Jaypee’s Nursing Drug Book 2020-21 Dolly Dominic
Abacavir 312
Abatacept 387
Abciximab drug interaction 101
Abelcet 280
Abiraterone 681
Abortifacients, as classification of female sex hormone 609
Abscesses, dosage 300
Abstral 530
Acarbose 198
ACE inhibitor 34, 45, 60
ACE inhibitor drug interaction 18, 33, 45
classified under, action mechanism 17
Acetaminophen 509, 749
overdose 751
toxicity 199, 670
Acetazolamide 574
Acetic acid 410
derivative, NSAIDs classified into 402
Acetylcholinesterase 558
Acetylcysteine 670, 749, 751
Acidosis, dosage 717
Aclidinium 550
rosacea, dosage 366
vulgaris, drug for 238
Acute coronary syndrome, dosage 118
Acute disseminated candidiasis, dosage 300
Acute mania, treatment of 463
Acute pain 402
self-treatment of 404
Acute renal failure 317, 571, 580
prevention of 585
Acyclovir 314, 386
Adalimumab 389
Addison's disease 171
Adefovir 318, 412
Adenocard 75
Adenoscan 75
Adenosine 75
Adrenal gland drugs 222
Adrenal insufficiency 226, 229, 651
symptoms of 232
Adrenaline 751
agonists, alpha-specific 564
antagonists 569
beta 2-agonist 632
Adrenocortical insufficiency 229, 641, 648
Adult drug dosage calculating formula 735
Afatinib 682
Afluria 264
Agitation 421, 425, 470, 751
Agranulocytopenia 335
Agranulocytosis adverse effect 188, 210, 213, 282, 285, 320, 341, 343, 458
Airway obstruction, reversible 634
Akinesia 470
Aknemycin 355
Alaphen 159
Albendazole 371
Albenza 371
Albiglutide 200
Albumin 728, 752
Albuminuria 256
Albuterol 627, 751
Alcohol 221
consumption 480
hexahydric 585
intoxication 208
withdrawal 421, 424, 425, 446, 503, 504, 507
Alcoholism 208, 461
Aldosterone receptor antagonist 587
Alfuzosin 549
Aliphatic carboxylic acid 442
Alirocumab 122
Alkali metal ion salt 439
Alkalinizer 716
Alkaloids 415, 520, 558
metabolic 575
natural 548
Allergic conditions, severe 231
Allergic disorders 661, 751
Allergic reactions, severe 629
Allergy 751
respiratory 662
Allfen 672
Allopurinol 413
Allylamine 279
Alogliptin 201
Alopecia 600
agonists 564
blocker 30
Alpha-blockers 17
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitor 197, 198
Alprazolam 165, 499
Altarussin 672
Alteplase 113
Altitude sickness 575, 580, 606
hydroxide 134
product 134
Alverine 156
Alzheimer's disease 419
moderate to severe 540
Amantadine 168, 319
Ambisome 283
Ambrisentan 19
Amebiasis 231
Amenorrhea 615, 619, 621
Amikacin 271, 330
Amiloride 319, 576
Amino acid 670, 701
infusions 701
polypeptide 91
Aminoacyl amide 84
Aminoglycosides 319, 329, 330, 356, 358, 360
inhibit protein synthesis 329
Aminoketone 469
Aminopenicillin 332, 334
Aminoquinoline derivative 396
Amiodarone 76, 365, 369, 386, 751
Amitriptyline 467
Amlodipine 20, 365
Ammonium compound, synthetic quaternary 550, 551, 556
Amnesia induction 506
Amoxicillin 332
Amoxil 332
Amphetamine 533
Amphoteric polyene 280, 283, 304
Amphotericin B 279
lipid complex 280
liposomal 283
Ampicillin 334
Amprenavir 226
Amyloidosis 416
Anakinra 391
Analgesia, preoperative 516
Analgesics 404, 408, 524, 527
adjuvant 509
morphine like 509
Anaphylaxis 201, 217, 226, 227, 245, 248, 285, 629
Anastrozole 683
Ancylostoma duodenale 372
Androgens 202, 599
inhibitor 681
Anemia 15, 91, 178, 243, 253, 256, 313, 324, 331, 353
aplastic 210, 213, 458
hemolytic 210, 335, 343
macrocytic 709
normochromic normocytic 285
normocytic 282
severe aplastic 392
Anesthesia 427, 529, 546
cardiac 545, 546
general 529, 543, 544
induction of 544
Angina 59
pectoris 747
Angioedema 201, 226, 248, 251, 259, 456
hereditary 599
Angiomax 100
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors 62
Angiotensin-receptor antagonist 26, 55, 63
Angle closure glaucoma 574
Anidulafungin 286
Ankylosing spondylitis 389, 394, 395
Anorexia 136, 232, 456
Antacids 133, 298, 306, 717
Anterior pituitary drugs 173
Anthelminthic drugs 371
Anthracyclines 676, 677, 678
Anthrax vaccine 259
Antiadrenergics 569
Antianginals 70
Antianxiety 499
Antiarrhythmic 74
Antibacterial agents 329
Antibiotic agents 329
Anticholinergics 548, 625
Anticholinesterase 558
Anticoagulation 751
Anticonvulsants 229, 442
Antidepressants 466
atypical 466
Antidiabetics 67, 229
Antidiuretics 593
Antidotes 749
Antiemetics 163
Antifungal drugs 279
Antihelminthic agents 371
Anti-hepatitis virus drugs 311
Anti-herpes virus drugs 311
Antihistamines 168, 661
category of 163
Anti-hypercalcemia 580
Antihypertensives 17
Anti-influenza virus drugs 311
Antimanic 439
Antimetabolites 279, 675, 676
Antimicrobial agents 269
Antimicrotubular agents 676, 677
Antimicrotubular drugs 678
Antimuscarinic 555
drugs 143
Antineoplastic drugs, toxicity of 677
Antiparkinsonian 548
Antiplatelet, drugs 115
Antiproliferative drugs 241
Antiprotozoal agents 362
Antipsychotics 168, 433
atypical 203, 433
Antirabies serum 268
Antirheumatoid 387
Antisecretory drugs 143
Antisera 258, 259
Antisnake venom polyvalent 268
Antispasmodics, drugs 155
Antithyroid drugs 188
Antitubercular agents 271
Antitumor antibiotic 675, 676
Antitussives 666
Antiviral agents 311
Anuria 282, 285
Anxiety 59, 100, 423, 425, 445, 476, 501, 504
disorder 421, 496, 499
generalized 491
social 466, 483, 494
mild 502
symptoms of 499
syndrome, severe 425, 433, 503
Apixaban 97
Aprepitant 164
Argatroban 98
Aripiprazole 434
Aristospan 230
Arnuity 225
Aromatase inhibitor 683
Aromatic diamide derivative 368
Arrhythmias 15, 79, 751
life-threatening 751
ventricular 79
poisoning 749
trioxide 166, 167, 170, 369
Arthritis 406
acute gouty 406
juvenile 405
idiopathic 388
Ascites 577
Asenapine 435
Aspergillosis, invasive 308
flavus 281, 289, 295
fumigatus 281, 289, 295
niger 289, 295
Aspirin 114, 116
Asthma 231, 623, 632, 634, 654, 655, 657, 659
chronic 225, 645
treatment of 657
exacerbation, severe 629
maintenance of 631
prophylaxis of 657
treatment of 631
Atazanavir 147, 226, 321
Atelectasis 256
Atenelol 21
Atopic dermatitis 242, 255, 392
Atorvastatin 123
Atovaquone 363
Atrial fibrillation 79, 81, 288, 751
Atropine 77, 749
sulfate 751
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 531, 535
Auditory disturbance 470
Audmonal 156
Autism 473, 501
Autoinjector 744
Avandia 216
Avil 751
Avirax 314
Axitinib 684
Azacitidine 686
Azapirones 499
Azasan 242
Azaspirodecanedione 501
Azathioprine 242
action of 243
Azelaic acid 238
Azelastine 661
Azelex 238
Azilsartan 23
Azithromycin 336
Azole 279, 292
antifungal drugs 279
Azotemia 282, 331
Babesiosis 363
Bacillus anthracis 351
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin 740
Baclofen 203, 380
Balanitis 208
Barbiturates 229, 231, 421, 442, 544
Bartonella bacilliformis 353
Basiliximab 244
Beclomethasone 637
Bedaquiline 271, 338
Behcet's syndrome 416
Belatacept 245
Belimumab 247
Belinostat 687
Bell's palsy 315
Belladona alkaloid 77
Benazepril 23
Bendamustine 688
Benlysta 247
Bentylol 157, 551
Benzimidazole 144, 149, 151, 374
broad-spectrum anthelmintic 371
Benzodiazepines 136, 309, 421, 423, 425, 429, 431, 442, 499, 502, 506
long-acting 445
withdrawal 446
Benzofuran, heterocyclic 279
Benzonatate 667
Benzothiadiazines 573
Benzoxazocine derivatives 402
Beriberi 718
agonist 564, 631
antagonists 569
blocker 30, 58, 499
Beta-blocker 17, 21, 221
overdose 751
Beta 2 sympathomimetics 625
Bethanechol 559
Biaxin 349
Bicarbonate 713, 752
Bicholate 159
Bidex 672
Biguanide 197, 207, 214
Bile acid sequestrants 121, 124, 125
Biothrax 259
Biotransformation 11
Bipolar disorder 434, 435, 439, 440, 444, 456, 461, 463
Bisacodyl 159
Bismatrol 138
Bismuth subsalicylate 138
Bismylate 138
Bisoprolol 25
Bivalirudin 100
Bladder cancer 204
advanced 697
Blastomycosis meningitis 308
Bleeding 111, 243
gastrointestinal 244
gums 96
signs of 115
Bleomycin 678, 691
Blood 723
components of 723
donation types 724
glucose 230, 231
levels, lower 196
pressure 155, 184
product transfusion 580
transfusion, types of 723
Bloodstream infection, catheter related 286
Blurred vision 447, 468, 470
infection 348
ablation 696
depression 335
transplant 293
pain 641
Borderline personality disorder 440
Bosentan 111
disease 399
sounds 155
Brachioradical pruritus 452
Bradycardia 77, 100, 249, 565
Bradykinesia 470
Brain tumors 695
inoperable 641
cancer 176, 604, 611, 613, 699
disease, fibrocystic 599
Breastfeeding 208, 436
Bromocriptine 197
Bronchitis 623
acute 269
chronic 345, 551
Broncho team 626
Bronchoconstriction prevention, exercise-induced 658
Bronchodilators 625, 666
Bronchospasm 166, 167, 282, 551, 632
acute 751
exercise induced 631
prophylaxis 627, 651
treatment 627
Bulimia 466
Bulk forming agents 158
Bumetanide 578
Buprenorphine 294, 511
Bupropion 469
Burns 206, 208, 728
Buspirone 501
Busulfan 692
Butorphanol 513
Butyrophenones 433
Calcineurin inhibitors 241
Calcitonin 190
absorption of 192
vitamin D3 191
Calcium 230, 231, 752
carbonate 135, 147, 704
channel blocker 17, 20, 32, 309
overdose 751
chloride 706, 751
citrate 706
gluconate 706
lactate 707
phosphate 706
supplement 135, 229, 704
Calculi, recurrent 414
Canagliflozin 197, 202
Cancer 675
testicular 691
Cancidas 288
Candesartan 26
Candida 295
albicans 281, 289
glabrata 289
guilliermondii 281
infections, prophylaxis for 300
krusei 284, 289
lusitaniae 284, 289
parapsilosis 284, 289
stellatoidea 281
tropicalis 281, 284, 289
Candidemia 300, 308
cutaneous 291, 304
prevention of 293
Capreomycin 271
Captopril 28
Carbamate toxicity 751
Carbamazepine 111, 165, 170, 229, 257, 289, 298, 443
Carbapenems 329, 352
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors 205, 573
Carbonyl iron 93
Carboplatin 694
Cardiac arrest 166, 186, 458, 717
Cardiac diseases 249
Cardiac failure 244
Cardiac glycosides 588
absorption of 162
Cardiovascular drugs 15
Cardiovascular surgery 109
Cardiovascular toxicity levels 167
Carisoprodol 381
Carmustine 695
Carospir 588
Carpal tunnel syndrome 651
Carvedilol 30
Caspofungin 288
Catecholamine 565, 566, 629
Cefaclor 342
Cefadroxil 340
Cefazolin 340
Cefdinir 344, 345
Cefditoren 149
Cefepime 344, 345, 347
Cefixime 344, 345, 346
Cefotaxime 344, 345, 346
Cefotetan 342
Cefoxitin 342
Cefpodoxime 149, 344, 345, 346
Cefprozil 342
Ceftaroline 339
Ceftazidime 344, 345, 347
Ceftriaxone 344, 346, 347
Cefuroxime 342, 343
Celecoxib 402
Cellulitis 233
Central dopamine receptor antagonist 560
Central venous
access device management 680
catheter 745
Cephalexin 340, 341
Cephalosporin 329, 340, 342, 344
derivative 339
Ceptaz 344
disorders 540
edema 640
management of 573
palsy 419
Cerebri 229
Cervical cancer 597
metastatic 690
Cervicitis 336
Cestodes 371
Cetirizine 662
Chancroid 336
Chemotherapy 560, 675
Chickenpox 316
Chlamydia 336
Chlordiazepoxide 502
Chloride 136, 713
Chloroquine 166, 167, 170, 364
metabolism of 365
Chlorothiazide 573
Chlorpheniramine 365
Chlorpromazine 437
Cholesterol 230, 231
absorption inhibitor 127
Cholestyramine 124, 231, 254
Cholinergic 558
activators 540
agonists 558
Cholinesterase inhibitor 541
Chvostek's sign 137
Cidofovir 323, 412
Cilastatin 271
Cilostazol 147
Cimetidine 306, 372
metabolism of 365
Cipro 348
Ciprofloxacin 271, 348
Cirrhosis 325, 701
biliary 416
compensated 326
hepatic 587, 588, 591
Cisapride 165
Cisplatin 678, 697
Citalopram 471
Citrate toxicity 725
Clarithromycin 165167, 170, 271, 349, 365, 369
Clark's rule 736
Clobetasol 223, 639
Clofazinine 271
Clomipramine 473
Clonidine 17
Clopidogrel 114, 147, 118
Clotrimazole 290
Clozapine 147
Codeine 515
Codulax 159
Colchicine 415
Colesevelam 125
Colestipol 229, 231
Colitis 206, 229, 648
Colloids 726
Coma 256, 464
Confusion 452, 470
Conivaptan 593
Conjunctivitis, bacterial 337
Constipation 131, 136, 158, 160, 164, 444, 464, 468, 470
Contraceptive 615, 619
Conversion chart 736
Convulsion 546
Corpus luteum insufficiency 621
Corticosteroids 203, 205, 221, 223, 224, 228, 289, 636, 637, 643
inhaled 636
systemic 636
Coumarin derivative 110
Crofelemer 141
Crohn's disease 389, 392, 399
Cryoprecipitate 724
Cryptococcal meningitis 293
treatment of 283
Cryptococcus 281
neoformans 284
Crystalline 701
Crystalloid 726, 727
Cushing's syndrome 231
suppression test for 641
Cutaneous larva migrans, hookworm-related 373
Cyanocobalamin 703
Cyclic GABA analogues 442
Cyclic nucleotide gated channel blockers 72
Cyclobenzaprine 383
Cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor 402
Cyclophosphamide 678, 698
Cyclopyrrolone 422
Cycloserine 271
Cyclosporine 203, 243, 253, 254, 309, 319, 392
Cytarabine 678
Dabigatran 101
Daclatasvir 325
Dactinomycin 679
Dalteparin sodium 102
Danazol 202
Dandruff 299
Dantrium 384
Dantrolene 384
Dapagliflozin 197, 204
Dapsone 147
Darbepoetin 90
Darifenacin 550
Darunavir 226
Daunorubicin 678
Daytime sleepiness 538
Daytrana 535
Deferoxamine 749
Delavirdine 226, 458
Delusions 433
Dementia 540
Deoxybarbiturate 442
Depacon 462
Depression 7, 425, 452, 456, 464, 466, 469, 471, 473, 476, 480, 485, 491, 495
major 493, 539
respiratory 447
severe 433
Dermatitis 224
exfoliative 282, 352
herpetiformis 416
seborrheic 299
Dermatophytosis 297
Dermatoses, corticosteroid-responsive 650
Desloratadine 663
Desmopressin 174
Desoximetasone 224
Desvenlafaxine 475
Dexamethasone 165, 372, 637, 640, 643, 751
Dexlansoprazole 144, 145
Dextroamphetamine 533
Dextromethorphan 667
Dextrose 701, 727
Diabetes insipidus 182, 595, 751
Diabetes mellitus 7, 171, 178, 211
gestational 212, 213
type 1 198, 202, 204, 208
type 2 125, 202, 207, 212, 214
Diaphoresis 170
Diarrhea 131, 136, 139, 164, 179, 206, 444, 464
infectious 348
Diarylquinoline 338
Diazepam 445, 751
toxicity of 147
Dibenzapine 435
Dibenzazepine 484
Dibenzocycloheptene 488
Dibenzoxepine 476
Dicarboxylic acid 238
Dicloaxacillin 111
Dicyclomine 157, 551
Didanosine 298, 306
Digestive enzymes 203
Digoxin 147, 319
action of 73
immune 750
level of 550
toxicity 136, 713
Dihydropiridine 17, 20
Diisopropylethylene diamide derivative 272
Diltiazem 32, 165, 365
Dimercaprol 749
Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor 201
Diphenylalkylamine 67
Diphenylmethane 159
Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis 261, 741
Diplopia 452
Diprivan 545
Dipyridamole 114, 119
Direct-acting cholinergic agonists 558
Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs 247, 387
Disopyramide 168
Distress, antidiarrheal 139
Disulfiram 111
Diuresis 586, 591
Diuretics 18, 573
Divalproex sodium 462
Dizziness 146, 164, 170, 232, 444, 447, 452, 456, 464, 468, 470
Dobutamine 221, 751
Dofetilide 79, 319
Dolasetron 165
Domperidone 166
Dopamine 565, 751
Doribax 352
Doripenem 352
Doxazosin 549
Doxepin 476
Doxorubicin 678
Doxycycline 353, 365
Dronedarone 80
Droperidol 166, 167, 170
Drowsiness 444, 447, 452, 464, 468
absorption 3
action, principles of 7
allergies 329
and cosmetics rules 4
antidiarrheal 138
compatibility facts 731
delivery devices 743
dosage forms 5
efficacy 10
emergency 751
incompatibility 731
interaction 682, 731
intoxication 586
maths 735
monographs 13
nomenclature 3
strip infographic 4
therapeutic classification of 15, 131, 233, 269, 419, 571, 597, 623
withdrawal syndrome 666
Dry mouth 468, 470
Dulaglutide 205
Dumping syndrome 179
Duodenal ulcer 136, 149, 153, 705
Dutasteride 600
Dyskinesias, levodopa-induced 487
Dysmenorrhea 402, 404, 456
Dyspepsia 136, 464, 705
Dysphoria, premenstrual 471
Dyspnea 232, 245, 282
Dysrhythmias 166, 167, 177, 444, 468, 470
cardiac 192, 711
ventricular 76, 457
Ecchymosis 110
Echinacea 244
Echinocandins 279, 286, 288, 300
Eclampsia 711
Econazole 291
Ecoza 291
Ectopic pregnancy 597
Edema 178, 578, 580, 584, 586589
airway 640
drug induced 574
pulmonary 580
Efavirenz 289
Egrifta 181
Electrolytes 701
replacement 706
Ellipta 225
Embolism, pulmonary 746
Empagliflozin 207
Emphysema 551
Emtricitabine 319
Emverm 374
Enablex 550
Enalapril 33
Encephalopathy 356
hepatic 160, 358, 701
syndrome, posterior reversible 256
Endantadine 319
Endocarditis 276
Endocrine drugs 171
Endometrial cancer, inoperable metastatic 615
Endometrial hyperplasia prevention 621
Endometriosis 177, 619
pain 616
treatment of 599
Endothelin 19
Enema 228
Enolic acid derivatives 402
Enoxaparin sodium 104
Enterobiasis 375
Enterobius vermicularis 372, 375
Enzyme 7
Eosinophilia 282, 285, 324, 331, 343
thrombocytopenia 335
Ephedrine 231
Epidermal growth factor receptor 682
Epilepsy 442, 456, 575
Epinephrine 221, 629, 751
Epirubicin 678
Eplerenone 35
Epoetin alfa 91
Epothilones 678
Eprosartan 36
Eraxis 286
Erectile dysfunction 605
Ergot alkaloid 618
Eribulin 678
Erosive esophagitis 144, 151, 153
Erythema 224
Erythromycin 111, 355, 365, 369
Escitalopram 478
Esmolol 81, 751
Esomeprazole 145
Esophageal candidiasis 286, 289, 293, 300, 308
treatment of 283
Esophagitis 150
Estraderm 611
Estradiol 610
cypionate 610
gel 610
spray 610
topical emulsion 610
transdermal system 610
ring 610
tablet 610
Estrogen 111, 203, 221, 609
receptor modulators 609
Eszopiclone 422
Etanercept 393
Ethambutol 271, 272
Ethanol 750
Ethionamide 271
Etoposide 165
Euphoria 229
Evolocumab 126
Evotaz 321
Exacerbations, acute 634
Excretion 12
Expectorants 669
Extraintestinal amebiasis 364
Extubation 640
Ezetemibe 127
Ezogabine 448
Familial periodic paralysis 575
Famotidine 147, 386
absorption 149
Fanconi syndrome 318
Fatal hypotension 71
Fatigue 232, 539
Febrile seizure prophylaxis 446
Febuxostat 417
Felodipine 37
Femizole-M 302
Fenamate 402
Fenofibrate 128
Fentanyl 529, 751
nasal spray 530
SL spray 530
transdermal 530
Fentora 530
Ferric hydroxide complex with dextran 94
Ferrous fumarate 93
Ferrous gluconate 93
Ferrous sulfate 93
Fertility drugs 609
Fever 206
mediterranean 415
rheumatic 118
Fexofenadine 668
Fibric acid derivative 121, 128
Fibrillation, ventricular 458
Fibromyalgia 383, 450, 496
Fibrosis, pulmonary 253, 416
Finacea 238
Finasteride 601
Fingolimod 249
Flatulence 136
Flecainide 83
Flonase 225, 226
Flovent diskus 225
Fluconazole 292, 305
Flucytosine 279
Fludrocortisone 227, 644
Fluid replacement 751
Flumazenil 750
Flumist 264
Fluoroquinolone 329, 348, 358
Fluorouracil 678
Fluoxetine 365, 480
Flushing 170, 179
Flutamide 178
Fluticasone 225, 645, 647
Fluvirin 264
Fluvoxamine 145, 150, 482
Folate antagonist 676
Folic acid 708, 709
Folliculitis 224, 233
Fondaparinux 106
Formoterol 631
Fortaz 344
Fosinopril 39
Fracture 377
Frequent heartburn 149
Fresh frozen plasma 724
Fried's rule 736
Fungal infections 206, 289, 292
Fungoid 302
Fungus derived peptide 392
Furosemide 111, 580
Fusarium 280
inhibitor 312
protein 245
analogue 449
chlorophenyl derivative 380
Gabapentin 449
Gablofen 380
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 421
Gas gangrene antitoxin 268
Gastric distress 139
Gastric mucosa 143
Gastroenteritis 131
hemorrhagic 282, 285, 309
Gastroesophageal reflux 561
disease 144
Gastrointestinal drugs 131
Gastrointestinal tract 131
Gastroparesis 208
diabetic 561
Gemfibrozil 129
General anesthesia 529, 543, 544
induction of 506, 545
infusion, maintenance of 545
Genital herpes 315
Genotropin 180
Gentamicin 356
Giardiasis 369
Gilenya 249
Glimepiride 209
Glipizide 209
Glomerulonephritis 231, 317, 571
Glucagon 111, 194, 211, 750
Glucocorticoid 241
immediate-acting 650
intermediate-acting 230, 653, 655
long acting 640
Gluconate 713
Glucose 230, 752
elevating agents 196
tolerance 173, 174
Glutamate antagonist 540
Glyburide 212
Glycemia, adequate 194
Glycerine 236
Glycopeptide 691
Glycosuria 224
Glycyrrhiza 236
Goiter, nontoxic 187
Golimumab 395
hormone 177
inhibitors 173
Gonorrhea 336
Goserelin 176
Gout 377
mild 414
moderate 414
prevention 416
severe 414
treatment 416
Granulocytopenia 313, 324
Granulomatosis 242
Graves’ disease 239
Growth hormone 180
agonist 173
antagonist 173
Guaifenesin 672
Guillain-Barré syndrome 239, 261
H1 histamine blocker 664
H1 receptor antagonist 553, 661, 663
H1N1 influenza A virus vaccine 262
H2 histamine receptor antagonist 147, 152
B conjugate vaccine 262
influenzae 258
type infection, prevention of 275
Hallucinations 433
Halofantrine 166, 167, 170
Haloperidol 365
Hay fever 662
Headache 100, 146, 164, 456, 470, 610
disease, ischemic 569
failure 229, 591
acute 208
congestive 15
decompensated 751
transplant rejection prophylaxis 252, 255
Heartburn 136, 705
relief 148
Helminth infections 372
Hemangioma, airway obstructing 651
Hematinics 90
Hematoma 110
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation 300
Hematuria 256, 317, 324, 331
Hemodialysis 330, 451
Hemolytic uremic syndrome 256, 317
Hemophilia 175
gastrointestinal 229
signs of 115
Hemorrhagic disease, prevention of 712
Hepalean 108
Heparin 96, 108, 111, 751
Heparinoids 96
Hepatic disease 110, 144, 178, 202, 204, 209, 519
severe 538
Hepatic dose 313, 471, 478, 483, 538
Hepatic failure 213, 464, 701
acute 309
signs of 362
Hepatic impairment 98
Hepatic necrosis 288
Hepatic veno-occlusive disease 243
Hepatitis 188, 269, 309, 353, 458, 468, 701
prophylaxis 263
vaccine 263
B 262
birth dose 740
chronic 318
exacerbation 328
immune globulin 261
infection, prevention of 262
chronic 325
signs of 328
virus 325
signs of 145, 328
Hepatotoxicity 210, 213, 217, 243, 337, 456
signs of 286
Hepsera 318
Herpes labialis 315, 316
Herpes simplex 314, 317
cutaneous 316
encephalitis 315
Herpes zoster 316
Hiccups 444
Histamine, selective 663, 665
Histone deacetylase inhibitors 687
Histoplasma 295
Histoplasmosis 281
prophylaxis 313
signs of 328
Hizentra 264
Hodgkin's disease 695
Hodgkin's lymphoma 697
Hookworm infection 372, 374
Hormonal therapy 676
Hormone replacement 611
Hot flashes 450, 491, 496, 616
Human diploid cell 267
Human monoclonal antibody 244
Humatrope 180
Hydantoin 384, 442, 457
Hydatid disease 372
Hydralazine 40
Hydrochloric acid 133
Hydrochlorothiazide 582
Hydrocortisone 228, 648, 650
Hydroquinone 237
Hydroxychloroquine 396
Hydroxycobalamine 703
Hydroxyzine 504
Hyoscine 168
Hyperacidity 136, 705
Hyperaldosteronism, primary 588
Hypercalcemia 136, 191, 192, 578
Hypercholesterolemia 204, 208
heterozygous familial 125
primary 128
Hyperexcitability 421
Hyperglycemia 202, 204, 205, 208
Hyperinsulinemia 215
Hyperkalemia 61, 203, 577, 707, 725, 751
Hyperkeratotic lesions 235
Hyperlipidemia, mixed 128
Hypermagnesemia 192, 707, 751
Hyperphosphatemia 134, 136
Hyperplasia, benign prostatic 178, 569, 600
Hypersensitivity 422, 436, 448, 452, 453, 456
signs of 190
Hypertension 15, 178, 227, 444, 468, 470, 567, 576, 578, 582, 584, 587, 589, 591, 747
idiopathic 227
malignant 110
periopertaive 81
portal 593
pulmonary 606
Hypertensive emergency/urgency 81, 580
Hyperthermia, malignant 384
Hyperthyroidism 171, 189, 208
Hypertrichosis 224
Hypertriglyceridemia 128
Hypocalcemia 192, 725
acute 706
chronic 135, 704
Hypoglycemia 202, 203, 208, 210, 211, 213
severe 196, 211
symptoms of 199, 203, 205, 210
Hypogonadism 613
Hypokalemia 223, 282, 288, 309, 713
diuretics induced 588
signs of 286
Hypolipidemic agents 121
Hypomagnesemia 711
symptoms of 145
Hypoparathyroidism 192
Hypoproteinemia 728
Hypoprothrombinemia 188, 712
signs of 190
Hyposthenuria 282, 285
Hypotension 55, 61, 100, 182, 202, 204, 208, 245, 751
idiopathic 644
orthostatic 447, 468
Hypothalamic-pituitary axis 222
Hypothermia 464
Hypothyroidism 171, 185, 202, 204
congenital 187
severe 187
subclinical 186
Hypovolemia 208
Hypoxemia 208
Ibuprofen 404
Idarubicin 678
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 242, 651
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura 242, 416
Ifosfamide 165, 678
Ileus 559
Imatinib 165
Imidazole derivative 290, 291, 299, 302
Imidazoline 385
Iminostilbene 442
derivative 443
Imipenem 271
Imipramine 484
Immunoglobulin 258, 259, 266
deficiency 263
Immunosuppressants 241
Incretin mimetic 200, 205
Indapamide 584
Indinavir 147
Indoline derivative 584
Indomethacin 406
Infarction, myocardial 15, 748
Infections 208, 243, 269
severe 341
systemic 330, 356
Infertility 620
Inflammation 650, 651
Inflammatory bowel syndrome 156, 157
treatment of 155
A 262, 320
virus vaccine 264
Infusion pump 744
Inhibitors 111
Insomnia 229, 421, 424, 468, 470, 477
Insulin 194, 202, 218
analog 219
aspart 218, 219
mixture 219
degludec 218, 220
solution 219
detemir 218220
glargine 218220
glulisine 218, 219
lispro 218, 219
mixtures 218
regular 218, 220
types of 194
Integumentary system, drugs of 233
Internal bleeding, signs of 112
Intestinal absorbents 203
Intestinal antisepsis 358
Intestinal hookworm infections 375
Intraocular pressure 586
Intraosseous infusion route 629
Intrathecal cytotoxic agents 681
Intrathecal route 521
Intrauterine device 745
Intravenous cytotoxic agent administration 680
Intravenous flow rate calculation 735
Iodinated benzofuran derivative 76
Ipratropium 551
Irbesartan 42
Irinotecan 165
Iron 147
deficiency anemia 95
dextran 94
overload 725
polysaccharide 93
Irritable bowel syndrome 158, 179
Irritation 7, 224
Isavuconazonium 294
Isoniazid 134, 203, 271, 273, 298
Isonicotinic acid hydrazide 273
Isophane insulin 218220
Isoproterenol 226
Isosorbide dinitrate 71
Itraconazole 147, 149, 226, 297, 305, 365
Ivabradine 72
Ivermectin 373
Ixekizumab 250
Janus kinase inhibitor 400
Japanese encephalitis 265, 741
virus vaccine 265
Jaundice 145, 188, 243
cholestatic 210, 213, 337
infection 348
pain 232
Kanamycin 271
Keflex 340
Kenalog 230
Ketoconazole 134, 147, 149, 165, 226, 299, 365
Ketoprofen 408
Ketorolac 410
disease, chronic 91, 571
transplant rejection prophylaxis 252, 254
Kinrix 261
Kraurosis vulvae 611
Labetalol 43
Labor analgesia 516
Lactic acidosis 208
Lactulose 160
synthetic derivative 160
Lamisil 307
Lamotrigine 454
Lansoprazole 149, 150
Lasix 751
Laxatives 158, 710
Lead poisoning 749
Leflunomide 398
Leishmania donovani 367
lymphocytic 688
myelocytic 692
Leukocytosis 256, 343
Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multifocal 246, 248, 249, 253
Leukopenia 188, 210, 213, 243, 249, 253, 282, 285, 288, 320, 353, 452, 456, 458, 464
Leukotriene 657
receptor antagonist 657, 659
Leuprolide 177
Levalbuterol 632
Levemir 218
Levetiracetam 453
Levocetirizine 664
Levofloxacin 271
Levorphanol derivative 667
Levothyroxine 185, 187
Lidocaine 84
Linezolid 271
Lioresla intrathecal 380
Liothyronine 187
Liotrix 187
Lipase 136
Lipoxygenase inhibitors 657
Lisinopril 45
Lithium 439
effect of 67
toxicity of 61, 441
Live attenuated vaccines 258
Liver failure, acute 282, 285
Liver transplant rejection prophylaxis 244, 253, 255
Locally acting drugs 235
classification 236
Lomine 157, 551
Loop diuretics 203, 205
Loperamide 140
Loratidine 665
Lorazepam 423
Losartan 47
Low-density lipoprotein 573
Lower respiratory tract 623
infection 333, 335
Low-molecular-weight heparin 102, 104
Lung disease, interstitial 256
Lupus erythematosus 397, 458
Lupus nephritis 242
Luvox 482
Lymphadenopathy 188
Lymphatic system, drugs of 239
Lymphocytosis 343, 464
Lymphoma, malignant 695
Lymphopenia 249, 313
Lysine vasopressin 182, 594
Macrolide 254, 336, 349, 355
Magnesium 136
deficiency, prevention of 710
sulfate 710, 711, 751
deficiency 711
Major depressive disorder 223, 434, 467, 475
Malaria 88
attacks, acute 364
prevention of 396
prophylaxis 354, 364
suppression of 396
treatment of 396
Male pattern baldness 601
Male puberty, delayed 604
Malignancy, secondary 243, 248
Malnutrition 208
Mania 439, 440
Mannitol 585
Mantle cell lymphoma 688
mumps and rubella vaccine 265
prophylaxis 263
Mebendazole 374
Mechanical ventilation 506, 575
Mechlorethamine derivative 688
Meclizine 553
Medroxyprogesterone 615
Medullary thyroid carcinoma 207
Megaloblastic anemia 458, 709
prevention of 709
Megestrol 178
Meglitinide 197
Melatonin 244
receptor agonist 428
Memantine 319, 540
Membrane bound transporters 7
Memorize National Immunization Schedule 742
Meningitis 419, 641
Meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine 265
Meningococcal protein conjugate 262
Menopause, symptoms of 491, 616
Menstrual irregularities 470
Mental status 230, 488
Meperidine 516
Meprobamate 382
congener 381
Mepron 363
Mercaptopurine 243
Mercury poisoning 749
Metabolic stress, high 701
Metastatic renal cell carcinoma 690
Metered dose inhalers 743
Metformin 207, 208, 214, 319
Methadone 166, 167, 170, 294, 518
Methimazole 188
Methohexital sodium 544
Methotrexate 678, 681
Methylcellulose 236
Methyldopa 17
Methylergonovine 618
Methylphenidate 534, 535
Methylprednisolone 165, 650, 751
Methylxanthines 625, 633
Metoclopramide 168, 560
Metolazone 589
Metrocream 366
Metrogel 366
Metronidazole 366
Mexiletine 386
Micafungin 300
Micatin 302
Miconazole 301
nitrate 302
Micozole 302
Midazolam 165, 506
Midodrine 319
Migraine 59
prophylaxis 458, 460, 463
Milk-alkali syndrome 137
Miltefosine 367
Mineral 701
replacement 713
Mineralocorticoid 644
Minirin 174
Mirtazapine 486
Mixed opioid antagonist 513
Modafinil 538
Monistat 302
Monoamine oxidase 466
inhibitors 466
Monoclonal antibody 676, 677, 690
Monosaccharide derivative 459
Monteleukast 657
Morphine 520
continuous infusion 522
sulphate injection 521
Motion sickness 553
Moxifloxacin 271
Mucinex 672
Mucolytics 669
Mucomyst 751
Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 207
Multisystem inflammatory disease, neonatal onset 391
relaxation 446
spasm 751
Musculoskeletal disorders 383
Musculoskeletal system drugs 377
Mushroom poisoning 749
Myasthenia gravis 562
Mycamine 300
Mycobacterium avium complex 331
Mycophenolate mofetil 252, 253
Mycophenolic acid 246
Mydriasis 548
Myeloid malignancies 92
Myeloma, multiple 695
Myelosuppression 243, 684
Myocardial infarction, acute 208
Myxedema 187
coma 187
precoma 187
Nadolol 48
Nafazodone 165
Nafcillin 357
Nalbuphine 524
Naloxone 750, 751
Naproxen 412
Narcolepsy 532, 533, 536
Narcotic 509
overdose 751
Nasal ulceration 174
Natalizumab 266
National Immunization Schedule 740
Nausea 136, 164, 170, 232, 437, 444, 456, 464, 470, 505, 560
chemotherapy-induced 163
Postoperative 165, 168, 169
radiotherapy induced 169
Nebivolol 50
Nebulizers 744
Necator americanus 372
Nefazodone 444
Nelfinavir 147, 226, 289
Nematodes 371
Neomycin 358
Neoplastic disease 254
Nephritis 188, 458
Nephrocalcinosis 282, 285
Nephropathy, polyomavirus-associated 253
Nephrotic syndrome 587, 653, 699, 728
Nephrotoxicity 282, 288, 309, 318, 324, 331, 347, 412
Nerve gas exposure prophylaxis 562
Nervous system drugs 419
Neural tube defects, prevention of 709
postherpetic 449
trigeminal 380, 443
Neuroblastoma 699
Neurocysticercosis 372
Neurokinin receptor 163
Neuroleptic drugs Act 163
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome 320, 384
Neuropathy, diabetic 443, 458, 496
Neurotoxicity 331, 356
Neutropenia 164, 249, 288, 339, 341, 343, 353, 447
febrile 345
irreversible 324
Nevirapine 289
Nexium 145
Nicardipine 51
Nifedipine 53
Nitrate 71
Nitrogen mustard 698
Nitroimidazole 366
derivatives 369
Nitroprusside 54
Nitrosoureas 677
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist 540
Noctiva 174
Nocturia 175
Nocturnal enuresis, primary 174
Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker antagonist 562
Nondihydropyridine 18
Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 688, 697
Nonitrate 119
Non-nephrogenic diabetes insipidus 175
Non-opioid antitussives 666
Nonproductive cough 666, 669
Nonselective adrenergic antagonists 569
Non-small-cell lung carcinoma 690
Norditropin 180
Norepinephrine 566, 751
Norethindrone 619
Norfloxacin 386
Noritate 366
Nortriptyline 488
Nose bleed 96
Nosocomial pneumonia 348
Novamoxin 332
Noxafil 305
Nucleic acid synthesis 271
Nucleoside 318
endogenous 75
reverse transcriptase inhibitor 312
Nucleotide analogue 323
Nulojix 245
Nutrition, imbalanced 174, 196
Nutritional deficiency 709
Nutritional supplement 135, 701, 704, 707
Nutritional support 701, 702
Nutropin 180
congenital 452
pendular 452
vestibular 575
Nystatin 279, 304
Obesity exogenous 533
Obsessive compulsive disorder 473, 482, 491
Obstructive airway disease, reversible 632
Octostim 174
Octreotide 179
Ofloxacin 271, 358
Oliguria 317, 331, 585
treatment 585
Olmesartan 55
Omeprazole decreases gastric secretion 7
Omnitrope 180
Onchocerciasis 373
Ondansetron 169
Onmel 297
Open angle glaucoma, chronic 574
Opioid 509
analgesics 509
antitussives 666
semisynthetic 509
type drug 666
withdrawal 518
Opium alkaloids, natural 509
Oracea 353
Oral anticoagulants 229, 712
absorption of 162
Oral antidiabetic drugs 194, 196
Oral contraceptives 203, 221
Oral cytotoxic agent administration 680
Oral hypoglycemics 221
Oral infection 304
Oral inhalation 637
Oral polio vaccine 740
Oravig 301
Oresemba 294
Organophosphate 751
poisoning 78, 749
Oropharyngeal candidiasis 290, 292, 302, 305
Oryza 295
Osmotic diuretic 573
Osmotic purgatives 158
Osteoarthritis 116, 377, 402, 403, 408
postmenopausal 190, 192
prevention of 613
prophylaxis 135, 704
Otitis media 332, 334, 343, 347
Ovarian cancer
advanced 694
metastatic 697
Ovarian failure, primary 613
Oxalate 136
Oxaliplatin 679
Oxazepam 425
Oxybutynin 554
Oxycodone 525
Oxygen 750
Paclitaxel 165
Paget's disease 191, 416
Pain 515, 516
abdominal 456
acute moderate to severe 520
chronic moderate and severe 522
gastrointestinal 610
mild to moderate 402, 527
moderate 410, 529
to severe 404, 513, 527
neuropathic 380, 450, 458, 461, 496
relieve 509, 751
severe 518, 526, 529
Pancreatitis 208, 229, 231, 243, 309, 464
symptoms of 202
Pancytopenia 210, 243, 253, 343
Panic attacks 466
Panic disorder 491
Panixine 340
Pantoprazole 151
Para-amino salicylic acid 271
Para-aminophenol derivative 402, 509
Paracetamol 509
Paralysis, respiratory 331
Paralytic ileus 468
Paranoia 433
Parathyroid drugs 184, 190
Paresthesia 421
Parkinson's disease 319, 419
Paroxetine 365, 491
Partial seizures 453
adjunct treatment of 449
Pediatric drug dosage calculation formula 736
Pegvisomant 202
Pelvic inflammatory disease 336, 359
Penbritin 334
Penicillamine 134, 750
Penicillinase-resistant penicillin 357
Penicillins 7, 147, 329
Penile erectile dysfunction drugs 605
Pentamidine 166, 167, 170, 368
Pentothal 546
Peptic ulcer 131
disease 110
Perennial allergic rhinitis 657, 662, 659
Pericarditis 416
Perineal rhinitis 638
Peritonitis 300
Permanent renal impairment 282, 285
Persantine 119
Pharmacodynamics, basics of 6
Pharmacokinetics, basics of 10
Pharmafactz 66
Pharyngitis 332335, 346
Phenanthrene derivative 515
Pheniramine maleate 751
Phenobarbital 203, 257
Phenol derivative 426
Phenothiazines 134, 166, 167, 170, 203, 433, 437
Phenylalanine analogues 197
Phenylbutazone 221
Phenylethylamine 567
derivative 491, 516
synthetic 529
Phenyltriazine 442, 454
Phenytoin 134, 165, 170, 203, 229, 231, 254, 257, 289, 294, 306, 457
Pheochromocytoma 59
Phosphate 136
binding 134
Phosphodiesterase inhibitors 115, 605, 607
Phthalazine 40
Physostigmine 750
Phytonadione 712
Pifampin 111
Pimozide 165
Pinworm infection 372, 375
Piperazine 662
derivative 73, 504, 553
Piperidine 668
derivative 140, 534
Pituitary insufficiency 202, 204, 208
Plaque psoriasis 390, 394
moderate to severe 250
Half-life 3
volume expanders 723, 726
Plasmodium 362
falciparum 363
Platelets 724
aggregation 115
Platinum coordination compound 694
Pleural effusion 253, 256
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 741
Pneumococcal vaccine polyvalent 267
Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia 363
prophylaxis 363
Pneumonia 345, 346, 747
Pneumonitis 317
Poisoning, types of 749
Polio 261
vaccine 261
inactivated 741
Poliovirus vaccine 267
Polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, moderate to severe 388
Polycystic ovary syndrome 208, 215
Polydipsia 175
Polyenes 279
antifungal drugs 279
Polypeptide hormone 190
Polyuria, temporary 175
Porphyria, acute intermittent 437
Posaconazole 305
Posanol 305
Posterior pituitary drugs 173, 174
Post-traumatic stress disorder 491
Potassium 230, 713
acetate 713
bicarbonate 713
chloride 713
gluconate 713
iodide 189
sparing diuretics 573
Poultice 6
Powdered dose inhalers 743
Praziquantel 372
Prazosin 57, 549
Precardioversion 445
Prednisone 653
Pre-eclampsia 711
Pre-endoscopy 445
Pregnancy 204
Premature ejaculation 492, 494
Premenstrual disorders 491
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder 466, 481, 494, 496, 499
Prequad 265
Prinivil 45
Procainamide 85, 319, 751
Proctitis 650
Profenil 156
Progesterone 609, 620
derivative 620
Progestins 203
Progestogen 619
Progestrone derivative 615
Prokinetic 166
class stimulate 163
Prolactin release
enhancer 173
inhibitors 173
Promethazine 751
Propafenone 87, 386
effect 87
Propionic acid derivative 402, 404, 408, 412
Propofol 426, 545
Propoven 545
Propranolol 58
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin 122, 126
Prostate cancer 299, 611, 613, 616
advanced 177
Prosthetic valves replication 276
Protamine 750
Protease inhibitor 203, 312, 321
Protein 701
synthesis 271
Proteinuria 256, 317, 347
Prothionamide 271
Proton pump inhibitors 143, 145, 298
Pruritus 224, 245, 476, 487, 494, 505, 650
Pseudoephedrine 567
Pseudomembranous colitis 337, 339, 341, 343, 352, 353
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 330
Pseudotumor 229
Psoralen 237
Psoriasis 252, 392
Psoriatic arthritis 387, 389, 394, 395
Psychiatric disorder 546
Psychosis 231, 437
Psyllium 161, 162
colloid 161
Pulse 184
Pure red cell aplasia 253, 254
antagonist 242, 676
nucleoside analogue 314
Purple glove syndrome 458
Purpura 256
Pyramidine antagonist 676
Pyrantel pamoate 375
Pyrazinamide 271
Pyrazine 576
Pyrazolone derivatives 402
Pyridostigmine 562
Pyridoxine 714
deficiency neuritis 715
derivative 375
nucleoside analogue 686
synthesis inhibitor 398
Quadracel 261
Quinapril 60
Quinidine 134, 168, 319
gluconate 88
sulfate 88
Quinine 319
dextroisomer 88
Quinolinone 434
Quinolone 134
Rabies vaccine 267
Ramelteon 428
Ramipril 62
Ranitidine 152
absorption of 153
Ranolazine 73
Ranolzine action 73
Rapid heartbeats 751
Rash 245, 444, 456, 464, 470
Recombinant human
erythropoietin 90
interleukin-1 receptor antagonist 391
Rectasol 228
Recurrent brain tumors, palliative management of 641
Refractory infantile spasms 461
Refractory seizures 575
Remdesivir 328
Renal cancer 615
Renal damage 331
Renal disease 148, 202, 272, 515, 519, 589
Renal failure 246, 256, 318, 331, 347, 702
chronic 193, 580, 591
Renal impairment 100, 101, 103
Renal osteodystrophy 192
Renal system 571
drugs 571
Renal transplant 586
Renal tubular necrosis 246, 253
Renin angiotensin aldosterone system 18, 571
Renin inhibitors 18
Reproductive system 597
drugs 597
Respiratory distress 259
syndrome 623
Respiratory infection 336, 348
Respiratory system drugs 623
Restless leg syndrome, moderate to severe 450
Resuscitation, cardiac 751
Retinol 719
Revonto 384
Rheumatoid arthritis 365, 377, 387, 392, 394, 397400, 402, 408
juvenile 388, 389, 403
Rhinitis 452
signs of 638
symptoms of 638
Rhinorrhea perennial rhinitis 551
Rhizopus 295
Riboflavin 716
Rickets 192
Rifabutin 271, 294
Rifampin 165, 170, 229, 271, 275, 289
Rifamycin 254, 257, 298, 306
derivative 275, 277
Rifapentine 271, 277
Right bundle branch block 288
Ringer's solution, lactated 727
Ritonavir 165, 226, 365
Riva-fluvox 482
Rivastigmine 541
Romycin 355
Rosasol 366
Rosiglitazone 216
Rotavirus 267, 268, 741
Ryanodex 384
Saizen 180
Salicylates 116, 221, 402
absorption of 162
Saquinavir 147, 226, 294
Sarcoma, osteogenic 694
Scalp foam 223
Schilling test 703
Schizophrenia 433435
Sclerosis, multiple 239, 242, 250, 539, 651, 653
Scurvy 720
Seasonal affective disorder 470
Seasonal rhinitis 638, 662
Sedation 464, 470
preoperative 506
Seizures 170, 229, 256, 282, 331, 347, 356, 443, 445, 446, 452, 456, 457, 468, 470, 715, 751
adjunct treatment of 459
monotherapy 455
myoclonic 453, 461, 463
Selective aldosterone antagonist 35
Selective alpha-adrenergic antagonist 569
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor 466, 471, 478, 480
Selenium sulphide 237
Semisynthetic derivative 525, 548
Sensory perception, loss of 543
Septicemia 725
Serostim 180
Serotonin receptor norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor 475
Serotonin syndrome 166, 386, 480, 488, 497
signs of 170
Sertraline 493
Serum sickness 243, 343
Sex hormones, female 609
Sexual dysfunction 606
Shock 564
anaphylactic 640
hypovolemic 728
prevention of 229, 648
septic 182
Short-acting glucocorticoid 648, 650
Signal transduction inhibitors 682
Sildenafil 605
Simvastatin 73
Sinus arrhythmia 288
Sinusitis 332, 334, 348
Sirolimus 294
Sirturo 338
Sitavig 314
allergy tests 231
candidemia of 308
infection 348
moderate 341
lesions 184
structure 346
Social phobia disorder 466, 471
Sodium 230, 231, 752
bicarbonate 716, 751
glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor 202, 204, 207
Sofosbuvir 328
Solifenacin 555
Somatostatin, synthetic analog of 179
Somatropin 180
Spasmaverine 156
Spasmonal 156
Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor modulator 249
Spironolactone 587
Sporanox 297
Sporotrichosis 281
Staphylococcus aureus 330
Status asthmaticus 629
Status epilepticus 423, 446, 457, 507
Stem cell transplant 696
Steroids, anabolic 221, 602
Stevens-Johnson syndrome 201, 202, 217, 317, 322, 343, 352, 470
Stimulation 7
Stomach, lining of 143
Stool softeners 158
Streptococcus pyogenes 332, 334
Streptokinase 112
Streptomycin 271
gastritis 136, 705
ulcer prevention 148
Stroke 15, 249
acute ischemic 113, 117
prophylaxis 97, 101
Strongyloidiasis 373
Succinimide 442
Sucralfate 111
Sufentanil 294
Sugarless lozenges 155
Suicidal ideation 248, 452, 464, 470
Suicidal tendencies 458
Sulfasalazine 111, 399
Sulfinpyrazone 221
Sulfonamide 399
derivative 591
inhibitor 574
Sulfonylurea 197, 202, 209, 212
Sulphonamides 329
derivative 578, 580, 582
Sweating 470
Symmetrel 319
Sympathetic nervous system 564
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, treatment of 593
Synjardy 207
Synthetic 4-aminoquinoline derivative 364
Synthetic allylamine derivative 307
Synthetic antidiuretic hormone 174
Synthetic diphenyltheptane derivative 518
Synthetic opioid 509
analgesic 524
Syphilis 336
Syringe pump 744
Systemic embolism prophylaxis 97
Systemic lupus erythematous 239
Tachycardia 79, 81, 245, 447, 458, 468
Tacrolimus 254, 294
Taxanes 677, 678
Tazicef 344
Telithromycin 369
Telmisartan 63
Temazepam 429
Terazosin 549
Terbinafine 279, 365
oral 307
Terizidone 271
Tertiary amine 467, 473, 476, 484
carbamate 562
Tesamorelin 181
Tessalon perles 667
Testasterone nasal gel 603
Testicular cancer, metastatic 697
buccal 603
cypionate 602
enanthate 602
gel 603
pellets 603
topical solution 603
transdermal 603
Tetanic muscle spasm 446
antitoxin 268
toxoid 268, 740
Tetracycline 134, 221, 329, 353
Thebaine derivative 511
Theophylline 229, 231, 294, 633
Therapeutic disease 709
Therapeutic index 3
Thiamine 718
Thiazides 202, 221, 589
diuretics 203, 205
Thiazolidinedione 197, 216
Thienopyridine derivative 118
Thioamide 188
Thiopental sodium 546
Thioxanthine 433
Thrombin inhibitor 100, 101
Thrombocytopenia 110, 164, 188, 210, 213, 229, 231, 243, 253, 256, 282, 285, 288, 324, 339, 341, 343, 452, 456, 458, 464
idiopathic 231
Thromboembolism 231
Thrombolytics 112
Thrombophlebitis 227
superficial 288
prevention 98
treatment 98
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia 317
Thyroid 111, 230
drugs 184
function test 184
hormones 134, 184, 221
inhibitors 184
storm 186
Thyroidectomy, preparation of 188, 189
Thyrotoxic crisis 188
Thyrotoxicosis 189
Thyroxine, levoisomer of 185
Ticlopidine 134
Timolol 64
corporis 290, 291, 299, 302
cruris 290, 291, 299, 302
pedis 290, 291, 299, 302
versicolor 290, 291, 299, 302
Tinidazole 369
Tinnitus 164
Tiotropium 556
Tissue plasminogen activator 112, 113
Tizanidine 385
Tobramycin 360
Tofacitinib 400
Tonic-clonic seizures 453, 463
Tonsillitis 332335, 345, 346
Topiramate 459
Topoisomerase inhibitors 675, 676
Torsade's de pointes 166
Torsemide 591
Total parenteral nutrition 701
Toxic hepatitis 464
Toxic man guide 678
Toxicity 150, 192
Toxoids 229, 258
Tracheostomy care 671
Tramadol 527
Transdermal patches 743
Transfusion reaction 724
Transmembrane ion channel 7
Transplant rejection, prevention of 392
Traumatic brain injury 586
Traveler's diarrhea 139, 359
Trematodes 371
Tremors 170, 470
benign familial 487
Tresiba 218
Triamcinolone 230, 231, 655
Triazolam 165, 431
Triazole derivative 297, 305, 308
Trichinosis 375
Trichomoniasis 370
Trichostrongyliasis 376
Trichuris trichiura 374
Tricyclic amine 319
salts 383
Tricyclic antidepressants 466
Troleandomycin 369
Trousseau's sign 137
Tuberculosis 269, 275
Tumors, carcinoid 179
Tylenol overdose 751
Tyrosine kinase inhibitor 682, 684
Tysabri 266
Ubiquinone, analog of 363
Ulcer, gastric 153
Ulcerative colitis 389
moderate to severe 395
Upper respiratory tract 623
infection 333, 335
Uremic pruritus 451
Uric acid 230, 231, 245
nephropathy prevention 414
Urinary retention 569
Urinary tract 549
infection 343, 345, 348, 359
severe 330
Urine 230
alkalinization 575
glucose 231
output 155, 751
Urokinase 112
Urticaria 259
idiopathic 662
bleeding 615
abnormal 613, 619
functional 621
fibroids 178
motility drugs 609
Uveitis, non-infective 390
Vaccines 258
Vaginitis, atrophic 613
Vaginosis, bacterial 366, 370
Valium 751
Valproate 456, 462
Valproic acid 462
Valsartan 66
Vandazole 366
Vardenafil 607
Varicella 316
prophylaxis 263
Vasomotor symptoms 611, 613
Vasopressin 182, 594, 751
receptor antagonist 593
Vasopressor 629
Venlafaxine 495
Ventricular rate control 751
Veramyst 225, 226
Verapamil 67, 365, 386
Vermicide 371
Vermifuge 371
Vermox 374
Vertigo 553
Vinca alkaloids 677, 678
Vincristine 165
Vistide 323
Vitamin 701
A 719, 741
B1 718
B12 215, 702
B2 716
B6 714
deficiency 715
B9 708
C 720
deficiency 206, 208
hormone 191
metabolism of 192
toxicity, signs of 193
E 721
fat-soluble 712
K 111, 750
antagonists 96
malabsorption 712
water-soluble 708, 714, 720
Vomiting 136, 170, 437, 456, 464, 470, 505, 560
chemotherapy-induced 163, 640
post-operative 165, 168, 169
radiotherapy induced 169
severe 169
Voriconazole 145, 150, 308
Vulvovaginal candidiasis 290, 292, 302
Warfarin 110, 150
action 111
Weakness 232
Wegener's granulomatosis 242
Wheezing 245
Whipworm 374
infection 374
Wound healing 720
Wuchereria bancrofti infection 373
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor 413, 417
Young's rule 736
Zafirlukast 659
Zestril 45
Ziagen 312
Zidovudine 91, 294
Zinc pyrithione 237
Ziprasidone 166, 167, 170
Zoladex 176
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 153
Zolpidem 294
Zomacton 180
Zovirax 314
Zygomycetes 280
Chapter Notes

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