Advanced Techniques in Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Krishna N Sharma
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Abscess, epidural 207
Academic skills 176
Achilles tendinitis 71
Activator technique 43
Active exercise 29, 30
with passive effect 30
Active movements 12, 29
and proprioceptive training 26
under local anesthesia 29
Actual dysfunctional conditions, resolution of 60
Acupressure 13
Acupuncture 13
Additional tests 12
Adhesion formation, prevention of 27
Adjustive instrument 43
Agonist contraction 76, 77
A-icing 127
All on four 123f
Ampulla 202
Analgesia 3
Ankle 139
splints/braces 147
sprains 60
acute 72
chronic 72
Antagonist, teversal of 168
Anticoagulant medication 72
Apical segment
anterior 188
posterior 188
Aquarian age healing 43
Arm, dynamic reversal of 169f
Arnholz muscle adjusting 43
malformation 207
syndrome 53
Arrhythmia, cardiac 187
Arthritis 60
inflammatory 20
Arthrokinematic 7
motion 48
Articular strain, ligamentous 56
Articulatory technique 39
Articulatory treatment system 39
Artificial airway 187
Asthma 187
Atelectasis 187
Atlas orthogonality technique 43
Attention, regulation of 176
Autism spectrum disorders 177
Autogenic inhibition 78, 84
Back pain 72
Backing paper
from center, tearing of 114f
removal of 113, 113f
Ball pits 177
Ballistic stretching 76, 77
Bandy seminars 43
Barbecue role maneuver 213
Basal ganglia syndromes 213
Basal segment
anterior 189
posterior 190
Basic Brunnstrom movement therapy 136
Belt traction techniques 17
Bent leg raise technique 17
Bioenergetic synchronization technique 43
Biokinesiology 43
Biomagnetic technique 43
Blair upper cervical technique 43
Bleeding organ 55
Blisters 27
Blood-borne diseases 73
Bloodless surgery 43
Bobath concept 132
Body 9
and brain, specialization of 177
fluids, movement of 38
integration 43
percept 176
position 150
possesses self-regulatory mechanisms 38
squeeze 178
Bone secondaries 61
Bony element, malpositioning of 83
Bony labyrinth 197, 200f
injury 61
UMN lesion, dysfunction of 207
Brandt Daroff exercises 213
Breathing 117
British Bobath Tutors Association 133
British School of Osteopathy 11
Bronchiectasis 187
Bronchopulmonary segments 187, 191f
Bronchospasm 192
Bruininks oseretsky test 178
Brunnstrom movement therapy 136
evaluation 137
Brush stroke 74
Burn 192
scars 72
Bursitis, non-acute 72
Cancer 72
Capsulitis 25
Cardiac failure 187
Carpal tunnel syndrome 71
Cassette tape recorder 177
Cavus foot 60
Cawthorne Cooksey exercises 215
Central nervous system 23
neoplasms of 207
Central vestibular dysfunction 207
degenerations 213
functions 210
ischemia 207
ischemia 207
palsy 177
vascular accidents 61
disc pathology, acute 53
extension sustained natural apophyseal glides 17
facet joint 27
flexion sustained natural
apophyseal glides 17
rotation sustained natural
apophyseal glides 17
examination 210
instability 53
Cervicocollic reflex 206
Cervico-ocular reflex 205
Cervicospinal reflex 206
Chapman's reflexes 40
physiotherapy 186
wall pain 192
Chiro plus kinesiology 43
Chiroenergetics 43
Chirometry 43
Chiropractic 5, 41
adjustments, alternative 43
concept 43
distortion analysis 43
manipulative reflex technique 43
neuro-biomechanical analysis 43
philosophy of 42
spinal biophysics 43
Chiropractors, mixed 42
Choke system 43
Chronic joint swelling associated with sprains/strains 72
C-icing 127
Collins method 43
Combination therapy 178
motor skills 176
regional pain syndrome 60, 181
Compression 12, 63
technique 18
treatments 18
Concave convex rule 22
Concept therapy 43
Conjunction 63
Contract relax 76, 77
Contraction, concentric 140
Coordination, abnormal 134
Coping theory 179
handle 52
technique 44
Craniopathy 44
Critical care units 186
Crocks principle 16
Cryotherapy 46
Cupula 202
divide tissues 26
mobilization techniques 24
principles 24
treatment 26
soft tissue 69
D1 extension 153, 154f, 155f, 156
D1 flexion 153, 154f, 155, 155f
D2 extension 153, 154f, 155f, 156, 156f
D2 flexion 153, 154f, 155f, 156, 156f
Deep friction 26, 27
massage, effects of 27
Deep vein thrombosis 72
joint conditions 60
neutral conditions 61
spinal conditions 60
Dequervain's syndrome 71
Derangement syndrome 3436
features of 35
Developmental therapy 179
Direct treatment modalities 39
Directional non-force technique 44
herniation 61
traction 51
Distraction technique 44
Disturbed agonist-synergist-antagonist coordination 134
Diversified technique 44
Dix-Hallpike manuever test 210, 211
modified 210, 211
Dorsiflexion 139
Dysdiadochokinesia 210
Dysfunctional syndrome 3436
Edema 109
Education council on osteopathic principles 79
Elbow 139
joint 22
Electrodiagnostic tests 12
Embolus, pulmonary 192
Encephalitis 207
Endocrine disorders 55
Endolymphatic fluid 202
Endo-nasal technique 44
Energy 9
engaging 40
lateral 71
medial 71
Eplye's maneuver 213, 215f
sequence of positions of 214f
Ergonomics 46
coordination 213
habituation 213
therapeutic 46
Explicit motor imagery 183
training 184
abduction-internal rotation
with knee
extension 156
flexion 156
adduction-external rotation with
knee flexion 156
left lateral flexion-left rotation 157, 158
right lateral flexion-right
rotation 157, 158
Extensor pollicis longus 111
Exteroceptive stimulation 140
Extracellular matrix 70
Extremity technique 44
Eye-hand coordination 176
distraction 51
gliding 51
correction 107, 108
lower extremity 142
muscles, facilitation of 163
proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation 163
principles of 163
upper extremity 142
Facilitated positional release 40, 63
absolute contraindications 64
application 65
history 63
important points 64
indications 63
mechanism of effect 64
relative contraindications 63
Facilitation techniques 126, 135
Fan strip 112f
Fascia 108
correction taping technique
Fasciculus, medial longitudinal 203
Fast stroke 74
Fetal alcohol syndrome 177
Fever 144
Fibromyalgia pain 60
Fibrosis, cystic 187
Finger to nose rule out
dysmetria 210
Flexed posture 122
Flexion 57
abduction-internal rotation
with knee
extension 156
flexion 156
adduction-external rotation
with knee
extension 155
flexion 155
lateral flexion-rotation 157
left lateral flexion-left
rotation 157
right lateral flexion-right
rotation 157
Forearm 139
support 123, 123f
Fossa, posterior 207
Four taping techniques 114
Fracture 61, 72, 192
non-union 75
recent 20
unhealed 75
unstable 64
Freeman chiropractic procedure 44
Frontalis muscle 163
facilitation of 164f
Functional articular rolling 48, 49
Fundamental chiropractic 44
activity 178
dysfunction 177
exercises 213
Gaze stability exercises 216, 218f
Gentamicin ototoxicity 213
Glenohumeral joint co-contraction 123
Global energetic matrix 44
Global listening 55
Gluteus maximus 6
Golgi tendon organ 81, 130
Gonstead technique 44
Gross motor development, sequence of 122
Gua Sha technique 68
Hair cells 201
Hamstring muscles 6
Handlebar 68f
Hard end feel 75
injury associated imbalance 213
thrust test 210
Headache 60
cervicogenic 17
sustained natural apophyseal
glides 17
Heart disease 144
Heat therapy 46
Heavy loads, carrying 178
Heel pain 71
Hematoma 27, 72, 75
Hemiplegia 134
Hemoptysis, sever 187
Herring cervical technique 44
High velocity
low amplitude 39
thrust technique 3
Hip 139
joint 22
pain 72
Hold relax 76, 77, 171
Holographic diagnosis and treatment 44
Homeostasis 42
Homolateral limb synkineses 138
Horizontal semicircular canal 198, 212f
Howard system 44
Hydraulic technique 52
Hydrocephalus 207
Hyper-extend lumbar spine 36
Hyper-retract head and neck 36
Hypersensitivity 72
sever 187
uncontrolled 72
Hypertonia 125
Hypertonicity 125
Hypomobility 19
Hypoperfusion 207
Hypotension, sever 187
Hypotonia 125
I strip 111f
Infection 72, 75, 83
Infraspinatus tendinitis 29
Inhibition techniques 129, 135
Injection and infiltration technique 27, 32
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization 67
contraindications 72
history 67
indications 71
techniques 73
Intermittent manual traction 13
International Bobath Instructors
Training Association 133
International Seminar of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy 11
Intervertebral disc prolapse 35
Isometric contraction 84, 140
concentric contraction 84
eccentric contraction 84
Joint 2, 30, 35, 57
concept 50
displacement 3
distraction 129
examination and treatment, Kaltenborn method of 11
gaping 48
history 50
homeostatic kinetics of 48
hypermobility of 75
manipulation 78
manual mobilization of 11
mechanics 109
metacarpal 27
mobilization 13, 74, 76, 78
movement 75
loss of 8
pain 48
play 20
in mobilization techniques 20
sense 137
range of motion 149
squeeze 178
support 107, 108
techniques 51
Jones technique 61
Kaltenborn method 11
Kaltenborn-Evjenth orthopedic
manual therapy 10, 11
Keck method of analysis 44
Kidney infections 72
Kinesiological tape 104, 105f, 106108, 109t
acrylic glue pattern 106f
application for shoulder
impingement syndrome 104f
clinical comparisons 109
effects of 106
properties of 105
strips 110
Kinesiology 43
clinical 43
King Tetrahedron concept 44
Knee 108, 139
joint 22
Krishna's kinetikinetic manual
therapy 8, 47
contraindications 48
indications 48
joint mobilization techniques 47
principles 47
techniques 48
Labyrinth, membranous 199
Labyrinthine 204
Lateral medullary syndrome 207
Learning disability 177
Left right discrimination training 183
Leg raise techniques 17
Lemond brainstem technique 44
Lempert 360-degree roll maneuver 215, 217f
sequence of 216f
Lesion, exact location of 27
Levator palpebrae superioris 163
facilitation of 164f
Ligament 28, 57
sprains 72
technique 114
Light touch 126
Limb synergies 137, 139
Lingula 189
Lingular segment
inferior 189
superior 189
Logan basic technique 44
Low-amplitude spinal manipulation 43
Lower limb
extensor synergy of 139
manual muscle testing 210
patterns of 155
discogenic technique 64
lordosis, exaggerated 6
spine 17
segments 6
Lumbrical grip 151f
contusion 192
segments 187
Lymphatic correction taping
technique 14, 115
Lymphatic drainage 107, 109
M2T blade 68f
Machine-based rehabilitation
techniques 219
Macula 201
Maitland's mobilization 19
Malignancy 20, 207
Manipulation 3, 4, 13, 19, 30
medicine-assisted 44
techniques 27, 30
Manipulative physiotherapy, Maitland concept of 19
Manual therapy 1
effects of 3
history 1
types of 2
Masseter temporalis muscle 166
Master energy dynamics 44
Matos maneuver 52, 53f
Mawhiney scoliosis technique 44
Mckenzie method 7, 8
of mechanical diagnosis and
therapy 33
classification 34
concept 34
evaluation 34
Mctimody technique 44
Mears technique 44
Mechanical ventilation 187
Mechanoceptors, stimulation of 51
Medical training therapy 14
Meniere's syndrome 213
Meningitis 207
facilitation of 166f
muscle 165
Meric technique system 44
Metacapophalangeal joint 151
Microarticulatory oscillation, types of 66
Micromanipulation 44
Mind 9
Mirror therapy 182f, 184
training 185
Mobilization 2, 3, 19
effects of 22
grades of 21
with movement 17
concept of 15
Modulation disorders 177
Motility 55
intolerance, idiopathic 213
palpation 44
sickness 207
assessment battery for
children 178
control during movements 149
control issues 71
co-ordination 149
disturbance, components of 134
functions 210
output 204
planning 176
proficiency, Bruininks oseretsky
test 178
recovery, stages of 137, 138
relearning program 145, 146
directional preference of 34
disturbed direction of 150
Mulligan belt 17
Mulligan concept 15
Multifactorial disequilibrium 213
Multiple sclerosis 61, 207
Muscle 3, 25, 29, 35, 57
disturbed sequence of 134
disturbed timing of 134
contracture 83
control 118
edematous 60
elongation 75
energy technique 3, 4, 39, 76,
78, 79, 81
application 83
father of 80
guideline 84
history 79
techniques 84
fatigue 149, 150
function 107
infrahyoid 167
normalize hypertonic 65
palpation 44
recruitment issues 71
response testing 44
shortening 75
soreness, postexercise 75
spasm 19, 109
spasticity 63
spindle gamma loop 65f
strains 72
strength 118
and endurance 149
stretching of 75
taping technique 114
tears 27
tone 81, 125
normal 133
weakness 83, 109
facilitation 3
inhibition 3
reflexogenic effects 3
deformity 210
disorders 32
dysfunctions 60
function 210
and reduce pain 79
imbalances 72
injuries 75, 118
pain, diseases causing 83
synchronization and stabilization
technique 44
Myocardial infarction, recent 187
Myofascia, stretching of 76
Myofascial pain and restrictions 71
Myofascial release 3, 4, 76, 78
indirect 40
Myositis ossificans 72
Natural apophyseal glides 8, 16
pain 71
patterns of 157
proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation patterns of 157f
Neonatal respiratory distress
syndrome 187
Neoplastic disorders 72
Nerve 25
release 40
root compression, sever 20
signal interference 44
structures, disorder of 27
Network chiropractic 44
Neural stretching 3, 4
Neural structure 3
Neural tissue mobilization 13, 76, 78
Neurodevelopmental treatment 132
Neuro-emotional technique 44
Neurokinetic therapy 173
technique 173
theoratical basis 173
Neuro-lymphatic reflex technique 45
Neuroma, acoustic 213
Neuromotor performance, clinical observation of 178
Neuro-musculoskeletal system, mechanical disorders of 41
Neuro-organizational technique 44
Neurotransmitter disease 177
Neurovascular reflex technique 45
Nimmo receptor-tonus technique 45
Non-progressive neurological disorders 213
Nordic system 11
Normal stress-short tissues 35
Normal tissues-bad stress 35
Normal vestibular system
anatomy of 196
physiology of 196
Norwegian system 11
Nucleus, medial vestibular 203
Nystagmus 210, 211
lower extremity 142
upper extremity 142
Oculocervical reflex 78, 82
Oleshy 21st century technique 45
Open wound 72, 192
Optokinetic drum and disks 219
Orbicularis oculi 163
facilitation of 164f
Orbicularis oris
facilitation of 165f
muscle 165
infected 55
inflamed 55
Oro-facial function 146
Orthopedic manual therapy
research 14
Ortman technique 45
Oscillation 3, 4, 13
Osteogenesis imperfecta 144
Osteomyelitis 72
procedures, treatment
manual of 80
treatment 39
philosophy, basic principles of 38
principles 37
treatment, techniques of 39
Osteopathy 5, 37
Osteoporosis 20, 53, 60, 61, 72, 83, 144
Osteoporotic bone 192
Otoconia 201
Otolithic membrane 200
Otolithic organs 201f
Overall rehabilitation program, part of 181f
Pain 19, 109, 149
abdominal 60
acute 75
alleviating 60
cervicothoracic 60
during motion 71
gate mechanism 3
idiopathic 20
inhibition 3
intermittent 35
perception 51
post-surgical 60
post-traumatic 60
postural 150
psychological 20
reduction 23
release phenomenon 18
relief 27, 107, 108
joint mobilization 13
adjusting, Collins method 43
chiropractic, Buxton technical
course of 43
Palpate appropriate tender point 62
Palpation 12
Pancreatitis 60
Parallel bars and canes 147
Parkinson's disease 207
Passive movements 3, 12, 26
Passive soft tissue
mobilization 13
movements 12
Patellar tendinitis 71
Peak expiratory flow rate 193
patterns of 160
proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation patterns
Perceptual motor
foundations 176
skills 176
Performance, abnormal functional 134
Performing functional movement patterns, ability of 135
Perianal posture reflex technique 45
Peri-articular tissues, stretching of 51, 76
fistula 213
fluid 202
Peripheral nerve, stretching of 76
Peripheral sensory apparatus, components of 196
Peripheral vestibular
apparatus 197
dysfunction 207
Pettibon spinal biomechanics
technique 45
Phasic movement pattern 122
Phobic postural vertigo 213
Physiology 81
Pierce-Stillwagon technique 45
Pilates 116
benefits of 118
principles 116
Pillow crashing 178
Pinch grip 29
Pivot pattern 122, 122f
Placebo 3
fasciitis 71
flexion 140
inversion 140
Pneumothorax 187
Polarity technique 45
Positional release therapy 57
Postural control, loss of 134
Postural correction 36, 46
Postural drainage 186
contraindications 187
goals of 186
indications 187
limitations of 194
Postural syndrome 3436
greater awareness of 118
imbalance patterns 45
Posturography, dynamic 219
Pregnancy 20, 72
Procerus muscle 164
Progression 147
Proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation 148, 149
stretching 76, 77
Proprioceptive stimulation exercises 213
Psoriasis 27
Punctures 12
Pure chiropractic technique 45
Quick stretch 128
Raimiste's phenomenon 138
Ramps 177
Range of motion 3, 4, 48, 69, 109, 171, 210
loss of 35
pain free full 35
Reaver's 5th cervical key 45
Receptor tonus technique 45
Reciprocal inhibition 78, 82, 84
creeping 142
effects of 143
sequence 143f
hierarchical theory 133
locomotion 142
principle of 142
rolling 142, 143
sympathetic dystrophy 72
Relaxation 149
joint mobilization 13
post-isometric 81
techniques 46
Releasing trapped intra-articular meniscoids 51
conditions 55, 60
problems 53
Resting muscle tone 51
Reverse headache sustained natural apophyseal glides 17
arthritis 72
disorders 27
Rhomberg test 210
rotation 135
stabilization 170
Riddler reflex technique 45
Risorius and zygomaticus
facilitation of 166f
muscle 165
Roll over 122f
Rood's approach 119
muscle groups 119
Rood's basic assumption 119
Rood's treatment techniques 125
Rotator cuff tendinitis 71
Rule out vertebrobasilar
insufficiency 210
Saccades 210
Saccule 200
Sacro-occipital technique 45
Sacrospinalis muscles 6
Sample vestibular assessment form 208f
Scan stroke 73, 74f
Scapula 139
depression 139
patterns of 158
proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation patterns
protraction 139
retraction 139
Scapular co-contraction 123
Scars 72
post-surgical 71
tissue 74
formation 75
traumatic 71
Selective tissue tension 25
Self-headache sustained natural apophyseal glides 17
Semicircular canal 197
anterior 198, 210, 210t, 211f
horizontal 211
lateral 198
orientation of 198f
posterior 198, 211, 211t
Semont maneuver 215, 216f
sequence of 215f
Sensorimotor 179
defensiveness 177
evaluation 137
integration 174
and praxis test 178
disorder 177
levels of 176
theory, postulates of 174
integration therapy 174
history 174
indications 177
materials used 177
mechanism 175
precautions 179
principles 176
sample activities 177
interaction with balance, clinical test of 178
motor integration, combined test for 210
evaluation of 178
disorder 177
profile 178
system, primary 176
Shin splints 72
Shoulder 139
joint 22
rhythmic stabilization of 170f
Skin lesions 55
Slow stroke 74, 129
Smooth pursuit 210
Soft tissue
adhesions 75
mobilization 13
active facilitated 13
orthopedics 45
techniques 39
stretching of 76
manipulation 3, 4, 76, 78
Sole sensation 137
Somatic dysfunction
absence of 64
acute 63
alleviation of 56
chronic 63
Somatosensory reflexes 206
Somatosynthesis 45
Soreness, post-treatment 62
Souques’ phenomenon 138
Southern California sensory integration tests 178
Space taping techniques 114
Spasticity 83, 134
Spears painless system 45
Speech disturbances 177
Speed test 137, 139
biomechanical engineering 43
injury 61
manipulation, types of 31
mobilization with
arm movements 17
leg movements 17
stress 45
touch technique 45
stabilization of 118
unstable 20
Spondylolisthesis 20
Spondylotherapy 45
Squeeze technique 18
Static stretching, active 76
Stenosis, vertebral 20
Steroids, long-term use of 20
Stiffness 19, 22
Still technique 40, 66
Stimulus reflex effector technique 45
Straight chiropractors 42
Straight leg raise with
compression 17
traction 17
Strain counterstrain 57
advantages 58
application 60
guidelines 62
history 57
physiology 59
Stress fracture 83
Stressology 45
Stretch 152
joint mobilization 13
active 76
dynamic 76
passive 76
techniques 75
application 75
types of 75
Strips, types of 110
Stroke 61, 207
types of 73
Superior canal dehiscence syndrome 207
Supine withdrawal 122f
Suprahyoid muscle 167
Surgery 192
recent 55
Sweep stroke 74
Swiss ball 177
activity 178
Symmetrical symptoms, central of 36
Synovitis 25, 72
Syphilis 207
activities 177
sense 176
stimulation 140
Temporomandibular joint 27
Tendon 28, 35
pressure 131
balanced ligamentous 39
balanced membranous 40
evaluation 56
stimulation 127
Thermo-hydro-electro therapy 13
Thompson terminal point technique 45
Thorax, skin infections of 192
Thrombophlebitis 72
Thrust 3, 31
technique 21
Thumb performs friction 29
Tibialis posterior tendinitis 71
Tieszen technique 45
acute injury of 75
adhesion, breaking of 51
characteristics 12
contractile 25
integrity, compromised 72
resistance, types of 30
To-and-fro movements 28
Toes 139, 140
Toftness technique 45
abnormal 134
normalization of 125
Tonic labyrinthine reflex 138
Tonic lumbar reflex 138
Tonic neck reflex 204, 206
asymmetric 137
symmetric 138
Tonic reflexes 137
Tonic thumb reflex 138
Top notch viseral techniques 45
Torsion 63
Torticollis 45, 60
Touch sensation 137
Toxins 207
Traction 12, 31
techniques 17
Translatoric joint play movements 12
Translatoric spinal manipulation 50
Transverse friction 28
Trapezium, capsules of 27
Trauma 192, 207
Trigger finger 72
Trigger point therapy 46
heavy work of 122
patterns of 157
proprioceptive neuromuscular
facilitation patterns of 158f
Truscott technique 45
Tuberculosis, pulmonary 192
Tumor 72, 83, 192
Tunnel walk 178
Two leg rotation technique 17
Ulcer 27
Ungerank specific low force chiropractic technique 45
Union fracture, delayed 75
Unstable angina 187, 192
Upper and lower extremities, flexion of 122
Upper cervical
spine, injuries of 53
technique 45
traction 17
Upper limb
flexor synergy of 139
function 146
patterns of 153
Upper lobe 188
Utricle 200
Utricular macula 201
Vaccination, recent 144
Variable force technique 45
Varicose veins 72
Verbal commands 135, 151
Vertebrobasilar syndrome 53
Vertigo 213
adaptation exercises 213
benign paroxysmal 210
positional 207, 213
central 213
migraine associated 207
paroxysmal positional 195
post-traumatic 213
psychogenic 213
Vestibular activities 178
Vestibular dysfunction 207
causes of 206
classification of 206
nonotogenic causes of 207t
otogenic causes of 207t
Vestibular end organ 204
Vestibular input, central processing of 203
Vestibular neuritis 45
Vestibular neuronitis 207
Vestibular nucleus 203, 203f
inferior 203
lateral 203
location of 197f
superior 203
Vestibular rehabilitation 195
history 195
therapy 195
indications of 213, 213t
principles of 212, 212f
program 213, 213t
Vestibular sense 176
Vestibular stimuli 130, 210
Vestibular system function, mechanism of 196f
Vestibule 199
Vestibulocollic reflex 205
Vestibulo-ocular reflex 196
Vestibulopathy, bilateral 207
Vestibulospinal reflex 204
Vibration 13, 128, 192
Vibratory/stimulatory technique 56
Visceral manipulation 40, 54
basics 54
contraindications 55
diagnosis 55
indications 55
Visual and auditory senses 176
Visual input 196
Visual motor integration 176
Visual perception 176
Visualization 177
Visuo-motor functions 210
Vitamin deficiency 207
Vojta therapy 141, 142
contraindications 144
fundamentals of 142
history 141
indications 143
principles of 142
Von Fox combination technique 45
VOR reflex stimulation exercises 213
VSR stimulation exercises 213
Wallenberg's syndrome 207
Western cerebral palsy centre 133
X strip 112f
Y strip 112f
Zindler reflex technique 45
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Manual TherapyCHAPTER 1

Krishna N Sharma
Manual therapy is a clinical approach utilizing skilled, specific hands-on techniques, including but not limited to manipulation/mobilization to diagnose and treat soft tissues and joint structures for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion (ROM); reducing or eliminating soft tissue inflammation; inducing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue repair, extensibility, and/or stability; facilitating movement; and improving function.
HISTORY (Fig. 1.1)
  • Acharya Susrutha (600 BC) in his book Susrutha Samhita explained 107 marma points in the body that can be treated with the finger pressure.
  • Hippocrates (460–355 BC) explained traction and few other manual therapy techniques.
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.1: Hippocratic bench or Scamnum invented by Hippocrates.
  • Galen (131–202 AD) explained few manual therapy techniques for cervical vertebrae, as well as the upper and lower extremities.
  • John Hunter (1728–1793) recommended stretching and joint movements in the cases of stiffness and adhesion.
  • Bone setting flourished in Britain during the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • Sir James Paget (1814–1899) suggested the medical community to learn bone setting to imitate what is good and avoid what is bad.
  • Andrew Taylor Still (1828–1917) founded osteopathy in 1874 in the USA.
  • Daniel David Palmer founded Chiropractic in 1895.
  • Edgar and James Cyriax, and James & John Mennell taught manual therapy to the physiotherapists in beginning of the 19th century.
  • Edgar Cyriax published a paper Manual Treatment of the Cervical Sympathetics in 1917.
  • Walmsley coined the term Arthrokinametics in 1927.
  • James Mennell wrote a book “Manual Therapy” and got published in 1951.
  • James Cyriax published a book “Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine” in 1954. His book made the term End Feel popular.
  • John Mennell used the term Joint Play for the first time in his book “Joint Pain” published in 1960.
  • Kaltenborn linked the arthrokinematics with the manual therapy and published his book “Extremity Joint Manipulation” in 1961.
  • Stanley V Paris published “Theory and Technique of Specific Spinal Manipulation” in 1963.
  • Geoffrey Maitland published his book “Vertebral Manipulation” in 1964.
  • In 1966, Kaltenborn, Paris, Grieve, and Maitland held a meeting which resulted into the foundation of Federation of Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (IFOMT).
  • In the late 1970s, McKenzie introduced his own concept.
According to the Application
  • Joint:
    • Mobilization3
    • Manipulation
    • Traction, etc.
  • Muscle:
    • Soft tissue manipulation
    • Muscle energy technique, etc.
  • Neural structure:
    • Neural stretching.
According to the Procedures
  • Thrust:
    • High velocity thrust technique/manipulation
  • Non-thrust:
    • Graded oscillations
    • Stretching
    • Soft tissue manipulation
    • Myofascial release
    • Muscle energy technique, etc.
  • Biomechanical effects:
    • Joint displacement
    • Increase in range of motion (ROM) due to passive movements
  • Muscular reflexogenic effects:
    • Muscular inhibition
    • Muscular facilitation
  • Neurophysiologic effects:
    • Pain inhibition and analgesia
    • Pain gate mechanism
  • Psychological effects:
    • Placebo.
Mobilization is passive joint movement applied to spinal or peripheral joint in which a rhythmic oscillatory movement within the control of patient is applied at varying speeds and amplitudes using physiologic or accessory motions to increase range of motion (ROM) or decreasing pain.4
Manipulation is passive joint movement applied to a joint in which a sudden, forceful thrust beyond the patient's control is applied to increase range of motion (ROM).
Soft Tissue Manipulation
The soft tissue manipulation techniques involve various forms of deep massage and are used to increase the mobility of adherent or shortened connective tissues.
Muscle Energy Technique
Muscle energy techniques use the concepts of autogenic inhibition, and reciprocal inhibition to relax and then stretch the target muscle. The patient is asked to do isometric/concentric/eccentric contraction in a precisely controlled direction and intensity against a counterforce applied by the therapist.
Neural Stretching
The neural tissues are stretched and mobilized in the cases of adhesion or scar tissue around the nerve root or at the site of injury at the plexus or peripheral nerves after trauma or surgical procedures. Tension placed on the adhesions or scar tissue leads to pain or neurological symptoms.
Graded Oscillation
Graded oscillation was widely promoted by Maitland. Graded oscillation is a form of cyclic loading whereby alternative pressure, on and off, is delivered at different parts of the available range.
Stretching is a general terms that describe any therapeutic maneuver that increases the extensibility of restricted soft tissues.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial release techniques focus on relaxing the fascia by applying direct pressure on the body and using slow and sometimes deep pressure to restore the extensibility of the fascia.5
Though there are various schools of thought in manual therapy, I would like to quote few notables ones.
  • Osteopathy:
    • The founder of osteopathic medicine was Andrew Taylor Still (1827–1917).
    • Still observed through careful study of a patient that when joints are restricted in motion due to mechanical locking or other related causes were normalized, certain disease conditions improved.
    • Dr Still made the “Rule of the Artery” which says that if we manipulate to restore blood flow, it will restore body's innate healing ability.
    • According to osteopathy:
      • The body is a unit; structure and function are reciprocally interrelated.
      • The body possesses self-regulatory mechanisms for rational therapies based on an understanding of the body unity, the self-regulatory mechanisms.
      • There is interrelation of structure and function.
  • Chiropractic:
    • Founded in 1895 by DD Palmer (1845–1913).
    • In Chiropractic “Subluxation” of the spine is a causal factor in disease and the revelation that adjustments can restore the body's innate healing abilities.
    • “Chiropractors do not manipulate; they do not use the process of manipulating; they adjust.”
    • DD Palmer applied an “adjustment” to Harvey Lillard in September 1895 to the T4 vertebra that resulted in restoration of lost hearing.
    • Palmer School of Chiropractic founded in 1897 in Davenport, Iowa.
  • Williams:
    • Dr Paul Williams observed that the majority of patients who experienced low back pain had degenerative vertebrae secondary to degenerative disc disease.
    • He first published his exercise program in 1937 for patients with chronic low back pain.6
    • These exercises were developed for men under 50 and women under 40 years of age:
      • Who had exaggerated lumbar lordosis
      • Whose X-ray films showed decreased disc space between lumbar spine segments (L1-S1)
      • Whose symptoms were chronic but low grade.
    • His exercises were flexion biased.
    • The goals of performing Williams exercises are to reduce pain and provide lower trunk stability by actively developing the “abdominal, gluteus maximus, and hamstring muscles as well as passively stretching the hip flexors and lower back (sacrospinalis) muscles.
    • Williams said: “The exercises outlined will accomplish a proper balance between the flexor and the extensor groups of postural muscles.
    • Conceptually, Williams felt that the goal of exercise was to reduce the lumbar lordosis or to flatten the back.
    • To do this, he suggested strengthening the abdominal muscles in order to lift the pelvis from the front.
    • In addition, he proposed strengthening the gluteal muscles would pull the back of the pelvis down.
    • According to Williams, the combination of these two exercises would accomplish the primary goal of flattening the lumbar curve.
  • Mennell:
    • Published his book in 1951.
    • Felt that ‘joint play’ is key to normal function.
    • He emphasized the importance of the small accessory movements as necessary for full movement to occur.
    • Techniques are more specific for the extremities than for the spine.
    • He was one of the first clinicians to study the intimate mechanics of joints and to adapt mobilizations to his findings.
    • He coined the term accessory motion.
  • Cyriax:
    • Founded by James Cyriax.
    • Used selective tension techniques to identify faulty structures in the examination.
    • Emphasized the need for soft tissue massage and frequently used injection of muscle trigger points.7
    • Believed the disc is the primary cause of low back pain and used nonspecific spinal techniques designed to move the disc to relive nerve root pressure.
    • Started to use the term cross friction.
    • Also known for the term endfeel.
    • He published a book “Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine” in 1954.
  • Kaltenborn
    • Freddy Kaltenborn is known for his research in arthrokinematics.
    • He gave different classification of joints for manual therapists.
    • His techniques incorporate the influence of muscle function and soft-tissue changes in the patient's manifestation of loss of function.
    • Kaltenborn published his book “Extremity Joint Manipulation” in 1961.
  • Maitland:
    • Founded by Geoffrey Maitland.
    • Used primarily passive accessory movements to restore function.
    • Relies on an extensive assessment based on information from the patient's subjective examination (history) and the evaluator's objective assessment.
    • The movements are oscillations, the techniques are specific and the goals is what he terms ‘reproducible signs’.
    • The Maitland concept is referred to as a ‘concept’ and not as a ‘technique’.
    • He published his book “Vertebral Manipulation” in 1964.
  • McKenzie:
    • Robin Anthony McKenzie noted that a subset of his patients experienced significant pain relief when the spine was extended as the part of a treatment. Often, these patients were able to return to normal daily activities.
    • Physical therapists who practiced the methods developed by McKenzie founded the McKenzie Institute in 1982.
    • This modality may be used to treat any number of back, spine, muscle, bone, or joint disorders.
    • In order to determine if the McKenzie Method® will relieve a patient's pain or improve their mobility or range of motion, the patient attempts several of the exercises designed to reduce the sensation of pain.8
    • If the pain moves towards the spine or is eliminated, then the patient may be an appropriate candidate for the McKenzie Method®.
    • Centralization is the term practitioners of this modality use to describe this movement or elimination of pain.
    • Usually, if the patient's pain and spinal-related problems do not have a mechanical origin, the McKenzie Method® may not be a useful treatment for that individual.
    • McKenzie is a comprehensive approach to the spine based on sound principles and fundamentals that when understood and followed accordingly are very successful.
    • The McKenzie method: Three steps to success:
      1. Assessment
      2. Treatment
      3. Prevention
  • Mulligan:
    • Developed and founded by Brian Mulligan.
    • In 1983 Brian began teaching his techniques.
    • For extremities: MWMs (Mobilization with movement)
    • For spine: NAGs (Natural apophyseal glides) and SNAGs (Sustained natural apophyseal glides).
    • The patient is requested to perform the comparable sign (by performing a classic movement). These signs may be a loss of joint movement, pain associated with movement, or pain associated with specific functional activities.
    • A passive accessory joint mobilization is applied. This accessory glide must itself be pain free.
    • The comparable sign should now be significantly improved (i.e. increased range of motion, and a significantly decreased or better yet, absence of the original pain).
    • The previously restricted and/or painful motion or activity is repeated by the patient while the therapist continues to maintain the appropriate accessory glide.
    • Failure to improve the comparable sign would indicate that the therapist has not found the correct contact point, treatment plane, grade or direction of mobilization, spinal segment or that the technique is not indicated.
  • Krishna's Kinetikinetic Manual Therapy (KKMT):
    • Developed by Dr Krishna N Sharma in 2015.
    • Based on 7 principles.9
    • Realigns and harmonizes the incongruity and altered states of body, mind, and energy by manipulating the homeostatic kinetic forces and energies.
    • The KKMT protocol includes assessment, mobilization, and prevention. Each of these are done separately for three aspects of a human being, i.e. body, mind, and energies.
    • Though a therapist can work on any of these three aspect, working on all of them is recommended for better outcome.