Adenomyosis 8
Alyce's forceps 52
American Fertility Society 15
American Society for Reproductive Medicine 6
Anorexia 55
Asthenospermia 16
Athletes 55
Azoospermia 17
Baseline scan and deciding stimulation protocol 19
Baseline scoring system 24t
Body temperature chart 42
Catheter 53
Cervical mucus 54
Chlamydial antibody test 12
Collection insemination time 70
Complete blood count 10
Conception rates 14t
Cusco's speculum 53
Cytomegalovirus 67
Endometrial Doppler parameters 31t
Endometrial volume 30
Endometriomyometrial junction 27f
Energy, glucose for 74
Estradiol 44
Ethylene oxide sterilized semen collection jar 73f
FertiCult flushing media 75
Flow index 23f
Flushing medium 75
Fothergill's surgery 16
Fradient method 80
Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer 53
Genetic disorders 17
Glucose tolerance test 10t
Hemorrhage, postpartum 66
Herpes simplex virus 67
Human serum albumin 74
Hydrosalpinx, B-mode ultrasound image of 9
Hypertension, pregnancy-induced 66
Hypoprolactinemia 55
Hypospadias 17
Hysterosalpingocontrast sonography 12f
Immunological infertility, clinical risk of 16
Implantation rate 38
Impotence 17
Indian Council of Medical Research 6
Infertility management, backbone of 1
Insemination, site of 53
Intensive luteal support 58
Intramuscular progesterone 58
Lesser multiple pregnancy rates 38f
Leukemia inhibitory factor 56
Leukocytes 74
Linear correlation 20
Low-dose beta-human chorionic gonadotropin 58
Low-dose follicle-stimulating hormone protocol 39
Low-resistance perifollicular flow, pulse Doppler image of 25f
Luteal phase defect 31t
Makler's chamber 73f
Mixed antiglobulin reaction test 16
Monofollicular development 38
Motile count 74
Natural micronized progesterone 59
Natural nonassisted reproduction technology 55
Neubar's chamber 73
Nonapoptotic sperm selection 80
Non-in vitro fertilization 62
Obesity 55
Oligozoospermia, severe 17
Ovarian artery perfusion 30
Ovarian blood flow 22
Ovarian reserve 20
Ovarian stimulation 36
Ovarian stromal flow 22f
Ovarian volume 20
Ovulatory derangement, correction of 15
Perifollicular flow 48f
Perifollicular vascularity 25f
Phenol red 74
Polycarbophil 61
Polycystic ovary, B-mode ultrasound image of 10f
Polymerase chain reaction 4
Polyp, endometrial 9f
Pregnancy rate 53
Preovulatory scan 19
correlation of 32
gel 61
progressive diffusion of 59f
subcutaneous aqueous 61
vaginal effervescent tablets 59
Prothrombin time 10
Pulsatility index 30
Puresperm 79
Pyruvate 75
Reactive oxygen species 75
Receptive endometrium, power Doppler image of 10f
Recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone, dose of 24t
Recombinant human chorionic gonadotropin 43
Recombinant luteinizing hormone 58
Ringer's lactate 52
Routine ovarian reserve tests 12
Serum albumin 75
Serum progesterone 70
Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone 10
SilSelect gradient method 79
Singleton live birth rate 54
Sonosalpingography 5
Split ejaculation collection 73
Step-down protocol 37
Streptopenicillin 75
Stress 55
Stromal blood flow 22
Subcutaneous aqueous injections 61
Supernumerary follicles, aspiration of 66
Surrogate luteinizing hormone surge 42
Synthetic serum replacement 74
Syringe 73
Total motile sperm count 11
Transdermal progesterone 61
Transvaginal sonography 27
Tubal ligation 5
Tuberculosis, endometrial 4