Practical Guide to 3D–4D Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Chaitanya Nagori, Sonal Panchal
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure and t refer to table.
Abdomen 110
Abdominal wall defects 83, 111
Achondroplasia 85f
Acquired uterus volume, analysis of 149
Acrania 82f
Adenomyoma, local 167
Adenomyosis 164, 166f
diagnosis of 165
three-dimensional power Doppler image of 168f
Adnexa 175
Adnexal lesions 177
malignant 175
volume ultrasound in 175
Adnexal mass 177f
American Fertility Society classification 152f
Anencephalic fetuses 123
Antral follicles 191f
count 190
follicle growth for 69f
multiple 189f
number of 189
Aortic valve 5f
Arm movement, isolated 121, 128
focal narrowing of 169
sacculation of 169
Assisted reproductive techniques 188
Automated volume calculation 62, 177
sonography-based 186, 203
Bilateral hydrosalpinx, surface-rendered image of 177f
Bird's nest appearance 180f
Bladder 76
Brain 120
development 120, 120t
vesicles 41f
Brainstem 128
Cebocephaly 105
Central nervous system 100, 105
evaluation of 105
vermian hypoplasias 101
vermis 103, 103f
palsy 133
vasculature 78f, 104f
ventricles, early development of 80f
fibroid 171f
lesions 170
lips 150f, 172f
malignancy 153, 172f, 173f
Cervix 147, 158
three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired volume of 171f, 172f
tomographic ultrasound imaging of 173f
Cesarean section 137
Chest 107
Chocolate cysts 178
Chorionic origin, tumors of 153
Chromopertubation 196
Cleft lip 81f, 94, 94f, 95f
diagnosis of 94
Cleft palate 81f, 95f
diagnosis of 94
Clubfoot 112f
Complete septum 156f
Computed tomography scan 3, 50
Conjoined twins 74, 117, 117f
Contracted endometrial cavity 162
abnormalities 112
hypercoiling of 113f
round neck, two loops of 114f
vessels, normal 112
Corpus callosum 29f, 103f
agenesis of 101
normal 103
three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image of 5f
Corpus luteum 180f
Cranial abnormalities 81, 99
Cranial bones 82
Cranial sutures 101f, 132
Craniofacial variability index 104
Crown-rump length 76
Cyst 179
avascular myometrial 162
wall thickness 180
Cystadenomas 179, 180
Cystic adenomatoid malformation 108
Cystic degeneration 168f
Cystic hygroma 105
Cystic lesion
B-mode ultrasound image of 178f
hydrosalpinx 178f
Dandy-Walker syndrome 101, 103f
Dermoids 179
three-dimensional ultrasound image of 182f
Diabetes mellitus, gestational 133
Dichorionic diamniotic twins 88f
Disrupted endometrial-myometrial junction 162
Duodenal atresia 110f
inversion mode 110f
abnormalities 97
normal position of 98f
Ectopic pregnancy 87, 177f
Encephalocele 82
Endometrial carcinoma, higher-grade 164
Endometrial cavity 151f, 157f, 158f, 160f, 161f, 162, 167f
coronal image of 152f
three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image of 161f
Endometrial fibroid 161f, 169f
Endometrial lesions 147, 158
Endometrial malignancy 163, 164f
Endometrial polyp 27f, 159, 161f
Endometrial receptivity 188
assessment 185
Endometrial synechiae 159
Endometrial vascularity 194f
Endometrial volume 194
Endometrioma 178
three-dimensional power Doppler volume of 180f
Endometrium 30f, 37f, 152f, 153, 162, 194f
central line of 149f
flecks in 162
inner layer of 162
pretrigger evaluation of 192
three-dimensional power Doppler-acquired volume of 195f
European Society of Gynecology Endoscopy Classification of Müllerian Abnormalities 153, 154f
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology 153, 154f
Eye blinking 130f
isolated 124, 132
Eyelid and mouth movement 131f
abnormalities 92
alteration 132
anomalies 77
cleft 97f
diagnosis of 94
expression 124, 126
development of 124
dysfunction of 124
dysmorphology of 124
Fetal abdomen
coronal sections of 22f
transverse sections of 22f
Fetal anomalies
detection of 77
four-dimensional ultrasound for 91
Fetal behaviour
abnormalities of 129
patterns, developmental sequence of 126, 128t
Fetal brain
development, four-dimensional ultrasound for functional assessment of 120
functional development of 120
three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired volume of 102f
Fetal cerebral vessels, three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired image of 42f
Fetal cranium, three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired volume of 18f
Fetal distress 137
Fetal echocardiography 87
four-dimensional ultrasound for 113
three-dimensional ultrasound for 113
Fetal evaluation 74
Fetal face 92f94f, 99f
HD-live rendered image of 97f
maximum mode of 99f
midsagittal view of 98f
three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image of 94f
Fetal foot, surface-rendered image of 111f
Fetal growth restriction 133
Fetal hand, surface-rendered image of 111f
Fetal head 4f, 98f, 114f116, 138
axial plane of 28f
plane of 5f, 104f
section of 30f
multiplanar sections of 78f
progress of 138f
three axial planes of 30f
ultrasound image of 4f, 7f, 82f, 101, 101f
volume of 27f
tomographic ultrasound imaging of 81f, 102f
Fetal heart 203
inversion mode rendering of 117f
spatiotemporal imaging correlation-acquired volume of 7f, 25f, 26
Fetal lips
B-mode ultrasound of 94f
mouthing movement of 100f
Fetal lower limbs, three-dimensional ultrasound-rendered image of 6f
Fetal motor and behavioral pattern, study of 104
Fetal profile 93f
Fetal skeleton 39f
Fetal spine
sagittal section of 31f
three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired volume of 17f
Fetal structural abnormalities 74
Fetal thorax
multiplanar images of 109f
three-dimensional ultrasound image of 41f
Fetal trunk
vasculature 110f
tomographic ultrasound imaging of 81f
Fetal upper limbs, fixed extension deformity of 85f
anterior aspect of 36f
closing of eyes of 100f
coronal plane of 32f, 36f
delivery of 137
detection of congenital defects in 92
expressions of 127f
irregular head shape of 82f
longitudinal scan of 18f
opening of eyes of 100f
posterior aspect of 36f
sagittal plane of 35f
three-dimensional ultrasound of 39f, 77f, 84f
acquired volume of 19f, 21f, 35f, 36f
rendered image of 4f
transverse plane of 35f
Fever, maternal 133
Fibroid 87f, 164, 166, 167, 167f
subendometrial 166f
submucosal 166
three-dimensional HD flow image of 168f
movement 132
isolated 129f
overriding of 112f
First-trimester pregnancy 128t
three-dimensional images of 75f
Fistula, tracheoesophageal 108
Flipped face technique 94
Flow index 59, 60f, 190f
color coding of 8f
multiple 64f
pretrigger evaluation of 192
surface-rendered volume of 192f
three-dimensional power Doppler volume of 192f, 193f
volume calculation 192f
Follicular maturity, assessment of 188, 192
Follicular monitoring 188
Fontanelle, anterior 101f
Four-dimensional cardiac evaluation 6
Four-dimensional ultrasound 6
applications of 74
invention of 73, 91
limitations of 117
role of 124
Frontomaxillary facial angle 98f
Gastroschisis 111
three-dimensional ultrasound of 84f
Genetic scan 84
Gestational sac 46f47f, 89f
three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired image of 8f
volume 8f, 76f
calculation of 69f
Glass body mode 42
Grimacing 99, 124
fetus 100f
and head movements 124
and legs, vermicular movement of 121f
movement, isolated 129f, 132
to-eye movement 124, 125f
to-face movement 124, 125f
to-head direction 124
anteflexion 121, 124, 128
isolated 132
anterior angulation of 137
circumference 132
engagement, quantification of 141
progression 141
measurement of 141f
retroflexion 121, 124, 128
rotation 121, 124, 128, 137
transorbital plane of 11f
Heart 5f, 116f
inversion mode rendering of 116f
Hemiuterus 157, 158f
antepartum 133
postpartum 137
Hernia, diaphragmatic 108
Holoprosencephaly 83f
Human brain development 129
Hydronephrosis 110, 110f
Hydrosalpinx 178f, 179f
three-dimensional ultrasound surface-rendered image of 178f
Hydroureter 110
Hyperechogenic contrast medium 196
Hyperinsulinemia 185
Hypertelorism 92
Hypertension, pregnancy-induced 111
Hypospadias 111
Hypotelorism 92
Hysterocontrast sonosalpingography 196
Hysterosalpingocontrast sonography 197f, 198f
Hysterosalpingogram 196
Infertility 145
Inflammation, chronic 160
Interstitial pregnancy 89f
Intramural fundal fibroid 167f
Intrauterine contraceptive device 164, 165f
Intrauterine gestational sac 75f, 87f
Joint contractures, multiple 85f
Kidneys 76
Kurjak antenatal neurodevelopmental test 130
parameters of 132t
Labor, second stage of 138f
Lasmar score 166
Leg movement, isolated 121, 128, 132
Leiomyosarcoma 153
three-dimensional HD flow image of 169f
Limb abnormalities 84, 111
Lips, coronal plane of 97f
Lower limb, multiple joint abnormalities of 106f
Lumbar spine
large open spinal canal defect of 107f
Lung, sequestration of 108
Magnetic resonance imaging 3, 50, 164
Malignant lesions
three-dimensional power Doppler images of 183f
Mandibulomaxillary facial angle 98f
Micrognathia 93f, 96
Microphthalmia 92
Micropolyposis 162
Migration 120
Miscarriage 185
Monochorionic monoamniotic twins 88f
Morphologic scoring system 180
Motor abnormalities 74
Motor functions, development of 121
Mouth opening 132
Müllerian duct 156
abnormalities 86, 147, 151, 153, 155
incidence of 153
Myometrial invasion 164
Myometrial lesions 147, 164
Myometrium 37f, 164f, 166f, 169f, 170f
Nasal bone 74, 99f
Neck abnormalities 105
Neurogenesis 120
Neurological movement, quality of 129
Neurological thumb 105f
Normal uterus 153
three-dimensional ultrasound image of 155f
Nuchal edema
three-dimensional ultrasound image of 86f
Nuchal translucency 74, 86f
Omphalocele 84f, 111
three-dimensional ultrasound-rendered image of 84f
Opening mouth 131f
Orbital abnormalities 98
Organs, abdominal 76
Otocephaly, 105
Ovarian androgenic dysfunction 187
Ovarian follicular monitoring 185
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome 185
Ovarian lesions 178
benign 175
malignant 175
Ovarian reserve and response, assessment of 188
Ovarian volume 176
Ovary 175, 180
B-mode ultrasound image of 50f
calculate stromal volume of 188f
multiplanar image of 53f
sclerocystic 186
power Doppler-acquired volume of 189f191f
ultrasound-acquired volume of 186f, 187f
Pelvis, transverse section of 139f
Perifollicular vessels 43f
Phocomelia 85f
Placenta 111
Placental origin, tumors of 153
Polycystic ovary syndrome 185, 191f
Polydactyly 85f, 112f
Polyhydramnios 133
Polyp 160f
Positive predictive value 180
Posterior cranial fossa length 104
Postoperative weak uterine scar 171f
Pregnancy 86
multiple 86
Progression, angle of 139, 141
Pseudocapsule 168
Pubic bone 138, 139f
Pylorus 110f
Radial aplasia 112f
Rhombencephalon 79f
Rokitansky protuberance 180
Saline infusion
salpingography, three-dimensional power Doppler acquisition of 196f
sonohysterography 161f
Second stage labor, process of 137
Segmental uterine artery perfusion 194
Septate uterus 87f, 151f, 153
Skull bones 99
Small occipital meningocele 101f
Smiling 99
fetus 100f
Sono-automated volume calculation 74
follicle 8
general 70
Sonoembryology 74
Sonohysterography technique 158
Spinal abnormalities 105
Spinal column ridges 79f
coronal image of 17f
transverse image of 17f
Spinothalamic tract 122
STEPW classification 168f
Stomach 76, 110f
Stromal abundance 186
Stromal echogenicity 187, 188
Stromal flow 189
Subendometrial indices 195
Sucking reflex 128f
Swallowing 99, 124
Symphysis pubis 138f
Synaptogenesis 120
Tactile sensation 128f
Thoracic anatomy, spatial relation of 109f
Thoracopagus conjoined twins 117f
Thorax, multiplanar image of 109f
Threatened preterm birth 133
Three-dimensional color Doppler 180f
Three-dimensional sonography 20, 50, 73, 84, 91, 177, 185
Three-dimensional ultrasound 3, 10, 88f
advanced softwares in 3
applications of 74
basic 1, 3
invention of 73, 91
limitations of 117
Three-dimensional volume 34
acquisition of 10
analysis of 10
Thyroid goiter 105
Tomographic ultrasound imaging 3, 5f, 20, 22f25f, 28f, 74, 91, 96f, 116f, 147, 151, 175, 176f, 203
expulsion 99, 124
protrusion 126f
Total ovarian
echogenicity 188
stromal area 189
volume 189
Transcaudate plane 101
Transcerebellar plane 101
Transfrontal plane 101, 101f
Transthalamic plane 101
Transvaginal scan 147f
Transvaginal volume probe 148f
Treacher Collins syndrome 105
Trisomy 18 105
Trisomy 21 100
Tubal lesions 175
Tubal patency assessment 185, 196
Tubal pathology 196
Tubal twin pregnancy 89f
Tuberculosis, endometrial 162f
Tubo-ovarian mass 179f
Tulip sign 111
Tumors, endometrioid 179
Twin gestation, three-dimensional ultrasound-acquired volume of 40f
Two-dimensional ultrasound 120
Ultrasound 3, 153
advantages of 141
B-mode 50f, 137, 163f, 178f
Umbilical cord 48f
three-dimensional power Doppler-acquired 43f
Upper limb, multiple joint abnormalities of 106f
Urinary bladder 110f
Uterine abnormalities 152f
volume ultrasound for 147
Uterine cavity 197
Uterine scar 170
Uterine wall thickness 155f
Uterus 15f, 46f48f
abnormalities of 86
acquire volume of 147
adenomyotic 166f
advantages of three-dimensional ultrasound for imaging of 172
aplasia 158
aplastic 158
bicornuate 158f
bicorporeal 155
septate 157f
B-mode and surface-rendered coronal plane image of 171f
complete bicorporeal 157f
image of 158f
plane of 169f
dysmorphic 153, 155f
hypoplastic 155f
incomplete 13f
infantilis 153
normal 153
partial bicorporeal 157f
rendering volume of 165f
sagittal plane of 149f, 151f
septate 87f, 151f, 153
serosa, irregular margin of 10f
subseptate 154
three-dimensional ultrasound 37f
tacquired image of 13f
transverse section of 31f
T-shaped 153, 155f
two-dimensional ultrasound of 148f, 175f
Z rotation of 150
Vaginal delivery, spontaneous 142
Vascular architecture, malignant 173f
Vascularity flow index 60f, 61, 153, 189, 190f
Vascularity index 59, 60f, 153, 189, 190f
Veins, sacculation of 169
Velocities, internal shift of 169
Ventricular septal defect 87, 117
Ventriculomegaly 103
Vermicular movement 121
Virtual organ computer-aided analysis 50, 74, 109f, 153, 176, 185, 186f, 193f, 195f
three-dimensional ultrasound acquired 188f
Vocal calculated volume 56f, 57f, 60f
Volume computer-aided
diagnosis 6, 20, 23, 26, 116f
display, sonography-based 137, 203
Volume contrast imaging 20, 26, 28f, 29f, 86f, 91, 147, 151, 166f, 175, 203
Volume ultrasound, clinical applications of 71, 145
Yawning 99, 124, 131f, 132
fetus 99f
Yolk sac 77f
Chapter Notes

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13D Ultrasound Basics
  1. What is 3D Ultrasound?
  2. Acquisition and Analysis of 3D Volume
  3. Multiplanar Images: What have these Images Hidden in them?
  4. Display of the Acquired Volume
  5. Volume Calculation Tools2

What is 3D Ultrasound?CHAPTER 1

Since last about half a century, ultrasound (US) has surfaced as the most informative, patient friendly, and essential investigation for the patients presenting to obstetricians and gynecologists. It has earned a credit of being a single noninvasive investigation giving maximum information. But still, it is a two-dimensional (2D) image of the three-dimensional (3D) structure. Therefore, to get the actual idea of the structure, shape, and morphology, ultrasound scan is done scrolling across the structure, multiple 2D images seen are virtually compiled together, and the details of the said organ/lesion/structure are “imagined”. But, when the 3D technology is actually added to the routine 2D US, the entire reconstruction is done by computer (Video 1) and therefore, it is far more accurate than the imaginary reconstruction.
Basic 3D ultrasound: 3D US is a compilation of a series of 2D US images, which is then reconstructed to form a 3D information set (Video 2). In the earliest days of development of 3D US, this set of 2D images was achieved by manual movement of the probe across the organ/lesion of interest. But, the currently available volume probes are motorized and, therefore, when 3D is initiated, the transducer head inside the probe takes an automatic sweep of a certain angle, capturing several 2D images, from which the 3D image is reconstructed (Video 3). These probes are held steady when the 3D volume is acquired.
The reconstructed 3D US image works like a tissue block that has been scooped out from the body (Fig. 1). The perception of the depth is additional to the routine 2D scan. This scooped out part can be seen from any direction, depending on the “render direction” selected (Fig. 2). It can be optimized to display the soft tissues within it better or bones within it (Figs. 3A and B). This scooped out volume can be cut into several slices in x-, y-, or z-axis similar to what can be done for tomography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This is called tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI) (Fig. 4). Individual slice can be rotated over x-, y-, or z-axis to achieve the desired plane (Video 4), no matter in whichever plane the 2D US scan was done. It, therefore, becomes possible to study even those planes that are not easily accessible by 2D US such as coronal section of the uterus, surgical view of the fetal heart, mid-sagittal plane of fetal head, etc. (Figs. 5A and B).
Advanced softwares in 3D ultrasound: The additional software, to adjust the light source from any side of the rendered image, is a useful tool to highlight particular parts of the volume and thus helping better demonstration of the same (Figs. 6A and B). More than one light sources can also be used to create specific effects and to highlight specific structures. This is similar to what is done in photo studio. This is named as “HD live studio” (Fig. 7).
MagiCut or electronic scalpel is a tool that also helps in highlighting certain parts of the body, by removing or scalpelling the unwanted shadows (Figs. 8A and B).
The acquired 3D data can be used to calculate exact volumes, for differential assessment of solid and cystic structures, and for subjective and objective evaluation of the global vascularity.4
zoom view
Fig. 1: 3D ultrasound-acquired image of the fetal head, with fetal head seen in the rendered image, acts as a tissue block scooped out from maternal abdomen.
zoom view
Fig. 2: Diagrammatic explanation of the six different render directions around the cube.
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Figs. 3A and B: (A) 3D ultrasound-rendered image of the fetus showing surface on surface rendering; (B) 3D ultrasound rendered image of the fetus showing bones on transparent maximum mode rendering.
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Fig. 4: 3D ultrasound-acquired volume of fetal head displayed as tomographic ultrasound imaging (TUI).
zoom view
Figs. 5A and B: (A) 3D ultrasound-rendered image of the surgical view of the heart; (B) 3D ultrasound rendered image of corpus callosum in midsagittal plane of fetal head. (RV: right ventricle; LV: left ventricle; A: aortic valve; P: pulmonary valve)
zoom view
Figs. 6A and B: 3D ultrasound-rendered image in HD-live mode of 8–9-week-old fetus with light source from two different directions.
6The volumes that have been reconstructed and modified by MagiCut or adjusting the light source and can also be walked in and out (Video 5) or can be rotated across 360° to observe and study it from all angles (Video 6). Automatic calculations for nuchal translucency, intracranial translucency, etc. have made these calculations much more accurate than ever before.
zoom view
Fig. 7: 3D ultrasound-rendered image in HD-live mode of 7–8-week-old fetus studio light mode.
4D ultrasound: Over and above static 3D, real-time 3D scans can also be done and is called 4D US, time, being the 4th dimension. It is because of the 4D US that it has become possible to study fetal movements and facial expressions, that are reflection of the functional status and maturity of the fetal brain (Video 7).
4D cardiac evaluation: Spatiotemporal imaging correlation (STIC) has opened new horizons in fetal cardiac assessment. It is an offline 4D of the fetal heart (Video 8). STIC has allowed visualization and assessment of the cardiac sections and planes that were not achievable by 2D US. STIC has made assessment of the heart easy for the beginners. In case of abnormalities suspected, it allows the luxury of at ease and detailed assessment of the moving heart offline. It can be used with color Doppler also for better understanding of the flow across the valves and in major vessels. This can be combined with volume computer-aided diagnosis (VCAD) heart. This is an addition to TUI. VCAD allows achieving all the required and essential planes (four-chamber heart, left-ventricular outflow tract, right-ventricular outflow tract, three-vessel view, aortic arch view, ductal arch view, etc.) of the heart on one touch (Fig. 9). VCAD also can be used with color Doppler. This has significantly reduced the duration of scanning and also increased the accuracy of diagnosis. Even arrhythmias may be better studied, since M-mode can also be studied on this offline 4D US (Video 9).
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Figs. 8A and B: (A) 3D ultrasound-rendered image of the fetal lower limbs; (B) 3D ultrasound-rendered image of the fetal lower limbs after MagiCut.
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Fig. 9: Spatiotemporal imaging correlation (STIC)-acquired volume of fetal heart with VCAD applied to it.
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Fig. 10: 3D ultrasound-acquired image of the fetal head with Sono-CNS showing different axial planes.
Softwares for obstetric applications: VCAD software is also available for its use during second stage of labor to evaluate the progress of fetal head and for prediction of obstructed labor.
Similar to VCAD for fetal heart, Sono-CNS (central nervous system) is an autotomo-graphy tool for detailed neurosonography. For the detailed assessment of the fetal brain, several planes of the fetal head need to be evaluated and it becomes a time-consuming process. This can be done on a button touch by Sono-CNS and transthalamic, transcerebellar, and transventricular all the planes can be achieved (Fig. 10).
Softwares useful in infertility patients: Sono-AVC (automated volume calculation) is a tool based on inversion mode.8
zoom view
Fig. 11: 3D ultrasound-acquired image of ovary with Sono-AVC follicle showing color coding of follicles.
zoom view
Fig. 12: 3D ultrasound-acquired image of gestational sac with fetus with Sono-AVC general used to calculate gestational sac volume.
Inversion mode renders cystic areas as solid areas. Sono-AVC adds color coding and volume assessment also to that. It is an excellent, highly accurate, and time-saving tool for follicular assessment (Fig. 11). Sono-AVC can also be used for the assessment of any other cystic lesions, not just the follicles. The software to assess follicles is named as Sono-AVC follicle and its counterpart that is used for volume calculation for other fluid-filled structures is Sono-AVC general (Fig. 12).9
Advantages of data storage: Since all the data can be stored and easily transferred, 3D US is a very useful tool for learning and teaching. The data can also be transferred to colleagues or experts for opinion. It is also possible to transfer this data directly from the scanner by emails or the data can now also be stored in the cloud and can be retrieved from anywhere.
Since 3D and 4D US data is stored in three dimensions that make volumes instead of planes, collectively these can also be named as volume ultrasound.
There is much more to discuss about each function and their applications, thus making volume ultrasound a specialty by itself.