Drug Handbook in Obstetrics and Gynaecology AK Debdas
Page numbers followed by t refer to table.
Abdominal discomfort 232
Abdominal distension 232
Abdominal pain 140
Abortil 282
Abortion 280, 281, 442
Accidental exposure, medicines for 50
Accidental ingestion, risks of 64
Aceclofenac plus paracetamol 430
Acetazolamide 182
Acetic acid 439
application, visual effect of 439
Acid neutralisers 30
Acidity, drugs for 30
Acidosis 28, 233
Acitretin 176
Acitrom 75
Acne 151
pill 412
Actinomycin-D 176, 198, 275, 278, 427
Activated partial thromboplastin time 73
Active absorbable algae calcium 141
Active endometrial tuberculosis 207
Acupuncture 377, 404, 447
Acute bleeding, episode of 197
Acute pulmonary oedema
diuretic therapy for 154
treatment of 11
ointment and cream 71
oral 71
Addison's disease 149
Adenomatous hyperplasia 306
Adenosine 13, 14, 171
Adhesion, drugs for prevention of 308, 437
Adjuvant therapy 422
Adrenal hyperplasia 189, 229, 230
treatment of 294
Adrenalin 80, 166
pack 436
Adrenergic agonist 397
Adrenochrome monosemicarbazone 201, 205
injection 205, 435
Adult female, height-weight chart of 406t
Adult respiratory distress syndrome 267, 272
Aerobic coliform bacteria 408
Agglutination reaction, mixed 253
Akumentis 304
Albendazole 171, 182
Albumin 171
Alendronate 397
Alginic acid 31
Alkalosis 28
Allantoin 67
Allergic cause 348
Allergic emergencies 149
Allergic to penicillin, alternative treatment for 44
Allylestrenol 64
Aloe vera 67
Alphahydroxyprogesterone caproate 65
Alprax 5
Alprazolam 5, 81, 85, 86, 176, 212, 213, 397, 398
Alprostadil 256
Alternative medicine 447
and menopause 403
Aluminium 30
Amantadine 142
Amenorrhoea 193, 290, 300
causes of
primary 190
secondary 192, 195, 196
diagnosis of primary 189t
management of primary 189t
primary 189, 191, 192
treatment of primary 189
treatment of secondary 192
American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists 13
Amikacin 176, 382
Amino acid 138
solution 444
Aminocaproic acid 171
Aminoglycoside 40, 327
antibiotics 41
drugs, third-line 41
Aminophylline tablet 23, 22, 171
Aminopterin 176
Amiodarone 176
Amitriptyline 87, 107, 171, 215, 291, 318, 368, 397, 398, 431
Ammonium chloride 160, 171
Amniocentesis 164
Amniotic fluid
embolism 80
index 103
Amoebiasis 35, 147
drugs for 35
Amoxicillin 18, 19, 39, 43, 47, 170, 182, 344, 378, 381
Amoxyclav 269, 359, 381
Amphotericin B 170, 340
Ampicillin 19, 129, 145, 146, 170, 182
plus cloxacillin 359
Ampiclox 129
Amylase 171
Anabolic steroid 297, 318, 384
correction of 433, 434
less 414
Anaerobes 336
Anaerobic bacteria 342
Anaesthesia 351
examination under 345
choice of 25
postoperative 438
and anti-inflammatory 95
drugs, choice of 122
plus anti-inflammatory 359
Anaphylactic shock, acute 149
Anaphylaxis, treatment of 80
Androgen 64, 176, 384
Androgen-testosterone 205, 207
Androstenedione, lowers 246
Angiotensins-converting enzyme inhibitors 13, 176
Anorexia nervosa 190
drugs for 283
Anovulation 290
Anovulatory endometrium 305
Anovulatory infertility, treatment of 243
Antacids 30, 31, 182
plain 30
safety of 31
with local anaesthetics 30
Antenatal deep venous thrombosis, anti-coagulation for 73, 75
Antenatal insulin management 56
Antenatal thrombo-prophylaxis 74
Anti-allergic 346
Anti-androgen finasteride 402
drugs, safety of 25,
therapy, monitoring 26
Antibiotic 14, 18, 24, 71, 129, 142, 236, 271, 408
long-term 370
management 41
prescription regime of 39
prophylaxis 378
therapy 267
monitoring 378
principles of 268
Anticardiolipin 90, 147
antibodies 261
Anticholinergic agents 367, 371
Anticoagulant 15
therapy 234
Anti-coagulation therapy, duration of 76
Anti-convulsant 5, 431
therapy 4, 7, 8
Anti-convulsive therapy 11
Antidepressants 87, 431
Anti-epileptic drug 83
syndrome 82
Antifungal ointments 344
Anti-H pylori treatment 32
Anti-haemoconcentration 5
therapy 4, 7
lotion 67
calamine with 67
oral 67
safety of 152
Antihormone 63, 64
therapy 422
scope of 12
therapy 4, 5, 13
treatment 11
Anti-inflammatory analgesic 129
genitally acting 210
Anti-inflammatory drugs, scope of 327, 357
Anti-irritation therapy 4
Anti-Koch's chemoprophylaxis 21
Anti-leprotic drugs, safety of 72
Anti-müllerian hormone 301, 446
management of high 230
Antinuclear 261
antibody, management of 263
Anti-oxidants 3, 4, 247
Antiphospholipid 261
antibodies 78, 90
drug therapy for positive 90
Anti-progesterone therapy 303
Anti-pyretics during pregnancy 158
Anti-rabies vaccine 162
Anti-retroviral therapy
monitoring 331
principles of 330
Antisperm 249
antibodies, management of 253
Anti-thromboxane therapy 3
drugs, safety of 53
therapy, monitoring of 53
Anti-toxoplasmosis therapy 98
drug regime 20
therapy 20
Anti-virals 144
Anxiety disorders 85
Aphthous ulcer 354, 356
Aprotinin 77
Aqueous iodine solution 53, 54
Arginine 104
Arranging delivery 12
Arrhythmias 14
Artificial insemination, scope of 257
Asherman's syndrome 207, 308
Aspirin 3, 155, 171, 182, 262, 430
collaborative low-dose 3, 105
low-dose 3, 26, 90, 92, 104
plus heparin 262
low-dose 91
safety of 156
therapy, low-dose 3
Astaxanthin 254
Astemizole 153, 171
Asthalin expectorant 25
Asthalin respirator solution 23
Asthma, moderate to severe chronic 22
Asthmatic attack, management of acute 23
Asymptomatic atrophic vaginitis, treatment of 361
Asymptomatic bacteriuria 42
antibiotic therapy for 382
Atenolol 13, 176, 397, 398
Athlete foot 69
Atrial fibrillation
and flutter 14
chronic 16
Atrial IV fibrillation, acute onset of 16
Atrophic vaginitis 407
drugs for 360
Atropine 171
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders 159
Autoimmune disease 70, 90, 147, 149
Azatadine 170
Azathioprine 9095
Azelaic acid gel 68
Azithromycin 19, 36, 43, 44, 47, 130, 170, 263, 329, 355
Bacitracin 172
Baclofen 182
Bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis 15
antibiotic for 16
Bacterial infection 147
Bacterial toxin 79
Bacterial vaginosis 46, 147, 263
oral drugs for 342
treatment of 334, 341
Bacteriology 379
Bacteroids 408
Barbiturates 182
Basal body temperature 234, 237
chart 218
Beclomethasone 21, 172, 336
inhaler 182
preparations 151
Belladonna 172
Benzathine penicillin 14
G 43
Benzodiazepines 182
Benzydamine 365
Benzyl benzoate 182
Benzylpenicillin 170
Beta blocker (atenolol) 13, 16, 54, 397
Beta-3 adrenergic agonist 369
Betadine 125
Betamethasone 147, 150, 172
preparations 148, 151
antidote to 119
foetal safety of 119
Bethanechol chloride 375
Bicarbonate 30
Biofeedback technique 371
Bioflavonoids (diosmin) 201
Biopsy, procedure of 351
Bisacodyl 33, 103, 171, 182, 261
suppository 34
Bismuth preparations 33
Bisphosphonate 397
drill 376
pain 373
wash 379
Bleaching 288
Bleeding time 197
Blocking analgesia 123
Blocking-replacement therapy 54
gas analysis 24, 26
glucose, strict control of 263
pressure 12
transfusion 207, 272
volume expansion therapy 7
Blurred vision 87
Body ache 17
Body mass index 406, 413
Bone mineral density 393
abscess, drugs for 129
cancer 231, 393, 394t, 414
development status 191
disease, benign 414, 394
tenderness 391
Breast-feeding 85, 177, 182
Bromhexine 18
Bromocriptine 65, 170, 251, 290, 323
alternatives to 291
Bronchitis producing cough 17
Bulk laxative 182
Bupivacaine 122, 172, 182
Buprenorphine 172, 182, 429, 430, 439
Burning therapy 247
Buserelin 64, 225
injection 225, 227
Butorphanol 430
Cabergolin 64, 65, 126, 170, 251, 290, 291, 310, 313
cabgolin 128
Caesarean section, antibiotic for 145
Calamine lotion 38
Calcitonin 397
Calcitriol 397
Calcium 3, 4, 30, 399
aspartate 141
carbonate preparations 140
channel blocker 6, 16
citrate 4
preparations 140
food sources of 404t
injection scope 205
supplement 140
Calendula ointment 358
Cancer cervix 414
vaccine for 353, 428
Cancer of breasts, development of 395
Cancer of cervix, chemotherapy for 427
Cancer pain
analgesic management of 429
management of 429
Capreomycin 21, 142
Carbamazepine tablet 8283, 176
Carbimazole 176
Carbonate 30
Carbonyl iron 137
Carboplatin 424
Carboprost 116, 172
injection 113, 116
Carcinoma in situ 352
Cardiac disease 119
Cardiotocography tracings 3
Cardiovascular support, drugs for 272
Carnitine 106
Carpal tunnel syndrome 154, 155
Caverject injection 256
Cefaclor 170
Cefadroxil 170
cefadrox 40
Cefalexin 170, 329
Cefixime 50
Cefoperazone 170, 433
Cefotaxime 40, 41, 146, 170, 268, 269, 325, 326, 381, 433
Ceftazidime 170
Ceftriaxone 19, 40
injection 20, 36, 44, 50, 51, 170, 325, 326, 329, 355, 381, 433
sodium 41
Cefuroxime 170, 329, 381
Cellular atypia 352
Celoxin 14
Central nervous system 12, 141
Central venous pressure 79, 80, 233, 272
Centrally acting simple analgesic 209
Cephalexin 18, 40, 130, 145
Cephalosporin 40, 41, 43, 182
generation of 40
Ceramide 69
Cerebral haemorrhage 5
mucus hostility, drugs for 236
scoring 235
spasmolytics 122, 123
swab 370
Cervicitis 329
Cervix around term, ripening of 114
Cetirizine 153, 170
Cetrorelix 313
Chasteberry 448
Chemical vulvitis 354, 356
monitoring during 278
regimes of 277
side effects of 275
single-agent 277, 423, 424
supervision for 275
Chenodeoxycholic acid 176
Chlamydia 130, 336
Chlamydial infection 47, 143
drugs for 329
Chlamydial urethritis 41
drugs for 43, 383
Chlamydiasis 147
Chlorambucil 424
Chlordiazepoxide 85, 86, 176
Chlorhexidine 171
Chloroquine 9296, 172, 182
Chlorothymol 18
Chlorpheniramine 152, 170
maleate 17, 153
Chlorpromazine 85, 88, 172
Chlorpropamide 172
Cholecalciferol 170
Cholecystitis 29
Cholestasis, drugs for 38
Cholesterol 69
Cholestyramine 38
Choriocarcinoma, chemotherapy for 425
Chorionic gonadotrophin 176
Cimetidine 170, 284, 291
Ciprofloxacin 142, 172, 268, 269, 325, 329, 370, 380
Cisapride 28, 33, 172, 182
Cisplatin 423, 424
Citrate 30
Clarithromycin 142, 172
Classical iron salts 137
Clavulanate 19
Clavulanic acid 40, 171, 182
Clindamycin 96, 142, 170, 263, 269, 327, 361
injection 269
oral 342
vaginal cream 434
Clobetasol 172
preparations 152
propionate 350, 353
Clobetasone cream 152, 348, 356
Clofazimine 72
Clomephene plus 240
Clomiphene (svizera) 63, 176, 217, 219, 225, 230, 239, 240, 244, 250
challenge test 297, 301
citrate 64, 216
dose of 218
failure, causes of 219
induction 217
plus 219, 220, 225
standard 216
therapy 243
monitoring during 218
use, contraindications of 219
Clomipure (Wellshea) 239
Clonazepam 176
Clonidine 397
Clotrimazole 45, 46, 69, 170, 336, 338, 344, 346, 347
Clotrimoxazole 172
Cloxacillin 19, 170, 182
Coagulation disorder 197, 198, 200
Coagulation during pregnancy, disorders of 73
Coagulation failure 267, 442
Co-amoxyclav 433
Codeine 182, 429
Coenzyme Q10 254
Coital posture, modification of 320, 321
Colchicine 176
Collagen diseases 147
Colloids 159, 442
Colposcopy 439
Combination chemotherapy 278, 423
Combination oral contraceptive 285, 409
pill 203, 206, 244, 245, 284, 310, 311, 409, 421
Combined pills, disadvantage of 131
Combo kit 338
Common causeless headache, analgesic for 157
Common cold, therapy for 17
Compensating antioestrogenic effect, drugs for 230
Complementary therapy 447
Complete blood picture 20
Condyline (elder) 358
Congestive cardiac failure 14, 154
Conjugated oestrogen 309, 351, 386
cream 407
Constipation 33, 87, 140
avoid 34
side effects of 291
Continuing metformin, advantages of 63
Contraceptive pill, combined 131
Controlled ovarian stimulation 229
Copper intrauterine contraceptive devices 417
Coronary heart disease 392
Corporis 69
Corticosteroid 56, 182, 195, 274, 431
Cortisone 172
Cotrimoxazole 356
Cough, therapy for 17
and lotions 67
application of 408
Creatinine 233, 264
Cromoglycate 182
Crotamiton 38
Cryosurgery 358
Crystalloids 159, 442
Cushing's syndrome 190
Cyanocobalamin 172
Cyclizine 152
Cyclophosphamide 92, 198, 424, 427
Cycloserine 182
Cyclosporine 95
Cyproheptadine 283
cefazolin 170
Cyproterone 286
acetate 63, 64, 284, 286
Cystic glandular hyperplasia 305
Cystic hyperplasia, simple 305
Cystic mastitis, chronic 322
Cystitis, chronic 367
Cystoscopy 367
Cytotoxic chemotherapy 422, 423
Danazol 63, 64, 176, 203, 212, 214, 304, 310, 312, 323
Dapsone 72, 172
Deep dyspareunia, drugs for 321
Deep venous thrombosis 75, 76
Dehydration 28
Dehydroepiandrosterone 217
sulphate 446
Depilatory cream 288
Depin (Zydus) 6
Depo injection 414
Depo medroxyprogesterone injection 307, 312
Depo progestogen injection, long-acting 132, 415
Depoprogestin contraceptive injection 193
Depression 398
Depressive illnesses 85, 86
Deriphyllin tablet 22, 23
Dermatological lesions 67
Desipramine 172
Desmopressin 372
Desogestrel 176, 207, 285
Dexamethasone 38, 147, 172, 244, 284, 285, 308, 441
preparation 148, 152
suppression test 297, 300
therapy 244
Dextran 172
viscus (hyskon) 441
Dextroamphetamine 432
Dextromethorphan 172
Dextropropoxyphene 172, 182, 429
saline 442
solution 167
Diabetes 411
and pill 413
mellitus 149
Diabetic ketoacidosis, insulin management of 55, 61
Diarrhoea 117, 140
Diazepam 53, 54, 81, 82, 85, 86, 106, 176
injection 84
regime 84
Dibenzoxazepines 291
Diclofenac 171, 182, 316, 430, 438
Dicloxacillin 129
Dicyclomine 159
Didanosine 171, 330, 332
Dienestrol 64
Dienogest 310
Dietary source 141
Diethylstilbestrol 176
Digestive enzymes 30, 31
Digitoxin 172
Digox (Cadila) 14
Digoxin 13, 14, 16, 172, 182, 273, 447
Dihydrocodeine 182
Dihydroergotamine 177
Diltiazem 13, 172
Dimethyl sulfoxide 373
Dindevan 75
Dinoprostone 172
gel 113, 120, 121, 282
plus oxytocin drip 282
intracervical gel 114
tablet 113, 115
Dioctyl sodium enema 34
Diphenhydramine 81, 152, 153, 170
Diphtheria 162
Direct therapy 422
Direct vaginal therapy 337
Disease, risk classification of 276
Disposable enema 33, 34
Disseminated infection 51, 329
Disseminated intravascular coagulation 79, 80
Distigmine bromide 375
Diuretic therapy, history of 367
Dizziness 117, 140
side effects of 291
Dobutamine 171, 273
Docetaxel 424
Docosahexaenoic acid 141, 135
supplement 141
Docusate sodium 172
Domperidone 28, 182
Dopamine 172, 273
infusion 80
Dosage protocol 110
Dose regime 98
Dothiepin 87
Douching procedure 365
Down endotracheal tube 166
Down regulation
monitoring 227
protocol, indication of 226
Doxinate 27
Doxycycline 130, 142, 236, 252, 329, 356, 370, 408
Doxylamine 27, 170
succinate 82, 158
tablet 27
Drip rate 109
Drotaverine 122, 123, 159
Drowsiness 87
side effects of 291
Drugs 68, 170, 200, 204, 316, 371, 401
antifibrinolytic 201
anti-fungal 182
anti-histaminic 38, 153, 357
group of 27
anti-hypertensive 6, 13
anti-inflammatory 357
anti-Koch's 21
anti-leprotic 72
anti-malarials 90, 96
anti-oestrogenic 294, 431
anti-retroviral 47
anti-scabies 69
anti-spasmodics 159
anti-thyroid 53, 54
anti-toxoplasma 98
avoidance of 289
beta sympathomimetic 56
beta-mimetic 102, 105, 118, 260
A 170
B 170
D 176
X 176
cholesterol lowering 176
complementary 216, 229
coumarin 176
cytotoxic 176
fibroid reducing 303
first-line 12, 20, 94
for striae marks 69
hormonal 206, 384
haemostatic 201
local 348
nonhormonal 204, 205, 397
haemostatic 197, 200
range of 302
safety of 169
second-line 12, 21, 94, 97
managing 20
plan of 326
third-line 41
Duloxetine 369, 401
Dydrogesterone 100, 101, 201, 202, 238, 258, 298, 311
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding 197, 200, 305, 419
drugs for 204
Dysmenorrhoea 210, 212
drugs for 209
management of secondary 211
with diarrhoea 211
with vomiting 211
Dyspareunia 360, 407
drugs for superficial 319
dryness of 398
medical management of 318
drugs for 30
during lactation 31
during pregnancy 31
Early stage disease 423
Eclampsia 64, 112, 119
drug tray 8
treatment of 11, 154
Eclamptic fit
controlling 8
prevent 6
Econazole 172
Ectopic pregnancy
less 414
medical treatment of 264
Eflornithine 287
Ejaculation, treatment of 256
Ejaculatory failure 255
Elective caesarean section 49
Electroconvulsive therapy 87, 88
Electrolysis 289
G 161
M 161
Emergency post-coital contraception 420
Emollients 38
Enalapril 182
Enbucrilate 436
Enclomiphene 216, 236
Endocrine disorders 52
Endocrinological disorders 283
Endofine (Akumentis) 313
Endometrial biopsy 237
Endometrial cancer 393, 413
chemotherapy for 422
less 414
Endometrial hyperplasia 307
benign 204, 305
less 414
medical treatment of 321
treatment of 310
Endometrium, regeneration of 309
Endotoxic shock 146, 150, 267, 442
drugs for 271
Energy supplement 104
Enhance follicular recruitment 229
Entonox gas 122, 124
Ephedrine 172
Epidermolysis bulb 237
Epilepsy 411, 413
Epinephrine 172
Epsilon aminocaproic acid 79
Erectile dysfunction 257
Erectile failure 255
drugs for 255
Ergometrine 112, 177, 183
Ergotamine 177
Erythromycin 18, 19, 43, 44, 47, 129, 171, 182, 263, 329, 355, 356, 359, 370
Erythropoietin 172
Erythyocyte sedimentation rate 197
Estradiol 248
valerate 230
Estriol succinate 360
Ethacridine lactate, extra-amniotic instillation of 281
Ethambutol 171, 182, 333
Ethamsylate 183, 201, 205
injection 205, 435
Ethinylestradiol 230, 286, 295, 299, 309, 416
Ethionamide 21, 142
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 137
Etonogestrel 133, 416
Etoposide 427
Etretinate 177
Evening primerose oil 448
Excessive alcohol consumption 386
Excoriation, sign of 350
Expectorant 18, 24
bromhexine 17
Extensive pelvic adhesion, separation of 437
External genitalia, anatomy of 191
Extra-amniotic ethacridine lactate 282
Extragenital teratogenicity 64
prophylaxis, neonatal 51
spill into 50
Facial hirsutism 402
Falciparum malaria 96
Famotidine 170, 183
Faster wound healing, drugs for 437
Fatigue 448
side effects of 291
Febrex plus tablet 17
Female infertility, medical treatment of 216
Female sex hormone, scope of 292
Femilon 203, 410
Fenbufen 183
Fenoprofen 183
Fentanyl 431
Fenticonazole 338
Ferric carboxy maltose 139, 204, 435
ascorbate 136
bi-glycinate 136
fumerate 137
Fertility, return of 420
Fever, mild 17
Fexofenadine 172, 348
Fibrillation 14
Fibroadenosis 322
Fibrocystic disease 322
symptoms of 391
Fibroid 303
medical management of 302
treatment of 304
uterus 411
Fibronorm capsule 304
Finasteride 177, 284, 287
Fine needle aspiration cytology 249
Fintal inhaler 22
First-line drugs, treatment of non-responders to 40
Fissure 35
sign of 350
Fits, emergency control of 84
Flavinoid 212, 214
Flavoxate 42, 171, 368, 383, 401
Fluconazole 46, 172, 338
Fluid 272, 379
types of 365
Flunarizine 215
Fluocinolone 353
ointment 348, 350, 356
preparation 152
Fluorescein injection 177
Fluorouracil cream 353
Fluorouracil therapy 353
Fluoxetine 87, 88, 173, 212, 213
Flutamide (under trial) 284
inhaler 21
preparations 152
Foetal ductus arteriosus 156
Foetal heart rate 12, 110, 124
Foetal hydantoin syndrome 82
Foetal hypothyroidism 52
treatment of 52
Foetal malformation, risk of 261
Foetal respiratory, depression of 122
Foetal thyrotoxicosis, treatment of 54
Foetus and neonate, safety of 49
Folic acid 135, 170, 183, 231, 241, 258, 260
Folinic acid 98, 277, 427
levodopa 173
Follicle-stimulating hormone 192, 216, 248, 283, 295, 312, 445
Follicular phase support 238
Follitropin injection 177
Food and drug administration 63, 169
Forced expiratory volume 24
Fosfomycin trometamol 380
Foul smelling vaginal discharge 337
Fountain-pen like injection device 62
Framycetin 125
cream 356
Fresh blood, transfusion of 79
Fresh frozen plasma 76, 79, 159, 161
Full blown pyelonephritis 39
Fungal infection 147
of vagina, treatment of 340
of vulva, treatment of 340
Furazolidone lamivudine 173
Furosemide 11, 154, 183
levamisole 173
Fused labia, medical treatment of 364
Gabapentin 85
Galactorrhoea 290
treatment of 293
Gallbladder disease 391
Gamete intrafallopian transfer 239
Gamma benzene hexachloride 70
Gamma linolenic acid 212, 322, 323
Gammaglobulin 173
Gardnerella 336, 342
vaginalis bacteria 342
Gas gangrene 164
anti-toxin 162
Gastric irritation 156
Gastroenteritis 29
Gastrointestinal bleed 429
Gastrointestinal disorder, chronic 139
Gastrointestinal tract 27, 276
diseases of 27
Gatifloxacin 173
Gel, application of 408
Gelatin foam 436
General fertility enhancer, drugs for 241
Genital sepsis, drugs for 325
Genital syphilis, drugs for 327
Genital teratogenicity 64
Genital tract
infection 249
drugs for 252
limited to 51, 328
Genital tuberculosis, drug regime for 333
Genitourinary surgery 379
Genitourinary system, diseases of 39
Gentamicin 40, 41, 146, 173, 327, 336, 381
injection 269
Gestodene 177, 285
Giardiasis 35, 147
drugs for 35
Ginger extract 27, 28
Glucagon acyclovir 171
Glucagon therapy 62
Glucose solution 62
Glucose tolerance test 62
glucose dosage for 55, 62
Glucose-insulin compensation chart 59, 59t
Glutaraldehyde crosslinked 372
Glycerol 173
Glyceryl trinitrate 173
Gonadotropin 63, 195, 221
Gonadotropin therapy 64, 244, 296
side effects of 224
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 216
agonist 203, 284, 287, 302, 310, 312
injection 304
agonist therapy 244
side effects of 229, 304
antagonist 313
regime, advantage of pulsatile 226
therapy, monitoring during 304
Gonococcus 342
Gonorrhoea 147, 336
drugs for 50, 328
Goserelin 64, 177, 203, 312
Granuloma inguinale 354, 355
Grilinctus 18, 24
Griseofulvin 142, 173, 176
Growth hormone therapy 297
Guaifenesin 173
Guanethidine 13
Gut, perforation of 267
Gynaecological cancers, medical oncology for 422
Gynaecological health 283
Haematinics 130, 204, 302
Haematocrit 264
Haemocoagulase injection 205, 436
Haemoconcentration 7, 233
antepartum 164
postpartum 109, 114, 147, 194
control 111
primary 112
Haemostatics 302
controlling growth of abnormal 287
growth, inhibition of 288
loss 402
Halcinonide cream 350, 353
Haloperidol 85, 89, 173, 291
Halothane 140, 173
Hastening cervical dilatation, drugs for 121
Headache 17, 117, 448
drugs for 158
during pregnancy
analgesics for 157
management of 155
side effects of 291
treatment of 157
Heart disease 3, 112
drugs for 13
thrombogenic 78
Heartburn, drugs for 30
Heavy facial chloasma gravidarum 68
Helicobacter pylori, treatment of 32
Hemoglobin 192, 233, 264, 278
Hemolysis elevated liver-enzymes 8
Heparin 16, 73, 75, 91, 173, 183
antidote of 74, 262
infusion 79
injection 73
safety of 74, 262
standard 74
therapy 262
side effects of 74
Hepatic dysfunction 411
Hepatitis 29
A 163
vaccine 162
B 163
vaccine 162
Herbal medicine 403, 447
pharmacology of 447
Herpes 151
genitalis 354, 355
and labialis, treatment of 71
drugs for 359
gestationis 70, 71, 147, 150
Hexachlorophene 173
Hexamethylmelamine 424
Hexoestrol 64
High-risk disease, criteria for 277
Hip bath chemicals 125
Hirsutism 294, 300
ovarian surgery for 287
treatment of 243, 284
Hirudoid ointment 78
Homeopathic medicine 403
Hormonal vaginal contraceptive 416
Hormone 445
replacement therapy 194, 296, 304, 318, 351, 419
contraindications to 389t
side effects of 391
therapy 422, 423, 425
use of 445
Human actraphane 55
penfil 57
Human actrapid 55, 57
Human albumin 442
solution 444
Human chorionic gonadotrophin 64, 120, 220, 250, 260
injection 238
Human immunodeficiency virus infection 330
drugs for 330
Human immunoglobulin 173
Human insulatard 55
Human menopausal gonadotrophin 177, 216, 250
Human mixtard 55, 58
Human monotard 55, 57
Human tetanus immunoglobulin 434
Hunner's ulcer 373
Hyalonuric acid 69
Hyaluronidase 173
Hydatidiform mole 29
evacuation of 275
Hydralazine 4, 6, 7, 173, 183
Hydrocortisone 22, 24, 93, 147, 149, 173
preparation 147, 148, 152
Hydroquinone cream 68
Hydrothorax 233
Hydrotubation, drugs for 441
Hydroxide 30
Hydroxychloroquine 90, 92
Hydroxyethyl starch 442, 444
Hydroxyprogesterone 243
caproate 176, 259
Hydroxyquinone ointment 68
Hydroxytryptophan 215
Hydroxyzine 153
Hyoscine 159, 173, 183
butylbromide 159
Hyperemesis 30
gravidarum, drugs for 28
Hypergonadotrophism 219
Hyperkalaemia 233
Hyperpigmentation, sign of 350
Hyperplasia, simple 305
Hyperprolactinaemia 229, 290, 292
clinical correlation of 289
drug for 251, 291
management of 292
simple 292
treatment of 289
undiagnosed 219
Hyperstimulation syndrome 224
Hypertension 64, 65, 411
essential 12
pregnancy-induced 12, 25
side effects of 291
Hypertension-proteinuria syndrome, development of 3
Hypertensive disorders 3, 112, 128
Hypnosis 377
Hypoandrogenism 249
drugs for 251
Hypoglycaemia, management of 55, 62
Hypoglycaemic agent 55
Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, drugs for 295
Hypogonadotrophism 217, 219, 249
drugs for 249
Hypo-kalaemia 28
Hypopigmentation, sign of 350
Hypotension 117
postural 87
Hypothalamic anovulation 191
Hypothalamic cause 293
Hypothalamic lesion 292
Hypothalamus, down regulation of 239
Hypothyroid girls 198
Hypothyroidism 189, 230
therapy for 52
undiagnosed 219
Hypovolaemia 233, 442
Hysterosalpingography 442
Hysteroscopy 208, 308, 440
Ibuprofen 92, 94, 171, 183
plus paracetamol 94
Idiopathic generalised pruritus, drugs for 67
Imidazole 326
Imipramine 87, 176, 257, 291, 368, 397, 398
Imiquimod cream 353
Immunisation, scope of 162
Immunoglobulin 91, 105
injection 90
intravenous 262
Imperforate hymen 191
Impetigo herpetiformis 147, 150
drugs for 70
In vitro fertilisation-embryo transfer 239
Indinavir 173, 331
Indomethacin 95, 171
Infected blood 332
Infective vulvovaginitis 345
Infertility 290, 294
management of unexplained 239
treatment of 243
Infrequent menstruation
cause of 196, 197
drugs for 196
Inhalation analgesia 124
Inhaler therapy, dosage of 26
Inhibits prolactin release 448
Insomnia 398
Insulin 170
aspart 173
dosage 61
infusion 60t
ipratropium inhalation 183
lispro 170
method of infusing 60
preparations 57
resistance 230
sensitizers 245
syringe 55, 62
therapy 59
indication of 57
Intact uterus 386
Intermenstrual bleeding, drugs for 208
Interstitial cystitis, management of 373
Intestinal helminthiasis 35, 147
Intra-amniotic injection 52
Intractable frequency, drugs for 371
Intractable non-specific vaginitis, drugs for 343
Intractable oozing, drugs for control of 435
Intractable pruritus 68
Intractable vaginal discharge 337
Intractable vulval pruritus 337
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection 239
Intramuscular regime 61
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy 423, 425
Intrauterine contraceptive device 131, 133, 208, 212, 417
Intrauterine death 115
Intrauterine foetal death 119
Intrauterine growth restriction 13, 90, 104, 148
incidence of 103
rate of 5
treatment of 78, 104
Intrauterine infection 119
Intrauterine insemination 217, 236, 237, 253
Intravaginal drugs, scope of 347
Intravaginal medication, demerits of 336
Intravaginal therapy 345
heparin 73
infusion 57
injection 112
protocol 9
regime 61
solutions 442
Invasive foetal monitoring 49
Iodine 135
Iodophil viscous 442
dextran 173
preparation 136, 138
pyrophosphate 137
sucrose 139
complex 435
supplement 410
Irritable bowel syndrome 212
Irritable uterus 117
Ischaemic heart disease, high risk for 386
Isoflavones 403
Isoniazid 20, 173
Isoprenaline 173
Isoproterenol 273
Isotretinoin 177
Isoxsuprine 117, 118, 173
Ispaghula husk 33, 34
Itching 360, 448
Itraconazole 46, 173, 338
Kamillosan cream 358
Kanamycin 142, 176
Kaolin 173, 183
Karvol plus 18
inhalant 17
Kegel's pelvic floor exerciser 378, 401
Ketoacidosis 61
Ketoconazole 173, 183, 284, 287, 340
Ketoprofen 94, 183
Ketotifen 253, 254
Klebsiella 379
K-Y jelly 319, 397, 399
Labetalol 4, 6, 12, 173
analgesia, drugs for 122
augmentation of 109
during 48
pain 122
Lactal vaginal gel 343
Lactate dehydrogenase 5
amenorrhoea 192, 193
inhibition, cabergoline for 66
stimulation of 127
suppression of 65, 127
Lactic acidosis 49
Lactobacillus 146, 273
acidophilus 241, 242
reuteri 343
rhamnosus 343
sporogenes 342
Lactulose 33, 102, 171, 261
Lamivudine 331, 332
Lamotrigine 85
Lanoxin 14
Laparoscopy 234, 441
L-arginine 103, 208, 231, 241
Laryngitis 17
ablation 353
with dynamic cooling 289
Laxative 102
Leprosy 147
Letrozole 216, 220, 236, 240
Leucovorin 98, 99
Leuprolide 312
acetate 220
Levocarnitine 253
Levocetirizine 17, 67, 70, 152, 348
Levofloxacillin 19
Levofloxacin 173
Levonorgestrel 201, 202, 207, 420
intrauterine system 302, 305, 306
Libido, lack of 402
Licenced herbal products 257
Lidocaine 124
Life-threatening disease, drug therapy for 92
Lignocaine 72, 183, 320
cream 319
jelly 319, 356
Lincomycin 142
Liquid paraffin 183
Lithium 176
function test 20, 54, 67, 264, 278, 287
side effects, managing 84
Local anaesthetic agent 30
Local analgesic
cum-anaesthetic agent 357
gel 374
ointment and spray 316
Local anti-infective therapy 361
Local genital infection, management of 263
Local vulval application, scope of additional 335
Lomefloxacin 173, 380
Loperamide 171, 183
Loprin 3
Loratadine 153, 170
Lorazepam 176
Low backache 314
prescribing for 314
Low calorie diet 247
Low molecular weight heparin 74
Low platelet count syndrome 8
Lower oesophagus, tone of 38
L-thyroxine 52, 170
Luietinising hormone 283, 295, 312
Lupus antibodies 147
Lupus anticoagulant 90, 261
Lupus flare, drugs for 93
Lupus nephropathy 3
Luteal phase defect 237
drugs for 237
Luteal phase support 238, 239
scope of 223
Luteinising hormone 239, 243, 248, 285, 445
Lycopene 254
Lymphogranuloma 354
venereum 354, 356
Lynestrenol 176
Lypressin 183
Macroadenoma 293
Magnesia liquid, milk of 34
Magnesium 10, 30, 106
Magnesium sulphate 4, 10
anti-dote to 10
half dose 11
regime 8
therapy 11
duration of 10
efficacy of 10
toxicity, monitoring 10
Mala-N 410
Malaria 147
benign 96
prophylaxis 97
Male coital problems, medical treatment of 255
Male infertility, medical treatment of 248
Mannitol 173
Mast cell membrane stabiliser inhaler 21
differential diagnosis of 324
management of 322
Mastitis, drugs for 129
Mebendazole 35, 174, 183, 344, 349
Mebeverine 183, 212
Meclizine 152, 153, 170
Medical management
plan of 350
scope of 103
Medical termination of pregnancy 114, 281
drugs for 280
first trimester 280
Medical treatment
precondition of 367
scope of 305
Medroxyprogesterone 198, 199, 201, 202, 215, 244, 306, 307, 309, 311, 389, 422
acetate 132, 295, 298, 422
injection 415
injection 177
therapy 423
Mefenamic acid 174, 183, 201, 210, 313
Mefloquine 96, 97, 174
Megestrol acetate 422
Melatonin 212, 213, 397, 400
Melphalan 424
artificial rupture of 49
premature rupture of 145
Membranous dysmenorrhoea 212
Menadione sodium 84
Menaphthone sodium 76
Mendelson syndrome, drugs for prevention of 36
Menopausal age, diet appropriate to 404
Menopausal symptoms, medicines for 397
drugs for 384
management of 384, 397, 404
premature 192, 193
Menorrhagia 203
antigonadotrophin for 203
treatment of 200, 203
Menstrual disorders, medical treatment of 189
Menstrual insufficiency, treatment of 244
Menstrual migraine, drugs for 214
Menthol 18
Meprobamate 176
Mesterolone 251
Metformin 63, 170, 231, 245, 284
dose of 246
Methadone 431
Methimazole 55
Methotrexate 275, 277, 427
injection 264
advantages of single dose 265
Methyl xanthine containing drinks, avoidance of 324
Methyldopa 12, 171, 291, 183
Methylene blue 441
Methylergometrine 112, 130
Methylprednisolone 22, 80, 174
Metoclopramide 27, 37, 126, 127, 171, 291
injection 29
Metronidazole 35, 46, 146, 171, 183, 263, 268, 269, 325, 326, 330, 341, 408, 433
vaginal gel 341, 342
Mexiletine 183
Miconazole 46, 69, 174, 339, 344, 346, 347
ovule 45
Microadenoma 292
Micronutrients 136, 247
Micro-syringe 62
Micturition, medical management of 367
Midazolam 176
Mid-trimester abortion, induction of 115
Mifepristone 177, 265, 280, 421
low dose 302, 303
Migraine 106
prophylaxis 215
therapy for management of 107
Minocycline 142, 176
Minoxidil 13, 183
Misoprostol 177, 265, 280
combination 280
tablet 113, 115, 116, 120
unique property of 281
vaginal tablet 115
Missed abortion
drugs for 265
second trimester 266
Missed pill, management of 411
Mitral stenosis 13
management of 15
Mitral valve prolapse 13, 411
Mixogen 128
Mizolastine 153
Molar pregnancy
drugs for 275
evacuation of 276
Mometasone preparations 152
Monilia 342
Monilial discharge 337
Monilial vulvovaginitis, treatment of 334, 337
Monitoring ovulation, clinical methods of 234
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor 87
Monophasic pill 409, 410
dosage of 410
Morning-after pill 420
Morphine 26, 123, 174
injection 430
Mouth, dryness of 87
Mucous membrane exposure 50
Multi-bacillary leprosy 72
Multidose therapy 329
vulvovaginal 338
Multi-drug ointments 34
Multiple electrolyte solution 160, 443
infusion 273
range of 138
Mupirocin 171
ointment 359
Musculoskeletal pains 155
analgesics for 155
Mycoplasma 342
Myocardial infarction 65
risk of 413
Myvera cream 68
N-acetylcysteine 247
Nafarelin nasal spray 227
Naked eye vulval lesions 345
Nalidixic acid 174
Nalorphine 176
Naloxone 122, 123, 166, 171
Naltrexone 38
Nandrolone 318
Naproxen 94, 171, 183
Nasal congestion, side effects of 291
Nasal drop 18
Natural colloids 159, 442
Natural killer cells 242
Natural micronised progesterone 389
Natural progesterone 64, 65, 100, 170, 238, 258, 259
Nausea 140, 448
and vomiting, safe drugs for 27
side effects of 291
N-butyl cynoacrylate 436
Nebuliser 21
Needle prick injury 50
Neomycin 174
Neonatal drug withdrawal syndrome 95
Neostigmine 174
Neotomic enema 34
Nephrotic syndrome 154
Neurological examination 367
Nevirapine 174, 331, 332
advantage of 49
disadvantage of 49
Niclosamide 183
Nicotinamide 170, 174
Nifedipine 4, 6, 174
Night cramps 106
severe painful 106
Nimesulide 316
Nimodipine 174
Nipple care creams 126, 127
Nitrazepam 397, 398
Nitrofurantoin 4042, 171, 183, 378, 380
Nitroglycerine 6, 7
Nocturia 401
drugs for 371
Nocturnal enuresis, drugs for 371
Non-contraceptive element 409
Non-drug measures 68, 81, 108, 127, 284, 315, 367, 401, 402
Non-hormonal vaginal contraceptive 416
Non-opioid analgesic 429
Non-organic causes, medical management of 195
Non-particulate antacid 37
Non-secretory endometrium 305
Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug 92, 94, 107, 201, 210, 309
Non-steroidal oestrogen 64
Non-surgical therapy 303
Non-syphilitic vulval ulcer 358
Noradrenaline 273
Norepinephrine 174, 367, 371, 369
Norethisterone 177, 198, 199, 201, 202
enanthate 132, 415
Norflox 174
Norfloxacin 142, 378, 380
Norgestimate 285
Normadate 13
Normal saline 62, 365, 366, 439, 440442
Normal serum prolactin level 289
Nortriptyline 87, 176, 368, 369
Novelon 203, 410
Nucleic acid amplification test 328
Nystatin 183
and pill 413
treatment of 243
Obstetrics, diuretic therapy in 154
Oculo-oro-genital syndrome 355
Oesophageal reflux 30
Oesophageal tone, increases lower 27
Oestradiol 195, 384, 386
hemihydrate 386, 387
gel 407
tablet 408
valerate 386, 387
Oestriol 384, 388
succinate cream 407
Oestrogen 128, 205, 206, 291, 299, 369, 371, 434
challenge test 297, 299
receptor modulator, selective 419
scope of 203
therapy 319, 320, 370, 371
topical 344, 407
Oestrogenic compounds 177
Oestrogenic diet 405
Ofloxacin 142, 174, 252, 325, 329
Ointments 125
and gel 45, 46
Olanzapine 174
Oligohydramnios 13, 103
management of 103
Oligomenorrhoea 290
Oligospermia 254
Oliguria 233
Omeprazole 30, 31, 37, 174
Ondansetron 171
Ondansetron injection 29
O-oncovin 278
Operative vaginal delivery 49
Opiates 291
Opioid analgesic
antidote to 123
strong 429
weak 429
Oral acyclovir 360
Oral analgesic 156
Oral anti-coagulants 75
antidote to 76
scope of 74
side effects of 76
Oral antifungal therapy 345
Oral antitrichomonal therapy 345
Oral contraceptive pill 63, 64, 131, 198, 201, 292, 302, 323, 324, 420
administration of 411
contraindications of 411
packs of 409
Oral haematinics 434
Oral iron
managing constipating element of 33
prescription 138
Oral medication 49
advantages of 337
Oral oestrogens preparations 386
Oral regime 15
Oral tablet 414
Oral therapy 45, 46, 62
one-step 337
Orciprenaline 174
Organic causes, bleeding from 200
Ornidazole 125, 341
Osmotic dilator plus oxytocin drip 282
Osteoclast inhibiting hormone 397
Osteoporosis 393
high risk for 386
Ovarian cancer 231, 413
chemotherapy for 423
immunotherapy for 423, 425
less 414
Ovarian failure, premature 193
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 232, 442, 444
management of 231
prevention of 232
treatment of 233
Ovarian reserve 301
testing 297, 301
Ovary, non-functioning 298
Overactive bladder
management of 372
treatment for 373
Overt disease 91
drugs for 216
induction 231
support, drugs for 241
Oxazepam 85, 86, 176
Oxethazaine 30
Oxidised regenerated cellulose 437
Oxybutynin 43, 171, 367, 371, 401
inhalation 23
therapy 272
monitoring 272
Oxymetazoline nasal drop 17, 174
Oxytocics 109
Oxytocin 109, 111, 112, 126, 127, 177
administration, contraindication to 111
antidote of 111
infusion 121
drotaverine injection 120
usage, formula for 109
Paclitaxel 424
Painful gynaecological conditions, drugs for miscellaneous 310
drugs for 209
nondrug measures of 211
Palpitation and tachycardia 397, 398
Pancreatin 174
Pancreatitis 29
Pantoprazole 31, 171
Pantothenic acid 170
Papaverine 174
Paracetamol 17, 92, 94, 107, 128, 155, 184, 317, 438
dispersible tablet 157
injection 272
Paraldehyde 174
Paranoid reactions 85
Parasitic infections 147
Parenteral anti-emetics 29
Parenteral iron 139
Parenteral steroids 22
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia 14
Patellar reflex 10
Patent ductus arteriosus, incidence of 155
Paucibacillary leprosy 72
Peak expiratory flow rate 24, 26
Pediculosis 69
pubis, drugs for 364
Pefloxacin 142
Pelvic abscess 266
Pelvic causes, common 200
Pelvic endometriosis 319
Pelvic floor exercise, simple 377
Pelvic inflammatory disease 319, 325, 329
drugs for 325
treatment of 321
Pelvic infusion 279
Pelvic peritonitis 266
Pelvic surgery, previous 367
Pelvis, sepsis confined within 266
Penicillamine 95, 176
Penicillin 14, 184
G 146
patients allergic to 328
Penile prosthesis 256
Pentazocine 123, 174, 429, 430, 438
Pentoxiphylline 253, 254
Peptic ulcer, safe medicines for 32
Perineal wound, drugs for care of 125
Peritoneal fibrosis 425
Permethrin 69
Persistent frequency, management of 41
Pertussis 162
Pethidine 26, 123, 431, 439
Pharyngitis 17
Phenazopyridine 43, 383, 401
Phenindione 75
Pheniramine maleate 67, 153
Phenobarbitone 82, 83
injection 176
Phenothiazine 184
Phentolamine 174
Phenylbutazone 95
Phenylephrine 17, 273
Phenytoin 4, 82, 84
tablet 83, 176
Phytomenadione 76, 85
Piles and fissures, drugs for 34
Pill 413
and elective surgery 412
choice of 285
inadvertent use of 412
related causes 209
Piperacillin 171, 184
injection 270
Piperazine 184
Piroxicam 174, 184, 430
Pituitary cause 293
Pituitary microadenoma 190
Pityriasis 69
versicolor, drugs for 69
abruption of 5, 79
praevia 119, 164
Plain water, drinking plenty of 103
creatinine 10
exchange 8
volume expander 159, 233, 442
Plasmapheresis 90, 92
Pneumonia 19
Podophyllotoxin 358
Polycarbophil 320, 397
gel 319, 398
Polycystic ovarian disease 197, 219, 222, 261, 294, 300
medical treatment of 242
Polycystic ovarian syndrome 63
Polygelatin, degraded 159, 161, 442, 443
Polymerase chain reaction 98
Polymyxin B 171
Polytetrafluoroethylene paste 372
Poor postcoital test 236
Poor semen profile, treatment for 248, 253
Portamin sulphate 75
Post-delivery insulin management 55, 60
Postmenopausal bleeding 306, 360
Postmenopausal kraurosis vulva 407
anabolic steroid in 395
androgen in 395
tibolone for 394
Postmolar syndrome, medical treatment of 276
contraceptive 65
haemorrhage, prevention of 111
women 131
prescribing contraception for 131
Post-pill amenorrhoea 192
Postponement of menstruation, drugs for 215
Posture, correction of 315
chloride 62, 160
iodide 55, 176
supplement 155
Potential foetal bradycardia, risk of 14
Povidone iodine 45, 125, 341, 361, 365, 434
vaginal pessary 339
Practical tocolysis 117
Prazocin 184
Prednisolone 70, 91, 92, 94, 95, 147, 174, 184, 253, 262
preparations 147, 148
tablet 294
wysolone 355
Pre-eclampsia 5, 64, 112
drugs for prevention of 3
eclampsia syndrome 7
incidence of 4
prevention of development of 78
severe 119
treatment of 4, 154
Pregnacream (Meyers) 67, 69
Pregnant asthmatic 26
mild chronic 22
Pregnidoxin 153
Premature ejaculation, drugs for 257
Premature labour
prevention of 64, 118
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder 212
Premenstrual mastalgia, management of 322
Premenstrual syndrome 447
drugs for 212
nondrug measures for 214
Prescribing testosterone therapy 252
Primaquine 142
Probanthine 33, 368
Procaine penicillin 170
Prochlorperazine 27, 28, 85, 88
Proctoclysis enema 34
Proctosedyl ointment 34
Procyclidine 89
Profuse vaginal discharge 337
Progesterone 298
absolutely essential 388
challenge test 297
deficiency 102
derivatives of 64, 258
dose of natural 238
receptor modulator, selective 302, 303
therapy 260
Progestins 202, 310, 311
Progestogen 64, 65, 177, 184, 198, 205, 206, 212, 259, 384, 414
disadvantage of adding 389
implant 133
only pill 132, 414
Progynon depo injection 206
Prolactin 192, 248
reducing drugs 128
Prolactinoma 190
pregnancy with 65
Proliferative endometrium 305
Promethazine 152, 153, 174
hydrochloride injection 123
theoclate 153
Propantheline bromide 368
Prophylactic antibiotic 309
regime of 142, 145
Prophylactic chemotherapy, scope of 423
Prophylactic therapy, regime of 275
Prophylaxis 107
postpartum 143
Propranolol 53, 54, 108, 174
Proprietary diet supplements, scope of 136
Propylthiouracil 53, 176
Prostaglandin 114
synthetase inhibitors 310, 313
tablet 113
therapy, contraindication to 116
Protamine sulphate 73, 174, 262
Protein supplement 104, 104, 142
Proteolytic enzyme 125
tablets 126
Proteus 379
Proton pump inhibitor 31
Prucal cream 67
Pruritic folliculitis 70
Pruritus vulva 345, 347
drugs for 345, 348
medical management of 345
oral drugs in 347
Pruritus, treatment of 345t
Pseudocyesis 195
Pseudoephedrine 17, 174, 184
Pseudomonas 379
aeruginosa 270
Psychiatric disorders, drug therapy for 85
Psychostimulants 431
Psychotherapy 377
Psychotic illnesses 85
Psychotropic drugs 89, 283, 431, 432
Puberty menorrhagia 198
menstruation in 199
treatment of 197
Pubic hair status 191
Puerperium 125
Pulmonary hypertension, neonatal 156
Pulmonary volume load, evidence of 16
Pulsatile gonadotrophin-releasing hormone therapy 216
Pulse oximetry 26
Pyelonephritis 29
Pyometra, antibiotic cover for 408
Pyrantel 184
Pyrazinamide 174, 184, 333
Pyridium 43
Pyridostigmine bromide 375
Pyridoxine 27, 29, 126, 170, 212, 213, 322, 323
Pyrimethamine 96, 174
sulpha combination 97
Pyrimethamine-sulphadoxine 98
combination 97, 98
Quinagolide 290, 291
Quinidine 174, 184
Quinine 96
sulphate 96
Quinolones 326
Rabeprazole 171
Rabies 163
Radioactive iodine 55
Raloxifene 177, 396
Ranitidine 31, 37, 170, 184
Rash 448
Recurrent abortion 64, 100, 258
medical management of 261
Recurrent genital herpes, treatment of 360
Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis, management of 340
Red blood cells 97
Reflexology 404
Regime 225
Regular hormone therapy 197
regime of 198
Renal failure 267
Renal function tests, repeated 39
Reserpine 291
Resistant ovary syndrome 192, 194
Respiratory rate 10
Respiratory system, diseases of 17
Respiratory tract infection 147
Resuscitation of newborn, drugs for 166
Retinoid compounds 177
Retrograde ejaculation 257
treatment of 256
Reverse transcriptase inhibitors 332
Rhesus isoimmunisation, prevention of 164
Rheumatoid arthritis 147
drug therapy for 94
Riboflavin 170
Rifampicin 20, 72, 174, 184, 333
Ringer's lactate 8, 167, 441
solution 4, 79, 80, 442
Ringworm 69
drugs for 69
Ripening cervix, drugs for 120
Ritodrine 56, 117, 171
Rofecoxib 174
Rosiglitazone 246
Routine preoperative vaginal preparation, drugs for 434
Routine vaccination during pregnancy 162
Rupture uterus 117
Ruptured membranes, history of 15
Salazopyrin 94
Salbutamol 56, 175
aerosol 21, 23
inhaler 21, 184
Salicylates 95
Salicylic acid 175
Salmeterol 175
inhaler 21
Salt bath, common 126
Sampling vulval tissue 351
Sarcoma botryoides 198
Scabies 69, 147, 151
Scanty menstruation 208
drugs for 207
Schiller's iodine 439, 440
Schiller's test 440
Schizoaffective illness 88
Schizophrenia 88
Schizophreniform psychosis 85
Sclerosing adenosis 324
Secnidazole 341
Second-line drugs, treatment of non-responders to 40
Seizures 65
Senile osteoporosis 318
Senile vaginitis 407
drugs for 360
Sennoside B tablet 33
Sepsis, management of 269
Septic abortion 266
management of 267
medical 266
Septic shock
antibiotic regime for 146
drugs for 271
Septicaemia 146, 267, 442
drugs for 271
Serotonergic agents 283
Serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, selective 398
Sertaconazole 338
anti-mullerian hormone, high 197
creatinine 20
dehydroepiandrosterone, high 243
hormone binding globulin 285
testosterone, low 251
Severe disabling, drug therapy for 92
Sex hormone 63, 64, 445
therapy, regimen of 297
Sexually transmitted disease 252, 341
Sheehan's syndrome 192, 194
Shield ointment 34
Short cervix 117
Sickle cell anemia 411
Sildenafil 255
citrate 208, 241, 242
Siloderm 375
Simethicone 175
Single dose therapy 329
Sinusitis 157
cream 356
ointment 359
cracks, sign of 350
diseases, drugs for common 363
fungal infection of 151
infections, drugs for common 69
Sleep disturbances 81
Slim pill 412
Social and psychological factors 30
bicarbonate 62, 166, 175
chloride 160
cromoglycate 171, 184
inhaler 21
dihydrogen phosphate enema 34
feredetate 137
fusidate 125
ointment 359
hyaluronate 320, 362
cream 438
gel 319, 399
iodide 177
nitroprusside 6, 7, 13
sulphite 160
valproate 83
Soframycin 125
Soft tissue
inflammation 157
pain 155
analgesics for 155
Sonohysterography 308
Soothing creams 67
Sore throat 17
Sparfloxacin 175, 325
Spectinomycin 50, 51, 171
Spiramycin 98, 175
Spironolactone 175, 176, 212, 284, 286
Sponge 436
Spotting syphilitic ulcer 327
Staphylococcus 408
aureus 129
Status eclampticus 11
Stavudine 175, 331, 332
Steam inhalation 157
Steroid 24, 30, 80
containing ointments 46
inhaler 21, 152
oral 68
resistant, drug therapy for 93
scope of 270
Steroid therapy
and pregnancy 148
cautions for 149
contraindications for 149
withdrawal of 148
Stilboestrol 64
Stimulation, drugs for 126
Streptococcus 408
infection, group B 145
Streptomycin 21, 142, 176
dose 150
incontinence 401
medical management of 372
prophylaxis 25
Stretch marks, drugs for 69
Stretched nipple 127
Stroke with pill 413
Subcutaneous heparin 15
therapy 74
Sucralfate 32, 171, 184
Sulfadiazine 175
Sulphadoxine 96
Sumatriptan 107, 175, 215
creams 68
lotions 68
Synacold tablet 17
Synechiae formation 299
Synthetic progestogens 100, 101, 258
Synthetic vasopressin 371, 372
Syntometrine injection 112
Syphilis 147, 354, 355
Syrup bromhexine 18
Systemic analgesic
drug 122, 317, 357
scope of 357
Systemic antibiotic 344, 359
Systemic bacterial infection 149
Systemic lupus erythematosus 90, 92, 147, 411
drug therapy for 92
therapy 94
monitoring 93
Systemic oestrogen therapy 361
Systemic steroid 70, 355
safety of 147
severe 54
supraventricular 14
Tadalaphil 255
Tamoxifen 176, 323, 324, 422
Tamsulosin 375
Temperature, elevation of 117
Tender uterus 266
Terbinafine 347
Terbutaline 117, 118, 171, 184
injection 118
Terconazole 45
Terfenadine 153, 175
Termination of pregnancy 115, 442
Terpineol 18
Testicular biopsy, method of 249
Testicular feminisation 192
Testosterone 252, 256, 395
lowers free 246
therapy, monitoring 251
undecanoate 251
Tetanus 163
anti-serum 163
antitoxin 272
immunoglobulin 162, 163
prophylaxis 433
toxoid 162
Tetrachlorodecaoxide 438
Tetracycline 142, 176, 326
capsule 355
Theophylline 22, 175, 447
Thiamine 30, 170
Thiazide 154, 176, 184
diuretics 155
Thiopental sodium 175
Thiopentone sodium 11
Thioridazine 85, 89
Third stage of labour, active management of 116
Throat lozenge 17, 18
Thrombolysis 77
Thrombolytic therapy, indication of 77
Thrombophlebitis 78
Thrombophobe ointment 78
Thromboprophylaxis 73
Thrombosed piles 35
Thromboxane, synthesis of 3
disorder 200
stimulating hormone 52, 192, 197, 200, 290, 248, 445
storm, management of 54
Thyrotoxicosis 53
supportive therapy in 54
treatment of 55
Thyroxine 5254, 195, 290
dose of 52
scope of 291
Tibolone 384
therapy, disadvantage of 395
Tinea cruris 69
Tinidazole 325, 326, 341
Tioconazole 338
T-lymphocyte count 48
Tobramycin 176
benefit of 119
contraindication to 119
indication of 117
preventive 119
Tocolytics 109
Today's women's life 335
Tolbutamide 175
Tolmein 184
Tolterodine 43, 175, 401
tartrate 368
Topical antibiotics, use of 346
Topical steroid 70, 344
contraindications of 151
ointments 151, 348
scope of 151
therapy 350, 353
Topical testosterone therapy 351
TORCH infection, management of 264
Toxoplasmosis 147, 261
Trace elements 138
Tramadol 122, 175, 429, 430, 439
Tramazac 122
Tranexamic acid 80, 171, 184, 201, 204, 302
injection 205, 435
Transcutaneous nerve stimulation 211, 316
Transdermal contraceptive patch 134, 420
Transvaginal sonography 390
Transvaginal ultrasonography 264
Transvaginal ultrasound 194
Tretinoin gel 68
Triamcinolone 70, 152, 175
Triamterene 175
Triazolam 177
Trichomonal vaginitis, treatment of 334, 340
Trichomonas 342
vaginal drugs for 341
vaginitis 46
management of 341
Trichomoniasis 147
Tricyclic antidepressant 367, 368, 371
amitriptyline 363
Trifluoperazine 85, 88, 175
Trimethoprim 184
Triphasic pill 409, 411
Triptorelin 203
Trisilicate 30
Trospium chloride 368
Truvada 333
Tuberculosis 21, 147, 149, 299
meningitis 29
Turner's girls 297
Turner's syndrome 190, 192, 297
treatment of 296
Typhoid 147, 163
drug for 36
prevention of 36
vaccine 162
drugs 33
malignant 354
with infection, traumatic 356
Ulcerative colitis, acute attack of 150
Ulipristal acetate 302, 303
Ulipristal tablet 421
Ultravist 442
Unfractionated heparin 262
Unmarried girls, treatment for 244
Unruptured luteinised follicle 226
management of 239
Unwanted hyperpigmentation of pregnancy, management of 68
Upper respiratory tract infection 143
antibiotics for 10
Uraemia 233
Urea 233, 264
Urethral dilatation 370, 371
Urethral swab 370
Urethral syndrome 47
medical management of 370
Urethritis 329
Urge incontinence 401
medical management of 367
Urinary analgesic 42, 383
Urinary fistula, drugs for 375
Urinary output 10
Urinary symptoms 401
Urinary tract infection 39, 42, 143, 147, 367, 379
drugs for 379
Urine 370
drugs for 374
retention of 71, 87
Urografin 442
Urogynaecological problems 367
Urokinase 171
Ursodeoxycholic acid 38
Ursodiol 38
Uterine artery 305
embolization 303
vaginal compression of 305
Uterine contraction, exaggerated 118
Uterine hypertonicity 117
Uterine pathologies, benign 302
Uterine synechiae 207
division of 308
absent 191
perforation of 267
subinvolution of 112
treatment of 130
Vaccination during pregnancy, classification of 162
dryness of 398
irrigation of 345
postmenopausal dryness of 407
Vaginal application, advantages of 337
Vaginal bleeding 391
Vaginal contraceptive 416
ring 133
Vaginal discharge 43, 337
treatment for 335
Vaginal douching
drugs for 365
present-day indications of 365
Vaginal hysterectomy 302
Vaginal misoprostol 115, 266, 281
plus oxytocin drip 266
tablet 309
Vaginal moisturiser 320, 361, 362, 397
Vaginal pessaries 45
Vaginal probiotic 343
Vaginal route 101
Vaginal spermicide tablet 133
Vaginal swab 370
Vaginal tablet 45
Vaginal therapy, one-step 338
Vaginismus, treatment of 321
Vaginitis 337
Vaginosis, medication for 342
Valdecoxib 175
Valethamate 122, 123
injection 120
Valproate 184
Valproic acid 176
Vancomycin 129, 142, 171
injection 175
Vascular endothelial growth factor 208
Vasomotor symptoms 397
Verapamil 13, 14, 16, 175, 184, 291
Verna gel 336
Vestibular disorder 29
Vicryl suture 126
Vigabatrin 85
Vincristine 198, 278, 427
Viral etiology 428
Viral infection 147, 261
Viral skin disease 151
Viscodyne cough syrup 18
Viscodyne-T 18, 25
Vital body functions, maintenance of 267, 270
Vitamin 28, 104, 135
A 67
B complex 356
B1 injection 30
B6 27, 322
injection 29
scope of 388
C 3, 4, 231, 241, 253, 254
D3 231, 241, 397
supplement 141
E 3, 4, 67, 170, 253, 323, 324
K 76, 82, 84, 205
injection 75
K1 76, 85
Vomiting, side effects of 291
Vulva, recurrent’ pruritus of 348
Vulval application, antifungal creams for 339
Vulval atrophy, sign of 350
Vulval discomfort, treatment of unexplained 361
Vulval dystrophy, drugs for 349, 350
Vulval intraepithelial neoplasia 349, 352
medical treatment of 352
Vulval irritation 360
Vulval itching and burning 336
Vulval topical therapy 345
Vulval ulcer 357
diagnosis of 353
treatment of 353355
Vulval warts, drugs for 358
Vulvitis 69
Vulvodynia 361, 363
Vulvovaginal problems, drugs for 334
Vulvo-vaginitis 345
drugs for 45
management of 343
treatment of 319, 320, 370
Warfarin 75, 177, 184, 447
sodium 75
Waxing 288
Weekly pill 419
Weight loss 28
Western blot-specific test 330
White blood cell 93, 272
White discharge, medical management of 334
care, new drugs for 436
closure, drugs for 433, 436
Xylocaine 122, 124
jelly 399
Xylometazoline nasal drop 17
Y chromosome microdeletion test 249
Zalcitabine 331, 332
Zaltoprofen 213
Zidovudine 47, 48, 175, 330, 332
infusion 49
regime 48
Zinc 104, 135, 253, 254
acetate 170
oxide 67
supplement 141
Zygote intrafallopian transfer 239
Chapter Notes

Save Clear

  1. Hypertensive Disorders and Heart Disease
  2. Diseases of Respiratory System
  3. Diseases of Gastrointestinal Tract
  4. Diseases of Genitourinary System
  5. Endocrine Disorders During Pregnancy
  6. Dermatological Lesions During Pregnancy
  7. Disorders of Coagulation During Pregnancy
  8. Problems Related to Central Nervous System
  9. Autoimmune Diseases During Pregnancy
  10. Anti-malarials Drugs for the Pregnant
  11. Anti-toxoplasma Drugs for the Pregnant
  12. Some Typical Foetus-related Problems of Antenatal Period
  13. Night Cramps and Migraine During Pregnancy
  14. Oxytocics and Tocolytics
  15. Drugs for Ripening of Cervix
  16. Drugs for Labour Analgesia
  17. Some Typical Problems of Puerperium
  18. Scope and Safety of Some Commonly Prescribed Drug-Groups During Pregnancy and Lactation
  19. Recommendation for Immunisation During Pregnancy
  20. Drugs for Resuscitation of Newborn
  21. Safety Guidelines about use of Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation
Concised Bibliography2

Hypertensive Disorders and Heart DiseaseCHAPTER 1

Aspirin, Calcium, Anti-oxidants—vitamin E and vitamin C (Restriction of sodium and fluid intake are not effective, Cunningham et al., 2010).
Loprin (Unichem); ASA (Zydus)
Dose: 1 tablet daily after food.
Basis: It is an anti-thromboxane therapy. Aspirin, by acting on platelet, suppresses the synthesis of thromboxane, which appears to play a significant role in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia.
Scope: It may be given from about 12th week of pregnancy—but only to those women who, from the past history and current clinical situation, are judged to be highly prone to develop pre-eclampsia. The aim here is to prevent development of hypertension-proteinuria syndrome.
Debatable position of low-dose Aspirin therapy: Collaborative Low-dose Aspirin Study in Pregnancy (CLASP) study (1994) and other studies have found this therapy ineffective or of marginal benefit (William Obstetrics, 2010).
It has been reported to increase the incidence of retroplacental bleed by seven fold (Hopkinson, 1997).
In any case, according to manufacturer's literature, aspirin is contraindicated in third trimester of pregnancy for fear of causing bleeding in both mother and foetus. The author has reported two cases of severe foetal bleed along with typical cardiotocography tracings (Debdas, 1998).1
Calcium Citrate Preparation: Methycal 1,000 mg (Indoco); Supracal XT 1,000 mg (Pharmed).
Usual dosage 1,000 mg daily but for mothers from low socioeconomic status up to 2 g daily may be prescribed.
Calcium supplementation in high dosage has been found by some worker to lower the incidence of pre-eclampsia in deficient subjects but others found it to be ineffective even in the dosage up to 2 g daily (Levine et al., 1997).
Vitamin E
Evion (Merck); Natvie (Franco-Indian) 400 mg capsule.
Dose: 1 or 2 capsule daily.
Vitamin C
Celin (GSK); Chewcee (Wyeth) 500 mg tablet studies have not found to reduce the incidence of pre-eclampsia by these (Cunningham et al., 2010).
Labetalol, Nifedipine, Hydralazine, Magnesium sulphate, Phenytoin, Ringer lactate solution, continuous lumbar epidural.
Therapeutic approaches towards treatment of pre-eclampsia are as follows:
  • Anti-irritation therapy
  • Anti-hypertensive therapy
  • Anti-convulsant therapy
  • Anti-haemoconcentration therapy
(Restriction of sodium and fluid intake are no longer recommended, Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
Sedatives and Tranquilizers
Routine use of these are no longer recommended (Williams Obstetrics, 2010). These are indicated only if the patient cannot sleep or is too upset and fearful about her raised BP.
It's possible consequences on her and her foetus are well-known. Because they are sedated, sometimes this itself calls for admission to hospital for looking after.
Alprax (Torrent); Zolam (Stadmed)
Dose: Just one tablet on the day of admission only as an exception. It is actually contraindicated in pregnancy.
However, more important than the drug is repeated counseling and assurance of both patient and her husband and family members.
Note: If there is sudden rise of BP or BP remains constantly high sedative is not the appropriate treatment. In such cases, antihypertensive, anticonvulsant, delivery of the patient, etc., should be considered.
It varies with the severity of the disease.
  • For mild to moderate pre-eclampsia (specially in premature gestation between 26 and 34 weeks where pregnancy must be continued)
    BP—> 140/90 but <160/110, Proteinuria—<2 g in 24 hours, normal platelet.
    There is no scope of anti-hypertensive therapy here. Because:
    1. It does not make any difference in perinatal mortality.
    2. It doubles the rate of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) (Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
    The plan of treatment here would be, in addition to obstetric management, close monitoring of BP and proteinuria to ensure that the patient is not entering the severe stage of the disease in which event anti-hypertensive and anticonvulsive therapy would be instantly necessary as an emergency measure.
  • For severe pre-eclampsia
    Criteria (Williams Obstetrics, 2010)
    BP—160/110, Proteinuria—2.0 g/24 hours, serum creatinine— 1.2 mg/dL or higher, Platelet—100,000 or less, increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), elevated liver enzymes—doubling of aspartate transaminase.
    Headache, epigastric pain, visual disturbance
    Therapeutic approach
    • Anti-hypertensive
    • Anti-convulsant
    • Anti-haemoconcentration.
These are must here as a part of crisis management until the appropriate treatment for the condition, i.e., prompt delivery of the patient can be arranged. The purpose of instantly bringing down the BP here are:
  • To prevent cerebral haemorrhage
  • To prevent abruption of placenta
  • 6To prevent eclamptic fit
  • To cover the stress of labour if she is in labour
  • To cover the stress of general anaesthesia—if it is required. (Safe maturity of foetus is also a concern here but a secondary one).
Choice of Anti-hypertensive Drugs
  • Cut-off level of BP for starting the drug—105 diastolic
  • Must be ‘rapidly acting’ (within 5–10 minutes)
  • Choice of drug:
    • First-line drugs
      • Nifedipine
      • Labetalol
      • Hydralazine
    • Second-line drugs: Indicated only the first-line drugs fail.
      • Nitroglycerine
      • Sodium nitroprusside
  • Continuous lumbar epidural analgesia helps to control BP and is indicated for patients in labour and for those whose labour is being induced.
  • Depin (Zydus); Nifedipine (AHPL)
  • Availability: 5 mg and 10 mg capsules
  • Dose: 5–10–20 mg orally (not sublingually—risk of precipitous fall of BP) depending on the level of BP. Dose has to be titrated by BP response. The aim is to bring down the diastolic BP to between 90 and 100 mmHg but no lower because that would reduce placental perfusion and cause foetal distress (abnormal CTG). It has been found that Nifedipine gives comparable result as hydralazine.
  • Mechanism of action: Calcium channel blocker.
(This is preferred because of its less side effects, Williams Obstetrics, 2018)
  • Normadate (GSK) 50 mg and 100 mg tablet
  • Labebet (Sun) (20 mg/4 mL and 100 mg/20 mL injection
  • Dose: 20 mg slow IV bolus—wait for 10 minutes, if no response give 40 mg slow bolus—wait for 10 minutes—give 80 mg slow IV—if no response, may give up to total 220 mg per episode of treatment (NHBP, 2000; Williams Obstetrics, 2010). If still uncontrolled—80 mg every 10 minutes. If still uncontrolled, start Hydralazine (Williams Obstetrics, 2018). The target diastolic BP is 90–100 mm. Tablets are for chronic use (see topic 1.4 “Anti-hypertensives for Essential Hypertension During Pregnancy” later).
  • Mechanism of action: It is an alpha-1 and non-selective beta blocker.
7Caution: Not to be given to patients with asthma and heart failure.
Note: Intravenous preparation which is necessary for such hyper- tensive crisis is not easily available in India.
  • Dosage and administration:
    • Slow IV—5 mg diluted in 10 mL of normal saline slow IV at 15–20 minutes interval until diastolic BP comes down to between 90 and 100 mmHg (Williams Obstetrics, 2010) maximum cumulative dose is 30 mg per treatment cycle.
    • IV infusion: It must be diluted only in normal saline or Ringer lactate solution. In 500 mL bottle—50 mg of the drug is to be added. Initially the rate of infusion should be 150–250 μg/minute (i.e. 30–50 drops/min). The maintenance dose is 50–150 μg/minute (10–30 drops/min).
    • Oral (Hydralaze, Dahlia): This is meant for less urgent cases. Tablet of 25 mg may be given twice daily and if necessary may be increased to 50 mg BD (British National Formulary, 2012).
  • Monitoring: Besides other things close monitoring of pulse is a must because this drug can cause troublesome tachycardia. It should not be given to patients who already has tachycardia.
  • Mechanism of action: It causes direct relaxation of arteriolar muscle.
  • Onset of action: Very fast—0.5–5 minutes
  • Dose: 5 μg/minute IV.
Sodium Nitroprusside
Dose: 0.25–5 μg/kg/minute IV
For such intractable cases needing second-line anti-hypertensive a physician or an intensivist should be around.
This is to be started.
This has been discussed separately in details in the next topic 1.3 “Drugs to be used for Controlling Eclamptic Fit”.
Blood volume expansion therapy: Since haemoconcentration is a part of pathology of pre-eclampsia-eclampsia syndrome, this approach is logical.
However, trails of this approach using both crystalloids and colloids have shown that the grave complication of pulmonary oedema takes place quite quickly in these cases on fluid overloading. So, the recommendation is, fluid should be infused 8in moderation only (see ‘Dose’) unless there is some exceptional fluid loss, e.g., by vomiting, etc., Ringer lactate solution in the fluid of choice (Williams Obstetrics, 2018).
Ringer Lactate: This is the fluid to be chosen.
Dose: 60–120 mL/hour at 15–30 drops/minutes. A total of 1,500–3,000 mL can be given 24 hours.
Note: Plasma volume expanders are ‘contraindicated’ in eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia.
Plasma Exchange
This is under trial for persistent severe hypertension, fits hemolysis elevated liver-enzymes, low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome, etc., post-delivery (Williams Obstetrics, 2018).
Magnesium sulphate, Phenytoin
  • Availability: As 50% solution—each (2 mL) ampoules contains 1.0 g (Vulcan Lab)
    Easy calculation—1 ampoules = 1 g
    So, for 4 g dose—use 4 ampoules, for 5 g dose—use 5 ampoules
  • Dose: The dose detailed here is that for eclampsia, i.e., for a patient who actually had a fit or many fits and also that for cases of severe pre-eclampsia (diastolic BP 110 or more plus proteinuria, etc. For details, see the topic 1.2 “Drugs to be Used for Treatment of Pre-eclampsia”).
  • Mode of action:
    • Reduces motor end-plate sensitivity to acetylcholine and thereby reduces neuromuscular irritability
    • Blocks neuronal calcium influx
    • Induces cerebral vasodilatation
    • Dilates uterine artery
    • Increases production of endothelial prostacyclin and inhibits platelet activation
    • No neonatal depression
    (Note: It is not a hypotensive drug)
  • Protocols: Two protocols
    1. Intramuscular protocol
    2. Intravenous protocol
Eclampsia Drug Tray
This must be ready in each labour room in which the following should be:
  • 9Magnesium sulphate (50% solution)—2 mL ampoule—16 numbers
  • Distilled water (10 mL vial)—3 numbers
  • 20 mL syringe—4 numbers
  • Long IM needle—4 numbers for deep IM injection (normal needle comes with the syringe)
  • Lignocaine injection (2%)—one vial
  • Tourniquet—one
  • Spirit swab for cleaning the injection site—4 numbers
  • Calcium gluconate (10%)—one ampoule of 10 mL = 1 g
Intramuscular Protocol
This regime is preferred by many for safety specially in domiciliary practice, in primary health centers (PHCs) and small hospitals because of their fear of administering the drug IV and also sometimes because patient's veins are difficult to get (generalized oedema). For this route 50% solution is ideal (not 25%) because volume to be injected will be less.
Instant Dose
Instant dose are in two parts: (1) intravenous and (2) intramuscular.
Intravenous Part
Even for IM protocol the initial dose has to be given in IV shot as follows in order to stop the fit and near fit instantly:
  • Take 4 ampoules of Magnesium sulphate = 4 g of the medicine. The volume of the medicine will be (2 mL × 4) 8 mL. This is to be drawn in a 20 mL syringe. Then distilled water is to be drawn into the syringe (12 mL) to make the total volume of 20 mL. This is then is to be given IV slowly over 5 minutes at the rate of roughly 1 g/minute.
Intramuscular Part
Two lots of 5 g of 50% solution, i.e., 5 ampoules or (2 mL × 5) 10 mL of medicine is to be made ready in two 20 mL syringes. These are then to be injected deep IM into two buttocks with the help of a (ideally) 3 inches or 7 cm long 20-gauge needle in two separate shots of 10 mL each, i.e., since this injection is very painful one may add 1 mL of 1% Lignocaine to each injection dose.
Subsequent dose: 5 g of 50% solution (5 ampoules = 2 mL × 5 = 10 mL) to be given deep IM as usual in alternate buttocks every 4 hours guided by recurrence of fit and monitoring report. If fit recurs and it is not yet 4 hours after the last injection, another shot of magnesium sulphate 2 g have to be given IV right then.
Intravenous Protocol
Instant Dose
About 4 g (4 ampoules = 2 mL × 4 amp) or 8 mL of 50% solution to be drawn in a 20 mL syringe and diluted by drawing 12 mL of 10distilled water (as described above under IV part of IM protocol) is to be injected slowly IV over 5 minutes at the rate of 1 g/min. If convulsion persists even after this instant dose-another 2 g (2 ampoules = 4 mL) diluted with 6 mL of distilled water is to be given IV slowly as above.
Subsequent Dose
1–2 g hourly, diluted as above, depending on (a) the findings of the monitoring parameters as given below and (b) recurrence of fit. Alternatively, for subsequent IV dose 25 g of the drug may be added in a drip bottle (500 mL of 5% dextrose or normal saline) and using a micro or paediatric drip set or syringe pump—the drip rate is to be titrated as desired. In this mixture each 20 mL will contain 1 g of the medicine—so it has to be given very very slowly.
Criteria for Monitoring Magnesium Sulphate Toxicity
Clinical Criteria
These three criteria must be checked hourly and recorded.
  1. Respiratory rate: Must be more than 12/minute
  2. Patellar reflex: Must be present and must be of normal intensity. But hyper-reflexia is not an indication to increase the dose
  3. Urinary output: This must be more than 25 mL/hour. Since Magnesium sulphate is excreted solely through kidneys any oliguria would mean its accumulation.
Biochemical Criteria
  • Magnesium level: It should be done every 2 hours and its level be kept between 4 and 7 mEq/L. However, this test is not a must. Strict clinical monitoring has been found to be good enough.
  • Plasma creatinine: This should be done in all cases every 3–4 hourly and whenever it is 1.3 mg/dL or higher—the maintenance dose of Magnesium sulphate should be halved.
Duration of Magnesium Sulphate Therapy
It should be continued up to 24 hours after delivery.
Anti-dote to Magnesium Sulphate
Calcium gluconate 1 g (10 mL of 10% solution) is to be given IV over 2–3 minutes. This injection must be ready at bedside.
Efficacy of Magnesium Sulphate Therapy
According to the current reports, of the three alternatives namely Magnesium sulphate, Diazepam and Phenytoin, Magnesium sulphate would appear to give the best fit control and overall maternal and foetal results (Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
11Supplement to Magnesium Sulphate Therapy
In the rare event of fits not getting controlled by Magnesium sulphate—Sodium Amobarbital 100–250 mg may be given IV very slowly. Alternatively, Thiopental may be given (Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
Place of Diuretics in the Treatment of Eclampsia
Diuretics have no role in the routine treatment of eclampsia specially because not only it does not help, but also it actually aggravates the haemoconcentration which is a significant part of the pathology of the disease. The only indication of its use is for treatment of ‘acute pulmonary oedema’ which sometimes occurs as a life-threatening complication of eclampsia. The diuretic of choice here is furosemide injection given IV.
Lasix, 10 mg/mL (Aventis). It comes in 2 mL ampoule and 15 mL vial.
Dose: 100–250 mg to be given IV depending upon the state of the patient and her lungs.
Dose may have to be repeated.
Status Eclampticus
  • Patient having convulsion almost continuously.
  • It is a life-threatening condition.
  • Anaesthetist to be summoned urgently.
  • Options:
    • Thiopentone sodium: 0.5 g dissolved in 20 mL of 5% dextrose is to be given IV very slowly. If this fails:
      • General anaesthesia with intubation and artificial ventilation and muscle relaxant is to be resorted to.
These patients almost invariably need termination of pregnancy and one should proceed for caesarean section when anaesthetist permit.
Half Dose Magnesium Sulphate
This is used in poor resource distant rural situation in lean patients. There is no randomised controlled trial (RCT) on this method.
Anti-hypertensive Treatment
These patients along with anti-convulsive therapy also need management of her hypertension. This has been given in topic 1.2 “Drugs to be Used for Treatment of Pre-eclampsia”.
12Arranging Delivery of the Foetus
This is the ultimate treatment. It will not only dependent on obstetrics factors like maturity, dilatation of os, presentation, state of foetal heart rate (FHR) but also duration since last fit and number of fits. In any case, as a general rule, not more than 6 hours should be allowed.
Labetalol, Methyldopa
Scope of Anti-hypertensive
Blood pressure (BP) of 160 + systolic and 90 + diastolic (Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
Development of superimposed pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) which can occur in 4–40% cases. Occurrence of this can be predicted by uterine artery Doppler velocimetry at 16–20 weeks by increased impedance.
Aim of Therapy
To bring down and maintain the diastolic between 90 and 100 mmHg.
Choice of drug: Two choices
  1. First-line drug—Labetalol
  2. Second-line drug—Methyldopa
Sembrina (Sanofi); Alphadopa (Merind) 250 mg tablet.
Dose: 250 mg BD, TD or QDS up to maximum 2 g daily titrated by BP.
Safety: Safe throughout the gestation. If a non-pregnant hypertensive woman is planning to conceive—she may be changed to Methyldopa beforehand.
Mechanism of action: Acts centrally and decreases the central nervous system (CNS) sympathetic outflow.
Caution: Avoid giving to depressives and postpartum, may cause depression.
Recently, this has been acknowledged as first-line therapy by Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) 13and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG).
Normadate (GSK) 50, 100 mg tablet; Labebet (Sun) 100 mg tablet.
Dose: 50–100 mg BD or TD to be titrated according to BP.
Mechanism of action: It is both alpha and beta blocker.
Contraindication: Asthma
  • Angiotensins-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
  • Oligohydramnios, poor foetal renal function and malformation
  • Guanethidine
  • Minoxidil
  • Sodium nitroprusside
  • Diltiazem
  • Atenolol—may cause intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) if given in first and second trimester.
Overall Results of Anti-hypertensive Therapy
It may cause IUGR but it is controversial. According to literature overall adverse outcome is not altered by the therapy. However, 11% of those not treated from early in pregnancy have been reported to develop severe hypertension in later pregnancy with all its complications. Those with end-organ disease must be treated right from the beginning (Williams Obstetrics, 2010).
Beta blocker (Atenolol), Digoxin, Adenosine, Verapamil, Diuretic, Antibiotic, Anticoagulant.
The patient should be under care of Cardiologist.
Aten (Zydus); Betacard (Torrent) 25, 50 mg and 100 mg tablet.
Mechanism of action: It is a beta blocker
Dose: To be individualised.
Note: Its regular use is contraindicated in pregnancy because it can cause intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).
Indication: Mitral stenosis, mitral valve prolapse, etc.
Tablet: Digox (Cadila); Lanoxin (GSK) 0.25 mg
Injection: Digoxin (GSK); Celoxin (Celon) 0.05 mg/2 mL
Indication: Congestive cardiac failure, arrhythmia, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and flutter, etc.
Dose: It has to be individualised depending on the gravity of indication and higher doses must be given in divided schedule.
  • Rapid digitalisation by mouth—0.5–1.0 mg stat followed by 0.25 mg 6 hourly
  • Slow digitalisation by mouth—for less urgent cases. 0.25 mg once or twice daily.
Safety: Digoxin is the drug of choice in pregnancy. No teratogenicity has been reported with this drug.
Caution: Pulse chart, intake-output chart and blood urea must be watched.
Note: Digoxin has been successfully used to control supraventricular tachycardia in the foetus.
Adenoz (Celon); Adenoject (Sun) 3 mg/mL
Dose: 6–12 mg rapid IV under cardiac monitoring.
Indication: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, cardioversion
Mode of action: Acts rapidly and specifically on AV nodal conduction on A1 and A2 Adenosine receptors.
Calaptin (AHPL); Celovera (Celon): Tablet—40 mg and 80 mg
Injection: 5 mg/2 mL injection
Dose: Oral 40–80 mg TDS
Intravenous: 5–10 mg over 2–3 minutes under electrocardiography (ECG) control
Indication: Fibrillation, arrhythmias
Note: Risk of potential foetal bradycardia.
See topic 18.6 “Diuretics Therapy in Obstetrics”.
  • Rheumatic heart prophylaxis—for this ‘long-term’ Penicillin is given. Benzathine Penicillin 1.2 million unit (PENIDURE LA-12, Wyeth) every 2 weeks throughout pregnancy and puerperium.
  • 15Bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis—this involves giving a ‘short course’ of antibiotic after delivery specially after operative delivery, manual removal, history of ruptured membranes, suspicion of bacteraemia, etc. Given below is the current recommendation for the purpose (Williams Obstetrics, 2010):
    • IV regime: Ampicillin 2 g or Cefazolin 1 g or Ceftriaxone 1 g Clindamycin 600 mg IV for those allergic to Penicillin.
    • Oral regime: Amoxicillin 2 g or Vancomycin 0.5–2 g daily in 3–4 divided doses for 7–10 days (Vancomycin) if allergic to Penicillin.
    Note: Blood culture aerobic and anaerobic should be done intermittently.
Mandatory anticoagulant therapy for certain thrombogenic heart diseases. Example:
  • Pregnancy in women with artificial heart valve
  • Mitral stenosis with atrial fibrillation
Anticoagulant of Choice
Paradoxically the drug of choice here is Warfarin though it is ‘contraindicated’ in pregnancy. This is because, it causes congenital malformation and foetal and retroplacental bleeding. However, this risky drug has to be chosen for the cases mentioned above because subcutaneous heparin does not give adequate anticoagulant protection here exposing the patient to the great risk of cerebral embolism. Patient and husband must be thoroughly counseled about both the aspects of the therapy and this communication is to be documented. The risk is greatest during first 3 months and last 3 weeks of pregnancy.
Dose and Plan
Dose of Warfarin and its monitoring has been described in detail in the topic 7.2 “Regime of Anti-coagulation for Postnatal Deep Venous Thrombosis”. However, Warfarin must be stopped at the end of 36 weeks when the patient must be admitted to hospital and switched over to subcutaneous heparin 10,000 units twice daily in the way as described in topic 7.1 “Regime of Anti-coagulation for Antenatal Deep Venous Thrombosis”.
This is being presented since this is the most common cardiac condition during pregnancy.
  1. Asymptomatic and uncomplicated
  • No medication.
    General measures—rest, iron, avoidance of respiratory infection, etc.16
  1. Evidence of pulmonary volume load
  • Diuretic to reduce the congestion
  • Beta blocker to give rest to the heart
  1. Acute onset of atrial
    IV fibrillation
  • Verapamil
  1. Chronic atrial fibrillation
  • Digoxin, beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, heparin for anti-coagulation as there is real risk of cerebral embolism
  1. Postpartum short course antibiotic for bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis (see above).