Donald School The Fetus as a Patient: Current Perspectives Asim Kurjak, Frank A Chervenak, Sanja Kupesic Plavsic
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, and t refer to table
Abdomen 85
missed 252
spontaneous 53, 55f
Abruptio placentae 7
Abruption 70
Accreta 100
Acetaminophen 147
Achondroplasia 178
Acid-base 276
abnormalities 147
Acidosis 5
Adenosine 292
Adherent placenta, morbidly 269, 334
Adipokines 35
Adiponectin 35
Adverse pregnancy outcome, history of 51
complete bilateral 125
bilateral 125
unilateral 129
bubbles 65, 139
embolism 331
Alkaline phosphatase 152
Allergy 281
Allograft reaction, abnormal 281
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia 94
Alloimmunization 7
Alpha-chain 1
synthesis 10
Alpha-fetoprotein 229
serum 124
Alpha-genes 10
Alpha-globin 10
Alpha-thalassemia 4, 10
trait 10
Alveoli 152
Amenorrhea 290f, 291f, 293f, 303f, 308f310f
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 23, 69, 154, 339
American Fertility Society 125, 126f, 126t
American Society of Reproductive Medicine 125
Amiel-Tison neurological assessment 166
Amino acid 2
Amiodarone 292
Amniocentesis 225, 226, 229, 275
Amnioinfusion 277
Amnion 202
Amnioreduction 300
Amniotic fluid 178, 275, 277
abnormalities 254
embolism 150, 331
index 279, 341, 344, 346
quantity 229
sludge 72
volume 206
Amniotomy hook 144
Amoxicillin 277
Anembryonic pregnancy 252
Anemia 7, 148, 289
chronic 3
polycythemia sequence 312
Anesthesia 106, 107
complications 22
embryos 53
malformations 53
Angiogenesis related biomarkers 188
converting enzyme inhibitors 148
receptor blockers 148
abdominal 220
congenital 23, 24, 53
Anorectal atresia 23
Antenatal corticosteroids 116, 117, 118t
Antenatal period 6
Antenatal steroid 159
administration 154
Antepartum 20
complication 49
Antibiotics 74, 159, 277
prophylactic 110
Antibody, monoclonal 89
Anti-Müllerian hormone 124
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome 32, 37
Antiretroviral therapy, highly active 332, 333
Aorta 287
Aortic isthmus 340, 341
Aortic root diameter 30
Appendectomy, negative 154
Aqueductal stenosis 95f
Arcuate uterus 126, 135, 137f
Arrhythmias, cardiac 286
Arterial blood gas measurements 151
Arterial pressure, mean 188
Arterioarterial anastomoses 209
Arteriovenous shunts 240f
disease, coronary 23, 29, 30
umbilical 338, 340, 343, 346
Aschoff-Tawara node 288
Asherman's syndrome 102, 138, 138f
Aspirin, low-dose 21
Assisted reproductive technologies 49, 54, 194, 298, 313
Asthma 35
Atenolol 292
Atresia, pulmonary 292
Atrial contraction 288f
premature 288, 289f
Atrial fibrillation 293
Atrial flutter 292, 293, 293f
Atrial septum 288
Atrioventricular block, third-degree 295
Atrioventricular heart block, congenital 294
Atrioventricular node 288
Atrioventricular valves 287
disorder association 38
hyperactivity disorders 54
Audit training 231
Autism spectrum 54
Automated electronic defibrillator 153
Axial sections 234
Bacteriuria 62
catheterization 106
inflation, syringe for 106f
Bart's hemoglobin 10
B-cells 157
Behavioral disorders 54
Behavioral factors 29
Benzodiazepines 147
Beta-blockers 150, 159, 292, 294
Beta-cell 34
dysfunction 36
mass 36
Beta-chains 1, 2
Beta-gene 10
cluster 1
chain 10
genes 10
production 10
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 187
Beta-mimetic administration 289
Beta-thalassemia 10, 11
Bicornuate uterus 126, 132, 132f, 133, 133f, 135
Biliopancreatic diversion 23
Biometry 229, 231
Biophysical profile 340, 343
Biparietal diameter 339
Birth, preterm 54, 61, 281
Birthweight 28, 206
low 26, 31, 54
Bispectral index 146
injury 109, 331
tenting of 104
uterine interface hypervascularity 270
Blastomere herniation 196
Bleeding 111
Blind lasering 245
Blindness, bilateral 311
Blood 150
bank 106, 107
flow, utero-placental 89
group 106
loss, reduce 106
pressure 27, 31
diastolic 30
systemic 146
systolic 30
transfusion 7, 13, 106, 263
urea nitrogen 155
Body fat index 35
Body mass index 19, 29, 31, 51, 187, 266, 282
abnormal 283
low 275
marrow expansion 11
pain crisis 4, 8
Bowel 331
Box sutures 109
Brace 109
complications, clinical presentation of 310
cortex 93
vascular imaging 239
Breast cancer, particular 19
Breastfeeding 34, 159
British HIV Association 332
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 342
Caffeine 289
antagonist 292
blockers 150
chloride 153
levels, depressed 196
Callosomarginal artery, normal 239f
Calories 23
Calvaria, bony structural imaging of 236f
Cancer Association with Pregnancy 84
Cancer therapy during pregnancy 87
Carbon dioxide, partial pressure of 145
Carboprost 144
Cardiac arrest 144
Cardiac defects 53
Cardiac diseases 151
Cardiac dysfunction 299
Cardiac glycoside 292
Cardiac index 146
Cardiac life support, advanced 150, 153
Cardiac malformations 23
Cardiac pacemakers 294
Cardiac rate 286
Cardiac rhythm, irregular 288
Cardiac tamponade 144, 150
Cardiac wall thickness 286
Cardiomyopathy 150
tachycardia-induced 290
Cardiotocography 340, 341, 343, 346
Cardiovascular anomalies 23
Cardiovascular disease 23, 26, 29
Cardiovascular system 148
Carpal tunnel syndrome 24
Catheter tip 106f
Cavum septi pellucidi 93f, 94
fenestration of 95f
free fetal DNA 24, 199
packed 107
sorting, magnetic-activated 190
Cellular dysoxia 149
Central glucocorticoid feedback 117
Central nervous system 86, 92, 163, 234, 302
Central venous catheter 153
arterial stroke 308
anterior 239f
middle 178, 180, 253, 302, 338, 340, 341, 346
blood flow 310
edema 144, 147
injury 307
postnatal diagnosis of 307
lesions 308
palsy 61, 211, 278, 298, 311
venous pressure 310
Cerebroplacental ratio 340, 341, 343, 346
Cerebrospinal fluid 92
Cervical 62
agenesis 139, 139f
assessment, three-dimensional 67
canal 67f, 72f
cerclage 73, 74, 275
collagen matrix 21
effacement, progression of 70f
gland area 62, 71, 72f
insufficiency 62, 124, 281
length 65, 65t, 68f, 75, 268
evaluation of 66f
measurement of 66f
anterior 66f
posterior 66f
pregnancy 268f
shortening 62
spine 153
stenosis 140
longitudinal view of 64f
measurement of 71f
transabdominal view of 62f
transvaginal view of 63f, 64f
ultrasonographic assessment of 61
ultrasound assessment of 62
Cesarean delivery 49, 263, 330, 331
kit 144
nomenclature of 330
previous 331
primary 271
risks of 330
Cesarean hysterectomy 108
Cesarean scar
defect 265f
pregnancy 266, 266f, 268f
magnetic resonance of 267f
Cesarean section 51, 263, 264, 330, 346
delivery 22
previous 102
Chemotherapy 87
pain 7
radiography 86
syndrome, acute 3
X-ray 3, 8
Chiari malformation 93
Cholestasis, intrahepatic 154
Chorioamnionitis 62, 70, 178
diagnosis of 277
Chorion 202
Chorionic masses 253
Chorionic villous sampling 225, 225f, 226, 227
Chorionicity 201, 253
diagnosis of 202f
Choroid plexus 238f
appearance of 237f
Chromatin structure 199
Chromosomal mosaicism 198
Chromosome 16 10
Cisatracurium 152
Cleft lip 23, 219
left, unilateral 219f, 220f
Cleft palate 23, 219
Clindamycin 277
Cloacal dysgenesis 200
Clonic movements 165
Clubfoot 53
Coagulopathy 151
Colloidal fluids 150
Color Doppler 103, 104, 235
Colpocephaly 94, 95f
Complete blood count 153
Compression square sutures 109, 110f
Computed tomography 85, 87, 147, 153, 217
abdominal 86
pulmonary angiography 86
scan 85
Conservative method 108
Conservative surgery 109
Constipation 152, 154
Contraception 4, 9
Coombs test 228
Copper 32
hemoglobin 206
insertion, identification of 207
prolapse 278, 279
Cordocentesis 225, 226, 230
Corner's hypothesis 196
Corpus callosum 93, 219
agenesis of 95f, 219f, 239f
anterior part of 219f
normal development of 239f
partial agenesis of 219f
posterior part of 219f
Corpuscular volume, mean 3
Corticosteroids 276
Corticotropin-releasing hormone 158, 189
C-peptide 36
Cranial sutures and head circumference 170
Craniosynostosis 220f
Critical care pain observation tool 146
Crown-rump length 30, 209, 253
Cryoprecipitate 107
Crystalloid 150
Cyanosis 144
Cyclopia 219
Cystic adenomatoid lung malformation 221f
Cystic periventricular leukomalacia 309f
Cystic porencephaly 308
Cystoscopy 106
Cytokines 35, 38
Cytomegalovirus 96
infection 96f, 172f
Dandy-Walker malformation 93, 178, 238f
Dandy-Walker syndrome 178
Deafness, bilateral 311
Dehydration 5, 150
Delivery 277
expected day of 21
method 254
preterm 49, 50, 178, 187, 263
route of 22, 159
timing of 22, 159, 254, 345
Deoxygenation agglutination 3
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate 9
Depression, postpartum 24
Dermatitis, atopic 35
Dexmedetomidine 147
Diabetes 23, 53
mellitus 29, 31, 51, 180
gestational 20, 21, 26, 29, 31, 36, 49, 178, 179
Dichorionic placentation 202f
Dichorionic pregnancies 254
Dichorionic twins 203
Didelphic uterus 131, 131f, 132f, 133
Diencephalosynapsis 95f
Diethylstilbestrol 126, 137
Digoxine 292
Dilatation 267
Diltiazem 292
Diprivan 147
Distal ventricle 287
Donor 205
lesions 308
oocytes 55
cerebral ultrasound 312
studies 343
ultrasound 149
Down's syndrome 82, 178
reactions 331
toxicity 145
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 198
Ductus venosus 206, 338, 340, 346
Doppler blood flow 203f, 209f
flowmetry 208
Duodenal switch 23
Dysfunctional labor 50
Dysmenorrhea 130
Dyspnea 7
Ear anomalies 219
Ebstein's anomaly 292
Echocardiography 288
M-mode 286
Eclampsia 144, 147, 151, 331
increase risk of 5
Ectopic pregnancy 55f, 252
imbalance 102
serum 8
Embryo 189
culture medium 190
development dynamics 189
Embryonic myocardial tissue 287
Emden-Meyerhof pathway 3
multicystic 310f
multilocular 308
ischemic-hypoxic 311
syndrome, posterior reversible 145
End-diastolic flow, absent 343, 346
End-diastolic velocity, absent 340, 346
Endocervical canal 64f
Endometrioma 140
Endometriosis 130, 140
Endometrium 188
End-organ damage 3
Endotracheal tube 153
Enterocolitis, necrotizing 281, 342
Enzymatic tests 226
Epidermal growth factor 89, 189
Epigenetics 199
Esmolol 292
European Society for Medical Oncology 85
European Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy 127f
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 127f
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 152
Extrasystoles, isolated 289
Eye blinking 169f, 172, 174f
isolated 170, 179, 180
alteration 170, 172, 173f
expressions 168f, 169f, 179, 180
Fallopian tube 128f, 131, 140
anomalies 140
Femur length 339
Fertility 11
abdominal circumference 343
high suspicion of 345, 346
low-suspicion 345, 346
anatomy 231, 279
anemia 231
aneuploidy 187
arrhythmia 286
biometry 229
blood sampling 230
bradyarrhythmia 288, 293
bradycardia 295f
brain 234
cognitive function of 163
three-dimensional evaluation of 234
tomographic ultrasound imaging of 236f
cardiac arrhythmia 286, 287
classification of 288
cerebral lesions 303
death 29, 254
high risk of 345
deterioration 341
advanced 345
distress 5
diurnal rhythm 180
DNA examination 226
Doppler 290
echocardiography 24, 207
facial expressions, typical 168f
growth 38
discordance 211
restriction 26, 28, 29, 338, 340, 341, 343, 346t
hand and finger movements 170f
health 187
heart beat 267
heart rate 9, 38, 150, 290f, 293, 341, 346
monitoring 159
heart tracing, nonreassuring 278
hemoglobin 2
indications 331, 333
loss 254
macrosomia 51, 331, 333
magnetocardiography 290
malformations 217
assessment of 218
malpresentation 50
monitoring 154, 159
mortality 123
motoric and cognitive function, assessment of 164, 167
movement 38, 150
nervous system 117
neurodevelopmental assessment 302, 303, 305
neurological outcomes 302
neurosonography 303f
complete 182
nuchal translucency 187
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 289
pathology 225
perfusion 150
presentation 279
abnormal 123
rhythm assessment 286
risk factors 342
skull 220f
status 154
structural defects 254
syndromes 93
tachyarrhythmia 288, 289
tachycardia 159, 277
ventriculomegaly 236f
weight 271
estimated 279, 343, 346
Fetoscopic laser
ablation 308
coagulation 302
photocoagulation 300
surgery 300
Fetus 229
abnormalities 229
cognitive function of 172, 181
lower extremities of 173f
neurological assessment of 169f
rotation of 166
Fever 7, 106, 289
Fibrin glue 109
Fibroids 62
Flecainide 292
Fluid overload, exhibiting 299
Folic acid 8
Follicle-stimulating hormone 22
Follicular fluid 190
Food and Drug Administration 74, 88, 301
Foramen of Monro 237f, 238f
Fossa, posterior 93
Fragile X syndrome 199
Fresh frozen plasma 107, 156
Fundal incision, high transverse 108f
Fundal septate uterus 134
Funipuncture 207
Funnel, depth and width of 71
Gadolinium-based contrast agents 85
Gametes 189
Gastric sphincter tone 152
Gastroesophageal reflux 154
Gastrointestinal motility 152
Gastrointestinal system 152
Gastroschisis 221f
Genital malformations, male 53
Genital tract defects, female 139
Germinal matrix region 93
Gestation, multiple 69, 227, 229, 283, 331, 333
Gestational age 343, 346
large for 31
Gestational sac 268f
Glass body mode 218, 219f
Glomerular filtration rate 155
Glucocorticoid receptors 117
6-phosphate dehydrogenas 4
tolerance 40
Gonadotropin 54
releasing hormone 158
Graft-versus host disease 10
Gram stain 277
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 189
Granulosa cells 190
Great obstetrical syndrome 281
Growth restriction 178
intervention trial 345
Haemophilus influenzae 4, 5
Hand movement, isolated 171, 179, 180
Hand to face movement 171, 179, 180
anteflexion, isolated 170, 180
circumference 179, 339
anteflexion of 165
retroflexion of 165
rotation of 165
block, complete 295
coronary 31
cyanotic 149
ischemic 27, 28
structural 150
valvular 150
failure 159
rate 149
low sustained 293
normal 288
Hematocolpos 140
Hematologic crises 3
Hematologic system 156
Hematosalpinx 140
equator 244
monitoring capabilities 107
particular 299
S 7
structure, normal 2
Hemolysis 11
Hemorrhage 331
antepartum 2
delayed 111
intracranial 303
intraventricular 237f, 281, 302, 308, 342
massive obstetric 102
postpartum 5, 52
severe intraventricular 303f, 308f, 309f
side effects of 110
B 228
C 333
virus 13
Hernia, diaphragmatic 53
Heterogeneous signal intensity 104
Heterokaryotypic monozygotes 197
Heterokaryotypic twins 197
Hormonal disorder 281
Hormonal factors 205
Hormones, adipose tissue-derived 35
Human chorionic gonadotropin 110, 158
Human placental lactogen 158
Hydration, continue 9
Hydrocephalus 278
Hydrocephaly 23, 178
Hydrops, signs of 207
Hydroxycarbamide 5
Hyperinsulinemia, chronic 35
Hyperintensive interval training 191
Hyperkalemia 289
Hypertension 21, 23, 151, 299
chronic 28, 49
gestational 20
pregnancy 179
prevalence of 30
pulmonary 150
Hypertensive disorders, pregnancy- associated 54
Hypervolemia 299
Hypoechoic retroplacental space, loss of 269, 269f
Hypoglycemia 289
Hypogonadism, hypogonadotropic 11
oromandibular 226
pulmonary 278
unilateral 126
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 292
Hypotension 149
Hypothyroidism 13
Hypoxia 289
cerebral impairment 306
lesions 308
Hysterectomy 102, 109f, 263, 331
Hysterosalpingography 129, 130f, 131f, 133f
Hysteroscopic septum resection 135
Hysteroscopy 123, 267
Hysterotomy 109f, 111f, 151, 267
incision, closure of 112f
Iliac artery ligation, internal 109, 110f
Iliac balloon catheterization
internal 106f
preoperative internal 111f
Immunologic system 157
In vitro fertilization 102, 298
Indomethacin 74
Induction 22
Infection 2, 5, 7, 10, 93, 106, 282, 289
intra-amniotic 278, 279
maternal 120
postpartum 140
Infestation 5
Inflammation 281, 282
Inflammatory cytokines 20
Insulin 20, 36
like growth factor 189
Intensive care unit 144, 263
Internal iliac artery, balloon in 106f
International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetricians 80
Intertwin membrane
folding 210
microseptostomy 300
Interventricular septum 287
movements of 287f
Intra-amniotic pressure 255
Intracranial structure 235
three-dimensional multiplanar imaging of 235f
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 11
Intrapartum care 14
Intraplacental lacunae 269, 269f
Intrauterine adhesive bridges 138f
Intrauterine balloon 110f
tamponade 109
Intrauterine fetal death, increased risk of 5
Intrauterine growth
intervention trial, disproportionate 345
restriction 53, 172, 178, 338
increased risk of 5
retardation 86, 123, 187, 338, 340t, 341f, 343t
early 338, 340f
early-late 338, 339
late 338, 339, 341
management of 346f
Intrauterine infection 281
Intrauterine insemination 54
Intrauterine packing 110f
Intrauterine pregnancy 267
normal 268f
Intubation 331
Invasive placentation, abnormally 331, 334
Iodine 32
Ionizing radiation 85, 89
Jaw movements 165
Jervell syndrome 294
injury, acute 155
multicystic 222f
Krebs cycle 3
Kurjak's antenatal neurodevelopmental test 164, 166, 167, 168f, 169t, 170f, 170t, 171, 173f, 305
application of 174t
complete 172
normal 171
score 153, 172f, 180f
abnormal 172f
interpretation 306t
system 171t
special application of 173f
Labor 7, 277
arrest disorders 335
induction of 7, 346
management of 8
preterm 70, 123, 281
symptoms 159
Lambda sign 202f, 203f, 253
Laparoscopy 123, 128f, 130f, 132, 133f, 267
technique 245
therapy, accuracy of 247
Leg movement, isolated 171, 179
Leiomyoma 50
submucous 102
Leptin 11, 35
Leukemia 90
childhood 35
Leukomalacia, periventricular 308
Limb defects 53
Limp reduction anomalies 23
Lipids 20, 40
Lipoprotein 152
high-density 31, 32, 152
low-density 31
Liver function tests 8
Lower uterine segment, underdevelopment of 64
Lumbar spine radiography 86
Lung cancer 90
Lymphoma 90
Macrosomia 22, 24, 50
Magnesium administration 159
Magnetic resonance 264
imaging 85, 96, 97f, 102, 104, 105, 105f, 128, 132f, 147, 153, 217, 254, 269, 302
procedure 85
role of 96
Malaria 5
parasite 8
prophylaxis 4
congenital 51, 53, 54
major 199
Malnutrition 291
Mammography 86
Maternal fetal medicine 26, 334
Maternal mortality
increased risk of 5
rate 52
Maternal obesity 20
Maternal placental
disease 28
syndrome 28
Maternal tumors, metastasis of 90
Mayer-Rokitanski-Kuster-Hauser syndrome 125, 128f
Melanoma, malignant 90
Meningocele 221f
Menstrual period, last 21, 281
Mental disease 37
Metabolic syndrome 51
Metalloprotease-12 188
Methergine 144
Methotrexate 110f
systemic 267
Metoprolol 292
Microbiota, maternal 38
Microcephalia 86
Microcephaly 308
Microseptostomy 300
Miscarriage 27, 130, 144, 187
Mole hydatidiform 252
Molecular weight heparin, low 346
Monoamniotic twin pregnancies 257
Monochorionic diamniotic 197
twin, uncomplicated 252
Monochorionic monoamniotic 197
gestation 201
Monochorionic placentation 202f
Monochorionic pregnancies 204, 254, 299
Monochorionic twin 204, 209f
pregnancies 299
management of 252
Monochorionicity 194
Monozygosity phenomenon 195
Monozygotic 194, 197
female 198
twins 200
Moro's reflex 167, 305
Mortality 70, 106, 205
Motor skills 211
movements 172, 179, 180
opening 169f
Müllerian anomalies 124
congenital 123
Müllerian ducts 124, 124f, 134
failure of fusion of 126, 130
fusion of 126
Müllerian hypoplasia, segmental 126
Multifetal gestation 24
Multifetal monochorionic pregnancies, high-order 258
Multifetal pregnancy 21
Multiplanar mode 217, 218, 220
Multisystem organ failure 149
Muscle mass, diminished 124
Myelination 163
Myocardial contusion 150
Myocardial infarction 150
Myocardial iron 14
Myocarditis 150
Myomas 139
Myomectomy 331
previous 102
Myometrial thickness 268f
Myometrium 268f
Nausea 89, 152
Neisseria meningitidis 4
Neonatal death 312, 342
Neonatal intensive care unit 276
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis 85
Neural tube defects 23
Neurodevelopmental disorders, diagnoses of 181
Neurologic disorders 54
Neurologic system 145
Neurological thumb 167
Neuronal migration 163
disorder 241
Neuronal proliferation 163
Neuro-sonoembryology 240
Nicotine 289
Nitrates 150
Nitric oxide 21
Noncommunicable disease 26, 27f
preexisting 282
Nonimmune hydrops 178
Noninvasive prenatal test 202
Nonselective technique 243
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 8
Normal cervix, ultrasound of 66f
Nuchal translucency 203, 203f, 208, 209f, 218, 219f, 253
thickness 208
Nuclear immaturity 190
Nuclear medicine 85
Nucleoside 292
Nutrients 23
Obesity 19, 35, 53
childhood 23
complications of 22
management of 23
maternal complications of 20
postpartum complications of 23
care 89
code blue 150
critical care in 143, 145
emergencies 334
forceps 144
intensive care unit 144
medications 144
vacuum 144
Oligohydramnios 178, 206
sequence 206
Oligopolyhydramnios sequence 302
Oliguria 149
Omentum 140
Omphalocele 220, 221f
exstrophy-imperforate anus-spinal defects syndrome 200
Oocyte 190
maturation 11
Oogenesis 189, 190
Opioids 147
Organ system 145
Osteogenesis imperfecta 223f
Ostia, accessory 140
Ovarian anomalies 140
Ovarian stimulation, controlled 54
Ovaries 128f
Oxidative stress 21
delivery of 149
partial pressure of 145
Oxygenation, cycles of 3
Oxytocin 144
Pain 7
abdominal 154
agitation-delirium 145, 146
Pancreatic β cell function 51
Pap smear 283
Paralysis 152
Paralytics 147
Parvovirus 3
Peak systolic velocity 302
Pelvic pain 123
Pelvic surgery 140
Pelvis 85, 140
Penicillin prophylaxis 5
Percreta 100
Pericerebral spaces 93, 94
Perinatal complications 53
Perinatal morbidity 205
Perinatal mortality 54
Perinatal outcomes 128, 130, 132, 133, 137
Perinatal transmission 332f
Periodontal disease 62
Peripheral arterial access 107
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells 189
Peripheral intravenous line 153
Phagocytic cells 3
Pharmacokinetics 88
Phenotypic discordance 199
Placenta 123, 205
accreta 100, 100f, 101f, 331
index 105
etiopathogenesis of 112f
grades of 101f
posterior 105, 105f
risk of 263
excision of 111f
fetal surface of 246f
increta 100
lacunae, irregular-shaped 102, 103f
location 229
non-separation of 109f
percreta 100
invading bladder 107f
position of 231, 279
previa 69, 102, 264t, 266, 268, 269f, 331
risk of 263
Placental abruption 51, 151, 179, 278
risk of 264
Placental accretism 266, 269
Placental complications 53
Placental growth 188
Placental insufficiency, mild 345, 346
Placental mosaicism 228
confined 228
Placental nonseparation 334
Placental thickness 268
Placental transfer 338
Placental ultrasound mapping 107f
Placental vascular anastomoses
ablation of 246
identification of 242
role of 248t
Placental vascular flow 270
Placentas, color of 207
Plasma protein, pregnancy-associated 33, 187, 226
Platelet 107, 156
rich plasma 189
volume, mean 278
Pneumonitis, aspiration 331
Pneumothorax 144, 150
Polycystic ovary 32
syndrome 19, 189
Polyhydramnios 51, 179, 299, 300
oligohydramnios sequence 252
Polyps 139
Polyuria 299
Porencephalic cyst 308, 310f
Positron emission tomography 85
Posthemorrhagic ventriculomegaly blood 96f
Post-term birth 24
Post-term pregnancy 21
Post-traumatic stress disorders 52
Postzygotic mutation 200
Power Doppler, three-dimensional 103
Preeclampsia 7, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 32, 49, 50, 147, 178, 179, 180, 187, 331, 334
increase risk of 5
Pregnancy 11, 32
anaphylactoid reaction of 150, 151
carcinoma in 84
cholestasis of 53
critical care in 143
diseases 26
disease of 31, 282
disorders of 32
loss and stillbirth, early 20
management 289, 290, 293295
metabolic disorders in 51
multiple 282
obesity in 19
spontaneous 54
anemia of 281
retinopathy of 281
Prepregnancy weight management 23
Preterm birth, spontaneous 21, 26, 29, 61
Preterm pregnancies, model for 271
Progesterone 73
micronized 74
Proinsulin 36
Propafenone 292
Propofol-related infusion syndrome 146
Propranolol 292
Propylthiouracil 159
Prosencephalic cleavage 163
abnormal 2
antiangiogenic 188
Pseudounicornuate uterus 129
Puerperal infection, major 331
Pulmonary artery, pulsed Doppler of 288f
Pulsatility index 339341, 343, 346
Pulse oximetry, continuous 151
Pulsed Doppler echocardiography 287
Purkinje network 288
Pyelography, intravenous 86
Pyrimethamine 7
QT syndrome, long 294
Rachischisis, partial 221f
Radiography, abdominal 86
Radius aplasia 223f
Randomized controlled studies 116, 118t
Recurrent pregnancy loss 123
Red blood cells
damaged 11
packed 156
Re-entry supraventricular tachycardia 290f
Reflux disease 152
Renal agenesis, ipsilateral 131
Renal artery 287
Renal disease, chronic 53
Renal dysfunctions 301
Renal failure 102
Renal system 155
Renal unilateral agenesis 131f
Renin angiotensin
aldosterone system 146
system 205
Reproductive disorder 195
Reproductive tract anomalies, diethylstilbestrol-induced 137
Respiratory distress syndrome 72, 119, 281, 342
acute 144, 146, 152
adult 102
Retrognathia 219
Retroperitoneum 140
Retroplacental hypoechoic space, loss of 103f
Reversed end-diastolic
flow index 346
velocity 340, 346
Rhabdomyomas 288
Rhesus alloimmunization 179
Romano-Ward syndrome 294
Round ligament pain 154
Routine blood tests 106
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass 23
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 342
Rupture of membranes 159
premature 275, 334
preterm 85, 123
premature 54, 69, 178, 179, 187, 275, 276
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 173f
Scar pregnancy 267f
Scoliosis, severe 221f
Sectio parva 242
Selective intrauterine growth
restriction 252, 300
retardation 256
Selenium 32
Sepsis 151
Septal anomalies 23
Septate uterus 134, 134f, 136f
asymmetric 134, 134f
complete 134
hysteroscopic treatment of 136f
Septic shock states 144
complete 136f
partial 136f
Sequential organ failure assessment 157
Serosa-bladder interface, hypervascularity of 103f
Serotonin 38
Sexually transmitted infections, history of 275
Shock syndromes 150
Short cervix 69
diagnosis of 67
Sickle cell
crises 3
disease 1, 2, 6, 8
complications of 5
pathophysiology of 3
Sildenafil citrate 188
Single-nucleotide polymorphism 199
high risk 75
low risk 74
pregnancy 75
Sinoatrial node 288
Sinus 289
bradycardia 293
new-onset 294
node dysfunction 294
rhythm 288, 288f
Sjögren syndrome 295
Skeletal deformities 11
Skeletal dysplasia 178
Skin incision 106, 107
midline 112f
vertical 107f
Sleep apnea, severe 23
Small for gestational age 31, 50, 89, 338
Smelly vaginal discharge 277
Smith model 271
Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 69
Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons 155
Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada 342
Solitary fallopian tube 131
Solomon technique 244, 246, 246t
Solomonization 255
Sonographic lower uterine segment thickness 272
Sonography, transabdominal 62
Sonohysterography 123
Sotalol 292
Spatio-temporal image correlation 218
Spermatogenesis 189, 190
Spina bifida 23, 53, 222f
Spinal dysraphism 95f
Spine, sacral part of 221f
Starling's law 290
Sterile speculum examination 154
Sternum, lower one-half of 151
Steroids 159
repeated administration of 116
Stillbirth 24, 50, 53, 187, 342
rates 55
risk of 55f
Stomach emptying 152
Streptococci, group B 153
Streptococcus pneumoniae 4
Stroke volume 149
Substance abuse 283
Sudden infant death syndrome 35
Sulfadoxine 7
Superior vena cava 287, 288f
Suprapineal recess, dilatation of 95f
Surgery 108
Swine flu 5
Symmetric-asymmetric intrauterine growth retardation 339
Syndactyly 53
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 146
Systemic lupus erythematous 37, 53, 295f
Tachycardia 149, 289
supraventricular 289, 290f, 291, 291f
ventricular 289
Tachypnea 291
T-cells 157
Tear drop 94
appearance 95f
Tetralogy of Fallot 221f
Thalami 93
Thalassemia 1, 10, 13
Thermal ablation 102
Thrombocytopenia 178, 231
Thromboembolism 9, 102
increase risk of 5
venous 23, 156, 157f
Thrombophilia 178
Thromboprophylaxis 13, 23
Thrombosis 106
Thrombotic embolism, venous 28
disorders 53
stimulating hormone 87
Thyrotoxicosis 289
Thyroxine 158
Tissue hypoxia 3
T-lymphocytes 189
Tocolysis 154, 159, 277
Tomographic ultrasound imaging 218, 220, 304
Tongue expulsion 172
Total serum cholesterol 27
Toxemia, preeclamptic 178
Toxoplasmosis 96
Transabdominal peritoneal block 146
Transfontanelle ultrasound scans 308
Transfusion syndrome 205, 207
Transient sinus bradycardia 294
Transperineal ultrasound 63
Transvaginal sonography 62
Transvaginal three-dimensional neuroscan 235, 235f
Transvaginal ultrasound 63, 64, 68
Transverse B-lynch sutures 109, 110f
Trastuzumab 89
Tricuspid valve, pulsed Doppler of 287f
Triglycerides 27
Triiodothyronine 158
Trophoblastic disease, previous 102
Trophoblastic villi 100
Tryptophan 38
T-sign 202f
Tuberculosis 140
Turner's syndrome 198
sequence 208, 252, 256, 299
syndrome 248, 248t
conjoined 197, 253, 258
dizygotic 21
oligohydramnios polyhydramnios sequence 255
pregnancies, outcome of 302
reversed arterial perfusion 253, 259
sequence 252
to-twin transfusion syndrome 197, 204, 209f, 242, 246t, 249, 253, 299, 303f, 308f
etiology of 248t
laser treatment of 242
prediction of 208
to-twin, diagnosis of 205
Tyrosine kinase inhibitors 89
Ultrasound 102, 128f
examination 110, 283
transabdominal 62
Umbilical cord, fetoscopic coagulation of 300
Unicornuate uterus 126, 129, 129f, 130f
Urea 8
Ureteric stenting 106
Urinary bladder 103f
Urinary tract infection 154, 275
Urine β-human chorionic gonadotropin 153
agenesis 125
anomalies 102, 124, 283
classification of 126f, 126t
congenital 123
artery 343, 346
Doppler 188, 340, 341
embolization 102, 267
ligation 109, 110f
blood flow
abnormal 124
diminished 124
bulging 104
cavity 70f
cervix 62, 67f, 131
evaluation of 62
communications 135
congenital anomalies 62
contractions 64
curettage 102
defects, acquired 137
factors 62
growths 50
hypoplasia 125
incision 106, 108, 271
high transverse 112f
midline 108f
interface hypervascularity 270f
ischemia 281
malformations, classification of 127f
over distension 281
rupture 265f, 266, 270, 271t
prediction of 272
prior 271, 331
risk of 264
serosa 270
sparing 108
Utero-placental perfusion 255
Uterotonics 110, 144
Uterus 106f
didelphys 126, 130
distension of 275
embryology of 125f
longitudinal view of 266f
round ligaments of 128f
T-shaped 137, 138f
ultrasound plane of 267f
Vagina, embryology of 125f
Vaginal birth 331, 332
after cesarean 264
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy 275
Vaginal delivery 266
kit 144
prior 271
Vaginal discharge 283
Vaginal progesterone 75
Vaginal swabs 154
Vasa previa 331
Vascular anastomoses 205, 243
Vascular dissection 144, 150
Vascular endothelial growth factor 89, 188
Vascular surgeon 106
Vaso-occlusive crises 3, 9
Vecuronium 152
Vein of Galen 240f
aneurysmal malformation 240f
Ventricles, bilateral enlarged 238f
Ventricular cavity motion 286
Ventricular mass, left 30
Verapamil 292
Visceral fat 40
Vitamin 32, 36
Vomiting 152
Waist circumference 31
Weight gain 210
Wharton's jelly cell 90
Whipstitch incision 109f
Wolfe-Parkinson-White syndrome 290
Wolffian ducts 124f
World Health Organization 53
X-ray 85
Yawning 166, 169f
Zika virus 96
Zinc 32
Zona pellucida assisted binary fission theory 196
Zygosity testing, limits of 200
Chapter Notes

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