Principles and Practice of Ultrasonography Satish K Bhargava, Sumeet Bhargava
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdomen 38, 51, 82f
acute 167
adrenal glands 193
adult 51
cause of acute 169
cyst in 359
fascial planes of 81f
gastrointestinal tract 164
hepatobiliary system 130
laparoscopic sonography of 295
pancreas 158
part of 204
pediatric 60, 224
peritoneum 202
retroperitoneum 196
right side of 225
spleen 130
urinary tract 172
uterus and adnexa 209
Abdominal aorta 55, 55f, 319, 389
aneurysm of 390
dilated 196f
upper 79
Abdominal aortic aneurysm 390
Abdominal area, posterior 79
Abdominal cavity 361f
Abdominal circumference 338, 339f
Abdominal injury 2
Abdominal pregnancy 337
Abdominal tuberculosis 167f, 208f
Abdominal vessels, great 82
Abdominal wall 55, 77
multiple anterior 395f
Abortion 46
complete spontaneous 334
incomplete 333, 335f
inevitable 335
threatened 333
Abscess 132, 144, 177, 198, 204, 240, 241, 256, 435f
drainage 379f
intrahepatic 132
parietal 171f
perinephric 177
periorbital 249
pyogenic 132
subphrenic 206f
testicular 256
tubo-ovarian 223
Acalculous cholecystitis, acute 150
Acardiac parabiotic twin 353
Acetabulum 127, 430
development of 126
Achilles tendon 113, 435
tears 268, 439
Achondrogenesis 365
Achondroplasia 366
Acoustic cavitation 45
Acoustic field small bubbles 46
Acoustic gel 101
Acoustic impedance 8, 16
Acoustic lens 18f
Acoustic mirror 18f
Acoustic shadowing 41
Acquire information 30
Acquired renal cystic disease 185
Adductor pollicis longus tendon-synovitis 430f
Adenocarcinoma 160, 162f, 166, 182, 183f
colon 145f, 199f
Adenomyomas 211f, 212
Adenomyosis 210
Adrenal adenoma 193f
Adrenal cystic lesions 193
Adrenal gland 55, 55f, 83, 124, 319
anatomy of 85f
normal right 125f
Adrenal hyperplasia, congenital 229
Adrenal metastases 195, 195f
Adrenal tumors 193
Adventitia 75
Air 6, 8, 11
molecules 4
Airless contact 4
Air-tissue interface 9
Albumen, cardiac applications of 315
chronic 160
consumption 137
Alcoholic hepatitis, acute 137
Alfatoxins 140
Aliasing 43
Alobar holoprosencephaly 364
Amebic abscess, large 134f
Amebic liver abscess 133, 134f
Amnionicity and chorionicity, sonographic determination of 352
Amniotic fluid 350
Ampulla 224
Amyloidosis 186
Analog scan converter 28, 28f
advantage of 29
disadvantage of 29
Anechoic cyst, large 181f
Anechoic follicles 97
Anechoic joint fluid 437f
Anechoic popliteal cyst, irregular 272f, 441f
Anechoic retroperitoneal cyst 199f
Anechoic structure 41
Anechoic urinary bladder 40f
Anemia 372
Aneurysm 196, 303, 403
diagnosis of 403
ostium 308
Angioma 298f
Angiomyolipoma 86, 180, 181
Annular array 35f
Anophthalmia 243
Anterior abdominal wall 38, 69, 79f, 93, 268f
defects 368t
hernia 268f
Antibioma 171f
Antibiotic therapy 170
Antrum 70
Aorta 41, 80, 82f, 196, 389, 389f, 405f
anterior to 77f
bifurcation of 82f
location and anatomy of 84f
sagittal scan of 83f
Aortic aneurysm 197f
Aortic arch 128f
branches of 128f
Aortic bifurcation 200f
Aortic branches 80, 389
Aortic dissection 196
Aortic occlusions 196
Aortic pathology 390
Aortic rupture, chronic 196
Aortic transection 304
Aortic valve 405f
Aortoarteritis, nonspecific 303
Aortocaval fistula 307f
Appendicitis 167
Appendicular lump 168f
Appendix 77
mucocele of 171
normal 79f
testis with hydrocele 259f
Aqueous emulsions 316
Arachnoiditis 240
Arnold–Chiari malformation 363, 363f
Artefact, color mirror image 45
Arterial system 385
laminar flow 385
pulsatile flow 386
Arterial wall, normal 302
Arteriosclerosis 403
Arteriovenous fistula 381, 404
Arteriovenous malformation 401f
Articulate arm scanners 27
Artifactual displacement 43
Ascaris 156f
Ascites 148f, 202
Asepsis, complete 378
Aspiration 253
Asplenia 75
Asteroid hyalosis 243
Asymmetrical septal hypertrophy 420
Atelectasis 234
Atherectomy 304, 305
Atheroma 196
Atheromatous disease 390
Atherosclerotic plaque 197f
Atrial septal defect 412f
Automatic pull back device 302f
B mode
display 26f
grayscale imaging 30
scanner, conventional 30
B scan image 27
Barlow type maneuver 431
Basic Doppler systems 383
Battledore placenta 376
Beam energy, fraction of 31
Beam width artifacts 43
Bezoar 169, 171, 230
Biceps tendon 59, 111f, 426f
Bicornuate uterus 209f, 333f
Bilateral echogenic
basal ganglia 239f
large kidneys 369
Bile duct 51
benign lesions of 156
common 52, 68f, 70, 310, 380
measurement of extrahepatic 320t
neoplasm 156
pathology 152
spontaneous perforation of 224
stones 152
syndrome, inspissated 224
tumor obstructing 157
Biliary ascariasis 155
Biliary atresia 224, 225
Biliary cirrhosis 137
Biliary duct 70, 318
Biliary enteric fistulas 167
Biliary hamartomas 130
Biliary sludge 146
Biliary system 224
Biliary tract 311, 321t
anatomy of 69f
dilatation, cause of 155
Biliary tree 311
lumen of 155f
Biliopancreatic pathology 313
Bilomas 204
Biologic materials, absorption coefficients of 11t
Biological effects, evaluation of 1
Biophysical scoring 349
Biopsy 253
techniques 378
Biparietal diameter 337
Bladder 89, 367
diverticulum 187
outlet obstruction 227
tumors 188
wall thickness 322t
Blood 6, 8, 11
absorbs 238
pressure, normal 348
Blood flow
demonstration of 395
direction of 406f
dynamics 385
Blood vessels
anatomy of major 285f
veins and arteries 128
Blunt abdominal trauma 135f
Body wall defect syndrome 366
Bone 424
obscures 108
tissue 10, 271
Bowel gas 83
Bowel obstruction 169
Brain 6, 8, 11, 51
and spine, pathologies of infant 236
congenital anomalies of 239
pediatric 60
scan 117f
sagittal 116
supplying 285
vascular supply of 285
Breast 58, 106, 253, 401, 421
abscess 256f
anatomy 106f
carcinoma 195, 256f
cryptorchidism 261
cyst 253
disease, evaluation of 253
extratesticular lesions 258
glandular part of 107f
lesion 254
benign from malignant 421
lump, benign 254f
neoplasms 255
tumors 257
masses, malignant 255
miscellaneous conditions 255
neoplasm, benign 254f
normal 107f
scrotal ultrasound 256
specific conditions 253
testicular torsion 260
trauma 261
ultrasound 253
Brenner tumor 222
Breu's mole 375
Brevis muscles 113
Bronchogenic carcinoma 195f
Budd–Chiari syndrome 138, 395
Buerger's disease 280f, 403f
Bull's eye 75, 142f
Bursitis 271, 439
Cable conducting signal 32
Calcified hydatid transverse 132f
Calcified plaque 303f
Calcium 302
disodium edetic acid 316
Calculus cholecystitis, acute 149f
Candida albicans 180
Candidiasis 133
Carcinoma colon 166f
Cardiac injury 2
Cardiac malpositions 225
Cardiovascular anomalies 371
Caroli's disease 155
Caroticocavernous sinus fistula 402
Carotid artery 104f
anatomy 128
common 128f, 286f, 287, 288f, 292f
disease, role of duplex ultrasonography in 285
external 122f, 128f, 286f, 287, 287f, 289t, 392f
internal 122f, 128f, 286, 287, 287f, 393f
external 289t
left internal 288f
normal 287
right internal 286f
Carotid dissection 393
Carotid Doppler signals, assessment of 288
Carotid examination technique, step in 286
Carotid occlusion 393
Carotid plaques 287
Carotid stenosis, assessment of 288
Castor oil 8
soft tissue 9
Cataract, congenital 243
Catheter angiography, limitations of 301
Cathode ray tube 23, 24f
Caudal pancreatic artery 74f
Caudate lobe, sagittal scan of 67f
Caudate nucleus 116f, 117f
Caudothalamic groove 118f
Cavernous hemangioma 134, 135, 135f, 402
Cavum septi pellucidi 117f
Celiac axis 72
Cellular damage, severe 46
Central hematoma 135
Central nervous system 46
Central placenta previa 375f
Cephalad direction 62
Cerebellar vermis 236
Cerebellum 118f
banana shaped 363f
Cerebral arteries
anterior 60
middle 404
Cerebral ventricular, measurement of 321t
Cerebrospinal fluid 295
production of 236
Cerebrovascular sonography, limitations of 289
bruits 286
carcinoma 215
incompetence 376f
nerve, seventh 122
polyp 215
pregnancy 337
spine 338
subcutaneous tissue 320
Cervix 94, 96f, 97f, 376
abnormalities of 215
carcinoma 216f
normal 94f, 377
Charcot's triad 152
Chemoembolization 381
cyst in 362
pediatric 125
sonography, indications for 102, 125
Chiari malformation 239
Chiari syndrome 394
Chlamydia 223, 260
Cholangiocarcinoma 155, 156f
Cholangitis 155
acute 150
chronic 147f, 148, 150, 151
glandularis proliferans 151
with cholelithiasis, chronic 149f
Cholecystokinin 150
Cholecystosonography 52
Choledochal cyst 154f, 155, 155f, 224, 361f
diagnosis of 155
Choledocholithiasis 152, 155, 153f, 159
Cholelithiasis 146, 147f
Cholesterol 151
Choriocarcinoma 214f, 258
Choroid 246
plexus 117f, 118f, 338
Choroidal detachment 246, 246f
Choroidal melanomas 402
Choroidal metastases 247
Cirrhosis 137, 139, 225
causes of 137
Clear cell tumor 219
Cloacal exstrophy 367
Clostridium difficile 170
Cluster sign 132
Coincidence master synchronizers 25
Collapsed suprapatellar bursa 113
Collateral ligaments 113, 435
Colloid adenoma 252f
Colloid goiter 250
Colloidal suspensions 315
Colon carcinoma 166
Color Doppler 383
advantages of 410
applications of 410
limitations of 410
principles of 409
techniques of 409
Color flow imaging 45, 387
advantages of 387
artifacts in 45
limitation of 388
principles of 387
Common femoral vein, thrombosis of 281f
Composite biparietal diameter 323t
Compound B mode scanning 26
Conception, retained products of 214
Congenital abnormality 170, 225
Congenital anomalies 75, 158, 186, 196
Congenital aqueductal stenosis 239f
Congenital cytomegalovirus infection 241f
Congenital diseases 243
Congenital disorders 231
Congenital duodenal obstruction 230
Congenital exophthalmos 243
Congenital extrahepatic biliary atresia 224
Congenital mega calyces 174
Congenital megaureter 174
Connective tissue septa 108f
Contrast echocardiography 316
Convex transducers 331
Convex volume probe with cable 38f
Cooper's ligaments 108
Cork coat, acoustic insulator of 12
Coronal brain scans 116
Coronary artery
anomalies 418
disease 412
multi-vessel 420
right 415f
stenting 306f
supply 415f
Corpora amylacea 90
calcification of 191f
Corpora cavernosa 101
Corpus callosum 117f, 121
agenesis of 239, 365
Corpus cavernosum 101
Corpus luteal cyst 215
Cortical adenomas 193
Cortical cysts 183
complex 184
Cortical echotexture 124f
Cortical necrosis, acute 186
Cortical nephrocalcinosis 227
Cortical renal cyst 184f
Corticosteroids 136
Couinaud's anatomy 64
Coupling agents 47
Craniofacial abnormalities 370
Craniofacial malformations 369
Cremasteric fascia 98
Crohn's disease 166
Cryptorchidism, complications of 261
surfaces of 12
tissue 9
Crystalline bile 41
Curie temperature 12, 14
Cyst 253, 256
and tumors 145
bronchogenic 362
complex 184, 422
congenital 158
diagnosis of 254
functional 215
multiple 130, 132
peribiliary 130
Cystadenocarcinoma 219, 220f
Cystic adenomatoid malformation 362
Cystic duct calculus 153f
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia 213f
Cystic fibrosis 158, 231
Cystic follicles 97
Cystic hygroma 298f, 366
Cystic lesions 145, 206
Cystic masses 235
Cystic neoplasm 133, 162
Cystic peritoneal
lesions 206
masses 206
Cystic renal diseases 228
Cystic teratoma 222, 222f
Cystitis 188, 188f
Dandy–Walker cyst 240, 364
Dandy–Walker syndrome 240, 364f
Dartos muscle 98
Date pregnancy, clinically small for 347
Daughter cysts 132
Deep infrapatellar bursa 113
Deep vein thrombosis 283
Deep venous system 280, 281
Deltoid muscle 110
Deltoid muscle belly 110f, 424f
Demonstrate pelvic mass 37
Dermoid cyst 232f, 241, 249
Detrusor areflexia 188
Detrusor hyperreflexia 188
Diabetes mellitus 186
Diabetic retinopathy 245
Diaphragm 56, 79
abdominal wall 51
Diaphragmatic crura 80
Diaphragmatic hernia 362, 369
Diastematomyelia 242
Diffuse parenchymal liver disease 225
Diffuse pleural thickening 234
Digastric muscle, posterior belly of 122f
Digestive carcinomas 312
Digestive pathology 312
Digestive wall, stages of tumoral infiltration of 312
Digital subtraction angiography 308
Digitization techniques 49
Dipolar molecules 13
Dipoles, random arrangement of 13f
Distal reverberation artifacts 214
Diverticular disease 169
Diverticulitis, acute 169
Doppler cerebral vascular examination, indications for 285
Doppler characteristics 287
Doppler effect 383
Doppler imaging
artifacts in 43
diagnosis on 403
Doppler information, display of 387
Doppler systems 383
limitation of 384
Doppler ultrasound analysis 348
Doppler waveforms 402
Double decidual
sac sign 332
sign 333f
Double liver 75
Down's syndrome 358, 369
Drainage techniques 379
Duct ectasia 256
Ductus deferens, distal part of 92f
Duodenal atresia 359, 360
Duodenal wall 164f
Duodenum 70, 71, 81f, 131, 171, 230, 311
parts of 79
Duplex collecting system 173
Duplex Doppler systems 385
Duplication cyst 231
Dysgerminoma 232
Dysraphic spinal defect 367
Dystrophic calcification 176
Early B mode scanner 27
Early pregnancy, complication of 333
Ebstein-Barr virus 225
Eccentric fibrofatty plaque 303f
Echinococcus granulosus, eggs of 131
amplitude information 28
amplitude, digitalization of 25
applications of 408
basics of 405
indications for 412, 419
strikes 25
Echoendoscope, types of 310
Echogenic bile 146
Echogenic dermoid plug 222f
Echogenic epidermis 115f
Echogenic foci 131
Echogenic foreign body 246f
Echogenic glandular breast 107f
Echogenic infraspinatous tendon 112
Echogenic kidney 184f
Echogenic medulla 97
Echogenic membrane, thin 352f
Echogenic nerve roots 122
Echogenic parenchyma, abnormal 241
Echogenic stroma 219f
Echovist 317
Ectopia 172
Ectopic kidney 172f
Ectopic pregnancy 213f, 214, 336f
in adnexa 215f
role of Doppler sonography in 337
Edetic acid 47
Elastography 421
clinical applications 421
techniques 421
Elbow 60, 113, 428
normal 272f
Electric field 14
Electric pulse 15
Electrodes on crystal, alignment of 13f
Electromagnetic radiation 4
Electron beam 23, 28
Electronic focusing 34
principle of 35f
technique 35
Electronic scanner 32
Embolization, complications of 381
Embryo 46, 332f
development of 46
Embryonal carcinoma 232
Embryonal cell carcinoma 257
Embryonic gestational sac 335f
Emphysematous cholecystitis 150, 167
Emphysematous cystitis 188
Emphysematous pyelonephritis 179
Empyema 150, 234
Encapsulated gas bubbles 315
Encephalocele, large 366f
Encephalomalacia 240
Endocyst 131
Endometrial adhesions 214
Endometrial atrophy 212
Endometrial carcinoma 213
Endometrial cavity 95f
normal 94
Endometrial ECHO 210
Endometrial hyperplasia 212
Endometrial polyp 213, 213f
Endometrioma 213f
Endometriosis 218
Endometriotic cyst 219f
Endometritis 213
Endometrium 96f, 320
abnormalities of 212
Endometroid tumor 219
Endophthalmitis 247
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography 313
Endoscopic ultrasonography 310
Endosonographic anatomy 311
Endoultrasonography 310
Endovascular graft procedures 306
Energy returning, amount of 40
Entamoeba histolytica 133
Epidermoid cyst 241, 249f, 256
Epididymis 98, 101f, 260
head of 100f
Epididymo-orchitis 260
Epigastrium 43, 66f
Epiphyseal cartilages 339
Epithelial glandular cysts 193
Epithelial stromal tumors 222
Epithelial tumors 232
Epoxy resin propagate sound 19
Equipment 293, 331
and documentation 277
Erectile dysfunction, evaluation of 399
Escherichia coli 260
Esophagus 76, 230, 311, 312
carcinoma 141f
Estrogen production, clinical signs of 222
Ethylene oxide 293
Ewing's sarcoma 249
Exophytic mass, small 151f
Exstrophy 187
Extensor hallucis longus 436
Extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma 199f
Extracranial cerebral arteries 128f
Extrahepatic bile duct 52
Extrahepatic obstruction 225
Extrahepatic portal hypertension 284
Extratesticular lesions 258
Extremity veins, upper 129, 280
agenesis of 243
and orbit 58, 243, 300
lens of 8
Eyeball 103, 249f
and orbit 103
anterior curvature of 103
axial length of 105f
transverse section of 105f
Face and upper neck 122
Facial vein, posterior 122f
Falciform ligament 69, 79f, 84
Fallopian tube 93f, 218, 222, 223f
Fascia, superficial 115
Fast fourier transform 384
Fasting, advantage of 37
Fat 6, 8
necrosis 255
Fat-liver 9
Fat-soft tissue 9
Fatty infiltration 136
Fatty tissue, caused by 108
Femoral artery
common 277
left superficial 279f
right 278f
superficial 277, 305f, 404f
Femoral vein 278f, 282f
common 277, 283f
Femoral venous system 281
intercondylar region of 114f
lesser trochanter of 80
Femur length 338, 371
measurement of 340f
predicted menstrual age for 325t
Fetal abdomen 357, 359f, 361f
Fetal anomalies 353
major 358
Fetal ascites 369
Fetal breathing movements 350
Fetal chromosomal abnormalities 369
Fetal death, sonographic appearances of 350
Fetal growth abnormalities 340
Fetal hand 358f
Fetal head 6, 356
anatomy of 355f
Fetal heart 358
rate 350
Fetal hydrops 371
Fetal lobulation 172
Fetal movements 350
Fetal spine 356
Fetal teratoma 361f
Fetal thorax 357
Fetal tone 350
Fetus 300
Fever 136
Fibroadenoma 254, 254f, 422
Fibroblasts 109
multiple 211f
uterus 210f
Fibrolamellar carcinoma 226
Fibrosis and scarring 250
Fibrous histiocytoma 201
Fibrous tissue 303
composed of 127
Fine needle aspiration 378
cytology 313
First trimester pregnancy
evaluation of 332
loss 352
First-trimester sonography, guidelines for 331
Flexion deformity abscess, right 275f
Flowing blood 302
Fluid enema 53
Fluoroscopy 378
Focal caliectasis 180f
Focal fatty
change 134
infiltration 135f, 136
Focal hypoechoic lesions 143
Focal liver lesions, benign 130
Focal nodular hyperplasia 135
Focal pancreatitis 158
Focusing transducer 18f
Foley's catheter 190f
Follicular carcinoma 252
Follicular cyst 215
Foot and ankle 113, 435
Foramen of monro 116f, 117f
Foregut duplication cyst 361f
Foreign body 246
in uterus 214f
Fossa cyst, large posterior 364f
Fourth lumbar arteries 80
Fracture right femur 273f
Frame rate artifact 45
Free gas bubbles 314
Frog's eye appearance 365f
Frontal horn 118f
Functioning tumors 163
Fungal abscess 133, 144f
Fungal infection 180f
Galactoceles 256
Galen aneurysm, vein of 364
Gallbladder 39, 51, 52, 70f, 136, 145, 204, 204f, 224, 318
adenomyomatosis of 151, 151f
anatomy of 69f
and bile ducts 69
anterior wall of 151f
ascaris in 149f
carcinoma 151, 396
cholesterolosis of 151, 151f
consists 69
contracted 146
distended 224
empyema of 150
examination of 52
lumen 148f
mucocele of 152f
neck of 71f, 147f, 156
normal pediatric 321t
polyps 150
primary disease of 224
septations 145
stones 146
transverse scan of 150f
Gallbladder wall 146, 150, 152f
anterior 148f
causes of 147
edema of 148
thickened 149f
Gallstones 159
diagnosis of 146
Ganglioneuromas 312
Gas bodies 46
Gas-filled duodenum 52
Gastric diaphragms 230
Gastric masses
intraluminal 53
intramural 53
Gastrinomas 163
Gastroesophageal junction 66f, 77f, 312
Gastroesophageal reflux 230
Gastrointestinal anomalies 372
Gastrointestinal bleeding, management of acute 381
Gastrointestinal cystic processes 360
Gastrointestinal infections 170
Gastrointestinal masses 231
Gastrointestinal system 357
Gastrointestinal tract 51, 53, 75, 125, 230
anomalies 370
malformation 370
neoplasms 166
obstruction of 159, 169
Gastroschisis 367
Gaucher's disease 225, 226, 276, 432
G-cell tumors 163
Gelatin encapsulated nitrogen microspheres 315
Genetic disorders 372
Genitalia 357
abnormalities 370
system 356
tract abnormalities 370
Germ cell tumor 222, 257
Gestation sac 332f
Gestational age 348f
estimation by
biparietal diameter 338t
crown-rump length 334t
femur length 339t
head circumference 339t
Gestational sac 37
measurement 322t, 333t
Gland enlargement 103
labrum, superior 112
posterior part of 110
Gliding sign 102
Glisson's capsule 63
Globus major 98
Glomerulonephritis 186
Glycogen storage disease 225
Goiter 250
Gonococcus 260
Gonorrhea 223
Gout 442
Graft dysfunction, cause of 403
Granulomatous hepatitis 137
Granulomatous infection 187
Granulosa cell tumors 212
Graves’ disease 248, 250
Gross fetal ascites 369f
Gut edema 171
Gut signature 76f, 77, 164
Gut wall
histologic layers of 76f
intrinsic causes of 169
pathology 164
Gynecology and obstetrics, role of color Doppler in 404
Hand 358
and wrist 113, 428
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 250, 251f
and abdominal circumference, measurement of 348f
and brain malformations 365
and neck, pediatric 122
circumference, measurement of 338f
cyst in 362
Healed granuloma 138f
Heart 30, 311
and vascular system 300
Hemangioma 133, 135, 204, 225, 233, 400, 401f
Hematoma, marginal 375, 375f
Hematometra 212
Hemidiaphragm, right 81f
Hemoptysis, management of 381
Hemorrhage 133
adrenal 229
intracranial 236
intraparenchymal 238
intraventricular 238
Hemorrhagic cyst 217f
Hemorrhagic infarction, periventricular 239
Hemorrhagic thyroid cyst 251f
Hemothorax 234
Hepatic abscess 225
Hepatic adenoma 135
Hepatic and splenic artery 83f
Hepatic artery, branches of 70
Hepatic calcification 225
Hepatic candidiasis 133
Hepatic duct
common 70, 156
right and left 70
Hepatic lesions, color Doppler in 395
Hepatic lipoma 135
Hepatic malformation, benign developmental 130
Hepatic masses 225
Hepatic neoplasm 225
benign 225
malignant 226
Hepatic portal hypertension 284
Hepatic veins 63, 67f, 134, 284f, 318, 391
Doppler tracing of 392f
left 67f
major 63
middle 65f, 67f, 68f
obstruction of 138
right 63, 67f
Hepatitis 136, 140, 148
A 225
acute 136f, 225
alcoholic 140
B 225
chronic 137
viral 137
postchronic 140
Hepatobiliary drainage techniques 380
Hepatobiliary surgery 71
Hepatobiliary system 295
and spleen, pediatric 126
Hepatoblastoma 225, 226
Hepatocellular carcinoma 140, 141f, 226
Hepatocellular tumor 140
Hepatoduodenal ligament 63
Hepatorenal pouch 78f
Hepatorenal recess 86
Hereditary pancreatitis 231
Heterogeneous echotexture 183f
adult 108, 433
anatomy of 109f, 434f
congenital dislocation of 271, 432
dysplasia, classification of 276t, 432t
normal, both 275f
pediatric 62, 428
septic arthritis, right 274f, 433f
transient synovitis of 433
Hip joint 51
coronal plane of 108f, 431f
effusion 432
joint effusion in 430f
Hirschsprung's disease 361
Hodgkin's disease 186
Hodgkin's lymphoma 201
Homogeneous echotexture 63, 97, 99f
Horn, anterior 116f
Horseshoe kidney 172, 173f
Human fetus 46
Human soft tissue 6
Hydatid cyst 145, 207f, 248
diagnosis of 131
infected 131f
Hydatid disease 131, 133, 180, 206
Hydatidiform mole 335, 335f, 373, 373f
Hydrocele 258, 259f
gross 259f
with epididymitis 259f
Hydrocephalus 362f
Hydrocolpos 232
Hydrometra 212
Hydrometrocolpos 232, 362
Hydromyelia 242
Hydronephrosis 174, 226
mild 175f
moderate 175
Hydronephrotic kidney 226
Hydrops 152
causes of 371
fetalis 340
Hydroureter, bilateral 187f
Hyperbilirubinemia 224
Hyperechoic plaque 288f
Hyperplastic endometrium 212
Hypertension 348
Hyperthermia 46
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 420
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 230
Hypertrophy prostate, benign 190
Hyphema, posterior 245
Hypochondrium pain, right 155
Hypoechoic articular cartilage 112
Hypoechoic cerebellar hemispheres 116
Hypoechoic collection 274f
Hypoechoic lesion 182f
multiple 144f
small 200f
Hypoechoic mass 182f
lesion, large 194f
Hypoechoic muscle 112
Hypoechoic parenchyma 108, 177
Hypoechoic renal medullary pyramids 86
Hypoechoic thrombus 279f
Hypoechoic ulnar bursa 60
Hypoglycemic symptoms 163
Hypoplastic cervix 215f
Hypoplastic kidney 172
Hypoplastic uterus 232f
Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy 238, 239, 239f
Idiopathic megaureter 360
Iliac artery
common 80, 82f
internal 83f
leg-common 277f
right common 83f
Iliac fossa, right 169, 275f, 434f
Iliac vein 281
Iliofemoral ligament 108
Ill-defined echogenic adenomyomatous lesion 212f
Immune hydrops 371
Imperforate anus 359
In utero fetal sonographic weight standards 340t
Infant spine 121
Infant's hip 109f, 431f
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis 230f
Infantile polycystic renal disease 359
Infarction 257
Infected hydrocephalus 238f
Infection 133
Infectious cystitis 187
Infectious diseases 193
Inferior vena cava 63, 67f, 81f, 83, 196, 226, 281, 319, 391, 391f
branches 391
Infertile females 404
Infertility, cause of 219
Inflammatory bowel disease 76, 166, 313
Inflammatory disease 148, 158, 192
Inflammatory lymph node 296f
Infraspinatus muscle and tendon 426f
Infraspinatus tendon 112f, 428f
Innominate artery 128f
Interhemispheric fissure 121
Interstitial pregnancy 337
Interventional techniques 382
Interventricular septum 413f
motion of 413t
Intestinal atresia 361
Intestinal tuberculosis 170
Intra-arterial thrombolysis 381
Intracardiac shunts 411
Intracavitary probes 50
Intracerebral bleed 238f
Intracoronary injections 315
Intracranial infections 240
Intracranial sonography 236
axial sections 236
normal anatomy 236
sonographic appearance 238
Intragastric gas 71
Intrahepatic bile duct 152, 152f
Intrahepatic gallbladder, small 149f
Intrahepatic obstruction 225
Intraluminal air 310
Intraocular tumors 247
Intraoperative biliary sonography, indications for 295
Intraoperative cranial sonography 294
Intrapancreatic bile duct 52
Intraperitoneal cystic processes 361
Intraplacental hematomas 375
Intrascrotal anatomy, normal 99f
Intraspinal lipoma 242
Intrasplenic pseudoaneurysms 396
Intratesticular lesions, benign 256
Intrathoracic masses, evaluation of 265
Intrauterine contraceptive device 214
Intrauterine gestational sac 215f
Intrauterine growth retardation 347, 353
fetus 349f
types of 347
Intravascular ultrasound
recent advances of 308
technical consideration of 301
Intussusception 169, 230
Irritable hip
examination of 432f
routine 109f
Ischemic bowel disease 170
Ischemic cardiomyopathy 415f
Islet cell tumors 163
Isoechoic lesions 138
Isthmus 104f
mild physiological 224
neonatal 224
obstructive 155, 157, 159
Jejunal loops 165f
Joint 126
and tendons 51
effusion 271, 276, 441
lesions, ultrasound of 271
neonatal hips 126
soldered 40
Jugular vein, internal 123, 129f
Kidney 6, 8, 11, 81f, 83, 172, 228, 319
abnormally located 369
absent 172, 172f
anatomical relations of 81f
anatomy of 86f
and liver 300
congenital 172
eight 70f, 87f, 88f, 124f, 181f, 183f
enlarged 177f
intraoperative sonography of 295
midpolar region of 181f
neonatal 124, 124f
normal 89
small 369
transplanted 399f
Klatskin tumors 157
Knee 60, 113, 113f, 433
right 271f
Knee joint 114f, 437f
medial side of 436f
normal 89f, 270f, 440f
Lacrimal gland 106
Lactobezoars 230
Lamina propria 75
Laparoscopic sonography 295
Laparoscopic ultrasound, goals of 296
Lead zirconate titanate 14
Left atrium 405f
Left circumflex artery 415f
Left common femoral artery 279f
Left dome 80f, 81f
Left hip
dislocation of 275f
transient synovitis of 436f
Left kidney
dilated pelvis of 360f
sagittal scan of 87f, 88f
transverse section of 89f
Left ovary, cystic lesion in 213f
Left pleural cavity 264f
Left ventricle
cavity 419f
systolic wall motion score 412t
Left ventricular aneurysm 416
Left ventricular dysfunction 413
Left ventricular hypertrophy 419, 420
differential diagnosis of 420
Left ventricular mass, calculation of 420f
Left ventricular posterior wall 413f
Leiomyoma 210, 312
Leiomyosarcoma 199, 210
Lesion 134
ablation 380
technique of 380
benign solid 254
multiple 59
Lesser saphenous vein 129
Leukemia 133, 183, 184f, 226, 249
Leukocytosis 224
Leukomalacia, periventricular 239
Ligamentum teres acts 64
Limb shortening 365
Limb-body wall complex 367
Linear array transducer, development of 2
Lipid emulsions 316
Lipoma 312
containing 423f
Liposarcoma 199
Liquid bath transducers 32
Liver 6, 8, 11, 51, 63, 87f, 124f, 126, 225, 318, 394, 422
anterior part of 40f
calcification 135
cirrhosis of 395f
congenital cysts of 225
cyst 130
secondary 130
simple 130, 130f
benign diffuse 136
chronic 225
malignant 140
enlargement 143
hypoechoic mass in 136f
left lobe of 66f, 67f, 77f
malignant lesions of 140
parenchyma 63
posterior surfaces of 63f
right lobe of 65f, 66f, 69, 131f, 133f, 135f, 181f
sonography, applications of intraoperative 295
surface, irregular 138, 138f
transplantation 396
visualization of 39
Lobar fissure 71f
Lobar variet 364
Logarithmic amplification 25
Low pressure 4
Lower extremity veins, anatomy of 129f, 281
Lower gastrointestinal tract 311, 313
Lower limb 403
Lower lumbar canal regions 122
Lumbosacral meningomyelocele 363f
Lung 6, 11
abscess 235, 265f
normal 126f
parenchyma 234
tumors 234
Lymph node 201, 252, 310, 319
normal 108
Lymphadenopathy 233, 235
Lymphangioma 233, 248
Lymphocele 204
Lymphoma 133, 144, 166, 183, 190, 226, 228, 233
Macrocystic neoplasms 163
Malakoplakia 187
Male genitalia, normal 357f
Male pelvis 99f
Mammary ducts 107
Manufacturer's instructions 55
Maple syrup 11
Marfan's syndrome 304
Marginal placenta 374
Marginal previa 374
Massa intermedia 116f
Massive splenomegaly 143f, 144f
Massive subchorial thrombosis 375
Matted bowel loop 167f
Mechanical energy 4
Mechanical obstruction 169
Mechanical scanner 31
type of 32
Mechanical vibration 32
Meconium cyst 361
Meconium peritonitis 231
Meconium plug syndrome 361
Medial hyoglossus muscle 123
Mediastinal masses, posterior 57
Mediastinum 56, 235, 311
testis 98, 100f
Medical imaging equipment, types of 24
Medical renal diseases 227
Medullary carcinoma 252
Medullary cystic disease 184, 228
Medullary cysts 184
Medullary nephrocalcinosis 176
Medullary sponge kidney 176, 184, 227
Melanoma, malignant 166
Memory device 28
Meningitis 240
Meningocele 241, 242f
Meniscal tear 268
Menopause uterus atrophies 94
Mesenchymal hamartoma 225
Mesenchymal tumors 166
Mesenchymoma 226
Mesenteric artery, superior 72, 73f, 80, 81f, 169, 197, 199, 319
Mesenteric cyst 168f, 231
Mesenteric Doppler 390
Mesenteric vein, superior 72, 81f
Mesoblastic nephroma 228
Metabolic disorders 224
Metabolic liver disease 225
Metastases 145, 145f, 190, 195f, 226
Metastatic lesions, large 141f
Metastatic tumors 140, 166, 198, 222
Metatarsophalangeal joint 425f
Mid gut malrotation 169
Mirizzi syndrome 156
Missed abortion 334, 335f
Mitral regurgitation, acute 415, 416
Mitral valve, normal 409f
M-mode ECHO 409
Monoamniotic twinning 353
Monochorionicity 353
Morrison's pouch 86
Mucinous cystadenoma 219
Mucocele 249
Multicystic dysplastic kidney 185, 228, 359, 359f
Multifetal pregnancies, complications of 352
Multifocal carcinoma 190f
Multilocular cystic nephroma 180, 228
Multilocular nephroma 181f
Multinodular goiter 250, 251f
Multiple color Doppler 401f
Multiple echogenic nodules 255f
Multiple follicles, ovaries with 97f
Multiple gestations 351f
ultrasound evaluation in 351
Multiple glands, dysfunction of 158
Multiple peritoneal ligaments 84
Multiple varicoceles 400f
Mural nodularity 180
Muscle 6, 8, 11, 115, 423
hypertrophy 248
relaxation 38
Muscularis mucosa 75
Muscularis propria 75
Musculoskeletal system 108, 358, 400
Musculoskeletal ultrasonography 423
Musculoskeletal ultrasound 268
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 170, 180
Myelolipoma 193
Myelomeningocele 121, 241, 242f, 367
Myeloschisis 121
Mylohyoid muscle 123
Myocardial infarction 412
Myocardial ischemia 412
Myometrial abnormalities 210
Myometrium, posterior 212
Nabothian cyst 215, 216f
Narrow neck diverticulum 188f
Nausea 136
Neck 102, 356
lymph nodes 252
Neonatal ovaries 125
Neonatal spine, sonographic imaging of 241
Neonate cortex and medulla of kidney 124f
Neoplasms 160, 219
malignant 255
Nephroblastoma 228
Nephrocalcinosis 176, 227
Nephrocalcinosis-stippled calcification 177f
Nephrotic syndrome 227
Neuroblastoma 194f, 226, 229, 229f, 233
Neuroenteric cysts 362
Neurogenic bladder 188, 227
types 188
Nipple-areolar complex 58, 108f
Nodular surface 138
Nodular synovium, thickened 115f, 438f
Non-fasting gallbladder, normal 127f
Nonfunctioning islet-cell tumors 163
Non-glandular fibromuscular stroma 90
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 166, 195, 248
Nonimmune hydrops 371
Non-neoplastic cysts 215
Nonstress test 350
Nonvascular procedures 378
Non-viable pregnancy, early diagnosis of 334t
Normal sonographic anatomy 75, 86
Normal triphasic pattern, loss of 280f
Nose 356
and lips 356f
Nuchal skin fold thickness 371
Nuchal translucency 371
Nulliparous uterus 94
Obstetric ultrasound 38, 56, 331
Obstruction, absence of 387
Occipital horn 117f
Occipital lobe 118f
Ocular melanoma 247, 248f
Ocular tumors 402
Olecranon bursa 442f
Oligohydramnios 354, 354f, 357
Omental cyst 231
Omentum, thickened 167f
Ommon iliac veins 83
Omohyoid muscles 103
Omphalocele 366, 367f
Oncocytomas 181
Ophthalmic scanning 43
Optic nerve 105f
tumors 249
Optic neuritis 249
Oral fluid 53
Orbital cysticercosis 248, 248f
Orbital diseases 248
Orbital lymphoma 248
Orbital metastases 249
Orbital trauma 248
Orbital vessels, normal 402
Orthogonal beam 43
width artifact 43
Oscillating contact
scanner touches 31
transducer 31f
Oscillating nonreflecting transducer 32f
Oscillating transducer 31
Oscilloscopes 28
Osteomyelitis 271, 442
calcification-chronic 273f, 435f
Ovarian cyst 218f
functional 216f
Ovarian ectopic pregnancy 337
Ovarian mass 232
malignant 221f
Ovarian neoplasm, primary malignant 219
Ovarian veins 391
Ovarian volume 98
Ovary 37, 97, 125, 215, 218, 320
right 98f
Ovum, blighted 334
Palpable nontender gallbladder 160
Pancake kidney 180f
Pancreas 39, 51, 53, 71, 81f, 126f, 158f, 231, 311, 391, 396
anatomy of 72f
body of 72
evaluation of 295
examination of 53
head of 73f
normal 159
pediatric 126
transverse section of 73f
Pancreatic ascites 160
Pancreatic carcinoma 140
Pancreatic head, normal dimension of 73f
Pancreatic masses 231
Pancreatic necrosis 159
Pancreatic pseudocyst 160f, 231
Pancreatic tail, region of 161f
Pancreatic transplantation 396
Pancreatic tumor 162f
Pancreatic visualization 53
Pancreatitis 208
acute 158, 158f, 159f
on chronic 159f
chronic 140, 160, 161f
calcific 161f
complications of 159
diagnosis of acute 158
diffuse 158
Papillary carcinoma 252f
Papillary necrosis 176, 179
Paralytic ileus 76, 170
Parapelvic cysts 184
Parasagittal scan 53f
adenoma 401
glands 102, 103, 123, 401
Parenchyma 9, 397
atrophy 179f
echogenicity, abnormal 240
Parietal lobe 118f
Parotid gland 58, 122, 123f
normal 122f
Parovarian cysts 218
Particle interaction 5f
Patellar ligament, monosodium urate crystals in 425f
Patellar tendon tears 268, 439
Peak end diastolic velocity 289
Peak systolic velocity 289
Pectoralis muscle 107f
Pediatric hip, sonographic evaluation of 271
Pelvic abscess 205f
Pelvic anatomy 37
Pelvic collection 314
Pelvic cystic processes 361
Pelvic hematoma 206f
Pelvic inflammatory disease 222, 336
Pelvic masses 232
Pelvic organs 56
Pelvic scanning 37
Pelvis 204
female 90f,
low in 38
pediatric 125
Pelviureteric junction obstruction 173, 174f
Penis 59, 98
anatomy of 102f
exhibits 101
Peptic ulcer 171
Percent stenosis 288
Percutaneous insertion techniques 379
Percutaneous nephrostomy 380
Percutaneous stenting 380
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty 305
Perendoscopic ultrasound 310
Perfluoroctyl bromide 315
advantages of 316
Periampullary carcinoma 162f
Pericardial effusion, acute 417
Perinatal meningitis 240
Peripheral arteries 128, 278f, 392f, 403f
ultrasound examination of 277
Peripheral vascular system 402
Peripheral veins 129
Perirenal fascia, posterior 79
Perisac bleeds 335
Peritoneal cavity 202
anatomy of 80f
Peritoneal inclusion cysts 218
Peritoneal lesions 204, 206
Peritoneal mesothelioma 206
Peritoneal metastases 204, 206f
Peritoneum 55, 84, 231
Periurethral glands urethra 90
Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous 243, 243f
Perthes’ disease 275f, 276, 432
Phantom 21
Pharmacopenile duplex ultrasonography 399
Pheochromocytoma 194f, 195
Phocomelia 366
Piezoelectric crystal 14, 14f
causes 16f
construction 12
element 12
Piezoelectric effect 1, 14, 21
Piezoelectric material 13, 14
Piezoelectric polymers 8
Placenta 372
abruption of 336f
creta 374
low lying 374
normal 373f
partial 374
types of 374f
shape of 373
sonographic evaluation of 372
Placental abruption 374
Placental grading 350, 368f
Placental previa 374
Placental tumors 373
Plaque composition 288
Plaque extent and thickness 287
Plaque morphology 302
Plasma cell mastitis 256
Pleural effusion 160, 261, 362
bilateral 262f
Pleural masses 234
Pleural mesothelioma 234
Pleural metastases 234
Pleural plaques 234
Pleural space 56
Pleural thickening 234
Pneumobilia 155
echogenic foci 155f
Pneumothorax 234
Polyarteritis nodosa 257
Polycystic kidney disease 130f, 184
adult 185f, 359
autosomal recessive 228
Polycystic liver disease 130, 130f
Polycystic ovarian disease 219
Polycystic ovaries, vascular stroma of 404
Polyhydramnios 357
Polymorphic hyperechoic aggregates 441f
Polyps 312
Polysplenia 75
Polystyrene 19
Popliteal and calf veins 281
Popliteal fossa 129
Popliteal vein 282
Porta hepatis 68f, 70, 157
Portal cavernoma 395f
Portal hypertension 139, 225, 394, 396
collaterals 143f
sonographic findings in 394
Portal vein 319
thrombosis 140, 140f
causes of 140
Portal venous system 72f, 283, 283f
Portal-splenic confluence 71
Portocaval shunts 140
Portosplenic vein thrombosis 160
Postabortal uterus 215f
Post-abortion complication 223
Posterior fossa cyst, small 364f
Postmenopausal ovaries, normal 98
Postmenopausal uterus, shape of 94
Poststenotic flow changes 386
Post-traumatic cataract 246f
Post-traumatic cysts 145
Potential cardiac applications 315
Pouch of Douglas 37, 78f, 169f
Power Doppler flow imaging 388
Power Doppler mode, inferior vena cava in 394f
Pre-aortic lymph node 200f
Precutaneous transluminal angioplasty 304
Predicted menstrual age 324t
Prehepatic portal hypertension 284
Preplacental hematomas 375
Propagation speed 4
Propylene glycol 47
Prostate 51, 92f, 125, 190, 192f, 300, 422
abnormality of 54
and seminal vesicles 89
carcinomas 192f, 422
enlarged 191f
gland 54, 319
normal 89
Prostatic abscess 192
Prostatic carcinoma 89, 192
Prostatic urethra 89, 190f
Prostatism, acute 192f
Prostatitis 192
Prourokinase 381
Proximal pelvicaliectasis 182
Prune belly syndrome 227
Pseudoaneurysm 159, 390, 404, 417t
Pseudocysts 193
Pseudokidney 164
sign 166f, 170f
Pseudomembranous colitis 170
Pseudomonas 260
Pseudomyxoma peritonei 204
Pseudopancreatic cyst 159, 206
Pseudotumor 183f
Psoas abscess 198f, 233
Pulmonary AV fistula 381
Pulsatile neck masses 393
Pulse dimension affects 17
Pulse ECHO 21
distance ranging technique 1
Pulse generator 20
Pulse repetition frequency 30
Pulsed Doppler technique 279
Pulsed wave Doppler 384, 408, 409
Pyelonephritis 176, 397f
acute 177f
chronic 176, 179, 179f
Pylorus, sagittal scan of 78f
Pyonephrosis 41, 177, 179f
Pyriform shape, normal 71f
Q factor 15
Q transducer 17
Radiofrequency digitization 49
Radiofrequency signal 22
Rapid systolic upstroke 287f
Real-time ultrasound 30
scanning systems 19
Reception and amplification 21
Rectangular array 34
Rectovesical pouch 37
Rectum 311
Rectus abdominis 79
originates 79
Recurrent ischemic neurological deficit 285
Red blood cell 383
Reflection 8
amount of 8, 9
angle of 9
and absorption 8
and scattering 11
Reflects sound waves 55
Refraction 10
Regional lymph nodes 182
Regurgitant aortic valve 408f, 410f
Regurgitant lesions 411
Regurgitant mitral valve 411f
Reidel's lobe 66
Relaxation time 11
Relevant fetal anatomy 355
Remote localizers 299
Renal abnormality, congenital 209
Renal abscess 177, 179f
Renal anatomy, pediatric 124
Renal arterial occlusion and infarction 185
Renal artery 285f, 391, 398f
Doppler 284
left 82f
normal 285
right 83f
stenosis 185, 398
diagnosis of 398
thrombosis 398
Renal calculus 176f
Renal cell carcinoma 181, 181f, 398
Renal cortex 63, 89
Renal cortical echogenicity 86
Renal cystic
disease 183, 225
processes 359
Renal duplication 226
Renal dysplasia 228
Renal ectopia, crossed 172
Renal fossa, right 173f
Renal hilum 86
Renal hydatid disease 180
Renal hypertension 285f
Renal masses 398
Renal medical disorders 185
Renal moieties, fused 173f
Renal parenchyma 86
Renal pyramid 89
region of 177f
Renal sinus 42, 86, 177
Renal stones/calculi 174
Renal transplant 398
Renal trauma 178f
Renal tubular acidosis 176
Renal tumors 180
malignant 181
secondary 182
Renal ultrasonography, contrast media in 316
Renal ultrasound beam 43
Renal vein
occlusion 185
thrombosis 227
acute 398
Respiration 387
venous effect of 387
Respiratory variations 283f
Rete testis 98
Retina 105f, 245
section of 43
Retinal detachment 244f, 245
Retinal tears 245
Retinal vessel abnormalities 402
Retinoblastoma 247, 247f
Retinoschisis 246
Retrobulbar region 105f
Retrofascial space 80
Retromammary fat 107f
Retroperitoneal cysts 199, 233
Retroperitoneal fibrosis 198
Retroperitoneal fluid collections 198, 233
Retroperitoneal sarcoma 199f
Retroperitoneal tumors 199
Retroperitoneal vessels 389
Retroperitoneum 55, 79, 232, 311
Retroplacental clot, resolving 375f
Retroplacental hematoma 374, 375f
large 336f
Reverberation artifacts 42
Reye's syndrome 225
Rhabdomyosarcoma 199, 224, 232, 233, 248
Rheumatoid arthritis 186
Ribs, scan between 57f
Riedel's lobe 137f
Right adrenal gland 83, 125f, 195f
Right atrium 197f, 416f
Right dome 80f, 81, 81f
Right kidney
hilum of 83f
lower pole of 228f
pelvicalyceal system of 177f
pelvis of 182f
sagittal scan of 88f
transverse section of 87f
Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses 151
Rotating contact transducer 32f
Rotating wheel transducer 32
Rotator cuff 59, 110, 438f
complete tear of 270f
lesions 438
partial atrophy of 270f, 439f
tear of 268, 439f
tendons 426
Rubber coat, acoustic insulator of 12
Sacral theca 121
Salivary gland 58, 122, 401
Scan converter 28
Scan protocol and technique 284
Scanning spleen, technique for 52f
Scar tissue 250
Schwannoma, malignant 201
Scleral rupture, posterior 246
Scrotal blood supply 99f
Scrotal hematoma 261f
Scrotal sac, right 259f
Scrotal ultrasound 256
Scrotum 59, 98, 125, 399
anatomy 99f
Semilobar holoprosencephaly 364
Seminal vesicles 91f, 93f
Seminoma 261
Sepsis 391
Septate uterus 209f, 298f, 351f
Septic abortion 335
Septic arthritis 434f
Septicaemia 140
Septula 98
and mitral leaflets 411f
pellucidum 237f
Serosa 75
Serous cystadenoma 219
Sertoli-leydig cell tumor 222
Severe stenosis evaluation, quantitative Doppler for 289
Sex cord-stromal tumors 222
Shorter spatial pulse length 16
Shoulder 424
capsule 110
right and left 269f
Sickle cell anemia 224
Silicon oxide element 28
Simple cortical cysts 183, 184f
Simple cyst 130, 133, 422
Sinus ECHO 174
Situs ambiguous 75
Skeletal dysplasia 372
Skin 98, 422
and subcutaneous tissue 114, 423, 400
benign lipomatosis of 268f, 400f
overlying breast 107f
thickening 369
adult 6
lemon shaped 363f
wall, lateral 1
Skull-bone 8, 11
Sludge balls 147
Small bowel obstruction 230
Snell's law 10, 10f
of optics 10
Snow storm 232
Soft tissues 271
air 9
bone 9
fat 9
findings 368
half value for 11
lung 9
swelling 272f, 273f, 435f
Solid masses 233, 235
Solid renal cell carcinoma 182f
Solid-state realtime transducer 33f
Sonoelastographic techniques 421
Sonographic anatomy, basic 63
Sonographic milestones 334t
Sonography 250
mucinous cystadenomas 219
pediatric 116
scanning techniques in 51
beam 11
path of 28
frequency and speed of 4
pulse 27
speed of 4
velocity of 4, 6
wave, direction of 4
Spalding sign 351f
Spectral information 44
Specular ECHO 8f
Specular interfaces 40
Spermatic cord 98
Spermatic fascia
external 98
internal 98
Spina bifida 367
Spinal canal 51, 62, 121
content of 121
pediatric 61
Spinal deformity, severe 121
Spinal dysraphism 241
Spinal sonography 121
Spinal ultrasound, intraoperative 294
Splanchnic aneurysms 391
Spleen 51, 72, 83, 126, 127f, 143, 226, 318, 396
accessory 75
anatomy of 74f
and water distended stomach 74f
diffuse diseases of 143
focal diseases of 144
longitudinal scan of 74f
sagittal scan of 74f
size of 126
tuberculosis of 143
upper pole of 74f
with bright echogenic diaphragm 42f
Splenectomy 140
Splenic abscess 144f
Splenic artery 72
aneurysm 381
embolization 381
Splenic enlargement 144
Splenic hilum 74f, 143, 143f
Splenic hydatid 146f
Splenic infarction 396
Splenic masses 226
Splenic parenchyma 144f
Splenic trauma 145f
Splenic vein 319
cavernous transformation of 143f
Splenomegaly, mild 143f
Splenorenal ligament 144f
Splenunculus 146f
Squamous cell carcinoma 182, 190
Starry sky appearance 136
aqueduct 363f
percentage of 287t
severe 288f
Stenotic aortic valve 407f, 408f, 411f
Stenotic lesion 289, 410
Stenson's duct, mildly dilated 123f
Stent deployment 305
Stent grafts 306
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 123
Sternohyoid muscles 103
Stomach 77, 171, 230, 311
and duodenum, region of 165f
carcinoma of 164f, 312
pediatric 125
wall, thickened 164f
Strain elastography 421
Strawberry gallbladder 151
Streptokinase 381
Stress echocardiography 418
indications 418
limitations 419
negative test 419
positive test 418
principle 418
technique 418
Stress, application of 127
Stromal tumors 258
Styloid process 122f
Subacromial subdeltoid bursa 110
Subchorionic hemorrhage 375f
Subclavian artery 128, 128f
Subcutaneous lipomatous lesion 268f
Subdeltoid bursa, normal 110
Sublingual glands 58, 123
Submandibular gland 58, 102f, 122, 123, 123f
Submucosa 75
Subscapularis from supraspinatus 59
Subscapularis tendon 111f, 427f
Subxiphoid region 38
Succenturiate lobes 373
Supramesocolic spaces, right and left 84
Suprapatellar knee joint 440f
Supraspinatus muscle and tendon 426f
Supraspinatus tendon 112, 112f, 424f, 427f
Suspensory ligament 106
Sylvian fissure 118f
Sylvius, aqueduct of 116f
Synovial cysts 271, 441
Synovial effusion 271f
Synovial sheaths 109
Synovium 424
Systemic arterial hypertension 419
Systolic wall
motion, abnormal 412
abnormal 412
lack of 412
Tardus parvus waveform 403f
Target lesion 165f
Technological development 1
Temporal horn 117f, 118f
Temporal lobes 121
Tendinitis 269, 439
Tendon 60, 108, 423
fibers 436
tears 268, 438
Tenon's capsule 103
Tenosynovitis 113f, 430f
Teratoma 231, 257, 233
Terminal duct lobular units 108
Testicular artery 399f
Testicular cyst 256, 257f
Testicular malignancy 258
Testicular metastases 258
Testicular torsion 260, 399
Testis 98
anteroposterior dimension of 100f
hypoechoic to 98
isoechoic to 98
ruptured 261
substance of 98
superior pole of 101f
Tethered spinal cord 242
Thalamus, normal 117f
Thanatophoric dwarfism 365
Theca luteal cyst 218
Theolamine 47
Therapeutic procedures, real time monitoring of 306
Therapeutic ultrasound 45
Thermal effects 45
Thick walled cystic adenomyotic lesions 211f
Thorax 51, 56, 82f, 102, 233, 261
Thrombus 196, 303
Thymus, echogenicity of 126
Thyroglossal cyst 251f
Thyroid 58, 126, 250, 422
adenoma 252, 252f
cartilage 102
classical follicular adenoma of 252f
cyst 250
enlarged 251f
follicular adenoma of 402f
gland 58, 102, 103f, 123, 320, 401
anatomy of 103f
normal 103, 103f
left lobe of 104f
lesions 250
lobe, left 251f
malignancies 252
nodule 296f
right lobe of 104f
Thyroiditis 250
Tibial artery
and vein, posterior 291f
posterior 129
Tibioperoneal trunk 128
acoustic impedance 8
air interfaces 9
bone-tissue phantom 10f
boundary 11
plane 43
Todani's classification 155
Tracheoesophageal atresia 369
Tractional retinal detachment 245
Transabdominal sonography 56
Transabdominal technique 89
Transcranial Doppler ultrasound 393
Transducer 9f
construction 12
crystal element 21
focusing 17
technology, advances in 30
types of 39f, 302f
Transesophageal transverse sections 311
Transfontanellar scan, technique for 116f
Transient ischemic attack 285
Transitional cell
carcinoma 182, 182f, 188, 189f
tumor 222
Transluminal angioplasty 382
Transmitter 25
Transplant dysfunction 398
Transrectal ultrasound 54
Transvaginal sonography 56, 317, 331
disadvantage of 56
Transvaginal transducers 331
Trauma 140, 145, 246, 271, 276, 433, 442
anterior segment 246
dehydration 391
posterior segment 246
Trichobezoar 171
Tricuspid valve 410f
Triethanolamine 47
Triphasic waveform, normal 280f, 403
Trophoblastic tumors 373
Tuberculosis 137, 180, 186, 223
Tubular necrosis, acute 185, 227
Tumefactive sludge 147
Tumor 228, 233
benign 180, 223t
malignant 223t, 257
types of 222t
Tunica vaginalis 98
embolization syndrome 353
transfusion syndrome 353
Two-dimensional ECHO 405
Typhilitis 168f
Ulcerative colitis 166
Ulnar veins 280
Ultrasonic beam 30, 34
Ultrasonic information 24
Ultrasonic system, components of 24f
Ultrasound 8
artifacts 37
contrast agents for 314
diagnostic 7
ECHO, portions of 28
equipment 30
gastroesophageal junction 230
identified fetal abnormality 371
imaging, artifact in 40
instrumentation 20
reflection of 9
safety, biological effect of 45
small part 253
therapeutic 7
transducer 12
types of 20
units 22
velocity of 6t
Ultrasound beam 9, 30, 34
characteristics of 17
direction of 27
generation of 20
Ultrasound contrast agents
classification of 314
mode of action 314
Ultrasound machine
control panel of 39f
part of 39f
Ultrasound pulse 50
reflection of 8
Umbilical cord 297f, 376
Umbilical cyst 231f
Umbilical granuloma 231f
Umbilical herniation, normal 296f
Unfocused transducer 17
Unicollis 209
Unicornuate uterus 209
Upper abdomen, preparation for 37
Upper extremity veins, anatomy of 129f
Upper limb 403
arteries 403
Urachal anomalies 187
Ureter 89
dilated lower 186f
left lower 187f
Ureteral obstruction 227
Ureterocele 173, 187f
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction 226
Ureterovesical junction obstruction 360
proximal ureters 54
sonography of 186
bulbar part of 192f
posterior 361f
Urethral lumen 102
Urethral valve, posterior 227, 360f
Urinary bladder 54, 90f, 93f, 95f, 96f, 180f, 186, 189f, 320, 361f
anterior portion of 42f
inflammatory pathology of 187
pediatric 124
posterior wall of 188f
urine-filled 54
wall of 188f
Urinary system 397
location of 86f
Urinary tract 51, 53, 86, 174, 226
anomalies 372
congenital anomalies of 226
Urinoma 177f
Urokinase 381
Uterine abnormalities, congenital 209
Uterine bleeding 210
Uterine cavity 212f
multiple synechia in 214f
Uterine fibroids 222
Uterine fundus 37
Uterine malformation 317
Uterine musculature 209f
Uterine secretions 46
Uterine septum, thin 351f
Uterine wall, anterior 373f
Uterorectal pouch 204f
Uterovesical pouch 204f
Uterus 95f, 96f, 125, 320
anatomy of 93f
and adnexa 56, 90, 93, 209
anteverted 96f
didelphys 209, 209f
hyperplastic endometrium in 213f
neoplasms of 210
transvaginal scan of 216f
unicornis 209
varies 94
Vagina 94, 96f
normal 94f
Vancomycin 170
Varices 312
Varicocele 258, 259f
Vascular interventional techniques 378
Vascular lesions 235, 400
Vascular masses 248
Vascular procedures 380
Vascular system 128
Vascular therapy 381
Velamentous insertion 376
Velocity calculation 44
Vena cava, anatomy of inferior 84f
Venous embolization 381
Venous hemodynamics 386
Venous obstruction 387
Venous system, anatomy of 280
Ventricular mural thrombus 417
Ventricular septal
defect 416, 417f
motion 413
Vertebral artery 128f, 393
anatomy 128
Vesical calculus 188
Vesicoureteric junction
right 188f
and left 90f
Vesicoureteric reflux 227
Video amplifier 26
Viral hepatitis, acute 136
Viscosity 11
Vitamin D 176
Vitreal cyst 243f
Vitreous detachment, posterior 243, 245
Vitreous examination 243
Vitreous hemorrhage 243, 245
Vomiting 136
von Hippel-Lindau disease 185
von Meyenburg complexes 130
Wall-ECHO-shadow sign 147f
Water 11
distended stomach 77f
Waterlily sign 132
Wave propagation 5f
Wharton's duct 123
Wilms’ tumor 226, 228, 228f, 249
Wilson's disease 137, 225
advantage of 32
disadvantage of 32
transducer 31
Wolman's disease 230
Wrist 60
joint, right 425f
X deflection plates 23
Xanthogranulomatous 179
Xiphoid 71
Ying-Yang sign 404f
Yolk sac 320, 332f
and embryo, detection of 334t
Zygomatic arch 122
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

Historical Perspective of UltrasoundCHAPTER 1

Majority of the people approaching ultrasound for the first time assume that this is one of the newer imaging techniques. Certainly, ultrasound has only achieved wide clinical use since 1970. But medical use of ultrasound came about shortly after close of World War II. These were based on fundamental research into the principle of sound and its interaction with different material which took place centuries back.
The piezoelectric effect, upon which the generation and detection of ultrasound signal depends, was noted by Pierre and Jacques Curie in 1880.
The principle of pulse echo technique for detection of underwater bodies were already under investigation prior to the First World War and were given considerable impetus by the need to detect submarines during world war. The first major attempt at a practical application was made in the unsuccessful search for the sunken Titanic in the North Atlantic in 1912. Other early attempts at applying ultrasound met with same fate.
The physical principles on which our modern diagnostic techniques rely therefore probably owe their origin to Chilowsky and Paul Langevin who produced their early publication in 1916. Their work was on the basis for SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging), the first important successful application of ultrasound.
It was this pulse echo distance ranging technique which became the basis for modern diagnostic medical sonography.
The medical potential was not appreciated in early post First World War period. However, technological development occurred with small portable pulse echosystem that were developed for detecting flaws in manufactured structures.
Although it was these new flaw detectors which generated the greatest interest and several workers dedicated themselves to the detection and evaluation of biological effects.
Wood, Loomis and Johnson were probably the earliest researchers and they published their result on the bioeffect of this newly discovered form of energy in 1927 and 1929, respectively.
In view of destructive effect in both solid material and biological systems, both industrial and biological applications for these properties were soon investigated.
Lym and Putnam focused ultrasound in water bath and induced massive cerebral lesions in experimental animals by insonating them with focused 1 MHz ultrasound. Attempts were made to develop ultrasound as an alternative to radiotherapy, but the technology for beam manipulation and for interaction of the ultrasound generators with the patients was inadequate and early clinical results showed more destruction of normal tissue than with the currently available X-ray radiotherapeutic technique. In the late 30s and early 40s, SY Sokolov and Firestone took out patients on ultrasound device used for detecting metal flaws.
Karl Dussik and his brother Friederick decided to use ultrasound as an alternative source of transmitted energy in systems. In their first apparatus sound was transmitted from a single crystal which was mechanically scanned across the area of interest and transmitted signal received by a second transducer on the far side of area under investigation. They are known to have been working with this apparatus in the mid and late 1930s and published some early clinical results in the late 1940s.
Their first publications showed transmission ultrasonograms of the human head in which ventricular system appeared to be represented. Several other groups also published transmission image of head in 1950 and 1951.
However, it was late discovered that transmission ultrasonogram of the head from which the brain had been removed and replaced with saline were indistinguishable from the ultrasound already published. Clearly the apparent image of the ventricular system was due merely to varying attenuation of the transmitted ultrasound by alteration in the thickness of the lateral skull wall.
In 1949, Ludwig and Struthes used pulse echo-ultrasound as medical imaging technique to detect gallstones and foreign bodies in soft tissues.
One problem of the all the early ultrasound system was the difficulties of conducting the transmitted sound into the patient and echo-out. Thus the early pulse echosystem required total immersion of the subject in a water tank in which the scanning apparatus was also submerged.
Using such a system Howry and Bliss built a scanner based on up turned gun tunnel from a war time bomber; then clinical results were of high quality.2
In 1950, Howry and Bliss produced first cross-sectional ultrasound image. In 1957, Howry and Homes assembled the first compound scanner consisting of water-filled tank in which patient was immersed surrounded by track in which transducer was moved in a series of compound motions and published their cross-sectional image of improved quality. The echoes were displaced on phosphor screens and photographed.
Wild and Reid published their work on direct contact scanner showing images of muscles of forearm and later of breast tissue. They reported 90% accuracy in differentiating benign from malignant lesions.
Mid 1950s, Saw proliferation of wider clinical application of diagnostic ultrasound. Baum developed an ophthalmic scanner.
He subsequently repeated the sonographic visualization of intraocular and orbital tumors, foreign bodies and retinal detachments.
Luksell applied the principle of industrial flaw detector to human skull and detected cerebral midline echo. Luksell and Turner were fortunate in choosing an appropriate anatomical target for their system and they laid the foundation of mid line echoencephalography. This field of investigation was further developed in Europe by Gordon, Lek Shell in Sweden and Kaizen and colleagues in Germany.
This technique was subsequently widely used in accident and emergency and in neurology department until the advent of CT scanner in the late 1970s.
Howry and other with their compound scanner produced good quality image but requirement of total immersion of the patient in water was clinically unacceptable. Tom Brown in late 1950s produced a mechanical contact compound scanner. However, image formation time was excessively long but image quality was good and rapidly gain clinical acceptance. Donald made a new apparatus on the basis of this produced direct contact manually operated scanner and applied in obstetrics and gynecology which gave a foundation of medical diagnostic ultrasound imaging as we know it today. Donald described two techniques still in use—coupling the transducer to the patient with mineral oil and using a full urinary bladder as a sonic window through which to visualize deep pelvic structures. He published a correlation of fetal biparietal diameter with gestational age.
Holm also developed a contact compound scanner which was in regular clinical use by the mid 1960s. Both Brown and Holmes scanner had ultrasound transducer mounted on an arm attached to a substantial rectilinear frame. Thereafter, Wells produced probably the first of hinged arm scanner which rapidly became the main configuration for manually operated compound static scanners until their demise at the hand of automated real-time system in early 1980s.
The display system of very early experimental scanners all used conventional cathode ray oscilloscopes with open shutter photography to store the image. These system produced images with the equivalent of what we call a gray scale display. The development of scanner proceeded over the ensuing years. The bistable storage oscilloscope was introduced in order to improve the case of both scanning and photography. The price paid for this development was the display of low level echoes disappeared and resulting ultrasound images contained information only from organ boundaries and strong reflectors. Kossoff developed (1970s) a complex water bath scanner which produced excellent high resolution images with good dynamic range display on a non-storage oscilloscope. It was probably his work which stimulated the equipment manufacturers to reintroduce gray scale image display and this was greatly facilitated by the development of television scan converter tube. This was a vacuum tube device somewhat similar to conventional cathode ray tube in which the image could be written on to a target in a random fashion during scanning and then read from the target as a conventional cathode ray tube. This device became readily available for inclusion in commercial scanners from about 1974 onwards. This revolutionized the ability of ultrasound to detect and display low echoes from soft tissue structures. Limitation of this scan converter was its average useful life which was very short and with electronic technology digital scan converter was developed in 1976. These systems were rapidly improved to give image resolution of greater than 512 × 512 pixels as the wide gray scan range.
The origin of real-time ultrasound imaging system lie in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Bom pioneered the development of linear array transducer as his first system having 20 elements giving 20 lines of information in the image. Sonar was simultaneously developing the phased array transducer. Both linear array and phased array scanner was practically demonstrated for its use in cardiac and abdominal injuries.
Prime clinical application of linear array real-time was in obstetrics while the scanner proved more satisfactory for cardiac and upper abdominal and pelvic imaging. The problem of small field of view with linear scanner was overcome in early 1980s by the introduction of curvilinear transducer. This design gave a very substantial improvement in image quality from these systems.
Siemens at the same time introduced mechanical real-time scanner called videoson. This system incorporated transducer mounted on a rotating wheel in front of parabolic mirror and produced good real-time images.
In early 1970s, a number of groups attempted to develop more compact real-time mechanical scanner. Their invention fell into two major groups, the rotating spinners and oscillating wobblers.
McDicken (1974) published his initial work and subsequent development in this field has led to refinement incorporated in many rotating mechanical sector scanner. The wobblers have also undergone simultaneous further development and are currently the most popular mechanical real-time sector scanner.
One of the main reason for continued popularity of mechanical sector scan systems is the symmetrical beam 3focusing which can be achieved with a single crystal element and suitable lenses. The main disadvantage of mechanical system has been that the focusing depth is fixed for any one crystal configuration.
In mid 1970s, annular array transducers were introduced which permitted beam focusing at any depth.
In 1980s, intracavitary mechanical rotating scanner were produced.
At the same time Doppler ultrasound were being developed. The fundamental work in this field was done by Kallnus in 1954. The detection of fetal heart movement by Doppler ultrasound was described by Callagan in 1964 and principle was rapidly developed for detection of blood flow within accessible superficial vessels throughout the body. Continuous wave Doppler system was used. The major problem of this system was the inability to produce any form of image of the vessel or determine from what depth or from how many vessels the Doppler signals were being received. In early 1970s, pulsed Doppler system was employed which could permit measurement of depth within the patient from which echoes were arising. These systems suffered from the problem of extremely slow image production.
In mid 1970s to early 1980s, a duplex system was introduced in which a high resolution conventional real-time imaging scanner was linked to a pulsed doppler device. These systems were popular for evaluation of carotid circulation. The major limitation of this system lays in its inability of real-time imaging system to detect all plaque and thrombus reliably, especially fresh thrombus within a vessel.
This problem was overcome in late 1980s by Doppler color flow mapping. This technique became possible as a consequence of continuing development in rapid parallel computer signal processing.
Continuous rate of growth of improving image qualities and introducing new technological development continues unabated at present time which is making ultrasound a dynamic and essential part of imaging system in radiology department/hospital.