Clinical Handbook of Coronary Artery Disease Gundu HR Rao
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abciximab 300
Acanthosis nigricans 55f
Acetylcholine, arterial infusions of 318
Activities of daily livings 388
Acute coronary syndrome 19, 111, 216, 251, 272, 300, 356, 428, 445
Acute Decompensated Heart Failure 254f
National Registry 143
Acute ischemia, severe 269
Acute kidney injury 250, 251, 256
network 252, 256
RIFLE and AKIN criteria of 252t
Acute myocardial infarction 18, 28, 111, 256, 344, 348, 361, 378, 447
management of 300
Acute vascular events 451
risk scores for 450
Adenine nucleotide
catabolism of 412fc
metabolism 413
substrates 412
Adeno-associated virus 424
diphosphate 300
triphosphate 411
Adenoviruses 423
Adipokines 102
Adiponectin 111, 127, 424
gene therapy 424
abdominal 338
central 27
Adult Treatment Panel 36
Advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy 242f
Aerobic exercise 326
training 326, 327
African American Study of Kidney Disease 145
Agouti-related protein 425
Alanine transaminase 55
Albuminuria 144, 146
Alcohol 325, 343
abuse, chronic 325
consumption 148, 325, 344, 400, 450
heavy 325
harmful use of 284
intake, moderation in 13
types of 326
use 90
Alpha antagonists 274
Alpha-linolenic acid 156, 180, 181, 197
American College of Cardiology 13, 88, 92, 177, 204, 216, 255, 274, 353, 451, 452
American Diabetes Association 13, 16, 47, 88, 92, 101, 176, 201, 216
American Heart Association 204, 344, 450
guideline 13, 255
American National Cholesterol Education Program 36
Amiloride 149
Aminoglycosides 257
Amplatzer duct occluder 80
Amplatzer septal occluder 80
Anastamotic devices, proximal and distal 370, 370f
Angina 446
microvascular 267, 270
pectoris, description of 365
Angiography 428
Angioplasty, functional 356
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 251, 273, 385, 437
inhibitors 143, 273, 439
Angiotensin-receptor blocker 143, 146, 251, 255, 385, 439
Angiotensin-receptor neprilysin inhibitors 437, 439
Anticancer agents 305
Anticoagulants agents 437, 439
Anticoagulation therapy 394, 448
Antidiabetic medications, newer 258
Anti-inflammatory molecule 161fc
Anti-ischemic effects 416
Antiplatelet 301, 448, 448t
agents 293, 437, 439
drugs 305
sites of action of 301f
therapy 300, 301, 305
effective 305
newer 300
Antithrombotic therapy 448
Aorta 316
abdominal 317
ascending 390
assist device 362
Aortic cannula 367
Aortic stenosis, congenital 80
Aortic transcatheter valves, placement of 360
Aortic valve replacement 394
Aorto-left ventricular tunnel 81
Aortopulmonary windows 85
Aplastic anemia 300
Apoptosis pathways 437
Arachidonic acid 156, 300
metabolism of 160fc
Aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase 132
Arrhythmia 380, 405
reperfusion 370
Arterial atherosclerotic plaques 452
Arterial function 318
Arterial grafts, assessment of 374
Arterial infusions 324
Arterial stiffness 319
Arterial structure 317
Arterial thrombi, formation of 303
Arterial thrombosis 302
development of 300
Arterioles 316
Arteriosclerosis 144, 434
Artery 316
anterior descending 360
posterior descending 368
pulmonary 79
stenosis, left main 371
Artificial Heart Program 379
Asian-Indian phenotype 10f
Aspartate transaminase 55
Aspirin 300, 301304
effectiveness of 302
Asymptomatic carotid stenosis 294f, 297
Atherosclerosis 19, 91, 127, 156, 159f, 163, 164, 166fc, 169, 189, 294, 295f, 316, 317, 434, 453
accelerated 190t
development of 189f
mediators of 101
multi-ethnic study of 102
obstructive 272
plaque formation 410
research study 436
role in 167fc
treatment of 166
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 214b, 249
Atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease 434
Atherosclerotic disease 348, 410
Atopaxar 303
Atorvastatin therapy 297f
Atrial appendage, right 367
Atrial fibrillation 305
Atrial septal defect 79
Attending cardiac rehabilitation, benefits of 401
Autoimmune diseases 18
Autonomic neuropathy 264
Axial flow pump 362
Beta-blockers 251, 273, 439
Beta-lipoprotein 309
Bioabsorbable stents 358
Bioabsorbable vascular scaffolds 358
Blalock-Taussig shunt 76
Bleeding 394
gastrointestinal 394
related complications, risks of 361
cholesterol 309, 347
levels 178, 309
clotting 454
flow velocity analysis 236f
glucose 36, 55, 232
post-prandial 55
values 29
oxygen 374
pressure 29, 128, 144, 145, 232, 293, 344, 350, 399, 446
and cholesterol, treatment of 292
control of 13, 293
diastolic 13
high 90
levels of 29
management 37
reduces 422
resting 451
systolic 13, 90
Body fat distribution 130
Body mass index 10, 27, 58, 101, 108, 116f, 121, 320, 327, 330, 331, 389
Bone-mineral metabolism, abnormal 150
Brachial artery diameter 320
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor 424
Breast cancer 18
Bridge-to-transplant 391, 393
Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitor 305
Buffalo hump 55, 55f
Bypass system 361
Calcific aorta 369
absence of 427
antagonists 273, 437
channel blocker 145, 439
score 427, 428
Caloric expenditure program 405
Canadian Hypertension Education Program 144
Cancer 121, 284, 285, 343
Capillary-by-capillary action 454
Carbohydrates 328
Cardiac autonomic neuropathy 264, 265
Cardiac biomarkers 251
Cardiac catheterization laboratory 361
Cardiac function 429f
Cardiac injury 453
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging 20, 270
Cardiac markers 447
Cardiac perfusion 431f
Cardiac positioners 368
Cardiac rehabilitation 399, 403, 403b, 405, 407
benefits of 402b
indications for 399b
studies of 403t
Cardiac resynchronization therapy 384, 389
Cardiac transplantation 399
Cardiac troponin 447
T and troponin I 251
Cardica C-port anastamotic system 370
Cardiometabolic disease 101, 339
Cardiometabolic disorders 451
Cardiomyopathy 271
hypertrophic 271
Cardioplegia adjuvants 367
Cardioplegia cannula 367
Cardiopulmonary bypass 366
Cardiorenal syndrome 249, 251
classification of 251t
novel biomarkers in 249
pathophysiology of 250f
Cardiorespiratory fitness 324, 400
and obesity paradox 115
Cardiovascular disease 9, 10, 16, 27f, 44, 64, 88, 92, 94, 101, 114, 142, 157, 176, 179, 193195, 204, 214216, 220, 224, 249, 231, 264, 282, 285, 300, 316, 330, 340f, 349, 351b, 399, 410, 427, 449, 450
and diabetes 284
complications of 350
control 282
management 340f
prevention of 176, 291, 340f
risk assessment 96
treatment of 176
Cardiovascular health factors 344, 345
prevalence of 346f
Cardiovascular Health
Study 91
tests of 350b
Cardiovascular prevention 291, 298
Cardiovascular risk reduction, comprehensive 13b
Cardiovascular surgery 418
Carotid arteries 319, 429
Carotid incremental elastic modulus 321t, 322t
Carotid intima-media 317
thickness 92, 104, 317, 321, 322, 327, 330, 331
Carotid plaque 292f, 296
burden 291
measurement of 291
progression 296
volume 453
Carotid ultrasound imaging 95
Catheter-based reperfusion strategies 448
Cefuroxime 366
Cell 411
adhesion 436, 437
penetrating peptides 423
Cellular bioenergetics and function 411
Central nervous system 425
Central venous pressure 389
Cerebral artery, middle 293
Cerebrovascular accident 18, 393
Chemical methods 422
Chennai Urban Population Study 10
Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiological Study 11, 46
Chest 367, 446
depilation of 367
pain 267, 270
radiograph 386f, 392f
Child cancer survivors 323
Chin, double 55
Cholesterol 29, 164, 293
high 176
levels, abnormal 90
lowering medications 437, 439
management 36
Chronic kidney disease 57, 143, 143b, 144, 149, 217, 249, 258
presence of 142
prevalence of 142
role of nonimmune-mediated progressive 143
Ciliary neurotrophic factor 126
Cinacalcet Therapy, evaluation of 150
Circulatory assist devices 378
Clopidogrel 300304
metabolic activation 302
Coagulation and fibrinolysis, disorders of 12
Coarctation of aorta 80
Cold perspiration 446
Computed tomography 104, 388
angiography 20, 84
Congestive heart failure
development of 411
treatment of 379
Copeptin 447
Core valve device 359
Coronal artery
ischemia 428
stenosis, right 430f
Coronary angiogram 356
Coronary angiography 356, 428
Coronary angioplasty 300
Coronary arterial disease 417
Coronary arteriosclerosis 434
Coronary arteriovenous fistula 79
Coronary artery 104, 348, 369, 429f
arteriosclerosis 434
bypass graft 23, 89, 399, 436
evolution of 365
history of 365
minimally invasive 372f
off-pump 367
on-pump 366
surgery 353, 365, 403
bypass, minimally invasive direct 371
calcification 317, 427
calcium 104, 428
disease 911, 16, 17, 20t, 23, 27, 46, 89, 176, 179, 195, 204, 212, 214, 220, 224, 269, 272, 302, 308, 320, 327, 330, 331, 348, 349, 353, 365, 376, 378, 384, 410, 427, 428, 433, 434, 445, 450
and diabetes 9
deaths, age-standardized 192f
management of 21, 445
progression of 410
severity, assessment of 354
disorder 434
grafting, right 368
ischemia 410
left 366, 430f
risk development 91
Coronary atherosclerosis 434
Coronary blood flow 428
Coronary calcium score 20, 92, 297
Coronary disease 17, 434
therapy for 356
Coronary dysfunction, microvascular 267
Coronary flow reserve 268
Coronary heart disease 53, 64, 90, 108, 110, 156, 157, 167, 282, 311, 338, 340, 401, 403, 407f, 450
high prevalence of 27
prevalence of 27
Coronary heart failure 327
Coronary interventions, transradial access for 357
Coronary intravascular ultrasound 296
Coronary lesion severity, assessment of 354
Coronary luminal diameter 354
Coronary measurement system 355
Coronary microcirculation 268f
Coronary microvascular dysfunction 267269, 271273, 275
Coronary plaques 427
Coronary primary prevention trial 311
Coronary risk factors 291
Coronary sclerosis 434
Coronary stenosis 355, 428
Coronary vessels, smaller 436
C-reactive protein 10, 12, 18, 90, 103, 156, 451, 453
high-sensitivity 54, 55
Critical aortic stenosis 394
Current obesity
prevention 421
treatment 421
Cyclooxygenase pathway 157
Cystoid macular edema 240f
Da Vinci Robotic system 371
Dairy fat 192
Darbepoetin 258
Data collection and curation 433
Data organization and integration 437
De Novo lesions 357
De Novo pathway 415f
Defibrillatory arrest 367
Depression 121, 407
prevalence of 406
Descending artery, left anterior 366, 368, 430f
Destination therapy 387, 391
Dexamethasone depots 240
Diabetes 13b, 16, 21, 27, 29, 34, 90, 142, 143, 269, 285, 293, 316, 384, 433
age-standardized prevalence of 51f
and clinical complications 230, 263
and coronary artery disease 9
and dyslipidemia 11
and prediabetes, prevalence of 43t, 44t
and vascular disease, action in 12
chronic complications of 46
complications of 46
control and complications trial 231
distinctive features of 53
epidemiology of 42
interventions and complications, epidemiology of 231
major risk factors for 46t
management 37, 45, 399
mellitus 108, 230, 338, 375, 376, 411
prevalence of type 2 50
type 1 230, 332
type 2 9, 18, 31, 42, 46, 53, 55f, 101, 143, 230, 263, 330, 332, 340, 399, 450
pandemic of 42
prevalence of 44, 51t, 52t
prevention program 32
primary prevention of 46
Diabetic macular edema 238, 242
Diabetic retinopathy 230, 232, 237f, 242, 245
and cardiovascular disease 245
and classification 235
biomarkers of 243
classification of 235, 237t
genetic profile of 243
inflammation in 244
nonproliferative 233
ophthalmic evaluation of 233
risk factors for progression of 232
study 238
early treatment 236, 237t, 238
treatment of 238
unstable proliferative 242
Vitrectomy Study Research Group 239
Wisconsin epidemiologic study of 232
Diastolic dysfunction 410, 411, 415, 417
Diet interventions 30
Dietary cholesterol 178, 179t
Dietary factors 338
Dietary fat 176, 204t
types of 187
Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee 177, 313
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 177
Dietary intake 28
analysis of 28
Dietary modification, effect of 322t, 330t
Dietary saturated fats 184
Dietary saturated fatty acids historic perspectives of 185
Dietary supplementation 329
Diet-heart 308, 310, 311
debates 308, 312, 313
hypothesis 308, 309, 313
crafting 308
Digitalis preparations 437
Digitoxin 437
Digoxin 437, 439
Dihomo-γ-linolenic acid 159f
Dilated cardiomyopathy 271
Dimethylarginine, asymmetric 294
Diplomate of National Board 86
Dipyridamole 374
Disability-adjusted life years 286
Distal coronary artery, endarterectomy of 370
Diuretics 439
Dizziness 446
Docosahexaenoic acid 156, 161fc, 180, 181, 329
Doppler embolus detection 293
Double vessel disease 445
D-ribose 410, 413, 414, 416, 417
benefits of 414
investigations 414
metabolism of 413
pharmacokinetics of 413
uses of 418
Drug discovery 433
Drugbank database 435
Drug-coated balloons 358
Drug-eluting balloon 357
advantages of 358
Drug-eluting stents 356, 358, 375
Dual angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, role of 146
Dual antiplatelet therapy 359
Dyslipidemia 16, 17, 55t, 108, 111, 214b, 224b, 316
control of 13
management of 212, 216b, 218, 221t
Dyspnea 254f
Echocardiography 447
Ectopic fat and
atherosclerosis 104
incident cardiovascular disease 105
Edema, pulmonary 446
Eicosapentaenoic acid 156, 160fc, 180t, 181t, 196
Ejection fraction 389, 403
normal 411
reduced 405
Elaidic acid 181
Elastic sutures, use of 369
Electrocardiogram 269
Electrocardiography 428, 447
Electroencephalogram 388fc
Electroporation 422
Endarterectomy 370
Endoplasmic reticulum 127
Endoradial harvesting 373
End-organ function 387
Endoscopic coronary artery bypass, totally 371
Endoscopic left internal mammary harvesting 373f
Endoscopic vein harvesting 373
Endoscopic vessel harvesting 373
Endothelial cells 162
Endothelial dysfunction 167fc, 317, 322, 450, 452
Endothelial function 320, 323, 454f
Endothelial inflammation 110
Endothelin 251
Endothelium 316
dependent 321, 322, 327, 330, 331
independent 321, 330, 331
End-stage renal disease 249, 252, 256
prevalence of 142
Enzymes 302
Epiretinal membrane 242
Eptifibatide 300
Erythropoietin 258
Essential fatty acids 156, 163
metabolism of 156, 158fc
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 249
Estrogen-receptor modulators, selective 21
European Society of Cardiology 428
Evidence-informed dietary priorities 338
Ex vivo perfusion chamber 304
Exercise 293, 408
electrocardiography 20
comprehensive 399
interventions on vascular structure and function, effect of 321t
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 361, 362, 378, 387
Eye movement
nonrapid 123
rapid 123
Farnesol X receptor 157t
Fasting glucose, impaired 43, 45
deposition, ectopic sites of 55
depots, abdominal 54f
mass 424
substitution, additional proof of benefits of 195
Fatty acid 28, 164, 165, 181, 331
desaturase 169
major 181t
unsaturated 194
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic 54, 55f, 127, 327
Femoral artery 361
Fibrinogen 90
Fibrinolysis, pre-hospital 447
Fibrinolytic agents 448t
Fibrovascular proliferation 240f, 242f
Flexible intervention 71
Flow-mediated dilation 318
Fluocinolone acetonide 240
Fluorescein angiography 234f
Folic acid 322, 330
Food and drug
administration 385
agency 213
Forearm 367
Fractional flow reserve 355
Framingham risk
factors 295
score 18, 36, 90, 292
fluorescein angiography 233
photography 233
photomodified grid laser 239f
Galectin-3 254
Gamma-glutamyltransferase 5 441
Gas insufflation 369
Gastrointestinal diseases 343
Gene 433, 434, 439
accumulation of 435
control obesity 420
expression 423
ominibus 435
gun 422
ontology 435
regulation 157
therapy 122, 422, 425
transfer 423
Genetic information 439
Genetic predisposition 232
Genome 425
Ghost cell glaucoma 242
Global Adult Tobacco Survey 342
Global Burden of Disease Study 212, 338
Global Prevalence of Diabetes 52f
Global Tobacco Surveillance System 342
Glomerular filtration rate 142, 149
Glomerulonephritis 142, 143
6-phosphate dehydrogenase 414
intolerance 17
levels 347
tolerance, impaired 10, 42, 43, 45, 57
Glycemic control 13, 149
Glycemic index 328
Glycoprotein 303
Graft harvesting, endoscopic technique for 373
Grafting, radial artery for 373
Great arteries 83
Hard and soft plaque 410
Hazelnut-enriched diet 331
community 443
professionals 342
systems factors 403
team 407
professionals 342
services, response of 343
status 343
Healthy fats, classification of 180t
and renal protection trial, study of 147
attacks 291
disease 16, 27, 64, 308, 316, 450
arteriosclerotic 434
congenital 74
pathophysiology of 143
prevention of 308
rheumatic 75
risk of 27
risk score 451
estrogen 17
failure 18, 110, 249, 251, 253, 384, 389, 405, 411, 450
advanced 384
chronic 379
congestive 253, 403, 410
right 380
stage of 385f
treatment 385f
outcomes prevention evaluation 37
rate 446
irregular 374
variability 265
team approach 362
total artificial 381, 385
transplantation 379, 381
valve surgery 399
HeartMate III left ventricular assist device 392f
HeartMate XVE 387f
Heartware 390, 391
left ventricular assist device 392f
ventricular assist device 391
Hematoma 111
Hemoglobinuria 393
preretinal 240f
thick premacular 242
Hemorrhagic status 454
Heparin 369
Hepatic fat 54
Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α 157
Hepatosteatosis 189
Herpes simplex virus 423
Hibernating myocardium 416
High-fat diet 176
Homocysteine 90
antiatherogenic 424
cascade pathways 436
replacement therapy 17, 274
Host cell 423
Human genome project 420
Human immunodeficiency viruses 389
Hybrid coronary
images 431f
revascularization 360
Hydrodynamic delivery 422
Hypercholesterolemia, familial 214b, 329
Hyperemia 318
Hyperglycemia 12, 189
post-prandial 53
Hyperkalemia 260, 447
Hyperlipidemia 21, 162
familial combined 329
Hypertension 16, 17, 21, 27, 108, 142, 143, 148, 162, 189, 316, 332, 384, 433, 440f, 446
and obesity 436
prevalence of 142
Hypoglycemia 149, 264
Hypoperfusion 416
Hypothermia, mild 367
Hypothesis 166
Iatrogenic coronary microvascular dysfunction 272
Ifetroban 302
Imipramine 274
Impella 362
Implantable cardioverter defibrillators 384
In-cardiome 433, 443
database 441
gene 435, 441
information of 437
Indian Council of Medical Research 42
Inducible nitric oxide synthase 167
Infection 394
demonstrating erythema 394f
risk of 395
Inflammation 401, 437
systemic 108
Inflammatory biomarkers 453
Inflammatory markers 12
Inhibit platelet function 305
Injury, myocardial 447
In-stent restenosis, rate of 356
Insulin resistance 293, 424
and cardio-metabolic risk factors 55
and metabolic syndrome 11
homoeostasis modal assessment for 55
Insulin-like growth factor-1 125
Insulin-sensitizing hormone 424
Integrated cardiome 433
Intensive statin therapy
benefits of 215
safety of 215
Intermacs profiles 388t
International Atherosclerosis Society 224
lifetime risk estimation and stratification, advantages of 220t
International Diabetes Federation 10, 47, 50, 58
International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics 312
International Society of Atherosclerosis 94t
International Society of Hypertension 92
Interventional cardiology 353, 363
Intestinal microbiome 295
Intima-media thickness 291, 427
Intra-aortic balloon pump 361, 378, 388
Intra-arterial infusion 318
Intracoronary shunts 369, 369f
Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities 236
Intravascular ultrasound 353, 356
Invasive coronary angiography 428
Invasive fluorescein angiography 236f
Ischemia 412, 414, 416
producing stenoses 356
silent 265
Ischemic cardiovascular disease 410
Ischemic heart disease 27, 344, 434
risk of 340
Joint British Societies 90
Kaplan-Meier survival
curve of mortality 254f
estimates 376, 386f
plots 294f
Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative 150
injury molecule-1 256
protection, heart protection results in 152f
Lauric acid 181t
Left ventricular assist device 379, 384, 386, 388, 389, 389fc, 391, 392f, 393
continuous flow 390, 393
destination therapy trials 391t
implantation strategies for 387
Left ventricular
compression 368
dysfunction 445
function 361
Lentivirus 423
Leptin 125, 424
amount of 424
gene therapy 424
resistance 126
Leukocyte adhesion 317
Leukotriene 160fc
Lietz-Miller model 390
Linoleic acid 181
abnormal 27
lowering, role of 147
management 399
metabolism 437
Lipoplexes 423
Lipoprotein 11, 89, 90
abnormal 185
high-density 55, 89, 180, 181, 190, 194
high-low-density 212
intermediate density 215, 216
non-fasting non-high density 214
non-high-density 214, 215, 215b, 220, 221, 224
high-density 10, 11, 92, 157, 446
low-density 29
low-high-density 17, 103
very low-density 111
Lipoxins 161, 166
Lipoxygenase pathway 157
cirrhosis 343
span 54f
Low social economic status 90
Low-cholesterol diets 312
Low-density lipoprotein 10, 11, 29, 111, 147, 152, 157, 214, 224, 446
cholesterol 17, 89, 180, 181, 190, 194, 215, 216, 221, 294, 400
Lower cardiovascular events 150
Lower limbs 367
Low-fat diet 180
Macula 233f
optical coherence tomography scans of 240f
Macular edema, clinically significant 238, 238b, 238f
Macular tractional retinal detachment 242, 242f
Madras Diabetes Research Foundation 453
Magnetic resonance imaging 101
Mammary artery, internal 366
Mann's diet-heart opposition 310
Mann's research methodology 309
Mass media 341
Maternal nutritional deprivation 340
Mechanical circulatory support, interagency for 388, 393
Medical therapy 293
Medistim probes 373f
Mediterranean diet 293
score 202, 203
Melanocortin-4 receptor 425
Metabolic diseases, chronic 456
Metabolic disorders treatment 421
Metabolic equivalent 115, 401, 403
Metabolic memory 13
Metabolic syndrome 11, 17, 108, 158fc, 323, 330, 340, 384
prevalence of 401
Metalloproteinase-2, tissue inhibitor of 256
Metformin 273
Microalbuminuria 90
Microribonucleic acid 18
Migration inhibitory factor 167
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists 251
Miniature ventricular assist device 392f
Minimally invasive cardiac surgery 371
Mitogen-activated protein 126
Molecular weight multimers, high 394
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 162
Monogenic genetic diseases 425
Monophosphate shunt 414
Monounsaturated fatty acid 179181, 187, 194, 197, 204
Mortality rate, age adjusted 69f
Multicenter noninferiority trial 391
Multidetector computed tomography 427, 429fc
Multisystem organ failure 387, 389
Myalgia 296
Myeloperoxidase 90
Myocardial adenosine triphosphate 411
Myocardial blood flow 268
Myocardial cells 447
Myocardial diastolic dysfunctional state 410
Myocardial diseases 269, 271, 273, 275
Myocardial energy 411
assessment of 412
Myocardial infarction 10, 27, 89, 214, 253, 292, 294f, 300, 375, 379, 399, 403, 416, 441, 447
flow, thrombolysis in 355
nonfatal 375
non-procedural 375
risk of 451
symptoms of 445
Myocardial ischemia 367, 411, 412, 417
diagnosis of 447
Myocardial perfusion 428
techniques 428
Myocardial viability testing 374
Myocarditis 271, 272, 447
Myostatin 56
Myristic acid 181t
N antiplatelet paradigms 300
N-3 polyunsaturated fats 180
N-6 polyunsaturated fats 180, 181
N-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid, health benefits of 196
National Cholesterol Education Program 11, 36, 148t
National Health
and Nutrition Evaluation Survey 142
Service 31
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute 88, 267, 450
National Kidney Foundation 150
National Lipid Association 200
National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke 47
Natriuretic peptide 253
B-type 249
Nausea 446
Nephropathy 231
Neuropathy 231, 263
prevalence of 263
Neuropeptide Y gene 124, 130
Neuroprotectin D1 156
Neutropenia, development of 300
New York Heart Association 389
Nicorandil 274
Nicotinamide nitrate 274
Nitrates 273, 437, 448
Nitric oxide 268, 317
Nitroglycerin 437
Nitrolipids 162, 166
Noncalcified plaques 427
Noncommunicable disease 52, 59, 65, 282, 284b, 285t, 288f, 455
chronic 399
control of 339t
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes, prevalence of 29
Nonsensus conference 311
Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction 23, 375
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents 257
Non-viral methods 422
Novel antiplatelet therapies 301
N-terminal pro B-type natriuretic peptide 350
Nuclear receptor 157
Nucleotides, synthesis of 413, 416
Nutrition 338
transition 339
Nuts and
cardiovascular disease risk 199
diabetes 200
lipoproteins 199
obesity 200
Obesity 11, 27, 45, 90, 108, 115, 121, 122, 123, 293, 316, 320, 332, 420, 421, 421t, 450
abdominal 27
and abdominal obesity, cut-offs of 58t
and coronary heart disease 108
and diabetes 287
associated protein 424
cardiovascular consequences of 109
central 17, 148t
epidemic 108
gene therapy
applications for 420
molecular targets for 424
genetics 420
impact on healthcare economy 421
natural treatment of 421
paradox 114
potential reasons for 114t
Obstructive coronary artery disease 267, 273, 275
Obtuse marginal grafting 368
Octopus tissue 368
Oleic acid 181
Oligonucleotides 422
Omega-3 fatty acids 28
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid 30
Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid 30
Optic disc 238
Optical coherence tomography 233
angiography 235
noninvasive 236f
high resolution cross-section 235f
Optimal antiproteinuric doses, renoprotection of 146
Optimal medical therapy 21, 113, 151, 386f
Orthodoxy 308
Osteoarthritis 121
Oxidative stress 316, 453
Oxygen 317
consumption 403
inhalation 448
rich blood 410
supply of 410
P2Y1 antagonists 303
P2Y12 receptor antagonists 302
Palmitic acid 181t
Palpitation 446
Pancreatic volume 54f
Paracrine 316
Parathyroid hormone 150
Patent ductus arteriosus 79
Pediatric Cardiac Society of India 76
Pediatric cardiology, development of 74
Pediatric echocardiography, evolution of 83
Pentose phosphate pathway 414fc
Percutaneous coronary intervention 22, 23, 354
Percutaneous heart pump 379
Percutaneous transluminal
coronary angioplasty 353
mitral commissurotomy 79
renal angioplasty 151
Peripheral artery disease 300
Peripheral vascular diseases 46
Peroperative flow assessment 373
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor 157
Phosphate pathway 414
Phosphogluconate pathway 414
Phospholipids 178
Physical activity 27, 29, 32
chart 401t
level of 33, 34
Physical gene transfer 423
Plain balloon angioplasty 357
area, measurement of 292f
burden, measurement of 291
noninvasive visualization of 427
regression of 292
volume, measurement of 296
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 90
Platelet 303
activating states, chronic 301
activation of 301
adhesion 300
aggregation, stage of 300
function 300
mediated hemostasis 394
reactivity instrument 455f
surface 304
Polycystic kidney disease 143
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 17, 327
Polypills, use of 37
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 28, 157, 179, 180, 194196, 198, 204
Porcelain aorta 369
Positron emission tomography 270
Prasugrel 300
Prevention renal and vascular end-stage disease study 144
Progestin replacement study 17
Proinflammatory molecule 160fc
Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 233, 234f
hard exudates-high-risk 240f
Prolongation 304
Prolonging disease-free life 351
Proopiomelanocortin 425
Prostacyclin 156
Prostaglandins 156, 157, 159, 160fc
Protease-activated receptors antagonists 303
Protectins 161, 166
Protein 433, 434
Protein-protein interaction network 439, 442f
Pseudointima 385
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 395
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula 79
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 389
Pulmonary hypertension, severe 389
Pulsatile heartmate XVE 386f
Pulse wave
analysis 454f
velocity 319, 321, 322, 327, 330
Pump thrombosis 393
Radionuclide myocardial perfusion imaging 20
Randomized control trials 194, 195
Ranolazine 274
Reactive oxygen species 167
Reflected sound waves 356
Renal artery stenosis and heart 151
Renal atherosclerotic lesions study 151
Renal damage, genesis of 257f
Renal disease, chronic 145
Renal failure, chronic 330
Renal replacement therapy 250, 252, 389
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system 143, 152
blockade, role of 146
Renovascular disease 143
Resolvins 161, 166
Respiratory diseases, chronic 285
Respiratory disorders 121
Respiratory rate 446
Retina, thickening of 238f
Retinal detachment, combined 242
Retinal eye blood vessel analysis 451
Retinal function imager 235
Retinal pigment epithelium 232
Retinal thickening, fresh focal laser scars over areas of 239f
Retinopathy 230
Retrograde fashion 379
Retrovirus 423
types of 423
Reynolds risk score 18
Rheumatic fever 75, 76
Ribose 414
Right ventricle, double outlet 77
Right ventricular
compression 368
failure 395
Runners’ Health Studies database 405
Salvage pathway 415fc
Saphenous vein graft 366
Saturated fats, sources of 186
Saturated fatty acid 179, 180, 186, 187, 187t, 190, 193194, 196198, 204
and diabetes 192
Sedentary death syndrome 400
Serum cholesterol levels 314
lower 32, 179
creatinine 252
lipids 232
triglycerides 55
Severe obesity syndrome 425
Sexual maturity 424
cardiogenic 378, 379
post cardiotomy 379
Single nucleotide polymorphism 129, 435
Single-photon emission computed tomography 111, 428
Sinus of Valsalva 79, 80
Skin 394
incision 366
Sleep 123
Smooth muscle's ability 318
glucose cotransporter-2 251
inhibitors 258
intake 148
zirconium cyclosilicate 261
Soft tissues 394
Spinal cord stimulation 275
ST elevation myocardial infarction 19, 23, 348, 445
management of 272, 447
Stable angina 441
Stable coronary syndrome 355
Stable microvascular angina 270
Staphylococcus aureus 394
Statin 273, 402f
therapy 216b
Stearic acid 181t
Sternotomy, lower partial 371
electrocardiogram 20
pharmacological 428
psychological 406
psychosocial 90
reduction 13
Stroke 305, 450
acute 300
cerebrovascular 64
previous 300
Subclinical atherosclerosis 450
for prediction of cardiovascular disease risk, assessment of 94
Subclinical inflammation, chronic 12
Subxiphoid region 371
Sulfamethoxazole 149
Supplementation, acute effects of 329
Suprachiasmatic nucleus 124
Surgical aortic valve replacement 359
Surgical coronary revascularization 365
Syngo calcium scoring 429f
SYNTAX trial 374
Systematic coronary risk evaluation 90
Systemic lupus erythematosus 18
Systolic dysfunction 410, 411
Systolic Pressure Intervention Trial 145
Takotsubo syndrome 269
Tandem heart 361, 362
Tetralogy of Fallot 77
Therapeutic agents 351
Therapeutic genes 424
Therapeutic interventions 433
Therapeutic target 294, 351
Thienopyridine 300
drugs 302
therapy of 303
Thioctic acid 265
Thiocyanate 294
Third Joint British Societies 92
Thoracic artery grafting, internal 366
Thoracotomy procedures, left 372
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 300
Thromboxane 160fc
antagonists 302
Thrombus 380
Thyroidectomy 365
Tirofiban 300
Tissue stabilizers 368, 369f
Tobacco product 30
Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection 77
Total cholesterol 55
levels 188f, 309
Total homocysteine 294
Total plaque area 291, 292f
Traction retinal detachments 242
Tractional macular detachment 242f
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement 359
Trans-fat 164, 180, 182
Trans-fatty acid 179181, 184, 204
consumption 183
dangers of 182
during deep frying, spontaneous formation of 183
major sources of 183
Transient ischemic attack 305
Trendelenburg positioning 368
Triamterene 149
Triglycerides 17, 157t
Trimethoprim 149
Triple vessel disease 445
Troponin 453
high-sensitivity 253
Tuberculosis 53
Tumor necrosis factor alpha 12, 110, 167
Tumorigenicity 2, suppressor of 255
UK Prospective Diabetes Study 231
Unhealthy fats, classification of 180t
Unstable angina 305
Urchin 369f
Urinary albumin concentration 144
Urinary microalbumin 451
Vagal reflex stimulation, activation of 446
Vancomycin 257
Vascular disease 300
Vascular function
across lifespan 316
with weight loss 322
Vasodilators 439
Ventrica Magnet Vascular Port System 370
Ventricular assist device 380, 385, 387
role of 381
second-generation 380
Ventricular diastolic dysfunction 418
Ventricular end diastolic pressure 416
Ventricular septal defect 79
Vineberg's implantation 366
Viral vectors 423
Visceral adipose tissue 103, 104, 122
Vision 2020 role 245
C 322, 329
D 150, 329, 338
D deficiency 90
E 322
Vitreomacular traction 242
Vitreous hemorrhage 242
Vomiting 446
von Willebrand factor 304
von Willebrand syndrome 394
von Willibrand molecule 394
Vorapaxar 303
Vulnerable plaques 428
Waist circumference 116f
Water pills 437
Weight loss 328
given obesity paradox, role of 117
Women's ischemia syndrome evaluation 19, 267
World Diabetes Foundation 47
World Health Organization 47, 92, 121, 142, 177, 204, 338, 399, 339t, 433
World Heart Federation 16, 177, 204
Xanthine derivatives 274
Chapter Notes

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