Practical Standard Prescriber ABM Abdullah
Abdomen 7
ultrasonography of 134, 161
X-ray of 134, 192
ABO incompatibility 338
Abortion 404, 408
complete 408, 410
criminal 409
habitual 408, 410
incomplete 408, 410
induced 409
inevitable 408, 409
legal 409
missed 408, 410
septic 408, 411
spontaneous 408
therapeutic 409, 412
threatened 408, 409
Abruptio placenta 115, 419
Acanthosis nigricans 73, 237
Acetoacetate 196
Acetone 196
breath 155
Achalasia cardia 65, 67
Acid-base imbalance 325
Acid-fast bacillus 83, 125, 243, 259
correction of 301
metabolic 300, 328
respiratory 329
severe metabolic 299
Acne vulgaris 242
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 307, 370, 371
diagnosis of 372
natural history of 371
treatment of 373
Acromegaly 149
Actinomyces israelii 44
Activated partial thromboplastin time 191, 361, 403
Acute exacerbation 40
treatment of 47
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 45, 48, 74, 356, 422
Acyanotic Fallot 15
Addison's disease 86, 143, 145, 250, 315, 325
Addisonian crisis 84, 86, 146
Adenocarcinoma 43, 415, 416
Adenoma 142
adrenal 147
Adenomyosis 408, 413
Adenosine deaminase 83, 125, 259
Adjustment disorder 308
Adrenal cortex, diseases of 143
Adrenal medulla, diseases of 143
Adult polycystic kidney disease 204
Adult Still's disease 359
Aedes aegypti 166
Agnosia 291
Agoraphobia 308
Air embolism 115
Akinetic seizure 287
Albendazole 183185
Albinism 341
Alcohol 84, 117, 121, 264
intoxication, acute 357
withdrawal, clinical features of 358
Alcoholism 357
Alemtuzumab 107
Alkaline phosphatase 118
Alkalosis 142
metabolic 328
respiratory 329
Alkaptonuria 341
Allergens 39
Allergic alveolitis, extrinsic 57
Allergic angiitis 353
Allergic reaction 115
Allergies 200
Allopurinol 199, 205
Alopecia 250
areata 250
totalis 250
causes of 250
universalis 250
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 156
Alpha-thalassemia 95, 96
Alport syndrome 200, 342
Aluminum-containing antacids 85
Alzheimer's disease 291, 315
Amblyopia, nutritional 264
Amenorrhea 160, 401
concealed 401
history of 409
primary 160, 401
secondary 160, 401, 402
true 401
Amiodarone 267
Amitriptyline 309
Amniotic fluid embolism 115
Amoebiasis 86, 173
Amphotericin B
conventional 182
deoxycholate 183
Amyloidosis 108
diabetic 348
syphilitic 284
Analgesic 388
nephropathy 210, 213
Ancylostoma duodenale 184
Ancylostomiasis 184
Androgen 146
Anemia 73, 90, 92, 101, 208, 424
aplastic 99, 101, 403
autoimmune hemolytic 96
correction of 95
dimorphic 91
dyshemopoietic 90
features of 101
hemorrhagic 90
investigations of 91
pernicious 93, 250
severe 401
sideroblastic 90, 92
specific cause of 91
triad of 95
Aneurysm, ventricular 20
Angina 11
pectoris 17
Angioedema, hereditary 362
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor 7, 153, 198, 238, 326
Angle-closure glaucoma, acute 385
Angular cheilitis 93
Ankylosing spondylitis 5, 222
Anorectum 252
Anorexia 68, 73, 88, 164
nervosa 84, 85, 312, 313
physical effects of 313
Anosmia 395
Anterior spinal artery thrombosis 283
Anthrax 186
cutaneous 186
gastrointestinal 187
inhalational 187
Antianginal drugs 17
Antibiotic 133, 212, 393, 395, 423
therapy 83
topical 378, 388
Antibody 88
antinuclear 108, 200, 225, 244, 351
antiphospholipid 411
test 225
Anticholinergic 85
drug 40
Anticoagulant 62, 65
therapy 108
Antiepileptics 185
Antifibrotic therapy 57
bacterial 334
detection of 181
serum prostate-specific 218
A virus 118
E virus 118
Antihistamine 116, 395
Antihypertensive drugs 425
Anti-inflammatory drugs 395
disease 284
therapy 211, 233
Anti-mitochondrial antibody 124
Antiplatelet 226
prolonged use of 65
therapy 17
Antipsychotic drugs 312
side effects of 312
Antistreptolysin O titer 242
Antitubercular drugs 59
first-line 59
second-line 59
Anti-tuberculosis 117
Antral biopsy 69
Anuria 198
causes of 198
Anxiety 39, 85
disorders 308
management of 308
neurosis 306, 308
Aorta, coarctation of 16, 161
Aplastic crisis 98
Appendicitis, acute 76, 84
Appendicular lump, treatment of 76
Apraxia 291
constructional 128
Arnold-Chiari lesion 280
Arrhythmia 27
Arsenic 264
toxicity, chronic 245
Arsenicosis 244
Artemether plus lumefantrine 180
Arterial blood gas 154, 155
analysis 56, 191
Arteriovenous malformation 277
Arteritis, temporal 350
Arthralgia 47, 221
Arthritis 12, 221, 235
hemophilic 222, 234
inflammatory 221
juvenile idiopathic 221, 235
mechanical 221
noninflammatory 221
psoriatic 229
seronegative 221, 229
seropositive 221
treatment of 229
types of 238
Arthrocentesis 235
Arthropathy 151
neuropathic 222
Arthroscopy 232
Artificial tear 225
Asbestosis 62
Asboe-Hansen signs 240
Ascariasis 184
Ascaris lumbricoides 184
Ascites 124
Ascitic fluid 83
aspiration of 125
color 125
Ascorbic acid 322
flavus 131
fumigatus 388
niger 388
Aspiration 45, 123, 125, 193
pneumonia, recurrent 67
Aspirin 65, 299
intolerance 395
Asthenia 73
Asthma 39, 41, 42
acute severe 40
chronic 40
drugs-induced 41
episodic 40
exercise-induced 41
intermittent 40
management of 41, 426
nocturnal 39
occupational 41
uncontrolled 426
Ataxia 266
telangiectasia 341
Atherosclerosis 136, 214
Athetosis 274
Atresia, duodenal 343
Atrial ectopics 31
Atrial fibrillation 29
Atrial flutter 31
Atrial pacing 36
Atrial septal defect 13, 161, 342
Atrioventricular block 32
Attack, acute 17
Audiometry 391
Auditory hallucination 307
Auspitz's sign 238
Autoimmune collagen disorders 382
Autonomic dysfunction 176, 207
Autonomic failure, primary 270
Autosomal dominant disease 341
Autosomal recessive diseases 341
Azithromycin 170, 253
Bacillary dysentery 172
Bacillus anthracis 186
Bacillus calmette-guérin 241
Bacillus cereus 85
Back pain, low 408
Bacteria 335
gram-negative 211
Bacteriuria, asymptomatic 211, 212
Bacteroides fragilis 389
Bardet–Biedl syndrome 160
Bariatric surgery 86
enema 78, 79
meal 87
Barrett's esophagus 66, 68
Bartter syndrome 327
Basal ganglia 271
Becker muscular dystrophy 289, 290
Behavioral disorders 306
Behçet's disease 257, 277
Behçet's syndrome 64, 242, 353
Bell's palsy 262, 263
Bence–Jones protein 114
Benzodiazepine 303, 317
Beriberi 417
dry 320
neurological 320
wet 320
Berry aneurysm 277
Beta-blocker, contraindications of 10
Beta-hydroxybutyric acid 196
Betamethasone 251
Beta-thalassemia 95
Bicarbonate 325
Biguanides 156
acid malabsorption 87
salt 196
Bilevel positive airway pressure 362, 396
Biliary atresia, extrahepatic 117
Bilirubin 100, 196
excess production of 117
reduced hepatic uptake of 117
Biochemistry 83
Biological therapy 224
Biopsy 68, 216, 232
Biotin 322
Bipolar affective disorder 310
Bipolar mood disorder 310
Birth weight, low 338
Bisphosphonate 65, 229
Bitot's spots 318
Biventricular failure, causes of 8
Black urine, causes of 197
emptying, incomplete 211
involvement 270
neck obstruction 205
stone 215
tumor, invasive 217
Blalock–Taussig shun 15
Bleeding 129
continuous 407
cutaneous 323
disorder 65
gastrointestinal 127
manifestations 101
per vagina 409
placental 418
postmenopausal 406
primary prevention of 130
recurrent 407
spots 101
time 100, 108
Blepharitis 376
Blindness 318
Bloating 88
Blood 196
dyscrasias 403
gas analysis 333
glucose 155
monitoring of 152
loss 90, 205, 346
pressure 5, 136
diastolic 422
low 190
sugar 200
tests 70
transfusion 115
Blumer's shelf 73
Body dysmorphic disorder 314
Body mass index 158
Bone 68, 78
age 160
disease 178, 207
marrow 95, 99, 101, 103, 104, 108
examination 92
secondary deposit of 107
study 105, 111
transplantation 101, 102
mineral density 145, 351
X-ray of 229
Borderline lepromatous leprosy 187
Borderline leprosy 187
Borderline tuberculoid 187
Bordetella pertussis 175
Bortezomib 114
Bouchard's node 228
Bowen's disease 245
Bradycardia, causes of 28
Brain 68
abscess 260
magnetic resonance imaging of 259, 266, 281, 316
tumor 282
primary 315
Breast abscess 423
Breastfeeding 427
Breathlessness 49
Briquet's syndrome 314
Broad-spectrum antibiotic 74, 127, 260, 391, 412
Bronchial asthma 39, 395, 426
drugs used in 40
management of 40
types of 40
Bronchial carcinoma 43, 53, 267
types of 43
Bronchiectasis 42, 67
dry 42
sicca 42
Bronchiolitis 332
acute 48
chronic 47, 102
Bronchodilator 47, 57
Bronchopneumonia 46
Bronze diabetes 130
Brucella agglutination test 178
Brucellosis 177
Brugia malayi 183
Brushfield spots 342
Budd-Chiari syndrome 99
Bulbar palsy 65
progressive 275
Bulbar poliomyelitis 190
Bulimia nervosa 313
Bull's eye lesion 241
Bullous diseases 239
Bullous pemphigoid 240
Bumetanide 201
Bundle branch block 32
Burr-hole aspiration 261
Butyrophenone 273
Café au lait spot 292
Calcinosis 226
Calcium 85, 87, 208
Campylobacter jejuni 195, 285
colon 86
colorectal 80
Candida 23
albicans 64, 253, 257, 372, 388
Candidiasis 64, 65
Cannabis 304
Carbimazole 138
Carbohydrate malabsorption 87
Carbon monoxide poisoning 315
Carcinoembryonic antigen 73
Carcinoid syndrome 363
Carcinoma 64, 217
anaplastic 141
breast 343
cervix 415
colon 80, 82
endometrial 416
esophagus 65, 67
follicular 141
gallbladder 134
hepatocellular 130
large cell 43
larynx 399
pancreas 75, 117
papillary 140
periampullary 117
pharynx 65
primary 132
prostate 197
secondary 132
stomach 72, 84, 86
undifferentiated 141
Cardiac failure, congenital 1, 7, 136, 199, 326
Cardiomyopathy 25
dilated 26
hypertrophic 25
postpartum 27, 427
restrictive 26
Cardiovascular disease 103, 352
Cardiovascular system 1, 149, 339, 405
Carditis, signs of 11
Carfilzomib 115
Carpal tunnel syndrome 268
Casts 196
Cataract 383
Catarrhal phase 164
Cat-scratch disease 242
Cavernous sinus thrombosis 366
Cefixime 170, 253
Cefotaxime 127
Ceftriaxone 170, 253
plus amoxyclav 127
Ceiling test 279
Celiac disease 64, 86, 88
Cells, epithelial 196
Central nervous system 55, 84, 104, 207, 258, 302, 316, 328, 329, 361
infection of 257
Central retinal vein occlusion 264
hemangioblastoma 102
lesions 280
signs 281
syndrome 280
circulation 151
edema 277
features of 129
embolism 278
hemorrhage 277, 278, 422
infarction 277, 278
multiple 284
lesion 284
malaria 180
palsy 330
tumor 271
vasodilator 277
venography 281
Cerebrospinal fluid 60, 255, 258, 321, 331
study 335
Cerebrovascular accident 204, 276
Cerebrovascular disease 85
types of 278
Ceruloplasmin production 282
Cervix 406
Chagas disease 65
Chalazion 377
Chancroid 254
Channelopathy 289
Charcot's joint 151, 222
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 267, 370
Chemical injuries 383
Chemotherapy 73, 76, 112, 132, 217
intravesical 217
perioperative 73
high-resolution computed tomography of 374
physiotherapy 56
X-ray of 1, 39, 333, 335
Chicken pox 177
Chlamydia psittaci 44
Chlamydia trachomatis 253, 413
Chloasma 247
Chlorambucil 107
Chlorhexidine 64
Chloride 325
Chloroquine 179, 224, 264
Chlorpromazine 117, 270
Chocolate cyst 413
Cholangiocarcinoma 117
Cholangitis, sclerosing 117
Cholecalciferol 319
Cholecystectomy 81
acute 84, 133
chronic 134
Choledocholithiasis 117, 121
Cholera 173
Cholestasis, transient intrahepatic 117
Cholesteatoma 391
Cholesterol, total 157
Cholestyramine 87
Chorea 273
benign familial 273
gravidarum 273
Choriomeningitis, lymphocytic 259
Christmas disease 108, 111, 197
Chromones 40
Chromosome analysis 104
Chronic alcoholism 126
treatment of 358
Chronic cold agglutinin disease 97
Chronic kidney disease 10, 69, 84, 90, 141, 199, 206, 227, 267, 325, 355
causes of 206
stages of 207
Chronic myeloid leukemia 102, 105
treatment of 106
types of 105
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 55, 69, 102, 369
Churg-Strauss syndrome 56, 353, 395
Chyle 196
Cincent's angina 64
Ciprofloxacin 170, 199, 205, 253
Cirrhosis 119
causes of 131
decompensated 126
primary biliary 117, 121, 123
Cisplatin 267
Clarithromycin 47
Claudication 151
Clindamycin 174
Clobetasol propionate 251
Clomipramine 309
Clonazepam 355
Clopidogrel 65
Clostridium difficile 85
Clostridium tetani 175
defect 108
disorder 403
screen 100, 108
Coagulopathy 129
Coal worker's pneumoconiosis 62
Coartemether 180
Coccidioides 257
Coccidioidomycosis 242
Cognitive behavioral therapy 313
agglutinin disease 97
antibodies 94
clammy skin 166
hemagglutinin disease 97
ischemic 86
pseudomembranous 364
Collagen disease 108, 124, 199, 243, 267
Collagen vascular disease 231, 279
Colon cancer, hereditary nonpolyposis 75, 81
Coma 100
hyperosmolar nonketotic diabetic 151, 155
Common bile duct 117
Community-acquired pneumonia 45
causes of 44
Complement fixation test 181
Complete blood count 2, 40, 47, 68, 76, 88, 91, 98101, 119, 122, 165, 166, 205, 223, 226, 231, 232, 238, 242, 258, 324, 331, 333, 334, 335, 337, 349, 351, 355, 361, 388
Computed tomography 2, 316
angiography 350
scan 118
Condylomata lata 255
Conjugation, impaired 117
Conjunctiva, xerosis of 318
Conjunctival diseases 375
Conjunctivitis 253, 378
allergic 379
bacterial 379
gonococcal 379
Conn's syndrome 143, 147, 327
Connective tissue
disease 315
disorders 37
Constipation 84, 89
Contact dermatitis 248
acute irritant 248
allergic 248
chronic irritant 249
irritant 248
occupational 249
treatment of 249
Continuous positive airway pressure 362, 396
Conversion disorder 314
control of 331
neonatal 339
Coomb test 46, 338
Corneal diseases 375
Corneal ulcer
bacterial 380
fungal 380
Corona virus 85
Coronary artery
bypass surgery 18
disease 16
Coronary circulation 151
Corpus cancer syndrome 416
Corrosive poisoning 304
Corticospinal tract sign lesion 281
Corticosteroid 40, 305
inhaled 47
Corticotropin-releasing hormone test 144
Cortisol, low 146
Corynebacterium diphtheriae 174
Cotrimoxazole 170
variant asthma 41
whooping 107, 175, 330
Coxiella burnetii 44, 171
Coxsackievirus 259
C-reactive protein 78, 114, 231
Cretinism 135, 137
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease 280, 315
Crigler–Najjar syndrome 117
Crohn's disease 64, 7780, 87, 93, 242
Cryoglobulinemia 243
Cryptococcus neoformans 51, 257, 372
Cryptomenorrhea 401
Cryptosporidium parvum 85
Cullen's sign 74
Cushing's disease 114, 144, 145, 402
Cushing's syndrome 108, 143, 144, 160, 228, 289, 315, 327, 348
Cyanide poisoning 264
Cyanocobalamin 322
Cyanosis 175
central 14
Cyclophosphamide 114, 350
Cyclosporine 117, 199, 205
Cyst 192
features of 192
renal 102, 213
Cystic fibrosis 341, 368, 395
Cysticercosis 185, 257
Cystinuria 215
Cystitis 211
Cytology 83
Cytomegalovirus 44, 115, 117, 209, 285, 371, 383
Cytotoxic drugs 64, 84, 87
Dacryocystitis 377
acute 378
chronic 378
Dapsone 267
Dark-ground illumination 255
Datura poisoning 303
De Quervain's thyroiditis 135, 138
Deafness 264, 391
Dehydration 215, 336, 417
features of 195
severe 336
signs of 85, 336
Delirium 316
tremens 316, 358
Delusion 306
Dementia 94, 271, 306, 315, 321
Demyelinating disease 264, 283
Dendritic pattern 381
Dengue 108, 117
fever 166
hemorrhagic fever 65, 166
shock syndrome 166
viral infection, manifestations of 166
Dental procedure 25
Deoxyribonucleic acid, anti-double-stranded 230
Depression 85, 309
postpartum 315, 424
respiratory center 329
Dermatitis 243, 321
exfoliative 239
Dermatomyositis 73, 231, 237, 289
causes of 231
childhood 231
primary idiopathic 231
Dermatophyte infection 246
Dermis 236
Descemet's membrane 282
Desmopressin 111
Dexamethasone 114, 277
Diabetes insipidus 150, 264, 325
cranial 150
Diabetes mellitus 10, 41, 65, 81, 119, 130, 144, 151153, 191, 200, 206, 213, 236, 263, 264, 267, 402, 425
complications of 151
diagnosis of 151
etiological classification of 152
gestational 152, 425, 426
insulin-dependent 198
management of 153, 155
noninsulin-dependent 198
Diaphragm 367
Diarrhea 47, 85, 8789, 99, 321, 335, 336
acute 85
bloody 86
chronic 85, 86
factitious 86
watery 335
Diethylcarbamazine 183
Diffuse goiter, diffuse 139
Digoxin 84
Dimercaprol 245
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 245
Diphenyl hydantoin 247
Diphtheria 174, 267
antitoxin 174
pertussis and tetanus 175
Diphyllobothrium latum 86, 93
Direct agglutination test 181
Diseases modifying anti-rheumatic drugs 224
Disseminated infection 253
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 98, 115, 361
Dissociative disorder 314
Distal tubular acidosis 215, 219
Distension 88
Diverticular diseases 89
Diverticulitis 86, 89
Diverticulosis 89
Dizziness 294
causes of 294
Domperidone 68, 84
Down syndrome 342, 343
Doxycycline 47, 171, 172, 183
Drowning 356
Drugs 84, 121, 228, 264, 267, 270, 315, 326
therapy 40, 56, 129, 231, 271
treatment 311
Dubin–Johnson syndrome 117
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 289, 342
Duodenal ulcer, chronic 65
Dwarfism 160
Dysarthria 275
Dysentery, amoebic 173
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 404, 406
Dyskinesia 274
Dyslipidemia 11, 208
Dysmenorrhea 404
congestive 404
secondary 404
Dyspepsia, nonulcer 71
Dysphagia 65, 67, 226, 275
Dysphonia 275, 397
Dystonia 274
Dystrophy, facioscapulohumeral 289, 290
Dysuria 198
discharge 390
diseases of 386
drop 390
external 386
foreign body in 387
low set 343
middle 386
wax 386
Earache 164, 386
Eating disorder 83, 306, 312
Eaton–Lambert syndrome 348
Ebstein's anomaly 3, 4, 12
Echinococcus granulosus 192
Echovirus 257, 259
Eclampsia 422
Ectopics, ventricular 31
Ectropion 377
Eculizumab 99
Edema 421
idiopathic 366
pulmonary 6, 7
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 228
Eisenmenger syndrome 13, 14
Ekbom syndrome 355
Electrocardiogram 136, 300, 327, 328
Electrolyte 325
imbalance 339
loss 346
Elephantiasis 183
Elliptocytosis 90, 94
Emaciation 323
Emollient 238
Emotion, disturbance of 311
Emphysema 48, 102
Empyema 50
nontuberculous 51
tuberculous 51
Encephalitis 84, 257, 259, 372
lethargica 273
Encephalomyelitis 257
acute disseminated 280
acute bilirubin 338
chronic bilirubin 338
hypertensive 9
portosystemic 127
Endemic typhus 171
Endocardial cushion defect 342
Endocarditis 23, 178, 253
acute 23
bacterial 23
bacterial 200
infective 23
noninfective 24
postoperative 23
signs of 11
Endocrine 43, 162, 228, 236, 289
abnormalities 207
diseases 84, 326
large 413
small 413
Endometriosis 412
Endometrium 406
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 73
Endoscopy 68, 69, 87
Energy 310
Enoxaparin 201
Entamoeba histolytica 85, 122, 173, 335, 372
Enterobius vermicularis 184
Enterococcus faecalis 23
Enterococcus faecium 23
Enterovirus 334, 335
Entropion 377
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 122
Eosinophilia, tropical pulmonary 183
Epidemic typhus 171
Epidermis 236
Epididymitis 253
Epigastric pulsation 37
Epiglottitis, acute 399
Epilepsy 286
causes of 286
Jacksonian 287
temporal lobe 287
Epileptic seizure 300
Epimenorrhagia 404
Episcleritis 382
Episiotomy 423
Epistaxis 394
Epithelial casts 196
Epstein-Barr virus 117, 193, 257
gyratum repens 237
multiforme 46, 241
nodosum 55, 241
leprosum 242
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 91, 145, 242, 404
Erythroderma 237, 239
Erythroid hyperplasia 95
Erythromycin 47
Escherichia coli 76, 99, 121, 191, 211, 257, 423
Esomeprazole 68
Esophageal manometry 67
Esophageal spasm, diffuse 65
Esophageal varices 129
rupture of 65
Esophagitis 65
achalasia of 67
barium swallow of 67, 68
diseases of 65
Estrogen therapy 161
Etanercept 240
Ethambutol 264
Ethanol 301
Ethyl alcohol 301
Ethylene glycol 301
Eunuchoid body proportion, features of 344
Excessive normal saline infusion 325
External hordeolum 376
Extracellular fluid 73
Eye 222, 238, 245, 282
changes 321, 359
diseases of 375
foreign body in 383
movement desensitization and reprocessing 307
depigmentation of 378
loss of 378
Eyelids 248
diseases of 376
Face and trunk 248
Facial palsy, bilateral 263
Factitious disorder 317
Falciparum infection, severe 180
Falciparum malaria 179, 180, 191
Falx meningioma 284
Famotidine 68
Fanconi syndrome 282
Fascicular block 35
Fasting glucose, impaired 152
Fat malabsorption 87
Fatigue syndrome, chronic 314
Fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic 119
Febrile convulsion 331
atypical 332
Febrile reaction 115
Febrile seizure 331
Felty's syndrome 243
Ferrous sulfate 65
Fetal death, intrauterine 425
Fetal macrosomia 425
Fever 44, 99, 100, 111, 164, 166, 191
enteric 169
hemorrhagic 108
typhoid 169
typhus 170
undifferentiated 166
Fibrin degradation product 100
Fibrinogen 115
Fibrinolytic therapy 62
complications of 408
uterus 407
Fibromuscular dysplasia 214
Filariasis 183
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 55, 139, 232, 366
Fish tapeworm 93
Flaccid paraplegia 284
Flatulence 88
Flea-borne typhus 171
Fludrocortisone 146
intravenous 133, 348
loss 205, 346
restriction 201
syndrome 366
Fluorescent treponema antibody absorption test 255
Folic acid 87, 96, 267
deficiency 94
allergen 249
poisoning 195
complications 151
diabetic 153
Forced vital capacity 40
Formic acid, metabolite 300
Fragile X syndrome 342
Friedreich's ataxia 264, 281, 283, 284
Friedreich's sign 22
Fundoscopy 421
infections 242
sinusitis, allergic 395
Furosemide 201, 327
Furunculosis 388
Gait 271
apraxia 271
ataxia 321, 359
waddling 289
Gallbladder, palpable 75
Gangrene 151
Gardnerella vaginalis 413
Gastrectomy 86
cancer, early 73
erosion 65
outlet obstruction 71, 72
ulcer 71
chronic 65
Gastrinoma 71, 86
acute 68
chronic 68
Gastroenteritis 84, 146
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 66
Gastrointestinal diseases 64
Gastrointestinal infection 83
Gastrointestinal loss 327
Gastrointestinal tract 74, 86, 92, 159, 226, 228, 230, 245, 302, 314, 339, 361, 408
disease 64
disorders 84
loss 328
Genetics 341
disease 228
external 344
rudimentary external 344
German measles 165
Ghon focus 58
Giant aortic aneurysm 65
Giant cell arteritis 350, 351
Giardia lamblia 85, 186, 335
Giardiasis 86, 186
Gilbert's syndrome 117
Gitelman syndrome 327
Glabellar tap 271
Glands, adrenal 143
Glasgow coma scale 190
Glaucoma 384
Globus hystericus 65
Glomerular basement membrane 354
Glomerular disease 205, 206
Glomerulonephritis 197, 201
acute 196, 202
focal segmental 201
membranoproliferative 202
mesangiocapillary 202
postinfectious 202
poststreptococcal 203
rapidly progressing 199, 202
Glomerulopathy, membranous 202
Glomerulosclerosis, focal segmental 201
Glossitis 91
Glucocorticoid 146
Glucose tolerance
impaired 152
test 150
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 180, 337
deficiency 90, 94, 342
Goiter 135, 137, 138
investigations of 139
nodular 139
retrosternal 65
simple 139
toxic 139
multinodular 137, 139
nodular 138
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 149, 364
Gonococcal infection, disseminated 252
Gonorrhea 252
Goodpasture syndrome 354
Gout 222, 227
secondary causes of 227
Gower's sign 289
Gram stain 252
Grandiose delusions 306
Granular casts 196
Granulomatosis 349, 353
Granulomatous diseases 383
Graves’ disease 135138, 250
Grey Turner's sign 74
hormone 148, 313
assay 150
retardation 87
Guillain-Barré syndrome 47, 263, 284, 285, 272
Guttate psoriasis 238
Gynecomastia 126, 343
Haemophilus ducreyi 254
Haemophilus influenzae 47, 234, 257, 333, 413
Hair 245
Hairless face 344
Hallucination 307, 310
gustatory 307
olfactory 307
Haloperidol 117, 274
Ham acid serum test 99
Hand, X-ray of 142
Hansen's disease 187
Hanta virus 209
Haptoglobin, low 95
Harrison's sulcus 319
Hartmann's solution 336
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 135138, 250
Hashitoxicosis 138
Head injury 270, 315
Headache 100, 164, 261, 262
cluster 261
tension 261
unilateral 262
vascular 261
Hearing loss 390
Heart 161, 222, 230, 245
block 32
complete 5, 34
congenital 3, 12
ischemic 16, 136, 198
failure 6
myxoma of 2
sound, first 1
Heat stroke 357
Heberden's node 228
Hejunal biopsy, endoscopic 88
Helicobacter pylori infection 68
diagnosis of 69
treatment of 69
HELLP syndrome 355
Hematemesis 65
Hematochezia 66
Hematological disease 243, 277
Hematology 90
Hematoma, chronic subdural 315
Hematuria 197
causes of 197
initial 197
painful 197
painless 197
terminal 197
total 197
Hemiballismus 274
Hemiblock 33
Hemiparesis 283
Hemiplegia 283
Hemochromatosis 117, 130, 222
hereditary 130, 341
primary 130
abnormality 90
concentration 90
electrophoresis 98
Hemoglobinopathy 94
cold 97
nocturnal 95, 99
evidence of 95
intravascular 100
Hemolytic anemia 46, 90, 91, 94
active 107
group of 96
hereditary 92, 95
microangiopathic 98, 100
warm autoimmune 97
Hemolytic transfusion reaction 115
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 98, 99
Hemophilia 65, 108, 110, 197
A 342
B 111, 342
pedigree of 110
Hemorrhage 408
antepartum 418
gastrointestinal 71
postpartum 419, 420
retinal 417
subarachnoid 277, 278
subconjunctival 380
Hemosiderosis, prevention of 96
Henoch–Schönlein purpura 109, 222
treatment of 110
Hepatic iron index 131
Hepatic precoma 127
Hepatitis 47, 117
A 117
acute 84
alcoholic 119
viral 120
B 96, 117
virus 118, 200
C 96, 117
virus 118, 200
chronic 119
D 96, 117
E 117
infection 120
viral 117, 121
Hepatobiliary system 118
Hepatocellular failure, signs of 126
Hepatolenticular degeneration 282
Hepatology 117
Hepatoma 102, 131
Hepatotropic viruses 120
Herpes simplex virus 64, 167, 253, 257, 383
encephalitis 167, 168, 260
types of 167
Herpes zoster virus 285
Hiatus hernia 67
Hiccough 367
High-dose dexamethasone suppression test 144
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 373
High-resolution computed tomography 148, 374
Histoplasma capsulatum 191, 257
Histoplasmosis 242
Hoarseness 397
Hodgkin's disease 111, 236, 372
Homocystinuria 278
Hookworm infestation 184
Hordeolum internum 377
Hormonal therapy 219
adrenocorticotropic 143
antidiuretic 150
assay 161
deficiency 141
excess 141
follicle-stimulating 148, 364
replacement therapy 405
benefits of 406
complications of 406
resistance 141
therapy 405
Horner's syndrome 264
Horseshoe kidney 162
Human chorionic gonadotropin 149
Human diploid cell vaccine 169
Human immunodeficiency virus 65, 96, 200, 237, 257, 267, 315, 370, 382
cutaneous manifestations of 372
diagnosis of 372
disease 371
infection 145, 370
prevention of 373
natural history of 371
transmission of 371
Human insulin 156
Human leukocyte antigen 223
Humerus, mid shaft of 269
Huntington's chorea 273
Huntington's disease 270, 315, 341
Hyaline membrane disease 425
Hydatid disease 192
Hydrocephalus 284, 293
normal pressure 271, 294, 315
Hydrocortisone 146, 148
intravenous 137
suppression test 142
Hydronephrosis 162
Hydroquinone 247
Hydroxychloroquine 225
Hyperaldosteronism, primary 147, 327
conjugated 117
unconjugated 117
Hypercalcemia 73, 85, 146, 215
Hyperemesis gravidarum 417
Hyperfunction 143
Hyperglycemia 326
clinical diagnosis of 155
typical features of 155
Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state 151, 155
Hyperkalemia 146, 208, 326, 327
Hyperkeratosis 244
Hyperlipidemia 201, 326
Hypermenorrhea 403
Hypernatremia 325
Hyperoxaluria 215
Hyperparathyroidism 85, 141, 315, 348
primary 142
secondary 142
tertiary 141, 142
treatment of 142
Hyperplasia 142
adrenal 147
congenital adrenal 143
Hyperpyrexia 422
Hypersensitivity 64
pneumonitis 57
reactions 312
Hypertension 811, 42, 136, 144, 147, 161, 206, 208, 210, 421, 422, 425
benign intracranial 264, 281
complications of 8
features of 204
grades of 9
idiopathic intracranial 281
malignant 9
pulmonary 14, 37
refractory 9
resistant 9
treatment of 10
Hyperthyroidism 86, 135
Hypertriglyceridemia 73
Hypertrophy, prostatic 205
Hyperuricemia 215
Hyperuricosuria 215
Hyperventilation 129
Hypoalbuminemia 142
Hypocalcemia 142, 143
Hypocalciuria 215
Hypochondriasis 314
Hypodermis 236
Hypofunction 143
Hypoglycemia 146, 151, 157
causes of 157
clinical diagnosis of 155
neonatal 425
prevention of 157
typical features of 155
hale 163
hypergonadotropic 163
hypogonadotropic 161
primary 163
Hypokalemia 127, 147, 214, 327, 328
Hypomagnesemia 328
Hypomania 309
Hyponatremia 146, 325
postoperative 326
true 325, 326
Hypoparathyroidism 142, 315
Hypopituitarism 315
causes of 148
Hypoplasia, endometrial 160
Hypoprothrombinemia 417
Hyposmia 395
Hypotension 166, 199, 205
orthostatic 295
Hypothyroidism 85, 90, 135, 136, 280, 315, 348
autoimmune 343
features of 136
goitrous 136
nongoitrous 136
primary 135
secondary 135
spontaneous atrophic 135
treatment of 136
Hypovolemia 85
Hypromellose 225
Hysteria 314
Hysterical conversion reaction 84
Ichthyosis 237
Ileal disease 93
Ileal resection 93
Ileocecal tuberculosis 82
complications of 82
Imipramine 309
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura 65, 197, 403
Immunochromatographic test 181
Immunofluorescence assay 171
A nephropathy 201, 204
M 118
Indirect fluorescent antibody test 181, 194
Indirect hemagglutination assay 181
Infections 101, 115, 135, 249, 267, 315, 406
asymptomatic 371
nonviral 117
viral 117
Inflammation 135
postinfectious 279
postvaccinal 279
scleral 375
Inflammatory bowel disease 77, 86, 242
Infliximab 240
Influenza 44
Injection artesunate 180
Injuries 406, 422
Insane, general paresis of 256
analogues 156
absolute indications of 156
complications of 157
Internal malignancy, dermatological manifestations of 237
Interstitial diseases 206
Intestinal disaccharidase deficiency 86
Intestinal enteropeptidase deficiency 86
Intestinal malabsorption, features of 88
Intestinal obstruction 76, 84
Intestine 86
Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 127
Intramuscular ceftriaxone, single dose 253
Intrauterine contraceptive device 403
Intrauterine growth
restriction 422
retardation 338
complications of 339
Iridocyclitis 381
Iris inflammation 375
Iron 85, 87
deficiency anemia 9193
profile 131
therapy 93
Irritable bowel syndrome 83
Irritants 39
Ischemia 151
myocardial 151
Isoniazid 267
Isonicotinylhydrazide 117, 259
Itching 236
Japanese B encephalitis 259
Jaundice 95, 117, 118, 120, 123, 417
cholestatic 121
hepatocellular 118
investigations of 118
neonatal 337
obstructive 118, 120, 121
painless obstructive 75
prehepatic 118
prolonged 337
Jod-Basedow phenomenon 138
Joints 78, 238
magnetic resonance imaging of 232
Jugular venous pressure 1
Kala-azar 115, 180
Kallmann syndrome 364
Kaposi's sarcoma 64, 372
Kartagener's syndrome 395
Kayser–Fleischer ring 282
Keratitis 381
viral 381
Keratoconjunctivitis 381
Keratomalacia 318
Kernicterus 338
Kerosene poisoning 305
Ketoacidosis 417
diabetic 84, 151, 154
Ketone bodies 196
Kidney 78, 162
biopsy 110, 352
damage 207
injury, acute 84
Kikuchi disease 365, 366
Klebsiella pneumoniae 44
Kligman's formula 247
Klinefelter syndrome 163, 343, 344
Koebner phenomenon 238, 244
Koplik's spots 164
Korsakoff's psychosis 320, 359
Krukenberg tumor 73
Kussmaul's breathing 155
Kussmaul's sign 22
Kwashiorkor 323, 324, 330
marasmic 323
Lactase deficiency causing lactose intolerance 86
Lactate dehydrogenase 365
Lactic acidosis 84, 151
Lambert-Eaton myasthenic myopathic syndrome 289
Lansoprazole 68
acute 398
chronic 399
Laryngotracheobronchitis, acute 399
Laser trabeculoplasty, selective 385
Lathyrism 284
Lead 264
Leflunomide 224
Left bundle branch block 35
Leg ulcer 243
Legionella pneumophila 44
Leishmania donovani 180
bodies 243
Leishmaniasis 180
Lemon on matchstick appearance 144
Leprosy 187, 200, 242, 267
classification of 187
lepromatous 187
types of 187
Leptospira interrogans 188
Leptospirosis 117, 188, 209
sites of 265
types of 274
Leukemia 64, 104, 124, 200, 403
acute 102, 105
lymphoblastic 104
chronic lymphatic 94, 106
Leukemoid reaction 107
Leukocytosis 191
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 315
Leukoerythroblastic blood picture 102
Leukotriene antagonists 395
Lichen planus 64, 244
Lid diseases 375
Liddle's syndrome 327
Limb girdle 348
myopathy 289, 290
high-density 157, 406
low-density 136, 157, 406
Liposomal amphotericin B 181, 183
Lisch nodule 292, 293
Listeria monocytogenes 257
Liver 68, 130, 282
abscess 121
amoebic 122, 123
pyogenic 121, 123
biopsy 119, 132, 133
cirrhosis of 69, 125, 126, 326
disease 86, 124, 236
alcoholic 118, 119
cholestatic 123
chronic 119, 123, 125
progressive 123
failure 315
acute 128
fulminating 128
function test 111, 118123, 126, 129, 132134, 171, 313, 355, 361
transplantation 125, 127, 283
Louse-borne typhus 171
Low platelet count syndrome 422
Lumbar puncture 259, 266, 285, 334
Lung 68, 222
abscess 51
collapse of 67
disease 329
diffuse parenchymal 56, 226
occupational 62
function tests 47
lesion 43
Lupus vulgaris 243
Luteinizing hormone 148, 207, 364
Lyme disease 263
Lymph node 68
Lymphadenopathy, generalized 255
Lymphangitis, acute 183
disease, chronic 183
obstruction 125
Lymphogranuloma venereum 253
Lymphoma 53, 94, 111, 124, 200, 267
intestinal 86
Lysergic acid diethylamide 317
Macrocytic anemia 90, 92
causes of 91
Macrocytosis 91
Maculopapular skin rash 46
Madarosis 378
Magnesium 87
ammonium phosphate stone 215
Magnetic resonance
angiography 214
cholangiopancreatography 75
imaging 232, 259, 266, 281, 316, 349, 350
Major depression 306
Malabsorption syndrome 86
Malaise 123, 164
Malaria 115, 178
malignant 179
Malassezia furfur, skin scraping for 251
Male erectile dysfunction 209
Malignancy 90, 107, 200
nonmetastatic manifestation of 284
Mallory-Weiss syndrome 65, 358, 417
Malnutrition 67
Mania 309
clinical features of 310
Mantoux test 82, 232, 243, 259, 335, 404
Marasmus 323, 330
Marfan's syndrome 38, 341
Marijuana 304
Marrow failure 99
Massive fibrosis, progressive 62
Mastitis 423
Mastoiditis, acute 390
McArdle's syndrome 289, 348
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration 90
volume 90
Measles 44, 164, 330
virus 164
Mebendazole 184
Meckel's diverticulum 69
Median nerve palsy 268
Mediastinal mass 65
Mees’ line 244
Megacolon, toxic 80
Megaloblastic anemia 91, 93
causes of 93, 94
symptoms of 93
Meglitinide 156
Meigs syndrome 124
Melanosis 244
Melasma 247
Melena 66
Menaquinone 320
Ménétrier's disease 86
Ménière's disease 295
Meningeal irritation, signs of 334
Meningioma, parasagittal 284
Meningitis 84, 253, 257, 333
acute 372
bacterial 257
bacterial 333
carcinomatous 257
complications of 258
tuberculous 259, 335
viral 258, 334
Meningococcal infection 108
Meningococcus 257, 258
Meningoencephalitis 257
Menopause 405
Menorrhagia 403
Menstrual disturbance 163, 408
change 270
retardation 343
status 190
Mesothelioma, pleural 63
Metabolic disorder 108, 383
features of 73, 218
secondary 315
Methanol 300
poisoning 264
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 25, 424
Methotrexate 224
Methyl xanthines 40
Metoclopramide 84
Metronidazole 122
Metrorrhagia 404
Metrostaxis 404
Microalbuminuria 153, 198
Microcytic hypochromic anemia 90
causes of 91
investigations of 92
Micturition, frequency of 198, 199, 211
Migraine 84, 261
Mineralocorticoid 146
Miscarriage 408, 410
Mite-borne 170
Mixed connective tissue disease 226, 279
Mohammedan's prayer position 74
Monoarthritis, causes of 221
Monoclonal antibody therapy 113
Mononucleosis, infectious 193
Monoplegia 283
Montelukast 42
Mood 310
disturbance of 143, 311
Moraxella catarrhalis 47
Morphea 225
Morphine 84
Motility disorders 93
Motor neuron
disease 274, 283
lower 262
Motor neuropathy 284
predominantly 268
Motor system 268, 274, 276
mucous membrane of 255
ulcer 64
causes of 64
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis 60
diagnosis of 60
treatment of 60
Multi-infarct dementia 294, 315
Multinodular goiter 139
complications of 139
Multiple endocrine neoplasia 75, 141
Multiple sclerosis 264266, 284, 315
clinical courses of 266
signs of 266
symptoms of 266
types of 266
Mumps 164, 330
virus 257
Münchausen's syndrome 317
Murmur, mid-diastolic 1
biopsy 288
deltoid 289
diseases of 288
Muscular atrophy
primary 274
progressive 274, 284
Muscular disease, classification of 289
Muscular dystrophy 289
congenital 289
hereditary 289
Musculoskeletal system 149
Myalgia 47, 164, 361
Myasthenia gravis 65, 278, 279, 289, 348
Myasthenic disease 289
Myasthenic myopathic syndrome 348
Mycobacterium 372
avium 371
bovis 58
leprae 187
tuberculosis 58, 82, 232, 257, 335
Mycoplasma 285
pneumoniae 241
Myelitis 257
acute transverse 283
transverse 279, 284
Myelodysplastic syndrome 104
Myelofibrosis 102, 107
Myeloid 107
leukemia, acute 99, 104
Myeloma, multiple 108, 114, 199, 209, 267
Myelopathy 257
Myeloproliferative disorder 102
Myocardial infarction 18, 151
acute 19
complications of 19
Myocarditis 22, 46, 174
signs of 11
Myoclonic jerks 287
Myoclonus 274
Myoma 407
Myomectomy, indications of 408
Myopathy 289, 348
congenital 289
diseases of 288
proximal 144, 348
Myophosphorylase deficiency 289
Myotonia 290
congenita 289, 291
dystrophica 289, 290
Myotonic dystrophy 348
Myotubular myopathy 289
Myxedema 124, 135, 136
coma 137
congenital 137
N-acetylcysteine 299
N-acetyl-P-benzoquinone imine 298
Nail-patella syndrome 200
Nails 238, 244
Narrow pulse pressure 166
decongestant 393
drops, decongestant 390
mastocytosis 395
obstructions 393
polyps 395
septum, deviated 393, 395
Nausea 85, 88
Near drowning 356
Near syncope 295
Necator americanus 184
Neck, webbing of 343
Necrolytic migratory erythema 237
Negri bodies 169
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 23, 252, 379, 413
Neisseria meningitidis 191, 258, 333
Neomycin 87
Neonatal pneumonia, early onset 332
Neoplasm 395
Nephrectomy 216
Nephritic syndrome, acute 202
Nephritis, interstitial 197, 209
Nephroblastoma 217
Nephrocalcinosis 215
Nephrology 196
diabetic 153
salt-losing 325
Nephrotic syndrome 199, 200, 326
complications of 200
Nerve lesion 263
Nervous system 245
cranial 261
migrainous 261
trigeminal 265
Neurasthenia 314
Neurobrucellosis 178
Neurofibroma 292
complications of 293
Neurofibromatosis 292, 314
Neurology 257
Neuronitis, vestibular 84
Neuropathy 289
autonomic 86
peripheral 94
types of 153
Neuroprotective agents 276
Neurosyphilis 256, 315
Niacin 321
Nicotinic acid 267, 315
Night blindness 318
Night sweat 111
Nigrostriatal degeneration 270
Nikolsky's sign 240
Nipple, Paget's disease of 237
Nocturia 198
causes of 199
Nongerm line cytoplasmic inheritance 342
Non-hepatotropic viruses 120
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 112, 139, 372
Nonlocalized disease 178
Nonmetastatic extrapulmonary manifestations 43
Nonsmall cell carcinoma 43, 44
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 65, 167, 191, 199, 229, 242, 326
Noonan syndrome 160, 162, 343
Normoblastic marrow 91
Normocytic normochromic anemia 90
causes of 91
Norwalk virus 85
Nose 245, 392
diseases of 386
foreign body in 392
Nucleic acid amplification test 252
Nutritional deficiency 267
Nutritional supplementation 417
Nystagmus 266, 296
ataxic 297
horizontal 296
jerky 296
optokinetic 297
phasic 296
vertical 296
vestibular 296
Obesity 158
causes of 158
complications of 158
hypoventilation syndrome 362
Obsessive compulsive disorder 306, 309
Obstruction, bronchial 45
Obstructive sleep apnea 63
Octreotide 72
Ocular myopathy 289
Odynophagia 65
Ofloxacin 170
Oligomenorrhea 403
Oliguria 198
causes of 198
Olivopontocerebellar degeneration 270
Omeprazole 68, 72
Ondansetron 84
Onychomycosis 246
Ophthalmia neonatorum 253, 379
Opiate 85
poisoning 305
Opisthotonos 176
atrophy 94, 264
neuritis 264, 266
Oral candidiasis 225
Oral contraceptive pill 247, 404
Oral miltefosine 181
Oral rehydration solution 85, 172
Orchitis 164
Organophosphate-induced delayed polyneuropathy 302, 303
compounds 302
insecticides 302
Orientia tsutsugamushi 170
Orlistat 87
Oro-facio-genital syndrome 342
Oropharyngeal disease 65
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 356
Osteitis fibrosa cystica 207
Osteoarthritis 228
Osteoarthrosis 222
Osteomalacia 207, 319, 348
Osteomyelitis, acute 234
Osteoporosis 124, 207, 228, 282
Osteosclerosis 207
Ostium primum 13
Ostium secundum 13
Otalgia 386
Otitis externa 387
acute 388
chronic 388
Otitis media
acute suppurative 388, 390
chronic suppurative 389
Otomycosis 388
Otosclerosis 391
Ovarian dysfunction 161
Ovarian fibroma 124
Ovarian tumor 408, 414
malignant 414
Overflow incontinence 198
Oxygen 70
therapy 369
Pacemaker 36
complications of 36
permanent 36
Packed cell volume 166
Paget's disease 237, 369
Pain 283
abdominal 85, 88, 109
colicky abdominal 172
deep-seated abdominal 121
Pair therapy 193
Palmar erythema 126
Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency 93
acute 73, 84, 124, 142
chronic 75, 86
hereditary 75
Panhypopituitarism 148
Panic disorder 308
Pantothenic acid 267
Papilledema 264
Papilloma 217
Paracentesis 125
Paracetamol poisoning 298
Parainfluenza 44
agitans 270
familial periodic 348, 362
hyperkalemic periodic 289, 363
hypokalemic periodic 289
Paraneoplastic syndrome 43, 73, 292
Paraparesis 283
Paraphimosis 205
Paraplegia 283
noncompressive causes of 284
Paraproteinemia 326
Parathyroid gland 141
diseases of 141
Parathyroid hormone 141
suppression of 208
Parkinson's disease 270, 315
Parkinsonian plus 270, 271
enlargement 126
glands 164
Patent ductus arteriosus 14, 342
Paucibacillary single lesion 188
Peak expiratory flow rate 40
Pefloxacin 170
inflammatory disease 413
thrombophlebitis 423
Pemphigoid 64
Pemphigus vulgaris 64, 239
Pendular nystagmus 297
Penicillamine 283
Penicillin 108
allergy 25
Pepper pot appearance 142
Peptic esophagitis 65
Peptic ulcer
bleeding, management of 70
disease 69, 84
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 18
Pericarditis 46
acute 20
chronic constrictive 21
signs of 11
Perinuclear anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 133
Peripheral blood film 87, 208, 242, 264
Peripheral nerve 281
disease 372
Peripheral nervous system 207
spontaneous bacterial 125, 127
tuberculous 82
Peritonsillar abscess 65, 397
Permethrin 237
Persistent active inflammation 223
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome 341
Phacoemulsification 384
Phakomatosis 293
Phalen's sign 268
Pharyngeal diverticulum 65
Pharyngeal web 65
acute 398
chronic 398
Pharynx 252
Phenothiazine 117, 273
Phenoxymethylpenicillin 98
Phenylketonuria 341
Phenytoin 267
Pheochromocytoma 143, 147
Phimosis 205
simple 308
social 308
Phobic disorder 308
Phosphate 365
control 208
Phylloquinone 320
Pick's disease 315
Pickwickian syndrome 362
Piperacillin 127
Pituitary gland 148
Pityriasis versicolor 245
Placenta previa 418
aldosterone 147
exchange 101
loss 205, 346
osmolality 155
Plasmapheresis 354
Platelet 109
Pleural effusion
right-sided 49, 122
types of 49
Pleural fluid protein 50
Plexiform neurofibroma 293
Plummer–Vinson syndrome 65, 68
Pneumococcus 257
Pneumoconiosis 62
Pneumocystis carinii 374
Pneumocystis jirovecii 51, 374
pneumonia 371, 374
Pneumonia 44, 258, 423
atypical 46
complications of 45
delayed resolution of 45
idiopathic interstitial 57
late onset neonatal 332
neonatal 332
nosocomial 46
recurrent 45
treatment of 45
types of 44
Pneumothorax 53
primary 53
secondary 53
Poisoning 270, 298
common causes of 298
severe 302
Poliomyelitis 189
paralytic 190
provocation 190
types of 189
vaccine for 190
Poliosis 378
Poliovirus 257, 259
Polyangiitis 349
microscopic 352
Polyarteritis nodosa 124, 243, 263, 351
Polyarthralgia 109
Polyarthritis, causes of 221
Polycystic kidney disease 197, 204, 205, 341
infantile 204
treatment of 205
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 162, 401
complications of 163
diagnostic criteria of 162
Polycythemia 102, 205
rubra vera 102, 103
true 102
Polydipsia, psychogenic 326
Polyhydramnios 425
Polymenorrhagia 404
Polymerase chain reaction 83, 259, 374
Polymyalgia rheumatica 222, 348, 351
Polymyositis 231, 289, 348
primary idiopathic 231
Polyneuropathy 267
chronic inflammatory demyelinating 267, 285
Polyposis coli, familial adenomatous 341
Polyuria 198
causes of 199
Pontine myelinolysis, central 296, 326
Portal hypertension 130
signs of 126
Post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis 182
Postprandial capillary plasma glucose 157
Postvaccination 284
Potassium 87, 325
Pott disease 233, 284
Prader–Willi syndrome 160
Precordium 6
Prednisolone 109, 185
Preeclampsia 421, 425
Pregnancy 10, 41, 136, 231, 261, 266, 273, 408, 424, 425
ectopic 404, 407
Preprandial capillary plasma glucose fasting blood glucose 157
Presbycusis 391
Presenile dementia 343
Presyncope 295
Primary angle-closure glaucoma 385
Primary open-angle glaucoma 384
Prochlorperazine 84, 270
Proctitis, active 80
Proctocolitis, extensive 80
Propylthiouracil 138
benign enlargement of 197, 218
infection of 211
Prostatitis 211
Prosthetic valve endocarditis 25
Protein 196
energy malnutrition 322, 323, 330
malabsorption 87
Proteinuria 197, 421, 422
nephrotic 197
non-nephrotic 198
orthostatic 198
Proteus mirabilis 215
Prothrombin time 100, 115, 118, 298
Proton-pump inhibitor 66
Pruritus 123, 124, 236
Psedohypoparathyroidism 142
Pseudo Meigs syndrome 408
Pseudobulbar palsy 65, 275
Pseudogout 222
Pseudohypertrophy 289
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 160
Pseudomembrane 174
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 191, 368
Pseudopolycythemia 102
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum 341
Psoralen and ultraviolet A 230
Psoriasis 11, 237, 238
chronic plaque 237
erythrodermic 238
pustular 238
Psychiatric diseases 306
classification of 306
manic-depressive 306
postpartum 306, 424
puerperal 315
Psychotherapy 84
Pterygium 379
Ptosis 263
bilateral 264
unilateral 263
Puberty 161
delayed 160
Puerperal disorders 315
Pulse 300
intravenous methylprednisolone 101
Punch drunk syndrome 270, 280, 315
Pupil 265, 300
Purpura 107
Pus cell 196
presence of 211
Pyelonephritis 211
acute 209, 211, 213
chronic 213, 215
emphysematous 213
Pyloric stenosis 72, 84
Pyoderma gangrenosum 243
Pyogenic meningitis 333
treatment of 258
Pyramidal signs 271
Pyrantel pamoate 184
Pyrazinamide 117
of unknown origin 121, 216
puerperal 422
Pyridoxine 259, 321
Pyruvate kinase deficiency 90, 94
Pyuria 198
Q fever 117, 171
acute 172
chronic 172
endocarditis 25
Quadriparesis 283
Quadriplegia 283
Quartan malaria 200
Quinine 264
Rabies 168
virus 259
Radial nerve palsy 269
Radiation colitis 86
Radiation myelopathy 284
Radiculopathy 257
Radioactive iodine uptake 140
Radioimmunoassay 150
Radiolucent stones 216
Radiotherapy 115, 150
adjunctive 112
Raised aspartate aminotransferase 422
Raised intracranial
pressure 84, 129, 264
tension 129
headache of 262
Ranitidine 68
Raynaud's phenomenon 226
Red blood cell 90, 337
casts 196
Red cell 196
enzyme deficiency 94
abnormality 94
defect 90
Red eye 375
Red flags 375
Red urine, causes of 197
nephropathy 213
vesicoureteric 213
Refractory ascites 125
aortic 5, 6
mitral 2, 342
pulmonary 4
Reiter's syndrome 64, 233
triad of 233
Renal artery stenosis 214
Renal biopsy 200
Renal calculus 215
Renal cell carcinoma 102, 197, 216
Renal disease 109, 326
end-stage 206
intrinsic 199
primary 199, 215
Renal failure 100, 315, 360, 422
acute 74, 205, 325, 417
chronic 205, 206
septic 199
Renal function tests 111, 208
Renal loss 327, 328
Renal osteodystrophy 207
treatment of 209
Renal pelvis, infection of 211
Renal replacement therapy, indications of 209
Renal stone 215
Renal transplantation, contraindications of 209
Renal tubular acidosis 215, 219
clinical features of 220
Renovascular disease 206
Reproductive system 160
Respiratory diseases 39
Respiratory failure 58, 315
Respiratory rate, high 190
Restless leg syndrome 355
Resuscitation 72
Reticulocyte count 98, 338
Retinol 318
diabetic 153
hypertensive 264
Reversible ischemic neurological deficit 276
Rh incompatibility 338
Rhabdomyolysis 360
Rheumatic chorea 273
Rheumatic fever 11, 221, 330
diagnostic criteria of 11
Rheumatoid arthritis 2, 90, 199, 223, 243
Rheumatological disease 64
Rheumatology 221
Rhinitis 394
Rhinosinusitis, chronic 395
Riboflavin 321
Rice water stool 173
Rickets 207, 319
familial hypophosphatemic 342
renal 207
Rickettsia tsutsugamushi 170
Rickety rosary 319
Riedel's thyroiditis 135
Rifampicin 47, 117, 174
Right bundle branch block 34
Ringer's lactate 133, 167
solution 336
Ringworm 246
Rinne test 392
Risus sardonicus 176
Rituximab 240
Rotavirus 85, 335
Rotor syndrome 117
Roundworm 184
Rubella 165, 383
syndrome, congenital 165
Rupture esophageal varices, treatment of 129
Ryle's tube 76
Sabin-Feldman dye test 194
Salbutamol 272
Salicylate 299
Salmonella typhi 134, 169
Sarcoidosis 54, 222, 241, 257, 289, 315
Sarcoptes scabiei 237
Saturday night palsy 269
Savage's syndrome 401, 402
Scabies 237
Scalp 248
ringworm 246
Schistosomiasis 197
Schizophrenia 306, 310, 311
Schneider's first rank symptoms 311
Scleritis 382
Sclerodactyly 226
Scleroderma 65, 225
sine scleroderma 225
Sclerosing cholangitis, primary 117, 121, 133
amyotrophic lateral 274, 275
diffuse cutaneous systemic 225
primary lateral 274, 275
systemic 86, 199, 225
tuberous 293, 341
Sclerotherapy 129
Scrub typhus fever 170
Scurvy 108, 323
Seborrheic dermatitis 248
See-saw nystagmus 297
Seizure 100, 286, 287
generalized 287, 288
Jacksonian 287
partial 287
typical absence 287
Senile chorea 273
Sensory disturbance 266
Sensory neuropathy, predominantly 268
Sensory system 268, 276
Sepsis 190
puerperal 423
Septal perforation 396
Septicemia 108, 211, 252
meningococcal 146, 334
Sertoli–Leydig cell tumor 402
Serum electrolytes 147
normal range of 325
Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 118, 337
Serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase 111, 337
Sex hormone-binding globulin 162
Sexual abuse 83
Sexual dysfunction 267
Sexually transmitted disease 252
Sheehan's syndrome 149, 401, 402
Shenothiazine 274
Shigellosis 172
Shock 345
anaphylactic 347
cardiogenic 346
clinical features of 346
distributive 346, 347
hypovolemic 346
neurogenic 348
obstructive 346, 347
profound 166
septic 190, 347
Short stature 159, 343
Shy-Drager syndrome 270
Sick sinus syndrome 28
Sickle cell
anemia 90, 97
crises 98
disease 94, 213
family history of 200
Sickle chest syndrome 98
Sickle solubility test 98
Sigmoidoscopy 79
Sinoatrial block 33
arrhythmia 27
tachycardia 27
Sinusitis 392
acute 392, 393
chronic 393
recurrent acute 392
subacute 393
Sister Mary Joseph's nodule 73
Sixth nerve palsy 263
Sjögren's syndrome 224226, 279, 315, 381
Skin 43, 238, 244, 361
appendages of 236
disease 207, 236
dryness of 318
layers of 236
lesions 109, 255, 293
yellow discoloration of 117
Skull, X-ray of 142
Sleep 310
apnea 63
central 63
syndrome 37
Small cell carcinoma 43, 44
Small pox 177
Snail tract ulcer 64
Snake bite 345
Snoring 396
Sodium 87, 325
retention 147
stibogluconate 182, 183
Solitary thyroid nodule 140
treatment of 140
Somatization disorder 314
Somatoform autonomic dysfunction 314
Somatoform disorders 306, 313, 314
general management of 314
Sore throat 164, 360
Spastic paraparesis, noncompressive causes of 284
Spastic paraplegia 233, 283
causes of 284
hereditary 283, 284
Speech 266, 275
Spherocytosis, hereditary 90, 94
Spinal cord 94, 266, 372
compression 283
disease 85
lesion 274
vascular disease of 284
Spiral groove 269
Spironolactone 201
Spondarthritis 222
Spondylitis, tuberculous 233
Spondyloarthropathy 222
Sponge kidney, medullary 215
Squamous cell carcinoma 43, 415
St Vitus’ dance 273
Staghorn calculus 216
Standard anti-tuberculosis therapy 243
Staphylococcus albus 23
Staphylococcus aureus 23, 44, 85, 121, 191, 257, 361, 423
Staphylococcus epidermidis 211
Statins 267
Status epilepticus 288
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 119
Steatorrhea 87, 88
Steele–Richardson–Olszewski syndrome 270, 280
Stem cell transplantation, allogeneic 107
aortic 5, 161
mitral 1, 65
pulmonary 4, 343
Sterile pyuria 211, 212
Steroid 108, 247
drops 388
nasal sprays 393
systemic 382
topical 382, 395
Stevens–Johnson syndrome 46, 64, 241
Still's disease 235
Stokes–Adam attack 34
Stomach 86
Stomatitis 65
Stomatocytosis 90
Streptococcal beta-hemolyticus infection 241
Streptococcus bovis 23
Streptococcus faecalis 121
Streptococcus milleri 23, 121
Streptococcus pneumoniae 23, 44, 47, 258
Streptococcus pyogenes 361, 423
Streptococcus viridans 23
Stress 39, 83
disorder, post-traumatic 307
hyperglycemia 152
incontinence 198
reaction, acute 307
related disorders 306
ulcer 417
String sign 78
Stroke 273, 276
complete 276
ischemic 278
partial nonprogressive 276
Strongyloides stercoralis 186
Strongyloidiasis 186
Subacute bacterial endocarditis 23, 108
complications of 24
symptoms of 24
Substance abuse 317
Sucrose intolerance 86
Sugar 196
Sulfasalazine 224
Sulfonamide 108, 199, 205
Sulfonylureas 156
Superior longitudinal sinus, thrombosis of 284
Superior vena cava 111
obstruction 52
Supportive therapy 101, 114
Supraventricular tachycardia 28
Surgery 150
history of 91
indications of 42, 159
Sweating, disturbance of 267
Sydenham's chorea 273
Syncope 295
Syncytial virus, respiratory 39, 44
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion 326
Synthetic vasopressin 111
Syphilis 254, 278
acquired 255
benign tertiary 256
cardiovascular 256
congenital 254
early congenital 254
late 256
congenital 255
latent 256
meningeal 256
meningovascular 256
primary 255
secondary 64, 200, 255
Syringomyelia 267, 284
Systemic disease 199, 205, 236
Systemic inflammatory
diseases 206
response syndrome 74, 191
Systemic lupus erythematosus 64, 90, 124, 199, 230, 239, 257, 315, 381, 396
Systemic therapy 238, 245
Tabes dorsalis 256, 284
Tachycardia 147, 191
ventricular 31
Tachypnea 191
Tactile hallucination 307
Taeniasis 185
Takayasu's disease 35, 349
Tall stature 343, 344
Tazobactam 127
Telangiectasia 226
hereditary hemorrhagic 65, 356
Temporary pacemaker, indications of 36
Temporomandibular joint disorders 386
Tension pneumothorax 54
Terbutaline 272
Testis, abnormality of 344
Tetanus 175
Tetralogy of Fallot 12, 15, 102, 342
Thalassemia 90, 94, 95
major 107
minor 96
Thalidomide 114
Thiamine 320
Thiazide 327
Thiocyanate 139
Third nerve palsy 263
Thomsen's disease 290
Threadworm 184
Throat 386, 396
diseases of 386
Thrombocythemia, essential 102
Thrombocytopenia 46, 100, 231
Thrombocytopenic purpura 108
Thromboembolism 61
pulmonary 61
Thrombophlebitis 115
migrans 73
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 98, 100
carcinoma 140
disease 289
function test 160
gland 135
diseases of 135
tumors of 140
medullary carcinoma of 139, 141
nodule 140
fine-needle aspiration cytology of 139
single 140
stimulating hormone 135, 313
Thyroiditis 138
bacterial 135
pyogenic 135
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis 363
Thyrotoxicosis 137, 138, 348
factitious 138
Thyroxine 148
Tics 274
barbae 246
capitis 246
corporis 246
cruris 246
pedis 246
unguium 246
versicolor 245
Tinel's sign 268
Toad's skin 318
Tocopherol 320
Togavirus 259
Tongue 275, 386
Tonic-clonic seizure, generalized 287
Tonsil 386
tumors of 397
Tonsillitis 396
acute 65, 396
chronic 396
Tooth 386
TORCH syndrome 383
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 239
Toxic shock syndrome 361
Toxins 264
Toxoplasma 115, 194
gondii 193, 372
Toxoplasmosis 193, 257, 383
congenital 194
Trabeculectomy 385
Transient ischemic attack 151, 276, 316
Trauma 64, 83, 270, 284, 315
Tremor 266
benign essential 272
coarse 272
types of 272
Trephine biopsy 101
Treponema pallidum 254, 265, 392
hemagglutination 265
assay 392
Tretinoin 247
Trichiasis 378
Trichomonas vaginalis 253
mentagrophytes 246
rubrum 246
Tricuspid regurgitation 3, 14
Tricyclic antidepressant 300, 309
Trientine dihydrochloride 283
Triglyceride 157
Troisier's sign 73
Tropical spastic paraplegia 283, 284
Tropical sprue 86, 88
Tuberculin test 59
Tuberculoid leprosy 187
Tuberculosis 58, 107, 125, 109, 233, 386
bone 232
general features of 210
intestinal 86
joint 232
miliary 60
postprimary 59
primary 58, 242
pulmonary 59
renal 210
skin 243
spine 233
treatment of 60
Tubular acidosis, proximal 219
Tubular necrosis, acute 199, 205
Tubulointerstitial disease 199, 205
Tubulointerstitial disorder 325
Tumor 135
adrenal 145
gonadal 161
lysis syndrome 365
necrosis factor 79
neuroendocrine 147
Turner syndrome 110, 160, 161, 343
Tylosis 237
Tympanic membrane, traumatic rupture of 387
Typhoid 267
state 169
Ulcer 151
aphthous 64, 65
corneal 380
duodenal 69
neuropathic 243
Ulcerative colitis 64, 79, 87, 242
types of 79
Ulnar nerve palsy 269
Ultrasonography 118, 123, 205
Unpaired anterior cerebral artery, thrombosis of 284
Unstable angina, treatment of 18
Upper motor neuron 267
Upper respiratory tract infection 39
Ureaplasma urealyticum 253
Ureteric calculus, bilateral 206
Ureteric stone 215
Urethra, infection of 211
Urethral syndrome 212
Urethritis 197, 211
acute 211
nongonococcal 253
Urge incontinence 198
Uric acid
excess production of 227
serum 111, 365
Urinary albumin excretion 198
Urinary bladder 408
infection of 211
tumors of 217
Urinary copper 282
Urinary incontinence, triad of 271
Urinary ketone body 155
Urinary tract
infection 155, 211, 331, 423
presentations of 211
recurrent 212
obstruction, chronic 213
Urinary urobilinogen, high 95
chemical examination of 196
incontinence of 198
microscopic examination of 196
routine microscopic examination 200, 205
Urogram, intravenous 205
Urticaria 249, 250
Uterine fibroids 102
Uterus, evacuation of 409
Uveal inflammation 375
Uveitis 381
Vaginal agenesis 160
Vanillylmandelic acid 147
Vascular malformation 277
Vasculitis 98, 199, 231
Vaso-occlusive crisis 98
Vasovagal attack 295
Venereal disease research laboratory 265, 392
Ventricular septal defect 12, 14, 161, 342
Verapamil 85
Verbal abuse 83
Vertigo 294
causes of 294
Vesical calculus 215
Vibrio cholerae 85, 173, 335
Vincristine 267
Vipoma 86
Viral hepatitis, chronic 126
Virchow's gland 73
Viridans streptococci 25
Viruses 85, 335
Vision, loss of 153
Visual hallucination 307
Vitamin 318
A 87, 318
B1 87, 267, 320, 417
deficiency 320
B12 87, 267, 322, 417
deficiency 91, 93, 264
B2 87, 321
B3 321
B6 321, 417
B7 322
C 322, 323, 417
D 87, 319
deficiency 141, 142
resistant rickets 342
deficiencies 315
E 267, 320
fat-soluble 318
K 87, 320
deficiency 417
dependent clotting factors 320
K1 320
K2 320
water-soluble 318
Vitiligo 250
Vomiting 47, 84, 85, 99, 175, 417
causes of 84
psychogenic 84
Weber syndrome 263
Weber test 392
Wegener's granulomatosis 56, 241, 349, 382
Weight loss 88
Weil's disease 188
Wenckebach phenomenon 33
Wernicke's encephalopathy 320, 359, 417
Wertheim's hysterectomy 415
Whipple's disease 86
Whipple's operation 76
White blood cell 125, 196, 326
White coat hypertension 9
White matter disease, diffuse 315
Wickham striae 244
Wilms’ tumor 217
Wilson's disease 117, 127, 128, 219, 270, 273, 274, 280, 282, 315, 341
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome 29
Woods light examination 251
care of 424
infections 423
Wuchereria bancrofti 183
Xeroderma pigmentosum 341
Xerophthalmia 318
Xerosis 318
Xerostomia 224
X-linked dominant diseases 342
X-linked recessive disorders 341, 342
Yellow fever 117
Yersinia enterocolitica 195
Young syndrome 395
Zafirlukast 42
Zidovudine 348
Zinc 87, 323
supplementation 337
Zollinger–Ellison syndrome 69, 71, 86
Zoonotic disease 177
Chapter Notes

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