FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices Ajay Kalra, Vipin M Vashishtha
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abscess 97
Acellular pertussis 43, 84, 246, 253
vaccine 228, 230, 238t, 242
Acquired immunodeficiency 370
syndrome 35, 191, 329, 364, 366, 476, 477
Activation-associated protein-1 664
Active bacterial core surveillance 373
Acute encephalitis syndrome 64, 67, 410, 411f
Acute flaccid
myelitis 219
paralysis 6467, 69, 71, 218, 219
Adaptive immune system 23
Adaptive immunity 4t
Adenocarcinoma in situ 451
Adhesin-based vaccine 591
Adjuvant 656
functions of 656
limitations of 666
vaccines, newer 656
Adolescent immunization 47, 677
Adolescent travellers, vaccines for 688t
Adolescent vaccination 677
Adult polio vaccination 212
Adverse drug reactions 95
Adverse effects following immunization 527
Adverse event following immunization 40, 93, 94t
types of 94
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 316, 317, 421, 456, 476, 522, 686
Advisory Committee on Vaccines 78
and Immunization Practices 45, 318, 376, 438, 477
Aedes aegypti 525, 620
Aerosol infection 390
Agammaglobulinemia 298
Alanine aminotransferase 600
Allergic disorders, vaccines against 635
Alleviate pain 48
Alpha-synuclein 650
Alzheimer's disease 643, 650
Ambiguous vaccine-derived poliovirus 203
American Academy of Pediatrics 329, 542
Amino acids 7
Anaphylaxis 453
Anesthesia, superficial 48
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 560
Animal exposure, management of 391t
Animal rabies
signs of 402
transmit 389
Antibody 607
affinity 7
containing products 55, 86, 326
dose of 87t
titers, correlation of 19f
vaccine-induced neutralizing 719
Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide 651
presenting cells 5, 631, 647, 649, 657
specific cells 11
specific immune effectors 11
associated 634, 648
specific 634
vaccine, liver-stage 513
Anti-inflammatory response 234
vaccination 392
vaccine 152, 393, 394, 399
types of 394
Antiretroviral therapy 191
Anti-tetanus prophylaxis 392
Antitubercular therapy 181
Anti-Vaccination Society 169
Anxiety-related reaction 97
Apical membrane antigen-1 vaccines 513
Arthus reaction 240, 249
Aseptic meningitis 275t
Aspiration 50
Asplenia, functional 86
Asthma 521
Atypical measles 259
Autoimmune diseases 650
Autopsy, conduction 99
Auxiliary nurse midwives 95
Avian influenza 464
Avidity 7
index 351
AYUSH doctor 155
B cells 5
B lymphocyte 24
primary 77
Bacillus calmette-guérin 12, 26, 43, 46, 59, 60, 82, 105, 111113, 161, 162, 178, 183186, 189, 190, 192, 194, 565, 687, 692, 724, 730
adenitis, management of 182b
immunization 193
role of 563
scar 180f
status of 177
strains 194
vaccination 180, 181f, 193, 196, 564t
vaccine 16, 41, 177, 178, 190192, 194, 195, 197, 262, 549
characteristics of 177
effects of 184
Bacterial colonization 11
Bacterial meningitis 68
Basic reproductive number 31
Basic transmission cycle 406
Bat-infested caves 390
B-cell lymphoma 643
Bell's palsy 219
Bioterrorism 215
Bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine 43, 200
Bleeding disorders 90
Blindness 259
stage vaccine 513
test 296
B-mannosylceramide 662
Bone marrow plasma cells 471
Booster doses 20
Bordetella 236
pertussis 224, 232, 236, 661
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy 134
Calicivirus 589, 590
infections 589
Calmette-guérin and rubella 51
Campaign vaccination 429
Campylobacter jejuni 588590
Cancer immune therapeutics 634
Candidate Shigella vaccines 593
Candidate vaccine, subunit 593
Capsular polysaccharide 483
Catch up immunization 91, 679, 683
schedule 46t
Catch-up vaccination 266, 679
Cell culture rabies vaccines 394
Cell culture-derived
influenza vaccines, advantages of 468
vaccines 468
Cell-based flu vaccine production 468
Cell-mediated immunity 3, 319, 662
role of 449
Cellular immune responses 657
Cellular immunity 657
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 99, 318, 453, 590
Central Drugs Standard Control Organization 129
Cerebrospinal fluid 219
leaks 487
Cervarix 452t
Cervical cancer 446, 448
burden of 447
cause of 446
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2 448
Chickenpox 327
vaccine 319, 684
Chikungunya virus 525, 617, 617f, 619, 619f, 620, 620f, 621, 622
biology of 617
development, vaccines for 624
diagnosis of 621
treatment for 622
infection 620, 622, 624
phylogenetic 618
tree of 618f
prevention of 623
role of 623
vaccine 617, 622, 624
status of 624
Child and adolescent immunization schedule 79f
Childhood diarrhea 588b
Childhood vaccination schedule 269
Childhood vaccines 262, 399
Chimeric gene 639
Chimeric universal influenza vaccine 470
Chimeric vaccine 426, 639, 640
development of 426f
Chimpanzee adenovirus 602
Chinese vaccines, efficacy of 420
Cholera 491, 492, 679, 692, 703
epidemic 492
protective immunity in 493
toxin 491, 493
vaccine 491, 494, 696, 730, 731
role of 496
Chronic diseases 89
Clostridium perfringens 588
Cochlear implants 89
Cocooning 708
Cold chain 104, 105
and vaccine storage 104
breach 115
components of 105
Cold spots 109
Cold-sensitive vaccines 110
Combination vaccines 519, 520, 520t
advantages of 520
Common mucosal immune system 664
Complex regional pain syndrome 453
Congenital rubella syndrome 64, 162, 268, 678
Conjugate vaccines 10
Consumed milk 399
Contact immunity 32, 34
Control pertussis resurgence 247t
Cord antibodies levels 240f
Coronavirus 173, 556, 632, 643
vaccine 563
COVID 19 25, 36, 189, 556, 557, 559, 560, 563, 564t, 566, 691, 711
epidemic 121
infection 37, 122
pandemic 167
vaccines 556
COVID laboratory results, interpretation of 558t
Crohn's disease 650
Cryptosporidium parvum 589
mosquitoes 407
tritaeniorhynchus 405
Current immunization schedule 159
Cytokines 3
Cytomegalovirus 574, 577, 578, 703
candidate vaccines 578b
infection 574, 575
prevention of 581
vaccination 575
targets for 576b
vaccine 574, 576, 578t, 579, 580
development 577
Cytosine phosphate guanine 578
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte cell 8, 578, 609
Danger signals 5
Deadly disease 533
Dendritic cell 5, 6f, 24f, 651, 657
Dengue 498, 499, 499f, 678
cases, distribution of 499f
disease, burden of 498
fever 640
vaccine 498, 501, 503, 505, 507, 683
development of 502
virus 498, 506, 525, 641
immunity against 501
Dengvaxia 504
vaccine 504b
contraindications of 504
Deoxyribonucleic acid 11, 25, 185187, 281, 285, 287, 446, 468, 502, 561, 609, 629, 630, 630f, 631, 633, 635, 639
vaccine 513, 572, 605, 613, 629, 630
action of 631f
Dermonecrotic toxin 248
Diabetes mellitus
insulin-dependent 185
type 1 521, 651
Diarrhea 589
acute 588
Diarrheal disease 588, 589f
vaccines 588
Diarrheal episodes 589
Dimethyldioctadecylammonium 662
Diphtheria 35, 50, 54, 66, 6971, 717
acellular pertussis, and tetanus vaccine 151
and tetanus 105, 111113
toxoids 50, 59
pertussis tetanus 84
tetanus vaccine 59, 60
toxoid 12, 43, 253, 340
vaccine 34, 45
Diphtheria, pertussis 69
and tetanus 52, 69, 105, 111113, 151, 153, 418, 519, 692, 717
vaccine 178, 442
measles, mumps 34
Diphtheria, tetanus acellular, and pertussis 112
Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis 60, 110
vaccines 22, 224
Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids
and pertussis 112
vaccines 249
Diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis 43, 46, 359, 519, 730
vaccine 227, 248, 687
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis 43, 227, 254, 267, 515
vaccine, doses of 226f
Diphtheria, tetanus, and whole cell pertussis 43, 46, 519, 522, 687, 730
Disease estimation 29
Disease surveillance 62
District Immunization Officer 98
Dog bite 393
management of 707
Dog transmit rabies 398
Domestic refrigerator, types of 108
Ebola 35, 532
disease 533
kinds of 532
hemorrhagic fever 532
vaccines 532
virus 532, 534
disease 532, 533
Echovirus 9 219
Encapsulated bacteria 11
Encephalitis 259, 268, 390
Endgame strategy 213
Engerix-b 289
Entamoeba 118
Enterotoxigenic escherichia coli 591
Enteroviral vaccines 582
Enterovirus 582
vaccination for 582
Enterovirus A71
infections, complications of 582
vaccine, development of 584
Environmental mycobacteria 194
Environmental surveillance 74
Enzyme immunoassay 603
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 533
technique 377
Epitope suppression 342
Equine rabies immunoglobulin 392
Equipment cleaners, types of 285
Escherichia coli 432, 458, 494, 589, 591, 597, 661, 665
Ethics Committee, responsibilities of 132
European Medicines Agency 515
Expanded Program on Immunization 12, 339, 414
Facial paralysis 219
Families vaccine hesitant 169
Febrile seizures
risk of 279, 384, 385, 515
simple 68
Fever, low-grade 169
Fine-needle aspiration cytology 181
Flu 462
causes of 462
danger signs of 464
vaccine 128, 465, 467b, 469, 478, 705, 716, 728
egg-based 468
Fluorescent-antibody-to-membrane-antigen 313
Food and drug administration 453, 468, 559
Furious rabies 390
Gardasil 452t
General vaccination 1
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee 134
Genetic vaccines 629
Genital warts 451
Geometric mean titer 306, 317, 450
Germinal centers 6
Giardia lamblia 118, 589
Glatiramer acetate 650
Glaxosmithkline 305, 436
tuberculosis vaccine 190
Glutamic acid dehydrogenase 651
Glycoconjugate vaccines 11
Glycoprotein B vaccine 579
Good clinical practice guidelines 132
Good manufacturing practice 417
Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor 649
Guillain-Barré syndrome 249, 453, 466, 485, 590
H1N1 304
H3N2 475
Haemophilus B conjugate 358
Haemophilus influenzae 10, 63, 64, 67, 89, 110, 158, 204, 228, 298, 343, 357, 371, 692
Haemophilus influenzae type B 8, 12, 43, 46, 59, 60, 84, 112, 356, 359361, 374, 519, 687, 730
disease 356, 357
glycoconjugates 12
infection 357
meningitis 361
vaccination 360
vaccine 356, 356f, 357, 357t, 358361
Hand-foot-mouth disease 582, 583f
signs of 582
symptoms of 582
Hansenula polymorpha 458
Healthcare professionals, vaccines for 711
travel 719
Heat sensitive 111
Heat shock proteins 661
Helicobacter pylori 659
Hemagglutinin 462
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant 85
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 591
Heparan sulfate proteoglycans 449
Hepatitis 59
A2 729
birth dose 162
D 286
vaccine 308
inactivated 308
virus 304
Hepatitis A 12, 43, 302, 309, 519, 679, 692, 702, 703
infection 304, 307, 695
prevention of 89
vaccination 309
vaccine 82, 84, 161, 295, 302, 305, 307, 308, 681, 695
inactivated 308
live 306
live attenuated 305
side effects of 307
virus 302304
infection 308
vaccines 305t
Hepatitis B 12, 15, 16, 22, 43, 68, 76, 105, 111113, 152, 161, 165, 281, 285, 294, 498, 519, 679, 702, 703, 711, 724
acute 284, 285
birth dose 301
carriers 309
core 287
antibody 287
antigen 287
during pregnancy 707
E-antigen 282, 285287
immune globulin 713
immunoglobulin 286, 299
role of 298
infectivity of 711
laboratory nomenclature 287t
panel results 286
prevention of 89
schedule for 294
signs of 284
surface 287, 299
antibody 287, 713
antigen 285, 287, 294, 297, 299, 713
symptoms of 284
testing 286, 287t, 294
vaccination 179, 301
adverse effects of 291
vaccine 56, 84, 281, 286, 289, 290, 291, 295, 297, 298, 300, 308, 681, 712
against 45
dose of 292
efficacy of 290
monovalent 293
single antigen 296
types of 288
virus 8, 97, 281285, 285t, 287, 298, 299, 299t, 601, 659, 707
core protein 584
infection 282, 286, 296, 300, 308
infection, chronic 284, 286
infection, transmission of 282
maternal 288
prevalence of 281
role of 298
Hepatitis C 599
infection 599
vaccine 599, 600
development 601
virus 97, 609, 657
infection 600, 652
infection, epidemiology of 599
Hepatitis E 703
chronic 594
infection, prevalence of 594
vaccines 594
virus 594
combination vaccine of 597
components of 595
infection 594
Herd immunity 32, 35
Herd protection 33, 34
Herpes simplex virus 26, 188, 657, 703
Herpes zoster 318, 320
Heterologous immune 27
Hip dysplasia 54
Histocompatibility complex, major 5, 633, 643
Hodgkin disease 370
Human coronavirus 563
Human cytomegalovirus 578
Human enterovirus 582
Human immunodeficiency virus 35, 97, 190, 191, 201, 206, 262, 329, 366, 380, 441, 454, 477, 489, 553, 559, 568, 568f, 569, 601, 605, 643, 657
biology of 568
infection 291, 316, 361, 370, 504, 653
vaccine 568, 569
development of 570
Human interleukin, recombinant 578
Human leukocyte antigen 5, 607, 609
Human papillomavirus 14, 43, 84, 161, 446450, 519, 576, 585, 652, 659, 678, 687, 692, 702, 704, 730
diseases 454
infection 448
vaccination 455
during pregnancy 704
protection after 459
vaccine 446, 450t, 453, 454, 456, 457459, 507, 679
Human rabies immunoglobulin 392
Human-to-human transmission 406
Humoral immunity 657
Hyperimmunoglobulins 54
Hyperventilation 97
Hypocalcemic seizures 252
Hypoglycaemia, severe 185
Ibuprofen 22
Ice-lined refrigerator 111, 112
Ideal adjuvant, features of 657
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 326
Immune globulin 310
Immune memory 23
Immune response
primary 18
secondary 18
Immune system 4, 6, 23
maturation of 350
active 120
evidence of 319
nonspecific 4
specific 4
types of 119
vaccine-induced 233, 449
Immunization 60, 81
adverse effect of 75
after pregnancy 702t
anxiety-related reaction 94
before pregnancy 702t
before travel 691
maternal 237, 700
practices 264
primary 161, 254, 423
program 105
purpose of 39
record 156
regular 155
schedule 39, 42, 162
Immunized child 161
Immunizing pregnant women 90
Immunocompromised children 298
Immunocompromised conditions, types of 77
Immunodeficiency, severe combined 441
Immunogenicity 291, 417
data, long-term 351t
A 12, 18
G 12, 18, 273, 316, 335, 558, 559
M 18, 287, 482, 558, 559
Immunosuppressive agents, categories of 81
Inactivated vaccine, trivalent 377, 466
Inconsolable crying 250
Indian Academy of Pediatrics 153, 267, 306, 395, 471, 486, 727, 732
Indian Council of Medical Research 145, 566
Infant antibodies 700f
Infant pertussis
immunization 242
vaccination 243
bite by rabid dog, risk of 403
chronic 303
control 120
Infection and prevention of disease, prevention of 550
Infectious disease 31, 35, 35t, 36t, 118, 119, 121, 122
control and eradication of 118
incidence of 121
Influence vaccine hesitancy 168
Influenza 12, 35, 462, 679, 714
A 466, 715
viruses 474, 475
B 464, 474, 715
victoria lineage 466
complications of 463
intranasal 12
surveillance 464
symptoms of 463
vaccination 472, 479
varicella and zoster infection 78
virosomes 305
virus 462, 463, 463f, 469
types of 462
Influenza vaccine 128, 377, 462, 467, 471, 473, 476, 477, 680, 715, 728, 730
coverage of 471
inactivated 468, 472, 475, 477
live attenuated 59, 466, 468, 702, 707
production 468fc
recombinant 476
trivalent 705
types of 466
Injectable polio 156
Innate and adaptive immunity 3, 4f
Innate cells 24
Innate immunity 4t, 183
Integrated Disease Surveillance Program 63, 100
Integrated vector management, role of 623
Interferon-gamma 8, 347, 635
Intravenous immunoglobulin 54, 327, 328
Invasive bacterial infections surveillance 356
Invasive cervical carcinoma 448
Invasive pneumococcal disease 363, 370, 373, 380
Ipsilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy 192
Isothermic cold boxes 114
Japanese B encephalitis 688
Japanese encephalitis 67, 68, 99, 158, 405, 408, 409, 410f, 411f, 498, 679, 692, 703, 724
disease 405
epidemiology of 408, 409
risk of 408f, 430
transmitted 405
virus 405, 406, 639
genotypes of 427
transmission, rethinking 407f
Japanese encephalitis vaccine 158, 414, 414b, 415t, 420, 429, 430, 431b, 681, 696, 697, 697b, 719, 729731
cost-effective 430
current status of 414
dose of 165, 719
inactivated 428b
live attenuated 414
new generation of 431
recombinant 432
types of 430b
use of 428b
Jeryl-Lynn strain 275
Kidney diseases, chronic 89
Killed oral vaccine 591
Lapsed immunization 91
Latent tuberculosis infection 549
Leishmaniasis 642
Leningrad-3 strain 275
Leukemia 328
Leukocyte migration inhibition test 179
Linked-epitope suppression 236
Lipoidal biocarriers 572
Live viral vaccine 42f, 529
measles vaccine 261
Liver disease, chronic 89, 309
Low birth weight
babies 209
infants 293
Lower respiratory infection, acute 541
Lymph node 181
activation 13
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus 578
Lymphoid tissue, mucosa-associated 662
Lymphoreticular tissue, nasopharyngeal-associated 664
L-zagreb strain 275
Macrophages 3
Malaria 509
control and prevention 510
Elimination Program 509
elimination, technical strategy for 509
Policy Advisory Committee 515
transmission 512
Malaria vaccine 509, 510
development 511, 512
explored for 512b
Implementation Programme 517
initiative 511
timeline of 511t
types of 512
Master cell bank 134
Maternal antibody 11, 16, 42f
concentrations 246
influence 16, 41
Measles 12, 35, 111
hepatitis, and varicella 11
modified 259
risk for 716
vaccines against 45
virus, strains of 261
Measles and rubella 66, 69, 71, 72fc, 724
elimination 68
initiative 268
surveillance project 73fc
vaccination program 263
vaccine 152, 274
Measles vaccination 262
adverse reactions of 261
contraindications of 261
regular 260
schedule of 261
Measles vaccine 162, 259261, 263
role of 263
Measles, mumps and rubella 55, 111, 152, 261, 264, 266, 269, 271274, 276278, 315, 683, 716, 730
and varicella 317, 519, 521, 730
vaccines 279
dose of 274, 269, 271
third dose 269
vaccination 272
vaccine 43, 46, 59, 60, 266, 267, 270t, 271, 273, 274, 276278, 683, 693, 702
doses of 272, 276
Membrane vesicles 352, 483, 593, 642
Memory B cell 15, 236, 449
hallmarks of 19
Menacwy vaccines 489
Meningitis 268
Meningococcal conjugate 12
vaccine 481, 482, 576, 692
Meningococcal disease 642, 703
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine 482
Meningococcal recombinant protein vaccines 481
Meningococcal serogroup B vaccines 489
Meningococcal vaccination 487
Meningococcal vaccine 11, 481, 487, 488, 680, 688, 694, 718, 730, 731
Meningococci, types of 481
Meningococcus 693
Meningoencephalitis 219
Merozoite surface protein-1 vaccines 513
Messenger ribonucleic acid 468, 561, 631, 632
vaccines 561
types of 561
Metered-dose inhaler 330
Micro-ribonucleic acid 187
Middle ear infection 259
Middle east respiratory syndrome 632
coronavirus 643
Miliary tuberculosis 177
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 145
Monocytes 3, 13
epigenetic reprogramming of 187f
Moraxella catarrhalis 371
Mouse brain 414
Mucosal adjuvants 664
Mucosal immunity 213, 572
Multiepitope fusion vaccine 591
Multiple sclerosis 453, 650
Multiple vaccines, administration of 56b
Multivalent combination vaccines 336
Mumps 12, 35, 37, 269, 678
containing vaccine 268f
infection 273
measles rubella 82
vaccine 275t, 683
virus 717
Muramyl dipeptide 665
Mutants matter 285
Mutational antigens 634
avium 194
bovis 196
intracellulare 194
marinum 194
tuberculosis 11, 25, 549
infection 183
Nasal mucosa 3
Nasopharyngeal swabs 558
National Drug Regulatory Authority 101
National Immunization Program 164, 229, 373, 385, 436
National Immunization Schedule 44t, 158, 161, 163, 206, 723
National Immunization Technical Advisory Group 145
National Institute for Communicable Diseases 399
National Institute of Virology 67
National Institutes of Health 444
National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization 147, 149
National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme 410, 509
Neisseria meningitidis 10, 89, 642, 718
Neoantigens 648
Neomycin 48
Neonatal immune responses 16
Neonatal sepsis, severe 184
Nephrotic syndrome 330, 370
Nerve tissue vaccine 393
Neuraminidase 462
Neutrophils 3
New pertussis vaccines 247
New vaccine, approval of 136
Noninvasive pneumococcal disease 374
Nonlive vaccines 6
Nonsterile injection, causes of 97b
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 621
Nontuberculous mycobacteria 194
Norovirus 35, 590
Norwalk virus 589
Novel antigen candidate vaccines 593
Novel oral polio vaccine type 2 220
Nucleic acid vaccines 560
Nucleocapsid protein 559
Onchocerca volvulus 664
Optimal immunization schedules 39
Oral cholera vaccine 495, 688
Oral polio vaccine 16, 82, 156, 178, 182, 199, 200, 201, 207217, 418, 439, 521, 724, 730
cessation 215
contraindications of 201
doses of 8, 208, 211
monovalent 200
side effects of 201
stockpiles 221
trivalent 199
types of 199
Oral poliovirus vaccine 46, 60, 105, 112, 113
Oral rehydration solution 442
Oral sex 284
Orally administered vaccines 49
Orchitis 268
Organ transplants 390
Orthomyxoviridae virus 462
Otitis media 371
acute 363, 371
Pancreatitis 268
Paracetamol 22
Paralytic poliomyelitis, vaccine-associated 201, 202, 210
Paralytic rabies 390
Parasitic infection 195
Paratope 7
Paratyphoid fevers 334f
Parenteral vaccines, administration of 49
Parkinson's disease 650
Passive neonatal immunity 703
Passively acquired immunity 119
Pathogen-associated molecular patterns 8
Pediatric dengue vaccines, development of 502
Penta vaccine, dose of 97
Pentamer protein complex 577
Pentameric complex 578
Pentameric vaccines, soluble 579
Pentavalent vaccine 162
Pentaxim 228
Peptide vaccines 602, 651
Pertussis 35, 66, 6971, 239
booster 54
disease 234
epidemiology of 224
resurgence 246
samples 71
toxin 248
toxoid 253
vaccination 230, 249
vaccine 227, 237, 238t, 247, 251t
against 45
doses of 252
live attenuated 248
Pet dog, vaccinated 398
Peyer's patches 664
Phagocytic function disorders, primary 77
Pichia pastoris 458
Pivotal trials 423
Placental transfer, percentage of 703f
Plasma cells, long-lived 19
Plasmodium falciparum 513
circumsporozoite protein 512
bacteria vaccines 513
Pneumococcal conjugates 12
vaccine 20, 43, 158, 243, 363, 367, 370, 371, 373377, 379, 380, 383f, 385, 693, 705, 724, 725, 730
against pneumonia 372
Pneumococcal disease 364
high risk for 380t
Pneumococcal pneumonia and mortality, burden of 365
Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 20, 367, 378, 679, 681, 730
Pneumococcal vaccine 84, 158, 680
candidates 386
Pneumococcus 693
serotypes of 366
Pneumonia 259, 364f
episodes, severe 365f
rotavirus, measles, mumps and rubella 692
Polio 11, 35, 692, 718
campaign 212
eliminated 163
free status 212
global eradication of 214
immunization 206, 207, 209, 218
like syndrome 219
outbreak simulation exercise 219
sabin 12
salk 12
transition 220
vaccination 206, 209
schedule 207t
status of 718
vaccine 41, 102, 199, 204206, 216, 399, 697
against 45
inactivated 34, 43, 84, 97, 112, 153, 161, 199, 203, 205, 207213, 692, 724, 730
sabin inactivated 216, 217
schedule 207
vaccination 206
Poliomyelitis 199
clinical spectrum of 199t
Poliovirus 76
derived 65, 202, 203, 210
inactivated 46, 519, 522, 687
Polymerase chain reaction 558
real-time 67
Polyradiculitis 268
Polyribosylribitol phosphate-outer membrane protein 358
Polysaccharide 12, 339
conjugate vaccines 592
vaccine 10, 14, 335
unconjugated 481, 482
Population for vaccination 120
Positive rubella titer 272
Postexposure prophylaxis 271, 299t, 307, 309, 310, 396, 397t, 707
Postexposure vaccination 712
Postpolio eradication strategy 214
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome 453
blood test 284
serologic testing 714fc
Pre-erythrocytic vaccine 512
Pre-exposure prophylaxis 394, 688
against rabies 396
Pre-exposure vaccination, schedule of 395
Pregnant woman traveler 694
Preservatives, roles of 48
Pretransplant 85
Primary complement deficiency 77
Prophylactic B cell combined vaccines 602
Prophylactic paracetamol 23
Prophylactic T cell combined vaccines 602
Prophylactic vaccine 608t
candidates 608
Prostatic acid phosphatase 649
polysaccharide conjugate vaccine 339, 339t
subunit 571
vaccines 483
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 340
Psoriasis 650
Pulmonary tuberculosis 177, 183, 549
Immunization Program 218
oral polio vaccine 218
polio immunization 218
Purified chick embryo cell vaccine 394
Purified formalin inactivated vaccine 615
Purified protein derivative 179
Purified vero cell rabies vaccine 394
Quadrivalent conjugate 702
Quadrivalent influenza vaccine 466
Quarantine 120
Rabies 12, 679, 692, 719
higher risk for 391
immunoglobulin 392, 393
monoclonal antibodies 392
period of 390
postexposure treatment 398
tissue culture vaccines 399
transmission of 389
types of 390
vaccinated against 695
vaccination 400
prophylaxis of 394
route of 401
vaccine 389, 401, 402, 688, 730
virus 390
Randomized controlled trial 454, 565
Rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test 399
Recombinant vaccines, live 572
Refrigerator, purpose-built 106f
Renal failure, chronic 370
Resistant pathogens, surveillance of 367
Respiratory infections, acute 464
Respiratory syncytial virus 26, 188, 541, 560, 703
burden of 541
infection, risk factors of 541
vaccine 541, 543
snapshot of 544t
strategies 542
Retinoblastoma 634
Rheumatic diseases, chronic 89
Rheumatoid arthritis 650
Ribonucleic acid 302, 462, 463, 502, 558, 559, 599, 629
vaccine, modified 615
Roseola 259
Rotavirus 12, 43, 436, 588, 725
disease 434, 435
gastroenteritis 435
severe 435, 438t
infection 434
serotypes 441
vaccination 441, 442, 444
guidelines for 443
vaccine 41, 158, 434, 435, 437, 438t, 439441, 443, 724
adverse effects of 440
doses of 438
preterm babies receive 439
Rubella 12, 35, 111, 259
titer, negative 272
certificate 684
role for 717
vaccine 278, 684
Rubini strain 275
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 288, 514
Safe injection practices 48
Safe vaccine storage 109
enterica 337
minnesota 661, 665
typhi 8, 10, 34, 120, 718
strain 336
typhimurium 607
Scar formation 180, 182
Sclerosing panencephalitis, subacute 262
Seasonal flu vaccines 474f
Seizures 259
Sentinel and population-based surveillance 65f
Sentinel surveillance 64
Serious side effects 485
Seroconversion rates 349
immunoglobulin 54
specimen testing protocol 73fc
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 121, 691
coronavirus 2 26, 35, 188, 558, 559, 632
Sexual transmission 282
Sexually transmitted diseases 447
flexneri 184
infection 592
sonnei 592
Shigellosis 592
Sick child 58
Sickle cell disease 86, 379
Smallpox 35
Solid organ transplant 85, 576
Spirit test 400
Staphylococcus aureus 588, 665
Stem cell harvest 85
Strengthen polio 215
group B 703
pneumoniae 10, 78, 363, 372
Streptomycin sulfate 48
Superfluous antigen, administration of 522
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan 335
Synthetic flu vaccines 468
Synthetic influenza vaccines 469
Synthetic peptide vaccines 584
T cell 607
dependent 10
antigens 14
independent immune 10
receptor 5
response, vaccine with 601
T lymphocyte 24
activation pathway 9f
defects 77
Tetanus 11
immune globulin 255
neonatal 66, 69, 71
protein 359
single-antigen 255
vaccine 45, 152
Tetanus and diphtheria 43, 46, 163, 519, 679, 730
and acellular pertussis, dose of 256
and pertussis 576
vaccine 679, 706f
Tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis 519, 678, 679, 692, 730
products 254
vaccination 249
vaccine 237, 245, 256, 692
Tetanus toxoid 54, 60, 102, 105, 111113, 152, 253, 340, 723
vaccine 706f
Tetravalent dengue vaccines, live attenuated 503f
T-helper cell type 233
Therapeutic cancer vaccines 647650
Therapeutic vaccination 553, 616
Therapeutic vaccine 459, 608t, 647, 651
current status of 650
pipeline 2019 653t
status of 651
Thimerosal causes autism 278
Thrombospondin-related adhesive protein 512
vaccine 513
encephalitis 432, 703
fever 640
Tissue culture vaccine 394, 397
Toll-like receptors 8
Towne vaccine 577
Towne-toledo chimera vaccines 577
Toxic shock syndrome 262
Tracheal cytotoxin 248
Trained immunity 185
Trained innate immunity 25f, 186f, 187f
Transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, reverse 466, 526, 557, 559
Transverse myelitis 268
Tuberculosis 12, 66, 70, 162, 549, 657
disease 550
incidence, estimate of 29f
protection against 184
types of 177
vaccine 190, 551
newer 549
antigens 647
necrosis factor 26, 188
alpha 347
Twinrix™ vaccine 308t
Typhoid 80, 333, 679, 718
conjugate 12
vaccine 335, 339, 341t, 342t, 729
fever 334f, 335, 349, 692
status of 333
immunity 347
vaccine 333, 335f, 353b, 682, 695, 718
inactivated 84
types of 335, 336t
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund 146
United States Food and Drug Administration 523
Universal flu vaccine 469, 470
Universal immunization 301
Universal Immunization Program 148, 151, 158, 224, 268, 412, 436, 438, 443, 471, 716
Universal influenza vaccine 469, 470, 470b
Upper respiratory tract infection 58, 498
Vaccinating Healthcare professionals with flu vaccine, advantages of 714
Vaccination 75, 82, 101
contraindications to 486
dose and route of 527
epidemiology in 28
in adolescents 552
in adults 552
in infants 552
in special situations 75
instructions for 48
issues of 81
practice of 48
program 30
role of gender-neutral 451
routine 429, 679
schedule 39, 156, 398
of routine 53b, 289
Vaccine 84, 91, 131f, 170b, 595, 723, 727
administration of 44
adverse effects of 596
all-in-one 22
approval 137t
permission of 134
attenuated 8, 577
available 481
brands 91
candidates 505
carriers 115
characteristics 22
clinical development of 125
communication, reframing of 171
confidence 102
conjugate 359
contents in 527
current status of 597
delivery, methods of 536
derived polio viruses 163
development of 124, 126, 127f, 129, 129t, 571
roadmap of 124t
doses of 14, 41, 56b
and schedule of 595
efficacy 30, 452t
estimates 419t
egg-based 467
egg-derived 468
failure 290
causes of 314
formation of 596
handling of 58
hesitancy 103, 167, 169172
communication 171b
spectrum 168f
types of 167
immunity 102, 234
immunogenicity 30
role in 8
immunology of 3, 4
in pipeline 496, 535, 539
inactivated 8
induced immunity, correlates of 12t
interchangeably 455
licensing of 124
lightsensitive 111
like particles 470
live 8, 13, 15, 82t, 327, 704
attenuated 585, 591, 592
manufacturing 129
maternal 700
newer generations of 507
non-live 83t
performance of 6
poxvirus-based 432
preventable disease 17, 62, 90, 154, 161, 267
product-related reaction 94
protection of 596
quality defect-related reaction 94
reaction, type of 97
refrigerator 110
responses, effectors of 11
safe 101, 709
safety testing of 126f
schedules 158
sensitivities 112t
side effects of 313
simultaneous 519
single-antigen 296
storage 58, 107, 108
domestic refrigerator for 107f
equipment 105
subunit 560
third-generation 629
transmission-blocking 514
types of 304, 401, 437, 526, 584
combination 519
inactivated 304
use to store 108
vaccination schedule for nonlive 17
vectored 579
vial monitor 273
stage of 201
with humoral immune response 602
Vaccine-derived poliovirus
circulating 203
types of 203
Vaccine-preventable disease 67, 69t
surveillance 62
types of 64
Vaccinia ankara virus, modified 653
Vaccinia virus
herpes, and influenza 184
modified 652
Varicella 54, 80, 111, 273, 327, 329, 679, 717
breakthrough 313, 315
immunization 326
vaccination 318, 325
vaccine 312, 316, 320, 321t, 325330, 683, 717
contagiousness of 329
content of 312
efficacy of 313
Varicella zoster 63
immune globulin 327, 328
virus 312
Venous thromboembolism 453
Verbal autopsy 99
Vertical transmission 282
Vibrio cholera 491, 588
types of 492
VI-CPS vaccines, limitations of 338b
Viral infections 35
Viral pandemics 25
Virosomes 665
like particles 12, 502, 572, 584, 609, 665
vaccine, replication-defective 579
vectors 665
Vitamin A 165, 725
Vomiting 97
Vomits dose 439
Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia 451
West Nile
fever 640
viruses 432
Whole virus vaccines 560
Whole-cell cholera vaccine 494
Whole-cell pertussis 50, 84
vaccine 230, 238t
Whole-limb swelling 240
Whooping cough 101
Wild polio 211
eradication of 214
transmission 213
virus 203, 215
Wild virus 577
Working cell bank 134
World Health Organization 78, 549, 594, 711
management, part of 255
suturing of 401
Yellow fever 525, 525f, 526, 679, 688, 692, 703
symptoms of 526
vaccinated against 719
vaccination 530
vaccine for 525, 526, 730, 731
virus 525
Young age immunization 15, 17
Zika 35
fever 611
Zika virus 525, 611, 613
infection 611, 612f, 613, 697
epidemiology of 611
live attenuated 615
structure of 612, 612f
vaccine 611, 614t
developing 616
Chapter Notes

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FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices
FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices
3rd Edition
Chief Editor Vipin M Vashishtha MD FIAP Director and Consultant Pediatrician Mangla Hospital and Research Center Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, India Editor Ajay Kalra MD DCH MNAMS FIAP Erstwhile Professor Department of Pediatrics SN Medical College Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India Foreword Walter A Orenstein
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd
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FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices
First Edition: 2011
Second Edition: 2015
Third Edition: 2021
Printed at
Contributors Foreword
Few measures in preventive medicine can compare with the impact of vaccines. Smallpox has been eradicated and polio is on the verge of eradication. Two of the three wild poliovirus serotypes have been certified as eradicated. Measles transmission has been terminated in large areas of the world. Most recommended vaccines are highly effective in preventing vaccine-preventable diseases in vaccine recipients. But nearly all vaccines have another special property, the induction of herd immunity or community protection. Most vaccine-preventable diseases are transmitted from person to person in a chain of transmission from infectious case to susceptible. When a transmitting case comes in contact with an immune person, transmission does not occur and the chain of transmission is broken. Since infectious cases do not have unlimited contacts, if the immunity levels are high enough in a community, the likelihood that such cases will meet a susceptible is very low. Thus, transmission can be terminated for many diseases in a given community before 100% vaccine coverage is achieved. Who are the people indirectly protected? They are children too young for vaccination, persons with compromised immunity who cannot make adequate immune responses to vaccines, persons with contraindications to vaccination, and persons who do not respond to vaccine for other reasons. All are protected indirectly by high levels of immunity in the population.
Prevention from vaccines is very attractive because generally with a few doses, long-term, even lifelong, protection can be achieved with many vaccines. In contrast, the lifestyle changes needed to prevent many chronic diseases require a lifetime of continued implementation.
During the last few decades, there has been a revolution in Vaccinology. Vaccines have been produced that prevent cancer. The Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (HPV) prevents approximately 70% of cervical cancers globally. And hepatitis B vaccine can prevent one of the major causes of liver cancer. Antibodies against polysaccharides are key to the defense against several bacteria that cause pneumonia, meningitis, and other serious clinical syndromes. However, young infants make poor immune responses against plain polysaccharides. By conjugating polysaccharides to protein carriers, excellent immune responses can be achieved even in very young infants. Conjugation technology is the basis for vaccines against Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), pneumococci, and meningococci. We can now prevent one of the most common causes of severe diarrhea and dehydration, leading to death, rotavirus. And other new technologies, including the use of recombinant DNA, messenger RNA, vaccine vectors, genetic reassortment and other techniques are being brought to bear to bring us new and better vaccines.
Efforts are underway to develop new vaccines against more infectious diseases as well as enhancing more widespread and better use of existing vaccines. No where is this more apparent than in the massive efforts to develop safe and effective vaccines to protect against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Hopefully, some vaccines to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic will be available for use in the coming year.
The most favorable benefits of vaccines are only achieved when they are used widely in populations for whom they are recommended. Vaccines do not save lives, vaccinations save lives. A vaccine dose that remains in the vial is 0% effective regardless of the results of clinical trials show. And this handbook provides a major resource to vaccine providers in using vaccines optimally. This book is devoted to answering practical questions on recommended vaccines, recommended schedules, indications, contraindications, and precautions. It tries to answer questions regarding particular clinical situations, which may not be easily answered from reading existing recommendations. Use of the book, will help you minimize the risks of vaccine-preventable diseases in the populations you serve while maximizing the safe use of those vaccines.
Walter A Orenstein MD
Professor of Medicine
Pediatrics, Global Health and Epidemiology
Emory University and
Associate Director, Emory Vaccine Center
Former Deputy Director for Immunization Programs
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Former Assistant Surgeon General
United States Public Health Service
Former Director, National Immunization Program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The quest for vaccines is no longer limited to infectious diseases, but to anything which even remotely has some possible involvement of the immune system. That means more vaccines and greater research. And more the vaccines, more the questions which will need to be answered. Moreover, research and development of vaccines occurs exponentially, making it expedient for updates to be brought out more frequently than ever before.
This third edition continues to provide an avenue to answer many of the queries that arise in the mind of the inquisitive, especially keeping in view the advances that have taken place since the last edition. Earlier chapters have been intensively scrutinized and revised and new ones have been added on newer topics. Therefore, some esteemed authors have now joined us, both to revise the earlier chapters and to contribute to newer subjects. Our grateful thanks to these invaluable colleagues.
The year 2020 is an exceptional year. The whole world is in the grip of a deadly pandemic of Covid-19 caused by an SARS-CoV-2 virus. Vaccines against coronavirus have become the most anticipated product to rapidly end this scourge of mankind. An unprecedented number of vaccine candidates against Covid-19 are in the pipeline and some employing new platforms like mRNA, DNA, viral vector, antigen presenting cell vaccines, etc. has never been tested before. In the coming year or so billions of people around the globe are going to witness an unprecedented, massive immunization drive on a scale that has never been seen by mankind before. There is a sudden surge in the online searches regarding vaccines, immunity, correlate of protection, durability of immune responses, T cell immunity, neutralizing antibodies, etc. not only amongst health care professionals but in the general population as well. Hence, the publication of a new edition of this book is in sync with this heightened demand of updating knowledge about vaccines and immunization process.
We hope that this edition will also enjoy the same reputation that its predecessors did so fondly.
Vipin M Vashishtha
Ajay Kalra
We are especially thankful to Shri Jitendar P Vij (Group Chairman), Mr Ankit Vij (Managing Director), Mr MS Mani (Group President), Ms Chetna Malhotra Vohra (Associate Director—Content Strategy), Ms Pooja Bhandari (Production Head), and Ms Savleen Kaur (Development Editor) of M/s Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, India, for giving the go-ahead at the very beginning and helping us in every way possible to bring out this book.