The Short Textbook of Pediatrics Suraj Gupte
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, and t refer to table.
Abacavir 923
Abamune 923
ABCDE status 875
Abdomen 34
anatomic topography of 34f
Abdominal pain
nonorganic chronic 503b
organic chronic 503b
recurrent 502
Abdominal thrusts, subdiaphragmatic 864
Abducent nerve 36
Abnormal respiratory sounds heard without stethoscope, types of 25b
ABO hemolytic disease 315
Abortion 352
Abscess 826, 831
Absolute neutrophil count 696
Acanthamoeba 406
Acardi syndrome 577
Accelerated skeletal maturation, syndrome of 54
Accidents 142, 147
cerebrovascular 353
major types 147
requiring medical intervention 147
Accredited Social Health Activist 5, 6
role of 324
Acetaminophen 901, 923
Acetazolamide 126, 582, 609, 923
Acetone 612
Acetylsalicylic acid 923
Achondroplasia 75f, 838, 838f
Achromycin 930
Acid suppression, empirical trial of 496
balance 253, 255
disturbances of 259
disturbances 253
mixed 260
Acidemia, isovaleric 757
bacillus 381, 439, 863
staining method 407
Acidosis 471
hyperchloremic metabolic 657
Acne 125, 794
conglobata 794
drug-induced 794
infant 794
vulgaris 125f, 794, 794f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 69, 121, 126, 189, 320, 338, 354, 389, 422, 434, 441, 484, 671
Acrodermatitis enteropathica 176, 246, 246f, 491, 491f
Acrodysostosis 54
Actinomycin D 923
Activated partial thromboplastin time 698
Acute convulsive episode, drug therapy of 608
Acute depressive reactions 122
Acute diarrhea 468
etiology of 469b
Acute flaccid paralysis 333, 579, 620
surveillance 149, 333
Acute glomerulonephritis 659, 661, 662f, 706
causes of 662b
Acute kidney injury 262, 434, 663, 666, 66b, 706
etiology of 666b
staging of 666
Acute liver failure 345, 508
causes of 508b
Acute lung injury consensus conference 888t
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 428, 712, 713, 713f, 713t, 714
immunological classification of 713b
Acute pancreatitis 345, 523
causes of 524b
complications of 525b
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 176, 342, 358, 398, 464, 882, 888, 888t, 889, 889b, 889f
Acute respiratory infections 10, 11
control program 5
Acute rheumatic fever 553
manifestations of 551
Acute severe asthma 882
management of 461
Acyclovir 335, 923
Adalimumab 768
Addison disease 26, 27, 638, 638f
Adenoid 446
facies 31f, 446, 446f
Adenoma sebaceum 615, 615f
Adenosine 923
deaminase 735
deficiency 749
triphosphate 218
lower liberation of 694
Adenoviruses 449
Adenylate cyclase toxin 370
Adequate fluid, maintenance of 398
Adhesions, abdominal 718
Adiadochokinesia 584
Adie pupil 580
health, promotion of 126, 127f
homosexuality 120
medicine 117
nutrition 120
promiscuous sex 120
psychological problems 120
psychology 119
sexuality 120
violence and aggression 123
Adoption 848
law 848, 848b
source of 848
Adrenal biosynthetic pathway 639f
Adrenal cortex 638
Adrenal, chronic failure of 638
Adrenaline 923
Adrenergic blockade agents 568
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 607, 631, 923
Adrenogenital syndrome 640
Adriamycin 563
Adult lifestyle diseases 47
Adverse drug reaction, severe 356
Adverse events following immunization 23, 157, 158b
categories of 157b
Aedes aegypti 347, 351
Aedes albopictus 347, 351
Aflatoxin contamination hypothesis 201
African lymphoma 718
Agammaglobulinemia 403
congenital 732
Agranulocytosis 401, 695
Agyria 577
Air bronchogram 298
Airplane glue 123
Airway 608, 886, 879, 892
granulomas 301
maintenance of 598
Alagille syndrome 507
aminotransferase 901
transaminase 348, 398, 399
Albendazole 404, 410412, 923
Albers-Schönberg disease 839
Albinism 787, 787f
Albright syndrome 649
Albumin 923
Albuminocytologic dissociation 580
Albuterol 923
Alcohol syndrome, fetal 528, 534
Alcoholism 320
Aldehyde test 402
Algid malaria 396
Alkalosis 471
compensatory metabolic 255
Alkaptonuria 755
Allergic nonthrombocytopenic purpura 706
protection against 186
test 457
Allogeneic stem cell transplant 390
Alloimmune thrombocytopenia 705
Allopurinol 295, 923
Alopecia 246, 722f, 782f
Alper disease 614
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency 518, 523
Alpha-fetoprotein 724
Alport syndrome 660
Alprostadil 923
Alstrom syndrome 513
Aluminum hydroxide 923
Alveolitis, allergic 773
Amaurosis 804
Amblyopia 804
Ambrisentan 569
Amebiasis 404, 473
Amebic liver abscess 405, 520, 520f
needle aspiration of 406b
Amebic meningoencephalitis, primary 406
Amelia 834
Amenorrhea 124
causes of 124t
galactorrhea syndrome 125
primary 124
secondary 124, 769
American Academy of Pediatrics 275
American Diabetes Association 646
American Heart Association 275
Ametropia 804
Amikacin 306, 452, 560, 923
Amiloride 568
Amino acid 177, 200, 202
aromatic 509
essential 45, 756
Aminoacidopathies 754
Aminoglycoside 708
Aminophylline 923
Aminosalicylic acid 659
Aminosidine 403
Amiodarone 510, 513
Amitriptyline 582, 923
Ammonia, reducing formation of 509
Amniotic infection syndrome 303
Amodiaquine 923
Amoxicillin 373, 554, 923
Amphotericin 403, 560
B 389391, 708
plus 390
Ampicillin 306, 373, 477, 554, 923
Amprenavir 357
Amrinone 533
Amylase rich food 193
Amyoplasia 838
Anaerobes, classification of 426b
Anaerobic glycolysis 396
Anaerobic infections 426, 427t
Anakinra 768
Anal fissure 826
Analgesic therapy 693
Anaphylactoid purpura 663, 706, 771, 773
Ancylostoma duodenale 409, 412
Ancylostomiasis 410, 412, 680
Androgens 794
Anemia 218, 246, 313, 399, 419, 682f, 849, 850
acquired aplastic 696
aphthous 345, 680, 695, 695f
autoimmune hemolytic 694, 695, 737
chronic 769
hemolytic 519, 685, 688
classification of 680, 680b
clinical grading of 679, 680t
congenital hemolytic 687
control program 220
correction of 532
grading of 680t
hypochromic 684
mediterranean 688
microcytic-hypochromic 681, 684, 688
moderate-to-severe 694
physiological 684
severe 26f, 683b
treatment of 398
Aneuploid 745
coronary 773
rupture of 772
Anganwadi 138
worker 213
Angiocardiography, selective 537, 544
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 664
inhibitors 533, 568
Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia 431, 433, 793f, 794f
Anion gap 256
Aniridia 802
Anisocoria 802
Anisocytosis 686
Anisometropia 804
Ankyloglossia 812, 847
Anomalous pulmonary venous
connection, total 546
return, total 546
Anorectal malformations 657, 825
Anorectal problems 825
Anorexia 234, 468
nervosa 104, 121
Anthropometry 25, 74
Antibiotic 451, 473, 649, 693
recommended topical 794
role of 887
therapy 374t
duration of 215b
antigliadin 488
antihistone 770
antinuclear 660, 768, 770
blocking 315
Anticervical cancer vaccine 167
Anticholinergic agents 431
Anticoagulant therapy 701
Anticonvulsant 398, 770
agents 593
therapy 685
Anti-deoxyribonucleic acid antibodies 771
Antidepressants, tricyclic 564
Anti-diphtheritic serum 368, 369
Antidiuretic hormone 256, 655
secretion 254b
syndrome of 294
Antiedema 602
Antiepileptic drug 609, 609t, 637, 794
therapy, long-term 608
Antiextractable nuclear antigens 771
Antifibrinolytic agents 702
Antifolate drug therapy 685
Antifungal therapy 389
Antigen presenting cells 730, 730f
Antigiardial drug 404
Antiglobulin tests, positivity of 694
Anti-glomerular basement membrane 663
Antihistamines 582
Antihypertensive drugs 568b, 568t
Anti-inflammatory drug therapy 552, 554, 602
Anti-insulin receptor antibodies 646
Anti-leishmanial drug 403
administration of 402
conventional 403
therapy 403
Antimalarial agents 397
Antimalarial prophylaxis 400
Antimalignant drug 403
Antimetabolites 696
resistance, problem of 921
therapy 482
minimum duration of 306b
specific 306
Antimicrobial, use of 389
Antimongoloid slant 31
Antimonials, dose of 403
Antineoplastic drugs 389
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 773
Antioxidant 176, 180
enzymes 295
extracellular 177
intracellular 177
Antiphospholipid syndrome 769
Antiplatelet-autoagglutinins 703
Antipyretics, use of 398, 434
Antiresorptive drugs 638
Antiretroviral therapy 192, 321
Antirheumatic drugs, slow acting 768
Antisecretory agents 473
Antiseptics, cationic 406
Antistreptolysin O 666
titer, normal 772
Antithyroid medication during pregnancy 633
Anti-tissue transglutaminase 467
Antitoxin 371
Antituberculous drug 382, 384t
Antituberculous regimens 383
Antituberculous therapy 321, 383, 452
Antituberculous treatment 382, 581, 595b
Antitubervulous therapy 794
Antivenom serum 907
Antiviral acyclovir 422
Antiviral agents 420
Antiviral drugs 448
Anuria, prolonged 663
Anxiety 187
Aorta 537
coarctation of 24, 303, 534, 549, 549f
enlarged 541
segmental inflammatory panarteritis of 773
Aortic incompetence 561f
Aortic regurgitation 557
mild-to-moderate 557
peripheral signs of 557b
Aortic stenosis 303, 548
fibromuscular subvalvular 548
idiopathic hypertrophic 548
supravalvular 638
Aortic valvular disease 557
Aortocoronary bypass surgery 773
Aortography 541
Aortopulmonary shunt 544
Apert syndrome 32, 79, 80f, 534, 798, 834
Apgar scoring system 275, 276t
Aphasia, acquired epileptic 606
Aphthous stomatitis, recurrent 497
Aplastic anemia, severe 696
Aplastic crisis 692
Apnea, recurrent 302
Appendages 26
Appendicitis 825
Apt test 698
Arachnodactyly 755, 755f
Arginase deficiency 518
Arginine 177, 756
Arnold-Chiari malformation 599
Arrhythmias 403
atrial 564
cardiac 107, 218, 564
ventricular 564
Arsenic 248
Artemether 924
based regimen 398
derivatives 398, 399
semisynthetic derivative of 398
Arterial blood 440
gas 297
analysis 440
levels 440t
Arterial puncture 858
Arteriography, coronary 541
Artery, hypoplastic pulmonary 541
Artesunate 924
Arthralgia 402, 765, 772
Arthritis 365, 455, 674, 765, 767, 772
classification of 765b
enthesitis-related 767
juvenile idiopathic 434, 765, 766, 767f, 768, 842
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita 838, 838f
Arthus phenomenon 788
Artificial subcutaneous nodule 553
Arylsulfatase A, deficiency of 614
Ascariasis 409, 410, 606
intestinal 409
Ascaris lumbricoides 409, 409f, 410f, 517, 520
infestation 409
Ascites 520, 522t
acute 521
grading of 521b
massive 521f
Ascitic fluid 521t
Ascorbic acid 229, 924
Ash leaf lesions 615
aminotransferase 348, 901
transaminase 398, 399
Aspergillosis 390
allergic bronchopulmonary 390
invasive 390
invasive pulmonary 390
Aspergillus 390, 428, 707
flavus 390
fumigatus 390, 732
infection, diagnosis of 390
isolation of 390
niger 390
terreus 390
Aspirate, duodenal 421
Aspiration 260
foreign body 444, 813
pneumonia 452
Aspirin 416, 554, 578
poisoning 901
Asplenia 364
Astemizole 924
Asthma 46, 69
exacerbation of 458
severe exacerbation of 461b
bronchial 73, 260, 456
different grades of 458b, 461b
education of 461
exacerbation of 458t
exercise-induced 458
management of 461
pharmacotherapy of 458t
preventers 461
severe attack of 460f
Asthmatic aura 457
Astigmatism 804
Astrocytoma 721
Asymptomatic disease, mild 376
Atabrine 404
Ataxia 584, 614, 616
causes of 584b
hysterical 111
telangiectasia 732, 734
Atenolol 663, 924
Athetosis 583
Athyrotic cretinism 633
Atopic dermatitis 780, 780f
Atopic eczema, late onset 780
biliary 314t
congenital biliary 239
esophageal 822, 822f
intestinal 823
Atrial contractions, premature 564
Atrial septal defect 73, 528, 534, 537539, 570
Atrioventricular block 398, 688
Atrioventricular valve 543
Atrophies, congenital muscular 627
Atropine sulfate 924
classical 107
epileptic 107
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 94, 97, 98, 101, 123
Attitudes, development of 43
Auditory nerve, direct inflammation of 593
Aureomycin 930
Auscultation 32
Auspitz's sign 795
Autism spectrum disorder 100, 101, 101b, 102b, 420, 589
Autoantibodies, circulation of 769
Autoimmune diseases 736
immunologic basis of 736
two groups of 736b
types of 736
Autoimmune disorders 432
Autonomic storm, clinical features of 908b
Autosomal codominant inheritance 742
Autosomal dominant 695
inheritance 743f
traits 742
Autosomal recessive 695, 760
disorder 755
occasionally 687
inheritance 743f
trait 742
Autosplenectomy 692
Auxiliary nursing midwives 6, 213
Ayushman Bharat Yojana 6
Azathioprine 705, 770, 924
Azidothymidine 192, 321
Azithromycin 373, 374, 924
Azotemia 657
Babinski reflex 280
Baby-friendly hospital initiative 141
Bacilli, demonstration of 381
Bacillus calmette-guérin 154, 732
vaccines 29, 156161, 403, 733
Bacillus subtilis 427
Back blow chest thrust 864
Bacteremia 365
Bacterial disease, acute 371
Bacterial infections 363
superadded 692
Bacterial overgrowth syndrome 482
Bactericidal antituberculous drug 382
Bacteroides 425, 427
fragilis 427
Bag and mask ventilation 273b
Balamuthia genera 406
Balanitis 125
Balanoposthitis 125
Ballard scoring system 287t
mitral valvotomy 297
septoplasty 546
valvuloplasty 570, 570f
failure of 550
Ballottement method 34
Balwadi Nutrition Program 220
Bangle method 199
Banti spleen 401
Bariatric surgery 652
esophagogram 496
meal examination 485
meal follow 467
swallow 439
Barker's hypothesis 13, 47
Barlow test 836
Baroda screening test 91
Barotrauma, severe 890
Barr bodies 744
Bartter syndrome 665
Basal ganglia 614
Basal metabolic rate 202, 649
Basement membrane 655
Basilar impression syndrome 582
Basophilic stippling 685, 685f
Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome 614
Battered baby syndrome 111
B-cell 354
defects 731, 733
type 718
Beau's line 772
Becker muscular dystrophy 623, 624f, 627
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 790
Beclomethasone 924
Bed-wetting 105, 665, 847
Beef tapeworm 414
Beffe's operation 546
Behavioral disorders 96, 102, 103
disruptive 108
Behavioral problems, categorization of 103b
Behçet disease 433, 771, 773
Bell's palsy 578, 579f, 620, 621f
Bell's stages, modified 307b
Benedict's qualitative reagent 869
Benedict's test 755
Benzathine penicillin 554, 924
Benzodiazepine 509
Bephenium hydroxynaphthoate 924
Beriberi 224
Beta-cell function, genetic defects of 646
Beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 750
Beta-lactam antimicrobial agent 708
Betamethasone 705
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme 147
Bicarbonate, role of 887
Big spleen disease 399
Bile acid metabolic defects 518
Bile pigments 869
Bile salts 869
Biliary atresia, extrahepatic 314, 516, 518, 521, 523, 826, 827f
encephalopathy 316, 316b
toxicity 316
Binge eating 121f
disorder 121
Biochemical tests 200
Biopsy 381, 574
endomyocardial 553
gonadal 644
small intestinal 488t
Biot breathing 25
Biotin 227
Biphosphates 638
Birth trauma 268
Bitot's spot 232, 232f
Black eye 807
Black measles 338
Black tongue 27f
catheterization 862
neck obstruction 46
stone disease, primary 829
strengthening exercises 106
Blalock-Taussig shunt 544
modified 542
Blastomycosis 449
Bleeding 468
acute severe 683
diathesis 212f
disorder 696, 697
gastrointestinal 499, 509
time 698
uncontrolled 704
Blepharitis 246, 800
Blepharospasm 800
Blindness 7
hysterical 111
Bloch-Sulzberger disease 616
angiosarcoma 723
component therapy 709, 911, 912f
culture 434
disorders 563
examination 866
gas abnormalities 883t
pH, normal levels of 256t
pressure 25, 349, 396, 568, 659, 885
controlling 593
diastolic 25
measurement 565
monitoring, invasive 885
recording 565b
products, gamma-irradiated 912
sugar, fasting 647
thiamine level 225
transfusion 683, 691b, 693
exchange 312, 693
role of 887
whole 709, 911
urea nitrogen 121, 303, 464, 483, 672
vessels, medium sized 771
Bloody diarrhea 473, 476
diagnosis of 476t
Body build, Sheldon's types of 48, 48b
Body mass index 52, 53, 55, 200
Body secretions, microbiologic examination of 439
Body water, total 201, 253
age 53, 75
abnormal 54b
advanced 54
growths, classification of 842b
marrow 397, 690, 714f
aplasia, severe 913
aspiration 860
failure syndrome 695
immunological suppression of 695
karyotyping 640
transplantation 507, 690, 709, 726, 737, 738, 913, 914f
trephine 860
mineral density 48
radiology of 421
tenderness 433
tuberculosis of 841
tumors 722, 842
Bony tenderness 237
Borderline leprosy 788
Borderline mental retardation 585
bronchiseptica 369, 370
parapertussis 369, 370
pertussis 369, 425
Bordet-Gengou medium 370
Bottle feeding 184
Bourneville disease 615
Bow leg 236, 236f, 835, 848
Bowel diarrhea
large 468t
small 468t
Bowel irrigation, whole 898
Bowman space drains 655
Bradycardia 398
abscess 601
multiple 601f
disease, degenerative 420
disorders, degenerative 613, 614b
sparing effect 283
tissue, herniation of 270f
tumors 720
infratentorial 721
supratentorial 722
auditory-evoked responses 295
tumors 721
Brandt syndrome 491
abscess 189
anatomy of 184b
asymmetry 124
disorders 124
engorgement 189
hypoplasia 124
mass 124
milk 188
exclusive 187, 188
expressed 191, 191f, 293
jaundice 310
problems 124
Breastfeeding 90, 185, 185f, 188b, 291, 292, 475
basic principles of 188
exclusive 184, 191
jaundice 310
problems 188
schedule 187
situations warranting temporary avoidance of 189b
successful 141, 291
technique of 187, 291
Breath 612
holding spells 107
test 467
Breathing 608, 879, 886
Breathlessness 22, 443, 753
Breech delivery 268f
British anti-lewisite 685, 693, 924
Broad mortality data 11b
Broad spectrum
antibiotic cover 299
antimicrobial therapy 389
Bronchiectasis 453
Bronchiolitis 32, 444, 447, 448b, 448f
Bronchitis, acute 447
Bronchoalveolar lavage 383
Bronchopneumonia 424, 444, 449
Bronchoscopy 440
Brucella 375, 707
Brucellosis 375, 401, 433, 765
Brudzinski's sign 37f
malayi 415
timori 415
Bruit 30
Brushfield spots 31
Bruton disease 732
Bruxism 108
Budd-Chiari syndrome 518, 521
Budesonide 924
Buffy coat test, quantitative 397
Bulimia nervosa 105, 121
Burkitt's lymphoma 397, 718, 725
Burns 262, 428
Burping 188
Busulfan 924
Buttoning clothes test 552
Café au lait spots 26, 27f, 615, 615f, 715, 787, 787f,
Caffeine 564
Caffey disease 839, 840f
Calcinosis 771
Calcitriol 924
Calcium 180, 202, 248, 293
channel blockers 510, 513, 568
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 685
gluconate 924
lactate 924
transport protein 233
Calcofluor white 406
Calories 45
daily requirement for 173t
Camel-back concept 11
Campylobacter 425
jejuni 469
Canakinumab 768
Canavan disease 614
Cancer 390
Cancrum oris 401, 401f
Candida 389, 425, 427, 428, 707, 783
albicans 304, 389, 425, 783
glabrata 389
krusei 389
parapsilosis 389
tropicalis 389
Candidiasis 121, 304
invasive 389
Capillary blood
arterialized 858
heel prick 859
Capillary filling time 25, 25f, 297, 885
Capital femoral epiphysis, slipped 835
Captopril 533, 567, 568, 924
Caput medusa 521f
Caput succedaneum 268
Carbamazepine 582, 609, 706, 924
Carbenicillin 924
Carbimazole 924
Carbohydrate 172, 202
maintenance of 638
malabsorption 490
metabolism defects 757
rich source of 179f
Carbon dioxide, pressure of 440
Carcinoma, hepatocellular 519
arrest 880f
catheterization 530, 537, 538, 540, 541, 544, 549
defects 428
disorders 507
examination 528
congenital 343, 521
congestive 221, 256, 262, 303, 448, 518, 529, 531, 532, 536, 656, 666, 681, 683, 692
function 204
determinants of 884
output monitoring 886
Cardiomyopathy 558, 754
congestive 558
dilated 558, 559f
hypertrophic 559
Cardiotoxicity 563
anomalies 534t, 542
case, evaluation of 528
diseases 569
malformations 420
system 294, 320, 528
Carditis 551, 555, 707
Carotid Doppler studies 574
Carpal bones, ossification centers of 53b
Carpenter syndrome 32, 79, 534, 834
Carpopedal spasm 637
Cartilage-hair hypoplasia syndrome 732, 733
Cat's eye reflex 803
Cataract 31, 420, 754, 755, 757f, 803
Catch-up growth
regulation of 56b
types of 56, 56b
Catheterization, intravenous 427
Cavernous hemangioma, massive 790f
Cavernous sinus thrombosis 578, 603, 603f, 799
Cavity, cystic 576
Cefaclor 924
Cefadroxil 924
Cefazolin 924
Cefixime 373, 374, 924
Cefoperazone 306, 373
sodium 924
Cefotaxime 306, 364, 374, 841, 924
Cefpodoxime proxetil 924
Ceftazidime 306, 924
plus amikacin 708
Ceftibuten 373, 687, 924
Ceftriaxone 364, 374, 687, 924
Celiac disease 69, 467, 484, 487, 488, 488f, 488t, 494, 507, 682, 685, 795, 796
clones, malignant 729
culture, inactivated 168
pertussis 170
Cellular components 729
Cellulitis 799
Center for Disease Control and Prevention 56, 355, 424
Central nervous system 76, 93, 123, 198, 254, 303, 332, 339, 348, 389, 421, 441, 471, 509, 550, 585, 620, 656, 692, 712, 768, 770
examination 36
thrombosis 708
tuberculosis 378, 593
Central venous
access 859
catheter 708
pressure 303, 885
Centromere 744
Centrotemporal spikes 607
Cephalexin 554, 924
Cephalhematoma 268, 269f, 282
Cephalic index 29, 80
Cephaloridine 924
Cephalosporin 306, 477, 694
ataxia 584
signs 579
tumors 721
abscess 597, 601f
angiography 574
calcifications 406
diplegia 339
edema 509, 595
function, evaluation of 36
gigantism 631
macular degeneration 614
malaria 396
palsy 36, 37f, 69, 94, 102, 573, 589f, 590f, 591b
Cerebroside lipidosis 614
Cerebrospinal fluid 224, 256, 333, 340, 367, 369, 381, 390, 398, 399, 420, 427, 713
circulation of 599
examination 871
adenitis 364, 426
adenopathy 772
lymphadenopathy 29f, 375, 717f
sympathetic plexus 268
Cestodes 409
Cetirizine 924
Chalazion 800
Champagne glass appearance 238
Chandipura virus 360
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 620
Chédiak-Higashi syndrome 707, 734
Cheilosis 225f
Chemoprophylaxis 367, 367t
Chemosis 799
Chemotherapy 390, 722f
short-course 383
Chest 24, 32, 46
circumference 52, 52f
compression 274b, 274f, 878, 878f, 879f
funnel-shaped 236
retractions 32f
significance of 25b
roentgenogram 553
syndrome, acute 692
wall 892
X-ray 70, 200, 300, 405, 441, 444, 447f, 455, 457, 714
Cheyne-Stokes breathing 25
Chick embryo cell, purified 169
Chickenpox 449
complications of 335b
vaccine 166
Chikungunya 351
virus 351
abuse and neglect 7, 11, 69, 74, 111, 112f, 148, 237, 464, 840
adoption 848
feeding 184
guidance clinic 113
Health in India's National Health System 5
labor 7, 9f, 141, 142, 142f
Labor (Prohibition and Regulation) Act 143
advocacy and pediatricians 9
in India 8
protection 7f
under United Nations 7
Survival and Safe Motherhood Program 5
trafficking 144
with ascites 520
Children's Special Service Mission 154
Chi-square test 132
Chlamydia 121, 303, 424, 425, 449, 692
trachomatis 304
Chloral hydrate 924
Chlorambucil 924
Chloramphenicol 406, 563, 696, 706, 924
Chlordiazepoxide 924
Chlorhexidine 406
gluconate 406
Chloroquine 308, 320, 398, 563, 924
phosphate 399
Chlorothiazide 567, 631, 924
Chlorpheniramine 924
Chlorpromazine 582, 924
Chlortetracycline 930
Cholangitis 409
autoimmune sclerosing 513
Cholecystitis 409, 517
acute acalculous 517
Cholelithiasis 517
Cholera 473, 475
etiology of neonatal 516b
intrahepatic 523
Cholesteatoma 810
Cholesterol 175
Cholesterolemia, familial 523
Chorea 583
treatment of 554
Chorioretinitis 406, 419, 421, 803
Choroid tubercles 381
Chotzen syndrome 79
Christmas disease 701
Chromatids 744
Chromium 202, 247
anomalies 72
defects 69
disorders 45, 73, 284, 627, 743, 745, 748t
studies 744
syndromes 646, 650
Chromosome 744
modified Denver classification of 744b
structure of 744f
translocation of 587
Chronic diarrhea 468, 483, 484, 487f
causes of 484b
etiology of 484b
evaluation of 486b
Chronic disorders, anemia of 681f
Chronic kidney disease 239, 241, 668
etiology of 668b
Chronic liver disease 301, 345, 510
etiology of 510b
Chronic systemic
diseases 73, 145
disorders 645
Chvostek sign 280, 637
Chyluria 415
Cimetidine 925
Cinochism 398
Ciprofloxacin 374, 925
Circulation 608
fetal 530, 531b, 531f
Circulatory failure, warning signs for 876t
Cirrhosis 46, 239, 514, 523
childhood 522, 522f
cryptogenic 523
hypertrophic biliary 522
infantile 522
biliary 522
Cisapride 925
Cisplatin 720
Citrobacter koseri 424
Clarithromycin 925
Clavulanic acid 923
lip 812, 818, 818f, 830
palate 812, 818, 830
Clindamycin 477, 554, 925
Clinical respiratory scoring system 461t
Clinodactyly 28
Cloaca, extroversion of 269f
Clobazam 609, 925
Clofazimine 789
Clonal lymphoproliferation, result of 400
Clonazepam 609, 925
Clonidine 568
hydrochloride 925
difficile 425
tetani 425
Clotrimazole 708
Clotting time 698
Clotzen syndrome 79
Cloxacillin 560, 925
Clubbing 28b, 29f
Clubfoot 834
Coagulation disorders, classification of 697b
Co-amoxiclav 925
Cobalamin and folate, serum levels of 686
Cobb syndrome 790
Cocaine 123, 564
Coccidioidomycosis 499
Cochicine 771
Cockayne syndrome 759
Codeine phosphate 925
Coenzymes 224
Colchicine 705
Cold 885
agglutinin disease 695
autoantibodies 694, 695
box 157
chain 156
reverse 333
injury 288
stage 395
stress 287
Colistin 925
amebic 405
indeterminate 491
Collagen 234
diseases 428
disorders 562, 765
vascular disorders 574
Collapse, stage of 475
Coloboma 800
Color Doppler 709
Colostrum 186t
composition of 186
Coma 611
causes of 611b, 612b
diabetic 647
stages of 611b
Combination therapy, artemisinin-based 398
Comedones 794
Committed stem cells, defects of 708
Communicable diseases 143
Community pediatrics 135, 135b
Complementary food 184
types of 193, 193b
Complete blood
count 308, 366, 432, 483, 660, 696, 866
picture 398, 412, 434, 444, 666, 762
profile 70
Complex molecules, disorders of 753
Computed tomography 93, 391, 420, 717
scan 439
Concave depression, saucer-like 237
Conduction disorders 688
Condylomata acuminata 125
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia 69, 639, 639f, 750
classification of 639b
Congenital anomalies, multiple 695
Congenital defects 419, 420, 631, 687, 695
Congenital rubella 420, 420f, 534
considered classical of 420
fundus in 805f
syndrome 166, 338
Congenital toxoplasmosis 419
fundus in 806f
Conjunctiva 799
pigmented 232f
xerosis of 231
Conjunctival diseases 801
Conjunctivitis 246, 365, 419, 772, 801
infectious 801
neonatal 304, 304f
vernal 801f
Connective tissue 432
disease, mixed 771
disorders 599, 767
Consanguinity 23t, 743
Constipation 237, 280, 468, 493
causes of 494b
functional 494b
Continuous positive airway pressure 276, 297, 299, 448, 889
Contractures, development of 771
Convulsions 403
causes of 604b
Convulsive disorders 604
Cooley anemia 688
Coombs test 694
Core antigen 344
Corkscrew hair 229f
abrasion 801
diseases 802
opacity 31
bilateral 232f
scrapings 406
Cornelia de Lange syndrome 534
Corner sign 230
Coronary artery
anomalous origin of 535
damage 563
disease, incidence of 773
Corpus callosum, agenesis of 577
Corrigan's sign 557
Corticosteroids 593, 595, 598
role of 887
Cortisol 76, 204
Cortisone acetate 925
Corynebacterium 428
diphtheriae 367, 425, 444
Cotrimoxazole 398, 403, 406, 422, 452, 925
Cough 440, 772
causes of 442b
Counting digits test 552
Cow milk
allergy 490
protein 487, 680
hypersensitivity 490
intolerance 490
Coxiella burnetii 385, 559
Cradle cap 784
Cramps, abdominal 682
Cranial computed tomography 574
angiography 574
Cranial index 29
Cranial nerves
agenesis of 577
evaluation of 36
palsies 722
pediatric testing of 36b
Cranial sonography 295
Cranial ultrasound 574
Craniopharyngioma 513, 722
Craniostenosis 51
Craniosynostosis 51, 78, 79b, 80f, 585, 799
Craniotabes 30
C-reactive protein 306, 308, 403, 434, 503, 551, 768
Creatine kinase 622
Creatinine 714
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease 353
Cri du chat syndrome 31
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus 360
Crisis, types of 692b
Crohn's disease 491493, 493t, 793
Cromoglycate sodium 925
Croup 260
syndrome 446
Crouzon syndrome 79, 79f, 534, 798
Crowe sign 615
Cryoprecipitate therapy 702
Cryptococcal antigen testing 390
Cryptococcosis 389
disseminated 390
Cryptococcus 390, 427, 428
neoformans 389
Cryptorchidism 642, 830
true 643
Cryptosporidiosis 406, 407
Cryptosporidium parvum 404, 406
Culex 351
tritaeniorhynchus 352
Cushing's syndrome 73, 271, 566, 640, 641, 641b, 641f, 646, 649, 651f
features of 566
onset of 641
Cutaneous leishmaniasis 400
Cyanocobalamin 227, 925
Cyanosis 26b, 529
degree of 543
severe 26f
Cyclizine 925
Cyclophosphamide 320, 563, 705, 717, 720, 770, 771, 925
Cycloserine 383, 384, 925
Cyclosporine 126, 705
Cyproheptadine 925
poisoning 902
Cystic fibrosis 46, 69, 442, 452, 462, 484, 488, 489f, 494, 518, 682, 795, 796
diagnosis of 439
pulmonary manifestations of 463b
respiratory manifestations of 463b
Cysticercosis 606
Cysticidal therapy, specific 602
Cystinosis 239
Cystourethrogram 656
Cysts 405
brachial 831
choledochal 516, 518, 827
dermoid 801
Cytogenesis 573
Cytokines, release of 394
Cytomegalovirus 80, 343, 355, 419, 428, 433, 434, 439, 516, 517, 524, 662, 705
disease 420
Cytotoxic drug 397
administration 365
Dacryocystitis 801, 802
Danazol 126, 705
Danger signs
general 140
warranting monitoring 288b
Dantrolene 510, 925
Dapsone 705, 789, 925
Darrow's solution, half-strength 473
Datura 123
Daunorubicin 925
Dawson encephalitis 613
Daycare nutrition rehabilitation center 212
D-dimer assays 698
De Lange syndrome 834
Deafness 80, 754, 810
triad of 420
Deep vein thrombosis 708
Deferiprone 925
Deferoxamine 690, 691, 925
Dehydration 26, 256, 396, 473
grade of 471, 471t
hypernatremic 216
scoring system 472t
treatment of 214
Dehydroepiandrosterone 639
Dejerine-Sottas disease 620
Delavirdine 356
Delinquency, juvenile 109, 123, 123f, 149
Delta virus 344
Demethylchlortetracycline 930
Demineralization 701
Demyelinating diseases 614
Dengue 348f, 434, 349f
epidemic 347
hemorrhagic fever 347349, 350f, 507
hyperendemic 347
severe 350f
shock syndrome 348, 350f
vaccine 351
caries 816
crowding 816
disease, prevention of 817
extractions 702
hygiene 817
malocclusion 816
problems 816
procedures 561
Dentition 53
Denver classification, modified 744, 744f
Denver developmental screening test 91
Deoxyribonucleic acid 43, 192, 227, 331, 344, 370, 439, 516, 518, 646, 660, 685, 741, 748, 753, 770
antibodies, anti-double-stranded 770
Depression 122
Deprivation dwarfism 72
Dermal sinus tracts 428
Dermatoglyphics 750, 751
Dermatomyositis 433, 626, 626f, 765
juvenile 770
chronic 754
classical 210
Dermolipoma 801
Dermonecrotic toxin 370
Desferrioxamine chelation, adequate 690
Desloratadine 925
Desmopressin acetate 925
Devic disease 614
Dexamethasone 398, 705, 925
Dexedrine 123
Dextrocardia 535, 562, 563, 563f
isolated 563
Dextromethorphan 925
Dextropropoxyphene 925
Dextrostix 214
Dhatura poisoning 903
Diabetes 69, 646, 646t
childhood 645
insipidus 432, 630
central 630
juvenile-onset 646
maternal 72, 298, 321
mellitus 69, 73, 420, 507, 645, 647b, 690
ADA classification of 646b
secondary 646
World Health Organization classification of 646b
Diabetic ketoacidosis 647, 649b, 666
signs of 647t
symptoms of 647t
Dialysis 667, 862, 916
types of 668b
Diamides 406
Diaminodiphenylsulfone 693
dose of 789t
Diamond sign 29
Diamond-Blackfan syndrome 695
Diaper rash 783, 783f
Diarrhea 203, 468, 470
antibiotic-associated 477, 478f
bacterial 469, 470t
intractable 468, 480
mild 470
moderate 471
severe 259, 471
Diarrheal dehydration
assessment of 261t, 472t
management of 473
severe 471f, 472f
Diarrheal disease 10, 233, 468, 683
control program 5
Diastematomyelia 576
Diathesis, hemorrhagic 699f
Diazepam 320, 582, 925
Diazoxide 126, 568, 925
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane 399
poisoning 900
Dichlorophen 925
Diclofenac 768
Dicyclomine 925
Didanosine 357
Diencephalic syndrome 631
Diepoxybutane 695
Dietary hypothesis 201
Diethylcarbamazine 411, 415, 925
Differential leukocyte count 355, 403, 561, 867
DiGeorge sequence 534
DiGeorge syndrome 31, 637, 637f, 733f
Digestive function 484
Digital subtraction cerebral angiography 574
Digitalis toxicity 258
Digoxin 533, 636, 925
dose of 533t
fab antibodies 898
Diiodohydroxyquin 405
Diloxanide furoate 405, 925
Diltiazem 925
Dimercaptopropanol, combination of 685
Dimercaptosuccinic acid 660
Dinner-fork sign 552f
Diphenhydramine 925
Diphenylhydantoin 126, 582, 706, 785, 925
Diphtheria 170, 367, 368, 369b, 813
tetanus, and pertussis 6, 154, 157160, 365, 600
vaccine 164
treatment of 369t
Diphtheroids 427, 428
Diphyllobothrium latum 409, 685
Diploid number 744
Diplopia 804
Dipstick enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 402
Dipstick test 868
Direct agglutination test 402
Direct fluorescent antibody test 404
Directly observed treatment 384
Disaccharide malabsorption 490
Disease modifying antirheumatic drugs 768
Disequilibrium syndrome 917
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 211, 212f, 303, 335, 348, 364, 443, 525, 659, 697, 698, 700f, 700t, 715
Distinct clinical syndromes 406
Diuretics drugs 533
Dobutamine 533, 593, 886
Docosahexaenoic acid 175
Doll's eye
phenomenon 612
reflex 277
Domperidone 925
Donor blood, choice of 313
Dopamine 274, 533, 593, 886
hydrochloride 925
Doppler echocardiography 530
Doughy feel 372
Down syndrome 23, 30, 30f, 31, 45, 53, 72, 271, 516, 518, 528, 585, 587, 587f, 588, 588f, 588t, 634, 646, 712, 716, 744, 746f, 748, 800, 823
higher incidence of 588b
Downe's scoring system 296, 296t
Doxapram 925
Doxorubicin 925
Doxycycline 376, 925
D-penicillamine 768
Dracunculus medinensis 409
Draw-a-man test 92f
Drop and drip method 190
Drowning 464, 894, 894f
abuse 110, 142
dosages 923
eruption 780
rash 337
reaction 416
adverse 356, 374, 398, 411, 462, 568, 609, 671, 673, 691
resistant tuberculous strains, problem of 385
Dry beriberi 224
Dry pleurisy 454
Dry powder inhaler 459f
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 48
Duchenne muscular dystrophy 619, 622, 623f, 742
arteriosus 530, 531
venosus fetal blood vessel 530
Dugdale index 199
Dumb rabies 353
Duplex renal system 657
Duroziez's sign 557
Dwarf tapeworm 409, 414
D-xylose test 467, 485
Dysautonomia, familial 433, 626
Dyscalculia 97
Dyscoria 802
Dyselectrolytemia 564, 700, 887
Dysentery 401
acute bacillary 476
Dysequilibrium syndrome 667
Dyserythropoiesis 395
Dysfibrinogenemia 698
Dysgammaglobulinemia 732
Dysgenesis, epiphyseal 633
Dysgraphia 97
Dyslexia 97, 98f, 804
spectrum 97
Dysmenorrhea 124
primary 124
secondary 124
Dysmorphic facies 269f
Dysmorphic syndromes 72
congenital 295
Dysmotility syndrome 504
cleidocranial 835
craniofacial 79
Dysphagia 468, 497
bronchopulmonary 176, 301, 322
developmental 324
ectodermal 793
Dyspnea 396, 443
Dysraphism 575
Dysrhythmia 564, 688
Dystonia 583
musculum deformans 614
Dystrophic nails 794
Dystrophy, congenital muscular 625
Ear 31
accidents involving 148
disorders 809
low-set 31f
nose, and throat 24, 443
examination 323
findings 433
problems 809
Eating disorders 104, 121
Ebastine 925
Ebola virus 360
Ebstein anomaly 544
Ecchymosis 27f
widespread 700
Echinocandins 389, 390
Echinococcosis 414
Echinococcus granulosa 414
Echocardiography 530, 543f, 768
role of 553
Ectopia lentis 803
Ectrodactyly-ectodermal dysplasia-cleft syndrome 794
Ectropion 800
Eczema 715
infantile 780
nummular 780
acute pulmonary 386
angioneurotic 784
control of 673
grading of 198b
hereditary angioneurotic 734
intracellular 884
massive 208f
Edward syndrome 31, 585, 745, 748
Efavirenz 321, 356
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome 534, 765, 773, 792, 792f
Eicosapentaenoic acid 175
Eisenmenger complex 536, 544, 545f
Eisenmenger syndrome 536, 544
Ejection milk reflex 185f
Electric alarm device 106
Electrocardiogram 276, 338, 398, 440, 471
Electroencephalogram 421, 464, 509
Electrolyte 253, 254, 648
balance, maintenance of 638
disturbances particularly hypokalemia 403
imbalance, correction of 214
Elfin facies 534, 548
Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome 534
Embryo 43
Emery-diffuses muscular dystrophy 624
Emmetropia 804
deprivation 72
factors 46
intelligence 92
Empyema 455
necessitance 455
thoracis 455
Enalapril 533, 567, 568, 771, 925
Encephalitic disease 421
Encephalitic stage, acute 352
Encephalitis 218, 332, 333, 339, 420, 596, 597, 738
etiologic classification of 597b
granulomatous amoebic 406
Encephalocele 576, 576f
frontal 270f
Encephalomyelitis, acute disseminated 598
Encephalopathy 386, 410, 522, 597, 770
epileptic 574
classification of 597b
hepatic 508, 509, 509t, 521
Encopresis 106
primary 106
secondary 106
End expiratory pressure, positive 889
Endemic tropical sprue 489, 489f
Endocannabinoid agonist 652
Endocardial cushion defect 528, 534
Endocarditis 364, 389, 772
infective 365, 433, 537, 559, 560t, 561, 564
Endocrinal disorders 507
Endocrinal system 630
Endocrine 24, 198
disorders 80
myopathies 625
Endocrinology 630
Endocrinopathy 73, 627, 646
Endomyocardial diseases 558
Endophthalmitis 364
Endothelial cell 692
Endotracheal intubation 272, 273b, 864, 890
technique 273f, 274f
Endotracheal tube 299
Energy 172, 202
metabolism, disorders of 753, 754
requirement 172
Engerix-B 346
Enophthalmos 31, 799
Entamoeba histolytica 209, 404, 405, 405f, 406, 449, 562
trophozoite of 405
Enteric cytopathic human orphan 597
Enterobacter 660
aerogenes 809
Enterobiasis 410
Enterobius vermicularis 409, 410, 412f, 869
Enterococcus faecium 474
autoimmune 504
gluten-induced 487
Entero-test 404
Enteroviruses 303
Entropion 800
Enuresis 105, 106b, 657, 665
Envenomation, grading of 906, 906b
Enzymatic defects 687
activity analysis 756
cystathionine beta-synthase 755
immunoassay 404
linked immunosorbent assay 335, 345, 361, 370, 381, 402, 415, 422
phenylalanine hydroxylase, deficiency of 754
replacement therapy 762
Eosinophil 730
Eosinophilia 411
tropical 415, 416f
Ependymoma 721
Ephedrine 564, 582
sulfate 925
Epicanthal folds 31
Epidermal nevus syndrome 240
Epidermolysis bullosa 790, 791f
Epididymitis 415
Epididymo-orchitis 364, 707, 830
Epigenetics 120
Epiglottitis 446
Epilepsia partialis continua 606
Epilepsy 605, 606, 611
abdominal 607
benign childhood 607
chronic progressive 606
classification 605
idiopathic 605
intractable 738
Epileptic myoclonus syndromes, bilateral 606
Epinephrine 272, 886, 926
Epiphora 800, 801
Epipodophyllotoxins 720
Epispadias 829
Epistaxis 443, 443f, 700, 812
Epsilon aminocaproic acid 702
Epstein pearls 281, 281f
Epstein-Barr virus 337, 342, 343, 355, 397, 428, 524, 662, 696, 718, 735
infection, chronic 851
Erb paralysis 268f
Ergocalciferol 926
Eruption, delayed 54
Erysipelas 784, 785f
Erythema 164
infectiosum 341, 341f
macular 772
marginatum 552
multiforme 791
major 791f
minor 791f
nodosum 793, 793f
toxicum 281
microcytic-hypochromic 688
sedimentation rate 70, 306, 345, 367, 381, 434, 483, 503, 551, 867
Erythrocytic schizont 393
Erythrocytosis 709
Erythroid precursors 685
Erythromycin 554, 794, 926
Erythropoiesis 687
ineffective 686
Erythropoietin 679, 684, 926
Escherichia coli 282, 424, 425, 428, 449, 692, 766
proliferation of 683
Esmolol 568
Esophageal structure and function 467
Esophagitis 708
Esophagus 421
Estrogen activity, vaginal smear for 644
Etanercept 926
Ethacrynic acid 926
Ethambutol 384, 582, 926
Ethionamide 383, 926
Ethmoid sinuses 54
Ethosuximide 582, 609, 926
Euploid 745
European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 488
Ewing sarcoma 722
Ex vivo gene therapy 749f
acute 458
mild 458
moderate 458
severe 460
Exchange transfusion 311, 864
Exercise tolerance test 276
Exocrine pancreas, diseases of 646
Exoerythrocytic phase, devoid of 395
Exomphalos 826
Exophthalmos 31, 799, 802
Extensor plantar 279f
External hordeolum 800
Extracellular fluid 254
volume 253
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 448, 461, 879, 887
Eye 31
accidents involving 147
movement and alignment, diseases of 803
popping 800
diseases of 800
retraction 800
Face 30
dysmorphism 754
nerve 36
palsy 268f, 800
paralysis, ipsilateral 612
Facies, hemolytic 31f, 688
Facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum 534
Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy 624, 627
Factitious disorder 113
Fahrenheit temperature reading 431t
Failure to thrive 69, 70b, 70f, 74, 355, 467, 535, 536, 657
degree of 70b
etiology of 69b
nonorganic 112, 113
Falciparum malaria 395, 396
severe 396
uncomplicated 398
Fallot's physiology 542
Fallot's tetralogy 33, 303, 528, 534, 540, 541f, 570
manifestations of 540
Famotidine 926
Fanconi anemia 27, 695
Fanconi syndrome 239, 664b
Farber disease 614
Fasciitis 771
eosinophilic 771
Fasciola hepatica 409
Fasciolopsis buski 409
Fatigue syndrome, chronic 343, 849, 851
Fats 172
Fatty acids
essential 175
monounsaturated 175
omega-3 177
Fatty liver 507
disease, nonalcoholic 510, 513
Faucial diphtheria 368f
Febrile 347
illness, chronic 400
phase 347
seizures, simple 605
Feco-oral route 406
complementary 188, 192, 193, 219
continuous 292
delayed 292
intermittent 292
intravenous 293
method of 292
problems 194
trial 70
epiphysis, slipped 126f, 238
vein puncture 857f
Fentanyl citrate 926
Ferric chloride test 755, 869
Ferrous sulfate 926
Fetal valproate syndrome 534
Feticide, female 146
Fetus 43
Fever 25, 431, 612
atropine-induced 433
blackwater 395, 396, 398
continuous 25
enteric 372, 373f, 507, 597
hemorrhagic 349
intermittent 25
mediterranean 375
of unknown origin 431433
significant adverse effects of 431b
spectrum 431
types of 25b, 431
Fiber 172, 174
Fibroelastosis, endocardial 340, 558
congenital hepatic 523
endomyocardial 558
Fibrous-fibrosarcoma 723
Filariasis 411, 415
Fine motor adaptive 91
Fine needle aspiration 863
cytology 381, 390
Finger-nose test 552
Fissure-in-ano 826
Fistula 826
brachial 831
bronchopleural 455
Five cleans during delivery 286b
Fixed drug eruption 781f
Flaccid 580
Flaky-paint dermatosis 207f, 208
Flatfoot 834, 848
Flavivirus 347, 352
Flavobacterium meningosepticum 424
Flexion, position of 766
Flexor plantar reflexes 627
Flexural eczema 780
Floppy baby syndrome 626
causes of 627b
Flosequinan 533
Flu vaccine 167
Fluconazole 390, 708, 926
Flucytosine 406
Fluids 253, 648
and electrolyte balance
disorders of 256
maintenance of 667
loss, estimated 471
repletion 667
restriction of 398, 669
therapy 261
intravenous 261, 472
Flumazenil 926
Flunarizine 295, 582
Fluorescent antibody
technique 397
titer 399
Fluorescent lamp 312
Fluoride, role of 817
Fluorine 248
Fluorometric analysis 754
Fluorosis 237, 817
Fluticasone 926
Focal neurological deficits 391
Folacin 228
Folate 228
deficiency 685
Folic acid 215, 228, 693, 926
coexistence of 682
deficiency 228, 692
maternal 229f
Follicle-stimulating hormone 76, 645
Folliculitis 785f
Fontan operation, modified 544
affecting absorption 176t
allergy 501
containing heme iron 176
fussiness 105
group system 180
Foramen ovale 530, 531
Forced expiratory
flow 440
volume 440
Forced vital capacity 440
Foremilk 186t
composition of 186
Formalin-ether sedimentation technique 870
Formiminoglutamic acid test 686
Foscarnet 926
Fosphenytoin 609, 926
Foul breath 612
Fractures 238, 238
zone 230
Fragile X syndrome 585
Fragmented red cells 694
Free radicals, golden's hypothesis of 201
Free-living amebae 406
Fresh frozen plasma 911
Friedreich ataxia 614
Fröhlich's syndrome 631, 649
Fructose intolerance, hereditary 513
Fucose-mannose ligand 402
Fukuyama type 625
Fundoscopy 612
Fundus ophthalmicus 232
Fungal 707
disease 389
infections 389, 563
invasive 389
stain 391
Fungus, etiological 389, 390, 391
Funnel chest deformity 235, 235f
Furazolidone 404, 926
Furious rabies 353
Furosemide 533, 568, 638, 683, 684, 926
Gabapentin 609
Galactomannan index 390
Galactosemia 45, 69, 343, 513, 585, 750, 757
Gallbladder, hydrops of 772
Gallop rhythm 33
Gamma aminobutyric acid 509
Ganciclovir 420
Gang psychology 123
Ganglioneuroma 640
Gargoylism 585
Gasoline sniffing 123
biopsy, endoscopic 467
lavage 381, 383, 863, 897
Gastroenteritis 478
acute 468
eosinophilic 501
virus 469
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 69, 439, 441, 442, 451, 452, 495, 496, 496f, 813
Gastrointestinal disorders 467
functional 502
Gastrointestinal manifestations 208, 210, 246, 468
Gastrointestinal tract 24, 257, 331, 344, 366, 409, 426, 467, 507, 656, 682, 715, 732, 788
involvement of 771
surgery 561
Gastroschisis 826
Gated blood pool scanning 530
Gaucher cell 758f
Gaucher disease 27, 518, 519, 585, 696, 758
diagnosis of 758
infantile 614
Gaussian curve, bell-shaped 132
Gaussian distribution 130
Gavage feeding 292
Gene 741
disorder, single 742, 743
mapping 399
reduced expressivity of 743
therapy 399, 741, 745, 749b
trials 749t
transfer 748
General adaptation syndrome 127
Genetic 741
counseling 693, 750
disorders 45, 73, 284, 743, 745, 749b, 749t
prevention of 749, 750b
therapeutics in 745
human 741
skeletal dysplasias 836
syndromes 646
Genitalia 34
ambiguous 645, 829
external 420
Genitourethrogram, retrograde 640
Genitourinary problems 828
surgical 676
Genitourinary tract surgery 561
Genome 742
Gentamicin 452, 560, 926
Genu valgum 236, 835, 848
Genu valgus 28
Genu varum 28, 236, 236f, 835, 848
Geophagia 104
German measles 80
Gestational age 44, 44t
regardless of 161
small 74
Giant cell
arteritis 771
hepatitis 314
pneumonia 338
Giardia lamblia 403, 404, 404f
detecting 404
Giardiasis 403, 404, 473, 682
Gigantism 54, 632
Gilles de La Tourette syndrome 108
Gingivitis 401
Gitelman syndrome 665
Glabellar reflex 279f, 280
Glands, adrenal 638
Glasgow coma scale 875t, 881
modified 611, 611t
Glenn operation 544
Glenn shunt, bidirectional 544
Glioma 721f, 722
Glomerular capillary oncotic pressure 655
Glomerular filtration rate 655
Glomerulonephritis 344, 663
acute poststreptococcal 659, 661, 662
chronic 566
crescentic 663
immune complex crescentic 663
rapidly progressive 663
Glossitis 225, 337, 364
areata migrans 498
Glossopharyngeal nerve 36
Glucagon 204, 926
like peptide 1 652
Glucocorticoids 45, 397
Gluconeogenesis, disorders of 754
Glucose 173
6 phosphate dehydrogenase 320, 345, 394, 680, 687, 693, 694, 742, 749
deficiency 314, 693, 694
enzyme, estimating 693
transporter 1 574
Glutamine 926
supplementation 177
Glutaraldehyde 926
Gluten-free diet 486
Gluten-sensitivity 487
Glycemic index 175
food, advantages of low 175
Glycerine 926
Glycerol 926
Glyceryl trinitrate 926
metabolism, disorders of 754
storage disease 46, 513, 518, 523, 529, 754, 757, 758f
types of 758b
storage disorder 758
Glycolysis, disorders of 754
Glycopyrrolate 926
Goiter 32f, 246f, 636, 636f
congenital 636
control program 220
endemic 636
Golden minute concept 271
Golimumab 768
Gomez syndrome 217
Gonadal failure, primary 645
Gonadotropin 631
releasing hormone 645, 926
Gonococcus 424, 766
Gonorrhea 121
Goodenough-Harris drawing test 91
Goodpasture syndrome 771, 773
Goserdin 926
Government of India growth chart 55
Graft rejection, risk of 913
Graft versus host disease 390, 507
intrauterine 733
Gram-negative bacilli 452
Granisetron 926
Granulocyte 911
colony-stimulating factor 679, 708
hypoplastic anemia of 695
Granulocytosis, induction of 730
Granulomatosis 773
Granulomatous disease 638, 707, 734, 734f, 736, 914
Grasp reflex 278f, 280
Graves’ disease 636
juvenile 635
Great arteries, transposition of 303, 535, 545, 546f
Great vessels, transposition of 545
Griseofulvin 582, 926
Gross hematuria 658
stepwise investigations of 660b
Gross metabolic disturbances 298
Gross motor development 84
Gross national product 13
Ground itch 412
Growth 43
and development 43
maintenance of 638
and puberty, constitutional delay of 645
chart 54, 71f
delay, constitutional 71
disorders 69
epidermal 45
fetal 45
fibroblast 45
failure 769
intergenerational cycle of 46
general body 48
genital 48
gonadal 48
hormone 46, 76, 204, 761, 926
associated short stature 631b
deficiency 54, 73, 631, 631b, 632f
excess 632
therapy 76, 77b
inhibitory factors 45
laws of 47
monitoring 55, 322
and promotion 55
schedule of 55t
onset diabetes 645
order of 47
periods of 43
plate hypothesis 56
potentials 46
principles of 47
promoting factors 45
retardation 70, 219, 246, 692
spurts 48
stages of 43
standards 56
studies, types of 44
velocity 45, 50
formula for 50
Grunting 25
Guanethidine sulfate 926
Guillain-Barré syndrome 158, 254, 260, 332, 333, 335, 338, 343, 358, 369, 564, 575, 579, 580f, 600, 620, 620f, 707, 736, 738
Gulf syndrome 231, 234
Guthrie card bacterial inhibition assay 754
Guttate psoriasis 795
Gutti 188
Gynecomastia 125, 125f
Habit disorders 107
Haemophilus haemolyticus 369, 370
Haemophilus influenzae 363, 403, 425, 444, 447, 449, 452, 455, 591, 707, 732, 766, 799
empyema 455
infections 363
meningitis 592
type B 154, 158, 160, 164, 170, 364, 364f, 462, 688, 692, 840
Hagerty's grading 35t
Hair changes 207, 210
Hallervorden-Spatz disease 614
Hallucinogens 123
Halofantrine 398
Haloperidol 926
Hand and wrist, X-ray of 53f
Hand-foot-mouth disease 342, 342f
Hansen disease 376
Hanta viruses 360
Hard neurological signs 94
Harlequin color change 281
Harpenden skinfold caliper 52f
Harrison sulcus 235
Hartnup disease 755
Hashimoto thyroiditis 636
Hashish 123
Head 28
and body 612
and neck problems 830
circumference 51
Headache 375, 581
medication overuse 582
primary 582
secondary 582
tension-type 582
treatment of secondary 583
types of 582
vascular 582
Health hazards 142, 143t
Hearing 323
assessment of 811
impairment 810
loss 419
risk factors for 811b
signals for 811b
Heart 24, 32
block 564
bifascicular 537
disease 529b, 559
chronic rheumatic 46
congenital 33, 46, 69, 73, 295, 297, 320, 339, 528, 533, 535t, 550, 550b, 564, 569, 588
critical congenital 323
cyanotic congenital 540
failure 262, 298, 531, 532, 533b, 636
acute 507
chronic 507
clinical features of 532t
left sided 532
right-sided 532
risk of 542
signs of 532b
treatment of 554
rate 276, 297, 885
sounds 32
hyperkinetic 32
hypoplastic left 303, 547
cramps 853
hyperpyrexia 853
injury 852
rash 783
stroke 853
syncope 852
Heimlich's maneuver 864
Heinz bodies 694f
demonstration of 693
Helicobacter pylori 376, 705
infections 376, 500
Heliox 890
Helium-oxygen mixture 890
Helminthiasis 597
infections 409
infestations 410t
Hemagglutination, indirect 405
Hemangioendothelioma, infantile hepatic 519
Hemangioma 27f, 789
capillary 790
cavernous 790
large 789f
macular 281
Hemarthrosis 696, 701, 701f
Hematemesis 499, 515
Hematochezia 499
Hematological disorders 507, 562
nonmalignant 914
Hematological malignancies 519
Hematological studies 709
Hematology 314, 679
Hematomas 696
small 702
extramedullary 519
stem cell transplantation, indications of 914b
Hematopoietic stem cell
disorders, groups of 695
transplantation 696, 709, 738, 913
types of 913b
Hematopoietic system, developmental aspects of 679
Hematuria 658, 697, 700
glomerular 659t
nonglomerular 659t
terminal 658
Hemihypertrophy 28, 835
Hemimelia 834
acute 577
infantile 577
Hemochromatosis 245
Hemodialysis 676, 917, 917f
Hemoglobin 399, 561, 648, 679, 683, 866
E 680
fetal 679, 692
glycosylated 652
S 680
Hemoglobinuria 659, 694
characteristics of 687
disorders, acquired 310
elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count 761
Hemolytic anemia 343, 401, 420, 681f, 687, 688
Coombs negative 421
idiopathic autoimmune 687
Hemolytic disease 310, 314, 517
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome 386, 655, 669, 736, 737
Hemophilia 45, 701
A 701
B 701
C 701
classical 701, 701f
Hemoptysis 444
adrenal 638
gastrointestinal 499, 707
intracerebral 578
intracranial 268, 303, 578, 704
intraventricular 91, 96, 176, 295, 303, 316
repeated 701f
severe 401
Hemorrhagic disease 242, 309, 701
Hemosiderosis 245
Hemostasis 696
Hemostatic disorder 696
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 386, 476, 662, 663, 671, 706, 706f, 765, 771, 773
Heparin 578, 926
Hepatic disease 523, 612
Hepatic duct
common 506
left 506
right 506
Hepatic imaging procedures 508
Hepatic pulmonary syndrome 569
Hepatitis 339, 402
A 170, 344, 345
vaccine 166
virus 343345
autoimmune 513
B 6, 45, 121, 159, 170, 344
infection, maternal 321
surface antigen 344, 345, 516
vaccine 163
virus 343, 344, 519, 708, 714
C 344, 345, 346
virus 343345, 519, 714
chronic 239, 510, 510t, 511t
active 523
D 344, 346
virus 343, 345
E 344, 346
virus 343, 344
F virus 343
G virus 343
neonatal 239, 314f, 314t
syndrome, neonatal 314
virus 344f, 428
Hepatobiliary disorders 510
Hepatobiliary system 506f
anomalies of 826
Hepatoblastoma 518, 519, 720, 720f
Hepatocarcinoma 720
Hepatojugular reflex 514
Hepatolenticular degeneration 512, 614, 615
Hepatorenal failure 509
Hepatosplenomegaly 434, 688, 715, 767, 769, 772
Hepatotoxicity 518
Hermaphroditism 645
true 645
types of 645
congenital diaphragmatic 269f, 271, 297, 822, 823f
strangulated 830
Heroin 320
simplex 80, 316, 705
virus 303, 343, 420, 421, 428, 749
virus 80, 428
Hess test 704
Heterochromia 803
Heterophoria 803
Hexamide 406
Hiatal hernia 821
Hiccough 282
Hiccup 282
High calcium-phosphorus diet 685
Highly active antiretroviral therapy 356, 357b
Highly multisystem collagen disorder 769
Hilar lymphadenitis 377
Hill's sign 557
Hindmilk 186, 186t
application of 189
congenital dislocation of 835
developmental dysplasia of 835, 836f
transient synovitis of 841
Hirschsprung's disease 588, 824, 826
Hirsutism 126
Histidine-rich protein 2 397
Histiocytosis 725t
Histocompatibility complex, major 730
Histogenesis 573
Histoplasma capsulatum 391
Histoplasmosis 391, 449
invasive 391
Hoarseness 813
Hodgkin's disease 401, 718
Hodgkin's lymphoma 416, 712, 716, 717f
modified arm Arber clinical staging system for 717b
Hoffmann disease 31
Holliday-Segar formula 173t, 261t
Holoendemic malarial regions 399
Holt-Oram syndrome 534, 538f, 834
Homocystinuria 755, 838
Homogentisic acid oxidase enzyme, deficiency of 755
Hookworm 209, 412f
disease, infantile 412
infestation 412
Hormonal factors 46
Hormonal therapy 645
Hormones, fetal 45
Horn cell disorders, anterior 619
Horseshoe kidneys 656, 656f
Hospital Infection Control Committee 426
Hospital waste, disposal of 151, 151f
Host disease 913
Howell-Jolly bodies 563, 689f
Human albumin solution 926
Human body minerals 244
Human bovine pentavalent live vaccine 165
Human cell division 741
Human diploid cells 165
vaccine 169
Human genome project 741
Human herpes virus 341
Human immunodeficiency 400, 421
virus 5, 45, 69, 121, 126, 192t, 216, 340, 354, 376, 389, 432, 434, 441, 451, 484, 671
classification of 355t
maternal 320
Human immunoglobulin 598
Human leukocyte antigen 551
Human milk 185
advantages of 186
banking 192
benefits of 186
fortifiers 293
Human monovalent live vaccine 165
Human papilloma virus 160
vaccine 167
Human parvovirus 341
Human T-lymphotropic virus 343
Huntington chorea 583, 614
Hurler syndrome 73, 75, 599, 634, 760f
Hutchinson's pupil 803
Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome 759
Hyaline membrane disease 33, 297, 298
Hydantoin syndrome, fetal 534, 834
cyst 46, 411
disease 414, 606
Hyderabad protein-energy rich mixture 212t
Hydralazine 567, 568, 770, 926
Hydration 693
Hydrocele 125, 283, 830
noncommunicating 830
Hydrocephalus 406, 598, 600b
acquired 599
causes of 599t
congenital 585, 599, 599f
triad of 419
Hydrochlorothiazide 567, 568, 926
Hydrocortisone 926
Hydronephrosis 566
antenatal 675
Hydrops fetalis 315, 315f
Hydroscopic bulk, products of 473
Hydroxychloroquine 768
Hydroxyproline assay kit 200
Hydroxyurea 693
Hydroxyzine 926
Hygroma, cystic 830, 831f
Hymenal tags 283
Hymenolepis nana 209, 409, 411, 413, 414
Hyoscine butylbromide 926
Hyperactive deep tendon reflexes 433
Hyperactivity, adrenal 640
Hyperaldosteronism 641
primary 641
secondary 641
Hyperbilirubinemia 310, 687, 694
conjugated 421, 507, 507t
exaggerated physiological 310
management of 323b
neonatal 323
prevention of 323b
severe 313, 694
unconjugated 310
causes of 310b, 507t
Hypercalcemia 234, 249, 471, 638
causes of 638b
idiopathic 249
Hyperchloremia 259
Hypercyanotic spells 107
Hyperelectrolytemia 631
Hypereosinophilic syndrome 416
Hyperfunction, adrenal 640
Hypergammaglobulinemia 399
Hyperglycemia 254, 402
Hyperhomocysteinemia 708
Hyperinsulinism 754
Hyperkalemia 258, 259f, 302, 471, 667
Hyperleukocytosis 726
Hyperlipidemia 254, 724
Hypermagnesemia 471
Hypermetropia 804
Hypernatremia 257, 631
etiology of 257b
significant 473
Hyperopia 804
Hyperostosis, infantile cortical 839
Hyperparathyroidism 637, 638
Hyperphosphatemia 657, 667
Hyperplasia, adrenal 54
Hyperpyrexia 431, 598
Hyper-reactive airway disease 456
angiitis 771
delayed 428
Hypersplenism 400
Hypertelorism 798, 798f
Hypertension 565, 641, 663, 667
acute severe 568
advanced portal 400
benign intracranial 600
chronic 566b
diagnosis of 567
extrahepatic portal 515, 515f
idiopathic intracranial 600, 600b
intrahepatic portal 514
portal 400, 514, 519, 521
secondary 566
severe 568t
malignant 431
neonatal 290
Hyperthyroidism 32, 431, 625, 632, 635, 636f
adenoidal 446
biventricular 537
left anterior 543
irregular 612
syndrome 111
A 231
Hypocalcemia 471, 637, 657, 667
etiology of 637b
neonatal 318, 317
Hypocalcemic tetany 637f
Hypochromotrichia 850
Hypofibrinogenemia 698, 700, 724
Hypogammaglobulinemia 765
G, physiological 731
Hypoglossal nerve 36
Hypoglycemia 218, 298, 396, 398, 402, 509
prevention of 214
treatment of 214, 648
Hypogonadism 246, 642
hypergonadotropic 645
hypogonadotropic 645, 649
Hypokalemia 257, 257f, 258f, 333, 471
etiology of 257b
severe 332, 473
Hypomagnesemia 471
neonatal 318
Hyponatremia 256, 386, 473, 667, 821
etiology of 256b
Hypoparathyroidism 637, 690
autoimmune 637
Hypophosphatasia 218b, 638
Hypopituitarism 46
Hyporeflexia 627
Hyposomatotropism, reversible 72
Hypospadias 657, 829
Hypotelorism 799
Hypotension 274, 402
Hypothalamic disease 633
Hypothalamus disorders 630
Hypothermia 218, 756
mild-to-moderate 289
neonatal 288
prevention of 214
severe 289
treatment of 214
Hypothesis, adaptation 201
index 634, 635t
short stature 76t
Hypothyroidism 46, 69, 73, 625, 633, 690, 750
acquired 635
causes of 633b
congenital 30f, 54, 507, 588, 588f, 633, 634f
maternal 321
neonatal screening for 634
Hypotonia 627, 850
benign congenital 621
generalized 588
Hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode 158
Hypoxia 294, 396, 700
chronic 550
fetal 295
severe 302
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 80, 91, 96, 176, 294, 303, 316, 319, 322
causes of 295b
Sarnat and Sarnat staging of 295b
Hysteria 110
Hysterical conversion reaction 110
Ibuprofen 434, 768, 926
toxicity 901
Ichthyosis 786
congenital 786
secondary 786f
vulgaris 786, 786f
X-linked 786
Icterometer 311
Icterus 420
gravis 315
Idoxuridine 421
Ifosfamide 926
Iloprost 926
Imatinib mesylate 926
Imerslund-Grasbeck syndrome 685
Imiglucerase 926
Iminodiacetic acid, hepatobiliary 517
Imipramine 416, 927
Immnoglobulin A 187
dysfunction syndrome 851
system, cells of 730f
thrombocytopenic purpura 694, 698, 702, 703f, 704f, 705, 736, 738
Immunity 154, 729, 729f
cell-mediated 202, 203, 735
herd 155
humoral 730
Immunization 127, 154, 155, 160, 323
active 155, 371
active-passive 155
basics of 155
principles of 158
schedules 159, 168
status 23
Immunodeficiency 365
presentation of 732b
secondary 732f
severe combined 735, 914
states 364, 731, 735t
primary 731
syndromes 428
Immunoglobulin 187b, 203, 334, 344, 345, 349, 419, 713, 731, 735, 737, 780
A 662
nephropathy 663
vasculitis 773
E 780
G structures of 731f
intravenous 462, 620, 705, 736, 737, 738
properties of 731t
structure of 731f
Immunological disorders 507, 687
Immunonutrition 177
Immunoprotection 186
Immunosuppressant therapy 389, 390, 427
Imperforate anus 825
Impetigo 785f
In vivo gene therapy 749f
Incontinentia pigmenti 616
India Newborn Action Plan 5, 6
India's National Health Programs 139b
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 160, 212
Indian Childhood Cirrhosis 69, 510, 516, 518, 519
Indinavir 357
Indomethacin 320, 582, 768, 927
Infant behavior record, low 681
Infant immobilization boards 857
Infanticide, female 146
Infantometer 50
Infarction 772
Infection 303, 484, 519
absence of severe 210
anemia of 685
aspergillus species 390
congenital 80, 419b
enteric 469
fulminant 507
late onset 304
maternal 286, 534, 585
monomicrobial 522
opportunistic 427
prevention of 214
recurrent 732
superficial 304, 389
treatment of 214
Infectious disease 10, 156, 432, 766
Inflammatory bowel disease 176, 432434, 477, 491, 510, 738
Inflammatory disease 578, 766
Infliximab 768, 927
Influenza 358, 397, 425, 449, 707, 766
clinical indicators of 358t
vaccine 167
inactivated 160
virus 358f
Infusion, total dose 683
Inguinal hernia 830, 830f
Inhalation devices, types of 459b
Inhaler, metered-dose 459, 459f
Inhibitory concentration, minimum 561
Inosine analogs 403
Inotropes 886
Inotropic agents 533
Insect bite hypersensitivity 780
Insomnia 109, 126
Inspiratory whoop 369
Inspissated bile syndrome 516, 518
Insulin 47, 204, 648, 927
action 646
Integrated child development services 138f, 221
growth chart 55
scheme 12, 138
Intellectual disability 584
current classification of 585b
etiology of 585b
preventable causes of 585b
Intelligence quotient 74, 92
Intensified Diarrheal Control Program 6
Intensive care unit 389, 424, 461
Intercurrent infections, safeguard against 422
Interferon alpha 927
Interferon gamma 927
release assays, role of 381
Interleukin 348, 431, 749, 768
Internal hordeolum 800
International League Against Epilepsy Classification 606b
International Rhabdomyosarcoma Study 723
Interphalangeal joints, proximal 767
Intersex disorders 645
Interstitial lung disease
childhood 463
pathogenesis of 463
Intestinal failure 503
etiology of 504b
Intestinal obstruction, complete 405
Intestine flukes 409
Intoxication, disorders involving 753, 754
Intra-abdominal cyst, massive 521
Intracellular adhesion molecule 395, 692
Intracellular fluid volume 253
Intracorpuscular defects 687
Intracranial calcification 419
Intracranial mass 353
Intracranial pressure 80, 495, 568, 723
life-threatening raised 574
raised 78, 80, 81, 726
reduction of 390
Intracranial space-occupying lesions 74, 81, 600
Intragastric drip 292
Intramuscular injection 446
Intraosseous infusion 859f, 860
Intrauterine growth
restriction 46, 71, 268, 319, 320, 322, 406, 419, 421, 585
classification of 283
retardation 46, 72, 74, 76, 419, 421
Intrauterine infections 284, 303, 406, 419, 419b
toxoplasmosis 705
Intrauterine life 245
Intravascular hemolysis 396, 398
development of 693
Intravenous immunoglobulin, high-dose 773
Intravenous over intramuscular immunoglobulin, advantages of 738
Intussusception 823, 824f
Invasive disease 391
Inverted nipples 188
plastic syringe method for 189f
Iodine 245
deficiency 246f, 633
Control Program 220
disorder 245b
Iodoquinol 405
Iridocyclitis 767, 772, 803
abnormalities 802
atrophy 755
coloboma 802
Iron 175, 180f, 202, 215, 293
binding capacity, total 681
anemia 72, 121, 245f, 679681, 681f, 685
three stages of 681b
dextran 927
complex 683
folic acid supplementation 121
fortified salt 683
overload 563
parenteral preparations of 683b
poisoning 902, 903f
resistant hypochromic anemia 685
salts poisoning 902
sorbitol 927
storage disease, neonatal 518
sucrose 683
trapping 898
twin 246
Irritability 246, 421, 756
Irritants, exogenous 440
Ischemia 294, 772
acute focal 550
Ischemic disorders 507
Isolation techniques 708
Isoniazid 343, 383, 384, 510, 582
hydrazide 234
Isonicotinylhydrazide 927
Isoproterenol hydrochloride 927
Isotonic saline 473
radionuclide cystography 661
scan 405
Itraconazole 391
Ivermectin 410, 411, 415, 927
Jamaican cirrhosis 522
Jamaican veno-occlusive disease 514
Jamshedpur fever 522
Japanese encephalitis 160, 352, 352f
vaccine 168
Jaundice 26f, 401, 419, 468, 507, 514, 827
congenital acholuric 687
detection of neonatal 311b
exaggerated physiologic 310
hemolytic 345
neonatal 280, 309, 309b, 310t, 311f, 312f
physiological 280, 309, 310f
types of 309
Jejunal biopsy 467
usefulness of 486b
Jejunal dilatation 422
Jejunojejunal bypass 513
Jelliffe's classification 205
Jelliffe's hypothesis 201
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome 534
Job syndrome 734
aspiration 766
hypermobile 792f
pain 553
space, vascularization of 701
tuberculosis of 841
Jugular vein puncture, external 858f
Jugular venous
pressure 32f, 519
pulse 543
Kahn syndrome 218
Kala-azar 73, 400, 401f
atypical clinical features of 400
clinical suspicion of 402
Kanamycin 927
Kangaroo mother care 288, 289, 289f, 289t
Kartagener syndrome 453, 534
Kasai hepatoportoenterostomy 827
Katori feeding 293
Kawasaki disease 26, 337, 432434, 517, 563, 738, 765, 771, 772, 772f, 773b
Kayser-Fleischer ring 31, 615
Keek's classification 34t
Keloid formation 162
Keratitis 406, 755
dendritic 802
ichthyosis-deafness syndrome 787
interstitial 802
Keratoconjunctivitis 421
Keratoconus 802
Keratomalacia 232
Kernicterus 310, 316
staging of 316b
Kernig's sign 37f
Kerosene oil poisoning 899, 899f
Ketamine 927
Ketoconazole 927
cream 406, 510
Ketogenic diet 610
Ketones 869
Ketotifen 927
Kidney 46, 294, 421
biopsy 672, 673b
congenital malformations of 656, 656b
failure, chronic 668
function tests 70, 762
injury, chronic 69
malformations of 566
polycystic disease of 656
transplant 738
Kinky hair disease 230, 614
Kishori Shakti Yojana 128
Klebsiella 425, 428, 452, 660, 707
pneumonia 302, 809
Klinefelter syndrome 45, 585, 642, 642f, 646, 712, 744, 745, 748, 751
Klippel-Feil syndrome 803
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome 789
Klumpke paralysis 268
Knee hemarthrosis, hemophilic 701f
Knock knee 236, 236f, 835, 848
physiological 237
Knuckles, hyperpigmentation of 686
Kocher-Debre-Semelaigne syndrome 626f, 633, 634f
Koebner response 795
Koilonychia 28, 28f
Koplik's spots 31, 336, 434
Kuffer cells 395
Kuppuswamy socioeconomic scale 23, 24t
Kussmaul breathing 25
Kwashiorkor 30, 200, 206, 207f, 208f, 209, 211t, 217, 518
grading of 207t, 209b
Kyasanur forest disease 349
Kyphosis 836
Labetalol 568, 927
Labyrinthitis 593
Lacatate dehydrogenase 521
Lacrimal system, diseases of 801
Lactate dehydrogenase 345, 397, 666
Lactation failure 190
complete 190
etiology of 190b
partial 190
Lactobacillus 427
bifidus 186
plantarum 474
rhamnosus 474
intolerance 69
tolerance test 467
Lactulose 927
Lagophthalmos 800, 802
Lamblia giardia 209, 517
Lamellar ichthyosis 787f
Lamivudine 321, 927
Lamotrigine 609, 927
Landau reflex 280
Landouzy-Dejerine disease 624
Lange skinfold calipers 52
Lange-Nielsen syndrome 529
Lansfield group, beta-hemolytic streptococci of 765
Lansoprazole 927
Larva migrans 411
Laryngeal diphtheria 368
Laryngeal edema 260
Laryngeal swab 381
Laryngoscopy, direct 440
Laryngotracheobronchitis 446
Larynx 813
L-asparaginase 927
Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome 513, 534, 631, 646, 651f
Lazy eye 804
Lazy leukocyte syndrome 734
Lead poisoning 685f
anemia of 685
Lead toxicity 681f
Learning disability
nonverbal 97
specific 97, 97b
Learning disorders 97
Least positive coombs test 694
Lecithin 175
Legs, physiological bowing of 237
Leigh disease 614
Leishmania antigen, combination of 403
Leishmania donovani 400, 402f, 403
life cycle of 401f
Leishmaniasis 400
manifestations of 400
Lemangiomatosis, benign neonatal 281
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome 606, 607
disease of 803
dislocation of 754
displacement of 803
Leprechaunism 54
Lepromatous leprosy 788, 788f
Leprosy 376, 787
Leptospira 375
Leptospirosis 345, 375, 376f, 597
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome 585
Lesion, localization of 573
Lethargy 421
Leukemia 343, 401, 432, 443, 712, 713b, 765
nonlymphoblastic 713, 715
nonlymphocytic 712
aleukemic 712
childhood 713b
lymphocytic 428
myelogenous 712, 713
myeloid 715, 716f
congenital 713, 716
development of 588
Leukocoria 803, 806
alkaline phosphatase 303
cells, total 343
dysfunction 707
reduced 398
Leukocytosis 343, 386
Leukodystrophy 81, 614, 620
Leukopenia 367, 386
Leukorrhea 124
Leuprorelin 927
Levamisole 927
Levetiracetam 609
Levocardia 563
Levothyroxine 927
Limb 28, 612
arteriovenous malformation of 54
girdle muscular dystrophy 624
leading causes of 840b
length discrepancy 769, 840
short 237
Lincomycin 477
Linear nevus syndrome 240, 616
Linezolid 455, 927
Linolenic acid 177
Lipid 202
myopathies 625
Lipidosis 518, 704
generalized 631
syndrome 513
antioxidant 177
high-density 648
low density 648, 749
Liposomal amphotericin-B 403
Lipoxygenase inhibitors 461
Lips, fissured 772
Listeria 306, 428, 707
monocytogenes 303, 424
Lithium 927
Little disease 589
Live attenuated vaccines 155
Liver 24, 46, 198, 219
abscess 397, 519, 520f
advanced 569
autoimmune 510, 513
biopsy 512, 516, 862, 863f
chronic onset 514
disease 240
disorder 507
flukes 409
function 506
tests 70, 508, 509, 517, 762
injury, drug-induced 518
insidious-onset 514
manifestations of 506, 507t
palpability of 34
primary 704
retinol 232
right lobe of 520f
signs of 506
span, normal 519b
symptoms of 506
tumors of 519, 720
veno-occlusive disease of 518
white 522
Liver failure
end-stage 523
fulminant 508
Liver transplantation 509, 516, 523, 524f
major indications of 523b
L-methyldopa 568
Loa loa 409
Lobar pneumonia 424, 449, 451f
Lock jaw 309
Loeffler syndrome 416
Loose motions 22b
Lopinavir 357
Loratadine 927
Lorazepam 608, 927
Low anion gap 256
Low birth weight 46, 69, 74, 91, 96, 120, 176, 197, 221, 235, 268, 319, 320, 322, 340, 355, 419, 464, 480, 748
infant 196, 285
extremely 389
feeding of 191
feeding problems of 291
Lower gastrointestinal bleeding, management of 500
Lower motor neuron 627
lesion 581
Lower respiratory tract infection 357, 358, 361, 424, 425, 444, 446, 449
Lugol iodine 636
Lumbar puncture 306, 398, 432, 573, 860, 860f, 861f
Lump, abdominal 399
Lung 892
abscess 456
biopsy 440
disease 260, 390
flukes 409
oligemic 541
sudden expansion of 531
surfactant 924
tap 440
ultrasonography 451
white-out 298
Lupus erythematosus 768
Luteinizing hormone 76, 645
Lyell syndrome 785
Lyme disease 765
Lymph node 28
biopsy 863
Lymphadenitis 415
simple 161
Lymphadenopathy 337, 354, 391, 400, 434, 688, 715, 767
axillary 29f, 375
generalized 421, 769
Lymphangioma 830
Lymphangitis 415
Lymphatic lymphangiosarcoma 723
Lymphedema 415
Lymphocytes 348
atypical 343
Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis 355
Lymphocytic thyroiditis 636
Lymphocytosis 370, 402
atypical 343
hepatic sinusoidal 399
growth 48
interstitial pneumonia, diffuse 354
tissues, central 729
Lymphoma 432, 518, 716, 773
virus 397
Lymphoproliferative disorder, malignant 400
Lymphoreticular system 198
Lymphoscintigraphy 415
Lysergic acid diethylamide 123
Lysosomal storage diseases 81, 754, 758
MacEwen's sign 30
Macroglobulins 768
Macroglossia 31, 812
Macrophage activation syndrome 769
Maculopapular rash 26f, 336, 343, 420
Magnesia, milk of 927, 928
Magnesium 202, 249, 464
dependent rickets 239, 240
hydroxide 927
sulfate 927
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy 295
Malabsorption states 477
Malabsorption syndrome 487
Malabsorptive rickets 238
Malabsorptive state 682, 685
Malaria 73, 308, 394f, 395f, 397b, 399b, 507
antigen specific immune unresponsiveness 395
chronic 395, 401
complicated 386, 395, 398
neonatal 308, 395
related immunosuppression 397
severe 395, 396t, 398
uncomplicated mixed 398
Malarial parasite 397, 397f
congenital 268
craniofacial 799
Malnutrition 143, 196, 201f, 203f, 219, 261, 380, 400, 428
acute 217
severe 9
adverse effect of 198b
complicated severe acute 212, 213
ecology of 196
malignant 206
mild-to-moderate 210
moderate acute 217
non-edematous 209
prevention of 219
severe acute 196, 212, 214217
treatment of severe acute 216
uncomplicated severe acute 212, 213
Malrotation 823
Mammoplasty 124
Manganese 247
Mannitol 593, 927
Mansonia 351
Mantoux test 200, 380b, 594
positive 380b
Maple syrup urine disease 755, 757
Marasmic kwashiorkor 210, 210f
Marasmus 26, 209, 209f, 211t, 217
Marble bone disease 696, 839
Marcus-Gunn jaw winking syndrome 800
Marfan syndrome 534, 765, 773, 837, 838f
Marijuana 123
Marrow replacement 680
Mastitis, physiological 281
Mastoid bone 32
Mastoiditis 365, 426
Maternal and child health services 136, 137b
Maternal disease 284, 320, 585
Maternal health status 285
Maternal malnutrition 284
Maternal medication 319, 534
Maternal mortality rate 12
Maternal syphilis 321, 421
Maternal systemic lupus erythematosus 564
Maternal toxoplasmosis, treatment of 420
Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome 656
McCarthy reflex 280
McCune-Albright syndrome 27, 631
McLaren classification 205
Mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration 681
volume 681
Measles 6, 10, 26f, 336, 434, 449
complications of 338b
hemorrhagic 337, 338
mumps, and rubella 156, 157, 160, 338
vaccine 166
severe 337
vaccination 165
Meatal stenosis 657, 829
Mebendazole 410412, 927
Mechanical ventilation 608, 864, 881, 881b, 882f, 890
Meckel's diverticulum 825
Meckel-Gruber syndrome 576
Meconium aspiration syndrome 299
Meconium ileus 825
Meconium plug syndrome 825
Mediastinal syndrome 726
Mediastinum, widened superior 378f
Medical Council of India 14
Medical rehabilitation 145
Medula, adrenal 638
Medullary disorders, adrenal 640
Medulloblastoma 721, 721f
Mefenamic acid 927
Mefloquine 398
Megacolon, congenital 802, 824
Megakaryocytes 704
adequacy of 704
Megaloblastic anemia 685, 686, 686f
Megalocornea 802
Megavitamin therapy 762
Meglumine antimonite 402
Melena 499
antioxidant 177
prolonged rupture of 322
Meningismus 332
Meningitis 306, 332, 365, 389, 455, 578, 591, 674
acute bacterial 592b
bacterial 592
chronic 389
Meningocele 270f, 575, 575f
Meningococcal infections 366, 367t
Meningococcal meningitis 366, 434, 592
Meningococcal vaccine 167
Meningococcemia 337, 366f, 434
chronic 367
Meningococcus 403, 692, 766
Meningoencephalitis 352, 386, 419, 596
Meningomyelocele 271f, 576, 576f
Menkes disease 230, 614
Menometrorrhagia 124
Menorrhagia 697
Menstrual problems 124
Mental age
assessment of 586
evaluation of 586b
Mental development index 681
Mental disability 69
Mental impairment 219
Mental retardation 420, 584, 597b, 695
mild 585
moderate 585
profound 585
severe 585
Mepacrine 404
Mercaptopurine 714, 927
Mercury poisoning 903
Mesenchymal disease 563
Mesobuthus tamulus 908
Metabolic acidemia 259
Metabolic acidosis 256, 259, 667
mild 259
significant 259
Metabolic alkalemia 259
Metabolic alkalosis 259
Metabolic bone disease 238, 241
Metabolic diseases 563
Metabolic disorder 80, 201, 317, 513, 523
Metabolic encephalopathy 613
Metabolic liver disease 511, 512b
Metabolic myopathies 625
Metabolic screening 323
Metabolism, inborn errors of 310, 519, 749, 753, 761
Metachromatic leukodystrophy 614
Metakelfin 927
Metalloporphyrins 313
Metaphyseal dysplasia 237
Metaphysis, intra-articular 766
Metformin 652, 927
Methedrine 123
Methemoglobinemia 695
Methenamine mandelate 927
Methicillin 560, 927
Methimazole 636
Methotrexate 510, 513, 768, 785, 927
Methyl prednisolone 770
Methylbenzyl esters of leucine 403
Methyldopa 510, 694, 927
Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase deficiency 686
Methylmalonic acidemia 757
Methylprednisolone 705, 927
Metoclopramide 928
Metolazone 568
Metoprolol 928
Metronidazole 404, 405, 928
Microcolon 422
Microcornea 802
Microfilaria 409
demonstration of 415
Microgamete penetrates 393
Micrognathia 271, 812
Microminerals 175
Micronutrient 172, 175, 244, 293, 481
deficiency 218
correction of 214
interactions 250
supplements 214
Micropenis 643, 643f
Microphthalmia 420422, 695, 799
anterior 802
Microsporum furfur 782
Microvillous inclusion disease 504
Midazolam 608, 928
Midday Meal Program 220
Middle east respiratory syndrome 361, 464
Midparental height 75
Migraine 582
abdominal 607
Mikulicz disease 817
Milia 281
Miliaria rubra 337, 783
Miliary tuberculosis 378, 378f, 593
cereal mixture 474
composition of 186
expression, steps of 191
feeding, alternative methods of 292
mature 186t
thiamine level 225
transitional 186, 186t
Millennium development goals 13
Miller-Fischer syndrome 584
Miller-Fisher variant 579
Milrinone 533
Miltefosine 403
Mimeae 427, 428
Minerals 45, 172, 208, 210, 244
daily requirement for 175t
minor 244
rich source of 179f
Minoxidil 126, 568, 928
Miosis, congenital 802, 824
Missense mutation 741
Mission Indradhanush 5, 6, 154f
Mission Kishore Uday 4, 4b, 128
Mitochondrial disease 578
Mitochondrial disorders 743, 754
Mitomycin C 928
test 695
Mitosis 741
Mitral regurgitation 555
Mitral stenosis 32, 556
juvenile 556
Mitral valve 543
Mitral valvotomy 556
Mobius syndrome 577
Modus operandi 56, 470, 470b
Molecular genetic markers 627
Molluscum contagiosum 792, 793f
Molybdenum 248
Mongolian spots 26, 281, 281f
Mongoloid slant 31
Monilial diarrhea 305
Moniliasis 304, 498f, 783
Monoarthritis 766
Monocytes 730
infectious 337, 342, 343b, 434, 703
syndrome, chronic 343, 851
Monoplegia 580
Monosaccharide malabsorption 490
Montelukast 461
Moon facies 208f
Moraxella catarrhalis 444, 462
Moro reflex 278, 279f
Morphea 771
Morphine 903, 928
Morquio syndrome 73, 761f
Mortality index 4, 12
Mortality rate
infant 4, 6, 12
under-5 4
Mosaicism 587, 745, 748
Mosquito's stomach 393
Mother and child protection card 55
Motility diarrhea 468
Motor neuron disorders 619
Mouth and throat 31
Movement disorders 583
Moxiactum 928
Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis 400
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome 772
Mucopolysaccharidosis 45, 73, 75, 518, 519, 521, 529, 754, 759, 760t
types of 634
Mucor 425, 428
Mucormycosis 390, 707
Mucosa 26
bleeding 696
Mucosal biopsy specimen 407
Mucosal bleeding 697
Mucosal enteropathy 504
Mucosal leukoplakia 695
Mucoviscidosis 488
Multibacillary leprosy 789
Multicystic dysplastic kidneys 754
resistant 381, 789
resistant strains 452
account of emergence of 373
therapy 789
Multivitamin drops 293
Mumps 339, 340f
complications of 340b
Munchausen syndrome 112, 113
Mupirocin 928
Murmurs 33
diastolic 561f
pansystolic 555f
continuous 34, 539b
diastolic 34, 529
ejection systolic 33
hemic 681
innocent 34, 528
machinery 34, 539
Muscle 433
biops 627
dystrophies 622
pains 375
weakness 580
Muscular dystrophy 622
scapulohumeral 624
Musset's sign 557
Mutation 741
Myalgia 402
Myalgic encephalomyelitis 851
Myasthenia gravis 621, 738
juvenile 621
Mycobacteria 376
Mycobacterial infections 376
Mycobacterium 428
abscessus 376
avium-intracellulare complex 376
leprae 376, 787
marinum 376
tuberculosis 377, 381, 425, 449, 593
Mycophenolate mofetil 770
Mycoplasma 303, 433
pneumonia 444, 449, 455, 462, 692, 707
Mycosis 416
Mydriasis, congenital 802
acute 581
transverse 332, 333
Myelodysplasia 575
Myelofibrosis 708
Myelography 574
Myeloid leukemia
acute 713
juvenile chronic 715, 715f
Myelomeningocele 576f
Myeloperoxidase deficiency 734
Myelopoiesis 686
Myocardial depression 525
Myocardial infarction 773
Myocarditis 367, 372, 386, 402, 563, 767, 772
causes of 563t
form of 773
Myoclonic absences 606
Myoclonic astatic seizures 606
Myoclonic epilepsy 607
infantile 607
Myoclonic seizures 610
Myoclonus 583
Myoglobinuria 659
Myopathy 754
centronuclear 621
congenital 621, 621b
inflammatory 626
Myopia 755, 804
Myositis 772
Myotonia dystrophica 624
Myotonic muscular dystrophy 624, 624f
Myotubular myopathy 621
Nabarrow's thinners chart 198
Nada's criteria 529b
Naegleria fowleri 406
Naegleria, ameba of 406
Nafcillin 554
Nagayama spots 341
atrophy of 246
biting 108
dystrophy 695
ringworm infection of 782, 783f
Nalidixic acid 582, 928
Naloxone 928
Nandrolone 928
Napier test 402
Naproxen 768, 928
Narcolepsy 109, 126
Narcotic analgesics 693
Nasal diphtheria 368
Nasal polyps 812
Nasal septum, deviated 80
Nasobronchial allergy 439
Nasolacrimal duct
blockade 282
obstruction 801
Nasopharyngeal swabs 421
Nasopharyngitis, acute 444
Natal teeth 282, 282f
National Center Health Statistics 55
National Family Health Survey 196, 679
National Health Mission 5, 5b, 128, 137, 137f
National Health Policy 6, 139
National Health Protection Scheme 6
National Neonatology Forum 13
National Nosocomial Infection Surveillance 424
National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau 178t
National Nutrition Policy 149, 221
National Nutrition Programs 149, 219
National Plan of Action and Nutrition 221
National Rural Health Mission 5, 135, 137, 154
structure, pyramid representation of 6f
National Tuberculosis Control Program, revised 384
National Urban Health Mission 5, 137
National Vector-Borne Disease Control Program 397
National Wilms’ Tumor Study 719
Natural infection, risks of 161
Near-infrared spectroscopy 886
Nebulizer therapy 460f
Necator americanus 409, 412
Neck 32
rigidity 612
Necrosis, adrenal 638
Necrotizing enterocolitis 176, 307, 307f, 308, 308f, 825
Neisseria 692
gonorrhoeae 304, 444, 559, 801
meningitidis 366, 366f, 444, 707
Nelfinavir 357
Nematodes 409
Neomycin 928
Neonatal care 267
Neonatal cholestasis
differential diagnosis of 516b
syndrome 313, 510, 515, 516f, 517f
Neonatal deaths 12f
Neonatal infections, serious 267
Neonatal intensive care unit 276, 319, 424
Neonatal mortality
late 4
rate 4, 6, 11, 12
Neonatal respiratory distress 297f
causes of 296t
Neonatal resuscitation 275, 275b
program 271
Neonatal seizures 316, 606, 607
etiology of 316b
Neonatal sepsis
early-onset 305
late onset 305
Neonates blood 420
clinches 420
Neonates born preterm 683
Neoplasm 799
Neoplastic disease 433, 562
Neostigmine 928
Nephrin 671
Nephritic syndrome 518
Nephritis 46
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 630, 665
Nephrology 655
Nephron 655, 655f
Nephropathy 396
Nephrotic syndrome 46, 365, 655, 671, 672b, 672f, 675b, 675f, 707
congenital 671b
idiopathic 671
Nephrotoxicity 402
Nephrotoxin 259
biopsy 627
studies 575
velocity 627
growth factor 45
palsy 772
Netilmicin sulfate 306, 452, 928
Nettle rash 784f
Neural growth 48
Neural tube defects 80, 271, 575, 575b
risk of 575b
Neuraminidase inhibitors 359
retrobulbar 806
traumatic 332, 333
Neuroblastoma 566, 640, 713, 719, 720f
Evans clinical staging system for 720b
Neurocutaneous syndrome 607, 615
Neurocysticercosis 411, 414, 602
Neurodegenerative disorders 613
Neurofibromatosis 615
Neurogenic bladder 657
Neurogenic tissues, biopsy of 574
Neurologic assessment 322
Neurologic failure, warning signs for 876t
Neurologic theory 100
Neurological disorders 627
Neurological signs, soft 94, 573, 573b
Neurological syndromes 352
Neurology 573
Neuromuscular diseases 563
congenital 295
Neuromuscular disorder 619, 627
Neuromuscular junction disorders 620
Neuromuscular transmission disorders 620
Neuromyelitis optica 614
Neuronitis 339
autonomic 626
giant axonal 620
hereditary 620
motor-sensory 620
Neuropsychiatric syndrome, acute-onset 111
Neurotic depressive disorders 122
Neurotuberculosis 593
Neutropenia 389, 402, 707
chronic benign 707
classification of 707t
congenital chronic 734
cyclic 707
febrile 707, 725
isoimmune neonatal 734
major types of 708b
prolonged 390
Neutropenic colitis 477
chemotaxis of 730
defects 734
Nevirapine 192, 321, 356
conjunctival 802
simplex 281
Newborn care unit, special 140
Newborn stabilization unit 140
Nezelof syndrome 732, 733
Niacin 226
Nicardipine 568
Nickel 248
Niclosamide 411, 582, 928
Nicotinamide 226
Nicotine 72
Nicotinic acid 226
cells 759f
disease 518, 519, 585, 614, 696, 759
Nifedipine 568, 771, 928
Night blindness 231, 232, 804
Nikethamide 928
Nikolsky's sign 785, 786f, 791
Nimesulide 928
Nimodipine 295
Nipah virus 360
discharge 125
retracted 188
Nitazoxanide 404, 405, 410, 411
Nitrazepam 609, 928
Nitric oxide 928
Nitrites 123
Nitroblue tetrazolium 734
Nitrofurans 693
Nitrofurantoin 510, 582, 928
Nitroglycerine 532, 568
Nitroprusside 532
Nocardia 428
Nocturnal enuresis 692
Noma neonatorum 305
Nonaccidental injury 111
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 712, 718
St Jude's clinical staging system of 718b
Nonimmunological disorders 687
Noninfectious conjunctivitis 801
Noninvasive positive-pressure respiratory 890
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia 574
Nonketotic hyperosmolar coma 647
Nonnutritive suckling 294
Nonparasitized erythrocytes 394
Non-pathogenic neisseria 428
Nonretractable foreskin 283
Nonretractable prepuce 283
Nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia 310
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 341, 671, 693, 702, 765, 768
Nontoxic household products 899b
Non-tuberculous collapse 377
Noonan syndrome 31, 32, 54, 73, 534, 642
Noradrenaline 638
Norepinephrine 886, 928
Norfloxacin 928
Normocytic normochromic anemia 399
Nose 31
accidents involving 148
disorders 812
Nosebleeds 812
Nosocomial infections 424, 424b, 425, 890
types of 424t
Nosocomial infectious diseases 363
Notched central incisors 421
Noxious extra-erythrocytic factors 687
Nuclear cytoplasmic antibody-positive vasculitis 738
Nucleic acid amplification test, cartridge-based 381
phosphorylase 735
reverse transcriptase inhibitors 357
Nucleotides 174, 177
Nursing bottle caries 817f
Nutrients, classes of 172
Nutrition 474, 667
maternal 46
pharmacology 177
pharmacotherapy 177
program 219
rehabilitation center 210, 212
shady lady of 241
Nutritional anemia 680, 684f
prophylaxis program 220
Nutritional antioxidants 177
Nutritional balance 398
Nutritional Blindness Prevention Program 220
Nutritional Care and Counseling 127
Nutritional deficits 256
Nutritional dermatoses 795t
Nutritional diseases 563
Nutritional dystrophy 849
Nutritional education 219
Nutritional interventions 462
Nutritional marasmus 200
Achar's grading of 209t
Nutritional recovery syndrome 217
Nutritional rehabilitation 70, 216b
Nutritional requirements 172
Nutritional rickets 234
Nutritional status 146
assessment of 197, 198b
Nutritional stunting 10f, 72
Nutritional supplements 293
Nutritional survey 55
Nyctalopia 804
Nystagmoid movement 612
Nystagmus 31
Nystatin 928
Obese child 649
Obesity 77, 122, 221, 650f, 652t
childhood 10f
comorbidities of 122
constitutional 650
endogenous 650
etiology of 650b
exogenous 650
four somatic types of 651b
grading of 649t
duodenal 823
intestinal 262, 271, 588
Obstructive biliary tract disease 523
Obstructive sleep apnea 31, 813
Occipital encephalocele 270f
Occipitofrontal circumference 28, 51, 81
Occupations hazards 142
Octreotide 652, 928
Oculocephalic response 612
Oculomotor nerve 36
Ofloxacin 374, 928
Oilier disease 722
Olanzapine 928
Olfactory nerve 36
Oligoarthritis 767
Oliguria, prolonged 663
Omeprazole 928
Omphalitis 305
Onchocerca volvulus 409
Oncology 712
Onychomycosis 782
Oocyte 393, 420
Open bite 816
Open care system 290
Ophitoxemia 906
examination 322
manifestations 512
problems 798
Opiate poisoning 903
Oppositional defiant disorder 109
Opsonin function 736
Optic atrophy 807
primary 807
secondary 807
Optic nerve 36
diseases 806
Optic neuritis 806
Optic neuroretinitis 806
Optimal strip test 397
Oral antileishmanial drug 402
Oral cavity 433, 812
Oral chelating agents 691
Oral cholera vaccine 168
Oral contraceptives 126
Oral digitalizing, total 533t
Oral digoxin 533
Oral endothelium receptor antagonists 569
Oral hygiene 817
Oral iron therapy 683
Oral moniliasis 498
Oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors 569
Oral polio
vaccine 156159, 162, 162f, 170, 332
virus 160
Oral rehydration 478
solution 11, 257, 479, 479f, 480
cereal-based 480b
low osmolarity 479t
therapy 471
Oral therapy 682
Oral thrush 304, 498
Oral typhoid vaccine 167
Oral-facial-digital syndrome 834
Orbicularis muscle 800
Orbital cellulitis 799, 799f
staging of 799t
Orbital diseases 798
Orbital hemorrhage 799
Orbital infection pseudotumor 433
Orchitis 415
epididymitis 340
Orciprenaline 928
Organic acidurias 756, 757t
Organic epilepsy 606
causes of 606b
Organic phosphate poisoning 900
Organic proteinuria 658
Organic theory 100
Organogenesis 43, 573
Orientia tsutsugamushi 385
Ornidazole 404, 405
Orthopedic problems 126, 773, 834
Orthophoria 803
Orthoptic treatment 804
Orthostatic proteinuria 658
Ortolani sign 836
Osler-Weber-Rendu disease 790
Osmotic diarrhea 468, 470, 483
Osmotic fragility test 690
Osteitis 421
Osteochondritis 421, 839, 840, 840t
Osteogenesis imperfecta 836, 837, 837f
tarda 837f
Osteoid 234
Osteomalacia 234
Osteomyelitis 364, 365, 389, 426, 674, 840
acute 332, 766, 840
chronic 841
occult 433
Osteopetrosis 696, 839, 839f
Osteoporosis 234
Osteosarcoma 722, 722f
Otitic hydrocephalus 600
Otitis externa 809
Otitis media 339, 365, 426, 578
acute 216, 364, 452, 462, 468, 809, 810f
chronic 810
Outpatient therapeutic program 217
Overgrowth, fetal 77
Overnutrition 46, 196
Overweight 77, 649
Oxacillin 928
Oxalosis 523
Oxcarbazepine 609
saturation 276
toxicity 890
Oxygenation, physiology of 881
Oxymetholone 928
Oxytetracycline 930
ejection reflex 185f
milk ejection reflex 185
Oxyuriasis 410
Packed cell volume 396, 675, 679
Packed red blood cells 911
abdominal 468, 769
chronic abdominal 502
epigastric 524
growing 850
pattern, classical 503b
Palady feeding 293
Palamnaeus swammerdami 908
Palivizumab 928
Palliative surgery 542
Palsy, double elevator 803
P-aminosalicylic acid 693
Pancreas 198
Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy 463
Pancreatic stenting 525
Pancreatin 928
Pancreatitis 339, 402, 409, 523
chronic 523
Pancytopenia 695, 696f
degree of 399
Panhypogammaglobulinemia 732
Panhypopituitarism 73
Panophthalmitis 232, 803
Pansystolic murmur 33
Pantothenic acid 226
Papilledema 806
Papillitis 806
Papovirus 428
Papule 334, 780
Para-amino salicylate 928
Para-aminobenzoic acid 187
Para-aminosalicylate 383
Paracentesis, abdominal 862
Paracetamol 928
poisoning 509
toxicity 509, 901, 901b
Parachute reflex 280
Paradoxical breathing 25
Paradoxical irritability 24
Paragonimus westermani 409
Parainfluenza 449
Paraldehyde 928
Paralysis, hysterical 111
Paralytic strabismus 803
Paramyxovirus 339
Paranasal sinuses 391
Paraphimosis 657, 829
Paraplegia 580
clinical features of 581b
etiology of 580b
Paraplegia, traumatic 581
Parasight F test 397
Parasitemia, asymptomatic 394
diarrhea 469
disease 6, 414
infections 563
infestations 11
Parasitosis 606
intestinal 69, 73
Parathormone 241, 637
Parathyroid 637
hormone 637
myopathy 625
Paratracheal adenitis 377
Paratyphoid fever 372
Parental anxiety 280
Parental education 46, 649
Parental positive attitudes 90
Parenteral chelation agent 691
Parenteral nutrition 293, 424
complications of 294t
total 389, 491, 510, 513, 516, 518, 523
Parenteral therapy 683
Paromomycin 928
Parotitis 339
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 564
Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria 695
Paroxysmal neurologic disorders, evaluation of 574
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria 696
Partial seizures, simple 607
Partial thromboplastin time 398, 697
Particle aerosol generator, small 448
Passive immunization 155
immunoglobulin for 156t
Patau syndrome 31, 745, 746f, 748
Patella, dislocation of 835
Patent ductus arteriosus 297, 303, 420, 528, 532, 539, 540f, 543, 570
Patent foramen ovale 538
Pathological jaundice 310
Patulous lips 422
Pauciarticular disease 768
Paucibacillary leprosy 789
Pauci-immune crescentic glomerulonephritis 663
Paul-Bunnell test 343
Peak expiratory flow
meter 457
rate 458
Pectus carinatum 235, 235f
Pectus excavatum 236, 755
Pedal edema 208f
advanced life support 878, 885
ambulatory life support 876
arrhythmias, etiology of 564b
ascites, etiology of 521b
basic life support 876
deafness, etiology of 811b
diabetes mellitus 647b
education 14, 14f
fractures 843
handicap, etiology of 145t
heart failure, stepwise treatment of 533b
hematuria, noteworthy causes of 659b
hepatomegaly, causes of 518b
human immunodeficiency virus
infection, classification of 355b
risk factors for 354b
World Health Organization Clinical Staging of 355b
hypertension, staging of 565b
intensive care unit 389, 424, 891
malaria, management of 398b
malignancy 428t
obesity 652f
procedures 855
Sports Medicine Program 842
stroke 577
thrombosis 708b
tuberculosis 462
diagnosis of 382f, 383f
vasculitides, three groups of 771b
Pediculosis 782, 782f
capitis 782
corporis 782
pubic 782
Pedigree chart 743, 743f
Pel-Ebstein fever 25, 717
Pellagra 226f
Pelvic inflammatory disease 121
Pelviureteric junction stenosis 657
Pemphigus 791, 792f
foliaceus 791
vulgaris 791
Pendred syndrome 636
Penicillamine 126, 771, 928
Penicillin 416, 694, 780, 785, 928
Penile problems 125
Pentamidine 406
isothionate 402
Pentavalent antimonials 402
Percutaneous liver biopsy 508
Perhexiline 513
Perianal abscess 826
Perianal erythema 35f
Periarteritis 770
Pericardial effusion 525, 562f
Pericardial puncture 862
Pericardiocentesis 562
Pericarditis 367, 561, 767, 769, 772, 773
causes of 562b
constrictive 518, 562
Periconceptional folic acid 577, 750
asphyxia 267, 294
infection 303
mortality 11
rate 4, 12
Periodic breathing 25
Periodic syndrome 110
Periorbital cellulitis 365, 799
Periorbital edema 208f
Periostitis 332
Peripheral B cell lymphocytosis 399
Peripheral blood
cytokine-mobilized 709
film 397, 696, 867, 867f
Peripheral facial palsy 578
Peripheral lymphoid tissues 729
Peripheral neuropathies 620
general characteristic of 620b
Peripheral precocious puberty 644
Peritoneal dialysis 916, 916f
chronic 676
ambulatory 676
cycling 676
Peritonitis 364, 378, 455, 674
Periungual desquamation 772
Peroral jejunal biopsy 485, 485f-487f
Peroxisomal disorders 754
Persistent asthma, management of 461
Persistent diarrhea 468, 480, 480b, 481b, 481t, 482f
Persistent ductus arteriosus 534
Persistent jaundice 309
Persistent neonatal myasthenia gravis 621
Persistent pulmonary hypertension 297, 300, 322
Persistent pupillary membrane 803
Personal social behavior 91
Perthes’ disease 765, 766, 841
Pertussis 369
complications of 371b
toxin 370
Pervasive developmental disorders 100
Pes planovalgus 848
Petechiae 420, 700
development of 697
Petechial hemorrhages suggest 433
Peters anomaly 802
Pethidine 929
Peyer's patches 372
Pfeiffer syndrome 79, 798
Phagocytic response 729
Phakomatoses 615
Pharmacotherapy 313, 371, 404, 405, 410, 413, 473, 919
Pharyngeal tonsils, hypertrophy of 446
acute 445
complications of 445b
Pharyngotonsillitis, acute 445
Phenacetin 694
Phencyclidine 123
Pheniramine maleate 929
Phenobarbital 320, 785, 929
Phenothiazine 431
toxicity 902
Phentolamine 568
Phenylbutazone 696, 785
Phenylketonuria 45, 80, 96, 585, 742, 749, 754, 754f, 761, 771
Phenylpyruvic acid 869
Phenytoin 320, 609, 706, 929
Pheochromocytoma 566, 640, 641
Phimosis 657, 829
physiological 283
Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis 802
Phlyctenules 802
Phocomelia 834, 834f
Phosphocholine analog 403
Phosphodiesterase enzyme inhibitor 886
Phosphorus 180, 202, 293, 464
Photophobia 31, 246
Phototherapy 311, 312f, 864
fiberoptic 312
indications of 311t
Physiologic phimosis 829
Pica 104
Pierre Robin syndrome 31, 271, 269f
Pigeon chest deformity 235, 235f
Pilocarpine iontophoresis 439
Pilonidal sinus 826
Pingueculum 801
Pink revolution 250
Pinworm 410
Piperacillin 452
Piperazine 929
Piracetam 929
Piroxicam 768, 929
Pistol shot sounds 557
Pitting edema 28f
Pituitary deficiencies, multiple 631
Pituitary disease 633
Pituitary dwarfism 73, 634
Pituitary hormones 631
metabolism of 631
Pityriasis 783f
alba 780
Pityrosporon ovale 794
Placenta, examination of 421
Placental dysfunction 284
Plantago ovatum 473
Plantar reflex 280
determination of 232
viral load 357
Plasmapheresis 694, 705
Plasminogen activators 698
aldolase test 397
vivax 393
Plastic abdominal tuberculosis 378
Platelet 911
autoantibody-mediated consumption of 703
count 698, 867
derived growth factor 45
Platynychia 28
Plethoric lung 537
Pleural effusion 377, 454, 455f, 769
Pleural tap 861
Pleural transudate 454t
Plucked bird disease 759
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 164
Pneumococcal infections 365
Pneumococcal meningitis 592
Pneumococcal pneumonia 452
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 160, 165, 675
Pneumococcus 365, 365f, 403, 444, 447, 449, 601, 732, 766
Pneumocystis 428
carinii 354, 422, 425, 428, 439, 732
jirovecii 449
pneumonia 452
Pneumoencephalography 574
Pneumonia 32, 260, 386, 401, 439, 449, 452b, 766, 767, 882
bacterial 450b
chronic 451b, 452b
community-acquired 451
interstitial 12, 449
neonatal 301
recurrent 451b, 452b, 523
white 421
Pneumonitis 339, 449
Pneumothorax 260, 298, 302
Podophyllotoxin 792
Poikilocytosis 686
Poisoning 896t
accidental 896
agents, groups of 897t
atropine 353, 903
barbiturate 901
belladonna 903
hydrocarbon 899
Poisonous snakes, types of 906
Polio 6
National Immunization Days 154
vaccine 162
inactivated 159, 163, 170, 332
injectable 158, 162, 365
Poliomyelitis 260, 331
differential diagnosis of 332t
Polyangitis 773
Polyarteritis 433
infantile 772
nodosa 344, 765, 770, 771
Polyarthritis 339, 551, 766, 767, 769
nodosa 773
Polychromasia 694
Polycystic ovary syndrome 513
Polycythemia 709
benign familial 709
neonatal 864
primary 709
relative 709
secondary 709
treatment of secondary 709
vera 709
Polydipsia 630, 657
Polyethylene glycol 494
Polygenic inheritance 742
Polygraphic monitoring 440
Polyhexamethyl biguanide 406
Polymerase chain reaction 192, 349, 351, 361, 381, 390, 397, 402, 420, 422, 439
Polymicrobial infection 522
Polymorphisms 741
leukocyte 521, 679, 769
response 768
Polymorphs, hypersegmented 686
Polypoid 745
acute 620
chronic inflammatory demyelinating 620
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 175
Polyuria 630, 657
Pomade acne 794
Poncet's disease 766
Ponderal index 200
Pontine glioma 721
Porencephalic cysts 577f
Pork tapeworm 414
Porphyria cutanea tarda 771
Portal thrombosis 313
Portopulmonary hypertension 569
Port-wine stain, extensive 790f
Poshan Abhiyan 221
goals of 221b
Positive pressure ventilation 272, 273, 275, 276
Post liver transplantation, complications of 524f
Postexposure prophylaxis 163, 169t, 354
Postextubation care 883
Postictal paralysis 608
Postnatal experiential disruptions 585
Postnatal growth
curves 48b
types of 47f
patterns 47
Postnatal hypoxia 295
Postnatal neonatal infections, prevention of 304b
Postnatal overgrowth 77
Postnatal transport 319
Postneonatal infection 304
Postpartum hemorrhage 569
residual deformities 332f
syndrome 332
Poststreptococcal disease 773
Posttransplant autoimmune hepatitis 513
Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder 524
Postural proteinuria 658
Potassium 180, 201, 249, 255
chloride 929
intake, reduced 257
related periodic paralysis 625
renal loss of 258b
Potts’ operation 542
Poverty 46
Prader-Willi syndrome 513, 651f
Pralidoxime 929
Pranlukast 461
Praziquantel 411, 414, 929
Prazosin 908, 929
Preauricular pits 657
Prebiotics 177
Precocious puberty 54, 644, 644f
central 644
true 644
Prednisolone 636, 705, 929
plus hydroxychloroquine, low-dose 770
Predominantly distal muscle weakness 627
Pregnancy, teenage 123
Premenstrual syndrome 124
Preseptal cellulitis 799
Preventable mental retardation 585
Priapism 829
Prickly heat 783
Primaquine 403, 929
Prime Minister's Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition 221
Primidone 609, 929
Primitive neonatal reflexes 278
Primitive sarcoma 723
Primordial dwarfism 72
Probenecid 929
Probiotics 177, 474, 482
Procarbazine 717
Prochlorperazine 929
Progeria 761f, 771
Progesterone 320
Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis 510
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 707
Progressive neurologic diseases 164
Progressive pallor 395, 680
Progressive pulmonary fibrosis 890
Progressive varicella syndrome 335
Prolactin 631
milk secreting reflex 184
secreting reflex 185f
Promethazine 929
Prominent triangular philtrum 422
Propamide isethionate 406
Prophylactic antibiotics 708
Prophylactic penicillin, administration of 688
Prophylaxis 332, 369, 374, 386, 400, 403, 449, 605, 693
pre-exposure 169, 354
Propionate metabolism disorders 757
Propionibacterium acnes 794
Proportionate short stature 72
Propranolol 320, 533, 568, 582, 636, 663
Proptosis 799
Prostacyclin analogs 569
Prostaglandin inhibitors, role of 473
Protease inhibitors 357b
Protein 172, 173, 202
daily requirement for 173t
derivative, purified 380
energy malnutrition, chronic 72
nutritional deficiency of 45
quality indices 173b
reference 173
synthesis, control of 224
Protein-energy malnutrition 9, 98, 176, 196, 200, 203, 204, 204b, 205, 206, 209f, 221, 451, 484, 585, 627, 683
anemia of 683
complications of 210
evolution of 201
management of 210
Protein-losing enteropathy 490
etiology of 490b
Proteinuria 658, 772
acquired tubular 658
benign 658
differential diagnosis of 672b
febrile 658
glomerular 658
hereditary tubular 658
Proteus mirabilis 809
Prothrombin consumption 701
Prothrombin time 345, 398, 697, 698
Proton pump inhibitor 496
Protozoa 870f
Protozoal infection 393
Protozoal infestations 393
Protuberant abdomen 847
Pseudarthrosis, congenital 835
Pseudoachondroplasia 839
Pseudoascites 521
Pseudocryptorchidism 643
Pseudodeficiency rickets 239
Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride 929
Pseudohermaphroditism 645
female 645
male 645
types of 645
Pseudohydrophobia 353
Pseudohypertelorism 633, 798
Pseudohypoparathyroidism 54, 637, 649
Pseudomembranous colitis 478f
Pseudomonas 306, 427, 428, 660
aeruginosa 304, 424, 452, 707, 802, 809, 840
infection 305
meningitis 592
pneumonia 452
Pseudoparalysis 229, 332, 421, 770
Pseudoparalytic ileus 257
Pseudoprecocious puberty 644
Pseudosclerodermas 771
Pseudotumor cerebri 217, 600, 680
Psoas abscess 379f
Psoriasis 765, 794, 795f
Psoriatic arthritis 767
disorder 96, 113
manifestations 512
Psychogenic vision problems 804
Psychological rehabilitation 145
Psychometric tests 574
epilepsy 607
retardation 420
Psychosis 353
chloroquine-induced 902
development 143, 278
dwarfism 72
interventions 123
Psychotic depressive disorders 122
Psyllium seed 473
Pterygium 801
Ptosis 800
Pubertal staging 75
Puberty 71
changes 117
delayed 644, 645b
goiter 122
growth spurt, three phases of 119b
spurt 118
Puffy eyelids 633
Pulmonary abscesses 455
Pulmonary arterial hypertension 536, 537, 543, 569
Pulmonary ascariasis 409
Pulmonary atresia 303, 534
Pulmonary candidiasis 452
Pulmonary cryptococcosis 390
Pulmonary edema 260, 556, 667
noncardiogenic 396
Pulmonary embolism 260, 708
Pulmonary eosinophilia, tropical 415
Pulmonary function tests 440
serial 627
Pulmonary hemorrhage 298, 707
Pulmonary hydatid disease 414
Pulmonary hypertension 569
Pulmonary stenosis 534, 540, 550
severity of 543
Pulmonary toxicity, late 718
Pulmonary vascular resistance 300, 536
Pulmonary vein 531
Pulse 24, 25
oximetry 274, 274b, 892
polio 163
steroids 771
Pupil 31
constriction of 803
white 803
constriction, failure of 433
reflex 396
Pure red cell anemia, constitutional 695
Purine and pyrimidine metabolism, disorders of 759
Purpura 339, 443, 697
fulminans 212f, 707, 707f
Purulent pericarditis 455
Pustule 334, 780
Pyelogram, intravenous 656, 660
Pyelonephritis 73, 660
chronic 566
Pyloric stenosis 69, 224, 262
congenital hypertrophic 821, 821f
Pyodermas 304, 784, 785
classification of 784t
Pyogenic arthritis, features of 766
Pyogenic liver abscess 519, 520f
Pyogenic meningitis 738
agewise etiology of 592b
Pyopneumothorax 455
Pyramidal signs 722
Pyrantel pamoate 410412
Pyrazinamide 383, 384, 929
prolonged 431
short 431
Pyribenzamine 929
Pyridoxine 227, 684, 929
Pyrimethamine 420, 930
combination of 420
Pyruvate kinase deficiency 694
Pyrvinium 929
QT syndrome
long 565
prolonged 107
Quadriplegia 580
Quaker upper arm circumference stick method 199b, 199f
Quartan 433
Quetlet index 200
Quinidine 564, 694
Quinine 320, 399, 929
adverse drug reactions of 398
based regimen 398
imtravenous infusion 398
Quotidian 433
Rabies 353
categories of 169t
encephalitic 353
Race 45
Rachitic rosary 235, 235f
Radial club hand 834
Radiant warmer 290
Radiation, ionizing 712
Radioactive iodine 633
Radiofrequency ablation techniques 570
Radioimmunoassay 345, 381
Radioiodine 636
Radionuclide angiography 530
Radionuclide hepatobiliary scintigraphy 516
Radio-opaque ingestants 897b
Rainbow revolution 181, 250
Ramipril 929
Ranitidine 929
Rapid diagnostic tests 376, 397
Rash 338
distribution of 434b
Rat-bite fever 433
Rational drug therapy 921
promotion of 921
Raynaud's phenomenon 771
Reactive arthritis 765, 766
Berlin criteria for diagnosis of 766b
Recessive gene 742
Recklinghausen's disease 582
Rectal biopsy 824
Rectourethral fistula 825
Recurrent abdominal pain, organic 503
Red blood cells 43, 395, 680, 692
count 867
Red cell
aplasia, selective 680
distribution width 681
precursors 685
transketolase level 225
Red flag signs 286, 287, 734
Reed-Sternberg cell 716
Refeeding edema 217
Refeeding syndrome 218, 218b
Reflexes 612
deep tendon 573
Reflexia, asymptomatic 580
Refractive errors 804
Refractory ascites 522
Refractory heart failure 533
Refractory rickets 239, 241f
diagnosis of 240t
Refractory seizures 608
Refractory status epilepticus 607
Refsum disease 614, 620
Regan-Lowe medium 370
Regressive encopresis 106
Rehabilitation 145
Rehydration therapy, conventional 471
Relapse 375, 673
Relapsing fever 25
Remittent fever 25
Renal acidosis 46
Renal agenesis 656
bilateral 656
unilateral 656
Renal artery stenosis 566
Renal cortical necrosis 396
Renal disease 420, 612
chronic 668
end-stage 660, 661, 664, 676, 707
Renal disorders 655
Renal dysfunction 402
Renal dystrophy 240
Renal failure 306, 386, 389
acute 262, 473, 666
chronic 73, 656, 668, 707
Renal function tests 567
Renal impairment 396
Renal losses, high 257
Renal osteodystrophy 239, 675, 676f
Renal radionuclide scan 567
Renal replacement therapy, continuous 668
Renal rickets 239
Renal sodium losses 256
Renal stone 828
Renal transplantation 669, 676
Renal tuberculosis 379
Renal tubular
acidosis 69, 73, 239, 241, 259, 655, 664, 665t
disorders 664
Renal tumors 566
Renal vein thrombosis 566, 708
Replacement therapy 700
Reproductive and Child Health Program 5, 139, 154
Reproductive tract infection 139
Reserpine 663, 929
Residential nutrition rehabilitation center 212
Resistant giardiasis 404
Resistant rickets 239
Respiration 24, 25
muscles of 892
pattern of 612
acidemia 260
acidosis 260
alkalemia 260
alkalosis 260
syndrome, severe acute 361, 464
system examination 33t
Respiratory disease 569
manifestations of 440
Respiratory distress syndrome 260, 297, 298, 300, 322
acute 888
severe 298f
Respiratory failure 509, 891
acute 464
etiology of 891t
hypoxic 891
management of 892f
warning signs for 876t
Respiratory infection 298, 456, 515
recurrent 462, 462b, 588
Respiratory syncytial virus 439, 449, 452, 462, 707, 708
immune globulin 358
infection 357
Restlessness 353
Restrictive cardiomyopathy 559
Resuscitation 272, 876
adequate preparation for 272
cardiac 864
cardiopulmonary 878, 895b
equipment 272
Retarded bone age 54
Reticular pigmentation 26
Reticulocyte 688
count 398, 697, 867
total 679
block 685
cells 395
hyperplasia 399
reaction 415
system 403
hyperplasia of 393
tissue 393
Reticuloendotheliosis 704
Retina, diseases of 804
Retinal detachment 806
Retinal lesions, white 232
Retinitis pigmentosa 806
Retinoblastoma 805
trilateral 723
unilateral 723
Retinol 231
Retinopathy 754
diabetic 806
hypertensive 806
of prematurity 284f, 323, 804
fundus in 805f
Retrolental fibroplasias 284, 804
Retropharyngeal abscess 426
Rett syndrome 614
Revolutionized therapy 402
Reye syndrome 518, 522, 598, 756
Rhabdomyosarcoma 723
treatment of 723t
hemolytic disease 315
isoimmunization 315, 737
Rheumatic carditis 553t
Rheumatic chorea 552, 552f, 583
diagnosis of 552b
Rheumatic fever 26, 332, 550, 555b, 564, 765
development of 551
diagnosis of 551t
Rheumatic heart disease 528, 555, 555b
Rheumatic nodules 553f
Rheumatic prophylaxis 554
Rheumatoid arthritis 26, 54, 432
juvenile 432, 433, 765, 766
Rheumatoid nodules, benign 771
Rheumatologic disorders 765, 765b
characteristics of 765
Rheumatology 765
Rhinitis 738
acute 812
allergic 439, 780
Rhinopharyngitis 444
Rhinorrhea 772
Rhizomelia 838
Ribavirin 929
Riboflavin 225, 225f, 929
deficiency 225, 225f
Ribonucleic acid 245, 331, 344, 345, 361, 444, 685, 742
Rice water electrolyte solution 480
Rickets 218, 234, 236238, 238f, 240
acrobatic 237
celiac 238
classification of 240t
development of 234
drug-induced 238
hepatic 239
hypophosphatemic 239
oncogenic 240
oncogenous 239, 240
tumor related 240
types of 238
conorii 385
prowazekii 385, 385f
rickettsii 385
typhi 385
Rickettsial infections 385, 433
Rifampicin 383, 384, 403, 406, 789, 929
Right ventricular
enlargement 556
hypertrophy 529, 543
outflow tract 541
Rights of child, yesterday, today, and tomorrow 7
Riley-day syndrome 580, 626, 802
Ring chromosome 745
Ring immunization 163
Ringer's lactate 473
Ringworm infection 782
Risperidone 929
Ritiximab 770
Ritonavir 357
Ritter disease 785
Rituximab 705
Rolitetracycline 930
Roll-back malaria initiative 399
Romano-ward syndrome 529
Romberg sign 584
Rooting reflex 185, 278f, 280
Roseola infantum 337, 341
Roseola subitum 337
Rose-Waaler test 768
Rotarix 165
Rotavirus 425
live vaccine, neonatal 165
vaccine 160, 165, 475
Roth's spot 560
Rothmund Thomson syndrome 759
Roundworm 209, 409
Roxithromycin 929
Rubella 10, 80, 337, 338, 425, 707
cataract 339, 339f
embryopathy 420
maternal 585f
syndrome 534
vaccination 166
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 534, 790
Rudimentary thyroid 633
Rumination disorder 104
Rumination syndrome 104
Sabin vaccine 162, 162t
Saccharomyces boulardii 474
Sacral agenesis 657
Sacrococcygeal teratoma 724f
Salaam seizures 606, 607
Salbutamol 929
Salicylic acid 794
Salicylism 901
Salk vaccine 162, 162t, 163
Salmeterol 929
Salmon patches 281, 281f
Salmonella 167, 425, 517, 692, 707, 840
typhi 372
Saquinavir 357
Sarcoglycanopathies 627
Sarcoidosis 416, 851
Sarcoptes scabiei 781
Sarnat and Sarnat staging 295b
Sarnat staging, modified 295
Scabies 781, 781f
Scalded skin syndrome 785
hair, light-colored sparse 208f
vein infusion 858, 858f
Scaphocephaly 78, 78f
Scar, corneal 232
Schamroth's sign 29
Schick test 369, 736
Schilder's disease 614
Schilling test 467, 486, 686
Schizocytes 700
Schizont ruptures 394
Schönlein purpura 706
School Health Service 148
School Lunch Program 220
School phobia 110
Scleredema 771
Sclerema 289
Sclerocornea 802
Sclerodactyly 771
Scleroderma 765, 771
Sclerosis, multiple 614
Sclerotherapy 515
Scoliosis 35f, 836
Scorpion sting 908
Scrotal problems 125
Scrotum, acute 830
Scurvy 229f, 230f, 237, 332, 333
infantile 229
Seborrhea 784
Seborrheic dermatitis 780, 784f
Secnidazole 404, 405, 929
Second line weaning foods 193
Secretory diarrhea 468, 470, 483
Segmental glomerulonephritis 396
Seizures 420, 421, 474, 509, 753, 772
absence 606, 610
atypical febrile 605
benign febrile 605
febrile 605
partial 607, 610
controlling 593, 595
disorder 604
febrile 604, 605b, 608
hysterical 111
intractable 610
newborn 637
partial 607
Selenium 177, 247
Senses, special 24
Sensorium 887
abnormalities 627
ataxia 584
autonomic neuropathies 432
deprivation amblyopia 804
stimulation 847
provision of 215
Sepsis 313, 365, 389, 468, 578, 884
neonatal 305, 306, 507, 738
screen 306, 306b
Septal defect, ventricular 537
Septic arthritis 332, 389, 426, 765, 766, 766f, 840
Septic embolization 859
Septic shock 386, 738
Septicemia 397, 890
gram-negative 396
late onset 306
neonatal 738
part of 559
Sequestration crisis 692
Serologic tests 343
Serological assay 390
Serological tests 339, 390, 402, 402t, 714
Serology 381, 415, 434
Seroprophylaxis 169
Seroprotection 155
Serratia 428, 840
amylase 340
anion gap 256
ascites albumin gradient 522
interpretation of 522b
raised 693
total 322
blood nitrogen and creatinine 396
ceruloplasmin 512
egg white jellification of 402
electrolytes 714, 762
galactomannan 390
oxaloacetic transaminase 901
pyruvic transaminase 901
sickness 344
Sex chromatin 744
Sex determination tests 146
Sexual abuse 112, 113
Sexual development, stimulation of 638
Sexual maturity rating 50, 55, 75
Sexual reproduction 393
Sexually transmitted diseases 120, 124, 126, 139, 375
Shakir tape method 199
Shanvac-B 346
Shigella 425, 469, 476
subdivisions of 476b
Shigellosis 476
Shingles 422
Shock 214, 434, 884
cardiogenic 884
distributive 884
etiology of neonatal 303b
hypovolemic 884
neonatal 302
obstructive 885
Short bowel syndrome 504
Short stature 70, 72, 73f, 74b, 75b, 77b, 237
constitutional 54, 71
diagnosis of 74t
disproportionate 72
etiology of 72t
idiopathic 73
primary 70
secondary 71
treatment in 76t
Short trunk 237
Shwachman-Diamond syndrome 696, 734
newborns, triage of 140
sinus syndrome 565
Sickle cell
anemia 507, 517, 690, 691f, 692f
disease 364, 365, 582, 692b, 765
Sideroblastic anemia 681f, 684, 684f
Sideroblasts 684
Siderocytes 684
Sigmoid colon, atresia of 422
Sildenafil 569
Silicon 248
Silk-glove sign 830
Silver revolution 250
Silverman scoring system 296t
Silverman-Andersen scoring 296
Silver-Russell syndrome 72
Silymarin 929
Simian creases 751
arrhythmia 564
brachial 831
bronchitis 445
frontal 54
headache 582
venosus atrial septal defect 538f
Sinusitis 444, 812
chronic 426
Sinusoidal lymphocytosis 399
Sisomicin sulfate 929
Situs inversus 563
Sjögren syndrome 817
Skeletal deformities 238
Skeletal disorders 73
Skeletal maturity 48
Skeletal radiographs 200
Skeletal survey 762
Skeletal tuberculosis 378
Skin 26
changes 207
dirty brown pigmentation of 26
eye-mouth disease 421
fold thickness, triceps 199
hyperpigmented 27f
infection, bacterial 785b
secondary 779
morphology of 779
pigmentation of 850
tests 439
tuberculosis 379, 793
turgor 26
calipers 52
thickness 52, 206, 649
Sleep disorders 109, 126
Sleep walking 109
Slow virus infection 359
two groups of 359b
Smallpox 331
classical 331f
vaccine 154
Snakebite 906, 906b, 907b, 908f
complications of 908b
Snoring 25
Social and emotional deprivation 69
Social communicative disorder 102
Social rehabilitation 145
Soda bicarbonate 648
Sodium 202, 249, 254
abnormal retention of 256
benzoate 756
bicarbonate 273, 473, 929
deficit, primary 256
depletion 256
distribution of 254t
lactate 473
losses, extrarenal 256
nitroprusside 568
stibogluconate 402
valproate 582, 609, 929
versenate 234
Soft tissue sarcomas 723
Somatic cell disorders 743
Somatic growth 48
Somatomedins 204
Somnambulism 109
Sore nipple 189
Sore throat, recurrent 445
Space device inhaler 459f
Span 50, 75
Sparse hair 794
Spasmodic croup 446
Spasms, infantile 606, 607
Spasmus nutans 583, 584f
Special care neonatal unit 425
Special Nutrition Program 220
Speech problems 80
Speech, delayed 847
Spherocyte, passage of 687
Spherocytosis 694
hereditary 687, 687f
Spherophakia 755
Sphingomyelinase 759
Spina bifida occulta 271f, 575
signs of 575f
Spinal accessory nerve 36
Spinal cord
compression 580
syndrome 726
tethered 576
Spinal growth 581
Spinal muscular atrophies 619, 619f, 627
Spinal shock 580
Spine 35, 236
caries of 379f
Spiramycin 929
Spirochete infection 375
Spironolactone 568, 929
Spleen, massive enlargement of 400
Splenic enlargement, direction of 35f
Splenomegaly syndrome, idiopathic 399
Spondylitis, ankylosing 765
Spontaneous gram-negative septicemia 396
Spoon feeding 293
Sporadic cretinism 633
Sporadic goiter 636
Sporadic mucormycosis 391
Sports, categorization of 842
Sprain 332
Sputum 439
Squint 31, 803
St. Jude's clinical staging system 718b
Stadiometer 50
Standard metabolic rate 76
cellulitis 364f
disease, disseminated 364
infections 363
meningitis 592
pneumonia 451b, 451f, 452, 452f
saprophyticus 363
scalded skin syndrome 557, 785, 786f
Staphylococcus 306, 363, 425, 428, 449, 455, 559, 660, 732, 784
aureus 302, 304, 363, 363f, 424, 425, 444, 446, 453, 519, 560, 692, 766, 785, 799, 840
enterocolitis 425
epidermidis 363, 428, 559, 794, 809
Starnes procedure 544
Status asthmaticus 461
Status epilepticus 607
drug therapy of 608
Steatohepatitis, nonalcoholic 510, 513
Steatosis 513
Steinberg sign 838
Steinert's disease 624
Stein-Leventhal syndrome 649
Stem cell 913
defects of uncommitted 708
loss, immune-mediated 696
Stem stature index 50
Stenosis, duodenal 422
Sternocleidomastoid tumor 831
Sternomastoid tumor 268, 831
Steroid 673, 768, 794
anabolic 123, 126
androgenic 126
exogenous 641
induced immunosuppression 160
induced myopathy 625
production, endogenous 641
resistant nephrotic syndrome 675b
etiology of 671b
sensitive nephrotic syndrome 671, 674f
therapy 554
chronic 673b
deserves, intra-articular 768
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 765, 791, 791f
Stiffman syndrome 646
Stilbestrol 929
Still's disease 767
Stillbirth 352
Stomatitis 225f, 246, 401
angular 225f
aphthous 497f
gangrenous 401, 401f
examination 467, 869
microscopy 485
transitional 277, 280
Stork bites 281
Strabismus 755, 803
nonparalytic 803
syndromes 803
Strawberry tongue 26, 28f
Strep throat 343
Streptococcal infection 365, 554
Streptococcal pharyngitis 445
Streptococcus 365f, 551, 660, 707, 766, 784
group B 306
hemolyticus 447, 706
mutans 817
pneumonia 302, 365, 444, 446, 449, 452, 455, 559, 692, 799
viridans 365, 428, 559, 560
Streptokinase 929
Streptomycin 320, 383, 384
sulfate 929
Stress ulcer disease 498
Stridor 25, 302, 442, 813
causes of 443b
Stroke syndrome, acute 577
Strongyloides stercoralis 409
infection 413
Strongyloidiasis 411, 413
Strongyloids sterocalis 428
disease 616
syndrome 582, 616f, 789, 803
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 338, 339, 613, 614, 732
Subacute toxic cirrhosis 522
Subaortic stenosis, idiopathic hypertrophic 559
Subarachnoid hemorrhage 316, 578, 722
Subconjunctival hemorrhage 282, 700, 801
Subcutaneous adiposity 207f
Subcutaneous emphysema 451f
Subcutaneous infusion 858
Subcutaneous nodules 26, 552, 553f, 767
Subdiaphragmatic abscess 433
hematoma 602
puncture 861
tap 574, 861f
Subglottic stenosis 301
Submersion injury 464, 894
Subnational immunization day 163
Subperiosteal hemorrhage 231f
Subphrenic abscess adenitis 426
Substance abuse 110, 122, 123f
Subtherapeutic dose 682
Succinyl-choline 258
Sucking callosities 281
Suckling reflex 185, 278f, 280
Sucralfate 930
Sudamina 783
Sudanophilic leukodystrophy 614
Sudden infant death syndrome 187, 221, 320, 463, 733
Suicide 122
Suitable luminal amebicide 405
Sulfadiazine 420, 930
plus folinic acid 420
Sulfamethazine 406
Sulfamethoxypyrazine 398, 930
Sulfas 320, 416, 582, 693
Sulfate 925
Sulfisoxazole 930
Sulfonamide therapy 793
Sulfones 693
Sulfonurea 320
Superoxide dismutase 176
Supplemental oxygen 890
Supplemental suckling technique 190f
Supplementary Feeding Program 217
Supplementary feeding protocols 216
Supplementary oxygen 274
Supplementary suckling technique 215
Suppressive therapy 399
Suppurative lymphadenitis 161
Suprapubic bladder aspiration 862
Surgery, cardiac 507
Sutures 30
Suzman sign 549
Swachh Bharat Mission 5
Swallowing reflex 185
Sweat chloride 439, 468, 486
Sweating 433
stage 395
Sydenham chorea 552, 583
Sydenham's chorea, diagnosis of 552b
Symblepharon 802
Sympatholytic drugs 568
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 881
Syncope, infantile 107
Syndactyly 834
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone 256, 371
Synovial biopsy 768
Synovial fluid 768
Synovitis, traumatic 768
Synovium-synovial cell sarcoma 723
Syphilis 73, 80, 316, 322, 332, 375, 516, 521, 597
congenital 421
primary 121
Syringomyelia 576
Systemic disease
hepatic manifestations of 506, 507b
respiratory manifestations of 440, 441b
Systemic hypertension 565
Systemic infections 305
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome 884
Systemic lupus erythematosus 322, 432, 463, 507, 600, 656, 659, 662, 671, 697, 732, 735, 736, 765, 769, 769f, 770
Systemic necrotizing vasculitis 773
Systemic vascular resistance 300
Systolic blood pressure 25
Systolic murmur 33
T helper cells 730
Tachycardia 32, 274, 402
supraventricular 564
Tachypnea 396, 443, 753
Tactile stimulation 272
Tadalafil 569
saginata 409, 414, 414t
solium 409, 414, 414t
infection 413
Takayasu arteritis 771, 773
Tall stature 76
Tandem mass spectrometry 754
Tanner's method 75
Tanner's sexual maturity rating 117, 118f, 118t, 119f
Tapeworms 409
Tarsorrhaphy 800
Tay-Sachs disease 614
T-cell 354
defects 428, 733
dependent 155
function 403
independent 155
leukemia 715
recognition 395
Teeth 24
eruption of 48
grinding 108
Telangiectasia 614, 616
Telangiectatic angioma 790, 790f
Temperomandibular joints 767
Temporal lobe epilepsy 607
Tendon reflexes 627
Teratogens 80
Teratoma 724f
Terbutaline sulfate 930
Terfenadine 930
Terramycin 930
Testicular hypofunction 642
Tetanus 170, 372f
immunoglobulin 930
neonatal 309f
neonatorum 309
toxoid 157, 159, 909
Tetany 237
neonatal 318
Tetrachlorethylene 930
Tetracycline 320, 376, 794, 930
hydrochloride 930
toxicity 518
Tetraplegia 580
Thalassemia 45, 73, 517
anemia of 685
major 507, 688, 688f-690f
chelation therapy in 691b
minor 688
trait 688
Thalassemic facies 688
Thalidomide 320
Theophylline 564, 930
Therapeutic care, community-based 216
Therapeutic feeding protocols 216
Thermal disorders, neonatal 287
Thiabendazole 582
Thiacetazone 930
Thiamine 218, 224, 757
deficiency of 225
Thoracic stomach, partial 821
Thoracocentesis 440, 454
Thoracoscopy 440
Threadworm 209, 410
accidents involving 148
disorders 813
swabs 421
Thrombin time 698
Thrombocytopenia 339, 367, 384, 386, 402, 403, 419, 695, 696, 703, 714
amegakaryocytic 695
drug-induced 706
immune mediated 398
mild-to-moderate 705
moderate 343
Thrombocytopenic hemorrhagic diathesis 705
Thrombocytopenic purpura 419, 420, 421, 704
idiopathic 386, 476, 698, 702, 736
Thrombocytosis 772
Thrombophlebitis 403
Thrombopoiesis 686
arterial 577, 708
coronary 773
Thrombospondin 395
Thrombotic disorders 708
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 386
Thrush 498
pneumonia 452
treatment 498
rules of 48b
sound rule of 627
sucking 107
trigger 834
Thymoma 724f
Thyroglossal cyst 830
Thyroid 632
clinical grading of 245t
disorders 420
dysgenesis of 633
gland, absence of 633
myopathy 625
stimulating hormone 73, 648
tissue deficiency 633
Thyroiditis, autoimmune 636
Thyrotoxicosis 54, 433, 625, 799, 800
Thyroxin 45, 204, 609, 648
deficiency 46
synthesis 633
Ticarcillin disodium 930
Tics 108, 583
capitis 782
corporis 782
cruris 782
pedis 782
versicolor 782
Tinidazole 404, 405, 930
Tobramycin sulfate 930
Tocilizumab 768
Todd's paresis 608
Tolmetin 768
atrophic 686f
geographical 498, 498f
Tongue-tie 31, 812, 847
Tonic neck reflex 280
Tonic-clonic seizures 606, 610
Tonsillitis, chronic 445
Tonsillopharyngitis, acute 445
Tonsils, enlarged 31f
Topiramate 582, 609
Torticollis, differential diagnosis of 831b
Total leukocyte count 306, 403, 432, 521, 561, 679, 686, 712, 866
Toxemias 72
agents 897t
elimination, indications of 898t
epidermal necrolysis 785
erythema 281
shock syndrome 364, 365, 386
Toxins 302
elimination 898
Toxocara 414
canis 409, 433
infection 416
Toxoid 156
based vaccines 155
Toxoplasma gondii 406, 433, 449, 562
Toxoplasmosis 45, 80, 406, 433
Trace elements 175, 244
Trachea 813
Tracheal cytotoxin 370
Tracheal secretions 421
Tracheoesophageal fistula 271, 319, 439, 442, 822, 822f
Tracheostomy 813, 813b
complications of 814
Traditional birth attendants 13
Traffic light plan 652t
Tranexamic acid 702, 930
Transcellular fluid volume 253
Transcription inhibitors, reverse 356
Transesophageal echocardiography 530
Transfusion malaria 308
Transfusion reactions, adverse 912
Transient hypoparathyroidism 637
Transient soreness 164
Transient synovitis 765
Transient tachypnea 296, 297, 300
development of 301b
Transitory neonatal myasthenia gravis 621
Transtubular potassium gradient test 258b
Trapezius, tenderness of 433
Trauma 613
complex combat 391
prevention of 702
Treacher Collins syndrome 32, 534
Tremor 583
syndrome, infantile 30, 176, 246, 611, 849, 849f
pallidum 375
vincentii 401
Trichinella spiralis 409
Trichinosis 332, 433
Trichloroacetic acid 792
Trichomonas 124
Trichomoniasis 121
Trichuriasis 411, 413
Trichuris trichiura 409, 413, 413f
Tricuspid atresia 303, 543
Tricuspid regurgitation 558
Tricuspid valve 543
Trifluorothymidine 421
Trigeminal nerve 36
Trimeprazine tartrate 930
Trimethoprim 582
Triradii 751
13 790
18 745, 747f
21 587
G 587
Trivandrum Developmental Screening Test 91
Trochlear nerve 36
Trophic ulcers 771
Trophozoite 393, 405
Tropical diseases 7
Tropical sprue 682, 685, 795
Trosseau sign 637
Troxidone 582
Tube feeding 292
Tuberculin skin test 200, 383, 385
Tuberculoid leprosy 788
Tuberculoma 596, 596f
Tuberculosis 6, 11, 46, 69, 73, 209f, 376, 380f, 380t, 384t, 397, 401, 768, 773
abdominal 378, 502
ascitic abdominal 378
chronic pulmonary 379
drug-resistant 385b
extensive cavitational 379f
forms of 380
intestinal 378
maternal 321
preventive therapy 385
arthritis 765, 766
encephalopathy 595
lymphadenitis, superficial 378
meningitis 594f, 595b
common sequelae of 595b
survivor 596f
mycobacteria 376
pneumonia 452
ulcers 379f
Tuberous sclerosis 534, 607, 615
Tubular necrosis, acute 294, 396
Tubular proteinuria 658
Tumor 712, 799, 800
benign 519, 842
fourth ventricle 721
intracranial 603
lysis syndrome 725
necrosis factor 348, 399, 768
Turner syndrome 31, 45, 54, 72, 73, 75, 124, 271, 585, 642, 643f, 646, 744, 745, 747f, 748
Twin pregnancy 285
Tympanitis 772
Typhilitis 477
conjugate vaccine 160, 166
fever 372, 373b, 374t, 397
neonatal 373
polysaccharide vaccine 167
vaccination 166
vaccine, use of 374
Typhus 337
Tyrosinemia 518, 523, 750, 756, 802
hepatorenal 756
hereditary 756
Tzanck smear 421
Ujjawala 144
aphthous 342
corneal 802
disease, secondary 498
Ulceration, deep 161
Ulcerative colitis 491, 492f, 493, 493t
protection against 187
Ultrasonography 405, 656
Ultrasound monitoring 420
Umbilical cord, clamping of 531
Umbilical hernia 282, 282f, 826, 847
Umbilical polyp 826
Umbilical sepsis 305, 515
Umbilical vein catheterization 859
Umbilical venous catheter 276
Under-five clinics 150
Undernutrition 46, 121, 196, 399, 683
Underweight 196, 206
Undescended testes 125, 642, 830
United Nations Children Emergency Fund 399
United Nations Declaration of Rights of Child 7
United Nations Development Program 399
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 3, 141b
Universal Bilirubin Screening 323b
Universal Children's Day 7
Universal Immunization Program 5, 154
Unknown Immunization Status 161
Unknown origin, pyrexia of 380, 431, 432
Upper airway obstruction 569
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding 499
management of 500
Upper motor neuron
control of 619
lesion 581
Upper respiratory tract
infection 33, 356, 432, 441, 444, 469, 734, 812
surgeries 561
Urban primary health center 6
Urea cycle defects 756
Uremic encephalopathy 667
Urethral catheterization 428
Urethral valve, posterior 657, 828
Uric acid 714
Urinalysis 656
Urinary catecholamines 567
Urinary pregnanediol 644
Urinary tract 656b
congenital malformations of 656
imaging of 656
infection 215, 216, 221, 306, 364, 424, 426, 431, 432, 468, 517, 581, 655, 660, 828
catheter-related 396
color, abnormal 754
concentration test 656
examination 868
microscopy 869
odor 762t
output 350
Urokinase 930
Urolithiasis, causes of 828
Uropathy, obstructive 657, 828
Ursodeoxycholic acid 930
Urticaria 784, 784f
Uveal tract, disease of 803
Uveitis 755
autoimmune 738
chronic anterior 769
Vaccination 693
against rabies 169
administration, route of 157
bacterial 156
carrier 157
categories of 155
classification of 156t
combination 169, 170b
community 162
effectiveness 155
efficacy 155
killed inactivated 155
protectiveness 155
reaction 157
types of 155
vial monitor 157, 158f, 163
Vaginal bleeding 282
Vaginal discharge 124
Vagus nerve 36
Vallergan 930
Valproate 320, 582
Valproic acid 930
Valvular aortic stenosis 548
Vanceril inhaler 924
Vancocin 930
Vancomycin 455, 708
hydrochloride 930
Vanillylmandelic acid 720
Varicella 333, 334f, 365, 428, 707
bullosa 334
embryopathy 334
syndrome, congenital 334, 334b
virus vaccine 166
zoster 428
zoster immunoglobulin 335
zoster virus 333, 422
immunoglobulin 422
infection 422
Varus osteotomy, femoral 766
Vascular cell adhesion molecules 692
Vascular defects, congenital 443
Vascular lesion 613
Vasculitides 765, 771, 773
large-vessel 771
medium vessel 771
syndromes 771
Vasodilator nitroprusside 533
Vaso-occlusive crisis 691, 692
Vasopressin 930
insensitive diabetes insipidus 630
sensitive diabetes insipidus 630
Vector-borne spread 425
Vena cava
inferior 531
superior 529, 531, 538, 726
Venereal disease 142
research laboratory 375, 516
quantitative 421
Venesection 859f
Venogram 709
Veno-occlusive disease 343, 507, 518, 521
Venous obstruction 521
Venous oxygen saturation, mixed 886
Venous thrombosis 578
assisted 864, 881
intermittent mandatory 881
modalities of 882
pathophysiology of 881
supportive care during 883
display of 882f
emergencies 883
modes of 881
Ventilatory failure 891
Ventricular hypertrophy, left 529, 543
Ventricular septal defect 528, 532, 534, 536, 537, 539, 543, 570
classifications of 536b
Ventriculography 541
Verapamil 568
Vero cell culture, inactivated 168
Versenate edetate calcium disodium 930
Very low birth weight 90, 234, 448
Vesicle 334
Vesicoureteral reflux 657, 661
nephropathy 566
Vestibulocochlear nerve 36
Vibrio cholerae 425, 469
Victim, medical care of 148
Vidarabine 421
Vigabatrin 609, 930
Vinblastine 930
Vincristine 582, 705, 717, 930
Violin-shaped deformed chest 236
Viral diarrhea 469
Viral direct invasion 597
Viral encephalitic 849
Viral hemorrhagic fever 345
Viral hepatitis 343, 345b, 346f, 509b
acute 343, 508, 514
Viral indirect invasion 597
Viral infections 331, 431, 563
Viral pharyngitis 445
Viral pneumonia 422
Viral vaccines 156
conventional 359
infections 360
isolation 339
unconventional 359
Viscera, fatty degeneration of 522
Visceral diseases, chronic 73
Visceral larva migrans 414, 433
Visceral leishmaniasis 400
Visceroptosis 236
Vision 233, 323
Visual acuity 31
Visual disorders 804
Visual disturbances 398
Visual evoked
potentials 574
responses 295
Vital health statistics 200
Vital signs 24, 25t
Vital statistics 130
Vitamin 45, 172, 175, 224, 228, 293, 293b, 481
A 159, 177, 180, 231, 232, 787, 795
absorption test 232
requirement 233
supplements 474
A deficiency 231
extraoccular manifestations of 232b
signs of 231
B 218
complex 180
B1 224
B12 227, 850
deficiency 225, 225f, 228, 228f, 682, 685
B2 225, 795
B3 226, 795
B5 226
B6 227, 684, 795
anti-CD20 antibody, high-dose 705
deficiency of 229
rich foods 176
classification 224
D 233, 234, 293, 930
concentrates 235
dependent rickets, hereditary 239
supplementation 147
D deficiency 233, 240
rickets 234, 238
causes of 234b
daily requirement for 175t
deficiency 208, 210
deficiency myopathy 625
fat-soluble 231
functions of 224
K 180, 241, 293
deficiency 827
rich source of 179f
sourc of 172
Vitellointestinal fistula 826
Vitiligo 787, 788f
Vivax malaria, uncomplicated 397
Voiding cystourethrogram 658
Voiding cystourethrography 661
acute midgut 823
chronic midgut 823
Vomiting 280, 468, 494
causes of 495b
etiology of 495b
von Recklinghausen disease 27, 240, 615
von Willebrand
disease 702
factor 702
Von-Hippel-Lindau disease 616
Voriconazole 389
Vulval moniliasis 783f
Wandering atrial pacemaker 564
Warfarin 930
Warm autoantibodies 694
Warm chain, ten steps of 288b
Warts 792
genital 121
Wasp sting 909
abnormal retention of 256
daily requirement for 172t
hammer pulses 539, 557
intoxication 256
soluble vitamins 224
Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome 366, 638
Waterlow classification 205, 206
Waterson's operation 542
Weaning foods
acceptable 193
third line 193
Wegner's granulomatosis 433, 771, 773
Weill-Marchesani syndrome 803
Weingarten syndrome 415
Wellcome classification 205
Werdnig-Hoffmann disease 619f
Werlhof's disease 702
Werner syndrome 759
West syndrome 606, 607
Western blot tests 422
Wet-lung disease 300
Wheezing 442, 442b
White blood cell 334, 370, 402
Whitfield's ointment 782
Whooping cough 369
Widal test 373
William's cellular hypothesis 56
William's syndrome 249, 638
Wilms’ tumor 671, 718, 719, 719f
accompaniments of 719b
clinical staging for 719b
Wilson disease 343, 345, 510, 512, 518, 523, 615
Wing-beating tremors 615
Wirsung duct 506
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 705, 732, 733f
Witch's milk 282
Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern 544
Wolfram syndrome 646
Wolman disease 518
Wonderland syndrome 902
World Breastfeeding Week 936
World Health Day 936
World Health Organization 10, 117, 141b, 154, 189, 196, 206, 216, 233, 331, 396, 399, 449, 646, 737, 789, 894
child growth tables 942
growth chart 55
Wormian bones 30
Wormicidals 482
Wrists, widening of 236
Wuchereria bancrofti 415
X chromosome 744, 745
X syndrome, triple 747f
Xamoterol 533
Xanthoma 715
Xanthomina 930
Xantinol nicotinate 930
Xerophthalmia 31, 231, 802
UNICEF treatment schedule of 233b
World Health Organization
classification of 232b
treatment schedule of 233b
Xerophthalmic fundi 232
conjunctival 232
corneal 232
Xerostomia 817
X-linked dominant inheritance 742, 744f
X-linked recessive inheritance 627, 742, 743f
Xylocaine hydrochloride 930
Xylometazoline hydrochloride 931
Y chromosome 744
Yellow fever 349
vaccine 168
Yersinia 425
Z score 131
Zafirlukast 461
Zellweger syndrome 518
Zidovudine 357, 422, 931
Zika virus infection 351
Zinc 175, 180, 202, 245, 474
deficiency 176
sulfate 931
supplementation 176
Zonisamide 609, 931
Zoonotic infection 375
Zopiclone 931
Zovirax 923
Zygomycosis 390
Zygote 43, 393
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Prof AV Ramana (Warangal)
: “Very useful for students as well as practitioners.”
Prof SP Srivastava (Patna)
: “Very up-to-date, comprehensive and appropriate for our students, both under- and postgraduates.....”
Prof Neetu Raizada (Ludhiana)
: “A highly recommended state-of-the-art textbook... an essential reading.”
Prof B Sharda (Udaipur)
: “Most comprehensive and state-of-the-art textbook...”
Prof Madhuri Kulkarni (Mumbai)
: “... tailor-made to the needs of the students.”
Prof A Parthasarathy (Chennai)
: “A prototype of Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics.... modelled as per requirements in India...”
Prof AM Sur (Nagpur)
: “... a boon for pediatric scholars in India in particular... warmly recommended.”
Prof Utpal Kant Singh (Patna)
: “... profusely illustrated, clinical-oriented, most up-to-date and ideal to meet the needs of students in India in particular.”
Prof BS Prajapati (Ahmedabad)
: “An essential reading for all students of pediatrics... carries valuable information including much-sought-after statistical data... useful for teachers too.”
Prof VN Tripathi (Kanpur)
: “A meritorious work... most suitable for undergraduates in particular and postgraduates in general.”
Prof Javed Chowdhary (Srinagar)
: “A textbook of extraordinary merit... An essential reading for the undergraduates as well as postgraduates...”
Prof Masood-ul-Hassan (Srinagar)
: “Most up-to-date, well-illustrated, clinical-oriented, very comprehensive and student-friendly textbook... warmly recommended.”
Prof Praveen C Sobti (Ludhiana)
: “For nearly 4 decades, Dr Suraj Gupte's textbook has been popular with undergraduates and postgraduates alike. The book contains all that the students need to know about common childhood illnesses in the developing world. It is a thoroughly readable book.”
Prof Vijay Sharma (Shimla)
: “A highly recommended textbook of pediatrics...”
Prof DB Sharma (Jammu)
: “Tailor-made for the needs of students in India... strongly recommended.”
Prof (Col) VS Puri (Jammu)
: “An outstanding clinical-oriented textbook... most useful... warmly recommended.”
Prof Pankaj Abrol (Rohtak)
: “A very comprehensive and up-to-date textbook of Pediatrics... a nice Indian response to Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics... can easily compete with best textbooks of pediatrics... A “must” for all students of pediatrics in India.”
Prof MMA Faridi (Delhi)
: “There are many books around in the specialty but The Short Textbook of Pediatrics is unique... it makes the subject easy, interesting and understandable.”
Prof Rekha Harish (Jammu)
: “This textbook of extraordinary merit eminently meets the requirements of students, especially the undergraduates, and is warmly recommended...”
Prof B Vishnu Bhat (Puducherry)
: “Well-written book covering all information needed by undergraduates and postgraduates in pediatrics. Good reference book for practicing pediatricians as well...”
Prof Ajay Gaur (Gwalior)
: “…a genuinely good book for the undergraduate and postgraduate students with the expertise of eminent academicians… The contents are well presented in a uniform style and in keeping with the standard protocols and guidelines.....”
Prof Ghanshyam Saini (Jammu)
: “…an extraordinary work... a very useful tool for the undergraduates, postgraduates and academicians.”
Prof RK Gupta (Jammu)
: “An excellent textbook, full of latest updates… unique in itself, providing concise but comprehensive information…. invaluable in pediatric education for the undergraduates and postgraduates.”
Prof E Chen (Malaysia)
: “A complete textbook on tropical pediatrics… a “must possession” by each and every student of pediatrics in the region.”
Prof Shaukat Sidiqui (Pakistan)
: “Most valuable for the pediatric UGs, PGs, teaching faculty and practicing pediatricians as also for the GPs treating infants, children and adolescents in the subcontinent…”
Prof RN Koirala (Nepal)
: “An exceptionally useful textbook of pediatrics, eminently meeting the needs of our students and their teachers… most suitable for our settings.”
Prof JE Jaywardne (Sri Lanka)
: “A warmly recommended pediatric textbook, focusing exactly on what is needed by our medical students, emerging pediatricians and teachers…”
Prof AQ Bhashani (Bangladesh)
: “The textbook is a spotlight on everything that we need to teach our students of pediatrics in Bangladesh and neighboring countries…”
Prof Panna Choudhury (New Delhi)
: “A pediatric textbook of extraordinary merit and value… highly recommended…”
Prof Najma Khan (Maryland)
: “A treat to go through the excellent text and illustrations, especially diseases prevalent in the underprivileged… a superb textbook.”
Prof RA Anderson (London)
: “... unique textbook with down-to-earth clinical-orientation,.... wealth of up-to-date knowledge... ideal for students and scholars interested in child health and disease in resource-poor settings.”
Prof Anupam Gandhi (Johannesburg)
: “A commendable cocktail of excellence and much-needed information presented in a most palatable manner... strongly recommended book.”
Prof WE Peterson (London)
: “A boon for the undergraduates... provides enough useful material for the PGs and practitioners of child health and disease.”
Prof MK Mukherjee (Kolkata)
: “... the textbook provides everything the students of pediatrics need. Strongly recommended.”
The Short Textbook of PEDIATRICS
Incorporating National and International Recommendations (MCI, IAP, NNF, WHO, UNICEF, CDC, IPA, ISTP, AAP, etc.)
Thirteenth Edition
Edited by Suraj Gupte MD FIAP FSAMS (Sweden) FRSTMH (London) Professor and Head (Emeritus) Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics Mamata Medical College/Mamata General and Superspeciality Hospitals Khammam, Telangana, South India E-mail: Website:
Honorary Director: Pediatric Education Network
Editor: Recent Advances in Pediatrics (Series), Textbooks of Pediatric Emergencies, Neonatal Emergencies and Pediatric Nutrition, Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Perspectives in Influenza, Influenza: Complete Spectrum, Case-based Reviews in Pediatric Emergencies, Clinical Problem Solving in Neonatal Emergencies and Intensive Care, Long and Short Cases in Pediatrics, etc.
Author: Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics, Instructive Case Studies in Pediatrics, Pediatric Drug Directory, Nutrition in Neonatal ICU, Speaking of Child Care
Co-editor: Asian Journal of Maternity and Child Health (Manila, Philippines)
Section and Guest Editor: Pediatric Today (New Delhi)
Editorial Advisor: Asian Journal of Pediatric Practice (New Delhi)
Editorial Advisory Board Member/Reviewer: EC Paediatrics (London), Indian Journal of Pediatrics (New Delhi), Indian Pediatrics (New Delhi), Synopsis (Detroit, USA), Indian Journal of Child Health (Bhopal), International Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Transplant and Nutrition (Jaipur), Maternal and Child Nutrition (Preston, UK), Journal of Infectious Diseases (Turkey), etc.
Examiner: National Board of Examinations (NBE) for DNB, New Delhi; All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh; Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Srinagar; Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi; The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University (Chennai), NTR University of Health Sciences (Vijayawada) and several other universities.
Pediatric Faculty Selection Expert: All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Punjab Public Service Commission, Jammu and Kashmir Public Service Commission, Union Public Service Commission, etc.
Foreword Dr Bakul Jayant Parekh
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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The Short Textbook of Pediatrics
First Edition: 1977
Second Edition: 1979
Third Edition: 1982
Fourth Edition: 1983
Fifth Edition: 1985
Sixth Edition: 1989
Seventh Edition: 1995
Eighth Edition: 1998
Ninth (Millennium) Edition: 2001
Tenth (Silver Jubilee) Edition: 2004
Eleventh (Fourth Decade of Publication) Edition: 2009
Twelfth Edition: 2016
Thirteenth Edition: 2020
Printed at
The fond memory of my parents
whose inspiration, motivation, blessings
and moral support continue to contribute a great
deal to my academic endeavors
everybody striving to contribute to child health
and welfare for a brighter future
  • Kaisar Ahmed
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals
  • Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Ch 23: Intrauterine Infections (Congenital Infections, TORCH Infections)
  • Zahida Akhtar
  • Senior Fellow
  • Division of Tropical Diseases
  • State University of New York
  • Stony Brook, New York, USA
  • Ch 22: Helminthic Infections and Infestations
  • Farooq Amaan
  • Senior Consultant
  • Division of Infectious Diseases
  • State University of New York
  • Stony Brook, New York, USA
  • Ch 18: Viral Infections
  • RA Anderson
  • Professor and Chief
  • Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health London, UK
  • Ch 27: Gastroenterology
  • Ch 28: Hepatology and Pancreatology
  • G Arpitha
  • Assistant Professor (Ex)
  • Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics
  • Mamata Medical College/Mamata General and Superspeciality Hospitals
  • Khammam, Telangana, India
  • Ch 33: Nephrology
  • Lalita Bahl
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Indira Gandhi Medical College
  • Shimla, Himachal Pradesh, India
  • Ch 16: Fluids, Electrolytes and Acid-base Balance and Disturbances
  • Harmesh Singh Bains
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Dayanand Medical College (DMC) and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 25: Fever Spectrum
  • Surya Bhan
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Orthopedics
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 45: Orthopedic Problems
  • B Vishnu Bhat
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Puducherry, India
  • Ch 17: Neonatology
  • Ch 31: Neuromuscular Disorders
  • Piyali Bhattacharya
  • Pediatric Consultant
  • Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Ch 7: Adolescent Medicine
  • Ch 9: Community Pediatrics
  • Jagdish Chandra
  • Professor (Ex)
  • Kalawati Saran Children's Hospital
  • Lady Hardinge Medical College
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 34: Hematology
  • Rajib Chatterjee
  • Professor and Unit Head
  • Incharge Neonatology
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Loni, Maharashtra, India
  • Ch 17: Neonatology
  • Bhavana B Chowdhary
  • Assistant Professor
  • School of Medical Studies
  • Edinburgh, United Kingdom
  • Ch 30: Neurology
  • Edwin Dias
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS)
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 56: Accidental Poisoning
  • S Frank
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Immunology and Genetics
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 36: Immunology
  • Ch 37: Human Genetics
  • Ch 38: Inborn Errors of Metabolism
  • Ajay Gaur
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • GR Medical College
  • Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Ch 21: Protozoal Infections and Infestations
  • Karambir S Gill
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Dayanand Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 52: Shock
  • EM Gomez
  • Clinical Professor and Chief
  • Department of Infant and Child Nutrition
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 3: Normal Growth
  • Ch 4: Growth Disorders
  • Ch 5: Development
  • Ch 12: Infant and Young Child Feeding
  • Ch 13: Malnutrition (Undernutrition, Protein-energy Malnutrition)
  • AM Graham
  • Clinical Professor
  • Center for Hemato-oncology
  • Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Ch 35: Oncology
  • Anil Grover
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Cardiology
  • NIMS University
  • Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
  • Ch 29: Cardiology
  • Sheffali Gulati
  • Chief
  • Child Neurology Division
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 30: Neurology
  • Anumodan Gupta
  • Pediatric Consultant
  • Government Hospital
  • Gandhi Nagar, Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Ch 48: Laboratory Procedures
  • Devendra K Gupta
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Pediatric Surgery
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 44: Surgical Problems
  • Ravinder K Gupta
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Acharya Shri Chander College of Medical
  • Sciences and Hospital
  • Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Ch 19: Bacterial Infections
  • Ch 47: Practical Procedures
  • Novy Gupte
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Pharmacology
  • Prasad Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Ch 24: Nosocomial, Anaerobic and Opportunistic Infections
  • Ch 61: Rational Drug Therapy
  • Ch 62: Drug Dosages
  • Suraj Gupte
  • Professor and Head (Emeritus)
  • Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics
  • Mamata Medical College/Mamata General and Superspeciality Hospitals
  • Khammam, Telangana, South India
  • All Chapters as Senior or Co-author except: Ch 50-54, 58, 59
  • Gagan Hans
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Psychiatry
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 5: Development
  • Ch 6: Developmental, Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders
  • Meera Hussain
  • Senior Fellow in Infectious Diseases
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Boston, USA
  • Ch 20: Fungal Infections
  • Vandana Jain
  • Additional Professor
  • Department of Endocrinology
  • All India Institute of Medical Sciences
  • New Delhi, India
  • Ch 32: Endocrinology
  • BP Karunakara
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • MS Ramaiah Medical College/Teaching Hospital
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 29: Cardiology
  • Nancy Kennedy
  • Assistant Professor in Immunology
  • Institute of Child Health and Adolescence
  • London, UK
  • Ch 24: Nosocomial, Anaerobic and Opportunistic Infections
  • William Kliegman
  • Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Boston, USA
  • Ch 19: Bacterial Infections
  • AW Koff
  • Senior Professor
  • Department of Pediatric Endocrinology
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 32: Endocrinology
  • ML Kulkarni
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • JJM Medical College
  • Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 36: Immunology
  • Saroj Kumar
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Nalanda Medical College and Hospital
  • Patna, Bihar, India
  • Ch 50: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Ch 51: Mechanical Ventilation
  • Shaveta Kundra
  • Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • ESIC Model Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 9: Community Pediatrics
  • GS Latha
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • JJM Medical College
  • Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 39: Rheumatology
  • Rita Menon
  • Consultant in Respiratory Diseases
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • UBC Faculty of Medicine
  • British Colombia, Canada
  • Ch 26: Pulmonology
  • NK Nagpal
  • Professor
  • Department of Dental and Orofacial Surgery
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 43: Dental Problems
  • Juhi Naidu
  • Assistant Professor
  • Pediatric Intensive Care
  • University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA
  • Ch 49: Critically-sick Child: An Approach
  • NE Parsons
  • Clinical Professor and Head
  • Department of Dermatology
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 40: Dermatologic Problems
  • Shruti Patil
  • Associate Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • MS Ramaiah Medical College/Teaching Hospital
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 29: Cardiology
  • Ashok Patwari
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research
  • Delhi, India
  • Ch 27: Gastroenterology
  • Puneet A Pooni
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Dayanand Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 52: Shock
  • SS Prakash
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • JJM Medical College
  • Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • Ch 62: Drug Dosages
  • Rajniti Prasad
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Banaras Hindu University (BHU)
  • Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Ch 53: Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Ch 54: Respiratory Failure
  • KV Raghava Rao
  • Principal
  • MediCiti Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Ghanpur, Medchal Mandal
  • Ranga Reddy, Telangana, India
  • Ch 24: Nosocomial, Anaerobic and Opportunistic Infections
  • Ch 57: Envenomation
  • VM Rao
  • Principal
  • RVS Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Ch 42: Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Problems
  • Sahitya Reddy
  • Fellow in Emergency Pediatrics
  • Advanced Pediatric Center
  • Liverpool, UK
  • Ch 55: Drowning and Submersion Injury
  • AK Sahni
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Adolescent Medicine
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health London, UK
  • Ch 7: Adolescent Medicine
  • Ghanshyam Saini
  • Professor and Head
  • Postgraduate Department of Pediatrics
  • Government Medical College
  • Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Ch 48: Laboratory Procedures
  • Rita Scott
  • Senior Research Fellow
  • Department of Microbiology and Immunology
  • St Louis Children's Hospital
  • St Louis, Missouri, USA
  • Ch 23: Intrauterine Infections (Congenital Infections, TORCH Infections)
  • DM Sharma
  • Professor, Department of Rheumatology
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 39: Rheumatology
  • Monika Sharma
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Christian Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 6: Developmental, Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders
  • RM Shore
  • Professor and Head
  • Division of Pediatric Nephrology
  • Department of Nephrology
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • London, UK
  • Ch 33: Nephrology
  • MAM Siddiq
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Mamata Medical College/Mamata General and Superspeciality Hospitals
  • Khammam, Telangana, India
  • Ch 16: Fluid, Electrolytes and Acid-base Balance and Disturbances
  • Farooq Ahmed Siddiqui
  • Senior Fellow
  • Division of Emergency and Intensive Care
  • Hospital for Sick Children
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Ch 58: Blood Component Therapy
  • Ch 59: Bone Marrow Transplantation
  • Ch 60: Dialysis
  • Saira Bhatt Siddiqui
  • Fellow
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Hospital for Sick Children
  • Sydney, Australia
  • Ch 58: Blood Component Therapy
  • Ch 59: Bone Marrow Transplantation
  • Ch 60: Dialysis
  • Daljit Singh
  • Principal (Ex)
  • Dayanand Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 26: Pulmonology
  • L Ranbir Singh
  • Professor and Head
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Regional Institute of Medical Sciences
  • Imphal, Manipur, India
  • Ch 18: Viral Infections
  • Ch 30: Neurology
  • Tejinder Singh
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Christian Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 6: Developmental, Behavioral and Psychiatric Disorders
  • Ch 9: Community Pediatrics
  • Utpal Kant Singh
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Nalanda Medical College and Hospital
  • Patna, Bihar, India
  • Ch 20: Fungal Infections
  • Ch 22: Helminthic Infections and Infestations
  • Ch 25: Fever Spectrum
  • Ch 53: Pediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
  • Ch 54: Respiratory Failure
  • Rita Smith
  • Director-Professor of Pediatrics
  • Institute of Child and Adolescent Health
  • Executive Director-General
  • Child Health Study Group
  • London, UK
  • Ch 2: Pediatric History Taking and Physical (Clinical) Examination
  • Praveen Sobti
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Christian Medical College and Hospital
  • Ludhiana, Punjab, India
  • Ch 34: Hematology
  • G Somaiah
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Mamata Medical College/ Mamata General and Superspeciality
  • Hospitals
  • Khammam, Telangana, India
  • Ch 8: Pediatric-related Biostatistics
  • Ch 41: Ophthalmic Problems
  • Ch 42: Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Problems
  • Ch 43: Dental Problems
  • Tanu Subramanyam
  • Fellow
  • Division of Infectious Disease
  • School of Tropical Medicine
  • Liverpool, UK
  • Ch 21: Protozoal Infections and Infestations
  • Satish K Tiwari
  • Professor
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • PDM Medical College
  • Amravati, Maharashtra, India
  • Ch 12: Infant and Young Child Feeding
  • Shashi Vani
  • Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics
  • PS Medical College
  • Karamsad, Anand, Gujarat, India
  • Ch 11: Nutritional Requirements
  • Ch 17: Neonatology
  • Vijay Wali
  • Professor and Head (Ex)
  • Department of Ophthalmology
  • Government Medical College and Associated Hospitals
  • Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India
  • Ch 41: Ophthalmic Problems
Foreword to the Thirteenth Edition
To be invited to write a Foreword for a book from which one has learnt and gained knowledge, especially when it is authored by a humble, down-to-earth and inspiring authority, is like a dream come true. Just imagine my reaction when I received a call from the one and only one, Dr Suraj Gupte, asking me to write the Foreword for the 13th edition of the time-honored The Short Textbook of Pediatrics. It was nothing short of a pleasant surprise filled with humility. I vividly recall studying Dr Suraj Gupte's textbook and other books during my undergraduate and postgraduate years and, later, urging my students to learn and gain knowledge from his books which are mercifully updated edition after edition.
Having gone through the draft chapters, I can say that the 13th edition of The Short Textbook of Pediatrics is simply “marvelous”! The book provides much sought-after state-of-the-art clinical knowledge in child health and disease. The contents are presented in a lucid and easy-to-understand format, using a large number of illustrations (including algorithms, photographs, diagrams, etc.), boxes and tables which are clinically oriented with data relevant to the Indian subcontinent.
Notably, a number of my students have also appreciated the simple and lucid way in which this unique book tackles some of the most complex concepts in pediatrics. They often ask: “When knowledge can be made so simple to gain, why doesn't everyone teach us in this manner?” My conviction is that such a methodology of teaching and putting forth of ideas can only come to experts having a vision and crystal-clear thinking process. Hats off to Dr Suraj Gupte and his entire team of contributors as well as the executive editors for falling under that special category.
Furthermore, a journey through various previous editions of this student-friendly textbook has given me the insight that, with each edition, there is a considerable improvement in all areas. Not only does this include the latest updates in the field of pediatrics but also ensures that each chapter is easily understandable and retainable. To keep coming up with continually excellent reading material every few years is no easy feat. It takes a highly dedicated and passionate team to produce such results time after time repeatedly.
I am certain that the new edition of the versatile The Short Textbook of Pediatrics will find its place in the academic life of a lot many undergraduate and postgraduate students, junior pediatricians, pediatric teachers, practicing pediatricians and physicians whose practice involves children as well.
Finally, I thank Dr Suraj Gupte for giving me such a huge honour. May he and his efficient team of passionate expert contributors and executive editors continue enriching our academic lives with their expertise, knowledge and wisdom.
Dr Bakul Jayant Parekh
National President (2020)
Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)
Preface to the Thirteenth Edition
We are most delighted to present to our readers the much-awaited 13th edition of The Short Textbook of Pediatrics to keep up with the huge advances in the field of child health and disease. The textbook, the first from the Indian subcontinent, has been successfully imparting knowledge of pediatrics ever since 1977 when it was first released by the President of the International Pediatric Association (IPA), Professor Ihsan Dogramaci, during the International Congress of Pediatrics held in New Delhi. Subsequent to the Medical Council of India (MCI), giving pediatrics the status of an independent subject in the undergraduate curriculum with a separate examination at university level following the laudable endeavors of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), the book has assumed a yet bigger role and responsibility.
In the 13th edition we have made further strides to attain the enhanced excellence not only for the undergraduates but also for the benefit of postgraduates, residents, practitioners and teachers. The goal is to provide a down-to-earth blend of time-honored concepts along with the phenomenal explosion of knowledge in modern pediatrics with special emphasis on the needs in the Indian subcontinent.
Each and every chapter stands updated with significant revisions. A new Section on “Emergencies and Intensive Care”, many fresh illustrations (clinical photographs, diagrams, algorithms/flowcharts), boxes and tables are added. An enlarged Index shall further facilitate easy retrieval of information.
As a result, the new edition is yet more reader-friendly, state-of-the-art and clinical-oriented. The hallmarks of the earlier editions, namely brevity with comprehensiveness, simple and straight-forward style and easy to-understand descriptions have been retained and, in fact, further strengthened.
Without any shadow of doubt, the unique and enhanced value of the 13th edition is very much on account of the expertise, hard work and command in the respective fields of the distinguished and dedicated contributors. My hats off to them!
Here's extending a big welcome to the new entrants to the “STP Faculty”, namely Drs Zahid Akhtar (New York), Piyali Bhattacharya (Lucknow), Karambir S Gill (Ludhiana), Nancy Kennedy (London), Saroj Kumar (Patna), Meera Hussain (Boston), Juhi Naidu (Baltimore), Rita Menon (British Colombia), Farooq Amaan (New York), Shruti Patil (Bengaluru), Puneet A Pooni (Ludhiana), Rajniti Prasad (Varanasi), Farooq Ahmed Siddiqui (Sydney), Saira Bhatt Siddiqui (Sydney), Rita Scott (St Louis), and Tanu Subramanyam (Liverpool).
Worthy suggestions and time-to-time academic feedbacks from a multitude of colleagues, friends and readers, from India and abroad have eminently contributed in enhancing the utility of the book edition after edition. Salutations to them!
My wife, Shamma, graciously assisted me so much in taking the project to its logical conclusion. So did my daughter, Dr Novy; son-in-law, Dr Gagan; son, Er Manu; and daughter-in-law, Er Shivani, in spite of their tight schedules and preoccupation. My brothers, Dr Satish, Subhash and Rajendra and their families’ continuing interest in this project and suggestions for the betterment of the book has all along been a support for my endeavors. I value it.
Dr Bakul Jayant Parekh, National President (2020), Indian Academy of Pediatrics, has been gracious enough to write a Foreword to this edition. My hats off to him for warmly recommending the book.
I would especially like to thanks Dr Madhu Choudhary (Publishing Head–Education) and Dr Sneha Kashyap (Development Editor), for the skillful production qualities of the 13th edition.
Last but, in no way the least, I wish to thank Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director-Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), Ms Sunita Katla (Executive Assistant to Group Chairman and Publishing Manager), Ms Seema Dogra (Cover Visualizer), Mr Binay Kumar (Proof Reader), Mr Deepak Saxena (DTP Operator) and Mr Deepak Goel (Graphic Designer) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, and their dedicated staff.
Suraj Gupte
Preface to the First Edition
“Whyn't a handy pediatric book for our students?” Requests like this virtually flooded me as I was in the thick of editing the Newer Horizons in Tropical Pediatrics last year. Today, I am glad to offer that much-demanded work in the form of The Short Textbook of Pediatrics .
The Short Textbook of Pediatrics is aimed at providing a concise, simple and profusely-illustrated digest of the contemporary pediatrics, relevant to the developing world. Common tropical problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, diarrheas, tuberculosis and other frequent infections and parasitic infections and immunization, have received special attention. Certain areas that are important to us but have been ignored by the western authors are, in particular, dealt with. Indian childhood cirrhosis, infantile tremor syndrome, primary bladder stone disease, BCG as a diagnostic tool and tuberculous encephalopathy figure in this list. The accent is on priorities, clinical aspects and latest information rather than on rare conditions and outdated theoretical discussion.
The book is addressed primarily to the medical students, new entrants to the specialty of pediatrics and practising physicians who deal with infants and children as well. Some material especially the statistical data and upto date reference—some as latest as of 1977—are likely to be of value to the seniors either. How far have I succeeded in my endeavors? In this behalf, I would love to have your assessment. That shall help me to make up the deficiencies and introduce the “necessary changes for the better” in the future edition.
The publisher, Shri Jitendar P Vij of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., and the Managing Editor, Rajendra Gupte's contributions have been vital to the appearance of this manual.
Much of the material included in The Short Textbook of Pediatrics is based on articles in the recent WHO/UNICEF publications, Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Indian Pediatrics, Indian Practitioner and other Indian and foreign periodicals and books. I have punctuated the accounts with our own observations at the prestigious Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, HP Medical College, Shimla, and Govt. Medical College, Jammu. The superb teaching of Prof BNS Walia, Dr (Mrs) Saroj Mehta, Dr ON Bhakoo, Dr SK Mehta, Dr (Mrs) A Perkash and Col ML Magotra has proved to be a source of guidance and stimulation in preparing this book.
Hats off to many of my past and present colleagues, friends and well-wishers for lots of good-will, ideas and cooperation; Dr JC Lall, Dr RK Chaudhary, Dr (Miss) Kalpana Kohli, Dr (Miss) Rita Malhotra, Dr Vinod Seth, Mrs Neelam Virmani, Mr Ayudhia Kaul and Mr GS Malhotra deserve a special mention. Dr Satish Gupte, Dr (Miss) Prem Gupte and Miss Shamma Bakshi extended enthusiastic assistance in preparing the manuscript, proof-reading and indexing.
Major (Mrs) BK Sohi and Lt. Col AS Sohi have been exceedingly courteous in making available a number of excellent clinical photographs. I must also acknowledge the help received from Prof H Shirkey, Dr Roy Brown, Prof Ashfaq Ahmad and Dr VK Dogra.
Prof NS Tibrewala has been kind enough to write the Foreword in spite of his preoccupations, especially as President of the forthcoming 15th International Congress of Pediatrics. He has indeed done me an honor.
Principal NS Pathania, Prof SS Manchanda, Prof PM Udani, Prof RS Dayal and Prof VB Raju figure among our eminent medical men who graciously blessed this project. I should record my appreciation of the fond interest evinced in this manual by Mr KA Padmanabhan, Mr Suraj Saraf and Dr K Chaudhry—all leading journalists.
Finally, I greatly value the favors extended by my folks through various stages of this publication. My kid sister, Veenu and brothers, Subhash and Raji helped me in many a way. They would cheer me up as and when I found the going tough.
To all of them, plus all those who contributed but are not identified here, I am highly grateful.
Suraj Gupte MD
“ Gupte House ”
60 Lower Gumat
Special Acknowledgments
Special acknowledgments are made to
  • Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), National Neonatology Forum- India (NNF-India), World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), International Pediatric Association (IPA), International Society of Tropical Pediatrics (ISTP), etc. for accessing their publications/websites and incorporating their recommendations and state-of-the-art material in this volume.
  • Recent Advances in Pediatrics by Suraj Gupte, Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics by Suraj Gupte, Annales Nestle, The Short Textbook of Medical Microbiology by Satish Gupte, UNICEF, and Dr Michael Smith (Perth), Dr Elizabeth Brown (Oslo) Dr Anupam Gandhi (Johannesburg), Dr Mohd Afzal (Karachi), Dr Surya N Thapa (Kathmandu) and Dr G Arpitha (Khammam) for some illustrative figures carried in this book.
  • Medical journals, identified under “Excerpts from Journals” for critical reviews.
  • Various medical periodicals, journals, chronicles, bulletins, proceedings of conferences, websites and books for citing their references in the state-of-the-art chapters for “Futher Reading”.
Undoubtedly, every attempt has been made to acknowledge the sources of information at concerned points, in “Further Reading” and/or here. Nevertheless, omission, if any, is unintentional and is regretted.