Competency Based Comprehensive Manual of Practical and Clinical Biochemistry Anita Sharma, Ashish Sharma
Page numbers followed by ‘f’ figure; and ‘t’ indicate table respectively.
Acetoacetate 56
Acetone 56
Achromatic lenses 73
Acid-base balance 232
disorders of 231, 232
Acid-base homeostasis 231
Acid-base regulation 231
Acidosis 232
Acids 231
Acriflavine ointment 7
Addison's disease 164
Adrenal steroids 164
Ag-Ab complex, plot of 189f
Agglutination 189
and precipitation 188
bacterial 191
inhibition 191, 192
passive/indirect 191
reaction 191
Albumin 54
Albustix 54
Aldehyde 37
Alkaline copper sulfate reduction methods 79
Alkaline phosphatase 116
Alkaline tide 46
Alkalosis 232
Alkaptonuria 53
Alpha-fetoprotein 244
Amino acid 174
Aminonaphthol sulfonic acid 154
Anion exchangers 174
Anorexia 164
Antibody detection 184
Antidiabetic therapy in diabetics 78
and antibody concentration 189f
antibody interaction 188
detection 183
molecules 188
reacts 188
Anti-Müllerian hormone 244
Antithyroid agents 216
Anuria 54
Arterial blood gas
analytes 167, 168t
interpretation 168t
range 168t
sampling 167
Asatoor and King, modified method of 79
Aspartic acid 174
Atherogenic profile 137
Atherosclerosis 142
Atomic absorption spectrometry 151
Autoimmune disease 97
Autoimmune thyroid disease 218
Automated analyzers 5
Autonomous nodule 217
Bacterial infection of thyroid 216
Balances 3
double pan balance 3, 4f
electronic balance 3, 4f
single pan balances 3
Barfoed's test 16, 16f
precautions 16
principle 16
Beer's law 65, 74
Beer-Lambert's law 65
Bence-Jones proteins 55, 57
qualitative reagent, composition of 55
qualitative test 55
Benedict's test 12, 13f
advantages 13
disadvantages 13
positive 55f
practical application 13
principle 12
Benzidine test 57
Berthelot method 126
Bicarbonate 231
Bile pigments 56
Fouchet's test reagent 58
Bile salt Hay's sulfur test reagents 58
Bile salts 56
Bilirubin glucuronide 56
examination 54
parameters 243
Biological hazards 6
Biphosphate 231
Biuret method 96
calculation 96
interpretations 96
precautions 96
principle 96
procedure 96
reagents 96
reference range 96
Biuret test 26, 30, 37f
Blank measurements 74
Blood buffers 231
types of 231
Blood glucose 78
methods of estimation 79
Blood pigment
benzidine test, reagents 58
test for 57
Blood samples, collection of 78
Blood sugar 78
clinical classification of 78
Bone disease 97
Bone neoplasm 151
Bouguer's law 74
degenerative diseases of brain 210
injury 164
parenchymal cells 210
tumors of 210
Bromocresol Green method 100
calculation 100
interpretation 100
principle 100
procedure 100
reagents 100
reference range 100
Bromosulphalein excretion test 95
Buffers 160
and solutions, preparations of 241
Calcium 47
ions 150
role of 150
test for 47, 48
Calibration curves 75
Calomel electrode 160
Cancer 53, 132
antigen-125 244
of liver 127
analysis of 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21
identification of 20
Carbonic acid 231
Carcinoembryonic antigen 244
Carcinogenic chemical 57
Cardinal rules 6
Cation exchangers 90, 174
Celiac diseases 97
Cell of spectrophotometer 203
Cells 209
proper use of 74
Centrifuge 4, 5f
Cerebrospinal fluid 209
analysis of 209
biochemical examination of 209
characteristics of 210t
clinical significance 210
composition of 209
contraindications 210
indications of 210
pathological conditions 210t
physiological conditions 210t
Chemical injury 7
Chloroform 202
Cholecystokinin-stimulation test 224
Cholesterol estimation 145
Chromatography 171
adsorption column 173, 174f
affinity 174
ascending and descending 173f
equipment 175f
gas-liquid 173, 173f
gel filtration 174
high performance liquid 175
ion-exchange 173
paper 172
partition 172
principle and classification 171
principle of gel filtration 174f
thin layer 172
Chyluria 53
Circulatory failure 164
Clinical biochemistry laboratory 3
common equipment used in 3
Collagen diseases 97
Colorimeter 5f, 66f
and spectrophotometers 5
components of 66f
principle 66f
Colorimetry 65
principle of 65
holographic grating 72
mirrors 73
Congestive heart failure 127
Conjugated bilirubin 56
Coronary artery disease 142
Cranial nerve nuclei 210
Creatinine clearance 122
calculation 123
estimation of 124
interpretation 123
method 122
Creatinine test 48
Crigler-Najjar syndrome 107
Defence, three-tier
first line of 231
second line of 231
third line of 231
Dehydration 97, 127
severe 164
Deproteinization of serum 154
Detectors 72
Diabetes, diagnostic criteria for 80
Diabetes mellitus 139
case study 86
Diabetic curve 89
Diabetic tests 243
Diacetyl monoxime method 126
Diaminobenzidine 183
Diarrhea 97
Diode-array spectrophotometer 75
Disaccharides 11
Dispersion devices 72
Distilled water 56
DNA 202
concentration 202
isolation from blood and tissue 202
lysis buffer 202
prevent shearing of 203
quantification of 203
structure and function of 202
Dry chemistry technique 54, 79
advantage 79
limitation 79
precaution 79
reference range 80
Dubin-Johnson syndrome 107
Duodenal contents, examination of 224
Dye-binding method 97
Dyslipidemia, case study 148
Ehrlich's test 56, 57
Electric charges 30
Electrochemical cell 160
Electrode, combined 160
Electrolytes 243
analyzer principle 163
clinical interpretation of 164
potassium, estimation of 163
sodium, estimation of 163
Electrophoresis 178
different types of 178
equipment 180f
of plasma lipoproteins 180f
Electrophoretogram 101
Electrostatic interactions 188
Encephalitis 210
Endocrine glands 216
Enzymatic method 79
uricase-peroxidase 132
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 183
competitive 184
principle of 184f
indirect 184
principle of 184f
Epitope 188
Equipment 3
Equivalence zone 189
Equivalents per volume 241
bias 75
random 75
sources of 75
Exocrine 224
Exogenous hormones 224
Extracellular follicles 216
Fanconi syndrome 55, 89
Fasting blood
sample 88
sugar 78
First aid 7
Fluorescent method 151
Fouchet's test 56
Frank diabetes 80
Free aldehyde 12
Free T3 test 217
Friedewald equation 145
Fructose 55
Fructosuria 55
Full saturation test 30
Fully automatic analyzers 5, 6f
Functional tissue, loss of 216
Galactose 55
Galactosuria 55
Gel electrophoresis 178
Gestational diabetes mellitus 80
case study 93
Glucometer 79
Glucose 55
challenge test 89
tolerance test 88
curve 89f
extended 89
factors affecting 88
interpretation 89
intravenous 89
preparation of patient 88
procedure 88
Glucosuria 55
Glutamic acid 174
Glycated hemoglobin 88, 90
interpretation 90
limitations 90
principle 90
reference values 90
Glycohemoglobin 90
Good laboratory technique 6
Gout, case study 135
Graves’ disease 217, 218
Half saturation test 30
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 216, 218
Hay's sulfur test 56
for bile salts in pathological urine 56f
Hazards, physical and chemical 6
Heat coagulation test 26, 27, 27f, 54
positive 55f
Heller's test 54, 57
Hemagglutination 191
Hematuria 57
Hemoconcentration 97
Hemoglobin buffer 231
Hemoglobinuria 53
anemia 107
diseases 90
jaundice 139
Heparin, amount of 167
Hepatic jaundice 119
parenchymal disease 151
damage 139
jaundice 107
Hopkins-Cole test 36, 37f
Hot air oven 4, 4f
Hydration, shell of 30
Hydrazone 113
Hydrogen bonds 188
Hydrogen ions, concentration of 159
Hydrophobic interactions 188
Hyperadrenalism 164
conjugated 107
unconjugated 106
Hypercalcemia 151
Hypercapnia 232
Hypercholesterolemia 139
Hyperglycemia 78, 225
Hyperparathyroidism 151
Hyperphosphatemia 154
Hyperproteinemia 97
Hyperthyroidism 217
primary 217
secondary 217
Hyperuricemia, causes of 132
Hypervitaminosis D 151
Hypobetalipoproteinemias 139
Hypocalcemia 151
Hypocholesterolemia 139
Hypoglycemia 78
Hypomagnesemia 151
Hypoparathyroidism 151
Hypophosphatemia 154
Hypoproteinemia 96
Hypothyroidism 139, 142, 216
primary 216
secondary 216
Immune system 218
Immunochemical techniques 188
Immunodiffusion 188, 189, 190f
double 190
radial 190
Immunoelectrophoresis 179, 190, 190f
modifications of 190
Impaired carbohydrate metabolism 225
Impaired fasting glycemia 80
Impaired glucose tolerance 80
Infertility profile 244
Infiltrative disease 216
Inflammatory kidney disease's 54
Inhalational injury 7
Inorganic phosphorus 154
Instrumentation 71
diode-array spectrophotometer 73
double beam 73
general 71
single beam 73
sources 71
split beam 73
Instrument-related errors 75
Intestinal obstruction 127
Inversion test 19
principle 19
Iodine deficiency 216
Iodine test 12, 13f
precautions 12
Ionized 150
Ion-selective electrode 151, 163
advantages of 164
analyzer 164f
limitations 164
principle of 164f
technique 163
Iron deficiency anemia 90
Iron profile 243
Ischemic heart disease 142
Isoamyl alcohol 202
Isoelectric focusing 179
Isosthenuria 54
Jaffe's reaction 122
calculation 122
disadvantages 122
interpretation 122
principle 122
procedure 122
Jaffe's test 48
Jaundice, case study 119
Kala-azar 97
Ketone bodies 57
test for 56
Ketonic groups 12
Kidney function test 121, 122, 132
assessment of 121
estimation of 126
profile 121
Kind and King method 116
calculation 116
interpretation 116
principle 116
apparatus 3
hazards 6
parameters 243
practice, good and safe 3, 6
Lactic acid 231
Lactose 55
Lactosuria 55
Lag/alimentary curve 89
Lambert's law 65
Lambert-Beer's law, verification of 67
Lead acetate test 36, 37f
Levey-Jennings chart, develop 196
Liebermann-Burchard method 138
Lipid profile 137, 138, 142, 145
pathological variations 139
procedure 138
Lipiduria 53
Lipoproteins, separation and function 180
Liver function test 95, 106, 110, 116, 243
assessment of 95
estimation of
serum albumin 100
total protein 96
profile 95
Lowry method 97
Lundh test 224
Lysine 174
Macroglobulinemias 97
Making measurements 74
Malabsorption syndrome 89, 139
Malignant hypertension 57
Malloy-Evelyn method 106
calculations 106
interpretations 106
precautions 106
principle 106
procedure 106
Mancini method 190
Membrane permeability 150
Meningitis 210
Mercurochrome 7
Metabolic acidosis 164, 232
causes of 232
Metabolic alkalosis, causes of 232
Metabolic water 163
Microalbuminuria 54
Milk-Alkali syndrome 151
Millon's test 36, 37f
Molarity 241
Molecular weight, determination of 179
Moles/unit volume 241
Molisch's test 11, 12f
fallacies 12
precautions 12
principle 11
Molybdenum blue 79
Monochromator 72
Monosaccharides 11
Multinodular goiter 217
Muscle contraction 150
Myeloma, multiple 151
Myocardial infarction, case study 148
Narcotics 232
Nephritis 151
Nephrosis 151
Nephrotic syndrome 54, 96, 100, 104, 101, 127, 139, 142
Nernst equation 163
Neumann's test 36
Neuromuscular transmission, role in 150
Ninhydrin test 36, 37f
Noncarbohydrates 13
Normal urine
chemical composition of 47
examination of 48t
properties of 46
Normality 241
Obstructive jaundice 107, 139
O-Cresolphthalein complexone method 150
Oliguria 54
components 72
density 66
Oral contraceptive pills 142
Oral glucose tolerance test, indications for 88
Organic phosphorus 154
Ortho-toluidine method 79
Osazone test 19
principle 19
Osazones under microscope, shape of 19f
Osteomalacia 151
Ouchterlony method 190
indirect stimulation of 224
methods for 224
diseases 224
function tests 224
profile 243
acute 225
alcohol-related 225
Paper electrophoresis 178, 178f
Parathormone 154
Paratope 188
Pathological urine, analysis of 57f, 60, 61
Pentoses 55
Pentosuria 55
Peptide linkages 26
pH 46
body fluids 167
measurement, method of 159
meter 159, 159f
applications 160
components of 160
principle 159
buffer 160, 231
test for 47, 48
Phosphoric acid 231
Photoelectric colorimeter 66
cuvettes 66
filters 66
measuring device 66
photocell 66
phototube 66
source of light 66
Photomultiplier tube 72
Physiological urine 46
analysis of
normal constituent of 48t
physical compositiion 46
chemical composition of 46
sample, analysis of 51, 52
specific gravity of 46
Pipettes 5, 5f
Plasma glucose 225
Plasma proteins 96
Plasticware 5
macropipettes 5
Poliomyelitis 210
Polyacrylamide 178
Polycystic kidney diseases 57
Polycythemia vera 151
Polymyxin B 232
Polysaccharides 11
Polyuria 54
Postprandial blood sugar 78, 79
Potassium 164
decreased levels of 164
increased level of 164
alkaloidal reagents 33
concentrated mineral acid 33
heavy metal ions 33
reactions 189
test 33
Precipitin Ab, use to detect 189
test, principle of 192
toxemia of 54
Prism 72
Prostate-specific antigen 244
Protein 54
analysis of 26, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 39, 44, 45
and nutritive value 40
bands 179
bound calcium 150
buffer 231
classification 26
conjugated proteins 26
derived proteins 26
simple proteins 26
color reactions of 36
estimation 97
heat coagulation test, procedure 57
identification of 26
in pathological urine 55f
losing enteropathies 97
migration 179f
precipitation reactions of 30
saturation reactions of 30
separation technique for 101
tests for 54
Prozone effect 191
Pus cells, presence of 53
Pyloric stenosis 127
Pyruvic acid 231
Quality control clinical laboratory 195, 199
accuracy 195
analysis 196
characteristics 196
monitoring of 196
precision 195
sensitivity 195
specificity 196
types of controls 196
Quantitative analysis 74
Radial immunodiffusion 189
Radiation, intensity of 71
Radioactive iodine 218
large amount of 218
Random blood sugar 79
Reducing sugars 57
in pathological urine 55f
test for 12, 55
Reference value 243
Reitman and Frankel's method 110, 113
interpretation 110, 113
precautions 110
principle 110, 113
procedure 110, 113
reagents 110, 113
failure, case study 130
glycosuria 55, 89
regulation 231, 232
tubular acidosis 164
acidosis, causes of 232
alkalosis, causes of 232
muscles, paralysis of 232
regulation 231, 232
Rheumatoid arthritis 97
Rickets 151
electrophoresis 190
immunoelectrophoresis 191f
Rothera's nitroprusside test 56
reagents 57
Rothera's test for ketone bodies 56f
Rotor syndrome 107
Sakaguchi test 36, 37g
Salt and water depletion 127
Salt-losing nephritis 164
Sandwich ELISA 183
Sarcoidosis 97, 151
Saturated phenol 202
Saturation tests 30
Sclerosis, multiple 210
Secretin stimulation test 224
Seliwanoff's test 16, 16f
precautions 16
principle 16
Semiautomated analyzers 5
Semiquantitative test 13
Sensory motor dysfunction 210
Septicemia 232
Serine 174
Serum albumin, estimation of 104
Serum alkaline phosphatase, estimation of 116, 117
Serum amino transaminases 110
clinical significance 110
estimation of 110, 111, 113, 114
Serum amylase, estimation of 224
Serum bilirubin 95
estimation of 106, 108
Serum calcium, estimation of 150, 152
Serum cholesterol levels 138
enzymatic methods 138
estimation of 140
manual methods 138
Serum creatinine 122
estimation of 124
Serum globulin, estimation of 100
Serum lipase 224
Serum phosphorus 150
estimation of 154, 155
Serum total cholesterol, estimation of 138
Serum triglyceride levels, estimation of 143
Serum trypsin 225
Serum urea 126
levels 128
Serum uric acid levels, estimation of 133
Shock 164
and hemorrhage 127
Sickle cell anemia 57
Simple lenses 73
increased levels of 164
decreased level of 164
Sodium acetate 202
Sodium bicarbonate 7
buffer 231
Sodium hypobromite test 47
reagents 48
Soluble antigen 189
Specific gravity 46, 54
correction of 54
Specific urease test 47
reagents 48
Specificity, lack of 122
Spectrophotometer 6f, 71f
conventional scanning 73
principle of 71
Spinal tumor 210
Standard protein solution 96
Steatorrhea 151
Stock biuret reagent 96
Stones in urinary tract 54
Stress 203
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 210
Sulfur powder 58
T3 test 217
T4 test 217
Threonine 174
Thyroglobulin 218
antibody test 217, 218
carcinoma 217
disorders 216
function test 216, 217
gland 216, 217
hormone 217
synthesis 216
inability 216
nodules 218
peroxidase 218
profile 243
regulation of 216, 217f
scan 217, 218
stimulating hormone 216
ultrasound 217, 218
Thyrotoxicosis 151
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 216
Total serum protein 95
Toxic fumes 7
Transient albuminuria 54
Triglycerides, estimation of 142
Tumor markers 244
Turbidimetric and Nephelometric methods 97
Urea clearance 126-128
interpretation 127
method 127
Urea test for 47
Uric acid
decreased excretion of 132
estimation of 132
Urinary pH 54
decrease in 54
increase in 54
Urinary tract infection 53
analysis 46
in pathological conditions 53
collection 47
fresh sample 47
multiple myeloma 55
tests for normal constituents of 47
Urinometer 46
Urobilinogen Ehrlich's test, reagent 58
Urobilinogen, test for 56
Urochrome 46
Van der Waals interactions 188
Viral disease, acute 210
Viral hepatitis 119
Vitamin B-complex therapy 53
Volume per unit volume 241
Von Gierke's disease 139
Waste disposal systems in laboratory 3
Wasting disease 97, 139
balance 163
baths 4
endogenous 163
excretion 163
exogenous 163
homeostasis 163
Weight per unit volume 241
Weight per unit weight 241
Working biuret reagent 96
Xanthoproteic test 36, 37
Xylitol dehydrogenase enzyme 55
Zone electrophoresis 101, 178
Chapter Notes

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Competency-based Comprehensive Manual of Practical and Clinical BIOCHEMISTRY
Competency-based Comprehensive Manual of Practical and Clinical BIOCHEMISTRY
As per Revised MCI Curriculum
Ashish Sharma MBBS MD Professor and Head Department of Biochemistry Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital Udaipur, Rajasthan, India Anita Sharma MBBS MD Professor Department of Biochemistry Lab-in-charge Clinical Biochemistry Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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Competency Based Comprehensive Manual of Practical and Clinical Biochemistry
First Edition: 2020
Printed at
The first teachers of our life, who patiently taught us everything….our parents.
In the ever changing and challenging fields of medicine, biochemistry is the mainstay in the basic of development, diagnosis and therapeutics of various human diseases. That is why it is imperative to remain abreast of the latest development.
After the initiative of World Federation for Medical Education (WFME), it is recommended that competency based medical education should be an integral part of curriculum of undergraduate medical students. Keeping this idea in mind, a complete and comprehensive practical and clinical biochemistry book based on GMR (Graduate Medical Regulations)–2019 is developed.
This book contains five sections, each section is further divided into chapters inclusive of all core components of practical and clinical biochemistry. Each chapter explains specific competencies, learning objectives, level of learning and learning domain involved in clinical and practical biochemistry.
The highlights of the manual are:
We hope this effort would enable the students to focus more in developing their knowledge of clinical interpretation rather than writing practical files and hence will upgrade their skills in practical and clinical biochemistry.
Ashish Sharma
Anita Sharma
Reviewers List Advisory Committee List of Experiments
Teacher Signature
Unit 1
Introduction of Clinical Biochemistry
Laboratory Apparatus and Equipment, Good and Safe Laboratory Practice, and Waste Disposal Systems in Laboratory
Unit 2
Qualitative Experiments and their Clinical Applications
Analysis of Carbohydrates
Analysis of Proteins
Analysis of Physical and Chemical Composition of Physiological Urine
Identify, Perform and Interpret Pathological Urine Analysis and Correlate it with Pathological States
Unit 3
Quantitative Experiments and their Clinical Interpretation
Principle of Colorimetry
Principle of Spectrophotometry
Estimation of Blood Glucose
Case Study: Diabetes Mellitus
Glucose Tolerance Test and Glycated Hemoglobin
Case Study: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Liver Function Test
Estimation of Total Protein
Estimation of Serum Albumin and A:G Ratio
Estimation of Serum Bilirubin
Estimation of Serum Aminotransferases (SGOT/SGPT)
Estimation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
Case Study: Jaundice
Kidney Function Test
Estimation of Serum Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance
Estimation of Serum Urea and Urea Clearance
Case Study: Renal Failure
Estimation of Uric Acid
Case Study: Gout
Lipid Profile (Atherogenic Profile)
Estimation of Serum Total Cholesterol
Estimation of Triglyceride
Estimation of HDL-Cholesterol
Case study: Dyslipidemia and Myocardial Infarction
Estimation of Serum Calcium and Serum Phosphorus
Unit 4
Group Experiments and Demonstrations
pH Meter
Water Homeostasis and Estimation of Na+ and K+ with ISE Analyzer
Arterial Blood Gas Analyzer
Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay
Antigen-Antibody Interaction (Immunodiffusion)
Quality Control in Clinical Laboratory
Reflective Writing
DNA Isolation from Blood and Tissue
Unit 5
Group Discussions and ATCOM Sensitization
Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid
Reflective Writing
Thyroid Function Test
Reflective Writing
Pancreatic Function Tests
Reflective Writing
Disorders of Acid-base Balance
Reflective Writing
Unit 6
Preparations of Buffers and Solutions
Reference Value of Various Biochemical Parameters Integration with Medicine
Competency Based MCI Curriculum for Biochemistry
Competency covered
Early clinical exposure/ATCOM/Integration
Unit 1
Laboratory Apparatus and Equipments, Good and Safe Laboratory Practice, Waste Disposal Systems in Laboratory
BI.11.1 & BI.11.19
Unit 2
Qualitative Experiments and their Clinical Applications
Analysis of General Carbohydrates
BI.3.1 & BI.3.8
BI.3.8 (Pathology and general medicine)
Analysis of Proteins/Amino Acid
BI.5.4 & BI.5.5
BI.5.4 (Pediatrics)
BI.5.5 (General medicine)
Physiological Urine Analysis
BI.11.3 & BI.11.4
BI.11.4 (Physiology and general medicine)
BI.11.4 (Perform level competency with certification)
Pathological Urine Analysis
BI.11.4 & BI.11.20
BI.11.4 (Physiology and general medicine)
PE.21.11 & PE.33.6 (Pediatrics)
IM.11.13 (Internal medicine)
BI.11.4 (Perform level competency with certification)
BI.11.20 (Competency with certification)
Unit 3
Quantitative Experiments and Early Clinical Exposure and Clinical Interpretation
Principles of Colorimetry
Principles of Spectrophotometry
Blood Glucose Estimation
BI.3.8, BI.3.10
BI.3.8 (Pathology and general medicine)
BI.3.10 (General medicine)
BI.11.21 (Competency with certification)
IM 11.12 (Pathology, general medicine: Perform level competency with certification)
Case Study: Diabetes Mellitus
Early clinical exposure
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) and Glycated Hb (GHb)
BI.3.8, BI.3.10
BI.3.8 (Pathology and general medicine)
BI.3.10 (General medicine)
Case Study: Gestational Diabetes
Early Clinical Exposure
Assessment of Liver Function Test (LFT)
BI.6.13, BI.6.14
BI.6.13, BI.6.14 (Physiology, anatomy, pathology, general medicine)
PY.4.8 (Physiology)
Estimation of Serum Total Protein
BI.11.8, BI.11.17, BI.11.21
BI.11.8 (Perform level competency with certification)
BI.11.17 (General medicine, pathology)
BI.11.21 (Competency with certification)
Estimation of Albumin and A/G Ratio
BI.11.8, BI.11.17, BI.11.22
BI.11.8 (Perform level competency with certification)
BI.11.17 (General medicine, pathology)
BI.11.22 (General medicine)
Case Study: Proteinuria/Nephrotic Syndrome
Early clinical exposure
Estimation of Serum Bilirubin
BI.11.12, BI.11.17
BI.11.12 (Perform level competency)
BI.11.17 (General medicine, pathology)
Estimation of Serum Transaminases SGOT/SGPT
BI.2.2, BI.11.13
BI.11.13 (Perform level competency)
Estimation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
BI11.14 (Perform level competency)
Case Study: Jaundice
Early clinical exposure
Assessment of Kidney Function Test
BI6.13, BI.6.14, BI.11.17, PY.7.8
BI.6.13, BI.6.14 (Physiology, anatomy, pathology, general medicine)
BI.11.17 (General medicine, pathology)
PY.7.8 (Physiology)
Serum Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance
BI.11.7, BI.11.22
BI.11.7 (Perform level competency with certification)
BI.11.22 (General Medicine)
Serum Urea and Urea Clearance
BI.11.21 (competency with certification)
Case Study: Renal Failure
Early clinical exposure
Serum Uric Acid
BI.11.17 (General medicine, pathology)
Case Study: Gout
Early clinical exposure
Serum Lipid Profile
BI.11.9, BI.11.10, BI.11.17
BI.4.5/BI.4.7 (General medicine)
BI.11.9, BI.11.10 (Perform level competency)
BI.11.17 (General medicine, Pathology)
IM.2.12 (General medicine)
Estimation of Total Cholesterol
BI.11.9 (Perform level competency)
Estimation of Triglyceride
BI.11.10 (Perform level competency)
Estimation of HDL Cholesterol
BI.11.9 (Perform level competency)
Case Study: Dyslipidemia and Myocardial infarction
Early clinical exposure
Estimation of Serum Calcium and Phosphorus
BI.11.11 (Perform level competency)
Group Experiments and Demonstrations
pH Meter and Measurement of pH of Buffers
Water -Electrolytes Homeostasis and
Estimation of Na+ & K+ with ISE Analyzer
Blood Gas Analysis by ABG Analyzer
Paper Chromatography and Thin layer Chromatography (TLC)
Protein Electrophoresis (PAGE)
Immunodiffusion and Immunochemical Analysis
Quality Control in Clinical Laboratory
Hospital Visit to Central Diagnostic Laboratory
Early clinical exposure and reflective writing
DNA Isolation from Blood and Tissue
Unit 5
Group Discussions and ATCOM Sensitization
CSF Examination
Hospital Visit to Pediatric Department
ECE and reflective writing
Thyroid Function Test
BI.6.13, BI.6.14
BI.6.13, BI.6.14 (Physiology, anatomy, pathology, general medicine)
Visit to Laboratory and Interview with Patients with Thyroid Disorders
ECE and reflective writing
Pancreatic Function Test
PY.4.8, PY.8.4
PY.4.8, PY.8.4 (Physiology)
Hospital Visit to Gastroenterology/Medicine Department
ECE and reflective writing
Disorders of Acid-base Balance
BI.11.17 (Pathology, general medicine)
Hospital Visit to Emergency/ICU Department
ECE and reflective writing
Unit 6
Preparations of Buffer and Solutions
Reference Value of Various Biochemical Parameters Integration with Medicine
Certificate of Completion
This is to certify that Mr/Ms ………………………………………. Roll No ……………… has performed all the experiments in each section and completed the file work under our supervision.
Signature of Incharge
Qualitative experiments and their clinical applications
Quantitative experiments and early clinical exposure and clinical interpretation
Group experiment and demonstrations
Group discussions, early clinical exposure (ECE), clinical interpretation, and ATCOM sensitization
Certificate of Procedural Skills
(As Per the Competencies Proposed by MCI)
Number of procedures required to be performed independently for certification
Number of procedures performed independently
Perform urine analysis to estimate and determine normal and abnormal constituents
Demonstrate the estimation of serum creatinine and creatinine clearance
Demonstrate estimation of serum proteins, albumin, and A:G ratio
Identify abnormal constituents in urine, interpret the findings, and correlate these with pathological states
IM.11.12 (integrated with pathology and medicine)
Perform and interpret a capillary blood glucose test
IM.11.13 (integrated with pathology and medicine
Perform and interpret a urinary ketone estimation with a dipstick
PE.33.6 (integrated with pediatrics)
Perform and interpret urine dipstick for sugar