Beyond Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Vishal Gupta
Page numbers followed by f refer to figure, fc refer to flowchart, and t refer to table.
Acarbose 95, 97, 413, 423
Acesulfame-K 399
Acetohexamide 42
Acetyl hydrolase 125
Acinetobacter baumannii 355
Acute coronary syndrome 132, 195
Acute kidney injury 260
risk of 414
Acute respiratory distress syndrome 368
Adaptive immunity, impairment of 349
Adenocarcinoma 293
risks of 287
Adenosine monophosphate 89
activated protein 290
Adenosine triphosphate
binding cassette 132
generation of 25
hypertrophy 176
insulin action in 48f
Adipokines 22, 182
role of 290
Adiponectin 22, 182, 290
Adipose stromatolite cells, primary 291
Adipose tissue 47
stores triacylglycerides 314
Adrenal suppression 333
Adrenocorticotropic hormone 334, 371
Adult-onset Still's disease 321, 324
Advanced glycation end products 183, 290, 292, 319
formation of 204
Advantame 399
Adverse cardiac events, major 218
Aerobic activity 433
Aerobic exercise 430
effects of 432
Agents promotes insulin, group of 412
Alanine aminotransferase 73, 87, 98
Albiglutide 71, 199, 218
Albuminuria 170, 186, 247, 256, 269, 271, 272, 410, 411, 446
absence of 256
incidence of 410
moderate 263
reduction of 411
release of 173
system blockade 268
Alendronate 330
Alirocumab 196
Alogliptin 59, 213, 413
Alpha-cell resistance 75
Alpha-fetoprotein 285
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors 9, 413, 423
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 441
American Association of Clinical Endocrinology 429, 435, 441, 448
American College of Cardiology 169, 435, 441
American College of Endocrinology Guidelines 126
American College of Rheumatology 329
American Diabetes Association 4, 126, 151, 169, 344, 429, 441, 448
American Heart Association 163, 169, 187, 435, 441
American Society of Hypertension 163, 169
Amlodipine 261
Amylin production, reductions in 94
proportion of 388
to amylopectin ratio 388
Anaphylactoid purpura, nephritis of 249
Anemia 448
Anesthesia 370
types of 370
Anesthetic agent, types of 371
Angiotensin 177, 251, 180, 252, 446
Angiotensin-aldosterone system 32
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 162, 169, 441, 444, 447
inhibitor 178, 213, 275, 354, 365
Angiotensinogen 252fc
blocker 169, 178, 213, 275, 354, 411, 441, 447
neprilysin inhibitor 200
Ankle-brachial index 435
Ankylosing spondylitis 309, 312
Anorexia 264
Anticitrullinated peptide 323
medication 212, 213
therapies 271, 298
Antidiabetic agents 225, 410
Antidiabetic medication 410
Antidiabetic therapy 196
Antidiuretic hormone 172
Antigen-presenting cells 348
Anti-human immunodeficiency virus therapy 31
Antihyperglycemic medication 193
Antihypertensive agents 255, 447t
Antihypertensive drug treatment, bedtime dosing of 446
Antihypertensive medication 446
class of 258
Antihypertensive therapy 178
Antihypertensive treatment 440t
Antimicrobial peptides 344
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 249, 323, 324
Antinuclear antibody 323
Antiretroviral therapy 363
Anti-tumor necrosis factor 326
Apolipoprotein 123
B 136, 137
expression 438
Apoprotein B 183
Apoptosis, rates of 290
Arterial baroreceptors 171
disease, large 220
stroke, large 219
Ascorbic acid 10
Aspartate aminotransferase 73, 87, 98, 421
Aspirin 191, 448, 448t
meta-analysis of 449t
use of 448
Asthma 353
Atherosclerosis 180
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 99, 126, 180, 193, 424, 434, 435, 439, 441, 448
risk of 179
Atorvastatin 130, 436
Atrial fibrillation 202, 222
Atrial function, impaired 207
Atrial natriuretic peptide 172, 250, 251
Attempting optimal renin–angiotensin blockade 177
Augment glucagon 55
Autoimmune associations 309
Autoimmune diseases 368
Autonomic tone, impaired 207
Autophagolysosome, formation of 41
Autophagosome, formation of 41
Autophagy-related proteins 41
Avascular bone necrosis 331
Azathioprine 326
B cells, activated 249
Bacterial infections 93
Bacteroides fragilis 355
Balancing exercise 430
Baricitinib 327
Baroreceptor reflexes 171
Benzodiazepines 371
Beta-blockers 31, 261, 446
Beta-cell 38
adaptation 37
apoptosis 39
autophagy 40
compensation 37
death 39
decompensation 38
dedifferentiation 75
development of 34
failure 17, 34, 38
stages of 37, 41
necroptosis 39
pyroptosis 40
Betamethasone 328
Biguanide 34
Biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs 326
Bladder cancer 288
Bleeding, history of 448
infection, systemic 342
potassium 441
sugar, random 148
Blood pressure 63, 67, 79, 221, 383, 431, 441, 445
cardiovascular regulation of 171
control 168t, 178, 261, 444
physiology of 171
diastolic 203, 431, 441, 444
evidence for 167
effect on 392
endothelial regulation of 174
high 446
management 440
monitoring, home 441, 442
nonpharmacological interventions on 445t
optimization 450
reducing systolic 165, 166
systolic 441, 444
reduction of 431
target 442
Body fat, percentage 32
Body mass index 3, 17, 22, 32, 87, 99, 148, 199, 285, 383
Bone 55
mineral density 87
Bowman's capsule 248
Brain 18, 78
system 54
Breast 287, 297
cancer, animal models of 291
Brodsky's classification 320, 320t
Bromocriptine 88
Bronchitis, chronic 353
Brown adipose fat, mitochondrial dysfunction in 27
Burkholderia pseudomallei 342
Cachexia 264
Calcium channel blocker 164, 169, 178, 261, 275, 441, 447
Calcium handling, impaired 205
Calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition disease 322
Canagliflozin 83, 199, 218, 411, 415
cardiovascular assessment study 87, 415
development of 292
mortality 288
risk of developing 285
screening and surveillance 299
type of 297
with antidiabetes medication, risk of 296
Candesartan 270
Candida albicans 348
Capillary basal membrane 222
Capillary blood glucose 1
Capsular drop lesion 248
Carbamylated hemoglobin 412
Carbohydrate 385
Carboxy-terminal telopeptide 209
Cardiac failure, congestive 413
Cardiac injury, biomarkers of 267
Cardiac lipotoxicity 205
Cardiac treadmill stress test 217
Cardiomyocyte 205
Cardiovascular adverse events 331
Cardiovascular complication 428
Cardiovascular disease 3, 87, 132, 162, 312, 331, 392, 424, 432, 435, 441, 442, 444, 447, 448
history of 433
primary prevention of 435t, 448t
risk of 410
Cardiovascular mortality 161, 431
effect on 392
Cardiovascular system 35, 53
Carotid intimal medial thickness 192
Cell, large 293
Cellular immunity 350
Cellular insulin signaling 31
Cellular receptors 344
Central adiposity 266
Central nervous system 171, 365
Cereals-Savory foods 385
Charcot's neuroarthropathy 318
Chemoattractant protein-1 316
Chikungunya disease 362
Child–Pugh score parameters 423t
Chlamydophila pneumonia 353
Chlorpropamide 42
Cholesterol 132, 184, 270
ester transfer protein 123, 133
lowering, acute 132
remnant 140, 269
treatment trialists’ collaboration 132
Chorionic embryonic antigen 285
Chronic kidney disease 122, 126, 132, 162, 246, 247, 265, 273, 424, 435, 442, 447, 448
development of 410
diabetes management in 409
diabetic 249
Chronic renal
disease, nondiabetic 261
insufficiency 258
Clindamycin 93
Clostridial infections 359
Clostridium difficile 93
Cochrane's meta-analysis 262
Cockcroft and Gault equation 264
Collaborative atorvastatin diabetes study 132
Colon 287, 291
cancer 287, 290
Colony-forming units 94
Colorectal adenomas 294
Colorectal cancer 288
elevated risk of 288
Common adverse effects 326f
Community-acquired pneumonia 353
Complement system 348
Complete alternate days fasting 395
Confer renoprotection 410
Connective tissue disease 321
Continuous glucose monitoring 9
system 412, 417
Conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs 326
Copeptin 267
Coronary arteries
bypass grafting 202
calcium score 190
major 191
Coronary artery disease 132, 161, 179, 200, 210, 217, 221, 441
prevalence of 180
risk factors for 184
Coronary atherosclerotic plaque, pathology of 183
Coronary endothelial
cells 206
dysfunction 206
Coronary heart disease 122, 132, 384
prevention of 132
Coronavirus, entry of 366
Cortisone 328
COVID-19 324, 325, 365, 368, 369
immune dysregulation in 367
infection 325, 370
C-peptide levels 152
C-reactive protein 90, 132, 138, 202, 209, 266, 315, 355
highly sensitive 137, 138
Cushing's syndrome 156
Cyclic adenosine monophosphate 48
Cyclooxygenase 250
prostanoids 250
Cyclosporine 327
Cystatin C 265
Cytochrome complex 252
Cytokine 344
production, impairment of 345
secrete matrix metalloproteinases 319
Cytomegalovirus 350
Dapagliflozin 85, 199, 218, 273, 415
Dash diet 397
Deafness 150, 153, 155, 156
Delivery at birth, method of 92
Dendritic cells 344, 348
Dengue 362
hemorrhagic fever 362
shock syndrome 362
Deoxyribonucleic acid 23, 254
Dexamethasone 328
Diabetes 149, 154, 247, 257, 258, 266, 444, 448, 449t
action in 259, 444
cardiovascular risk in 255
complication 432
control of 409
diagnostic cut-off of 409
high risk for developing 4
in young, approach to 156fc
insipidus 150, 153, 155, 156
lowering therapy 372
management of 410
measuring renal function in 263
pathophysiology of 18
risk factors to 368
types of 150
uncontrolled 410
Diabetes mellitus 150, 153, 155, 156, 184, 253, 311fc, 416, 422, 444
insulin-dependent 159
Diabetic arthropathy 318
types of 319
Diabetic cardiomyopathy 203, 206
mechanism contributing to 204
Diabetic dyslipidemia 121, 125, 126
pathogenesis 123fc
triad 183
Diabetic foot infections 354
Diabetic ketoacidosis 152, 156, 158
risk of 417
Diabetic kidney disease 246, 256, 262, 270, 310
genetics in 253
pathophysiology of 249
Diabetic nephropathy 87, 432
Diabetic neuroarthropathy 318, 319
pathogenesis of 318fc
Diabetic paradox 176
Diabetic retinopathy 270
Diastolic dysfunction 218
Diclofenac 309
Didanosine 363
Diet 93, 295, 394
and lipids 433
Dietary cholesterol 187
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis 310, 311
Dihydropyridine 444
calcium channel blockers 256
Dipeptidyl peptidase 52
gliptins 55
inhibitors 55, 89, 158, 197, 413, 423
Disaccharide, type of 389
Disharmonious quartet 47
Dopamine blockade, therapeutic role of 88
Dulaglutide 67, 423, 199, 218
Dysglycemia 433
Dyslipidemia 126t, 184, 309, 310, 331, 433
Eichenholtz classification 319, 320t
Ejection fraction 218
Electrolyte abnormalities 260
Elevated plasma triglycerides 22
Empagliflozin 86, 199, 218, 272, 273
Endocytosis 265
Endometrium 287
Endoplasmic reticulum 29
physiology 29
stress 29, 205
initiate 23f
pathophysiology 29
Endothelial cell 344
dysfunction 207
Endothelial dysfunction 180
biomarkers of 267
Endothelial function, impaired 207
Endothelin 177, 180, 209, 253
Enhanced gluconeogenesis 74
Enterobacter cloacae 355
Enterococcus faecalis 355
Epigenetic modifications 254
Epithelial cells 344
Epithelial sodium channel 173
Erectile dysfunction 190
Ertugliflozin 87, 415
Erythropoietin therapy 412
Escherichia coli 348
Esophagus 287
Estimated glomerular filtration rate 35, 73, 99, 132, 178, 199, 218, 246, 275, 309, 368, 435
Estrogens 291
Etoricoxib 309
European Association for Study of Diabetes 169
European League against Rheumatism 329
European Societies of Hypertension 169
European Society of Cardiology 169, 201, 435, 441
Evogliptin 413
Evolocumab 196
Exenatide 68, 70, 199, 218
modalities 433t
types of 430
Exosomes, dysregulation of 207
Extracellular fluid volume 173
Extracellular matrix 251
Ezetimibe 194, 195, 436
Fasting glucose, impaired 4
Fasting hyperglycemia 22
Fasting insulin 33
resistance product 33
Fasting plasma glucose 3, 4, 6, 202
Fasting regimens, modified 395
Fat 386
amount of 390
Fatty acid 181
beta-oxidation 28
binding protein, liver-type 268
free 18, 314
translocase 31
Fenofibrate 438
Fiber, amount of 389
Fibrates 194, 438
Fibrinogen 189
Fibroblast growth factor 23, 89, 424
Fibrocalcific pancreatic diabetes 154
First-line antihypertensive therapy 257
Flavin adenine dinucleotide 25
Flexibility exercise 430
Fluid accumulation 413
Food processing 391
Food-refining processes 388
Foot processes, effacement of 248
Forkhead box-containing protein O 21
Fournier's gangrene 360
Frequent glucose monitoring 420
Fried food 295
Fructosamine 7
Functional insulin receptor 182
Fungal infections 348
Fusobacterium nucleatum 294
Galectin-3 209
Gallbladder 287
Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 17
Gas-forming infections 359
Gastric cardia 287
Gastric inhibitory polypeptide 50, 51, 413
Gastrointestinal cancers 297
Gastrointestinal tract 50, 423
Gemigliptin 60, 413
Gene defect, specific 152
Glibenclamide 42, 43
Gliclazide 42, 44, 412
Glimepiride 42, 43, 223, 412
Glipizide 42, 44
Gliptins 9, 197, 407
Glomerular basement membrane 248
Glomerular filtration rate, assessing 265
Glomerular podocyte
injury 252
loss of 248
Glomerulonephritis 323, 324
Glomerulosclerosis 251
Glucagon 74
receptor 74
regulation 75
Glucagon-like peptide 9, 35, 51, 73, 417
agonists 414
analogs 199, 218
Glucagon-like peptide receptor 99, 208
agonists 55, 89, 274
analogs 224
Glucocorticoids 31, 311, 328, 328t, 330, 330fc, 333
tapering of 333
Glucometer device 8
Gluconeogenesis 27
monitoring 417
oxidation 30
phosphorylation 30
reader 10
sensor 10
tolerance, impaired 4
transport of 21
transporter 23
type 48, 76, 431
utilization, reduced 205
Glucose-6-phosphate, inhibition of 347
Glucose-agonist substance 74
Glucose-fatty acid cycle 49
Glucosidase inhibitors 422
Glucotoxicity 204
Glutamic acid decarboxylase 148
Glyburide 42
Glycated albumin 7
Glycated hemoglobin 4, 5, 35, 36, 44, 61, 73, 87, 98, 121, 220, 341, 407, 408
effect on 391
reduce 18
Glycemic control 220, 272, 410, 415
exercise on 431
infection with 343
methods for monitoring 7
Glycemic index 387
classification of 387
effect of 391
Glycemic load 387
Glycemic management 407
Glycemic status optimization 449
Glycogen 27
synthase 28
kinase 3 21
synthesis 21, 30
Glycogenesis 27
Glycogenolysis 74, 76
Glycolysis 21, 30
inhibition of 74
Glycosuria 285
Granular cells 344
Growth factor binding protein 290
Guanosine triphosphate 26
Gut bacteria, altered 294
Haemophilus influenzae 353
Healthy metabolic response 31
Healthy β-cell 34
disease, chronic 121, 354
protection study 132
Heart failure 87, 99, 162, 199, 201, 207, 210, 212, 213, 216, 424, 441
and stroke 161
biomarker for predicting 215
classification of 201
congestive 222, 258, 354
development of 202, 216
glycemic targets in 211
natriuretic peptides in 216t
risk factors for 201
subclinical 188
treatment for 200
Helicobacter pylori 294
Helsinki heart study 133
Hemodynamic factors 250
Hemolysis 412
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis 324
Hemorrhage, intracerebral 220
Hemorrhagic stroke 219
Hepatic encephalopathy 423
Hepatic insulin resistance 27
Hepatic lipase 123
activity 123
B virus 362
C infection 362
Hickam's dictum 321
High low-density lipoprotein 121
High pressure liquid chromatography 6
High-density lipoprotein 17, 73, 98, 121, 123, 126, 152, 312, 407, 435, 439
cholesterol 126, 153
High-intensity exercise 430
High-intensity statin
therapy 436
treatment 436t
High-molecular-weight isoform 22
High-pressure baroreceptors 171
Histidine-rich protein 2 364
Histone acetyltransferases 254
Hodgkin's lymphoma 287
Hormone-sensitive lipase 48
Host cells 366
Human gut microbiome 294
Human immunodeficiency virus 363
Human leukocyte antigen 150, 152
Human serum albumin 7
Humoral immunity 349
Hydrocortisone 328
Hydrophilic molecule 21
Hydroxychloroquine 326
Hyperaldosteronism, primary 447
Hyperglucagonemia 74
Hyperglycemia 1, 12, 125, 181, 204, 223, 253, 285, 292, 295, 332, 417
pathways of 88
Hyperglycemic emergencies 416
Hyperglycemic exposure 12
Hyperinsulinemia 291
Hyperinsulinemic response 31
Hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp 32
Hyperkalemia 217
Hyperlipidemia 222, 295
Hypertension 22, 161, 177, 179, 221, 256, 295, 309, 310, 331, 433, 435
guidelines, treatment of 256
management of 178fc, 258
optimal treatment trial 444
pathophysiology of 171, 176
secondary 447
systolic 257
treatment strategies for 443t
Hyperthyroidism 156
Hypertriglyceridemia 140
treating 437
Hypertriglyceridemic states 133
Hypoglycemia 12, 262, 396, 410, 415417, 419, 432
risk of 262, 408, 411, 415, 420, 425
severe 419
symptomatic 419
Hypoglycemic episode 12
Hypotension 260
Hypothalamus 78
Hypothyroidism, primary 148
Iatrogenic hypocortisolism 333
Ideal exercise regimen 432
disruption 313
system 175
therapy 325
Immune-mediated rheumatic diseases 309, 323
association of 312
Immune-mediated rheumatic disorders 324t
pathogenesis of 315
Immunomodulators adverse effects 326f
Incretin 49
axis 50f
based drugs 297
effect 50f
loss of 75
system, physiological effects of 53
Indinavir 363
Inducible nitric oxide synthase 40
Infant feeding 93
development of 372
risk of 331, 342
systemic 263
types of 351
Inflammation 175, 263
and fibrosis pathways, biomarkers of 267
chronic low-grade 182
subclinical 266
systemic low-grade 88
Inflammatory arthritis 320, 321, 321fc
Inflammatory bowel diseases 312
Inflammatory cytokines
production of 316fc
role of 315
Inflammatory markers 202, 209
Inflammatory mediators 22
Inflammatory suppression 175
Inhibit cell growth 290
Innate immunity, impairment of 345
Insoluble dietary fibers 389
Insomnia 333
Insulin 74, 290, 291, 414, 416, 420
analogs 299
binds 20f
delivery 420
like growth factor 290
long-acting 420
pumps 417
response ratio 33
signal, abnormal 204
tolerance test 33
Insulin action 18
mechanism of 18, 20f
Insulin receptor 20f
dysfunction 25
substrate 19, 23, 24, 48, 182
Insulin resistance 17, 22, 28, 34, 150, 152, 156, 287, 288, 291, 313
biochemical indices of 32
causes of 22, 23f
clinical indices of 32
development of 316
intervention 36
metformin for 35
stages of 206
Insulin secretagogues 413, 419, 422
dose of 415
Intensive care unit 342
Intensive glycemic control 262
Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 132
Interferon-gamma 255, 345
Interleukin 290, 318, 345
Intermittent fasting 394
risks associated with 396
International Society for Hypertension 163, 169
Ipragliflozin 87
Iron deficiency anemia 412
Ischemic disease 132
Ischemic heart disease 121, 140, 180, 222
Ischemic stroke, risk of 225
Isoflurane 371
Isoniazid 326
Janus kinase 205, 290, 315, 326
Jejunum 122
Joint Committee of Diabetic Nephropathy 247, 248t
Joint disorders 311fc
Joint National Committee 169, 256
Kallikrein 300
Kallikrein–Kinin system 250, 251
Ketogenic diet 390
Ketonuria 152
Kidney 75, 174, 287
regulating glucose, normal physiology of 76f
role of 76f
Kidney disease 448
and hypertension 261
end-stage 256
non-diabetic 247
stages of 248t
Kimmelstiel–Wilson nodules 248
infections 357
pneumoniae 347
Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus 94
Laparoscopic procedures 372
Latent tuberculosis infection 327
Lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase 125
Leflunomide 326
Left ventricular hypertrophy 164, 178, 199, 218, 275
Legionella pneumophila 353
Leprechaunism 154
Leptin 290
signaling 78
Leukemia 287
Leukocyte recruitment inhibition 347
Life-threatening diabetic ketoacidosis 150
Linagliptin 57, 413
Lipid 132, 431
components 437
lowering arm 132
lowering therapy 435t
management 433
metabolism in diabetes, pathophysiology of 122
parameters 193
effect on 392
profile optimization 450
targets 126t
Lipodystrophic diabetes 154
Lipoprotein 123, 139
intermediate-density 124
lipase 123
activity 123
Lipotoxicity 47
Liraglutide 62, 199, 218, 423
Liver 54
cancer 288
disease 421
and diabetes 422
chronic 421
enzymes, abnormal 422
mitochondrial dysfunction in 27
Lixisenatide 72, 419
Low birth weight 156
Low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol 22, 121
Low-density lipoprotein 17, 73, 123, 126, 132, 434, 435, 439
cholesterol 126, 135, 138, 183, 194
reduction of 436t
particle number 135
reducing agents 434
Low-intensity exercise 430
Low-pressure baroreceptors 172
Lung disease 353
Lupus nephritis 249
Lynch syndrome 293
Macroalbuminuria 273, 410
Macrophage 316, 344, 346
alternately activated 347
dysfunction 346
inflammatory protein 290
Maladaptive immune modulation 206
Malaria 364
Mannan-binding protein 348
Mannose-binding lectin 348
Maternally inherited diabetes and deafness 150, 155, 156
Matsuda–Defronzo insulin sensitivity index 33
Maturity-onset diabetes in young 150, 152, 153
types of 153t
McAuley index 33
Measuring glomerular filtration rate 264, 265
Mediterranean diet 397
Medtronic diabetes 11
Meglitinides 411, 413
Melanoma 287
Mental performance, effect on 393
Metabolic pathway 20
Metabolic syndrome 125, 266, 288, 289, 422
Metabolism, reduced 177
Metformin 34, 35, 35t, 101, 196, 223, 298, 354, 407, 412, 419, 422, 449
administration, duration of 223
controlled on 246
treatment of 224
Methotrexate 323, 326
Methylases 254
Methylprednisolone 328
Metoprolol 261
Microalbuminuria 189, 191, 268, 269, 273, 275, 275fc, 410
absent, causes of 246
reduction in 269
Microsomal transport protein 123
Miglitol 96, 423
Mineral malnutrition 396
Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist 213
Mitochondrial dysfunction 23f, 25, 205
Mitochondrial electron transport chain 253
Mitochondrial fatty acid 205
Mitochondrial fission 26
factor 26
Mitochondrial function, understanding biology of 25
Mitochondrial generation 205
Mitochondrial membrane fusion 26
Mitochondrial pathway 39
Mitochondrial responses 78
Mitogen-activated protein kinase 48
pathway 176
exercise 430
statin therapy 436
Monocyte 344
chemoattractant protein 290, 390
Monosaccharide, type of 388
Monotherapy group 408
Morganella morganii 355
Motogen-activated protein 290
Multiple myeloma 287
Multisystem disorder 313
Muscle-related disorders 311fc
Musculoskeletal adverse effects 329
Musculoskeletal diseases 310
leprae 359
tuberculosis 327, 342
Mycophenolate mofetil 326
Mycoplasma pneumonia 353
Myocardial dysfunction 188
Myocardial infarction 170, 180, 202, 258, 415, 441, 444
acute 342
fatal 162
nonfatal 162
reduction in 167
Myocardial insulin resistance 31
Myocardial ischemia reduction 132
Naprosyn 309
Nateglinide 46
National Cholesterol Education Program 32, 121
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence 263, 435, 441, 448
National Institute of Clinical Excellence 169
Natriuresis 174
Natriuretic peptide 172, 215
B-type 215
concentrations 215
C-type 172
Natural killer cell 344
dysfunction 349
Neotame 399
Nephropathy 200
chronic 222
Neurocognitive adverse events, risk of 196
Neuropathy 410
Neutral protamine hagedorn 414
degranulation 346
dysfunction 346
extracellular traps 346
gelatinase-associated lipocalin 268
Newer angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitors 213
Niacin 194, 438
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate 25, 205, 251, 346
Nitric oxide 175, 177, 180, 222, 250, 318
Nocturnal hypertension, consequences of 171
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 190, 421, 422
management of 424
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 422
Non-diabetic kidney disease, diagnosis of 249
Nonesterified fatty acid 48
Nonfatal myocardial infarction, reduction for 271
Nonfermenting gram-negative bacilli 352
Non-high-density lipoprotein 179
cholesterol 126, 135
Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 132, 159
Non-nutritive sweeteners 398
Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 409
severe 432
Non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction 198
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug 310, 409, 414
Nonvegetarian diet 296
Normoalbuminuria 273
Normoalbuminuric diabetic kidney disease 255
N-terminal kinase 23
Nucleosomal histone proteins 254
Nutrition intake, status of 386
Obesity 28, 152, 188, 286, 292, 433
abdominal 289
and lung cancer 286
Obstructive sleep apnea 202
Omega-3 fatty acid icosapent ethyl 439
Onychomycosis 356
Ophthalmologic adverse effects 332
Optic atrophy 150, 153, 155, 156
Optimal blood pressure 256
goals for 163
Optimal renin–angiotensin system blockade 268
Optimizing glucose-lowering therapy 415
Oral antidiabetic drugs 148, 156158
Oral glucose tolerance test 33, 34
Oral medications 410
Osteoarthritis 311
Osteoprotegerin 318
Ovarian cancer 287
Ovary and breast 287
Oxidases 205
Oxidative stress 23, 176, 182, 205
Paleo diet 396
Pancreas 287
carcinoma of 285
Pancreatic and duodenal homeobox 24
Pancreatic autoantibodies 152
Pancreatic cancer 287, 298
risk of 297
Pancreoprivic diabetes 155
Paracrinopathy 75
Paraoxonase-1 deficiency 25
Peripheral arterial disease 200
Peripheral arteriolar vasoconstriction 173
Peripheral neuropathy 432
Peripheral tissue 17
Perpetuate insulin resistance 23f
Phagophore, formation of 41
Phenylketonuria 398
Pheochromocytoma 156
Phialophora europaea 355
Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate 24
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase 290
Phosphotyrosine-binding 19
Physical performance, effect on 394
Pickled food 295
Pioglitazone 34, 199, 223, 298
Pitavastatin 436
clearance 264
random 4
two-hour 4
inflammatory biomarkers, role of 189
Plasminogen 89
activator inhibitor 89, 181
Platelet reactivity 181
Pneumococcal infection 357
Pneumocystis jirovecii 326
Pneumonia 342
Podocyte apoptosis 252
Polyarthritis 322
Polydipsia 285
Polymerase chain reaction 364
Polyol pathway flux 223
Polyuria 285
Poor dietary habits 187
Postinfectious glomerulonephritis 249
Postmenopausal breast 287
cancer 287
Potassium 178, 275
Pramlintide 94
Pravastatin 128
Prediabetes 196
Prednisolone 328
Prednisone 328
Predominant albuminuria 263
Pre-exercise assessment 432t
Preserved ejection fraction 200, 207
Pressure natriuresis 173
Progressive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease 122
Progressive kidney disease, risk of 446
Proinflammatory cytokines 176, 292
Proinflammatory immune cells 206
Promoting insulin sensitivity 413
Proprotein convertase subtilisin 436
Prostacyclin 177, 180
Prostanoids 250
Prostate 287, 297
cancer 287
Protein 255, 386, 396
acidic 23
amount of 390
ingestion 390
kinase 48, 89, 249
C, activation of 205
Proteinuria 258, 260, 263, 425
Proteus mirabilis 355
Prothrombotic state 181
Proximal tubular proteins 268
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 355
Psoriasis 312, 368
Psoriatic arthritis 309, 312, 321, 324
Psychiatric and cognitive disturbances 333
Pulmonary vessels 172
Qintessential quintet 49
QRS duration 202
Quicki glycerol 33
Rabson–Mendenhall syndrome 154
Radiologic imaging 323
Ramadan 395, 416
and diabetes 416
and liver disease 416
Randle cycle 49
Rapamycin, mammalian target of 21, 290
Reactive oxygen species 182, 223, 253, 318
production 346
Rectal cancer 287
Rectum 287
Red blood cells 412
Reduced aldosterone secretion 174
Reduced ejection fraction 162, 201, 210
Regimens, types of 395
Renal arterial pressure 173
Renal benefits 66
Renal complications 323
Renal damage 249
Renal disease
end-stage 313, 411
equation, modification of diet in 264
modification of diet in 260
Renal failure, acute 342
Renal function 246
and prognosis, assessing 267
reduced 410
Renal glomerular filtration 265
Renal injury, pathogenesis of 250
Renal insufficiency 323, 438
Renal manifestations 324t
Renal pressure natriuresis 173
Renal regulation 173
Renal replacement therapy 275, 415
Renal sympathetic
nerve 174
overactivity 174
Renal system 54
Renal tubule 212
aldosterone system 162, 268, 441
blockers 178
system 169, 173, 252fc
blockade 275fc
Repaglinides 45
Resistance exercise 430
Resistant hypertension 447
Respiratory diseases, chronic 353
Respiratory tract infections, lower 352
Retinopathy 200, 410
Rheumatic diseases 328
chronic 310
Rheumatoid arthritis 309, 311, 312, 321, 324, 327, 368
Rheumatological disorders 324
Risedronate 330
Rituximab 326
Rosuvastatin 132, 209, 436
Saccharin 399
Salicylic acid 10
Salmonella infections 360
Salt regulation 173
SARS-COV-2, pathology of 368
Saxagliptin 58
use of 213
Scandinavian cardiac outcomes trial 132
Seasonal influenza 360
Secretory stimuli 74
Self-monitoring blood glucose 8, 9
advantages of 8
disadvantages of 8
types of 8
Semaglutide 63, 65
Sensitive C-reactive protein 138t
albumin 264, 423
bilirubin total 423
creatinine 188, 246, 260, 261, 264, 269
glutamic pyruvic transaminase 17
Sex hormone-binding globulin 289
SGLT-2 inhibitor, mechanism of action of 79t
Sicca syndrome, primary 249
Simvastatin 129, 436
Simvastatin-ezetimibe group 195
Sitagliptin 56, 413
Sjögren's syndrome 324
Skeletal disorders 311fc
Skeletal muscle 17
insulin resistance 30
Sleep, effect on 393
Small vessel stroke 219
Smoked food 295
Smoking 293
Sodium retention 207
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 77, 407, 423, 449
inhibitor 9, 78, 89, 99, 158, 197, 199, 218, 225, 272, 297, 414, 415, 417
Sodium-hydrogen exchanger 173
Soft-tissue disorders 311fc
Solanum tuberosum 391
Soluble dietary fibers 389
Somatostatin 74
Spondyloarthritis 321, 324
Squamous cell 293
aureus 349
infections 356
haemolyticus 355
chemical properties of 388
physical properties of 388
retrogradation of 388
Statin 195
and stroke 225
doses of 438
trials 128t, 138t
Stavudine 363
Stenotrophomonas maltophilia 355
hormones, role of 291
therapy 328
Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins 30
Steviol glycosides 398
Stimulating cell cycle 292
agalactiae 355
pneumoniae 349
salivarius subspecies 94
Stress thallium 217
Strict glycemic control 411
Stroke 218, 220
antidiabetes drugs in 223
effect on 393
fatal 162
nonfatal 162
pathophysiology of 222
patterns of 219
prevention 225
Strongyloides stercoralis infection 364
Suboptimized blood pressure control, consequences of 170
Sucralose 399
Sugar sweeteners 398
Sulfasalazine 326
Sulfonylureas 42t, 89, 99, 197, 223, 224, 298, 411, 412, 416, 422
Superoxide anion 252
Surgery influence glycemic control, anesthetic agent of 370
Surgical procedure, types of 371
Sweet urine 285
Syncope 260
Systematic coronary risk evaluation 192
Systemic lupus erythematosus 309, 313, 324
Systemic vasculitis 249
Systolic dysfunction 258
T cells 175, 350
regulatory 175, 318
T lymphocytes 317
Tachyarrhythmias 210
Tacrolimus 327
Takayasu's arteritis 324
Telmisartan 270, 415
Teneligliptin 61, 413
Therapeutic diabetes guidelines 213
Therapeutic options 41, 55, 75, 91
Thiazides 258
Thiazolidinediones 34, 36t, 197, 199, 212, 224, 297, 354, 413
Thyroid 287
disease 266
risk of 287
Tinea pedis 356
concentrations 291
enzymatic proteolysis 204
T-lymphocytes 184
Tofacitinib 327
Tolazamide 42
Tolbutamide 42
Total cholesterol 126
minus 140
Total hip bone mineral density 330
Toxoplasma gondii infection 364
Transient albuminuria 263
Transient renal ischemia 174
Trepman's modifications 320t
Triamcinolone 328
mentagrophytes 356
rubrum 356
Triglyceride 123, 126
high 121
lowering therapy 439t
reduce, reduction of 133
Triumvirate theory 18, 47
Tuberculosis 358
infection 342
Tubulointerstitial fibrosis 251
Tumor necrosis factor-α 89, 346
Type 1 diabetes mellitus 148150, 152, 152t, 429
risk categories for 418t
Type 2 diabetes mellitus 1, 4, 17, 44, 61, 73, 88, 98, 121, 127, 149152, 152t, 158, 162, 176, 182, 200, 203, 219, 275, 289, 309, 324, 341, 365, 372, 383, 407, 410, 421, 429, 448
and cancer 288
and immune dysregulation 344
association of 180
asymptomatic 198, 212
blood pressure in 440t
cancer development in 290f
defects of immune system in 351f
development of 19fc
history of 428
abnormalities in 434
profile in 134
management of 416, 424
asymptomatic 218fc, 199fc
nutrition therapy in 385
pathogenesis of 76f
prevention of 448
primary prevention of 439t
risk categories for 126t, 418t
risk factors in 428
Tyrosine kinase domain 19, 20f
Ultra-processed foods 296
Ultrashort-acting insulins 414
United States Food and Drug Administration 35, 61, 95
Uric acid 209
Urinary monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 268
Urinary tract infection 99, 263, 342, 351
album 275
albumin 263
to creatinine ratio 247, 256, 309, 446
collection 263
Ursodeoxycholic acid 424
Valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine 358
Valsartan 270
Valvular heart disease 203
Varicella zoster virus 363
Vascular cell adhesion molecule 89
Vascular disease, action in 259, 444
Vascular endothelial
dysfunction 222, 292
nitric oxide 182
Vegetarian diet 296
Very-low density lipoprotein 438
Vildagliptin 57, 413
Viral entry blocking antibodies, role of 366
Visceral adiposity 182
Vitamin 396
C 10
D 295
Voglibose 96
Volatile anesthetic agents 371
von Willebrand factor 180
Wagner classification system 354
Waist-to-height ratio 32
Waist-to-hip ratio 32
White adipose fat, mitochondrial dysfunction in 27
effect 164
hypertension 447
Wolfram syndrome 155
Wrist circumference 32
Xanthine oxidase 205
Yogurt and gut microbiome 94
Young separate entity, diabetes in 148
Young-onset diabetes, causes of 150f
Zidovudine 363
Zoledronic acid 330
Chapter Notes

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From Hyperglycemia to Defining Type 2 Diabetes MellitusChapter 1

Vishal Gupta
The first documentation of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) dates back to ancient Egypt as early as 1500 bc. Demetrius of Apamea (1st or 2nd century bc) has been credited with introducing the term “diabetes,” which means to “pass or run through” as in a siphon.1 It referred to how large volumes of urine passed through the body unchanged as if through a tube. The Greek physician, Aretaeus of Cappadocia (ad 2nd century), first suggested the term “Diabetes Mellitus.” He described it as “an infrequent affliction characterized by melting down of the flesh and limbs into the urine, short life, disgusting and painful, unquenchable thirst and the kidneys and bladder never stop making water.”2 Diabetes, in Greek, means “siphon” or “pipe-like” and Mellitus, in Latin, means honey. “Diabetes Mellitus” has also been called “Madhumeha” (“Madhu” meaning “honey”) in ancient Indian Ayurvedic Medicine. Indian texts, dated back to the 5th century bc, referred to cases of excessive urine, thirst and emaciation, in 2which the urine was described as ksaudra (sweet) or madhu (honey) meha (urine), to be associated with an illness said to affect the rich who consumed large quantities of rice, cereals, and sweets.3,4 Galen (ad 129−200), a famous anatomist countered what Aretaeus proposed and suggested that it is a disease primarily of the kidneys. It is a very rare disease, of which he had observed only two subjects. He stated, ‘The condition impressed him as an ailment of the kidneys, whereas other physicians called it “dropsy of the chamber pot” and “urinary diarrhea”;’ some others called it “dipsakos” (violent thirst).5 Avicenna (980−1037) in the first book of Canon states, “the urine of diabetics when left to stand in ambient air, leaves a residue that is particularly sticky and tastes sweet as honey.” Avicenna termed the disease “aldulab” or water wheel and “zalkh el kuliah” or diarrhea of the kidneys.6 The first paradigm shift in the conceptual evolution of diabetes came from the studies of Paracelsus (1493−1541) who described it as a constitutional disease that “irritates the kidneys.” Later, in 1674, reports of Thomas Willis (1621−1675) showed that the urine was sweet “as if imbued with honey (quasi melle) and sugar.” He evaporated the urine of diabetics, which he then tasted and came to the conclusion of “honey urine.”2 In 1776, a British physiologist named Matthew Dobson in his book “Experiments and Observations on the Urine of Diabetics” found that the urine of a diabetic was sweet because of increased sugars. He drew the blood of patients with diabetes, allowed it to stand, and then by tasting the sweet serum proposed that the hyperglycemia was a multisystem disease. He described the color as “common cheese whey.” After evaporating a number of urine samples to dryness, he noticed a white residue that smelled like brown sugar which fermented when yeast was added.7 The sugar in the blood and urine was identified as glucose by Michel Eugene Chevreul (1786−1889) in 1815.6 In 1838, George Rees (physician) isolated sugar from the blood serum of a patient with T2DM.8 In the early 19th century, glucose was identified as the sugar present in urine. In 1841 and 1848, respectively, Trommer and Fehling developed qualitative tests to measure glucose in urine9,10 using the reducing properties of glucose which on reacting with alkaline cupric sulfate reagents produced colored cuprous oxide indicating the presence of sugar. In Paris, Edme Jule Maumené (chemist) produced the first test strips using merino sheep wool containing stannous chloride (SnCl2) which turned black if a drop of urine containing sugar was added to it and heat applied. In 1908, Stanley Benedict developed a reagent containing copper sulfate, sodium citrate, sodium carbonate, and distilled water to help identify the presence of sugar in the urine.11 In 1919, Otto Folin and Hsien Wu modified the method by using a phenol reagent to react with a weakly alkaline copper tartrate solution.12 In 1940, Nelson modified this further by using arsenomolybdate reagent.13 The disadvantage of using the older screening tests was that the technique could detect any sugar that would reduce copper (nonspecific). It could react with other reducing substances present in the urine besides glucose, such as fructose, galactose, uric acid, ascorbic acid, ketone bodies, and salicylates.14 In 1959, an ortho-toluidine method was developed. It was based on the reaction between the aldehyde groups of aldoses and aromatic amines such as o-toluidine in hot glacial acetic acid which is specific for the detection of aldoses. The reaction results in the formation of a blue-green product with an absorption maximum at a wavelength of 635 nm. The reaction, however, used a strong, noxious, and corrosive acid.15 The current methods use an enzymatic method which is usually 3more specific, and the most frequently used method is the glucose hexokinase method to detect and measure glucose in urine, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid.
There is abundant data to prove that hyperglycemia causes harm to multiple organs. A meta-analysis of 38 prospective studies confirmed that hyperglycemia [both fasting and 2-hour postglucose (2h-PG)] in the nondiabetic range was associated with an increased risk of fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular (CV) disease. From 12 studies reporting on fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels and six studies reporting on post-challenge glucose, CV events appeared to increase in a linear fashion with 2-hour post-challenge plasma glucose even in the range below diagnostic levels of diabetes without a threshold; however, for FPG, there was a possible threshold at 99 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L).16
The Paris Prospective Study showed J-shaped relationships for all-cause mortality with both fasting and 2h-PG concentrations, with the lowest observed death rates for FPG centered around 99 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) and for 2h-PG levels around 90 mg/dL (5.0 mmol/L). For ischemic heart disease, death was associated in a liner fashion with fasting glucose; however, it was a J-shaped curve for 2h-PG with the lowest observed death rate for plasma glucose centered around 108 mg/dL (6.0 mmol/L).17
The DECODE (Diabetes Epidemiology: Collaborative analysis of Diagnostic criteria in Europe) study, after adjusting for CV risk factors, reported a J-shaped relationship between mortality and glucose (both fasting and 2h-PG) with the lowest rates for FPG between 81 and 109.6 mg/dL (4.50–6.09 mmol/L) and for 2h-PG between 81 and 99 mg/dL (4.51–5.50 mmol/L). There was a graded relationship between CV mortality and 2h-PG with the lowest rates of mortality seen at the lowest levels of 2h-PG distribution.18
The Whitehall study was a 33-year follow-up study (n = 17,869 male civil servants aged 40–64 years). It was seen that coronary mortality rose in a linear fashion from a threshold 2h-PG of 82.8 mg/dL (4.6 mmol/L). At a 2h-PG of 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L), it was seen that there was a 3.6-fold increase in CV mortality compared with a level of 82.8 mg/dL (4.6 mmol/L). The graded relationship persisted but was attenuated by 45% after adjustment for other CV risk factors [baseline ischemic heart disease, body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, blood cholesterol, smoking, physical activity, lung function, and employment grade].19
A Korean study (n = 12,455,361 adults) analyzed the association of fasting glucose with mortality and found that for each 18 mg/dL (1 mmol/L) increase in fasting glucose, there was an increased mortality of 13%. In individuals with a fasting glucose between 100 and 125 mg/dL, each 18 mg/dL increase in fasting glucose was associated with a 30% increased risk for mortality in those aged 18–34 years, 32% increased risk in those aged 35–44 years, and a 10% increased risk in those aged 75–99 years. Fasting glucose that was associated with the lowest mortality was 80–94 mg/dL regardless of sex and age. Prediabetes (100–125 mg/dL) was associated with higher mortality, and a stronger association of hyperglycemia with mortality was seen at a younger age.204
A meta-analysis of 11 articles (consisting of 129 prospective cohort studies, n = 2,674,882 without diabetes and CV disease at baseline) showed an increased risk of all-cause mortality (56%) among people with a fasting glucose <72 mg/dL (4.0 mmol/L), as compared with people with normal fasting glucose. A fasting glucose level of <82.8 mg/dL (<4.6 mmol/L) was not associated with increased risk of any CV endpoints.21
Diabetes may be diagnosed based on the following criteria:
  • Fasting plasma glucose: FPG ≥126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 hours (in the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia, diagnosis requires two abnormal test results from the same sample or two separate test samples); OR
  • Two-hour plasma glucose value ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) during an oral glucose load [oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)] containing the equivalent of 75-gram anhydrous glucose dissolved in water as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO); OR
  • Random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) in a patient with classic symptoms of hyperglycemia (polyuria, polydipsia, or polyphagia) or hyperglycemic crisis; OR
  • Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c): A1c ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol) standardized to the DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trial) assay.22 While the American Diabetes Association (ADA) advocates using HbA1c as a diagnostic measure, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) recommends using HbA1c primarily for screening purposes only as it can be misleading or inaccurate in some ethnic populations and clinical situations.23 HbA1c represents an average blood glucose over 2−3 months (lifetime of an erythrocyte); however, rates of erythrocyte turnover, cell membrane permeability to glucose, and hemoglobin glycation and deglycation may all lead to an altered relationship/interpretation between HbA1c and mean glycemia.24
People who are at “high risk” for diabetes can be included in the following groups as per ADA and AACE:
  • Impaired fasting glucose (IFG): Defined as FPG ≥100–125 mg/dL
  • Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT): Defined as 2h-PG ≥140–199 mg/dL
  • HbA1c 5.5–6.4%. (The diagnosis of prediabetes, which may manifest as either IFG or IGT, should be confirmed with a glucose test challenge.)25 The ADA recommends defining prediabetes as HbA1c 5.7–6.4%.
The WHO defines high risk for diabetes as follows:
  • IFG: FPG >110 mg/dL (6.1 mmol/L) and <126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L) and
  • IGT: 2h-PG >140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/L) and <200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) following an oral glucose load.26
The diagnosis of T2DM requires two abnormal test results from the same sample or two separate test samples unless there is a clear clinical diagnosis 5such as hyperglycemic crisis or presence of classic symptoms of hyperglycemia with a random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L).27 It is recommended that the second test be either a repeat of the initial test or a different test, which must be performed without delay. If two different tests (such as HbA1c and FPG) suggest the diagnosis, analyzed from the same sample or from two different test samples, it would also confirm the diagnosis. However, if a patient has discordant results from two different tests, then the test result that is above the diagnostic cut-point should be repeated, with consideration of the possibility of HbA1c assay interference. The diagnosis is made on the basis of two confirmed tests even though a third different test may be normal [e.g., two elevated HbA1c results ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol)] but normal FPG [<126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L)]. Because of the potential for preanalytic variability, plasma glucose samples must be spun and separated immediately after they are drawn. If patients have test results near the margins of the diagnostic threshold, then in the absence of signs and symptoms the test must be repeated in 3–6 months.
Even though international guidelines in the diagnosis of diabetes suggest a cutoff of HbA1c ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol), it has not been validated. An HbA1c ≥6.5% was set to define the point when hyperglycemia changes into a multisystem disease, an inflection point at which the risk of retinopathy increases in the general population. In 2010, the ADA established a diagnostic set point of HbA1c ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol) based on its correlation with retinopathy.28 What is consistent is
that the cutoff point of HbA1c of 6.5% is same across the globe supported by a study of 12 publications from Eastern countries (n = 59,735) and 13 from Western countries (n = 22,954), indicating that an HbA1c cutoff point of 6.5% had a pooled diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of 58.7% and 98.4% for Eastern countries and 65.5% and 98.1% for Western countries, respectively. In both populations, HbA1c levels >6.0% identified the population at high risk of diabetes, and HbA1c levels >6.5% identified clinically established diabetes.29 A study in Pima Indians found that the threshold for retinopathy based on HbA1c (80th percentile) corresponded to HbA1c ≥6.9% (52 mmol/mol).30 Since then, only one longitudinal study has validated the inflection point of HbA1c ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol) for increased incidence of retinopathy,31 with most other longitudinal studies suggesting that an HbA1c of 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) may not represent an adequate reference point at which complications start. The DESIR (Data from an Epidemiological Study on the Insulin Resistance syndrome) study which examined 700 subjects for development of retinopathy at 10-year follow-up found that the positive predictive values for retinopathy increased sharply at an HbA1c of 6.0% (42 mmol/mol) rather than at 6.5%.32 About 5,764 subjects without a prior diagnosis of diabetes from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) program were analyzed to review the effectiveness of using HbA1c in diagnosing T2DM compared to FPG and 2h-PG. Compared to the FPG, the sensitivity of HbA1c ≥6.5% was only 43.3% and compared to the 2h-PG criterion, the sensitivity of HbA1c ≥6.5% was only 28.1% suggesting that the HbA1c ≥6.5% detects <50% of 6diabetic patients defined by FPG and <30% defined by 2h-PG. Patients who were diagnosed as diabetic using 2hPG criterion but had an HbA1c <6.5%, were more likely to be older (64 ± 15 years vs. 60 ± 15 years), female (53.2% vs. 38.2%), leaner, and less likely to be current smokers (18.1% vs. 29.1%) as compared to those with an HbA1c ≥6.5%.33 Another South African study analyzed participants (n = 946) from a community-based study who were screened for diabetes using either a fasting blood glucose or OGTT and compared with an HbA1c cutoff of 6.5% to estimate its diagnostic accuracy. Using fasting blood glucose alone, 14% were diagnosed with diabetes of which <50% had an HbA1c value of ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol). While using an OGTT, 18% were diagnosed with diabetes of which <46% had an HbA1c value of ≥6.5% (48 mmol/mol). An HbA1c of 6.1% (43 mmol/mol) was found to be optimal in both groups with sensitivities of 80% and 75% and specificities of 77% and 78%, respectively. It was concluded that although an HbA1c cutoff of 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) is a good diagnostic tool with its high specificity, its low sensitivity limits its use.34 In another South African study that analyzed Asian Indians, a diagnostic cutoff for HbA1c of 6.3% was found to be optimal for the diagnosis of diabetes and neither HbA1c nor the FPG approached adequate predictive accuracy for the diagnosis of diabetes.35 In an Indian study (n = 525), it was seen that the optimal HbA1c cut-point for newly diagnosed diabetes was 5.8% (sensitivity = 75%, specificity = 75.5%), the cut-point for IFG (ADA criteria) was 5.5% [sensitivity = 59.7%, specificity = 59.9%, area under the curve (AUC) = 0.628], and the cut-point for IFG (WHO criteria) was 5.6% (sensitivity = 60.7%, specificity = 65.1%).36
Fasting plasma glucose is highly vulnerable to a number of preanalytical variables such as sample storage, elevated within-subject biological variability, acute stress, diurnal variations, and common drugs which influence glucose metabolism (such as corticosteroids, fibrates, cyclosporine, beta-blockers, sulfamethoxazole, thiazide diuretics, and thyroid hormones).37 HbA1c has a lower diagnostic performance in specific populations such as pregnant women, the elderly, and non-Hispanic blacks. It can overdiagnose diabetes in the presence of iron deficiency anemia (i.e., hemoglobin <130 g/L in males and <120 g/L in females) and in subjects genetically predisposed to hyperglycation.38 HbA1c is also prone to error in subjects with increased red blood cell turnover (e.g., hemolytic anemia, major blood loss, athletes), end-stage renal disease, or heavy alcohol consumption. HbA1c estimation can be greatly imprecise when methods other than high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) are used. It is more expensive compared to blood glucose measurement. In the presence of genetic hemoglobin variants (hemoglobin S and C traits, elevated fetal hemoglobin, chemically modified derivatives of hemoglobin such as carbamylated hemoglobin as seen in patients with impaired renal function), HbA1c estimation accuracy can get substantially affected. The bias in HbA1c estimation is mainly dependent on the specific hemoglobin variant and the method used for measuring HbA1c.397
Glycated Albumin and Fructosamine
Human serum albumin accounts for 60–70% of the total serum proteins and has a serum half-life of approximately 20 days. The protein consists of a single polypeptide chain of 585 amino acid residues and serves as a protein reservoir, and it has the ability to bind, stabilize and transport metabolic products, regulatory mediators, nutrients, ions, and other proteins in the blood. Serum albumin has a high sensitivity to glycation and has shown to serve as a biomarker of hyperglycemia. Glycation is a nonenzymatic process, also known as Maillard reaction. The rate of nonenzymatic glycation of albumin is approximately 9- to 10-fold higher than that of human hemoglobin. Glucose and other sugars react spontaneously with the free amino terminal residues of serum proteins, specifically lysine and arginine.40 The free aldehyde group of the carbohydrate condenses with the N-terminal amino acid of the protein to form a reversible Schiff base product (the aldimine intermediate), which then is further reconverted to glucose and protein or undergoes an Amadori rearrangement to form a fructosamine. The term “fructosamine,” therefore, refers to all ketoamine linkages that result from glycation of serum proteins. Since albumin is the most abundant of serum protein, fructosamine is therefore a measure of glycated albumin. Other circulating proteins, such as glycated lipoproteins and glycated globulins, may contribute to determine the total concentration of fructosamine. Since the half-life of albumin is approximately 14–21 days,41 fructosamine or glycated albumin provides information on blood glucose control mostly limited to the previous 2 weeks. Glycated albumin allows for an earlier detection of rapid changes of blood glucose.42 Fructosamine and glycated albumin seem useful not only as biomarkers of glycemic control in conditions in which HbA1c is unreliable, but also for identifying impaired control of blood glucose before any noticeable changes in HbA1c may occur. Colorimetric-based assays are the most widely used assays. The use of nonionic detergent containing uricase has greatly eliminated the interference from uric acid and polylysine, allowing for more accurate and sensitive measurement.43 Due to the technical nature of the assay, molecules with reducing activity such as bilirubin and vitamins may interfere in the measurement, thus biasing test results, especially when present in large concentrations. The concentration of glycated hemoglobin can be directly measured by several methods, including boronate affinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and immunoassays, Raman spectroscopy, refractive index measurements, capillary electrophoresis, and other electrophoretic techniques, but their usefulness has been challenged by requirements for dedicated instrumentation and poor analytical performance. A user-friendly, highly accurate, and automated enzymatic assay (Lucica GA-L kit, Asahi Kasei Pharma, Tokyo, Japan) has been developed.44 Levels of fructosamine and glycated hemoglobin may be modified in patients with protein-losing states (nephrotic syndrome, hepatic cirrhosis, protein-losing enteropathy) and thyroid disease.45 Physiologic or pathologic conditions linked to hypoproteinemia (i.e., pregnancy or malnutrition) can affect the concentration of fructosamine and it is considerably influenced by 8elevated levels of immunoglobulins, especially immunoglobulin A (IgA), which are present in abnormal concentration in a broad range of clinical conditions.46 Given the higher specificity and accuracy, glycated albumin testing is preferred over that of fructosamine.47
Self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) involves self-monitoring/checking of capillary blood glucose (finger prick) using a glucometer device. According to the ADA, SMBG should be performed at least three times a day.48 The United States Food and Drug Administration49 recommends that 95% of all SMBG readings be within ±15% of a standardized laboratory method for blood glucose estimation and 99% of all SMBG readings within ±20% of a standardized laboratory method for blood glucose estimation. The International Standards Organisation 15197:2013 recommends that 95% of all SMBG readings should be within ±15% for blood glucose ≥100 mg/dL and within ±15 mg/dL for blood glucose <100 mg/dL.50
Types of SMBG include:
  • Short periods of intense SMBG, before each meal, after each meal (six points if three main meals are consumed daily), 2–3 days per week.
  • Staggered schedule SMBG (done at various times of day throughout the week).
  • Preprandial and 2-hour postprandial SMBG which can give the patient an immediate feedback on his/her food choices 2–3 days a week.
A meta-analysis of 1,557 studies and 12 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with a total of 3,350 patients (noninsulin-treated T2DM) showed that the use of SMBG 8–14 times per week correlated with a better HbA1c at 6 months (–0.46%) and 12 months (–0.20%) compared to those who did not perform SMBG. Up to seven measurements of SMBG per week, however, did not significantly affect glycemic control. SMBG performed between 8 and 14 times per week was also associated with improved BMI (–0.46 kg/m2).51
The advantages of SMBG include the following:
  • It helps the patient understand the relationship of food with his/her blood glucose and make proper lifestyle choices.
  • It helps the healthcare provider titrate the medication; for example, an elevated fasting glucose level can help the healthcare provider use medication that targets hepatic glucose output.
  • It helps reduce the anxiety of hypoglycemia.
  • It helps mitigate high or low glycemic levels during the performance of hazardous tasks such as driving or operating machinery.
The disadvantages of SMBG include the following:
  • It requires a level of education and self-motivation which may not be present in patients, particularly from low-income countries.
  • It only provides a single “point-in-time” estimation of blood glucose and may lead to inappropriate therapy decisions.
  • It may increase anxiety regarding glycemic control.
  • It may lead to pain derived from the finger-prick.9
  • It often fails to detect nocturnal and asymptomatic hypoglycemia.
  • It could be cost-ineffective in the short term but may be cost-effective in the long term as was seen in a Spanish study52 that showed that the average cost of T2DM complications per patient was estimated to be approximately €4121.54 (66% due to macrovascular complications), whereas the cost of the test strips accounted for approximately 2% of the expenditure.
When should Therapeutic Action be Taken Based on SMBG?
If >2 out of 5 readings for fasting glucose or postprandial blood glucose values remain outside the target range within a defined time period, then the following actions should be taken:
  • For fasting hyperglycemia, drugs to target hepatic glucose output (maximum tolerated insulin sensitizers, failing which drugs that inhibit glucagon, such as gliptins or glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor analogs, may be considered, failing which oral secretagogues or basal insulin with the least risk of nocturnal hypoglycemia may be considered) can be used in various combinations.
  • For postprandial hyperglycemia, either reduce the carbohydrate content of the meal to reduce post-meal glucose excursion or use drugs which particularly target postprandial hyperglycemia [gliptins, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, glinides, alpha-glucosidase inhibitors (AGIs), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs, short-acting or ultra-short-acting prandial insulins].
  • For hypoglycemia (glucose levels below 70 mg/dL), either increase the carbohydrate intake or reduce the dose of hypoglycemic drugs.
Benefits of SMBG
A study showed that patients who performed SMBG more than once per day showed a reduction in HbA1c of approximately –0.7%. SMBG was seen to help reduce HbA1c levels to <7%; however, it was necessary to carry out SMBG at least six times a day.53 The results of the St Carlos study in newly diagnosed T2DM patients (n = 130 for SMBG vs. n = 65 for HbA1c-based control group), followed for 3 years, showed that diabetes regression was 4.5 times more likely in the SMBG group and was associated with greater adherence to dietary and physical activity. The intervention group (SMBG) also showed weight loss of 4 kg.54 A meta-analysis of RCTs (n = 8) analyzed the use of SMBG (vs. no monitoring), structured SMBG (vs. unstructured), and SMBG-driven therapy adjustments in noninsulin-treated T2DM and showed that SMBG helped reduce HbA1c by –0.17% compared to no SMBG and the use of structured SMBG helped reduce HbA1c by –0.27% compared to unstructured SMBG.55
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a valuable tool for both T2DM patients and healthcare professionals to monitor ambulatory glucose in a continuous 10manner so that important therapeutic interventions may be exercised. Several diabetes organizations have concluded that CGM may be a useful educational and management tool, particularly for patients on insulin therapy. The future of CGM is evolving rapidly as are the indications for its use in T2DM. CGM warns users of hypoglycemia and/or hyperglycemia.56
  • Glucose sensor: This is inserted subcutaneously to measure glucose levels in interstitial fluid.
  • Glucose reader: This records the glucose digitally/graphically by recording data from the sensor and creates visually attractive data that identifies time in range, above range, and below range.
Most CGM systems have Bluetooth-enabled services that involve applications on mobile phones/computers that create color-coded visually attractive data, thus helping the patient establish positive or negative relationships of food intake with therapy.
CGM may be either:
  • Real-time CGM (rtCGM): Trends in glucose variation can be viewed real time and can warn users of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.
  • Intermittent viewing CGM (iCGM) or flash glucose monitoring (FGM) system: This records trends of glucose variation that can only be viewed after physically scanning the sensor.
  • Personal CGM: The CGM system owned by the patient and used at home with real-time glucose reading.
  • Professional CGM: Clinic-based loaner distribution model for intermittent use.
Examples of CGM include the following:
  • Libre Pro Flash Glucose Monitoring System (Abbott Diabetes Care): This system does not require any calibration and the lifespan of the glucose sensor is 14 days. The device may inaccurately indicate hypoglycemia. Results from a clinical study indicated that up to 40% of the time, when the device indicated hypoglycemia (blood sugar ≤60 mg/dL), the subject's glucose values were actually in the range of 81−160 mg/dL. It does not provide real-time results, and patients should be encouraged to adhere to their blood glucose monitoring routine while using the system. High levels of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), salicylic acid (used in Aspirin), severe dehydration, or excessive water loss may give inaccurate glucose results. It is not approved for pregnant women, patients on dialysis, or critically ill people. Sensor placement is approved only for the back of the arm.57 The use of FGM was tested in the REPLACE trial58 in patients with insulin-treated T2DM and the study found no significant differences in HbA1c using either FGM or SMBG.
  • Dexcom G4 Platinum (Dexcom) rtCGM: This system requires two daily calibrations and the lifespan of the glucose sensor is 7 days. It has a built-in Bluetooth wireless communication system. It monitors real-time glucose activity and uses a small sensor, transmitter, and a Dexcom Receiver. The sensor records glucose readings every 5 minutes. It provides high/low 11glucose alerts and alarms. The Dexcom G6 features a 10-day wear sensor and is water-resistant and easy to insert with an Auto Applicator.59 G4/5 systems are affected by acetaminophen blood concentration, but the G6 system is not.
  • iPro2 Professional (Medtronic diabetes) rtCGM: This system is another example of rtCGM which records glucose readings every 5 minutes for up to 6 days. It does not require calibration. It is affected by acetaminophen blood concentration.60
  • Eversense (Senseonics, Inc.) CGM 90 days system rtCGM: This system involves a sensor that is placed professionally under the skin by a trained healthcare provider and a receiver/transmitter which is rechargeable, removable, and water-resistant that receives glucose readings every 5 minutes (real time) from the sensor and provides alerts when the mobile phone is not nearby. It is not affected by acetaminophen blood concentration.61
Efficacy of CGM and Comparison with SMBG
A study analyzed the efficacy of rtCGM (2 weeks on, 1 week off for 12 weeks, using interstitial glucose measured every 5 minutes, giving a total of 288 data points over a 24-hour period) in 100 T2DM patients who were not on prandial insulin62 versus SMBG done four times per day. Patients were on therapies, including diet and lifestyle only, or on various combinations of antihyperglycemic therapies, including basal insulin. The rtCGM group showed a mean unadjusted HbA1c reduction of −0.5% compared to SMBG group at week 12, with reduction in HbA1c of −0.6% at week 52. The HbA1c reduction occurred in the absence of medication intensification or increased hypoglycemia, suggesting that behavior and lifestyle modification resulted in significant benefits. Intermittent use of rtCGM may help patients with T2DM to avoid burnout.63 A meta-analysis of four RCTs showed that the use of rtCGM in T2DM helped improve HbA1c by –0.31%.64 A systematic review and meta-analysis concluded that the use of CGM is beneficial and significantly reduces HbA1c (−0.25%) compared to the usual method of SMBG.65 Another meta-analysis of seven RCTs (n = 669 patients) that compared CGM with SMBG showed that patients who used CGM exhibited significantly lower HbA1c levels (–0.35%) and suffered from hypoglycemia for a short time compared to those who used SMBG.66
“Time in Range”
The International Consensus in Time in Range (IC-TIR) defines TIR based on the readings of glucose provided from interstitial fluid via CGM which are as follows:
  • “TIR” for patients with T2DM refers to a standardized primary glucose range between 70 and 180 mg/dL and occasionally between 70 and 140 mg/dL as a secondary range (regulatory issues and comparability studies) with data extracted from sensors, for at least 10 days, though 14 days are preferred. For T2DM, glucose values are required to stay >70% within TIR over 24 hours and <25% in hyperglycemia, <4% time below TIR (<70 mg/dL, <1 hour in 24 hours; <1% below 54 mg/dL; <15 minutes in 24 hours). This has been associated with an HbA1c <7%, with minimum glycemic variability. For the frail T2DM, >50% of glucose values are to be within TIR and >90% below 250 mg/dL, <1% time below TIR (<70 mg/dL, <1 hour in 24 hours).12
  • Hyperglycemia [time above range (TAR)]: It is classified as level 1 (alert level, >180 to <250 mg/dL), level 2 (clinically significant, >250 mg/dL), and level 3 (ketoacidosis or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state).
  • Hyperglycemic exposure is expressed as the percentage of time with glucose values >180 mg/dL.
  • Hypoglycemia [time below range (TBR)]: It has major clinical significance and is classified as level 1 (between 54 and 70 mg/dL), level 2 (<54 mg/dL), and level 3 hypoglycemia assistance by a third party without a specific value of blood glucose.
  • Hypoglycemic episode is defined when the sugar is <70 mg/dL and lasts for at least 15 minutes. The cessation of a hypoglycemic episode should be considered only 15 minutes after blood glucose reaches the normal range values.67
Correlation of Time in Range with HbA1c
A study compared articles that reported paired HbA1c and %TIR metrics (n = 1,137). There was an excellent correlation between the two (R = –0.84; R2 = 0.71). It was seen that for every absolute 10% change in %TIR, there was a 0.8% (9 mmol/mol) change in HbA1c.68 Data from four randomized clinical trials (n = 530, T1DM and insulin-requiring T2DM) showed that CGM-derived metrics (TIR) correlated strongly with HbA1c and percentage of glucose values >250 mg/dL, but weakly correlated with the percentage of glucose values <70 mg/dL or <54 mg/dL. It was seen that when >90% of participants had either a mean glucose <140 mg/dL or TIR >80%, the HbA1c was ≤7.0%. For participants with HbA1c ≥8.0%, the median TIR was 44%, with 90% of participants having a TIR <59%.69
Does TIR Correspond to Improved Clinical Outcomes in T2DM?
A study analyzed (n = 3,262 T2DM Subjects) the relationship of TIR (assessed by CGM) and diabetic retinopathy. It was seen that patients with more advanced diabetic retinopathy had significantly less TIR and higher measures of glycemic variability.70 Another study analyzed the relationship of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) in 2,215 T2DM patients with TIR and found that subjects with abnormal CIMT had significantly lower TIR and with each 10% improvement in TIR, there was a 6.4% lower risk of abnormal CIMT.71
Hyperglycemia represents the start of a vicious cycle that eventually leads to complications and multiple-organ dysfunction that is called diabetes mellitus. This is represented by an average blood glucose value of HbA1c ≥6.5% although it may be lower for certain ethnic communities (South Asians, etc.), and it is important to define the specific point at which diabetes develops. For now, even in South Asians, an HbA1c of 6.5% is considered diagnostic of diabetes 13mellitus. Optimal screening methods include the use of OGTT and HbA1c. Glycated albumin and fructosamine represent alternate short-term methods for assessing glycemic control. CGM with the concept of TIR seems most intriguing which may help patients not only achieve their HbA1c goals but also reduce glycemic variability. Coming back to the case, it is important to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus by subjecting the patient to a glucose tolerance test. On performing the test, we established his diagnosis as diabetes mellitus. We also found that his triglycerides were 450 mg/dL, highly sensitive C-reactive protein was 12.5 ng/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol was 29 mg/dL, and liver enzymes were suggestive of biochemical transaminitis consistent with a fatty liver.
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