Textbook of Voice & Laryngology KK Handa
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abductor cord paralysis 117
Abductor muscle 4
Abductor spasmodic dysphonia 40
Accentuated rhythms 63
Accessary cartilages 3
corniculate 3
cuneiform 3
Acidification tests 33
Acoustic 14
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 106
Acublade 116
Acyclovir 109
Adductor muscles 4
Adductor spasmodic dysphonia 40
Adequate energy 9
Adult laryngotracheal stenosis 121
causes of 122
Adult larynx 8
Aerodigestive tract, effects of reflux in 30
Aerodynamic measures 9, 15
Aging voice 50, 61
rejuvenation of 51
Airflow open quotient 15
Airway evaluation 92
Airway protection, evaluation of 148
Airway space, posterior 163
Allergic rhinitis, drugs in 66
Allergy 101
Alpha interferon 106, 107
American Academy of Otolaryngology–head and neck surgery 111
American Broncho-esophagological Association 111
American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology 103
Amyloidosis 121
Amyotropic lateral sclerosis 41, 51
Anastomosis 127
dehiscence of 129
Androgen-containing drugs 65
Anesthesia 91
preparation 147
Anesthetic considerations 104
Anesthetic techniques 105t
Angiolytic lasers 105
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 66
inhibitors 66
Antacids 66
Anticoagulants 67
Antigen-presenting cells 108
Antihistamines 47
Antihistaminics 66
Anti-inflammatory/analgesics 67
Antireflux therapy 109, 131
Apnea-hypopnea index 163
Aryepiglottic fold 6
left 23f
Arytenoid adduction 75, 81, 82f
Arytenoid cartilage 82f
Arytenoid procedures 74
Arytenoidectomy 89
Arytenoids 1, 3
Aspiration 144
Assessing breath support 46
Asthma 101
Atrophied cord 23f
Auditory feedback 56
Auditory-perceptual evaluation 14
Autologous adipose injection 73
Autonomic nervous system 67
Avulsion laryngeal nerve 41
Bad breathing techniques 45
Balloon dilator 124f
Balloon tracheoplasty 93
Barium studies 32
Basic fibroblast growth factor 52
Bernoulli effect 134
Beta blockers 65
Bispectral index 160
Blood thinners 67
Body mass index 35
Body posture 151, 152f
Bogdasarian and Oslon classification 123
Bolus consistency 153
Botox 83
injection 96
Botulinum toxin 40, 40f
Breath, holding 58f
correct abdominal 63
exercises 63
techniques, good 45
Bronchial asthma 29
Bronchiectasis 29
Bronchitis 101
chronic 29
Bronchoalveolar lavage 33
Buccal burning 29
Calcinosis 28
Calcium hydroxyapatite 54
Carbon dioxide
laser 117, 117f, 118f
excision 105
lumenis system 116f
Carbonic anhydrase III 28
Carcinoma lung 24f
Cardiorespiratory 144
Cardiorespiratory adverse events 102
Carotid endarterectomy 69
Cartilages 1
of larynx 2f
paired 1, 3
unpaired 1, 2
Cartilaginous portion 85
Central nervous system 23, 51
pathology 51
Cerebrovascular disease 67
Cervarix 110
Cervical vertebra 1
Chant talk 56
Charcot-Marie-tooth 69, 70
Chewing 56
Childhood hoarseness 84
Chin tuck 152
posture 152f
Chronic disease 104
Cidofovir 106
Circumlaryngeal massage 62f
Clopidogrel 67
Clostridium botulinum 40, 43
Coblator cordotomy 77f
intraoperative 76f
Cohen grading system 123
abscess 122
steel 105
Collagen vascular disorders 122
Commissure hypertrophy, posterior 34
Complete tracheal rings 139
Concomitant infection 102
Confidential voice therapy 63
Congenital subglottic stenosis 19, 19f
Conjugated linoleic acid 111
Connective tissue disorder 121
Consensus auditory-perceptual evaluation of voice scale 14
Cooper's approach 60
Cordotomy 89
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 144
Coronal minimum intensity projection 18f
Coronal section of larynx 2f
Coronary artery disease 67
Corticosteroids 65
use of 65
Costal cartilage, harvesting of 127f
chronic 29, 30, 96, 101
drugs for 66
suppressants 66
Coughing 146
fixation 92
fixity 92
joint 5, 6f
dislocation 25, 25f
fixation 88
lateral 4, 41
lateral 4f
posterior 4, 5f
posterior 72
Cricoid 2
cartilage anteriorly 127f
fractures 25
lamina, anterior 137f
Cricothyroid joint 5, 26
dislocation 26
Cricothyroid membrane 40
Cricothyroid muscle 5, 70
action of 5f
Cricotracheal ligament 3
Cricotracheal resection 124, 127, 128
cautions of 129
complications of 129, 130
steps 128f
Croup 19, 29, 101
Crunchy food 154
Cuneiform cartilage 8
Cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors 109
Cyst 18, 20, 86
Cystic lesion 25f
Cysts of neck 122
Cytoplasmic inclusions 101
da Vinci robots 119
da Vinci tongue base reduction 161
Dendritic cell vaccination 111
Dental/gingival strictures, loss of 29
Deoxyribonucleic acid 100
Digital manipulation 56
Di-hematoporphyrin ether 108
Diphtheria 121
Distal tracheoesophageal fistula 19f
Diuretics 68
Drug-induced sedation 160
endoscopy 160, 161
Drugs acting 67
Dye studies 149
Dying spells 139
Dysarthria 63
Dysphagia 101, 143
acute 47
in children 85
in singers
acute 47
chronic 48
Dyspnea 101
Dysport 40
Dystonia 39
Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) 27, 85, 116, 161, 164
Early cancer larynx 12f, 118f
Effortful swallow 158
Eicosapentaenoic acid 111
Elderberry 68
Electrical pacing 76
Electrocardiogram 161
Electrolaryngograph 15
Electrolaryngographic voice evaluation 14
Eliminating vocal abuse 57
Endoknot 89
Endolaryngeal mucus, thick 34
Endoscope, passage of 147
Endoscopic arytenoidectomy 89
Endoscopic bilateral injection laryngoplasty 53, 54
Endoscopic dilatation 124
Endoscopic laser thyroarytenoid myoneurectomy 43
Endoscopic management 124
Endoscopic microdebrider 125
Endoscopic procedures, limitations of 125
Endotracheal intubation 8
Endotracheal tube 136
End-to-end anastomosis 129
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 30
Epidermal growth factor receptor 110
Epidermolysis bullosa 121
Epiglottis 3, 84
mucosa 6
primary 161
residual 164
secondary 161
surgical treatment of
primary 161
secondary 163
Epiglottitis 19
Epithelial resistance 28
Epworth sleepiness scale 163
Erythema 34
acid clearance 28
atresia 19f
dysmotility 28
sphincter 143
lower 27, 144
Esophagitis 136
Esophagobronchial reflux 29
Esophagoscopy 32
Esophagram 146
Etiology vocal fold paralysis 69
Exhalation 46
Expansion surgeries, external 126
Extensive laryngeal papillomatosis 103f
Extensive tracheal papillomatosis 102f
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 140
Extraesophageal reflux 27
Extralaryngeal spread 102
Facilitating approaches 56
False vocal cords 1
FEES assessment, components of 148
Fiber laser, use of 102f
Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing 147, 148
with sensory testing 148
Flange laryngoscope 117f
Flexible endoscopy 32
Flexible laryngoscope 10
Fluent speech 9
Food and Drug Administration 67, 106
Food and fluid, type of 154t
Foreign body 26
inhalation 85
Friedrich design 81f
Functional dysphonia 87
Galen's anastomosis 7
Galli-Curci nerve 6
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 35
Gardasil 110
Gastroesophageal reflux 136
disease 27-36, 129
symptoms 35
drugs for 65
Gastrointestinal disturbances 66
Genetic aspects 103
Geniohyoid 5
Geriatric dysphonia 50
Geriatric voice dysfunction 50
Globus sensation 29
Glomus tumors 21
Glottal airflow 15
alternating 15
Glottic closure 10
Glottic stenosis, posterior 88
Glottis 1, 134f
level of 18f
Granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor 107
Haemophilus influenzae 19
Hair-cutting 103
Half-swallow boom method 59
Hard chewy 154
Head-lifting exercise 156
Head rotation 153f
Head tilt 152
posture 153f
Heat-shock protein 108
Helicobacter pylori 31, 35
Hemangioma 21
Hemostasis 120
Hepatic growth factor 52
Herbal medicines 67
Histamine receptor antagonists 66
Histocompatibility complex, major 103
Hoarseness 29, 34, 85
Holistic voice therapy 59
Human communicating nerve 7
Human immune deficiency virus 69
Human leukocyte antigen 103
Human papilloma virus 21, 99, 100
infection 101, 103
biology of 100
Human papillomavirus-16 genome 100f
Humming 59
Hyaluronic acid 51, 73, 94
Hydroxyestrone 108
Hyoepiglottic ligament 3
Hyperemia 34
Hyperkinetic facets 71
Hypertrophic thymus 122
Hypokinetic disorder 71
Hypopharyngeal structures 142
Hypopharynx 146
Ice chip maneuver 154
Ice chips 154
Immunological aspects 103
Implant medialization 74
Indirect therapeutic strategies 151
Indirect voice therapy 56
Indole-3-carbinol 108
Infant's larynx 142
Inferior thyroid artery 7
Inflammatory causes 23
Inflammatory disease, chronic 122
Infrahyoid epiglottis 1
Infrahyoid muscles 5
Inhalation-phonation 57
Initiating voice, problems with 63
Injection laryngoplasty 73
Intensive care unit 127
Interarytenoid muscle 4, 6
Intermittent dysphonia 85
Intrinsic laryngeal muscles 4
Intrinsic ligaments 3
Isolated tracheal stenosis 123
Isshiki's work 80
Jostle sign 92
Juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis 85
Keratosis 117
Kymography 12
Lamina propria, superficial 53
Lano classification 122
Laryngeal adduction exercises 58
Laryngeal adductor reflex 143
Laryngeal anatomy 1
Laryngeal biopsy 95
Laryngeal blades 106
Laryngeal block, superior 92f
Laryngeal cancer 29
early 118
Laryngeal cartilages 2, 3
Laryngeal clefts 18, 137
posterior 137
Laryngeal edema 129
diffuse 34
Laryngeal electromyography 13, 72
Laryngeal elevation 146
Laryngeal framework surgery 80
advantages of 80
Laryngeal innervation 6
Laryngeal joints 5
Laryngeal ligaments 3
Laryngeal management 160
Laryngeal manual therapy 62
Laryngeal mechanism 61
Laryngeal mucosa 8
Laryngeal muscles 61
extrinsic 5
Laryngeal musculature 4
Laryngeal nerve
anatomy of superior 6f
block 7
superior 92f
superior 5-7, 70, 143
Laryngeal obstruction 18
in pediatric age group 18
Laryngeal papillomatosis 87
Laryngeal pathology, benign 17
Laryngeal penetration 148
Laryngeal polyp 117f
Laryngeal position 8
Laryngeal procedures 91
office-based 91
Laryngeal reinnervation 75
Laryngeal reposturing maneuvers 62
Laryngeal resistance 15
Laryngeal spasm 29
Laryngeal stenosis 29
Laryngeal surface of aryepiglottic fold 1
Laryngeal surgery 164
Laryngeal ventricle 20
left 23f
Laryngeal web 88, 136
Laryngitis 29
acute 85
chronic 29, 36, 85
Laryngocele 18, 20, 20f
mixed 20f
Laryngology, lasers in 116
Laryngomalacia 8, 18, 119, 134
Laryngopharyngeal reflux 27-29, 29t, 30, 31, 34, 35, 66, 85, 96, 109
drugs for 65
severe 32f
Laryngoscope 93
Laryngospasm 28, 51
Laryngotracheal fissure 126f
Laryngotracheal reconstruction 124
steps of 126f
Laryngotracheal stenosis 93, 119, 121, 122
classification of 122
early stage 124f
techniques for 126
Laryngotracheal trauma, external 122
Laryngotracheobronchitis 19
Laryngo-tracheo-esophageal cleft 18
Laryngotracheoesophageal clefts, types of 138f
Laryngovideostroboscopy 32
Larynx 2, 50, 57, 84, 92, 152, 154, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164
anatomy of 1, 1f
benign tumors of 18, 20
development of 84
effect of reflux on 30
embryological development of 84
malignant lesions of 85
mass lesions of 20
movements of 57
position of 7
techniques in study of 17
Laser procedures for airway, office-based 94
Laser safety protocol 116
Laser surgery, office-based 119
Laser with robotic systems 119
Laser-assisted procedure 125
Lateralization procedure 89
Lawn mowing 103
Lee Silverman voice
therapy 52
voice treatment 63, 64
Leukoplakia 117
Lifestyle modification 34
Ligaments, extrinsic 3
Light-emitting diode 33
Lip closure exercise 155, 155f
Lipomas 21
thick 154
thin 154
Local anesthesia, procedures under 80
Loudness, change of 56
Lymph nodal mass 24f
Manometry 149
studies 33
Manual circumlaryngeal
techniques 62
therapy 62
Maternal condyloma acuminata 102
Maturational changes in swallowing 142
Maximum phonation duration 46
McCaffrey classification 122
Medialization laryngoplasty 72
Medialization silastic prosthesis 75f
Mediastinal neoplasms 70
Medical therapy 40
Medical treatment 35
Mendelsohn maneuver 157
Mesenchymal tumors 21
Metastatic lymphadenopathy 24f
Microdebrider 106
Microphones 14
Microtrauma 49
Midzone of laryngeal surface of epiglottis 87
Minimal glottal airflow 15
Minimum intensity projection 18
Mitomycin C 125, 130
Mouth ulcers 29
Mucosal wave 10
Mucus, drugs for thick 66
Multichannel intraluminal impedance 33
monitoring 33
Multiple sclerosis 51, 58
Mumps vaccine 108
contraction 62f
stretching 61f
dysphonia 62
patterns 71
grading system 19
staging 122
Myoclonus 51
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 107
Neck 81f
extension 152, 153, 153f
incision, horizontal 128
muscles, tension in 63
trauma 69
Necrotic lymph nodes 24f
Neodymium: Yttrium-aluminum-garnet 116, 119
benign 122
malignant 122
Netterville's silastic preformed implant 82f
Neurolaryngology 51
Neuromuscular junction 51
Neuronox 40
Nonacid reflux 28
Nonepithelial tumors, benign 21
Nonrecurrent laryngeal nerve 7
Nonresponders, management of 35
Nose oropharynx hypopharynx 161
Nuclear medicine scans 149
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 29
Obstructive sleep apnea 160
hypopnea syndrome 160
Obvious skin lesions 103
Omohyoid 5
Open mouth approach 59
Open reading frames 100
Open surgical methods 125
cavity and pharynx 29
muscles, tension in 63
sensory stimulation 154
Oromotor exercises 155, 156
Oropharyngeal dysphagia 151
Orosensory stimulation, types of 155f
Ossified thyroid cartilage, continuity of 25f
Otalgia 29
Otitis 29
media with effusion 27, 30
Palatopharyngeus 5
Palsy, cause of left 24f
Paradoxical vocal cord movement disorder 93
Paragangliomas 21
Paresis 69
Parkinson's disease 51, 58
Peak glottal airflow 15
dysphagia 142
FEES 147
laryngopharyngeal reflux 30
larynx 84
versus adult upper airway anatomy 133
voice disorders 84
Pepsin, role of 28
Perceptual evaluation of voice 14
Peripheral vascular disease 67
pH monitoring 33
Pharyngoepiglottic fold 164
Pharyngoesophageal scintigraphy 33
Pharynx 142-144, 151-153, 155, 156
Phenylephrine 67
Phonation 46
resistance training exercise 52
Phonatory exercises 63
Phonatory flow rate, mean 15
Phonosurgery, lasers in 116
Photodynamic therapy 106, 107
Physical activity 35
Physical examination 145
Pierre-Robin syndrome 144
Pitch changes 63
Pitch limiting voice treatment 64
Pitch, change in 85
Pneumonia 29
Polyps 86, 117
Polysomnography 160
Positive airway pressure, continuous 133, 160
Postintubation subglottic stenosis 20f
Postnasal drip 29
Post-traumatic hematoma and fracture 25f
Potassium titanyl phosphate 94, 105, 116
Pre-epiglottic space 19
Premature spillage 148
Preoperative counseling 93
Presbyphonia 50, 54
Presenting symptomatology 101
Professional vocalist 52
Prokinetic agents 66
Pronunciation, correct 47
Prophylactic vaccination 109
Prosody 14
Prostaglandin 111
Proton pump inhibitor 30, 66
Pseudoephedrine 67
Pseudosulcus 34
Pseudo-supraglottic swallow 58
Psychotropic agents 67
Puberphonia 71, 87
Pull down maneuver 62
Pulmonary collapse 29
Pulmonary fibrosis 29
Pulsed-dye laser 105
Pushback maneuver 62
Quadrangular membrane 3
Radiation therapy 118
Radionuclide studies 33
Range of motion 62
exercise 155
Raynaud's phenomenon 28
Recurrent laryngeal nerve 7, 23, 39, 70
block 7
injury 129
sectioning 41
Recurrent nerve avulsion 41
Recurrent pneumonia 101, 145
Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis 21, 87, 99, 105, 109-111, 117
resources 111
Red flag 71
Redirected phonation 59
Reflux finding score 34t
Reflux symptom index 14, 31, 34
Reflux, direct 28
Reinke's edema 71
Relapsing polychondritis 121
Respiration 63
Respiratory distress 103
Respiratory papillomas 87f
Respiratory papillomatosis 21f, 87f
Restenosis 129
Retinoids 109
Retrotracheal abscess 122
Rhinosinusitis, chronic 31
Ribavirin 109
Robotic scanner 116f
Salivary pepsin 34
Salpingopharyngeus 5
Sandifer syndrome 29
Sarcoidosis 121
Sclerodactyly 28
Scleroma 121
Sellick's maneuver 2
Semisolid food 154
Sex hormones 65
Shoulder breathing 46
Silastic medialization implant 74f
Silent reflux 27
Singing voice 45
assessment of 47
care of 45
Sinusitis, chronic 29
Sleep apnea patients 160
Sleep endoscopy 160
Sleep nasendoscopy 160
Sleep surgery 119
Slow-twitch fibers 51
Smoke evacuator 117f
Soft solid food 154
Spasmodic dysphonia 39, 40, 51
surgery for 41
Speech language pathologists 59, 73
Spine surgery 69
Spinocerebellar atrophy 70
Squamous cell carcinoma 118
primary 121
secondary 121
Stenosis, causes of
primary 121
secondary 122
Sternocleidomastoid 23
Sternohyoid 5
Sternothyroid 5
Steroids in acute laryngeal conditions 65
Stroboscopy 10
advantages of 10
instrumentation for 10
limitations of 10
mechanism of 10
Stylohyoid 5
Stylopharyngeus 5
Subglottal pressure 15
Subglottic hemangioma 22f
Subglottic stenosis 29, 121, 133, 136
Subglottis 1, 2, 134f
Submucosal hemorrhage 47-49
Submucosal paraganglioma 22f
Submucosal schwannoma 22f
Substantia nigra 51
Sulcus vocalis 11f, 85, 89
bilateral 89f
Super supraglottic swallow 157
Supraglottic swallow 156
Supraglottis 1, 19, 134f
Supraglottoplasty 161, 163
epiglottis 1, 164
muscle 5
Surgical steps 41
Surgical techniques 105
Surgical treatment 35, 103
Survivin 110
Sustained vowels 9
Swallow maneuvers 156
Swallowing physiology, normal 143
Swallowing, mechanics of 144
Swallowing, three phases of 143
Symptomatic voice therapy 56
Syphilis 121
Systemic illness like hypothyroidism 85
Tactile perceptual evaluation 14
Taste, loss of 29
Technetium scan 149
Telangiectasia 28
polyp right vocal cord 86f
Tense dysphonia 51
Tensor muscle 5
Thallium scan 149
Therapeutic strategies, direct 154
Therapeutic vaccination 108
Throat 34
clearing 29
Thyroarytenoid 40, 51, 72
muscle 4
action of 4f
myomectomy 43
Thyrohyoid 5
ligament, medial 3
membrane 3, 8, 20f
Thyroid 2, 65
cartilage 42f
fracture of 24
diseases 122
membrane 40
Thyroidectomy 69
Thyroplasty 41, 80, 82, 83
type II 42f
Titanium vocal fold medializing implant 81, 81f
base reduction 163
carriage 48
posterior 48
superior 48
Topical steroid sprays 66
Torticollis 29
Trachea 92
Tracheal papillomas, used for 87f
Tracheal papillomatosis 102f
Tracheal resection 129
steps of 130f
Tracheoesophageal fistula 138
Tracheoesophageal puncture 95
secondary 95
Tracheomalacia 139
Tracheostomy 77, 102
in recurrent respiratory papillomatosis 102
Tracheotomy tube 149
Transcricothyroid approach 95
Transeshophageal puncture 96f
Transnasal esophagoscopy 91, 96
approach 95
microsurgery 118
resection 12f
robotic surgery 161
route 94
Transthyrohyoid approach 95
Transthyroid cartilage approach 95
Transverse arytenoid muscle, action of 4f
Transverse cordotomy 76, 76f
Transverse laser cordotomy, posterior 117
Trauma 18, 24
Tuberculosis 121
Tuberculous lymphadenopathy 24f
Tumor 23
neck 122
necrosis factor-alpha 111
Unsedated office-based laser surgery 119
Upper esophageal sphincter 27, 28, 152
Upper gastrointestinal study 146
Upper respiratory
infection 69
tract 134f
anatomical 133
infection 101
VACTERL association 144
Vagal reflux 28, 29
Vascular compression 139
Vascular endothelial growth factor-a 110
Vascular lesions 119
Vascular malformation, low flow 21, 22f
Vasoconstrictors 66
Velocardiofacial syndrome 136, 144
Ventricular obliteration 34
Vibrating edge, medial 80
Vibrating force 45
Vibratory margin 46
Videofluoroscopic swallow study 146
Videokymographic images 11
Videokymography 10
Videostroboscopy 32
Visual assessment 10
Visual perceptual evaluation 14
Vitamin C 47
Vocal complains 50
Vocal cord
cysts 85, 89f, 117
examination of 86f
granuloma 88
injection 94
superficial 96
keratosis of 118f
length of 84
lesions, benign 85
mucus retention cyst of 11f
muscle 41
nodule 13f, 20
bilateral 86f
palsy, causing left 24f
paralysis 18, 23, 23f, 134
bilateral 135
polyp 20, 119
ulcers 29
Vocal folds 5f, 73f, 74f
abduction of 4f, 5f
cyst 89
edema 34
examine 86f
fixation 77f
immobility 69
causes of unilateral 70f
left 73f
management, bilateral 75
management, unilateral 72
surgical causes of bilateral 70f
laminar structure, change in 85
mobility 148
paralysis 88
bilateral 71
pressure for unilateral 57
unilateral 71
paresis 69, 71, 85
Vocal function exercises 52, 61
Vocal hygiene 48
Vocal loading, tests of 9
Vocal nodule 85, 101
Vocal performance, patient questionnaire of 14
Vocal polyp 86
Vocal tract 9
Voice 9
activity 14
analysis 32
and medicines 65
disorders 84
evaluation 9
problems in 9
handicap index 13, 43
material 9
outcome survey 14
practitioners 54
production 45
symptom scale 14
test battery 9
testing in detail 10
therapeutic approaches 56
therapist 40, 56, 63, 73, 86
direct 56
physiological 59
resonant 60, 60f
Voice-related quality of life 14, 52, 118
Volume scanners 17
Vowel play 63
Wegener granulomatosis 121
Xylocaine 92, 93
Xylometazoline 48
Yawn-sigh approach 57
Yellow jasmine 67
Zenker's diverticulum 96
Chapter Notes

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