Step by Step® Ultrasound in Gynecology Jaideep Malhotra, Nidhi Gupta, Narendra Malhotra, Neharika Malhotra, Kuldeep Singh
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abdominal examination 240, 277
Abnormal uterine bleeding 241, 246, 247, 253
classification of 241, 253
clinical evaluation of 241, 254
differential diagnosis of 241, 255
investigations of 241, 255
management of 242, 272
Abortion 264
missed 136
previous 185
Abruptio placenta 47
Abscess 264
Absorption 5
Acute lower abdominal pain evaluation of 242
non-gynecological causes of 242, 263
Acute pelvic inflammatory disease 187, 192f, 250, 251
diagnosis of 243, 275
differential diagnosis of 243, 276
history of 234
Acute pelvic pain 254
ultrasonography in 241, 250
Adenomyoma 260
Adenomyosis 97, 113, 228, 229, 233, 234, 240, 247, 251, 253, 270
Adhesions 234, 235, 240
Adnexa 58, 246
Adnexal mass 154, 222, 250, 254, 259, 264
Adnexal pathology 269
Adnexal tenderness 240, 277
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 279
Allergens 235
Allergy 256
Amenorrhea 195, 197, 246, 254, 264
American Fertility Society Classification 139
Amniotic fluid, reduced 213
Anal sphincter 245
Androgen 241, 243
insensitivity syndrome 279
secreting tumors 279
Anemia 212
Anorexia nervosa 278
Anovulation 165
Anteflexion 75
Anterior wall
submucous fibroid 109f
subserous fibroids 105f
Anteversion 75
Antimüllerian hormone 241, 243
Anxiety 233, 269
Appendicitis, acute 263, 276
Arcuate artery calcification, multiple foci of 71f
Ascites 245
Ascitic fluid, aspiration of 252
Asherman's syndrome 143f, 151
Assisted reproductive technique 185
protocol 299fc
Atrophy 229
Audible sound waves 1
Audio volume 34
Bacterial vaginosis 256
Basal layer 76
Battery injury 43
Beam profile 6
Benign ovarian lesions, ultrasonographic features of 242, 274
neoplastic lesions, management of 243, 274, 275
Beta hCG 196
level, correlation of 197
Bimanual examination 254, 269
Biopsy, endometrial 276
Bladder tumor 261
Bleeding 246
types of 270
Blob sign 203
flow velocity 23f
pressure, elevated 212
Bowel 190
symptoms 239, 254
tumor 261
cancer 47
cyst 47
Brenner tumor 249, 26
Broad ligament myomas 272
Calcifications 97
Cancer, endometrial 224, 248, 251, 254
Candida 268
vaginitis 256
Carcinoma, endometrial 133
abdominal 197
endometrial 98f, 108f, 244
biopsy 259
canal 99f, 180f
cancer 118f, 254, 258
arcinoma 183
disorders 179
ectopic pregnancy 198
fibroid 179
lesions 291fc
myomas 272
polyp 182, 270
pregnancy 183, 204
stenosis 183, 251
Cervicitis 256
Cervix 59, 117f, 205f, 260
lesions of 256
normal 95f, 180f
Cesarean section scar 227
Chemotherapy 279
Chlamydia 240
trachomatis 256
Cholecystitis, acute 263
Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease 232, 233, 269
signs of 243, 277
symptoms of 243, 277
Chronic pelvic pain 230, 230t, 239t, 240t, 254, 277
causes of 233t, 236t
evaluation of 231fc, 242, 265
gynecological causes of 234t
management of 231fc
ultrasonography in 241, 250
urological causes of 235t
Clue cells 257
Cogwheel appearance 250
Color Doppler 162
Color flash 38
Color flow 97
baseline 32
display 30
imaging 30
mapping 178
pattern 204
Color inversion 32
Color misregistration artifact 38
Comparative power output test 42
Complete blood count 240
Complex adnexal mass 250
Compression elastography 18
Conception, retained products of 225
Continuous-wave Doppler 23
Copper-containing devices 216
Cornual pregnancy, ruptured 198
Corpus luteal cyst 203f
Corpus luteum 203
cyst 89f, 159f, 162, 248, 273
Crohn's disease 263
Cryptomenorrhea 184, 185
Cul-de-sac 81, 93f, 190, 246, 250, 252
mucinous 177
serous 174
Cystadenofibroma 204
Cystadenoma 204
mucinous 174, 249
serous 174, 249, 261
Cystic adnexal masses 204
Cystic degeneration 100f
Cystic lesions 155
Cystitis 263
interstitial 233, 235, 238
Cysts 250
anechoic 155
complex 161
endometrial 249
endometriotic 261
extraovarian 162f
functional 248, 261, 273
hemorrhagic 165f
peritoneal inclusion 193
simple 155
Deep dyspareunia 269
Deep pelvic endometriosis 237
Depression 233, 269
Depth gain compensation 19
Dermatitis 268
Dermoid 172f, 173f
cyst 167
Dilation and curettage 288fc
causes of 242, 258
color of 267
nature of 267
odour of 267
Diverticular disease 237
Diverticulitis 276
Dominant follicle 87f
Doppler effect 21
Double uterus 145f, 146f
Down syndrome 47
Doxycycline 232
Dysmenorrhea 230, 234, 239, 246, 254, 264
evaluation of 242, 266
Dyspareunia 230, 234, 239, 254, 264, 269
causes of 242, 268
clinical evaluation of 242
superficial 268
Dysuria 235, 239
Ectopic gestations 207
Ectopic implantation
incidence of 195
sites of 195
Ectopic pregnancy 46, 136, 185, 195, 199, 203f, 207, 250, 251, 264, 276, 290fc
management of 197
ruptured 208f
sonographic features of 199
Elastography 18
Electronically steered systems 9
Embryo 185
Emergency studies 46
Empty sella syndrome 278
Endocavity ultrasound systems 13
Endocervical growth 259
Endometrial abnormalities 241, 247
Endometrial hyperplasia 121, 221, 228, 229, 254, 292fc
clinical evaluation of 242, 272
history of 242, 272
Endometrial thickness 76f, 117f, 245, 248, 300
Endometrioid tumor 177
Endometriomas 163f, 204, 264, 273
bilateral 164f
Endometriosis 230, 233235, 239, 240, 269, 277, 297fc
investigations in 243
Endometritis 120, 120f
Endometrium 57, 76, 77f, 78f, 97, 100f, 109f111f, 120, 130f, 221, 270
ablation of 228
atrophic 226, 254
echogenic irregular 120f
inflammation of 120
Episiotomy 268
Estrogen deficiency vaginitis 254, 258
Exercise 278
Extraovarian adnexal areas 58
Fallopian tube 60, 81, 82, 161, 188, 190, 260
abnormalities of 185
carcinoma 189
inflammation of 187
normal 187f
Female pelvis 59
anatomy of 61f
normal 69
anomaly 47
death, misdiagnosis of 46
heart sounds 212
parts, absence of 212
Fever 258, 264
Fibroids 97, 119f, 151, 225
color flow in 97
complications of 112
interstitial 106f, 108f
seedling 107f
submucosal 98f
number of 97
pedunculated 204
polyps 109f
position of 97
size of 97
sonographic evaluation of 295fc
subserous 106f
ultrasound features of 104
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 252
Flow direction 24
Flow distortion 28
Flow pattern 25, 27
Flow velocity 25
waveform 124f
Flow volume 29
collection 117f, 118f, 131f
debris 250
endometrial 134
loculi 58
Foley catheter 151
Follicles 245
multiple 166
Follicular cyst 160, 248, 273
Follicular monitoring 248
Folliculogenesis 91
Free fluid 58, 250
Frequency 235, 239
selection 20
Frozen pelvis 277
Full blood count 258
Fundal panmural fibroid 100f, 103f
Genetic abnormalities 283fc
Genital tract
congenital anomalies of 246
structural abnormalities of 242, 270
Genital ulcer 254
Germ cell tumors 261, 273
Gestational age 213
Gestational sac 203, 205f, 206f, 250
absence of 250
increased transverse diameter of 213
Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia, development of 214t
Gonococcal infection 256, 257
Gram stain 258
Gram-negative diplococci 258
Ground glass appearance 162, 163f, 249
Growth 245, 254
endometrial 259
retardation 213
Gynecological complications 53
Gynecological diseases, common 241, 282fc
Gynecological disorder, history of 239
Gynecological origin, acute abdominal pain of 242, 264
Gynecological pain 289fc
Gynecological ultrasound 53
common symptoms in 241, 253
Doppler in 54
Gynecomastia 221
Hanafy lens technology 11
Harmonic imaging 16
Heavy menstrual bleeding 234, 270
Hematometra 118f, 251
Hematosalpinx 118f
Hemoperitoneum 264
diagnosis of 252
Hemorrhage 162, 250
HIV serology 258
Hormone replacement therapy 222, 229
Hyaline degeneration 99f
Hydatidiform mole
diagnosis of 213t
signs of 212t
symptoms of 212t
Hydrocephalus 47, 278
Hydrometrocolpos 116f
Hydrosalpinges 233
Hydrosalpinx 189, 191f, 204, 251, 260, 277
Hydroureteronephrosis 277
Hyperandrogenism 165
Hyperechoic foci 249
Hyperemesis gravidarum 212
Hyperplasia 253, 270
benign endometrial 224
Hyperthyroidism 213
signs of 212
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome 47
Hypoplastic uterus 144f
axis 285f
Hysterectomy 239
history of 234
Hysteroscopy 143f, 146f
Hysterosonogram 223
Incomplete septae 250
Infection 219, 246, 278
Infertility 54, 234, 246, 248, 277
ultrasound evaluation of 299fc
Inflammatory bowel
disease 233, 236
syndrome 276
Infundibulum 82
Intermenstrual bleeding 270
Internal iliac vessels 154f
Intertrigo 267
Intracardiac transducers 14
Intraluminal transducers 14
Intramural fibroid 98f, 107f
Intraoperative transducers 14f
Intraovarian blood flow 167f
Intrauterine adhesions 141f
Intrauterine contraceptive device 120, 136, 137f, 138f, 185, 215, 217, 218
history of 234
localization of 246
Intrauterine growth restriction 48
Intrauterine pregnancy 199
sonographic features of 199
Irritable bowel syndrome 233, 235, 236, 276
Irritable colon 238
Knobology 19, 31
Laminar flow 27
Laparoscopy 164f, 198, 240
Left cornual fibroid 104f
Left paraovarian cyst 162f
Leiomyoma 233, 253, 270
submucous 248
Leiomyosarcoma 106
Levonorgestrel-containing devices 216
planus 267, 268
sclerosis 268
Limb, absent 47
Loculi, multiple 194f
Lost intrauterine contraceptive device 218, 220
Low backache 277
Lower abdominal mass 242, 254, 260
evaluation of 242, 260262
Low-versus high-resistance flow 26
Lumbar spine, examination of 240
Lymph nodes 245, 252
Lymphadenitis, mesenteric 263
Lymphoma 261
Magnetic resonance imaging 277
Malignancy 253, 270
diagnosis of 252
Malpractice, causes of 43
Mass 234
abdominal 240, 252, 254
complex 250
descending per vaginum, evaluation of 242, 262
intracavitary 228
small 245
Medical ultrasound, basic principles of 52
Menometrorrhagia 130f
Menopausal problems 296fc
Menopause 226, 269
Menstrual abnormalities 277
Menstrual cycle 93f
proliferative phase of 85f
Menstrual outflow obstruction 278
Menstrual problems 287fc
Menstruation after apparent menopause, recurrence of 229
Mesonephric remnants 260
Molar cysts, presence of 211f
Molar pregnancy 136
pelvic ultrasound of 211f
Morgagni hydatid cyst 161
Müllerian anomalies, ASRM classification of 241, 244
Müllerian ducts 81
Multicystic ovaries 291fc
Multiple cystic spaces 134f
Multiple endocervical glands 181f
Multiple mature follicles 156f
Muscles, spasm of 269
Musculoskeletal disorders 233
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 120
Myofascial pelvic pain syndrome 233
Myoma 247, 251, 260, 272
anatomical classification of 242, 272
intracavitary 229
red degeneration of 264
submucous 251
Myometrial invasion 248
Myometritis 97, 116
Myometrium 58, 76, 77f, 97, 113f, 114f, 130f
anterior 114f
atrophic 118f
posterior 114f
Nabothian cysts 179, 181f
Necklace sign 166
Neoplasms, benign 273
Nerve entrapment 233
Neutrophils 258
Noncyclic pain 230
Non-neoplastic ovarian lesions 241, 248
Normal ovary 84f, 155f, 156f, 245
dimensions of 242, 273
Normal uterus 95f
ultrasonography of 241, 247
Obstruction 115
Obturator internus muscle 154f
Oligoovulation 165
Oophorectomy 239
Organs, intra-abdominal 245
Ovarian artery 160f
Ovarian cyst 212
rupture of 264, 276
torsion of 250, 251, 264, 276
Ovarian dermoid 170f, 171f, 173f
Ovarian disorder 154
differential diagnosis of 154
Ovarian dysgenesis 278
Ovarian endometrioma 162
Ovarian enlargement, benign conditions causing 242, 273
Ovarian follicle, thick-walled 204
Ovarian follicular cyst, simple 293fc
Ovarian fossa 154f
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 273
Ovarian malignancy 251
Ovarian mass 241, 252, 277
evaluation of 178
Ovarian neoplasm 168, 294fc
Ovarian pregnancy 207
Ovarian remnant syndrome 233, 236
Ovarian size 300
Ovarian torsion 46
Ovarian tumor 296fc
Ovarian volume 91f
Ovary 53, 58, 60, 82, 90f, 91f, 154f, 191f, 201f, 261
chocolate cyst of 162
granulosa cell tumor of 254
neoplastic lesions of 241, 249
remnant 234
Ovulation 256
Ovulatory dysfunction 253
Paget's disease 267
abdominal 195
acute 264
chronic 232
cyclic exacerbation of 234
functional 276
location of 239
lower abdominal 277
neuropathic 233
postoperative 246
types of 239
Pallor 212
Pancreatitis, acute 263
Panmural fibroid 100f, 102f
Pap smear 258, 259
Paraovarian cyst 161
Partial hydatidiform mole 213
diagnosis of 213t
Pediculosis 267
Pelvic adhesions 233
Pelvic anatomy, normal 53
Pelvic congestion syndrome 233, 234, 237, 240
Pelvic examination 212, 240, 277
abnormal 246
Pelvic infection 246
acute 257
Doppler studies suggestive of 276
Pelvic inflammatory disease 116, 185, 230, 234, 239, 240, 292fc
Pelvic kidney 194f
Pelvic mass 240, 247, 252, 254, 277
Pelvic organs, examination of 241, 246
Pelvic pain
evaluation of 242
non-gynecological causes of 242, 263
Pelvic sonography 62, 65
Pelvic ultrasonography, techniques for 241, 245
Pelvic viscera 94
Doppler evaluation of 93
Peptic ulcer, perforated 263
Per rectal examination 240
Per speculum examination 240, 277
Pericystic vascularization 162
Perimetrium 81
Peripheral vessels 103f
Peristalsis, active 39
Peritoneal cavity 250
Peritrophoblastic blood flow 206f
Pinworm 256
cystic spaces in 213
previa 47, 49
Polycystic ovary 164, 165, 167f, 291fc
syndrome 228, 229
Polyp 132f, 133f, 152f, 229, 245, 247, 251, 253, 254
abnormality 270
endometrial 109f, 121, 130f, 131f, 151, 225, 254
multiple 227
Postcoital bleeding 270
Post-endometrial ablation 229
Posterior wall
panmural fibroid 99f
submucous fibroid 110f, 111f
subserous fibroid 104f, 105f
Postmenopausal bleeding 245, 248, 270, 298fc
causes of 241, 254
Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency 268
Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy 227
Postradiation scarring 269
Post-void fullness 235
Pouch of Douglas 58, 93, 190, 192f, 193, 193f, 194f, 197, 245, 269
Power Doppler 33
Pre-eclampsia 212, 213
signs of 212
Pregnancy 207, 219, 260
interstitial 205f
intra-abdominal 207
negative 221
positive 264
Previous infection, history of 277
Primary amenorrhea 144f
causes of 243, 278
evaluation of 243, 279, 280
Proteinuria 212
Pruritus 254
vulvae 242, 267
clinical evaluation of 242, 267
Pseudo sac 197
Psoriasis 267, 268
Psychiatric disorders, history of 239
Psychosomatic disorders 233
delayed 246
precocious 221, 246
Pubic symphysis, separation of 233
Puborectalis muscle 245
echo 52
instruments 52
inversion 16
Pulsed-Doppler transducer 22f
aspiration of 252
drainage of 252
in cul-de-sac 250
Pyometra 258, 259
Pyoperitoneum, diagnosis of 252
Pyosalpinx 250, 264
Quality control tests 42
Radiotherapy 279
Range gate cursor 31
Rectovaginal modules 249
Rectovaginal septum 245
Remnant ovary 240
Renal calculus 263
Residual ovary 240
Resistive index 166f
Retroflexion 75
Retroversion 75
Ring of fire pattern 203f
Rokitansky protuberance 167
Rotterdam criteria 164
Sacroiliac joints, examination of 240
Sacroiliitis 233
Saline infusion
sonography 241, 251
study 222, 223
Salpingectomy 198
Salpingitis 264
acute 187
chronic 188
Salpingostomy 198
Scabies 267
Seborrhea 268
Secondary amenorrhea, evaluation of 243, 281
Sepsis, systemic signs of 264
Sexual dysfunction 233
Shear-wave elastography 19
Simple anechoic functional cyst 157f
Single uterine horn 140
Small intestine 204
Solid ovarian tumor 177
Solid right ovarian mass 177f
Solitary nabothian cyst 182f
Sonohysterography 121, 143, 143f, 150f, 151f
Sound wave propagation 1
Speculum examination 254
Spina bifida, missed 47
STD, history of 234
Stimulation multiple follicles 88f
basale 76
functionale 76
Stress 278
Stromal tumors 273
Subendometrial flow, moderate 129f
Subendometrial stromal vacuolation 248
Submucosal fibroid 104f, 107f, 110f, 112f
Surgery 268
history of 239
Swelling 254
Syphilis, serology for 258
Tachycardia 212, 258
Tamoxifen 223, 227
therapy 248
Tardy reporting 48
Tenderness 231, 254, 264, 277
Teratoma 204
benign cystic 261
Theca lutein cysts 161, 213, 214, 248, 273
Theoretical training program 51
Thick endometrium 122f124f, 126f, 127f
Thin endometrium 128f
Thyroid 279
storm 212
Thyrotoxicosis 212
harmonic imaging 16
vibration 39
Total hydatidiform mole 210
Transabdominal scan 69, 72f, 172f
Transabdominal sonography 62, 95f
Transabdominal ultrasound 146f, 202f, 208f
Transducer 7
care 40
focal zone 6
formats 15
frequency 5
selection 21
Transeophageal echocardiography transducer 13f
Transesophageal transducers 14
Transvaginal scan 69, 145f, 156f, 172f
Transvaginal sonography 62, 73f, 96f, 185, 198
Transvaginal transducer 13f
Transvaginal ultrasound 146f, 206f, 259
Trauma 278
Tremor 212
Trichomonas 268
vaginalis 256, 257
Trichomoniasis 267
Trilaminar appearance 222
Trophoblastic embolization 212
Tubal evaluation 189
Tubal ligation 235
Tubal surgery, previous 185
Tuberculosis 239, 257
diagnosis of 252
Tubo-ovarian abscess 167, 250
Tubo-ovarian complex 167, 188
Tubo-ovarian mass 240, 250, 260, 277
endometroid 261
epithelial 261
malignant 249
mucinous 261
Turner syndrome 278
Twin ectopic pregnancies 202f
Ultrasonography 162, 213, 241, 248
basics in 1
indications for 241, 245
Ultrasound 196
examination 197
guided procedures 241, 252
transducers 12f
Ureteric calculus 263
Urethral syndrome 233, 235
Urinary bladder 62
Urinary incontinence 246
Urinary tract infection 276
chronic 233, 235
recurrent 235
Uterine 260
abnormalities 241, 247
anomalies 247, 248
congenital 139
calcifications 116
cavity 97, 109f, 110f, 143, 126f, 151f, 211f
contour 108f
distortion of 104
corpus 73f, 99f, 110f, 136f
disorders 95
enlargement 104, 254, 264
fundus 137f
musculature 97
myoma, subclassification of 242, 272
size 300
synechiae 140
tenderness 240
wall, posterior 107
Uterosacral ligaments 240
Uterovaginal agenesis 278
Uterus 53, 57, 59, 69, 72f, 79f, 80f, 96f, 117f, 201f, 213, 246, 250, 278
acutely retroverted 269
adenomyotic 113f
anteverted 72f-74f, 96f
body of 272
evaluation of 95
infantile 70f
irregularly enlarged 264
multiparous 300
myometrium 106f
nulliparous 300
postmenopausal 300
prepuberty 300
retroverted 74f, 75f, 269
septate 122f, 146f
size of 97
subseptate 147f
abnormal 183
lesions of 256
Vaginal atresia 116f, 286f
Vaginal bleeding 195, 212, 213, 221, 288fc
causes of 225
irregular 195, 270
Vaginal discharge 240, 242, 253, 254, 259, 267, 269, 276
causes of 241, 242, 256
clinical evaluation of 242, 258
investigations of 242, 257
Vaginal infections, diagnosis of 242, 257
Vaginal swab 240
Vaginal vault 80f, 81f, 184f
Vaginismus 268
causes of 242, 268
Vaginitis 256, 268
signs of 269
Venereal disease research laboratory 240
Venous drainage 82, 90
Vesicles, passage of 212
Vesicular mole 260
Vessels, arrangement of 178
Vulva, Paget's disease of 267
Vulval cancer 267
Vulval lesions 268, 269
Vulvar vestibulitis 268
Vulvodynia 268
Vulvovaginitis 256, 267
Wobble sign, positive 169
XX/XY gonadal agenesis 278
XY gonadal agenesis 283fc
Yolk sac 185, 205f
Chapter Notes

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Third Edition
Editor-in-Chief Narendra Malhotra MD FICMCH FICOG FRCOG FICS FMAS FIAP President, INSARG, Past President, FOGSI/IFUMB/ISPAT/ISAR Vice President, WAPM/SAFOG Managing Director, Global Rainbow Health Care and MNMH (P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Professor, Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, Croatia Associate Editors Nidhi Gupta MS FICMCH FICOG Past President, Agra Obstetrical and Gynecological Society Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Sarojini Naidu (SN) Medical College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Neharika Malhotra MD (Gold Medalist) DRM (Germany) FICMCH Fellow ICOG (Rep Med) ICOG (USG) Joint Secretary, FOGSI, Chair, YTP Committee, FOGSI Director and Consultant, Global Rainbow IVF and MNMH (P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Jaideep Malhotra MD FICMCH FICOG FRCOG FRCPI FMAS President, SAFOM/ISPAT, Past President, IMS/ISAR/FOGSI/ASPIRE Managing Director, ART—Global Rainbow IVF and MNMH (P) Ltd Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Kuldeep Singh MBBS FAUI FICMCH Consultant Ultrasonologist Dr Kuldeep's Ultrasound and Color Doppler Clinic, New Delhi, India
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Step by Step® Ultrasound in Gynecology
First Edition : 2004
Second Edition : 2010
Third Edition : 2021
Printed at
Preface to the Third Edition
“Use sound to see better
Turn on the color to improve your image
Shift to the 3rd and 4th dimensions
Heal with sound”
Ultrasound has evolved to a new generation from the Ian Donald's 1D to 4D. Today, diagnosis of the female pelvic disorders are not possible without a transvaginal scan (TVS).
The TV scan is quick, economical, reliable, reproducible modality for complete pelvic diagnosis. Addition of color and 3D and 4D on the transvaginal probe has provided more physiological and structural information.
After the overwhelming response of the first and second edition, we have come out with the third edition.
We have added few chapters like ectopic pregnancy, trophoblastic disease in first trimester, Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD), vaginal bleeding with negative pregnancy test and chronic pelvic pain as these problems make up a great volume for which the patients visit the gynecologists.
More than 60 algorithms and treatment flowcharts for common problems encountered by gynecologists have been added as a ready reckoner for the busy practitioners.
This edition aims to simplify the transvaginal scanning procedures and use it for better patient diagnosis, care and treatment.
Narendra Malhotra
Nidhi Gupta
Neharika Malhotra
Jaideep Malhotra
Kuldeep Singh
Preface to the First Edition
Ultrasound today is the most accepted investigation and diagnostic modality for evaluating disease of virtually any and all parts of our body. Newer developments in technology have led to development of endocavity probes and high resolution clear pictures.
The advantages for Gynecological pelvic evaluation by transvaginal ultrasound are many folds and obvious. A high frequency probe placed near the target organ to be scanned gives us a clear anatomic picture of the uterus, cervix, ovaries and adnexa. Addition of color gives us physiological information about vascular supply. 3D and 4D give us sculpture like realistic images.
TVS is the only quick, cheap, reliable and reproducible modality to evaluate Gynecological problems.
Kuldeep Singh
Narendra Malhotra
Our heartiest thanks to our parents, elders, teachers, spouses, siblings, our sons, daughters and our friends who have helped us step by step at every step of our ambitious project of step by step series.
We were introduced to interventional sonography by Ananda Kumar (Singapore), Rajat Goswamy (UK), Asim Kurjak and Sanja Kupesic (Croatia), Professor Alfred Kratrochwil (Austria), Ashok Khurana, Ambarish Dalal, Pratap Kumar, Bhupendra Ahuja, Dr PK Shah, Jatin P Shah and Pranay Shah and many others who taught us small tricks of the trade at each step of our life.
We are indebted to Professor Struat Campbell and Professor Asim Kurjak for teaching us imaging and grateful to Ian Donald School, India and INSUOG.
Special thanks to Dr Rahul Gupta and Nitin Agarwal of Rainbow 4D imaging center for all the images.
Narendra Malhotra