Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates:Community Medicine (PSM) Vivek Jain
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure.
Abdominal distension 231, 450
and tenderness 121
Abdominal pain, lower 157
Abortions 106
Accidents 188, 387
occupational 446
Accredited Social Health Activist 228
payments 230
responsibilities of 228
selection criteria of 228
work, evaluation of 229
worker 423
fast bacilli 197
rain 365
mild 275
moderate 275
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 15, 156, 158, 159, 299, 493
age and sex distribution of 160
Acquiring active immunity, mode of 43
Acute flaccid paralysis 208
surveillance 208
Acyanotic heart disease 176
Adenomyosis 275
Adolescent health 312
clinics 312
problems 312
Adolescent, normal 540
Advanced maternal age 295
Aedes 375f
adult mosquito 528
aegypti 166
albopictus 166
mosquito 374
African horse sickness 129
Age specific death rates 78
Agglutination test, microscopic 148
Air 363
expansion, manifestations of 450
Air pollutant
indoor 364
types of 364
Air pollution 364, 385
chemical indicators of 365
control measures 365
educational measures 365
engineering measures 365
indicators of 365
international measures 365
legislative measures 365
natural measures 365
prevention 365
sources of indoor 364
Air ventilation 363
Airborne 96
Airborne infections 103
Airway disease, reactive 232
Albendazole 124, 125
consumption 176
use 496
Alcoholism 295, 385, 387
Aldehyde test of Napier 140
bile salt agar 120
peptone water 120
Allethrin 134
Allopurinol 141
Aluminium phosphate 51
Alzheimer's disease 491
Amenorrhea 276
method, lactation 269
American College of Cardiology 177
American Heart Association 177
Amikacin 115, 203
Amino acid
essential 327
limiting 327
score 326
digestible indispensable 326
Amoebiasis 93, 128, 376
Amoebic dysentery 93, 361
Amoxicillin 121, 203, 212
Amphixenosis 142
Amphotericin B 141
Ampicillin 121, 212
therapy 122
Anal warts 156
Analytical epidemiology, cohort study 80, 82
Anaphylaxis 58
Ancylostoma duodenale 124
Ancylostomiasis 93, 124
Anemia 14, 231
cut-off for diagnosis of 335
in pregnancy 292, 540
prevalence 238
related to menstruation 275
Anemia mukt Bharat 211, 238, 238f, 239
anemia reduction targets for 2022 238
beneficiaries 238
Anganwadi worker 420, 423
Angina pectoris 174
Aniline dyes 186
anatomical waste 437
attacks 496
foods 6
research 90
reservoir 94
Annapurna scheme 396
Anomalies, congenital 299
Anopheles 375f
adult mosquito 528
larvae 528
mosquito 129, 374
female 130
ANOVA test 488
Antara 281f, 286
program 277, 284
Antenatal clinic 159, 497
Antenatal visit 290
Anthracosis 447
Anthrax 94, 142, 148, 471
types of 149
Anthropology 386
Anthropometric classification 329
Anti-adult measures 378
genetic control 378
residual sprays 378
space sprays 378
Antibiotics, broad spectrum 109
Antibody 72, 121, 126
Anticonvulsants 210
Anti-larval measures 378
Antiseptics 439
Anti-social activities 384
Antitoxin dose 110
Antitubercular drugs 202
dosages of 202
new 204
Antiviral therapy 108
Anxiety disorders 390
Aorta, coarctation of 176
Aortic incompetence, congenital 176
Aortic stenosis, congenital 176
Apnea 231
Apoplexy 193
Arachidonic acid 332
diseases 97
infections 129
Arrest personality development 386
Arsenic 449
poisoning 100
trioxide 376
Arsine 445
Arteether 133
Artemether 132, 133
Artesunate 132, 133
Arthralgia 58, 137
borne diseases 374
biological transmission of 374
control, general principles of 377
Asbestos 186, 187, 449
Asbestosis 447
Ascariasis 124
Ascites 137
Asphyxia 299
Asphyxiants 445
Aspirin therapy 108
Assisted reproductive technology 285
Asthma 491
Atrial septal defect 176
Attack rate 95
of mumps, secondary 106
secondary 95
Audiovisual aids 407
Auditory aids 407
Australia antigen 126
Australian Agency for International Development 469
Autism 232
Autoclave 439f
sea water 120
Avian influenza 99, 107
cause of 106
Ayndromic approach, syndromes in 157
Ayurveda System of Medicine 19
AYUSH 21, 21f
Ayushman Bharat 237f
Program 237
Azithromycin 120, 150
Bacillary dysentery 93, 361
Bacille Calmette Guerin 46
osteitis 58
vaccine 46, 46f, 116, 524
Bacillus anthracis 148
Bacillus thuringiensis 377, 379
Bacteria 377
Bacterial diseases 361, 493
Bacterial infection 321
invasive secondary 108
severe 160, 161
Bacterial toxins 321
Bacteriological water quality, tests of 359
Bagassosis 447, 448
Bajaj committee 427
Balanced diet 324
composition of 324
preparation of 324
Balwadi Nutrition Program 322
Bancroftian filariasis 135
Bar diagram 479, 479f
Barium carbonate 376
Barodontalgia 450
Barosinusitis 450
Barotitis 450
Barrier methods 270
contraceptive 157
Bartonella quintana 146
Basal body temperature method 269, 269f
Basophilic stippling 448f
Battered baby syndrome 315, 386
B-complex deficiencies 339
Bedaquiline 203, 204
Bed-nets, isolation under 138
Beef tapeworm 94
Behavior change communication 410
objectives of 410
principles of 411
stages of 411
Behavioral disorders 232, 446
Behavioral problems 386
Beijing strain 139
Below poverty line 395
families 244
Bemonc components 210
benzylpenicillin 193
penicillin G 164
Benzene 449
Benzidine 449
Berkesonian bias 86
Berylliosis 447
Beryllium 449
Betacoronavirus 166
BG Prasad scale 394
for socioeconomic status, modified 4
Bhopal gas tragedy 98
Bhore committee 425
Billing's method 269
Bio-fortification 340
Biological hazards 446
Biological processes 440
incineration 440
inertization 440
screw-feed technology 440
Biological value 326
Biomedical waste 437
composition 437
disposal 530
hazards 438
treatment modalities 438
types of 437
Biomedical waste management 437, 438, 521, 530
black bag 530
blue bag 530
guidelines 11
incinerator 530
strategies 438
yellow bag 530
Biostatistics 476
Biotechnology 437
Bioterrorism 471
agents 471
Bird Fancier's lung 447
Bird flu 106
and death registration act 262
control 266
defects 295
height 307
length 307
rate 253, 254, 503
registration 259
weight 306
average 306
wound, contamination of 140
Bitot's spots 231, 333f, 334, 548
Black fly 374
Black sickness 226
Bladder cancer 186
Bladder dysfunction 208
Bleeding 272
disorders 68
disturbances 275
Blindness 182, 213, 215, 540
absolute 182
causes of 215
manifest 182
prevalence of 182
situation 182
trends of 182
Blister pack, color code for 132
clotting 275
culture 121
examination 118
rate, annual 131
glucose 176
group 390
lipids 176
elevated 275
tracking of 178, 179f
sample testing 158
transfusion 140
whole 138
Blueberry muffin lesions 106
Body mass index 179
Body, elements of 20
Bodyache 109
Bone pain 137
Borne disease 393
Brachial neuritis 58
Bradycardia, relative 121
Brain, toxoplasmosis of 160
Break-bone fever 137
Breast 186
cancer 186, 275, 276
disorders, benign 275
milk 305
self-examination 66f
tenderness 275
Breastfeeding 162, 305
advantages of 306
good attachment in 306
Breath, shortness of 109
Breathlessness 109
Breteau index 142
Brickmaker's anaemia 124
Brill-Zinsser disease 93, 147
Broca index 180
Brucella abortus 148
Brucella canis 148
Brucella melitensis 148
Brucella suis 148
Brucellosis 148
Brugia malayi 135
Brugia timori 135
Brugian filariasis 135
Bubonic plague 145
Bull neck diphtheria 109f
Bunyavirus 165
Byssinosis 447
Cadmium 340, 449
Caisson's disease 450, 450f
Calcivirus 125
Calculation formula 61
Calendar method 269f
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis 156
Campylobacter 156
burden, total 185
epidemiology 186
and prevention of 185
incidence of 186
occupational 446
prevalence and mortality of 186
prevention of 187
problem statement of 185
Candida albicans 156
Candidiasis 275
recurrent 161
Capreomycin 115, 203
Carbamate insecticides 379
Carbohydrates 324
dioxide 445
monoxide 445
Carcinogenesis 275
cervix 187
occupational 449
radiation-induced 26
Cardiac abnormalities 276
Cardiac disease, chronic 108
Cardiac failure 174
Cardiopulmonary insufficiency 108
Cardiovascular effects 275
Casal's necklace 334f
Case control study 61, 80, 83, 84
design 82f
steps of 83
Case detection and prompt treatment, early 224
Case fatality rate 76, 78, 95, 507
Case reference study 82
Caste system 385
Casteism 385
Cataract 106, 182, 183, 491, 540
blindness control project 215
congenital 231
developmental 540
Ceftriaxone 121, 212
Cell culture vaccines 144
Cell mediated immunity, tests of 153
Census 15, 260
of India 260f
Centchroman 268, 276, 277
contraindications of 276
uses of 276
Central Birth and Death Registration Act 245
Central corneal opacity 183
Central cyanosis 231
Central tendency, measures of 481
Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 469
Cephalosporins 121
Cerebral thrombosis 275
Cerebrospinal fever 111
Cerebrospinal fluid examination 118
cancer 186, 275
mucus method 269, 269f
Cervix-uteri 186
Cesarean section 162
Chadha committee 426
Chagas disease 376
Chancroid 156
Chandler's index 124
Chemical agents 186
Chemical composition 320
Chemical control 377
Chemical hazards 445, 446
Chemical liquid waste 437
Chemical oxygen demand 370
Chemical poisons 321
Chemical processes 439
Chemical waste 437
reactive 530
Chemoprophylaxis 133, 146, 493
guidelines for 115
Chemotherapy 123, 493
Chest pain 109
Chhaya 282, 282f, 286
program 277, 284
Chi square test 488f
Chicken pox vaccine, live attenuated 104
Chickenpox 95, 98, 103
rash 104, 104f
Chikungunya 129
fever 128, 136, 221
Child abuse 385
Child birth priority interventions 211
Child death rate 300, 301
causes of 300
statistics 300
Child development services
growth chart, integrated 309f
integrated 314, 322
Child guidance clinic 302
modes of function of 302
staff of 302
Child health 212
components 230
Child labor 304
causative factors 304
control 304
prevention 304
Child mortality 27
rate 299, 301
Child sex ratio 256, 261
Child survival
index 301
rate 301
Child transmission
guidelines, revised prevention of parent to 163
prevention of parent to 163f
blindness 183
tuberculosis 55
Children's nutritional status 14
Chi-square test 488
Chlamydia trachomatis 149, 156
Chlamydial urethritis 157
Chloride 122
of water, tests for 358
phases of 357f
Chlorinator 358
Chlorine 445
Chloronome 358
Chloroquine 131, 212
Chloroscope 358, 529
Cholecystectomy 122
Cholera 93, 98, 119, 360, 540
control, guidelines for 120
laboratory diagnosis of 120
Cholestatic jaundice 275
Chordopoxvirinae 103
Chromium 340, 449
Chromosomal translocations 377, 378
Chronic manifestations, prevalence of 136
Chyluria 136
Ciprofloxacin 123, 149
Citrate 122
Citronella oil 134
Civil registration system 259, 262
Clavulanate 203
Cleft lip 231
Cleft palate 231
Clindamycin 133
Clinical thermometer 528
Clofazimine 155, 203, 235
Cloning 285
Clonorchis sinesis 97
Clostridium tetani 150
Cluster random sampling 485, 486f
Coal-tar disinfectants 461
Cobalamin 333
Cobalt 341
Coccidioidomycosis 94
Coelomomyces 377
Cohort fertility rate, total 258
Cohort study 61, 80, 84
design 80f
steps of 80
types of 80
Coitus interruptus 268, 269
Cold chain 59
components 59
maintenance 61
reverse 209
temperature of vaccines 59
Cold stress 231
Colon 186
cancer 187
Colorectal cancer 186
Colorectum 186
Colostrum 306
Coma 231
Combat micronutrient deficiency 339
Combination therapy
artemether based 132
artemisin based 132
Combination vaccines 45
Combined oral contraceptive pills, beneficial effects of 275
Communalism 385
Communicable diseases, epidemiology of 103
advantages of two way 402
channels of 401
methods of 403
one-way 402
process 401, 401f
components of 401
steps in behavior change 411f
strategy 210
two way 402
types of 402, 403
channels of 401
Community development 428
program 429
Community diagnosis 494, 533
steps in 494
Community health
centre 418, 418f
worker 10
Community medicine 39
Community needs assessment approach 210, 280
Community participation 415
supportive mechanisms for 415
types of 415
Composting 368, 369f
types of 369
Concurrent disinfection 461
Condoms 270
female 268, 270, 270f
male 266, 268, 270, 270f
Conference 406, 406f
features of 406
Congenital disorders 295
causes of 295
diagnosis of 295
incidence of 295
prevention of 295
Congenital malformation, major 231
Conjunctival scarring 149
Consanguineous marriages 386
Consumer Protection Act 247
Consumption units 5, 325
terms of 5
Continuing, risk of 175
Contraception 266, 518, 527
coitus-dependent 266
coitus-independent 266
conventional 266
female condom 528
intraception/emergency 266
intrauterine device 527
mala D 527
male condom 527
post-coital 266
Contraceptive 266, 284, 285
cafeteria approach for 285
efficacy 267
failure 267
gather approach for 285
home delivery of 281
injectable 277
method 268, 284, 503
newer 283
patch 284
pills 286
prevalence rate 13
type of 274
Contraceptive patch 284f
Control confounding, methods to 86
Convalescent carriers 93
Convenience non-random sampling 486f
Convulsions 109, 231
Convulsive disorders 232
Cooked foods 6
bakery and sweets 7
cereal preparations 6
fried snacks 7
non-vegetarian preparations 7
pulses preparations 6
vegetable preparations 7
Copper 233, 340
intrauterine devices 272
Copper-T complications 540
Coproporphyrin in urine 68
blindness 183
opacity 182
ulcer 334
xerosis 334
Corona virus 166
Coronary heart disease 174, 390, 540
prevention of 175
Corpulence index 180
Corpus uteri 186
Corticosteroid therapy 493
Cost analysis techniques 430
Cost benefit analysis 430
Cost effectiveness analysis 430
Cough 107
Counseling 408f
and testing centre, integrated 218
elements of 408
Couple protection rate 258, 268, 509
effective 268, 509
Cow's milk 342
Coxiella burnetii 146, 147
C-reactive protein 192
Crimean congo fever 165, 167
Cross-sectional study 84
design 85f
Crude birth 505
rate 13, 253, 254, 511f
Crude death rate 13, 77, 254, 505, 511f
Cryptococcosis 160
Cryptosporiodiosis 160
Cryptozoites 130
Culex 375f
adult mosquito 528
gelidus 138
mosquito 374
quinquefasciatus 135
tritaeniorWhynchus 138
vishnuii 138
Cumulative frequency diagram 478, 478f
Cut 200 272
Cut 380 A 272, 286
Cutaneous anthrax 149
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 140, 226
Cyanosis 109
Cyanotic heart disease 176
Cyclops 374
Cycloserine 203
Cyclozoonosis 142
Cyfluthrin 134
Cysticercosis 125
Cytologic albumin dissociation 208
Cytomegalovirus 160
Cytoplasmic incompatibility 377, 378
Cytotoxic waste 530
Daily treatment regimens 203
Dapsone 155
Data and data presentation 476
Data collection systems 259
Deafness, congenital 231
Death certificate 472
Death rate 253, 254
specific 78
standardization of 77
types of standardized 77
Death registration 259
Decadal growth rate 254
Decompression sickness 450
Deficiency, micronutrient 339, 497
Deforestation 385
Dehydration, severe 108
Delamanid 205
Delivery, mode of 61
Delphi method 407, 407f
Deltamethrin 134
Dementia 334
Demographic cycle 252
stages of 253f
Demographic gap 253
Demographic processes 252
Demographic sample survey 259
Demographic transition 253, 253f
model 264
Demography 252
and fertility indicators 13
and population dynamics 252
basic concepts in 252
types of 252
Demonstration 404, 404f
advantages 404
method 404
utility 404
Dengue 52, 128, 129, 136, 137, 221, 361
clinical diagnosis of 137
epidemic, management of 137
fever 137
hemorrhagic fever 137
grade, management of 138
management of 138
notification 138
Prevention and Control, global Strategy for 138
shock syndrome 137
virus 137
isolation 137
Dengvaxia vaccine 52, 52f
Dental caries, prevention of 492
Dental conditions 232
Dependency ratio 256
Depot formulation 276, 277
Depot medroxy progesterone acetate 276
injectable contraceptive 276f
Depression 275, 387, 491
Dermal leishmaniasis 226, 540
Dermatitis 334
occupational 449
prevention of occupational 449
Descriptive epidemiology, uses of 80
Desogestrel 274
Dexamethasone 212
Dhanvantari 19f
Dhori 129
history of 176
mellitus 68, 184, 185, 276, 390, 540
Diabetic retinopathy 182, 183
Dial thermometer 60, 60f, 525
Diaphragm 268, 271, 271f
Diarrhea 107, 109, 160, 299, 334
amount of 123
chronic 160
control measures 123
severe 108
treatment solution 123
unexplained chronic 160, 161
Diarrheal infections 117
Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane 226, 379
Dicrotic pulse 121
Didactic communication 402
proximate principles of 324
survey methods 347
Dietary allowance, recommended 324
Dietary diversification 340
Dietary fibre 341
Dietary goals 174
Dietary history 536, 543
Dietary intake assessment 347
Dietetics 320
components of 320
Diethylcarbamazine 136
Dimension index 39
Diphtheria 44, 53, 55, 93, 109
antitoxin, treatment with 110
bacilli 110f
pertussis and tetanus 51
toxoid 51
type of 110
Dipstick test 224
Direct agglutination test 141, 227
Directly observed treatment short course 198f, 206f, 549
chemotherapy 198
providers, incentives for 244
regimes, daily self-administered non 205
adjusted life years 37
free life expectancy 37
indicators 37
services for prevention of 154
Disaster 441
cycle 443f
cycle and management, stages of 442
features of 442
impact and response 442
management 441443
preparedness 443
types of 442
Disease 14
associated with rodents 376
biological transmission of 97
carriers of 93
control 33, 34
cycle 30
elimination 33, 34
eradication 33, 34
host of 94
incidence of 113, 197
multifactorial causation of 28
notification of 36
prevalence of 197
progressive 108
reservoir of 93
screening of 64
severe 112
source of 93
time distribution of 30
Disease causation
in sociology, theories of 387
theories of 28
Disease concept
natural history of 29, 29f
prevention of 29f
Disease prevention and control 183
concepts in 32
Disease surveillance 34f
project, integrated 419
Disease transmission 92
types of 96
Disinfectants 460
Disinfection 460, 462
types of 460
Dislocation of hip, congenital 69
Dispersion, measures of 481
Disposable syringe 524
Distributions of data, measures of 476
District Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission 247
District Health Care Administration 414
District Health System, functioning of 414
District Level Household Survey 259, 260
District Primary Education Programme 257
Doctor population ratio 421f
Domestic accidents 190
Donovanosis 156
Dot diagram 479f
Down's syndrome 231
Doxycycline 120, 123, 133, 149
DPT 57
vaccine 51, 51f, 110, 523
Dracunculiasis 123, 361
Dracunculus medinensis 94
Drinking water quality 358, 359
Droplet infection 96, 153
Drought Area Development Program 396
Drowning 190
Drowsiness 109
Drug 295, 397
abuse 387, 397, 456
addiction 397, 456
combinations, fixed 202
deaddiction centers 458
dependence 397, 456
distribution centers 223
resistance 115
resistant malaria 134
resistant tuberculosis
diagnosis of 201
groups of drugs for 203
sensitivity testing 199
susceptibility testing 202
use disorders 456
use, epidemiological determinants of 457
Dry bulb thermometer 528
Dry weather flow 369
Dual record system 262
drainage 121
ulcer 390
Dysentery 93, 360
Dysmenorrhea 275
Eating disorders 390
Eating places, hygiene of 321
Ebola virus 166f
disease 166, 167
Echhymoses 137
Echinococcus 94
Ecological study 85
Economic blindness 182
Ectopic pregnancy 269, 273, 275
Edmonston zagreb strain 47
Education index, calculate 39
Egg 341, 341f
Egyptian chlorosis 124
Eicosapentaenoic acid 332
Eligible couples 268
cryopreservation of 285
transfer 285
vaccine, purified duck 144
Embryonic abnormalities 269
Emerging diseases, list of 167
Emotional wellbeing indicators 460
Emotions 388
types of 388
Emphysema 450, 491
Employees State Insurance Act 452, 452f
Encapsulation 438
Encephalitis 97, 376
Encephalopathy 58, 160, 231
progressive 161
Endemic ascites 345
Endemic curve 99, 99f
Endemic index 124
Endemic treponematosis 164
Endemic typhus 147
Endometrial cancer 275
Endometriosis 275
Energy requirements 324
Enrichment media 120
Ensuring effective discussion 404
Entamoeba histolytica 156
Enterotoxin 119
Enterovirus 125, 156
Entomology 519
Entropion 149, 150
Environment 373, 519, 528
tube well 529
Environmental control 377
Environmental degradation 385
Environmental management 224
Environmental measures 138
Environmental origin 446
Environmental sanitation 393
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 67f, 148, 227
Epidemic dropsy 345
Epidemic typhus 146, 147
recrudescent form of 147
Epidemiological studies, types of 75
Epilepsy 276
E-pill 286
Ergonomics 451
Ergotism 346
Erythema nodosum leprosum 235
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 192
Erythrocytic schizogony 130
Erythromycin 123
Esophagus 186
Essential fatty acids 331
dietary sources of 332
types of 331
Essure 283, 283f
Estrogen 274
high dose 267
Ethambutol 202, 203
Ethinyl estradiol 274, 284
Ethionamide 203
Ethylene oxide 449
Etonogestrel 284
Eugenics 453, 454
Euthenics 453, 454
Excreta disposal, methods of 370
Exhaust ventilation 363f
Exoerythrocytic schizogony 130
Exogenous 131
Exotic disease 548
Experimental studies 75
Exposures, types of 143
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis 200
care infrastructure, strengthening existing 183
seeking flies 149
Factories Act 451
Falciparum incidence, annual 131
Falciparum malaria 132
False negatives, percentage of 70
False positives, percentage of 70
Family 390
3-generation 391
and community level 533
broken 392
communal 391
complex 391
conjugal 392
consanguineal 392
cycle 391
details 544
diagnosis 539
dysfunctional 392
functions of 392
hazards 457
joint 391, 392
life cycle, phases of 391
matrifocal 392
new 392
nuclear 391, 392
problem 392
structure 390
types of 391
Family planning 266, 280
and contraception 266, 539
concepts of 266
initiatives in 281
modern concept of 266
unmet need for 267
Family presentation 533
format 534
armer's lung 447
Fasting glucose, impaired 185
Fasting plasma glucose 185
Fats 331
Fatty acids, type of 331
Febrile illness plus, acute 137
Febrile seizures 58
Fecticide, female 386
Female anopheline mosquitoes, bite of 129
Female phlebotomine sandflies, bite of 140
Feminist theory 387
Fertile period 269
Fertility 253, 258
control 300
high 386
uncontrolled 288
Fertility rate 258, 508
calculations 508
general 253, 503
period total 258
total 254, 258, 497
Fetal alcohol syndrome 295
Fetal birth defects 275
Fever 57, 107
acute onset of 137
group, spotted 146
treatment depots 223, 224
unexplained prolonged 160
Fibre diet, low 107
Fibroadenoma 275
Fibrocystic disease 275
Field's stain 224
Filaria Control Programmes, assessment of 136
Filaria detection tests 136
Filariasis 94, 128, 136, 221, 361
chemotherapy of 136
treatment of 136
Financial hazards 457
Flaccid paralysis surveillance
of acute 207
timeliness in acute 210
Flavivirus 125, 129, 138, 145
Flea 374
indices in plague 146
Flea-borne typhus 376
Fluorescence microscopy 199
Fluorescent antibody test, indirect 141
Fluorine 336, 340
Fluorocarbons 365
Fluoroquinolones 203
Fluorosis 336
Fly control measures 377
Folic acid 233, 239, 333, 335
tablet 293
Folk media 402
Fomite borne 96
Food adulteration diseases 345
prevention and control of 346
Food borne
diseases 321
infections 321
intoxications 321
Food food fortification 340
Food fortification 339, 349
Food habits 393
Food handlers hygiene 321
Food items 343
calorific values of 6, 344
fish 344
parboiling of rice 344
protein quantity of 325
pulses 343
soyabean 344
Food poisoning 98, 127
prevention and control of 128
Food Safety and Standards Act 346
Foods, classification of 320
Formolised virus, killed 47
Foucauldian theory 387
Framingham heart study 82
Frequency curve 477, 478f
Frequency polygon 477, 477f
Fungal diseases 493
Fungal toxins 321
Fungi 377
G6PD deficiency 69
Galactosemia 69
Gall bladder 121
disease 275, 276
Gambusia affinis 377
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 285
Gametogony 130
completion of 131
Gaseous disinfectants 461
Gastric ulcer 390
Gastritis 386
Gatifloxacin 203
Gender abuse 385
Gender discrimination 385
Gender sensitiveness 210
Gene replacement 378
Genetic and health 453
Genetic control 377
Genetic counseling 454
Genetic disorders 386, 496
Genital cancer 276
Genital ulcer 157
Genital warts 156
Gentamicin 212
Geriatric health
problems 491, 540
related measures 492
Geriatric problems, prevention and control of 491
Germ theory 28
German measles 105
Giardia lambia 156
Glaucoma 182, 183, 491
Global hunger index 496
Global leprosy strategy 155
Global Measles and Rubella Strategic Plan 106
Global vaccine action plan 59
Global vision 2020 183
Glossina palpalis 374
Glucose 122
tolerance, impaired 185
Glycemic index 185, 551
God of Ayurveda 19
Goiter 231
Gomez classification 329
Gonococcal urethritis 157
Gonorrhea 156
Grafenberg's ring 274, 274f
Great arteries, complete transposition of 176
Gross domestic product 395
Gross National Income 395
Gross reproduction rate 254, 258
Group B togavirus 145
Group discussion 404
advantages of 404
focus 404f
limitations of 405
Group streptococcal infection 192
Growth and development 306
Growth chart 307, 308
uses of 309
Growth monitoring 348
Growth rate 254
annual 254
Guillain-Barre syndrome 208
Guineaworm 94, 123
disease 361
Guthrie test 69, test 69f
H1N1 106
inactivated vaccine 108
live attenuated vaccine 108
vaccine 108
H2N2 106
H5N1 106
H7N9 14
avian influenza 165
influenza 109
Haemophilus ducreyi 156
Halogen-based disinfectants 461
Hand hygiene 550
Hand washing 550
classification of 303
in children, prevention and control of 303
Hands/fingers, unclean 96
Hansen's disease 152
Hapadnavirus 126
Hard measles 104
Hard tick 145, 165, 374, 375, 376f
Harpenden skin callipers 180
Hartmann solution 123
Hazards, occupational 457
Headache 107, 109, 137, 275
Health 25, 354, 395, 491
adjusted life expectancy 38
and wellness centers 237
communication 401
concepts of disease and prevention 25
demands 424
dimensions of 25
disorders 311
index of India 497
Insurances Schemes 413
maintenance and disease control, uses of screening in 67
positive 25
practices in family 536
promotion 187, 491
propaganda 409f
record, individual 537
spectrum of 26, 26f
status and health services, uses for 74
value 395
Health and disease
family in 393
indicators in 37
social factors in 386
Health care 413
delivery systems 413
essential 414
five levels of 9
primary level of 416
secondary level of 416
supply of 395
tertiary level of 416
Health economics 395
management techniques 430
scope of 395
Health education 408, 408f
and awareness 138
and communication 401
approach 409
principles of 409
regarding 297
Health hazards 361, 457
of air pollution 365
Health management 429
information system 432
Health needs 424
and health demands 424f, 425f
assessment of 424
disadvantages of 424
types of 424
Health planning 424
and management 413
committees 425
Health services 311, 328
evaluation of 431
monitoring of 431
surveillance of 431
utilization of 545
Health survey 259
general 260
special 260
Health worker 420
male 10
population norms for 420
Healthcare delivery indicators 38
Healthful school environment 311
Healthy carriers 93
Healthy lives, ensure 474
Hearing impairment 232
defects, congenital 106
disease, congenital 176, 231
irregularities of 174
rate 176
Heavy metal 295
waste 530
Hemaphysalis spinigera 145
Hemoconcentration 137
concentration 335
estimation 485
Hemoptysis 109
Hemorrhagic fever 376
Hemorrhagic manifestations 137
Hepacivirus 125, 156
Hepadnavirus 125, 156
Hepatic disorders 108
A 53, 57, 125, 156
B 53, 55, 58, 72, 93, 125, 126, 156, 157, 221
control of 126, 127
core antigen 126
envelope antigen 126
immunoglobulin 127
infection 126
surface antigen 126
vaccine 126, 523
virus 126
C 72, 125, 156, 221
D 125, 156
E 125, 127
adenoma 275
cancer 186
Herbert's pits 149
Herd immunity 44
evaluation of 44
Herpenden callipers 180f
Herpes simplex 93
Herpes virus 160
alpha 156
beta 156
Herpes zoster 160
Hill's Criteria of Causal Association 89
circumference 176
dysplasia of 231
Histogram 477f, 512f
Histoplasmosis 94, 376
HIV/AIDS logo 159f
Homeopathy system of medicine 19
Hookworm 94, 124
infection 124
Hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring, combined 284
Hormonal methods 274
injectable 276
treatment 285
Horrock's apparatus 358, 510, 530
Hospital waste composition 437
Hot air oven 439f
House fly 374, 529
House index 142
Household contact studies 61
Human anatomical waste 437
Human avian influenza 14
Human beings, life cycle of 459
Human body, function in 20
Human development index 13, 26
calculation method 39
Human diploid cell vaccine 144
Human genome
diversity project 455
project 455
Human herpes virus 103, 156
Human immunodeficiency virus 15, 72, 99, 156, 158161, 299, 221, 493, 540
age and sex distribution of 160
annual sentinel surveillance data 260
associated malignancies 493
counseling 218
types of 219
diagnosis tests 217
epidemiology 158
mother-to-child transmission of 162
negative 506
new post-exposure guidelines for 220
parent-to-child transmission of 162
positive 506
screening of 217, 502
sentinel surveillance 549
situation in India 159
TB coinfection, treatment of 161
testing 217
wasting syndrome 160
Human milk 305, 342
Human Organs Act, transplantation of 245
Human papillomavirus 156, 271
Human poverty index 26, 27
Human reservoir 93
Human T-lymphotropic virus 159
Human trafficking 385
Humoral immunity, tests of 153
Hyalomma ticks 165
Hydatid disease 94, 142
Hydrocele 136
Hydrogen sulfide 445
Hydrophobia 143
Hygiene, personal 393
Hymenolepis diminuta 376
Hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit 232
Hypercholesterolemia 176
Hyperglycemia 275
Hyperlipidemia, congenital 276
Hypertension 68, 177, 275, 496
manage 179
mild 276
prevention and control of 178
risk factors of 178
Hypoalbuminemia 124
Hypoprotenemia 137
Hypotension 109, 137
Hypothermia 231
prevention of 294
Hypothesis testing 75
Hypothyroidism, congenital 232
Hypotonic hypo-responsive episode 58
Icaridin 134
Ice lined refrigerator 60, 60f, 524
Ice pack 60, 60f, 524
Iceberg phenomenon of disease 31, 32f
Immune response 43
Immunity 43, 151
active 43, 44
advantages of active 43
in leprosy, tests for detecting 153
status, test of 227
type of 47
active 43
active 105
activities, supplementary 152
adverse effects following 57
routine 56, 207
Immunodeficiency, causes of 493
Immunoglobulins 53
preparations of 53
types of 53
Immunosuppressants, use of 493
In vitro fertilization 285, 285f
Incest 386
Incinerator 439f
types of 440
Incubation period 94, 95
Incubatory carriers 93
Indian Government Schemes for literacy 257
Indian kala azar 140
Indian public health standards 227
Indian tick typhus 146
Indian vision 2020 183
Indira Awas Yojana 396
Industrial accidents 191, 386
Inertization 438
Infant and Young Child Feeding 551
Infant mortality
causes of 298
rate 76, 229, 297, 509
prevention and control of 298
Infants with low birth weight 14
Infection 295
annual risk of 113, 197
control 300
emerging 165
hosts of 125
incidence of 197
mixed 132
prevalence of 197
prevention of 294
rate, annual 113
recurrent 493
re-emerging 165
related problems 288
reservoir of 140
Infectious disease 97
chronic 153
epidemiology of 92
Inflammatory bowel disease 390
Influenza 93, 94, 106, 107
A guidelines, revised seasonal 109
A H1N1 cases, seasonal 109
antigenic variations in 107
cyclical trends in 107
vaccine 107
live attenuated 46
Information system
management and 234
simplified 234
Infrequent bleeding, history of 276
Inguinal swelling 157
Injectable contraceptives, roll out of 212
Injection practices
best safe 62
unsafe 62
Injuries 188, 299
mechanism of 191
Insecticidal mosquito nets, long-lasting 134, 379
Insecticide 379
resistance 380
treated bed nets 133, 223, 224, 379
type of 379
Insemination, artificial 285
Insulin syringe 524
Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illness strategy, components of 213
levels of 389
quotient 389
tests, first 389
International Agency for Prevention of blindness 183
International Classification of Diseases 471, 471f
International eye foundation 183
International Federation for Ophthalmological Societies 183
International Health Agencies 466
bilateral 469
International Health Concerns 470
International Health Regulations 147
International Labour Organization 468f
International Measures for Disease control 470
International notification 36
International Organizations in vision 2020 183
International Red Cross 470
and Red Crescent Movement 469f
Intervention trials, risk factor 175
Interview, steps of 397
Interviewer bias 86
Interviewing 397
Intestinal anthrax 149
Intestinal infections 117
indications for 267
limitations of 267
Intranatal causes 301
Intrapartum complications 299
Intrauterine device 267, 268, 272
side effects of 272
timings of 273
mechanisms of action of 272
types of 272
Intravenous rehydration 123
Inventory control 431, 431f
in health system 431
methods in 431
Iodine 337, 340
and fluorine 336
deficiency disorders 339
epidemiology of 337
Iodisation of salt 242f
Iodised salt 242, 337
Ionizing radiation 449
levels 389
range 389
Iron 233, 335, 340
deficiency anemia 124, 211, 275, 339, 491
fortification 292
requirements 335
status evaluation 335
supplementation 292
tablet 293
Iron folic acid 293, 531
prophylactic 239
regime for 239
Irrigation, broad 370
Irritants 445
Ischemic attacks, transient 193
Ischemic heart disease 174
Isolation 35
Isoniazid 202
high dose 203
Itch mite 374
Janani Suraksha Yojana 227, 229, 229f
Janani-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 230
package 243
Japanese encephalitis 55, 95, 128, 136, 138, 139f, 221
vaccine 139, 548
Jaundice 231
severe 231
Jawahar Rozgar Yojana 396
Jelliffe's classification 329
Jelliffe's ecological factors of malnutrition 328
Job responsibilities
of health worker
female 421
male 421
of village health guide 422
Joint family 391f
Jungalwalla committee 426
Juvenile delinquency 302, 387
causes of 302
Juvenile mass treatment 164
K-39 dipstick test 227
Kala azar 35, 128, 136, 140, 140f, 221, 226, 227
treatment 141
guidelines, new 141, 227
Kanamycin 115, 203
Kangaroo feeding policy 293
Kangaroo mother care 293, 293f
benefits of 293
Kangaroo position 293
Kaposi's sarcoma 160, 493
Kartar Singh committee 426
Kata thermometer 529
Kato-Katz technique 124
Keratomalacia 333, 334
Ketoconazole 141
Kidney 121
Killed vaccines 107, 146
Kishori Shakti Yojana 315
Koplik spots 548
Krishnan committee 427
Kuppuswami scale
for socioeconomic status (urban families) 3
modified 394
Kwashiorkor 330f
Kyasanur forest disease 145
Kyoto protocol 366f
Laboratory professionals 149
Lactating mothers, progesterone only pills for 277
Lancee method 267
Land treatment 370
Larvivorous fishes 224, 377
Laryngeal diphtheria 110
Lassa fever 167, 376
Lathyrism 345
Lead poisoning 448, 448f
diagnosis of 448
Lead time
bias 64
concept 64f
Learning 388
disorder 232
types of 389
Lebister reticulates 377
Lecture 404f
advantages of 404
disadvantages of 404
Legal hazards 457
Legionnaires’ disease 98
Leishman stain 224
Leishmania braziliensis 140, 226
Leishmania donovani 140, 226
Leishmania tropica 140, 226
Leishmaniasis 140, 226, 376
causative agent of 140
tests for 227
type of 140, 226
Leishmanin test 141, 227
Lemon eucalyptus, essential oil of 134
Lepra reactions 235
treatment of 235
types of 235
Lepromatous leprosy 154
borderline 152, 154
Lepromin test 153, 154
interpretation of 154
reactions in 154
value of 154
Leprosy 14, 51, 152, 153, 155, 496, 540
awareness campaign, block 235
borderline 152, 154
classification in 152
control, indicators in 236
diagnosis of 153
disability limitation in 154
elimination campaigns 235
modified 35
elimination of 235, 236
epidemiology of 153
intermediate 154
mode of transmission of 153
operational classification of 152
situation 152
treatment of 155
Leptospira interrogans 148
Leptospirosis 148 376
transmission 148f
Leptotrombidium akamushi 147
Leptotrombidium deliense 147
Leucine, excess of 334
Leucopenia 493
Leukemia 186
Levofloxacin 203
Life index, physical quality of 26
Life table analysis 78, 268
Life, expectation of 254
Light emitting diode 199
Limbal follicles 149
Line chart 478f
graph 478
Linezolid 203
Linoleic acid 332
Lip cavity 186
Lipid research clinics study 175
Lipoprotein cholesterol, high-density 176
Liposomal amphotericin B 141
Literacy rate 257, 261
Live attenuated vaccines 4446
Live nature 61
Live plague vaccine 46
Live vaccines 45, 46, 146
Liver 186
cancer 186, 187
disease 276
parenchyma 130
Livestock producers 149
Living, standard of 27
Local reaction 57
pain 57
redness 57
swelling 57
Lorentz formula 180
Louse 374, 530
Louse-borne typhus 147
Low birth weight 294, 497
care of 294
causes for 294
classification of 294
prevalence of 294
prevention of 294
risk factors of 294
Low socioeconomic status 295
Low vision 182, 183
Lumefantrine 132
Lung 186
cancer 186188, 386
epidemiology of 188
prevention of 188
compost 447
Lymph nodes 160
persistent generalized 160
virus 159
Lymphatic filariasis 135, 136
elimination of 137
problem statement of 135
vectors of 135
Lymphoedema 136
Lymphogranuloma venereum 156
Lymphoma 160, 493
Macronutrients, energy yield of 324
Maculoanesthetic leprosy 154
Madrid classification 152
Maintenance therapy 123
Mala D 286
Mala N 286
Malaria 14, 52, 72, 94, 97, 128, 129, 136, 221, 299, 361, 496, 540
active surveillance in 223
complicated 133
congenital 129
control project, enhanced 224
diagnosis 223
epidemiology of 129
drug resistance in 134
in drug addicts 129
morbidity, reduction of 224
mortality, prevention of 224
passive surveillance in 223
resurgence of 222
roll back 223
severe 133
surveillance data 260
transmission, modes of 129
treatment guidelines, new 131
types of drug resistance in 134
vaccines 135
Malariometric measures
in eradication era 131
in pre-eradication era 131
Malnourished children, severely 122
Malnutrition 328, 493
acute 310
chronic 310
control 300
Gomez classification of 310
indicators of 310, 329
prevention 294
and control of 329
related problems 288
severe acute 231, 232
types of 328
Mammal-arthropod-man 97
Mammography 66f
Man and non-vertebrate host 97
Man-arthropod-man 97
Mann-Whitney test 488
Manpower changes 289
Man-snail-crab-man 97
Man-snail-fish-man 97
Man-snail-man 97
Mansonia annulifers 135
Mansonia uniformis 135
Mansonoides mosquito 374
Mantoux test 114, 114f
interpretation of 114f
Maple syrup urine disease 69
Marasmus 330f
Marital fertility rate, general 254
early 386
median age first 13
Marriage counseling 454
principles of 455
types of 454
Marxist theory 387
Mass media 410, 410f
advantages of 410
channel 401
disadvantages of 410
methods of 410
billboards 410
direct mailing 410
internet 410
newspapers 410
posters 410
printed material 410
radio 410
signs 410
television 410
Mass miniature radiography 115
Mass screening 67
Mass treatment, selective 164
Maternal and child health 288
care 289
indicators 14, 296
problems 288
services 288
components of 288
Maternal health 212
care 292
Maternal mortality rate 76, 296, 510
prevention and control of 296
statistics of 296
vaccine 523
M-diabetes 185
Measles 44, 53, 55, 9395, 98, 104, 105, 299, 540
and rubella vaccine, doses of 106
treatment of 104
vaccine 46, 47, 47f, 105, 524
Measles-Rubella 55
campaign 56
vaccination campaign 56, 57f
vaccine 56
Mebendazole 124
Mechanical hazards 446
Mechanical processes 438
Mechanical ventilation 363
Medical audit 552
Medical Council of India Act 246, 246f
Medical entomology 374
Medical termination of pregnancy
Act 283
services 210
evidence-based 90
modern 21
systems of 21
Membrane filter concentration method 136
Membrane filtration technique 360
Memory 86
Meningitis 161
Meningococcal meningitis 93, 111
Meningococcal vaccine 111
Meningococcus 93
Menstrual cycles, irregular 275
Menstrual history 543
Mental health 456
disorders 311, 458
causes of 459
diagnostic criteria 459
situational analysis 458
indicators 460
needs 459
and indicators 459
Mental retardation, categories of 389
Mental status 389
Mepacrine 141
Mesothelioma 186, 187
Metabolic disorders 108
Metabolic effects 275
Metallic body implants 437
Metazoal diseases 361
Metazoonosis 142
Methane 445
Methylene blue smears 149
Miasma theory of disease 28
Microbiology 437
Micropolyspora faeni 448
Mid-arm circumference 349
Mid-day Meal Programme 257, 323
Mid-day meal scheme 257f, 323, 323f
Mifepristone 267
Migraine 275, 276
Milan 1630 36f
Milk 342
boiling of 147, 343
borne infections 342
nutritive values of 305, 342
pasteurization of 147, 343
types of 342
Millennium development goal 300
Miltefosine 141
Mineral diseases 361
Miners’ anaemia 124
Minimises environmental pollution 377
Ministry of Human Resource and Development 240
Mission Indradhanush 55, 55f
intensified 56
Mission Parivar Vikas 212, 281
Mite 374
Mitral incompetence, congenital 176
Moist heat sterilization 462
Molecular diagnostic testing, rapid 199
Molluscum contagiosum 156
Monkey disease 145
Monolial vaginitis 275
Montenegro test 227
Mood disorders 389
Mop-up campaign 207
Mop-up immunization 207
Moraten strain 47
Morbidity measurements 76
Morbilli 104
during childhood 296
indicators 14
measurements 77
occurring during infancy 296
ratio 78
Mortality rate
post neonatal 299
proportional 78
under-five 510
Mosquirix vaccine 52, 52f
control measures 377, 378
cycle of plasmodium 131
nets 33f
vectors 374
Mother and child health 393
Mother's education 329
Motor delay 232
Moxifloxacin 203
Mucocutaeous manifestations, minor 160
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 140, 226
Mucosal inoculation 96
Mudaliar committee 425, 426
Multibacillary leprosy 153, 234
Multidimensional poverty index 13, 27
Multidrug therapy 154, 235
Multifocal leukoencephalopathy, progressive 160
Multiphase random sampling 485
Multiphasic screening 68
Multiple health providers 413
Multiple risk factor intervention trial 175
Multivariate analysis 78
Multivitamin 233
Mumps 44, 53, 93, 95, 106
vaccine 46, 106
Murine typhus 146, 147, 376
Musca domestica 374
Muscle pain 107
Myalgia 137
Mycetoma 94
bovis 46
indicus pranii vaccine 51
leprae 153
tuberculosis 161
Mycoplasma hominis 156
Myocardial infarction 174, 275
Myxovirus parotiditis 106
NACO 216f
Nairovirus 165
Nakayama strain 139
Nalgonda technique 336
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 247
Nasal diphtheria, anterior 110
Nasopharyngeal disease 110
National AIDS Control Program 35, 163, 419
National Consumer Dispute Redressal Commission 247
National Contingency Action Plan 444
National Crisis Management Committee 443
National Diarrheal Disease Control Program 213
strategies of 213
National Digital Literacy Mission 257
National Disaster Response Force 443f
and civil defence 443
National Family Benefit Scheme 396
National Family Health Survey 259, 260, 263
National Filaria Control Programme 136
National Framework for Malaria Elimination 224
National Goitre Control Programme 241
National Health Insurance Scheme 244
National Health Mission 497
National Health Policy 244, 428
National Health Programs 35, 65, 197, 522, 530
albendazole tablets 531
anti-tubercular therapy 531
chloroquine tablets 531
electronic timer 530
for non-communicable diseases 194
IEC material 531
incentives under 243
iodized salt 531
iron folic acid 531
N95 mask 531
oral rehydration solution 531
Policies and Legislations 197
screening tests in 65
National Health Protection Scheme 237
National HIV/AIDS Control Programme 216
components of 216
National Immunization Day 207
National Immunization Schedule 47, 51, 54, 56, 322, 514
National Institute for Disaster Management 443
National Institute for Transforming India 427f
National Institute of Occupational Health 453
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Program 241, 322, 339, 420
National iron-plus initiative, intensified 211
National Leprosy Elimination Program 35, 233, 234, 419
basic description of 233
components of 234
infrastructure norms under 234
newer initiatives under 235
strategy 236
National Leprosy Eradication Programme 234
National Literacy Mission 257
National Malaria Control Program 221
National Malaria Eradication Program 222
National Maternity Benefit Scheme 396
National Medical Commission Bill 247
National Mental Health Program 420
National Nutrition Mission 350
National Nutritional Anemia Control Program 322, 339
National Policy for Older Persons 492
National Polio Elimination Program 119, 207
National Polio Surveillance Data 260
National Population Policy 282, 428
National Program for Control of Blindness 419
and visual impairment 213
revised strategies of 214
strategies of 214
National Program for Prevention and Control
of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and stroke 242, 420
of deafness 241, 241f, 419
of fluorosis 420
National Program of Nutritional Support to Primary Education 323
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 245, 245f, 396
National Rural Health Mission 227, 228
core strategies of 227
initiatives under 230
strategies of 228
National Sample Survey Organization 259, 260
National Social Assistance Program 396
National Strategic Plan
for HIV/AIDS 163
for malaria control 225
National Tobacco Control Program 420
National Trachoma Survey Report 150
National Tuberculosis Control Program 198
guidelines, new revised 199, 203
new strategies under revised 202
revised 116, 197, 198, 205, 419
National Urban Health Mission 233, 233f
National Vector Borne Disease Control Program 35, 136, 221, 221f, 419
Natural Family Planning Methods 269
Natural methods 269
Navjat-Shishu Suraksha Karyakram 231
Nayi pehl kits 212
Necator americanus 124
Neem oil 134
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 156
Neonatal and childhood illness, integrated management of 212, 313, 230
Neonatal causes 299
Neonatal hypothyroidism 68, 69
Neonatal mortality
causes of 299
rate 299, 510
neonatal mortality rate 497
Neonatal screening 68
Neonatal sepsis 299
Neonatal tetanus 151, 152, 299
elimination, strategies for 152
Neonatal thyroid stimulating hormone 241, 339
Nepetalactone (catnip oil) 134
Nephrectomy 122
Nerve deafness 491
Nerve poison 378
Neural tube defects 231
Neuraminidase inhibitors 165
Neuraminidase-specific vaccine 107
Neurological disorders 108
Neurologists 118
Neuromotor impairment 232
Nevirapine 162
Newborn care 294
corner 230
essential 295
home-based 231
Newborn health 212
Newborn stabilization unit 230
Neymann bias 86
Niacin 332, 334
Nickel 186, 449
Niclosamide 125
Night blindness 334
Nipah virus disease 167
Nischay 282, 282f
Nitrogen effervescence, effects of 450
Noise pollution 366
health hazards 366
prevention and control measures 366
sources 366
Noncommunicable diseases 32, 174, 192
Non-communicable diseases, epidemiology of 174
Non-contraceptive benefits 275
Non-gonococcal urethritis 157
Non-hormonal contraceptive pill 277
Non-parametric tests 487, 488
Non-random sampling, types of 486
Non-scalpel vasectomy 279f
Non-specific test 227
Non-urgent signs 231
Non-verbal communication 403
Non-zoonotic infection 140
Norethisterone enanthate 277
Norgestrel 274
Norplant 277, 277f
Notification, types of 36
Nuclear family 391f
Nucleic acid amplification test, cartridge based 199
Null hypothesis 510
Nursing mothers 276
Nutrients 341
in diet 324
macronutrients 324
micronutrients 324
lack of 295
Nutrition 27, 320, 516, 525
almonds 526
and health 320
bajra 525
banana 525
basics of 320
bengal gram 525
black gram 525
butter 527
cashew nut 526
cheese 527
cow's milk 527
ghee 527
green gram 525
groundnut 526
kitchen weighing balance 526
mangoes 525
mustard oil 527
mustard seeds 526
Program 322
special 322
ragi 526
rajmah 526
red gram 525
refined oil 527
rehabilitation centers 232
rice milled 525
sahli's hemoglobinometer 526
soyabean 525
spoon 526
sugar 527
wheat 526
Nutritional advice 312
Nutritional agents 186
Nutritional assessment 347
Nutritional education 292
Nutritional problems 491
Nutritional rehabilitation centres 230
Nutritional requirements 291
Nutritional status
assessment 347
indicators 38
Nutritional surveillance 348
Nutritive value 320
Obesity 179
classification of 180
criteria for assessment of 179
morbid 108
Obstetric history 543
Occupational dermatitis, causes of 449
Occupational health 445
disorders 446, 448
examinations 451
hazards and control 445
hazards of agriculture workers 446
legislations 451
protect and promote 446
Occupational therapy 118
Onchocerciasis 183, 361
Oocytes, cryopreservation of 285
Opioid 397
substitution therapy 216
Opportunistic infections 161, 493
types of 493
Oral cancer 186
Oral candidiasis 160
Oral cavity 186
Oral contraceptive pill 282, 501
adverse effects of combined 275
combined 267, 274, 275, 275f
use of combined 276
Oral diseases 193
prevention of 193
Oral fluid, amount of 123
Oral hairy leukoplakia 160
Oral palpation, bimanual 66f
Oral pill 268
Oral polio vaccine 46, 48, 48f, 523
Oral rehydration
solution 122
therapy 123
Organ Transplantation Act 245
Organochlorine insecticides 379
Organophosphorus insecticides 379
Oriental sore 140, 226
Oropharyngeal cancer 186
Oroya fever 226
Orphanages 304
Orthomyxovirus 106
Orthopoxvirus 103
arsenite test 358
test 358
Oseltamivir 107, 108, 165
Osmolar concentration 122
Osmolarity oral rehydration solution 122
Osteomyelitis 540
Otitis media 232
acute suppurartive 540
Ovarian cancer 275
Ovarian cysts 275
Ovarian disease
benign 275
malignant 275
Overcrowding 367
Ovulation method 269
Oxidation ditches 370
Oxidation pond 370
Oxidizing disinfectants 461
impairment 108
therapy 138
Ozone depletion 365
Pain 272
Painful menstruation 275
Pallor, severe 231
Panchayati Raj Institutions 210, 227, 413
Panchayati Raj System 413
Pancreatic cancer 386
Pandemic 99, 100f
(H1N1) influenza 107
Panel discussion 405, 405f
features of 405
method of 405
Pantothenic acid 333
Pap smear 65f
Paragonimiasis 97
Paralytic polio, vaccine-associated 49
Parametric tests 487, 488
Parasite 72
Parasitic incidence, annual 131, 224
Parasitic infestations 321
Park tapeworm 94
Paromomycin 141
Parsonian theory 387
Passive immunity 44
advantages of 43
disadvantages of 43
Patent ductus arteriosus 176
Paucibacillary leprosy 153, 234
Pea soup diarrhea 121
Pearl index 267, 268, 276
disadvantages for 267
Pediculus humanus
capitis 147
corporis 147
Pellagra 334
Pelvic infection 273
Pelvic inflammatory disease 273, 275
Pentamidine 141
Pentavalent vaccine 548
Peptic ulcer disease 390
Perinatal mortality rate 301, 510
causes of 301
Peripheral corneal opacity 183
Permethrin 134
Persistent fever, high 109
Personal protection measures 378
Personal protective equipment 149
Personality, type of 390
Pertussis 44, 55, 93, 95, 110
killed acellular bacilli 51
Pesticides 295
Peyer's patches 49
Pharyngeal diphtheria 110
Phenylalanine 69
hydroxylase 69
Phenylketonuria 69
Phenyllactate 69
Phenylpyruvate 69
Phlebotmine sandflies, female 140
argentipes 140, 374
papatasi 140
Phthirus pubis 156
Physical hazards 445, 446
Physical health disorders 311
Physical medicine and rehabilitation 118
Physical therapy 118
Picaridin 134
Picornavirus 125, 156
Pictogram 480f
Pie diagram 480f
Pie/sector diagram 479
Pie-chart 511f
Pit latrine 372
indirect 372
Placental causes 301
Plague 97, 142, 145, 376, 471
carts carry dead for burial 36f
control of 146
types of 145
Plan of operation, modified 222
Planning cycle 424
steps of 424
derived vaccine 126
glucose, two-hour 185
insulin 275
leakage 137
Plasmodium 94
falciparum 129, 132
in pregnancy, treatment of uncomplicated 132
human cycle of 130
life cycle of 130, 130f
malariae 129, 132
ovale 129, 132
vivax 129, 132
Platelet count 137, 138
Plating media 120
Plenum ventilation 363f
Pleural effusion 137
Plumbism 448
Pneumoconioses 447
benign 447
list of common 447
major 447
minor 447
types of 447
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 160
Pneumonia 111, 299
severe 112
Pneumonic plague 145
Poecilia reticulata 377
Poisonings 295
Policy and Program Planning 427
Polio 93
bivalent, inactivated 55
inactivated 48, 48f
Poliomyelitis 15, 44, 55, 93, 117, 118, 207, 540
data 210
disease 117
eradicate 207
situation 117
vaccines for 47, 119
Poliovirus 48, 49
Pollutants, primary 364
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 449
Polycystic ovary syndrome 275
Polymerase chain reaction 111, 148
Ponderal index 180
(age-sex) pyramid 255
age composition of 511, 511f
attributable risk 81
census 259
composition 255
density of 261, 508
explosion 258, 259
genetics 552
Population pyramid 255, 255f
indicates sex ratio 255
types of 255
utility of 255
Poshan Abhiyan 350
Positive predictive value 70
Post-kala azar dermal leishmaniasis 141
Postnatal causes 301
Postnatal visit 290
Postneonatal causes 299
Post-polio residual syndrome, management of 118
Potassium 122
chloride 122
Potential life lost, years of 38
Poverty Alleviation Programs 395, 396
Poverty alleviation programs, classification 395
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana 396
Pradhan Mantri Jan Aarogya Yojana 237
Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Yojana 396
Praziquantel 125
Pre-conception diagnostic techniques 549
Predator mosquito 377
Prednisolone 235
Pre-erythrocytic schizogony 130
Pregnancy 211, 276, 493
and lactation, requirements in 291
normal 540
testing kits 282
Pregnant women components 230
Pre-hypertension 177
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis 285
Prematurity 299
Pre-natal diagnostic techniques 549
Pressurized container waste 530
Presumptive coliform test 360
Preventive medicine 39
Preventive obstetrics and pediatrics 288
Primaquine 131, 132
Primary health care 289, 296, 413, 414
components of 415
delivery of 416
elements of 415
hallmarks of 415
levels of 416, 416f
pillars of 415
system 420
Primary health center 417, 417f
functions of 416, 550
medical officer in malaria control, role of 225
National Health Programs, role of 419
services provided at 418
Primary immunization
coverage 13
in community 507
Prime Minister's Integrated Urban Poverty Eradication Programme 396
Primitive medicine 19
Primordial prevention health education 177
Priority signs 231
Probenecid 121
Progestasert 272, 274, 274f
advantages of 274
disadvantages of 274
Progesterone 274
component 275
only pills 267
Prophylactic dose 239
Prophylaxis 149
personal 138
post exposure 144, 220
pre-exposure 145
type of 144
Prostate 186
hypertrophy 491
Protection rates 268
Protein 325
derivative, purified 113
efficiency ratio 326
energy malnutrition 329, 330f, 491, 540
causes of 330
classifications of 329
prevention and control of 331
energy ratio 326
quality, methods of assessing 326
requirements 324
utilization, net 326, 327
Prothionamide 203
Protozoal diseases 361, 493
Prudent diet 174, 324
Psychoactive substances 398
Psychological environment 545
Psychological hazards 457
Psychological problems 491
Psychological well-being indicators 460
Psychology 388
concepts of 388
disorders 389
factors in disease, role of 390
illness 389
Pterygium 183
Pubic louse 156
Public health 39, 301
approach 297
classification 360
facility 497
historical aspects of 19
related topics 491
sector 413
statistics 13
success 150
theories in 23
anthrax 149
embolus 275
tuberculosis 160, 200
pediatric 201
Pulse Polio Immunization
intensive 207
Programme 207
Pulse pressure 137
Purification septic tank, steps of 373
Purified vero cell rabies vaccine 144
Pustule, malignant 148
Pyrantel 124
Pyrazinamide 203
Pyrethrum 380, 380f, 528
Pyridoxine 333
Pyrimethamine 132
Pyrizinamide 202
Q fever 146, 147
Qualitative management methods 429
Quality adjusted life years 37
Quantitative management techniques 429
Quarantine 35
history of 36
Quaternary ammonia compounds 461
Quetelet's index 179
Quinine 133
Quinolones 121
relevance of 175
reward of 175
roadblock to 175
Quota sampling 487
Rabies 53, 94, 95, 142, 143
immunoglobulin administration 145
serum, anti 144
vaccination 144
guidelines 144
zagreb regimen of 144
types of 144
virus, types of 143
Radiation 373
types of 373
Radiation exposure 295
biological effects of 373
sources of 373
Railway accidents 192
Random sampling, types of 484
Randomized controlled trials 87, 88
study design 88f
Rash 104, 137
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram 72, 72f, 231, 231f
Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram 232, 232f
Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana 244
baits 376
bite fever 376
flea 529
proofing 376
trapping 376
Raw foods 6
cereals 6
green leafy vegetables 6
root and tubers 6
Reactions 235
Recall bias 86
Rectal cancer 186
Rectal examination, digital 68
Red Cross, junior 470
Red measles 104
Red ribbon 159f
Reduviid bug 374
Refractive error 182, 183
Refuse disposal 368
methods of 368
system, sample 259, 262
time of 245
Regression 489
analysis 78
types of 489
Regular treatment 234
Rehabilitation 443
Rehydration solution 122
Renal disease, chronic 276
Renal disorders, chronic 108
Reproduction rate, net 254, 258
Reproductive and Child Health Program 210, 277, 281, 284
components of 210
Reproductive health 212
priority interventions 211
services 312
disease 393
distress 231
severe 231
syndrome 166
Respiratory tract infection
acute 111, 540
type of acute 112
Retinopathy of prematurity 231
Retro-orbital pain 137
Retrospective cohort study 80
Retroviral therapy, anti 497
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program, history of 199
Rheumatic fever 192
acute 192
prevention of 193
Rheumatic heart disease 232
Rhinorrhea 107
Riboflavin 332
Rickets 231
akari 146
conori 146
prowazekii 146, 147
rickettsii 146
tsutsugamushi 146
typhi 146
Rickettsial disease 147
Rickettsial pox 376
Rickettsial zoonoses 146
Rickettsialpox 146
Ridley-Jopling classification 152
Rifampicin 111, 115, 155, 202, 203
Rift valley fever 167
Right-skewed curve 483f
Rikettsia mooseri 147
Rikettsia typhi 147
Ringer lactate 123
Rising hematocrit 137
RNA paramyxovirus 106
Road traffic accidents 188
epidemiology of 189
prevention and control of 189
Rocky mountain spotted fever 146
Rodent control measures 376
Rodent destruction 377
Rodenticides 376
Rotarix 52
Rotateq 52
Rotavirus 55
vaccines 52
potential complication of 52
Roundworm 124
infestations 540
Rubella 44, 105
syndrome, congenital 105, 106
vaccine 46, 105, 295
Rubeola 104
Rule of Halves 178, 178f
Rural Development Program, integrated 396
Rural health care, bachelor of 10
Rural Health Statistics 15
Rural housing standards 367
Saas Bahu Sammellan 212
Safe abortion 210
services 286
Safe injecting practices, new technologies of 62
Safe injection 62f
practices 62
Safe period 269
Saheli 268, 276, 276f
Sakshar Bharat 257
Saline, normal 46
Salmonella typhi 120, 121f
Salmonellosis 93, 376
Salter's weighing scale 529
Sample registration system, advantages of 262
Sampling 484
types of 484
Samuel Hahneman 19f
Sand filter
rapid 356, 356f, 529
slow 356, 357f, 529
Sandfly 226, 374, 375f, 528
fever 129, 226
Sanitary latrine 371
requirements of 372
types of 372
Sanitary measures 376
Sanitary well 355, 530
Sanitation barrier 371f
Saprozoonosis 142
Sarcoptes scabei 156, 165
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan 257
Scabies 156, 165, 361
Scalpel vasectomy, no 278
Scatter diagram 479, 479f
and correlation 489f
Schick test 110
Schistosoma japonicum 142
Schistosomiasis 97, 361
Schizogony 130
Schizophrenia 100, 389
School Eye Screening Program 215
School health 311
examination 312
services 311
School participation 13
Schooling index, mean years of 39
Schwartz strain 47
advantages of 64
basic concepts in 64
limitations of 67
Screening test 65
evaluation of 70
properties of 69, 70
specificity of 70
Screw-feed technology 440f
Scrub typhus 146, 147, 376
Scurvy 540
Sea outfall 370
Seasonal trend 31f
Sectarianism 385
Secular trend 31f, 79
Seizures 58
Selenium 340
Self-employment Programme for Urban Poor 396
Semen analysis 494
Seminars 406
features of 406
Semi-quantitative test 69
Senile dementia 491
Sensorineural deafness 106
Sensory loss 208
Septic tank 372, 372f, 373
Septicemia, recurrent 161
Septicemic plague 145
Serological tests 140
ferritin 335
hepatitis 126
iron concentration 335
retinol 334
transferring saturation 335
Sewage 369
composition of 369
disposal, methods of 370
farming 370
strength of 369
treatment, modern 370
Sewered areas 370
Sex and marriage 393
Sex counseling and therapy 455
Sex distortion 378
Sex education 312
Sex ratio 76, 255, 256, 261
census 2011 data for 256
favorable 256
interpretation of 256
types of 256
Sexual abstinence 269
Sexual abuse 386
Sexual assaults 387
Sexual phase 131
Sexual problems 491
Sexually transmitted diseases 156
color coded kits 158f
Control Programme 156
risk factors 156
Sexually transmitted infection 156
control of 210
prevention of 210
Shakir's tape 349f
Shallow trench latrine 371f
Shigella 123, 156
Shock 231
newborns, triage of 231
person, rights of 387
role 387
theory 387
Sickle cell anemia 69, 232
absenteeism 450
causes of 450
reducing 450
sleeping 94
Siddha system of medicine 20
Siderosis 447
Sign test 488
Silica 449
Silicosis 447, 447f
Simple random sampling 484, 484f
Sitamaquine 141
cancer 186, 187
changes 491
disorders, occupational 446
fold thickness 180
infections 149
lesions 106
Skin conditions 232
eczema 232
fungal 232
scabies 232
Slaughterhouse hygiene 322
Slide falciparum rate 131
Sling psychrometer 528
Smallpox 44, 95, 103, 471
eradication 103
rash of 104, 104f
virus 471
Smears, grading of 197
Smoked fish 186
Smoking 176, 385
in maternal 295
in paternal 295
Snake bite 100
Snowball non-random sampling 487f
Snowball sampling 487
Social and behavioral sciences 385
Social blindness 182
Social constraints, management of 387
Social defence 384
Social deviance 387
management of 387
Social diagnosis 546
Social evils 386
management of 387
Social hazards 457
Social health disorders 311
Social medicine 39
Social pathology 386
social problems under 386
Social problems, management of 387
Social psychology 385
Social review 544
Social safety net 396
Social sciences and health 384
Social security 396
and social safety net 396
system 396
Social wellbeing indicators 460
Societal dependency ratio 256
Sociocultural practices 545
Sociocultural practices in family 535
indicators 13, 38
status 393
scales 393
Socioenvironmental agents 186
Sociology 384
Socratic communication 402
Socratic method 402
Sodium 122
chloride 122
citrate 122
stibogluconate 141
Soft tick 374, 375, 376f
Soil pollution 385
Soiled waste 437
Somatoform disorders 390
Somnolence 109
Sore throat 107
Sound 366
Soyabean oil 134
cryopreservation of 285
injection, intracytoplasmic 285
motility, grading of 495
Spleen 160
Splenomegaly 121
Split-virus vaccine 107
Sponge, disadvantages of 271
Sporogony 131
Sporozoites, development of 130
exercise 514
map 480f
unusual 531
Sputum smears collection 200
Squamous cell carcinoma 493
Stannosis 447
Staphylococcal food poisoning 93
Static services approach, fixed day 282
Statistical significance, tests of 487
Sterile male technique 377, 378
Sterile water 524
Sterilization 460, 462
Compensation Scheme 212
female 278
guidelines for 278
incentive package 243
male 278
methods of 462
Stern's IQ test 389
Steroid 235
Stibine 445
Still birth 106
rate 510
Stomach 186
cancer 186, 390
Stool culture 121
Stool examination 118
Stop tuberculosis strategy 116
Streptococcus group B 156
Streptomycin 202, 203
Stress and stress behavior 387
Stroke 193
causes of 193
Student's T-test, paired 488
Subdermal implant contraceptive 277
Sub-national immunization days 207
abuse 385
epidemiological determinants of 457
Substance use disorders 397
epidemiological factors 398
prevention and control 398
Substance/drug use, prevention and control of 457
Subunit vaccines 45
conjugate 45
glycoconjugate 45
polysaccharide 45
proteinaceous 45
recombinant 45
toxoids 45
Subvirion vaccine 107
Sudden death 174
Suicides 387
Sulabh Shauchalya 372
Sulfadoxine 132
Sulfur dioxide 365, 445
Sullivan's index 37
Sunlight (skin cancer) 186
Superchlorination 550
Supplementation, micronutrient 233
Suraksha clinic 158, 158f
Surgical complications 183
Surrogacy 285
Surveillance 34
and monitoring 34, 431
epidemiological 75
performance, indicators of 209
Survey Education and Treatment Centre 234
Survival analysis 78
Swacch Bharat 240
Swacch Bharat Mission 240
Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana 396
Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana 396
Swedish International Development Agency 469
Swine flu 99
cause of 106
vaccine 108
Symposium 405, 405f
advantages of 405
disadvantage 406
features of 405
Symptothermic method 269
Syndromic approach 157
disadvantages of 157
Syndromic case management 158
Syphilis 72, 156
Systematic random sampling 484, 484f
Tachycardia 137
saginata 94, 125
solium 94, 125
Taeniasis 125
Talipes 231
Tamiflu 107
Tandem mass spectrometry 69
Tapeworm 125
Tattooing needles 153
Tele-medicine 495
objectives of 495
Terizidone 203
Testicular sperm extraction 285
Tetanus 53, 55, 94, 150
in wounded, prevention of 151
soil harbor agents for 94
toxoid 51
in pregnancy 151, 293
vaccine 523
vaccine 51
Tetracycline 120, 123, 146, 147
Tetralogy of Fallot 176
Thalassemia 69
beta 232
Thallium sulphate 376
Thermal processes 439
autoclave 439
gamma irradiation 439
heat disinfection 439
hot air oven 439
hydroclave 439
incineration 439
microwave 439
plasma arc 439
sacchari 448
vulgaris 448
Thiamine 332
Thioacetaxzone 203
Thiomersal 51
Throat examination 118
Thrombocytopenia 58
cases of 506
history of 276
Thyroid 186
Tobacco (lung cancer) 186
use 176, 496
Tocopherol 333
Tonsillar diphtheria 110
Total mass treatment 164
Total population 261, 503
Toxic 445
shock syndrome 271
Toxins, naturally occurring 321
Toxorhynchitis splendens 377
Trace nutrients 340
of clinical importance 340
of public health significance 340
Trachoma 149, 182, 183, 361
2020, global elimination of 150
antibiotic treatment of 150
classification of 149
infective 150
mass treatment for 150
treatment of 150
Trachomatous inflammation
follicular 149
intense 149
Traditional birth attendant 423
Transdermal patch 284
Transfusion malaria 129
Transitional stools 231
basic modes of 159
indirect 96
modes of 96
Transport media 120
Transverse myelitis 208
Traumatic neuritis 209
Trench fever 146
Trench latrines 372
Treponema carateum 164
Treponema pallidum 156, 164
pertenue 164
Triad, epidemiological 28, 28f
Triage 444
sieve 444
sort 444
system 444
types of 445
Triatominae 374
Tribal health 495
Tribal population
burden of disease in 496
healthcare infrastructure for 496
Trichiasis 149, 150
Trichinosis 142, 376
Trichomonas vaginalis 156
Trichomoniasis 156
Tricuspid atresia 176
Triglycerides 176
Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole 212
Trombiculid mite 147
Trypanosoma cruzi 142
Trypanosomes 94
Trysem scheme 396
Tse-Tse fly 374
T-test, unpaired student's 488
Tubectomy 243, 279, 279f, 286
syringe 524
test 113
Tuberculoid leprosy 152, 154
borderline 152, 154
Tuberculosis 15, 112, 115, 161, 390, 540
and co-morbidities 116
and diabetes 116
and HIV 116
and tobacco 116
case finding, intensified 201
disease 117
epidemiology of 197
guidelines for treatment of 202
incidence of 113
prevalence of 113
latent 117
lymphadenopathy 540
multi-drug resistant 115
prevalence 496
resistance, operational classification of 115
situation 113
totally drug resistant 115
treatment of drug resistant 203
types of resistance in 115
under RNTCP, diagnosis of 199
Tubereulin skin test procedure 114f
Tularaemia 376, 471
Tunnel disease 124
Typhim VI vaccine 121, 523
Typhoid 93, 94, 360, 540
carriers of 121
types of 121
fever 94, 120
Typhoral vaccine 46, 121
Typhus 361
group 146
Udai Pareek scale 394
Unani medicine, essentials of 21
Unani system of medicine 20
Under fives’ clinic 301, 301f
UNICEF’S GOBI-FFF campaign 467
United nations children fund 467
United Nations Development Program 468f
United Nations Population Fund 468f
United States Agency for International Development 469
Universal health coverage 9
Upper tarsal conjunctiva, follicles on 149
Urban family walfare centres 9
Urban health
care system 9
posts 9
Urban housing standards 367
Urban malaria control 379
Urban slums, services in 210
Urea stibamine 141
Ureaplasma urealyticum 156
Urethral discharge 157
Urine test 121
Uterine bleeding
dysfunctional 275
undiagnosed abnormal 276
Uveitis 182
Vaccination, time since 61
Vaccine 44, 53, 57, 157
adjuvant 53
and cold chain 514, 523
and immunoglobulins 44
associated paralytic poliomyelitis 58
carrier 59f, 524
characteristics 61
derived poliovirus 49, 119
dose requirement 507
efficacy 61
calculation 61
factors affecting 61
mixed 45
newer 51
prophylaxis 149
minor 57
rare 58
recombinant 107
types of 44, 45, 47, 52, 105, 111
vial monitor 49, 50
Vacuum assisted delivery 210
Vaginal discharge 157, 273
Vaginal sponge 268, 271, 271f
Validity, types of 71
Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana 396
Values, distribution of 483f
Variability, measures of 481
Varicella 53, 103
vaccine 46
Varicella zoster
immunoglobulin 104
virus 103
Vascular pannus 149
Vasectomy 243, 278, 278f, 286
after effects of 279
conventional 278
failure of 279
procedure of 278
Vector borne 96
diseases 128
Vector control 377
measures 138
Vector diseases 361
Vector management, integrated 133
Vector-borne transmission, classification of 96
Vehicle borne 96
Venereal transmission 149
Venous thrombosis 275
artificial 363
natural 363
types of 363
Ventricular septal defect 176
Verbal communication 403
advantages of 403
Vertebrate vectors 96
Vibrio cholerae 123
Village Health Guide 423
Vinyl chloride 449
Violence-related hazards 457
VIP latrine 372
diseases 361, 493
hemorrhagic fevers 471
hepatitis 125
A 360
types of 125
infections 321
Viroids like 125
alpha 129
live attenuated 47
Visceral leishmaniasis 140, 226, 227
Vision 2020 183, 183f
aim of 183
basic strategies under 183
proposed structure for 184f
right to sight initiative 183
Vision impairment 232
Vision of NACO 163
Visual acuity 182
Visual aids 407
Visual impairment 182
Vital statistics, sources of 259
Vitamin 332
A 54, 233, 332, 333, 508
administration spoon 524
deficiency 231, 333, 334, 339
prophylaxis program 322
rich foods 551
supplementation 105
B1 332
B12 233, 332, 333
B2 332
B3 332, 334
deficiency 334
B5 332, 333
B6 332, 333
B7 332
B9 332, 335
C 332, 233
deficiency 339
D 233, 332, 333
deficiency 26, 231, 339
daily requirements of 332
deficiencies 332, 491, 540
E 233, 332, 333
K 332, 333
Vivax malaria 131
Voluntary fertility control, oldest method of 269
Voluntary health agencies 469
Vomiting 109
Waist 176
height ratio 181, 181f
characteristics of 440
clinical laboratory 437
disposal 368
management, solid and liquid 240
not useful for 441
radiographic 530
reduction in 441
sharps including metals 437
type of 11, 368, 437, 440
useful for 441
Water 354
associated diseases 361
based diseases 361
borne disease 360, 361, 540
breeding diseases 361
carriage and sewage treatment 370
chlorination of 357
disinfection of 355
filtration of 355
hardness of 360
harvesting 550
purification of 355
related diseases 361
retention 275
safe and wholesome 354
sources of 354, 361
storage of 355
type 357
of hardness of 360
washed diseases 361
Water conservation 362
applications for 362
goals of 362
strategies of 362
Water pollution 361, 385
sources of 361
Water quality 358
aspects of 358
bacteriological indicators of 359
Waterlow classification 310, 329
Wayson stain 145
Wechsler adult intelligence scale 389
Weight control measures 181
Weight gain 275
Weight loss 160, 161
Welcome classification 329
Welcome trust classification 310
Wells, disinfection of 355
West Nile fever 129
Wet bulb thermometer 528
Widal test 121
Widespread customs 393
Wilcoxan tests 488
rank sum test 488
signed rank test 488
test 488
Wild polio virus 119
Wild rodents 145
Wilson's criteria 67
Withdrawal method 269
Withdrawal syndrome 397
Wood dust 449
Wool-Sorter disease 148
Workshop 406, 406f
World Bank 468f
World Health Organization 466, 466f
Worm infestations 123
Wound treatment, local 143
Wuchereria bancrofti 94, 135, 529
microfilaria 135f
Xenopsylla cheopsis 145, 147
Xerophthalmia 333
classification of 334
Yellow fever 94, 95, 141, 361
vaccine 46, 142
Yersinia pestis 145
Yoga system of medicine 20
Zanamivir 108, 165
Zeihl-Neelsen staining 197
Zidovudine 162
Zika virus 166
disease 166f
risk areas 167f
Zinc 233, 340
deficiency 339, 341
phosphide 376
supplementation 123
Zoonosis 142
classification of 142
infections 142
origin 446
Zygote 131
intrafallopian transfer 285
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

16Theory Examinations
Section Outline
  1. Historical Aspects of Public Health
  2. Concepts of Health, Disease and Prevention
  3. Vaccines, Immunization and Cold Chain
  4. Concepts in Screening of Disease
  5. Basic Concepts in Epidemiology
  6. General Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
  7. Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases
  8. Epidemiology of Non-Communicable Diseases
  9. National Health Programmes, Policies and Legislations in India
  10. Demography and Population Dynamics
  11. Family Planning and Contraception
  12. Preventive Obstetrics and Pediatrics
  13. Nutrition and Health
  14. Environment and Health
  15. Social Sciences and Health
  16. Health Education and Communication
  17. Health Care in India, Health Planning and Management
  18. Allied Disciplines in Public Health
  19. International Health
  20. Biostatistics
  21. Other Public Health Related Topics

Historical Aspects of Public HealthChapter 1

1. Ayurveda System of Medicine
  • God of Ayurveda: Dhanvantari (Fig. 1.1)
  • Ayurveda means the ‘Science (veda) of life (ayu)’
  • Tridosha theory of disease: Disease occurs when there is disequilibrium in three doshas (humors), namely
    • Vata (wind)
    • Pitta (gall)
    • Kapha (mucus)
  • Eight branches (Ashatang Ayurveda):
    • Agad tantra (Toxicology and Forensic Medicine)
    • Bhoot vidya (Psychiatry, Supernatural factors)
    • Kaumar bhritya (Pediatrics and Obstetrics-Gynaecology)
    • Kaya chikitsa (Internal Medicine)
    • Rasayana chikitsa (Geriatrics)
    • Shalakya tantra (ENT and Ophthalmology)
    • Shalya chikitsa (Surgery)
    • Vajeekarana tantra (Eugenics and aphrodisiacs)
  • Principle: Maintain equilibrium between three humours – Vata, Pitta, Kapha
    zoom view
    Fig. 1.1: Dhanvantari.
    Major ways of diagnosis
    Key treatment modalities
    Nadi (Pulse)
    Mootra (Urine)
    Mala (Stool)
    Jihva (Tongue)
    Shabda (Speech)
    Sparsha (Touch)
    Druk (Vision)
    Aakruti (Appearance)
    Sodhana chikitsa (Purification process)
    Shamana chikitsa (Palliative therapy)
    Rasayana prayoga (Immunotherapy)
    Lakshina chikitsa (Symptomatic treatment)
    Sastra chikitsa (Surgical treatment)
    Vyadhiprayatnika chikitsa (Cancer treatment)
    Satyavajaya chikitsa (Psychotherapy)
    Pathya vyavastha (Dietary advice)
  • Major texts:
    • Charaka Samhita
    • Sushruta Samhita
zoom view
Fig. 1.2: Samuel Hahneman.
2. Homeopathy System of Medicine
  • Founding Father of Homeopathy: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (Germany) (Fig. 1.2)
  • Principles:20
    • First principle:Similia similibus curenter’ - Use of small amounts of a drug that, in healthy persons, produces symptoms similar to those of the disease being treated
    • Second principle: Single medicine at the time of treatment
    • Third principle: Minimum dose to be used
3. Yoga System of Medicine
  • Vedic science and art of healthy living
  • Major text: Yoga Sutra (written by Patanjali)
  • Principle: Disciplined life with positive attitude can control body without drugs
Types of Yoga
Japa yoga
Concentrate through recitation
Karma yoga
Perform duty as divine action
Gyana yoga
Knowledge of scriptures, saints
Bhakti yoga
Complete surrender to divine will
Raja yoga/ashtangyoga
All round development
Swara yoga
Cosmic consciousness through breathing
Awakening of brain
Doorways leading in and out of body
4. Siddha System of Medicine
  • Siddha means ‘Achievement’
  • Is practiced in Tamil speaking parts in India and abroad
  • Based on Physiological components of humans, namely,
    • Vaadham (air)
    • Pitham (fire)
    • Kabam (earth and water)
  • Principle: Medical treatment has to take into account the patient's environment, age, sex, race, physiological constitution, habit, diet, appetite, etc.
Elements of body
Function in human body
Elements of body
Function in human body
Ooneer (Plasma)
Growth, development, nourishment
Cheneer (Blood)
Nourishing muscles, impart color, intellect
Oon (Muscle)
Shape of the body
Koluppu/ Kozhuppu (Fatty tissue)
Oil balance, lubricating joints
Elumbu (Bone)
Body structure, posture, movement
Elumbu majjai (Bone marrow)
Blood corpuscles formation
Sukkilam (Semen)
5. Unani System of Medicine
  • Originated from Greece
  • ‘Based on Humoral theory’: Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile21
  • Patient's character: Sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic
Essentials of Unani medicine
Treatment modalities
Drink and food
Sleep and wakefulness
Excretion and retention
Physical activity and rest
Mental activity and rest
Ilajbil tadbeer (Regimenal therapy)
Ilajbil ghija (Dietotherapy)
Ilajbil dava (Pharmacotherapy)
Ilajbil yad (Surgery)
1. Systems of Medicine
  • State medicine: Provision of free medical services to the people at government expense
  • Socialized medicine: Provision of medical service and professional education by the State (as in state medicine), but the programme is operated and regulated by professional groups rather than by government
    • Prevents competition between practitioners and clients
    • Provision of medical services supported by state government
    • Ensures social equity that is universally operated by professional health services
    • First developed by Russia
  • Social medicine: Study of the social, economical, environmental, cultural, psychological and genetic factors, which have a bearing on health
zoom view
Fig 1.3: AYUSH.
  • ISM and H (Indigenous Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy) have been now re-designated as ‘AYUSH system’ of medicine
    • Ayurveda
    • Yoga and Naturopathy
    • Unani
    • Siddha
    • Homeopathy
    • Sowa-Rigpa
  • Mainstreaming of AYUSH (Fig. 1.3) is a key component of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) 2005-12.
1. Hippocrates (460–370 B.C.) (Fig. 1.4)
  • Also known as Father of Medicine, First True Epidemiologist, First documented Chest-surgeon
  • Books written:
    • On Air, Water and Places (Fig. 1.5)
    • Epidemic I
    • Epidemic III
  • Contributions in Public Health: First physician to
    • Reject supernatural or divine forces as causative agents of illness
    • Doctrine of Four Humours: All illness was the result of an imbalance in the body of the four humors - blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm
    • Describe clubbing, Hippocratic facies, Hot and Cold diseases22
    • Categorise illnesses as Epidemic, Endemic, Acute, Chronic
    • Describe aliments of rectum, proctoscopy
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Fig. 1.4: Hippocrates.
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Fig. 1.5: Airs Waters & Places.
2. Sushruta (Around 600 B.C.) (Fig. 1.6)
  • Also known as Father of Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery, Father of Indian Surgery
  • Book written: Sushruta Samhita
  • Contributions in Public Health:
    • Basic principles of Plastic surgery
    • 300 Surgical procedures, 120 surgical instruments
    • Eight types of Basic surgical procedures: Excision, Incision, Suturing, Puncturing, Probing, Extraction, Drainage, Scarification
    • Stages of surgery: Preoperative, Operative, Postoperative
    • Classification of Bones and their reaction to injuries
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Fig. 1.6: Susruta.
3. Edward Jenner (1749–1823) (Fig. 1.7)
  • Also known as: Father of Immunology
  • Contributions in Public Health:
    • First vaccine - Small Pox vaccine (1796)
    • Coined term ‘Vaccination’
    • Advanced understanding of Angina pectoris
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Fig. 1.7: Edward Jenner.
4. John Snow (1813–1858) (Fig. 1.8)
  • Also known as: Father of Epidemiology, Father of Modern Epidemiology, The Greatest doctor
  • Contributions in Public Health:
    • Studied Cholera (1848–1854) and established the role of drinking water in its spread (Causative agent identified later)
    • Dosages for use of ether and chloroform as surgical anesthesia
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Fig. 1.8: John Snow.
5. Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) (Fig. 1.9)
  • Also known as: Father of Microbiology
  • Contributions in Public Health:
    • Gave the ‘Germ theory of disease’
    • Coined term ‘Vaccine’
    • Developed Vaccines for Rabies, Anthrax and Chicken cholera
    • Techniques of Sterilization and Pasteurization
    • Principles of Hot air oven, Autoclave
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Fig. 1.9: Louis Pasteur.
Short Notes
  • John Snow
  • Edward Jenner
  • Louis Pasteur
  • AYUSH system of medicine
  • Ayurveda system of medicine
Viva Voce
  • What is AYUSH system of medicine?
    AYUSH is alternative system of medicine to allopathy in India, comprising of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy. It was earlier known as ISM and H (Indigenous Systems of Medicine and Homeopathy).
  • What is Germ theory of disease?
    Germ theory states specific microorganisms are the cause of specific diseases. It was accepted due to work of Louis Pasteur.