Principles of Respiratory Medicine Farokh Erach Udwadia, Zarir F Udwadia, Anirudh F Kohli, Khyati Shah
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdomen, computed tomography of 226f, 430f, 620f
Abram's needle 914
Abscess 419, 627, 845
hepatic 430f
intrahepatic 904
multiple 370f
subphrenic 904
Accuhalers 471
Acetazolamide 1010
Acetic acid 984
Acetylator status 231
Acetylcholine 941, 1052
Acetylcysteine 787
Achalasia of Cardia 277, 278
Acid 118
concept of 116
gastric contents, aspiration of 268
maltase deficiency 1054
rain 993
balance 115, 118, 119f
normal 115
disturbances 115, 122, 543
clinical features of 122
management of 122
mixed 121
equilibrium 119
homeostasis 115
measurements 119
Acidemia 118, 120f
Acid-fast bacilli 216, 220f, 273f, 316, 360, 659f, 909
Acidosis 192
chronic metabolic 885
metabolic 121f
respiratory 120f
Acinetobacter 321, 904
baumannii 337, 383, 385
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 216, 248, 391, 392, 396, 831, 918, 924
Acrylate glue 1020
Acrylonitrile 606
Actinomyces 266, 276
israelii 276, 911
Acute abdominal distension 283
Acute asthma 462, 476, 483
attack 483
management of 483t
Acute circulatory failure 283
Acute community-acquired pneumonia, complications of 283t
Acute cough
causes of 174t
diagnostic evaluation of 174
Acute crisis 831
Acute dyspnea 190, 192
causes of 192t
Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure 780, 782, 810
causes of 782t
Acute left ventricular failure 192, 283, 284, 537
Acute mediastinitis 957
etiology of 957t
Acute respiratory crisis, management of 543t
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 37, 198, 273, 283, 299, 313, 314, 335, 423426, 433, 434f, 440, 587, 672, 700f, 773, 782, 803, 837, 838, 838t, 841f, 842f, 847t, 854, 867, 893, 906, 998, 1017, 1039, 1047
etiology of 840t
pathogenesis of 843fc
Acute respiratory failure 283, 536, 760, 761, 777, 792, 1057, 1059
clinical features of 785
complications of 786
management of 787, 787t
treatment of cause of 789
Acute severe asthma 482, 483, 490, 537, 570, 783, 810
clinical features of 462
ventilator support in 804
Acute thromboembolic lung disease, ventilator support in 804
Acyclovir 305
Adenocarcinoma 52f, 57f, 610, 611, 611f, 630f, 931
in situ 610, 611f
Adenoid cystic carcinoma 650
Adenopathy 91f, 163f, 214f, 683f
deaminase 901, 913
triphosphate 1007
stores of 136
Adenovirus 292, 302, 305, 311, 534, 580
Adjunctive therapy 297
Adrenal metastatic lesions 620
Adrenaline 483, 485
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone 621
Adriamycin 403
Adventitious sounds 200
Aedes aegypti mosquito 436
Agammaglobulinemia 355
Age-adjusted deaths 559f
Air bronchogram 54, 63, 63f, 270f, 664f
sign 34
Air conditioner lung 719, 720
Air embolism 773
Air-filled space 920
Air pollution 454, 608, 988
amount of 990
index of 989t
indoor 990
outdoor 506
Air quality
index 989t
standards 995t
limitation 527, 704
obstruction 198
degree of 558
severe 487f
patterns of 103f
Air-space opacities, diagnosis of 34
Air-trapping, reducing 547
Airways 1034
adverse effects on 1019
and ventilation, management of difficult 798fc
clearance 362
contrasts 34
difficult 795
disease 67, 392, 447, 863, 871
inflammatory 886
obstructive 133, 593t, 782
small 69, 513
dynamic compression of 517f
dysfunction syndrome 984
reactive 982, 984t
emergency 792
ensuring patency of 565
epithelium 512
hyper-reactive 178
hyperresponsiveness 467, 499, 500, 508
measuring 464
infection 511
treatment of 566
inflammation 465t
noninvasive markers of 465
injury 1016
management 790, 800
obstruction 178, 189, 192, 363, 413, 507, 513, 527
diseases causing 189
element of 1043
management of 974
severe chronic 594
severity of 533
small 190
peripheral 515, 535
pressure 812f, 822f, 832
biphasic positive 289
release ventilation 818, 819
remodelling 458
features of 459f
resistance 102, 102, 145
measurement of 145f
sites of 104
responsiveness, methods of measuring 464
stents, bronchoscopic placement of 642
structural changes in 458
thickening 458
Akinesia 1048
Alae nasi 685f
Albumin 738
Albuterol 456
Alcaligenes xylosoxidans 561
Alcohol abuse 397f
Alcoholism 34, 267, 268, 290
Aldactone 556
Alkalemia 118
Alkalosis 118, 893
compensated metabolic 121f
Allergens 453
Allergic alveolitis, extrinsic 190, 306, 579, 656, 657, 987
Allergic aspergillus sinusitis 577
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis 306, 420, 568, 569, 571t, 572f, 573t, 574f, 575f, 745
diagnosis of 568
pathogenesis of 571fc
Allergic diseases 453
Allergic rhinitis 140, 374
Allergic status, measuring 464
Alpha-1 antitrypsin
deficiency 509, 511f
molecule 510
Alpha-fetoprotein 941
Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient 109, 827
Alveolar capillary membrane 144
Alveolar cells 106
Alveolar hemorrhage 65f, 192, 392, 845, 847, 867
pulmonary-renal syndrome with 885t
Alveolar hyperplasia, atypical 610
Alveolar hyperventilation 821
Alveolar hypoventilation 109, 518, 824, 889
disorders 749
Alveolar infiltrates 318fc
Alveolar macrophages 678
Alveolar microlithiasis 48f, 49f
Alveolar oxygen 108, 109
partial pressure 1007
Alveolar pressure 130f
Alveolar proteinosis 39f, 66f, 711, 845
diagnosis of 712
Alveolar recoil pressure 516f
Alveolar rupture 817
Alveolar ventilation 18, 107, 108
concept of 107f
Alveolar walls 100
allergic 657
fibrosing 887
Amantadine 296
Ambrisentan 879
Amebiasis 840
pulmonary complication of 429f
Amebic empyema 430f
Amebic infection 427, 431
American College of Chest Physicians 624, 768
American College of Rheumatology 736
American Heart Association Guidelines for Advanced Cardiac Life Support 588
American Journal of Infection Control 332
American Society of Infectious Diseases 278
American Thoracic Society 140, 186, 200, 250, 278, 284, 286, 349, 461, 524, 655, 665t
Amicrofilaremia 415
Amikacin 234, 242, 245
Amino acid 510
Aminoglycoside 566, 1020
Aminophylline 483, 484
intravenous 484
Amiodarone 915, 1021, 1027
toxicity 1021f, 1023
Ammonia 984, 1002
Amniotic fluid embolism 889, 891, 893
Amodiaquine 427
Amoxicillin 242, 287, 340, 363, 374, 379, 443, 566
Amphoric breath sounds 199
Amphotericin 326, 377, 443
liposomal formulation of 432
lyophilized 327, 377
Amplification test 913
Amplified inflammatory response, nature of 519
Amylase 901
Amyloid 708
Amyloidosis 708, 709f
diffuse parenchymal 709, 710
isolated pulmonary 709
secondary 709
Anaphylactic reactions 15
Anaphylaxis 1019
Anaplastic lymphoma kinase 607
Ancylostoma duodenale 412
Anemia 188, 189, 192, 216, 252, 623, 740f
aplastic 312, 313
chronic 588
severe 587, 588
Anesthesia, general 588
Aneurysm 90
arteriovenous 627
cardiac 952
Aneurysmal dilatation 874
Aneurysmal portion, rupture of 181
Angina, unstable 587, 588
Angiocentric disease 61
Angiofollicular lymphoid hyperplasia 953
Angiograms, coronary 11f
Angiomyolipomas 703, 706, 708
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 132, 175, 178, 457, 677, 1051
inhibitors 178, 1019
Ankylosing spondylitis 191, 411, 412, 420, 859, 873, 874f, 886, 1045
Anorexia 233
Anthrax 444
bacillus 276
mediastinitis 959
spores 959
Antibiotic 538
choice of 286
resistance 381, 383, 386
managing 386
therapy 340, 362, 371
duration of 909
use of 340
use of 584
defect 313
testing 296
Anti-centromere antibodies 868
Anticholinergic bronchodilator 550, 551, 552f
long-acting 551
Anticholinergic drug
long-acting 551
side effects of 551
Anticoagulant therapy 769t
Antidiuretic hormone 621
production 217
Antidotes, specific 1004
Antiepileptics 1017
processing 720
test, rapid 296
Anti-glomerular basement membrane 739
Anti-inflammatory therapy 364
Anti-Koch's treatment 220f
Antimetabolites 1017
Antimicrobial therapy 288, 288t
Antimitotic cytotoxic drugs 1024
Antimony pentachloride 967
Antimony trichloride 967
Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody 183, 735, 741, 746, 884, 918
Antinuclear antibody 741, 865
Antioxidant 553
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 759, 868
Antiretroviral drugs 393
Antiretroviral therapy 250, 251, 398
highly active 252, 252f, 351, 392
use of active 393
Anti-TNF therapy 693
Antitoxin, use of 440
Antitrypsin deficiency 509fc
Anti-tuberculosis drugs 233
first-line 229t
in vitro 349t
resistance surveillance 237
side effects of 233
Antiviral drugs 296
Anxiety 194, 786, 890
Aorta 160
arch of 26
ascending 28
Aortic aneurysm, ascending 874f
Aortic arch 25, 26, 751f
Aortic dissection 194
Aortic transection 1035f
Aortic wall 962
Aplasia 77
trial of 486
witnessed 1067
Apneustic breathing 123
Appetite, loss of 552
Arachidonic acid 132
Arcolein 967
Arginine 475
Argon plasma cauterization 158
Aromatic amines 606
Arrhythmias 478, 543
cardiac 485, 543, 587, 1070
treatment of 557
ventricular 440
Arsenic 606, 608
Artemether 427
Arterial blood
decreased oxygen content of 588
gas 155, 270, 528, 535f, 750, 751, 759, 761, 762, 827, 846, 975, 1044
effects on 111
studies 1056
pressure 127
Arterial catheterization 168
Arterial oxygen 804
partial pressure of 806, 811, 815, 817, 818
saturation 282
Arteriogram, bronchial 23f
Arteriographic embolization 184, 185
Arteriography 184
Arteriovenous malformation 72f
Artery 32
centrilobular 32
esophageal 31
ipsilateral pulmonary 78
lower branch pulmonary 22f
Artesunate 426, 427
Arthralgia 688, 736, 1020
Arthritis 554
Arthropods 453
Artificial airways 791
disadvantages of 792
indications for 792t
maintaining 799
removal of 829
Artificial ventilation 788
Asbestos 608, 929, 977, 981
classes of 977t
crumbling 928
exposure 608
absence of 929
fibers 968f, 978
Asbestosis 657, 918, 968f, 977, 981
management of 982
risk of 979
Ascarial infection 411
Ascariasis 411
Ascaris lumbricoides 411, 420
Aseptic meningitis 295
Aspergilloma 54f, 180, 306, 308f, 324f
Aspergillosis 305
chronic necrotizing 974
invasive tracheobronchial 324
Aspergillus 266, 568570, 577
antigen 570
candida 313
clavatus 720
conidia 306
disease 306
flavus 323
fumigatus 305, 306, 323, 377, 569, 570, 572, 573, 577, 584, 911
hyphae 306
infection 306t, 308f, 317, 319, 324f, 327
niger 323
pneumonia, chronic necrotizing 306
sinusitis 577
skin test 577
specific immunoglobulin E 570
terreus 323
tracheobronchitis, diagnosis of 326t
Aspiration 267, 268, 332
bronchiolitis 583
pneumonia 268, 334f, 425, 435, 439, 840, 862, 889, 1049, 1058
complications of 367
recurrent 870
Aspirin 457, 1021
avoidance of 497
bronchospasm, severe 1021
Asthamatic pulmonary eosinophilia 420
Asthma 140, 158, 174, 176, 192, 449, 450, 452, 454, 455, 459f, 467, 467t, 472t, 478, 487, 488, 498, 499, 499f, 499t, 562, 584, 591t, 737, 744
allergic 482
mechanisms 496
aspirin induced 457, 496, 497
attack 487, 494, 495
typical 466
cardiac 468
chronic 491, 499, 508
clinical features 461
complementary medicines in 478
control 465, 478, 495
levels of 479t
death audits 494t
diagnosis of 451, 461, 462, 465, 577
differential diagnosis 466
difficult 490
distinguishing 466
cost 488t
used in 472
during pregnancy, management of 495
effect of 495
endotype, concept of 482
eosinophilic 558
epidemics 454
epidemiology of 449
etiopathogenesis 449, 453
exercise induced 478
fewer exacerbations of 572
genetic factors 452
global epidemiology 450
global initiative for 449
impact of 452
in pregnancy, treatment of 495
infections 453
insights and realities 488
life-threatening 456
like symptoms 463
management 466, 470, 481
mediators of 457
medical management of 489
medication 470, 471
side effects of 495
mild 569
mimic of 468
mistaken for 469
moderate-to-severe 474
non-allergic 482
nutrients 455
obesity 454
occupational 456, 965, 982, 983
pathogenesis of 457, 496
pathology of severe 490
phenotypes 465
physical examination 461
pollution 454
pre-existing 570
prevalence of 449451, 453, 454, 983
pulmonary eosinophilia in
extrinsic 728
intrinsic 728
related deaths 475
respiratory symptoms, epidemiology of 451
severe 462, 478, 577
attack of 463t
life-threatening 490
special types 490
symptoms 450, 451, 461
syndrome 481
treatment of 452, 474
trigger for 453, 455
types of 452, 490, 491
typical of 463
uncomplicated 573
uncontrolled 482t
variant of 175
ventilation in 486
work-aggravated 982
worsening 457
Asthmatic population 497
Astrup technique 119
Atelectasis 38, 40, 335, 439, 821, 824, 844, 898, 903
lower lobe 41, 45
obstructive 41f
right middle 45
round 55, 979
Atelectatic alveoli 110f
Atelectatic lobe 43
Atomic absorption spectrometry 995
Atopic disease 451
Atopy 499
Atovaquone 400
Atresia, bronchial 76
Atrial fibrillation 534
Atrial pressure, elevated right 694
Atropine sulfate 550
acute severe 462
apneic 439
dangerous 462
Attenuation 630
Atypical pneumonia 845
syndrome 270
Auscultation 199
bodies, formation of 859
connective tissue disorders 182
disease 182, 688, 735
disorders 1025
Autonomic disturbances, management of 441
Autophagy, inhibitors of 707
Autopositive end-expiratory pressure 822
effects of 822
measurement of 822
methods of reducing 823
Avian flu 298
Avian influenza 298, 298t
Axial interstitium 57
Azathioprine 313, 688, 862, 866, 872, 1017
Azithromycin 350, 351, 363, 400, 445
Azoospermia 564
presence of obstructive 564
Azygous lobe fissure 24, 25f
Babesia babesiosis 431
Babesiosis 431
Bacillary disease, prevalence of 211
Bacillus anthracis 444
Bacillus calmette-guerin 345
vaccination 210
BACTEC system 228
Bacteremic spread 367
anaerobic 266, 276, 277
atypical 278
translocation of 846
typical 278
Bacterial infection 271, 354, 392, 394, 401, 431
Bacterial pleural exudates, management of 908
Bacterial pneumonia, secondary 295, 425
Bacterial sinusitis, complications of 376
Bag mask respiration 1032
Bagassosis 719, 720
Baggage malaria 426
atrial septostomy 755
catheter 145
tamponade 184
Baloxavir 297
Bamboo spine 1045
Bangladesh short-course regimen 246
Bariatric surgery 1073
Barometric pressure 1007
Baroreceptors, arterial 125
Barotrauma 487, 518, 816, 823, 846
Basaloid 944
Basophils 570
B-cell lymphoma 392, 873f, 947
Beclomethasone 553
dipropionate 473
Bedaquiline 242, 244246
Behçet's disease 735, 747, 874, 874f, 875
Benzene 606
Benzo[a]pyrene 606
Benzodiazepine 848
Berlin definition 838
Berylliosis 657, 689
Beryllium disease 967, 968f
Beta carotene 608
Beta lactamase, extended spectrum 340, 385
long-acting 464, 474
short-acting 538
Bhopal gas tragedy 580, 999
Bicarbonate 120, 121
reabsorption of 117
Bilevel positive airway pressure 819, 927
Bilevel pressure ventilators 831
Biliary atresia, primary 876
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 254
Biologic therapy 887
Biological dusts 966
Biopsy 624, 626, 660, 740
multiple 901
procedure 164, 941
proof 745
proven pulmonary sarcoid 686f
results 192
Bioterrorism 959
Biotrauma 823
Birbeck granules 698f
Bird breeding 965
Bird-Fancier's disease 719, 720
Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome 705
Black lung disease 974
Bladder neck obstruction 688
Blastomyces dermatitidis 281, 305, 308
Blastomycosis 305, 308, 367
diagnosis of 309
skin lesions of 309
Bleaching agent 984
Bleeding 820
gastrointestinal 543, 824
Bleomycin 403, 1018, 1024, 1027
toxicity 1024f, 1025f
Blind nasal intubation 797
Blinded invasive procedures, role of 338
Blomia tropicalis 453
Blood 465
arterial 486
brain barrier 124
count, complete 176, 279, 360, 535, 741
culture 281, 327
positive 338
examination 716
expectoration of 180
flow very less 111
flow, distribution of 129f
gas 115
analysis 282
machine 901
gene signatures 259
glucose concentrations, low 901
loss 537, 824
monocytes, peripheral 969, 970
plasma of 119
pressure 815, 1069
reaches lungs 117
stream infection, central line-associated 331
tests, basic 192
urea-nitrogen 536
Blowing diastolic murmur 524
Blurred vision 1004
B-lymphocytes 521
Bochdalek hernia 73, 78
Body mass index 244, 558, 1064, 1068
Body plethysmography 142
Bone 696
eosinophilic granuloma of 696
marrow transplant 580
mineral density 473
pain 233f
scan 634
Bony rib cage 3
Bordetella pertussis 379
Bormal flow-volume loop 141f
Botulism 779, 1051, 1055
Brachial vein 166
Brachiocephalic artery 28
Brachiocephalic vein, left 29
Brachytherapy 158, 642
Bradycardia 785, 786
Bradykinin 132, 173
hemosiderin deposits in 1011
natriuretic peptide 752, 845
Brainstem strokes 1047
condensate 465
exhaled 465
shortness of 186, 196
sounds 199
abnormal 199
cavernous 199
stacking 1058
Breathing 533, 1034
disorders, sleep-related 1061, 1063, 1070
exercises 479, 555
reserve 147
sleep-disordered 749, 1063
test, rapid 155
work of 104, 827
Breathlessness 186, 196, 197, 269, 449, 522, 709, 868, 876, 887, 973f, 1010, 1016
complaint of 1033
British Medical Research Council 207
British Thoracic Society 284, 286
British Thoracic Society Sarcoidosis Study 692
Brittle asthma 490, 491, 491f, 492
types of 491
Brock syndrome 354
Bromocriptine 915
Bronchi 550
anatomy of 32
central 32
mucus plugging of 574
Bronchial artery 21, 184, 562
angiogram 23f
embolization 21
hypertrophy 181
Bronchial asthma 132, 189, 199, 468, 893
episodes of 192
exacerbations of 570
severe 782
allergic 306
Bronchial breath sounds 199
Bronchial carcinoid 627
tumors 623
Bronchial carcinoma, primary 627
Bronchial fistula, biliary 429
Bronchial hyper-reactivity 464, 683
Bronchial hyper-responsiveness 449, 468
Bronchial mucus-secreting glands 951
Bronchial obstruction 38, 276
Bronchial responsiveness, nonspecific 984
Bronchial washing, positive cultures in 326
Bronchiectasis 68, 70f, 178, 181, 190, 225f, 283, 353, 356358, 359f, 360t, 363365, 375, 464, 501, 563f, 568, 569, 583, 864
antibiotics in 363t
bilateral extensive 358
causes of 357t
central 572
chronic suppurative 361
classic features of 359
congenital 356
cylindrical 353
diagnosis of 360
extensive bilateral 360
fibronodular 347
idiopathic 357
pathophysiology of 375f
prevalence of 353
representing traction 59f
types of 353
Bronchiectatic lobe, surgical resection of 365
Bronchiolar abnormalities 578
Bronchiolar disease 61, 69
Bronchiolar ulceration 181
Bronchiolar wall disorders 579t
Bronchioles 550, 578
Bronchiolitis 189, 192, 302, 305, 329, 392, 578, 582, 584, 886, 921
acute 579
infective 579, 580
cryptogenic constrictive 580
differential diagnosis of 584
exudative 70, 71f
obliterans 392, 501, 578, 579, 581f, 582f, 671, 1019
cryptogenic 580
organizing pneumonia 314, 655, 671, 845
obstructive 579
primary 578, 579, 582
secondary 579
Bronchitis 305, 379, 423, 500, 864
Bronchoalveolar lavage 158, 273f, 274, 279, 318, 319, 329, 349, 371, 393, 417f, 419, 432, 435, 449, 584, 625, 663, 678, 701, 716, 741, 972, 980
fluid 157f, 223
studies 724
Bronchoconstrictor agent, choice of 464
Bronchodilator 547, 580
aerosolized 527
effect 485
inhaled 547
long-acting 364
response 140
therapy, inhaled 538
Bronchograms 88f
Broncholith 214
Bronchopleural fistula 87, 88f, 369, 907, 925, 925f, 927t
peripheral 88f
Bronchopneumonia 439
eosinophilic 414f
Bronchoprovocation test 140
Bronchopulmonary infections 505, 507
Bronchoscopy 157, 158t, 182, 319, 369, 370, 624, 626, 642, 663, 931, 1039
fiberoptic 160, 282, 319, 616, 689
flexible 973
indications for 158t
role of 373
urgent 185
Bronchospasm 440, 483, 1043
acute 1019
severe 760
Bronchovascular structures 56
Bronchus 1038
right main 23
Broth-drug susceptibility assay 228
Brovasio enzyme 384
Brugia malayi 412, 413
Budd-Chiari syndrome 876, 903
Budesonide 473
Bulla 38, 66, 68f, 163, 921
Bullectomy 557
Bullous emphysema 66, 68f
Bullous myringitis 272, 277
Bupropion 547
Burkholderia cepacia 561, 567
complex 561, 566
Burkholderia pseudomallei 277, 371, 441443
Burkitt's lymphoma 403
Burns 839, 840
Burnt-out infective pathologies 501
Busulfan 1018
Butadiene 606
Buteyko breathing technique 479
Byssinosis 969, 985
Café-au-lait spots 657
Calcinosis 870
Calcium channel blockers 754, 879
Campylobacter 1050
Cancer 689
esophageal 956
registries, population-based 604f
risk of 605
treatment of underlying 621
albicans 392
glabrata 314, 326
infection 326
krusei 314, 326
parapsilosis 326
tropicalis 314, 326
Cansoni skin 421
Capillary blood, volume of 144
Capillary endothelial cells, membrane of 106
Capillary leak syndrome 436
Capreomycin 234, 242
Capsaicin 173
Carbamazepine 420, 1017
Carbapenem 321, 341, 385
Carbohydrates 109
Carbon dioxide 106, 117, 146, 147, 189, 989
elimination and regulation 810
end-tidal partial pressure of 806
partial pressure of 591
pressure of 486
production 147, 779
retention 524
tension 77
Carbon monoxide 465, 662, 706, 707, 784, 975, 988, 998, 1002, 1005
diffusion 1043
capacity for 467, 1056
poisoning 587, 588, 1002
transfer of 143
Carbonic acid 122
formation of 117
Carboplatin 642
Carcinoembryonic antigen 941
Carcinogens 606t, 610, 966
Carcinoid tumors 580, 610, 627, 648, 648f
multiple 579
bronchial 668, 669
bronchoalveolar 611f, 713
bronchogenic 15f, 178, 182, 392, 609, 616, 617, 617f, 622, 940
bronchopulmonary 610
develop bronchogenic 981
embryonal 947
esophagus 16f
invasive 610
lung 617f
lymphoepithelioma-like 944
Cardiac arrest 518, 587, 588, 1003
Cardiac disease 192, 1055
causes of 891
Cardiac failure, congestive 288, 468, 759, 898, 899, 1070
Cardiac massage, external 922
Cardiac tamponade 188, 518, 1032, 1034
Cardiomyopathy 188
ischemic 891
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing 146, 148
Cardiopulmonary stress testing 146
Cardiorespiratory medicine 837
Cardiorespiratory support 768, 769
Cardiotoxicity 475
Cardiovascular disease 188190, 533, 1002
Cardiovascular disorders 181
Cardiovascular system 523
Carina 154
Carmustine 1018
Carotid artery, common 28, 29
Caspofungin 326
Castleman's disease 392, 405, 953
Catamenial pneumothorax 893
Cataract 473, 567
over-needle device 166, 168
studies 1011
Cavitary tuberculosis 227f
Cefotaxime 880
Ceftazidime 363, 443
Ceftriaxone 340, 363, 374, 383, 434, 566
Cell 457
non-small 636f
small 612f, 618f, 620
cytoplasm of 698f
injury 969
lung cancer 1055
extrathoracic staging of non-small 633
management of non-small 638, 639t
non-small 159, 601, 610
palliative treatment for non-small 642t
prognosis of non-small 638, 640t
staging of non-small 633t
malignant 901
require oxygen 586
Center for Disease Control and Prevention 249, 268, 296, 331, 396
Central controlling system 123
Central hypoventilation syndromes 1074
Central nervous system 272, 277, 322, 622, 698, 730, 738, 778, 803, 1047
disease 215, 252
disorders 1047, 1048
Central sleep apnea, spells of 597
Central venous catheter 166, 338, 853
insertion 922
Central venous pressure 536, 770
Centriacinar emphysema 513, 515f
Cepacia syndrome 561
ataxia 277
degeneration 621, 623, 930
abscess 283
edema 1047
edema, high-altitude 1011
malaria 840
oxygen toxicity 595
Cerebrospinal fluid 124, 1050
adenopathy 197
injury 1048
lesions 1058
lymphadenopathy 272
mediastinoscopy 941
spine injury 800
spondylitis 194, 195
Chamberlain's procedure 941
Chaotic atrial tachycardia 534
asphyxiants 1002
inflammation 1002
irritants 1001
worker's lung 719, 720
Chemokines 458
central 124
peripheral 124
Chemotherapeutic regimes 1024
Chemotherapy 206, 208, 312, 313, 396, 645
adjuvant 639, 641
choice of 641
cisplatin-based 946
lung 1017
and neck, palpation of 198
axial computed tomography of 214f
bellows 518
computed tomography of 63f, 165f, 166f, 194, 221f, 226f, 335, 335f, 370f, 419, 421f, 562, 616f, 618f, 650f, 1017f, 1020f
discomfort 887
causes of 194t
disease, evaluation of 3
examination of 198
high-resolution computed tomography of 192, 196, 223f225f, 324f, 368, 370f, 397f, 563f, 581, 625, 667, 700, 672f, 710f, 723, 723f, 729f
infection 433
infiltrates 839
lateral X-ray of 6f
magnetic resonance imaging of 194
pain 21, 194, 195, 274f, 309f, 616, 706, 955, 1020
severe unilateral 195
radiography 278, 309, 316, 419, 528, 580, 627t, 657, 698, 706, 1036
limitations of 670
tightness 449
trauma 916, 1031, 1032, 1038f
complications of 1032t
therapeutic measures in 1039
drainage 161, 162
insertion, procedure for 161
removal 162
ultrasonography of 18f
wall 3, 33, 929
abnormalities 1044
anterior 45
compliance 1043
deformity 1042
disease 639
disorders 1029, 1041
inner 88
mechanics 1056
pain 194, 195
retraction 930
stabilization 1038
system 99
X-ray 192, 279, 316, 681, 723
limitations of 9
Chevalier Jackson's sign 200, 616
Cheyne-Stokes respiration 597
Chills 233, 269
Chin thrust 790
Chlamydia 281, 534
pneumoniae 277, 279, 280, 286, 386, 534, 912
psittaci 277
Chlamydial infections 178
Chlorambucil 1018
Chloramphenicol 384, 445
ions 117
secretion, reduced 561
Chlorine 967, 984, 1001
Chlorofluorocarbon 471, 988
Chloromethyl 608
Chloropicrin 967
Chloroquine 427
Cholesterol 901
Chondroma 627
Choriocarcinoma 947
Chromium 606, 608
Chromosome 452
arms of 929
Chronic airways
disease 564
obstruction 120, 810, 831
Chronic bronchitis 112f, 117, 333, 500, 512, 974
emphysema 121
Chronic cough 358
causes of 176t
diagnostic evaluation of 174, 176t
specific treatment for 179t
Chronic disorders 449, 1049
Chronic dyspnea 192
causes of 192t
Chronic left ventricular failure 175, 192
Chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis 325
diagnosis of 326t
Chronic obstructive lung disease, global initiative for 526, 549
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 18, 125, 135, 140, 174, 189, 199, 268, 277, 296, 324, 347, 353, 393, 458, 466, 467t, 482, 492, 498, 499f, 499t, 500, 500t, 512t, 515, 520t, 526t, 528f, 529f, 530, 532, 536, 545, 547f, 549, 556t, 557, 558, 559f, 578, 586, 591t, 609, 709, 749, 758, 759, 779, 803, 807, 920, 968
exacerbations of 192, 532, 533f, 534, 535, 537, 553, 782
Chronic thromboembolic disease 748
Chrysotile 977
Churg-Strauss syndrome 64, 275f, 420, 727, 729, 735, 743, 745f, 845, 884, 900, 918
Chylothorax 898900, 904, 917
causes of 917t
Chylous ascites 706
Chylous effusion 706, 708
Cicatrization atelectasis 38
Ciclesonide 473
Cidofovir 329
Cilastatin 242, 245
Cilia, normal 356f
Ciliary dyskinesia, primary 355
Ciprofloxacin 349, 363, 566
intravenous 445
Cirrhosis, biliary 688, 876, 880, 881
Cisplatin 641
Cladribine 701
Clarithromycin 350, 351, 401
Clavulanate 242, 374, 379, 566
Clavulanic acid 340, 363
Clindamycin 372, 398
Clinical compression syndromes 959
Clofazamine 242, 243, 245, 246
Closed tracheal suction systems 344
botulinum 1051
difficile infection 372
tetani 437
Coagulation system 843
Coal workers’
lung disease 974
pneumoconiosis 965, 974, 975, 975f
Co-amoxiclav 287
Coccidioides immitis 266, 271, 277, 281, 305, 309, 314, 392
Coccidioidomycosis 309, 367, 911
disseminated 309
Cockroach allergens, avoidance of 471
Coffee-worker's lung 719
disorders 859
vascular disease 396
Collapse 38
Colloids 185
Coma 786
Combination therapy 326, 755
Common cold 305, 374
Community-acquired pneumonia 217, 265, 266t, 279t, 285, 288t, 292, 311, 395, 401, 894
etiology of 386t
pathogenesis of 269f
risk factors for 267t
severe 442
Complement-fixing test 281
Compost lung 719, 720
Comprehensive waste management 993
Computed tomography 10, 22f, 194, 279, 311, 318, 325, 370, 379, 397, 572, 611, 723, 737
angiography 752f
contrast-enhanced 29
biopsy 163f
fine-needle aspiration cytology 163f
intercostal drainage insertion 165f
pigtail drainage 164f
trucut biopsy 163f
high-resolution 17f, 55f, 191, 220, 353, 360, 361f, 369f, 416f, 580, 582f, 612, 624, 656, 659, 660, 673, 700, 703, 706, 710, 751, 999
pulmonary angiogram 30f
scan 275, 328, 353, 628f, 656
Confusion 786
Congestion, hypostatic 200
Conglomerated nodular lesions, multiple small 71f
Conglomerative cystic lesions 361f
Conjunctiva 685
Conjunctival suffusion 445
Conjunctivitis 213
Connective tissue 913, 937
disease 749, 904, 918
mixed 859, 872
disorders 356, 580, 859, 860t, 866
Consciousness, altered level of 277
Consolidation 33, 36f, 316
Constrictive bronchiolitis 69, 71f, 469, 579, 580
causes of 580
etiology of 580t
histopathology of 579
Continuous flush system 168
Continuous oxygen therapy 596
indications for 556t
severe hypoxia warrants 594
Continuous peritoneal dialysis 903
Continuous positive airway pressure 289, 668, 812814, 848, 927, 1072
machine 1072f
therapy 1072
Controlled oxygen therapy 539
Contusion 1034
Cor pulmonale 519, 556, 976
Coronary artery disease 1069, 1070
Coronary bypass graft surgery 898, 915
Coronavirus 292, 303, 305, 534
Cortex 123
Corticosteroid 197, 312, 334, 483, 568, 576, 692, 693, 710, 725, 960
dependent asthma 570
dosage of 692, 693
reversibility to 527
role of 854, 869
therapy 313, 396
high dose of 312
use of 288, 538, 553, 584, 692
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 1050
Costophrenic sulcus 80
Co-trimoxazole 384, 443, 912
prophylaxis 261
therapy, role of 250
Cough 173, 175, 178, 196, 216, 269, 273f, 300f, 324, 398f, 461, 511, 553, 615, 657, 668, 688, 706, 709, 729f, 887, 955, 971, 972, 974, 1019
complications of 174
ineffectual 1058
mechanism of 173
nonproductive 178
promotion of 787
receptors 173
reflex 174
test 1057
unexplained 179
Coxiella burnetii 271, 277, 281, 912
Coxsackie virus 292
Crackles 200, 657
C-reactive protein 342, 360, 745, 1069
Cricothyroid membrane 156f, 794f
Cricothyroidotomy 155, 156f, 793
procedure for 794f
Crippling pulmonary hypertension 872
Critical care
polyneuropathy 1050
principles of 775
Crohn's disease 356, 454, 688, 886, 887f
Croup 305, 379
Cryotherapy 158
Cryptococcal infection 328, 395, 443
Cryptococcosis 309
Cryptococcus neoformans 277, 305, 309, 328, 392, 911
Cryptosporidium 401
care of 800
pressure 154
Curb index 285t
Cushing's syndrome 469, 622
Cyanide 1004
Cyanosis 462, 761, 786
central 198
Cyclooxygenase theory 496
Cyclophosphamide 403, 693, 862, 960, 1018, 1025
Cycloserine 242, 243, 245
Cyst 421, 921
bronchogenic 627, 951, 951f
enterogenous 952, 952f
infection of 951
large 421
Cysteinyl leukotrienes 474, 496
Cystic adenomatoid malformation 76
Cystic bronchiectasis 68, 347f, 353, 355f, 361f
Cystic fibrosis 278, 347, 355, 356, 375, 464, 478, 501, 560562, 563f, 563t, 564, 565, 566t, 567, 568
clinical manifestations of 564
diagnosis of 564
end-stage 567
features of 568
forme fruste of 565
lacks oxygen 561
mild 567
nonrespiratory features of 562t
progression of 567
features of 562t
manifestations of 562
transmembrane conductance 560
treatment for 567
Cystic lesions, differential diagnosis of 66
Cystic lung disease 66
Cytokines 401, 458, 843
inflammatory 971
role of 843
Cytomegalovirus 266, 277, 292, 305, 311, 314f, 319, 392, 443, 1050
diagnosis of 329t
infection 271, 317f, 328, 393, 396, 400, 1024
pneumonia 313
Cytoplasm, endoplasmic 510
Cytotoxic drugs immunosuppressants 313
Cytotoxic therapy 312
low-dose 312
Dantrolene 915
Dapsone 400
D-dimer 761, 762
Dead space
concept of 108
ventilation 780
Deafness 233
Deep vein thrombosis 426
Defective chloride transport 560
Delamanid 242, 245, 246
Deliberate hypoventilation, strategy of 486
antibody 436
fulminant 436
hemorrhagic fever 433, 436
shock syndrome 436
Deoxyribonuclease 911
Deoxyribonucleic acid 281, 325, 929, 1054
Depression, circulatory 594
Dermatomyositis 621, 622, 859, 871, 872f
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 453
Descending aorta 26, 28, 29, 194
aneurysm of 956
Desmoplastic stroma 611f
Desquamative interstitial pneumonia 65f, 655, 662f, 861
Dexamethasone 1010, 1012
Dextrocardia 38f, 355f, 375
Diabetes 216, 268, 1071
flare-up 670
mellitus 241, 290
risk of 1071
uncontrolled 312
Diaphragm 24, 31, 34, 79f, 929
right dome of 43f
rupture of 1039
Diaphragmatic dysfunction, ventilator-induced 137
Diarrhea 270, 272
Diastolic Graham Steele murmur of pulmonary regurgitation 750
Diazepam 441
doses of 441
Diclofenac 1021
Diethylcarbamazine 413, 415
Diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid 884
Diffuse alveolar damage 65f, 314, 655, 669, 861, 1017
Diffuse bilateral interstitial plus alveolar infiltrates 319fc
Digital chest radiography 4
Digital tomosynthesis 9
Digoxin 556
Diisocyanates 720
Dilated mitral annulus 892
Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine 100
Directly observed therapy 243
Directly observed treatment short course 207, 207f, 208f, 225, 229, 250, 259, 260
Disability adjusted life years 503
Disaster strikes 891
Discoid atelectasis 38, 46f
Disease causing restrictive lung
disease 190
lesion 189
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 432
Distant extrathoracic metastatic manifestations 619
Dizziness 233, 1012
Dobutamine 289
Dopamine 289
Doxorubicin 403
Doxycycline 363, 445, 693, 912
D-penicillamine 1023
Dressler's syndrome 918
Drowsiness 233, 786
addiction 393
costs 244
induced lung toxicity 1015, 1016t
interactions 232, 251
newer 244
reaction 64, 335
resistant tuberculosis 228, 236, 238
second-line 236
sensitivity testing 255
specific 1020
susceptibility test 228, 242, 246
toxicity 244, 314, 864
Dry bronchiectasis 359
Dry cough 360, 681, 1016
Dry powder inhalers 471
Dry sounds 200
Dual-energy subtraction imaging 8
Duchenne's muscular dystrophy 1045, 1053
Dutch hypothesis 499
Dynamic hyperinflation 486, 516, 517, 517f, 533
Dyskinesia, ciliary 356f
Dysphagia 77, 161, 618, 956
Dyspnea 148, 186, 189191, 217, 247f, 298, 300, 398f, 461, 534, 558, 616, 657, 681, 688, 706, 708, 761, 786, 887, 889, 898, 921, 930, 955, 960, 972, 976
causes of 189, 190
chronic progressive 192
differential diagnosis of 189t
exertional 148fc
pathophysiology of 188
reduction of 554, 555
severe 971
symptoms of 192
syndrome, isolated 760
well-marked 554
Ear 737
nose and throat 492
Earthquakes 1031
Echinococcus granulosa 420
Echocardiography 406, 531, 750, 751, 761, 762
Eclampsia 889, 893
Ectopic corticotropin hormone syndrome 622
Ectopic hormone production 620
Ectopic mediastinal parathyroid adenoma 940
acute pulmonary 782, 804, 841
cardiogenic pulmonary 845, 846
high-altitude pulmonary 1008, 1010
re-expansion 925
Effusion lymphoma, primary 392, 404
Ehlers-Danlos syndome 356, 1042
Eisenmenger's syndrome 50
Elastic tissue, presence of 99
Elastin 99
Electrocardiography 191, 194, 406, 713, 750
Electromyography 135, 624
Electron microscopy 697
Electrophysiological testing 134
Elevated urine sodium concentration 622
catheter-directed 768
surgical 768, 770
Embolism, forms of 773
Empathize 243
Emphysema 17f, 18f, 77, 64, 112f, 392, 500, 503, 513, 529f, 530f, 724, 962
centrilobular 66f, 67f, 513, 530f
compensatory 48
extensive surgical 86f
focal 974
interstitial 487
major patterns of 515f
obstructive 48, 214
severe 163
subcutaneous 487, 1038
Emphysematous bullae, multiple 529f
Empirical antimicrobial therapy 289t
Empyema 80, 82, 82f, 83f, 283, 431, 433, 845, 900, 901, 905, 906, 907f, 908, 908f, 909, 932, 1046
causes of 905t
chronic 932
different locations of 906f
necessitatis 906
Encephalitis 277, 295
Encephalomyelopathy 621, 623
Encephalopathy 295, 1054
Enchondroma 51f
Endemic fungi 311
Endobronchial lesion 931
Endobronchial ultrasound 159, 635
guided biopsy 624
Endocarditis 283
Endocrine system 621
Endodermal sinus 947
Endoesophageal ultrasound 160
Endoscopic bronchial ultrasound guided transneedle bronchial biopsy 689
Endothelial cells 106
Endothelin receptor antagonists 755
Endothelium antagonist, selective 879
Endotracheal intubation 153, 541, 788, 793, 794, 795f, 848, 1038t, 1039
and ventilator support 541t
dangers of 848
head and neck for 154f
Endotracheal tube 183, 184f, 333, 343, 799, 824
estimation of size of 153t
Entamoeba histolytica 266, 427, 905
Enterobacteriaceae 340, 385
Enterococcus faecium 383
Environmental pollution 988, 989, 997
health impact of 991
Environmental tobacco smoke 604, 606, 608
cyclooxygenase 496
linked immunosorbent assay 281, 416, 762
techniques 296
thiopurine methyltransferase 862
Eosinophil 414, 418, 457, 465, 521, 570, 730
extrathoracic 744
peroxidase 465
role of 730
Eosinophilia 477, 744
asthmatic pulmonary 727, 728
peripheral 727
syndrome, pulmonary infiltration with 727
Eosinophilic pneumonia 569, 727, 730, 1017, 1017f, 1022
classification of 727
histopathological section of 414f
transient pulmonary infiltrates of 574
Epiglottitis 153, 192, 380
Epithelial cells 521, 561
Epithelioid 932
histiocytes 722f
Epoprostenol 879
Epoxy resin lung 719, 720
Epstein-Barr virus 292, 403, 1050
multiforme 277
nodosum 213, 277, 680, 685f, 886
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 176, 221f, 278, 316, 360, 535, 403, 729, 761, 887, 1022
Erythromycin 384
use of 584
Escherichia coli 274, 311, 321, 368, 880
Esophageal perforation 897, 915, 957
Esophageal sphincter, lower 456
Esophageotracheal-bronchial neural reflex 177
Esophagus 31, 173, 937, 1038
adenocarcinoma of 623
perforation of 904
Estimated tuberculosis incidence rates 209f
Etanercept 743, 873, 1024
Ethambutol 229, 231233, 237, 242, 244246, 350, 351
Ethionamide 242, 243, 245, 349
Ethmoidal 378
Ethyl carbamate 606
Etoposide 403, 641
Etoricoxib 496
European Respiratory Society 140, 524, 655, 665t
Euvolemia 622
Everolimus 707
acute 534, 668
risk factors for acute 533t
severe 538
acute 362
Excessive daytime sleepiness 1064, 1066
causes of 1067t
Exercise 365, 530
capacity 558
test, self-paced 530
training 555
Exhaled nitric oxide 465
apparatus 465f
Exocrine gland sarcoid 688
Expiration 98
Expiratory airflow limitation 515, 516
Expiratory flow-volume curve, normal 139f
Expiratory positive airway pressure 831
Extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis 236, 237, 238, 242, 244, 253, 254
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 819, 820
Extubation failure 829
causes of 829t
Eye movement, rapid 1044, 1058, 1070
Face mask 590
simple 590f
with reservoir bag 590, 591, 591f
burns 153
nerve palsy, bilateral 680
Falciparum infections, fulminant 424f
Fallot's tetralogy 49
Famciclovir 305
Farmer's lung 718, 719, 720
Fat embolism 773
Fatal asthma 459, 493
Fatigue 206, 360
central 136
differential diagnosis of 148fc
low-frequency 136
peripheral 136
Femoral vein 166
thrombosis 284
Femoral venepuncture 168
Fenoterol 478
Fever 215, 233, 252, 270, 273f, 274f, 324, 334, 398f, 445, 623, 680, 736, 740f, 887, 971, 1016
familial mediterranean 919
hemorrhagic 433
high-grade 270f, 273f, 300f, 301f, 397f
intermittent 309f
low-grade 225f, 360, 616, 714, 729f
Fibrinolytic agents, use of 910, 911
Fibrinolytic therapy 910
Fibroblast 679
growth factor 667
Fibrocystic disease 1045
Fibroelastosis 874f
Fibroma 627
Fibrosis 63, 225f, 356, 723, 844, 1018, 1026
drug-induced pulmonary 1018
idiopathic pulmonary 655, 656, 658f, 665t, 861, 968
interstitial 60f, 192, 968f
interstitial pulmonary 105, 197, 415f
severe 1018
Fibrothorax 1046
Fibrous tissue tumors 957
Fick's principle 113
Filarial infection 411
Filariasis 917
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 55f, 57f, 628f
Finger clubbing 621, 622, 657
Fishman's pulmonary
diseases 680
disorders 680
Fissure 24, 32, 32f
interlobar 40
minor 25f
rotates, oblique 42
thickened 44
Fistula, hepatobronchial 429
Flail chest 810, 1032, 1035, 1036, 1045
diagnosis of 1036
management of 1037t
Flail segment 1036
large 1038
Fleeting opacities 40f
Fleeting shadows 37
curves 104f
loop 140, 527, 547f
Flu syndrome 233
Fluconazole 401
balance 853
collection 164
electrolyte balance 1035
exchange across alveolar capillary membrane 131
glucose concentrations, lowest 900
management strategies 853
restriction, treatment consists of 891
Flu-like syndrome 232, 444
Flunisolide 483
Fluorine 18-deoxyglucose 20
Fluorodeoxyglucose 940
positron emission tomography 691
Fluoroquinolone 234, 237, 242, 246
resistance 384
use group 242
Fluticasone 473
Follicular bronchiolitis 582, 864
Food allergy and additives 456
Food and Drug Administration 255, 748
Food-borne disease 1052
Forced vital capacity 359, 694
Foreign body 192, 627, 957
aspiration 176, 192
Formaldehyde 606
Formoterol 475, 478, 550
Fosfomycin 385
Foul-smelling sputum 277
Fracture 759
femur 537
hairline 174
ribs 194, 537
sternum 194
Francisella tularensis 271
Friedlander's pneumonia 275
Functional residual capacity 123, 142f, 143f, 495, 809, 815f, 837
Functional walk tests 149
Fungal aspergillosis, allergic 376
Fungal balls 306
Fungal infection 305, 392, 401, 1024
chronic primary pulmonary 367
invasive 313
Fungal pneumonia 305
Fungal sensitivity 577
Fungal sinusitis 376
invasive 377
Fungi 266, 311
Fusobacterium necrophorum 368
Gag reflex, absent 277
Galactorrhea 621
Gallium 940
scans 1022
Ganciclovir 305, 329
Ganglion tumors, autonomic 940
Ganglioneuroblastoma 955
Ganglioneuromas 955
Gas chromatography 995
Gas dilution technique 141
Gas exchange 106, 777
abnormalities 759
parameters, value of 148
within tissues 778
Gas transport 777
Gastric acid 579
Gastric colonization 333
Gastric decontamination 344
Gastroesophageal reflux 177, 179, 455
cough 177
disease 492, 668, 870
well-marked 278
Gastrointestinal disease, pleural effusion in 915
Gastrointestinal tract 332, 436, 824
Gastrointestinal viruses 293
Gatifloxacin 242
Gaucher disease 749
Gemcitabine 1018
Gene replacement therapy 567
Genetics 560, 703
Genotypic methods 228
Germ cell tumor 90, 940, 945
malignant 945, 946f
Ghon foci 214
Ghon focus 213, 215
Giant cell 739f
arteritis 735, 747
interstitial pneumonia 655
Gibbus 1042
Giemsa stain 398
Glaucoma 473
Glaxosmithkline 475
Glomerular basement membrane 741
Glomerulonephritis, progressive 735
Glucocorticoid therapy 693
Glucocorticosteroid, primary 491
Glucose 900
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficient 427
control 854
Glycine 475
Glycogen storage disease 749
Glycopyrrolate 551
Glycosaminoglycan 458
Goiter, intrathoracic 940, 949
Golden C-sign 41
Gomori methenamine 398
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 496
Goodpasture's syndrome 182, 183, 735, 845, 884
Graft vs host disease 314
Graham Steele murmur 524
Gram's stain 270, 279, 316
Gram-negative bacilli 274
nonfermenters 385
Gram-negative bacteria 266, 274, 333, 439
Gram-negative infections 287, 317
fulminant 840
Gram-negative organisms 318, 392, 904
Gram-negative sepsis 442, 840
Gram-positive organisms 318
Granulation tissue formation 643
Granulocyte 410, 679, 711
monocyte 1017
Granuloma 55, 413, 418
eosinophilic 656, 696
formation 418
old-healed 51
Granulomatosis 371, 684, 687, 689, 735, 736, 739f, 742, 746t, 845, 1026
bronchocentric 584
eosinophilic 420, 689, 727, 735, 743, 845
Granulomatous disease 710, 1042
noninfectious 953
Granulomatous lesions 418
Ground-glass around nodule 55f, 631
Ground-glass densities 47f, 63, 397f, 666f, 861f, 872f, 1020f
differential diagnosis of 63
Ground-glass opacities 62, 723
multiple 59f
Growing nodule 631
Growth 630
factor binding protein, insulin-like 679
hormone excess 621
rate of 54
Guillain-Barré syndrome 188, 295, 779, 1049, 1050, 1054
Gynecomastia 621, 946
infection 296, 299, 300
strain 299
infection 299
strain 298
virus 298, 299
Haemophilus influenzae 266, 277, 313, 321, 340, 356, 358, 367, 374, 384, 386, 392, 534, 561, 583, 905
Haemophilus parainfluenzae 380
Halo sign 324, 324f
Hamartoma 54f, 55, 627, 650, 650f
calcification typical of 52f
Hamman's sign 1039
Hamman-Rich syndrome 655, 845, 861, 862
Hand-Schüller-Christian syndrome 696
Hantavirus 266, 292, 304
infection 304
Head injury 1047
Headache 233, 485, 547, 1004, 1012
disease 753
congenital 29, 76, 188, 189, 749, 1044
ischemic 188, 554, 668, 669
low-output 188
enlargement, right 1044
failure 189, 192, 668, 669, 861
acute right 760, 761
chronic left 190
congestive 190, 268, 597, 897, 899, 903, 969, 976
cycle of 1070
prevention of right 595
prognosis in 148
right-sided 543
treatment of right 545, 556, 556t
lung transplants 580
rate 1069
sarcoid involvement of 686
sound, second 1010
Heerfordt's syndrome 680
Helminthic disease, pulmonary manifestations of 410
Helminthic therapy 454
Helminths 311
Hemagglutination test 429
Hemangiomas 957
Hematogenous stem cell transplant 313, 314
Hematological disorders 396, 749
Hematological stem cell transplant 312314
Hematopoiesis, extramedullary 957
Hematuria 436
asymptomatic 738
Hemiazygos veins 31, 938
Hemiplegia 759
Hemithorax 48, 72, 270f, 324, 899f
Hemodialysis 216
Hemoglobin 111
concentration 112, 853
Hemolytic anemia
autoimmune 688
chronic 749
immune 272
Hemopneumothorax 161
Hemopoietic stem cell transplant 840
Hemoptysis 180182, 216, 306, 442, 568, 615, 698, 706
causes of 180
cryptogenic 182
diagnostic evaluation 182
episodes of 562
iatrogenic 182
investigations for 183t
management 183
occasional 21
Hemorrhage 130, 335, 956, 962
diffuse alveolar 314, 738, 1018, 1019, 1022, 1027
intra-alveolar 180, 192, 314, 435f, 713, 715, 739f
intrapulmonary 34
Hemorrhagic fluid 436
Hemosiderosis, idiopathic pulmonary 714, 715f
Hemothorax 80, 900, 916, 924, 925, 1032, 1033, 1036
etiology 916
traumatic 161
treatment 916
Henderson-Hasselbalch equation 116, 117, 146
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 735
Hepatic disease 876, 903
Hepatic failure, fulminant 880, 881
Hepatitis 232, 233, 434, 876, 886
autoimmune 880
granulomatous 686
infections 454
Hepatobiliary diseases
complication in 881t
manifestations of 876
Hepatopulmonary syndrome 876, 878f
clinical features 876
diagnosis 877
imaging 877
management 879
pathogenesis 877
pathology 877
pathophysiology 877
Hepatotoxicity 232
Herbal cocktail 489
congenital diaphragmatic 73
diaphragmatic 73f, 74f
hiatus 75f, 90, 957
large hiatus 278
Herpes simplex 311, 392
virus 305, 313, 329
Herpes zoster 194, 1050
infection 1051
virus 329
High flow nasal cannula 591, 592f
High inspiratory inflation pressures 851
Hilum 23, 24, 40
anteriorly 43
right 44
and knee surgery 759
replacement surgery 335f
Histamine 457, 458
Histiocytosis X 501, 656
Histocompatibility complex, major 677, 720
Histoplasma capsulatum 266, 271, 277, 281, 305, 306, 308, 314, 392, 959
Histoplasmosis 306, 367
Histotoxic hypoxia 586
Hodgkin's disease 159, 403, 623, 727, 947, 948, 948t
classification of 947
Hodgkin's lymphoma 948, 1050
Homeopathy 479
Honeycomb cysts 59f
Hormonal therapy 707
Hormone replacement therapy 759
Horner's syndrome 195, 197, 634, 939, 956
Host protein amyloid, role of 678
Hughes-Stovin syndrome 874
Human chorionic gonadotropin 941
Human epidermal growth factor 607
Human herpesvirus 392, 953
Human immunodeficiency virus 216, 244, 248, 249, 277, 357, 391, 392, 397, 400, 404, 405
disease 427
epidemic 241
infected, pulmonary infections in 401t
infection 197, 290, 355, 401, 410, 749
programs 261
pulmonary infections in 392t
treatment 250
Human infection 419, 434, 443
Human leukocyte antigen 452, 570, 581, 677
Human lymphocytic T cell virus 676
Human metapneumovirus 266
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 440
Humidifier lung 719, 720
Hyaluronan 458
Hydatid cyst 420, 421, 421f, 627
Hydatid disease 420
Hydatidiform mole, benign 892
Hydatidosis 420
Hydrazaline 1018
Hydrazide 1027
Hydrocarbons 465
Hydrofluoric acid 1002
arterial potential of 146
chloride 1002
cyanide 1000, 1003, 1005
peroxide 465, 521
sulfide 967, 1004
Hydropneumothorax 84f
Hydrothorax, hepatic 879
Hydroxocobalamin 1004
Hydroxychloroquine 693
Hyperbaric bags 1010
Hyperbaric oxygen 593, 1003
Hyperbaric therapy 1010
Hypercalcemia 621, 687, 930
clinical features of 621
Hypercapnia 146, 189, 514, 518, 519, 597, 785, 786, 786t, 791, 846, 848, 851, 871, 1074
acute 120f
causes of 535t
chronic 120f
control of 556
danger of progressive 594
progressive 594
symptomatic management of severe 545
Hypercapnic respiratory failure 439, 831, 871, 1043, 1046, 1055
causes of 779, 780t
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 420, 727, 730
Hyperglycemia 567, 621, 637
Hyperinfection syndrome 417
excessive dynamic 486
severe dynamic 518
Hyperkalemia 556
Hypermetabolism 1006
Hyperparathyroidism 90
Hyperplasia 459
Hyperpyrexia 440
Hypersecretion, chronic mucus 505
Hypersensitivity pneumonia 967
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 62f, 64, 64f, 306, 348, 656, 689, 718, 720722, 722f, 724f, 861, 969f, 1016, 1022
causes of 719t
Hypersensitivity reaction 306
Hypersomnolescence, idiopathic 1067
Hypertension 550, 551, 554, 786, 821, 1069, 1071
chronic thromboembolic 749, 751, 753
idiopathic pulmonary 191, 748
portal 749
pulmonary 750
Hyperthyroidism 621
Hypertonic saline 176, 565
Hyperventilation 805, 889
purposeful 803
Hypnosis 479
Hypoalbuminemia 883, 903
Hypocapnia 597
Hypoesthesia 377
Hypogammaglobulinemia 355
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation 1073
Hypoglycemia 621, 930
Hypokalemia 478, 487, 550
Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis 543
Hyponatremia 622, 633
Hypophosphatemia 487
Hypoplasia 71, 77, 918
Hypoplastic lung syndrome 75
Hypoproteinemia 853, 884
Hypotension 337, 486, 543, 765, 767, 786, 823, 891
Hypothyroidism 903, 1067
Hypotonicity 622
Hypoventilated alveoli 111
Hypoventilation 587, 779, 1037, 1043
central alveolar 1074
treatment for 1058
Hypovolemia 130
Hypovolemic shock, severe 436
Hypoxemia 485, 511, 586588, 708, 881, 882, 971, 1037, 1039, 1074
causes of 534t
chronic 594, 1074
life-threatening 1032
mild 33
refractory 848, 852
relief of 539
resting 683
severe 122, 1003, 1010, 1032
Hypoxia 189, 192, 298, 514, 519, 541, 586, 597, 748, 761, 785, 786, 786t, 791, 846, 871, 877, 1005, 1016
acute 1008
chronic 1008
life-threatening 595
relief of 540, 587
severe 435f, 1011
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction 131
Hypoxic stimulus 540
Hysteresis 99f
Ibuprofen 1021
Iced-saline lavage 184
Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia 655, 657t
classification of 655t
Imipenem 242, 245
Immune reconstitution and inflammation syndrome 252f, 252t, 395
mechanism of 252
types of 252
Immunofluorescent test 296
Immunoglobulin 357, 360, 571, 735
E 500
G 276
M 860
Immunoregulatory cells, role of 678
Immunosuppression 268
Immunosuppressive drugs
side-effects of 862
use of 312
Immunosuppressive therapy 870
In vitro pregnancy 892
Incremental shuttle test 149
India's National Tuberculosis Control Program 207
Indian Council of Medical Research 206
Indoor pollution 506
Industrial toxic gases 998t
Infection 192, 274, 418, 453, 627, 823, 884, 966, 974, 1024
endobronchial spread of 225f
hospital-acquired 331
incidence of 211
multiple 394, 908
prevalence of 210
treatment of 789
Infectious Disease Society of America 386
Infertility 375
intraluminal 513
masking of 476
syndrome 251
treatment of 567
Inflammatory bowel disease 356, 579, 580, 759, 886, 887, 1026
complication in 886t
manifestations of 886
Inflammatory cells 520, 520t
accumulation, mechanism of 520f
proliferation of 844
Inflammatory disorder 449, 1025
Inflammatory edema 842
zone of 842
Inflammatory mediators 457, 458, 520, 521
Infliximab 693, 694, 743, 873, 1024
Influenza 293, 305, 311, 534, 580
A 292, 296
virus 293
antiviral against 296t
B 292, 296
virus 292
complications of 295
global impact of 293
infection 294
seasonal 293
vaccine 297, 544
virus 266, 290, 292
A 292, A 299
B 292
Ingestion 978
Inhalation 978
injuries 190, 580, 1004
pneumonia 333
Inhaled corticosteroid 364, 472, 549, 553, 567
preparations 473t
role of 553
use of 545
Inhaled steroids 553
high-dose 483
types of 473
Injectable agents, second-line 242
extrathoracic 840
severity scoring 1006
Insomnia 485
Inspiration 97, 105
muscle of 97
Inspiratory breath, maximum 1055
Inspiratory flow rate 807
Inspiratory muscle 123
activity 124
fatigue, role of 829
strength 1056
Inspiratory pressure, maximum 784
Inspiratory reserve volume 97
Inspired gas, humidification of 787
Inspired oxygen 486
fraction of 155, 285, 536, 806, 808, 811, 818, 815
pressure of 1007
Intensity projection, maximum 13, 16f, 752f
Intensive care unit 161, 279, 314, 331, 334, 367, 425, 590, 770, 777, 779, 780t, 792, 802, 811
treatment in 290
Intercostal drainage 39f, 164, 165f
Intercostal tube insertion 922
Interferon-gamma release assays 211, 249, 258
Interleukin 571
Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation 802
types of ventilators for 806
International Classification of Sleep Disorders 1063
International Cooperative Pulmonary Embolism Registry 765
International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium 332
Interstitial lung disease 64, 176, 178, 188190, 192, 392, 582, 655, 658f, 669t, 721, 750, 845, 859, 872, 924
acute exacerbations of 668
complications of 668, 668t
diagnosis of 656, 667t
distribution of 656
features of 669
late stage 783
respiratory bronchiolitis with 579, 655
Interstitial nodules 684f, 690f
extensive 690f
Interstitial pneumonia 48f, 58f, 64, 192, 432, 433, 660f, 661f, 664t, 859, 861, 866, 868, 869, 869f, 871, 880, 887, 1025, 1026
cellular nonspecific 59f
chronic 655
fibrotic nonspecific 58f
lymphocytic 405, 655, 861
lymphoid 392
nonspecific 57, 392, 655, 663f, 666f, 722, 861, 866, 1016
severe 1026
usual 655, 660, 662f, 666f, 722
Interstitial thickening, smooth 57f
Interstitium 32
centrilobular 33f
intralobular 57, 57f
normal anatomy of 33f
peripheral 56
Intra-alveolar hemorrhage, severe 435
Intra-alveolar pressure 516, 518
Intracellular cyclic adenosine 550
Intracranial tension 800
Intralobular interstitial thickening 57f
Intraocular tension 551
Intrapleural pressure 99
negative 524
positive 524
Intrathoracic pressure 921
Intrathoracic spread 617
Intrathoracic staging 634
steps for 634t
Intubating laryngeal mask airway 793
Invasive aspergillosis 306, 322, 323f
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis 322, 324, 325t
treatment of 326t
Invasive ventilator support
indicators for 1038t
modes of 811
Ionizing radiation 608
Ipratropium 551, 584
bromide 140, 484
Iron deficiency anemia 715
Ischemic attack, transient 1071
Isocyanates 984
Isoenzymes phosphodiesterase 551
Isoniazid 206, 229, 231, 233, 234, 237, 246, 261, 349, 350, 401, 915
monoresistance 236
Isospora belli 399
Itraconazole 326, 443, 576
Ivacaftor 567
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction 419
Jaundice 233, 434, 619
Joint pains 232, 233, 745
Jugular vein 29, 939
internal 166
left 29
Jugular venepuncture, internal 168
Kala azar 431
Kallikrein-Kinin clotting cascade 132
Kanamycin 234, 242
Kaplan's syndrome 863
Kaposi's sarcoma 392, 401, 402f, 403f, 918
Kartagener's syndrome 70f, 198, 355, 355f, 375
Kawasaki disease 735
Kernig's sign 283
Ketoacidosis, diabetic 191
Ketoconazole 622
Kidney 117, 434
biopsies 745
disease, chronic 885, 974
Klebsiella 35, 321, 439, 539, 904, 905
infection 275
pneumoniae 34, 274, 275, 275f, 277, 283, 311, 358, 367, 383, 386, 534, 536, 880
carbapenemase 385
infection 288
Klippel-Feil syndrome 1041, 1042, 1044
Koch's infection 219f
Krait snakebite 1055
Kussmaul's breathing 191
Kyphoscoliosis 188, 714, 1041
Kyphoscoliotic deformity 191, 1043
Kyphoscoliotic spinal deformity 1041
Kyphoscoliotic spine 1044
Kyphosis 1041, 1042
Cobb angle of 1042f
Kyphotic deformity 1042, 1043
Kyphotic spine 1044
Lactate dehydrogenase 397, 712, 860, 899, 901
Lactic acid acidosis 122, 1054
Lady Windemere's syndrome 347f, 357
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic syndrome 621, 623, 624
Langerhan's cell 696, 697, 698f
granulomatosi 656
histiocytosis 66, 190, 501, 578, 704
classification of 696t
monoclonal proliferation of 697
Laplace's law 100
Large airway, tumor obstructing 192
Laryngeal axis 794f
Laryngeal mask airway 792, 792f, 797, 798
Laryngeal nerve 941
Laryngeal sarcoid 687
Laryngeal spasm 439, 486
Laryngitis 192, 379
Laryngopharyngeal reflux 177
Larynx 125
Laser 743
therapy 158, 184, 642
Lead 606
Leflunomide 693, 861, 1021
Left upper lobe atelectasis 45
Left ventricular failure 587, 588, 762, 891
function 845
Legionella 266, 313
antigen 274f
infection 283, 905
pneumonia 274, 274f
pneumophila 277, 280, 281, 321, 386
urinary antigen tests 279
Legionnaire's disease 274, 845
Leiomyoma 627
Leishmania donovani 431
Leishmaniasis 431
Leptospira 434, 435
icterohaemorrhagiae 434
in leptospira agglutination test 435
Leptospiral infection 434
Leptospirosis 433, 434, 435f, 840
core biopsy of 163f
malignant 51
reactive non-neoplastic 582
types of 634
Letterer-Siwe disease 696
Leukemia 159, 313, 313, 396
acute 312, 313
lymphoblastic 948
childhood 890
lymphocytic 313
myeloid 623
Leukocyte count, differential 900
Leukocytosis 270, 270f, 276, 344, 442
mild 217, 273f
well-marked 906
Leukopenia 216, 328, 436
Leukotriene 457, 458, 521
metabolites 465
modifiers 474
pathway 496
Levalbuterol 478
tartrate 550
Levofloxacin 234, 242, 245
Lidocaine solution 168
Light pollution 988
Light's criteria 908
Light-emitting diode microscopes 254
Lignocaine 158
Limb movement 1065
Limiting tidal volume 849
Linear opacities, causes of 46t
Linezolid 242, 245, 566
Lipid peroxidation 969
Lipoma 21f, 957
Lipopolysaccharide 520f
Liposomal doxorubicin 403
Lipotropin 621
Liquid chromatography, high performance 995
Liquid oxygen 597
Listeria 392
monocytogenes 399, 1024
Lithium hydride 967
Liver 434
amebic 428f, 430f, 431
indications for aspiration of 431t
and spleen involvement 686
cell dysfunction 846
cirrhosis of 290, 312, 881, 899, 903
disease 485, 877, 879
disorders, chronic 876
dysfunction 893
failure, drug-induced acute 233
functions 274
metastases 619
organ screening of 634
transplantation 880
Lobar collapse 27, 40
Lobar pneumonia, severe 284
Loeffler's syndrome 411, 727
Löfgren's syndrome 680, 692
severe form of 692
Lomustine 1018
Low molecular weight heparin 768
Low ventilation-perfusion ratios 780, 110
Löwenstein-Jensen medium 255
Lower limb venous compression ultrasonography 761, 762
Lower respiratory tract infection 354, 383
bacteriological examination of 337
Lumefantrine 427
Lung 33, 391, 434, 688, 696, 929, 1058
abscess 37f, 180, 182, 367, 368, 370, 433, 907f, 908, 908f
chronic 371
management of 371
absence of 74
actinomyces infection of 371
adenocarcinoma of 79f, 607, 611f, 612
adverse drug reaction on 1015
and chest wall 133, 135
apex 44
attenuation 56, 64
assessment of 63
basic function of 106
biopsy 282, 701, 716, 725, 922
cancer 54, 178, 194, 404, 601, 604, 604f, 608t, 607, 609t, 614, 621t, 625, 727, 871, 974
cell type of 615
classification of 610t
clinical course of 646, 646t
diagnostic assessment of 624t
early detection of 630
etiology of 605
incidence of 603f
management of 642
pathogenesis of 605
peripheral 613
primary 627
risk of 605
small cell 601, 610, 612, 613, 619, 620, 643
management of 645t
staging of 631
study group 639
symptom in 175
types of 613
use in early 159
inflammation, subdivisions of total 968f
total 97, 359, 581, 723, 844
carcinoma 981, 981t
primary 617f
cell damage 969
collapses 42
compliance 145, 1043, 1056
contusion 1032, 1034
severe 1034
cross-section of 514f
destruction 63
determine closing pressure of 818
diffusion capacity of 144f
disease 3, 138, 625, 748, 749
acute thromboembolic 782
asbestos-related 978
cavitatory 347
chronic 61
common occupational 965, 968
developmental 749
diffuse 56, 703
parenchymal 655
drug-related 689, 887
end-stage 58
environmental 963
granulomatous 176, 1024
infiltrative 1018
helminthic 409, 410
in cystic fibrosis, natural history of 565
infiltrative 192
nature of 192
obstructive 143
severe 810
elastic properties of 99
fibrosis 66
severe 969
flukes 419
function 413, 535, 546f, 554, 581, 683, 712, 723, 729, 871, 986, 1044
assessment of 138, 524
normal 480
studies 583
test 500, 670, 701, 706, 716, 966, 1044, 1056
gangrene of 369
gas exchange zone of 107f
health study 546, 609
heart study 547
hyperinflated 518
hyperinflation of 547, 556
injury 335, 845, 997
acute 40f, 283, 773, 782, 815f, 837, 838, 838t, 881f
asymptomatic 887
drug-induced 1013
existing 849
inhalational 997
severe acute 845, 848
transfusion-related acute 314, 316f, 335, 840, 1019
involvement 696
lobes of 74
malignancy, disseminated 847
neoplasm, primary 22f, 617f
neuroendocrine tumor of 649f
parenchyma 3, 4f, 15f, 16f, 22, 67f, 164, 190, 414f, 530f, 861f, 920, 1001, 1005
adverse effects on 1016
peripheral 70
parts of 111
pathology 434
periphery 36, 546, 569
physiology 95
pressure-volume curve of 99f, 101f, 105f, 145f
primary lymphoma of 403
protection strategies 850
receptors 124
recoil pressure, low 844
recruitment measures 1058
regional gas exchange in 111
regions, normal 63
remodeling 458
scarring 969
severe 435
small cell carcinoma of 612f, 613f
squamous cell carcinoma of 610f, 646
studies 1056
syndrome, shrinking 865, 865f
tissue 67
toxicity 594, 861, 1024
absence of 1022
drug-related 1016
transbronchial biopsy of 679f
translucency of both 49
transplantation 365, 557, 558, 567, 580, 668, 670, 694, 708
indications for 558t, 756t
tumors 176, 599, 601, 647
staging for small cell 633
unilateral transradiancy of 47
ventilation 589
differential 819, 820
volume 97, 99, 103, 141, 143, 192, 527, 810, 998, 1056
and capacities 98f
measurement of 527
reduction surgery 557, 557t
unknown 141
white-out 37, 435
Lupoid pneumonia 64, 866, 867f
Lupus anticoagulant 759
Lupus pernio 685f
Lymph glands 686
sarcoid involvement of 686
Lymph nodes 696, 932
regional 959
Lymphadenopathy 354, 706, 939
benign mediastinal 953
granulomatous mediastinal 953
peripheral 688
Lymphangioleiomyomas 706
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis 190, 501, 656, 703, 705f, 749, 904, 917
cells 704
extrapulmonary features of 706t
pulmonary features of 706t
Lymphangioma 90
Lymphangitic carcinomatosis 56f, 57, 60
Lymphatics 33f
Lymphedema, peripheral 918
Lymphocytes 418, 570
Lymphoid cells, small 404f
Lymphoma 312, 313, 582, 627, 697, 873f, 900, 904, 917, 947, 948, 1024
body cavity-associated 392, 404
centroblastic 403
large cell 948
lymphoblastic 947
Lymphoproliferative disorders 582
post-transplantation 314
Lymphoproliferative malignant lesions 582
MacLeod's syndrome 49, 580
Macrolides 364, 478, 553
Macrophage 418, 457
colony stimulating factor 410, 679, 711
inflammatory proteins 843
Magnesium 483, 485
trisilicate 971
Magnetic resonance imaging 379
Mainstream smoke 606
Maintenance therapy 743
Malabsorption 564
Malaise 233, 360, 736, 1016
Malaria 423, 433
prophylaxis 426
Malarial infection, pulmonary manifestations of 423
Malarial pneumonia 425
existence of 425
Malignancy, assessment of risk of 629
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 957, 958f
Malnutrition 312, 564
Malt-worker's lung 719, 720
Mandibular osteotomy 1073
Mantoux test 228
positive 914
Manubrium sternum 3
Marfan's syndrome 356, 920, 921, 1042, 1044
Mask with reservoir 591
abdominal 893
esophageal 16f
homogenous 89
lesions 737
prevascular 90, 91
prevertebral 91
Massive atelectasis 192
Massive diffuse intra-alveolar hemorrhage 716
Massive fibrosis, progressive 49f, 975f, 976
Massive hemoptysis 23f, 184, 736
investigations for 183t
Massive injury 1006
Massive intra-alveolar bleeds 716
Massive life-threatening hemoptysis 361
Massive pulmonary embolism 195
syndromes with 760
Mast cells 457
heparin-containing 132
Mastectomy 50f
unilateral 50f
Maternal smoking 504
Mature teratomas 945
Maxillary osteotomy 1073
Maxillary sinusitis 374
May-Giemsa stain 712
McGill forceps 154
McLeod's syndrome, 354
Measles virus 266, 292, 303, 305
Mechanical bronchial obstruction 354
Mechanical insufflator-exsufflator 1058
Mechanical obstruction 354
Mechanical ventilation 483, 485, 541, 543, 802, 805, 821t, 1038
asthma 485
complications of 821
indications for 803, 803t
management of 807
noninvasive 540, 541
principles of 849
purpose of 802
Mediastinal adenopathy 37, 90f, 91f, 48f, 214f, 226f, 635, 682f
malignant 617
Mediastinal border, right 25
Mediastinal compartments 938t
Mediastinal cysts 951
Mediastinal emphysema 925, 925f, 1038
severe 1038
Mediastinal fibrosis 22f, 959, 961f
diagnosis of 960
Mediastinal germ
cell tumor 945
primary 945
Mediastinal gland enlargement 214
Mediastinal hemorrhage 962
Mediastinal lipoma 951f
Mediastinal lymph nodes 30, 638
Mediastinal lymphoma 947
primary 947
Mediastinal masses 940t
investigation of 939, 940t
lesion 194
anterior 941, 942f
posterior 7f, 956
Mediastinal nonseminomatous germ cell tumor 946
Mediastinal pathology 176, 192
Mediastinal pleura 89
Mediastinal pleural reflections 937
Mediastinal seminoma 946
Mediastinal shift, normal 87
Mediastinal silhouette 45
Mediastinal structures, normal 28
Mediastinal teratoma 945
Mediastinal tumors, posterior 954
Mediastinal vasculature 28
Mediastinitis 959
descending necrotizing 958
fibrosing 959
following sternotomy 959
Mediastinoscopic biopsy 624
mediastinoscopy with 690
Mediastinoscopy, anterior 941
Mediastinum 3, 4, 25, 33, 40, 44, 89, 929, 937, 938
anterior 938
diseases of 935, 937
masses in middle 951
metastasize to 954
middle 938
miscellaneous disorders of 957
posterior 938
superior 959
Medical Research Council 595
Medications, several 694
Medullary respiratory center 123, 126
Mefloquine 427
Meigs’ syndrome 904, 918
Melanocyte-producing hormone 621
Melioidosis 433, 441
diagnosis of 443
Mendelson's syndrome 579
Meningeal tuberculosis 215
Meninges, fungal invasion of 378
Meningism 283
Meningitis, acute 283
Mental changes 786
Mental confusion 785
Mental depression 543
Mepolizumab 477, 558
role of 477
Mercury 967
Meropenem 242, 245, 363, 372
Mesalamine 887
Mesenchymal tumors 957
Mesothelin related protein, soluble 931
Mesothelioma 88, 90f, 929, 930f, 932
diagnosis of 931
malignant 928, 930, 931, 932f
risk of 928, 929, 981
stage III 932
Mesothelium 929
Metabisulfites 456
Metabolic acidosis 119, 122, 191, 536, 786, 846
management of 122
Metabolic alkalosis 119, 121, 122
Metabolic causes 1051
Metabolic changes, primary 121
Metabolic derangements in disease 147
Metabolic disorders 749
Metabolic function of lung 132
Metabolic manifestation 217
Metabolic myopathies 1054
Metabolic syndrome 1071
Metabolism 55
Metal dusts 966
Metalloproteinases 609
Metapneumo virus 305
Metastasis 627, 932
cranial 619
Metastatic calcification 885
Metastatic cancer 627
Metastatic lymphadenopathy 953
Metastatic mediastinal adenopathy 92f
Metered-dose inhaler 471, 471f, 493
Methemoglobinemia 112, 587, 588
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 272, 288, 321, 341, 904
Methotrexate 693, 861, 1016, 1017, 1025
lung 864
toxicity 1026f
Methyl isocyanate
gas 580, 967, 997
inhalation of 999
respiratory effects of 999
Methylchrysene 606
Methylprednisolone 693
Methysergide 915
Meticulous asepsis 344
Meticulous examination 1055
Metronidazole 372, 431
Microbiological techniques, newer 281
Microbiology 337
Microepidermoid carcinoma 650
Microfilaremia 415
Microlithiasis, typical of 48f
Micropolyspora polyspora 718
Microsporidium 401
Midazolam 795
Middle east respiratory syndrome 303
Middle lobe
atelectasis, right 43
pneumonia, right 34f
syndrome 354
Miliary lesions, multiple small 215f
Miliary tuberculosis 48f, 61f, 215, 215f, 218f, 698, 840, 913
Miller's lung 719, 720
Mineral dusts 966
Minimally invasive adenocarcinoma 610, 612
Minimum intensity projection 14, 17f
Ministry of Environment and Forests 994
Minocycline 693, 1017
Minute ventilation 486, 780, 784, 807
Mitochondrial myopathy 1054
Mitomycin 1026, 1027
Mitotic disease
progression of underlying 314
spread of 335
Mitral incompetence, functional 891
Mitral stenosis 181, 189
Modalities, newer 828
Moist sounds 200
Molecular diagnostics from culture growth 255
Molecular tests 255
Mometasone furoate 473
Monge's disease 1012
Mononeuritis multiplex 744
Mononuclear cells 414f, 860, 918
Monophonic wheeze 469
Monoresistant tuberculosis 236
Moraxella catarrhalis 266, 276, 277, 358, 374, 384, 386, 534, 539
Morbidity weekly report 391
Morgagni presents 950
Morgagni's hernia 74, 74f, 75f, 90, 950
Mortality rates 211
Mortality weekly report 391
Mosaic attenuation 67
Mosaic perfusion 67
Motor neuron disease 1054
Motor vehicular accidents 1071
Mountain sickness, acute 1008, 1009
Mouthpiece volume ventilator 1058
Moxifloxacin 234, 242, 245, 350
Mucociliary transport 561
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 610
Mucoid 553
impaction 47, 562
Mucolytic agents 553
Mucopurulent expectoration 553
Mucopurulent sputum 886
Mucormycosis 327
Mucus gland changes 459
Mucus layer 561
Multicentric Castleman's
disease 405
syndrome 953
Multidetector scanners, single-detector to 10
Multidrug-resistant 244, 248, 253
treating 242
tuberculosis 206, 224, 236238, 239f, 240, 242t, 254, 287
epidemiology of 237
treating 243
types of 236
Multifactorial causes 1041
Multigenic disease 758
Multi-organ failure 337, 442
Multiorgan histiocytic disorder 696
Multiplanar reconstructions 12
Multiple drug-resistance pathogens 340t
Multiple system atrophy 1048
Multisystem disease 696
bronchial 103, 533
diaphragmatic 136
disorders of 1053
fatigue 136, 783
central 136
ventilator support with severe 804
groups, small 134
internal intercostal 98
pains 687
paralysis of 1049
relaxants 440, 1020
and function, reduced 1057
expiratory 1056
for expiratory 1057
for inspiratory 1057
tumors, smooth 957
twitching 786
weakness 133, 687, 871, 1050
Muscular dystrophy 1041
Musculoskeletal pain 194
Musculoskeletal system 621, 688
Mushroom-worker's lung 719, 720
Musical industries 10
Myalgia 298, 445, 736
Myasthenia gravis 90, 779, 1052
use of prostigmine in 789
Myasthenic crisis, acute 1053
Mycetomas 182
Mycobacteria 254
atypical 311, 313, 347f
growth index 224
rapidly growing 346
Mycobacterial growth indicator tube 255
Mycobacterial infection 322
Mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan 258
Mycobacterial taxonomy 345
Mycobacterial tuberculous 861
Mycobacterium abscessus-pulmonary disease 350
Mycobacterium africanum 345
Mycobacterium avium 281, 395
complex 401
intracellulare 394, 561
complex 357
Mycobacterium bovis 345
Mycobacterium intracellulare 281
Mycobacterium kansasii 281, 357
Mycobacterium malmoense-pulmonary disease 350
severe 351
Mycobacterium scrofulaceum 281
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 208, 213, 224, 237t, 245, 249, 252, 266, 267, 272, 273, 273f, 277, 281, 286, 311, 313, 342, 345, 360, 392, 395, 401, 507, 676, 689, 913
complex 258, 345
infection 270
testing 225
Mycobacterium Xenopi-pulmonary disease 350
severe 350
Mycophenolate 313, 862, 866, 872
mofetil 693, 862
tacrolimus 313
Mycoplasma 178, 277, 311, 313, 534, 713
infection 281
pneumonia 266, 272, 273f, 277, 279, 280, 281, 283, 379, 386, 534
Mycoplasmal infection 272
Mycoplasmal pneumonia 37, 272
Myeloma 194, 313
multiple 16, 312
Myeloperoxidase 735
Myeloproliferative disorders 749
Myocardial dysfunction 844
Myocardial infarction 587, 588, 759, 891, 1070
Myocardial injury 1034
Myocarditis 272, 295
acute 283
changes 459
hypertrophy 459
Myopathy 1050
chronic inherited 1053
inflammatory 1053
Myotonia dystrophica 1053
N-acetylcysteine 667
Nails, clubbing of 198
Naproxen 1021
Narcolepsy 1067
Narcotic poisonings, use of naloxone in 789
Nasal cannula 591
Nasal catheters 589
Nasal endoscopy 374, 377
Nasal expiratory positive airway devices 1073
Nasal intubation 154
Nasal mucosa, invasion of 377
Nasal polyps 177
Nasal prongs 589, 590f, 593
Nasopharynx 125
National Ambient Air Quality Standards 990, 992f, 993f
National Cancer Registry Program 604, 604f
National Emphysema Treatment Trial 557
National Healthcare Safety Network 331
National Institute of Communicable Diseases 294
National Institute of Virology 294
National Institutes of Health 396, 748
National Safety Healthcare 331
National Sample Survey 210
National Tuberculosis Control Program, revised 207
National Tuberculosis Institute 206
National Tuberculosis Program, revised 240
Natriuretic peptide 468
Nausea 233, 270, 272, 485
Near-fatal asthma 493, 494
Nebulization, solution for 550
Nebulized colistin 566
Nebulized tobramycin 566
Nebulized β-agonists 483
Nebulizer 488
solution 488
Necator americanus 412
and axilla 939
extension 790
for lymph glands, palpation of 198
girth 1068
Necrotizing bronchiolitis 580
Necrotizing granulomas 684f, 739f
Necrotizing pneumonia 276, 369
Necrotizing sarcoid granulomatosis 684
Necrotizing sarcoidosis 684f
Neisseria pharyngitis 332
Nematode infections, pulmonary manifestations of 411
Neodymiumyttrium aluminum garnet laser 642
Neonatal hepatitis syndrome, benign 509
Neonatal tetanus 438f
Neoplastic pathologies 863
Neoplastic tissue 929
Nephropathy, contrast induced 15
Nephrotic syndrome 16, 396, 759, 899, 903
Nephrotoxicity 233
intercostal 938
peripheral 1050
roots, disorders of 1050
sheath tumors 954
Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist 819
Neuritic pathologies, rarer 1050
Neuroblastoma 955, 955f, 956
carcinoma, large cell 643, 610, 613
cell hyperplasia 579, 580
marker chromogranin 649f
tumor 648, 648f, 649, 649f
intrabronchial extension of 648f
Neurofibroma 954, 955f
Neurofibromatosis 713
diagnosis of 705f
Neurogenic pulmonary edema 1047
Neurogenic tumor 954, 954f
Neuroleptics 1020
Neurological deficits 956
Neurological involvement 738
Neurological syndromes 623
Neuromuscular adverse effects 1020
Neuromuscular blocking agents 487
Neuromuscular disease 174, 189, 192, 1041, 1043, 1055
management of 1057
Neuromuscular disorder 1016, 1047, 1054
chronic 1055
Neuromuscular junction 134, 1051
Neuromuscular paralysis 541, 803
Neuromuscular respiratory system 1057
Neuromuscular weakness 1074
Neuronal discharge 123
autonomic 621, 623
peripheral 231, 621, 745, 930
Neuropsychiatric complications 1003
Neurosarcoid 686, 688
Neutropenia 313
severe 312
Neutrophil defect, functional 313
Neutrophilic airway diseases 478
Neutrophilic phenotype 478
Neutrophils 358, 362, 458, 513, 521, 843
predominate 513
New York Heart Association 756
Nickel 608
carbonyl 967
replacement therapy 546, 547
side effects of 547
Nifedipine 1011
Nintedanib 667
Nipple 24
shadow 24f, 25f
bilateral 24f
Nitric oxide 458, 465, 521, 749
synthase 1005
Nitrofurantoin 197, 420, 915, 1016, 1020
toxicity 1020f
concentration 146
high 146
dioxide 534, 967
higher concentration of 146
meter 146
mustards 967
oxide 580, 988, 989, 1001
washout test 142
Nitropropane 606
Nitrotyrosine 465
Nitrous oxide 854, 877
N-nitrosamines 606
N-nitrosodiethylamine 606
N-nitrosodimethylamine 606
Nocardia 311, 313, 392
asteroides 275, 367, 371, 393, 912, 971
species 266, 275, 277
Nocardial infection 322, 627
Nocardial pleural effusions 912
Nocardiosis 275f, 322, 399
Nocturnal asthma 463
Nocturnal choking 1066, 1067
causes of 1067t
Nocturnal hypoventilation, absence of 1045
Nocturnal hypoxemia 1053
Nocturnal myoclonus 1067
Nocturnal oximetry 1068
Nocturnal oxygen 596
therapy 596, 597
trial 595
trial survival data 596f
use of 596
Nocturnal symptoms 479
Nodular lesions, multiple small 48f
Nodular opacities 58
Nodular parenchymal amyloidosis 710
Nodular pleural lesions, multiple 617f
centrilobular 62f, 723
cutaneous 277
enhancement 55
morphology 51
multiple 631
breathing 616
pollution 988
Non-aspergillus filamentous fungal infections 326
Nonasthmatic eosinophilic bronchitis 176
Noncardiorespiratory causes 189
Noncaseating granulomas 675, 677, 679f, 686f, 689
Noncavitatory disease 244
Noncystic fibrosis 362
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 159, 394, 403, 404f, 649, 883, 884, 918, 947, 948, 948f, 1026
Non-Hodgkin's variety 649
Non-human immunodeficiency virus, pneumonia in 311
Non-immunohistochemistry biomarkers 931
Nonindustrial mesothelioma 929
Noninvasive tests 325
Nonmalignant disorders 405
Nonmetastatic paraneoplastic manifestations 620
Non-necrotizing granuloma 722f
Nonrespiratory complications 295
Nonrespiratory conditions 537
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 232, 457, 496, 918, 1017, 1021
use of 567, 584
Nonsteroidal inflammatory drugs 861
Nontuberculous adenopathy 354
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 223, 257, 258, 345, 346, 348, 349, 357, 358, 392, 566, 719, 720
disease 348
infection, treatment of 351
lung disease 348
disease 348
infection, treatment of 351
Nontuberculous mycobacterial infections 345
Nose 125, 737
sarcoid involvement of 685f
Nosocomial bloodstream infection 845
Nosocomial infections 334t
Nosocomial isolates, resistance in 385
Nosocomial pneumonia 321, 331, 333, 334f, 334t, 335f, 336, 337, 340, 342, 426, 845
clinical diagnosis of 334t
diagnosis of 845
management of 845
pathogenesis of 332fc
prevention of 342, 343t
severe 340t
No-touch sterile technique 800
Noxious 840
Nucleic acid
amplification techniques 258
hybridization probes 255
testing 296
Numerous diseases 180
Numerous enzymes 609
Nurses 554
Nutrition 268
poor 267
Nutritional guidance 555
Nutritional support 854
Nystagmus 233
Obliterative bronchiolitis 863, 863f, 864, 1023
Obstruction, inflammatory 886
Obstructive pulmonary disease, mild chronic 547f
Occupational asthma
immunological IgE-mediated 983
immunological non-IgE-mediated 983
Occupational diseases, treatment of 965
Occupational exposure 507
Occupational lung
disease 176, 963, 965
classification of 966t
prevalence of 966t
disorder, diagnosis of 966
Occupational triggers 456
Ocular sarcoid 685
Ocular toxicity, monitoring for 232
Oils and coke 608
Omalizumab 476, 477
Ondine's curse 1047
Open lung 851
biopsy 664, 667
concept 817, 819
procedure 818t
ventilation 851
Open pneumothorax 923f, 927
Open-heart surgery 1050
Operative mortality 640
Opisthotonos 438f
Opportunistic infections 668, 669, 861
monitor for 743
Optic nerve toxicity 232
Optimal oxygenation 816
Optimized background therapy 246
Optimized smear microscopy 254
anaerobes 266
antibiotic therapy, prolonged 363
anticoagulation 768
appliances 1073
contraceptives 759
corticosteroid 456
therapy 671f
endotracheal intubation 153
intubation 154
procedure for 153
salbutamol 488
theophylline 481, 488, 539
β2-agonists 478
Organ dysfunction, multiple 114, 342, 845
Organ failure
assessment, sequential 338
multiple 340, 893
Organ systems 868
Organ transplant 918
recipients 290
single 314
Organic dust toxic syndrome 722
Organising pneumonia 392, 426, 578, 655, 671, 861, 886, 1018, 1022
Organisms, multiple 392
Organophosphorus poisoning 839, 1051
Organs and organ systems 687
Oropharyngeal airway 791
Oropharyngeal secretions 344
Oropharynx 553
colonization of 274
Orthodexia 876
Ortho-toluidine 606
Oscillating ventilation, high frequency 850
Oseltamivir 296, 297, 300, 305
Osler's saying 1015
Osler's time 1015
Osseochondrous tumors 957
Osteoarthropathy, hypertrophic pulmonary 621, 622
Osteopathy, hypertrophic pulmonary 623
Osteopontin 931
Osteoporosis 473
Ototoxicity 233
Outpatient department treatment 287
Ovarian enlargement 893
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 892, 916
Ovarian teratomas 946
Overexpands air 45
Overlap syndrome 530, 872
Overlapping toxicity 251
Owl's eye 328
Oxidative stress, role of 521
Oxygen 141, 482, 556, 588, 594, 770, 1010
administration 589
devices, low-flow 589
methods of 589
alveolar pressure of 188
and exhaled gas 142
arterial pressure of 586
concentration of 108, 806, 807
consumption 113, 889
content 112
delivery system, long-term 597
diffusion of 781
dosage of 596
effect of 593t
exchange 106
extraction ratio 114
partial pressure of 155, 285, 591
release, failure of 784
role of 556
saturation 147, 282, 1069
low 397f
stores 586
supplemental 846, 1012, 1027, 1038
tension in arterial blood 777
therapy 555, 586, 591
complications of 594
indications for 586, 587t
long-term 555, 595, 596
routine 589
toxicity 594, 850
transport 113, 188
failure of 783
maximal 816
supramaximal 853
uptake, maximal 147
use of 787, 789
utilization, failure of 784
withdrawal, danger of 594
Oxygenation 809, 827
impaired 877
proof of impaired 877
dissociation curve, normal 113f
level 1065
Oxytocin 894
Ozone 534
depletion 993
Pacemaker insertion 922
Pacing catheter 166
Paclitaxel 642
eluting stents 1027
Pain 195
abdominal 233
acute severe 195
complaint of 1033
control of 1037
ischemic cardiac 194
relief of 1039
Palisaded histiocytes 739f
Palliative therapy 933
Palpitation 550
P-aminosalicylic acid 245
Panacinar emphysema 67f
Panbronchiolitis, diffuse 578, 583
Pancoast's tumor 194, 195, 616, 618, 619f, 640, 641
Pancreatic diseases, pulmonary manifestations of 876
Pancreatic insufficiency 560, 563
Pancreatic pseudocyst 904
Pancreatitis 840, 904
acute 283, 839, 881, 881f
recurrent acute 564
Pancuronium 441
Panda sign 691
Panlobular emphysema 65, 513
Panton-valentine leukocidin 266, 385
Papilloedema 686f, 786
Papilloma 627
Para influenza 305
Para-aminosalicylic acid 206, 242
Paracardiac masses 90, 91
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis 305
Paradoxical movement 97
Paradoxical reaction 251, 395
Paragangliomas 956
Paraganglionic neoplasms 956
Paragonimiasis 411, 419, 420
Paragonimus worms 419
Parainfluenza 311, 534
virus 266, 292, 302, 580
Paralysis 440
hyperkalemic 1055
hypokalemic 1055
bilateral diaphragmatic 198
irrecoverable diaphragmatic 1058
Paralytic agents, use of 852
Paranasal sinuses 374, 564, 739f
axial computed tomography scan of 377f
X-ray of 374
Paranasal sinusitis 744
Paraneoplastic manifestations 942
Paraneoplastic pemphigus 579, 580
Paraneoplastic syndrome 581, 620, 623, 871, 930, 939, 940t
rare 623
Paraplegia 759
Parapneumonic effusion 900, 904
uncomplicated 903
Parapneumonic pleural effusions 903
Paraquat 967
Paraseptal emphysema 66, 513, 530f
Parasites 266
helminthic 410
Parasitic disease 420, 900
Parasitic helminths 410
Parasitic infections 392
Parasympathetic fibers 1008
adenoma 949f
hormone-related protein 621
masses 949
Paravertebral tubercular abscess 956
Parenchyma 920, 1043
Parenchymal asbestosis 978, 979, 979t
Parenchymal disease 18
Parenchymal injury 1016
Parenchymal lung
disease 18, 189, 1055
lesions 26
Parenchymal necrosis, suppurative 367
Parenchymal opacification 59f, 61
ground-glass pattern of 62f
Parenteral nutrition, total 385
Parietal pleura 897
Parkinson's disease 1048
Parotid gland enlargement 680
Peak airway pressure 806, 960
Peak alveolar pressure 806
Peak expiratory flow 463, 491f, 494
limitations of 463
rate 827, 985
utility of 463
Peak inspiratory pressure 812f, 818, 822f
Peak oxygen uptake 147
Pemphigus 581
Penicillamine 420, 580, 861, 1018
Penicillin 420
Penicilliosis marneffei 327, 443
Penicillium 443
marneffei 393
Pentamidine 400, 432
Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy 156
Percutaneous subclavian venepuncture 169f
Percutaneous techniques 166
Percutaneous tracheostomy 793
Percutaneous transthoracic needle puncture 282
Perfusion 877
abnormality 877
inequalities 111, 1047
lung scintigraphy 761
scan 19f
Peribronchial interstitial thickening 59f, 684f
Peribronchial lymphatics 131
Peribronchovascular ground-glass densities 1017f
Peribronchovascular interstitial thickening 56f
Peribronchovascular interstitium 33f, 57
Pericardial cyst 949, 950f
Pericardial disease 188
Pericardial effusion 189
Pericarditis 194, 295, 887
constrictive 903
Pericardium 57f, 929
Perilymphatic nodules 60f
Periodic acid-Schiff 712
reagent 972
Periodic limb movement disorder 1067
Periodontal disease 277, 367
Peripartum cardiomyopathy 891
diagnosis of 891
Peripheral air-space consolidations 36
Peripheral nerve tumors, malignant 954
Peripheral nodule, small 625
Peritoneal cavities 436, 928
Permissive hypercapnia 814, 851
Persistent alveolar leak 925
Persistent bronchopleural fistula 911
Persistent cough 309f
Persistent hypercalcemia 692
Persistent rhinosinusitis 360
Pet allergen avoidance 471
PET scan 701
pH 901
Pharmacopoeia 1015
Pharyngeal axis 794f
Pharyngitis 305
Phenotypic methods 228
Phenylalanine 560
Phenytoin 915, 1017
Pheochromocytoma 940, 956
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis 213
Phosgene 967
inhibition of 552
type-5 inhibitors 754
Phosphokinase, creatine 435, 1053
Photodynamic therapy 158, 642
Phrenic nerve 1058
injury 1050
Phthalic anhydride 720
Physiotherapists 554
Pigtail catheters 164
Piperacillin 340, 341, 363, 372, 566
Pirbuterol 478
Pirfenidone 667
Pituitary 696
Plague 443, 444, 444f
Plasma 117, 119
bicarbonate 120
oncotic pressure 897
Plasmodium falciparum
infection 825, 840, 841, 847
malaria 433, 841
Plate atelectasis 38, 42f
Plateau pressure 485
Pleura 3, 33, 173, 929
diseases of 895, 1039
functions of 897
Pleural aspiration 931
Pleural biopsy 165, 860, 901, 914, 915, 922
Pleural calcification 88
Pleural cavities 165, 937
Pleural change, type of 979
Pleural disease 864, 900
Pleural effusion 38, 78, 79f81f, 214, 215, 425, 436, 537, 860, 870, 876, 883, 899f, 901, 902, 902fc, 903, 911, 915, 918, 933, 939, 978
causes of 898t
control of 933
hemorrhagic 81f
small 80
small-to-moderate 898
Pleural exudate 883
causes of 904t
etiology of 900t
positive culture of 338
Pleural fibroma 623
Pleural fibrosis, asbestos-related 978
Pleural fluid 281, 897, 901, 913, 914
amylase concentration 901
aspiration of 922
eosinophilia 900
examination 899, 908
lymphocytosis 900
Pleural infections, uncommon 911
Pleural injury 1016
Pleural lesions 51
Pleural mesothelioma 89f, 904, 914, 928, 929, 931, 981t
malignant 928, 929, 931, 932
risk of 928
treatment of 933
Pleural metastases 617f, 904, 914f
Pleural pathology 176, 189
Pleural plaques 979, 980f
Pleural rub 200
Pleural space 909
Pleural thickening 87, 89f
Pleural transudate 883
causes of 903t
Pleural tumor 928
Pleurectomy, partial 933
Pleurisy, drug-induced 915
Pleuritic chest pain 194, 195, 269, 324, 523, 921
Pleuritic pain 971
Pleuritis 887
Pleurodesis 933
Pleuropericarditis 1027
disease 1045
lesions 431
manifestations 864
symptoms 1020
Pneumatocele 66
multiple 400f
Pneumococcal pneumonia 270f, 280
Pneumococcus 341
Pneumoconiosis 656, 968971
carinii 277, 280, 393, 924
infection 831, 924
extrapulmonary 396
infection 321, 861
jirovecii 311, 313, 396, 400, 400f
infection 325
jirovecii pneumonia 36, 39f, 64f, 314f, 316, 319, 392, 393, 395397, 397f, 398f, 399, 400, 400f, 742
prophylaxis, use of 393
pneumonia 391, 443
Pneumomediastinum 487, 889, 960, 962
causes of 960
contralateral 163
extrapleural 933
Pneumonia 64, 174, 180, 214, 265, 268, 269, 276, 278, 290, 302, 305, 312, 319fc, 328, 331, 360, 394, 433, 439, 485, 528, 537, 616, 627, 810, 845, 897, 1024f, 1043
acute 536
eosinophilic 727, 728, 845, 847
interstitial 64f, 65f, 655, 664f, 713, 845
reversible 1022
tuberculous 273f
anaerobic bacterial 276
bacterial 295, 297, 320, 433, 839
chronic 371
eosinophilic 64, 713
chronic eosinophilic 727, 729
eosinophilic 420, 727, 729
organizing 37, 578, 579, 627, 655, 656, 671673, 713
diagnosis of 435
drug-induced eosinophilic 1018
estimating severity of 284, 284t
etiology of 277t
exogenous lipid 713
healthcare-associated 331
hematogenous 333
hospital-acquired 331
in immunocompromised patients 311t
increased risk of 553
influenzal 292, 296t
lobar 270f
nonbacterial 292, 394
pathogens causing 313t
prevention of 290
primary 295
serious 553
severity index 285
still persists 906
supportive treatment in 289
suppurative 367
idiopathic 314
typical 269
type of 664
ventilator-associated 331, 332, 334, 335f, 338, 385
viral causes of 292t
Pneumonitis 265, 354, 883, 999, 1021
drug induced 713
gold-induced 1023
Pneumoperitoneum 487
Pneumotaxic center 123
Pneumothorax 38, 82, 83f, 84, 84f, 85, 85f, 86f, 88f, 164, 165f, 168, 182, 198, 400, 487, 528, 537, 543, 568, 587, 668, 669, 698, 700f, 702, 706, 824, 893, 900, 925f, 999, 1036
benign spontaneous 920
bilateral 925
causes of 922t
chronic 925
complications of 924, 925t
iatrogenic 927
increases 84
loculated 88f, 925
management of 86, 926, 927t
primary 921
spontaneous 85, 920
secondary 920, 921, 923, 926
signifies 920
traumatic 927
Poisoning 839, 840
Poisonous shell-fish 1055
Poland syndrome 48
Poliomyelitis 1049
acute 779
adverse effects of 989
control 993
environmental effects 989
forms of 988
health effects 989
outdoor 454
prevention approach 994
Polyangiitis 371, 420, 687, 689, 727, 735, 736, 739f, 743, 746t, 845, 847, 1026
involving lungs 739f
microscopic 735, 746, 884
Polyarteritis nodosa 735, 746, 746t
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 606
reduction of 595
secondary 1012
severe 1012
Polydrug-resistant tuberculosis 236
Polymerase chain reaction 160, 205, 266, 279, 317, 325, 329, 348, 430, 929
Polymorphonuclear leucocytosis 729, 900
Polymyositis 580, 621, 622, 735, 859, 871, 1055
acute infective 779
Polyneuropathy 744
Polypeptides 621
Polysomnography 750, 751
monitoring equipment 1068f
Polytrauma 800, 1035
Pompe's disease 1054
Popcorn calcification 51
Porphyria, acute intermittent 1055
Portopulmonary hypertension 876, 879
Portosystemic anastomosis 879
Positive end-expiratory pressure 424, 435, 485, 533, 594, 773, 802, 808, 815, 815f, 816, 817f, 818, 821, 849
complications of 816
use of 809, 814
Positive pressure ventilation
advantage of noninvasive 831
contraindications of noninvasive 831t
implementation of noninvasive 541
noninvasive 540, 540t, 831, 1058
Positron emission tomography 22f, 637, 645
Post stroke 1071
Postbiopsy pneumothorax 164
Postcoronary bypass graft surgery 915
Postdischarge precautions 926
Postextubation tracheal stenosis 800f
Postpoliomyelitis muscular atrophy 1049
Postprimary pulmonary tuberculosis 215
Postsplenectomy state 290
Post-transplant obliterative, management of 581
Post-tussive syncope 174
Postviral fatigue syndrome 1067
Potassium bisulfite 456
Potential asthma 452
Pott's disease 205
Pott's spine 1042
Poverty 267, 268
Pranayama 478
Praziquantel 419
Prednisolone 403, 688, 862
Preeclampsia 889
pulmonary edema in 890
Preexisting cardiac disease 891
Pregnancy 759, 893
and lactation 234
breathlessness, last trimester of 889
cardiomyopathy of 889
effects of 495
respiratory system in 889
trophoblastic disease in 892
tuberculosis in 894
esophageal 145
ventilation, positive 922
Pressure-regulated volume control 819
Primary disease, reactivation of 215
Private public mixes 260
Private sector, unregulated 241
Procainamide 915, 1027
Prone posture, use of 850
Prophylactic drug therapy 399
Propionibacterium acnes 676
Prostacyclin 854
analogs 879
Prostaglandin 457, 458
Prostanoids 754
Prosthetic stents, use of 642
Protease-antiprotease imbalance 521
Protein 900
derivative, purified 252
eosinophilic cationic 465
nitrosation 969
Proteinaceous fluid 972
Proteus mirabilis 385
Prothionamide 242, 245
Protozoal infections
pulmonary manifestations of 423
rare 431
Provocation tests 468
Pruritis 232
Pseudochylothorax 899, 917
Pseudoemphysematous lobe 214
Pseudomembranous tracheobronchitis 324
Pseudomonas 288, 341, 904, 905
aeruginosa 35, 274, 275, 311, 313, 315, 321, 333, 356, 358, 363, 370, 383, 439, 534, 536, 539, 561, 564, 566, 567, 583
infection 566, 567
pseudomallei 275, 277
pyocyaneus 367
strains 823
Psychiatrists 554
Psychogenic cough 178
Psychogenic dyspnea 191193
Psychological counseling 555
Psychological stress 456
Public health problem 971
Public sleep laboratories 1065
Puerperium 759
Pulmonary adverse effects 1025
Pulmonary alveolar
hemorrhage 883
microlithiasis 713, 714
proteinosis 157f, 656, 710, 710f, 711f
Pulmonary amyloidosis 708
Pulmonary angiogram 22f
Pulmonary angiography 20, 191, 750, 751, 761, 764, 878, 1022
normal 30f
Pulmonary arterial
branch 32
hypertension 749
pressure 130, 752
Pulmonary arteriopathy 698
Pulmonary arteriovenous
fistulae 418
malformation 71, 72f, 73f
Pulmonary artery 26, 29, 78, 127, 160, 184, 514, 738, 752, 763f, 960
aneurysms of 952
catheterization 184
curved multiplanar reconstruction of 14f
left 12, 14, 27, 28
main 28
occlusion pressure 837
pressure 130, 130f, 1043
right 12, 14, 23, 27, 28
rupture of 182
unilateral absence of 78
Pulmonary atelectasis 314, 537
major 782
Pulmonary blood 129
flow, measurement of 129
Pulmonary calcification 883
Pulmonary circulation 127, 418, 1008, 1016
adverse effects on 1019
hemodynamics of 127
Pulmonary compliance 846
reduced 837
Pulmonary complication 859, 873, 884, 886, 1021, 1036
noninfectious 295
Pulmonary component 1010
Pulmonary contusion 1036
Pulmonary cysts 705
Pulmonary cytokine production 849
Pulmonary disease 510, 753, 971
chronic 506f
obstructive 533t
progressive 308
pathogenesis of chronic obstructive 520fc
prevalence of chronic obstructive 505
severe chronic obstructive 525f, 548f
Pulmonary drug toxicity, diagnosis of 1027
Pulmonary edema 38f, 39f, 131, 189, 314, 335, 425, 434, 713, 844, 846, 881, 883, 889, 890, 897, 1010, 1011, 1018
drug-induced 892
noncardiogenic 998, 999
Pulmonary emboli 764f
small 20
Pulmonary embolism 48, 144, 192, 194, 400, 426, 668, 669, 757, 758, 760t, 766f, 767t, 898, 900, 904, 915
and infarction 865
complicating 536
diagnosis 760
management of 768, 768t
mortality of 765
severity index 767t
simplified 767
sources of 758
syndromes 760, 760t
Pulmonary endarterectomy 755
surgical 755
Pulmonary eosinophilia 411, 727
causes of 420t
Pulmonary features, management of 565
Pulmonary fibrosis 38, 99, 356, 678, 859, 864, 1018
evidence of 868
Pulmonary filariasis 412
Pulmonary function 456, 515, 546, 877, 973, 982
test 14, 138, 472f, 487, 496, 576, 656, 661, 667, 750, 751, 877, 975, 1043t, 1068, 1074
Pulmonary gas exchange 518
Pulmonary hemorrhage 64, 335
complicating renal disease 884
Pulmonary hemosiderosis 714
Pulmonary histiocytosis 749
Pulmonary hydatid cyst 421f
Pulmonary hyperinflation 516
Pulmonary hypertension 144, 188, 189, 191, 192, 195, 405, 418, 514, 519, 535, 562, 684, 694, 702, 748, 750t, 751f, 753, 759, 864, 867, 868, 870, 872, 879, 885, 892, 976
classification of 749t
estimating severity of 752t
history of 748
investigations of 750t
obstructive 879
passive 879
pathogenesis of 749
prevalence of 749
primary 392
signs of 657
therapy for 753, 754t
Pulmonary hypoplasia 78
Pulmonary immune response 392
Pulmonary infarct 36f, 761f
Pulmonary infarction 174, 194, 314, 335, 759, 900
syndrome 760
Pulmonary infection 310, 345, 394, 511, 543, 698, 864, 868, 884, 905
acute 536, 782, 840
chronic 176
epidemiology of 394
risk of 884
treatment of complicating 557
ventilator-associated 342
Pulmonary infiltrates 316t, 575, 744
Pulmonary intravascular abnormalities 878
Pulmonary involvement 433, 709, 737, 865, 874
Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis 68f, 696, 700f
Pulmonary lobule, secondary 61
Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis 703
Pulmonary lymphoma 649
Pulmonary manifestations 420, 423, 436, 442, 443, 511, 860, 860t, 864, 883
noninfectious 392t
Pulmonary metastasis 647
role of surgery in 647
Pulmonary nodule 50, 163f, 863, 1022
secondary 56
Pulmonary opacity 33, 33t, 34, 40
bat wing pattern of 36
Pulmonary paragonimiasis 420f
Pulmonary parenchyma 876, 880, 932
Pulmonary perfusion, peripheral 78
Pulmonary physiology 853
Pulmonary rehabilitation 365, 554, 554t, 555t, 668
Pulmonary renal syndrome 1023
Pulmonary sarcoidosis 681, 685
Pulmonary schistosomiasis 418f
Pulmonary sequestration 76, 77f, 278
Pulmonary stretch receptors 124
Pulmonary thromboembolic disease 181, 870, 890
chronic 191, 192
Pulmonary thromboembolism 537, 543, 557, 889, 891
Pulmonary thromboembolus disease 188
Pulmonary toxicity 426, 1022, 1023
diagnosis of 1027
Pulmonary toxoplasmosis 432
Pulmonary tuberculosis 177, 203, 218f, 219f, 221f223f, 345, 347, 393, 409, 442f, 507, 727, 894, 973
primary 213
reactivation of 226f
Pulmonary vascular
disease 192, 870
disorders 733
involvement 867
resistance 128, 128f
Pulmonary vasculature 78
Pulmonary vasculitides, other 747
Pulmonary vasculitis 420, 735, 840, 845
Pulmonary vasoconstriction 535
Pulmonary veins 76
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease 748, 753, 1020
Pulmonary venous pressure 130
Pulmonary vessels 20, 32, 735, 879, 1008
Pulmonary-renal syndrome 885
Pulmonary-systemic collaterals 78
Pulse oximetry 878
Purulent fluid, tube drainage of 909
Purulent sputum 334
Pyoderma granulosum 886
Pyogenic bacteria 311, 313
Pyogenic meningitis, acute 283
Pyopneumothorax 368, 925
Pyrazinamide 227, 229, 232, 233, 237, 242, 244246
Pyrexia 326
Pyridoxine 233
supplementation 231, 234
Pyrimethamine 427
Q fever 269
Quality microscopy 229
Quinidine 1027
Quinine 427
Quinolone 363
use of 244
Rabies 840, 1048
Radial artery catheterization, technique of 168
Radiation fibrosis 41f
Radiation therapy 396, 639
adjuvant 641
Radiation toxicity 314
Radioactive selenomethionine 940
Radiofrequency ablation 165, 166f
Radiographs, portable 8
Radiological disease, prevalence of 211
Raloxifene 759
Randomized controlled trial 553, 754
Rattus rattus 444
Raynaud's phenomena 198, 868, 870
and sclerodactyly 657
Recombinant human deoxyribonuclease 362
Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator 769
Recurrent pneumonia 276, 278, 562
causes of 278t
Red blood cells 425, 738, 877
Reference standards 141
Refractory asthma, monoclonal antibodies in 476
Refractory hydrothorax 880
management of 880
Regulate gas exchange 809
Rehabilitation 554
features of 554
Relapsing polychondritis 859
Relaxation pressure 102
Reliever medications 478
Renal cell cancer, inherited 705
Renal diseases 903
associations of 883t
manifestations of 883
Renal dysfunction 692
Renal failure 234, 854
chronic 268, 290, 768
Renal involvement 738, 868
Renal transplantation 884
Rendu-Osler-Weber disease 72
Reproterol 478
Reslizumab 477
Respiration 1047
Respiratory acidemia 120
Respiratory acidosis 117, 118, 120f, 122, 543, 846
Respiratory alkalosis 117, 122, 192, 889
acute uncompensated 121f
Respiratory arrest 120, 587, 1049
Respiratory bronchiolitis 62f, 64, 515f, 582, 655, 672f, 721
Respiratory cilia 561
Respiratory community pathogens, specific 383
Respiratory complications 438
treatment of 568
Respiratory conditions 537
Respiratory depressants, use of 537
Respiratory disease 115, 503, 587, 978
chronic 559
risk factors for 393
Respiratory distress 298, 587, 786, 927
episodes of severe 440
severe 444
syndrome 837
Respiratory drive 826
Respiratory exchange ratio 147, 148
Respiratory failure 115, 518, 777, 863, 976, 1053, 1054
acute 803
onset of 664f
chronic 532, 596, 1059
hypercapnic 596
diagnosis of 1054
hypoxemic 439, 694, 716, 779, 783, 817, 1025
pathophysiology of acute 533fc
reversal of 826
acute 536
hypoxemic 1034
Respiratory frequency 155
Respiratory infection, severe 1058
Respiratory insufficiency, severe 1074
Respiratory involvement 1049
Respiratory mechanics, monitoring of 831
Respiratory misregistration 11
Respiratory mucosa, erythema of 1006
Respiratory muscle 97, 102, 136, 137, 518, 1043, 1048, 1050, 1055
action of 97
adaptation of 137
fatigue 136, 425, 551, 783, 784, 1037
features of 784t
function 533
testing 133
inefficiency 1037
paralysis 1055
severe 1059
paresis of 1055
strength 827
weakness 133, 487, 1049
Respiratory paralysis 1049, 1055
Respiratory physicians 115
Respiratory physiology 130
Respiratory rate 486, 807
Respiratory secretions 1043
culture of 295
obtaining 281
Respiratory stimulant properties 1074
Respiratory support 289, 820, 848
Respiratory symptoms 433, 688, 976
development of 506
Respiratory syncytial virus 266, 292, 301, 305, 311, 392, 453, 534, 580
infection 301
Respiratory syndrome, severe acute 303, 303f, 409
coronavirus 266
Respiratory system 133, 440, 1000t, 1001t, 1004, 1047
clinical examination of 196
effects on 1000t
examination of 523
Respiratory therapists 554
Respiratory tract 268, 998f
epithelium 453
infection 178, 329
acute 178
acute lower 265
acute upper 174
lower 471, 999
Respiratory viruses 311, 313, 329
common 292, 305t
Respiratory-related deaths 475
Restlessness 786
Restriction fragment length polymorphism 256
Restrictive flow-volume loop 141f, 143f
Restrictive lung
disease 139, 143, 190, 782, 1000
lesion 189, 190
pathology 189, 190t, 582
Resuscitation, cardiopulmonary 803
Reticular opacities 47, 49f, 56
Reticulonodular opacitie 47, 47t, 658f
Retrolental fibroplasia 595
Retroperitoneal fibrosis 959
Retrosternal goiter 949f
Reye's syndrome 297
Rheumatic diseases 974
Rheumatoid arthritis 356, 580, 657, 735, 859, 861f, 1025
clinical features of 860
Rheumatoid disease 356, 579, 580, 863f, 900, 918
Rheumatoid nodule 627, 861f
Rheumatoid pleural effusions 900, 901
Rheumatological manifestations 745
Rhinitis 177
acute 174
atopic 464, 481
sicca 873
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis 377, 378f
Rhinosinusitis 455
Rhinovirus 292, 305, 534
Rhodococcus equi infections 371
Rhonchi 200
Rhythm disturbances 786
Rib 194
chondrosarcoma of 647f
computed tomography of 619f
lesions 51
tumor deposits in 194
Ribavirin 305
Ribonucleic acid 252, 393
Rifampicin 229, 231234, 237, 350, 351, 912
dosing of 233
Right heart catheterization 750, 751
parameters 752
Right ventricular
gallop 524
heave 1010
Risus sardonicus 438f
Rituximab 743, 861, 1025
Road traffic accidents 1031
Rural counterparts 1065
Saccharomonospora viridis 718, 720
Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula 718, 720
Saccular bronchiectasis 353
Sacroiliac arthritis 886
Sahaja yoga 478
Salbutamol 478, 538
Salicylate 1021
levels 1021
Saline, use of normal 787
Salivary gland
tumor 650
type, carcinoma of 610
Salmeterol 475, 550, 551
Multicenter Asthma Research Trial 475
choleraesuis 433
infections 433, 840
typhi 433, 434
typimurium 433
Salmonellosis 433
Salvage therapy 326
Sarcoid 627
cardiac 688
chronic pulmonary 692
cutaneous 685
granulomas, extensive 684f
hematogenous 688
hepatic 688
myopathy 692
nodules 685
Sarcoidosis 48f, 57, 59, 61f, 190, 198, 392, 501, 584, 657, 674, 675, 679f, 680, 682f684f, 687, 688, 690, 723, 749
acute 680
asymptomatic 680
classic feature of 679
diagnosis of 690
etiology of 675
extra pulmonary manifestations of 685
genetics in 676
interstitial lesions of 48f
pathognomonic of 691
treatment of 693t
wheeze in 657
Sarcomatoid, carcinoma of 610
Sarcomatous 932
Satellite nodules 54
Scapula laterally 3
Scar cancer 613
Schilling's classification 986t
Schistosomiasis 417, 420, 749
Scimitar syndrome 78, 79f
Sclerodactyly 870
Scleroderma 688, 735
Sclerosing cholangitis 886
amyotrophic lateral 1049
multiple 454, 1048
Scoliosis 1041
causes of 1042t
Cobb angle of 1042f
Scoliotic deformity 1041
Scrub typhus 445
glands 945
secretions 945
Secretory leucoprotease inhibitor 510
Sedation 852
daily interruption of 343
Sedatives, use of 440
Segmental atelectasis 1036
Segmental bronchus 76
Seizures 34, 786
Seldinger technique, modified 166, 167f
Sensitive injectables, use of 244
Sensory system 123
Sepsis 821
bacterial 700f
severe 114, 333, 840
syndrome 283
Septal lines 47f
Septal thickening 56, 660f
background of 66f
irregular 58f
smooth 47f
Septic pulmonary emboli 367
Septic shock 342, 442, 805
presence of 290
Septoplasty 1073
Serial lung function 662
Serological tests 258, 435
angiotensin converting enzyme 691, 953
electrolytes, estimation of 119
precipitin antibodies 573
Shock 760, 769, 824
from any cause 587, 588
Shunt within lungs, right to left 781
Shuttle walking test 530
Shy-Drager syndrome 1048
Sickle cell disease 290
Sickness, chronic mountain 1008, 1012
Silhouette, loss of 28, 34
Silica 971
toxicity of 971
Silicon dioxide 971
Silicosis 49f, 61f, 216, 347, 965, 968, 968f, 971
accelerated 974
acute 971
chronic 972
treating 974
Simian virus 929
Sinus 737
aspergilloma 376
computed tomography of 374
Sinusitis 374, 375, 375f, 744
acute 174, 374, 375f
chronic 375f, 376f
bacterial 374
frontal 374
fungi causing invasive 378
Sirolimus 1016
Sitophilus granarius 720
Situs ambiguus 31
Situs inversus 31
Six minute walk test 149, 752
Sjögren's syndrome 356, 688, 859, 873, 873f
Skeletal data 205
Skeletal muscle
tumors 957
weakness 871
Skeletal thoracic abnormalities 189
Skin 696
examination of 198
involvement 738
lesions 315, 698, 705
manifestations 744
prick test 573
rash with 233
test 451, 500
deprivation 1067
impact of 1074
quality of 595
studies 530
Sleep apnea 668, 1068
central 597, 1047, 1063, 1074
obstructive 668, 831, 1063, 1064, 1067, 1069, 1073t
treatment of obstructive 1072
Sleep disorder
breathing 597
types of 1063
Smoke inhalation 153
from fire 534
injury 1004, 1005
Smoker's cough 178
Smoking 267, 268
and lung cancer 606
cessation program 546
habits in world 607
passive 504
to lung cancer, relation of 605t
Snakebite 1051
Sniff inspiratory nasal pressure 1058
Sniff nasal inspiratory pressure test 1057
Sniff pressure 134
Soap bubble appearance 419
Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America 386
Sodium 456
chloride, absorption of 561
nitrite 1004
reabsorption of 118
sulfite 456
Soft tissue 790
abnormalities 48
tumors 957
Solid nodule 631
Solid organ transplant 312
Solid tumors 1024
Solitary nodule, causes of 627t
Solitary pulmonary
mass 630f
nodule 50, 50f55f, 626, 626f, 628, 629f, 673
Somatostatin release mimicking pancreatic tumor 621
Sonography 16
Sore throat 1004
Specimen brush, protected 282, 338
Sphenoidal sinuses 376f, 378
Sphenoidal sinusitis 376
Spinal cord
injury 759, 1047, 1048
tumors 194
Spinal muscular atrophy 1049
Spine 194
metastatic lesions in 194
tubercle of 194, 195
tumor deposits in 194
Spirometry 138, 192, 463, 467, 524
Splenectomy 749
Splenic granulomas 226f
Spondylitis, advanced ankylosing 873
Spontaneous bacterial empyema 879
Spontaneous breathing 136, 826t
trial 827
failure criteria 827t
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum, treatment of 962
Spontaneous pneumothorax 192, 705, 870
management of 926fc
risk factors for primary 920
culture 223, 564
cytology 616, 625
role of 638
eosinophilia 468, 492
examination of 310
expectoration of 358
immunodetection 280
microscopy 221
production 533
smear-positive 225
Squamous carcinoma 54f
Squamous cell 944
cancer, surge of 614
carcinoma 610, 611, 613, 615, 628f
tumor 621
Squamous metaplasia 609
Stable nodule 631
Staphylococcal infection 271f
Staphylococcal pneumonia 271f, 272f, 316f
Staphylococcal species 271
Staphylococcus 341
aureus 35, 36f, 266, 277, 295, 300, 311, 321, 337, 356, 358, 367, 370, 374, 383, 384, 386, 392, 401, 561, 564, 566
infection 737
Starling's equation 131
Starling's law 131
Static hyperinflation 516
Static inspiratory, maximal 133
Steady state exercise test 530
Steam inhalation 1058
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 561, 566, 567
Stereotactic body radiation therapy 638, 640
Steroid 666, 746, 888
dependent asthma 573
myopathy, acute 487
resistance 492
resistant asthma 491
reversibility to 467
role of 398
use of 538
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 579
Stiff lungs 837
Stomach 173
acute dilatation of 283
Streptococcus 277, 341
anginosus 370
pneumoniae 34, 217, 266, 271, 277, 295, 300, 311, 313, 321, 358, 367, 369, 374, 383, 386, 392, 401, 534, 539, 583, 904, 905
infection 433
pyogenes 271, 383, 384
species 271, 880
Streptomycin 229, 233, 234, 237, 242, 444
Stress ulcer prophylaxis 344
Stridor 200
Stroke 1047, 1070
affecting 1047
like syndromes 1054
volume 1069
infection 411
stercoralis 277, 311, 313, 401, 410
infection 416
Strongyloidiasis 417f, 420
Stuffiness 177
Subclavian artery 28, 29f
aberrant right 29f
left 28
Subclavian vein 29, 166, 167f
catheterization 167
puncture 167f
right 29
Subclinical toxicity 1024
Subglottic secretions, aspiration of 343
Subglottic stenosis 192, 193, 739f, 742
Subpleural bleb 921
Subpleural soft tissue density lesions 764f
Subpulmonic effusion 80
Subpulmonic pleural effusion 79f
Subsegmental pulmonary
arteries 765f
embolus 765f
Sudden death 440, 760
risk of 475
Suffer nonfatal injuries 1031
Sulcus tumor, superior 195, 618
Sulfa drugs 1017
Sulfadoxine 427
Sulfamethoxazole 443
Sulfasalazine 887, 1021
Sulfhemoglobinemia 587, 588
Sulfur dioxide 456, 506, 534, 984, 988, 989, 1001
Sulfur granules 371
Sulfur mustards 967
Sulphamethoxazole 420
Sulphonamides 420
Superinfection pneumonia 342
Supernumerary bronchus 30
Supranational reference laboratories 223
Surface tension 100
Surgery 326, 327
role of 351
Surgical biopsy 670
techniques 941
Surgical treatment 365
Surveillance, epidemiology and end results 644
Susceptibility testing 224
Swallowing dysfunction 1058
Swan-Ganz catheter 166
Sweat sodium chloride test 563
Swine flu 299
Swyer-James syndrome 49, 71, 72f
Sympathetic ganglia 955
neoplasms 955
Sympathetic trunk 938
Symptomatic pneumothorax 922
Symptomatic therapy 694
Synaptophysin 649f
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 812, 813
Syncope, prolonged 760
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
hypersecretion 274
secretion 217, 621
Systemic corticosteroids 538
indications for 692t
Systemic diseases, pulmonary manifestations of 857, 1053
Systemic disorders 749
Systemic glucocorticosteroids 476
Systemic infections 537
Systemic lupus erythematosus 197, 232, 579, 580, 657, 735, 864, 864f867f, 900, 901
drug-induced 1015, 1016, 1020
Systemic sarcoidosis 680
Systemic sclerosis 580, 657, 859, 868, 869f
pulmonary complication of 870
Systemic sepsis 698
Systemic steroid therapy 483
Systemic therapy 692, 693
Systemic thromboembolism 820
Systemic toxicity 1005
Systolic pressure 441
T helper cell 912
Tachycardia 274, 429, 462, 550, 786, 844, 891, 1010, 1039
supraventricular 534, 543
ventricular 534
Tachyphylaxis 550, 551
Tachypnea 298, 315, 425, 761, 784, 844, 927
Tacrolimus 313
Tactile fremitus 198
Takayasu's arteritis 735, 747
Tamoxifen 759
Targeted therapy 372
Taxanes 1026
Taxonomy 395
Tazobactum 340, 341, 363, 372, 566
Tea-grower's lung 719
esophageal 958f
of diaphragm, rupture or 1032
Telangiectasia 870
hemorrhagic 72
triad of 72
Temporal subtraction 8, 9
Tension hydrothorax 76
Tension pneumothorax 87f, 891, 921, 922f, 925, 1032, 1033
features of 922f
Tension time index 784
Teratoma 945f
benign 945
malignant 945
treatment of 946
Teratosarcomas, malignant 945
Terbutaline 478
Terizidone 242, 245
Tetanus 437, 779
facies 438f
fulminant 847
severe 440
toxoid vaccination 440
Tetracycline 384, 445
Thatched roof lung 719, 720
Theophylline 456, 476, 478, 539, 549, 551
blood levels 551
Therapeutic bronchoscopy 157f
Therapeutic drug monitoring 243
Therapeutic interventions 333
sacchari 718, 720
thalpophilus 718
vulgaris 718, 720
Thermoplasty, bronchial 158
Thioacetazone 242
Thiosulfate detoxifies 1004
cavity 75f
duct 31, 938
endometriosis 920
gas, volume of 143f
pain 194
scoliosis, severe idiopathic 1043t
wall 48
Thoracocentesis, previous 900
Thoracoplasty 1046
Thoracoscopic biopsy, video-assisted 320, 326, 579, 624, 690, 729
Thoracoscopic surgery, video-assisted 667, 740, 741, 923, 931, 941
Thoracoscopy, video-assisted 159, 670, 860
Thoracotomy 1039
indications for 1039, 1039t
Thorax, middle of 937
Three-bottle pleural drainage system 161f, 923f
Throat 737
Thrombocytopenia 436, 868
heparin-induced 768
Thromboembolic disease 868, 874, 887
Thrombolysis 768, 769
Thrombophilia, acquired 759
Thrombophlebitis 624
migratory 930
Thrombosis, recurrent 768
Thrombotic episodes 868
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 930
Thymic carcinoid 940, 944, 945f
Thymic carcinoma 944, 623
Thymic cysts 944
Thymic hyperplasia 945
Thymic malignancies, staging of 943t
Thymolipoma 944
Thymoma 940942, 943f
diagnosis of 943
gross section of 944f
invasive 942f
noninvasive 941, 942f
presumed 943
Thymus 29, 30f
carcinoma 623
disorders 749
mass 90
intrathoracic 948
lesions 90
Thyrotoxicosis 189, 192
Tidal volume 807
small 541
Tiotropium 140, 551, 584
binds 551
T-lymphocytes 458, 521
Tobacco specific N-nitrosamines 606
Tobacco-worker's lung 719, 720
Tocolytic pulmonary edema 892
Tomosynthesis 8
reduction 1073
repositioning devices 1073
Tonic clonic seizures, generalized 705f
Topical medication 184
Toxemia 495
air pollutants 991
causes 1051
fumes 966
gases 580
mechanism of 971, 1002
monitor for 743
canis 416
catis 416
Toxoplasma 311, 313
gondii 392, 399, 401, 432
Trachea 23, 30
bubbles 157
divides 23
enters 23
rupture of 1038
volume rendering technique of 14f
Tracheal bronchus 31f
Tracheal deviation 27f
Tracheal intubation 333
Tracheal sounds 1065
Tracheal stenosis 67, 69f, 192, 193
Tracheal tube cuff, design of 343
Tracheitis 379
Tracheobronchial amyloidosis 709
Tracheobronchial mucosa, biopsy of 326
Tracheobronchial submucosal glands 873
Tracheobronchial tree 14f, 15f, 29, 180, 182, 183, 440, 648f, 1005
maximum intensity projection of 739f
minimum intensity projection of 17f
volume rendered image of 15f
Tracheobronchitis 192, 324, 379
acute 195, 379
viral 379
substernal pain with acute 194, 195
ventilator-associated 342
Tracheoesophageal fistula 75
Tracheostomy 343, 441, 791, 798, 1039, 1073
care 799, 800t
complications of 799f
emergency 793
in flail chest 1038t
obstructed 824
tube 156f, 333, 794f
care of 800
wound, care of 800
Traction bronchiectasis 57f, 59f, 353, 360f
Trained doctors, poorly 489
Tranquilizers 537
Transbronchial biopsy 329, 403f, 684f, 689, 922
Transbronchial lung biopsies 159, 663, 664
Transdiaphragmatic pressure 133
Transjugular hepatic portovenous shunting 903
Transjugular intrahepatic
portocaval shunt 880
portosystemic shunt 876
Translucency, unilateral 50f
Transmission 293
Transmural pressure 130
Transpulmonary pressure 99
Transthoracic contrast echocardiography 878
Transtracheal aspiration 282
Transtracheal jet ventilation 796, 797
Transtracheal oxygen delivery 590
Transverse myelitis 194, 295
Trauma 182, 537, 917, 1029
penetrating 368
to chest 782, 1031
Treatment consists 956
Tree in bud appearance 221, 225f, 582, 583
Trematode infections, pulmonary manifestations of 417
Triamcinolone 553
Trichophytosis 946
Trichosporon cutaneum 720
Triglycerides 901
Trimellitic anhydride 720
Trimethoprim 420, 443
sulfamethoxazole 395, 400
Trophozoites 429
Tropical eosinophilia 190, 412, 414f, 415f, 501
end-stage of 415f
Tuberculin skin test 210, 213, 228, 258, 975
Tuberculosis 38f, 181, 196, 198, 205, 215, 224f, 248, 254, 267, 280, 289, 322, 501, 627, 669, 676, 710, 897, 898, 900, 902, 917, 976
burnt-out 190
cavitating 222f
Chemotherapy Center 206
diagnosis, novel technologies for 254
disseminated hematogenous 840
drugs, management of side effects of 233t
endobronchial 216, 224f, 225f
extrapulmonary 215
fibrocalcareous 41f
infection 226f
latent 215, 258, 259, 670
integrate 261
long-term course of primary 215
natural history of 207
nucleic acid, detection of 913
old healed 227f, 228f
past history of 216
prevalence of 991
primary 213
reactivation of 225f, 226f, 670
symptom in 175
treatment of 229
vaccine, new 260
adenopathy 917
cavity 367
chronic 181
empyema 905
infection 443
lesion 55
pleural 912
pleural effusion 912, 913
diagnosis of 913
pneumonia 273f
subcarinal lymphadenopathy 953f
Tuberous sclerosis 704
Tumor 929
benign 627
body 957
cells 271f, 613f, 649f
esophageal 90
markers 643
necrosis factor 323, 743, 843, 969
alpha 364, 425, 721, 1020
node metastasis 631
proximal 639
rarer 627
Turbuhalers 471
Typhoid 433, 841f
infections, severe 840
Ulcerations 1006
Ulcerative colitis 454, 688
Ulcerative tracheobronchitis 324
Umeclidinium 551
Unclear multifactorial mechanisms 749
Unconscious state 34
Unconventional therapy 485
Uniform calcification 52
Unknown origin
pyrexia of 215, 249
sarcoid is pyrexia of 686
Upper airway 1066
and lung 737
examination 1068
injury 1005
obstruction 67, 192, 790, 1019
slowly progressive 192
receptors 125
Upper lobe
bronchus, right 30
collapse, right 23, 44
division 30
pneumonia, right 34f, 35f
predominant disease 557
right 31
Upper respiratory tract 272
colonization of 845
infection 140, 178, 374, 383, 461
Uremic lung 883, 884
Uremic pleurisy 918
Ureteric rupture 884
Urethane 606
Urinary tract infections, catheter-associated 331
Urine 465
orange 233
red 233
Urinoma 884
Urinothorax 899, 903
Uterine tears, large 891
Uveitis 680, 886
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 1073
laser-assisted 1073
Vague chest discomfort 195
Valsalva, sinus of 952
Valvular heart disease 188, 891
Van Slyke apparatus 119
Vancomycin 321
Varenicline 547
Varicella-zoster 311, 392
infection 271
virus 266, 292, 304, 305
Varicose bronchiectasis 353
Vascular anomalies 182
Vascular changes 459, 514
Vasculitic lesions 887
Vasculitides 904
primary 735
Vasculitis 887, 918
classification of 735t
secondary 735
Vasopressors 289
Vasovagal syncope 899
collapse sharply 524
techniques for specific 167
Velcro crackles 657
Vena cava
inferior 26
interruption, indications for 772t
superior 3, 26, 28, 29, 938
obstruction 903
syndrome 617, 618f, 959, 960
Venous admixture 110
Venous blood, mixed 126
Venous oxygen saturation, mixed 785
Venous pressure 130f
Venous stasis, Virchow's triad of 758
Venous thromboembolism 758
Venous thrombosis 624
Ventilated lung volumes 528
Ventilation 111, 147, 777, 877
abnormality 877
control of 115, 123
cyclic process of 97
high-frequency 819
inequalities 111, 1047
lung scintigraphy 761
mechanics of 97
noninvasive 343, 485, 669, 1038, 1074
imbalance 1037
ratios, distribution of 112, 112f
pressure support 541, 812, 814, 828
pressure-controlled 811, 812
proportional assist 818, 819
scans 20
volume targeted 812f
volume-controlled 811
associated complication 336
associated pneumonia
causes of nonresolution of 342t
treatment of 338fc
circuits, management of 344
modes 850
requirements 542
settings 542
support 441, 789, 802, 808t
initiation of 808
noninvasive 596, 791, 848
objectives of 809
role of noninvasive 828
weaning from 824
unsuccessful weaning from 828
Ventilatory control 518
Ventilatory demands 1043
Ventilatory failure 777, 778, 1043
management of 1045
pathophysiology of 778
ventilator support in primary 803
Ventilatory muscle dysfunction 1058
Ventilatory parameters 827
assessment of 827
Ventilatory pressure 155
Ventilatory response to exercise 126
Ventilatory strategies 486
Ventilatory support
newer modes of 818, 819t
use of 290
Ventimask 592
Ventricular dysfunction, right 514, 543, 765, 767
Venturi mask 593
Vertebrae 3, 42
Vertebral column 937, 938
Vertigo 233
Vessels, aneurysm of major 952
Vicious cycle terminating 1043
Vigorous percussion 537
Vincristine 403
Vinyl chloride 606
Violent bronchospasm 496
Viral bronchiolitis 579
Viral cultures, positive 329
Viral infection 392
acute 580
other 329
Viral pneumonia 37, 266, 292, 839
influenzal 295
primary 295
specific 292
Viral upper respiratory tract infections 292
Virtual bronchoscopy 15f, 16f, 636
Virus 266, 305, 311
B 293
Visceral compartment 938
Visceral larva migrans 416, 416f
Visceral pleura 929
Visceral pleural line 83
Vision, impaired 621
Visual pollution 988
Vital capacity 155, 784
Vital homeostatic function 115
C 608
K 769
Vivax malaria, pulmonary complication of 426
Vocal cord 469
dysfunction 468
edema 153
Vocal fremitus 200
Voice, hoarseness of 617, 941
Volume rendering technique 14f, 15f, 72f
Volume trauma 823
Volume-rendering techniques 12
Volume-targeted support 812
Voluntary ventilation, maximum 140
Volutrauma 849
Vomiting 270, 272, 485
Voriconazole 326, 377, 379
logging, severe 543
pollution 988
retention 824
Water-lily sign 421, 421f
Water-soluble chemicals 997
Weaning 487
methods of 827
process of 826
screen 825
Wegener's granulomatosis 37f, 67, 180, 182, 197, 307f, 372f, 375, 627, 656, 735, 736, 739f741f, 845, 884, 918
Weight loss 225f, 252, 623, 971
systemic features of 740f
Westermark sign 761f
Wheelchair-bound 1049
Wheeze 200, 461, 462t, 468, 657, 709
history of 462
tight 523
White blood cell 283, 743
White mater edema 1009
William-Campbell syndrome 356
Wilson's disease 876
Window settings 15
Wood pulp worker's lung 719, 720
Woolsorter's disease 444
World Health Organization 748, 1031
World influenza pandemic, dangers of 301
Worsen hypercapnia 556
Worsen hypoxemia 483
Worsening dyspnea 533, 974
Wrights stain 398
Wuchereria bancrofti 413, 917
Xerostomia 680
Xerotrachea 873
Yellow nail syndrome 357, 904, 917, 918
Yersinia pestis 276, 443
Yoga 478
Yolk sac 947
Young's syndrome 355
Zanamivir 296, 305
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 222, 254, 272, 280, 345, 346
Zileuton 474
Zinc chloride 967
Zoledronate 621
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Second Edition
Editors Farokh Erach Udwadia MD FRCP (London & Edinburgh) Master FCCP FAMS FCPS DSc Emeritus Professor of Medicine Grant Medical College and JJ Group of Hospitals, Mumbai Consultant Physician and Director in Charge of the ICU Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai Consultant Physician, Parsee General Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Zarir F Udwadia MD DNB FRCP (London) FCCP (USA) Consultant Chest Physician, Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai Consultant Physician, Breach Candy Hospital and Parsee General Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Anirudh F Kohli MD DNB DMRD Head of Imaging, Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai Consultant Radiologist, Jaslok Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Khyati Shah MBBS Consultant Physician and Research Officer Breach Candy Hospital Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Principles of Respiratory Medicine
First Edition: 2010
Second Edition: 2020
Printed at:
Preface to the Second Edition
The first edition of this landmark book, Principles of Respiratory Medicine, not only in India but also in Southeast Asia, has been extremely well received. A second edition is both warranted and has been eagerly awaited. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and brought up-to-date.
The revision extends to the generally accepted description of respiratory diseases common to the affluent West and the poor tropical countries. However, the revised and updated epidemiology of these diseases, their subtle variations in clinical presentation, and natural history as observed in India and Southeast Asia have merited special emphasis. The epidemiological study of respiratory diseases in these countries remains unfortunately poor and our task is therefore beset with considerable difficulty.
Respiratory diseases peculiar to India and other tropical countries have been revised wherever necessary. The chapter on Dengue has been extensively revised and we have newly included the complications of Scrub Typhus. For obvious reasons, respiratory diseases peculiar to the tropics have been given more attention than have been given by western authors. This continues to be a very important feature of this book.
Every section and most chapters of this book have been updated. Prevailing concepts in lung cancer, asthma, interstitial lung disease, and several other diseases have been discussed at length with special reference to India and Southeast Asia.
As in the first edition, the highlight of this book is the section on tuberculosis (TB). Pulmonary TB exists on an epic scale—a killer that stalks millions of Indians, not only killing many, but impoverishing many more. India accounts for more than one-third of the TB burden of the world; TB causes one death per minute in this country and over a million deaths annually. Every aspect of this disease has been revised with special regard to epidemiology, MDR-TB, XDR-TB, the relation between TB and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, the drug regimes in use, and the newer drugs available in treatment. The section on newer diagnostic aids now available, chiefly involving genetic and molecular biology, has been extensively revised.
Another noteworthy feature of this book is the large number of excellent images that illustrate the text. Every chapter of every section is illustrated wherever necessary with high-quality images contributing to a better understanding of the text.
As in the first edition to ensure conformity in content, form, and style, we did not invite contributions from colleagues working in different parts of the country. There were two exceptions—Dr Thirumali Rajgopal who contributed chapters on “Common Occupational Disease and Environmental Pollution” and Dr Camila Rodrigues who contributed a chapter on “Antibiotic Resistance and its Management”. Dr Rajgopal is the Medical Advisor to Hindustan Lever and Lever Brothers and Dr Rodrigues is the senior consultant and Head of Microbiology at the Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. We are extremely grateful to both these colleagues for their contribution.
What makes this book different from similar works written by Western authors is the emphasis on respiratory diseases as practiced in India, Southeast Asia, and other tropical countries.
This edition will continue to be useful to medical registrars, registrars in pulmonary medicine, postgraduate students, medical practitioners, consultants in general medicine, and pulmonologists not only in India and Southeast Asia but also to an extent in Africa and South America. It will also be of interest to our western colleagues, as in a shrinking world and the ease of travel, an awareness of different diseases in different parts of the world becomes necessary.
We have included one more author in this second edition—Dr Khyati Shah, the research officer at Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. She has been responsible for the organization of the numerous sections and chapters, the corrections and repeated revisions, the numerous references in each section and chapter, the insertion of the many images at the appropriate places throughout the volume, the correction of page proofs again and again and the meticulous attention to detail in the production of this work. Without her devotion, diligence, cheerful disposition, and invaluable help, this book would not have been possible.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to Mr Sanjiv Mehta, CEO of Hindustan Lever, India, who has been kind enough to give an extraordinarily generous subsidy toward the publication of this work. The price of this book has thereby been substantially reduced so as to bring it within the reach of all students and colleagues in this profession.
We also thank Mrs Vera F Udwadia for her help in correcting the page proof. We also thank Mr Neeraj Chawan for helping to type the manuscript. We thank the various authors whose works we have consulted in the preparation of this book and to those publishers who have granted permission to use some figures, images, and tables from their books/journals.
Finally, we thank Jaypee Brothers Medical Publisher (P) Ltd. for their unstinted help and cooperation in publishing this book.
Farokh Erach Udwadia
Zarir F Udwadia
Anirudh F Kohli
Preface to the First Edition
The prime reason for writing a book on pulmonary medicine is our firm conviction that a description of respiratory diseases occurring in India is best written by experienced physicians working for decades in the same country. The contents of such a text we felt would also by and large be applicable to other developing and poor countries of the world. Considering the fact that far more people live in the underprivileged regions of the world compared to the affluent West, the raison d’être for such a text seemed unquestionable.
We knew that our task was indeed daunting and we made it doubly so by deciding not to invite contributions from colleagues working in various regions of the country. We were determined to accomplish the work by ourselves, so as to finish the task quickly, and to ensure a uniformity of style, language, content and a focussed dedication, all so essential to achieve what we set out to do. The work started in the spring of 2009 and was submitted for publication by August 2010. We however allowed for two exceptions when we invited Dr Thirumalai Rajgopal to contribute two chapters on ‘Common Occupational Lung Diseases’ and ‘Environmental Pollution’ and Dr Camilla Rodrigues to write on ‘Antibiotic Resistance and its Management’.
In India we encounter almost all the respiratory diseases found in the West. In addition, we live among respiratory diseases which are peculiar only to India and other developing tropical countries, that are uncommon in the West. It is therefore important that physicians practising in these countries are trained in the understanding, diagnosis, and management of both these groups of diseases. The authors sincerely hope that this book achieves this objective. We have not compromised on the generally accepted description of respiratory diseases common to both the affluent West and to poor tropical countries. However, the epidemiology of these diseases, their often subtle variations in clinical presentation, and natural history as observed in the Indian and Southeast Asian context have been clearly emphasized.
Respiratory disorders peculiar to India and other tropical countries have, for obvious reasons, been dealt with in considerable detail. For example, pulmonary infections in the tropics, together with pulmonary complications of tropical diseases is a subject that deserves far more attention than what has been accorded by western authors. Parasitic infections of the lungs, the lung in fulminant malaria, in amoebic infection, in salmonellosis, leptospirosis, dengue, in other fulminant, and not so fulminant infections in the tropics, have been discussed in special detail because they are both frequent and important.
The increasing menace of lung cancer in India has been given special emphasis; with a comparison of recent epidemiological data on lung cancer in various parts of India vis-à-vis Southeast Asia, China, and several other countries of the world.
Both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as asthma have a significant morbidity and mortality rate in India, Southeast Asia, and also in the West. These topics have been discussed at length with special reference to India and Southeast Asia.
A highlight of the book is a discussion on the threat of pulmonary tuberculosis and its unsolved challenges. Pulmonary tuberculosis dominates medicine in India and other developing countries. It exists on an epic scale with India accounting for a third of the world's TB burden. Every aspect of this disease has been dealt with, including a detailed epidemiological description, MDR and XDR tuberculosis, tuberculosis in relation to the HIV epidemic, the new diagnostic aids involving the use of genetics and molecular biology, and also the future needs to counter the unsolved challenges of this disease.
We have also included, among others, sections on basic ‘Lung Physiology’, ‘Clinical Approach to Respiratory Disease-Symptoms and Signs’, ‘Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases’, ‘Infectious Diseases’ and a section on ‘HIV and the Lung’.
The volume begins with the section ‘Imaging Techniques and Imaging of the Chest’. Of all the recent discoveries in respiratory medicine, the most iconic is the discovery of spiral computed tomography in the 1990s. Continuing technological advances have further enhanced the imaging of the microarchitecture of the lung and have enabled a reconstruction of images that allow a three-dimensional view of a lung pathology and of pathologies involving the mediastinum. The advent of virtual bronchoscopy permits a view of the whole bronchial tree and its surrounding structures. These, together with the use of ultrasonography, ventilation-perfusion lung scans, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET scans) in respiratory medicine have been briefly described with suitable illustrations in this section. What is more, every single chapter of every section is illustrated wherever necessary with high-quality images that contribute to the further understanding of different respiratory diseases. We feel that the visual image is as important as the written word and often is longer lasting in the mind's eye.
Principles of Respiratory Medicine is a book written by clinicians for clinicians, and though not encyclopedic in content, is comprehensive in its scope. The varying emphasis given to different respiratory diseases is related to respiratory medicine as observed and practiced in India and to an extent in Southeast Asia and other tropical countries. In this respect, the book differs significantly from many others written by western authors.
This is a landmark book not only in India but probably also in Southeast Asia. It will prove to be of considerable benefit to medical registrars, registrars in pulmonary medicine, postgraduate students, medical practitioners, consultants in general medicine, and to pulmonologists practising in these countries as well as to some extent in Africa and South America. It will also be of interest to our colleagues in the West, for surely they would be keen to know the pattern of respiratory diseases in the other half of the world—in the teaming populations of poor tropical countries. Also, ours is a shrinking world and the frequency and the ease of travel from one continent to another has increasingly resulted in the need for a global awareness—an awareness of different diseases in different parts of the world.
We have based this book on current knowledge, evidence, experience, and recent advances, all perhaps in equal measure. Yet it behoves the reader to bear in mind that what is true today may not be true tomorrow, for the history of medicine, including respiratory medicine, is a chronicle of change. We leave the reader with the words of Sir Francis Bacon… ‘Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider’.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to a number of individuals, some of whom deserve special mention. We owe an immense debt of gratitude to Mr Shreyas Doshi of Shrenuj and Company who has been kind enough to give an extraordinarily generous subsidy towards the publication of this work. The price of the book has thereby been substantially reduced to bring it within the reach of all students and colleagues in the profession.
Our sincerest thanks above all to Dr Khyati Mehta, our research assistant, without whose devotion, diligence, cheerful disposition, and invaluable help this book would never have been possible. She has been largely responsible for the organization of the numerous sections and chapters, the insertion of so many images and illustrations at appropriate places throughout the volume and meticulous attention to detail in the production of this work. Her help with the page-proofs, with the huge number of references, and her cordial liaison with our publishers have been of immense help. She indeed is as much a part of the book as the authors inscribed on the cover.
Our sincerest thanks to Dr Thirumalai Rajgopal for his chapters on ‘Common Occupational Lung Diseases’ and ‘Environmental Pollution’. We also thank Dr Camilla Rodrigues for her chapter on ‘Antibiotic Resistance and its Management’.
We are grateful to AV Graphic Designers Pvt Ltd (Mumbai) for creating excellent illustrations and tables that have been used throughout the book. Their cooperation and punctuality during the production of this work was outstanding. Our thanks to Dr Maansi Parekh for her help with the images and to Ms Kinni Makwana who has provided us with four special illustrations.
We thank Mrs Vera F Udwadia for her help in the correction of the page-proofs. We also thank Mr Neeraj Chavan for his help in typing the manuscript. We thank the many authors whose work we have consulted during the preparation of this book, in particular the text on Clinical Respiratory Medicine edited by Albert RK, Spiro SC and Jett R. We would also like to extend our thanks to those publishers and authors who have granted permission for some figures, images, and tables from their books/journals.
Finally, our sincerest thanks to the team at Oxford University Press in Delhi and Mumbai for their unstinted help and cooperation in publishing this work.
Farokh Erach Udwadia