Yearbook of Anesthesiology-10 Raminder Sehgal, Anjan Trikha
Page numbers followed by b refer to box, f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Abciximab 91
Accidental dural puncture, risk of 218
Acetaminophen 171, 173, 175
Acidosis 209
Activated partial thromboplastin time 89, 107, 108
Activated protein C 70
Acute compartment syndrome 77, 78t
Acute coronary syndrome 300, 302
Acute lung injury, transfusion-related 98
Acute physiology score 316
Acute respiratory
distress syndrome 11, 20, 273, 282
infection, severe 344
Acute traumatic coagulopathy 18
Adaptive support ventilation 275, 276, 284, 285
Adenoid hypertrophy 134
Adenosine 122
augments 297
diphosphate 122, 302
triphosphate 94, 122, 302
Adjustable pressure limiting valve 46, 47f, 50f, 51, 51f, 57,5858b
analgesics 324
use of 80t
Adrenaline 208
Adrenomedullin 122
Adsorptive transcytosis 122
Advanced adult cardiac life support 7
Aeromedical transport 16
Aerosol-generating procedures 345, 349t
Airborne precautions 345
circuit 2f
edema 155
management of 35
prevention of 32
fire 32
surgery 41
management 352
preoperative assessment of 134
pressure release ventilation 21, 275, 276, 281, 281f, 282, 283, 292
resistance of 279
stenosis, severe 354
trauma 133
Albumin 265
Aldosterone-stimulating effect 226
Aliskiren 303
Alkalosis 209
All India Difficult Airway Association 141, 156
Allogenic blood transfusion 98, 99
perioperative 98
Alpha agonist 209
Alpha antagonist 209
Alpha-adrenergic agents 212
Alveolar concentration, minimum 195
Ambulatory surgery 245
American College of Chest Physicians 109
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 156
American Heart Association 7, 13
American National Standards Institute 28
American Society of Anesthesiologists 28, 95, 133, 155, 158, 187, 189, 201, 204, 218, 263
American Society of Hematology Guidelines for Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism 246
American Society of Regional Anesthesia 74, 80f, 113, 158
Aminophylline 229
Amiodarone 107, 296, 300
Amniotic fluid embolism 161
Analgesia 169
mechanism of 146
multimodal 180, 212
nociception index 177
Analgesic 324
ladder, three-step 324
Anaphylactic reaction 98, 266
risk of 271
Anastrozole 318
Andexanet 300
Anemia 88, 161
diagnosis of 88
severe 161
therapeutic interventions for 89
treatment of 88
Anesthesia 37, 195, 354
cardiovascular 295
circuits 7, 45
constant depth of 355
equipment, protection of 346
general 37, 38, 75, 153, 154, 169, 177, 239, 351
induction of 209
infection control for 345
light plane of 209
local 37, 40, 77
low-flow 63
machines 190
maintenance of 210
management of 348
regional 74, 77, 80t, 8183, 93, 210, 350
related complications 153, 154
techniques 37
Anesthetic agents, choice of 209
Anesthetic considerations 35, 212
Anesthetic gases 258
Anesthetic implications 308
Anesthetic management 136, 203
general principles of 208
Anesthetic technique, choice of 350
Angiography 20, 193
Angiotensin 68
converting enzyme 68, 205
Antacids 107
Antiarrhythmic drugs 208, 295
Anticipated difficult airway 136
Anticoagulant 297
drugs 91
classification of 298fc
interruption, preoperative 109
therapy, long-term 104
Anticoagulation, perioperative management of 106
Antidote, administration of 111
Antiepileptics 336
Antifibrinolytics 94
Antiheart failure drugs 304
Antihypertensives 303
Anti-inflammatory drugs 320
agents 300, 301t
drugs 91, 246
classification of 301fc
therapy 308
Antithrombin 103
Antithrombotic prophylaxis 247
Anxiety 331
Aorta 19
coarctation of 202
compression of 209
Aortic stenosis 202
Apert syndrome 134
Apixaban 91, 105, 107, 108, 110, 299
Appropriate fluid management 160
Arachidonic acid 122
Argatroban 91, 298
Argon 26
Aripazine 300
Aromatase inhibitors 318
Arterial blood gas 97, 207
Arteriovenous malformations 193, 196
endovascular treatment of 196
Arthralgia 318
Arthropathy, inflammatory 148
Aspiration, airway-risk of 194
Aspirin 91, 243, 249
Asthma 6f
Astrocytes 120
Atelectasis 209
Atmospheric contamination 28
Atonic bleeding 161
Atrial pressure 69
Atrial septal defect 197, 201, 202
Autologous blood donation 90
preoperative 90
Automatic resistance compensation 285
Automatic tube compensation 285, 286
Azilsartan medoxomil 303
Azimilide 297
Azithromycin 350
Bacterial infection 98
Bain circuit 46, 64
advantages of 50
components of 47f
disadvantages of 50
flow mechanics of 48f, 49f
machine end of 50f
Balloon dilation 192
Bariatric surgery 173, 178
Basic fibroblastic growth factor 122
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome 134
Beer-Lambert law 1
Beta agonists 209
Beta-blocker 209, 213
Bilevel positive airway pressure 280, 281, 281f
Bilevel ventilator modes 281t
Biopsy, endobronchial 192
Biphasic intermittent positive airway pressure 292
Bivalirudin 298
Blalock-Taussig shunt 213
risk 109
severe perioperative 246
components, transfusion of 96
conservation strategies 88, 99
cross-matching 266
management 88
purification devices 314
storage of 98
transfusion, adverse effects of 98t
Blood brain barrier 118, 123f, 124, 124t, 127
development of 121
disruption of 124
hyperosmotic 124
dysfunction, consequences of 125f
modulation of 122t
peripheral marker of 128
structure of 119
Blood loss 97
intraoperative 89
Blood pressure 207
diastolic 160
noninvasive 206, 207
systolic 18, 160
Body mass index 242
Bone pain 325
Bradykinin 122
capillaries 121
endothelial cells 119
trauma foundation 22
tumor 126
tube 2f
work of 284, 285
Bridging therapy 106
role of 106
Bronchoscopy 354
Bronchospasm, treatment of 9
Buprenorphine 148, 323
Burns 134, 173
Caffeine 229, 230
Calcium channel blockers 209
Calorimetric capnometer 4f
Cancer pain 318, 320, 326
management of 318
Cancer recurrence 170
Cancer therapy 324
Cangrelor 302
Capnograms, several abnormal 6f
Capnography 1, 8, 8f, 9, 13
devices, types of 1
types of 3t
Capnometer 59
Capsaicin 336, 337
Carbamazepine 107, 331, 332
Carbon dioxide 1, 26, 45, 255
absorber 51
equivalents 255
measurement of 3f
Carbon footprint 255, 256, 262
adverse effects of 259, 259b
analysis 255, 256
causes of 257b
perioperative 259, 262
technique of estimation of 255
Cardiac catheterization 206
Cardiac diseases 161
Cardiac drugs anesthesia implications 295
Cardiac function, restricted 266
Cardiac output
estimation of 9
noninvasive estimation of 12
Cardiac surgery 173, 245
Cardioangiography 206
Cardiopulmonary bypass 266, 267
Cardiopulmonary collapse 161
Cardiovascular system 194
Catecholamines 67
Celecoxib 173
Cell salvage 93
Cement leakage 326
Central nervous system 118, 124, 128, 145, 194, 229
Central venous
cannula 95
pressure 207
Cephalgia 338
Cerebellopontine angle 331
Cerebral aneurysms, endovascular treatment of 196
Cerebral ischemia 125
Cerebral veins 220
Cerebrospinal fluid 220, 221, 229
injection 118
loss of 219
Channel-mediated transport 123
disruption 124
reaction 53f
Chemotherapy 318
trauma 21
X-ray 204, 239
Chlorhexidine 158
Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde 191
Cholecystectomy, laparoscopic 247
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 7, 279
Chronic postsurgical pain, prevention of development 171
Cilostazol 91
Circle system 51
advantages of 64
disadvantages of 64
flow mechanics of 60f, 61f
Circuit, pressure sensor for 59
Circumventricular organs 120
Citrate toxicity 98
Clarithromycin 107
Classic circle system 51f
essential components of 51
Claustrophobia 195
Clevidipine 303
Clonidine 79, 80
Clopidogrel 91
Closed-loop systems 283
Clostridium perfringens 127
Coagulation disorder, pre-existing 246
Coagulation monitoring 107
Coagulation pathway 102
Coagulation tests 107, 111
Coagulopathy 98
prevention of 88
Coaxial corrugated tubing 55f
Codeine 321
Colloids 265, 270, 271
infusion of 270
natural 271
Colonoscopy 191
Colorimetric device 3
Combined frequency jet ventilation 39
Combined spinal-epidural anesthesia 225
Complement-derived polypeptide 122
Complex circle system 59
Complex regional pain syndrome 171
Computed tomography 206
guided interventions 193
pulmonary angiography 240
scanners 192
Congenital heart disease 201, 204t, 205, 207, 214
classification of 201
management of 207
types of 202, 202t
Constipation 336
Continuous positive airway pressure 141
Controlled hypotensive techniques 95
Convalescent plasma 350
Conventional jet ventilation 37
Corbey classification 222t
Coronary care unit 214
Coronavirus 348t
disease pandemic 17
Corticosteroids 70
Corticotrophin releasing factor 147, 147f
Cosyntropin 229
COVID-19 17, 191, 349, 349t
potential treatment of 350t
transmission of 191
Cranial nerve 220, 330
Craniotomy 244
C-reactive protein 204
Cricothyroid membrane 140, 142f
Crouzon's syndrome 134
Cryotherapy 192
Crystalloids 270, 271
infusion of 270
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 146, 305
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate 305
Cyclo-oxygenase 173
enzyme 211
Cytochrome P enzyme 302
Cytokine removal strategies 71
Dabigatran 91, 105, 107, 108, 110
Dalteparin 249
D-dimer test 238
Dead space
estimation of 12
ventilation 5f
microvascular 332
surgical 332
Decubitus ulcer 319
Deep brain stimulation 333
Deep sedation 75
Deep vein thrombosis 22, 237, 238t, 239
Deoxyribonucleic acid 28
Depression 331
Desirudin 298
Desmopressin 112, 230
Dexamethasone 80, 230, 350
Dexmedetomidine 80, 172, 173
Dextrans 265, 266
Diaphragm signal, electrical activity of 290f
Difficult airway
algorithms 141
cart 136, 136t
causes of 134t
Difficult intubation 132, 155
Difficult intubation mandibular hypoplasia 134
Digoxin 107
Diltiazem 107
Diplopia 221
Direct acting oral anticoagulants 104
Direct aortic compression 213
Direct oral anticoagulants 241, 249
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy 161
Distributive shock 67
mechanical circulatory support for 71
Dizziness 336
Dopamine 208
Dorsal root ganglion, cell bodies of 146
Down's syndrome 134
Dronedarone 296
Drug across blood-brain barrier, transportation of 121, 123
Drug administration 305
Drug delivery 124t
strategies 124
Drug interactions 106, 309
Drug manipulation 124
Dual antiplatelet therapy 308
Duloxetine 324
Echocardiography 240
Edoxaban 105, 107, 108, 110, 299
Elective surgery 109
Electrocardiogram 77, 175, 204, 205, 207, 214
Electronic medical records 17
Emergency medical services 16
Endobronchial intubation 6f
Endobronchial stenting 192
Endocrine system 194
Endothelial cells 118
activated 237
Endothelial tight junctions, opening of 124
Endothelin 122, 305, 306
receptor A 306
Endotracheal intubation 37, 38
Endotracheal tube 1, 2f, 136, 352
complete obstruction 7
size of 139t
Endoxaban 91
End-tidal carbon dioxide 10f
Enoxaparin 245, 248
Epidural analgesia 351
Epidural blood patch 76, 219, 231, 231t, 232, 233
Epidural catheter placement 222
Epidural morphine 230
Epidural saline 227, 230
Epidural test dose 76
Epidural therapies 230
Epilepsy 126
Eptifibatide 91
Erythematous maculopapular rash 335
Erythromycin 107
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy 190
European Guidelines for Perioperative Venous Thrombosis Prophylaxis 243
European Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain
medicine 74
therapy 80t
Extracellular matrix 120
Extracorporeal cytokine removal strategies 67
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 21, 71
Extracorporeal therapy in sepsis, role of 314
Extubation 141
damage 31
protection 31t
Face mask 132
Facial pains 339
Facial paralysis 338
Failure to thrive 203
Favipiravir 350
Fentanyl 80, 148, 209, 211
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy 138, 139t
Fibrin sealant patch 232
Fire triad 33f
Flexible laryngeal mask airway 37
Fluconazole 107
Fludrocortisone 70
administration 69, 213
balance 194
responsiveness 11
Fondaparinux 91, 241, 249
simplified heparin therapy 103
Food and Drug Administration 33, 79, 106, 296
Fractures 319
Free radicals 122
Fresh frozen plasma 18, 96, 265
Fresh gas
flow 45, 46
inlet 47f, 51, 57
Frontal nerve 338
Functional residual capacity 137
Gabapentin 173, 175, 229, 230, 332, 336
Gabapentinoids 171, 173, 175
Gamma knife
surgery 333
thalamotomy 338
Gamma-aminobutyric acid 175, 229
Gas embolism 28
Gastric contents, aspiration of 156
Gastroesophageal reflux disease 191
Gastrointestinal bleeding 150
Gastrointestinal interventions 193
Gastroretentive gabapentin 336
Gelatins 265, 267
administration, indications of 267
types of 267
General anesthesia 37, 38, 75, 153, 154, 169, 177, 239, 351
Genital tract 162
Genitourinary interventions 193
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor 122
Glossopharyngeal root 335
Glottic web 134
Glucocorticoids 297
Glucose-transporter 1 123
Glutamate 122
Glycerol rhizolysis 333
Goldenhar syndrome 134
Graft versus host disease 98
bacilli 316
sepsis and kidney disease 71
Greater occipital nerve block 230
Greenhouse gas 255, 262
selection of 256
Guanosine triphosphate 305
Gynecological surgery, major 248
Hampton's hump 239
Hand hygiene 345
strict 345
Head and neck neuralgia 330
management of 330
Head trauma 22
Headache, history of 223
Healthcare 152
perioperative 262
workers 344
Heart disease
acyanotic congenital 202
congenital 201, 204t, 205, 207, 214
cyanotic congenital 202
rheumatic 161
Heart failure 163
congestive 266, 295
Heating 257
Hemangioma 134
Hematologic system 194
Hematoma 338
epidural 158
Hemodilution, acute normovolemic 95, 99
Hemoglobin concentration 88
Hemolytic reaction
acute 98
delayed 98
Hemoptysis, massive 354
Hemorrhage 18, 159, 163
intracranial 156
Hemostasis 102
Hemostatic dressings 17
Heparin 91
Hepatitis 98
B 98
Herpes virus 127
Herpes zoster 335
High airway pressures 209
High frequency jet ventilation 37
High-efficiency particulate air 346
High-flow nasal
cannula 344
oxygen 352
High-volume fluid resuscitation 18
Hirudins 91
Histamine 122
Hormone, adrenocorticotropic 230
Human donor milk 353
Human immunodeficiency virus 98, 122
Humidification devices and filters 60
Hydrocortisone 229, 230
Hydroxychloroquine 350
Hydroxyethyl starches 268, 269
Hypercarbia 209
Hyperesthesia 335
Hyperkalemia 98
Hypertension 229
chronic thromboembolic pulmonary 306
pulmonary 203
systemic 299
treatment of 160
Hypertensive crisis 163
Hypertensive disorders 159
Hyperventilation 213
Hypocalcemia 98
Hypocarbia 209
Hypoesthesia 335
Hypoplasia, midface 134
Hypotension 161
postural 336
Hypothermia 98
Hypovolemia 267
Hypoxemia 209
Hypoxia 161, 209
Hysterectomy 257
abdominal 173
Iatrogenic addiction 170
prevention of 171
Idarucizumab 300
Idrabiotaparinux 298
Ilioinguinal block 210
Immune modulation, transfusion-related 91, 98
Inadvertently placed nasogastric tube, detection of 10
Induction 36
technique of 138
Infection 134
control, goals of 345
Inferior vena cava 243
Inflammation 134, 146, 147f
Influenza 344
Infraglottic jet ventilation 39
Infraorbital nerve 338
Infrequently respiratory depression 323
Inhalational induction 210
Injury 22
Inspiratory positive airway pressure 275
Integrated pulmonary index 13
Intensive care unit 1, 68, 154, 171, 349
Intercellular adhesion molecule 125, 147f
Interleukins 122
Intermittent apnea technique 37, 38
Intermittent mandatory ventilation 275
Intermittent pneumatic compression 250
International Classification of Headache Disorders 221
International normalized ratio 205
International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial 196
Interventional neuroradiology acute stroke treatment 196
Interventional pulmonary procedures 192
Interventional therapy 332, 337
Intra-abdominal pressure 209
Intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate 122
Intracompartment pressure monitoring 77
Intracranial pressure 22, 188
raised 9
Intrahepatic portosystemic shunt 193
Intraoperative blood conservation strategies 88
Intraoperative care 36
Intraoperative monitoring 97, 206
modalities 207t
Intrathecal catheters 227
Intrathecal injectate 225
Intrathecal saline 227
Intravenous cannulation 137
Intravenous fluid administration 67, 69, 210
Intravenous induction 209
Intubation technique 138
Invasive blood pressure monitoring 207
Iron overload 98
Irreversible antiplatelet drug 90
Isoprenaline 208
Ivabradine 297, 304
Jannetta technique 335
Jet ventilation 38
superimposed high frequency 37, 40f
Joints 146
pain 318
Kappa opioid receptor agonist 148
Karnofsky performance score 326
Ketamine 80, 171, 172, 178
induction 213
Ketorolac 173
Kidney 21
injury, acute 350
Kyphoplasty 326
Laparoscopy 178
Laparotomy, emergency 214
Laryngeal mask airway 37, 139
Laser 31
airway surgery, anesthetic considerations for 35
classification 28
clinical effects of 28
components of 26, 27f
effectiveness 27
energy 28
eye protection for 31t
hazards 28
physics 26
protocol 32
safe tubes, characteristics of 34
safety checklist 37b
surgery, anesthesia for 26
treatment 192
types of 29
Lepirudin 298
Letrozole 318
Leukocyte depletion filters 93
Leukotrienes 122
Lidocaine 171, 173, 174
Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 26
Lignocaine 174
Lipophilic conjugation 124
Liver 21
Lobectomy, prefrontal 338
Local anesthesia 37, 40, 77
Local anesthetic
eutectic mixture of 137
infiltration 212
systemic toxicity 75, 157, 173, 174
Lopinavir 350
Low dose unfractionated heparin 250
Low inflection point 283f
Low-molecular-weight heparin 90, 91, 103, 158, 240, 248, 353
Ludwig's angina 133
characteristics 275, 284t
transfusion-associated 98
ventilator induced 273
Lybecker classification, modified 222t
Macroglossia 134
Macrophage inhibitory proteins 122
Magnesium 171, 173, 174
sulfate 174
Magnetic resonance
angiography 331
imaging 46, 192, 194, 206
guided interventions 195
Mainstream capnography 2f, 3
Mallampati grading, modified 134
Mandatory minute volume 282
Mandibular nerve 338
Mapleson D circuit 46f
Mask ventilation, difficult 134
Maternal morbidity 152
causes of 153
perioperative 164
severe 152
Maternal mortality 152
causes of 153
risk factors for 154t
Matrix metalloproteinases 125
Maxillary nerve 338
Maximum allowable blood loss 95
Mean arterial pressure 95
Mechanical ventilation 138, 273, 289fc
system, physiological closed-loop control for 291f
Medical lasers, characteristics of 29t
Medical waste 258
Medications, preoperative 350t
Medroxyprogesterone 318
Megestrol 318
Metabolic acidosis, treatment of 213
Metabolic derangements 98
Metabolic modulators 302
Methadone 323
Methane 255
Methylprednisolone 230, 350
Micrognathia 134
Midazolam 211
Middle east respiratory syndrome 344
Milrinone 208
Monocytes 237
Monro-Kellie hypothesis 220
Morphine 213, 322
Mucopolysaccharidosis 134
Multiparameter monitor 177
Multiple dural punctures 224
Muscles 146
Myocardial depression, mild 213
Myoclonic jerks 323
Narcotic drugs 323
Nasal cannula 346
National Health Service 255
National Partnership on Maternal Safety 159
Natural killer cell 170, 320
Nausea, postoperative 171
Nebivolol 303
Neisseria meningitidis 127
Neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet 31
Neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser 27
Neoganesh-smartcare 291
Nerve blocks 78
Neuralgia 339
glossopharyngeal 330, 333
Neurally adjusted ventilator 289
assist 275, 276, 284, 288, 289
Neuraxial anesthesia 75
complications 156
Neuraxial block 113
Neuraxial procedures 158
Neuraxial technique, precautions during 226
Neurologic injuries 18
Neuromodulation 338
types of 333
Neurons 119
Neuropathic pain 149
syndromes 340
Neuropathy, diabetic 83b, 318
Neurosurgery 244, 247
New oral anticoagulants, reversal agents against 300
New York Heart Association 296
Newer oral anticoagulant 102, 105110, 113, 114
perioperative management of 108
pharmacokinetics of 104
plasma levels 111, 112
restart of 113
Nitric oxide 122
Nitroglycerin 208
Nitrous oxide 2
N-methyl D-aspartate 173
Nociception level index 177
Nonaerosol-generating procedures 345
Noncardiac surgery 201, 204t, 207, 214t
Noninvasive ventilation 275, 352
Nonoperating room anesthesia 187, 198
adjuvants 173t
analgesics 320
Nonsmall cell lung cancer 318
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 171, 173, 211, 319, 320, 336
Nontechnical skills scale, modified 21
Noradrenaline 122, 208, 324
Nortriptyline 336
Nucleus caudalis, targeting 338
Obesity, morbid 222
Obstetric airway 155
Obstetric anesthesia 353
Obstetric hemorrhage 159
Obstruction, acute 134
Obstructive pulmonary disease, severe chronic 6f
Obstructive sleep apnea 133, 171
Occipital nerve stimulation 339
Occipital neuralgia 330, 339
symptoms of 339
Occlusion test 49
Operating room decontamination 347
Ophthalmic nerve 338
Opiates, epidural 227
Opioid 145, 169, 171, 181, 182, 211, 229, 336, 337
analgesics 229
free anesthesia 169, 177181
induced hyperalgesia 170
induced immunosuppression 170
paradox 170
peripheral administration of 145
peripheral analgesic effect of 145
related adverse effects, prevention of 171
underdosing of 324
Opioid-free anesthesia
choose effective nonopioid components of 180
ensure safety of 181
monitor efficacy of 181
time-frame of 180
Optimal positive end-expiratory pressure, estimation of 11
Oral direct thrombin inhibitors 299
Oral medication 241
Oral morphine 322
Organ failure 18
Orthopedic surgery 179, 247
Oswestry disability index 326
Otamixaban 298
Otis equation 284
Oxcarbazepine 332
reservoir 39
sensor 59
high dose 163
low dose 163
Packed red blood cells 88
transfusion of 19
Pain 209
anginal 318
incidence of 318
management 211
myofascial 318
Paracellular aqueous diffusion 122
Paracetamol 175, 320, 321
Parasites 98
Parasympathetic stimulation 124
Parturients, management of 154
Pasteurized breast milk 353
Patent ductus arteriosus 202, 212
Patent foramen ovale 197
Peak concentration hypothesis 314
Pediatric airway, difficult 132
Pediatric anesthesia 354
Pediatric corrugated tubing 55f
Pediatric difficult airway 132
Pediatric perioperative cardiac arrest 132
Pediatric population 354
Pediatric trauma 22
Penile block 210
Percutaneous balloon compression 333
Percutaneous cardiac procedures 197
Percutaneous interventions 333, 335
Percutaneous vertebroplasty 326
Pericytes 120
Perioperative venous thromboembolism 236
prophylaxis, guidelines for 241
Peripheral nerve
block 82, 212, 337, 351
injury 81
Peripheral neuromodulation 338
Peripheral opioid 150
analgesia 150
receptor 145, 146
correlation of 147f
inflammation of 147f
Persistent idiopathic facial pain 339
Personal protective equipment 17, 345, 346
Pethick test 49
Pfeiffer syndrome 134
P-glycoproteins 106
Pharmacokinetics 194
Pharmacological prophylaxis drugs 247, 248
Phenobarbital 107
Phenylephrine 208, 213
Phenytoin 107
Phosphodiesterase 305, 306
inhibitor 91
Phospholipase 122
Photophobia 221
Piboserod 297
Pierre-Robin sequence 134
Pirfenidone 297
Plasma bilirubin 270
count 158
inhibition 302
rich plasma 96, 339
Platelet-activating factor 122
Platelet-endothelial cell adhesion molecule 147f
ultrasonography 348
ultrasound 19, 141
Polygeline 267
Polymer infused chemotherapy, local delivery of 124
Polymorphonuclear granulocytes 174
Polymyxin B 314
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 122, 297
Positive end-expiratory pressure 283
Positron emission tomography 194
Postaccidental dural puncture, reduce 226
Postdural puncture headache 157, 218, 221, 222, 226, 227, 229, 232, 233, 351
differential diagnosis of 228t
panorama of 218
pathophysiology of 220fc
previous 223
Postherpetic neuralgia 318, 330, 335
Postpartum hemorrhage 159
Post-transfusion purpura 98
Potassium titanyl phosphate 39
Potts shunt 213
Prasugrel 91, 300
Pregabalin 230, 324, 332, 336
Pregnancy, hypertensive disorders of 159
Preoxygenation 137, 352
augmentation 277
control 274, 279
gauge 59
regulated volume controlled 278280
support 281
automated adjustment of 291
ventilation 275, 284, 292
Pressure-controlled ventilation 276, 281, 284
Pressure-regulated volume control 278
Pressure-volume curve 283f
Procedural sedation 8
Pro-opiomelanocortin 147
Prophylactic caffeine 226
Prophylactic epidural
blood patch 227
dextran 227
Prophylaxis 229t
Proportional assist ventilation 275, 284, 287, 288
Prostaglandins 122
Prostate, transurethral resection of 247
C pathway 103
S 103
Z-dependent protease inhibitor 103
Prothrombin complex concentrate 90
administration of 112
Prothrombin time 89, 107, 108
Proton pump inhibitor 107, 350
Pterygopalatine fossa 338
Pulmonary arterial hypertension 202, 305
therapy of 305, 307
treatment of 305fc, 306t
Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring 207
Pulmonary edema 266
management of 160
Pulmonary embolism 236, 238
exclusion of 12
prediction of 239t
treatment of 240
Pulmonary vascular resistance 202, 205, 214
Pulse oximetry 207
Pulsed radiofrequency lesioning 338
Pupillometry tests 177
Purine nucleotides 122
Q-switching 28
Quincke's needle 224
Quinidine 107
Radiofrequency ablation 333, 338
Radiotherapy 318
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome 335
Randomized controlled trial 70
Ranolazine 297, 302
Red blood cell 266
transfusion of 18
Regional anesthesia 74, 77, 80t, 8183, 93, 210, 350
safe practice of 83b
types of 80
Remdesivir 350
Renal failure, acute 266
Renal function 270
Renal impairment 269
Renal replacement therapy 71, 316
Reservoir bag 47f, 51, 57, 58f
Respiratory adverse events, differential diagnosis of 8
Respiratory alkalosis 237
Respiratory distress 161
Respiratory failure 237
Respiratory rate 284, 285
Respiratory system 162, 194
Resuscitation 20
cardiopulmonary 9, 10f
Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion 19
Resuscitative thoracotomy 19
Retropharyngeal abscess 133
Ribavirin 350
Rifampicin 107
Right bundle branch block 205
Right ventricular hypertrophy 202
Ritonavir 350
Rivaroxaban 91, 105, 107, 108, 110, 299
Ropivacaine injections 332
Routine coagulation tests 107
Sacubitril 304
Sclerosis, multiple 331
Sedation 8, 11, 37, 40, 323
Seizure prophylaxis and control 160
Semisynthetic colloids 266
Sensory terminal branch 338
Sepsis 10, 70, 162, 163, 209, 316
evokes 314
Septic encephalopathy 126
Septic shock 314, 316
recognition of 316
treatment of 314
trial 68
Serotonin 122, 324
Sexual dysfunction 336
distributive 67
hemorrhagic 18
human septic 70
septic 314, 316
vasodilatory 67, 72
Sidestream capnography 2f, 3
Sigmoidoscopy 191
Simple oral analgesics 229
Single donor platelets 96
Single parameter monitor 177
Skin 146
conductance tests 177
Sleep disturbances 331
Slower heart rate 213
Solid organ injuries 21
Soluble guanylyl cyclase 305, 306
Somnolence 323
Sphenopalatine ganglion block 230
Spinal anesthesia 225, 351
Spinal blockade, high 157
Spinal cord stimulation 339
Spinal needles, tip design of 224f
Spine surgery 173, 177, 244
Spironolactone 297
Spleen 21
Spontaneous breathing 275
technique 37, 38
Spontaneous circulation, return of 9
Spontaneous ventilation 47, 48f
Standard coagulation tests 108t
Starches 265
Steady-state index 177
Steroids 67, 70, 122
Stroke, ischemic 125
Strong opioids 322
Stylet replacement 226
Subglottic stenosis 134
Succinylated gelatins 267
Sufentanil 80, 148
Sumatriptan 229
Superficial vein thrombosis 236
Supraglottic airway device 139f, 139t
Supraglottic ventilation 37, 39
Surgery 318
abdominal 173
cardiovascular 243, 248
decompressive 331
emergency 110
laparoscopic 173, 178
major general 247
types of 204
Surgical pleth index 177
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation 276, 284
Synthetic colloids 267, 271
Systemic vascular resistance 67, 205, 209t, 214
Tachycardia, supraventricular 297
Tamoxifen 318
Tapentadol 322
Telemedicine 17
Temporomandibular joint ankylosis 133
Tetralogy of Fallot 201, 202, 213, 214
Tetrastarch 269
Theophylline 229, 230
Therapeutic anticoagulation 103
physiology of 103
Thermoregulation 92
Thiamine 70
pyrophosphate 70
Third generation hydroxyethyl starches 269
Thoracic surgery 173, 243, 244
video-assisted 21
Thoracic trauma 21
Thoracoscopic surgery, video-assisted 212
Thrombin 122
time 107, 108
Thrombocytopathy 75
Thrombocytopenia 75, 325
heparin-induced 297
Thromboelastography 18, 97
Thromboembolic and bleeding risk, estimation of 108
Thromboembolism 163
Thrombolytic therapy 241
Thrombophlebitis 98
Thromboprophylaxis 241
Thyromental joint disorders 134
Ticagrelor 91, 300
Ticlopidine 91
Tidal volume 277, 278, 285
Time capnography 4
applications of 5
segments of 6
Time controlled adaptive ventilation 275
strategy 280
Tirofiban 91
factor 237
plasminogen inhibitor 103
oxygenation 270
Tocilizumab 350
Tonsillar hypertrophy 134
Topical lignocaine 336, 337
Toremifene 318
Total hip replacement 247
Total intravenous anesthesia 354
Total knee replacement 247
Toxin therapy, targeted 124
intubation, confirmation of 7
tube 7
ultrasound image of 142f
Tracheostomy 7
Tramadol 321, 337
Tranexamic acid, use of 112
Transcellular lipophilic diffusion 122
Transcranial Doppler 19
Transdermal opioids 323
Transesophageal echocardiography 197, 206, 207
Transforming growth factor-beta 122
Transfusion, monitoring adverse effects of 97
Transfusion-associated circulatory overload 98
Transient ischemic attack 299
Transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 1 337
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt procedure, anesthetic considerations for 194t
Transnasal humidified rapid insufflation ventilator exchange 37, 137
Transtracheal jet ventilation 39
Trauma 21, 134, 173
abdominal 21
care 16
critical care 19
damage control 18
major 248
resuscitation 10, 19
training 20
Traumatic brain injury 18, 124
Treacher-Collins syndrome 134, 139
Tricyclic antidepressants 336
Trigeminal neuralgia 330
diagnosis of 331
Trigeminal nucleotomy 338
Trigeminal tractotomy 338
Trimetazidine 303
Trismus 338
Trojan horse liposome 124
Tubeless techniques 37, 38
biopsies of 195
necrosis factor-alpha 122, 314
Ulcers 150
Ultrasonography 238
Unfractionated heparin 158, 240, 248
Unintentional dural puncture 233
Upper inflection point 283f
Upper respiratory tract infection 205
Urinary retention 336
Urinary tract 162
Urological procedures 247
Vaginal delivery 222
Varicella-zoster virus 335
Vascular endothelial growth factor 125
Vascular intervention procedures 193
Vasodilation 209
Vasodilatory shock 67, 72
management of 67
Vasopressors 67
timing of 68, 69
Vecuronium 211
Venous thromboembolism 108, 160, 236, 249
diagnosis of 237
Ventilation 11, 37, 257
controlled 48, 49f
mandatory 276, 278
guide adequacy of 7
newer modes of 273
perfusion scan 240
Ventilator 59
Ventricular septal defect 201, 202, 214
Venturi mask 346
Verapamil 107, 300
Vertebral compression fractures 326
Videolaryngoscopy 138
Viral filtration efficiency 347
Viscoelastic hemostatic assays 18
Vision, blurring of 336
Visual analog scores 221, 222, 229
Vital organs, perfusion of 97
Vitamin 70
C 70
K 241
antagonism 104
antagonist 91, 103
Vocal cord paralysis 334
Volume assured pressure support 277, 280
Volume capnogram 5f
Volume capnography 11
applications of 11
Vomiting, postoperative 171
Vorapaxar 300
Warfarin 91, 104
Waste, type of 261
Water vapour 2
Waterston shunt 213
Waveform capnography 10f
Weak opioid analgesics 321
Weight gain 336
Wells' model, modified 239t
Westermark sign 240
White blood cell 93
World Health Organization 88, 152, 319f, 324
Wound healing, delayed 98
Y-piece 54
connector 51
Zoster ophthalmicus 335
Chapter Notes

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Capnography: An Indispensable Noninvasive ToolCHAPTER 1

Bhavani Shankar Kodali,
Arunthevaraja Karuppiah,
Shobana Bharadwaj
Capnography is the measurement of the partial pressure of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) and display of CO2 waveform. The graphic representation is expressed as expired CO2 concentration over time, or volume and is known as time, or volume capnogram. Capnography became a standard of monitoring during anesthesia practice in Europe in the late 1970s and the United States in mid-1980s. Since then, it has evolved as an essential component of standard anesthesia monitoring armamentarium.1 Capnography has also expanded beyond the operating room into the emergency department, radiology, gastroenterology procedures, adult, and pediatric sedation sites. Furthermore, capnography has also made its impact in intensive care units (ICUs) across the world for monitoring ventilation and assuring correct location of endotracheal tube (ETT) continuously. Capnometry is a numeric measurement and display of the level of CO2 concentration without waveform. The waveform of capnography is more valuable and reliable than capnometry for clinical interpretation.2,3
There are two types of capnography devices (Figs. 1, 2 and Table 1): (1)“sidestream” and (2) “mainstream”4 depending upon where the CO2 analyzer is located in relation to the ventilator circuit. In a “mainstream” analyzer, sampling window is in the ventilator circuit (near the hub of ETT) and measures CO2, while in a “sidestream”, the gas is located out of the ventilator circuit and gas sample is aspirated via 6 feet sampling tube. In both types, the gas analyzers work mostly using the principle of infra-red (IR) absorption spectroscopy (Fig. 3). An IR diode emits the light that traverses the chamber containing airway sample. The CO2 molecules absorb IR light and unabsorbed IR light is detected by an IR detector. Molecules of CO2 absorb IR radiation at a very specific wavelength (4.26 μm), with the amount of radiation absorbed having a nearly exponential relation to the CO2 concentration (Beer-Lambert Law) present in the breath sample. The difference between the source light and absorbed light is transformed into CO2 concentration and displayed as a capnography waveform.2
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Fig. 1: Mainstream capnography: Infra-red (IR) light sensor is positioned in the airway circuit.
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Fig. 2: Sidestream capnography: Infra-red (IR) light sensor is positioned outside the airway circuit. A T-piece adapter with a 6 feet disposable tubing is inserted between the breathing tube and airway circuit. (ET: endotracheal tube)
Water vapor, nitrous oxide, and anesthetic agents absorb IR light, but at a different wavelength. There are other techniques of measuring CO2 using photoacoustic spectroscopy, Raman scattering, and mass spectrometry, which are not commonly used.
In the majority of capnographs, the exhaled concentration is plotted against the time (time capnography) and is the common method in practice. In volume capnography, the exhaled CO2 is serially plotted against expired lung volume. Volume capnography is not routinely used. However, this may be a preferred technique in near future, as it enables indirect estimation of physiological dead space.53
TABLE 1   Types of capnography and their characteristics
Sidestream capnography
Mainstream capnography
Used both for intubated and nonintubated patients
Predominantly used for intubated patients
Most widely used method
The sensor contains an infra-red (IR) measurement device with an electrical cord. The newer versions are extremely light
The gas sampling tube is inserted in between the breathing circuit and endotracheal tube. Only manufacturer recommended tubing material and length must be used
Adaptor containing IR sensor is interposed between the patient's breathing circuit and endotracheal tube. Sensor emits IR light to a photodetector on the other side of the adapter
Slight delay in the display of the CO2 waveform
CO2 waveform is measured immediately
Main advantage of sidestream capnography is that, it can be used in nonintubated patients, for instance, patients with oxygen facemask
Need special smaller lighter weight adapters for use in the nonintubated patients
A drawback is that the tubing may become blocked from water vapor or secretions
The mainstream sensor is heated above body temperature, which prevents water vapor condensation and allows the sensor to function in high moisture environments
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Fig. 3: Measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) by infra-red (IR) technology.
The colorimetric CO2 detector (Figs. 4A and B) can be used for verification of correct placement of an ETT in the trachea. It has especially treated litmus paper, which changes color from purple to yellow. The device is not very accurate, particularly when CO2 output is low during CPR. 4Waveform capnography is the preferred approach currently. Nonetheless, the colorimetric device is a reasonable option to check placement of an ETT for emergency intubations.
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Figs. 4A and B: Calorimetric capnometer. The pH sensitive paper changes from purple to yellow when CO2 is detected.
A good understanding of time capnogram (Fig. 5) and volume capnogram (Fig. 6) will help clinicians to avail of full benefit of capnography in clinical practice.
Time Capnography
Time capnogram (Fig. 5) is usually interpreted as two segments—(1) an inspiratory segment and (2) an expiratory segment, and two angles— alpha and beta.6 Capnograms may be evaluated breath by breath, or trends may be assessed as valuable clues to a patient's physiologic status. Expiratory segment is divided into three phases, I to III. Inspiratory segment is designated as phase 0 (Table 2).
The angle between phase II and III is called alpha angle, which increases as slope of phase III increases. Normally, it is about 100–110°. Airway obstruction increases the angle due to increase in the slope phase II and phase III. The response time of the capnograph, sweep speed, and the respiratory cycle time also affect the angle. On the other hand, the angle between phase III and phase 0 is called beta angle, which is normally about 90°. During rebreathing, this angle increases. Occasionally, an upward blip or spike, known as phase IV, can occur towards the end of phase III. This terminal elevation represents emptying of alveoli with long time constants containing higher CO2 concentration. The maximal CO2 level, the best reflection of alveolar CO2, is known as end-tidal CO2 (EtCO2). This is generally depicted in concentration as EtCO2 or if in partial pressure of CO2, PEtCO2. This is the number that is displayed on the monitor. PEtCO2 is the best reflection of alveolar CO2 (PACO2) and, normally the arterial CO2 (PaCO2)−PEtCO2 difference is about 5 mm Hg due to the alveolar dead space. 5There are several clinical possibilities where abnormal capnograms can occur; the most common to anesthesia practice are depicted in Figures 7A to F.
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Fig. 5: Normal time capnogram: Phase I: End of inhalation and beginning of exhalation (dead space ventilation). Phase II: Rapid rise of CO2 due to mixing of the dead space gas with alveolar CO2. Phase III: Alveolar plateau. The exhalation of the CO2 from the alveoli. It reaches a peak where the partial pressure of CO2 is the highest. Phase 0: Partial pressure of CO2 decreases rapidly at the beginning of the inspiration.
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Fig. 6: Volume capnogram.
Applications of Time Capnography
In the operating rooms, capnography plays a vital role in detecting breathing circuit disconnection instantly when the capnograph no longer detects the EtCO2.6
TABLE 2   Segments of time capnography
Expiratory segment
Phase I
Initial stage of exhalation, in which the gas sampled is anatomical dead space and apparatus dead space gas, free of CO2 (dead space ventilation)
Phase II
Expiratory upstroke—combination of dead space and alveolar gas
Phase III
Alveolar plateau phase—exhalation of mostly alveolar gas. It is important to note that the expiratory plateau is not an isocapnic trace but rather it progresses with a very slight and steady increase in the PCO2 as the alveolar fraction is expelled from the lungs
Inspiratory segment
Phase 0
Inspiratory downstroke—inhalation of CO2 free gas; patient inspiring fresh gas
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Figs. 7A to F: Examples of several abnormal capnograms. (A) Capnogram of a patient with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), or other causes leading to the increased airway resistance, such as asthma, endobronchial intubation, endotracheal tube kinking. No plateau is reached before the next inspiration. The gradient between PEtCO2 and arterial CO2 is increased; (B) Downward wave during plateau phase indicates spontaneous respiratory effort; (C) Cardiogenic oscillations appear as small, regular, tooth like humps at the latter part of the expiratory phase. The rate of the “humps” is identical to the patient's heart rate; (D) A leak in the sampling line during positive pressure ventilation; (E) Failure of inspired CO2 to return to zero due to an incompetent expiratory valve or exhausted CO2 absorbent; (F) Bifid waveform of expired CO2 in patient with emphysema undergoing elective surgery after unilateral lung transplantation. The initial upstroke represents gas from the normal (transplanted) lung, which is followed by gas exhaled from the remaining (emphysematous) lung.
This is followed by drop-in oxygen saturation. EtCO2 is probably the best method to detect disconnections; a decrease or absence of EtCO2 is highly sensitive but not specific for anesthesia circuit disconnections. Beyond this important and vital application, capnography serves to provide the clinician with enormous data information about the patient's overall physiology that can help clinicians to identify cardiac, ventilatory, and metabolic abnormalities and they are outlined below:
  • Confirmation of tracheal intubation: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines on Advanced Adult Cardiac Life Support endorsed continuous waveform capnography in addition to clinical assessment for confirming the ETT placement.7 To note, a normal waveform can occur when the tube has been placed in the right mainstem bronchus too. A flatline waveform immediately after ETT placement usually indicates esophageal placement. Other common scenarios with a flatline waveform include:
    • Anesthesia circuit disconnections.
    • Technical malfunction of the monitor or sampling tube.
    • Endotracheal tube complete obstruction (e.g., clotted blood).
    • Prolonged cardiac arrest with cellular death (no CO2 production at a cellular level).
    Unrecognized misplaced endotracheal intubation by healthcare providers was widespread in the past8,9 and has been significantly reduced by the use of EtCO2 monitoring. Confirmation of correct tube placement using clinical signs has shown to be unreliable. The “Fourth National Audit Project” by Royal College of Anesthetists (RCoA) and Difficult Airway Society stressed the importance of capnography in confirming tracheal intubation in all clinical settings through “No Trace = Wrong Place” campaign. Capnography also provides reliable information on the correct placement of supraglottic airway devices.
  • Assessing tracheal tube and tracheostomy patency and position: Capnography for the duration the patient remains on artificial airway was cited as the most effective way of reducing morbidity and mortality.10 Capnography monitoring gives real-time information on the patient's airway patency. A change in waveform is usually seen before a decrease in oxygen saturation and should be immediately assessed.11
  • Guide adequacy of ventilation: Capnography is commonly used to detect hypercapnia due to hypoventilation and hypocapnia due to hyperventilation.11 In general, the PaCO2 levels are higher by about 5 mm Hg. In patients with essentially normal lungs and cardiac output, EtCO2 can be used to noninvasively monitor PaCO2. An initial arterial blood gas can be performed to determine the gradient (Arterial-EtCO2), further ventilatory adjustments can be made just using EtCO2 as a guide. If the patient has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or unstable cardiac output, EtCO2 may not be a perfect guide. It can also be used for weaning patients from mechanical ventilation. Arterial to EtCO2 difference gives a fair idea about physiological dead space. If the gradient stabilizes or it decreases over time from initially a large gradient, this demonstrates indirectly that the patient's V/Q status is improving.128
  • Procedural sedation: Capnography has been widely used as a respiratory monitor in addition to pulse oximeter during surgical procedures requiring sedation. Capnography will identify hypoventilation long before the pulse oximeter detects hypoxemia, this is especially true in patients receiving supplemental oxygen during sedation (Figs. 8A and B). A comprehensive meta-analysis of 13 randomized clinical trials provides clear evidence that capnography monitoring is more sensitive to identify respiration related adverse events used during procedural sedation. In addition, there is a statistically significant and clinically meaningful reduction in episodes of desaturation as well as requirement of assisted ventilation.13 During sedation, expired gases are diluted by oxygen administration, and the CO2 waveforms may not appear in normal shape. Under these circumstances, a change from baseline is an important criterion of excessive sedation resulting in hypoventilation or airway obstruction. A systematic approach to changes in CO2 waveforms can troubleshoot respiratory events during sedation (Flowchart 1).
    zoom view
    Figs. 8A and B: A drop in respiratory rate or height noticed in capnography during procedural sedation.
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    Flowchart 1: Algorithm for differential diagnosis of respiratory adverse events during sedation with capnography.
  • During percutaneous tracheostomy placement: Percutaneous tracheostomy is an invasive procedure and may rarely result in significant patient harm due to incorrect placement. Capnography improves safety by confirming that the tracheostomy tube is correctly placed in the trachea at the end of the procedure. Capnography can be also used as an alternative to fiberoptic bronchoscopy, if unavailable or contraindicated, to detect correct tracheal needle placement before performing percutaneous tracheostomy.14
  • Monitoring patients with raised intracranial pressure: Capnography is an essential tool for management of patients with raised intracranial pressure (ICP), both in the operating room and critical care setting. PaCO2 has a profound and reversible effect on cerebral blood flow. Cerebral blood flow is linearly responsive to PaCO2 level.15 Capnography can be used as a continuous monitor of EtCO2 which is the best reflective of PaCO2 level during ICP management.
  • Monitoring response to treatment of bronchospasm: A patient with bronchospasm usually has a capnogram with an exaggerated up-sloping plateau phase, with a prolonged phase II representing slow expiration of respiratory gases. In addition to conventional methods, capnography can be used to assess response to bronchodilators.11 Capnography is advantageous when compared to peak flow meter because it is independent of efforts and provides continuous monitoring.
  • Estimation of cardiac output: An increase in cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow results in better perfusion of the alveoli and a rise in EtCO2. Provided the ventilation remains constant, the EtCO2 provides a continuous trend of pulmonary blood flow and therefore, an estimation of cardiac output. During constant minute ventilation and tissue CO2 production, an abrupt reduction in blood flow reduces EtCO2 via two mechanisms. First, a reduction in venous return causes a decrease in delivered CO2 to the alveoli, resulting in a decrease in alveolar PCO2 (PaCO2) and, consequently, EtCO2. Second, reduced pulmonary vascular flow will result in an increase in alveolar dead space, which will dilute the CO2 from normally perfused alveolar spaces, thus decreasing EtCO2 below PaCO2.16 A number of studies have shown that EtCO2 can be useful in estimating a change in cardiac output in a variety of clinical scenarios like cardiac arrest, circulatory shock, and major surgeries.17,18
  • Assessment of efficacy of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and prediction of survivability: Utilization of capnography in the following ways during CPR improves the survival outcomes in cardiac arrest.19,20
    • Confirms the correct placement and patency of the airway device.
    • Monitor ventilation, avoiding hyper and hypoventilation.
    • Assess the adequacy of chest compression during CPR.
    • Early assessment of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) during CPR.
    • Used in decision making for prognostication during CPR. In intubated patients, failure to achieve an EtCO2 of >10 mm Hg by waveform capnography after 20 minutes of CPR may be considered as one component of a multimodal approach to decide when to terminate resuscitative efforts but should not be as a sole criterion7(Fig. 9).10
      zoom view
      Fig. 9: Waveform capnography showing changes in the end-tidal carbon dioxide during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and after ROSC.
  • Detection of inadvertently placed nasogastric tube: In a meta-analysis of nine clinical trials of mechanically ventilated patients, the use of capnography for inadvertent tracheal placement of the nasogastric tube had a sensitivity ranging from 0.88 to 1.00, specificity 0.95–1.00, positive likelihood ratio 15.22–283.35, negative likelihood ratio 0.01–0.25.21
  • Monitoring during patient transport: Monitoring capnography waveforms with pulse oximetry during transport assures the integrity of airway and prevents mishaps during interhospital or intrahospital transfers. If ventilation is kept constant, an abrupt decrease in EtCO2 values must be immediately investigated; it may be due to decreased cardiac output.22
  • Sepsis: Capnography has potential prognostic value in sepsis to gauge lactate levels. EtCO2 demonstrates an inverse relationship with lactate levels.23,24 EtCO2 levels <25 mm Hg demonstrate a 0.93 sensitivity for mortality in these studies. In another study, a significant correlation was noted between EtCO2 and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) score (r = −0.35, p < 0.01), and EtCO2 and lactate level (r = −0.35, p < 0.01). A receiver operator curve for EtCO2 and SOFA > 2 had an area under curve (AUC) of 0.69. EtCO2 of <35 has a sensitivity of 0.73 (95% CI 0.56–0.85) and specificity 0.50 (0.38–0.62) in predicting SOFA scores >2. EtCO2 < 35 mm Hg had a sensitivity of 0.60 (0.22–0.88) and specificity 0.42 (0.32–0.52) in predicting lactate >4 with an AUC of 0.62. There was a statistically significant correlation between EtCO2 and SOFA scores, but association was not strong enough for clinical decision making.25
  • Trauma resuscitation: In blunt trauma prehospital patients who underwent intubation, EtCO2 were greater in survivors (30.8 mm Hg in survivors and 26.3 mm Hg in nonsurvivors). EtCO2 also demonstrates a strong inverse relationship with lactate in patients with penetrating trauma.26 A recent 11study released in injury finds capnography levels <35 mm Hg had an association with indicators of shock and need for blood transfusion in the first 6 hours of admission.27
  • Fluid responsiveness: In a recent study, capnography outperformed other indices such as, pulse pressure variation, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, and mean blood pressure during fluid challenge in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation.28 Further studies are required to assess the efficacy of EtCO2 for fluid management.
  • Seizures: EtCO2 can provide an assessment of the ventilatory status of a patient who is actively seizing or in a postictal state.26
  • Postoperative care: Capnography use in the postoperative period can identify early respiratory depression before oxygen desaturation occurs, especially in patients receiving supplemental oxygen.29 This can significantly improve patient outcomes and avoid the need for costly interventions.30
Volume Capnography
Volume capnography is the graphical representation of partial pressure of CO2 versus exhaled volume. This measurement is made noninvasively at every breath by a combination of flow and CO2 sensors, which are positioned together at the Y piece of ventilator circuit. Under normal circumstances there is a difference of 2–5 mm Hg between arterial and alveolar CO2, (PaCO2-PEtCO2 gradient) but this can differ considerably with ventilation perfusion (V/Q) mismatch in the lungs. Volume capnography can provide much more information than time capnography in situations where there is an alteration in V/Q ratio. A volume capnogram can be divided into various components as defined here (Fig. 6). A horizontal line representing PaCO2 (arterial blood sampled during the PEtCO2 recordings) is drawn on the CO2 trace. The area under the curve (green area), is the volume of CO2 in the breath and represents effective alveolar ventilation. The remaining area represents wasted ventilation (physiological dead space). A vertical line is drawn through phase II so that the two areas p and q are equal. Area under light blue represents anatomical dead space and area under dark blue represents alveolar dead space.22
Applications of Volume Capnography
  • Assessing adequacy of ventilation.
    • Volume capnography can assess the adequacy of ventilation. However, in mechanically ventilated ICU patients, there is often a large difference between simultaneous measurements of PaCO2 and PEtCO2. Once the difference between PEtCO2 and PaCO2 is established volume capnography can be used as a guide of PaCO2.
  • Estimation of optimal positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP).
    • Volume capnometry can help estimate optimal PEEP and response to PEEP can be used to guide therapy in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). It can also be used to determine prognosis in patients with ARDS.12
  • Exclusion of pulmonary embolism.
    • Pulmonary embolism can be excluded by volume capnography when D-dimers are positive and track the efficacy of thrombolysis in patients with major thromboembolism.
  • Noninvasive estimation of cardiac output and volume responsiveness.
    • The accuracy of estimation with volume capnography is similar to esophageal Doppler ultrasound, pulse contour analysis, and thoracic bioimpedance.
  • Estimation of dead space.
    • Volume capnography can be used to determine breath by breath physiological dead space (Bohr Dead space).5
Even more than 40 years after the introduction of capnography, patients are still dying because of unrecognized esophageal intubation or tracheal tube displacement. These deaths are occurring either through failure to use this reliable technology, or failure to interpret an abnormal capnograph waveform.31 In some countries, capnography units are not used even when available due to lack of knowledge to interpret capnography.31 Despite valuable information provided by capnography, there are few limitations like any other monitoring modality and hence requires caution in the interpretation of the data. Capnography is more reliable in patients where there is isolated ventilation, perfusion, or metabolism issue. However, patients with mixed pathophysiology pose challenges for interpretation.
False-positive CO2 detection could occur in esophageal intubations if the patient ingested carbonated beverages. Acidic solution exposure, such as stomach content fluid or vinegar, can result in qualitative color change in colorimetric method. Waveform capnography is much more reliable under these circumstances.
Mainstream devices are near ETT and face, and hence caution must be exercised to avoid facial burns due to IR assembly. Sidestream devices may result in time delay, but this is of less clinical significance in clinical practice. The sampling lines and IR window are prone to obstructions by secretions. The sampling tube must be positioned antigravity (vertically upward) and a small filter between the sampling line and the ETT minimizes the blockade with secretions.
It is common to use EtCO2 monitoring during transfer of patients by aircraft and in high altitude locations. In order to provide safe patient transport care, a knowledge about ambient pressure effect on gas analysis is essential. Gas analyzers are calibrated to measure partial pressure of the gas at sea level. Reduction of atmospheric pressure at high altitude will affect capnography in the following ways:32
  • Pumping of gas through the sample chamber—more powerful pump may be required to maintain flow rates.
  • Calibration inaccuracies may occur—this can be corrected by recalibration at high altitude.13
  • Fall in barometric pressure may be electronically sensed as a gas leak within the monitor. However, the clinical significance of these variations can be minimized, or must be considered while interpreting EtCO2 values.
With growing understanding of capnography, and increasing litigations outside of the operating rooms, it is inevitable that many procedural sedation facilities, ICU, and emergency departments will use capnography in future. In the emergency medicine environment, capnography has expanded from CPR and ventilated patients, to use in spontaneously breathing patients in every clinical application, across the continuum of care. The use of capnography could soon become a standard of care in all critically ill on mechanical ventilation during interhospital or intrahospital transfer. The addition of algorithms and technology like integrated pulmonary index (IPI) has also helped clinicians to recognize and intervene in any respiratory compromise. Capnography can facilitate airway management in a neonate as an indicator of gas exchange, lung aeration, early identification of obstruction, early recognition of ROSC, and probably the quality of the administered chest compressions.33 Volumetric capnography can make a profound impact on the respiratory weaning protocol and shorten the duration of respiratory life support on patients requiring mechanical ventilation. There is growing trend of utilization of this technology in the ICU to measure physiological dead space, oxygen consumption, and CO2 production.
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