Manual of Pediatric Allergy Major K Nagaraju
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table
Acaroids 337
Acebrophylline 426
Acidemia 280
Acidosis 255
Acne 59
Acoustic rhinometer 448, 449f
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome 33, 355
Acute asthma 283
drugs and dosages 283b
exacerbations 271, 279, 281
keystones of 282
management of 279, 288, 288b, 289
severe 285, 286
treatment of 285
Acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus 411f, 413f
Acute episode, home management of 266
Acute respiratory viral infections 271
Acute severe asthma 279, 280, 286288
clinical judgement of 282
Acute upper respiratory infection 248
Acute urticaria 25, 69, 71, 78, 82
etiology of 71b
Acyclovir 61
Adenoid hypertrophy 3, 177f
Adenovirus 381
Adhesion molecules 378
Adril lotion 423
Adverse drug reaction
diagnosis of 296
score for 307t
Aeroallergen 20, 313
inhalation of 331
role of 49
sensitization, prevalence of 13t
Aerosol device 445
cleaners, types of 325
filters, high-efficacy particulate 325
filtration, mechanical 325
ionizer 324
pollution 341, 342, 344f
Airborne antigens 313
Air-cleaning device 324
Airflow obstruction 252
measurement of 239
Airway 153
disease 180t
epithelium 19
hyperreactivity 292
hyperresponsiveness 255
inflammation 290, 292, 393
types of 245
lesions, congenital 233
obstruction 253, 253f
remodeling 254, 255f, 393
Alcaftadine 421
Alcohol 125
Allergen 31t, 84, 101f, 313, 327f, 344, 355, 361
avoidance 56, 186, 313, 325
common cross-reactivity of 31t
components 131, 319t, 322t
cross-reactivity of 361
damaged epithelium 272
elimination test 107
enzymatic degradation of 361
extracts 28, 335, 337, 353, 361
production of 336
quality of 28
standardization of 336, 338fc, 351
storage of 29
immunotherapy 335, 362
cost-effectiveness of 361
injection 355
microarrays 108
multiple 28
products 335
sensitization tests 245
solution, high-dose 362
sources of 318, 323
specific immunotherapy 62, 166, 197, 273, 351, 364fc, 393
history of 352t
mechanism of 353f, 354fc
standardization 335, 336b
rationale for 335
terminology of 313
water-soluble 335
Allergenic foods
maternal consumption of 119
strict avoidance of 135
Allergic conjunctival edema 161f
Allergic conjunctivitis 25, 162f, 163b, 164fc, 167fc, 190, 193, 214
pathophysiology of 160fc
Allergic contact dermatitis 4, 85, 85t, 8790
diagnosis of 92
Allergic diseases 1, 3, 15, 32, 36, 62, 186, 219, 220, 267, 313, 365, 385, 387, 388, 388fc, 397, 398fc, 399f, 400, 401
course of 197
development of 216
diagnosis of 23, 23b, 35f, 34t
evaluation of 36
prevention of 405
rheumatology in 409
signs of 23
Allergic disorders 1t, 169
diagnosis of 23
Allergic drug reactions 299
Allergic eosinophilic esophagitis 103, 140
Allergic eye diseases 33
Allergic fungal sinusitis 33, 330
Allergic gape 172f
Allergic line 172f
Allergic mannerisms 172f
Allergic phenotypes 226
Allergic reaction 5t, 91, 300t, 309t
Allergic rhinitis 25, 32, 37, 49, 99, 159, 169, 172, 172f, 174, 174fc, 175t, 177182, 185, 185f, 187b, 187t, 192fc, 196, 198, 200, 202, 212, 260, 263, 267, 345f, 346, 352, 397, 403, 404t, 405, 412
classification of 170t
clinical features of 169
complications of 202
diagnosis of 169
differential diagnosis of 178t
local 178
management of 169, 185f, 200fc
medications for 187, 187t
progression of 183
signs of 170b
stepwise management of 198fc
symptoms of 171t, 190
treatment of 185, 188b, 201fc
uncontrolled 202
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis 212
Allergic rhinosinusitis 233
Allergic salute 173f
Allergic sensitization 15
Allergic shiners 6, 173f, 233
Allergic substances 92
Allergoid immunotherapy 364
Allergy 1, 121f, 162, 219, 221, 385, 399fc, 414, 419, 428, 434
diagnosis 336
epidemic, second wave of 114
explorer 43
genetics of 219
investigations 163b
multiple 193
practice 410
prevalence 387
skin prick test 76, 163, 176
skin test 23
reaction 76f
symptoms 387
testing 25t, 76, 128
history of 24
major contraindications for 25t
Allium 89
Allopurinol 91, 301
Alprazolam 26
Alzheimer's disease 342, 410
American cockroach, Characteristics of 322t
American Contact Dermatitis Society 92
American Thoracic Society 292
Amino acid formulae 109
Aminophylline 286
infusion 283
Amitriptyline 26
Amoxicillin 303
Amoxyclav 304
Ampicillin 143, 303
Anaphylactic reaction, grading of 151t
Anaphylactoid reaction 144, 146
severe 380
Anaphylatoxins 145
Anaphylaxis 1, 29, 42, 143, 144, 146b, 212, 305, 307, 394, 433
biphasic 147
cardiovascular effects of 146
cow's milk induced 101
diagnostic tests for 152t
drugs used for 422t
etiological classification of 147t
exercise induced 148, 150
factitia 150
food dependent exercise-induced 123, 126
further attacks of 156b
idiopathic 146
incidence of 143
management of 357
mediators of 145t
persistent 147
revised nomenclature of 144fc
risk of 238
signs of 150t
symptoms of 150t
treatment of 153fc
Anemia 134
hemolytic 383
pernicious 383
Angioedema 1, 69, 70, 73, 78fc, 82, 102, 300, 302, 307, 413f
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 3, 144, 147, 303, 356, 357
Angle closure glaucoma 162
Angry child syndrome 202
Animal allergen 323
Animal dander 323
prevention of 324
Antiallergic topical eye preparations 166t
advantages of 165t
disadvantages of 165t
drugs 306fc
systemic 96
prophylaxis 379
therapy 381
topical 90
Anticholinergics 285
Anticonvulsants 301
Anticytokine therapy 364
Anti-drug antibodies 380
Antiepileptic drugs 301, 305
administration of 144
application of 94f
presenting cells 18, 100, 118
Antihistamines 60, 91, 163, 187, 198, 205, 211, 216, 421
classification of 205
eye drops 26
high-dose 78
new classification of 207b
oral nonsedating 165
systemic use of 95
use, safety of 216t
Anti-inflammatory cytokines 393
Anti-inflammatory therapy 57
Antimicrobial peptides, deficient of 50
Antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody 294, 414, 415
Antinuclear antibody 412, 414
test 76
Antioxidant effects 14
Antipruritic 60
agents, systemic use of 95
Antistaphylococcal antibiotics 88
Anti-streptolysin O titer 75
Antiviral immunity 393
Anxiety 202
Apis cerana indica 331
Apis dorsata 331
Apis florea 331
Apis mellifera 331
Arterial blood gas 281
Arthritis, polyarticular 383
Aspergillosis, allergic bronchopulmonary 25, 40
Aspergillus fumigatus 226
Aspergillus niger 330
Aspiration syndromes 253
Aspirin 125
exacerbated asthma 297
Astemizole 26
Asthma 1, 45, 49, 178t, 179, 200, 202, 212, 219, 221, 232, 235, 235t, 243t, 244, 245, 247f, 253, 255, 255fc, 256fc, 262, 263, 264t, 271, 292, 293, 293t295t, 313, 344, 344f, 346, 347f, 352, 391, 397, 402, 403, 405, 412, 414, 419, 434
allergic 25, 32, 37, 193, 214, 273
associated genes studied 222t
atopic 292
attacks 272
categories of drugs used in 265b
childhood 224
loss of 243
test 402
cough-variant 248
development of 272, 392fc
diagnosis of 232, 235, 238, 241, 245, 293, 433
early prevention of 212
education 267
episodes 345
seasonal pattern of 345f
exacerbation 271, 274, 279
exercise induced 273
family history of 262, 263
food induced 116
genes 227
genetics of 219
global initiative for 235, 241, 352, 427
guidelines 262
history of 232
incidence of 344
inhalation therapy for 3
intrinsic 292
life-threatening 280, 282
long-term 414
follow-up of 252
management of 244, 262
maternal 267
medications 424t, 426t, 434
mild 259
mimic 233
moderate-to-severe acute 287
near-fatal 280, 280b
nocturnal 248
nonatopic 292
occupational 292
onset 232
pathophysiology of 253, 254fc, 256fc, 292
phenotypes 233, 234t
role in 393
precipitation of 264
predictive index 235t, 236
preexistent 273
preschool 232
prevalence of 232, 344f, 345, 347f, 390
prevention of 403
qualifying features, diagnosis of 235b
related genes 221, 223t
risk factors for 289
susceptibility genes 221
suspects 235
symptoms 313
triggering of 273
worsening of 203
tackle 271
treatment of 265
underdiagnosed 232
unstable 29
Ataxia telangiectasia 371
Atopic dermatitis 1, 3, 4, 25, 37, 45, 46fc, 49, 5052, 58f, 60t, 62, 65, 84, 87, 124, 159, 212, 215, 219, 221, 393, 397, 401, 402t, 405
acute 53
chronic 53, 55
clinical features of 52f
diagnosis of 54
endotypes of 49t
exacerbate 49t
genetics of 46
genotypes of 48t
immunopathogenesis of 46
management of 64fc
moderate-to-severe 128, 138
origin of 46
pathogenesis of 47f, 47fc, 61
phenotypes of 48t
prevalence of 45
prevention of 62
scoring for 53, 65
severe 29
stepwise management of 65f
subacute 53
treatment of 62, 215, 397
variants of 54
Atopic disease, coexistence of 267
Atopic disorders 412
Atopic eczema 45
Atopic facies, features of 52
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis 159
Atopic patch test 50, 55, 108
Atopic skin, improvement of 63
family history of 267
synergy 273
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder syndrome 25, 133
Autoimmune disease 3, 380, 383, 410
Autologous serum skin test 76, 76f
Automatic lock system 436f
Azathioprine 61, 415
Azelastine 26, 164, 166, 214, 420, 421
hydrochloride 165
nasal spray 190
Aztreonam 146
B cell
defects 374
deficiencies 371
B lymphocyte 19
Bacitracin 90
Bacteria 272, 397
Bacterial cells 14
Bacterial infection 15, 272
Baker's asthma 331
Bambuterol 426
Barker's early development theory 387
Barker's theory 387
Basophils 253, 254
activation test 132, 308
kallikrein 145
Beclomethasone 426, 427
Bee stings 150
Behcet's disease 410
Benzalkonium chloride 191
Benzodiazepines 26
Bepostatin 164
Bepotastine besilate 421
Beta-adrenergic agonist 80
Beta-blockers 26
Beta-lactam antibiotics 300, 301, 302t, 305
Betamethasone 420
augmented 423
dipropionate 422
valerate 422
Beta-tryptase levels 308
Bifidobacterium 196
infantis 400
Bilastine 166, 207, 208, 209, 211, 419
Bilevel positive airway pressure 287
Biopsy 95
Biotin labeled allergens 38
Birch pollen 31
Blatella orientalis 322
Blattella germanica 322
Blepharitis 162
Blomia tropicalis 316, 317
characteristics of 319t
brain barrier 188
eosinophil levels 178t
eosinophilia 235
pressure 155, 342
low systolic 151
Blurred vision 346
Bone marrow 379
Borrelia 412
Brain histamine 207b
Breast milk 100
Breath, shortness of 279
Breathing 153, 286
dysfunctional 293
work of 256
British Thoracic Society 241, 292
Bronchial asthma 247249, 257, 260
components of 248fc
controllers in 258
diagnosis of 249b
differential diagnosis 253t
prevalence of 248
step-up management of 258t
Bronchial hyperreactivity 248, 256, 279
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness 223
Bronchial inflammation, mechanism of 256fc
Bronchial muscle walls 255
Bronchial obstruction, mechanism of 247, 247f
Bronchial provocation tests 33, 238, 244
Bronchiolitis 253, 267
intermittent dosing of 284
parenteral 284
Bronchospasm 302, 307
exercise induced 393
Bronchus, bronchoscopic appearance of 247, 248f
Bruton's disease 381
Bruton's syndrome 381
Buclizine 206
Budamate 424
Budesonide 420, 426, 427
nebulization 427
Bullous pemphigoid 73
Butylated hydroxyzole 132
Caladryl lotion 423
antagonists 81
channel blockers 301
Campylobacter jejuni infection 383
Canadian Thoracic Society 241
Cancer 27
albicans 64, 191, 377
dermatitis 88
skin test 377
Capsaicin 89
Carbamazepine 303
Carbon monoxide 343
Carcinoid tumor 150
Cardiovascular diseases 342
Cardiovascular system 99, 124, 150, 151, 209
Cat 324
allergen 158, 175
allergy 324
Catamenial anaphylaxis 147
Cataracts 164
Cathelicidin expression 394
Celiac disease 133
Central nervous system 150, 151, 207, 209, 209fc, 210, 413
Cephalosporins 61, 143, 146, 301, 303, 309
Cesarean section delivery 119
Cetirizine 26, 60, 78, 155, 189, 207209, 211, 213, 216, 419, 421, 422
Cetraben 423
Chafing dermatitis 87
Chapel-Hill classification 413
Charcot-Leyden crystals 254
Cheilitis 92
physiotherapy 288
tightness 102, 279
Child abuse 87
Childhood bronchial asthma, prognosis of 267
Chinese restaurant syndrome 133
Chlamydial conjunctivitis 162
Chlamydophila pneumoniae 272
Chlorofluorocarbon 427, 435
Chlorpheniramine 154, 206, 211, 216
maleate 207, 421
Chlorpromazine 26
Cholinergic urticaria 75, 81, 82
Chromosomal microarray 378
Chromosome 14
Chronic granulomatous disease 378, 382, 428
diagnosis of 428
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis 371
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 411
Chronic upper airway disease, severe 202
Chronic urticaria 2, 25, 6971, 77, 81, 395
diagnosis of 70
etiology of 71b
treatment of 79, 80fc
Chrysanthemum 89
morifolium 89
Churg-Strauss syndrome 410, 413
Ciclesonide 190, 420, 427
Cimetidine 26, 424
Circulation 153
Clavulanic acid 146
Clemastine 26, 206
Clinical allergic diseases 20
Clobetasol propionate 423
Clobetasone butyrate 422
Clomipramine 26
Clonazepam 26
Clotrimazole 88
Cloxacillin 143
Cluster immunotherapy 197
Cobalt dichloride 92
Cobble-stone papillae 161
Cocamidopropyl betaine 90
Cockroach 315, 321, 325
allergen 322
allergy 323
lifestyle of 322t
types of 321t
Cold 75, 215
common 175t
permanent 2
provocation test 33
Colloidal volume substitutes 299
Colony-forming unit 404
Colophony 92
Commercial celiac test 33
Complete blood count 74, 235, 294, 372, 376, 428t
Concomitant disease 144
Congenital lobar emphysema 235
Congestion 5
visceral 149
Conjunctiva 159, 161, 207
Conjunctival allergies 158
Conjunctival challenge test 33
Conjunctival phlycten 162f
Conjunctival pigment sign 162f
Conjunctival provocation test 163
Conjunctival scrape 163
Conjunctivitis 1, 5, 162, 170, 307, 381, 412
bacterial 162
viral 162
Constipation 134
Contact allergen 84, 91, 92t
Contact dermatitis 31t, 54, 84, 90, 162, 302, 327
classification of 86fc
systemic 85, 91
Contact lenses 159
Contact urticarial, patch test for 75
Continuous positive airway pressure 287
Cornea 158
transplant 166
Corona 233
Corticosteroids 81, 91, 280, 285, 301, 415
parenteral 427t
systemic 273, 281
Cough 215, 248, 254t
chronic 344, 345
persistent 150
Cow's milk 99, 100, 101t, 109
allergy 98, 99t, 102, 104f
biopsy specimens of 105f
challenge tests, indications for 108
late-onset 102
components 98
intolerance 98
protein allergy 30, 98, 101, 101t, 102t, 105f, 111b, 403
management of 98
mechanism of 100
related symptom score 106, 106t
C-reactive protein 75, 79
Creatine phosphokinase 414
Crisaborole 60
Cryotherapy 166
Cyanosis 282
Cyclic citrullinated peptide 414
Cyclizine 206
Cyclooxygenase 226
inhibitors 299
Cyclosporine 81, 421, 424
A 164, 383
therapy 81
Cyproheptadine 26, 206, 216
Cysteinyl leukotrienes 286
Cytochrome C, reduction of 429
Cytomegalovirus 374, 381
Dahlia pinnata 89
Darier's line 233
Daycare facilities 4
Deflazacort 427
Delgocitinib 61
Denature mite allergen 320
Dendritic cells 135, 398, 399
Dennie-Morgan folds 171f
Depression 202
Dermal edema 411f, 413f
Dermatitis 91t, 95, 412
allergic 1, 316
bacterial 88
diffuse 89
distribution of 93
eczematous 54
frictional 87
herpetiformis 73
interstitial granulomatous 303
plant 89
secondarily infected 88
signs of 95
syndrome 45
Dermatomyositis 73, 77
farinae 317
microceras 317
pteronyssinus 313, 317, 319t
lifestyle of 318t
Dermis, papillomatosis of 55
Dermographic provocation test 33
Desloratadine 26, 78, 79, 189, 206209, 211, 216, 419
Desonide 57, 422
Desoximetasone 422
Dexamethasone 285, 420, 427
Dexchlorpheniramine 216
Diabetes 342
mellitus 395
Diaper candidiasis 88
Diaper dermatitis 87
differential diagnosis of 87
incidence of 87
Diarrhea 134, 196, 381
recurrent 134
Diazepam 26
Diclofenac 143
sodium 421
Difficult asthma, prevalence of 292
DiGeorge syndrome 54, 371, 373
Dihydrorhodamine 430
Dimethylglyoxime 95
spot test 95
Diphenhydramine 154, 155, 206, 207, 211
Diphtheria 306, 307, 377
Dipyrone 143
Discoid lupus erythematous 382
Disodium cromoglycolate 194
Disperse dyes 90
Distal skin crease 58
Diurnal rhythm 170
Dog 324
allergy 324
Double blind placebo control food challenges 34, 130
Doxepin 26, 80
Doxofylline 426
D-penicillamine 380
Drowsiness 211t, 346
Drug allergy 25, 37, 296, 297, 299t, 311
diagnosis of 306
genetics of 298
signs of 301t, 302
symptoms of 301t
warning signs of 302t
Drug delivery systems 265
Drug desensitization, contraindications for 311
Drug fever 303
Drug hypersensitivity reactions 300t
Drug idiosyncratic reaction 297
Drug intolerance 297
Drug patch testing 308
Drug provocation test 308
Drug rash 297, 300, 301
Drug reaction 297t
types of 300
Dry powder inhaler 266, 427, 442
types of 443, 443f
Dry skin 233
Dual allergen exposure hypothesis 119
Dust mite 3, 315, 316, 325
allergens 315, 317
control 320
different types of 317t
high levels of 320
proof cover, qualities of 321
properties of 317b
Dwarf honeybee 332
Dysbiosis 394
Dyskeratosis congenita 371
Dyskinesia, laryngeal 293
Dyspnea 102, 248
Dysrhythmias 285
Ear 6
fingering 174f
lobe 91
dermatitis 90
pain 5
piercing 90
Ebastine 209, 419
Econazole 88
Eczema 193, 233, 263
area and severity score 54
extent of 57
herpeticum 64
primary prevention of 405
vaccinatum 64
hereditary angioneurotic 72
laryngeal 149, 302
pulmonary 149
Efalizumab 63
Effusion 3
Egg allergy prevention trial 138
Electrocardiography 155
Electronic vibrating mesh nebulizer 440
Elimination diet test 33
Emedastine 165, 166
difumarate 421
Emollients 56
types of 56
Emphysema 346
Endothelial cell swelling 412
Endothelium 207
Endotoxin exposure 225
Enhanced nebulizer designs 440
Enterocolitis syndrome, food protein-induced 103, 105f
Enteropathy syndrome, cow's milk induced 103
Enterovirus 272, 381
Environmental air pollutants 343t
Environmental allergens, types of 169
immunoassay 37
replacement therapy 379, 380
Eosinophilia 216, 297, 235, 300, 301, 304
mild 54
peripheral 54
phase of 415
bronchitis 253
cellulitis 212
disease 414
esophagitis 25, 135
gastrointestinal diseases 103t
granulomatosis 413
inflammation 245, 450
Eosinophils 105f, 159, 175, 244, 254, 257
cationic protein 34
granule protein 257
infiltration 257
membrane 254
nasal smear for 175
numbers 224
Epicutaneous immunotherapy 111, 136, 199, 363
Epicutaneous skin tests 24
Epidermis 23
hyperplasia of 55
Epigenetics 226
Epinastine 164, 166, 421
Epinephrine 154, 155
aqueous 153
Episcleritis 162
frequency of 268
severity of 268
Epithelial cells 159
Epithelial membrane 398
Epstein-Barr virus 374
infections 33
Erythema multiforme 303, 73
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 74, 294, 304
Escherichia coli 376, 400
Ethylenediamine dihydrochloride 92
Euroglyphus maynei 316, 317
European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 352
European honeybee 332
European Task Force of Atopic Dermatitis 53
Eustachian tube 6
Exacerbation, grade severity of 281t
Exanthematous pustulosis, acute generalized 301, 302
Exercise challenge test 33
Exhaled breath
condensate 243, 244
temperature 243, 244
Exhaled nitric oxide, fraction of 34, 450, 450f
Extracellular matrix protein 385
Extracorporeal photopheresis 64
Extreme hypoxemia 280
Eye 1, 6
Eye drops 167
drops, multiple 165
itching of 161
rubbing 161
symptoms 5b
Eyelids 90, 91
Face 6
enlargement of 173f
Facemask 442
Facial dermatitis 90
Factors influencing drug allergies 299
Faint macular erythema 94
False-negative skin prick tests, causes of 27b
False-positive skin prick tests, causes of 27b
Famotidine 26, 424
Fatal asthma 280
Fatigue, chronic 202
Fatty acids, short-chain 399
Febrile neutropenia 381
Fetal lung 388
Fever 300, 304
Fexofenadine 26, 78, 79, 189, 206209, 211, 216, 419
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy 33
Fibroblasts 159
Filaggrin 221
gene, role of 46fc
Filament-aggregating protein 221
Finger dermatitis 89
First-generation antihistamines 26, 188, 188f, 205, 210, 210t, 215
Fixed drug eruptions 300
Flatulence 196
Flavonoids 14
Flow cytometry 377, 429t
Flow volume loop 239, 240
Fluocinolone acetonide 422
Fluorescence enzyme immunoassay 37, 308
Fluorescence in situ hybridization 378
Fluoroquinolones 146
Flurometharone 420
Fluticasone 425
furoate 420, 427
propionate 420, 422, 427
Folliculitis 87
Fomtide 424
additives 132
adverse reactions, classification of 116fc
allergens 18, 30, 117, 117f, 121f, 128t, 130t
plant 331
specific immunotherapy 135
standardized 128
allergy 25, 34, 42, 114, 115, 115t, 117t, 120t, 123t, 124, 125t, 127t, 129t, 279, 394, 397, 403
classification of 116t
diagnosis of 131, 132
factors favoring resolution of 137b
herbal formula-2 136
mediated 123
mimic 132
natural history of 139t
phenotyping of 123
prevalence of 118
prevention of 138
problems of 139
resolution of 137
risk factors for 122t
sensitization, mechanism of 118fc
treatment of 134
and Drug Administration 352
diary 130
inhalant allergy 331
intolerance 115t
processing hypothesis 119
reaction, severe 125b
rich in probiotics 406
sensitization 389
mechanism of 389fc
Force vital capacity 239, 240
Forced expiratory
flow 294
volume 239, 240, 250, 433
Forced oscillation technique 242
Forced vital capacity 239
maneuver 253f
Formaldehyde 90, 337, 346
Formonide 424
Formoterol 425, 426
Fragrance mix 92
allergens 315
allergy 330
infections 61, 64, 428
spores 330
Fungus 329
Galacto-oligosaccharides, short-chain 110
Gamma globulins 299
intravenous 372
Gamma interferon 63, 379
injections 379
Gasdermin-like protein 224
Gastric emptying, delayed 103
Gastroesophageal reflux 233, 263
disease 432
Gastrointestinal infections 380
Gastrointestinal symptoms 101, 103, 136
Gastrointestinal tract 99, 124, 150, 151, 209, 375
infections 381
symptoms 4b
Gell and Coombs system of classification of drug hypersensitivity reactions 297t
analysis 77
environment interactions 221, 225
gene interactions 221, 225
therapy 379, 382
Generation antihistamine 206
Genetics studies 378
association studies 220
linkage analysis 220
German cockroach, characteristics of 322t
German multi-center allergy study 100
Giant honey bee 332
Giant papillary conjunctivitis 159
Giant urticaria 72f
Giardia lamblia 376, 383
Gingivitis 382
Glandular cells 207
Glaucoma 59, 164
Glutaraldehyde 337
Gluten intolerance 380
Gluten sensitive enteropathy 133
Granular cell layer 55
Granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor 298
Granuloma formation 382
Granulomatous cheilitis 383
Grass pollen 31, 326
Guttate psoriasis 73
Gymnoglyphus 317
H1 antihistamines 205
act 207
advantages of 213fc
adverse effects of 209fc, 210fc
classification of 206t
intranasal 189
use 212t
H2 antagonists 26
H2 antihistamines 424t
H3 receptor antagonist 199
Haemophilus influenzae 378
Hair 316
Halobetasol propionate 423
Halothane 304
Hansel's stain 176
Headache 5, 379
Headlight sign 52
disease, congenital 253
rate, normal 151
contact urticaria 75
provocation test 75
Heavy-duty vinyl gloves 95
Heiner's syndrome 103, 105
Helicobacter pylori 15, 69
Heliox 286
Helminth infestation, effect of 318
Hematopoietic stem cells transplantation 379
intra-alveolar 149
subconjunctival 162
Hemorrhagic telangiectasia, hereditary 160
Henoch-Schönlein purpura 77
Hepa air filter
advantages of 325
disadvantages of 325
A 15
B 411
drug induced 304
Herbal medicines 91
Hereditary angioedema 150, 152
tests for 77
High potency 423
Hirsutism 59
Hispanic populations 223
Histamine 34, 70, 205, 238
releasing factor 34
toxicity 133
Hormone, adrenocorticotropic 147
Horner-Trantas dots 161, 152f
House dust 316
mite 49, 316318
sensitization 318
Human allergic diseases, diagnosis of 36
Human gastrointestinal tract 117
Human herpesvirus 6 71
Human immunodeficiency virus 299, 355, 376
Human leukocyte antigen 299
genes 306
Human metapneumovirus 233
Human profilaggrin gene 46
Human rhinovirus 272
Hydrated skin 57
Hydrochlorothiazide 301
Hydrocortisone 155, 422, 427
butyrate 422
valerate 422
Hydrofluoroalkane 283, 427
Hydrogen breath test 34
Hydroperoxy licosa tetra 160
Hydroxy vitamin D levels 390
Hydroxychloroquine 380
Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid 160
Hydroxyzine 206, 207, 211, 216
Hymenoptera venom allergens 332t
Hypercapnia 280
Hyperemia 163
Hyperinflation, acute pulmonary 149
Hyperkeratosis 55
delayed-type 372
reactions 49, 84, 329
management of 306fc, 307fc
syndrome, drug induced 304
types of 377
Hypertension 285
pulmonary 293
Hypertonic aerosol 238
Hypertrophy, inferior turbinate 173f
Hyperventilation 150
Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis 411
Hypogammaglobulinemia 383
Hypoglycemia 150
Hypotension 282, 302, 379
Hypotonia 149
Hypoxia 255, 280
Hysterical fits 150
Ice cube test 75
Ichthyosis vulgaris 54, 221
Idiosyncratic reactions 296
Imipenem 146
Imipramine 26
cells 19
deficiency syndromes 54
solid phase allergen chip 38, 39, 43
thrombocytopenia purpura 372
tolerance 400
Immunity 398
systemic 400fc
Immunoassays 37
types of 38
Immunodeficiency, severe combined 372, 376, 381
Immunoglobulin 300, 411
A 429
D 429
E 74, 118, 123, 128, 147, 174, 200, 220, 223, 294, 300, 301
G 429
intravenous 63, 71, 310, 379
levels 383
M 429
Immunology 428
Immuno-osseous dysplasias 371
Immunosuppressive drugs 61, 94, 96, 424t
Immunotherapy 353, 355t, 361
clinical effects of 354b
contraindications for 355t
future of 364
goals of 356b
hypoallergenic 197, 364
immunological effects of 354b
indications for 354b
mechanism of 353
safety and efficacy of 353
schedule of 360
single-allergen 363
subcutaneous 111, 197, 352, 355t, 360, 362
sublingual 135, 198, 359t
Impetigo 87
Impulse oscillometry 242, 449, 449f
advantages of 450
In vitro testing 31, 36, 37, 55, 176
Indoor aeroallergens 392
Indoor air pollution 345
control of 324
Indoor allergens 2, 27, 264, 315, 315t
Indoor fungi 329
Indoor humidity 315
Infantile eczema 49
Infections 273
parasitic 33
viral 64
Infectious mononucleosis 411
Infective sinusitis 175t
Inflammatory bowel disease 380, 410
Inflammatory cells 254
Inflammatory diseases 315
Infliximab 63
Influenza 233
Inhalant allergens 12
Inhaled corticosteroids 193, 232, 258, 351, 427t, 432
Inhaled formoterol 283
Inhaled nasal steroid
administration of 191b
systemic bioavailability of 192f
Inhaled racemic epinephrine 283
Inhaler technique, quality of 2
Injection adrenaline 422
Injection hydrocortisone 154
Injection ranitidine 422
Insect bite allergy 37, 212
Insect sting 25, 331
allergies 331
Insomnia 202
Insulin resistance 342
Interleukin 298, 399
Intertrigo 87
Intestinal epithelial cells 20
Intestinal nodular lymphoid hyperplasia 383
Intracellular adhesion molecule-1 160
Intradermal skin test 30
disadvantages of 30b
Intradermal tests 24, 77, 128, 306, 308
usefulness of 30b
Intralymphatic immunotherapy 199, 363
Intranasal antihistamine 26, 192, 194, 420t
Intranasal corticosteroid 196, 420t
Intranasal glucocorticosteroid 187, 190, 192194, 198
Intranasal steroid 180, 189, 191f
device 445
Intrathoracic pressure 255
Ipratropium bromide 195, 283, 420
nasal spray, dosage of 195
Irritable bowel syndrome 134
Irritant contact dermatitis, causes of 86b
Irritants 51, 345
contact dermatitis 84, 85, 85t
dermatitis 87
hand dermatitis 86
Isoniazid 304
Itch scratch cycle 60
Itching, symptom of 163
Itchy oozing dermatitis 51
Japanese cedar pollen allergy 403
Jet nebulizers 440
Joint pains 410
Keratectomy, laser phototherapeutic 166
Keratinocytes 20
Keratoconjuctivitis sicca 162
Keratoconus 161
Keratosis pilaris 54, 65
Ketamine 286
Ketotifen 26, 206, 207, 211, 421
Lactic dehydrogenase 414
Lactobacillus 405
fermentum 62, 196
gasseri 400
paracasei 196, 404
rhamnosus 110, 135, 401, 405
Lactose 442
intolerance 98, 133
Langerhans cells 88
Lanolin 92
Latex allergy 3, 25, 42
Leflunomide 424
Lens 158
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency 382
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis 72, 412
Leukotriene 145, 160
antagonists 61, 424t
modifiers 258
receptor antagonists 185, 195, 273, 286
Levocabastine 166, 421
Levocetirizine 26, 78, 79, 189, 207211, 212, 214, 216, 419
Levosalbutamol 283, 425
Lid surgery 166
Lip-licker's dermatitis 86
Liquid asthma medication 434
Lodoxamide 164
tromethamine 421
Long-chain fructo-oligosaccharides 110
Long-face syndrome 173f
Loratadine 26, 78, 207209, 211, 216, 419
Lorazepam 26
Loteprednol 164, 421
etabonate 164
Low histamine diet 81
Low pseudoallergenic diet 81
Lower airway symptoms 102
Lower eyelids, bluish black discoloration of 173f
Lower lids 6
Lower orbital palpebral grooves, alveolar tissues of 173f
Lung 1
function measurements 268
maturation 393
Lymphadenopathy 304
Lymphocyte transformation test 309
cells 398
follicles 100
Lymphoma, cutaneous 54
Lymphoreticular malignancies 381, 383
Macrolides 273
Macrophages 254
Maculopapular rash 84, 92, 102, 300
Maculopapular skin eruption 300
Magnesium sulfate 286
Major histocompatibility complex 300, 377
Major indoor allergens 324
Major outdoor allergens 313
Malar rash 413
Malassezia furfur 50
Malayoglaphus 317
Malondialdehyde 160
Mast cell 23, 159, 207, 253, 257, 409
granules of 205
kininogen 145
stabilizer 258, 421
stimulation 71
tryptase 34
Mastocytosis, systemic 150, 433, 433t
Maternal vitamin D
and early wheeze 389
status 385
Matrix metalloproteinases 403
Mechanical ventilation 287
Meclizine 206
Medium potency 422
Medrysone 421
Memory T cells 19
Mepolizumab 63, 415
Metabolic disorder 54
Metered dose inhaler 29, 250, 288, 434436, 436f, 437, 438f, 439f, 445
advantages of 435
disadvantages of 435
parts of 434f
pressurized 445
Methacholine 238
challenge test 180
Methotrexate 61, 301, 415, 424
Methyl prednisolone 155, 422, 427
Methyl-chloro-isothiazolinone 90
Methyl-isothiazolinone 90
Methylxanthines 258, 286
Miconazole 88
Microbe-associated molecular patterns 398
depletion hypothesis 119
part of 14
Microbiota, role of 398
Microcrystalline cellulose 32
Midazolam 26
Miliaria 87
allergens 100
challenge tests 107
elimination of 107
ingestion of 100
soy protein intolerance 115
specific antibodies, assessment of 107
Minor allergen components 319t
aeroallergens 323
allergens 320, 321
intestinal tract 318
reservoir, elimination of 321
Modified asthma predictive index 236
Molecular pattern, pathogen-associated 18f
Molluscum contagiosum 64
Mometasone 427
furoate 420
Monocytes 253
Mononeuritis multiplex 410
Mononeuropathy 410
Monozygotic twins 119
Montelukast 81, 424
Morbilliform eruptions 296
Mosquito coil 2
Mosquito coil burning 347
Mugwort pollen 31
Müller's grading 5t
Müller's muscle spasm 171f
Multiallergen immunotherapy 363
Multiorgan 1
Multitrigger wheeze 234
Mupirocin ointment 61
Muscle relaxants 299
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 394
Mycophenolate 424
mofetil 61, 64
Myeloma, multiple 33
Myeloperoxidase 414
Myobacterium avium-intracellulare 376
Myocardial ischemia 285
Naphazoline 421
hydrochloride 165
allergen provocation test 178
allergy 3, 181
antihistamines 187
beclomethasone 190
block 170, 172f, 197
challenge test 34
congestion 3, 102
decongestants 187, 194
endoscopy 177
eosinophil count 175
hyperactivity, nonspecific 5
immunotherapy 363
local 198
itching 170
mucosa 196, 345
nitric oxide values, calculation of 432b
obstruction 212
polyps 202
provocation/challenge test 179
pruritus 102, 171, 182, 197
saline 195
septum 172f
symptoms 3
Nasopharyngeal passage 177f
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease 149
Natural killer cells 377, 378
Nausea 302, 379
Nebulized ipratropium bromide 285
Nebulizers 439, 441
chamber 442
cleaning 442
disadvantages of 441
types of 440
Neck 6
adenoid hypertrophy 177f
Nedocromil 421
sodium 164, 194
Nemolizumab 63
Neomycin 90
sulfate 92
Neonatal immune system 390fc
Nephritis, acute interstitial 305
Netherton syndrome 54
Neuroleptics 26
acquired 374
congenital 374
Neutrophils 378
burst test 429
index 430
oxidize 430
Nezelof syndrome 54
sensitization 88
sulfate 92
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 428
Nitric oxide 145
production 450
Nitroblue tetrazolium 372, 376, 428
test 378
Nitrofurantoin 146
dioxide 273
oxides of 343
Nonallergic cross-intolerance reactions 305
Nonanaphylactic acute allergic reactions 215
Noninvasive mechanical ventilation 287
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation 287
Nonstandardized allergen extracts 336, 336f, 353
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 3, 71, 79, 80, 123, 145, 146, 163, 164, 254, 296, 297, 300, 307, 421
Normocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis 411
North American Contact Dermatitis Group 92
Nose 6
edematous allergic mucous membrane of 173f
itching of 5, 173f
Nummular eczema 54
Nystatin 88
Obesity 273
Ocular allergy 158
symptoms of 161t
Ocular hypersensitivity
disorders, classification of 159fc
reaction 162f
Ocular toxicity, drug induced 162f
Olaptadine 26
Old friend's hypothesis 119
Olopatadine 190, 207, 420, 421
Omalizumab 26, 63, 81, 196, 197, 273, 295
combination of 197
Ophthalmic preparations 420t
Opioids 299
Oral allergy syndrome 25, 124, 125, 327
Oral antifungal agents 61
Oral antihistamines 165, 187
Oral corticosteroids 427t
Oral cyclosporine 61
Oral food challenges 114, 130
indications for 131
Oral immunotherapy 110, 135, 363
Oral mite anaphylaxis 126
Oral mucosal
immunotherapy 199
reactions 359
Oral steroids 61, 187, 199
use of 392
Oral thrush 439
Osteometal complex blocks 176f
Otitis media 181, 182, 202, 212, 381, 382
chronic 182, 202
recurrent 202
Outdoor air pollution 342
Outdoor allergens 3, 264, 326
Outdoor fungi 329
Oxygen-driven nebulized bronchodilator 284
Oxymetazoline 194, 421
Ozone 343
Pain, abdominal 124, 134, 196
Pan sinusitis 176f
Paraben mix 92
Paracetamol 143
Parainfluenza 233
Parakeratosis 55
Paranasal sinuses, computed tomography scan of 176f
Para-phenylenediamine 90
hysterophorus 89
pollen 31, 49
Passive immunization allergen-specific immunotherapy 365
Patch skin testing, procedure of 32
Patch test 24, 31, 92
complications of 32
compounds 94f
grading of 32
reactions, grading of 94f
Peak expiratory flow 240, 251, 433, 445
meter 445
rate 242, 250, 250b, 258, 356, 448t
uses of 252b
Peak flow meter 250b, 250f, 446f, 447f
Peak nasal inspiratory flow 177f
meter 177f, 447, 448f
normal values of 430t
rate 177, 430
Pectin-derived acidic oligosaccharides 110
Pediatric asthma exacerbations 271, 273
Penicillamine 301
Penicillin 303
group 146, 301
Pentoxifylline 143
Perennial allergies 315
Perianal excoriation 105f
Periodontal disease 382
Perioral dermatitis 86, 89, 92
rosacea-like 59
Peripheral blood mononuclear cell 17
americana 322
fuliginosa 322
Periumbilical erythema 53, 102
Persistent asthma
behavioral problems of 294t
controllers in 258
Persistent bronchial asthma 247
classification of 257
Persistent gastrointestinal symptoms 150
Pertussis 306, 307, 377
Peyer's patches 399
Phagocyte disorders 371
Phagocytic cell
defects 373
deficiency 374
disorder 374
Phagocytosis 429
test for 428
Pheniramine 166, 206
Phenobarbiton 303
Phenyl ethylene 133
Phenylephrine 421
Phenytoin 303, 304, 380
Pheochromocytoma 150
Phlyctenular conjunctivitis 162
Photo patch test 33
Photoallergic contact dermatitis 91, 91t
Photocontact dermatitis 85, 91
types of 91
Photodermatitis 91
Photoirritant contact dermatitis 91, 91t
Picrolimus 26, 96
Pimecrolimus 60
Pityriasis alba 54, 65
Pityriasis rosea 73
Plant derived foods 331
Plasma histamine 152
Plasmapheresis 310
Platelet activating factor 145, 160, 255
Pneumococcus pneumocystis jiroveci 381
Pneumocystis carinii 376
Pneumonia 381, 382
Polidocanol 60
Polistes carolina 331
Pollen 326
allergenicity of 326
allergens 49, 328t
control of 329
prevention of 329
calendar 326
counts 326
food allergy syndrome 116, 117, 125
grains 335
season, extended duration of 326
small amount of 352
Polyangiitis 413
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 225, 226
Polymorphisms, single-nucleotide 220
Polysaccharide vaccine 377
Polysensitization 42
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 14
Poor asthma control 279
Poor lung function 279
Porphyria 73
acute 211
Positive end-expiratory pressure 286
Postnasal drip 5
Potassium dichromate 92
Predictive positive milk challenge 107f
Prednisolone 421, 422, 427
Prednisone 155
blood 149, 150
urticarial, delayed 75, 78
Prick skin test 23, 28b
technique 30
test 30, 50, 77, 129f
Primary immunodeficiency 372f
diseases 370, 374, 374t, 375, 375b, 376, 376t
classification of 371t
genetics of 370
evaluation of 376t
panel 378
Probiotics 137, 196
choice of 400
clinical studies of 402t
role of 397, 401
safety of 406
food protein-induced 109
syndrome, cow's milk induced 104
Promethazine 211, 216
hydrochloride 207
Prostacyclin 160
Prostaglandins 145, 152
Protein, allergenic 55
Proteinase 414
Proton pump inhibitors 119
Provocation tests 34, 74t
Pruritus 54
control of 63
mechanism of 51
persistent 51
Pseudoallergic reactions 297, 299, 299b
Pseudo-allergy 115
Psoriasis 87, 410
Pulmonary function test 34, 294
Pulmonary index score 281, 281t
Pulse oximeter 281
Pyloric stenosis 103
Pyrilamine 206
Quantitative immunoglobulins 374
Quinolones 303
Racemic salbutamol 283
Radioallergosorbent 39
test 20, 36, 294
Ramatroban 199
Ranitidine 26, 155, 424
Rapid eye movement 60, 78, 210
Rash 304
eczematous 85
urticarial 72f
Reacting patch test 129
Reactive oxygen species 429
Red face syndrome 59
Red flag signs 281
Red kidney beans 126
Red man syndrome 304
Renal failure, chronic 27
Repeat open application test 95
Respiratory allergic respiratory diseases 348
Respiratory allergies 102, 321, 341, 354b
Respiratory distress 279
signs of 271
Respiratory infection 170, 346
Respiratory issues, recurrent 234t
Respiratory symptoms 102, 106, 238
Respiratory syncytial virus 19, 272
Respiratory system examination 7
Retinoic acid 20
Reversible obstructive airway disease 248, 256
Rheumatoid arthritis 33, 380, 381, 410
Rheumatological illness 410, 410b, 415
Rheumatology 409
Rhinitis 1, 307, 331
atopic allergic 178t
drug induced 194
episodic 194
medicamentosa 3, 194, 202
nonallergic 354
Rhino sinusitis 233
Rhinoconjunctivitis 45, 302, 313
Rhinomanometry 177
Rhinorrhea 5, 102, 170, 171, 197
Rhinosinusitis 180, 293
chronic 181, 202
Rhinovirus 272
Ringer lactate 155
Risperidone 26
Rituximab 63, 415
Rmollients 423t
Rocuronium 299
Rofleponide palmitate 199
Rose's smoking paradox theory 387
Rotahaler 443
advantages of 443
cleaning 443
disadvantages of 444
Rous sarcoma virus 381
Rupatadine 61, 207, 209, 419
Ruxolitinib 61
Salbutamol 257, 274, 283, 422, 425
Saline, normal 155
Saliva 86
Salmeterol 425
Salmonella 15, 132
Scabies 87
Scandinavian Society of Allergy 28
Schnitzler syndrome 411
Sclerosis, multiple 410
Seafood toxicity 150
Seasonal allergic rhinitis 391
Seborrheic dermatitis 54
Seborrheic eczema 87
Second-generation antihistamines 26, 79, 188, 205, 208t, 210, 210t, 211, 216, 419t
Sedative antihistamines 207
Selective allergic reactions 305
Selenium 14
Semecarpus anacardium 89
Sensitization 12, 1416
development of 12
epicutaneous 45
epidemiology 12
pathogenesis of 18f
pathophysiology 12
presence of 16
prevention of 15
risk for 16
Septic arthritis 381
Septicemia 382
Serum sickness syndrome 150, 304
Serum tryptase 128
levels 151
Severe asthma 150
exacerbations, occurrence of 279b
mechanism of 294
pathology of 254
Shock 150
cardiogenic 150
hypovolemic 150
Sick building syndrome 347
Sinopulmonary infections 380
Sinus 2
pain 5
pressure 2
scanning of 176
Sinusitis 3, 180, 202, 381
Siplatast 199
Sjogren's syndrome 410, 411
Skin 1, 4, 6
atrophy of 59
barrier function 46
biopsy 33, 55, 76, 77, 308, 412
indications for 77
clinical features in 300
contact 100
diseases 54
disseminated infection of 64
epidermis of 24
exfoliation of 84
infections 59
recurrent 382
irritation 51
lesions 53, 410
mucosal tissue 150
nonlesional 49
prick test 23, 24, 25b, 2730, 41, 50, 55, 76, 79, 107, 107t, 123, 128130, 167, 198, 235, 238, 245, 267, 306, 307
benefits of 27b
devices used in 28
grading of 28b
procedure of 24, 27b
quantitative reporting of 28
reaction 29f
responses 337f
safety of 29
reactions 102
soothing agents 423t
symptoms 4t
test 26b, 26t, 306
types of 23
apnea 273
disturbances irritability 202
wake cycle 188f
Small aluminum disks 32
Smell, loss of 5
Sneezing 5, 170, 197
benzoate 132
chromoglycate 164, 194, 420, 421
hypochlorite 51, 61
Sohemagglutinins 375
Solenopsis geminata 330
Spacer, care and cleaning of 438
Specific oral tolerance induction 110, 135
Spirometry 177, 252, 252b, 252f
role of 252
Standardized allergen extracts 335
advantages of 336, 339b
Staphylococcus aureus 50, 381, 382
Steatorrhea 134
Stepping-up asthma treatment 260
Steroids 163, 415, 420
load 193fc
phobia 59
resistant asthmatic patients 392
systemic 59, 283, 286, 310
toxicity 193
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 298, 301, 303, 303b, 304, 306
Stinging insects 330
Stomatitis 92
Streptococcal cellulitis 87
Stress 51
Strong odors 2, 264
Sturnophagoides 317
Subcutaneous allergen immunotherapy 197
Succinylcholine 298
Sudden infant death syndrome 342
Sulfamethoxazole 303
Sulfasalazine 380, 424
Sulfonamides 146, 300, 301, 304, 309
Sulfur dioxide 343
Supella longipalpa 322
Superficial keratectomy 166
Supplemental oxygen 280, 287
Sweating 51
Swollen conjunctiva 6
Syncope 150
Systemic contact dermatitis, drug induced 91
Systemic inflammatory disorders 15
Systemic lupus erythematosus 73, 77, 303, 380, 382, 412, 413f
T cells 226
defects 374
deficiencies 371
mediated atopic dermatitis 48
subsets 409
regulatory 19, 118
T follicular helper cells 410
T helper type 2 cells 256
T regulatory cells 20, 388
Tachyarrhythmia 282
Tachyphylaxis 59, 188
Tacrolimus 26, 164, 421, 424
Tagetes indica 89
Tear substitutes 164
Telangiectasia 59
Temptest 75, 449, 449f
Terbutaline 80, 257, 283, 425
parenteral 284
Tetanus 306, 307, 377
Tetracyclines 146
Tetragonula iridipennis 331
Tetrahydrozoline 421
Tezepelumab 63
Theophylline 286, 426
Thioperamide 199
Third-generation antihistamines 206
Thromboxane receptor antagonist 199
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin 399
autoantibodies 76
function tests 76
Tinea cruris 87
Tofacitinib 61
Toilet seat dermatitis 90
Toluene 225
Tongue swelling 150
Topical calcineurin inhibitors 26, 59, 64, 96
role of 60t
Topical corticosteroids 64
administration of 95
Topical steroids 26, 57, 58, 422t
adverse effects of 59t
amount of 58t
complications of 59
requirement of 57, 96
tapering of 58
Total eosinophil count 175
Total steroid burden 193
Toxic conjunctivitis 162
Toxic epidermal necrolysis 297, 298, 300, 301, 303, 303b, 304, 306
Toxic reaction 91
Toxoplasma 15
gondii 15
Tralokinumab 63
Tremors, severe 283
Triamcinolone 420, 427
Tricyclic antidepressants 26
Triggering pediatric asthma exacerbations 271
Trimethoprime 303
Tripelennamine 206, 216
Triprolidine 206, 207
Tuberculin reactivity 16
Tuberculosis 233
Tulobuterol 426
Tumor necrosis factor 364, 399
Tympanic membrane 6
normal 181f
Ulcers 104f
multiple healed 415f
Ultra-short course specific immunotherapy 361
Ultrasonic nebulizers 440
Umbilical erythema 53, 102
Upper airway symptoms 102
Upper lids 6
Upper palpebral conjunctiva 161f
Upper respiratory
illness 233, 234
infections 371
symptoms 5b
tract infection 171, 212
Urban air pollution 343
Urticaria 1, 4, 28, 30, 67, 69, 71, 73t, 77, 78fc, 82, 102, 189, 212, 214, 302, 307, 411, 411t
activity score 73, 73t
acute spontaneous 79fc
aquagenic 75
autoimmune 72
recurrent 70
spontaneous 82, 395
classification of 70fc
control test 79
factitia 75
inducible 75
lesions of 6
papular 72f
physical 75, 78
recurrent cold-induced 78
second form of 72
severity score 73
solar 75, 81
third form of 72
vibratory 75
Urticarial vasculitis 72, 73, 77, 411, 411t
types of 411
Ustekinumab 63
Valsalva maneuver 6
Vancomycin 146, 304
Vasculitis 73
phase of 415
Vasovagal reaction 150, 152
Venom allergens 331
Ventricular septal defect 295
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis 159, 161f, 162f
form of 161
Very high potency steroids 423
Vesicular hand dermatitis 92
Vespa mandarinia 331
Vespa tropica 331
Viral infections, recurrent 232, 233
Viral respiratory tract 240
Visual analog scales 200, 201, 201f
D 14, 385, 388, 390395
antenatal asthma reduction trial 390
catabolic pathway of 387
deficiency of 385, 387, 389fc
dose of 390
extraskeletal functions of 387fc
hypothesis 119
insufficiency 386, 387, 394
levels, low 394
metabolism 386, 386fc
role of 388fc, 391, 392fc
supplementation 387, 390fc, 391
D3 392, 393
supplementation of 391, 394
E 14
K1 injection 299
Vocal card dysfunction 432
Vocal dysfunction 150
Volatile organic compounds 244, 343
Vomiting 302
Wegener's granulomatosis 414
Wheeze 102, 150, 248, 254t
acute 284
degree of 281
virus induced 273
White blood cell 428
White spots 59
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome 54, 371, 373, 378
Wool alcohol 92
World Allergy Organization 62, 405
grading system 358, 359t
World Health Organization 296, 352
Worldwide Asthma Prevalence 249f
X-linked agammaglobulinemia 381
Xylene 225
Xylometazoline 194, 421
Yoga exercises, use of 350
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Approach to an Allergic ChildCHAPTER 1

Major K Nagaraju
Allergic disease is one of the three most common reasons why patients visit their family physician. Respiratory diseases represent about 25% of all visits to general practitioners and about 80% of patients with recurrent presentations are found to be allergic. Allergy is a Greek word (allos = other and ergos = reaction) and allergen is a protein. Allergy is basically a childhood illness. Allergy can affect virtually any organ system. Common types of presentation include conjunctivitis (eyes), rhinitis (nose), urticaria and angioedema or atopic (allergic) dermatitis (skin), asthma (lungs), and anaphylaxis (multiorgan). Allergies are becoming more complex. Most of the patients with allergic diseases have involvement of multiple organs, i.e. multiple allergic diseases in the same patient. Children with allergies will do badly at school. Allergy affects their quality of life and physical activity.
Evaluation of suspected allergy must include a detailed medical history, comprehensive physical examination, and appropriate diagnostic tests. Diagnostic tests are detailed in Chapter 3.
The most important component of the evaluation of a possible allergic problem is the patient's history. Age at which certain allergic disorders commonly manifest is given in Table 1. A carefully taken history is the basis for the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases. Key features of history are mentioned in Box 1. The principle of history taking is the same as for any medical problem (When, Where, and What). Every allergy clinic must have a questionnaire to be filled up by the patient and the physician. History is far more important in the diagnosis and treatment plan of an allergic disorder. Without a thorough history, one cannot investigate the patient appropriately. Model allergy proforma is given in Appendix 1A, page 8.
Table 1   Age at which certain allergic disorders manifest.
Atopic dermatitis, food allergies
Asthma, perennial allergic rhinitis
Seasonal allergic rhinitis
Early adulthood
Urticaria, venom allergy
Patient/parents must be given ample time to explain the symptoms. Many state that they have “sinus” or “permanent cold” or “this cold is not leaving.” They describe a wide array of symptoms ranging from itchy nose, eyes, or palate to runny nose or ear blocking or postnasal drainage to nasal congestion.
Sinus pressure and headaches are frequently cited as symptoms. “Popping or fullness of the ears,” implying Eustachian tube dysfunction, is an often-heard complaint. Asthma symptoms may be overt and present as wheezing, but descriptions may be more subtle, such as cough, tightness in the chest, or inability to get a good breath or let all the air out of the lung.
What seems to trigger symptoms? Cross-reaction with food substances should be enquired. For example, latex cross-reacts with banana and tree pollen with fruits. Food allergies are unusual if nonatopic. Patients often blame food for chronic urticaria.
History should help delineating the asthma as mild, moderate, or severe. Questions to determine the extent of asthma control include type and amount of inflammatory medication used (type of delivery system and quality of inhaler technique), frequency of respiratory symptoms and need for β-agonists, interference with daily activities or sleep, and diurnal peak flow variability if known. The degree of severity will ultimately the choice and intensity of treatment.
History of recurrent use of antibiotics, frequent attacks of cold, or cough in a supine position may point to chronic sinusitis. Gastroesophageal reflux can present solely as cough and sometimes mimic or exacerbate asthma. History should elicit the association of the symptoms with the same trigger during every attack.
We have to enquire from the patient/parent about the environment in which they are living. In most cases patient/parents will tell that their symptoms are worsening either indoor or outdoor.
Indoor Allergens
These are recognized as important triggers and sensitizers of the allergic patient. The following questions are to be included in the history. Is the patient staying in damp/humid climate? What cleaning methods are used in the house? Whether dust mite bed/pillow covers are being used? Whether cockroaches are present in the house? Is the patient exposed to irritants? For example, incense stick smoke, mosquito coil, strong odors, perfumes, and detergents. Has the house been painted recently?
Are there any repair works going on in the house or at school?3
  • Type of cooking fuel used in the house, especially biomass fuel
  • Is there any exposure to the tobacco smoke at home?
  • Is the house ill ventilated?
  • Is there any leak of water in the house or in the bathrooms? (wet walls predispose to fungus.)
Outdoor Allergens
History taking should include the following questions regarding outdoor triggers. For example, exposure to automobile pollution, exposure to pollens from trees, grasses and weeds in the locality, presence of lawns/factory/fire works or on going constructions nearer the place of stay.
Pet History
Particular attention should be given to any exposure to pets. Do the pets sleep in the bedroom or on the bed?
Whether the patient is taking any antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opiates, or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors should be enquired. What is the current medication that the patient is taking? Enquire about the usage of any over-the-counter medications or herbal/complementary products. Has the patient taken any anesthetic medications recently? Has the patient undergone any operation recently? What medications is the patient taking for the allergic disease currently, especially inhalation therapy for asthma or nasal allergy? Frequent use of decongestant nasal spray can lead to rebound nasal congestion, also called rhinitis medicamentosa. Is there any recent H/O radio-contrast dye ingestion? What drugs are being taken for nasal symptoms? How often relievers are used per month for asthma symptoms? Whether patient is using controller medications? How often is he taking antihistamines for nasal symptoms?
Past Medical History
Past history of atopic symptoms and prior autoimmune disease, especially thyroid disorders and regular β blocker usage, are to be enquired. Previous history of surgery is to be enquired for latex allergy. Is there any H/O dry skin during infancy (atopic dermatitis)? (Table 3) Is there any H/O otitis media with effusion/sinusitis/adenoid hypertrophy?
Family History
The family history of an allergic disease such as asthma and food allergies should be sought. Heredity is the most important determinant of the early onset of persistent asthma. The risk of atopy is increased from 25% in the general population to about 75% when both parents are atopic. In one study, 90% of allergic asthmatic children had one or both parents who were atopic. Maternal asthma is a risk factor for the offspring.
Social History
Enquire about using carpets/wall hangings or staying in dusty environment and ventilation of the house. The type of home and the presence of a basement may be important. For example, a wet environment tends to produce growth of molds and a humid environment, dust mites. House dust mite is the most common allergen in our society. Therefore, the kind of bedding, 4type of furniture, and type of flooring may be relevant to understand in a given patient. Daycare facilities can be an insidious source of recurrent viral and bacterial exposure for children.
Is the patient exposed to passive smoking (second-hand smoking)? What type of cooking fuel is used in the house?
Occupation History
It is also important in older children and adolescents as child labor is common in our country. Enquire about his/her work and find out how it is relevant to his/her symptoms.
Systemwise symptomatology are given in Tables 2 and 3, Boxes 2 to 4.
Table 2   Anaphylaxis symptoms.
  • Erythema
  • Pruritus
  • Urticaria
  • Angioedema—face, eyes, lips, tongue, throat
  • Cough
  • Wheeze
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Rhino conjunctivitis
  • Dizziness
  • Hypotension
  • Collapse
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Abdominal pain/cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of bladder control
  • Anxiety, confusion
  • Light headedness
  • Headache
Table 3   Skin symptoms.
Atopic dermatitis
  • Dry and itchy skin (severe at night)
  • Rashes on the face, hands, and feet
  • Dry and itchy inside the elbows and knees
  • Thickened, cracked scaly skin
  • Weepy rash
  • Papular lesions with crust formation
  • Exacerbation with particular food
Allergic contact dermatitis
  • Itching
  • Burning
  • Stinging
  • Urticaria in the area of contact with intense itching
  • Blisters that leave crusts and scales
  • Macules/papules
  • Distribution on palms/soles
  • Wheals
  • Excoriation
  • Vesicles
  • Spontaneous or induced
  • Duration <24 hours or >24 hours
  • Resolve with scaring or pigmentation
  • Associated with angioedema
  • Distribution of urticaria
  • Response to normal dose of antihistamine
  • Associated with ingestion of food/drug/bite
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Associated with asthma/allergic rhinitis
  • Exacerbation with stress/emotion/illness (fever)/exercise
Pitfalls in History
  • Absence of known contact with pet does not exclude sensitization to animals or symptoms on exposure. Several recent studies show a very high level of cat allergens in homes, at school, in offices, theaters, and even doctor's office without the actual presence of cats.
  • Patients with perennial disease have most of their symptoms in the bedroom during the early morning although the causal agent is not necessarily in the bedroom.
  • Patients who have strong aeroallergen sensitivity and chronic low-dose exposure to the allergen, e.g. house dust mite or cat, will not notice immediate symptoms at home, but will notice symptoms from irritants (due to a nonspecific nasal hyperactivity) such as smoke, cold air, and perfumes. The patients will then assume that these are the allergens, when they are merely secondary irritant triggers. Therefore, the case history is rarely informative with regard to house dust mite allergy. A carefully taken history should be followed by an appropriate physical examination.
Table 4   Muller's grading of the severity of IgE-mediated allergic reaction.
Generalized itching, urticaria, malaise, anxiety
Any of the above plus two or more of the following:
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Abdominal pain, diarrhea
  • Dizziness
Any of the above plus two or more of the following:
  • Dyspnea, wheezing, strider
  • Dysarthria, hoarseness
  • Weakness, confusion, feeling of impending disorder
Any of the above plus two or more of the following:
  • Fall of blood pressure
  • Loss of consciousness, collapse
  • Incontinence
  • Cyanosis
The physical examination may be entirely normal at the time of examination, because allergy symptoms and signs are often evanescent. We have to examine the organs involved with allergy symptoms. Muller's grading of the severity of IgE-mediated allergic reaction is given in Table 4.
An allergic patient's history may direct the clinician's examination to a particular area or organ system. Each patient should be approached in a systematic way. Often, 6physical examination may be normal and lack of findings does not rule out allergy.
Vital signs are the starting point in any examination. Pulse rate and pulsus paradoxus greater than 10 mm Hg are two of the most sensitive indicators of severe airway obstruction.
With the global increase in the use of inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of allergic respiratory disease, growth in children should be more closely monitored. Height and weight should be measured periodically.
Examination of the main target organs of allergic diseases such as upper airways, ears, pharynx, nose, eyes, chest, and skin should be done thoroughly.
Clues to allergy are often seen in the patient's face. Discoloration of the infraorbital skin or “allergic shiners” may imply nasal congestion and subsequent lymph stasis.
Extension of the mid-face in children is often seen with adenoid hypertrophy; an infraorbital crease or Dennie's line and a transverse crease along the lower half of the nose are frequent but not absolute indicators of the underlying allergy. Details are described in Chapter 12.
The eye examination is concerned principally with the state of the tarsal (lower lids) or palpebral (upper lids) and bulbar conjunctivae. Look for watery discharge, swollen conjunctiva, and scleral injection.
Tympanic membranes should be visualized. Tympanosclerosis implies previous recurrent otitis. If the light reflex is not well appreciated or history suggests Eustachian tube dysfunction, the tympanic membranes should be examined, while the patient performs a Valsalva maneuver to test the patency of the Eustachian tube.
The nose is best examined with a torch in children. Look for deviated septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinates, bluish or pale nasal mucosa, clear rhinorrhea, and polyps. Purulent discharge is suggestive of infection.
The size and character of the tonsils should be noted. Finally, estimation of the depth and width of the oropharynx may lead to suspicion of obstructive sleep apnea. For those patients taking inhaled corticosteroids, thrush on the tongue and soft palate should be excluded at each visit.
The neck must be palpated to search for adenopathy. Usage of accessory muscles, especially sternocleidomatoids should not be missed, because it is another sign of marked airway obstruction.
The skin is commonly affected by allergy, although skin findings are often falsely attributed to allergic disorders. Individuals with atopic dermatitis have dry skin. Look for lesions of urticaria, dermatographism. The lesions of angioedema are usually not as well demarcated as urticarial lesions.7
Respiratory System Examination
The lower respiratory system examination is particularly relevant in the asthmatic patients. Configuration of the chest wall should be noted, in particular, pectus excavatum, kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis should be ruled out by inspection. Intercostal retractions may imply severe obstructive disease.
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