renal problems faced by treating pediatricians and postgraduate students. The text has been kept in a simple, readable fashion supplemented by pictures where ever required. We are confident that this book will serve the needs of the members of IAP.
We are grateful to the Office Bearers and Executive Board members of IAP 2010 who have supported us in crystallizing the idea of bring out this book.
We are also thankful to our spouses who have been tolerant and supportive in this endeavor.
The Indian Academy of Pediatrics would like to place on record its appreciation to all the Contributors, Executive Editors, Editors of IAP Specialty Series and the team.
Anand S Vasudev
Deepak Ugra
Kamini Mehta