Practical Guide to Interpret Visual Fields GR Reddy
Anderson's criteria 20, 93, 111, 117, 123, 125, 131, 140, 222, 227
GHT—outside normal limits 111
probability plots 111
PSD 111
Angiogram, diagnosis 277
Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 28
altitudinal field defects 2
case of 276
right eye 277
Antiglaucoma 85, 117, 126, 193
surgery, plan for 210
surgical approach 195
treatment 126, 217
Apostilbs (asb units) 7
Artifacts, identification of 89
Ataxic gait complaint 286
Automated perimetry
fundamentals of 3
short wavelength 300
Automated static perimetry 1, 5
basic fundamentals of 1
Bare area 13, 1517, 159, 160, 162, 218, 274, 288
Beta blockers 178
field defect 152
relative scotoma 123
scotoma 131, 140, 149, 191, 199, 203, 218, 275
Bitemporal hemianopia 276
case of 287
field chart of 287
Black squares 264, 280
Blind spot 32, 36
enlargement of 82, 283
papilledema, enlarged 82
position of 82
Box plot 299
Bracketing method 21
Brain, CT scan 286
Brain tissue 281
Cataract 2, 61, 72, 80, 221, 233
associated with advanced glaucoma 222, 224
case of 81, 223, 225, 227
causes generalized depression 232
loss of sensitivity 224
removal 236
surgery 236
media clear, after surgery 237
media hazy, before surgery 237
Catch trial 299
Central binasal fibers 2
Central macular fibers 280
Central nervous system 1
Central reference level 299
Central relative scotoma 279
Central retinal artery
occlusion of upper branch of 276
upper branch of 285
Change analysis 299
Circle area 234, 258, 265
Circle points 288
Coloboma 276, 284
Communicating artery aneurysms, anterior 287
Corneal phaco, clear 236
Corrected pattern standard deviation 299
Craniopharyngioma 287
Cup pallor 85
dB deviation 226
dB value 227, 238
converts the 7th best deviation point 53
establishing 53
Decibel 299
Defect depth 299
Deviation point 230, 238
best 230
Deviation values
basis of 53
without sign 52
big 36, 37
small 36, 37
Dim bulb 89
Dim projecting bulb 107
and retina 284
clinically glaucomatous 109
evaluation 239
hemorrhage 126, 137, 139
case 137
proper evaluation of 85
Error, sources of 33
left 125, 139, 230, 292
right 121, 123, 125, 176, 230, 295
False negative errors 36, 89, 93, 101
False negative rate 299
False positive errors 36, 96, 89
False positive rate 299
FASTPAC strategy 299
Field analyzers, important function of 27
Field defect 56, 66, 82, 84, 117, 142, 172, 182, 212, 271
causes glaucoma 223
circle area 203
correlates 111
depth of 84, 113, 117, 129, 131, 133, 146, 149
direction of 113, 142
dominant 137, 158, 234
identification of 203, 204
location and extent of 113, 117, 129, 131, 133, 135, 140, 146, 147, 149, 152
onset of new 239
outside 248
pattern of 59, 86
progression of 144
Fields test 179
Fixation losses 36, 89, 93, 299
Fixation target 26
central 36
lower 36
short-term 300
long-term 300
Foldable intraocular lens 236
Fovea 190, 227, 244, 246, 248, 250, 265
sensitivity 241
split 160
threshold 32, 91
Functional tests 239
Fundus 85, 142, 176, 237, 245
and field defect 144
findings 212
optic atrophy 281
to diagnose glaucoma 129
Ganglion cell damage 186
dominant inside 239
dominant outside 239
Ganglion cell defect 253
error, indicate 35
track graph 35
tracking 29, 34
closely monitor 34
device 34
Generalized depression 49, 51, 55, 236, 238, 260
caused by cataract 238
eliminated 223
removal 238
Generalized field defect 49, 63, 86
Glaucoma 1, 61, 80, 122, 147, 158, 179, 214, 222
advanced 86
case of 16, 80, 224, 244, 248, 249
associated with cataract 80, 221
case of 2, 28, 105, 93, 111, 146, 216, 221, 230, 235
category of 205
causes irregular generalized depression 225
certain stage of 71
change probability printout 299
circle area of 15, 18
concept of picking up 253
detect progression of 239
develops 80
diagnosis of 74, 85, 136
early 65
established case of 112
evidence of 81
example for 244
family history of 114
grade 199
hemifield test 20, 28, 29, 74, 111, 117, 300
messages of 75
zone 10 74
indications to repeat test 17
inner-set of points 17
loss of sensitivity 228
macular program 16
major role to diagnose 221
management of 2
multicentric origin of 43
multifocal origin of 199
no evidence of 125
normotensive 178
pattern of field 2
point pattern 1317
progression 71, 173, 210, 264
analysis 73
assessment of 239
index 73
suspect 239
role of mean deviation 65
selection of point pattern 19
six cases of 114
stable 246, 247, 254256, 260, 261
suspect case of 22, 110, 111, 116, 117, 130, 225
treatment of 199
type 1 182, 219, 230
type 2 158, 163, 169, 178, 195, 240, 298
cases 196
type 3 163, 195, 196, 218, 234, 240, 251, 298
cases 196
type of 109, 110, 216, 219
Glaucomatous damage started 245
Glaucomatous disc 128, 130
advanced 154, 157
Glaucomatous field defect 111, 117, 140
advanced 94
Global indices 300
after cataract removal 238
cataract 235
Grey scale 48, 51, 165, 167, 168, 200, 210, 203, 204, 241, 251, 254, 259, 262, 266, 268, 272, 300
and raw data 204
basis of 40
disadvantage of 42
good shade in 203
limitations of 41
Head injury with optic nerve 276
High fixation losses 94
effect of 95
Hill of vision
contour of 72
slope of 70
Homonymous hemianopia 282, 286
left 281, 286
expansion 258, 264
progression 264
Humphrey field analyzer 7, 38
fixation monitoring 34
statistical package 26, 27
Humphrey visual field tests, classification of 12
Illumination, background 5
maximum 7
units of light 7
Intracranial pathology 85
Intraocular pressure 1, 114, 161, 196
plan for surgery 205
raised 137
set target 239
to set target 221
Irregular generalized depression 222, 227, 238, 278
Irregular generalized field defect 59, 80, 231, 233
features of 78
Ischemic optic neuropathy, anterior 28, 277
Isolated field defects 196
type 2 169
Isolated scotomas 218
Lens rim artifacts, typical 104
Light intensity 8, 10
used to express 7, 9
Localized field defect 69, 80
case of 76
features of 77
Macula 137, 198
pathology, cases of 95
split 39, 81
test 300
Mean deviation 65, 300
index 44, 65, 239, 240, 246, 254, 255, 257, 258, 263, 265, 266, 267, 271
point pattern in terms of 27
role of 65
role of 68
Medullated nerve fibers 83
Meningiomas 287
Minimal deviation value 62
Myopia, high 114
Nasal 119
Nasal quadrant 121
lower 215, 289
upper 215, 216
Near vision 89
correction for 82
Nerve damage, case of 224
Neurological conditons 49
Neuroretinitis 279
case of 276, 279, 280
New point pattern 242 C Sita faster 288
Nonglaucomatous field defects
and artifacts 82
identification of 83
Occipital lobe infarcts 2
Occipital lobe injury 281, 282
Ophthalmology, field of 1
Optic atrophy 281, 282
case of bilateral 281
Optic chiasma 2
Optic nerve head and retina 276
Optic neuritis 278
case of 276
Optical coherence tomography 117, 119, 123, 125, 129, 136, 140, 196, 176, 208, 292, 295
clock hour map 208
findings correlate with field defects 117
left eye 201
mappings 212
plays a major role 117
right eye 84
Optical correction 89
Overview printout 300
P value 47, 227, 230
P value symbol 226
Pale disk edema 277
Papilledema 82, 283
case of 276, 283
Patient data and test 30, 241
Pattern deviation
decibel and probability plots 300
local component 73
numerical plot 29, 52, 56, 74, 75, 98, 223
plot 49, 51, 57, 149, 224
example 58, 59, 60
probability plot 28, 29, 70, 80, 162, 222, 260
Pattern standard deviation 63, 69, 111, 117, 300
in advanced glaucoma 71
in early glaucoma 71
role of 70
Perimeter's database 65
Perimetric index designed 73
Perimetry kinetic 4
disadvantages 5
Perimetry static 4, 5
Peripheral field defect 220
Pilocarpinized pupil 89
Pituitary tumors 287
Point pattern 270, 275
and testing strategy 102
indications to repeat test 266
strategy 265, 270
Primary open-angle glaucoma 114, 137, 212
case of 50
classification of 19, 109
selection of point pattern 20
type 1 114, 137
type 2 158, 212
type 3 196
Printout with high false negative errors 101
Probability plots 251, 256, 258, 259, 262, 266, 268, 272
analysis, printouts for 259
direction of 131, 135, 140, 142
field defect 112
Pseudoexfoliation 114
Pupil, size of 89, 90
due to cataract 232
inferior 84
superior 84
Radius circle area 39
Raw data 84, 200, 203, 210, 218, 241, 259, 266, 272
analysis of 81
Refractive error correction 91
effect of 92
Reliability data 241
Reliability indices 32, 265, 270
Retina 85
Retinal nerve fiber layer 13, 84, 137, 169, 196
clock hour map 220
basis of 231
case of cataract 228
direction of 293, 296
in both eyes, examples of 138, 143, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157, 169171, 177, 180, 184, 188, 190, 196, 197, 209, 213
in left eye 141, 197
in right eye 174
direction of 196
thinning 220
Retinal sensitivity 7, 27, 38
existing 45
loss of 2
measured 45, 46, 49
measured 93
used to express 9
Retinal threshold value 8, 10, 11
Right posterior cerebral artery occlusion, case of 276
Rim artifacts 89, 105
Scotomas 38, 40, 43, 81, 90, 108, 153
abnormally high 75
absolute 135, 178, 200, 211, 218, 232, 262
analysis of 81
deep 49, 86, 135, 140
glaucoma 224
localized 53, 55, 60, 61, 144, 162, 236, 274
number of 100
relative 144
superficial 44
superior 104
existing 230
general depression of 75
in both eyes 192
loss of 44, 49, 50, 113, 191, 228
maximum 121
minimal 203
remaining 228
severe 201
signs of irregular 81
Single field analysis 13, 239, 286, 300
basis of 110
printout 27, 97, 99, 102, 107, 284
after replacing the bulb 108
understanding of 28
with dim projecting bulb 108
zones of 29, 30
clinically important cases 276
interpretation of 114, 117, 137, 158, 196, 221, 222
Staircase method 21
Standard deviation pattern 44
analysis 241
Stimuli moderately bright 33
Stimulus, size of 5, 25, 26, 27, 32
analysis, basis of 239
tests 239
Swedish interactive testing algorithm standard 233, 300
Swedish interactive threshold 26
Temporal hemianopic field defect 51
Temporal quadrant, lower 232, 234, 289
definition 6
explanation of method 22
strategies, newer 22
algorithms 23
strategies 21
to detect glaucoma field defects 24
values 27
determination of 21, 22
Tissue damage 276
Total deviation numerical plot 20, 2729, 44, 46, 51, 53, 54, 70, 75, 98, 112, 158, 223, 280
conversion of 52, 54, 56
deviation point of 52
understanding of 46
Total deviation plot
conversion of 57, 58, 60
to pattern deviation plots 59
Total deviation probability plot 29, 47, 49, 98, 162, 222
analysis of 61, 80
Uniform generalized depression 223, 225
Uniform generalized field defect 62, 72, 59, 226, 231, 233
features of 79
Upper arcuate scotoma 210
Upper nasal quadrant 49, 84, 164, 166, 201, 289
Upper temporal quadrant 147, 214, 289
Vertical progression 264
VFI index 240, 261
Vision, contour of hill 70
Visual fields 85, 89, 208, 226, 239
analysis printouts 94
and OCT 253
cases of 276
clinical importance 276
interpretation of 4, 111, 112, 221
definition of 3
dependent factors 113
diagnosis 202
index 44, 63, 73
never interpret 8587
printout 86, 9092, 94, 95
classification 26
understanding of 26
role of 1, 2
order form for 25
point pattern 163
Yellow light 32
Zero, range of 44
Zone 31, 47, 49, 241
fixation losses 32
gaze tracking 241
GHT 241
global indices 63, 241
grey scale 40
patient data 31
pattern deviation plots 48
PDNP 241
PDPP 241
raw data 37
reliability indices 32
TDNP 241
test data 31
Chapter Notes

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Introduction to Automated Static PerimetryCHAPTER 1

Automated perimetry is the current gold standard to diagnose and manage glaucoma. The main aim of this book is to help the ophthalmologist to understand the basic fundamentals of automated static perimetry, to select the most appropriate test to the clinical condition one is dealing with, to understand the visual field printouts and to interpret the printouts without much difficulty so that one should be able:
  1. To identify a field defect.
  2. To decide whether the field defect is due to glaucoma.
  3. To set target intraocular pressure (IOP).
  4. To make a reasonable decision whether the defect is progressive or not.
  1. Reproducible testing conditions.
  2. Data-storage capability: Results can be compared overtime and analyzed using expert system software.
  3. More sensitive testing. Many researchers claim static perimetry to be superior to kinetic perimetry to identify defects.
  4. Easy operation and menu-driven software make automated perimetry easy to learn and to use.
  5. Requires little technician training for reliable results.
1970: The original octopus perimeter was first introduced. It never gained popularity due to its very large room size and high expense.
1982: Humphrey field analyzer was first displayed at American Academy of Ophthalmology.
1983: August-Michael Patella showed its first clinical trial.
1984: February-started production and became very popular because of its small size and affordable price.
Every ophthalmologist in his/her daily practice requires visual fields mainly for two purposes:
  1. To diagnose various clinical conditions:
    1. Ocular conditions—glaucoma and optic nerve disorders
    2. Central nervous system (CNS) conditions—optic nerve pathway disorders, CNS tumors and occipital lobe disorders)
  2. To manage glaucoma.
Role of Visual Fields in Making a Diagnosis
The loss of retinal sensitivity will present in three forms: Localized form, uniform generalized form and irregular generalized form with a definite pattern of the field defect, from which we diagnose various conditions. So, we must know the pattern of the field defect even when it is masked by generalized depression due to cataract, media opacities, uncorrected refractive error, optic atrophy, etc. to diagnose various conditions.
The pattern of field defect in glaucoma: It depends on the stage of glaucoma. Visual fields are required to diagnose glaucoma at an early stage. In early stage it can present as nasal step, Seidel scotoma, irregular loss of sensitivity on either side of horizontal axis and isolated scotomas either in the arcuate nerve fiber zone or within 10° circle area around fixation.
The pattern of the field defect due to cataract: Mostly it is a uniform generalized field defect. Occasionally, it may present with irregular generalized field defect with more loss of sensitivity at the center. This type of field defect is usually seen in dense central lenticular opacities.
The pattern of the field defect due to optic nerve disorders:
  1. Optic neuritis—generalized depression, central scotomas.
  2. Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy—altitudinal field defects.
The pattern of the field defect due to tumor pressing the central binasal fibers of optic chiasma: Bitemporal hemianopia.
The pattern of the field defect due to occipital lobe infarcts: Homonymous hemianopia. The most important role of visual field is to tell us the pattern of the field defect through which we can diagnose various conditions.
Role of Visual Fields in the Management of Glaucoma
In established cases of glaucoma we need to know the details of the field defect regarding its location, extent, depth, direction of progression of the field defect and the foveal status. The target IOP will be decided on these factors. In advanced cases of glaucoma, we need to know the details of sensitivity around fixation point to explain the prognosis to the patient. Our aim in the management of glaucoma is to arrest progression of the field defect due to glaucoma. Hence we require a base line visual field and the follow-up fields preferably on a single sheet so that the comparison of the fields becomes easy. With this background the single field analysis printout and the overview printout have been developed.
zoom view