Community Medicine with Recent Advances AH Suryakantha
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flow chart, and t refer to table.
Aam Aadmi Bima Yojana 210
Abacavir 427, 429
Abdomen 100
cylindrical 101
examination 507
Abdominal pain, lower 418, 418fc
Abortion 511, 579
induction of 578
medical 579
process, duration of 579
rate 562
ratio 562
services, safe 709
Absolute Affection Program 529
Abstinence 580
Acanthocheilonema perstans 376
Acarus scabiei 125
Accident 491
agent factors 492
global problem 491
in industries 198
causes 198
factors responsible 198
prevention 198
percentage of 594
prevention 492
types of 491
Accidental sampling 603, 605
Accredited Social Health Activist 169, 250, 374, 505, 710, 713, 715, 717, 719, 723, 726, 728, 837
activity name and incentives of 727t
Kit 727
Acedapsone 463
Acellular pertussis 254
vaccine 255
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor 886
Acetylene gas 48
Achondroplasia 659
Acid 444
rain 43, 889
Acidosis 335
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 8, 15, 235, 482, 567, 638, 671, 672, 683, 685, 691, 694, 730, 766, 827, 871
agent factors 420
clinical spectrum of 424
diagnosis of 424
history 417
host factors 421
incubation period 424
modes of transmission 422
pathogenesis 423
vaccine 431
Acridine 272, 356
dyes 272
Actinomadura madurae 239
Activated sludge process, advantages of 78
Active immunization 246t, 279, 285, 291
Acute attack, management of 380
Acute diarrheal diseases 329
agent factors 329
clinical features 330
degree of dehydration 330
environmental factors 330
host factors 330
incubation period 330
magnitude of problem 329
mode of transmission 330
predisposing factors 330
prevention and control 333
related terms 330
Acute febrile
disease 320
illness 309, 310, 351
Acute flaccid paralysis 238, 289, 708, 790, 885
surveillance 288, 289t, 789, 790
Acute lower respiratory infections 280
Acute respiratory infections 280, 892
agent factors 280
classification 280
environmental factors 281
host factors 280
magnitude 280
prevention and control 281
social factors 281
Acute transient inflammatory reaction 62
Acute upper respiratory infections 280
Addiction disease 674
Adenine 657
Adenovirus 280, 338
Adolescent Health Day 673, 723
Adolescent health problems 670
malnutrition 670
risk behavior 670
Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health 671, 672
Adoption 536
services 566
Adult personality, stabilization of 633
Adult polycystic kidney disease 660
Advisory Committee 83
on Vaccines and Immunization Practices 251
Aedes 104, 104f, 380
aegypti 107, 393, 398, 874
index 393
africanus 874
albopictus 107
mosquito 97, 99f, 102
adult female 394f
niveus 377
simpsoni 392
vittatus 107
Aerial application technique 400
Aerobacter cloacae 192
Aerobic bacteriae 77, 79
Aerobism, concept of 920
Aflatoxicosis 149, 173, 175
prevention and control 175
Aflatoxins 175
African green monkeys 450
African trypanosomiasis 98
Aga Khan Foundation 769
Agammaglobulinemia 660
Age and sex
composition 556
pyramid 556f, 590, 591f
Agricultural hazards, prevention and control of 197
Air 41
diseases 277
infection control 801
conditioning 45
embolism, pulmonary 59
fan, primary 87f
information center 863
movement 41, 63
pollution 42
biological pollutants 42
chemical pollutants 42
control of 484
global effects of 43
hazards of 43, 890
indicators of 44
prevention and control of 44
sources of 43
sunlight 42
temperature inversion 43
Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 916
quality index 863
temperature 41, 59
and humidity 41
effects of temperature 61, 62
health hazards of 61
heat stress 62
humidity 41
measurement 59
prevention of effects of high temperature 61
treatment 62
Airborne control activities ART centers 802
Airway disease, reactive 722
Albendazole 361, 510
Albinism 659
Albuminoid ammonia 37, 38
Albuminuria 392
Alcohol 271
Alcoholism 674
Aldosterone 503
Algid malaria 369
Alimentary disease 542
Alkaline-peptone water 337
Alkaptonuria 659
All India Blind Relief Society 758
All India Consumer Price Index 634
All India Hospital Postpartum Programme 545, 859
All India Women's Conference 758
Allergens 189
Allergic reactions 379
Allergy 579
Alopecia 146
Alpha cypermethrin 374
Alpha viruses 391
Alum precipitated toxoid 309, 364
hydroxide, purified toxoid adsorbed on 309
phosphate, purified toxoid adsorbed on 309, 364
Alzheimer's disease 667
Amantadine 298, 300
Ambassis ranga 128
Ambulatory treatment 319
Amebiasis 23, 160, 333, 353
agent factors 354
ascariasis 178
clinical features 354
environmental factors 354
host factors 354
incubation period 354
invasive 355
investigations 355
magnitude 354
mode of transmission 354
pathogenesis 354
pathology 354
prevention and control 355
treatment 355
Amebic liver abscess 354
Amebic trophozoites 355
American Academy of Pediatrics 528
American trypanosomiasis 121
Amikacin 321, 811, 814
Amine oxidases 146
Amino acid 134
score 134
essential 135
Aminoglycosides 811
Aminolevulinic acid 194
Amlodipine 838
Ammonia compounds, quaternary 270
Ammoniacal substances 27, 33
Amniocentesis 660
Amodiaquine 370
Amoxicillin 283, 898
clavulanic acid 321
Amphibole type 191
Amphixenoses 236, 382
deoxycholate injection 781
emulsion 781
Ampicillin 283, 389
Amprenavir 427
Anabolic steroids 676
Anaerobes 418
Anaerobic bacteriae 71
Anaerobism, concept of 920
ceylanicum 359
duodenale 358
life cycle of 360f
Ancylostomiasis 358
agent factors 359
clinical features of 361
distribution 358
environmental factors 359
host factors 359
laboratory diagnosis 361
life cycle 359
modes of transmission 359
pathogenic effects 360
predisposing factors 359
prevention and control 361
Anemia 52, 143, 146, 169, 504, 892
consequences of 168, 171
during pregnancy 171
globally 168
grade of 167t
macrocytic type of 361
management of 170t
mild 170
moderate 170
predisposes 169
prevalence of 168t
severe 170, 361, 722
severity of 168t
signs of 168
treatment of 167t
Aneroid barometer 58f
Aneuploidy 657
and Balwadi Centers 564
Center 257, 287, 546, 548, 708
Teacher 547, 548, 699
Worker's 546548, 702, 713, 797, 798
Act 549
day 921
Angina pectoris 472
Angioplasty, carotid 479
Animal reservoir, absence of 277
Ankylostomiasis 143, 189, 239
Annapurna scheme 664
Anopheles 102
abdomen of 101f
and culex
heads of 103f
stages of 105f
thorax of 100f
culicifacies 107
mosquito 99f, 104, 921
spotted wing of 100f
Anopheline larvae 104
Anopheline mosquito 97, 104
female 99, 368
Anorexia 138
advice 508
care 504, 505, 545, 671, 672, 707, 828
components of 505
interventions package 716t
clinic 511
examinations 506
history 506
investigations 507
registration 506
services 509
yoga exercises 509f
Anthelmintic drug 510
Anthracite filters 26
Anthracosis 191
pathogenesis 191
pathology 191
Anthrax 189, 383, 920
pulmonary 887
Anthropology 629
Anthropometric examination 178
Anthropometric indicators 181
Anthroponoses 382
Anthropozoonoses 236
Antibiotic, intramuscular 899
Anticonvulsants 365, 400
Antidiphtheria serum 246, 247, 310
Antifilarial antibody titer test 378
Antigas gangrene serum 247
surface 341
triple 364
Antigenic drift 294
Anti-human chorionic gonadotropin vaccines 582
Anti-larval measures 102, 107
drugs 462
treatment 462
Antioxidants 146
Antipyretics 365
Antirabic-serum of equine, production of 439
Antirabies immunization 444
indications for 444
Antirabies sera 447
Antiretroviral drugs 419
Antiretroviral prophylaxis, provision of 436
Antiretroviral therapy 828
initiation of 428
rapid initiation of 430
Antisecretory agents, role of 333
Antiseptic 267
Antisera 247
Anti-siphonage pipe 75f
Antisnake venom 247
Anti-sperm vaccine 582
Antitetanus serum 246, 247, 364
Anti-tuberculosis drugs 318, 810
second line drugs 811
third line drugs 811
treatment 528
provision of daily 801
Antiviral 298
agents, direct 345
Anti-zona vaccine 582
Anxiety 498
Aorta, coarctation of 473
Aortic incompetence, congenital 473
Aortic stenosis, congenital 473
Apgar score 517, 517t
Aquaguard domestic filter 31, 31f
Aqua-privy 67, 71
Aqua-water 71
Aqueous solution 269
Arabinosyl cytosine 54
Arachidonic acid 135
Arboviral diseases 391
classification of 391
Arboviruses, classification of
bunyamwera supergroup 391
group A viruses 391
group B viruses 391
mexicana seeds 174
oil, detection of 175
poisoning 174
seeds, detection of 159
Arista bearing stiff hairs 110
Aromex oil 103
Arsenic 37
Arteether 370
Artemether 370, 371, 373
combination therapy 370372
derivative 370, 371
Artesian well 23f
Artesunate 370, 371, 373
borne diseases 97, 98t
classification of 97
arachnida 97
crustacea 97
insecta 97
control 98
principles of 98
of public health importance 98
Artificial insemination 566
Asbestos 191
dye 482
predisposes 191
Asbestosis 191
clinical features 191
Ascariasis 24, 160, 357
agent factors 357
clinical features 357
environmental factors 357
host factors 357
incubation period 357
laboratory diagnosis 357
life cycle 357
mode of transmission 357
national deworming day 358
prevention and control 358
treatment 358
Ascaris lumbricoides 178
Aschoff's nodule 474
Ascorbic acid 142, 180
Ashes chamber 87f
Asian flu 294
Asian lineage avian influenza 303
Aspergillosis 189, 197, 381
Aspergillus flavus 482
Asphyxiating gases 189
Aspirate, endotracheal 297
Assmann psychrometer 63
Asthma 189
Ataxia telangiectasia 659
Atazanavir 427
Atenolol 838
Atmospheric humidity 62
Atmospheric pressure 58, 188
aneroid barometer 58
barograph 58
effects of
diminished 58
health 58
increased 59
management 59
Atomic Energy Act 916
Atrial septal defect 473
Atropine 129
Attack rate 216, 217, 278
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 722
Audiometer 46
Audiovisual aids 649
aids 649
effects 189
fatigue 46
Australia antigen 341
Autism 470, 722
Autoclave 88f, 91
Autoclaving method 90
Autodisable syringe 401, 729
advantages of 729
disposal of 730
disease 474
disorders 429
theory 661
Automatic ashes chamber burner 87f
Autosomal dominant diseases 658
Autosomal recessive diseases 659
Auxiliary nurse midwife 169, 170, 505, 703, 715717, 719, 723, 825, 858
functions of 731
support 250
Avalanches, principal types of 878
Avian flu 299, 875
control measures of 300
Avian influenza 295, 295t, 296, 298, 299
A 295
probable case of 298
suspected case of 298
virus 293
highly pathogenic 295
Avian virus 293
Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy (AYUSH) 699, 710
Ayushman Bharat Yojana 209, 637
Azithromycin 320
Babesiosis 381
Baby-friendly hospital initiative 529
Bacillary discharge 450
Bacillary dysentery 23
Bacillus 453
anthracis 178, 887
Calmette-Guerin 246, 251, 254, 320, 484, 517, 528, 717, 719, 919
vaccine 320f, 708
cereus type 177
sphaericus 380
Bacteria, removal of 27
Bacteriae 98, 424
action of 37
disseminate 316
Bacterial diseases 23
Bacterial infection 898fc
classification for 901t
Bactericidal drugs 318
Bacteriological index 453, 454f
Bag, type of 83
Bailleul single-chamber incinerator 87f
Balanced diet 133, 152, 153t
Balantidiasis 881
Balwadi Nutrition Program 545
Bancroftian filariasis 375, 377, 379
transmitted 377
Bandages 727
Bar charts 590
Bar code system 82
Bar diagram 590
proportional 590
simple 590
Barbados millions 104
Barium 94
Barrier methods 567
Basal body temperature method 581
Basal cell carcinoma 482
Basal metabolic rate 503
Basic emergency obstetric care 716
Bedaquiline 810
Conditional Access Programme 813
diagnostic for 811fc
Bedbugs 120f
bionomics 120
control measures 120
Beehive incinerator 67f
Behavioral disorders 666, 722
Behavioral sciences 629
Behavioral therapy, cognitive 915
Below poverty line 637, 686, 718
Benzathine penicillin 365, 466, 475, 510, 519
Benzene 37
hexachloride 107
Benzfluoranthene 37
Benzol 482
Benzoperylene 37
Benzopyrene 37
Benzylpenicillin 363
units of 313
dry 140
infantile 140
Berkefeld filter 30f
Berksonian bias 226
Beryllium 94
Beta cells 137
Beta lactam antibiotics 321
Beta propiolactone vaccine 439
Beta thalassemia 722
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao 689
BG Prasad's classification, modified 557, 634t
Bhagyalakshmi Scheme 637
Bharat Sevak Samaj 757
Bharath Sewashram Sangh 465
Bhore Committee 699
Report 739
Bifenthrin 374
Biguanides 838
Bilharziasis 24
Bilirubin 12
Billings method 581
Binet's test 535
Binomial distribution, mean features of 601
Bioaeration 78
oxygen demand 76
test 180, 180t
Biogas plant 72, 72f
merits of 72
Biological transmissions 97
Biological warfare 886, 888
Biological weapon, delivery of 887
Biomedical research 762
Biomedical Waste 80
dategories 83t
Management Rules 81, 82, 82t, 916
Bionomics 112
Biostatistics 587
applications of 587
Bioterrorism 886
Bird flu 295, 383, 875
Bird virus 432
and deaths 707, 917
Act, registration of 916, 917
asphyxia, prevention of 518
measures 564
pills 573
techniques of 566
vaccines 580
defects, prevalence of 713
rate, reduction of 563, 565t
spacing 516
weight, determinants of 519
Bitot's spots 138, 139
Bivariate data, interpretation of 617
Black fly 115, 115f
Black water fever 369
Bladder cancer 195, 482, 483
Blastomycosis 381
Bleaching powder 269, 326
Bleeding, intermenstrual 575
Blind trial, triple 231
Blindness 424, 493
causes 493
community ophthalmology 496
daily living skills 496
elimination of 166
environmental factors 494
extent of problem 493
host factors 493
mobility of 495
other factors 494
prevention and control 494
vision 2020 495
boiling and drying 199
borne pathogens 432
cancer 483
disorders, hereditary 470
examination of 355
groups 616
pressure, classification of 475t
safe 824
direct 437
dried 438
sucking mite 126
defense system 415
language 655
mass index 152, 479, 480t, 531
weight 163
reference 152t
Bodyache 380
Bold Policies and Support Systems 822
Bonded Labor System (abolition) Act 916
boiling and crushing 199
essential for mineralization of 144
aplasia 54
transplantation 52
sarcoma 54
Boophilus 406
lepromatous 452
leprosy 457
tuberculoid 452, 455f, 456f
Borehole latrine 68
Borrelia recurrentis 119
Botanical insecticides 108
Botulism 177
Bovine tuberculosis 189, 383
Bowel cancer 482
Brain 354
acute 667
chronic 667
stem 479
tumor 206
Brainstorming 652
Brass founder's ague 195
anatomy of 523, 523f
baby feeding from 529f
cancer 838
screening and management of 840fc
milk 899
problems 526
Breastfeeding 164, 523
duration of 435
encourages scientific practice of 581
exclusive 525
failure of 280
malpractices in 525
merits of 525
periods 435
physiology of 523
principles of 525
promotion network 530, 531
rate, higher 529
reflexes 523
scientific practices of 516
under special conditions 527
Brill-Zinsser disease 405
Broca's method 479
Broken family 630
Brominated flame retardants 94
Brom-Uridane increases 53
Bronchiectasis 191, 206, 316
Bronchitis 56, 189
Brucellosis 383
Brudzinski's signs 313
Brugia malayi 236, 375, 376
Brugia timori 375, 376
Brugian filariasis 377, 379
Buerger's disease 206
Buffalopox 277
Bugs 120
Bulbar poliomyelitis 348
Bupropian drug 912
Burkitt's lymphoma 482
Burn injuries 470
Bursoline's tablets 30
Buzz group 652
Buzz session 652
Byssinosis 192
Cadmium 37, 94
Caffeine 676
Caisson's disease 59
Calcium 37, 154, 269
absorption of 143
channel blocker 838
content of common sources 143
dihypochlorite of 27
monohypochlorite of 27
oxalate 12
requirements 143t
Calendar of important dates and events 921922
Calorific value 182
Camelpox 277
Campylobacter jejuni 869
Canarypox 432
Cancer 15, 482, 483t
cervix 482, 484
age of onset of 483
distribution 482
epidemiology 484
magnitude 482
pre-existing conditions 483
prevention and control 483
risk factors 482
types of 195, 482
warning signals of 638
Candida albicans 424
Candidate vaccine virus 306
Candy's pressure filter 26, 26f
Canefield fever 387
Capreomycin 318, 810, 811, 813, 814
Carbamate 105, 108
Carbaryl 108
Carbohydrate 136, 137
functions 137
unit of 136
Carbolic acid 273, 920
and pad filter 31
dioxide concentration 193
emission, net zero 891
monoxide 911
Carcinogen 195, 195t, 483
bronchogenic 191, 912
hepatocellular 482
Cardiac arrest 472
Cardiomyopathy 206
Cardiovascular disease 470, 506, 826
prevention 744
Cardiovascular system 912, 913
diseases of 206
Carditis 474
Care, quality of 714, 715
Carey Coombs murmur 474
Cartridge filters 26
Case-control study 224
framework of 225
Cash assistance, disbursement of 719
Cat fleas 115
congenital 721
immature 206
Cathode ray tube 94
Cat-scratch disease 382
Cefotaxime 327
Ceftriaxone 283, 327
bank 444
culture vaccines 445
Cellular fractions 246
Cendehill vaccine 291
Census 552
Act, 1948 916
commissioner 553
enumeration 603
Central Committee for Food Standards 160
Central Council of Health and Family Welfare 744
Central Food Technological Research Institute 147
Central Government Health Scheme 210, 701, 710, 884
Central nervous system 52, 346, 912, 913
Central Social Welfare Board 530, 546, 757
Central Surveillance Unit 884
Central tendency 600
measures of 596
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 294, 306, 883
Cereals, nutritive value of 147t
malaria 369
palsy 916
Cerebrospinal fluid 313, 352, 363
leak 254
Cervarix 485f
cancer 838
management of 839fc
cap 569
dilatation 512
motion tenderness 418
mucus method 581, 581f
Cervix, feel of 581
Cesarean section 511
Cetrimide 270
Chadha Committee Report 739
Chagas disease 98, 236, 383
transmission of 121
Chalk powder in sugar, detection of 159
Champix 912
Chandler's index 359
Channeled drain 23f
agents 196
carcinogens 911
closet 71, 71f
disinfection 86, 90, 269
fertilizers, use of 889
injuries 911
liquid waste 83
measures 103
methods 30, 569
oxygen demand 76
poisoning 176
purifiers 31
score 135
waste 83
weapons 886
Chemoprophylaxis 245, 247, 300, 387, 463
Chemotherapy, conventional long course 319
diseases 206
indrawing 281, 282
Cheyne-Stokes breathing 59
Chi square test, applications of 613
Chick embryo cell vaccine, purified 247, 444, 445
Chicken cholera 920
Chickenpox 278
agent factors 278
clinical features 279
complications 279
environmental factors 278
host factors 278
incubation period 279
management 279
modes of transmission 278
pathogenesis 279
pathology 279
prevention 279
vaccine 247
Chickungunya fever 107
Chicory powder in coffee powder, detection of 159
Chikungunya 874
fever 402
agent factors 402
clinical features 402
diagnosis 402
extrinsic incubation period 402
management 402
mode of transmission 402
prevention and control 402
vector 402
Chilblains 188
Child Development Project Officer 548, 549
Child guidance clinic 537
Child Health 853, 854
Programme 503
Child Labor
and Child Abandonment 639
Prohibition and Regulation Act 916
Child Marriage Restraint Act 916
Child mortality
rate, one-to-four-year 544
reduce 689
Child Survival and Safe Motherhood 366, 853
Program 165t, 545, 712
Child survival
index 545
rate 545, 540
Child to Child Programme 539
Child tracking system 534
Child transmission, prevention of parent to 435, 827
Child Welfare Agencies 546
Childhood illness, integrated management of 894
Childhood pneumonia
classification of 282f
treatment of 282f
Childline service 550
Chimeric virus 397
accurate value of 615
test 608, 613
Chlamydia 875
Chloramine 27
Chloramphenicol 887
Chlorhexidine 270
alcoholic solution of 271
Chlorides 37
Chlorinated bags, use of 82
Chlorination 27
continuous method of 33
phases of break-point 28f
principles of 28
Chlorine 27, 30
action of 27
diffusers 34f
solution 30
tablets 30
Chlorocresol 270
Chlorofluorocarbons 889
Chloroform 189
Chloroquine 370, 371, 898
dosage schedule 371t
Chlorotex apparatus 29f
Chloroxylenol 270
Chlorpromazine 363, 527
Chlorpyrifos 380
Chlorthalidon 838
Cholera 335, 337t, 338, 875
agent factors 335
clinical features 337
environmental factors 336
epidemic curve of 336f
epidemiological features 335
history 335
host factors 336
incubation period 337
laboratory investigations 337
magnitude 335
modes of transmission 336
pathogenesis 337
pathology 337
predisposing factors 336
prevention and control 337
Chorea 475
Chorionic villi aspiration 435
aberrations 108
abnormalities 657
disorders 658
mutations 52
Chromosomes 656
Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium 108
Chrysolite 191
Chunk sampling 605
Chyluria, early 379
Cigarettes and other Tobacco Products Act 913, 916
Cimex 120f
lectularius 120
Ciprofloxacin 321, 811, 887
Circumsporozoite protein 375
Citrus fruits 149
Civic amenities 550
Civil registration system 553
Civil servants, social security for 207
Clarithromycin 320, 462
fusiformis 175
purpurea 175
Clean and safe delivery 511
Clean India Mission 72
Clean water and sanitation 696
Cleaning and wound debridement 365
Cleanliness, maintenance of 34
lip 527, 721
palate 721
Clofazimine 321, 458, 460-462, 782783, 813814
Clonorchiasis diphyllobothriasis 178
Clonorchis sinensis 178
botulinum 887
perfringens 38
detection of 39
tetani 236, 361, 362
spores of 362t
welchii 177
Club foot 721
Cluster random sampling 603, 605
Coal filters 26
Coal tar disinfectants 270
Coal workers pneumoconiosis 191
Coccidioidomycosis 189, 197, 430
Cod liver oil 139
Cohort studies 230, 230t
advantages of 229
disadvantages of 229
framework of 228
historical 228
prospective 228
retrospective 228
types of 226
Coitus interruptus 580
box 259
cathode neon lamps 48
chain 258
links in 259f
requirements, estimation of 263
reverse 262
Colicy abdomen 194
group 39
organisms 38
Colloidal particles 25
Colombo plan 766
Colon, familial polyposis of 660
Colonization 235
Colostrum 524
Coma 478
Commercial sex workers 408, 409
Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act 916
Common cold 56, 296t
Common foods, thiamine content of 141t
Communicable disease 235, 545, 637, 708
control of 708
history of 16f
Communication 646
audience 646
barriers of 647
behavior change 861
feedback 646
media 646
message 646
sender 646
types of 647
Community 629
acquired pneumonia 280
based Assessment Checklist 837t
diagnosis 4
purpose 4
relevance 4
stages 4
Health Center 170, 373, 709, 710, 713, 721, 742
staff pattern of 709
level 676
medicine 3, 5t
ophthalmology 496t, 497fc
participation 700
advantages of 700
risk pooling 731
trial 232
Completed test 38, 39
Complicated malaria 372
Computerized management information system 828
Concomitant disinfection 268
Concurrent disinfection 268
Condom 567f, 568, 568f, 692, 727
promotion 412, 568f
rupture of 576
Conducting Survey Under Longitudinal Aging Study in India 848
Condylomata, granulomatous lesion resembling 466
Confirmatory test 38, 39
Congenital anomalies 144, 542
prenatal diagnosis of 507
Congenital defects 188, 265
Congenital diseases 470
Congenital rubella 290, 291
syndrome 250
Conjunctivitis, acute hemorrhagic 236
Consciousness, loss of 479
Consumer price index 634
Consumer Protection Act, 1986 916917
Contagious disease 56, 235
injectable 576
methods 566
evaluation of 585
hormonal 573
pills, emergency 727
prevalence rate 692
supply of 566
Contract Labor Act, 1970 916
Convulsive disorders 722
Cooked food
analysis of 181
weighment of 181
Copper 37
Coproporphyrin 194
Cor pulmonale 206, 316
Cord, anomalies of 542
Core antigen 341
Corneal grafting 166
Corneoplasty 166
Coronary artery disease 206, 472
predisposing factors 472
prevention of 472
Coronavirus 280
Corpulence index 479
Corpuscular radiations 51
Correlation coefficient, valculation of 618, 619
Corticosteroids 461, 462, 487
diphtheriae 306
hofmannii 306
xerosis 306
Cost benefit analysis 737
principles 737
Cost effective analysis 737
demerits 738
merits 738
Cotrimoxazole 438, 439, 898
preventive therapy 438, 806
prophylaxis 431, 438t, 439
dosing of 439
simplified dosing of 439t
syrup 727
Cough 316, 896fc
and cold 282
classification for 900t
Councilman bodies 392
Couple protection rate 566, 856
Coverage evaluation survey 251
Cowpox 277
Crab louse 120
Cramps, abdominal 579
Cranial fractures 542
Craniotabes 139
Cresol 272, 326
Cretinism 144, 171
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease 872
Critical path method 736
Crocidolite 191
Crude birth rate in India, trend of 560f
Crude death rate 9, 218220
Crude literacy rate 557
Cryptic filariasis 377
Cryptococcal antigen
positive 431
screening 431
Cryptococcosis 381, 383, 429
extrapulmonary 430
Cryptosporidiosis 383, 430
Cryptosporidium 424
parvum 869
Cryptozoites 368
Crystalline solid 107
canis 115
felis 115
larvae 101f
mosquito 99f, 102, 104, 375, 380, 398
female 97
larvae of 104
quinquefasciatus 107, 377
vishnui mosquitoes 782
Cumulative frequency 597t
curve 590
table 589
Current couple protection rate 566
Current National Immunization Schedule 251t
Cushing's syndrome 487
Cyanide 37
Cyanocobalamin 140, 142
Cyanogas fumigation 387, 406
Cyanosis 887
Cyber bullying 915
Cyber porn 914
Cyber sex 914
Cyclone storm surge 878
Cyclopropagative type 368
Cyclops 24, 97, 126, 127f, 353
control measures of 128
life cycle 127
morphology 126
Cycloserine 318, 814
Cyclozoonoses 381
Cyfluthrin 374
Cyst 355
Cysticercosis 383
Cytochrome cooxidases 146
Cytokine 321
gamma interferon 321
immunotherapy 321
storm 306
Cytomegalovirus 235, 338, 424, 429, 482, 875
infection 430
Danazol 576
Dangerous Machine Act, 1983 916
Danish International Development Agency 766, 767, 770
Assisted National Leprosy Eradication Programme 766
Assisted National Programme for Control of Blindness 766
Assisted Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme 766
Danniell's hygrometer 63
Dapsone 460, 782783
Darunavir 427, 428
Dashboard indicators 719t
Daunorubicin 54
Day Care Programmes 668
Dead bodies, disposal of 433
Deaf and dumb day 921
Deafness, congenital 721
Death 478
during infancy, components of 542f
rate 216, 562
adjusted 220
age specific 219
declining 218f
specific 218, 315
standardized 218, 220
Dechlorination 29
Decompression, graduated 59
Decontamination procedure 91
autoclaving 91
chemical treatment 91
Deep burial 87, 90
standards for 88
Deep freezer 259
Deep mycosis 381
Deep trench latrines 72
Defense hospitals 701
Deficiency diseases 162
Dehydration 331, 331t
classification for 900t
rapid onset of 335
signs of 331
treatment of severe 332
Delavirdine 427
Delinquent rate 216
Delirium 141
Delphi method 654
Delta hepatitis 345
Deltamethrin 374
Deluxe types 567
Demand feeding 526
Dementia 141, 206
Demic plague 386
Demographic cycle, stages of 552, 552f
Demographic transition, theory of 552
Dengue 97
fever 98, 107, 393, 396, 874, 875
agent factors 394
classical 395
clinical spectrum 395
disease course 395
environmental factors 394
extrinsic incubation period 395
grading severity of 396
host factors 394
incubation period 395
laboratory investigations 395
magnitude of problem 393
management 396
mode of transmission 394
prevention and control 397
vector 394
Hemorrhagic Fever 98, 395, 889
Control Programme 770, 782
grading severity of 396t
primary 396f
shock syndrome 395
vaccine 397
viral infection, asymptomatic 395
Dengvaxia 397
caries 145, 744
conditions 722
defects 265
fluorosis 145, 145f
surgery, bachelor of 710
Dentists Act, 1948 916
Deoxyribonucleic acid 246, 656, 657
molecule, structure of 657f
synthesis of 141
vaccines 431
Department of Information Technology 908
Dependence-producing drugs 675
alcohol 675
cannabinoids 675
cocaine 675
hallucinogens 676
hypnotics 675
opioids 675
sedatives 675
stimulants 675
tobacco 676
volatile solvents 676
Depot formulations 576
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 577
Depression 141, 206, 498, 914
Dermacentor andersoni 122
Dermatitis 189
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 126, 126f
Dermatophytosis 381
Dermatosis, infective 320
Derris elliptica 108
Development Assistance Committee 685
Development index, gender-related 7
Deworming day 358
complications 744
mellitus 472, 486
classification 486
gestational 487, 504
latent diabetic 488
magnitude 487
potential diabetic 488
prevention and care 490
risk factors 487
screening for 489
Dial thermometer 259
Diaminodiphenyl sulfone 247, 460
Diaphragm 568, 568f
Diarrhea 331t, 528, 579, 892, 897fc, 899fc, 902
causes of 329
control fortnight 335
infantile 869
mild 351
training and treatment units 823
Diarrheal disease 160, 351, 545
new types of 869
Diatomite filter 26
Diatoms 77
Diazepam 363, 400
Diazinon 108
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 105, 129, 366, 875, 919
Dichlorvos 108
Dicyclomine 727
Didactic method 647, 650
Didanosine 427
Dieldrin 107
Diet survey 180
Dietary fiber 137
functions 137
Dietary goals 153
Dietary guidelines 153
Diethylcarbamazine provocative test 378
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid 54
Diethyl-meta-toluamide 874
Diethylstilbestrol 576
Diethyltoluamide 109
Digestibility coefficient 134
Digestive system 912
diseases of 206
Digital medication monitor 817
Digoxin 361
Dihydrate 332
Dihydrosanguinarine 174
Diloxanide furoate 355
Dimethyl carbate 109
Dimethyl phthalate 109
Dine's hygrometer 63
Dioxins 81
Diphenoxylate hydrochloride 333
Diphhtheria 254
Diphtheria 252, 254, 306
agent factors 306
bacilli 309
clinical features 307
community diagnosis of 310, 311t
complications of 308
environmental factors 307
host factors 307
immunization 309
magnitude of problem 306
pathogenesis 307
pathology 307
pertussis and tetanus 792
portal of entry 307
prevention and control 309
tetanus-pertussis vaccine 165, 246, 251, 310, 708
treatment 308
Diphyllobothriasis 126
Diphyllobothrium latum 126, 178
Diplopia 887
Direct smear microscopic examination 317
Directly observed treatment short course 528, 685, 701, 817t
agent 798f
chemotherapy 735, 796
cure for tuberculosis 798f
difference 817t
framework of 818
programme 818
strategy 797f
Director of Health Services 549
Director of National Institute of Immunology 463
Directorate General of Health Services 744
Disability adjusted life year 10, 168, 666
Disability limitation 17, 165, 166
disability 17
handicap 17
impairment 17
Disablement benefit 206
Disaster management 877
classification of 877
cycle 878, 878fc
mitigation 879
preparedness 879
rehabilitation 879
response 879
Disaster response 470
Disease Control Programmes, strengthening 729
Disease transmission, dynamics of 239
Disinfectant dyes 272
Disinfection 267
allied terms 267
classification of 268
high level of 273
procedures 272
terminal 268
types of 268
Disinsection 128
equipment 128
duster 128
sprayers 128
methods 128
area spraying 129
residual spraying 129
space spraying 129
Dispersion, measures of range 597
Disposable delivery kits 727
distribution of 701
Disposal facility, land for 82
Disposal of excreta, methods of 67
District Collector 724
District Early Intervention Center 718, 719, 722
District Health
Officer 549, 796
Plan 728
District Mental Health Programme 842
Comments 842
Components 842
Current Status 842
Objectives 842
Services 842
District Oral Health Cell 862
District Surveillance Unit 884
District Surveys, National Family Health Survey 859
District Tobacco Control Cell, activities of 850
District Tuberculosis Officer 803
District Urban Development Authorities 857
Dock Workers Act, 1986 916
Docosahexaenoic acid 135
Dog fleas 115
Dog handlers 448
Dolutegravir 427
Domiciliary care
advantages of 514
disadvantages of 514
Domiciliary midwifery services 701
Domiciliary treatment 319
Dopamine in brain, level of 911
Dot diagram 593
Double blind
cross-over study design 231
trial 231
Double chamber pyrolytic incinerator 86, 86f
Down's syndrome 52, 483, 487, 535, 658, 721
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 916
Dowry system 640
Doxycycline 372, 389, 887
Dracontiasis 24
Dracunculiasis 98, 352, 381
agent factors 352
environmental factors 353
host factors 353
incubation period 353
laboratory diagnosis 353
life cycle 353
magnitude 352
mode of transmission 353
pathogenic effects 353
prevention and control 353
social factors 353
antigen 353
medinensis 126
Drinking water 145
Droplet infection 235, 278
transmission 245
abuse 674
identification of 674
prevention and control of 676
reasons of 674
types of 674
addiction 674
addicts and medical care 676
administration 463
and Cosmetics Act 916
and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 916
dependence 674
distribution center 374
resistant, programmatic management of 819
susceptibility testing 810
use 674
Dry and wet bulb
hygrometer 63
thermometers 60f
Dry lime 269
Dry thermal treatment 87
Duck embryo vaccine 444, 445
Dug well 68, 69
Dumas cap 569
Dumb rabies 442
clinical features of 442
Durham's tubes 39
control of 192
mite 126
removal of 193
Dutch diaphragm 568
Dysbarism 59
Dysentery 876
Dysmenorrhea 200
Dysphagia 167
Dysuria 418
problem 897fc
classification for 901t
protection 203
Earth pit deep latrine 68
Earthquake 877
Eastern equine encephalitis 381, 383
Ebola 381
virus disease 383, 869
agent 869
clinical features 870
confirmed case 870
immunity 870
incubation period 870
infective materials 870
investigation 870
management 870
modes of transmission 870
prevention 870
reservoir 870
Echinococcosis 381383
Echinococcus granulosus 178
Ecological factors, assessment of 179
Economic status, improvement of 564
Ectoparasitic zoonoses 381
Eczema 189
infantile 320
Edema 504, 506
develops, pulmonary 59
malignant 189
Edmonston zagreb 285
Educational services 510, 547
Efavirenz 427, 429, 436
freshness of 150
stage 101
yolk 139
Eichornia 377
Eicosapentaenoic acid 135
Eisenmenger's complex 473
Electron microscopy 323
Electrophoretic techniques 449
Elvitegravir 427
Embryos, detection of 353
contraception, mechanical method of 576
medical services 470
Emerging and re-emerging diseases, control of 876
Emerging infectious diseases 869
Emotional dimension 6
Emphysema 189, 191
Empiric co-trimoxazole treatment 283
Employees State Insurance
Act, 1948 916
Hospitals 701, 710
Scheme 210
administration of 205
Empyema 206, 316
Emtricitabine 427
Enalapril 838
Encephalitis 290, 424
Endarterectomy, carotid 479
Endemic ascites 173, 175
preventive measures 175
Endemic disease 236
Endemicity, grade of 172
Endocrine disorder 206
Endometriosis 912
daily requirement of 152t
requirements 151
Enfuvirtide 427
Entamoeba histolytica 178
Enterobacter aerogenes 38
Enterobiasis 24
Enterovirus infection, intercurrent 351
Entomological survey 378
Enviomycin 811
Protection Act 916
Environmental protection 747
agency 85
Enzootic disease 236
constituents of 134
linked immunosorbent assay 242, 388, 873
Eosin methylene blue agar plates 39
Epidemic curves, types of 243f
Epidemic disease 236
Act 916
prevention and control of 244
Epidemic dropsy 173, 174
clinical features 174
confirmation of 175
incubation period 174
pathogenesis 174
pathology 174
prevention and control measures 175
Epidemiological studies 221
nonrandomized trials 232
observational studies 221
related terms 230
Epidemiological triad 12f
Epidemiology 215
approach 215
measurements 215
objectives 215
practice of 215
principles of 215
scopes of 215, 216fc
uses of 234
Epididymitis 379
Epilepsy 470
Epitheloid cells 455
Epizootic disease 236, 382
Epornithic disease 236
Epstein-Barr virus 338, 424, 482
Equatorial comfort index 62
Equine morbilli 382
Equine rabies immunoglobulin 247, 444, 447
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 685
Ergonomics 187
Domestic Environment 188
Social Security and Welfare Measures 188
working environment 187
Ergotism 173, 175
prevention and control 176
marginatum 475
nodosum 475
leprosum 456f, 458, 459
Erythroblastosis fetalis 510, 535
Erythrocyanosis 188
Erythrocytic phase 368
Erythromelalgia 188
Escherichia coli 273
Escitalopram 915
Esophageal cancer 482
Esophageal candidiasis 430
Espundia 389, 390
Essen schedule 446f, 447f
Estradiol benzoate 576
Estradiol phenyl propionate 576
Estrogen 576
dependent postovulatory process 582
progesterone combination 576
Ethambutol 318, 797,804, 810, 814
Ether 189
Ethinyl estradiol 573, 576
Ethionamide 318, 461, 810, 811, 814
Ethyl hexanediol 109
Ethylene oxide 271
Etofenprox 374
E-toilets 73
background 73
process 73
Etravirine 427, 428
Etroplus macutatus 128
European Medicines Agency 375
Euthenics 659
Euzonoses 382
E-waste 95t
burden globally 93
Exanthem subitum 875
Exanthematous stage 284, 290
Excitotoxin 173
Excreta, disposal of 67
Exercise 266
Exflagellation 368
Exoerythrocytic phase 368
Exotic disease 236
Exotoxin 363
Extensive drug resistance 812
Extensive wart virus infection 430
Extracellular bacilli 318
Extraovular injection 580
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, diagnostic for 810fc
care of 516
donation 833
lesions of 146
protection 203
Factories Act, 1948 916
Fainting 249
incidence 370
malaria 369, 372
Family and cultural factors in health and disease 632, 633
Family Court Act, 1984 916
Family functions 631
bridging generation gap 632
economic security 631
education 631
emotional support 631
homely life 631
job distribution 632
reproduction 631
social care 631
socialization 631
support 631
Family Planning 164, 565
Association of India 757
evaluation of 851
indicators 545
methods 564
need for 565
Programme, top-down approach of 855f
services 503, 545, 707, 709
scope of 566
Family Service Programmes 668
Family size 558
Family system 630
Family Welfare
concept of 566
Services 510, 516, 540, 708, 858
Fanconi syndrome 194
Farmer's lung 192
Fasciola hepatica 161
Fasciolopsiasis 178
Fasciolopsis buski 178
Fasting blood sugar level 265
Fat 135
and tallow melting 199
content 160
daily requirement of 134t
sources of 136
Fatal diseases 920
Fatality rate 218, 219, 236
Fatigue 579
Fatty acids 135
content 136t
essential 135
Fecal streptococci 38, 39
detection of 39
bottles 530
exclusive replacement 436, 438
habits 368
position of 524
problem, classification for 902t
technique of 524, 526
Fellmongering 199
tanning 199
Fenitrothion 380, 400
Fenthion 104, 108, 380
Fernandez reaction 454
Ferric chloride test 175
Ferroxidases 146
Fertility 560
awareness-based methods 580
control 855
age specific 561
general 561
reduce total 711
total 561, 856
regulating methods 566
returns 582
alcohol syndrome 504
heart rate 512
parts 573
signals 512
somatic effects 52
Fever 52, 897fc
acute rheumatic 56
enteric 325
harvest 387
hemorrhagic 97, 122
high-grade 301
intermittent 416
plus cough, mild 301
surveillance, rapid 374
treatment depot 374
Fibroelastic endoscope 273
Fibrosis 191
cystic 487, 659
Filament lamps 48
Filaria survey
clinical survey 378
control of 379
integrated vector control 381
newer diagnostic modalities 379
Filarial indices 378
Filariasis 236
chronic lymphatic 377f
occult 377, 378
Filter bed, cleaning of 25
First aid 434
First referral unit 170, 713
Fish tapeworm
disease 24
infestation 126
Fishbowl technique 653, 653f
Flat nipple 527
Flavivirus 391
fibricus 391
group 346
Flea 115
alimentary canal of 117f
indices 118
life history of 117f
Flocculation 26
Floods 878
and health 880
hazards of 880
major causes of 880
prevention of 882
types of 880
Fluconazole pre-emptive therapy 431
Flu-like symptoms 887
Fluorescein dyes 272
Fluorescent lamps 48
Fluoride 37, 845
daily requirement of 145
deficiency of 24
testing 145
Fluorine 144, 145
Fluoroquinolones 321, 811, 816
Fluorosis 173, 470
Fluroquinole 818
Flury's vaccine 444, 445
Fly swatter, use of 112
Fogging machine 400f
Folacin 141
Folic acid 140, 141, 167, 168
supplementation 169, 723
tablets 506
Folk media 654
Follicle-stimulating hormone 577
Follicular hyperkeratosis 138
Folliculitis 189
Food 133
adulteration 158
Act, prevention of 916
examples of 158t
prevention of 246, 747
allergy 162
and Agricultural Organization 764, 767
borne diseases 177
clinical examination 178
cultural factors 180
direct methods of assessment 178
list of 178t
classification of 133
consumption 180
excess of 173
contamination of 887
economy 154
establishments, sanitation of 157
fortification 158, 169
grains 159
groups 146
cereals 146, 147
cocoa 151
coffee 151
condiments and spices 151
egg 150
fats and oils 150
fish 150
fruits 149
meat 150
milk and milk products 149
nuts and oil seeds 148
pulses 148
salt 151
soft drinks 151
sugar and jaggery 151
tea 151
vegetables 148
hygiene 156
list method 181
poisoning 176, 337t
bacterial 176, 177t
classification of 176
investigation of 176
prevention and control 177
production 180
quality control of 15
related diseases 162
Foot, pigmented nevus of 483
Ford foundation 766
Forest plot 621, 622f
reading 622
Forest staff and hunters 448
Formaldehyde 271
gas 271
Formalin 196, 271, 299, 326
solution 272
Formol toxoid 364
Fosamprenavir 427
Foster homes 536
Framingham heart study 227
Frank rabies 442
Free and saline ammonia 37
Free chlorine 28
Freedom, degrees of 613
Freeze-dried vaccines 247
Friedreich's dystrophy 487
Frostbite 62, 188
Fructose 136
Fuenzalida vaccine 444
Fumarate 436
Funeral benefit 206
nail infections 430
zoonoses 381
Fungi 424
Funiculitis 379
Funnel plot 623
characteristics of 623
Furans 81
Furazolidone 356
Galactogogues, use of 527
Galactose 136
Galactosemia 535, 659, 660
Galbraith's radial plot 622, 622f
Gallbladder 327
affinis 104
fish 104
Gametogony 368
Gamma-isomer 107
Gammexane 107
Gantt chart 735, 735f
Gardner classification 336
burner 48
diffusion of 45
gangrene 189
light 48
Gaseous disinfectants 271
changes 503
complications 284
infections 881
irritation 318
tract 913
Gates foundation 366
Gatifloxacin 816
Gaussian distribution 600
empowerment measure 7
equality 558, 696
and empower women, promote 687
equity 558
benefits of 558
parity index, trend in 688f
Gene 656
General danger signs 896fc
General public, social security for 207
abnormalities 918
control methods 108
counseling 15, 474, 566, 659
diseases 660t
disorders, classification of 658
effects 52
funnel plot 623f
recombination 293
syndromes 487
omni 799
procurement of 808
test 799, 809
Genital herpes 418
Genital ulcer 411fc, 413, 414, 418
Genitalia 101
Genitourinary system 912
Genotypic methods 799
Genotypic testing 810
Gentamycin 283
Gentian violet paint 727
Geographic information system 863, 907
use of 238
Geographic spot map 223, 594
Germ theory, limitations of 11
German measles 289, 510, 579
agent factors 290
clinical features 290
complications 290
diagnosis 290
environmental factors 290
history 289
host factors 290
incubation period 290
mode of transmission 290
pathogenesis 290
pathology 290
Gianotti syndrome 343
Giant cells 455
Giardia lamblia 355
Giardiasis 23, 160, 333, 355, 381, 383
agent factors 355
clinical features 356
complications 356
diagnosis 356
environmental factors 355
host factors 355
incubation period 356
life cycle 356
magnitude 355
mode of transmission 356
pathogenicity 356
prevention and control 356
treatment 356
Glass fish 128
Glaucoma 174, 206
day 921
Glibenclamide 838
Glitazone 838
Global Adult Tobacco Survey India, 2010 848
Global partnership for development 695
Global Polio End Game Strategy 792
Global Polio Eradication
and End Game Strategic Plan 795f
Initiative 793
Global Vaccine Action Plan 256
Global warming 889
hazards of 889
history of 889
Globe thermometer 61, 61f
Glossina 114
palpalis 114f
Glucagonoma 487
Glucose 136
6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency 505
tolerance, impaired 146, 487
Glutaraldehyde, activated 273
Glutathione 146
peroxidase, production of 146
Glycosuria 146
positive for 265
Goatpox 277
Goiter 144, 171, 223, 722
grade of 144
prevalence of 172
Gomez classification 163
Gonorrhea 418, 876
Gonotrophic cycle 101
Grading malnutrition, anthropometric methods of 163
Grafenberg ring 570f
Gram Panchayat 629, 745
Gram Sabha 745
Gram Sevak 746
Granular activated carbon 32
Grave's disease 429
Gravity filters 25
Great arteries, complete transposition of 473
Green tobacco sickness 911
Greenhouse gases 889
Grid system 604
Gross and net reproduction rate 565
Gross domestic product 7, 685, 742
Gross National Income 685
Gross reproduction rate 561
Group discussion 651f
and development, promotion of 531
and nutrition monitoring 437
anemia causes retardation of 169
charts 531
monitoring 164, 182t, 516, 531, 547
retardation of 138
Guanine 657
Guillain-Barré syndrome 352t, 429, 789, 790
Guinea worm
disease 24, 236
embryo 97
Gut scraping 199
Guthrie cord 660
Gynecomastia 658
flu 294, 297
pandemic influenza 299
H5N1 virus 295
H7N9 virus 303
Habits affecting health 644
drinking 644
drugs 645
eating 644
exercise 645
healthful habits 645
meditation 645
relaxation 645
sex 645
sleep 645
Haemagogus capricorni 392
Haemaphysalis 406
spinigera 122, 403
Haemophilus influenzae 251, 254, 280, 309
bacilli 292
bacteria 313
meningitis 309, 313
type B 310
related diseases 252
vaccine 310
Halazone tablets 270
Haldane's method 59
Halfway homes 668
Hallucinations 59
Hamara Foundation 550
Hamster kidney cells vaccine, primary 444
flush waterseal latrine 70f
hygiene 324
washing method 300
prevention of 536
primary level 536
secondary level 536
tertiary level 536
Handicapped children, classification of 535
Hanging drop preparation 337
Hanta virus
disease 383
pulmonary syndrome 382, 871
Haplochilus panchax 104
Haploid set 656
Hard ticks 122, 122f, 122t
Hard water
advantages of 35
disadvantages of 35
Hardness, removal of 35
Hardware configuration 906f
Harvest mites 123
Hayflick's theory 661
Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 916
Head protection 203
adjusted life expectancy 10
female 703, 708, 854
male 708
care 699, 707
delivery indicators 10t
facilities 81, 300
package, provision of 847
primary level of 699
quality of 607, 701
secondary level of 699
services 547
systems, organizational framework of 701
tertiary level of 699
three-tier system of 699, 699f
waste 80
workers, immunization of 82
centers, quality of 607
concept of 6
determinants of 8
education 15, 70, 164, 192, 539, 540, 548, 647, 707
approaches in 648
contents of 648
levels in 649
methods in 649654
practice in 649
principles of 648
financing and financial protection 742
for all 681, 747
importance 681
milestones 681
socioeconomic indicators 682
goal and health targets 697
grounds 565
hazards 65, 676, 911
indicators of 9
information and literature 762
management information system 714
measure 516
on arrival and departure 276
to entry of travelers 276
Organization of League of Nations 760
perception 632
personnel 735
planning and management 735
promotion 15, 165, 475
promotive measures 659
research 762
policy 748
service 537
availability of 181
norm 742
spectrum of 7, 7f
statistics, sources of 588
indicators 682t
of industry 201
team, members of 706
female 707, 737
male 707
Healthful school
environment 538
living 538
Healthful teaching 539
Healthy physical environment, provision of 192
defects 265
impairment 722
Heart 392
disease 206
acyanotic 473
congenital 473, 721
coronary 136
cyanotic 473
ischemic 472
failure, congestive 206
irregularities of 472
rate and breathing 47
Heartburn 504
cramps 61, 188
exhaustion 61, 188
hyperpyrexia 188
stable vaccine 285
stress index 62
stroke 61, 188
syncope 61, 188
Hebdomadal mortality 542
Heine-Medin disease 346
Helminthic diseases 24
Helminthic zoonoses 381
Helpage India 664
Hemagglutination test 297
Hematoma, epidural 478
Hemimetabola 98
Hemiparesis 206
Hemiplegia 206
Hemochromatosis 487
Hemodialysis, chronic 343
Hemoglobin 134, 170, 728
electrophoresis 660
estimation 506
levels, distribution of 592f
Hemoglobinopathy 659, 918
Hemolytic streptococci 474
Hemolytic test 337
Hemophilia 470, 660
day 921
conjunctival 887
subarachnoid 478, 479
types of extra-axial 478
Hemothorax, spontaneous 319
Hendra viral disease 381
Hepatic schizonts majority 368
A 338
vaccine 253, 341f
A virus 338
agent factors 339
clinical features 339
environmental factors 339
host factors 339
immunization 340
incubation period 339
investigations 340
magnitude of problem 338
management 340
modes of transmission 339
pathology and pathogenesis 339
prevention and control 340
B 341, 792
agent factors 341
clinical features 343
high-risk groups 342
host factors 342
immunoglobulin 247, 344
incubation period 342
laboratory diagnosis 343
magnitude of problem 341
modes of transmission 342
prevention and control 343
vaccine 255, 343f, 517
virus 265, 432, 482, 884
C 344, 872, 875
clinical features 345
geographical distribution 345
incubation period 345
prevention 345
screening and diagnosis 345
transmission 345
treatment 345
virus 884
D 345
virus 345
E 346, 872
virus 346
G virus 346
Hepatocytes, invasion of 375
Hepatolenticular degeneration 146
Hereditary disorders, prevention and control of 659
Herpes simplex
infection, chronic 430
viruses of 338
Herpes virus 235, 424
infection 875
Herpes zoster 278, 430
Hexachlorocyclohexane 107
Hexachlorophene 270
Hexavalent chromium 94
Hexavalent vaccine 310
High atmospheric pressure 188
High birth rate, causes of 563
High test hypochlorite 27, 30
High-level expert group's recommendation 742
Hilar lymph node liquefies 316
Hind Kusht Nivaran Sangh 465, 757
Hip, developmental dysplasia of 721
Histoplasmosis 381, 383, 429
extrapulmonary 430
Hog flu 294
Holometabola 98
Homeopathy Central Council Act 916
Homocysteine 227
Homocystinuria 660
Homosexuals 409
Hormonal methods 567
Hormone 472
Horrock's apparatus 27, 32
Hospital acquired infections 80, 273
Hospital Management Society, objectives of 724
Hospital medicine 5t
Hospital waste
disposal 85
collection of wastes 85
source segregation 85
transportation 85
treatment 85
management 80
strategies adopted for 84
Hot soaking process 147
House drainage 74
complete system of 75f
requirements of 74
soil pipes 74
water closet 73
Housefly 109, 110f, 111f
control of 112
anti-adult measures 112
anti-larval measures 112
life history of 111f
proboscis of 110f
thorax of 111f
Households, proportion of 692
Housing 55, 557
and health 56
indicators of 56
economic indicators 56
physical indicators 56
social indicators 56
problem 57
requirements of 55
standards 55, 56
Human anatomical waste 83
Human audio-frequency range 46
Human babesiosis 122
Human blood index 370
Human breast milk 432
Human development
category 7
index 7
Human diploid cell vaccine 247, 445, 446f
Human disease 278
Human feces, disposal of 112
Human fleas 115
Human genetics 656
Human herpes virus 875
Human immunodeficiency viruses 242, 415, 417, 420f, 519, 638, 667, 669, 671, 672, 685, 691, 694, 728, 743, 884
child transmission of 511
clinical spectrum of 424
control of 766
disease 430
managing advanced 430
infection 317, 419
route of 435
life cycle of 421, 423f
medications 427
mother to child transmission of 435
parent-to-child transmission of 434
postexposure prophylaxis for 433
precautions against 433f
sentinel surveillance 828
structure 420f
transmission 429
attributable factor for 422
treatment, monitoring of 429
Human infections, recent 295t
Human influenza viruses 293
Human monkeypox 278, 869
Human normal immunoglobulins 247
Human Organs Act, transplantation of 916
Human papillomavirus 254, 255, 482
vaccination schedule 255
vaccine 485, 485f
Human physiology 4t
Human poverty index 7
Human preparations 439
Human rabies immunoglobulin 247, 439, 444, 447
Human reservoir 239
animal reservoir 240
classification 239
soil reservoir 240
Human resources
capacity building of 839
for health 714, 742
Human seasonal influenza 294
Human T-cell
lymphoma 482
virus 482
lymphotropic virus 420
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 247, 363, 364
Human T-lymphotropic virus 875
Humidity 62
absolute humidity 62
comfort zone 64
measurement 63
relative humidity 62
Huntington's chorea 52, 487, 659
Hyaline membrane, presence of 542
Hydatid disease 381
Hydatidosis 178
Hydration, maintenance of 332
Hydraulic head, loss of 27
Hydrazide 318
Hydrocele 379, 380
Hydroclave 89, 91
Hydrogen peroxide 271
Hydrophobia 442
case, management of 443
Hydrotherapy 349
Hygrometer 63
Hymenolepis diminuta 24
Hyperbilirubinemia 392
Hypercalcemia 140
Hypercholesterolemia 136, 227
Hyperemesis gravidarum 503
Hyperestrogenemia 472
Hyperglycemia 146
Hypertension 475, 838
classification of 475, 476
clinical manifestations 477
diet, stop 477
in community 476f
magnitude 476
management of 838
prevention of 477
risk factors 476
tracking of blood pressure 476
with proteinuria 507
Hyperthyroidism 487
Hyperventilation 249
Hypervitaminosis 139, 140, 173
Hypochlorite ions 27
Hypochlorous acid 27, 28
ionizes 27
Hypocupremia 146
Hypogonadism 146
Hypoproteinemia 167
Hypothermia, prevention of 517, 520, 522
Hypothesis, testing of 244, 608
Hypothyroidism 144, 171
congenital 722
Iatrogenic disease 236
Ibuprofen 462
Iceberg phenomenon 14
Ice-lined refrigerator 259, 260, 260f, 261f
control panel of 261f
Ignorance, role of 638t
Ileum 327
Immersion foot 62
Immoral Traffic Act, suppression of 410
Immoral Traffic Prevention Act 916
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome 429
Immune restitution syndrome 429
Immune restoration inflammatory syndrome 429
Immunity 278, 290, 316
Immunization 164, 203, 246, 286, 299, 338, 537
activities, supplementary 254, 257
diphtheria 310
measles 257
pandemic flu 299
tetanus 365
anxiety-related reactions 249
cards, estimation of requirements of 262, 263
contraindications for 255
expanded programme of 249, 853
lack of primary 280
periodical 516
programme 249, 747
purposes 243
routine 250, 786
schedule 892
services 509, 547
status 898fc
supplementary 786
types of 246
Immunochromatographic rapid diagnostic tests 370
Immunodeficiency virus, simian 431
Immunofluorescence assay 297
Immunoglobulin 247
human specific 247
Immunoprophylaxis 245
Immunoreactive trypsin measurement 660
Impetigo 56
Inactivated polio vaccine 254, 349, 349t, 792, 794795
stimulates 350
Incubation period
extrinsic 98, 242, 242t
maximum 242
median 242
minimum 242
uses of 242
Indalone 109
Indapamide 838
Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act 916
India Newborn Action Plan 711, 712, 748
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 251, 254, 287, 350, 528
classification 164
immunization 251
Indian Council for Child Welfare 530, 546, 757
Indian Council of Medical Research 136, 884
Recommended Dietary Allowances 154
Indian Diabetic Risk Score 488
analysis 488
Indian Health Administration, organization of 743
Indian Medical Association 287, 373
Indian Medical Council Act 916
Indian Medicine Central Council Act 916
Indian Meteorological Department 60
Indian Mines Act 191
Indian Multipurpose Food 134
Indian Nursing Council Act,1947 916
Indian Red Cross Society 546, 757
Indian Space Research Organization 908
Indian Tick Typhus 406
Indinavir 427
Indira Awaas Yojana 557, 564, 686
Indirect fluorescent antibody test 405
Indoor residual spraying 373, 781
Industrial cancers 483t
prevention of 196
Industrial Therapy Centers 668
Industrial workers
safety of 916
social security for 207
Infant deaths 516
Infant Milk Substitutes 530, 916
Act 530
Infant mortality rate 506, 540, 543, 543f, 545, 562, 683, 689, 856, 892
prevention of 544
Infant mortality, causes of 544
feeding of 523
immunization of 545
oral health 435
Infection 235
measures 854
precautions 300
endogenous 235
latent 235
mixed 235
prevention of 512, 520
primary 235
reservoir of 315, 355, 376, 440, 450
source of 239t, 278, 420
subclinical 235
surface 439
terminal 235
treatment of 902
type 176
Infectious diseases 235, 206, 884
epidemiology of 235
investigation of 243
re-emerging 869, 875
screening for disease 264
surveillance 236
Infective agents, presence of 23
Infestation 98, 235
Influenza 292, 296t, 381, 383
A subtypes 293f
agent factors 292
case management 298
clinical presentation 296
environmental factors 294
history 292
host factors 294
laboratory diagnosis 297
magnitude of problem 295
modes of transmission 296
types of 294
virus anatomy 292f
Information education and communication 856, 861
Information system, management 672
Infrared rays 51
artificial source 51
hazards 51
high-risk groups 51
natural source 51
Ingestants 189
Inguinal bubo 415fc, 418
Inguinal swelling 418
Injectable drug users 419, 422
Act, 1988 916
formulations 128
dust 128
emulsion 128
granules 128
solutions 128
suspension 128
method 104
quantity of 108
toxicity 129
treated nets, long-lasting 373, 743
Insomnia 194
Institutional care
advantages of 514
disadvantages of 514
antagonists, excessive production of 487
refractoriness 146
Integrated case management process 892, 893, 895fc
Integrated Child Development Services 165, 520, 547, 549, 736, 765
administrative setup of 549t
Scheme 545, 686, 687
Integrated Counseling and Testing Center 728, 828
integration of 826f
model of 826f
types of 825
Integrated Disease Surveillance Project 883, 883f
structural framework of 884f
surveillance in 883
types of surveillance in 883
Integrated Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Management 818
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness 892, 894, 895
Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness 713, 717
guidelines 892
Walls Charts 893
Integrated Management of Neonatal Illness 892, 895
Integrated Mother and Child Development Services Scheme 546
Integrated Services Digital Network 906
Integrated Vector Management 781
Intensive neonatal care 520
Interactive Health Communication and Disease Prevention 907
Interferon gamma release assay 809
Internal quality control 799
International Agency for Prevention of Blindness 769
International Atomic Energy Agency 765, 767
International Classification of Diseases 675
International Conference on Population and Development 853
International Death Certificate 562
format of 562t
International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade Programme 859
International Expert Committee on Taxonomy 417
International Federation of Leprosy Elimination 783
International Health
Agencies 883
Organizations 759, 759f
Regulations 275, 916
International Labor Organization 764, 767
functions 764
International Leprosy Association 769
International Planned Parenthood Federation 769
International Sanitary Conference 759
International Union against Cancer 769
International Women's Day 921
Internet 906
addiction 914
causes of 914
disorder 914
features of 915
types of 914
and health 914
measurement 915
negative effects 914
positive effects 914
therapies 915
treatment 915
Intersectoral coordination 258, 701
Intestinal amebiasis 354
Intestine 354
Intoxication injuries 911
Intra-amniotic injection 580
Intracellular bacilli 318
Intracranial pressure 47
Intradermal schedule 255, 447
Intradermal test 353, 447
Intrafamilial infection 450
Intramuscular schedules 446
Intranasal influenza vaccine 300f
Intranasal vaccines 255
Intranatal care 511, 707
Intraocular implantation 833
Intrasectoral coordination 732
Intrauterine device 51, 567, 570, 728
indications for removal of 572
insertion 571, 572
contraindications for 572
types of 570
Intrauterine ring devices 570f
Intravenous fluids, dosage of 332
Iodine 30, 154, 270
cycle 144
daily requirement of 144
deficiency disorders 15, 144, 171, 172f, 470
spectrum of 171t
plus saline 355
test 160
Iodization, hazards of 173
Iodized salt 172
Iodized water 172, 173
Iodophors 270
Iodoquinol 355
Ionizing radiations 51, 188, 482
health hazards of 52
sources of 52
type of 52
Iron 180
and folic acid 15, 169, 170, 728
distribution of 701
pack of 857
supplementation programme and service delivery 169t
tablets 727
deficiency 166
anemia 166t, 167
causes of 166
folic acid syrup, dose of 169
isomaltoside preparation 727
ki nili goli 169
plus initiative 168
requirements for 144t
Isoimmunization 510
Isoniazid 318, 528, 804, 814
preventive therapy 805, 815
provision of 801
Isonicotinic acid hydrazide 528
Isonicotinylhydrazide 141, 247
Itch mites 125
control measures 126
life cycle 125
morphology 125
Ivermectin 380
Ixodes 406
Izal 270
Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 541, 690, 711, 713, 720, 728
Janani Suraksha Yojana 637, 711, 713, 718, 728
features of 718
Janashree Bima Yojana 211
Japanese encephalitis 59, 97, 189, 236, 239, 251, 252, 381, 383, 398, 401, 781, 885, 889
agent factors 398
anti-adult measures 400
case definition 401
clinical features 399
control of 770
environmental factors 399
epidemiological points 401
extrinsic incubation period 399
host factors 398
incubation period 399
laboratory findings 400
management 400
mode of transmission 399
outbreak, risk factors of 399
pathogenesis 399
phlebotomus fever 98
prevention and control 400
vectors 399
virus 399, 399f
Jaundice 387, 506
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana 564
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission 686
Jelliffe's classification 164
Jiroveci pneumonia 438
Joint family 630
system 631, 631t
Joint pains 194
Joint Tuberculosis Monitoring Mission 808, 819
Joint United Nations Programme 434
Jones criteria, revised 475t
Jungalwalla Committee Report 740
Juvenile delinquency 536
causes 536
prevention 537
Juvenile homes 536
Juvenile hypothyroidism 171
Juvenile Justice Act 916
Kaffir corn 147
Kala-azar 113, 389, 875
prevention and control of 390
Kanamycin 318, 810, 811, 814
Kangaroo baby, preparation of 521
Kangaroo bag 521f
Kangaroo feeding policy 522
Kangaroo mother care 518, 521523, 715, 717, 719, 748
baby in 522f
benefits of 522
components of 521
duration of 522
Kangaroo position 521
baby in 521f
Kangri cancer 482
Kapha 11
Kaposi's sarcoma 417, 424, 429, 430, 482, 912
Kartar Singh committee report 740
Kashin-Beck disease 146
Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Scheme 689
Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust 546
Kasturba Memorial Fund 758
Kata thermometer 64, 64f
Katadyn filters 271
Keloid 320
Kendall's table 620, 628
Keralites living 53
Keratomalacia 138, 139
Kernick's sign positive 400
Kernig's sign 313
Kerosene oil 103
Kesari dal 148, 173
in red gram, detection of 159
Keshan disease 146
Ketones 12
Kidney 392
damage 194
diseases, chronic 470
Killed vaccines 246
Kishori Shakti Yojana 548, 689
Klebsiella 273
aerogenes 38
pneumoniae 281
Klebs-Loeffler bacillus 306
Klinefelter's syndrome 487, 535, 658
Koch's postulates 11
Koch's weeks bacillus 920
Koilonychia 167
Korotkoff sound 475
Korsakoff's psychosis 141
Kuppuswamy's classification 557
Kuppuswamy's method 634
Kuppuswamy's socioeconomic status scale, modified 635t
Kussmaul's type of respiration 337
Kwashiorkor 162f, 163t, 164
Kyasanur Forest disease 59, 97, 98, 189, 236, 239, 381, 402
agent factors 403
clinical features 404
extrinsic incubation period 404
host factors 403
incubation period 404
investigations 405
management 405
mode of transmission 404
natural cycle of 404f
predisposing factors 403
prevention and control 405
vectors 403
Kyphosis 139
duration of 602f
management of 512
Lactase deficiency 660
Lactational amenorrhea method 580, 581
Lactic acid, fermentation of 920
Lactobacillus bifidus 525
Lactometer 160
Lady health visitor 505, 723
Lambda cyhalothrin 374
Lamivudine 427, 429, 436
Landfilling 88, 96
delay 722
spoken 558
Larva stage 101, 106
Larvae of mosquitoes, collection of 378
Larvicides 104
Laryngoscope 273
Laser radiations 51, 188
Lathyriasis 173
Lathyrism 173
agent factor 173
clinical features 174
environmental factors 173
extent of problem 173
host factors 173
latent period 173
pathogenesis 173
pathology 173
prevention and control of 174
Lathyrus odoratus, consumption of 174
Latrines, waterseal type of 68
Laundry and dietary facilities 706
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 487
Laveran's plasmodium parasites, development of 921
Lead 37, 94
Lead palsy 194
Lead poisoning 193
absorption 193
clinical features 194
diagnosis of 194, 194t
elimination 193
inorganic 194
management 194
prevention 195
and control 194
storage 193
Lead time 267f, 737
Learning disorder 722
Lebister reticulatus 104
cramps 504
protection 203
Legacy planning 794
Legal measures 159
Legionella pneumophila 869
Legionellosis 869
Legionnaires’ disease 869
Legislation Employees’ State Insurance Act 205
Legislation Indian Factories Act 204
Legislation Workmen's Compensation Act 207
donovani 389
tropica 113, 390
Leishmaniases 98, 381, 382, 389, 429
agent factors 389
clinical features 390
cutaneous 389
environmental factors 390
host factors 390
incubation period 390
life cycle 390
magnitude of problem 389
miscellaneous factors 390
mode of transmission 390
visceral leishmaniasis 389
esculenta 148
intraocular implantation of 17
Lentils 148
Lepra bacilli 449
Lepra reaction 458, 459
Lepromatous lepromatous 452
Lepromatous leprosy 247, 265, 451, 456, 456f, 616
Lepromin 454
test 453
Leprosy 206, 448, 708
agent factors 449
cardinal signs of 457fc
case evaluation 453
classification of 451, 453t
clinical presentation 451
clinical spectrum of 451, 455
complications 458
control 459
unit 783
day 465
deformities in 463, 463fc
diagnosis 457
algorithm of 458fc
campaign, modified 770
monitoring 785
myths and realities of 465
environmental factors 450
epidemiological indicators 464
field workers’ classification of 451
history 449
host factors 450
incubation period 451
indeterminate 455
infectivity 450
investigations 457
magnitude of problem 449
mission 465
modes of transmission 450
multibacillary 451, 460, 782
organizations in india 465
pathogenesis of 451, 452fc
pathology 451
patients, distribution of 588t, 589t
postexposure prophylaxis for 459
reaction, management of 462
social factors 450
treatment algorithm of 458fc
type of 460
vaccine 462
WHO classification of 451
Leprous periostitis 453
Leptospiral disease 24
Leptospirosis 381, 383, 387
agent factors 388
clinical features 388
differential diagnosis 388
high-risk groups 388
incubation period 388
investigations 388
management 389
mode of transmission 388
pathogenesis 388
prevention and control 389
akamushi 124f, 406
deliense 124f
Lesson plan, anatomy of 655
Leukemia 195, 482
Leukopenia 52, 323
Leukoplakia of mouth 483
Levamisole 358, 361
Levofloxacin 810, 811, 814
Levonorgestrel 571f, 573
Lice 118
control measures of 120
diseases transmitted 119
life cycle 119
morphology 118
Life below water 696
Life index, physical quality of 7
Life table 620
description 620
uses of 621
Light, measurement of 48
Lighting 157
artificial sources of 48
biological effects 49
health hazards of 48
natural 48
Lime 269
quick 269
Lindane 107
Line diagram 590, 591
Lineal gingival erythema 430
Linezolid 810, 814
Linolenic acid 135
Lipiodol oil 173
Lipoatrophy 487
high density 136, 472
low density 136
very low density 136, 472
Liposomal amphotericin-B 781
single dose of 781
Lippes loop 570f
Liquid disinfectants 270
Liquor amnii, meconium-stained 512, 514
Lisinopril 838
Listerism 920
Lithium 269
Live attenuated vaccine 299, 431
Live vaccines 246
Liver 354, 392
aspirate 355
biopsy 392
cancer 482
cirrhosis of 206
disease 487
fatty degeneration of 279
Living condition 557
Loa-loa 376
Local dais, training of 702
Lockjaw 366f
Lomotil 333
genus 108
utilis 108
Loperamide 333
Lopinavir 427, 429
Lordosis 139
Lorentz's method 479
Lot quality assurance sampling 606
Louse 118f, 119f
life history of 119f
Low birth weight 143, 728
baby 519, 527
care of 520
prevention of 520
computation of 519
incidence of 10
optimal feeding of 748
problems of 519f
prevalence of 713
Low death rate, causes of 563
Lowenstein-Jensen media 809
Lugol's iodine 172, 173
Lumefantrine 370, 371
Luminal amebicides 355
Lung 354
cancer of 195, 225, 482, 483
disease, interstitial 206
fibrosis of 316
Luteinizing hormone 577
Lutzomyia longipalpis 113f
Lyme disease 382, 383
Lymph nodes 316
Lymphadenitis 375, 379
Lymphadenopathy 290
associated virus 417
persistent generalized 430
Lymphangitis 375, 379
Lymphatic filariasis 375, 376
agent factors 376
clinical features 377
current filariasis situation 375
elimination of 779
environmental factors 376
history 375
host factors 376
incubation period 377
life cycle 376
mode of transmission 377
morbidity management of 380
pathogenesis 377
social factors 376
socioeconomic burden 375
vectors 377
Lymphatic tissues 379
Lymphedema 379
Lymphocytosis 406
Lymphogranuloma venereum 415, 418
Lymphohematogenous spread 316
Lymphopenia 323
Lymphoscintigram 379
Lymphotropic virus 423
Lymph-varix 375
Lynestrenol 573
Lysergic acid diethylamide 504
Lysol 270
Lysozyme 525
Macrolides 320, 462
Macronutrients 133
Macules 456
Maculopapular rashes 290, 406
Mad dog syndrome 442
Magnesium 37
silicate, hydrated 191
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 686, 689
Mahila Arogya Samiti 730, 838
functions of 731
Mahila Mandals 708, 855
Mahila Samakhya Programme 689
Malaria 366, 691, 692, 708, 875
benign tertian 369
chemoprophylaxis 373
clinical features 368
control strategies 373
revised 775
diagnosis of 370
distribution of 595f
elimination 776
environmental factors 367
foci 778t
history 366
host factors 367
incubation period 368
investigations 369
life cycle 368
magnitude 367
measurement of 369
mode of transmission 368
predisposing factors 367
prevention against 716
prophylactic regime 607
prophylaxis 510
quinine for severe 899
radical treatment of 772t
resurgence of 773
risk area 901t
risk, classification for 900t
severe 372, 373
suspected case of 373
treatment of 370, 371fc, 372
trend of 367
vaccine 375
Malarial oil 103
Malarial parasites 97
blood smear for 369
Malariol 103
Malathion 107
Male and female mosquito, terminalia of 101
Male contraception 584
Male pill 576
Male rat flea 116f
anatomy of 116f
Malignant diseases 206
and anemia 897fc
classification for 901t
correction of 520
indicators of 179t, 181
moderate 180f
prevention of 520
severe 180f
acute 722
vicious cycle of 163f
Manganese 37
Mangby monkeys 450
Manhole chamber 75f
Manic depressive syndrome 667
Manmade disasters 878
table 617
test 616, 617
Mansonella ozzardi 376
Mansonia 104, 377
mosquito 99f, 375, 377
pupae of 103
annulifera, female 377
control of 380
mosquitoes 103f, 377, 380
Mantoux test 317
Manure pits 66
Map diagram 590, 594
Maple syrup urine disease 660
Marasmus 162f, 163t
Maraviroc 427
Marfan's syndrome 659
Margulies spiral 570f
Marijuana 504
Marital fertility rate
age specific 561
general 561
total 561
Marriage 559
counseling 566
Mass blood survey 378
Mass burn technology 85
Mass drug administration 779
Mass primary prevention 472
Mass screening 265
Mass sociogenic illness 193
Mass strategy 15
Massive subdural hematoma 542
Maternal and child health 747
care 540
organization of 545
problems 504
services 503
components of 504
objectives of 504
Maternal and newborn health 716
Maternal death, investigations of 541fc
Maternal health 690, 853, 854, 857
and women empowerment 916
Maternal morbidity 516
Maternal mortality 516, 540, 545
causes of 540
investigations in 540
rate 9, 540, 690, 696, 856
reduction of 540, 541
ratio 565
reduce 711
trend in 691f
Maternal signals 512
Maternity benefit 201, 206
Maternity Benefit Act 916
Mathematical methods 608
McArdle's maximum allowable sweat rate 42
Meals, acceptability of 154
Measles 283, 289, 898
agent factors 283
and rubella elimination 288f
children immunized against 690
classification for 901t
clinical features 284
complications 284
containing vaccine, doses of 288
elimination 257
regional 289
environmental factors 284
eradication 257
requirements for 289
extent of problem 283
host factors 283
incubation period 284
management with nursing care 285
and rubella 246, 254
rubella vaccination 253
pathogenesis 284
prevention and control 285
problem of 221
rubella vaccine 256
campaign–2017 286
characteristics 257
surveillance 288, 289t
vaccination 253 253
vaccine 246, 285, 285f, 288
virus, Edmonston strain of 257
Meat hygiene 161
inspection of animals 161
inspection of
fish 162
meat 161
slaughter houses 161
tinned meat and fish 162
Mebendazole 358, 361
Mechanical carrier 235
Mechanical ventilation 45
Medical abortion 578, 579
Medical benefit
cost of 207
council 205
Medical care 699
Medical education, reorientation of 729
Medical entomology 97
Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System 762
Medical Officer 549, 728
training of 858
Medical practitioner, registered 579
Medical Termination of Pregnancy 579t, 672, 728, 858
Act 579, 916
Medicinal supplementation services 510
Medicine, indigenous system of 701, 710
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 573
Mefloquine 370
Megaloblastic anemia 142
causes of 166
Member of legislative assembly 724
Membrane filtration technique 39
Memory 226
loss of 478
Mendelian diseases 658
Mendel-Mantoux test 317
Meningitis 313, 363
epidemic 313
Meningococcal polysaccharide antigen 313
Meningococcal vaccine 247, 256
Meningococcemia 313
chronic 313
fulminating 313
Menkes kinky hair syndrome 146
Menopause 201
Menstrual hygiene scheme 724
Menstrual induction 578, 579
Menstrual regulation 578, 579, 579t
Menstruation 200
period of 422
changes 141
confusion 59
deficiency 666
dimension 6
diseases 667
problems 637
Mental disorders 470
types of 666
Mental functions
impaired 171
myxedema, impaired 171
Mental health 666, 673
causative factors 666
etiology of 666
magnitude 666
problems 498
Mental Health Act 916
Mental illness
prevention and control of 667
Mental retardation 144, 144f, 666
degree of 535
mild 666
Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act 916
Mentally handicapped children 535
Mepacrine 356
Mercuric chloride 271
Mercury 37, 94, 271
vapor lamp 48
Merozoites 368
Mestranal 573
Meta-analysis 621
advantages 621
steps 621
Metabolic disorder 206, 329, 918
disinfectants 271
fume fever 195
Metamorphosis 98, 110
complete 98
incomplete 98
Metazoonoses 382
Meteorology 58
Metformin 838
Methadone 676
Methylated spirit 271
Methylene blue 355
Metoclopramide 527
Metoprolol 838
Metronidazole 53, 333, 355, 356
Microbes 920
Microcolony detection 799
Microfilaria 377
destruction of 380
rate 378
Microfilarial density 378
Micronutrients 137
Micropolyspora faeni 192
Microwave 51, 91
irradiation 89, 90
Midarm, circumference of 179
Mid-day meal 539
Mid-day School Meal Program 545
Middle east respiratory syndrome 871
agent factor 871
clinical features 871
host factor 871
incubation period 871
mode of transmission 871
prevention 872
tests and diagnosis 872
treatment 872
Midyear population 544, 553
Mifepristone 576, 578, 579
Migration 562
intercountry 562
Milk 158
adulteration, tests for 160
borne diseases 160
prevention of 160
composition of 525t
ejection reflex 523
expression of 526
hygiene 160
nutritive value of 149t
of lime 269
production reflex 523
products 149, 158
standards 150
types of 149
volume of 524
Millennium development goal 531, 683, 685687, 689692, 694696, 698t, 856
emblems of 683f
targets and indicators 684t
Millets, nutritive value of 147t
Miltefosine 781
capsule 781
Mineral 142
calcium 142
chromium 146
cobalt 146
copper 146
deficiency diseases 166
iodine 144
iron 143
selenium 146
zinc 146
Mines Act, 1952 916
Minilaparotomy 583
Minimum needs programme 860
basic principles of 860
components of 860
Minimum Wages Act 916
Ministry of Civil Aviation 664
Ministry of Education 258
Ministry of Finance 664
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 258, 358, 534, 664, 742, 781
adolescent division of 168
Ministry of Railways 664
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways 665
Ministry of Rural Development 664
Ministry of Statistics and Programme 636
Ministry of Urban Development 258
Minocycline 460462, 784
Misoprostol 578, 579
Missed pills 573, 575, 574f
Mission Indradhanush 258
Mites 123
Mitral incompetence 473
Mitral valvulitis 474
Mitsuda reaction 454
Mobile leprosy treatment unit 783
Moist soil 359
Molecular detection 297
Molluscum contagiosum, extensive 430
Monkeypox 277, 278, 278t
virus 277, 278
Monodrug resistant tuberculosis, treatment regimen of 813t
Monogenic disorders 658
Monophasic pills 573
Monoplegia 206
Monosomy 657
Moraten strain 285
Morbidity, measurement of 216
Mortality during infancy 541
Mortality occurring
during childhood 540, 544
during infancy 540
Mortality rate
child 9
proportional 9, 218, 219
trend in under-5 689f
under-5 689, 696
Mortality ratio, standardized 201
Mosquirix 375
Mosquito 99
classification of 102
coils, use of 109
comparative features of 106t
control of 102
density 370
female 101
hematophagous 392
infective female 107
larvicidal oil 380
leg of 100f
cycle 100
habits 100
history of 102f
method of collection of 378
morphology 99
mouthparts of 100f
nets, use of 108
pupa of 102f, 103
Mother and child
protection 169, 728
tracking system 534, 728
Mother craft 511
Mother during pregnancy, care of 505
Motherhood, safe 854
Mothers Absolute Affection Program 529
Mother-to-child transmission, prevention of 831, 828
Motor delay 722
Motor system 442
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 916
Mouse brain vaccine, suckling 444, 445
Mousepox 277
Moxifloxacin 810, 811, 813, 814, 816
M-phenylenediamine, drops of 37
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 113, 389, 390
Mucopolysaccharidosis 659
Mucous membranes 451
Mudaliar Committee Report 739, 740
Mukhya sevika 548
Multicentre growth reference study 531
Multidose vial policy, opened 264
Multidrug resistant-tuberculosis 796
Multidrug therapy 782
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis 528
Multimedia filters 26
Multiorgan failure 887
Multiphase random sampling 603
Multiphase sampling 605
Multiple bar diagram 590
Multiple correlation and regression 619
Multiple indicator method 581
Multiple pregnancy 435
Multiple tube method 39
Multipurpose screening 265
Multistage random sampling 603, 604
Mumps 291
agent factors 291
complications 292
environmental factors 292
host factors 291
incubation period 292
prevention and control 292
Municipal council 629
Municipal Solid Waste (Management And Handling) Rules 916
Murine typhus 381, 382, 406
Musca 110f
domestica 109
vicinia 109
Muscular cramps 335
Muscular dystrophy 487
Musculoskeletal disorders 470
Musculoskeletal injuries 911
Mushroom poisoning 176
Myasis 381
Mycetoma 197
Mycobacteriae, atypical 315, 424
Mycobacterium indicus pranii 463
vaccine 462, 463
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 235, 314, 810, 813
var hominis 315
Mycosis, disseminated endemic 430
Mycotoxin 887
Myiasis 112
Myocardial infarction 472
Myxedema 144
Nails, lesions of 146
Nalgonda technique 145, 145f
Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Act 916
Nasogastric tube feeding 365
carcinoma 482
leishmaniasis 389
secretions 312
swab 297
National Acute Respiratory Infections Control Program 545, 770, 822
National Aeronautics and Space Administration's 905
National AIDS Control Organization 81, 82, 321, 800, 823, 855
National AIDS Control Programme 435, 770, 800, 823, 855
National AIDS Prevention and Control Policy 748
National air quality index, launching of 862
National Anemia Control Program 545
National Anti-Malaria Programme 367, 375, 770, 771
National Balwadi Nutrition Programme 846
National Blood Policy 748
National Cadet Corps 667
National Centre for Health Statistics 531
National Charter for Children 748
National Childrens’ Board 546
National Cholera Control Programme 770
National Clean Air Programme 862
National Dengue Fever 770
Control Programme 782
National Developmental Plans 740
National Deworming Day 358, 921
National Diarrheal Diseases Control Program 545, 770, 823
National Environment Tribunal Act 916
National Family Health Survey 166, 553
National Family Planning Indemnity Scheme 851
National Family Planning Insurance Scheme 852
National Family Planning Programme 770
National Family Welfare Program 545, 850
National Filaria Control Programme 381, 770, 779
National Food Security Mission 686
National Framework for Malaria Elimination 776
National framework, objectives of 800
National Girl Child Day 921
National Goiter Control Programme 770
National Guidelines on Malaria 892
National Guinea Worm Eradication Programme 353, 770, 785
National Health Goals for Communicable Diseases 743t
National Health Insurance Schemes 208
National Health Mission 711, 711f
National Health Mission Focusing on Newborns 713t
National Health Mission Goals 711
National Health Mission Policy Planning 748
National Health Mission, components of 711
National Health Planning 739
National Health Policy 747, 748
strategies of 1983 747
National Health Portal of India 208
National Health Programmes 710, 770
status of 470t
National Housing Policy 750
National Immunization Schedule 250
National Informatics Centre 534
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 874
National Institute of Communicable Disease 297, 378
National Institute of Health Stroke Scale 479
National Institute of Immunology 463, 582
National Institute of Nutrition 165, 167, 539
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health 844
National Institutes of Health 883
National Integrated Child Development Services Scheme 846
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program 545, 770, 843
administrative Set-up 843
objectives 843
National Iron Plus Initiative 167, 711
National Japanese Encephalitis Control Programme 770, 781782
National Kala-Azar Control Programme 770, 780
National Kala-Azar Elimination Programme 780
elimination strategy 781
goal 780
target 781
National Leprosy Control Programme 449, 770, 782
National Leprosy Elimination Campaign 449, 465
National Leprosy Elimination Project 784
National Leprosy Eradication Programme 449, 465, 766, 770, 782, 782f, 783
progress of 783
National Level Public Awareness 849
National Malaria Control Programme 770
National Malaria Elimination Programme 389
National Malaria Eradication Programme 367, 739, 770, 772
National Maternity Benefit Scheme 637
National Mental Health Policy 748
National Mental Health Programme 839
National Mid-Day School Meal Programme 846
National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 152
National Nutrition Policy 182, 750
National Nutritional Anemia Control Programme 167, 846
National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Programme 167
National Oral Health Cell 862
National Oral Health Programme 861
National Policy for Children 545, 546
National Policy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance 748
National Policy for Person with Disabilities 748
National Policy on Early Childhood Care and Education 687
National Policy on Education 687
National Policy on Older Persons 664
National Polio Eradication Program 545
National Poliomyelitis Eradication Programme 786, 770
National Population Policy 750
National Programme for Control of Blindness 545, 766, 770
National Programme for Control of Blindness and Visual Impairment 832
National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level 689
National Programme for Health Care of Elderly 849, 846
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness 834
National Programme on Prevention and Control of Fluorosis 844
National Programme on Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis 831
National Programmes for Welfare of Mothers and Children 545
National Programmes on Nutrition 182
National Pulse Polio Program 351
National Reproductive and Child Health Programme 853
National Revised Lymphatic Filariasis Control Programme 770
National Rural Health Mission 250, 505, 706, 711, 725, 725f, 726, 729, 731, 905
National Rural Livelihood Mission, Aajeevika 686
National Safe Motherhood Day 921
National Sample Survey 687
National Schedule 256
National Science Day 921
National Smallpox Eradication Programme 770
National Special Nutrition Programme 846
National STD Control Programme 770
National Strategic Plan 819
National Strategic Plan for Malaria Elimination in India 777
National Strategic Plan for tuberculosis Control 806
National Strategic Plan, implementation of 808
National Switch Day 792
National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization 251
National Tobacco Control Cell 849
National Tobacco Control Programme 848, 913
National Trachoma Control Programme 770
National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism 916
National Tuberculosis and AIDS Control Programme, revised 770
National Tuberculosis Control Program, revised 314, 794, 796, 798
National Tuberculosis Institute 800
National Tuberculosis Programme 795
National Urban Health Mission 711, 730, 731, 732f, 733
National Urban Livelihood Mission 686
National Vaccine Policy 748
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme 367, 770, 771
National Vitamin A Prophylaxis Programme 846
National Voluntary Health Agencies/Organizations 756
National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme 859
National Youth Policy 687, 748
Natural disasters 877, 885
Natural disinfectants 268
Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 690, 711, 713, 719721
Necator americanus 358
Needles and syringes, disinfection of 272
Negri bodies 440
presence of 440
Neisseria 312
meningitidis 312
Nelfinavir 427
Nematoda 98
Neomycin 257, 318
Neon filled sodium discharge lamp 48
Neon tubelights 51
Neonatal and childhood illness
implementation of 892
strategy 893
Neonatal care, objectives of 516
Neonatal complications, prevention of 517
Neonatal conjunctivitis 417fc
Neonatal deaths 188, 511
causes of 712, 713f
Neonatal intensive care unit 717, 719
Neonatal mortality 712
causes of 544
rate 540, 542, 545, 712, 714f, 715, 720
prevention of 542
Neonatal pneumonia 281
Neonatal screening procedures 660
Neonatal tetanus 362, 363, 365, 366f, 542
Neoplasms 191, 206
Nephritis, chronic 194
Nerve paralysis, quite 459
Nerve tissue vaccines 444, 445, 448
Nervous system, dislocation of 206
Nesfield's tablets 30
Network analysis, management 736
Neural tube defects 146, 721
Neuraminidase inhibitors 298, 306
Neuritis 459
peripheral 318
Neurofibromatosis 659
Neurological disorders 416, 470
Neurological examination 479
Neurological symptoms 135
Neuromotor impairment 722
Neuromuscular dystrophy 206
Neurotic disorders 667
Neurotoxin 173
Neutrons 51
Nevirapine 419, 427, 429, 437
single dose of 435, 831
New National Strategic Plan for Tuberculosis Elimination 819
New Strategy to Achieve Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination 780
New World Health Organization Growth Chart 531
Newborn Action Plan of India 714
child registration 534
stabilization unit 713, 717
thermal range in 518f
Newborn care 709
corners 713
home-based 713, 715, 717, 719
system, facility-based 717
unit, special 713, 715, 717, 719
Newer antidiarrheal vaccines 333
Newer anti-tuberculosis drugs 320
Niacin 140
deficiency of 141
Nicotine replacement treatment 912
Night blindness 138, 139
history of 166
Nikshay 798
Nimesulide 462
Nipah virus 873f
Nipah virus disease 872
agent factor 873
clinical features 873
diagnosis 873
host factor 873
incubation period 873
infective material 873
management 873
modes of transmission 873
period of infectivity 873
prevention 874
risk factors 873
inverted 527
treatment of inverted 527f
Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan 72
Nirodh 546
Nischay kit 727
Nitrates 37, 145
Nitric acid test 175
Nitrites 37
Nitrofurans 356
Nitroimidazole 356
Nitrothiazole 353
No Smoking Day 921
Nodular goiter 144f
Noise 46
frequency 46
intensity 46
level values 46
meter 46
pollution, hazards of 46
Nonbacterial food poisoning 176
Non-birth control measures 564
Noncellulose polysaccharides 137
Noncommunicable disease 236, 468, 470t, 545, 637, 672, 711, 743, 744t, 835, 875
approach 470
characteristics of 468
epidemiology of 468
prevention and control of 471t, 743
programmes 470
risk factors 468, 836f
Nonformal education 548
Nongonococcal urethritis 418
Nongovernment Agencies 766
Nongovernment Organizations 855
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 424
Nonhormonal long-acting oral pills 580, 581
Nonionizing radiation 50, 50t, 188
Nonlepromatous leprosy 616
Nonlinear regression 619
Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor 421, 427, 437
Nonparalytic poliomyelitis 348
Nonparametric tests 616
Nonprobability sampling methods 603
Nonquantifiable 46
Nonskeletal fluorosis 845
Non-solid bacilli 449
Nonterminal methods 567
acetate 573
enanthate 577
Noretynodrel 573
Normal distribution curve 600f
Norplant implants 577
North American Aerospace Defense Command 770
Nose, care of 517
Nosocomial infections 80, 235, 273
prevention and control of 274
Nosopsylla fasciatus 115
Nosopsylla nilgiriensis 115
Notifiable diseases, reporting of 237
NPCB-logo 832f
NPCDCS, evolution of 836f
Nuchal translucency scan 508
Nuclear family 630
system 631, 631t
Nuclear weapons 886
Nucleic acid amplification 799, 809
test 801
cartridge based 799, 809, 818
Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors 421, 427
Nucleus 547
Null hypothesis 608, 615, 616
Nutrients 133
conservation of 158
Nutrition 133
and health 133
education 547
normal 180f
Program, special 545
promotion 854, 855
related interventions 716
Nutritional adequacy 154
Nutritional agents 12
Nutritional anemia 166
clinical features of 166
prevention and control of 167
Nutritional blindness 165, 166
high-risk children for 166
prevention and control of 165
Nutritional deficiency 180
diagnosis of 180t
Nutritional disorder 206
prevention of 470
Nutritional dwarfing 164
Nutritional rehabilitation 165
Nutritional services 547
Nutritional status 164
assessment of 177
improvement of 747
of mother 435
Nutritional supplementation 547, 701
services 509
Nutritional surveillance 181, 182t
Nyctalopia 138
Obesity 173, 470, 479, 481t
body mass index 479
classification of 479, 480t
corpulence index 479
health hazards of 481
magnitude of problem 480
prevention and control 481
public health importance 480
risk factors 480
waist circumference 480
waist-hip ratio 480
Obstetrical antenatal interventions 435
Obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic 189, 206, 378, 470, 912, 913
Occupational cancers 189, 195
agent factors 195
environmental factors 195
features of occupational cancers 195
influencing factors 195
types of 195t
Occupational dermatoses 189, 196
host factors 196
prevention 197
Occupational diseases, burden of 187, 843
Occupational hazards 188
prevention and control of 201
secondary prevention 203
tertiary prevention 203
Occupational health 185, 187, 197
hazards of tobacco industry 911
service 747
Occupational mortality 201
Odor 36
Office International D'hygiène Publique 760
Ofloxacin 318, 321, 460, 784, 816
Ogawa serotypes of classical vibrios 338
Oliguria 194
Omega-3 fatty acids 135
Omega-6 fatty acids, deficiency of 135
Onchocerca volvulus 376
Onchocerciasis 98
transmission of 115
Oocyst 368
Ookinete 368
Operation theatre, layout of 705f
Operational research 643
Ophthalmia neonatorum 271, 417f
Ophthalmic complications 285
Ophthalmic system 912
Opisthotonus position 363, 363f
Opportunistic infection 235
Opportunistic mycobacteriae 315
Opportunistic screening 265
Opportunity cost 737
Oral cancer 838
management of 840fc
Oral cavity 912
Oral contraception, emergency 576
Oral contraceptive
pills 487, 573
progestin-only 575f
Oral dental disorders 470
Oral diseases, burden of 861t
Oral glucose tolerance test 489f
Oral hygiene 15
Oral pills 546, 727
Oral polio vaccine 165, 349t, 350, 350f, 708, 792, 795
advantages of 350
bivalent 795
Oral poliovirus vaccine 246, 254, 717, 719, 728
Oral questionnaire method 180
Oral rehydration
solution 331, 332, 743, 823, 894
distribution of 534, 707
packets 727
therapy 164, 701
limitations of 332
merits of 332
Oral typhoid vaccine 328f
Oral ulcerations, recurrent 430
Orchitis 379
Organ and tissue transplant 470
Organic ammonia 37
Organic lead poisoning 194
Organo-chlorine 105
Organochlorine compounds 105, 129
treatment 129
Organophosphorus 105
compounds 107
compounds and carbamates 129
treatment of 129
Oriental sore 390
Ornithodoros moubata, adult female 123f
Oropharyngeal swab 297
Orphanages 536
Orthopedic diseases 206
Orthotolidine arsenite
reagent 29
test 29
Orthozoonoses 382
Oseltamivir 298, 299, 299t, 301, 306
course of 299
Osmosis treatment, reverse 31
Osteoarthritis, endemic 146
Osteomalacia 139
Ota ring 570f
Otitis media 284, 722
Otogenic tetanus 364
Ovale malaria 369
Oxalyl di-amino proprionic acid 173
Oxfam 769
Oxidation pond 79f
Oxides of nitrogen 862
Oxychloride of lime 27
absorbed 38
dissolved 38
Oxytocin 523
reflex 523
Ozonation 29, 30
depleting chlorofluorocarbon 692
depletion 890
potential 692
Packaging system, triple 297f
Painful scrotal swelling 416fc
Palmate hairs 101
Pan American Sanitary Bureau 759
Panchayati Raj 745
Institution 672
Pancreas, tumors of 487
Pancreatectomy 487
Pancreatic pathology 487
Pancreatitis 487
Pancytopenia 52
Pandemic disease 236
Pandemic influenza 295, 296, 298
phases 302f
virus H1N1 293
WHO phasing of 302, 303
Pandemic preparedness 305f
Pantothenic acid 140
Paper chromatography test 175
Papillary tumor of bladder 483
Para-amino salicylic acid 813
Paracetamol 349, 727, 898
Paralysis 194, 352, 478
gradual ascending 442
of extensor muscles 194
of legs 352
of parasympathetic system 887
stage of 442
Paralytic ileus 52
Paralytic rabies 442
Paranoia 667
Paraplegia 206
Parasites, types of 376
Parasitic infestations 161
Parathion 107
Parathormone 503
Paratyphoid 178
fever 23, 325
Pareek's classification 557
Pareek's method 636t
Parenteral vaccine 338
Parkinson's disease 206
Paromomycin 321, 355
injection 781
Parthenium 196
Partograph, use of 512
Passive immunization 246t, 286, 291, 310, 351, 364
Pasteur-Chamberland filter 30f
Pasteurization, methods of 160
Patent ductus arteriosus 473
Patient Safety Program 470
Paucibacillary leprosy 451, 460, 783
Pedagogy 654
Pediatric cotrimoxazole tablets 534, 727
Pediatric tuberculosis, presumptive 808
Pediculus humanus 119f
Pellagra 141
Pelvic inflammatory disease 414, 572
development of 572
Pelvic ultrasonography 573
Penicillin 313, 389
Pentavalent vaccine 309, 310f
Peptone 309
Percolating filters 77
Perfringens 177
Pericardial fluids 433
Perinatal mortality rate 540, 542
causes of 542
prevention of 542
Perinatal transmission 342
Peritoneum 191
Peritonsillar abscess 280
Permanent methods 582
Permutit water softener 35f
Pernicious anemia 146, 483
Persistent diarrhea 416
Personal health habits 203
Personal hygiene 15
advantages 644
Personal prophylaxis 102
Personal protection against rabies 448
Personal protective equipment 203, 300
Personality disorder 498, 667
Pertussis 310
Pertussis immunization 255
Pestis siderans 386
Phagolysosomal fusion 316
Phanerozoonoses 382
Pharmacy Act 916
Phenol, applications of 920
Phenolic glycolipid 449
Phenolic substances 37
Phenomena after vaccination 320
Phenoxylene 380
Phenylketonuria 535, 659, 660
Phenytoin 487
Pheochromocytoma 487
Pherozoonoses 382
Phlebotomine sandflies 113f
Phlebotomus papatasi 389
Photochromogens 315
Photodeveloping materials 196
Phrynoderma 138
Phthirus pubis 120
Phylum arthropoda 97t, 98
Physically handicapped children 535
Pica 504
Picornaviridae 339
Pie diagram 590, 593
Pig flu 294
Pills 575f
long-acting 576
once-a-month 576
Piperazine citrate 358
Pirquet test 317
Pistia stratiotes 377
Pisum sativum 148
Pit latrine 68
ventilated improved 67, 70f
Placenta, anomalies of 542
Placental barrier integrity, disruption of 435
Plague 189, 239, 383, 384, 875
agent factors 384
clinical features 386
environmental factors 385
flea indices 385
forms of 887
history 384
host factors 385
incubation period 386
laboratory investigations 386
meningitis 386
modes of transmission 385
pathogenesis 386
pathology 386
prevention and control 386
vectors 385
Plain old telephone service 906
Planktons 77
cycle 736f
evaluation 736
execution 736
formulation of action plan 735
monitoring 736
operational research 736
preparatory activities 647
research and action institute 67
Plantation Labor Act 916
Plaque forming unit 40
apolipoprotein-A1, level of 472
derived vaccine 343
regain, rapid 728
torch technology 89
pros and cons 89
Plasmodium 366
falciparum 367, 370
chloroquine resistant 595f
Plastic shredder 92f
Plastic waste management 91
plastic shredder 92
shredding 92
Plenum system 45
Pleura, malignant mesothelioma of 191
Pleural calcification 191
Pleural mesothelioma 482
Plumbism 193195
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 254
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 254
Pneumococcal vaccine 247, 256, 281f
Pneumoconioses 189, 190t, 192t
prevention and control of 192
disability limitation 193
health promotion 192
rehabilitation 193
specific protection 193
prevention of 192t
types of 190
Pneumocystis carinii 235, 281, 283, 417, 424
pneumonia 438
Pneumocystis jirovecii 283
Pneumonia 252
severe 282
Pneumonic plague 386
Pneumothorax, spontaneous 316
Poisonous mushrooms 638
Poisson distribution 601, 602f
Polar lepromatous 456f
Polio cases 789f
Polio Eradication and end Game Strategic Plan 793
Polio Eradication Programme 792
Polio Eradication, landmark achievement for India 791
Polio Eradication, strategies of 786
Polio vaccine 258
Polioencephalitis 348
Poliomyelitis 23, 346, 349f, 352t
abortive 348
agent factors 347
clinical spectrum 348
diagnosis 349
differential diagnosis of 351
environmental factors 348
eradication of 351, 352
history 346
host factors 348
immunization 349
magnitude of problem 346
management 349
modes of transmission 348
pathology and pathogenesis 348
prevention and control 349
risk factors 348
circulating vaccine derived 795
location of 787f, 788f
vaccine 517
Pollution 235
chemical indicators of 36, 37
environmental 563
of water 40
Polyarthralgia 475
Polyarthritis 474
epidemic 402
Polycystic kidney 52, 659
Polydactyly spherocytosis 659
Polydrug resistance 812
Polygenes 656
Polygenic disorders 659
Polymerase chain reaction 799
method 344
reverse transcriptase 873
test 323
Polymyxin B sensitivity test 337
Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons 37
Polypetides 811
Polyposis coli 659
Polysaccharides 136
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 471
Polyvalent antitoxin 887
Polyvalent vaccines 247
Polyvinyl chloride 94
attributable risk proportion 229
bomb 562, 563
composition of 556
density of 559
distribution of 559
dynamics 559
explosion 562, 563
hazards of 563
reasons for 563
genetics 657
growth in India 555f
magnitude of 552
migration of 422
pyramid 556, 557t, 590
of developing and advanced country 557f
size of 552, 562
stabilization 563, 857
strategy 15, 472
trend 554
in India 592f
Porphyrin synthesis 194
Postcoital pills 576
Postconceptional methods 567, 578
Postdetoxication counseling 676
Postexposure prophylaxis 434, 459
steps of 434
Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 390, 781
Postnatal care 514, 707
Postneonatal mortality
causes of 544
rate 540, 542
Postpartum hemorrhage 511, 516
Post-term baby 520
Potability of water, substances affecting 37
chloride 332
permanganate 30, 269, 272, 326
crystals of 272
salts 361
Pouring liquid formalin 272
gap ratio 685
head count ratio 685
health hazards of 637
Povidone ointment 727
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 686
Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matriva Abhiyan 541
Prasad's method 634
Prasooti araike 637, 858
Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act 918
Preconceptional care 504, 505
Precurrent disinfection 268
Prednisolone 54, 462
Pre-exposure prophylaxis 255
for rabies 255
Pregnancy 200, 278, 372, 487
ectopic 573
induced hypertension 504, 719
physiological changes in 503
problems during 503
rate 562
Prematurity, retinopathy of 520, 721
Prenatal diagnostic techniques 916
Prepatent period 242
Preplacement examination 192
Presumptive coliform test 38, 39
Preterm baby 519, 520
Pretransmission period 374
Prevention and Control of Pollution, Act 862
Primaquine 370, 371
Primary Health Care 169, 170, 699, 701f, 884
attributes of 701f
components of 700f
elements of 700
principles of 700
Primary Health Center 373, 505, 549, 562, 671, 672, 699, 706, 721, 728, 739
functions of 704
layout of 705f
level 703
strengthening 728
waste management of 706
Primary Urban Health Center, functions of 732
Primordial prevention 912
Privy-latrine 71
Proctoscope 273
Prodromal stage 399
Progestasert 571f
Progesterone 503
Progestin-only pills 575
Projected population of India (in millions) 556f
Prolactin reflex 523
Propeller fan with motor 45f
Prophylactic antibiotics 365
Prophylactic disinfection 268
Prophylactic measures 365
Propiolactone 299
Protease inhibitors 427
Protein 133, 154, 180
daily requirement of 134t
derivative test, purified 317
efficiency ratio 134, 135
energy malnutrition 138, 162, 163t, 164t
classification of 163, 164t
energy ratio 134, 135
evaluation of 134
functions of 134
supplementary actions of 134
types of 134
utilization, net 134, 135
Protein-energy malnutrition
classification of revised 164
management of 164
prevention and control of 165
Prothionamide 318, 811
Protozoa 77, 98, 424
Protozoal diseases 23
Protozoal zoonoses 381
Pseudomonas 273, 281
Psittacosis 383
Psychological hazards 198, 563
Psychomotor development 144
Psychoneuroses 667
Psychosis 206, 667
depressive 206
Psychosocially disabled, rehabilitation of 668
Psychosomatic disorders 667
Psychotic disorders 667
Pteroylglutamic acid 141
Pubic louse 120
Public and private healthcare provider 733f
Public health 3
challenge 366
emergency 884
importance 365, 910
nutrition problems 162
observation, travelers under 276
sector 701
primary health care 701
surveillance 236
Public Health Acts 916
Public Liability Insurance Act 916
Public noise meter 46f
Public private partnership 373, 729
Pulmonary eosinophilia, tropical 377
Pulmonary tuberculosis 316
diagnostic for 809fc
Pulse polio immunization 352, 539, 786
dose 352
Pulses, nutritive value of 148t
Punarvadu mandur 727
Pupa stage 101, 106
Pyrantel pamoate 358, 361
Pyrazinamide 314, 318, 796, 797, 804, 810,814
Pyrethrins 129
Pyrethroids 108, 129
Pyrethrum 108
coils 109
Pyridoxine 140, 141, 318, 814
Pyrimethamine 370, 372, 898
Q fever 98, 122, 381, 383, 407
prevention and control measures 407
Quadrinucleate cysts 354
Quadruple vaccine 309
Qualitative data 605
Quality assurance 706
Quality education 696
Quality of drugs, maintenance of 747
Quantitative data 587, 606
Quantitative groups 599
Quarantinable disease 387
Quarantine 245, 448
modified 245
Quartan malaria 369
Quetelet index 178, 179, 181
Quinestrol 576
Quinine salt 373
drugs 327
group 462
Quota sampling 603, 605
Rabbitpox 277
Rabies 15, 189, 383, 439
active immunization 444
agent factors 440
extent of problem 440
historical perspective 439
host factors 441
immunoglobulins 444
in dogs, control of 448
incubation period 441
laboratory diagnosis 442
modes of transmission 441
pathology and pathogenesis 441
prevention in men 443
route of entry of virus 441
discovery of 920
history 444
virions 440f
Rabivax 446f
Radiation 50
absorbed dose 52
electromagnetic 51
prevention and control of 53
primary prevention 53
secondary prevention 54
infrared 188
units 52
Radical treatment 373
Radioactive carcinogens 911
Radioactive nucleotides 52
Radiofrequency waves 51
Radiological examination of water 40
Radix 620
Rain water 75f
Raksharab 448
Ramipril 838
Rapid sand filters
advantages of 26
disadvantages of 26
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 711, 713, 720, 721
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram 672, 711, 722
interventions of 723
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan 689
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana 208
Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan 689
Rashtriya Varshith Jan Swasthya Yojana 848
Rat bite fever 383
Rat flea 97, 115, 116f, 127t
female 116f
life history 116
modes of transmission of disease 117
morphology 115
Rattus norvegicus 385
Rattus rattus 385
Raw foods, weighment of 181
Raynaud's disease 188, 206
Recipe method 181
Recreation facilities, provision of 410
Rectal polyposis 483
Rectal swab method 337
Rectum, care of 517
Red Cross Society (Allocation of Property) Act 917
Reduviid bug 120
Refuse, collection of 65
Regnault's hygrometer 63
Regression 619
coefficient 619
equation 619
Rehabilitation 17, 165, 463, 477, 676
benefit 207
different aspects of 17
Rehabilitation Council of India Act 916
Rehydration therapy 338
Reiter's syndrome 429
Relapsing fever 98
Religion 558
Renal disease 506
Renal failure 335
chronic 206
Renewable energy 696
Repository sulfone, long-acting 463
Reproduction rate, net 561
Reproductive and child health 8, 706
Reproductive and Child Health Program 250, 366, 545, 855, 856
Reproductive health 855
and family planning 716
Reproductive organs, diseases of 566
Reproductive system 912
Reproductive tract infection 506, 671, 672, 743
control of 858
Research cum action project 67
Reservoirs, elimination of 317, 333, 379
Respiratory apparatus 101
Respiratory complications 284
Respiratory disease 56, 506, 884
Respiratory distress
abrupt onset of 887
syndrome, severe acute 306
Respiratory infections 545
severe acute 306
Respiratory protection 203, 324
Respiratory rate 506
Respiratory syndrome
severe acute 321, 322f, 872
agent factors 322
clinical features 323
host factors 323
incubation period 323
investigations 323
mode of transmission 323
period of infectivity 323
prevention and control 323
treatment 323
Respiratory system 167, 912, 913
Respiratory tract infections, symptoms of 297f
Reticulo-endothelial cells 316
Retina, detachment of 206
Retinitis 424
Retinoblastoma 659
Retrolental fibroplasia 520
Reverse osmosis purifiers, demerits of 31
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme 766
Reye's syndrome 279
Rhesus monkeys 450
Rheumatic fever
diagnosis of 475t
prevention of 475
Rheumatic heart disease 474, 475, 722
clinical features 474
etiology 474
prevention of 475
Rh-incompatibility 542
Rhinitis, allergic 189
Rhinovirus 280
Rhipicephalus 406
Rhodesian redwater fever 920
Rhythm method 580f
Ribavirin 345
Riboflavin 140, 141, 180
Ribonucleic acid 657
Ribose 136
Rich sources of zinc 146
Rickets 139
burnetii 407
conori 406
mooseri 406
prowazeki 119
quintana 119
rickettsiae 406
Rickettsial diseases 240, 405, 405t
Rickettsial zoonoses 240, 381
Rickettsialpox 98, 406
Rideal-Walker coefficient 271
Ridley's scale 460
Rifabutin 320, 806
Rifampicillin 462
Rifampicin 313, 314, 318, 320, 460, 461, 782-784, 797, 804, 806, 810, 814
resistance 808, 812
resistant tuberculosis 809
Rifapentine 320
Right to Education Act 687
Right to sight 495, 495f
initiative 834
Rilpivirine 427
Rimantadine 298, 300
Ringer's lactate solution 396
Ringworm 56
Risus sardonicus 363
Ritonavir 427
Road to health
card 534, 707
chart 533f
Rockefeller foundation 767
Rocky mountain 98
spotted fever 122, 406
Roentgen equivalent man 52
Rogi Kalyan Samiti 711, 724
objectives of 724
Rosaline dyes 272
Rose Bengal dye test 166
Rotarix 333
vaccine 333f
administration of 334f
Rotary kiln 86
functional principle of 87f
incinerator 86
Rotative combustion chamber 87f
Rotavirus 23, 254
vaccine 255, 333
monovalent 255
Rotenoids 108
Rotenone 108
Roundworm infestation 357
Routine immunization
implementation of 250
logo, development of 250
Roxithromycin 320
Rubber catheter method 337
Rubella 257, 289, 875
elimination 257
eradication 257
syndrome 290
vaccine 246, 291f, 474
monovalent 291
virus 257, 338
Rubeola-Koplik spots 284f
Rudimentary wings, pair of 100
Rural development 745
Rural Development Community Development Program 745
Rural Development Integrated Rural Development Program 745
Rural Development Village-Level Worker 746
Rural electrification 860
Rural health 860
Rural Health Survey 2002–03 857
Rural housing 860
Rural nutrition 860
Rural roads 860
Rural sanitation 860
Rural water supply 860
Saakshar Bharat 689
Sabin vaccine 350f
Safe drinking water, lack of 791
Safer delivery techniques 437
Saliva 873
Salk vaccine 791, 794
Salmonella 38, 273
enteritidis 326
gallinarum 325, 326
A 178, 325
B 178, 325
pullorum 325, 326
typhi 178, 271, 325, 326
typhimurium 326, 886
Salmonellosis 189, 240, 326
and water, replacement of 61
depletion exhaustion 61
iodization of 158
Salt-sugar solution 331
Salvage treatment 428
Salvinia 377
Sample registration system 540, 553
components 554
objective 554
design 554
size 554
Sand filter
intermittent 78
rapid 25, 25f, 26
slow 24, 24f, 26
Sand fleas 115
Sandfly 112
control measures 114
fever 113
life history 114
morphology 113
public health importance 113
Sanguinarine, detoxification of 175
Sanitary landfill 65
Sanitary latrine 328f
for fair 67
provision of 112
Sanitary napkins 727
Sanitary temporary latrines
camp 71
for fair 71
mela 71
Sanitary well 23f
barrier 67, 67f, 328f
measures 33
Saprozoonoses 382
Saquinavir 427
Sarcoidosis 429
Sarcoptes scabiei 125, 125f
female 125f
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 686, 687, 689
Saturated fatty acids 135
Savadathi yellamma 419
Savlon 270
solution 272
Scabies 381
Scatter diagram 590, 593, 617
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act 916
Schick test 308
Schistosomiasis 24, 381
Schizophrenia 206, 667
School building 538
classrooms 538
lighting 538
location 538
sitting arrangements 538
ventilation 538
School health
record 537
services 537
School Health Program 747
components of 537
Schwartz strain 285
Sclerosing panencephalitis, subacute 285, 286
Scoliosis, moderate degree of 139
Screw-feed technology 87
Scrotal swelling 418
Scrub typhus 98, 381, 406
Scud missiles 887
Seasonal influenza 295, 296, 299
Secnidazole 355
Sedation 365
Sedimentation 26
process 77
secondary 78
tanks 24
separation of 175
virus 440
Segregation 245, 559
Selenium 37, 146
Senior treatment supervisor 797, 798
Sensitivity 238, 266
Sensory system 442
Sentinel events 238
Septic tank latrine 67, 70, 71f
Septicemia 887
Septicemic malaria 369
Septicemic plague 386
Serological classification 336
Serological test 355, 388
Serpentine 191
Serum homocysteine 472
dilution 78
disposal of 76
methods of 78
farming 79
lagoon 79, 79f
treatment 76
modern 76
objectives of 76
Sewerage system 73
Sex chromosome aneuploidy 188
Sex education 15
Sex incidence 278, 362
disorders 918
dominant diseases 659
recessive diseases 659
Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day 921
Sexually transmitted diseases 412, 633
prevention of 567
Sexually transmitted infection 408, 506, 638, 670, 669, 671, 672, 743, 853, 884
agent factors 408
changes in lifestyle 409
control of 858
demographic factors 409
during pregnancy 435
extent of problem 408
high-risk groups 409
host factors 408
international travel 409
prevention and control 409
social factors 408
syndromes in 418t
treatment of 824
Shaded map 223, 594
Shadowless lights 48
Shakir's arm tape 179, 180f
Shark liver oil 139
Sheeppox 277
Shigella 38, 178, 273
Shock 335, 887
Short course chemotherapy 796
Short messaging service 814
Shredded plastic 92f
Shunt, right-to-left 473
Shyness 914
children 893
routine and emergency care of 709
infant, classify 898fc
management of 903, 904
Sickle cell anemia 470, 505, 722
Sickness 11
absenteeism 200
causes 200
extent of problem 200
preventive measures 200
rate 201
benefit 201
decompression 59
Silicosis 190
clinical features 190
complications 191
diagnosis 191
importance 190
management 191
pathogenesis 190
pathology 190
Silicotuberculosis 190
Silvered thermometer 61
Simulium 115f
Single-chamber incinerator 86
Siphon flushing cistern 74f
Six's thermometer 60f
Skeletal fluorosis 145, 145f
Skilled birth attendant 505, 715, 719
Skilled health personnel 691
and serological tests 378
asbestos corns of 191
cancer 195, 482, 483
care of 517
conditions 722
lesion 456
single 451, 457
protection 203
Skinfold, thickness of 179
Slide falciparum rate 370
Sling psychrometer 63, 63f
Slow sand filters, advantages of 25
digestion 78
use of 27
Slum 731
Small-for-date baby 519
Small-for-gestational-age 717
Smallpox 277, 278t, 919
disease, baby with 277f
story of 277
virus 887
Smoke, composition of 911
and cancer 912
prevalence of 910
Soakage pit 75, 76f
making 199
technique 655
Social anxiety 914
Social assistance 208t
Social constraints
management of 640
developmental approach 640
educational approach 640
legal approach 640
migration 638
poverty 637
Social defence 641
Social deviance 640
management of 641
educational approach 641
legal approach 641
rehabilitation approach 641
Social dimension 6
Social diseases 474
Social evils 638
caste and casteism 638
child neglect and child abuse 639
gender bias and gender discrimination 639
management of 640
developmental approach 640
educational approach 640
legal approach 641
rehabilitation approach 641
smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol 638
Social hazards 198, 563
Social insurance 208t
Social marketing 585
Social medicine 3
Social mobilization 791
Social pathology 4, 637
management of 640
prevention of 640
Social physiology 4, 4t
Social problems 637
Social process 633
acculturation 633
role 633
socialization 633
socioeconomic status 634
Social psychology 629
Social research 641
aims of interview 641
case study method 643
interview method 641
questionnaire method 642
types of 641
Social science 629
Social security 207, 641
net 664
Social therapy 4
Social welfare, implementation of 410
Societies Registration Act 917
classification 636t
education 8
income 8
occupation 8
factors 180
grounds 565
status 557, 634
assessment of 634t
classification of 634
Socioenvironmental factors 316, 666
Sociology 629
Socratic method 647, 650
Sodium 154
chloride 332
hypochlorite 269, 433
Sofosbuvir 345
Soft tick 122, 122f, 122t, 123f
Soft water 472
diseases 357
transmission 245
Soiled waste 83
Solanine poisoning 176
Solar radiation 482
thermometer 60, 61f
Solid disinfectants 269
Solid forms 27
Solid waste 65
Soluble fiber 137
Somatic mutation theory 661
Sore nipple 527
Sore throat 301
severe 301
Sorghum 147
Sound level meter 46
Sound proofing of walls 47
Soybean 142
Sparfloxacin 321
Spastic pseudoparalysis 872
Spearman's rank
correlation test 619
order correlation 619
Specific death rate, period 219
Spectrofluorophotometric method 175
Speech 144
communication 46
impairment of 478
Spermicides 569f
Spherocytosis, hereditary 660
Spina bifida 660
Spinal cord compression 206
Spirit 271, 727
Spiritual dimension 6
Spirochete 98
Spleen 327
Sporadic disease 236, 278
Sporotrichosis 381
Sporozoite 368
develop 368
rate 370
Spotted fever 98
group 240
Sprinkling filters 77
examination 317
induction 802
smear examination 812t
Squatting plate 68
Srivastav Committee Report 740
Standard deviation, applications of 599
Staphylococcal food poisoning 160
Staphylococci 235
Staphylococcosis 178
Staphylococcus aureus 281
State level functions 745
State of public health 725
State Pollution Control Board 82
State Programme Managers 839
State Surveillance Unit 884
State Tobacco Control Cell 849fc
activities of 849
responsibilities of 849
State's essential drugs list 717
Statistical data, presentation of 588
Statistical map 594
Status epilepticus 363
Stavudine 427
Stegomyia 104f
Sterile male technique 108
Sterilization 160, 161t, 267
facilities 566
female 583f
methods 582
package 851
Steroidal contraceptives 573, 573fc
Steroids 508
Stevenson's screen 59f
Stillbirth rate 715
Stimulated emission of radiation, light amplification of 51
cancer 482
wash 129
Stool, examination of 355
Stormy clot 39
Stratified random sampling 603, 604
Street children 549
Street virus 440
Streptococcosis 178
pneumoniae 252, 281
pyogenes 474
Streptomycin 318, 319, 508, 797, 804, 887
use of injection 806
Stress 497
consequences 498
magnitude 498
management 498
measurement of 498
types of 498
Stridor 282
Stroke 478
classification 478
cryptogenic 478
diagnosis 479
embolic 479
epidemiology 478
hemorrhagic 478, 479
history 478
ischemic 478, 479
magnitude of problem 478
management 479
prevention and control 479
risk factors 478
signs 478
symptoms 478
Strongyloides stercoralis 424
Strychnine poisoning 363
Study designs, types of 231
Stupor 442
implants 577
nodules 475
Subdural hematoma 478
Subsoil water reserves, building-up of 36
Sudden infant death syndrome 912
Sugar water 899
Suicide 640
Suit and devices, protective 53f
Sulabh Shauchalaya 67, 70
Sulfadoxine 371, 372, 898
Sulfate 37, 145
Sulfite reduction method 39
Sulfonamide 313
Sulfonylureas 838
Sulfur dioxide 271, 862
Sullage, disposal of 75
Sullivan's index 10
Sun stroke 61
Super female syndrome 658
Superchlorination 28, 104
Superoxide dismutase 146
Supervision unit 606
Supervisor 548
Supplementary Feeding Program 545
Suraksha clinic 414, 415
approaches to 237
attributes of 238
data, analysis of 238
elements of 237
history of 237
improvement in 238
Medical Officers, network of 789
objectives of 237
presentation of data 238
types of 238
uses of 238
Surveys 237
Survival rate 218, 219
Susceptible host 241
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 72
objective 72
performance 73
Swachh Bharat Mission 72
Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana 686, 731
Sweet's syndrome 429
Swimming pool
sanitation of 33
treatment in 349
Swine flu 294, 299
Swine influenza virus 293
Swot analysis 654
structure of 654, 655f
opportunities 655
strengths 654
threats 655
weakness 655
Symptothermal method 581
Syncytial virus 280
Syndrome of growth failure 146
Syndromic approach 410
Syndromic case management
advantages of 412
disadvantages of 413
Syndromic surveillance 883
Synthetic estrogens 573
Synthetic progestogens 573
Syphilis 418, 831t, 875
serological test for 466
Syphilitic glossitis 483
Systematic random sampling 603, 604
Systematic sampling 604
Systemic examination 507
Systemic immunity 255, 350
T test 613
Tabulation 588
Tabun 886
saginata 161, 178, 382
solium 161, 178, 382
Taeniasis 178, 381383
Talipes 721
Tamiflu 298
doses of 299t
Tanapox 277
Taste 36
Taxidermists 448
Technique and critical path method 737
bridge the gap 909
centers, infrastructures of 906
commandments for success of 908
consultation center 905
coordinator 906
current efforts in India 908
epidemiological surveillance 907
in India, advantages of 907
in public health 905
applications of 907f
Programmes 908f
specialty center 905
system, modern 905f
types of technology 906
utility of 905
Telepathology 906
Teleradiology 906
Temephos 104, 380
Tenofovir 427, 429
Terminal methods 582
Terrestrial thermometer 60
Tertian malaria, malignant 369
Tetanospasmin 362
Tetanus 189, 239, 254, 310, 361
agent factors 362
and diphtheria 254
clinical features 363
clinical types of 363
differential diagnosis 363
diphtheria 254
elimination, maternal and neonatal 365
history 361
host factors 362
idiopathic 364
immune globulin 365
in community, prevention of 364
incubation period 363
magnitude of problem 361
mode of transmission 362
pathogenesis 363
pathology 363
prevention and control 364
prognosis 364
toxoid 251, 364f
doses of 361
injections 506
treatment 363
Tetany 363
Tetracycline 462, 508
eye ointment 902
ointment 727
Tetralogy of Fallot 473
Tetravalent admixture 398
Thalassemia 146, 470
Thalidomide 458, 508
Thermal comfort, indicators of 41
maximum 60
minimum 60
Thermophilic actinomycete fungi 192
Thiacetazone 318
Thiamine 140, 180
Thiazide diuretics 487
Thionamides 811
Thorax 99
Throat, care of 517
Thrombocytopenia 323
Thrombocytopenic purpura 52, 257, 290
Thrombophlebitis 516
adenoma 483
gland 144
Thyroxine 503
Tick 108, 121
adult stage 122
control measures 123
life cycle 121, 123f
morphology 121
nymph stage 122
paralysis 122
typhus 122, 381
Tinidazole 333, 355, 356
Tinnitus 46
Tipranavir 427
amebicides 355
anthropometry 179
infectious dose 286
vaccines 246, 440, 448
involved, type of 52
morden 445
phase, persistent 368
and drugs control 916
and health 910
control 470, 698, 744
law, monitoring enforcement of 850
health hazards of 911
smoking 911
types of 910
workers, livelihood of 849
Tocopherol 140
Tongue depressor 366f
Top biological weapons 887
Tornadoes 878
Total sanitation campaign, implementation of 729
Tourniquet test 397
Toxemia, signs of 281
constituents 94t
fumes 94
hazards 189
polyphenol 173, 175
shock syndrome 286
substances 36, 37, 37t
separation of 175
type 176
staphylococcal type 177
Toxoid 246
antitoxin floccules 309
Toxoplasma gondii 235, 424
Toxoplasmosis 381, 383, 424, 429, 875
Trade Union Act, 1926 916
Traditional birth attendant 854
training of 366, 702
Training Programme 833
Transient ischemic attack 478
Translocations technique 108
blocking channel of 338, 361, 397
diphtheria modes of 307
feco-oral route of 327f
Transovarian transmission 406
Transplacental transmission 245, 422
facilities 706
host 235
Transverse myelitis 352
Trauma 470
Traumatic neuritis 352
Traumatic tetanus 363
Traveller's diarrhea 355
Travellers, treatment of 276
fever 98, 406
foot 61
Treponema pallidum immobilization test 266
Triatoma bugs 120
control measures 121
life cycle 121
morphology 121
Triatoma infestans, female 121f
Tribal Health 858
Trichinella spiralis 161, 178
Trichinellosis 178
Trichinosis 381
Trichloroethylene 189
Trichogaster fasciatus 128
Trichuriasis 24, 178
Trichuris trichiura 178
Trickling filter 77f
Tricuspid atresia 473
Tridoshas 11
Triphasic pills 574, 574f
Trismus 363
Trisodium citrate 332
Trisomy 657
Trivalent vaccine 309, 364
akamushi 124
deliensis 124
Trombiculid mite 123, 124f, 406
control measures 125
diseases transmitted 124
life cycle 124
morphology of 123f
Trophoblast, removal of 573
Trophozoite 355, 368
live 354
Tropical diseases, neglected 463
Truncus arteriosus, persistent 473
Trypanosoma cruzi 121
Trypanosomiasis 236, 381, 920
Tsetse fly 114, 114f
control measures 114
life history 114
morphology 114
Tsunamis 877
Tubectomy 583, 583f
Tubercle bacilli 11, 190, 920
index 315
test 317
Tuberculoid 455
leprosy 452, 455
type 453
Tuberculosis 189, 206, 252, 314, 528, 692, 694, 708, 801, 876, 884
active 818
agent factors 315
and HIV 321
clinical presentation 321
statistics 321
Association of India 757
burden 314, 315
care in India, standards for 808
classification of 803t
treatment regimen for drug sensitive 812t
chest radiograph of 321
clinical features 316
complications 316
control of 808
daily dose schedule 804t
disease 223f
drug resistant 810
epidemiological indices 315
extrapulmonary 316, 321, 430, 810
host factors 316
incubation period 316
infectious pulmonary 265
investigations 317
laboratory supervisor, senior 798
memorable discoveries and milestones 314
microbiological confirmation of 809, 872
modes of transmission 316
Mukt Bharath 820
pathology and pathogenesis 316
points of serious concern 315
presumptive 808
extrapulmonary 808
preventive treatment 431
rule of two in 800
treatment 811
follow-up and outcomes 805
initiation of 803
unit 797
Tularemia 122, 383
Tunga penetrans 115
Turbidity, removal of 27
Turner's syndrome 487, 658
Twelfth plan strategy 742
Twenty Point Programme 860
Twin babies 527
Typhoid 23, 160, 178, 876
conjugate vaccines 255
controlling 920
mortality 612
vaccine 329f
Typhoid fever 325
agent factors 325
clinical features 327
complications 327
environmental factors 326
host factors 326
incubation period 327
investigations 327
magnitude of problem 325
milestones 325
mode of transmission 326
pathology and pathogenesis 327
predisposing factors 326
prevention and control 328
treatment 327
endemic 406
epidemic 98, 405
group 240
Ujjwala 637
absence of 411
corneal 138, 139
presence of 411
Ulcerative colitis 483
Ultra low volume 107
technique 129
Ultrahigh temperature 161
process method 160
germicidal irradiation 802
irradiation 29
purifiers 31
radiation 188
rays 50
hazards 50
high-risk persons 50
on skin 50
sources 50
Umbilical cord, care of 517
Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 744
Union Ministry of Health, functions of 744
Unit normal distribution 601
Unit normal distribution, table of 624
United Nations Children's Emergency Fund 767
United Nations Development Programme 764, 767
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 764, 767
United Nations Environment Programme 765, 767
United Nations Fund for Population Activities 764
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 764, 767
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 249, 331, 366, 549, 763, 763f, 770
United Nations International Drug Control Programme 765, 767
United Nations Population Fund 366, 767
United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration 760
United State National Center for Health Statistics 179
United States Agency for International Development 366, 548, 766, 767, 770, 883
Universal Health Insurance Scheme 211
Universal Immunization Programme 288, 352, 361, 545, 770, 785
Universal Primary Education 686
Unsaturated fatty acids 135
Urban health 858
Urban Health Center
primary 731, 732
staff pattern of primary 732
Urban Health Insurance Model 731
Urban leprosy centers 783
Urban malaria scheme 774
Urban Social Health Activist 730, 731
functions of 731
Urbanization 559
Urea 12
Urethral discharge 412fc, 414, 418
Uric acid 12
Urinary aminolevulinic acid 194
Urinary calculi, development of 138
Urinary coproporphyrin 194
Urinary level of lead 194
Urticaria 189
Uterine cervix, visual inspection of 838
Uterine contraction 514
Uterine fibroids 912
Uterine perforation 572
after dog-bite 638
against yellow fever 393
pre-exposure 448f
Vaccine 246, 742
associated paralytic poliomyelitis 793
bivalent 309
carrier 259, 262
combined 246
derived poliovirus 793
estimation of 263
rate 263
lack of 423
monovalent 364
of multiple antigen 286
off ice pack, placement of 260f
polio virus 792
preventable diseases 251, 884
product-related reaction 248
quality defect-related reaction 248
reactions 248
semple 439, 444
subunit 246, 431
tetravalent 309, 309f, 398
vial monitor 264, 351, 401
stages of 351f
Vaccinia ankara virus, modified 431
Vacuum system 45
Vaginal diaphragm 568
Vaginal discharge 413, 413fc, 414, 414fc, 418
Vaginal rings 578
Vaginal secretions 432
Vaginal specula 273
Vagrancy ACT 550
Value of heat stress 62
Valvular diseases, cardiac 206
Vapor lamps 48
Varenicline 912
Varicella 278, 279f, 338
hemorrhagica 279
pneumonia 279
syndrome, congenital 278, 279
vaccine 256, 279f
zoster immunoglobulin 247, 280
zoster virus 278
Vasculitis, inflammatory 474
Vasectomy 582
Vasovagal reaction 249
Vault cap 569
Vector biological vector 97
Vector borne disease 366, 881, 884
Vector control measures, category-wise 778t
Vector indices 379
Vector mechanical vector 97
Vector problems 563
Vector surveillance 781
Vegetable proteins, mixed 134
Venereal disease 408
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory 265
Venezuelan equine encephalitis 381, 383
virus 431
Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever 382
Venkataraman's classification 336
Venkataraman-Ramakrishnan medium 337
Ventilation 41, 44, 61, 157
standards of 44
artificial 45
Ventricular septal defect 473
Verification, means of 672
Vero cell rabies vaccine, purified 247
Vertebra, dislocation of 206
Vertigo 46
Vibration cycles, number of complete 46
Vibrio cholerae 336338, 887, 920
organisms 30
Vibrio eltor 178, 337
hemolyse sheep erythrocytes 337
organisms 244
Vibrio parahaemolyticus 177
Video observed treatment 817
Village Health Guide 699
Village Health Guide Scheme 701
Village Health, Sanitation, and Nutrition Committee 728, 838
Village level interventions 850
Vincristine 54
Viomycin 811
VIP latrine 70
Viral antigen 297
Viral culture 297
Viral diseases 23
Viral fever syndrome 395
Viral hepatitis 338
A 23, 160, 344t
E 23, 160
global health sector strategy on 346
Viral infection 488
Viral load monitoring 429
Viral nucleic acid 297
Viral zoonoses 381
Viruses 424
isolation of 873
life cycle of 421f
morphology of 292
novel subtype of 293
Visceral leishmaniasis 389, 390, 875
Visible light 51
artificial sources 51
natural source 51
Vision 538, 672, 697, 820
2020 495f, 834
defects 265
impairment 722
loss of 478
of millennium development goals 683
Visual aids 649
Visual defects 538
Vital revolution, theory of 552
Vitamin 137
A 154, 158, 180, 898
against nutritional blindness 15
dosage schedule of 288, 288t
requirement of 139t
sources of 138f
supplementation 892
A deficiency 138, 166, 281, 722
assessment of 139
criteria of 139t
treatment of 166
A prophylaxis 494, 833
program 545
schedule 165t, 846t
B complex 141t
B1 140
B12 142
malabsorption 142
B2 141
B6 141
C 142
D 154, 158, 180
daily requirement of 140t
deficiency 139, 722
food sources of 139t
deficiency diseases 165, 166
K 140, 154
K1 140
K2 140
Vivax malaria 369
treatment of 370
Vocational training centers 668
Voges-Proskauer test 337
Volcanic eruptions 877
Volcanoes 877
Voluntary counseling and testing center 411-416, 418
Voluntary Health Agencies 710, 756
Voluntary Health Association of India 756, 757
Voluntary organizations 833
Vomiting 528
von Economo's disease 398
Vulnerable population 858
Waist circumference 489
Warm bottle method 526
Wash basin 75f
animal anatomical 83
disposal of 65, 162, 433
minimization techniques 95
recycling strategy 84
safe final disposal of 88f
sharps management 91
treatment system, infectious 90f
type of 83
Waste assessment
electronic 93
practices, safe 80
strategy 84
system, objectives of 80
Water 21
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 916
bacteriological examination of 38
biological examination of 38
borne disease 325, 881, 884
carriage system 73
types of 73
chemical examination of 36
closet 68
contamination, health hazards of 23
cycle 22
defluoridation of 145
depletion exhaustion 61
flea 126, 127
hardness of 34
household purification of 29
laboratory examination of 36
method of collection of 337
on small scale, purification of 29
physical examination of 36
purification of 24
conservation of 35
protection of 35
sampling technique 36
sanitary analysis of 36
seal latrines, types of 68
supply 538
and sanitation 747
virological examination of 36, 40
wasting of 27
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 313
Waterlow's classification 164, 164t, 179
Waterpox 278
Waterseal acts 69
Water-soluble vitamins 140
Wayson's stain 384
Weaning 525
Weight, loss of 416
Weil-Felix reaction 405407
Welcome's classification 163, 163t
Welder's flash 188
Well 22
artesian 23
deep 22
disinfection of 29, 31
driven 22
sanitary 23
shallow 22
West Nile fever 98, 383
Western equine encephalitis 381, 383
Wet beriberi 140
Wet bulb thermometer 60
Wet thermal treatment 87
Wetness test 526
Wheezing 282
White asbestos 191
Whole-cell pertussis 254
Whole-grain cereals 146
Whooping cough 56, 309, 310
agent factors 311, 312
clinical features 311, 313
complications 312, 313
distribution 312
environmental factors 311, 312
host factors 311, 312
incubation period 311, 313
management 312
modes of transmission 311
pathogenesis 313
pathology and pathogenesis 311
period of communicability 312
prevention 312, 313
prognosis 313
Wilcoxon's signed rank test 617
Wilcoxon's test 617
Wild Life (Protection) Act 916
Wild polio virus 251, 347f, 792, 794, 795
Wilson's disease 146
Wind anemometer 63f
Windstorms 878
Wolfram's syndrome 487
Women in reproductive age-group 169
Women, social security for 201
Woolsorter's disease 887
Workmen's Compensation Act 191, 916
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action 531
World Bank 765
World Bank and European Commission 856
World Birth Defects Day 921
World Breastfeeding Week Themes, list of 922
World Cancer Day 921
World Disabled Day 921
World Down Syndrome Day 921
World Federation of Deaf 769
World Federation of Medical Education 769
World Food Programme 548, 765, 767
World Health Assembly 366, 530, 531, 681
World Health Day 921
themes, list of 922, 923
World Health Organization 11, 81, 139, 166, 264, 331, 332, 475t, 478, 528, 531, 565, 606, 698, 699, 760, 770, 883
World Immunization Day 921
World Kidney Day 921
World Leprosy Eradication Day 921
World Science Day 921
World Tuberculosis Day 921
World Water Day 921
World Zoonoses Day 439
World's Largest HIV Vaccine 431
Worm composting 88
Wound 444
treatment 443
Wrist drop 194
Wuchereria bancrofti 242, 375, 376
microfilariae 97
Wuchereriasis 375
astia 115
brasiliensis 115
cheopis 115, 406
Xeroderma pigmentosum 483
Xerophthalmia 138, 165
problem, evidence of 139
conjunctival 138
corneal 17, 138, 139, 166
machine, maintenance of 196
of chest 190, 191317
XX chromosomes 656
XY chromosomes 656
XYY syndrome 658
Yate's correction 615
Yaws 465
agent factors 466
clinical features 466
environmental factors 466
eradication of 467
host factors 466
incubation period 466
laboratory investigation 466
magnitude 465
modes of transmission 466
period of communicability 466
social factors 466
treatment 466
vectors 466
Yellow fever 98, 107, 391, 392
agent factors 391
clinical features 392
distribution and extent of problem 391
environmental factors 392
host factors 391
incubation period 392
investigations 392
management 392
mode of transmission 392
pathology and pathogenesis 392
prevention and control 392
social factors 392
vectors 392
virus 338
Yersinia pestis 384, 887
and naturopathy 706
exercises 645
postnatal 515f
Youth literacy rate 686, 687f
method 576
regimen 576
Z value 613
Zagreb schedule 447, 447f
Zanamivir 298, 299, 306
Zephiran 270
Zero pollution vehicle 891
Zidovudine 427
Ziehl-Neelsen stain 315, 449
procedure 317
disease 874
fever 383
vaccine 874
virus 874, 874f
test 875
vaccine 874
Zinc 37, 154
deficiency 146
low plasma level of 146
requirements for 144t
solution 335
sulfate 333
tablets 727
Zoo employees 448
Zooanthroponoses 236, 382
Zoogleal layer 25, 77
Zoonoses 236, 381
bacterial 381
classification 381
direct 381
emerging 382
factors, influencing prevalence of 382
modes of transmission 382
prevention and control of 384
public health importance 381
re-emerging 382
related terms 382
Zoonotic diseases 189, 236, 240, 278, 326, 381, 406, 407, 881
Zoonotic epidemics, dynamics of 382
Zoophilia 382
Zyban drug 912
Zygote 368
Chapter Notes

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COMMUNITY MEDICINE with Recent Advances
COMMUNITY MEDICINE with Recent Advances
Fifth Edition
AH Suryakantha MD DHA Family Physician Amberkar Virupanna Clinic Davangere, Karnataka, India Formerly Professor Department of Community Medicine Basaveshwara Medical College and Hospital Chitradurga, Karnataka, India Professor and Head Department of Community Medicine JJM Medical College Davangere, Karnataka, India Professor Department of Community Medicine SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center Davangere, Karnataka, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Community Medicine with Recent Advances
First Edition: 2009
Second Edition: 2010
Third Edition: 2014
Fourth Edition: 2017
Fifth Edition: 2019
Printed at
The Revered Memory
of Public Health Stalwarts,
My Parents
Preface to the Fifth Edition
It gives me a great pleasure and satisfaction to bring out the fifth edition, having the same elegant cover page. This outcome is because of the encouragement and the feedback, I received from my professional colleagues, from various parts of the country.
As the subject is ever growing, so is the transition in the book. As per the title, many recent advances in the field of Community Medicine have been updated. New topics included are National Health Policy – 2017, National Health Insurance Schemes, Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness, Epidemiology of Stress, Epidemiology of Leptospirosis, Health Hazards of Internet, National Kala-azar Elimination Programme, Epidemiology of Asian Lineage Avian Influenza H7N9 Virus, National Strategy for Malaria Elimination, National Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS and STI 2017–2024, National Oral Health Programme, Floods and Health, and Nipah Virus Disease.
New small topics included are Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Biomedical Waste Management Rules – 2016, ICMR Recommended Daily Allowances of the Nutrients, Global Vaccine Action Plan, National Operational Guidelines on Introduction of Measles – Rubella Vaccine, Global Health Sector Strategy on Viral Hepatitis, National Deworming Day, Suraksha Clinic, Revised Guidelines on Anti-retroviral Therapy, Modified Kuppuswamy's Method of Socio-economic Classification, Mother's Absolute Affection Programme, Mother and Child Tracking System, Sample Registration System, Meta-analysis, Fish-Bowl Technique, “All-In” initiative, Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram, Gantt chart, Focus Group Discussion, Poisson Distribution, Ayushman Bharat, Rapid tests for detection of Food Adulterants, List of Health Policies and many more.
Focus is also given on updating National Immunization Schedule – 2017, Zoonoses, Zika vaccine, Mycobacterium indicus pranii vaccine, Opened Multidose Vial Policy, Intensified Mission Indradhanush and Post-exposure Prophylaxis for Leprosy.
Revised topics are Epidemiology of Dengue Fever, Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme and National Programme on Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke.
Readers are requested to give the feedback, both positive and negative, which will be accepted sportively for further improvement.
My special thanks to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Dr Madhu Choudhary, Head-Publishing (Education), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head) and Dr Priyanka Manchanda (Development Editor) and team members of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India for their encouragement given to me and for making this book popular both at the national and international levels.
I sincerely thank Mr Venugopal V (Director-South) of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., who inspired me to take up the task and go ahead.
I also thank Mrs Usha S Amberkar for her cooperation throughout the period of my work.
I will be failing in my duty, if I do not thank Mr Sanjeev Kumar GP, M/s Gundal Compu Center, Davangere, Karnataka, for his valuable help in preparing the manuscript.
I earnestly hope this book will help not only the medical students, but also Medical Officers, Health Policy Makers and Health Administrators.
AH Suryakantha
Preface to the First Edition
The publication of this book is the end result of teaching community medicine to undergraduate and postgraduate students for more than three decades. Though the book is written primarily for undergraduates, it would also be useful for postgraduate students of community medicine. Considering an ever-increasing demand for a comprehensive book on community medicine, an attempt has been made to make the book, student-friendly, teacher-friendly, examiner-friendly and doctor-friendly.
The book is student-friendly because it is written in an understandable way, covering the entire syllabus prescribed by the Medical Council of India (MCI), including the recent advances. The matter is presented in such a way as to avoid confusion and to make the reading of the book a pleasurable experience. Topics like Biostatistics would encourage the students to take up the research activities. The lucid language of the book would facilitate quick revision.
The book is teacher-friendly because they may appreciate the presentation of the subject matter exhaustively and clearly, having tentacles attached to various other branches of medicine such as obstetrics, pediatrics, dermatology, psychiatry and general medicine, in order to conform to the changing profile of community medicine.
The book is examiner-friendly because it covers the vast areas of the subject to enable asking questions vertically, horizontally and tangentially.
The book is doctor-friendly because it would help the general practitioners and the rural medical officers in providing not only curative services, but also preventive and promotive services to the community at large, motivating them to a healthier, and happier life.
In spite of sincere attempt to make the book a comprehensive one, there may be some gaps, imperfections and mistakes. Readers are requested to give the feedback in the form of remarks and suggestions, which will be accepted sportively for the improvement of the next edition.
I sincerely thank Mrs Jyothi and staff members of Zen Computers for their excellent typing work and helpful services.
I would like to express my appreciation of the patient forbearance borne by my wife Smt Usha during the entire period of preparation.
Lastly, I am grateful to Mr Venugopal, Branch Manager, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India and the entire team of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for making my dream a reality.
AH Suryakantha